The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 16, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
TH666 DOLLAILA AND SIITY ClCtiltil per Swami.
payable semi-annually in advance. 1 ? sot paid with
in the year, ,$4, will be charged to -al‘ those who re
ceive, the paper free of postage. To Oat subscribers
$3 per annum. If not paid, within the yeat,-40 cents
will be added to the price olsobscriptton.
Two DOLLARDFier annum, payobl semi-annuall
in advance. ' If not paid within the y at, $2 20 will
Aligeroseinents net exceeding tw c le lines will be
charged $1 for three msertns—an 0 cents formic
insertion. Larger ones inyiroportioul.
. All advertisements still ibe insert* until ordere
nut. unless the wile for whii.di they arto be continue
Us ti : pee:died ,and will be dhaiged ace o ingly,
Yearly acsertisers will hie charged 12 per annum;
including subscription to thepaper —with the privilege'
of keeping one advertise=t not exceeding 2 squares
standing during the year; a d the insertion of a small
erii one in each pipe r for i h ee succesiiive times.
All letters addressed to tile editor nuist be post paid,
otherwise no attention, will! be paid toithein.
' All notices for meetingS, .Ike.. suit other notices
( which have heretofore beep inseried; grans, will be
barged 24 cents each.excepttlarriagea and Deaths. ,
- -- - -
lii 1 S Sli NG I. .
AFl . AlR4Ftvcred Tr . k. markeu "J. - oc.. W.
Taggart," Tamsqn , containing . Fur Caps
and ether Merchendize; i is sapposa to have been
taken in mistake from le store of the solemn.
bens host October — prob e .ly it mavibe in some of
the Stoge houses on th Canal Lune, between
Philadelphia and Pousvl
Ile; the Proprietors of
which will please cause n examitivon of their
Store titmice to be made or 'mid Thatik --A Rr
ward ~,,r Thirty Dollars . ili tie paid up 1 the de
livery ut the Trunk and .ontenta tot
• • . S • SrE SON & CO.
No. 22; nor 1 Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, May 31, 1838., , ; 44-a
A Teacher !
,AL: PERSON qualified )
find immediate em
Schools in the ISorough
Letters addressed to I!
Schuylkill County, Pa. w
Secretary of Mar
June 9
Steel eT 1. . J ,
OSEPJOSEPHGILLors Doubt irnascus Bar
rel Tens, . ;
Do Eagle Pens, ,and__ '
The '
• The Magnum Bonn Swan ill Pena,
Together with a variety of other kinds, just re
ceived and fur sale by 1 B. ;B+NN AN.
Juno 9 - ! . 1 '44
vrillE CHURCHMAN'S MAN C AL, an- Ex-
A pisiit ion of }he Doctrines, M I rsistry.and wor•
ship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United Sleet", by the R8 4 1..81r.N.1A.411iN Doan, Rec
tor of Christ Church, Philadelphia, just 'received
and for sate here.
a pril.lB 29
riptH E subscriber has pow on haid at his Store
J IL and Storehouse on!Centre arid Rail Road
streets, a frill assortment pf Goods, truitable for.the
coal region viz •
Barr Iron of assoped sizes,
Band and Hoop dol do
Nails and!. pike Rbdta do do
Steel, Round ir, Square do do
•Nails and Spikes dp do •
,Goal Shovels db. do
Hardware, a generl asssortment.
AB of which he is se lling at reduced prices, ,
Jan 13 2 J CLAYTON.,
• For Sale, orlto be .flehtec '
/ 7
',WHAT valuable tract of Land c lied the "Clin
t ton Tract, ' belonging to P.l- Abeth Spohn,
situate on the west Norivegitto; Rail Road, next
north of, and adjoining ithe Pencil Mountain, is
offered for sale on accoremodatinv terms; or the
Coal Mines will be leatixd severally or together
to an approved tenant. !Apply! to
Id & WalOut Street.
1 27—ts
sprit II
Ca ion.
TrHE undersigned Lions the ;public against
-a. purchasing or leasi g the tract of land called
Clinton Tract, on the st Norwegian rail road,
from Elizabeth gook°, fir Henry ,aorris for her.
