The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 09, 1838, Image 4

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    ImportinflO Vi e - iiia& -
• . DR. WM. EVANS' •
AUSE.ANDEFFECT.—When Sound and
entific`reine/yeatdaseases has long been in gene
use by the public, bestowing blessings and ream
Lplan. it 111115.nrCelY m the power et ecepticeun to
its virtuewritoteetvy to deny them.
1 ben at hat achieved an ascendant career of use
I, . ! wilt. h distances the compention of mere
1, aul.pretension, and.has seca-ed a conspicuous
ninniversal favor. by. Intrinsic worth alone.
I.proprietor May point out the causes °fits =pen
picaoh of iniidiumw
.ill hetittitiegthe comparison.
' manufebturedby Dr. 'Willwes Evans, at lOU ,
street: do not require his explanation of
r acknowledged efficacy—for the most eminent
mans throughout-the United States wilflrbely,
:pealed to, state the reasons which have induced
in to recommend them - se extensively and warmly
/.they do. And those reasons are. that theateiude
tnedsciaes never Injure gime the most dcete
Ini'llth ns, and have, in almost every Individual
for Which they are prescnbed. a marked. an ane
wt, a truly happy and permanent etrtt.acy. l'hysa
; moreover, see that they are not offered to the
r:• tic upon, any quack' theory of purifying the blood.
the otter drtruction of the stomach and bowels.
fy the blood frumall diseased humors, they wade
bay do; but not by desiioying those viscera by
! ich alone the- lood can he sustained. They are
. , pounded upon a theory which supposes a stomach
a very essennangent to heals h; and food, well
ested, to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.—
.. do not piney men to ghosts, and make them
like Wings too Tefined to remain lone in this
rld; but they make them as human as possible, and
o encounter the hardships. and the memo•
sof a sublunary life.. They do not make a rio
t purgatory of this life. tii pre d are tinter
'another. They- proceed on the aunt elattion tha t
blood. muscles. nerves. organs. exureetry and be
ttory gload. inticuous and teutimenbary membranes,
and brains. of every human being requite to
supplied with nourishment from as he4ttiful a stn
eh as can he tqade and aela ; and upon the doctrine
ualestrthe worn-telt and how el,. trt• in Lit.t - td
'- blood and every other part of the system will be ill
r„ foe,
nd bow is it ex;iected that they will secure health
he stomach mid bowels? %Vitt% beg the one
itgest fond. and the other to-r - nrry otr what is leil
,r the nutriment is extracted, in connection with
surplus of bile. and the fon: humors orrtie hioor,
enes membranes and strima.-h tnd.ihey
h these great feats of medicine in the most simple
y ialAgimible. The A r: NT \JILY PI
he stomach be affected with wind. bile. Orr:owed
sietions,clear it out, by a natural but a moat in
' sttge solvent action, and cleanse, the whole ali—
nt wy canal, without gri d inig. and leaving it as free
boty debility. as nature ever desurtied it to
ey do not take the skin "Efate stomach and bowels.
leave than like a nice,- .1,4 • red velvet. an all i4ny know. the terinvz drasirie TON ao, bin t hey
e natdre kindly by the hand without ernshinft her
:era. They eltrise every thing, withnut inpanng any thing,
hen this is effected, a• h usual y is by the tine ork
of the F LY NT ?ILLS.. then come
, celebrated CA MOMII.F. or TONIC PILLS to
.ngthen a stomach and bowels which oefore„ per
we ik and foul bec-,inoe they were weak, and
k.nws t hem with oreeneth to ”erl s ,vrtn the,r
funr..tio.ka; withn.ut the aid or plivo t e The VA
; MALE Fl./) t Eli. when tta valuable prtee:, le a
Ichemically extractecl, is acknowledged by all.phy
tan's, in every aze, to be the beg! ve !entitle tonic
'von in the science of medicos —i here to nothing
lowa in the vegetable kin4dotn of nature to eq.ial it;
,thing that is at t.nee sn harmless and in viaorntiol,
lthful. and in proof of this dr. proprietor of thy
owned pills that ire mi.lw front its purest particles,
ffht quote almost innuntera iI itt4ora both ancient
modera. tf hie own practice had not proved it to
s thousands.
he effects of these pills eve not only perceived in
•increase of appetite and fenerPl strength. but in
-monition orate body to that universal vigor in
functions wEneh indicates the return 61 peffectly
nd trealth.—The face, and general complexion,
alt volumes in tneir. favor. and thousands of fe--
les can testdy how much they have contributed to
comfort, the.r complex:on. and their strength.
;en every other remedy had proved wore than use
s. In nervous diseases. of till kinds. they Illen•w
owlm.4;ml to be pree:ninent ; gradu•itly restoring
n;ass oY body and mind without thus, annoyance
changes which other nervo ',medley. occasion
iiimy would it have bee., tor young peraona
both anus who a c now in the ~ lent grave it they
d learned to cheek the mo , hid tonaeneiev of their
mach' Rud bowels by those "ere tomes and operi
siohout resorting TO qua..k remedies. th•• tisines
r- wbtch are concealed, and of wh cli they know
thin? That cl , eadetil rename ('ri NISI • NIPTION.
ght have been checked ,n •ts commencemen: and i
tippoinusl or its prey, all over the laud, if the first
1„ toms of nervous dehiltty h id been connterlicted
'CAMOMILE chemically ore-,ared; nod those.
