ISSING. AA HAIR conered Trunk, marked "J. at.. W. Taggart," Tamaqua, 'xtotaining Fur Cape and ether Merehandize; it Unopposed to have been taken in mistake from the store of the tubsers hers last OetobWr—probabli it may be in some of the Store-bowel on the Canal Line; between Philadelphia and Pottsvain; the Proprietors of 'which will please cause an examination of their Store houses to he made foi said Trunk —A Re ward of Thirty Itt.diars will he paid up t the de livery of the Trtnak and cootcnto to STEVENSON & CO. No. 225, north Fourth Street, Philadelphia, May 31,18;38. 44-3 A Teacher Wanted'. A PERSON qualified -to teach Schcx.l, will find immediate ensplciement in the public Schools in the Borough of Tamaqua, at a liberal salary. {Letters addressed to the eabacriber, Tamaqua, Schuylkill County, Pa: will meet with prompt at tentkm. JOHN -K. SMITH, Secretarylof Board, or School Directors. June 9 44—tf Steel Pens. JOSEPH GILLOT'S Double. Damascus Bar rel Pens, Do Eagle Pena, and The Magnum Bonum Swan Quill Pena, Together with a,vanety of 'ether kinds, just re ceived and for sale by B. BAN NAN. June 4 44 Stray Horse. S'T'RAYED away (trona the mines 9 > iimilk at Saver Creek, on Saturday the 19(11 of May, ;a LARGE GREY ~ Erik HORSE about k 0 years old. A • - suitable reward wilt be paid to who ever shall deliveraid horse to THO'S. PH I I.IPS, Silver Creek, or PORTER & WHITNEY, Jima 6 . .43- t / Port Carbon. Notice to Builders. PROPOSALS to writing will be received by the'subscribef•s, for removing and cleansing the materials on the I .roperty purchased by the Pottsville Town Hall - Company. Proposals will be recetVed until the 12th of Jane. CHARLES ELLET, GEO. C. WYNKOOP, JNO. N. CROSLAND. Notice to Architects. A PREMIUM of Forty Dollars will be paid •Cia• for ouch design•and elevation, as may 5e an. proved by the Commissioners of the Pottsville Town Hall, for a building to be erected on" the property recently purchased by them. Partici.). ‘lars as to size &c. will be furnished on applica tion to either of the undersigned. • - CHARLES ELLET, ANDREW B. WHITE, GEO C. WYNKOOP, SAMUEL .1. POTTS. N. B. Ten dollars will be paid for the second best design. • Pottsville;•Jtuie 6,1838. ffraiE CHURCHMAN'S MANUAL, an Ex- JR- position of the poctrincs, M.inistrv•and wor• ship of the Nutestant Episcopal Church in the United States, by the Rev. Basusstin Dosa, Rec tor of Christ Church, Philadelphia, just received and for sale here. april 18 29 /ÜBE subscriber has now on hand at his Store a and Storehouse on Centre and Rail Road streets, a full assortment of Goods, suitable for the coal region viz: Barr Iron of assorted sizes, Band and Hoot do do • Nails and `pike Rods do do Steel, Round & Square do do • Nails and Spikes do do Coal Shovels do do Hardware, a general assortment. All of which he is selling 'at reduced prices, Jan 13 2 J CLAYTON. at. T R.VE Y .) (from Philadelphia„ ZILDI3IIII' D.R2311115 MA IL, ESPECTFULLY tenders her services to the Ladies of Pottsville and the vicinity, and hopes by the neatness of her work, quick des• patch, and moderate charges, to merit a share of their patronage. • Her residence Is at Mrs. B. Mason's. oproeite the store of Messrs. Nathan, & Co. in Centre Street. June 242 ACOURT of Appeal for Fuel: Troop Sebuyl kill County Cavalry will be held at Morti rnet's Hotel, on Wednesday the 13th of June, a 6 o'clock, P. M. CH ARLES POTTS. Al ICH AEL NOR TI MER MICHAEL MIJR PH Y. June 2 First Troop Schuylkill Couvlg Cavalry WILL Parade on Wednesday the 13th o June, at Mortimer's hotel, atl2 o'clock P. 'M Sy Com Mend. J. P. WOLLASTON, F. S : • 42-3 June 2 Notice. . THE Register of Schuil kill unty having granted to the subscrir, Let rs uf Admin. ' istration on the estate of Henry etigh: late of the borough of Pataville, deceased All persons indebted to the estate of the said enry Haigh are requested to make immediate yment; and all those having claims, aro requ ted to present _them for settlement to the rubseri r without de lay.. RORER TB. LIGE, ' June 2 42-6 'Ad inistrator. ClNret & &c. CATE4U, LAFITTE, Medocland ~ St. Jo an, Viiitske . lB2s, received solar sale at dated prices, by & HA GERTY. may 26 - , 40 Caution. TE undersigned cautions the p bile against purciuming or leasing the tract land called Clinton Tract, on the East Ift•rwerthro rail road, from Elisabeth Spobn, or Henry Merritt tor her, es he the undersigned claims title 4hereto, and will institute a suit against any petson attempt. ing to take the possession thereof. JOHN POTT. • 32 Menheim, April 28. 