The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 20, 1838, Image 2

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eruididate of the great date of Penney ea* the
"Governor-; we take the liberty of writ' , a few
lines upon the subject. We havekno David
it. Porter for many years; some of us since be
Wind-came into this country, aid bei • . his near
and immediate neighbours/mu-testify ith hon
esty and truth toys characteroced.thet aliehooid
. of the , therges made egamat him in the letter.—
bfr..Ciunpliell, it ie-ettid, baying since n called
itpon,:ifenies that 41e , is the author ! But as is
letter of thishind'hes no-doubt been w itten, add
- enteavored to be circulated by some individuals
.for certain purposes, we can say al once that
• Hasid -R. : Porter hat never been charge by the
pcepicrof this county for dishonesty, b t on the
•centrary, is considered, and always hat been, is
a atrjetly honest man. He never refueled to piy
-an honest debt, and the best evidence of this Isla
the found lo his old •creditors, every one of whoa:
;htt,has paid, being his warmest and most entbu.
-elastic friends. David R. Porter has never been
suspected for having purloined any, papers - from
the-public offices, of which he is charged-in - tiait
( letter. Such a charge was first heard or , froth'
that litter, and creates nothing but diust here ,
amongst both parties of pobticoms.,, IS 4TNOT
TRUE! David its Porter -was -elected to offide
in this county, whenuireother .man of his party
could beeleeted. This proves that the assertions
-of the writer are totally false. _ An .indictment
craw pending in this county against R. Campbell
for writing that letter. if he cannot lie pruced
the author. of course he will be acquitted—if oth
. amigo-lb/win be shown in what light be stands
tbefare the people of this -county.
Von observed no doubt, tliO l ithe letter*.'
stir been republished by the Race preset 'here !-11-.
Thet would never do. Upon the Whole we' Say
.that a more black hearted tissue of eehoods
'never were invented against th baracter Of
any man; and_they go only to s ow what shift);
will be made by some men, to prop up a emit .
when otherineans have deserted them.
Thos. P-Campbell, ' Wm. H. King, '
Andrew Johnoton, John Williamson,
Daniel Agnes, Patrick Gwin,
William Dorris,, Thomas' Herren,
'Michael Buoy, Irvin florrell, .1 •
S. S. Wharton, G. Nash,
C. Gaits, - David Snyder, !
]Michael Clanghby, James Manly, t '
John Nail, - Aleex ACClnne, - 1
Thus Montgomery, Sam. Belford,
David Woods; James Hemphill.
Joseph. Harvey, Alexander Gain,
Francis B Wallace, A: P. Wilson,
W. R: M'Cay, James McConnell,
Lou Westbrook jr. D. Black.
Walter B. Hudson, George Gtickiter, .;
Chas. A Newingham; .. David M'Murtrie,
James Simpson. John Simpson,
John Liangaton jr. • William Stewart, '
W. S. Hildebrand, Job Pymibon,
John Coiesteek, Henry Miller.,
Robert Croni , otil, Win. Allen, •
Joseph Stellville, James Sterrett, •
George Drank, John I.anek,
W inmost Woods, Japub Chiughbangli,
Edward 'Woods. Thomas Forbid.,
Johnston Smith, William E. Rahn,
Thoinan Smith, Jetties Al. Kerr,
Alex'r Westbrook, ' John Henderson, . •
Henry knees, - . Davie Hazard; -
George Jackson; John Nash 4 1
C. Coldatimak, D. Culdshick, , •
John Montgomery, John Levingsban,•
Sinned Africa, - Sohn Whit;
'lames Gwin, ''• ' J. Powell, •
George lwtn, J: M. Cohnunginun, i
W. L. Buyder, John R. M'Cartney,
%rilliiit lass, David L. Wilmot,
'Daniel I fil ler, ' T. B. Loden, M. D.
James Rinahend. Isaac Hiiggs, • -
C. A:N'inth, . . D. Newitighant, •
Martin Graffiti; John Aghly. .
y i
tor IP Checks , Cards, Bilis 01 Lad.n g .
send r Ms of every deßcrytton, really printed . r
alas t at the lowest rash prices.
