The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 16, 1838, Image 4

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'da log
' TI
to ..._ a agent .... _____, -__ 1 ,. 'w,
digested. to be a weldable Diende4 fitath and til
They do not purify men to cheek, and make
_lntik like beings too refined to remain lent/ iik i is'
Istorld; but they make them as lame as 'possible, led
fit to encounter the hardships. and fdlethe-ocOtiOa
lions of."' sublunary life. They do-not mate IX am
led purgatory of this life, in the:filter
for. another. They proceed in on the suppositme that
• the blood,- muscles, nerves. organs. excretorytuld r ite.
eretory gland , muctious and tegnmenniry witip (14
bones and brains. of every human being recite . 'to
be supplied with woonshment from ak healthful it it.
mach as can be made and kept; end upon dedoetene
- that .unlees the stomach and bowelsom in good 4rder.
Act:Rood zed every other Part of the apsteack will bin
. 2 .
' And how is it expected that they will ,
'secure health
.to the stomach and !ewe's! Why by enabling theene
to digest food, and the other to carryfob` 'what iiiit i fl
after the nutriment is extracted , in conneetion eh
the eurpluslof bile, and the foul humors oldie til d;
enema membranes, and stomach. And they
phadi these great feats of medicine in the - mosimpie
inakimagetablea•The APERIENT FAMI'LIA P L1...5.
if t stomach be affected with wind , bile, or coated
co rions, clear it out, by a opium/ bet a• welkin
'tensible solvent action, and cleanse, the Wholeo-
mentary canal, without griping, and Itriage Mime
wohntit debility. as nature ever des ' ed it telbe.— I
They do not take the sk anlidiatelis
m i n
and leave them like a piece of red velvet. as all phy--
ileums know the strong drastic pills de„.but, they
take nature' kindly by the hand withont crnehhimNer
fingers. They cleanse every thing, Without Impelling
or injuring any thing.
When this is effected. at it usearyia by the mesas
few of the FAMILY APERIENT PI LIS. thee cime
the celebrated CAMOMILE or Tt:lil IC pi LLS. to
.strengthen a stomach and bewela _which before. Per
haps, weak and foul became they Were wen ,and
auditionsthem with strength to perform their dater
taiit,fi id tnetione, without the a olphysic. Tn. I'A
ISM"; I,LE FLOW'ER, when its valushle pri ciples
are ehernicalleextracted. is acknowledged by a I. phy
sicians. J.n every age,,to be the beat vegetablh ionic
known in the science of medicine —There is clothing.
Lawn in the vegetable kingdom of nature ic eiluil it;
-nothing that is at tace so harmless and so vigereash
healthful, and in proof of this the prupnet t o l lolt thy
from rea.owned pills thit are made fro its purest el' les.
might quote almost innumerable *arbors. bo hit tent
and modern. if his owe practice bad not pre{ed , it to
tens of thous:tilde.
The effects of thee pills are not onlyperci.iv in
an increase of appetite and genial:if strewed", .t in
arettorationef the body to that universal Tiger n all
its functions whelk indicates the return to . y
sound healt6- 7 The face. and general core it.
speak volumes in their (gym. and Thousand ef fe
male* can testify how moth they hare come i ro
their comfort, their complexion. and thei r r gib.
-wheneveryotherretnedy . had prove l worse4l R use- 1
less. In nervous diseases, of all kinds, they ree-sti
el .
acktiowledged to be preeminent ; gradually' resternig
firemen of body and mind withnnt those an ("knee
and cbangei which other nervous rimierliesonon
Happy would it' More been fur many young penis
rn lieges who are now in the silent gray . i thy
had learner! to check the morbid tendencies f''' heir
stomach and bowels by these pure tonics an siiere
cm* without resorting io quark remedies. thi• names
of which are c mceslod, and of which they 'know
noshing. That dreadful scourge CONtilf m .410 N.
might have been clerked in its cannuteuceuiene and '
disappninted of its prey, all over the land, if ith . first
vymterns of nervous debility had been counker tted I
by CAM/MILK chemically prepared; aiM hose
bowel Comp/Sluts which lead toy host armai ',hi
die., might have• been of feted by ihsrfae *I . line
exteactel rhubarb; which is a leading ingredient in
the AWE: WENT FA :WILY PILLS. Before both of
'thessrmedicines, which are adapted to a m 'cosily of
the-purposee for which.a hundflad oihers are onece*-
-- sarily used, revere, metes. bluets disorders, he irhes,
female debility, anale decline. indigene:in.'s tf.liver
complaint. Would have entirely diatom:a ' . Okra
many of them have paired fatal.
Bathe it disffiectlysmderatond that threelines
ale net °feral mislead orMeseeatural ores •
,r the
b,dy which other medicines dispeisse with,. eili very
temerity manner. They are firneded epee ;Teal
knowledge. and not quackery. and do not to e I th e I
ted 'articles out of the human' blond under he, pre-
renal ofpurifying it. In prporof which dlte flee of
effect. let the faces and terms of patient, ir' ffiiti-
. ninny. They etiustitute a useful , e ff ectual. a i pine
rally applicable:class of medicines , for end family, 1
Lid limns both tonic coo 'aperiend. sud 0 . he best
p;'•= h ltei knewn. no person or family be
..,,,, i ent. They =di be Obtaitted w l ki and
. retalleftWpritip . riktor. Dr. WM r EVANS. N W.Yerli.-'
and cif hfiregenti in town and country; wit dine-
atioeiroirasik-A-They arerapidly stelereeding Ili other
.r.enedieenivertisiW Mille public vents, bec. se•thr7
a te,!011.10'. belong to a very superior eller ti onpular
Ilire: A single trial usually places them if ht pri
_AptiV. as they are know% to be i tiablia
a pearevein in the opinion of giltyrdeians. it:'
:lit. ^ W : - EVANS' OFFICE , No. le TIRTII
EIGHT ST. Pill LA DIE I.PIJIK, Where`his icine
maileileadt - Dr; Wm Evans! Office, leo' ' 'dam
'evict New York, where the Doctor may be tilulted
:.. - 4 ..