~. wel complaints which lead to a host tv6aial mule-
s, Might have be,fn tit yiated by t hat ft-in alealine
t.-set of rh , harh; who+ is in learlmz tnermitent it,
• APERIE Ni I' FAMILY PILLS. Before both of
ens medicines, which me pda d ted to a majority of
P Imrpones for wlitrh a hundred 'lettere Pre 'tanner's-'
rily need, fevers.amies. hiltrini disord'ers. -ht , idac hrs.!
mile debility, mule decline. indigestion, and liver
liMptaint, would have emirely disappeared, '
any of them Fla re nr•WPd fart), i
!But be it dnedi:ctly understood that these rned'e l nee l
,e not offered instead of wake natural organs of she
I which 'Utter med nines •It.siten4e with, in a very
i t namary . manner 'they are foonded noon medical
t irowled4.e. nod not myrtle, y, and do not take all the
r'. °articles out of the human blood iiiin..r•the pre-
ice .if unifying it. lit - proof o f winehttilfemnre of
"ern Int the flees and forms of entieniv bele tevui-
I , riny. They coo-mote a UWllilt. Ptirel , lai and geni—
i Ily applicable class of medicines for every family.
ti being both tonic anti :Irene'''. and of the best
I'• eparsuons known, no person or . fanylv should he
about them.; 'rite, can be obtained w intema le and
i• tail of tbe proprietor, Dr WM El' A NS. New York,
d of his agents in town and country, with tf.ree-
1 one for use.—Thee are ripidly imperced:sigsll other
II medics advertised to the public prints. because they
is found to belong to a very EUperlOr Mass of oitputer
: edifies. A single trial usually plane, them high in pri.
h ate estimation, as they are known to be 111 publid
reference, and in the opinion of ohjuiieuins.
.I•IHTST. PHIL A DEI.PHIA, where has medicine
lay be had. Dr. Win Evans! Olfice.lllo Chatham
inset. New York.w hese the Doctor may be consulted
ii, 'VSPEPSI A and ItY.POI7IIONDRI Artsm.—
&Westing (4.1 , —Mr. William Salmon,t4reen et
llve Third at. Philadelphia, afflicted for several
rs with the following distressing symptom.: Sick
- at the stomach, headache, dizziness, palpitations
f the heart. impaired appetite. sometimes acid and
irtrecsent eructations, coldness and weakness of the
ziremities. emaciation and general debility disturbed
est. a sense of °restore and weight at the stomach
ter eating, nightmare. great mental deapndeney.
everecdving pains in the chest. back and sides. coati ve
est a dislike for society or non verwrion. involuntary
•tithing ant weeping languor and lasitude upon the
r Mr. Fialumn hacrapplital to tbe moat eminent physi
, lane who considered it beyond the firmer of tnedt;.
inert° restore Mai to beat h-; however. as his atlic
nes bad reduced him to a very deplorable condition,
• hiving been recommended by a. relative of his ro
ke trial of Dr. Win. EV ANS' Medicine, he with
gfieilty repaired to the office and procined a package.
which. he says, he is indebted for his restoration to
health and friends. He is now enjoying slime
: ie t ta i gss of perfect health. Persons desirous of
1.. flier information, will be satisfied - W . ith every parti
: tar ofhts astrinishingcnre at Or. Wm gvans.
i in at.. New. 'V tirk;..and in Phil
' ,etA,.. NQ.I9..NORTH EIGHTH St.
Sold bj ' Joint T. WE R1.41t...
Role Agent for fchiuylkillCoonry.
Pottsville. N0v.25 .1-41
Cheese! Cheesel;
Calikti nPpreonnm absege,
I) Ooze, prop apple do
14- .ala by - N. N ATIIA N§Arin.
dee 2
- "'` - T" • '
rt. Nathan* Arc Ca" ,
gIIF FER fter sale it theirWitiliteilartiairritari tt
I , •- , T ly Grroacceery rStore, Ceittre. Idiciii beliirwideili,° -
t, a prdiairkeriortmeir of Nesib brotstrieskaosiliii ,
• . -•
i s , ~.. . i - • :.e ..i, , , y1 , ..3 Kt- i•ki-
Jarra.Bititagnint, :-' . is . .- co n6--'1 - : -----, 'it.
.St. Donatogo and browsed $ -.a,
N. (hl ears,-fit. Cross, brOwn and tens
whonlavanna. loaf and lumpy . . 6
New Orleans. West I•Molasems • •
India Mid sugar house
imperial. Gun Powder: Voting ~
Hyems. PouchongOrange Pee- Teas
co, Soncbong•and Bohm •
Baker*. alltael4 B Fuliab.Schnu'' i Chocolate
& Ltaggs. and sweet spiced ..
Prepared Cocoa. Cocoa /hells . -
Heading. Carew. Harley. • ;
Julio Bulb; Dobiter, Anchovy . Stites
Canton Goy and Cirri! „
- Gherkin. Tomato. pepper. l i
Mized.6onron, Mangos. Fickler"
Lemuti and French • .
°limn capita, Anchovies
1 Cayenne pepper. allspice Ind Ginger
Clove*, Mace, Nutmegs andtassis
Rice. flour ol rice. starch •
Grin ants, Figs, Ratans, Prunes • '
Sweet and bitter almonds, citron ,
(Mire Oil, wine bitters,lemen syrup .
' ... Preserved ginger. cheese, codfish
: Herring. mackerel, salmon
• W hie and colored wa,E sperm 1 Candle
• Moulded and di pt tallow
Palm,•variegated brown and yellow leap
6 Old Miuteira.old port. claret
Brown and pale sherry , rhatopaigne Wines
' Old hock. Lisbon. dry el Hasa . in wood
Sweet =dna. muscatel ' Ot bottle
. Malmsey. marsedles A Sicily Model. J
Sc,, mommga beta A corn whiskey
A onist-ite. anniseed & peppermint cordials
.:, Cognac:6la ui pagne, Spanish 4. com brandy
Holland A tom. G in. N. E Rum
.lama, spirits
Exirs.sup.span. inferior do
: Half Spanish and common cigars
Cut A plain and moulded glue se Ware
China and crockery $
g 4nettrii assortment of Dry Goods. &c &e. all of
w Wen 116,, are dispowed to sell on the most reasons
bleprms. Heads of Families and Tavern Keepers
ere.: via rtirniarly invited to call. , ___
For Male
B . 30$. L IPI ER RE'S Sympathiek for the
GT safe.t, spy-dies', and perfect core of every
k,dd of wound., ulcers, cancer and all cutaneous
disOses, arising. from coning, squeezing, burn
tug; boiling to the impurity of the blood, nod abb.
for,tcurmg Dy.pepsia, heart burn, asthma, liver
enn,i,sili , tho ireoes., colicks, convulsion., diarr.
hcea and rheiimatick pains, tooth ache, and sore
ecru. The general agent. Prof. G. Xav yagner,
Itradmg, Berke enmity, Pa. offers gratis to any
p.-tun affetztd .with tither of the said diseases.
a (}'.rain quantity of the Sy inpathick to he tried
ana appeee.aiso botWe nitilrinctriv expense; now
ever, the application must be made free of post
N. Vila article cannot be had genuine in
ail drug .store or a ppoih twar y s h o p. It is not
s•ary to talk mor.h about it, as it eertainly
wil rreruntuend itself to an enlightened puhliek.