1838. Teas! Teas!! Teas!!! ' g O mirk CHESTS and chests of Fresh Green Ij " jr and black Teas, consisting of Orange, Fiero, Sotichong. Pouchong,'Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Old Brion and Hymn Skin, oat received and for sale at reduced prices by rtr, . PIA THANE & .0 1 • Several small chest, put op for tinnily tree .olay 33 celebrated Old Star Madeira. Sparkling Ja. Burgundy, Old Porl, Hock, Hockhertner. Lisbon, Tenerife, Pale, Brown and Gold Sherry. Also—on draught, Claret. Spanish Wines, Via de' graves. and Rhenish wines of excellent Irma at - MI eta. per gallen. Storekeepers and Tavern keepers will be sup plied at wholesale prices, at NATHANS & Co. 40 / Centre St: may 26 PROPOSALS will be recesved‘by the Com missioners of the Alms House, at their office in the Park, Ncw York. for 500 loos of Anthracite Coal, (with privilege art/Acing 2000. tons,) until Thursday, the 14th day of June next. Applicants will please state the vein or mine from which the Coal is proposed to be delivered. and the price per ton of 2240 lbs. The Coal to be delivered on or before the 30th day of September next, at such -wharf or wharves as may from time to time be designated by the Commissioners, on this Island, Blackwell's Island or Long Ishted Farms.. Payment will be made in cash on delivery. June 2 42-4 t - COAL. THE Subscriber is receiving from the A. Law tun Collieries, a fresh supply of the celebra. ted SPOHN & LEWIS RED ASHCOAL, now landing at his wharf, Pine street, SchullkilL— Orders left at the office, No. 81 Dock street, or at the wharf, will be promptly attended to. F. B..NICHOLS. Philadelphia, May 12,1838. 1 42- New and Splendid Goods. THE Ladies of Pottsville and vicinity are res pectfully invited to call and examine a most splendid assortment of • Painted Lawns, he meta, Prints, Black and White Lawns, Mouvlinedelains LyOnaise, Hoskin, dark and light kid Gloves, Worsted, Cotton ar.d Silk do Fancy Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Veils, Plain and painted bordered linen Cambric bdkfs. Silk & Cotton, bleach'd & unbleach'd hose, do do Embroidered do At the store of • N. NATHANS & CO. mayl9 . . 38 Flooring Boards. CAROLINA worked flooring bOards, plodgh. ed, tongued and grooved ready for laying, 1, 11 and 11 inches of diffvent quality and prices, constantly on hand, and for sale in lots to suit pnrchasers, upon application by Inner to JAM FA M. P ATTEN, Planing Machine Wharf. N. 1.. Phila. C. 0.. or ILLER & HAGGERTY.. .91—tf Pottsville. april 25 GRE47 I DWIRGibiIMS I raluable Real Property in Pottsailk, THE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three story .BRICK STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances situate in Centre street, Pottsville, the property of the undersigned; together with nine other tenements in the rear of said hulloing, and the lot of ground whereifin the whole stands. The brick building aforesaid, contains thirty feet in front—finished from the basement story to the garret in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand and a residence, is most fa vourably situated. The 'foregoing property will be sold on low and accommodating terms. Part of the purchase money may remain on the prop. erty for a few years, it desired. Title indisputa, ble, and possession can be given immediately— apply to G. M. JENNINGS. April 22 32—tf Pottsville Confectionary Manufactory. ririuk subscriber reapectfullv announces to the public that he has commenced the Manufac ture of Confectionary in all Its various branches, at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the Pottsville liobse, where Confectioners and oth• ers can always be supplied wholesale and retail, at the lowest Philadelphia cash prices. Country Merchants are respectfully solicited to call and examine bis stock before- purchasing elseishere. nov 4 Medal Cheese, Soap &c. 40 casks superior medal cheese, 50 boxes Philadelphia soap, I laid. Irish oat meal, for sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY 51-3 m NovlB 10000 VERY superior hosanna sellers of the Principee and Dosimego'branda, for sale by fob 3 MILLER & HAGGERTY. Members of Court. 