In order to place our paper within th 4
reach Of every person, deriog the prose •
Gubernatorial content, we have come to
the conclusion to receive subscribers to
thel i weekly Journal, to be forwarded' regui.
lady until the second Tuesday of October
next, ai de' low rate of FIFTY CENTS;
viollars; monthly subscribers will also be
received until that period, at 121 cents
each per month payable in advance..
OtriOur friends,-in verifies parts of the
county will please act as agents in trans.
mittin„¢ the names and cash of those who
feel diapased to subscribe for that pd.
AN i active intelligent, 1)4, aged about
15 or 18 years; of: good moral habits, is
wanted at this office, as an apprentice to
the printing business.
-We'present our readers, in tbis paper,,
all the evidence on both sides, in the
itopisting case ni which David R. Porter .
--isWe ot,•and his creditors and other
ire tit 'fairs, as far as aria celebrated trial
has pr greased before the pe*ple of Penn
sylvania, copied from the Huntingdon
Journ I. Our readers will find all the
.evi ' n both sides of the question iii
Wel arkable cause. The defendant
himsel , it will be perneiv_ed stands mute;
g r ihat is refuses to plead or kp say whether
' he is guilty or not guilty; though some of
his friends by round assertion? about mat
ters of, which they cannot possiblY be cog
nizant' have endeavored to Mpg° away hih
evident guilt. Lot every non who wish,
to understand the case, realitthe evidence!
We Would horeurge upon oor readers the
speciffa offence with which David R. Poi.
ter is charged in pecuniary -transactions.
• Not *ith insolvency, because many att
Atonest but unfortunate man through untii
swird Circumstances may becOme insolvent
••-iicoverty is no crime,arid'therefore can
*either he a -subject of rekoach or pun:
.ashnient 1 J
p'Wha's there for honest phveriy, i.
That hangs his head and or that,
The coward slave wt pass him by, '
INe dtire be poor for a' :hat' .
Hence, neither the former poverty nor in-
solvency of David R.'Porter, esti justly he
patters of disgrace of thcuiselves. ThC.
ry -.. _ a-~n t .. ~~..
rt i l
-- • .-f- -,ss• ,i,,he ~-3-
com - fdai"nks lit however, er, shat;white - C
ft, -be 1 ' W,'"
ZlLlO"pa — y his 'itisi debti, r ind that S i
acknOwledged creditor* are obliged ; /„..
bring suits for their recovery. Here HT
the shame! the infamy! Iknd some of the
creditors were men wh bad earned their
1 money by the sweat o f eir brows, in hi
-iron worlui ! Were ruin by his insolvency
and obliged themselves to take the benefit.
And yet such a man is: brought out as .
suitable person for the iffice of Governo
tif Pennsylvania': '
It will be seen that Ir. John William
son, sn Attorney at who endorses lb s.
character of David It. Porter, is 'contra
dieted most flatly, by th 4 records publis
vd, notwithstanding he rePresepts himselft s
be familiar with the records of the county
jAnd his ether statement* respecting Davi
11.. Porter,. are also contradicted by indis
putahle testimony. This is. but one of t s.
many instances of whai the members o
the party will stoop in order to bolster u •
the rotten character of their candidate.—
The letter has been sent abroad for publi
cation .and has not yet :been commente
upon at home.
We have laid (Ike facts before our rea
ders. If David R. Porter should come out
and deny them under his own signature
. , .p. s_ •, • 11 . 1 t 0.-
; ef I (.:
Our acknowledgments are due in the
Hon: Jo,t SEFtORANT, and J. K. Bonn.
for public docuipents.
We have teen under the. necessity o
crowding outghe usual amount of foreign
intelligence and miscellaneous matter, .to
make room for the evidence in our first
page, in relation to R. Porter. .
irr We hear many complaints of irre—
gularities in receivins newspapers, in our
place and neighborhood. That these ir
regularities do exist, there can doubt;
and hence, there must be negligence in
some quarter. Within a few weeks past,
we have had numberless complaints of the
non receipt of the the Miners' Journal at
various places en the the post routes. We
assure our subscribers that the fault does
not lie with us. Do the Postmatoters do
their dm)?
