U POL. 1. 1' v . i ; ill t MIN BA, .• 11:-, . D Fury C a advance. I charged to al .ostage. To .aid within th e e ofaubscript Y PRINTED By BENJ . 5~~~ ' TURKIC DOLLAI64 A payable Demi -Minna Ily in the Tear. Si will be ce,ve the paperfree of $3 per annum. IT opt will be added to the pri Two . . o DoLLAtte per ,advance. if not pa be.charged naunt, payabl' within the y xceeding t ertions—and in prop"rtio I. ill be insert;' whi th.they ar !charged accn ill be,Charged y sy the paper—w ' 11 inent.not exce I . and the lose l"r three sacces o the edltOr IA will be paid•to tints, 3tc and been t nieried xcept Marriag Adrertisementsnot charged $1 for three in' tnaertion. Larger on_ All advertisements out: unless the time fo is specified .and will be Yearly aC•erl li iser • Including subscription t of keeping onesd vents ' stan ling during the ye er one in each paps r All letters addressed otherwise no attention All notipes for me: which ha4ehmraefore harped 2$ cents etch. tlpe renewed the Alms ew York, f ,l ith privileze , the 141 h da Arse state th , l to proposed t , of :2240 lbs. ivered on of at such Wli • time be des it, Island, Pk MR. PROPOSALS vri miasionera of office in the Park, Anthracite Coal, ( •I tons.) until Thursita, Applicants will pl': from which the Coa land the price per tu, The Coal to be de day of Seetetnber n as may from time Commissioners., on t or Lnng Island Fa Payment will be June/ ade in cash OAT S . Is receiving fr'. fresh supply IS RED A' Pine %tree ce, Nu. SI ; promptly at . P. LI THE Subscriber ton Collieries. ted'SPOHN & LE landing at -his a ha, Orders left at the o' -at the wharf, will Ph plifa M 12, lik3s j ousville and to call and of mots, Prints I.wns, . •New and 9111 E Ladies Of . peetfulls matt splendid, assortmen Painted Lawns, .la Blimit and White L Motishnedelains L Hoskin, dark ands Worsted, Cotton an Fancy Handkerehi Plan, and painted Siik & Cotton, blea do do E =I ht kid Gil, Silk dn. I 4 Shackle, V red linen I h i d 8z untilen. iliroidered N. NATII, At the store of meil9 ing Boa iked flooring d gitoved rem (dtffe•ent qua I, and for Bah pliCation by JAMES M. ne Wharf, N. LLER & flAt Floo i gri . AROJANA wo ed, fongued.an 11 and 11 inchev o tunitantly on hand purchasers, upon 117 Planing Mach or MI opril 25 31—if Choice Wines add x. itIAIT - HANS - 41 r 1101 AVE on hand the follottrin . 1 A-Wand Liquors hich they w• and offer for sale Li "the iniast tonsistrng of 50 Baskets Cita paigne ine. ory, Star, Wood k, Ancbor, brands. ' . I 10 Baskets Sparkli ig ~Vbitb Bu 10 do . Old El ck, 5 cases Old Gra Juice Port, 50 do Medoc & t. Julien iCla Also—a few dozen of the Enrich India ur Star Mildeira, Old Brown, Gold Lind Pale Sher do Madeira, Mus4otel Curracoa, Perfect Love, Robe, , sette,,AnnisseedlCordials:: 1 ONj DRAUQD Maileirti, Pale, Brisson & Gold Tenet. die, Ma r. 1 Madeira, . M I Dry Malaga, M scatel and O. -rhainpaidne Bran y,of the Pin: Coeliac. Bordeaux do Charente ' Midland Gin. of Pine Apple and Jam. Spirits, M. *hi key, N. 2 Coin. Gin, Com Briandy &e. • , Tavern keepers i from the; ne are respectfully invited to call. N. B. Goods delivered to an: rough or neighboring towns fr :' • may 2 • . GREaT Balt Valuable Real Proprety FQR SAL! THE undersigned offers for known three story ,BRIC D W ELLING HO USE anp th situate in Centre street, Poitsci of the undersigned, together tenements in the tear of said'i lot of ground whereon the)wh/ brick building aforesaid, control front—finished from the base garret in the best style pt work as a business stand and a resid vourably situated. The foretell be sold on low and accommodati of the purchase money may fen erty for a few years, it desired. hit, and possession can be giver apply to G. M.; _ April 23 EMI • Encouiage Mane Ara Conftsetio6ary illa TnE subscriber respectfully public that hetes cowmen.: tore of Confectionary in elf its at Ills Store in 'Centre Street, n Pottsville House, where Confec ere an always be aupplied - w at the lowest Philadelphia cash: • Country Merchants are res. to call and examine his stock elsewhere. . • no 4 • WLLL ?UCH YOU TO?IZ ED, NAN. Restunption Of. If NEW antra - s on - 33 - . S. rirSHE Subscriber retards his g tefial seknowl , ili edgementa to the cilizentrpf oitsville and others, who stepped