The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 20, 1838, Image 4

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srawr singicam LTD Tlnkrirlatrine
WE, The People of the Commonwealth of Peen
missals; ordain and establish this Constinition for
its Goirennnent.
...Section I. The legislative pawns of this cemmon.
Wealth shall be vysled in a General Asieuthly,
which shall consist of almtaate and flause of Ityre
• ' Seethes 11. The representatives shall be' chosen
annually by the Citizen. olf the city of PhOadeiphia
and of each county respectively on the second Toes
.day of October.
Section 111. No person shall be •sa representatitte
who shall not have attained the age of
years, and have been a citizen and, inhabitant of the
State three years next preceding hit election, and the
last year thereof ari idliabitant of the district Mond
Or which Lathan be ehosen evepeekentalire, unless
boded! have been absent on the public Indiness of
the United States or of this State.
Section IV. Within three years after the. first
sneeting of the General Assembly, and within every
subsequent term of seven years, an enutneeation of
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in sch man
ner as Gl3 all be directed by law. The mber of
Le i
representatives shall, it the several period of mak
ing such enumeration, be fired by the isinture,
and apportioned among the city of Philiade phis and
the several counties, according to the n mber of
taxable inhabitants in each: and shall never be less
,sixty nor greater than one hund4 Each
County shall have at least one representative, but no
scanty hereafter erected shall he entitled tp a sepa
rate representation until a sufficient number of tax
able inhabitants shall be contained wain it, to
entitle, them to one representative agreeab y to the
ratio Which shall then be established. ,
Section V. The senators shall be chosen !for three
years by the citizens of Philadelphia a and of the
several counties at the same time, in the lime man
ner, and at the same places where they Shall vote
for representatives. , .
Section VI. The number of.Senatom strill, at the
several periods'of making the enumeration before
mentioned, be flied by the Legislature atid appor
tioned among the districts foamed as herein Cr•-
directed, according to the number of taxable inhabi
tonto in each; and shall never be less than one- i
fourth, nor greater Mau one`-third, of the &lumber of
;ems:wain; v e.c I
Section VII. The senators shall he chosen in di -
tti • s; to be formed by the legislature ; but no dis
lei,: shalt be .so formed as to en Ile it to elect more
th' twt, senators, unless the numb-r of taxable in-
bal ants in ony rite oh edurify shall. at any time,
be has to entitle it to alert more than two, but no
Kilter county shall be grained to elect nwre,lhan
fotm senators; when a district shall be composed'
of two or more ...mire. they shall he stiffening;
neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall
be divided in twining a distort. .
Section VIII. No person shall be a senator, who
shall not have att , ined . be age of twentv:five years,
and Ihave been a citizen and inhabitant of the'State '
fout years gest before his elect iou, and the last yeas
thedeof an inhabitant of the district for whiCh he
shall be chosen, anima he shall have been absent on
the !public business of the United States or of this
-State; and ire. person elected as aforesaid, shall hold
said cjfke after heetudi have rernovedfrom such die
. trig. ..,
Section•lX. The senators who may be elected at
the !first general election after the adoption of the
Wn*- dments to the constitution, shall be divided by
lot into three classes. The seats of the senators of
the firs class shall be vacated at the expiration
t tlut,irst . year ; of the second class at the aspiration •
ef tee second year r and of the third dam at the ex
pin.tiost of Me third year r to that thereafter one_
third of the whole number of senators maybe chosen
Cr year. The senators elected before the amend
s to lie constitution shall be adopted, shall hold
I offices during Me terms for which linty stuini
re, •erthely Aare been eacted.
don X.• The General Assembly shall meet on
the tlTuaiddy of January, in every year, apiece
son r convened by the Governor. •
time XL Each house shall charee it Speaker
.and otheretbeers; and the Satiate shall also choose
aS i et pro tempos., when the Speaker ghat) ex
ert' Meofflee of Governor.
' lisoelXll Each house shall judge of the quail
fie% ions of its members. Contested elections shall
-r gained by a committee to be selected, formed
bud regulated in such manner as shall be directdd by
law A majority of each house shall constitute a
quo ito do busbies,: but a 'mailer number may
aideMrn from day to day, and may be authorized by
ease to compel the attendance of absent members, in
suck manner and under such penalties as may be
provided. '
S -ethic, XIII. Each house may determine ' the
rule* of its proceedings, punish its members for
dilorderly behaviour, and with the cancurrenceef
tworthistbs, expel a member, but not a second time
for Me same cause ; and shall tr. ve all other powers
neeMimiry for a branch of the legislature of a free
Siwthm XI V. The legislature shall, .sot have power
to teed hairs annulling th e roitrart of marriage in
'wnsi raw triter.. by low. the courts of this Common
wealth are dr may hereafter he estpowered to decree
a &corer
Section XV: Each house shall keep a journal of
its proceedings, and put , lish them, weekly, except.
sue farts as-may require 'secrecy: and the yeas
4.. nays of the members on anylquestion shall, at
the desire °Lathy two of them, be entered on the
jet .als. - I
tion XVI. The doors of each house and of
.ittees qf the whole shall be open, unless,
wt n the buliness shall be such as ought to be kept
sec t.
: lion XVII. Neither house shall, without the
.. t of the other, adjourn fur more than three
da , norto any other place than that in which the
t • houses shall be sitting.
':ettioti XVIII. The Senators and representatives
I receive a compensation for their services to be
'..ed by low, and paid out of the treasury of
the Common health. They shall in .all cases, ex
- . treason u felony and breach ori surety of the
, be privileged from arrest daring their at..
if ante at the session of their respective houses,
is going to and returning from the same. And
for' any speech or debate in either house, they shall
Ihe'..'questiOned in any tither place.