Betting on Elections.---This is one of
:he schemes of the Van Buren party, in
Pennsylvania, to secure; the exertions of
those 'who would otherrise be inactive
during the campaign. Large autos of
money are . sent in by agents of the Gene
ral Government and distrihuted among
partizans, for the purpose of tieing, bet o
.flae elections--one of these holds the tio :.
ney and makes the bet, while the others
interested in the issue of it are pledged to
exert themselves to secure its success.—
In this way, active partizans are created
throughout the , state, and it behooves the
Anti-Van-Buren party to guard against
the effect of this system, by refusing to
take au% notice of their banters. •
Important Intelligence.—Arrrnitxcern
AND LOCOMOTI VES I—The new board of
Canal Con )))) issinners have directed the
superintendent of motive power, on• the
Columbia end Philadelphia rail road, to
cause two engines to be fitted up for the
use of anthracite coal for fuel therein un
til otherwise directed. Tnis is an irnpor
tart order, but contains nothing mere than
what ought to have been directed to, be
dune lung ago. We are pleased to see that
the new board entertain sounder and more
enlarged views of State policy than their
predecessors. The Philacklphia Inquirer
says, " it will meet with, universal appro.
bation,mnd do more towards the introduc
tion sad consumption of anthracite coal,
one of the greatest mineral resources of
Pennsylvania, than any tneasure that has
been atte•npted for years.' We have no
doubt that if the experiment of using an
thracite in the state locomotives be fairly
made, it will be attended with complete
success, and supersede every, other spe
cies of Biel.
Speech of Mr. Bondl, of Ohio.—We
shall lay some extracts from this compen
dious history of the abuses c and 'corruption
of the National Administration before our
readers, shortly. The volume of facts
contained in it ought to be known through.
out the country. They speak for them
selves and in language that cannot be
mistaken. The 'Louisville logrnal mpg
"It is the moat complete, compact and powerful
summary of the abuses, misdeeds, and inconsist
encies of the Administration party. that we have
yet seen. If this single speech could be mad-by
every man in the Union, there is no doubt that
Mr. Van Buren would sink into al motility in
every county nn the map of the States."
A boy of about 5 years old, named Fran
Cis Lamers', wasdrowned in the Greenwood
Canal, in this Borough,
.last week. He
war missing and supposed -to be drowned,
when the water was drawn off on Satur
day, his body was discovered.
Richard Rush, in a letter to a gentleman
in Washington, dated London, May 141 h,
1834, states that he has procured the
Smithsonian Bequest of, one hundred ikon.
sand pounds, for the purpose of establish
ing a School at Washington City. .
Richard H. White, charged with burp
ing the Treasury, has been acquitted.—
His services will no doubt be required a
gain, about the time the present party re.
tires from Washington.
It is hinted that JAMES R. PAVLDING,
has been appointed Secretary or the Mob
by President Vau Buren.
•. _ •
Pr 4 P $ . Aule grove
4111 is ills teititiata
er i ft.l l, l ll 4. 6 4 ffi r2ti f i thei llas ibuireaseaaa
StatirDeta 3 opwirdi-oT tour winker" Of &lien per
annum. ,Governor Rimer was instalkil into of
fice in December; 1835. The knowing table
'brain" the ineraa . se of the State Debt, from the let
November, 1829,10 Ncrr. 183-7.
• 183 I
Within the present year, Governor Ritner
already paid off near three hundred thousand
tars of the State Debt The Inertias during the
last year was occasioned by the temporary loan of
•200,000, authorized by the Legislature. • With
regard to the temporary loan - authorized at the
last session, it is now secured, so that it can be
bad it it should be wanted; but the revenue from
the public improvements is so great, and so well
ianabanded by our Farmer Governor, that •only a
part of the loan will be needed, as the Treasury
is able to meet all the demands open it that will
arise from the sdbricription of steels anti:iodised
by the late improvement bill. The foresight and
independence of the Governor, which bayed
512.000 to the State in this small loan, must now
tie acknowledged by all.
Danville and Pottsville Rail Roatl.
We learn that Governor Ritner has sub
seiribed $50.000 to the Danville and Potts
ville Rail Road, the sum authorized by the
Improvement Bill „ passed at the last scasion
of the Legislature. We further learn that
Mr. Sharp, the superintendent, has pro
cured a Locomotive Engine, to be placed
on the said roadin a few da)s. The Lo
co Motive is intended to- convey coal from
the Shamokin Region to Sunbury, a dis
tance of about 19 milo. We copy the
following description of this region, from
the Lycoming Chronicle :
The town of SIIAMOKIN is situated
nineteen miles from Sunbury and about il3
from Danville, on the Danville, SunbUry
and Pottsville rail road, which is comple
ted from Sunbury one mile and a hay be
yond it. The advaatages the town' pos
sesses are—that it is in the midst (done
of the.finest felds of
meansal in the
Unioliat i
t has already a nof com
munication with the river, by which al
most any quantity of coal can be sent to
market—that its location is gopd in regard
to the procuring of the necessaries of life
—that it is healthy—the water pure, and
that there is' abundant space to build.