'as he the undersigned !aims Lath! thereto, and
will institute a suit ag inht any person attempt.
ing to take the po6seast g thelenc. -
Manheim, April 28
Register of County baying
••• gradted to the an - ritwr, Letters of Admin
istration on the estate f H e nry N e bo, late o f
the borough of Potavtli•. deceased. Ali persons
indebted to the estate¢t
the said Henry - Nelegh
arks requested to make tnmediate payment; arid
all those having claims . are requested to present
them for settlement to e subscriber without de
lay. ROB
June 2 42-t Administrator.
& Hard
THE subscribers ar'.
to the public, that
stock, hoe and Hord
American and English
Iron', Round Iron, as
Shear, German and E
Steel Vices, Mouse,hol
Cut Steel band, chop
and spikes, together
of Iron Mongery, all o
(laced prices, by
April 22
'Claret WI
,an, Vintage 1e25,
diced pricee,rby Ai I
may 26
Tests ! Te ;
and black Tea
Pica°, Snuchong, Pou
BYann. Old klyson and
and for sale at cede.
Several small thilat
may 2
,-.,-. ~ ...... ,_, • _ iiiiiiILIMMENEIOIII.I
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- I,F, l ' •.. :. , - • 7 -• . '4 .
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...._ . ,4 . : 1 :
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.*., : " - c.,..- . '•• .. A -;: I. . 1.;
' s 1
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7 .-
-. ' Alla) . PortgViALLE " - - erENE. ' AL - ADVERT
-...,, „,-.....,.... _, ....- _ I SE : n • . '.
_ t .1 •
1. . ' '.: .' 1..; '. ! • .
. ... _ . . . .
. .
I wiLL TEACH TotrTo ruses vnit sowriArraz i.4 salmi WO ganga otrisamtzuzzAvmulsor Tax sot:uvulas. wrALs , ra:inc, 7. L7tvzsititkagato OUR HAKE* AND EONS= Ala. XaVnIit'TOIMILOS I L 4 20 ii*Aguszo - "ba-Tilinisio
. ' . ; : li •, - - 4 -'" , ' ~‘ ' '.: r'' 1 ' V. , , .
'S.uperior w: nes, •
(At the lowest City ices.)
PIIHE celebrated Old Star hinieira.‘Sparkling
' 6 - Burgundy. Old Port. Reek,. Hoekheimei.
Lisbon. Teneriffe, Pale, Brownliand Gold Sherry.
Also—on draught. Mira, Spanish Wines, Via
de graved, and Rhenish wines et excellent gush
iy,,at 50 eta. per ei llon.
Storekeepers and Tavern keepers will be sop
plied at wholesale prices, at
Centre St.
H E Subscriber is receivingjfrpm the A. Lim
a ton Collieries. a fresh aupPly of the celebra
lan4ing at his wharf, Pine sircet.
Or4ers the office, IST .. 81:1 - Dock street, or
at the wharf, wilt be promptly attended to.
Philadelphia, May 12,1838. 42
:New and .Spleisdld Goods.
Lames of Pottsville and vicinity are res.-
pectfullv iinvited to call and, examine a most
splendid assortment of
Painted Latvia, Jac melts, Prins,
Black and White Lawns,
Mouslinedelaink Lyoname,
Hoskin, dark and light kid Gloips, .
Wersted, Cotton arid Silk dd
Fanry Handkerchiefs, Shawls. yeas.
Plain and painted bordered !Meg Cambric bare.
Silk & Cotton, blesch'd & unbli4acked bone,
do co Embroidered du
At the store of ,N. NATHANS & CU. 4‘ "'
may l 9 i 38 . '
looring Bo4rds.
CAROLINA worked flooring boards, plough.
pd, tongued and grooved ready fur laying, I,
- and l 3 iuches of iiitre•ent q4iility and prices,
constantly on hand, and rot a,ie to lota to suit
purchasers, upon application htri letter to
Planing Machine Wharf; Pt. L. Phila. Co.
will 25 31-tf Pottsville.
1 Winied.
1 to "teach l Schen!, will
l i ,
1 lovment 'in tlie N"l‘hc ,
f Tatnaciiia, a t a liberal
4 valleritier,Tainactea,
VI rrie t wi th prompt at
. of Sehmil Hireetorg,
are Store.
Id respectrully announce
has added to:his formce
re, consieting in part or
4 r Iron. Noops and Band
rted sizes;. Cast,•OraWly,
gip& Blister arid A. M.