42-3 QUGAR House Syrup and cheap fiugars,just received by N. NATHANq 4 CO. June 2 42-3 Burlington Herrings. _ ma BOXES Plinio Burlington Herter, re " ceived and for sale MILLER it HAGGERTY. 42-3 Jane 2 JERSEY HAMS and Western Bacon—; ; 42o hbds. just received by N. NATHAIVS 4 CO. 42-3 jone 2 VINE Old Bordeaux Claret on dringht. o at 62 ! cents per gallon, for sale by MILLER 4 RAGGERTY. 42-3 june 2 FRESH Sailed Oil, Pickles, and ■ fresh sup -1)1y of Pickled Lobster Sauces. &c. just re ceived by N. NATHAN'S dr CO. june',2 _ r 42-3 Salad Oil, Pickles, Ake. TAM ES VIOLET dr..Cos. very superior Sal t" lied Oil. A full- assortment cu Wzn. Osborne Car. Pickles, for sale by MILLER 4.HAGGERTY. 40 may 26 HAZZARD & STRAUCHIS . WHOLESALE *NO RETAIL Dry4•Vrciodly Orsocry and Li guar Stqe, • , Corner e Cesare. and ... Markel*trues, rPotlinioille. April -fl 28— Lot tbi U3IIL be sold onto roe OMR. a lot situated on William Street in dila borough. adjoin. ing the Lot on which LolieWm is wow building a dwelling /Muse. The lot is , 55 het frotit on William Street, by 110 fee deep. Apple to May 30 41 S. BANNAN. imperior. Wines, (At the lowest City prim.) FOR SALE Encourage Home Manu actures JOHN 8. C. MARTIN., 50-if Bard eatil. Claret. ga- ~,1 It ' ,x . , eV.", P• TUEBitrigitr JO I AL. Ittimiwtioa of Bustlies& many BRIM SWORN. MIRE Bubectiber returns his grateful schema ••• edgements to the citizens of Pottsville and others, who stepped forward to bit assist' ante BC ter the loss of his property by fire in December last, and would;also acquaint them sad the pub he generally. that he has again commenced the Dreg Business in the house esrosarly occupied by Charles W. Clemens. in Centre Sties t. m the borough of Ptktleille. where may always be had a gewerit assortment of Drugs, - Medicines, Paints, Glass, -Dye Staab, And every other article in the above lies. width he is disposed to sell on very lvw and accommo dating terms. N. B. DJ Physicians prim:Optima carefully pot op at the shortest apace. WILT. KPTING. Pottsville. May 50. 1838. Boats for `Sale. wy GOOD choylkill Canal Boats built of the g best materials, nearly new, will be sold cheap, or exchanged for Coal at the market price. Ap ply to B. BANNAN. May 30 • 41 New Goods! New Goods!! JUST received by N. Nathans Ca a new and elegant assortment of Sprimg and Bum mer Prints, painted muslin. and lawns, among which may be found a few pieces of English Prints at a very low rate. Also, a splendid an= sortinent of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting. &c. Also, Gentlemen's Summer wear, totrettuir with a general assortment of Linens t Checks, Di. "pers. 'Pickings, Muslin., &e. &c. sprit 14 28 Boots and Shoes. NAT(' ANS & Co. have on band a large L`g a assortment of Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and shoes, which they will sell at a low rate. may 19 38 READING NAIL AND IRON WORKS, "SAVE on hand II BOILER IRON, SHEET do. ROUND dt SQUARE IRON, CO AL SCREEN do. R 41 L ROAD de. Bar Iron of any size drawn to order. Nails and spikes of all sizes, for ask at the lowest City prices. K MKS, WHITAKER 4. CQ. Reading. May 2'2,1838: 01-6 mo COAL LAND For Sale, or to be Rented. THAT valuable tract of Land called the "Clio. ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn, situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, next north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain, is offered for sale on accommodating terms; or the Coal Mines will be leased severally, or together man approved tenant. Apply to HENRY MORRIS, 3d iSi. Walnut Street. 