The Shamokin creek cuts the mountain
in a manner which makes the Coal easy of
excavation, the main rail read'runs imme
diately in fronyof many veins,lwhich does
not now render it necessary' to r bave lateral
roads—Coal run cuts the hill in another
'direction—Quaker runs insanother, besides
there are several ravines, whiah serve the
fittirose of assisting in bringijg the vast
defies of the region into Market.
The town itself contains now about 30
or 40 well built homes, and ii is supposed
about 20 more will lie put upon this seaeon.
It it expected that a locomotive. will run to
the river at Sunbury, probably twice a day
in the course.uf a month or six weeks.
The Great Western, arrived - at Ne •
York, on Sunday morning last, being 14
days out. She brings intelligence of the
death of prince De Tallyrand,.
The Porter papers con:inne to abuse
and ridicule JOSEPH RITN ER, because
he is an honest GERMAN, and gives to some
of his words a German pronunciation.—
The following is from the Lancaster Jour
nal, under the etikkorial head of which
stands the name or David R. Porter, in
large capitals:
" His excellency [Joseph Ratner] says,
'dat du ztim it will costa to bay dere dem
boys Philarnectelfy for de exchspense of
purning • dit dere dem Hell, wilt take so
much munish, dat de dreshury will be
This same federal paper opposed the
election of Governor Snyder, and called
him "a mechanic, a stinking tanner, a
man_who could not write twenty lines o
&Meet of s tatter to a citizen of Lancaster, dated
Wasnuroten, June 7, 1838.
"Every engine that the most consurnate petit.
ical skill can bring mu" the field, with the whole
governmental patronage and influence, will be
set in motion to secure Pennsy/vana in favor of
Mr. Yen Buren. Your state is to be districted—
each district to have an active, distinguished
sotstreasury man is its superintendent, assisted
by as many' deputies as ran be 6844 so that per.
sone! attention may he paid to every voter in the
state !! ! The Sub treasury and other Van Bu
ren members of Conkress will be the active par
tizans, ind have full powers to regulate the elec.
Lion throughout the State. Be assured that what
I tell you is a part of the projected plans of th e
arch magician, and it will depend upon the in
telligence and patriotism of your citizens..-wheth
er such a drill and such an influence pan pre.
wail. Ido think that Pennsylvania is nittyet to
bo reduced to a state of such vassalage.(-Leneas.
ter Union, •
Extract of a letter, dated
Wastnisoron, Jun' 4, 1838.
Dear Sir—The Sub-Treasury t ill
Tuesday, if then. is quitill will nit be
i il
taken op betoe un
certain what will be Its fate. Our friends are
sengnine that they will be able to d eat at. The
administratim are equally sane° of success.
Another week will decide whether , whole com
metee and industry of the country to be‘ftros.
trated, in order to continue the present dynasty._
or whether iletleople are to be allowed to pursue
their lawful ocettpations with their' own lawful
rerourcea, unmolested by political qhacliery. '
18,327,849 31
12,610,020 48
14117,856 01
17,405,628 64
20,298,431 88
23.448,747 05
24,955,435 56
24,756512 30
14,921,924 74
may .