.. n XIX. No Senator or representative shall,
du tie , po t . fur which he shall have been elect
ed.flklse appoiedth any civil o e under this Com;
wealth ielt shall have created, or, the
laments f which shall ha been increased
du jr• s uch time t and no membe of Congress or
of person' holding any office (except of attorney
at • w and in; the militia) under the United States
or is Commilinwealth, shall be a member of either
: thitings- his continuance in Congress or in
; -
—,.. ••
__ .
... . %XX.. When vacancies happen in either
the gli+ahar shall iss4 writs of election to
fiii. Ouch vatancies. V .
. lion Mt All Dills . err raising revenue shall
a ' In house of representatives, but..the
ate may propose amendment* as in other bills.
- than XXIL No money shall be drawn from
. grealitry hut In consequence of appropriatiyns
by ilaw.r.,
. Beefy bill which shall have
pa both lies shall be presented to the Go
?ensue. If approve he shall sign it, but ;IT he
shall not,apinove he shall return it with his objec
tion' to the house in which It shall hatie originated,
washall tidier the objection" at large upon th eir
mail and ;proceed to re-consider it. lf, after
. ,
re-eons ration, two-thirds of that house shall
--- to 'passithe bill, at shall be sent with the ob.
. . ...
1 REBH 8111 lid Oil, kiciii a, and a fi rah pup.
- tdy of Plated L ibittar • lice!. &c. just Is,
li t '...
14' , 1 . :* - •N. N THA NS .Si CQ,
iikrie 2.
. `; ~_
'actions td the other twilit., by which likeerigirit
shall be re-considered, and if approved byl two-
thirds of dist loose, it shah be a law, But 41 such
cases the votes of both lonises shall be determined
oy yeas and nays, and the names of persons gating
for or itgilist the bill shall be entered on the jour
nals of each house, resPectiviety. If any bill. shall
not be returned by. the Governor within ten days
(Sundays excepted) after it shall have beast pres•
rented to him, it shall be in like manner as if
he had signed it, unless the General Assembly, by
their adjournment, frevent its return, in which ease
it shall be a law, oulesa sent back within three
days after their next meeting.
' Section XXIV. Every ender, resolution Or vote
to which the concurrence of both houses may be
necessary (except 00 a question of adjournment)
shall be presented to the Governor. and beiure tt
shall take effect, be approved by him, or being dis
approved, shall be repassed by two-thirds of both
houses according to the rules and lithitations pre
scribed in case of a bill.
Section XXV. No corporate hody shall be hem-after
created, rerunred'or extended, with bunking o r dis
counting privileges, without sir . months previous
relic notice of the intended appliration r the
same in midi manner as shall be pretrri: ed by law.
Nor shall , my charter for the purposmi ofores id, be
granted. for a toner period than twen'tt yea*. 02 ,4
every such charter shalt chnlain a clause reserving
to the legislature the power to alter, revoke or annul
the- same whenever in their opinion it may he fain.
rious to the citizens of the corn:lv - wreak h, in such
manner however that no iti,justice shall he done to the
corporal ors. No law hereafter enacted, shall create,
renew or ez tend the charter of more than one corpo
Section I. The Supreme Nlxecutive powei Of this
Commonwealth shall be vested in a Governor,l
Section dl. Th e G•,..rnrtr 0,11 he chosen on the
second Tuesday of October, by the Citizens of the
Commonwealth, at the places whee they shsll re.
spectiveli . vote for representatives. The retuttis
of every election for Governor shall he sealed up
and transmitted to the seat of g •vernment,. Pried
to the Speaker of the Sedate, wh o f h ,I 1 opels and
publish them in the presence of the members of
both houses of the legislatuie. The pe son having
the hitheat number of votes shat be:Governor.
But if two or more shill , be equal and highest in
votes, one of them 5h..11 be chosen Governor try the
joint vote of the member. of l•nth houses. Con
tested elections shall he determined by a Committee
to be selected twin both :houses of the legasiutose,
and formed and regulated in such manner as shall
hC directed by law.
'Section In. The aivervi.r sh , ll 1101i1 his nfnee
during three years fr•m thud ruesdat of • Jana
ary next ensuing hts electu.n, and sit ,tl. nut he
capable of holding it Loper dun six in any Lean
of flaw" }ears.
Section IV. He shall he at least thirty yeais of
age, and hive been a chilleti and an inhohitant of
this State seven vents next lief .re his riection ;
un . leag he shall hive been absent lin the pou.ic
business of the U - nited States ur this St..te.
Si ciiqn V. No rnetntlei 4 , f c.< or pcmin
holding ony office uoler the l'iii:ed Re,.tes or this
State *lt exerri.e The nitice G•iverrior.
Section VI. The G.ivernor shill ai stared times
receive for hi* service* a eimrien.ition. whieh 0,1)
be neither increased nor diminiched during the
period for which he shall h.ove been electeiL
Section VII. He be comm.arier-in-chief of
the 21111:1 and navy of thi. Cutout and of
the milttrt, excrpt when :the.) sh .11 be called into
the actual %eivice of the rnited State g.
Section VITT. He shalt appoint a Fv.retary of 'he
Commonweal h during Nicene,. an he shall nomi
mite and bit and tri'h the advice and consent of the
.Senate appoint. nil
ajfirers of courts of
record. tmless otherice photided for en the'ono, i
lotion. Ile shalt power to fill oil vacancies
that may happen to such offices daring the
recess of the Senate, by granting commissions .• hi. - h
shall expire at • the end of,.:heir next . swains : Pro
vided, that in acting on executive linmino - ions the
Senate shalt sit tri'h opeaid•ors and in eanfirming
or rej , rting the nominations of the Governor, the
vote shall he taken by yesi and nays.