27-ta april 11 EXPRESS LINE OF STAGES. • P lIE Proprietors of this Line ; (which has been .a• fitted op in a superior manner for die accom modation of the Travelling Community.) respect. folly- announce to the public that the Line will positively commence running between- POTTSVILLE If PHILADELPHIA, on Wednesday the 2d of May, and will conlinne - to leave their office at the Pennayhmtio Hall. Pottsville, daily at 6 o'clock, A. M. and strive in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. M. at the following rote* of Fare: To Orwigsborg, $O SO Port Clinton, 75 Hamburg, 1 00 Reading, 2 00 Pottstown, 3 00 Trap, 3 62i Norristown. 1 .50 Philadelphia, 5 00 For Seats apply at the Pennsylvania Hsi!, Pottsville; Herr's Hotel, Reading; and at their Office, No. 25, Niwth Fourth Strect;Philaaelphia. MINTZER & Co. Pottstown. OVENSHINE, Pkiks. EVANS & CALDW ELL, Do. May 2 ' ' Proprietors. , PARKER di: CO. MERCERS 4. TAILORS, (Formerly porker & Hillions,) H AVE removed on the opposite side of Cents. Street, a few dobra above Norwegian Street where they offer for: sale a select assortment a, Superfine Broad Cloths and Cansimeres of the most. fashionable colors, with en elegant Wart, ment or Summer Cloths, Vesting's. Linen and Cot ton Shirts, Collars; Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves, Sus. pendersi linen and cotton Bose, sad all kinds of Gentlemen's wearing apparel. which will be made teorder in the most approved style as to the workmanship, and warranted to fit equal to any in the City or elsewhere. P. S. P. & Co. keep on hand an excellent as sortment of ready-made Clothing of all kinds, which will be sold at very low rates. jape 17 NEW IRON & Ilardievare Store. THE subicribus would respectfully anomie, to the public, that lbe his added to his forme* stock, /re is and Hard#are, consisting an part or American and English Bar Iran, Hoops and Band Iron, Round Iron, salaried Mum Cast, Crawly, Shear. German andghsh Blister and A. N. Steel Vices , Monse•ho anvils. Smith's Bellows, Cast Steel hand, cho og.ornd Broad lOW, nails and spikes, together ith a general assortment of Iron Mongery, all which will be sold at mi. li deed prices, by JOHN CLAYTON. April 22 4 . 29 - • ! • Port Clinton Foiondry FORISALE . WILL be sold at Private sale. the v phaunintly situatedat Pori Clintoorg= kill county, on very reasonable. terms. Tbis Foundry is et the commencement of the Little SOtiyikill and Susquehanna . Ran Wad. now makue, and will in*abort time be one of the beat situations in the 4ountry to do alergebrai. nem ,Forterms.dtc. to • Founders, - PAY-ILE&TIERS Iron F Philadelphia. 1r ISAAC 111PRRS, Port Clinton. F-$3l PAY TS MJ IUEr,I/ ]FA "(Mr & 001111FECTIONANT.. , • PrederiCiE 0: Epilog zip 123PECTOULLY inhtnna l his friends and , weer the Publicin_general, that he Iles opened- a • Bakery anoCoafectionary Establisiluspit in Norwegian Street. nest dootbalow the Area& in the borough of Pottsville, where he wiU al war kestrel hand and bake to order all kinds of yokes of only moiety of patterns—and where also. will always be kegt oe hand. lima by the Loaf, of an ea*llent quality. and of a large she. His Callethiglary comprises • large and gee. end assortment Welded with care, and sold at the very irmest: rates. F. C. E. Imo else inform *hinnies dolt he is prepared to hake Family Bread for an number who prefer furbishing their own Flour, at the 'hided Wipe, end oh the moat reasonable tqCms. spoil 21. . 30 t very low. BBANYAN offers for sale the following • standard work., at the very low prices at taehed. Home, Smollett and Miller's England 4 vols. sheep, with plates $lO 00 Clarke's Commentary.. 4 vols. :Mom, 12 00 Wesley's worlur, 10 vols. complcte. 11 00 Bock's Theological works, 6 'oh,. sheep, 400 Seuti's -Bible and Commentary, 3 vols. sheep, L 600 Byron's works, Demborne's Editios,shoep, 4`25 Rollin's Ancient History, 1 vol. sheep, Dearbornee Edition with Maps and plates, ' , 4 25 Joseph= 1 vol. with 'plates 2 25 Martyatt's works complete. 1 vol. 2 25 Moore'. works, Library Edition 2 25 Boras works. 2 OD Cowper and' Tbompson's works, Paley. work, Burden's village Sermons, Doddridg.t's Family Expositor. Encyclopedia of Geortaphy, 3 vols. with 1210 cots and 100 Maps, Fox's Book of Martyr!. with plates, McKenzie. 