811114 TtaigtoAkieti”
Ma. ila#ztax: !tip! -teame d
the porter 'thifie meefing,.held
Pottsiille, on-the sthinst., have heed our
names wit hettkoor consent, as delegates,to
the Young Convention, to 'be held at
Harrisburg, on the 4th of July next; and
as we do not wish to be -suspected of ap
proving of the destructive measures of that
party; we beg leave, through the medium
of your papery todecline the honor inten
ded, as we are fully determjned to geXcrr
Pennsylvania interests, which we believe
can only, be accomplished by aiding the
re,eleetiod of otir present Farmer Gover
Ma. BArtujszt: Having seen in Voute &
Dorman'. Federal paper, that at a meet
ing of the Loco-focos, held at O'Connor's,
in Pottsville; on the -sth inst., my name
was used without pay consent, as a delegate
to their Young Men's Convention, to be
held at Harrisburg on the 4th,of July at,
and not wishing to be identified with Por
ter's, beg leave, through
the medium, of your paper, to decline the
honor confeired. lam a working marl,
and will not -rruppoTt a party whose prin.
eiples,,lif carried eat, would reduce the
price of the , labor of our American free
men upon a par with that of the most ab
ject slaiies df a European Despot. Im
pressed then with this view,-I shall give
my hearty support to our Farmer Gover
tar Joseph Rimer, in whom I recogrliitl
the advocate of the -poor man's interests.
Ma. BANNAN :—lfavini observed my
name in the Pottsville Emporium, as a del
egate to the Porter Convention, to assem
ble at Harrisburg, on the 4th of July next;
without consulting me or my consent. I
would, therefore, inform the public through
the medium of your paper that 1 am wil
ling to let good enough alone, and shall
therefore give my support to our excellent
farmer gover'por, of Washington _County.
M inersvilla, June 18, 1838. .
Ma. BAN iIAN: I observe my name a.
rwmg the list: of delegates to attend a con,.
venison to be held on the 4th July, at
Harrisburg, to promote the election or
David R. Po ter. This, therefore, is to
declare that my name was used without
authority,.and that I shall support the ,
re.election ()four present chief magistrate
Joseph Rimer. ISAAC HARVEY.,
Piuegrove township, June 12, 1838.
Ma. Pam - ice—Sir-1n the "Stimme
des Folks," 1 find my name among the
list of delegates to attend a convention to
be held at Harrisburg, on the next 4th of
July, to further the election of •David R.
Porter. 11`y determination is to give my
vote to our present chief magistrate, Jo.
seph Ritner. JOHN HUBER.
Pinegiove, June 18, 1838.
The following persons declined serving
as Delpgates to the Porter Convention,
and declared thei. intention to support
Joseph Ritner, in last week's Journal:
One of PortCell i strongest and Most 'active Imp
porters was lattly keard to any, "that he thanked
- God that Pennitylvanis would no longer have a
Dutch blockhead! be Governor, but a gentle
man, like Porter!')
'The gentieman'would soon reduce the State to
the name kind at hankruptey as beret their gen
t/seism GovernedH-1t would pay a shilling in thd
pound, and refuse ha pay the balance.—Gettysburg
Oeo . .
The banks of rgia have reausled that they
will resumejty thl let of January any how, lint
sooner if possible:l The sooner the. better.
Fashionable.: n income of a thousand, and
expenditures or taro thousand.
Royal Wis.— ittle Victoria says that who
she is crowned she will he equal to five and twen
47 shillingii—toa trOwn added to a sovereign./
General Jackso , wanted to hang the nullifiers
and Mr. Van Buren has formed an alliance with
them. Call ye that `•treading in the tootsteps?"
The Administration sweararhat the U.S. Bank
is insolvent, and yet the same administration is
trying to sell the bonda of that institution at a
premium. Of Course one thing is clear, the ad
ministration is either a,bar or a swindler.
Rats„—lt is said that .ar pat in and around a
rat hole so that the gentleman can't get in or out
arithout soiling his best coat, will soon make him
seek better quarte r rir; as nothing is more dread
ed by a rat, or any other rogue, than a I coat 4:11 .
tar. This to a singular if true—the three
letters that comper either word are the same,—
Delaware Gazette
. REEb
from the office
len, in the CM,
cannot in comic
I VILLE has been ejected
f Receiver of Public Mon
!innati District, because he
4 nee support the Sub-Trea•
the uhninistration. My.
)od officer, and a friend to
ori . iii other Teipects—bUt
, I provt of the §uti-Treasury
e anti-currency measures
it. Here was, in shmit.
iond Enquirer might term
!fence of opinion" among
L t for all that, Mr. Nevilte
I F , office ! What dues the
Bury Scheme u
Neville was g g 1
the A dministia
he could nue.a •
Scheme,' ,t
connected With
what the R ichi
an “hdfiest (iifr
qui parties-1u
is removed fiot
Az' . ;
_..r- . 4 , .