Passage irons Eneand, Ireland, Scot.
land and Wales.
NiOF.RsONs wishing h er.gage paaange foi
their irienda, in first rate ships, from the a
hove piacea, may now do au by applying to
Cer.tre Street.
For the accommodation of those 'neurons enga.
ging passage for their friends, who may wish tl
eciid theni money, to enable them to provide fm
rini voyage, drafts wia be given on the following
:mimed merchants, viz:
•P. W. Byrne", N 0.3. Waterloo Road, Liver.
pool; Daniel Wright, k Co. N 0.3, Robinsoh st.eet
Glasgow; William Miley, No. 25; Eden Quay,
Dublin. may 6 36
I 0 PP A T'S
t'cw,ctable Lire Pills and rile
, nix / Bitters.
rr 4 COVTIZ A S I'.—III nations, frcm the remo
tes/ ages. her- It..d ships. but Columbus only found
out the way to America Before the time of the
glint Spanish na vigatur, people were only enabled to
paddle aboot the shores. Jusi se with the Life Med
is but two short yelps since I first yen.
roved upon an unknown ocean. and I have dtscoveied
tli ,•remeiri object I was in .search of—HEALTH.
%'egntable medicines were iedeed know n when com
monest! my search, hut their use was not. By the
tale of them, I have not mly passed from the dejected
Orin lido. the hale hearty ann active m of bui.iness,
commit-mm.4v speaking, I have r;•newed my
youth, • 1 can t hus. with confidence in m) own tape
riebee. advise with my fellow citizens Does di e
mider w lit proof Om, theVEG ET A FILE Mb:MED
ICI NKS are suitable to his own easel I have on Ills
at lny citlice.s4b B. owl way. hundreds of letters, from
wine of th- mist reanertable ci t mem of this ins na.•
rivj" lend. volnntarily Taproot in restimonv ofthe vir
tues of A GOOD V F GE'I'A 81k. MEI llaN E.
renrona whoseconatitutions-hate - been cearly
fined liy . i b e "all infallible" mineral preAration- of
the day. well bar me wvt nPfne. that the Life Medi
ati.i such only. are the true cause to "erman.ent
good health JOHN 111OFFAT.
`Fhes , medicines have long been know'. and appre 1
ciaterr. for their:extraordinary arid immediate powers
'of (reboring eetreef health io : , ersons suffering under
nearly every kind of oisease, to which the human ]
frame is liable.
In many *inmate* of certificated instances ,
have eve rekrorli sufferers from 'lie very verge at in
uuLturly crave, af:e: all the deceptive nostrums of
the nay (uteri) failed; and to many ihousands they
have perm. envy secured that uniform et joyment of 1
health. without which life iiselfis but a partial bleep.
tog. .So great. inned, has their efficacy i vans*
and infallibly prowl, that it has appea scarcely '
lemilithas miraculoal to those who were ok; ualated
with the beautiful philowiphieal princip es upon
re i ci
winch they ane-compowided.and upon which they
consequently act. It was to their mainfestanit seine
blon action in purifying the springs and channels Of
life a id en Ming them with renewed tone and vigdr.
that they were indebted fur their napes, which was
bestowed upon them at the spontaneous request of 1
setieral individuals whose lives they bad obvioesly
sailcd. t
The proprietors rejoice in the opportunity afforded
by the univeisal diffusion of the daily
_press. for plea-1
mg his Vt.:Gk.:TABLE LIFE PILLS within the
knewle'gr marl reach of every individual in the com
munity. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries.]
which boast of vegetable ingraisenui. the Life Pills
are purr ly and sota../ VME rAni.X, and contain eel.
their Mercury. Antimony. Arsenic. nor any other
mtieral. in any form whatever. They are entirely
composed ofeatrazta from rare and powettal planes.
thei virtues of whit.h. though long knownlto wall
Indian tribee.andlrecentiy to some eminent phirmi
ceducal eheinula,srealtogethernulmown to the :lino.
rarit pretenders to medical science; and Were .never
before administered in so happily efficaciousitcingi•
bit teen. ' _ - 1•:" 1 ?C' .
. . .
their firatiopersilitra is to loosen from thaistiatiol
Ma, stomach awd bowels, the various
crudities constantly setting around thetotitunktliktilt
more the haidened timers which eollret in the cop
'Minions of the south intestines. Othr medicill4to
only partially.cleausethwie.and leave such collected
mairses betuitd, as to produce habitue ioirthrenelit
wtStt all itatraintilevila.or sudden diarrhtea.with its
tmlnotent mincers. This faM it sell luiown
revlar atuttouttste. whor , ekaletue
nfret destor, hence prejudiceoftliese well
roi l iest min ag ainst the quack medicines ofthettge•
file is, set etrept of the VEtiETABLE Llk
TH!k -7 ,ftiii4
Pa.tra: -..-- . .le-loactit ' lla4alt4 ! . :btoddirroinid :
ihyt this mealts,tbe liver and the leep.,tfor beettlifdt
rectkOl'of which aside* depend*. ripen tbelegobidt,
adder urinary comma The bland, yebtelif
fretfitidor from the agency &the liver and longs
berniettoras into tine - heart, llicingilenr*Andll
them maod nourished by ffiseednung fin, a clean
topnotch, courses frftly through the- youte.rinteirst
Oral, part of the system and mmOhantly *rents the
butler of health in the blooming cheek. ;
The following are among the distressing variety of
human &teases, to which the Vegetable pile Pills
srewejl known to be infallible--
DYSPEPSIA: by through', cleanaintllrar and
second . stiouncha; and creating a flow of pu healthy
bile. instead of the stale, and acrid kind,—kind,—Herzang.