Smith's Bellows,
„g. mad Bread axes, milli
; th a. general assortment
which will be sold at re
c*, &c. •
I E. Medixi and Si Ml
ived and for ule at re-
. 40
's!! Teas!!!
chests of! Fresh Green
consisting of Orange,
ng, Gunppwder, Young
yrowSkiF , h jest seesawed
. NAruvis
pot Am for family, use:
may 26 40
Valuable Real Properly in Pottsville,
THE underiigried offers for isle all that well
known three story II RICKSTOR E AND
DWELLING 1101ISE and the appurtenances
situate in Centre street. Pottsville, the property
of the undersigned, together vvith nine other
tenements in the rear of said %Miring, and the
lot of ground whereon the whdle stands. The
brick budding afi,resaid, contains thirty feet in
front—finished from the base Went story to the
garret in the best style of workMansbip, and both
as a,business stand and a residdnce, is most fa.
vourahly situated. The foregoing property will
be sold on low and accommodating terms. Part
of the purchase mow may rerriain on the prop
, erty for a few years, tt desired. Title indisputa
ble, and possession can be given immediately—
applyvto G. NU 4ENNINGS.
• • April 22 . .! Pottsville
Encourage Home Ma,factures.
Confectionary Manufactory.
rirtHE subscriber respectfully annouuces to the
public that he has coptimen4ed the Manufac
tore of Confectionary in all its earious branches,
at his Store in Centre Street. nearly opposite the
Pottsville House, where Confectioners and uth•
ers can always be supplied wholesale and retail,
at the lowest Philadelphia cask prices.
Country Merchants are respectfully. solicited
to call and examine his stock before purchasing
nov 4
Dledal Cheese, SOap, &c.,
40 casks superior medal cheese.
50 boxes Philadelphia soap,
I hhd. hash oat meal, for ale by
NovlB , 52-3 m
10 000 VERY superior ,hafranna wore of
the Principee and Dosiotego brands, for sale by
"AGAR House Syrup end etitimp Sugars, just
received by .N. NAT#AN&iS• CO.
june 2 42-3
Burlington Herrings.
5n BOXER Prime Borlingtkon Herrings, re
- weed - and for sole by • -
June 2 42-4
JERSEY HAMS end. Wen!ern Bun n -40
hhde. just received by
sE 42-3
juno 2
Bordeaux Claiet.
VINE Old Bordeaux Claret 424 draught, at 62
. 11 : cents -per 'slim. for male by
june 2 t . 42-3.
FRESH Sailed Oil, Pickles, find fresh lap
ply of Pickled Lobster Parities. &c. ju st re
ceived by N. NAttIANS 4 CO.
june-2 i,
Sallad Oil, Pickles, dcc.:
:FAMES. VIOLET & CAM. %TO mierior
'Ad OIL_ A full assortment O t t 'Wm. Osborne
C 316. Pickle', for pale by
may 26
Dry-Goods, Grocer*. and Li
gnat Stare,
Corner of Cantu and Market Saeetii,• Potesailie
April 8 - I _ 4 - • .28.- '
WILL at'sltt i ntriairwtCieig. Int Waited
on William Streetiolltliiiirotigh:edji , in=
ing•the. Lolon sehiei ,, Lakilee3e.iiinir handing
a dwelling hottee t .The ie,*olo44rfornid4
William Street, by 0/1 feet deepi I.4"PitN'ti
30 41 , '
lAtlkral9 ll .,PrlD tßlA,lfint . triel# 04
ror eide by NAT ANS & Co.
april, 14 25
PiIITTSVILi E l PA. ORNJ Nt litTN p i 6. 1338..
Resumption or Buto
THE Subsci iber returns his grateful acknowl
edgernenta to the citizens of PottsMho and
others, who Stepped forward to his kaiiiitinge af.
ter the loss of his propertyby fire in December
last, and would also acquaint them and the pub
lic generally, that he has again commenced the
Drug Business in the house formerly occupied by
Charles W. Clem, us, in Centre Street. in the
borough of Pottsville, where may always be bad
a general assortment of •
Dings, ' 1 Medicines;
Paints, • Oils,
Dye Shari ;
And every other article in the above line, ihieh
he is dispoedd to sell on' vets low and sicomato
dating terms.
N. B. D Physicians prescriptions carefully
put up at the •honest notice.
Pottsville, May 30, 1E438
• . Boats for Sale.