Section IX. He shall have pa.wer In remit fines
and forfeitures, and grant reprieves and paiduns,
except in cases of impeachment.
Section X. lie in..y requireo. formation in - writing,
from the officers in the executive depirtaient upon
any subject relating to' the duties of their [even.
live Laces.
Section XI. He shiUJnm time to time, give to
the:General Assembly it4trmation of the state of
the Commonwealtb, and sec mtneutt to their eon
siiler.ttion such mensuies asthe sh.tll jut*. expedient.
Section XII. He nuy,on extraordins.y occasions.
convert the General AsSemtly ; and in case of
disagreement between the .wo houses. with respect
to the time of ridj ut.nment, adjourn them to such
time as he .shall think proper, nut exceeding four
section XIII. He shall :take care - that the laws
be faithfully executed.
S, r., ot XIV . hr 1.... of thr death
of the Governor, or of his removal from office, the
Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of
Governor, until another' Governor °shall be duly
qualified ; hut in such ante another Governor that.
be chosen of next annual election of representa
tives, unless suck death, resignation or remora:,
shall occur leithiir three calendar monks immedi
ately preceding such next annual election, in which
ease a Governor shall be chosen at the second suc
eeeding annual election 'of representatives. And
if the trial of a contested election shall continue
longer than until the third Monday of January
next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor
of the last year or the' Speaker of the Senate who
may tie in the exercise of the executive authority,
shall continue therein until the determination of
such contested election, and until a Governor shall
be duly qualified as aforesaid.
Section XV. The Secretary of the rontmontoeaUh
shall keep a fair twister of all the official acts and
proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when re
quiredt lay the same and all papers, minutes and
vouchers relative _thereto, before either branch of
the legislature, and shall perform such other duties
,as /hal! be enjoihed him by law.
Seetion In elections by the citizens every white
freeman oft
h 7 i age of twenty-one yews, haying re
sided in this ate one year, and in Ike election dis
trict where offers to vote, ten days immediately
preceding moth election, and within two years paid
a State or County tar, Which shall have been as
lewd at least ten &Ws beJpre the electieu, shall enjoy
the rights of an elector. Surmeitizen of the United
States who had previoudy•been ay:l4l9lst toter of
this State, and removed there're's' and set urised,asd
who shall fosse resided in, the election district, and
paid taxes as, aforesaid, skull be entitlectio vote, after
residing in the state sir mfmths. Provided that white
freemen, ciftzens of the United Stales, between the
Gees of twenry-ime and twenty-two years, and hav
ing resided in the State mike year, and fifths election
district ten days as aforesaid, shatll• be entitled to
vote, although they shall dot have paid lazes. •
Section 11. All electiods shall be by ballot, ex
eept those by persons in their representative capa
cities, wbo shall vote viva vote.
Section 111. Electors shall in all -caies„ except
treason, felony, and breach or surety of the peace,
be privileged frost arrest, during their attendance
on - elections, and in going to and returning ('rum
- Section L The H onse. of Representatives shall
have the sole power -of iriipeachtug.
Section IL All impeachments shall be tried by
the Senate t- 'when- 'Whig for that purpose, the
Senators shall be upon oath or' affirmation. No per
son 'shall be convicted Without the concurrence of
two-thirds of thetnemlieen present.
Section UL The Governor, and ,
all other civil
officers under this Commonwealth, shall be liable to
Impeachment for any miiderneanour in office; bat
judgment, in such cases' shall not extend further
that) to removal from office, and disqualification to
hOld any office of honour; trust or profit, under this
Commonwealth:. The party, whether lent:Anted or
BIBLESare4 .111 7510 $7 each,
•• jest received and ibr Bile by
jute 13 -• • B. B4NNAN. •
• 4„_.
. , .. . _ •
lAilities - t - Ondi iirrenSidelihe itil u e , to thilittiiient;
tail, judgment, and :punishment rding to by.
. .
Mtn= V. •• ' •
Section L The judicial powe r t his Constico
wealth shall be vested in a et Court, in
Courts of Oydr and Terminer and iGeneral Ja il De
livery, in a Court of Common Pleas, orpna." Court,
Register's Court, and a Conti of RQuarter Sessions
of the Peace, for each' county ; It . Justices of the
Peace, and in such other Courts the legislature
may from time to time establish. 1 -t
Section 11. The judges of the Supreme Court, of
the several Courts of Common Pr a m, and o f such
of Record as are ors Ibe established'
other Courts
by law, shall be nominated by the ocernor, and-by
and with the consent of the Seattle appointed and
commissioned by him. The judg of the Supreme
Court sha ll hold their o ffi ces for terra of fifteen
years if they shall so long behav themselves well.
The president judges of 'the several ow-ts of Common
Pleas and of such other Courts of Record as are _or
shall be estatlished by law, and a other judges re
par.& to be learned in the law, sh /hold their offices
for the term qf ten Nears if they
sh 11 so long behave
themselves well. The Associate es of the Courts
of Common Pleas shall hold tit Vices for the term
of floe years if they shall so [wig khave themselees
well. But for any reasonable cause which shall not
be sufficient groynd of impeach:n i t the Gorernor
may remove any of thew on the a ess of two-thirds
of each branch of the legislature. , e judges of 'he
Supreme Court and the presidenls of the several
Courts of Coiumon Pleas shall at srpteddinirs receire
for their services an adequate ceitapentsation to he
fried by law, which shall not be d:MinestaM duri , ,s
their continuance in office, laii they shall re, are no
fees or perquisPes of office, nor hold any other offs e
of profit under this Commonnwand
Section 111. Until otherwise di4ected by law, )h.