p e r ms efom= ows4 AZOilitt iv Algrile. liatstistri ,
..Anolety. lA*
geol.melhfelendistelynnek are the galore{ Symptoms
of Dyspepsia. will vanish. ass natural co es of '
its cute. Cationsenr. by Cleansing the shade length
of the intestines with a solvent process, and *libber
violence; all violent prirges leave the bowels costive
within two'days. Dsrrkma and arelern, by remitter
tug the sharp acrid raids by which these utp,ainta
are occeriotted. and by promoting_ the I breatorte
sextettes of !hempen, memtwime. Fevers all kinds,
I by reettakeitbe blood to a regular chi:elation; thr ou gh
the process pr perspiration in some arma l and the
throughsolntion of all intestinal obstructions in others-
LtFE PILLS have been known Iti core Rhea
statism permanentlyirrthree weeks, and Gitrat in half
that time, by removing local inflammationi from the
muscles and ligaments of the joints. Drop*s of all
kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or
gans; and hence have ever bee. found a certain reme
dy for the worst eases of Gravel. Also Worms, by
dislodging from the turnings of the bowelitthe slimy
matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma mid
Consumption. by relieving the air vessels of the lungs
frem the mucus, which even slight colds if not remote
ed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy. Views land Inveterate Soees, by the
perfect purity which these Life Pill, give to the blood
and all humors; Scorbutic Ereptiens, and load Caw
re:mons. by their alterative effect upon the girds that
morbid state of which occasions all Eruptive Com
plaints. ballots. Cloudy. and other disagreeable Com
plexions The use of there Pills fora very shorttime.
will effect an 'entire care of Slat AM', .Dysip e i a l
sod a ,reeking improvement in the Cleo -nem o f the
Ara Common Colds. and Influenza. will Always be
cured by , one dose, or by two even ie the worst cases.
Piles.—as a remedy for this most distressing and ob
initiate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a
distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
known to hundreds in this city. that the Proprietor
of these invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted ' with
this complaint for upwards oftkirty flveyears. and that
tie tried In vain every remedy prescribed with in the
whole compass of the Materna Aledica. Ifebow,ever,
at length, tried the metfitne which be sow offersto
the public, and lie was cured in- a very short time,
after his recovery had been pronounced dot only
improbable. but absolutely impossible, by spy Boman
means. .
DIRECTIONS FOR r .—The proprietors ofthe
Viewers BLI Liev PILLS does not follow the fuse and
mercenary practice ofthe quacks of the day, in advis
ing persons to take his Pills is large quantities. No
good medicine can possibly be so required. These
Pills are to be taken at bed time every night. for a
week or fortnight, according to the obstinacy of the
disease. 'fflie lOWA dose is from 2to 3, according to
the constitution of the person. Very delicate persons.
'tumid begin with but two. and increase as the nature
at the casemay require:those more robust. or of very
costive habionay begin with 3. and increase to 4. or
....yen 5 Pills, sod they will effect a safficiently happy
hange to guide the patient in their Anther use.
These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and vomry
ng. though very seldom, unless the stomach is vele
;out; this, however. may he considered a favorabe.
tympani, as the patient-will find himself at once rit
tiered. and by perseverance will soon recover., They
asually operate within 10 or 12 hours, and never give
pain, unless the bowels ate very much encumbered.
They may be taken by the moat delicate females us.
der any ctretmtaiseces.—lt is. however, resieumend
ed, that those in Inter periods of pregnancy should take
but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the Bowels
open: and even two may be taken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in a solution of two table
spoons full of water, may be given to an infant in the
following doses—a tea spoon full every two hours till
It operates; for a child from one to five years of age.
half a pill—and froinfive to pill.
THE PHCENIX BITTERS, are so caed,because
they reisseintthe power of restoring the expiring em
bers of health. to a glowing vigor throughobt the
constitution. as the Pheenix is said to he pattered to
lie from the ashes of its own dissolution. . The Pits!
nit Bitters are eutirely vegetable, composed of root
-band only in certain parts of the western country
which will intalhbly cure FEVERS AND ACRES
of all kinds; will never fail to eradicate entirely,afl
Th. effects of Mercury . infinitely sooner than the most
powerful !preparations of sarsaparilla. and will imme
diately cure the determination of BLOOD ;TO THE
; never Fail in the sickness t ip 4 ti iitecnt to young
females; and /II be found a tenni medy in ail
cases of aervott desi fi fy and meant fthemosi im
paired censure ions. As is a remedy fdr (*italic and
Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phenix
Bitters will be demonstrated br the use Of a single
bottle. The usual dose ofthese bitters is half ■ wine
glass full, in water or wine, and this-quantity may be
taken two- or three times a day, about leaden hour
before meals. or a less quantity may_ be taken at all
times. 'Po those who are afflicted with indigestion
after meals, these
,Briters will prove invaluable. as
they very greatly increase the action of the principal
viscera. help them to eerfonn their functiens.and en
able the stomach to discharge into the bowels what
ever is offeusive. Thus indigestion is easily and
apeediy rentoved. appetite restored, and the mouths
of the al sorhent vessels being cleansed• nutrition is
, facilitated. and strength of 'tpdy - and energy of mind
are the honey results For farther particulars of;
TERe3, apply at Mr. Moan; office. No. 546 Brndway,
New York. where the Pills can be obtained for 25
cents, 50 cents. or $1 per.hos; andt he Bitters for 81 1
or $2 per bottle. ID' Numerous certificates of the
wonderful efficacy of both. may be there inspected.