5000 Receipts Together with a variety of other Books at very low rates, to suit the tithes. 32 july I • New Goods. a general assortment of fresh and•seasonabis ra Goods, just. received—consisting in part of Grocer ies ods, , Hardware, Queensware, 111Laickerel, Salt, Plaster, &c. &c. which will be edld low for cash. The highest price paid in cash:for-all kinds of country produce. JOSEPH WHITE & SON. Mount Carbon, Dee 2 2 ripriE Repine? of Schuylkill County having Ju granted to the subscriber Letters of Admin. istration on the crude of John Mc( intik late of Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first No. wegian township, Schlylkill County, deed"- physicians , but received but life relief from their ed: All persons indebted to the said Jabs Afreratk. medicine, till Mr. Browne procured seine or. 'Dr are requested to make immediate payment; and Win. Evan's invaluable preparations, which ef all those having Claims are requested to present fectually relieved her of the Above distressing them for settlement to the subscriber without de. ayalpumts, with others, which it is not essential lay. " HUGH K INSLEY, -to intimate. . JOSEPH BROWME . . Port Carbon, May 16.1838. TAPUNAS ELI . 1R For the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; Discovered and brought to its greatest perketion BE 3IONSIEDR CHABERT. This is to certify that I have tried your Tapuy as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, inurbieii I have certainly found it of very great service. J. B. HARVEY, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, Sept. 10, URN. ' A friend stepped in to say that he had visitea the Fire King ibis owning, and witnessed his marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One littfe boy in particular, sholooked cruse enough to bite a ten penny nail clear off, in ten Minutes smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain. -U, & Gavots. A fresh supply of the above Elixir just receiv ed and for sale by B. BANNAN, Sule Agent for Schuylkill county y, July 130 • !Musical imustrameats.. PINHE subseriber has just received and oars fiir sale 4 keyed German Flutes, plain, Octave Flutes, Clarionets.. Flageolets, Violins, Fifes, Violin Bridges, Phis, Strings and Bow-hair. ' Clarionet Reed., Guitar Strings, Violin Bows—extra finish. He respectfitliv invites the' public to call and examine hi. Nina. may 5.1838. CALL .AT THE New Eitablisionent, Corner of -Centre end Market &reds. Pettseitle m.g subscribers respectfully announce to their friends and the public ireuerallt, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by Jacob Bull & Co.. corner of Centro and Market streets, where they are bow provided witha choice allotment of Dry Goods, Greteiri: • - LiquorL. which they are determined tosell atthe very low. est prices . HAZZARD & STRAUCH. N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market Prices. April 1 2-6 Theßlsmily CORlNlSeldenfe ON TUE BOLT BIBLE. LIROM the works of limey end Sec% rued above oseliandred other writer., published in Linea by the Religious Tract Society, rem. ad and abridged it two volumes. with Maya and Ragnviinge. This valuable work is published hi a 125 cents each. Twelve part e are already utuelh4ed.and can be °babied at the subseribere Book Store whirs subscriptiosie will also be 4111EVOIL B. BATSMAN., ions 24 IDITELSIIIPRIBIEPAjast psblisbed as v vi.le wbidessile aad retail. by aril IN 39 $ YUNNAN. QUIPRION OLD RANDY. 110411111 i and NW," Add Ivy NATHANS & Co. :rel. 14 2$ 2 25 2 00 2 00 350 10 50 2 25 13? Aotice.. `Adosioisintiar 97-6 JOHN & C. MARTIN 34- i Read the Following• Aderestiv mud Astomisking Rios; Ca,RE conclusive prop& alba extraord inary efficacy of DR. WM. EVAN'S celebrated Ca de and Aperient Antibilioos Pills in al levitting afflicted mudded- To ammo Dickson, 36, Corithill, Barton, Agent for the sale of Dr. Wm. EvapeeCanximile Pills. Lown.i., Nov. 13, 1836. Dear. Mr—Knowing by experience that every reference that the afflicted receive of the hese& dal results of nmdicinee, Iclly offer Mine to the public" In behalf of D. W heerfu M. EVANS'S CAMOMILE plus. .1 have been afflicted fur the (Yet ten yeata with diatiess in the head and