Courts of Common Pleas shall continue as a' in es,n ,
established. No , mare than five counties gill nt one
tame be ineiuded in one judicial district orgonizea
for said Cow la, -
i •
Section IV. The Jo is fiction of the Supreme
C.,u, t -h II Px'enil over the ' , tate:: and .he J•,' -ea
tlAypof, shall by virtue of their offires. be pi.ttce.
of I 'yrr unal Tmmtoci and Geuvrall,Jatt Dali.. e., , i.
the several coutuiei, i
1 Section V. Ihe judges of the ( }c urt of C . ITI f I -•r
Pleas, in earl, c.,unty, shall h 3., virtue of th. i.
'otlices, be justices of I >yet, and rt-nifner and t.ent .
'rat Jail Delivery, fur the trial of cupiell and nth,-
Wenders therein ; any twu •. taut soul judges, the
president hetug one, snail Le a il Warn: lAA Me . .
sh ill not hold a tiourt of Dyer it. terminer, or jai
delivery, in any county, whin tan jt2,:ges ..1 tin
Supreme Cou.t, or any . f !hem, s nil he •1:U: ; j:
1/,e same cuunty. The ride unused, as well as
the Crmmunweatth,.mav, melee s•'ch lezti' .leans a •
shall ~.? pr,..c.i....d 11 law, la an it:alit-met 1
at .1 pew" .111.4*, 4/1 a 1/aIOC. lin )../...“..,f. Walk, I, l .
nine it l ot.. L., .
'es,h.:. VI. The Citiltemr r .iar•J and the ~,:•,:::
~t s at: cowl''' . an pleas. 5t", , ,11. tfual e the Draw.
h a .,0,,,f,,,p octpilly ex.-pi -0i by thnin, II Jae thi
Dever of a curt of s , •off,. ~ ,p;.,1, , I
the per., tat .11,,f. of te•turnony, ph- übluit....e . of
Pt itlplier (pan pier, taut ...tilt, phe Slate, atu tip
it an coin adei merit is. And the, legs-'attire shall
Vest ill tile 4 •id tun, is such stitch' pywe.‘ k.I g,.1.)
re 1, f in riVilly, as Si, all 1..: 1 - •iititl t,ern5..).....: in
may from time to time, eulaiie ,ur 411.11'1,1.i, tit a 4,•
p 144 . 4,16 or vest them In such ~,he. na,, 's ..., ~., -1, ~
jie‘ge proper for the !hie 44141 ,,, i4 , turn •.f ~ ) a, ire.
Section 111. The jalges - of tt court of ca. .... all
pleas ail cout.t., a: y two olt wit M . .1..,1 L. .11 compw.e the emir of Quarter 'll,-
swim of the peace, and otphate.' "tut ibmeal; . 1 ,,.:
the regtatet of wills, together wi the • , - , , , 1 j , 1•”.
'or any two of them, shall cum,
.e th e regslei ':-
court of PP.+ enliPty.
Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common
pleas shall, within their respec e counties, have
the like powers with the judg es of the Supreme
Court, to issue writs of eertionakto the justices of
the peace, and to , cause their proceedings to be
brought before them, and the Like right and justice.
to he done. .
Secticin IX. The president of the court in each
circuit within such circuit, andthe judges of the
court of common pleas withinr their respective
counties, shall be justices of thri peace, so far as
relates to criminal matters.
Section X. A register's office, f or the probate of
wills and granting letters of 'adm nistration, and an
office for the recording of deeds; shall be kept in
each county.
`Section XL The style of all process shall be
" The Commonwealth of Penosyl, ania." All prose
cutions shall be carried on in the name.and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and conclude " against the peace Sad dignity of the
SectionSherilrscorn and co era shall, at the
times and places of election of cproaentatives, be
chosen by the eitizens.of each county. One person
shall be chosen for each office, tobtb shall be commis
sioned by the Governor. They shall hold their
offices for three years, if they shill so long behave
themselies well, and until a successor be duly
qualified ; but no person shall be twice chosen or
appointed sheriff, in any term of six years. Vacan
cies in either of the said offices ;shall be filled by
an appointment, to be made, by: i the Governor, to
continue until the next generalrelection, and until
a successor shall be chosen and qualified as afore
Section IL The freemen of this commonwealth
shall be armed, organized and disciplined far its
defence, when and in arch manse` as may be directed
by law. Those who conscientioilsly scruple to bear
arms, shall not be compelled to do so, but shall
c ay
an equivalent fur personal se' vice.
Section 111. Prothonolaries of the Supreme
Court shall be appointed by the said Court for
the term of three years if they so long beluwe
themselves well. Prot honotario and clerks of the
several other smith, Recorders of deeds, ma fi e .
- gilder, of wills, shall at the tiiiies and place 'pf
election of representatives, be elected by the quali
fied electors of each county, or the &strict: over
which ihe jurisdiction of said twirls extends, and
shall be commissioned by the Governor.
shall hold their offices for three years if they al
en long behare themselves well, and until 'their
successors shall be duly qualified The legisla
ture shall_provide by law, the number tf persons
in each county who shall hold said bffices, and
tto many and which of said offices shall be held
by. one person. Vacancies in any of the said of
fices shall be filled by be made
by Me Goeirnor; to corttinue until Me next gene.
ral ekctio . ts, and until successors shall be ceded
and *stifled as aforesaid.