In some obstinate and complicated cases of chronic
and meltmmatbry Rheumatism. Liver Complaints.
;Fever • td Ague. Dyspepsia, Palsy. Ales, ispiry from
the use of Mercury, quinine, and other diseases of long
.standing. it may be necessary to take both the Life
Pills and the. Phteuix Bitters, in the doss before re
commended. ..
N. B —These Pills' and the Bitters, will ger the
mercury oto ofthe system infinitely taster than the best
I preparations ofSarsaparilla. and a certain remedy far
I the rushing of the blood to the head. or all violent hood.
aches,tie douleureux, &c.—A II persons who ere predis
posed to mtoplexy„,palsy. &a., should never be without
the Life Pills or the Bitters, for erne dose in time will
save life. They equalize the circulation or the blood,
draw all pressure from the head, pet:ciliation. and
throw off every impurity by the pores Of the akin.
clgesim for the Proprietor.
Pettsville. '2B ,
Religious WOrks.
BANK has just received theifollowing
"• religions works, Loudon and America ed
itions. which he offers for sale cheap.
Original Family Sermon; 5 vols. I
Masvillons' Sermons,
. Leland's .iew of Deistical Writetf.
§turterant'a Preacher's - Maoual,
Drew on the Reaurrectiou, .
Drew on Um Soul, .
Bridge'e on,tbe FilaJno MIL I
Fiber on thfidelive.
Jamea', Christian Vijifelsor.
Christ ia'nPithr
"L*9 1 4040,-.4. e 4
Ord Grope :74cir
do .do bottled . . itto do , _
V:dr) ikapeciur tioEist kt4iit Madeira ] in, imod
o A
and bottles. Very -superior • old M. b 0 6 0 T
AlinGordon if Cu, Sherry wiries..Vico Madeirs
Sled.? Ma(eire,f.....)4o,,'Xi rr ifie, old Pi e Liebe'',
dry 10440 e11011 . 144114W1111ii. iic. &c. for sale by
M4,4tER . is. fiAGtiffllN
april a . -- • - 1 3v
~,_....,~.. _,.:.::;:::~~:.:i•--.,.
~_ _ _-''"'-'~'"o"`-........~~..:,,:+~..c~«',~;e,~..,>x.~.-a.;0.
.., ,• • 1 ..., 4 , 0 4 , f :
AT ,sr i ~63 4 .
r ' ) ... . . . ). r,:.
Saying; ' , , . _society. ,
Ttiet;it'Oaibiiii , - 4Fonifisiglitt•i;
bco'iirlipeireieri, day from to Stitaiwitit •
the•°Mee ot Discountl, fin the Pa
lo* otref*vilalrin -entteint pot ex-,
oeeding BMA from any-oite palm. upon which
an interest br4 per cent will be paid on every St
and npwerda,but no interest will be allowed on
angNaetional. parte , of O. The •vrhcle or any
part may ;he drawn out on givitg notice. two to
few' weeks. at the of on Mondays. The bu.
amen of the Society will be conducted by the
foil:ming officers and managers, until the first
Monday in Mai , nest.
President- , -AIQUILA BOLTON.
Joseph turd!
Samuel J. Potts
E. S. Warne
Jet= Turner
Edward 'Hughes
Jacob Bull
Article ild of the Charter. "No emolument
whatsgever shall be received by the President
or Managers for their services. nor shall any
Manager become a bOrrower from the instills
lion. oct 3 46tf
.„. Far the preetntion 4eure
94 7. e of Conets.Colds, Asthma,
11 4- 6 \ Consumptions. Spitting of
ro 17 ire. 0 I l i Blood, Ds of the
Breast and Longs,Bo pre.
.4•, pored by Dr.o LAR LSOII
Ir " . "1_,.. FREEMAN , of the City
of Lancaster.
Accompanying etch bottle of the Specifiek,
pointing out in a conspicuous manner, all the
symptoms in the different stages of these distres.
sing dineinies—also particular 'directions respect
ting diet sad regisnen„and bow patients are to
conduct through every stage until health is re
storefor vain and uselestr would be the pre
.scriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied
with the most powerful and useful medicines, if
the directions are not faithfully adhered to.
The public are iWorrned that the depositions of
287 persons have been taken before proper au
thorities in the city of Lancaster, all completely
cased in the most desperate cases of consump
tion, some of which are detailed In the bills ac.
company ing each bottle.
•.• A supply ef the above Specifiek has been
received and is for safe itt this office.
March 12 18
Swaim's Panacea.
AS the intemperance and luxury of the age are
hardening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more impure: and as thou
minds have destroyed their constitution by neglecting
to apply the proper remMhes--to such, Sivaim'aPan•
aces must be, and'has been, more than doubly value-
We as a certain and effectual means of restoring them
toperfeet health and vigor. Few families are whol
exempt from scorbutic affectioni, which exhibit va.
hale symptoms. as eruptions, ulcerations, debility.
loss of aline:tile and dejection, all arising from impure
blood. and if not properly attended to, prodnee the.
greatest injury to the coustitutution. and may be im
parted to their offspring. - Swirim's Minitea to recom
mended at this season of the year, as a valuable resto.
rat ive of the apneas. thereby invigorating the conatitu
imp, and enabling n to bear the debilitating e ff ects el't
thd stammer Reason. It is conveyed by the circula
ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all those
diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver. depraved appetite. or predispositon to affections
of the lungs, &c. No one, however, isiadvised to use
it without convincing themselves of the truth of what
ii here stated.
Tltientedieine is now need with success in all parts
of 'the world, and is gaining great reputation in Eng
A fresh swpply of the Medicine just received and
For sale by B. BANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Who can supply the above medicine wholesale to
them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia prices
blay 14 2fr-
Insurance Company;
its AKE both limited and perpetual Insuran c es
on Brick. Stone or Frame Buildings, Stores,
Betels; Mills, Burns. Stables, Merchandise, Form
tare and Property of every description, against loss
or by FIRE.