Enq . u,ietninkt °Cock,. an Aaercise. of a u
thorn"' iiiih'e%iiiiiiVii it4loch as 1-01r
gin Neville? The Cincinnati
declares that hut- 'removal, under tit cir
cumstancesi-is. an - offipiat Vutrage ich
has 's mutted - die_ ',indignant feelings o the
community, ant that Mr. lohn C. Atery,
who was oppointed to the office thus Made
vacant, ham promptly declined theit.' ',r,:\
Fellow Citizens. - ,1
= LOOK AT AUL C . f..ihillS SPED IC . .
-.. ItAID IT. .0 1 1
Mr. Clay shows yon, that in three years pkat—
mind ye, in THREE years there have twin ex
pended and are in the process of expenditain, by
an administration which ea& into pOwer im rom
ises of Retrenchment and Reform—one hu dred
and ,five millions of donors !
Whilst, during the whole four years of
dam's . r. A.
11 3
administration—mind ye again' F UR
years, the whole expin'diture . was only flir t mil
nous. Re
.., , - also; that Mr. Adam's = .12
tration was put down on accou o tts extrava
gance and wastetalnesa, and, the same poisons
who took the lead in putting down his adMintip
tration fur the same reason named, are the ,most
prominent in supporting the present administra
tion whose expenditure compared with that of'
Mr. Adam's is nearly THREE to ONE. 'Recol
lect, also that whilst Mr: Adams paid off' ten
millions a year of the public debt, this adniinistra
tion is sinking win debt Yen millions a year; and
what is worse than all, this new debt is contract.
ed by the isinie of SHIN PLASTERS !!! , "-
These are facts fellow citizens, sustained by
the official documents, they are unanswerable
and undeniable. What think ye of them
The Hornfieur Cane.—The Clerk of Oar Court
clears himself front all blame, with respect to is
suing the marriage license in the Hornflour case
fir. Horofleur made an affidavit that the ;lady
bride was a resident of Hamilton county--ibus
adding perjury to his other crimes, whatever
they might be.—Connecticut Paper.
William Johnson the 'ringleader of thq Rang
concet ned in the destruction of the Sir R. Peel ;
has issued his •proclamation" as commarideir in
chief of the mval service and flotilla of the patri
ot service. He states that the object of his move.
meuts is the independence of Canada; that he
commanded the expedition for the burning of the
Sir R. Pea and that his men arc nearly all iatu.
ral born. British subjects.
Col. Joston PAXTON, of Catawissa, ,Culurithia
county, last week sold* a Heifer for one Thou and
dollars, which was raised and fattened by hiniOulf
She is admitted to be the largest and finest Uni.
mal of the kind in The United States. Mr. Hen
jamin P. Fortner, one of the purchasers, Mill
start immediately with her and take her, Wyi the
Canal, to Harrisburg, Marietta and Coluntbia,
and will proceed thence, by the Rail Road to
Philadelphia.—Danville /Vet/life/ice:.
- Book Binding with Indian Ruhber—,Becen' tly
discovered by Mr. Hancock, of London, whete it
is patronized by tho Bank of Englroad, Insurance
Companies, 'and many of the must extensive
Merchants, hiui 'oeen patented in the Bailed
States, by the inventor, and is now introduced in
New York by Peter A. Meiser. Sewing is com
pletely superseded; and the book or ledger opens
so perfectly as to present a full flat page, that
may be written upon the very edge. The sheets
are originally cemented together with a solution
of the rubber. Library books are bound in: the
sa e way,
~. DIED . 1
In New llork on the 27th ult. FREDERICK
W. GEISENHEI3IER, D. D. aged 66 years:
In Pottsville, on Thursday last, WILLIAM
LUDWIG, infant son of Francis Lecke. •
• Pritseffist.luse 20, 1838.
WHEAT FLOUR; by the load was worth onfri
day $7 50.
WHEAT 1 70 per pushel, in demand.
RYE FLOUR 225 per cwt. in demand. •
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR .2 . 50 per cost. in deniand
RYE, by the load 80 cents by the bushel—ready
RYE CHOP 80 cents per bushel in demand.
OATS 38 cents—ready sale.
• POTATOES 40 cents per bushel inclemand. •
CORN-7d - cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVERYSEED—SS 50 per bushel.