Section IV. Prothonotaries, clerks of the peace
and orphans' courts, recorders of deeds, registers of
wills, and sheriff's, shall keep their offices in the
county town of the county in 701 kt-they, respec
tively, shall be officeri, unless When the Governor
shall, fore. special reasons, dispense Therewith, for
any term not exceeding five years after the county
shall have been erected. R
Section V. All commissions shall be in the name
and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, and be.sealed with the State seal, and sign.
ed by the Governor.
Section VL d State Tressarer shall be electuk
annually, by joint Tote sifboth branches of the kgia.
- &lion VII. Justices of the pence or aldermen
shall be elected in the several 'ward; borou g h s ,
and townships at the tinscrof the election of con
do*s by the qualified voters thereof; in ,ch
number as shaff be by law, and *ll b e
comnifereloned by the Governor for a term of five
years I balm township, ward' or borough
elect afore than twojusticea of the peace or alder
men •Without the eonien• tof a mrdority of the qua
lified elector, within suck township, ward who.
rotAt* •
Section VIII. All officers whose election or ap
pointment is,not prodded forma thieconatitutiovt,
shall elecfed or appointed at shall be directed
SIIGAR House Syrup sod chest' S IA M, just
received by N. NATNANS 4. CO.
one 2 • 42-3
'shalt oe
a= . lA° it t Meot hide been a
- n 'Y 1.
en and an inhabitant Mereen arse e ar ` y next
1 ftl ore his appOrstment . , if Me counti aka have
biln Stirtsg - • but if it shall not ittY4 been
sti * Pliilgi erect th;n wi th in the Peals 1 the
eon."' ofy or mit. • out of which it shall have been
... tltert. .: No ber of iCiangreHeakAans this ;tale ,
or any personholding or exereisplg any oPte or
Tin . ntrhent of trust or prcifta under- the United
atf-s, shall at fhe same time t'Wki or exercise
offer in 144 slate, to which a salary is, or ..Ares' or
penjuisikil are by law, annexed; wad Me 4i.sla
tare may by ktiir declare what State offices are in
compatible. No member of the Senate or of the
house of representatives shalt be appointed by the
Goya-nor to any office during the &railer icliich
lie shall have befn dected. •
Section IX. All officers for a' term of years
shall hold th 1....11 offices for the terms respectively
1 1 "fivelllietl, only qn the condition that they so long
behave theism/tea well ; and shall be removed on
conviction of misbehaviour its office or of any in
fanwus crime. i
Section X. 4lny person who shall, after the
adoption 11 the amendments proposed by this
Conventiotl'i to the Constitution, fight a duel or
send a chalkn* for that purpose, or be aidir or
meteor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived if the
right of holding any office of honour or profit in
this State, and shall be punished •Vhertrise ,in such
manner as is, or may be prescribed by law ; but
the executive may remit the said offence and all
itisdisqual.fieatirms. -= .
Section I. T "legislature shall, as soon as con
veuiently' may , piuvide by law, for the establish
ment of schio s . throughout the State, in ',web
manner that th' poor srty be taught gratis.
Seciun 11. T e , aria and sciences shall be pro
moted in one or more seminaries of learning.
Section ILI. he rights. privileges, immenities
and estates of ligtous societies and corporate bon
dies, shall rema in as if the constitution of this State
had not been al red or amended.
Section IV. The legislature shall not invest any
corporate bodylor individual with the privilege
of taking private property for, public use, without
requiring aucideorporation or individual to make
compensidiOn to the owners of said property. or
g•re adequate 'purity therefor, &fine suth pro
perly shall be t -en.,
' Members of the. f:eneial 'Assembly, and all offi
ceip. i xecutive end judicial. shall be bound by oath
or affirmation, to sunpoi t the constitution of this
comm., vi ea I , h - nod to torte. in the dui-let of their
respective of f ices with fhlelity. .
. .
That the genital, great and es.sential principles of
liberty and free, government may be recognised and
unalterably estdbfisherl, W E DECL %H E, TH AT
Section I. All men are born equally free and in
dependent, and ha ye certain inherent and indefeasible
rights, among which are those of er j i% ing and de
fending life and liberty; of acquiring, possessing
and protecting property and reputation, and of. pur
suing their own happiness.
Section 11. iAll power is inherent in the people,
and all free gosrernments are founded on - their au
thority, and instituted for:their peace, safety and
happiness; For the advancement of these ends, they
have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible
right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner as they may think proper.
Section 111. All men hive a natural and indefea
sible right to worship. Almighty God, according to
the dictates of their own consciences ; no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
ease whatever, control or interfere with the rights
of conscience ; and no preference shall ever be
given, by law to any religious establishments or
modes of worship. Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be
ing of a God and a future state of rewards and pu
nishments, shall on account of his religious senti
ments be disqualified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit under this Commonwealth.
Section V. Elections shall be free and equal.
Section VI. Trial by jury shall be as heretofore,
and the right thereof remain inviolate.
Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to
every person who undertakes to examine the pro
ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go.
vernment: And no law shall ever be made to re-'
strain the right thereof.. The free communication
of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable
rights of man; and every citizen may freely speak,
write and print on any subject, being responsible
for the ablate of that liberty. In prosecutions fur
the publication of papers investigating the official
conduct of officers, or men in a public capacity, or
where the muter published is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi
dence r And in all- indictments for libels the Jury
shall have a right to determine the law and the facts,
tinder the direction of the court, as In other cases.
Section VIIL The people shall be secure in their
persons, houses, papers and possessions, from:unrea
sonable searches and seizures: And no warrant to
search any place, or , to seize any person or things,
shall issue, without describing them at nearly as
may be, nor without probable cause supported by
Oath or affirmation.