Ml GOOD F chuylkill Canal Bums built of the
i best materials, nearly new, will be sold cheap,
l or exchanged tor Coal at the market price. Ap
ply. to D. DAN NAN.
May 30 41
New Goods! New Goode!
FHST received' by N. illations & Co. a new
and elegant assortment of Spring and Sum.
er Prints, painted muslin* and lawns, among
, hich may be found a Jew pieces of English
IPrints at a very low rate. Also, a splendid ap
tiortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vetting. &c.
Also, Gentlemen's Summer wear, together
;Pith a general assortment of Linens,Checks,. Di.
er., Ticking*, Muslims, &e. &c.
april 14 28
Boots and shoes.
N ATI' ANS & cc. have nn hand a large
I : ot :asisortinent of Gentlemen's and Ladies'
and olives, which they will sell at a low rate.
may 19 38
laA VF.on hand
R 1111, ROAD do.
Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails
nd spikes of all sizes, for sale at the lowest City.
rices. • KEIMS, WIIITAKER 4. CO.
Reading. May 22,1838. 40-6ino
1 Ai T L.' RAM V,
(front I. hiladelphia.) ~:,, e .
rINAVVEW Dal2lllll masse,
ESPFZTFULLY tenders her services to
the Ladies of Pottsville and the vicinity, and
opes by the neatness of her work , quick des
etch, and moderate charges, to merit a share of
eir petronsge.
Her residence is at Mrs. B. Mason's, opposite
e store of Messrs. Nathan, & Co: in Centre
June- 2 42
I r itE Proprietors a thia Line, (which has been
•a- fitted up in a superior manner for the accom
modation of the Travelling Community.) respect
fully announce to the public that the Line will
positively commence running Letween
en Wednesday the 2d of May. and will continue
to leave their office at the Pennsylvania Boil,
Pottsville, daily al 6 o'clock, A. M. and arrive in
Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. M. at the followirg
rates of Fare:
To Orwigsburg, 110 50 -
Port Clinton, 75
Hamburg, 1 00
Reading, 2 00
Poitstuivm 3 00
1, Trap 3 623 -
Norristown, 4 50
Philadelphia, 500 •
For Seats aptily at the Pennsylvania Hall,
Pottsville; Peres Hotel, Reading; and at their
Office, No. 25, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
MINTZER & Co. Pottstown.
May 2 Proprietors.
(Formerly Parker & TI
removed on the opposite side of,Centrt.
AJLStreet, a • few doors above Norwegian Street
where they offer for sale • a select siviortment ii,
Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres of the
most fashionsble colors. with an elegant assort.
ment of Sum Mer Cloths, Vestings, Lmen and Cot.
ton Shirts, Calera, Bosoms, Stocks, Gloves, Sus.
;Anders. linear and cotton Hose, and all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparrel. which will be
made to order' in.the most approved style as to the
workmanship / and warranted to fit equal to any
In the City or elsewhere.
P. S. P. •t' Co. keep on held an excellent as.
sorunent of ready-made Clothing of all kinds,
which will btoaold at very low rates.
june 17
Coal MOrelianto, Land Proprietors
and ot 4 oi, are rgipe tfully in
, I formed by
• Haden: Saii
Civil Engineer, Land Surveyor;
HA-T he has commenced st..Rerntanent rest
dente iiijirepered to receive
mud iatialsetiirily execute ell trainers with which
he mar- be factored. • • .'
If. 8: Is derreineii ginsitticeito
Pottsville sod f los .vicinity,yrbich .orratiretnpt
will east/kW:4 iinActoalls_to. idea, to those
JECHOSr a l le oP l° C hnilipki f 6- 7 12"tial
4•-• C. rip =L.A.
Maps hendennelt Isi d,rai tl ilkshitedant.
Designs furnished in every styli.
Pennsylvania Hill, Aprit25,18.36. 31-2 mo
* •
NEW. BAKEI*IIk cotlikzetuirtautir.
Ihriedtikck o.Epthat
RESPECATUCtsir informs his friends and
!the ymblie in t general, that be has 'veiled a
Bakery and CoOfedianary Establishment
io Pliprwpgian.Street, next door below the Arcade
in the borough of Pottsville, where he will al
way" keep on hand and bake to order all kind,
of Cakes of every variety of paiterns—end where
also, will always by kept- on baud, Breed by the
of an ezcelleht quality., and of a large size.