The Dela Ware County Insurance eompen, wit
also insure against loss on - fill kinds of marine risks
and , ;mine the damage or loss upon the transporta
tion tiflooda.wnres. and mereandise by water, oyby
rail why, upon terms as favourable as any other in
For any further information on the subject of in
surpnce, either against Fire, marine or inland risks
Apply to liEti KY G. ROBINSON. Arent.
July 15 34-ttC lt Schuylkill Haven.
Fill Insurance Compa n y.
am R E both hunted and terpetual Insurances on
J.TI-Bock. Stone or Frame Buildings.Storea.Hotels
Ma,.ms. Stables. Merchandize, Forniture.and.
Kerte of every description,against loss or damage
r t .
by FIR
The subscriber bas been appointed Aoßarr for the
above mentioned Institution and is now prepared to
'fake IssuzaacEs upon every description of property
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN BANNAN.
Pottsville. Feb.2'7.1836. ' ' 15
— The Philadelphia Fire
Tur ARE end perpetual Insurances. on
AN-I. Brick, Stone or Frame Buildintr.Stores. Hotels.
Mills, Barns. Stables, Merchandise, Furniture, and
froperty of every, description, against lota ordamage
.1* 1111 E.
The subscriber has been appoinied Aoarrr for the
.ititive mentioned Jnstitution and M now prepared to
Make Instraartotts upon every description orprcrpert3
aitihe lowest rates. t BENJAMIN HANNAN. 1837 ' 15. -•
swains's Panacea:
Gn i DOZEN Swaim's Pansies. -jest mils.
Ammo ed fresh from the proprietor. Upwards of
. .getienty-Five Thousand Bottles of this valuable
enedkine were sold last year, inti The demaind is
increasing. For sale by the dozen, or sing le bottle.
Prise t 2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5 by
.- , •
~...,„Bele,AgettLfet,§cheytkill connty, ,, ,
Also Svritird'alVerrnifuge.
• PlarttifTE .
r, Street, litipi;iitelid 'residence
[Bid Of /1. F. 1;o w ocettpied - by
William D. Leib: The house is I.A
ieti.ircint by 30 k•et depthOwith a kitchen and
cellar in the basetnent story, two runup; on the
first; second and third Score each; the whole of
said Mute well plastered and painted. Also en
excellent well of water at the'door—the lot it 204
feet front,-by 170 feet in •depttf, with a 9 feet al
ley on the west end of said house.
-For further particular* inquire of
:Ronal Carbon,Nor. 3,1931. '
st:RGE,'O,A - A• • LONDO.,V.
IV iskin's Pills.
trait Original Hygeian Ugayersal Vegetabli
m• Medicine, prepared by vvy m Ism. Esq.,
Member of the Royal College of eurgeons, Licen.
nate of Apothecaries Ctimpany. Fellow of 801.
Court Society, Surgeon tp the Royal Union Pen
skin Association, Lancaster place, 11Vaterlo.
Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Cmay's and Si
Thomas' Ilospltals, London.
These pills having gained abelehrity Unparal.
leled in every section of the Union, ate now con
sidered by all those Who value good health, India
penaible as a family medicine—patronized by a
numerous body of the most eminent Physician,.
both in this country ald in Europe,—is sufficient,
4 is presumed, to stamp their character in the es
timation of every thinking man, and it , is hoped,
a far better recomniendatipn than the course re.
sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pectenders:
who to mislead and deceive the public, publiia
what they call practical proofs and certificates of
Cures, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil
ity, and Most of which, if Pot all, are either groat
fabrication; or procured by fraud and connivance.
The editor of the Loup Island Farmer, saps
"This medicine has obtained an. unprecedentee
degree of well preserved popularity. Having talk.
en these pills ourselves to advantage and witness.
ed their beneficial effects on others. we. have no
hesitation ir. recommending them to . the public as
a safe. salutary and •usefulfamily mtdicine."
','Nona are genuine without the 'signaler° of
the General Agent on the label, by whom the a
bove medicine is imported into this country.-
..MO. HOLBEIN, 129 Waverly Place,
Gent Agent for. U. S.
A supply of the above Medicine just received
and for sale by B. BANNAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county
July 16
Important Discovery.
The subscriber bas discOveved a method by which
he virtues of that valuable root.
May be extracted without losing any °fits med'cinal
properties. 'This medicine is prepared after a re
ceipt of the Medical College, a receipt recommended
by the Faculty as the best formula for the prepare
tele orate fluid extract of Sarsaparilla.
teThis Extract may be given with perfect safety to
children. and is conscientiously offered to the public
as a purifier of the blood, which in all cases will great
ly aileviate and in many entirely cure the following
Obstinate eruptions of tbe skin, •
Pimples or pastilles on the fate.
Biles which arise from an impure habit of Lady,
Scaly eruptions,
Pains in the bones,.
Chronic rheumatism,
Tet ter,
Scrofula. or King's evil,
White Swellings.
Syphilitic symptoms.
And all disorders arising from an impure state of
the blood. either by a long residence in a hot 3nd un
healthy climate, or the injudicious use of mercury.
have thought it necessary tot:mach a few certifi
eines of its beneficial effects, from persons well known
in the county, as 'references:
Reading, July 13, 1837.
We the anderibined. having used the 'Compound
Fluid Extract oFsarsaparilla, (prepared by George
W. Oaheley/in our families. most cheerfully recom
mend it to the public, as a cheap.'safe andlcier)!
medice, in diseases arising from impurities. f the
This is to certify that 1 war for two years afflicted
with an obstinate rerperigernousaffection in one.olmy
lege, which broke into numerous ulcers, for which I
tried various remedies, which but increased the dis
ease, when I was recommended to try Mr..oakeley's
preparation of iSanmparalla. _ 1 did so. ana after using
several bottles I am happy to state that the ulcers are
entirely removed aed my leg healed Witness my
nand this 16th any of a nguat, 0.37
JOHN R. COLLER, Reading.