Section is,. In all criminal prosecutions. the ac-
COVd bath a right to be heard by himself and his
counsel, to demand the nature acrd cause of the ac
cusation against him, to meet the f ice to
face, fn hive roinpolsory process fur obtaining wit
nesses in his favour, and, in prosecutions by iintict
ment or inform %Hon, a speedy public trial, by an
impartial jury of. the vicinage; he cannot be com
pelled to give, evidence ami last himself, nor can he
be deprived of this life, liberty. or property, unless
by the judgment of his peers or the law of the
Section X. No person shall, for any indictable
offence, be proceeded against et iminally by inferna
don, except in eases arising in the land or naval
forces, or in the militia when in actual service in
time' of war or public danger, or by leave of the
court, foruppristsion and inisilemeuiour in office, • No
-person shall. fur the same offence, be to ice put In
jeopardy of life or Stub; nor shall any man's pro
perty be taken or applied to public use, without the
consent of his representatives, and withont just
compensation batty. made.
Section XI. All courts shall be open, and every
man for an injury done him in his lands, pods, per
son or reputation, shall have remedy by the" due
course of law, and right, and justice administered,
without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be
against the Commonwealth in suet% manner, in, such
courts, and in such caret as the legislature may by
law direct.
Section XII. No power of suspending laws , shall
be exercised, unless by the legislature, or Its au
Section MIL Excessive bail shall not be re
quired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pu
nishmenti inflicted.
Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable by
sufficient sureties, unless fur capital offences, when
the proof is evident or presumption great ; and the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall nut be
suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or in
vasion, the public safety, may require it.
Section XV. No commission uf over and Terminer
or jail delivery shall be issued.
Section XVI. The• person of s debtor, where
there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not
be continued in prison, after delivering up his- estate
for the benefit of his creditors, in such manner is
• shall tie prescribed by lbw:
Secdoo XVIL No ex postfacto taw, nor any law
impairing contracts shall be made.
r Section XVIII. No ,erson shall be attaintdd of
treascin or felony by the -legislature.
Seeition XIX. No attainder shall work - canamtio .
Of blood, nor; except during the life of the °tiode ,
, forfeiture of estate to the' commonwealth ; the
'tales of such persohs as shall destroy Hied' o
tisk *shall descend or vest as in case of. Manna'
FMN Timothy' Seed•joit, :received ind - for
sale 14 -3. - CLAYTON.
Feb 14 •
.t. - \ .
death ; kaoy , person shall be Med by
easnally: there shall be no forfeiture reason
Section XL Theicitizens - have a right,in a peace.
able manner, to asieMble together, for their common
good, and to apply to those inverted wittilhe powers
of government Ikr redress of grievances: or other
. primates, by petition, addreas oo remon.
Section XXI. The right of citizens to bear arms,
in defence of themselves and the State, shill not be
Section XXIE No standing army shalli, iq time
of peace, be kept op without the consent of the
gislature i and the military shall, in all eases, end
'at all times, be ',in strict subordination to, the civil
Section XXlllf. No soldier shall, in thne.of peace,
be quartered in any house without the consent of the
owner, nor in time of war, but in a loonier to be
prescribed by laW. ; •
Section XXIV. The legislature shall liot grant
any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, nor
create any office the appointment to Which shall he
for a longer term than during shod behaviour.
Section XXV, Emigration from the State shall
not be prohibited. i .
. Section X.XVI.' To guards gainst tranagressiOna
of the high powers which we have deleMited, WE
DECLARE, that every thing in this article is ex
cepted out of the general powers of government, and
shall for ehr remain inviolate.
Any amendment or amendments to this ;constitu
tion may l'eptojoeuted in the Senate or House of Re-.
presentatives, and if the same shall be agreed to by
a majority of the Members elected to each Huse, such
proposed amendment or'nmentknents shall be entered
on" their journals, with the yens and nays taken.
thereon, and the Secretary .f the Commonwealth shall
cause the same la be published three men! ha before the
nett election, in at least one newspaper in every
county in whit h a newspaper shall be publittbed ; and
(f in the legislature next afterwards chnsensuch pro
posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to
by a majority 'of the members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the Comnumtcealth shalt ',cause the
same again to be published) in'manner aforesaid, and
such proposed amendment or amendments shall be
submitted to the people in such manner and at - such
time, at least three mint ha, after being so -agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe
and if the people shall approve and ratify. such
amendment ,or amendments by a majority of the qua
lified 'voters-4f this State voting thereon, such amend,
melet or amendments shall become a part of the con
stitution ; but ito • amendment or amendments shall
be submitted to the people oftener than mete in five
years • Provided, that tif . . more than one amendment
be sub mitted, they shall be submitted in such manner
and form, that the people may rote for or against
-Och amendment separately and distinctly.-
That no inconvenience may arise from the altera
tions and amendments in the Constitution of this
CoMmonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That,
Section 1. All laws of this Commonwealth in force
at the time when the said alterations and amend
meats in the said Constitution shall take effect, and
not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions,
prosecutions, claims, and contracts as s iteli of indi
viduals as of 'bodies corporate,- hall continue as if
the said alteratiMis and amendments had not been
Section li. The alterations and amendments in the
said Constitution shall take effect from the hrst day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Section 111. The clauses, sections, and articles of
the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall
Continue to be construed and have effect as if the
said Constitution had not been amended.
'Secuun 1%1 The General Assembly writer. sna.i
convene in December, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight, shall continue its session, as heretofore, not
withstanding the provision in the eleventh sectiva
- of the first article, and shall at all times be regarded
as the first General Assembly under the. amended
section V. The.Oovernor who shall be elected in
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall be
inaugurated on the third 'Tuesday in January;,
eighteen huntined and thirty-nine, to which time
the present executive term is hereby extended.