Ills Confectionary comprises a large and gen.
eral assortment s4lected with care, and sold at
the very lowest rates
F. C. E. would also infchmi families that he is
prepared to bake Family read for any bomber
whit prefer furnishing own Flour, at the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
appal 2.1 30-3 m
Rooks! very low.
BBANNAN offers fry' sate the %Bowing
1 standard wOrke at the very,low prices at
niched. '
Hume, Smollett . and Miller's England •
4 vols. sheep, with plates $lO 00
Clarke's Commentary, 4 vols. sheep, 12 00
%V esli.y's works, 10 vols. complete, 11 00
Buck's Theological works, 6 yule. sheep, 400
Scutt's Bible and 'Commentary, 3 vols.
sheep, 6 00
Broo's works, Dearborne's Edition,sheep, 4 25
Ancient Histork, 1 vol. sheep,
Dearborne's Edition with Maps and
plates, 4 25
Josepbus 1 vol.wirk plates ' 2. 25
Marryatt's works complete, I vul. 3 25
Moore's works, Library Edition 2 25
Burns works, 2 00
Cowper sndThompson's works,
Pa ley's work.
Burden's village Sermons,
Doddeulg.'s Family Expositor,
Encyclopedia of Geography. 3 vols. with
12 l 0 cuts and 100 Maria, 10 50
Fox's Book of Martyrs, with plates, 2 25
McKenzie' 5000' Receipts 1. 37
Together with a variety of other Book. at very
low rotes, to suit the times.
jet) , t 32
New Goods.
a • general assortment of fresh and seasonable
4- s Gonda, just arrived---consisting in part of
Dry Goods,
• Salt, Plaster, &c. 4tkp.
which will be sold low for c.w.o. Ihe hiwhesi
price paid to cash for dl kind. of country pnuiloce.
Mount Carbon, Dec 2 2
TI RegisterOf Schuylkill County having.
vented to the subiseriher Letters or Admin
istration on the estate of Joint MeGrate, WO of
wea ian tuts nstiip. Schur Mill County. deem,.
ed: All persons indebted to the said John McCrea,
are requested t, make immediate payment; and
all thane having claims ate requested to present
them for. settlement to the huheetiher 'without de.
Port Carbon, May 16,1838.
Admini -ator.
• 37-6
For the instantaneous cure of
Discovered and brought to RP ff rest est perfection
Thi. is to certifykthat I have tried your Tenor
a. Elixir in ieveral cases of Tooth Ache, in which
I have certainly found it of very great service.
I. 13. HARVEY,
Member of theißoval College of Surgeon..
London, Sept. 10.1830.
A friend stepped in to say that he had visiteo
the Fire King this 'Morning, and witnessed his
marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little
boy in particular, who Inoked'eruss enough !o bite
a ten jenny nail clear off iu ten - minutes smiled
at l the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—U. S.
A fresh supply of the above Elixir just reedy:
ed and fur sale y b . B. BANN Ali,
Stile Agent for Schuylkill exninty
July 13 1-1 y
'Musical Instruments.
ramp subscriber ;has just received and offers
ji for sale •
4 keyed German Flute", plain,
Octave Flute.,
Flageolets, •
Violin Bridges, Ojos, St rings and Bow-big.
Clarionet Reeds,
Guitar Siring., L '
Violin Bows—es ra finial!. -
lie pectfully nvites the public to call and
examine hi. stock..
may_ 5.1838. f 34-f,
Public Notice. , 1
ASit appears, thin because Ms. Crane obtained
it6' patent for leinelticg Iron Ore aria} An
thracite Coal in thts country, many sopposd that
they are now at liberty: „talopt that mrthbd of
smelting Iron ate with Antbracitelty the use of
a heated air blast; although I gave natio" last
year that 1 bad a ptent for smelting „Iran Ore
with Anthracite Cm . both by the ?se of a cold
'atmospheric and a lt ated air blast. - I wool now
inform the public) 'grain, that on the 14th Jan.
"7. !1838..1 receired ',letter from the mis.
sionesof Patients a, Washington..staiing: - oatilir,
upon Cramming Lila case or Mi. Cr6nat's appea
-1 don fnr a patent fof . Smelting lion by metal of
Antintsette,l have . to wed his cjalarits interfering
with you, . patent Dec. 18.13;.and.
no to hat attorney df this , decision." Nnirry
ittem etersmelt Irim ore with anthracjta by the
ascot -heated sir blaiki ° i n infringement neon
..1-I!,atoarainst, 'which. I 6004'6a 'lor ars
Ao7 rez
poi shill prolimsiste warralos intkiiiiing
AP,. .7,4lsh,mb,* dug- Jail . ; : Ana fain.