.•. . ..I i
- .- ..
- I. f. -d . '.- IA and HYPOCHONDRIA lifil.-,-
- (lase.—Mr. William &time, nal
ahem! 'Third m., Philadelphia. atflieted furl agreed
' yesiiititkthe,fialldwimedistrewin g sympteW.arkiiele
i;• new at the se,ierchilleadache. dimness, indplifilloes
of the'neart. tittriired ipretite, somerimeti; tic; and
Patneementprectadons. eoldnviiis and w.eakn ' the
extreauttea.-ediacintion and genie:al debar% la Aped
mkt. a sense of pressure and weight at the t ach
1 attar eating, inigtemnrec - greertrifkOrd.A n 'ld.
' etwerellyinpame in the cheat backend sidee ' - ler
l PTEN 4 1 3nilike fur society. or cosier-me ion,in f liary
smiting 'and weeping languor and lasitade ' the
Mr; SaliteeLbjela ✓
ppleid to the moat. -- ' -.
iefifnc, 'Wet %maiden-al it heyean.the pet
I delete restore-huh he' health% ' htiakeiet
i lime bed reduced Wm to s verytdepleiral
1 gri a ribeen reeimereded by wit .,
1 . 1 1 l stfDy. l. yin,, EVANS' Medi
tit-ilia . mire the o th er and precut
nierli eb:he ''ac. he is eulebted ferha
life, heal han &teed*, t3e.hi'Actw el
hinssinfri ifr, Vet -fikaltft ' Perseus
&rhea% Whereat oa, will hid mead wit
eel a once a• tome eine cuitiatt.Di. Win.
calJffices,lttWhathamst. New lark , adlphur. Nix.kirNOßTri kv.lrmiliA
',- Sold by JO SJ4A)
, SolwAgentl'n.Wino
1 Pottsville, N0v.25
Cheese! Cheese,,
20 -C4i.kgs of Orem to to ebr r .vv:
•0 &m ne ei pi
r'.r 1.410 by N
• d'Vel,: "
Ace and di4ir. •
mgrinad caszia.„• ; )/
ika l .frainra '
AOM . NClcitroit_i
ers,liiiiiin sirup
~ ,
dibeini,Codfish .
. WA& 11 911 1 10, Le a ndi e
t talloW
latown'tinifyid w way
r - pak. .erry.ctialwaigne "Wmin
*flock, Lobar:dry IlLtlatt in wood
weet malaga. muscatel - &.bottle
almseir,maraeillesk Sicily Marlin.
orch,l deb . monongabela & col iskey
anisette. aiiniseed & neppefmin t. cordials
ovum. champagne. Sp=sh it corn brandy
rilland etz com.Gin,N. E Rum • •
mama spirits .
xtra sup:spau, inferior do 'e - .
air Spanish and common cigars
ut & plain - and mouldeir , glaiii / v „,_ •
ilium and crockery i 7"'" 1 " •
a genetjal assortment of Dry Goods. arc: dre: all of
which .hey are disposed to sell on the most reasons.
ble to a. Heads of Families mod Tavern Keepers
are pa icularly IliThed taco&
LAPlgßferSlElympaihick kw the
safest. speediest, and perfect cure or every'
kind wounds, ulcers ; earn:int and all cutanedins
Mena. , arising from cutting, squeezing,- burn
ing, is or the impurity of the blood, and also
for en ng Dyspepsia, heart 'burn, asthma, liver
conipl. int, coat i venni*, Colicka, convulsions, diarr.
d rheumatiek pains, incab ea% and sore.
Tile general agent. Prot. G. Xay. Wagner,
hcea a
Readi I
2 earl
and a . 1
ever, I.]
ig. ficrka. county, Pa., offora gratis to any
afftiettd with zither of the said diseases,
in quantity of the fiyinnathick to he tried
• recated before making any expense; how.
io application must be wade item of post
It. This article cannot be had genoine,in
rug store or appothecary shop. It -is not
cry to talk much about id, as It certainly
nunend itaeli to an "enlightened -puhliek.
19 . 39—tf
oge from Englan4, Ireland, Scot
land and Wales.
tRSONS wishing h
.ergsge • passage f or
heir friends, in first. rate ships, from the a.
pliums, may now do so by applying to
Cer.tre Street,
the accommodation of those persons enga
passage for their friends, who may Vial) to
them money, Vienable then to - preside fm hyage, drafts will be given on the following
A metal a n ts,_ •
W. Rm'
ps, NO 3,Waterloo Road.,,Liseir.
Daniel Wright, co. No. 3, Robinson stash
tocit; William Miley, NO. 25, Edoo. l 4oay,
may 6 36 •
Gin* •
Deb in.
I'Ve etalt p Eire Jr: e 9
and be
I n t: F
u ! i A iT ir
s. S
rr A-CO ‘ITI? A ST.-All notions. (ism' the Temo.
testa hare had ships. but C.olumbus only Band
out e way to A inerma.
p tegos e the time id the
lir ., s r amsh tisvigatur,peo were only enabled - to
padd e about the shores.- Just asi with - sheltie Med.
'Kam It is but two shon years iince I fire} rm.
tnn4 upon an unknown ocean,and 1 h.lyse discovenid
the ;{recoup object I was in march of-111EA LTII4
Vegetable medicines wereciudeed known whea l corn..
In , ii al soy search, but their use wnu' het. BV the
use f them, I have not only passed from the dejected
lava . d.te the hale hearty swim:live man of business,
' but. . pa muse!, speaking, t have renewed say
yout . I'cau thus, with' confidence in iny own et(ne
h-tinen. . advise with my Mlle* citizens Does he
lend r want p•roefthat theVP.C: CPA ME LIM M F.D..
' (Cl. ES are imitable to his own case? 1 have on file
-at m olfme..Afi Broadway. huhdredit &letters. friom
espy of the Bloat resnectable citizens of chi's ms ni.
hie and. voltintordy efrenni in testimony - ofthe Vir
tues f A GOOD VtGETA au: liligtitClp rE . _
P: . 1 whitft.etonstitotigniff have been irately ru
ined lug the -all infallible" mineral preparation- of
the .aye will -help. me witness, that the. Life Alcdi
cin . and such only. are the tine Caiiiiete tiMinanent
goo health. JOHN BIOPFAT.
. • .
• . • -
T eat medicines have lonsbram know". and appre
ciat 6 t, for their extraordinary and immediate powers
•of oring oetfectitestlthan•persctus miteringwoder
nee . ere'ty hail of unease, to which the, human
fra is liible. - -1:;
In many hiinos of cerxificateLlitstances.. they
hay • eve .rescued sulrerers Bout the very verge of an '
Mill ely grave.afim alt the, deceptive usurume of
the . ay had utterly failed; and to many thousands they
- hay peftwieentiy immured thitanniform ; enjoymtiot of
ben ~ •withont which fife itselris &kis, pomp' til
ing. 8o greet..lntied, bait * their efficacy Java:Tebbe
and , niggil4y,pletted. that iti.hils aPPUlttud altatreli
line bun miricultitis to tholewho were macqueinted
with th e '. beatitifid-Philestitihkal principles et t i
which they are -componrided.anti -upon , which . ,
conseimentiy. t ret . It tvastatheir utoofota amise
We, action ut ;wailer the amnia and Zbaneelinl
tire . iiil chibitng them with renewerktoweatittvillera
thin : tiny, Vinare intlebtral kr their eatiewtobien well
Naftali-4(161)de Them it the Spontaneous requesuof
aelehil individual' whose line-they had-olivicitisly
p saved._"- 1 ,-
The proprietors roiee in - the opiartimity Wooled
by-the univerial dithision.of thedai Piess. forilsa
ing - bit VEGETABLE LIFE 'PI L$ 'Within die
. knewledge and reach.of enlist individted in the Mine
IIIIPPIP,- lloltkll.'illut host- ol iPerrcitlasvillta .eltsstesi.
• *bleb b o ast of vegepible ingredients, the -Life rills
iamptcrelY itild litt,rils vturram v., and contain_ nil;
;thee:gfe.tartiry, Antimony; Arsenic. mar . - viyl other.
, mitioffilliir iini 'ram "While ter. They are entirely
, c , Mapoutlitiitettlstile•Tibefiliiiealid - tiowar u rf i liih ts;
I fihe•virttletCoroolet h. thimgllthng 'herein le . tseivarid, _
Aiglian tithettilindsecintorluanone eminent.phamao:
'centical chentlimi.arealteribTialdtwlitogh•tettl-'
-et.firmundlery tormetim .al and were never
itre adidniitereitin so happily efficacious sewn
jai-o.j --- 4 -- - -- -,-1 -" , -- • -- -- -
'heir IScarppitnt . L o°ll44lsleolemm* the coat, of
storpt-01 lifd:Atlie,rinopLitopopilice and
.nieticonstantly netting - aiemid' 'Hein; and to re
ite,Votchne.l4eo, free T tilystiatenfifet. in , thi re.
" ThB l llh°- 'mal l inritaffill ' Other mettiemos
P* , eht I .xplhwieFtileir.intheive frikti ArQuer.w.
behind; wii, Wile+
,hitiitoil. instirehesi
h all numb' iifetrit * ildffidity trialihetl.'iii , th us
eneoHn - danneest. erithrfbanie'deell' ittlnienrthlai
*so,l4l44H* sehoompittnes4hi- 4=llll*We:fel
p l 4" pi' d it4n,3 4 8 1 .061.515
t o mon agari al , or yqtrn re ga m
• 4, r ,ond etreet,of the V 'E:T
.2 -21;.;
AION aliS •
Atigi t . in tr- T— it, ami . • refs w, aid 4
li t ?,Cal, ,ril ld a2V -- cbi
V: *Pi/0d :44. i ns
1 - --sei, , ,,,n} s • ' ,
t ,
iit! , ft-h-tichtli.t
- Opla ilOthi .
' , limey. _ )
\achPv.l. T J
OLlacel- ,
le •
li i goe "Pcl "llickle.s"
• , ' '',. i
For .Sale
•DYSPEPrillniftbilgiffglffrele:Aniii — lNifunt end
acioridStomaChs, end treating it Bow o pure healthy
hi* imtasid of theimale asidleirid kind Thilelatcy,
w. of th e Haut Lou 4 . - wei t teuni
1,..5.1e. Realm: as. alciotper.' " t Low!
gine.seidleefartekoly which are the rat sywooora /
of Illyepepsia.will vanish. as a natural nsequence or .
' m ou e, pagyeanta,-by.cleansirig the bole length
of the intestines alibi aolventyroces and without,
woe).ilfs 3- - "lire- - thifi - efireestive
ithin:L*odays.. and by remove
ing-the aharp finidakra. whirl • ' comasints
..,oemenatierl i gad .by promoting lubricative
secretion oftheentesteseembrana, F ofsdlkindo.
.by restoring the blood to i regular elite non. thro ug h
the proegarioliratkin lin 'limn and the
througheolationefellmteainalu DS b l ether &
The LIFE" -PILLS itage.beett known -eurii-Rbets
eyetimapearauteadyitt.direttireeks.Gatein half
that time, by removing local inflame) ion frm the
itenteleaantlApunents of tbejointi • o f all
kords,.by freeing and strengthening k idneys and
a pine
bladaratiley 'operate most delightfulltan dame or.,
gantroind ham have ever bees found a ertabi • reine.
ay for the arena carsea etel. Worms , by
A t
dislodging from the turnings of the bo els the shwa
ma ws to which these creatureitedher Asnisio and -
Consumptiest by relieving-the air asset" of the lungs
from tbiettilicua.whieb even alight cold! ifnot remov
ed becomes hardened.and produces those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy. Mara and in &emir, qtr.
perfectpurity winch these Life Pills gi eto the blood and all humors; Scerhutio Eruptions. d Bali Corn
peommwtry theiralterative effect upon e fiefs that"
morbid state of which oceassomeall • etan
*tints, &Am. Closidy,and other c ow
*rums Thence of these Pilferer a shorn ime.
will effectual entire caw or 'Salt. Erysipafic
ullivf-=M2re:rinPul. in-the min i q t k
skin tioratt. mad injtuissua.• W4l sheep be
cued by onetime: or by two even, i i n c.,.. erurstmae a ,
!tiles. -- u a remedyfor due Most ,an d ob
meats malady the Vegetable Life l dese rves a
illibileriliff emPlinda rieemmenffitin . It is well
known tohonctrede r in this. city. that e Proprietor
of theme - invaluable Pills , was bimsel afflicted with
thiacemylaint for upwards ef thirty s.and that
he trial in vein every remedy preseri within the
whole anapest' of the Materis Mahe'. He however.
at length. tried the medtine which be ow offers to
the OAK, and he •was cured in av i qry short time.
after his recovery bad been ernen ced ,not only
improbable, but absolutely impossible by any Inman
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The p prietors ofthe
Vecarraing. Lire PELLA does not toile the base and
mercenary. practiceofthe quacks lathe day. in advis
ing persona to take his Pills in large entities. No
,fend medicine can possibly be anMed. There
Pills are to be taken at bed time ev ry night, for a
week ur fortnight, accenting to the o inacy of the
disease.. The usual dose is from i• to . according to
the constitutimrof the pervert Very,d licate eersous
should begin with hut two. tied lee - as the 4ture
of the case may require:those morero at, or of very
mature habit may begin with 3. arra tease to 1,-or
even 5 Palle, and they will effect a Handy happy
r it
change to guide the patient. in the r further use.
These Pills . sometitnes occasion !rick and vow,'
ter. though very seldom , milers the omach revere
r oo k this, however, may be couskie: a favqrabe
symptom. as the patient will fi nd . M . elf at once M
.lieved,and byperseve_rance will noon ver.: They
usually operate.within 10 at 12,Eiciumland never give
Pain, unless the bowels are very mu encumbered.
they may be taken by. the most de • to females un.
der any cirentristances.--Itia, howev ram:mend
ed. that those in later periods of pregn cy should take
hut one ars Um aad thus ehrititibe tu eefithe bowele
opeursed even two Matt &tibia - tit et • the patient
is, very, costive. One-pill .in a eoluti'm of two able
spoons full of water, may he giventur n infant in' the
Ibllowingdoses--a tea spoon full ever two hours till
it o , tec far a child from one to fit e yews of age.
ti a'pill—and from five to ten, one pi.l.
, E PHIENIX BITTERS, ate so tealled,becange
. sinewarthe powerof marring the expiring em'
:of Meath. to a glowing 'vigor- ihmughout the
cpnateution, as the Phtenut is said le be restored in
life trine the aahes °fits own dissolut nn. The Pia .
n ix B i ttersare etiorely vegeable. canposed of root
found only in certain parts of the Yr:oleo' country
Which will iutallibly cure FEVERSI ND AGUES
m c
(Wall kinds • will never fail to eradi le entirely all
the effecter:l Mercryu .rofinnefysoo r than the most
powerful preparations of Sarsapnrilla.!nd will mune
diaiely cure the ileternnnaticni otß DTO THE
FIAF..O I never.f,il in thesiartess -I • al raag
females; and c will be found a eertai remedy Wail
CAMS of nadoria debility and inntikne f the most 6
T ie.
paired Conatitenonic As a a remedy or Chronic mid
Bi=Rhirrandisra, the effica of the Phalli:
l he demonstrated by the ace of a single
bUttle. The us:aldose uftlicae battery is half a wine
glass ffill, in water or wine, and this rusntity may be
inicen two or three tithes a day. alit half an hour
before meals. or a less quantity may be taken at all
limes. To- ihose•whe are afflicted drub indigestion
after meals, these Bitters will peal invelliable,•as
they very greatly increase the action f the principal I
viscera. belp.thein to perform their fertisoncand en-
able the stomach to discharge info th bowels what
ever is offensive. Thus indigestion / is easily and
ape edly renioved, appetite reaured,, lid the mouths
ef the atsorbent vessels tieing clesn . tairitid.n is
facilitated, and stretigthafiddy and ne_rp of !raid
are the bang. results-- For farther i particulars of
TERS. apply at Mr Mottoes offs's% N .54 - 6 Brridety,
New 'Fork. where the Pills can be br ained for 25
- - . .
cents:so cents, or $1 per boa, m o l thOlitters for $1
or $2 per bottle. Irr Arudierobs•devifficates of the
wonderful efficacy oftrith,ints he I (*inspected.
In some °tadpole anikomßlisised . of chronic
and infl*mmatoriritheumetatei Lfit '' Complaints.
Fever and Ague. Ortlerta:Mn. PI ' injull ai fro,
the *sag aoremMtanine. ond other imam. king
heeding. it may be neciarary to trk both Ihe Lif e
Pins and the' Phicetilaßitiers, in the ose before re.
' '
N..8-4hasti.Pillit and the Bitt will get the
mercury out oft he 'system infinitely in, thalitthetoot
preparations ofSaniapirilla add a ' . ":11elnegi On;
the rrislangof:thotaloodetathe Itoodow lidennieW:
aches,ticdo*unruz. &c.—AIl pertionmahn are predia
posed tompaphistp.pday. &c., should never be without
the Life` it or the Bitters, for one dime in time Wi ll
tare rife ,. iThij,imuilixohepiretdathisk.Orlntlood.
draw ell. proWenee-FrOm thir head; prealiirstian. and
ia lr
throw impority-try the
. pores lof thelkin.,-.' l
kOr .., 7 ,. - MI 11. fr-FR at HAGGE Ivo, a
. ~.,
.. ~. ~
,„ A geltafor thof'reptictor. ,
Pawl re. 26 . - - . 40-1,
. ' ''. ItCjilloolllB. WOlikls:
as take take pill p i n g Tfedindiiheralk
0 - 1 F• religioldiarlt. Lotifttin gut 4miniskint,
itiAni; which he - offers &r 'ode cheap. e
' Original' Family Wirniwniii, 5 v,ulB. "••
- Cilaitfileviilerof Iliciatiest %film.
• Sinricitnes-Prencher% Manual; 2 vile,
' - lift:* on Rievieglii I; F ' t . 1 ' '
....13,:idiTe'n•Inf1ti6 - POW rXIX,P ' ' •` -
P 'Faber an Inectility, • ' ' ' - • '
... Janne,tinikinn Pegreisor. _ ' ; ''-'
•• 'PriinVilnii'inilteitigkinill): ' nai 3 Ois; ' --.
1 0 , ChrilittnraiiltirAi, HoSne; ' " " "
; ‘;.A521,4 m y) , • 1 1 4 ; , t ... : - .—,.1r, ,, ,,,..1..11
OidiGNlreishiierPoo Win ,
.arc. th,
'VERY superioi isliiiiraiitT ortiVine,'
...„, niiin
' 1: 744 1.4V2 , 5115t.• fed 9 r r ''.' * itov•
Very inipPribr dtgaofe, ' its, in _wood
efiZYCIS ".l *7l rUkt,l 1.,
t rios
Isf je Wc,: i rtastrih. • . ..4 111114 "
L' -A,WRIPtIfPute Cw4 ,1 2.-_.v
d 4 -4 4 f1 Avarals. ---- -
. 14 , 4 ,,... ..
4'009 la}
dinappaitahapa, - ,Kir.
say auatual not
be•palitally ii
twill tar-iiikrirad
r wecka r ai tlieplsce - ion Mondays: •-,'he
' of tie
• will' iiii-'cioadiread bir . #6B'
wing . tlitiors. Ina' managers, until the fi rst ,
dal next. 0,,
mob Claroll. Samuel J. Potts
ward Hughey E. S. Warne •
b Bun' • Jesse Turner •.
I. Whitney. Secretary and Treasurer. •
' khaki - 3d of the Charter. "No emolument
atsoevcr shall be received by - the President
Mentzer@ for their 'terriers.. nor shall any
narer become a borrower firiin the institu.
' - stet '3 .46tf :
For thp preveatiii 401, 1
of Cough*, Cads , Astktitiv",
Comanaptiottle. Spitting of
Blotid, Diseases .of.,*
FREEMAN. of tAt City
of Loneasiii.
1111 —
-6 1 b
Accompanying each. bottle if the Specifick,
phinting i.ut in a ixinsfictious manner,4ll the
sy mptoins in the different stages ofthese distres.
snag diseases—=also particular 'directions respect.
itng.diat and regimeu.and how patients are to
conduct through every. stage until.hehlth is ,re
40iml--ffir ealtkiitil notices would be the pre
-obriptions ofthe ableat`phyricians,nccotiiparded
with the moat powedul and . usehil medicines, if
the directions are not faithfully adherectte.
The public are informed thatthedeposithms of
287 persona have been taken before proper au
thorities in the city of Lancaster, all completely
cured in themost desperate cases of consump
tion, some of which are detailed in the billeac•
cOmpanying each bottle.
• •.,* A supply of the above Specifiek has been
received and is for bale at tiia office.
March 12 IR
Swaim 9 o ' amiacea.
AS the intemperance and luxury of the age are
hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and readying the hledd attire. igtpure;,and as thee
asids have.destroycdtheir constitutionaby rieglecong
to apply the priiiien remedies—to such, Sa aim a Pap•
aces must be. and has been, more than doubly valua
ble as • certain and effectual means of restoring . them
to perfect-health and vigor. Few families are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit ve
rmin symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility.
loss of appetite and dejection, all arising from impure
Oiled. and if not properly attendisk to, produce the
greatest iujury,to the constitutution. and Mai be int
parted ortheir offspring. Swaim's Panacea a 'necoin
Mended at this season of the year, int a valuable rano•
waive of the system, thereby invignratingthe eonstitiv-
Yon. and enabling it to bear the debilitating effect. of
Abe summer season. It la conveyed by the macula
, ring fluids, and corrects their teadeocy to all thope
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver. depraved appetite.or predisposi*i toaffectiana
tof the lungs, &c. No nne, however, Liadvised totise
;;It without convi ncing dvetneelves ofthe truth of What
l is here stated. '
Mix medicine is now useesrith sweets in all Osts
lathe workl, and is gaining great reputation in an
tand. .
A fresh supply of the Medicine just received itisd
for sale by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill count*.
'Moran supply the above medicine wholesale to
them who sell again. at'Philadelphia pries
May 14
Insurance Company.
im AKE both limited - and ..letnal Insurances
, 1 11 -1 B -an Brick, fuone - or Frame Build:mm.Blore'.
:Hotels, Mills. Barns, Stables, Merchandise, Furni
ture and eloped) , olevery descriptionogainst loss
'ogdanitigel by FIRE
The Do'missile Ctmnty insurance company tad.
also insure . againsk loss on all kinds of;marme risk,
'and aktioat the daMAge. or loss upon the transnossa.
'tine of goooa.vvrarec arid inures nd is* by wales. or by
rail way, upon turintilts favourable as any other in
For any further information on the subject Min-
Garonne. either against Fur, marine or inland riaka.
;ANA,' to FIFA HY G. ROHINSO.SI, Avant. ,
'inky. 15 t 34-if it Schdylkill Haven,
c triliallke-GAIMDENT
tire. Insurance' emnipani.
M AKF. both limned and perpetual Insuraneersion
IVJE Brick. Sionerbr. Frame i 3 oilsliegp.Brerer..Holele
Ink :flares. "Stakes.' Nerchinafte. Foirotreresteil.
Properecol'errery descriptioe.agaibit4 arks:et - damage
by F1ii4.0.:0 t• •
,vtiiiiiimbacrshisibrairbeiest . appointed Aorrarrfoorhe
above emotions* tostitotiomsod is nowprePatelto
make lesuassicrts apps every.desermtion of property
auhe Marren rates. BOJAMIXBAB.N.„I . 4.
frottp4lle, Feb - . 27. 1836.
Thi/ Philadelphia Fire
-~~~ - a-: _ __.
ViAlikbmiiliptireihred.perpetnal Insurances*
41/J1 VA* Stone or Frame Buildtegs.Stdres.Hottls,
~ifilisk ß ants, Stables, hlemhandize.fognitere„ and
;Propteevery description, agalnin loss or damage
heidlhreriflothsut tmen.appoirded Atanifi Sir the
attsrfe mmituntalfristirtribah tad ti now prepared to
!makerfrannemsnrsepotresesplethripitiardlrOo A pirrti
at the IfeifatiraTell:lX 1111.11131.111111 BAN Pi:
Pottmolferiteiriff - •
20evl i fieh fr•tiit the
ZE s Naim'll
prcipTletot ;meta of
Thciessed Bottles. of this qtailiflite
medicine weigiadaiitriginititifia - demarid
ncrealditili For caleb y the damn; op.i4eila big -
iee/IMHz. bottlalik three bettleiffit.
• IN.k. 41 . 14 HANN
fe ' eSebuyikill County.
Alsonbilinee relnifuge.
4110 ,8911115 . ^ A • g
fvo 7 , • WON'
• Iff
• - A 110138 E & wt. in Novi eirlett
-Street, neerly.-epprsite the residence.
Of4lthlik" , l'emoreyowitrAacifird 1 by
wilhaisob,4;sib, , . house ! is 16
diet teed by23o - leet - lid
*cellar in the basement Itory. two rooms!
Amt. second: and third fixers- eaebithe .whobi eT
geld noose well plastered:and paiatedwA t lansim
extelket well of waierei the deer—Abele. 4201
414 emit; by.llo ket , rei depth, With tri . 9-Batt:
lepret.l he wratenOwslii housmt:-.L• e.
I —Pm-further partieulamioqnire of
; ' • •r••• .TEICES. , SHIP. ;
k Monet Catboak er. , 3„:1037-0 1,. . '•
I -
1", ROYAL C 11.1,D; i]
le(;E(1,1 - .1' /,(11.1.10.V.i"
1,, ,
THE Origin4llYgelan -Universal Vegetable
•A- Medicine, prepareithy W. Id 15K1N, , ." Esq.,
Minter of the Itufal College of P
Burgeons, een
'tiate of Apothecar ies Ciiiipatiyi Fellow Of Sol.
Ccitht Society, tergeori . "to-the: Royal Uniop Pen
'skin Associatiok Lancaster place, Waterloo
Bridg'and perpetual Pupil of Guars and St
Thomas' Hospitals, Loaded; " '
These pills having gained acelehrity tarsi
tiled in every section of the Union; are n ' con
sidered by all Ouse who value good health India.
peneable as a family medicine—patronized by •
numerous body of the. most eminent Phyiiicians
both in this country aidin Europe,—iw sufficient,
it is presumed, to stamp their eharactee-inlihe es
timation of every thinking man. and_it *hoped,
a far better recommendation than the cauree re
sorted to by igndrant and unprmtipled preOnders,
who to Mislead. sad deceive the public. übhsh
what they call-practical .proofs and certificates of
Cares that exceed all bounds of rational cvedibil.
.ity, and most of Which. if not all, are either gross
fitbrieations, or procured by fraud and condivsnce.
The editor of the.4ing island Farmer. hays
' , This medicine hits obtained an unprecedented
degree. of well preserved popularity. Having tat.
en thcke pills oursitives to advantagelind 'Shoes*.
ed their beneficial effects others,'. we have no
hesitation it. recommeriiiing them toile public as
a safe. salutary and useful family medicine."
4 5 None are genuine without the *ignitor° of
the General Agent on the label, by Islam; the a.
hove medicine is imported into this country. .
JNO. BOLDED:. 129 Waverly Pace,
.Gen'l Agent for U. S r
A stippfy alba above Medicine just received
and for sale by B. BANNO 4
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
July 16
.I,mpoilant Discovery.
1-1 subscnber haadiscovered a method by which
he virtues of that valuable root, -
May bee:warted without losing any °fits med;cinal
properties. This medicine is prepared at*r a re
ceipt of the Medical College. a -receipt reeonithended
by the Faculty as thetest formula for the trepem
lion of the fluid ettract of Sarsaparilla. '
This Extract maybe given with perfect iiafety to
children, and is conscientiously offered to die public
as a purifier of the Mond, which in encases will great
ly alleviate and in meny entirely cure the
Obstinate eruption's of sheikh),
Pimples or postale", on theface.
Biles which uise from an impure habit of body.
. erupt kin,. • .
N - inags the bones;
'Chronic rhetimattism, • !
Scrofula, or fling', evil.
White Swellings, f
Syphilitic symptoms.
And all disorders-arising from an impurei state of
the blood. either by along residence in a hot : and on•
healthy climate. or the injudicious use of me►cury.
I have thought it necessary . .to stssch a few
eatesof its beneticial effects, from persons well knon
in the count), as references:
!leading, July la, 1837.
We tho undersigned; `having used the Compound
Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, (prepared by Goorge
W. Oalieley) in our families. most cheerfully (econt
„mend it to the public,•as a cheap. safe and efficient
medicine, in &senses arising from imponues of the
, • blood.
. . .
This ii rreertify that I was for. two years, afflicted
Willie° obstinate tairperigonums affection in tine efiny
lege, which tuoke.ento 'numerous ulcers. for 'which I
toed various remedies, winch but increased the dig.;
• ease. when I was recommended to try -Mr. eley's
'preparation of Sarsaparilla. I did so. sea s ter using
Relent bottles lam hapPylo state that the cm are
entirely. removed and my% healed. Wi esa my
nand Ibis 16th any-of n usual. 1837
JOHN R. COLLER, Reading. '
This certifies that my little son, about 8 years old.
had suffered fut a Inns time from extensive limes on
the right knee and leg. (supposed to have been white
swelling.) which 1 found impossible to heal; by even
tbesul of the must respectable medical advice, until
l-wasrecomtncoued to l use.hli. George W.Oakeley's
COlotratind..AyeaporSarsapstrilla, eightbottlenof which
not only Waled he so i ree bid perfectly restored the
child's health which had 'suffered mach inconsequence
of thisareetion. CATHARINE BINGEMA N,
The above ease was presented to me, both before 1
and atter the use of Mr. Oakeley's syrup of Eaesapa-
Ole. and hive au hvsitation in believing thin it was
the agent orbit...este:titian. . •l•
JNO. P • -111PSTER' M D. -
Reading,Sopt:l2,lB37. • - .
" . WilgainVon. .Nov 20 1837.
Mr. Oakelev, .
lisr.—, -1 consider, it tny ir — utylo let you know' that the
"ejof the half dozen bb'uleii of your valuable Sarstpa
nliamatl got of you in. Jane hilt.. has entirey„heakel
&Peg, the Doctor told me itwita of a setufuldes chat.
sever. and-the Use 'Of -year medicine woitld : robably
benefit it. The five bottlei Wire notlaken • fore it
was healed. bet Ittook. the ;4 1 txth to mike e cu. e
certain; it ornowtcner than'two mouths Mime tan d
any. lod thereupailappeirasco oi • return:My physi.
clan thinks the care par . feet,. ~, vo us .,,,g 4c _
. ' . -" CHARLES 1111 bW IC
• glitirhe Ulm* valuable eine tnity.'be had dt
the .subscriliefs' wholeside :end Mini, Dreg stole.
'North Fifth streeteßeadium Ind at most of the prin.
'dila drag atom- • -Fresh - Drugs 'and. Medicines. at
tbelowestogsb. prices. else 'kept for sale by, the sub.
eiriber. -
..,. - C EO. W. OA KELE Y.
i t'Atio.lis be had "el'the. *form of Meirdetireich &
lads lititstoWn ; Witt! • Mitifzerind Dr. Ford. Potts
lewerPetet Knabb.tiley randat the - store &firs= r_d
licatenekßotert3jle.4. • .., ... 1 . ''. - ! -
Jan 13 .' - 4 • 2-fiteer
At 4;fraipbur‘.
N,cL Tojnirriiiittinaliesitiom my
_signature wail a ( mnitiOl OHO abd treaefiltiottle:' • -
tcrai VE.ithiie jolt ieee ired
wdttieb to"their forkreestifdrof liardwaile '
tilihnoo44leanviMosprilkikaftl vices paled
warrabled can steel • ,1 1 1311 *
hateliett, laimes, 11e:thy's - data adzes,
*aria sadAkiirmllisols; drawingliairolliaseutii*
&lIW. cal all 00 , Vanem'artdWs
11411.1cliels, ; -
titretAiteltatitrilr o r
11 u ,
_ex •
ing terms • 4•0 . . 14
7tirabove Pena at: Reading
.1 . 01056 -. lit4lo,
Leidy's Siiiioroll
old fielPhVidetliil
, ~.. ,:',J.,,... r . ;,,,,. vt
irribr , 1 7
4 i . Ql l4-4°'
1 ~ ..#'ho dem net krune*ijuirt,,
'lLNVER •' ,'`it4ed
A:A zenewei the a vei as hvi
an,therUnitedll cottilse
OlelliCanynrEeitiattatilla.' , -
, Ask any respectible pi
is the same effixecanspaul
will be, SJl.aearaka....4.
"Stiffiatilf in irlYthenlit
it atifunivenally,:mkat knee,
-7?fi tV ''
• '
:Dp..: Lunt • s a meth
'Sarum olithe - Serlianarilla in 'obtained'
,fornf. and in such maziner,4
- therefrom. teat' bout . geetroying
„in . tke
This Cannot be thine hy, any other i
1 ceirall hiiiiiviCeiWtti Dr Leidy, and
his own, .. : ' . . .
,These Pills ire offered. t o the publii
' • - D R.. .LElt Dit n
compounded , prinaipally 1 of Sapliil
which is combined Mimi
tenon) iMidering them
laxative in theft' , effeett . i.
more rronithetystem
clueing debility or any
ficient quantity. bowel
may he employed or
even to Infants. being
galite;-.tring so • 1
from r.vidaltits or.,
These pills have beet
Rom their chnvertient f
the place of all the dit
villa, such .ati "isrnpa. I
are contained is bodes.
conewrien . t for taking Of
These pills have, dr
amply tested ; News . ,
expensive, ample test
cians and others s'eco,
They. are particular
Rheumatic affections,
General .Debility,
Ulcerous .sores rof
throat, nose an4hod;
Disgrace of the, er,
Skin and Bones,
Pain over the region of
heart, -breast,- and .
mach, ~
Pain of -the alder. ill
the back and spine,
Inward leyere,foultaf
a bad taste in the mu
Flatulencfr. wait Of al
tire; cost limiest% era:
of the montacks and
and the whole trtho to
pity of the blood, try alit
diked by the use ii Bar
or other Mineralsi also it, . . , teal in
ha, blea k Venereal. &c: drc. •
Puce 25 Cents a Rtqi,
Prepared only end sold . Wbolesale aid Retail at Dr. I
l i citly/ Health Etnporium, 211 d at. below Vine. ho.
; • . ,
. COnsuintitio 41 • :
Mt FADER. Wpm have a cough o , Id, beware at
/1.• their co nsequ e nces.
" ell 7 progrea
-imperceptibly. ii thmughout
the human system. finally settling u n. the hinge and
endingin consonaption.
How often, is youth cut.down wh o ' east expected
by the corteuttipt an, and followed t eir grave: by
parents who're in a-measure the Ca se of their prem
aturealesde in per-Acting toremedy o when exist
ing in childhood looking upon the a tridinguffec
tionai and nerattractirigtheir notice . the destroyer.
leas c ommence d Ids work and made r 4 e of its victim. t
Thisisnot a fanrful representation,' fo daily numer- •
taus in o
stancesc ur which . prove thelth t.
In manhond colds terminate in the e - way. but do
nqt Prolllenn SO pidly an in youth; should' bow
ere,. in bo th yo th and manhood be' pr
altemied to,
4 1
endnot regard ' as trifling affection . pr it ia a delu
sive ideathat. no doubt shorten ,the livesef thou
sands. -; ,
' . PlTh i ltl NARY PRE AZIVE.
(p 'ee Eft Cents per be I ) •
Is an invalnable reparation, discovtd by a regular ''
and celebrated ertnen physician. w Ouse emplmed
it upwards of 6 yt years in hie own' pfactice In Ger
many. tkrotigho t which cotintry- it 64 been daring
that time IhOlttrensirtily and successfully em; loyed
in Cougha,Cold . Influenza,. Catarrhs, Aelltnies. Spit
ting of Blood; V 1 hooping - Coughs. psini of the B ream
and Side, , all affebtione of the Brimid aid Lungs, Ind
arrest of apptitatpi o ng COMM m pilot,. II •
Much.may be 'd in praise of thesbilive mrditine.
-but newspaper a vertising being too eziensive. every
satisfactory evil ce will be . found 14 all its effects
upon trial . as we 1 as numerous recontniendattima at
compan, tog the irectioes. Urivarde ' I 7069 bottles
were sold i n Ph' adelphia alone du th e past win
ter, a convincing roof ofith ffi
ecacy. large a quan
tity would nev th ere liven sold: '.
above medi
cines are pre par and sold only at.
ond i ow Vine st.
. IIMI. O)II,eI'ARY II ?its •
. . .
fIEADSR.„ did you ever sees CCU Ili ed Dyepeptic.
and learn his snfferingst Ifnot, seffice it to say,
ii e itra pallet thigi and ghastly lookei rtis jest . his Me
apparently hanging by a thread; he guserapie and
unhapriy, his suqerings- ilidescribabi
Are you mnelitsoubled4ith ft : e ; Costiveness.
SOW' eructations arising froinyoer ete a • BeiNitional
want of appetite, Waterbraah. a b d sate in your
mouth. Or foul breath. OM or it Inlay at year sto
machiSieknegilidier eating, Hasidim . , isgositotyour
once favorite diehes, &u,. If you a unh ti:onbled
with any of the foregoing illyimptorns, . g before you
the pieta,* orthe pritieptie: :and ha n • resolved to
rertnedphe ttnitnlnquenees, immediate gimdure
,• • - , • CORDIAL.
• A never, failing and efficacious it
And the whole irain oferfections re
• eases of the Liver, Stomach and
The above medicine is warranted f
ry or other Mineral preparations; it is
thely Of-vegetables. safe and easy to t
pleasant to the mete- It may be safely
yoangandold, requiring but moderat
diet only.
Numerous testimonials ilavelterto f
IT Cl Pn e bi m i n A t g a u tle* p sigi ttn i i:ta a r v e rrt al u ta i es Eri tio is n in u ni n A w necesiq:::: l. 7y . ,
ther recommendations accompany ell
round each
gy bbe
On Dollar q. v e ‘i
Price pek bcittfe::'•
Sold inPhiladelp is at ' , ---..i-o.
s , Dr.ifii:it , Leidfrilealds-Wripiiiia:
Vine St---and by , : :: 43. WINN
. ' May , , ..A2 .0 I - " ,, i - ..C. A 1 a rl4 ti
' .
eto i f o — • t do
2 1 1 • Zr9figuliiirat to:r..Se
di tv '7l, l the Ow
eZli tl / 4 1 ' 4.iltab h4 ,0, ipt:e . ti t tap th lt v ' h e '
'Prate! and Spikes to_
84 G"
profit Street,••• 1 13,11t4 !
• " - ur, •
-I v 4 tifir:Vvipl
3 11 0 * Ztig l igI v ir' s ,
664 3 010, a 1ttAr
v t
4!*11/ its
f d lit vett
-1,01, pith
qr , a/cf
. t e_pro
- I:ttlie slam of
la wit with
' in Med op,
iiist bein era ely
, .. to
' I
i ' ctois 6 ,
+, !ii O
nt i 1 0
: rtho4::gli-
it ko
344 L
76 - 54 -i R
k)rotii•i , I
iil dic
i• Oc
. itig I. .
!se obit.
0 . obit.
000.4p1iF41 1,
• ' Aftuffisti
A 4eor