Section VI,. The commissions of the judges of the
Supreme Court, who may be in office on tile first day
of January next,'shall expire in the following man
ner The commission which bears the earliest date
shall expire tin the first day of January, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and fortj-:two; the
commission next dated shall expire on the first day
of January, Arum Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-Ave; the commisiion next dated shall
-expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight; the
commission next dated shall expire on the first day
of January, Anno Domini tine thousand eight bun.
dred and fifty-one and the .commission last dated
sh:II expire on the first day of January, Anno Do
mini one thousand ight hundred and fifty:four.
Section VII. Th commissions of the President
judges of the ;sea ral judicial districts and of the
associate law judg oc,the first judicial district shall
expire as follows I The commissions of one-half of
those who-shall e held their offices- ten years or
murext the adoptid of the amendments to the consti
tution, shall expire .n the twenty-seventh day Of Fe
bruary, one thotrad d eight hundred and thirty-nine;
the comthissions of: the other half of those who shall
have held their off ten years or more at the
Zinn of the amend cuts to the constitution ; shall
expire on the twen y-seventh day of February, one
thousand eight hun red and forty-two the first half
to embrace those ~ ase commissions shall bear the
oldest date. The mmiasions of all the' remaining
judges who shall tit have held their offices for ten
years at the adupti n of the amendments to the con
stitution shall expi on the of
February nest afte the end of ten years from the
date of their comm dons
Section VIII. T
ors' Courts, and oil
monwealth, shall I
and in the same
of the several kith
office, the conitnissi
the twenty-seventl
eight hundred and
two years thereat)
dates. Those older
Recorders of the several Stay
er criminal court in this Om
: appointed for the same time,
anner, as the president judges
*al districts; of those now in
n Oldest in date shall expire on
day of February, one Lihousand
forty-one ; and the others every
r according to their respective
in date expiring first.'
Section IX. The
.der.the amended co
associate judges of
commissions of thu
odlhe i ttient-sev
hundred and-forty;
•the twenty-seeenth
dred and forty-one
the twenty-seventh
dred and forty-two
on the twenty-se
Hundred and forty-t
first to the fourth
seniority of the co..
Section X. Pro'.
courts (except oft
deeds and registers o
the amended Conatij
sentativecio the y
nine, in such mann .
Section XI. -The
heretofore, and act
executive dePartme;
of the duties pf
by the eighth isee
amended eotuktitu ;!
be made underi such
shill be "Upilried. ,
Wine/ .
(dikes shall bedotne
and such fawy Shall
tore under the am
egislature at its first session un
sstirution, shall divide the other
he State into four classes. The
!e of the first class shall expire
'nth day of February, eighteen
of those of the second class on
day of February, eighteen hun
of those of the thireclass on
day of February, eighteen bun
. and of those of the. fotirth class
!nth day of Febroark,.,eightees
1. net. The said classeilfrann'the
IRO ire arranged according to the .
missions of the several judges.
(.notaries, clerks of the several'
e Supreme Court) recorders of
wills, shall be first elected under
lion, at •the eleition of repre
r eighteen hundred and thirty
.r as may be prescribed by law.'
ppointing power shall remain as
Steers in the appointment of the
t shall continue in the,exercise
it respective offices until the
1 „. such laivs as may bet required
of the sixth article of the
, and until appointments' shall
Ilaws; unless their conimissions
by new appointments, or shall
'Or own limittations, or the slid
vacant by death or resignation,
be enacted by Ore first tegisia
. cobstitution.
justices of tbt
Awn- hundrealiuld
election of cOnstab
first election- for alderrnetf And
shall be held ie . the year_itight
rty, at the time .futO •for the
The legislature atits fug
S and WelngVE,Bra 1- 2 0
bbd.. juAtese
pugs 2
season troa4laa 'Weeded.
vide for the sild'ilectios and
electiordi. • The aldermen and
now. in comsnission, or who in
appointed, - shill cOntonte to
th*lr respectiVe offices, until
dip which shill be fisted bb Ia
new coaunissions, at tbe es p r ;: :
their coinwissions stodl • •
Is leatimoay that the
• constitution of Peansfl•
convection, We the ofnee
convention have berellolo
Philadelphia, the twete
ary, Anne Domini que tho
and thirty-eight, and of
the United State* of Amen
Daniel Agnew;
Wm. Ayres,
M. W. Baldwin,
Ephraim Banks,
John Y. Barclay,
Jacob liarndolar.
t has. A. Barvila,
Andre*. itedfind,
Thos. S. Bell,
M. H`
James Cornell fliddTp, Jabez
Lebbeus L Bigelow Churl
SamL,C. Bonham, Phs. J
A aro
Chas. Rrowh,'
Jeremiah 8r0w . %
William Brown,
Pierce. Butler,
JAct lb
H. G:
Sanwa! Carey,
Th.dnas S. §unningharn,
William CaiL, . Alex..
Wm.,Dariing,ton, Joel •
George Chambers, W. M
John Chandler, - James
Jos. R. Chandler, Levi
D. Ne
Airs .1
('h. Chauncey,
Nathaniel Clapp,
Jiamea Clarke:,
William Clark,
J. Cline,
Lindley Coates,.
Coehmn, Jam •
Thos. P. Cope, "am •
Joshua P. Cox, • Fiami
Walter Craig, C.
Riehd.lti. Crain,. , • A.
Ceo. T. Crawford,
Cornelius Cnnn,
Benjn. Martin,
_ .
Johu'L M'Ciben,
E. T. 114.Doweli,
James M'Sherry,.