forward' to hi assistance af. ter the loss of his property by Br in 'December lest, and would also acquaint the tti Mid the pub lic generally, that he has again commenced the Drug Business in the house formetily occupied by Charles W. Clemens, in .Centre 'Street, in the borough of Pottsville, where may perils be had a general assortment of [ Drags, llledkiines, . Paints, Oils, , Glass, Dye . rtalik l And every other article in the above line, which he is disposed to sell on very lowland secomino dating terms. '1 - N. B. (1 - 3 - Physicians prescri , ions carefully put up at the shortest notice. WM. . EPTIr. Pottsville, May 30,1838. -per annum, not paid with those who re ad subscribers year, 50 cents on. semi-annua II r, $2 50 will e lines will be cents for one and ordere to be continue .12 per annum; ththeplivilege .inglfsquares tion of a small. TEE= at be post paid, them. . other notices gratis, will be s and Deaths. Boats for Sale. 7 Canal Boata built of - the best materials. nearly new, will be sold-cheap, or exchanged tor Coal at the triarirt price. Ap •,11 to • 'B.' BANNAN. 41 by the Corn use, at their r 500 tons of f taking 2(100 01 jtlfle next: ieia or mine be delivered, New Goods! New Goods!! JUST received by N. Nathanls & Co. a new and elegan,t assortment of Sr i iring and Sum, in er Prints, painted muslin. an - lawns, among which may be found a few piees of English Prints at a very low rate. Also,l a splendid as sortment of Cloths, Cassimeresti Vestings &c. fore the 30th .d or wharves rutted by the kwell's 'eland on delivery. Also, Gentlemdn's Summet *rear, together with a general assortment of Linens, Checks, Di. apers. Ttekings, Muslims &e. &e.. the A. Lass o( the celebya- COAL, now Schuylkill— , k street, or ruled to: NICHOLS. 42 110.000 VERY superior haysnna vegan; of the Principee and Dostinepro brands, for sale by feb 3 MILLER EL-I,GGERTY. , Goods. :kinky are reit :zamme a moat SUGAR House Syrup sod cheap Sugars, just received by N. NATHANS co. June 2 42-3 Burlington' Hierrings: 501"... BatES . Prime horhogqin Herrings, re ceived and for safe by IiftiGGERTY. 42-3 a mbric hdk fs h'd hose, do JERSEY •11 MS • and VV Oleic Bacon-4 !Ads. just received by N. Net DIMAS CO. 42-3 tINS & CU. 38 ril . a roil. plough• v for laying, I, ity and prices itt lots to suit • Her to FINE Old Bordeaux Claret-on draught, at 62 cents per gallon. for sale by MILLER 4. BAGGERTY. 42-3 ArrEN, L. Phila. Co G ERTY. Pottsville ceired by June 2 tquors choice Wince erant getwine, curable tern:e. FP'giick 'Ape and other REM 7 in bottles, do oyaeu, Annis do ' herry, Lisbon, Ines, Malmsey. • Port. brands, , :randy, Fish brands, Rind, hboring town's part of the ho of expense. 33 ' A'S a Pottsville, Ic all that well STORE AND appurtenances e; the property ' , ith nine - otbe fining, aod the le stands: The a thirty feet in :ant story to the anship, and both ee, is most fa g property will u!ig terms. Part `ain on the prop : Title indisputs ';, immediately— JENNINGS. Pottsville factures. uthctory. pounces to the the Mantifee riocia breaches, ly oppoLs the era an e and •• ay' solicited fore purchasing . MARTIN. 50-tf JOHN 8 • ' .. - .... . .. . .- . • .---.. ... _. . , . . , • - .. • . . , - . . . . - . . • •. • - :''. , : - ., ..f.k:, - 4f 4 - • , - I]. i . . , ,* - _.-. - . . i., -* - 1- ' - -- - 0 - 1.,3 3 - .., • A ' -"- - • - '.• ' - - . . - '. ' . ~...,„ . • • ---. • - , :-Ff.--1 ,4 •.F.y, , . . •• -- ~ ..:-., ~.,' J. -, 9 - ` . ' 7.'-.,. " • , "N fr iiii ii ' i.-- - ‘,-" r ' - •- . ' r ~..„ ~ , - . . , --,--,...„...„ ‘, r---.... - ~-"-• .^- , .% ~;„; . . 4..... ~.i...--`4,... - _. ~ a 7 - ~_._ 'Yr' ; '' , - . . . - - 7 ''' '6 - • . t ) '- . : ' ' . '-' ' .' . - - 7 :: '. ' 7 - ' ..'-. - . I . . - J' - . . ,- 1 : -',, : - : ~,,.. *. . - - 4 . 6 . .41 ::•-_ - 4: , 0 - . ~ : . . 4' . - . , 44. t, -. 0 ? i • . ... .-. . ._ :r. „, :: - ' --" ', ' !.' I ' l'oo .t 'Et tl4l . ir....t ''l'ist .' . A" C s: " l:4 • ll4 X' l '.. - Ai tt - , 1•5' 2 5-•i" - : . '4 - ' -1 - -.' 4 , , - ,*, 2 ,44 14.-41. - kir.4 4 1 ,7 4. 4 ;A-'6.e ~., I' . •,-• ! - ' '',,,-',.-. • .1%.1111C1i POSl7lllltilff' • i ' affi1iA3174M,..„1eg,;..„,u ....--- - - 1 •- ~.-1 , -,.....,-,,,,-", , v ...... ~,,,,,,: 4,..., .., -,,, ~,,-. „,,,,,, ,-.., .. , ..e . !., '-"'""---^' - -`-' ”" -'• I‘ '4 ,- .