cheat:often an bad as to deprive me of steep. for thief or Rim night@ in succession, but have never found relief by any of my friends' prescriptions, with my wife saw the advertisments in the paper, when she persuaded me to send for some. which 1 I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, *licit resulted in almost completely rehiring . nut to health, although' have not yet entirely finished thew. Should you consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public. you, have my cheerful per mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully. THO& K. GOODHUE, Centrahst INTERESTING CASE Cared by - Dr. Wm. A Brass's Caw/talk Tank and Family Aperi eat Pitta.—Mr. BENJAMIN DOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect. ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by .which he was not able to write his name—his symptoms were, ernsea don, daily lipastriodie pains' 1 in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimneweof sight, utter init. bility of engaging ih any thing thtt demanded vigor or courage, 4cknesre and weakness ex. tame debility, disturbed rest,* sense of pressure and weight at the Stomach after eating, great mental despondency, severe flying, pains in the chest back and side, costiveness. a dislike for society and conversation.- Mr, B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper some Cures performed by Dr. William Evans's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that the, effectually cured him of the above distressing disease. (17Persons who doubt the abuse cute, are most respectfully directod to the above mentioned per son. at the north west corner of Shippen and Georges eireeis. BENJAMIN eowN. Philadelphia October 26,1837. LTV ERCOLI 1%4 I :WOO YEARS STANEt EEO Sim Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, N. 6th street, new Second, Williamsburg, afflict ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint. completely restored to health through the treat ment of Dr. WM. Evans. Syriptoins--Habitual constipation of the bowels, total losi of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigasti is region, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, distal b .11 .sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right aide, could not lie on her left side without in aggravation of the pain, urine high colored, with other symp toms indicating great derangement in the lona. lions of !hi liver. City mod County of New York, wt. Joseph Browne, of Williamsburg. Long IsLtnd, being duly •worn, did depose and say That the facts as set forth in the within statement,-to which he bee subscribed his name. arejust and true. JOSEPH BROWNE. fludiand of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before nwthia .4th day of January. 1837. PETER PINKNEY, Com. of Deeds AINTERESTING CASE of , Terbacular Con samption.--Mr. l iuho Raw el applied on the let day of September at the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the following symptoms:— A slight spitting of _blood, distressing cough, at tended with so expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general_ emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertion, with a well marked hectic flush on the cheek. On examination, the cheat was found to sound well every where except un- der the left clavicle, and s In the arm pit of the same aide. Treatment —Directed to lake' the restorative Camomile 'Pills, with the expectorating com pound, at the same lime an injunction, to call in four days; when the night sweats had ceased, the expectoration slightly 6iminished, ais light fit of coughing still remaining in the morning.. Or dered as usual to continue the medicine, sad to call in the course au week--when his heahti continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this month, quite convalescent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit be had obtained. The above patient chiefly used milk regimen durir.g his treatment. ASTIIMA.TIIREE YEARS STANDING. Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with the above distvessingmalady. Symptoms—great languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous bead- ache, difficull of breathing, tightness and Stric ture terms the breast, dizziness, nervous irrit;. bilk) , and restlessness, could not lie in a hori zontal position, without the sensation of impend ing suffocation, paipitation of the heart, dilates. log cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, drow siness, great debility and deficieney of the nov ena energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave up every thought of recovery and "dire despair sat on the countenance of every penman interested in his existence dr happiness, till by accident be noticed in a public paper some cures effected by Dr.-Wm. Evans* medicine, in his complaint, which indu. cad him to purchase a package of the Flits, which resulted in completely removing every aymOtoon of his disease. He wishes to sae his 'motive for this declaration la, that than iMicted with. the same or .any symptoms similar" to there from which he is happilyreatored. may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit. LIVER coin NT MI YEARS STANDING. Mu. SARAH BRENHISEIL wife of Mr Amos Breahiver, comeeffewend !Meet and Gerdantown Road, Philadelphia, 'fantod Sw the lest Malaise with the Liver Cbmplebst. was annpletely restored to, beakh by ::Dr. WM. E. VANINSCIMOMM Tonic and Family Aperient Her symptoms were habiteal entireness, excruciating pain in Om' doloacii. deorwadort spirite, languor, POMO debility.distarbodeloori great fain in her aide, could not he OP: W . left sidomithoot en aggravation of pans, Outing in the intad, ihnnesa of sight, with Miter tarn:Mem indinatins great derangement in tbefoliatis of the Liver. Mrs. liresidasr has amde 'tria ors. Anne medicines now before tba- Weide, bat re' Mimi no robot until Ad was whiled to make *id of Dr 'e Figs. of which Ike is WO to male that thliy relieved of tbs above dirlitaiOti symptoms, with ethers, riiiett,l are not eserntsar to intimate. A. Brenhiser. (husband of live -ribose Mrs Brenhiser s had been two, yek'keittiiied with e diitressed state - piles, and Costiieriess,r . dr. Which two was 'Effectually cured. ' , • . PARALYTIC REIKIIIIIVTIIM 7 A perfect care ifee,.1 . 91 by O. -trebtlarsit Wiiliirm Nom Mr. John Gibson, of It 4th strict, Wfiliams bOrg, afflicted with the above complalit fcir,threo year. and nine months, during whiall time he had tense crotches. His thief symptoms -were excruciating pairein all his joints, but; especially to the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles. an ag gravation of the pains towards nigliViraul for the most, part all times from external heat; . one thickening of the fasnia and ligaments, with ■ complete Ines ern:macula: power. Fur the ben efit of those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it meet to, pay that `the pains have, entirely ceased, and that his joints hove completely recovered their natural tone, inA he teell'able to resume his ordinary business. . MTIVLILSTING CASE. DYSPEPSIA SiIIYPbCDONDRIACIII7J. Mrs. Anne G. Kenai, No. 11$ Leith street. between Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted 'for ten years with the following distressing symp toms: Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart,gid- dinees and dimness of sight, could 'not lie on her right side, diaturbed rest; utter inability of en gaging . :. in ; any thing that demanded' Vigor .or cA k. courage, sometimes a visionary idea of en aggra- 'ration of her disease, a whimsical aversion to „particular persons and places, groundless appre- . liensiotis of personal danger and -poverty, aril irk someness and we-ariness of lite, discontented.; dis quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die nor live, she wept lamehted desponded,and thought she led a most s creblc i life, never was one so bad, with freque I mental hallucinations, Mrs. Keats haul the vice of severakeminent physicians, and had re rse to numerous medicines, but could not obtain even ii temporary alleviation of her distressing state,lill her husband persuaded her to' make trial Of my mode ofireatment. She is new quite lieved, and finds herself net only capable of alien ing to her domestic r &ire, but avows that she ea oys as good health at - present as she did at °evil period of her existence. J. KEN Y. .*. Husband of the aforesaid Anne V tmy . - Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. KM . Peter Pinckney, Cont. of ds • ASTIIIII,V, 5 YEARS STANDING. • Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange:street, N. ! Y. afflicted for five years with humoral habitual Asthma, applied et the,office 100 Chatham street on the of October, laboring under: the frillow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, - distressing cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest, the face turbid and of a livid hue—could not lie in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness, and • dizziness in the head. and loss of appetite.- Mr. lb /applied to the most eminent physicians in this city, likewise used several other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his trienda persuitdo him ,to place himself under Dr. William Evanir treatmeot. He is' tow re lieved of his complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avowing tat he had not words to az 4iress bop gratitude for the benefit hi bad receiv ed. October 21, 1837. _We do hereby subscribe our signatures. to the troth of the above cures, that the statement is in every respect true. SARAH BRENHISER JOHN STEIF; Baker, , No.; I 7 north Eighth street,' Philada. Philadelphia Oct. 21st, 1837. - Dr. WM. EVANS'S M edical Office, for the sale df his excellent Medicine, la at N 0.19, north Eighth street; Philadelphia. Sold by • J. T. WERNER. *de Agent far Schuylkill County. • Public Notice. AS it appears, that because Mr. Crane obtained ? no patent for smelting Iron Ore with An... thracite Coal in this country, many suppose that they are now' at liberty to adopt the method at • smelting Iron ;ore with Anthracite by the use-of a heated air blast; although I gave notice last year that I had a patent. for by Irom.Ore with Anthracite Coal, both by the use of a cold almUsphiric and a heated air blast, 1 would now inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan eery, 1838, I received a letter from the. Commie. shaper of Patents at Washington, stating: "Sir," upon examining the case of Mr. Crane's applica tion for a patent for Smelting Iron by means or Anthracite, I have viewed hie claim as interfering with your patent of Dee, 1833, and have given notice to' hui attorney of this decision." Every attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the use of a heated air blast, is an infringethent upon my patent, against .which- I caution and warn all men; as 1 shall prosecute bvery one infringing 'upon my rights, according to law. And I fur ther Offer to dispose of patent rights fiir the erect. lag of furnace!, according to my patent, upon very moderate terms. FREDERICK W. G EISSENIIA New York, May 16,1838. a Boats for Salle. FL - _ good . ..,cnoyta.„ nat. oral growth timbers, and terms reasonable. Apply to BAWL. HARTZ. • march 24 , Proposals - for Coal QFALED Proposals addressed*, the:subscri: 1••• bar, will, be 'Philadelphia. Alms Ho u se, Blockley.' until the 15th Jane next, fur supplying the institution with Fifteen. httlndred tomer white and red rich coal, free Rom dust, state or any impurity, to be delivered at the Alms House wharf,- on the nest side of the river Schuylki llWlLL by the lst da - y,of October. next. 1A M S. SVlCKTol4,l3towsre. Applicants will endorse their cummunications "Proposals for Coal.' . Philadelphia, May 16 Peal Merchants, ,lauid Proprietors and . others, are respeetfulty 11- formed by Haden Ctivii Eneittier, Land &gnomon , siste-, • , 'WHAT be bee commenced -a permanent-rwit' l APHdiritie in Pottsville, and is preparadhrteceivei andiatielactorily eiectittian 'hastiness with. vilueli • • - - -, be merhefsvored. • , . -, ff. &It determined to talents hit:„letiOt. 441, Pottsville-and ,110 vicinity, which"- - • will enable bidet punctually to gentleamtieniagml in, main& who bim. • . , - ,_. - . •,,•••;.--wi n.., MoPtrallall finished. and An:Windom bmigoy idled in every style. leciniOlvonts Hell, Aril 25 . 1835 .. -2 31m....., , .. • ...„ . 38-w4