This certifies that my little son. about 8 yearn old.
had Suffered for a long rime from extensive sores on
the nght knee and lee. (supposed to have been white
swelling.) which I found impossible to -heal. by even
the aid of the must respectable medical advice, until
I was recommenced to use Mt. George W.Dakele3's
Com poundbyrup of Sarsaparilla, eight bottles of w filch
not only healed be sores but perfectly restored tl e
child's health which had suffered much in consequence
of this affention. t:ATHARINE BINGEMAN.
7th above Penn st. Reading.
The above case was presented to me. both . before
and atter the vie of Mr. Oakekilt syrup of Sarsapa
rilla. and I have no hesitation to believing that it was
the agent Of his restoration.
Reading, Sept. 12. 1837.
. .
Mr. Oakeley. _
Sir.-1 consider it my -duty to let you know that the
use of the half dozen bottles of your valuable Santoru.
villa tnat I got of you in Jane hat. hasentirely healed
my leg, the Doctor told me itwas of a scrofulous cluil -
octet. and the use of your medicine would probably
benefit it. The fivebottles were not taken before it
wit healed; hut I took the sixth to make the cu.e
certain; it is now better than two mouths Since 1 mud
any. and there is no appearance tit'a return, my pbyri•
cum thinks the cure perfect. Yours, Arc.
t lk:efbe above Imitable medicine may be had at
the subscriber's/wholesale and retail Drug stole.
North Fifth atreeo,Reading, and at moat of the prin
alai drug stores: Fresh Drugs and Medicines, at
theloweitcash pri4eo, also kept for sole by the sub.
scriber. GEO. OAKELEY.
Also:to be had at :tke stores of Heiedenreich &
Kum. Kutztown ;Wm hlintzer and Dr. Ford. Potts
town : Meer Knabb,Oley ; and at the store salazrard
& Strauch,Pousville.
Jan 13
N. B. To prevent imposition—my signature wi
act:emptily the label•or each bottle. •
Wikolesale and Renal
• waire Store:
01. Leck - & WEAVER have just received is !id.
• '
a. &don to their former stock of Hardware '
Mousehnle anvils, springkeed nem patent polish'd
screw. platua warranted cast steel axes, broad man.
nano do. hatChete,hainmers, Beatty' & blallitur adzes.
socket indllnnerchisels , &swing knives, hlachwnith:
bellows. cut & wro't nail , . 4 . 4 i , 6 ¢t 6 in- gatd-SPikefi.
jingle, cat and double plane irons and planes ,aawntea
locks, 'latches, hinges a' 1 strewn; s ound and eiptairt
bofte, stye. plated - and il:/kaginana.
*Rad" winch areafrelelimmis,mgot arempodat
ineterms Feb it ' 14.
Upwards-!of 10,000 - Boxes
Leidrii liiesisaporill or ISloi
sold inTlelladelpliti, • aloae.
, di ligritti 04V,
. _ ,
~. ... -
Whoviceinot l intise the yreithysii
. ,
properties of dielSirsgmrdtis II -, • * -1 ,
KUVERYsnati:vetainata.andichffid tilitt
answer• the above, as every nowise]
out the United States contain accoun ts of
sal effieiejefSlitsaparills. in iperfhivred
ram mi ng /ra m Ore Alsatian system aft ctini9
Ask any reap -Esable Phrsiciifi thequer
is the most **Oa puritan , if the .BUyea
will be, SARSaItAItILLA.
• Suffice it 6) IV. if all physiej4-1
it so universalli -beam evidence. co* iv
mealuebre preg:iti
• Dit: LletttY discolured a trietli.rii
Virtue of the SaPmparilla is obtained in a'
centrated form, and in such Manner as to
therefrom, sou kaut destroying in the long
This cannot be don e e by any other pent*
cuss is known edify to Dr. Leidy, and sat
his uyvo,
These Pills snip offered to the pihliq by!
DR. LraDV s s ~ .
sAßsAy.iiaLLA,tig litOnflt '
compounded pinticially pf Sarsaparil with
which is combined Mg/el:hems Cfnendlytti peutiti
tutionl tendert* them more effectual, i g geddy
laxative in theirmffecte, thus, carrying, off rupt hie
more from the sYstetn very Ily.sind sn ot pro'
fluting debility arany incouven ce.': T kha in suf
ficient quantity, however, they 'll pti rieb• II"
may be employed or given tot m i r . te, and
even to thlantqleinges,safe and /ts - R ai ! fish
„ ah
revive, reshiring no restraint fron t (ad 1 on
frost regular habits °rims itocirpatios l of k in d.
These pills hive been pre elninently mum ul and
t l.
from their convenient form. meat. sootier n I ter, take
the place of all thaAifferent preparations f 'armpit
oda. such as ttyhms. Decoctions. Extrac , c w hi c h
are contained ni bottles.tialie tb be broken. .reslare in
convenient for taking or being tarried 4804 ,
These pills tive,during the fist two ears. been
amply tested. f4ewipaper advertising ni ao very
expensive, ample testimonials from no m rope physt.
clans and others actompa xthe directioni. 1
They are particularly recommended in 1
Rheumatic affections , • Dry and write yi pimples,
General Debility, and pustules oldie face
Ulceus sores of th and body,
throat, noise fled body. ' Scaly erupt:Kati r d blot-
Diseases of the 'Liver, ches of the i
Skin and Bones} Tetter, Ringw
Pain over theregion of th S‘rofohi, lerys s,
heart, boned and at aundice, Dealt rn.
mach, .. Stomach Coug , Liver
, Pain , of the side,. along complaihts. ledierbrarh,
the back and Opine; ur eructations, red acid-
Inward fevers, rcalbreatb. sties oftbe s i e tthauh,
a bad taste in the mouth , landelar f tons, as
{ Flatulency, wa d ! of app swelling an hardening
tue. costiveness', cramps of the glendsioqthe neck,
of the atom '
aoh, and. in in the groin cinder the
e i g e, a ti o n, ' - arms, and ilbng the'
spiels, the b St, &e.
and the whole train of diseases resulting in !pip e .
nay of the blood, as also constitutional d eSser pro
duced by the,use of Barks. Quinine..krsbnpAtercuiy
or other Mineials , also in impendencies MI la,Syphi
lis, Lees, Venereal, &c. 4'C. c
ries 2.5 Cents a Bo*.