--. 1 .....,* . . • . --.4v:IF-.,-,si,t- ~,,. t.01•444ptz1r'42150. -A .‘‘r.' .. -:- . -- --.4e -- ":''''-' , -. 4 *k--' .} • ...,. ....,,_ .. • . ~ ~...... .., _ ~,,, k , . aJyr, , a t ~....)15...-4, - .kir- !..i.',Z -. frA.,.. ,•''''F`M- .1.t.Z.-,,,,,, ~,,,..., a „,„- . . ---..---. -is— . .. . a - "".4. - t 4:•• • :4 4 -4 * -- ii**7 1 -,,_ - rf l ,'V, ' ;t:i '-' 1 _ , A, ryi l . '-- ' ‘ 's 7-‘,4,,: i a • , ykr- .1- t-I .r i , IN. - ....a. - FF..%'1;..-:fii_* • `'• ;?' _ . , • . , , ,: . ' • • .;.4....•,..27. ' jairviiipi s WlLLG n -''.. . C .ltliitiririco ;liiiiikiftaiarilitnutcrALLwartralt.slmutillivAsilliik4Pancar, , --' - r''''' ' ''-'. ._,- --;,, 1 . _... 4 - 4 ,,,,,A;lrsiiiti3M - ; : f c rills solorzi.i olr as rairsuOuril Pim... litrita" 4 /4 O'clus OH* z °Wi l . '""7 -- t-- '-, 1. t-3-"' e- - x.. -'• 6.5 •,- . ••••• ' ' 's ,• .' ;(1 ' '--•:. hC•4.l•l'•VkYk i1":Cf:, , ....%•*'` ,, q '•' ' : ''' ' . • • :•;i : ~.i . -• " - ~, ,,,.•if• 4a•.14 , - , .•- f. .- -.' •• ~ 4. .I, ‘-.•ki. ~ 1.., P '... J 2 ( '-'• ‘.,4,1...7 - , iiiyiti.:4......Pe-,..:. - ...-., 1u.,..i,..,?frii.afii',41.t., May 30 apnll4 Medal Cheese ) Soap &c. • 40 casks superior Medal' cheese, 50 boxes Philadelphia soap, I hbd. lrish oat meal, for sal.. by MILLER & HAGGERTY NovlB junc 2 June 2 Bordeaux Claret. June 2 LIR ESI - rg allad Oil. Pickle!, and a flesh sop a: fly of Pickled lorbater Saticeri, dca. jam re- N. NA THANS 4- CO. 424 Sallad Oil, Picklevy • c. JAMES VIOLET &fos. very superior Sal lad Oti. A full assortment or Win. Osborne 4 Cas. Pickles, for sale by MILLER & UAGGERTY. 40 • may W. ROW LETT'S Interest Tables. just recessed and tor sale by B. BANNAN. jin 24 5 t. Boots and Shoes. N ATIIANS & Co. base no band a large :‘ ll • assortment cf Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and shoes, which they will sell at slow rate. inay 19 . , ' 38 QAN DERSON PARIS-tinvt received and tor Wel at this office march 31 NEW BOOKS. UNCLE HOR ACE, a novel, by Mni S.C. Ran, The Two Flirts and other Tales, , The River and the Devlin, by Miss Pardon, Just reseived and for sale by 13. (lANNAN. may 19 38 Lot for Sale. WILL be sold CHIRP FOR CASH, a lot situated on William Street in this borough, adjoin ing the Lot on which Luke s'now building a dwelling house. The lot a 5,7 front on William Street, by 110 feet d p. Apply to Illaa 30 41 B. BANNAN. READING NAIL AND IRON WORKS, 'AVE on hand 'BOILER IRON, SHEEP' do. ROUND SQ RE IRON, "VOAL SCREE ' do. R 111. ROAD do. Bar Iron of any ohm' drawn to order. Nob and spikes of all Rises. for sale at the lowest City prices. REIMS, WHITAKER it CO. Reading, May 23,1888. 40-6 mo HAZZARD & STRAUCWS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry-Goods, Grocery and id guar Store, Ru of Cadre aid Market Stiveta, Yottsgille. April 8 , : , pc:PAL' LAND • ror - Saiti onto Se Rental: rianahle ealled 111 - ton Traetr banning . ter' Elisabeth' ' BP6ISe, eitoate•on the west-liorwerag .Rail Road, !text north of, and adjoisting the . * reaeh Mount: is offered for sale on acetimmodatiLig terensor'' the Coal Mines will be leased severely' or blether, to an approved invent. 2 Appljr to . ' • • figNEVMORRISiv •,rad -4 /1 4 rahnitS • april ll • a- 27-ta powsviLLE, PA: S MMffn EXPRESS'. , =NE OPVSTA-CIES; ineim. ITlHE.Prnprietors of this LitntAwhich has hie" -a• fitted op in a superior manner for the annum. .modation of the Travelling Community.) respect. fully announce to the public that the Line positively commence running ketween POTTSVILLE 4 PHILADELPHIA, on Wednesday:the 2d of May. and will coniinne to leave. their office at the Pennsylvania Hall, Pottsvi/te, daily at 6 o'clock" A. M. and Enloe in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. AL at tae foUolsristg rates of Fare: To Orwigaburg, SCI Port Clinton' Hamburg, 1 Oil Reading, 2 00 Pottstown.3 00 • • Trap, 3 .624 Northam:cm. 4 sg • • • Philadelphia, 5 0 For Seats apply at the Pennsylvania ha ll, Polio/01m Hert a Hotel, Reading; and at Mien Office, No. 25, North Fourth Sucer, Poiladejpbis MINTZER & Co. Pottatono. SAM'L. OVENSHINE, Phila. EVANS & CA LDW ELL, bo. Propriefrons. OE PARKER Ar. CO. MERCERS 4- TAILOI4, (Formerly Parker & QAVE removed on the opposite aide or Centel. Street, a few doors above