-the • t Vie s 'ar te l lt A 7 o l kklls•ro et-
Liiillesi , ... i !.. i C i t TA , 1 7 4 19C-im ,
- F RED gßic iff.GEIik3ENEILAINER •
New York, •Mayi IC 183 & 37—ly
~~- ,_.. ,
17 , r. r
Read the Following.
htterestintand AtteniittAi lig Facts.
MORE &meiosis's prorifS of the extraordinary
l v j efficacy of 4)R: GYM. EVAN'S beleirated
camomile and •Aperient Antibillous Pills in al;
leviating afflicted mankind. 4 : l ' a -
To .lames Dickson, 36, Gambill, Boston, Agent
for the sate of Dr.. W at. Evanals Camomile• Pills.
Lowat4,,Nur. 15,1836.
Dear Sir—Knowing by ex i ierience that every
reference that theefflicted receive of the benefi.
ciallresults of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine
to the public in behalf of DR; •K AL EVANS'S
CAMOMILE. PILLS. I have been afßicted fur
the last ten yews 'with distress in the head and
chew often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights in Bocci sewn, but have never
found relief by any Of my friends prescriptions,
until my wife saw the advertiaments in the paper,
when she persuaded me to send for some, which
I did, and obtained two boxes And bottles, which
resulted in almost completely retoring- me , in
health, although I have not yet entirely finished
them. Should you consider this an benefit to
yourself, or the public, you have my cheerful per•
mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully,.
THOS. K. GCX3DLIV., Centralist.
uNTZEMTING CASE Cured by Dr. Wm.
Evans', Camomile Tonic and Family Aperi
ant Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN BOW N, corner of
Shippen'and Georges streets, Philadelphia,
ed forseven pairs with extreme nervousness; by.
which he was not able to write his- name—his
ern rdoma were, eruscation, daily apasmodie pains
in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness and dimness of eight,- otter ids-
bility of engaging in any thing that demanded
vigor or *courage, sickness and weakness' esi
tome debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure
ind weight at the stomach oiler eating, great
mental deapondeney, severe dying pains'in the
chest back add side, costiveness, a dislike for
aucieirand conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of various medicines dow before the public, but
to nO diect, until, observing in a public paper
some cure. performed by Dr. William Evenee
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient . Pills, he
was induced to give them a trial, of which he is
at any time happy to state that thew effectually
cured him of the above distressing disease.
IrriPerakins who doubt the above cure, are most
respectfully directed to the above mentioned per
son, at the porth west corner of Shippeo and.
Georges streeli. • BENJAMIN BOWN.
Philadelphia October 26,1837.
2 GO
3 50
Mrs. Hannah BroWne, wife of Joseph Browne,
N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, afflict
ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint,
completely restored to health through the treat
snent ot Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual
constipation of the bowels, total lose of appetite,
excruciating pain of the epigashic region. great
dep►essaon ot spirits, languor and other symptoms
of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinati•
&swathe spews:sr. pain in the right side, could
not lie on her left aide without an aggravation
of ths pain. urine high colored, with other symp
togas indicating great dOrangement in the func
tions of the liver.
Mrs. Browne Was attended by three of the first
physicians. but received but tittle relief from their
niedicine,till Mr. Browne procured some of •Dr
Wm. Evans's invaluable preparations, which ef
fectually relieved her of the above distressing
sympinms, with others, whielrit is net essential
to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE.
City and Connty of New York, as.
Joseph Browne, of Williamsburg. Long
being duly sworn, did depose and say that the
facts as set' forth in 'he within statement. to which
he has subscribed bis nims, are just and:trim:
• Husband of the said Hannah Browne.
Sworn before me ibis 4111 day of January. 1832.
PETER yor KNEY, Corn. of Deeds.
INTERESTING CASE, of Telbocular Coa
Ouneption.-51 r. 'John 11 usi el applied on the lei
day of September at the office 100 Chatham
street,ial,oring.under the following symptoms:—
A slight spittirkof blood. distressing cough, at
tended with an expectoration of purulent matter,
night wiveats„ general emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exertion, with a well marked hectic
flush o%the cheek. On examination, the chest
was found to sound well every. where except un
der the left clavicle, and in tile arm pit of the
same side.
Treatment.—Directed to take the restorative
Camomile Pills, with the expectorating cum
poised, at the same time an injuitetion, to call in
four Muir, when the night sweats bad ceased. the
expectoration slightly c:iniinished, us light fit of
coughing still remaining in the morning. Or.
dered as usual to continue the medicine ,, and to
call in-the course of a week—when his , health
continued rapidly increasing,-without the least
cough. Called st the office on the Ath of thii
month, quite convalescent. returning his Sincere
thanks 6.r the benefit he had obtained.
The above patient 'chiefly usi:d milk Eegiinen
dorkg his treatment. •
Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, 'afflicted' with
the above distoessing malady. Symptouns--great
iskyonr. flatulency, disturbed rest, minions head.
ache, difficulty of breathing. tightness and stoic.
lure & w o w the breast. dizzinem.naritoos irrita
bility and restlessnesa..xouktraut,he in ..a. hori
-Uinta' position, without the iteniatien of impend
ing saffocatkin, *filleting' of the heart, dlstres
log cough. cosfirenest.pain of theetoinach, drew
sines,. great debility and deficiency of tbio nets
ocii energy. Idy.
,R., Monroe gar up every
thought of tattooer: epd dire
„dt i pair saint' tiro
eountettaape . of evert. terinted an. his
existence or happiness. till by Resident he noticed
in a PlblinPap!r amirm claimed by Dr- Wm.
Evans a inedible's, in his complaint. which indh
hal bin) to ;timbale a package of the Pills; which
rein:hod-in coniplatolreimosing every symptom.
ot his disease.- He wishes to rev his motive for
tbiaducluratien ta, Oat those 'afiliptad with., the
same or any symptoms stmOirNto thwe 'from
which' e is happily ristored.majlikeeilee receive
the earns inestimable benefit `
• .
costwarrs4 YEA
I ,
lima Dreithiser.Ohneeenfiletinad:strest and
SerteletisettlittiedVPhiltidelphie.litirieted , fin- the
lot oitanstre ,ith Ilmoliisle u f f Cortsphinti: was
emple t eb..rnatesedqa health Dr. WIS.
VAMPS aleToutc. and F=o Aperient
Pi U Bet symptom were habitual costiveness.
esemeiating pew be the 1140M101, depression or
r«. 4
I 3, "~
_spirits. languor. extreme4bility. disturbed sleep
gmat.prrin iu bar side...could nettle ott her len
aids without aq aggnivatiou of munota * rme to
fiead..dlniness ofsight.i tvith'mhey ssitr i ptruto
indieatingiceat derangement in the .111inetione of
the Liver. Mrs. Brenhiset haw made trialef
eloms,medieines now before the publie..;hat. z ror.
cebred no relief until she lwas advised tet,;1114111
trial of Dr Evans's,Pills, of which she is . .loppy
to state that they . effectual - 1Y relicted_ber - Of the
above distressing trymptorria, 'with otßere, 'Which
are not essential to uttimeto. • 1
Mr. Brenhiser, (lursbaed- of the, ahow,..Mse
Siehhiiser, had heed two years allieted.With a
distressed state piles and ittiveness, o rwhlch
he was effectually cured. -
• .
A perfect ears (Piled bilaire treatment 0: - Th.
William Rearm. '
Mr. John Gibson,' of N. 4th street, %Vißlame
berg. afflicted with the above cnn plalnt forUrwa
years and nine Months, dining which time he
had house crutches. Hischief symptoms ; were
excriscisting pain all his i joints, bat especially
in the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles, aft ag
gravation of the pains towards night; and Air the
moat part all times from esternal hest * air obvi
nue thickening of the fsiwia and ligaments,'-iwith
a complete hasp ormcisculat bower. Fur Itleftren
efit of those afflicted in ad o
mariner, Mr.
Gibion Conceives it - meet to say. that: the - *lns
have entirely ceased , and 'Oat' his joint/eh:lave
completely recovered their in:CV-loom eqd he
Ice s ekble to resume his ordi ar usiness.
DYSPEPSIA & P04.:114)74 ACISM.
Mrs. G. 'Kenny. In. 115 Louis street.
between Stanton and Houston streets. afflicted
ter ten years with the following distressing symp
Acid eructation, daily sPasmodic pains in the
head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid
dfuess and dimness of sigl could not lie on her
eight side, disturbed rest, tter inability of en;
gaging in any thing - (hal.Fdmanded vigor or
r e'
courage, sometimes a visio Y idea of r n ',wiz.
ration of her disease., a w 'anneal aversion to
particular-persons and places, groundless appre
hensions of personal danger? and poverty, an irk
someness and weariness of lite, disc.ontented,,dis
quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived
.she could neither die nor live. she wept, lamented
desponded, and thought she . ed a most miserable
lite, never was one so bad, with frequent 'mental
hallucinations. 'Mrs. Kenny had the advice of
stomped eminent physicians,t and had recourse to
' numerous ntedicines, bat enirld not obtain even a
temporary alleviation of her' distressing state; till
her husband persuaded ;ler : to make trial of .my
mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved,
, and finds herself nut only capable of attending to
her domestic affairs, but avdwe that she enjoys as
good health at. present, as she did at any period
of her, ez istence. , .‘i J. KEN SY. '
Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenov,...„
Sanirn before me thin 14111 day of Dee. 1836.
Peter Pinnkney, Com. of Deeds
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. )22 Orange street, N.
Y. afflicted for five years with humoral habitual r
Asthina, applied at the office 100 Chathani street
on the 47.`i of October, laboriing under - thesfollow
ing symptoms. A sense of 'tightness acrose , the - .
chest. with the greatest difticolty of, breathing,
distressirig cough, general) Y ending with copious . ,
expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest,
the face turbid and of it livid hue--could not he
in a horizontal position without the sensation of
immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness, and
dizziness in the head, and biss of appetiie. -
Mr. Fl. applied to the most eminent physicians
in this city, likewise used several-other remedies
without obtaining any permanent benefit, until
his friends persu'tded him t place huareif under
Dr. William Evans tteatmyrit. He is now, re.
+eyed of his complaint, and balled at the office
yesterday, avowing that he had not writes to ea.
prem. his gratitude for the benefit be had-recciv.
ed. October 21, 18.37.
We do hereby subscribe bur signatories. to the
truth of the above cures, thia the statementis in
every respect true. SARAH 11RENHISER
JOHN STEIF, Baker, •
No. 17 north E.ghtb Itreet., Pbtlada..
Philadelphia, Oct. 21,41837. .
Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office, for
sale 'Ohl! excellent Medicide, Is at N 0.19, myth
Werth street, Philadelphia
Suld by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
New rAtabliilhment,
Corner of Centre and Market Streets Pottsville
TBE c subscribers respectfully announce to
their friends and the public generally,. thst.
they have taken the store formerly occupied by
Jacob 801 l Sc. Co., corns of Centrepnd Market
streets, where they are now provided with.***
wisiortment of '
Dry -Goods ;
Liquors, .Sc.
which they arsofttermined Orel] at the very low.
eat prices."HAZZARD & STRAUCH.
N. IC All kinds of Country Produce fithen at
the highelt market prices
April 1
Port Clinton Foundry , .o
FOR SALE r , • '
WILL be sold at ptivate sale. thevz_foupdry
pleasantly situated at Poo -
euttrity, on very - reas4alile
l t alindrY is , at the . cciromeneenikai
Schuylkill • and, lloagitebanrii /1111Atoalirsioar..•
making... mg), vritl •to a abol.tiratite.Vassioribe
SFat, 'host4ln' insthe coPntl.l dS•l•lfirsi
tssi Fisilegnti,&C. _
• • •'" *" • • ARRE`It "TIEIIS.
• " . Iron Freiden,Pbtladelphill.
• Port Clint.all
. -
, -
- Fami Cainagigarli, •
THE HOLY-/BrlitiEk
iillo3l.:the•arorka of Henry 'entrap:At. and
atone one hundred other writers. pufifiatumi,
in lianicto . hy the liteli4inua,,trrace Oceiety.,
Wind iih`ritigetiii k a tato volinnia.. r ,witit IdeistAnd
prititititg in
parte, oda - cents etteir . r Veralceeirtaike e kii i itedy
oompletod.and can he obtained at theinbactileara
Book 24ore *here eitbeeripttons will - also be ro•
onived. B.. 1 114 1 4 1 4 ,4 1•
june 24 41.
N 9.
*A •
- ~