Prepared onl and sold Wholesale tell
91 Leidy's Health 'mporium, 2nd st. helot,
117/aiiteiton, Nay. 20, 1837
2-6 mo
13 EA DER. ityou have a cough or coi_
all their consequences. Colds general
imperceptibly. and insinuate themselves
the hunian system, finally settling upon th
ending in constinption.
Do* often is'youtli cut down when lea,
by the consumption, had followed to theil
parents who are in a measurethe duce 011.
ature death. in neglecting to remedy celda,
ing chtidhoo4, looking upon them as tti
tionB, and not attracting their noticernl tr
has commenced its work and made ease e
This isnot a fanciful representation; tit&
oils instances occur winch prove the Ant
In manhood cblda terminate in thesame
not progress so tepidly as in youth; they a
ever, in both yotith and manhood be early
and net regarded as trifling affections..ibr
sive idea that has no doubt sbonenkd the h
(Price LO Cents per bottle.)
lean invaluable preparation, discovered 1 . ..‘
and cerebrated G• physician; who ha
it upwards of fifty years in his oia-ti - Frac
many, throughout whiph country it lies
that time most Ottensively and succeasful l
in Cone bs. Colds. Influensas. Catarrhs. As
ting of Blood, Whooping Coughs.'Pain of
and Sides, ail attentions of the Breast and
arrest Cif apprOailhing consumption.. ( - T ,-
Much may beWaid in praise .of the abovi ipedicine:
but newspaper selyerusing being too espe s e,- ever y .
satisfactory evidence will be found in a lis effects
upon trial . as well as numerous recommenßa one sc.'
compan, ing thedirections . ltlywardi of 7 bottles
(x i
were sold in Phfladelphra alone during th at win
ter, a co nvin c ingiproo ref its efficacy, or sol roe - a quan
tity would nevelt flare been sold. The a t o medi
cines•are prepared and.sold only at • 1 •
econd belo . o.
. i
REA DER, ditiiou ever see a confirm l arieptic.
and learn his tnifferingsl If not; tuft e t to, say,
he is a Pale. that( and ghastly looking obj, his lite
ppearently hanging by a thread; he is mime ble and
unhappy, his slufferings indescribable. 1 :
Are you much troubled with Flatulency. Co stiveness.
Soureructatinns prising fronitourntooptch Ocasional
want of appetite. Waterbiash. a bait MA ttilin your
mouth, or foul bientfr, pain or a heaviness at tour sto
mach. Sickness after eating. fleadache.Distuft to your
once favorite diSheir, &c, If you are muchtmubled
with any of the foregoing symptoms, bringibefore YOEI
the picture of the - Dyspepti c . ant having resolved to
remedy the cons;encetr. immediately proOte
A never failing and efficacious remeiy for
And the whole train of affections resultiar gym disc
eases ofthifirver. Stomach and.later s.
ipe .. i ..
The above m icine is warranted frie front men*
ry or other mineial.prepamtrons; it is enitrrpnised end
tirely pf vegetablihsge and easy to take. • 94 very
pleasa'nt to the taste. It be safely admi ered to
1 young and old; requiring but moderate rest ? ons in
diet only. -
Numerous testlmonialshave been frog a tatimst
published; its reputation is so well known.' corn.
l er
meet upon its vir4ues is. unnecessary. gels ~ . to any.
~ : Fur
ther recommendktiOna accompany the'' , , ns a
romuipeseh bottle. i
ET Pnce Onci Dollar per batik. , .t
Sold in Philadelphia at
Dr. N. S. Leidy's Bed* Ediporliiin„ .. . • .
Vine St.—and by i • . ~ B . ..BADMAN,"
Miy -, .1 ..-- '..1. '[.- -- . '.
RA IL WAY I ' 11 . 11I—=,..A.NO , IROPI' .
, - --. , -; ,,,, SCRESSN& -• '
21 by 5 -8 inc.., -_,Aiiiiill3 Zia bar
2 by i :. ( 1 :0 '•'• ..-4 •410.. • do . d 4
1 Sv. 4 4' diT:74ltiitiliTtircit'Screeni
MI the iliiii liiiii eannieriunk holes,
atan'angle•eit, *green ; at th e ends.
Platste 404111 : . -to snit Ibis above.
• • ~,.. ;b.,* !.'. ..&-'O: I .RALSI*OI.I &
.', . llFii. f "' Ili rim&Street, Philad
"fitilairelilifiglltatib Is, 1836. . !
ri '',;l-1 , ..,..i:v.Aisight Wines. •
llT*lti tipe,tti e:i, d- . . e .
deGrave Wine, on d Pub,
via _TeI;P oiteillaiiiii ::...forlsle hy o
• .
'llialy'l9 4 t l 3Bl 4.. [ 'N. NATIIANS 1 • '.:13.
! , f Dr.
4d„ can
• 4 th[to44h...
R 4 mew.
- and
An . . What
• ariand
!keit* the
filky eon-
. erlof
'1 za
n i f
til at Dr.
ine, ?.o.
.beware of
ly iprogrese
1 e hinge Ad
t expected
4 inves by
Irtr prem.
en exilic.
i ig affec
• evtre3er
iie victim.
illt numer-
4' • but do
ot d how
itknded to,
t a dolo
r ,of thou-
, sregular
t l pinied
e 11 Ger
rhe Breuer
.4bge, and
'g Coal.
; la ett