Norwegian Streit where they offer for sale a select assortment Superfine Broad Cloths and Carisimeres Of the most fashionable colors, with an elegant assort ment of Summer Cloths, Vestings, Linen and-Cot. ton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves, Sos. penders, linen and cotton Hose, and all kinds of Gentlemen's wearing apparrel. which will be Made to order in the moatapproved style as to the wakroanship, and warranted to fit equal to any in the City or elsewhere. P. S. P . : & 00. keep on band an e.teellentas• mrtzr.ent of ready-made Clothing of all kinds. which will be sold at very low rates. june 17 NIKW IRON & Hardware Store. THE subscribers Would. respectfully • announce to the public, that he has added to his for mee stock, Iron and Hardware, consisting to part or American and English Bar Iron. Hoops and Band Iron, Round Iron, assorted sizes; Cast, Crawly, Shear. German and English Blister and A. M. Steel Vices, Mouse-hole anvils. Smith's Bellows, Cast Steel hand, choping and BrOad ales, nails and spikes, together, with a general assortment of Iron Mongery, all of which will be sold at re• duced prices, by • JOHN CLAYTON. April 2232 • • NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT. Frpderick C. Epting ESPEdITULLY, informs his friends ,and milli the pabhe in general, that he has opetred a =I Bakery and Confectionary Establishment in Norwegian Street, next door below the Arcade in the borough of Pottsville, where he will al ways keep on- hand and bake to order all kinds of Cakes of every variety of patterns—and where also, will always be'kept on hand, Bread, by the Loaf. of an excellent quality, and of a large size. His Confectionary comprises a large and gen. eral assortment selected with care, and sold at the very lowest rams. F. C. E. would also infbrm families that he is prepared'to bake Family Bread flir any number who prefer furnishing their own ?Flour, at the shortest unties, and on the most reasonable terms. april 21 . : 30-3 m lEl°O4 t very lotr. ' BONAN offers for sale the following " • standard workl at the very low prices at tached Howie, Kiiio!lett and Miller's England 4 vole. sheep, with plates 610 (10 Clarke's CommentFy, 4 vols. sheep, 12 00 Wesley's works, 1 vols. complete, 11 00 Bock's Theologies! works. 6 vols. sheep, 400 Scott's Bible andi Commentary, 3 vole, 'sheep. 600 Byroo's works. Dearborne's 4 25 Rollin's Ancient History, 1 - vol. sheep, Dearboroe's Edition , with Maps and plates, Josephus 1 vol. wi :3 011. Marryatt's Works rople ,1 vol. • Moore's works, Li brary tioo Burns works. ' Cowper and Thompson'. - iworka, Paley's works Borden's village Sermons, Doddriiig,s's Family Exgssitor.. •.. Encyclopedia of Geography, 3 vols. with 1210 cuts and 100 Maps, Fox's Book of Martyrs, with plates, McKenzie. 5000 Beceipts • Together with a variety of other Books at very low ratea;la suit the times. july 1• 32 • _ MI A general anortmeni of fresh ind almsonable 9.006. josifeiasived--consiadog in pan of • Dry_ Good . Groce s, ries, - Hardware, • Queensware, • • Mackerel, • Salt; Plaster, tke. "Lei which will be sold low cash. T b bigbest prieepeid cash (of all km& of eautitryprodnee, JOS!PH. SUN.,, lltoubt derleWl, D 42 • OVEIE Riveter k4.43cbsylkilhamatity itairipg • m ' ACROcd.Ao Opowbeentifor. 4141stin. - Al*. Onstlf,b2e (If Nirect!n 01: or cqrutii. ire hnDilitigetit preant them for ma/one* irOoatte. layer • • : ". :**thibitattor. , Port Car Coo, 174 Ti7lthAV' New Goods. tke. __. ~ ~ Read the-Following.: ;- • Interesting an 4 - AttoniskingPiletem' `` , MORE conclusive proofs iirt he ext' &ordinary efficacy of DR, WM. EVAN'S celebrated Camomile and Apeyient .Antibilions Pills in al 'misting •afflieted mankitd. , • . - To James Dickson,l36, Cornhill, Boston, Agent for the sale of Dr. Wm. Eisner Camomile Pills. 1 Lowait, Nov. 15, 1836. ' Dear Sir—Kno4g by experience.that every reference that the afflicted receive of the benei. cial results of medicines. I cheerfully offer mine to the public in belf of Dli... WM. EVANS'S cAmomme, PIL LS. 1 bare been afflicted' for the last ten yens With distress in the had and chest: often so bad its to deprive me of sleep for three-or four nights in succession, but have never found relief by anl y friends' preseripoons, in until my wife saw , ertisenta in the paper, r when she persuad ito send for some, which I did: and obtained two boxes and.bottles, which resulted in. almost: completely retoring me to health, although 1 hare pot yet entirely finished them. Should You consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public, you have my cheerful per.- mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully, THOE.E. GOODHUE, Centralist. NNTERESTING ' CASE Cured by Dr. 'Wm. Evana's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperi mit Fills—Mr. BEiild AM IN BOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect. ed for Seven years with extreme nervousness, by which he was not axle to write h.s name—his symptoms were, erukcation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, Ines of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, otter ina bility of engaging io any thing that demanded vigor or courage, •sickuess and' weakness ex. teme debility, disturbed rest,ti sense of pressure and weight at •the Stomach after eating, great mental deypondeocy t severe eying pains in the cheat back sad else, costiveness, s dislike for society and anteersition. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicinds now before the public, but to no effect, tint% observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evans's, Camomile Tonic &nil Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured' him of the above distressing disease. nrPersons who doubt the above cote, are most respectfully directed to the above mentione&P'er son, at the north west corner of Shippen and George* streets. BENJAMIN BOWS. Philadelphia OctOber 26,1837. LIVER COMPLA INT,IO YEARS STAND- DIM Mrs. Hannah BrOwns, wife of Joseph Browne, N. 6th street, near Second, W tlhamsburg, afflict ed for the last ten jean with the Liver complaint. completely restore& to health through the treat ment '4 Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of the ;vowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigashic region, great depression of spirits', languor and other symptoms of extreme debility!, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, lirsin in the right side, could not lie on bet left fide without an aggravation of the pain, urine high colored. with other aymp toincindteating great 'derangement in the func tions of the liver. Mrs. BrOwne was attended, by three of the first physicians, but received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne,- procured some of Dr. %Vm. Evans's invaluable preparations, which ef fectually relieved .flier of the above distressing symptornia with others,which it is nrt essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of piew York, us. Joseph Browne, of W illiamsburg, Long Isl.ind. being duly sworn, 'did depose and say • that the facts as set forth in the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, arejustand ttue. JOSEPH BROWNE. Husby or the said Hannah Browne.. . Sworn before m this 4th day of January, 1837. PFTERTINKNEY, Com. of Mids. INTERESTING , CASE of 7lerbocoier , Cots svroptioa.—Mr. Julio Rowel applied on the let day of September jai the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the following symptomw— A slight spitting oil blood, distressing cough, at-. tended with ab expictoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertina with a well masked hectic flush on the cheek; On examination, the chest was found to sound well every where except un der the left clavicle, and in the arm pit of the same aide. Trrotatent —Directed to take the restorative Camomile Pills, pith the expectorating com pound. at the same time an injunction, to call in four days when th'q night sweats had ceased, the expectoration - slightly i.iininished, ars light fit of coughing still remaining in the morning. Or. dered as aerial to giomtinue the medicine. and to call in the course. Of a week—when hit heahh =tinned rapidly increasing. without the least cough. Called at Idle office on the 4th of this month, quite convalescent .tetorning his sincere thanks foe the benefit he had obtained. The above patiiint chiefly used milk regimen, 4 25 2 25 3 25 2 25 '2OO 2 25 2 00 2 00 3 50 duritg hui tte*tmett ASTFIMA,TiIIIiEE YEARS STANDING 6 10 50 Mr. Robert Munroe. Schuylkill, afflicted 'with the above dist•essing malady. Symptoms—great languor, fiatulencjf. disturbed test, nervous bead. ache, difficulty of breathing. tightness andatric ture terms the b 4 rant, dittinessoiervims irrita.