Mark Darrati,
Harmar Denny,
JoUn Dickey, ,
Joshua Dickerson,
J.mob .11;lil tinier
Jas. Dun,sn i , Geo
J: R. Donnell, , Thu.
Joseph M. Doran, Gem
Janies Dunlop, 'j- . Win
D. AI. Farreoy,
Rubt. Fleming.,
JohnfFon lk rod,
Joseph Fry, Jr. , Mu
John Futter, . Jam
John A.Gimble,
William Gearhart,
David Gilmore,
Virgil Geo.
William L. Harris,j IL t
Thomas Hastings, ,
(Attest,)S. Snocx secretary.
G. L. FAius,. 2,
J. WlLLimas , 5
.11 certify,that the{ foregoing t
copy of " the Conststulion of t
.pennsylvanis As aniended hy t,
thousand , eight ht dred and
eight," depoSited i th is °file,
Februarr, 1838 ; t e amend
and the retained rtions of
tints itrrornan lett .
• ' Rec'v of !
.. : .
. JOll SIL ' '
/MAKESpleailure in inform'. g •is friends and ibis
publieihat he continues a tryechwav 'tinder
the -Pennsylvania Ha 11.7 in P 'lle. IHe Jtoiitsi
er yl
his past reputation for keeping ' :aspects e Estab.
lishment, acquired during the rience of 3 yearn
in the :timeline of business. a d'r c to please,
may merit a continuance of the r von and patron.
JOHN SILVER has made anoments with Mr.
Robert 'Hamer. of the "Count :1C*..." N 0.44, North
Third street, Philadelphia. for a 'supply] of the
delicacies'which the Philadeiptda t marktit can ' rd
during the Sommer season.
Bill of Fare. i
Roast Beer, cold. ' per pat ~; • 2 1 8 1
Corned do do• • , d- ' I • .Jl2i
Fried Ham 4. Eggs, irli . I
! . 28
Green Turtle Soup, 25
Fresh Pickled Salmod;
Spiced Oysters, • . •
Old, Madeira, Wine. P.lll
'. Old Palo Sherry Wihe.
• Old Brown do
Old Pcirt . ' 'do ;
. Oki 'Lisbon • do .
• Champaimth. (Palmetto;)
London Brown Stout,
_ Pepper's,Smich's & Seshera
Apartments 'are alwifri in
Parttes,dm and th ose who call
every attention. •
Pdhavitle. 'May 11. 1838.
For Sat
A vataitabk Tract o
LYING and being in The
weirsan, On the Yogi Bra
Branch flail Road, about tear
kill Haven—there iv -me 'or
paipantthrough ;hit 'and.
or Mr
March 21: 34
A. Qui
.001{INGLGLA88 seat PI
er, nexicAntto Mr.g
Street. Ord Frames
ner, and at the shoetsst not
april 28 •
New, Eptabill
Corner 1;110e : saw rittl . ..lifirike
serheeribent , respect
thefr iiid the po
they_ hate taken th i tore for
Jacebjhgl*Ver.;.. met of f
streets.:teher 014 a e 'now pi
iarcortioii t t or
"A , Diy E nod!
':".grocerieis 2
„Lillol l olll,l
which thisAreaterm wee to,
„ „...I.I4ZZARY
8.,:N. All kinds iplCoustr;
be Idabl*: violet tirices.
April . I •
, tiori shall pro.
gent sitener
or the — ,ftt ft ..
tbel interim, be
fir dutierof
*lin data after the
Or the issuin g of
of r kkh tape,
f er t re a e • d e d
I a tot i n
1 bets of the
I o name at
I t
d? . t of h F uzl ebto•
• e lidenee . of
IV ',Fiteequtt
... ..
. . ,
[ is treastchi,
'P' o & ol3 i .
• (rater, ~
,ral.Hig,h; • .
• plaints:l, -•
tide •
.- aced losers
1 s, , --
s .41. Reihi,
‘-ifitoned t
i . • f
' 4 RTVII rr ,
ileile; , ":
dabs, I
ins, l l' , :
1' i I ' f "
• arm, I . . •
h redith,
: I
, h i ttal4,,
. Miller,
AP, n l Sollle l 7.
11 04 1, Y 11 .
it i v i kfieid '
! •
~ lyne, r .
Da Pennypacker.
14adison Porter,
Mead, '
w ll * l
! I, °yeti%
1 !.. . Rumell,
M rm'SCott, '
• slierN
It r, ' ,-
!Si ill,
y cheetz, , -
ie• - Itilloo,
, a ' H. S4l,
!Smith, • .
, Sthyth,
11 pnively,
IB. l ,lSterigere,
• Stivarl, •
i e4er W. Sturdevaat
~ .4 Taggart, '
'• 4 J. Thimas,
s ,Todd,.; • -
1 all.tV ea Ter,
EI: Weidman,
Woodward, '
'' l , g•
' 1
ti l l
' t Secretaries.'
, •
, • .
:E : i •
, m . t . VAR{I 28, 1888.}
I. eXaiit and literal
G. $
mmonwealth of
e foOvent ion of Oli
tifirty-seven-thirt rt.
the 126111 day of
being in Oa
lie: present Constant.
i WES,
e ronosinnwentth. 1,„
I :
1 1 50
doc • 1.50
, t i t • 50 •
et I ' oo
XI Pa Me.
• alines, for BOPP"'
expect to recoive
• t
qoal Land, 1 1 ,
worship of Norerp.
ch , pear the Wes
i es trtereSehmil t .
.1 4 1 irlfiAMlCtiqiiiiiil
P II REED;,:_, j
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1. s FrigAN r ,. ,
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rodciatiakin li