TIMCYPHY SEED—S2OO per bushel. -
Fl. XSEED—SI 12 per bushel in demand.
WHISKEY-42 tents per gallon.
BUTTER-1 1 4 cents per pound—in Kegs 12 cents
EGGS-12 cents per dozen. -
LARD-10 cents per podnd.
TALLOW-9 cents per pound. •
HAMS 12 cents per puurd,, •
CORN CHOP 80 cents per bushel in demand.
BACON-12 cents per pound.
BEESWAX-18 cents per pound.
FEATHERS-62 cents per pound. .
COMMON .WOOL-40 cents per pound
MACKEREL by the bbl. No P. $l2OO Y , 2,411
SALT-2 621 per bbl.; 87 per bushel.
PLASTER, is worts $7 00 per ton.
HAY $lB per ton.
T AE Subscribers having tented the wharf on
Faints/tient dam, fait of Willow St. Rail Road;
joining the one occupied by A. J. Bolton & !Co.
are prepared to receive Cbal, Lumber, &c, 9n
wharfage, and commission. Enquire - ofthe rub:
scribers on the premises, or at 28 Sonth Whanveui.
june 20 47-1 i"
W HEREAS, in pursuance of an act of Gem
oral Assethbly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania,- an attachment bath been granted
by the subscriber, one of the lustiees of the Peace
in and for-tbe County or:Schuylkill, at the in.
stance of David Frank, of the borough of PO.tts
ville, Merchant, against a certain William Relive.
ly, iu the county aforesaid, Miner; wherein per
tain Goods, Chattels and Effects of the said Wil
liam Reively, have been attached, and are now in
the custody cif John Heffner and Henry 'Stager,
Esq. in the Borough of Pottsville, until they shall
be disposed of according to fair. This is there
fore to give notice to the creditors of the Said
William Reively, to - appear on Tuesdly the 10th
day of July next, at the house of Henry Stager,
Esq. in the Borough of .Pottsville, Innkeeper,
then and there to discover and make proof of their
demands agreeably to the diiectiona of ths_ field
act, the 18th day alum% A. D. 1838.
47-3 !
June 20
for male by B. HANNAN.
Juno 20 . 47.
GERMAN SILVER Frerpointed -Pencil Os.
sea, very cheap, just recetaed and for sal byby
jund 20 _ 47 B. BANNA
"vim Girl'sßeading Book for Schools. by MIS
Sigournev. Jost received and Ibr Pale by
may 9 3.5 - B. BAN:STA.4..
A PREMIUM,Of . Folly '
for the , bent design .or Thin !
to be. ereeteion the property i
by the- Cori,:inisaioriern• for maid i
Plans Pinot- furniabed to either
ben on or before the 41st inst. a
as to the size of the Whin, a
the landeraignell.
- GEOD., W
-13A1RDEL 1.1
N. B. Ten dollars will be paid
Nutt - demon. .
Portsrale„Jane 6,1838.
, • •
IFS hicebjr.given, that the ottbeezi
A L oh awed a GREY HORSE, sold
Sale at Port• Carbon by Olewine
ing the PraPerty-,df *Sch
chasers hanK . hirrid the Horse to
to make a trip on the-canal Jo Phi
•- _•: . the public.'
said Horse, as he is our piopettp
Port Carbon,. June 16
. .
Information W
a morning of the 13th J
in Po since which he has.
from. Said Finally is occasi.. !
H had on a Chip Hat, a striped
aboat. and blue pantaloons with
knee--also slightly Marked with I
Any information relative to the a
be thankfully received by
June 16 46-3*
` Proposal
PROPOSALS will-be receive.
mtsaionera of Schuylkill Cou
flee in the borough of Orwigsbu
the 30th of J01y,1838, for buildi
Bridge across the riser Schoylkil
with two-atone abutments. Th.
roofed and-weather-boarded, and
long;" be 10 feet above lo
the passage to be 10 feet wide an
To be constiOeted upon the plan
kill fiasco - Bridge.
o . rwigiburg, June 16
JUST. RECEIVED a splendi.
Spring and Summer Goods,
part of
• Dry Goods,
Groceries ;
Liquors; &1.
which lam prepared to sell che•
nffered in this market for cash, I) ,
for country produce, at the hiOes
• I
51 n arba LBS. BACON, ijustj
`u'''uF "'for sale by the subeer
• -
jotm 16T
Wanted Immedi
• GIRL who can come well
tl and who understands Gook
house work of a small family 41 th
this Borough. • Apply at' tins
june 16
To Coal Deal 64 :. ' ' •
SEALED Proposals, will be re , red by the
subscriber at his Counting R. • , on7Land.
ing- Street, aboVe Fairmount War Worke, un
til tho 20th day of Juno, at §le'cl•e i t P. M..fot
letting from that date until the Ist . 7 of Igarrh.
1839, all that Public Lending, be o ging to the
District of Spring Garden, • know.%bent%
mount St. Landing, anti situated ol Callowhill
street, near the upper Ferry Bridgei The same
being in every respect well 'calculated for the
shipping of Coah as well asAhd retsi(trade {of the
City, having Counting House,jSce ' Crane, &o.
attached thereto... JAMES d. I e "TON.
Chairman Of Lanolin . miniltea,
- District ors.ri f i g Garden.
Philadelphia, Jude 21, 1838. 1
wholesale and. ' e
Good Sto • .
in addition to theist ei.teniive
DRY. (ODDS, Soper SuFeribr B
Cloth, eurrior fancy coloured
simermi, sattineita and Severteen.•
wins, esc. " ; r Fe
- Wetherill &
AT 7H.P. QLD s
White Lead dryand / , , catome4
ground in Oil, 5 Red Pied?
Red Lead. I Whitelto
Lit butte.l Vitriol Mb
Chronic Yellow, - - I Snip. Quint
do Green , - r Tart. me
do Red' •;, • . E t h er „g u l p
Patent Yellow , . do. - Nitri
Sugar Lead ' .do Acet '
Copperas ,Lunar Cau
01. Vitriol - • - Cow. d.,
Aq. Fortis ' Acet. Morp
Muriatic Acid ' '..Sulph. do I
Epsom Saks Lac. Sulpha
Tart. ,Acid - - Opi. de Nar.
Sup .Carb. Soda • Rennes Mi ~
Corros, Sub. Merc.' Ethiops d
Refiners ofCbamphor, Sal Nitre, Sri
&e. 9frer for sale AIM above mention
gather with a general assortment of
and Dye Stuffs, and every other article
cal and Medicinal line. . . 1
Being manufacturers of all the silk)
under the above head, they pledge the , .
ply their (Wends pnd the public 011 the
We terms.
Window and Picture Glass, foam 6
Oct 21 1837
HAMS. Shoulders and fi)
Ildrhead, by .
MILLER . 4 14 e
June 2 ,
. • Lfnuni Syru
CASES Ord quali ty Lemon
•LANI ed and for sale b$
may 26 40 ‘IIIILLER.& HA
Row kind Tow Li
JUST recoiled and for sale.a
" and Tow Liiies.
in 4 vela. neatly boOnd in . she . .
ed and for sale - B.
jua,e 13.
. . ,
- 11 be paid
Towp Era,
the wheal.
to either of
the *wed
hurl pars
as; Coostab
Eabinsoo, bch
F t.). The par "
ti ins Eichanty,
fteeiPhis• This
t *glint
le • .his frothily
insi., while
bacm heard
ally de i liriials.
ton Round.
i a a
tch.mi one
small pox.
• perion will
TEastOn; or
To oqua,
w l
L y at tl ' il tL Co ir o rn f:
r en Monday
; a one arched
t Ittlidelleport,
ridge. to be
11 be`O feet
ater enark
-1 12 feet high.
In the 2chuyi.
a 46-*
nisortment of
fib osisting in
Nit.thap Ciret
Ito exchange
rketi price.
r. KERN.
eiveii and
recom mended,
4, to du the
U .
t pry.
ri 1
1 i 9 A
s ream e
' . • c a
a4sortment of
ciC And 'Black
f style cats - -
. miners' fup
I`,B skt
0, eri
o Aacni ST
' OF .
' k :
.. T .Lne„Roraz
rtietes. to•
' • tits; 1=
, n het:
4 •
1 numerated
te supi,..
it marital
, i 0 4430.
$ - 48-
isle by the
. 42.4
;4 4 . ieiccH
1. ft ERTK.
leS. ,
• p(rly of IBoar .
i m y
• Ati'§ll4A .