• i bility and restlftw ' Pms could not lie in a t hurt. . metal position, withou t the sentation'of impend. ing suffocation. yoMpitation MI the heartolistres. ' .ing cough, emtivesem. pain of thostonmelb, drow siness, great debility and deficiency of the nem: one energy. liii/R. Monroe -gar 'up every thOught of recovery end dire`Mispour us on ii'. countenance of evetypol7 intssestad 'in his eatisteneevie happiness , till b accident be noticed compla b in in a public paper e cures affected by Dr. Wet. Evans ' a medicine, in his int, 'whicirindo ced him tU , pure a pacivelbef the Pllls. which ' resulted in comp y'stinewhig ever' speptom .01 bin disease.. HI wisheolo earfuls motive-for `ibis derj a y a ti o n is.that. these afflicted with the same or. any . ayMpbbms ,staiiihir to t stinsat 'from whielifiele !guppy nivitcireoLisiayillamiantiCeiVe the mete inoitininiaa beietit. - ':. - ' ' e.' , - -5 - 4: . .., • •±_-,•—•-•121'__::-c -.. ; . .141/41 CO ill FL ..;.1 - 1 - ^ • !,...,-.7 ~.." ;i 1 t: girIiNPING4 4t4, . ;L., ~, 7 , :-., • MP. AARAII:BRENOISMefifn ~air Mr • 7'. 4 i iii i : giciTh Vier. t .amsettaf Setaiplatntaa red - 64tiantiiiin flat: PhiligolPina 'ignited tiWthe - liii'iti iiiiii''With Vie 'LlvieCoillitillet,: w ieau inainniatiirnaanstiof to' , boaltir by 41),...WiyikAig; ;•IfVflb:"Scounainite: TOVWCinCfooldiliParisM i Pine. '- IlagarapT witsjoabitual • nankmainsa, aztnaciaruig pain. Alie Stomach, dermirion of E so o.rirx wAsas. spirits, languor, extreme great.pain is her aide. ccattdixit siderwithout an aggravation of pankjitcdoe l l4 l e; the 'head. dimwits Of eight; atithialair...thiviiiomill indicating great derangement in the flosetioim . of the Liver. ,Attra.l3fenhilier•haa 3mila-trial ot.n • riots medicinal - 13mi before *I :pobiitz; =' bat' is ceived no relief until she viasadiiscif to make. trial of Dr Evaner rills, of which shells happy to state that they etroctually, relieved' her Of the. 'above distressing aymptouss. with Others, which. are not essential to intivnate. : • Mr. Bteohiser. (hulland of the -above Mrs Brenhiser, had been two years aided' with a marrased state Oki lad Cnativeuess, sr which he was effectually cured. PARALYTIC nlioniwnsat. A perfectcure iffer4ed Ly the treatment of Di. .1 ion Ennis. Mr. John Gibsonn of N.'atb street, Williasni- - burg. afflicted with he above complaint for three years end nine months, during which time he had to use crutches: 'lles chiet symptoms were excruciating pain in all his joints, but especially in the hips, shoulder. knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the pains towards night; and for the moat part all umes from external beat, an obvi ous thickening of the fusels and ligaments, with • complet• loss ofmuseubd power. Fur the ben efit of tlfose afflicted in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains hav'e entirely ceased, and that his joints have completely recovered their natural tone, mid he kola able to resume hie ordinary business. ihTER:ESTINGP CASE DYSPEPSIA & IIYPOCRON DRIACISM Mrs. A,.ne G. Kenny, 'do. 115 Louis-street, between Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted fur ten years with the following symp toms: Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart,: Rid. chows and dimness of •tght, could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest, utter inability of en. gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary idea bf r n aggra ration of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons' and pieces, groundless appre hensions of personal danger and poverty, an irk someness and weariness of lite, discontented. die quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die nor live, she wept, lamented desponded, and thought she led a most miserable lite, never was one eo had, with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. Kency had the advice of several eminent physicians, and bad recourse to numerous medicines, but could not obtain even • temporary elleviatind of her distressing state, till her husband persuaded her to make trial of my mode of treatment. She w now quite relieved, and finds herself nut only capable of attending to her domestic realm but avows that she enjoys as good health it present as she did at any period of her existence. i. KENNY. Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn before me this 14th day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckney. Com. of Deeds ASTHMA . 5 YEA RS STASIDE/G. Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 12.2 Orange street, N. Y. afflicted for five years with Immoral habitual Asthma, applied at the oft - de' 100 Chatham street on the .4:5 of October, laboring ender the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the cheat, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distressing cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscit phlegm, disturbed rest. the face turbid and of livid hoe—could not he in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffocation, langnor, drowsiness, and dizziness in the head, and knot of appetite. , • Mr. H. applied tattle most eminent physicians in this city, likewise used Besets' Other remedies without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his friends persanded him to place himself under Dr. William Evans' treatment. He ie no* re lieved of his complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avowing that he had not Words to ex press his gratitude frir the benefit he bad.teceiv. ed. October 21,':.1837. We do hereby 'subscribe our signatures to the truth of the above cures, that the statement is. in every respect tree. SARAH BRENHISER JOHN STEW, Baker. No. 17 north Eighthstreet. Philada. .Philadelphia.l34 21st, 1,837. tir. WM. EVANS'S Medkal Office, for the aide of his-excellent Medicine, la at No. 19. north Eighth street, Philadelphia. Sold by J. T. WERNER. Solo Agent for Sehnylkill County: Public Notice. S itappears, that because Mr,Crane obtained no patent for ameltir.g Iron Ore with An thracite Coal in this country, man, suppose that they are now at liberty to adopt the method 'of smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of a heatedaii blast; although I gave notice last year that I had a patent for smelting Iron Oie with Anthracite Coal, both by the use of a cold atmospheric and a heated air blast, I would hoW inform the public again, that oti the 14th of Jan nary, ISA I reccited a lettei from the Commis. sinner of Patents at Washington; stating: "Sir, upwi examining the case of Mr. Crane's applica tion for a patent for Smelting Iran by means of Anthracite, I hare ti interfering with jour patent of Dec, 1833, 'and have given notice to his attorney anus decision. " , Every attempt . to smelt Irbo ore with anthracite hy.tae *eel' a-heated air blast, is an infringement my patent, against which I ,eantintt and:warp all nien;as primiectite every one infiiiiguti' upon my rights, according to that 'offer to (8104 of patrat tights -Swam met.. lag of @trams); aimordists to. akii_peklmt, • apse eerL *migrate terms. 4 FREDERICLIW.GEISAINER. • New York: Nay 16.1038.' . r 27-1 y Catholic Rooks I mous GUIDE. t , - Kezlo Paradise, Tree Piety. Catholic Foy. •' ' Deny_ Bible. - i - As k . -- ;r...t-. Maw Illibeelueell • ! , _ , , Smelt Ceteettunev ..-..3.! *-,.; .. t: ci istireSeFesd-Itadinr*lts itgr - - c iA i r i m i r : Dec 23 Voskiderebantai ' - ' - ear s ' 4' , lilld l ethent /44 tlifid* li.. -firmit et r '-° ' .4. '" l t 4 .'4' litad4 . -:iiiiiiai r - -= .....i e. rwaisiziviivAt Lia &tr em or, . ,rlr ll o*ldajfie A re f Mier to Pettfilikanit illeepli* IS lall ' 6l3,i llifewilieriatiall 11 10# 6 ,N.: 1614 , ill Polk los limit be folonxt. _ . „, h/"-8 is deseinsiomi to costa MI ' • to rpiiiiiidtiits vie' ilitial— r-tridelli:ieroMmou-' -.AV snsbli Ilia' P i ll , ‘ ID : 11 0 1 m 1 A°l llo .. taidrea ell g i g etir . i 1.04.11) ‘ 7 - - -?.., gigDPEItIOILiod -,''' MaTiiimbdioninki . fig nidia. Elf: ' 1 1. fee Oslo by ,..15. , &C 0.... Designs esntilsitsd in alley stika' 4 ' 4 .. l. '"!..„.. , ' 2S c Peolsrssitie Deil.AgeD 14 DO& '3- I fipitier moil, I ti . S . .. .. Vkiitat Peeped* addressed to the salteeil. her; "MA* meelied at.othila‘elphts Alai Ilhesie,..Biealtty-.7. nettUthe I.Stb .4m' ocltt , fir itqpplyttts 14 big:kiwi, _with Fifteen biedridt of white iTed Aid *ph tool, 'flee 'ftoni de4,, shire et any impo rt - 4. to bedd'evieied it the Mafia 1 Iliesioiltertiliii , the vest . ries- of the river' I liehitylkilliorthe Ist & (ley of October mit. ' 1% . !.- 1 ;*,r., %.; .: IiVILLIAM STOCKTON; ittierink I , - ..,,,4;diete mill epitome Wit Imminitteht4ee: , i l i teleelle: file C 0 4 7. -W1 4 • 1 -, Fel'T:- • ' Phila . . ' aliil 6. -- . 'r ' • ' r itM;-iii .'; ELM PallhiVlßS,jast: lONdowrd . ki. ' ealitOtotesaht alts. ,-•,,, . L, ,1 Lt ',%1 , Attie :44k;.: 1 0* , 1 'COMA! 1114.1 E, FilL, - -*, - 4 ..- 1 , I pl at ttztp,•_ •.t,"„,,..i:...,iiiiiiii;:iii4i. and the' islitilis geVienl„.ilisit laeltitic.eviyaii commenced, toielt,lttaking BesineiiiiNoo. I wegtan three 'doonatielosi Aher: 7 AfCaf ilia the borough r tettertili; wiiiiilieliiiiidy„:* 1 manofiicture o order ill kinds 'Of fehiiiiii4l shortest nofi of the best mateliali4.. - liWit Ilii towesi rat 1. , ' , He has also OD hand. - riadiiii l , Bareoches Carryall*, Photon*: , Cblo4llk cakchees, iluggesclre. which be inviteitbii piofk, he to call nd eisttnice for thesiselres.;! 'neat. ticks are ell mantlfeistwed Under his. petyyttitir , inspection; end he hill warrant dm:nate bo,equil to any maiscifictiansd. Cliiewhere.- .. , _-p' ' Repairs if every description done elite short -11 eat notice, an on the mast reasonable terms.:." - N. •IL Coal Taken to payment for rebloieri; t . 'Ord 18 - . .49' Sits ft 1 1 • T PUYAS. ELI%IIt F: or the mitsatabemnientisbf• -• 'THE TOOTH ACHE; ,• Diseovered and brought to its greatest Oetiecthid BY MONSIEUR Call BERT. • to certify that I have trTed folitTaintyl' as Elam in Relent capita of Tooth Atha, icithittrs I have certainty found it of very Beat serf eta: J. B. HARVEY, Member of the Royal Collegeof Surgains c London.Sept.lo,,ll33o:-.- - A friend stepped in to ity that We had Visited the Fire King this morning, and - Sanitised 11S marvellous cure of the 'Tooth Ache. One boy in particular. irholookee cruse ennitgh a ten penny nail clear off, In tin minutes' sinitet'k t at the decayed tooth and defied Its pain.--Z+ll.. Gazette. A fresh supply of the above Elixir ittstrecidv:. ed and for sale by B. BANNAN.-- - .F . • Solo Agent for Seltoylkillensatgi. ME Musical Instruilieistsk t, ritHE pubseriber has jnat received and Arai -a• for sale • • 4 keyed 'German Fluter, plaini `Octave Flutes, Clationets, Flageolets, Violins, Fifes, VioGo Bailees, Pin., Whigs. and illittAni . Clationet Reeds, • • cl i'iuitar Strings, Violin llowseitra finish. • '; He respectfully joshes the public tb esfl aiii alumina his stock: JOHN S. C. MAR IX. may 5.1838 Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE . : y . wiLt, be sold at private sale; the " Fgaedr pkasatnly aitoatedet Forkaletattirachlto kill enemy. on very reasonable WEDS; Thii Foundry is of the commencement of the Little ' Schuylkill and; Susilkehannt Rail Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of best situations in the country into a largebnit• nese For terms,aa.. apply to • ' PARKE& TIER, Iron Founders, Pbtp i tia. . or ISAAC SI July 2b.lE-631 • • • CA LL AT THE • New Establishmenit; 1 . • Caller of Centre dad *Dirket Streets, Pit&tilli TAE subscribers respectfully animus* to AL their Rieridi and the public *eiter illy; that they have taken th e store formerly occupied, ry - Jacob Bull & Co.. Corner of Centre and *Hist streets, where they are now provided Withit "lob* awortnieht of ;, -• Dry Goods, . . 1. • - Gtoceries, • Liquors, &c. which they ire determined to well at thevettiolt. est prices. HAZZARD & STBAWL N. B. All kinds of Country Freddie Watt the high* market prices: April I The Fessisily 'Cow...pear". ON • THE HOLY Digit_ 'WHOM the works Of Henry Al: abate one hundred &Mi. writers‘`Pribro4red - in London by the Retterbui Tract , lir . ed and abridged' is t*o volumes;Wittflibi gad Enigravints: Itriwialpahliewtork is pub parts, at 25 cents each. Twelve pita ate Are a. dy completed, and can be obtained at the .Book2dore where subscripuons will also, :In , juse 24 • - r • Boats fors a-• • - _ • rinr - trT7_- - --... ft A; ' • WHAM end new Sebitylkill Bests. built. sst. nral-groirth tiniliers,.and tercel irauble. Apply- AD " SAKI. mum; „max II NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers