BM .CONSTITUTION Or Tlll3l OMMCIMVEALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA, AYENDED BY THE CONNENTION OV.ONE THOITAANN NIGHT unisriaro AND TIIIRTOICVNIN TNIIITT-EIGIZT. We., The People of the Commonwealth of Penn . ylvenia, ordain and establish this Constitution for is Government. ARTICLE I Section T. The legislative power of this Conimon , ••ealib shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senatt and Rouse of Repre sentatives. Section FL ; The representatives shall be chosen annually by the citizens of the city of Philadelphia and of each county respectivelron thesecond Tues day of October. Section 111. No person Shall be a representalire who shall not have attained the age of twenty-une years, and have been a citizen and inhabitant of the State three years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof an inhabitant of the dos[' let in and for which be shall be chosen a representOt ire, unless he shall have been absent on the' public business of the United States or of this State. Section IV. Within' three. years after the first meeting of the General Assembly, and within every subsequent term of seven years, an enumeration of the taxable inhabitants shall hennade in such man ner as shall be directed by I iw. The number of representatives shall, at the several perbeh of mill ing such enumeration, be fixed be the Lezi*liiture, and apportioned among the city of Phrl,dr lohia add , the several counties, according to the number of taxable inhabitants in each and shill never 'be less than sixty nor greater than one hapd,cd. P.oeh county shall have at least one r ,,, ,,r,sennstive, but no county hereafter erected shall entitled to a sepa rate representation until a sniffmient ;lum.,er of tax able- inhabitants shall be carat wi hin it; to entitle them to one tepreieLt , tine aceeoldy to the ratio which shall then be est.11 , 11.110d: Section V. The sonata!, sh, ill Le ch , sen for three years by the widens of Plo'..delLhit and of the several counties at the same lime, in lhe some m na ner, and at the some places where they shall vote for representatives. Section NT The number of senators shall, at the several period's of making the mentioned, be fixed by the Leeislait..e ,nll appor tioned among the districts f.,,Ern.d as herein..itcr directed, according to the number of taxable Inliabl tants in each; and 'hall never le less than ode fourth, nor ereatei thou one-thud, of the number of cce , v es. coact,'n The stnaL , Ts shill chosen in di.. be G -m• , l 1-N the lec.slature ; but no duo /rid atoll tw so fortn.q as ,o-en`ifie It to dart mote _khan tiro o-not,r , , un!-ss the numb-r , tt" ta..2able in habttants in :Inn rte y or rmin'y shall. at any time, be such as to entitle rt to Arai ow-re than taco, but no city or county shall be ehtillcd lo elect more than four senatars ; 'when a di,trut shall be e , iinprwed of two ar ore r .0-tir., ;hay sll,ll be adj ; neither the coy of Phil 1,4.1; !Ili nor any county shall be divided in forminv a district. Sectiim 111. N.' person Shl:i be a senator,diehn shall niAlhave attained the age dr e yea is. and have been a citizen and iiih ttiiltnt of the Stott , four years next b4ure hi, and the last year theteof an `inh.thitent ~f the f ivbiett he shall be ch , .s.,n, link" he , 11.11 h tve pea atisetit on the public business of the State, or el. tht State; and no person plerted ~,! shall ludd said ifirce after he shall hare remiredtrain such dis trict. Section IX. The sen,tors :ho ma•, be elected al the first general election after th. , ,ption of the amendments to the constitution, shall be divided by lot into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated al the erpiration of the first year; of the se,-ond.clase at the erpiratio•= of the second year ; and of the third class at the Oration of the third year ; so that Thereafter one third of the whole number of senators rn..i.y be chosen every - year. The senators elected bef,re the amend mental° the constitution shall he adapted, shall iiob their offices during , the terms for which they shall respectively hare been elected. Section X. The General Assembly shall meet co;' the ftratTuesday of January, in every year,'unless aooner:eonvene..l by the Governor. Setrion XL Each house shall c}roose its Speake and other officers 1 and the Senate sh .II also chaise a Speaker pro tempore, w•hep the Speaker shall ea &rise - the office of Governor. Section XII. Each house shalt judge of the quail fmatiuns of its members. Cckritestkul clections shall be determined by a committee to I.e 5..4-ctrl, formed and regulated in su , h manner 7.S ktnil I c dilPeteCtiy law. A majority of each house shall cunctitutd a quorum to do busine , a; hilt a 'mailer number ina . . adi urn from day to day, and in •y be :ma, ized law to compel the attendance of absent menthet m mirk manner and under such pcuaitiei as may Section XIII. Each house may determine th rules of its proreeilinp,, pun Is .1. i..wio.i• r s disorderly, .111 , 1 14 It 1 it r.f . e twn-thirds, exrwl a nwmtwr, but .r.o a scr.mel timi for the tame move; ko4 shall e all .itheipowpr. necessary. for•n br.,r,Lii of the legiNlature of a ere State. Stction XTV. Thel:giqature shall not /vire pot to enact' laws t n v!E • n ant ra,t a, rivErrilge an y ras e u hare . It ;Le cs•urls ,9* tbia . Commb trealih are at 171,.2 hcreaf ter b e empowered to deere a dirr ce.. .SeeTion XV. Each h.)use shall keep a j , urnml, o its proceeditts, and pn'..11 , 11 them weekly, excep . stub parts as mAy require sececcy: and the yea' and nays of the merr......e, on any qnes"tion shlll, a, the desire of any two of tin m, be ente.ed on th. journa 15... Section XVI. The 01ors of each house and c.-mnnittees of 'the wh,le shall he open, unle. when the busidess shall ue such as ought to oe kep secret. Section XVII. Neither house shall, without .th consent of the other, a. 1 ,, oirn far mire than thr • days, nor to any other td .re than that in which ith two huuaes eh ill 1 c = Section XVIII. The and representative; shall receive a cortmer=ati..n for their services to b . sticertined by law, and paid out of the treasury o the Commonwealth. They shall in all cage., ex! cept yeason, felony-aril to e.ich tiroty of th peace be privileged f;om arlrtt during_ their a' tendarice at the sessin of thcii re=; .mire housed and in going to and returning, from the same. An for any speech.dedelisite in either_house, they slia not -be questioned in any other place. Section XL'. No Senator or representative steal during - the time for winch he shall hive been -elec. ed. he appointed to any civil office under this Co monwealth which shall have been - cresited,-or,t emoluments of which shall have been increas durinv such timit9 and go member of Congress other per•on holding any office (except of attorne at law and in the militia) under the United Stitt , or this Commonwealth, shall be a member of eilhi ' house during his continuance in Congress 0 office. Seetion XX. When vacancies - happen in ehis ' house, the Speaker shall issue w. its of election fill such vacancies. Section XXI. All bills fin raring revenue site - originate in the house of. rep; esent nor., but. 11 Senate may propose amodtheitic as in other bills. • Section XXII. No Money sfiall be drawn the treastur but in consequence of appropriati.t made by law.. Section' XXIII. Every bill. which ship ha pas•ed bath Itowtes shall be resented to theft: . rernor t If Le approve he shall sig., it, but shall ascit approve he shall return it with his olljt jtioni 4. the house in which' t shall have on w4t who shall 'enter the objections at large upon ihs, . journals and pinceed to re-cou'sider it; If, Oft sects re-consideration, too-thirds of that hous=e dh pecreli to pass the bill, it -hall be sent with the o • - I w and ow• Li acs. USl' received end for. Pule a F of 13 , I' and Tow Linea. HAZZARD ea 4.111A1'(-11 MN ecatirme t t to the' other bonstvp? whielt;9ikeWiell 3 4i.; : all be re-considered, and if eppravid; by btewsw , ;; irds of that house, it shall be 4.-lsw. ilui insult* - • the votes-of both houses shall be determined v yeas and nays, and the names of per Sons voting r or against the bill shall be. entered oil the . jou r-. :als of each house respectively. if an Gift shall. ;ot be returned by the Governor avian ten days undays excepted) after it :shall hare' been ere ented to him, it shall be a law in likemanner es if e bad signed it, unless the General Assetnhly, by sir adjournment, prevent its return, in 'which case t shall be a law, unletti scut back within three ; p after their next meeting. 1 Section XXIV. Every 'order, resolution or vote o which the concurrence of both houses may be ; ecessary lexcept on a question of adjournment) hall be presented to the Governorotd bef,re 'it hall take effect, be approved by him, or being dis pprored, shall be repassed •by two-thirds of. both ouses according to the rules. and limitations pre cribed in ease of a bill. Section XXV. No corporate body shall be - hereafter eated, renewed or extended, with banking or dis mnting privileges, without six months . previous put.lic notiee of the intended applicant's' for the t ate m such manner as shall be prescrk ed by law. or shall any charter for the purposes aforesaid, be tinted for a ton:grr period than twenty years, and ery such charter shall contain a ekuese reserving o the legislature the power to alter. revoke or annul he same ,chentrer in their Opinion it may he infer taus to the citizens of the cornnumateal h, in such imer however that no injustice shall le done to the corporators. No law hereafter enarted,'shall create, renew or es tend the char ter of more M.rii one nOrpo - Section I. The S-p: elf IP Executiee prover of tiii. ICommonweilih shall le vested in a Cver - rim% Section-11. The G.), el nor sh II be chro , cn on t• (second Tries.lay of Pet,her, by the cilizons of the 'Commonwealth, at the places v. he, lb., ,h ill re ,spectively Jte for represtrit itive‹. "1 rie retilies of every electon fir G vrn o ,r sh ill he sealed up and transmitted to the seat of veinmi :it, difected to the Spe ker of the Servite. who sh II open and put lush. th.-m in the pwsence of the Members of oth of the legi4!..ture. The petsdn having the highest number of votes shall he Governor. But if two or more shill be equal and highest in ape of them shill he chosen Governor by the joint vote of the members of both houses. Gun tested elections shall be determined by A Committee to be selected from. both houses of the legisl Jute, and fictned and regulAed iu such mainier as shill be directed b) Section 111. Thr ei , iverror sb , tl hril4 his nfrre three rwrs fr .nt the lola l'ite , ifle of /writ 'try next rnstrirtg her elec,ion, anti shall not t r p, rile of hohltrg it I.iliger than six 'in any term nin• years. IV. Ile shall Fe al lent thine years of ;ffe, and have Leen a ci:izeu tint an itthabit tnt of t It, St le se% eo yea. 3 hi Xt tecore his electiv, ; u..le.sq he 5541 base 4 tpeen absent oh the public of the United Sutt 6 or f this Stir. S.ction V NJ int of ess or person un tee tar I, ited States or this State shall exCreke the office of Governor. Seal m VI. The Governor chill at stated times receive 1.. c Lis seniors_ a COITIPeII, , i in. tvhiflr shot! Le increased nor dromi,lied during, the pechd lot vk bids he ill hove been elected. SCethm sl ;, he coluni..itider-m-chief of in:e atom and oats the. Comm—nweal:h, and of roi.:111. except wlnm they ,h .11 he called into the ar'n LI seri if- of Ole Ciate.! Stl!ei, See a VW. shall appoint a Nelretar7 of the C PIM A h d .etag pl-dsure, and le shall nami n it l • ?...tlh the rzdr rre and consent of the na IToi it all judicial officers of courts of ce . ard, a herd zsc provided for in then Cont'l 'ul•o4 I.a Aill hare to fig all vacancies Irff niay'ht ‘ ipen in s judicial offi,es during the err, b•r; • ant n commissions which ;pre a! the -end ofellicirmeit s , ssion : Pro -11.-d, thid in acting Od e: - ectil ire nominations the ienaii , Oval sit iri , ll open dloi•s; ant in confirming nr rear' -ling the nominations of the -el:veer - nor,. the rule shall be taken by yeas and nays. Src,on IX.. lie shall have power to remit lines and 'hulettures, and grant repne-es• and pardons, exc•;)1 In ciws of impeachment. . • . Secti'm N. lie may requi, e infornytion in writing, fiJm the officers in -the executive 'department upon any s.O•ject relating, to the duties of their respec tive Ser:tion XI. He shalt. from time to time, give to the , Getteral Assemtdy .;m..tion of the st.ttr of the Cornmhnwehlth, and necomme.4 to their eon .o.ter,tt ti stack mt.:1:011es as hr shall judge expedient. Sect to XII. Its n 1 It. on extratt•titto.y'thee.e.i.m3, ronvehe tho C;ettet.,l Aq,,mbly ; and in c-ise of .lisagteement t , hlw-ho the two houses, with respect to the tine 7,03 .u.nment, adpont them to such time as he shall think proper, nut exceeding Lair .meths. secti,n X IN. tie 'shall take care that the laws executed. s;etn.o NIV. In c.s , 1 the drat% nr ivi t s ;jun of the Governor, or of his removal from office, the Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of Governor, until another Governor *hall be duly qualified ; hut in strqi rase ann'her Governor 0;71. b^ chosen at the nett annual election of represen,a tires, unless such dtv'h. ,resignation or removal, shall occur within three -calendar mon hs immedi ately precedinr such nr.rt annual election, in which crise st. Governor shall be chosen at the second suc ceeding annual election of representa!ires. And if the bt.l of a contested election shall continue longer thin until the third Monday of January next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor of the last year or the Speaker of the Senate who rills' be in the exercise of the executive authority, shall ct•rttiou% therein tntil the determination of such contested election, and until a Guveinor shall be duly qv...aired as aCiros Scti al XV. The Secret try of the Commonwealth shall trep a. fair rege , er of all the official acts and pr-ceeekegs of the Grvernor, and shill, when re quited, Liv the same and-ail pape-rs,,,minutes and vouchets I elau:e thereto, befine eviler branch of the lezislature, and shall perform such other duties as shall be enjoined him by law. • Section T. In elect ions by the citizens every white freeman of the age'of hcenty-one yea's, haring re- sided in this state one year, and in the eleeion dis trict arhere he of f ers to vo'e, ten days inmediattly preceding such ele:tion, and within two years paid a Stale or County tar, trhich shall have been as sessed at least ten days before the election, shall enjoy the rights of an. elector. But a citiz en the United States who had previously been a qualified voter of this Stale, and removed therefrom aid returned, and who shall have resided in the election district, and paid lazes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vols,after residing in the stale sir months. Provillekthat white freemen, citizens of the United Stales, between the aces.of tTenly-one and twenty-he° years, 'and hav ing resided in the State one ye u , and in the el•ction district ten days as .eforesaid, shall ;be-entitled to vote, although they shall not hare paid tares. ..sectbal 11. All elections shall be by ballot, ex cept those by persons their repreSentativeeapa cities, who shall vote viva voce. Section 111. Electors shill in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest, during their attendance on elections, and in going to and returning from them. Section f. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeaching. Section . IL All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate; when sitting for that ourpo.e, the Senators shall be upon oathor affirmation. No per son shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Section 111. The Governor, and all other civil officers' tinder this Commonwealth, shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanour'' , in office; but judgment, in such case., shall not extend further thin ,to protocol from office, and disqualification to hold -Any -office of. honour, trust or profit, under this Commonwealth: The party, whether convicted or Lemon Syrup. rAsEsfirstAjaality Lemon Syrup, reedy ed and fur Fa le by inaN .10 MILLER 4S: lIAGGERTY. . • • _ PM IMMO ARTICLF. II AIITItLE 111 ARTICLE IV *-4 1 , frwA, oppoix• • • THE lIIIIINEItSraOURNAL - isu t ai CSI tiii - 4%."1- e,...+ 1 . i 1 Ilelpitted§ . nevertheless be liall= i tatettbant, trial, j t tot, arid punishment a to taw. . b ' 't` ' APITICLE V. , . . SeCtSectiont u The judicial powersor .. this Common west& s be vested in a Supreme Court, in Courts d yer and Terminer and General Jail De lirery,,in* Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Register's ICourt, and a Court' of Quarter Sessions of the Pet4e, for each weary I in Justices of the Peace, andin such other Courts as the legislature may Trosoire to time establish. Section . The juiri of of - the Supreme Court, the sever Courts qf Common Pleas, and of such 1 0 other Cour sof Retard as are or shall b established by law, shell be nominated by .the G r, and by 'and with the- eons-nt of the Senate a ' Write( and commiesiested by him. The judges of fid Supreme Court shalt hold their offices for the tertint of fifteen years if Mem shall .so long behats_ themselves init. The prissidditt judges of the several Courti ii Common Pleas and tf such other Courts of Reeotd as are or' Shall be esto. , lished by law, and all other judges re quired to be learned in As tau, shall hold their offires for the term of ten years if they shall sal long behave themselves wen'. The Associate judges of the Courts of Common Pleas'ithabl hold their offices for the term of five yeais if that' shall so long behave themselves well. . Butt for any reasonable cause which shall nut be sufficient ground of impeachment, the Gores n,,r otly remove any of them on the address of to 0-third, i f ecvh trastrii of the 1-gislature. The judges tf ihr Supreme 4ourt and the presidents of the serer di t'ourts of common Pleas shall at Voted times receive for their Services an adequate compensation to le fled by !dm, which shrill not be.diminished during their mil issuance in office, but they shall receive nu fess or ppiquisites of office, nor hold any other of. i qf pt aji. urider this Commontreath. ."1.01 , 41 Ii I. N ita! otherwise directed by Ire, the "out s of Common Fleas shall 'coot ino• as a' preo.n' , st ibt:".thsch. :Vat more than fire rountieSsh.:ll at an , . ',tw be anluded in one judicial dist, itl organised for stsid Courts. . See Iv. The juti%diction of the Supreme r:,,u:l shall extend over the : Mate; and the ju!zes :hereof, shall by viOne—of !belt , otheea, be juNlice• t er and Tel mi,net and General Jail Deliveiy, to the ceveral COllll Section V. The judges of the Court of C , .mmen PloAs, in 'each county, shalt, by virtue of • the' egires, be justices of Oyer and - Tel • rat Jell Ddlivery, fur the t o and other offenders therein ; any two of • the said jodges, the ',resident being one, shall be a quoruni : but thet that' not , hold a court of oyer and tunpiner, or psil delivery, in any county, when the jpigcs of the Kerne Coot t, or any of them, shall Le silting in •he same county. Ihe pa! ty seco , ed, as well as mnturmealth. may, under such iir4ul.tions •i. tit I e preactil , ed by liw, lem'oye tht ii dietmer.r :.r ,resr•dings, or a tias , cript iLt rtaf, t:, to tin • up:eme Court. Si',' I. '11;7: Sti;i.etne Court, and the several nuts of common pleas, shall, beo o l the powers to Nth& t.m usually exelerted _by thorn, have the p,wer of .a court of Chancery, so ftr its 'elates to the perpetuating - of testi:in-my, the 'Lott:limn.; of et iden're learn pl ices p A within the tF.tate, a rod the care of the persons and estates of those who are nun compotes mewls. And the legkdature shall vest in the said courts such other pokers to grant i-f•ri3.l in equity, as shall be found nece.....ii) : an l may, from time to time, enlarge or domoish thee-et poweis or cent 114 to in such other eau:* they ,hail joige proper, for the due administration of justice. Section VfL The judges of the emit t of common pleas of each c 'Only, no: twa of Ns hitna shall be a quorum, Shall compse the court ortZluirter „Se.- 'ins of the peace, and orphans' court thereof ; and the register of wills, together with thie said judges, or any two of them, shall compose Ftbe register's court of each county. Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common pleas shall, within their respective °unties, have' the like , poiiers with the judges othe Supreme i r Court, to issue writs of „certiorari to he justices of the peace, and to cause their proceedings to be brought before them, and the like right and justice to be done. - _ . . Section IX. The president of the pion in each circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the court of common pleas within their respective counties, shall be justices of the peace, so far as relates to criminal matters. Section X. A register's o ffi ce, for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration, and an office for the recording of deeds, shall be kept in . each cuukty. Sectiok Xl. The style of all processishall be "'The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ." ll prose cutions shalt be carried on in the name and by the •authority of the Commonwealth di Pennsylvania, and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the same" i• ARTICLE VI. l• Sectio6 I. Sheriffs and coronert shall, at the ' times and pieces of election of replesentatires, be chosen by the citizens of each counti.. Ohe person Shall be Mogen for each office, who shall be commis sioned by the Governor. They 4311 hold their offices for three years, if they skall;so long behave themselks well,. and nog; a4cly.essin be duly qualified , but nib person shall lie4n ice chosen or appointedshelitLin any term of sixlycats. • Vacan- ! ries in either of the said offices sli4ll be filled by an appaintrnent, to be made by tto Governor, to continue until the next general election, and until a succe•Zsor shall be chOsen and qti-lified as afore- said. ; I I Seeticin IL The, freemen of thisi c comnionwealth shall be armed, organized and di iplined for it{ defence, ulen and in such manner az may be directed by Liao. Those who conscientiously scruple to beat arms, shall not be compelled to du is, but shall pay an equivalent for personal service. Socabn 111. Prothonotaries of .the Supreme Caryl shall be appointed by the .said Court for the terin of three years if Ificy'ro long b e it are themselves well. Prollwootaries and clerks of th e several other court,. Recorders of idredr. an& Re gisters' of wills, shall at the timeS and places of . wctwa.j r-i ~,,,,, 'datives. be deviled by the TA fiat ehrtors of each courtly, or the districts over which the jumethetion of said couf-ts.evlends, and shot! be commissioned by the governor. They shall had their rites for three yeprs if they shall is, lo n g behave them elves well. and until thdir ruccessirrs shall be duly quailed. The !Tisk- lure 3/41/ provide by law the ri , r • rber of persons in mch county who shall hold aid Twee, and how many and which of said oji shall-be held by oneirerson. Vacancies in au of the said -e -lms. s al be filled by aiapoinim refs to be made by the ,Governor, to continue until the nee gene rat eleetion, and until successorstshall be denied and qUethfied as aforesaid. - Section IV. Prothonotaries, eels of the peace and ortfhans' courts, recorders of d eds, registers of wilts, find sheriffs, shall keep their offices in the county . town of the county in which they, respec tively, shall be officers, unless when the Governor shall, fur special reasons, dispense therewith, for any term not exceeding five years lifter the county shall hive been erected. .1 . Section V. All commissions shall be in the name and by'The authority of the Commonwealth of Perm sylvan a, and besealed with the Star seal, and sign ed by , e Governor. Sect on VI. A State Treasurer Oall he elected annual y e by joint vote of Loa brarkltes of the legs. lidure. • • I • ' shall ele Vil etred j i its n il l eel he' o s f ree i r hf al P ttard ce s o , boroughs, aidermen ..31. and to ,hips at the time of 1114 election of con stab , by the Ouch fted votcrshereof, in such o l v 'number as shall,bikeliricted by b ,ad Sholrbe cornmi t isioned by the Governor f a term of /y e yearce i boat no township, ward boil:rug, h • shall efrel mare than two justices of the peace or alder met! . *thinit.the consent Y . a m a l i rtY of the qua -11,14. . , . within such tow ,rift' or po . _ • .. - YIIL All racers Ac4osil election or ap point env procured. far sa this eonstilian shall cleated or ap,panted as falllie . directed REAMS Vtrapping aper for sale wholesale and retail: n4ap. by morph 24 BANNAN. .w. .- ._,......._ • 1 .ie :.,-; oy taw. Nu pet-ton oral. i appotntalo any of fice within any r ecraikly , , a IfolZin4d=ti*:.oo a citizen and an inheibstan thirrin ant year next before his appoilumem. tif the ' emaiti shall hare been so lung ereetid} iberitifit sheltiMt hare been w. long erected,4l4n kiii thar4iirits rf the county or counties out of Which.ii - thalltiave been taken. No member of Congress from Ihu state, or at? pawn: holding dr eaxrciessig any ece or appointment of trust or pro. z wider Me United States, shall at Me aline time hold or exercise any office in /hie stale, to which-a salary is, - ur fixs or perquisites arc by law, annexed; and Mekgisla it ture may by lam eckere what State offices are in compatible. No tuber of Me Senate or of the house of repress Ives shall be appointed by the Gorermr to any office during Me term for Which' he shall hare been elected. Section IX. All ufficers for a term of years shalKold their offices fur the terms respeetirdy specified, only on the condition that they so long behave themselves well ; and shall be renumed on conviction of misothariour in office or of any in fatrialls crime. Section X. Any person who shall, after ihe adoption of the amesidnients proposed by this Convention to the Constitution, fight a duel pr send a chalknge for,theil purpose, or be alder or abettor in . fighlinkr, a duel, shall be deprived of the right of holding anyo.ffice of honour or t in this State, and shall be punished otherwise in such manner as is, or may be prescribed by law I but the executive may remit the said offence and all its disqualifications. ARTICLE VII. • ..slAture shall, as soon as con y be, provide by law, for the establish f be:tools throughout the State, in such aer that the poor may be taught gratin. ection 11. The arts and Sciences shall be pre- Ajn one or more seminaries of learning. The rights, privileges,. immunities of religious societies and, corporate bo remain es if the constitution of this State teen atteretl. or amended. Sect:on f. venientiv m: •. • • m ! • f A , . er tF ecti , mot , : , Sects • and estate dies, •bell • Itad n ' •e' N. The kgislature shall not invest any corporate -bodkor individual with the privilege of taking private property for public use, without requiring such corporation or individual to make compensation to the owners of said property, or give adequate security therefor, before such pro perty shall be taken. ARTICLE VIII Merdbers of the General Asserribly, and all offi cers, executive and judicial, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support the constitution of this Cornm"nwealth and to perform the duties of their respective offices with noel/ ty. ARTICLE IX That the general, great and es ential principles of liberty and free pvernment rrv.y he recognised and unalterably established, WE DELL It E, THAT Section 1. All men are born equA Ily Gee and in dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and de fending life and liberty, of acquiring, "possessing and prdtecting property and reputation, and of pur suing their own happiness. Section 11. All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their au thority, and instituted for their peace,, safety and happiness; For the advancement of these ends, they have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or aboli , h their government, in sugh manner as they. may think proper. Section 111. All men have a natural and indefea sible right to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences; no min can, of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or suirtsort any place of worshipoor to maintain any ministry against his eotisnt; no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience ; and no preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishments or modes of worship. Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be ing of a God and a future state of rewards and pi mshments, shall on account of his religioui senti ments be disqualified to bold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth. , • Section V. Elections shall be free and equal. Section VI. Trial by jury shall be as heretofore, and the right thereof remain inviolate. Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the pro ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go vernment: And no law shall ever be made to re strain the right thereof The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable 'rights of man : and every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In p,osertitions for the publication of papers investigating the . official conduct of officers, or men in a public capacity, or where the matter published is proper for public in formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi dence And in all indictments for libels the jury shall !rive a right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of 'the coirt, as in other cases. Section VIII. The people shallbe secure in their 'persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea sonable searches and And no warrant to search any place, or to seize any . person or things, shall issue, without describin g them as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause supported by oath .or affirmation.- Section ro all criminal prosecutions, the ',c ermed bath a 'le tt to be. heard himself at ti his counsel, to dem rird the nature and cause of the ac cusatidn art' .inst biro, to meet the witnesses (.ice to face, to have rompulSOr, pre Ce" f.,r obtaining wit nesses in his f..vo*Jr, and, tir prosecutions jby indict ment or infirm ,tLn, a speedy puldic trial, by an imp.irtial jury of - the % kin ;he cannot be com pelled to gire evidence aevinst liiinself, nor can he be deprived of his life. liberty, or ptpperty, unless by the juagment of his peers or the law of the land. Section X. No person shall,.for any indictable offence, tie proceeded aviast cidieinally by infut-nt tion, except in c 4.1 ati , ing in the Pend or naval fmce., or in the mititi, w lien in actual service in time of war or public danger . , or by te.tve of the COU Lt. fur opprcssi n ind misdemeanour in office. No person shall, for the same offence, be twice put in jeopandy of life or limb; nor shall any Tan's' pre. perty be taken or applied to public use, without the consent of his representatives, and without just Compensation beioe made. Section XI. MI courts -shall be open . , and every man fur an injury done him in his lands, goods . , per son or reputation, shall have remedy by the due course of law, and right andsjustice administered, without Bile, denial or delay. Suits may be brimeht against the Commonwealth in such manner, in such _courts, and in, such eases as the legislature, may by 13w direct. Section XII. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised, unless by the legislature, or Its au thority. Section XIII. F.xcessice trail shall not be re quired, nor'excessive fines imposed, nor cruel pu nishments inflicted. Section Xl)'. All prisoners shall be bailable by Sufficient sureties, unless - for capital offences, when the proof Is evident or presumption great • and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus' shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or in vasion, the public safety may require it. Section XV. No commission of overage Terminer or Jul delivery shall be issued. Section XVI. The person of. a dqbtor, where there is not strong presumption of fraiud, shall not be continued in prison, after delivering up his estate fiipr the benefit of. his- creditor:4in such manner as r • .shall be prescribed by law. Section XVIL NO er postfartotwe,l'nor any law impairing contracts shall be made. . 1 • •.• Section XVNI. No person shall be fattainted of treason or felony by ,tbe legislature.i Section XLX. No attainder shall track eortuption of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender, forfeiture of estate to the commonwealth ; the 111.. tates of such persons as. stied dtstroy their own •livies, shall descend or vest as in case of natural SUGAR, Soda and Water Crackers, for sale by N. NATILANS g-. co. may 2 33 1:=1 . • . death a‘nitt *ay, ;person !'sink fi e by casualty, 'here shall he no lostelture y reason hereof. Section XX. Ttiecitizene have a right;n spestea able manner, to uumblelogether,for their common good, - and To apply hi those invested with.the powers. of government _for redress. of grievances, or other proper purposes, by, petition, address or remon- . strance. Section XXI. The right of tritium to bear arms, In.delence of themselves and - the . State, %hall not be queStioned. Section XXII. No standing army shall, in time of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Le; gislature and the Military shall, in all cases, and at all times, be in strict subordination to the civil power. Section XXIII. No soldierehall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Section XXIV. The legislature shall , not grant any 'title of nobility -or hereditary distinction, nor create any officio the appointment to which sfaall be for a longer term than duridg good behaviour. Section XXV. Emigration from the State shall not be prohibited. ' Section X„ZiVi. To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have deaegkted, WE DECLARE, that, every thing in this article is ex cepted ovt of the general powers of government, and shall forget - remain inviolate. Any amendment or amendments to This constitu tion may be proposed in the Sena's or Rouse of Re presentatives, and if . the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members Wetted to each Haase, Bulb proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals. with. the yeas and nays taken thereon. and the secretary of the Commonwealth shall cause the same lobe punished three m:iths before the neat election, in at least one newspaper in every county in whiih a newspaper shall be published; and If in the legislature next afterwards chosen such pro= posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected ro each house, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall cause the same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and such proposed amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people in such manner and at such time, at least three sminths; after being so agreed to by the two houses as the legislature shalt prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments by a majority of the qua.- I fled voters of this Stale - voting thereon, such amend ment or amendments shall become a part of the con htitution ; but no•ammulment or amendments shall be submitted to the people aftentr than once in five yours ; Provided, that if more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner and form, that the people may vote for or against each amendment separately and distinctly. That no inconvenience may arise from the altera tions and amendments in the Constitution of this Common Wealth, and in ordertto tarry the same into- complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain-, ed, That, , Section I. All laws of this Commonwealth in forcei at the time when the said alterations and amend-; ments in the said Constitution shall take effect, and not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of- indi= victuals as of bodies corporate, shall continue as if the said alterations and amendments pad not been made. Section 11. The alterations and amendmentsin the said Constitution shall take effect from tbefirst day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, Section I 1 C. The clauses, sectio , apd articles of the said o:institution, which r sin unaltered, shall continue to be consttted a have effect as if the said Constitution had not been amended. Section I‘. The Generaf Assembly which shall convene in December, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, shall continue its session, as heretofore, not withstinding the provision in the eleventh section of the first article, and shall at all times be regarded as the first General Assembly under the amended Constitution. . Section V The Governor who shall be elected in . October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eighrohall be inaugurated on the third Tuesday in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which, time the present executive term is hereby extended: Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the Supreme Court, who may be in office on the first day of January next, shall expire, in the following man ner t The commission which bears the earliest date shall expire on the first 'day of January, Anno Do mutt one thou;and eight hundred andforty-two •. the commission next dated shall expire on the first day of Jantiarv, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall expite on the lust day of January, Anno Domini tine thousand eight hundred and forty-eight; the tommission next dated shall expite ott the first day t.f January. Anna Domini one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-farm ; and the commission last dated sh II expire on the fist day of January, Anno one Owns wid eight bundled and fifty-Eau. ' - Section VII. The commi-sinns of the President jte.ges i.f the several judicial districla and of the asiotia le law judges of the first judicial district shall ex• ire as f. lj,itya: The commissions of one-half of those who shall have held their offices ten years or mtte at the adoption of the amendments to the consti tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe brudry, one thousand eight hundred 21111 thirty-nine; the commissions of the other half of those who shall ha r e held their offices ten years ge more at the adult ti ti of the .arnt ndments to the constitution, shall expire on the twerity-seventh day i dr- February. one thonsand eight hundred and forty-two the first to embrace those whose commissions shall hear the oldest date The commissions of all the remaining judges who 'shall not have held their offices for ten years at the adoption of the amendments to the con stitutton sl.all expite on the twenty-seventh day of Felintary next after the end of ten years from the' date of their commissions. Section VIII. The Recorders - of the several May, ors' Courts, and other et iminal courts in this Com monwealth, shall be appointed for the samT time, • and in the same manner, as the presidentfiudges of the several judicial districts; of those. now in office, the commission oldest in date shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousarM eight hundred and forty-one, and the others every two years thereafter according to their respective dares. Those oldest to date expiring Inst. • Section IX. The legislature at its first session un der the amended constitution, shall divide the other associate judgesef the State into four classes. The commissions of those of the first class shall expire on the twenty-seventh day -of February, eighteen hundred and forty; of those of the second class on the tweety-Seventh•day of February, eighteen hun dred and forty-one; of those of the thicd class on the twenty-sevenateday of February s righteen hun dred and forty-two; and of those of the fourth class on the twenty-seventh day . of February, .eighteesi hundred and forty-three. The said classes honi the first to the fourth Shell be arranged according to the seniority of the eirtinissitnis id - the setteraijudges. Sectlonl‘. ProthonotarieS, clerk* of the several. courts (except of 'the Supreme•Conct) recorders of deeds and registers of wills, shall be first elected under the amended Constitution, at the election of repre sentatives in the y,ear eighteen Winifred and thirty -- nine s ; in suchmriAnheiasAmy be prescribed by law. Section XL' The alipobiting power shall remain as heretofore, %natal °filters in the appointment of the executive department shall continue in the exercise of the duties of their respective offices until the legislature shall' peas finch-laws as may be required by the eighth section of the •sit - th article 'uf the tamendett constitution, and until appointments shall he : tilanTe - undee 'such laws; unless their commissions shall- be superseded .by new appointments, or shall ,sooner expire by their own limitations, or the said • takes shall becoMe vacant by death or resignation, and such laws shall be enacted by the first legisla ', tone under* the amended constitution. Section XII. The first erection for aldermen' and justices of the peace shall be held in the year eight een hundred and forty, at the time fixed. for.the etre-lion of constables. The legislature at-its first __,___ l og AMS, Shoulders and Side"; for sale lg.*, :-. 10 -1-lEtophead, by ,- ,- , . .. MILLER 4 114G.GERTY. • 42-3 ME ARTICLE X SCHEDULE !Omit uaa r , t.unnendelt - * • . . 1 vide for the ai4 election and foNisni ! eleetionS:' 'Mermen and justice no* in coniriiiision, or,vitio inarin appointed 'Sail continue to discha • - their . reineeilve nifficftc, until fifteen-'; day*hich shall* fisted hy law for neortcointniisiotis, at the exiiiration .1 their comntiisisiu,s shall exist'''. is .testimony That the iferegning, constitution' of• fennsylvattia, convention,Ne the officers anti; eunventlon ihice hereunto sip •! thetwerity.;second cry, Anno_tomtit' .oue thousand and thirty fight; and of the I. .' thelizuted States of America Mel JOHN SERGEA Daniel Agnew, ' 'Ezra S. Hi Wm. Hay. IMEMI M. W. Baldwin Ephraim }Wks?, John Y. Barclay, Jacob Bandalar Chas. A. Barnite, AndreW Bedford, , Thus. S. Bell, James Cornell fiddle, Lebbetis L. Si :law &mil. U. Bonham, Chas. Brown, Jeremiah Brow 4, William Brow , Pierce Butler, Samuel Cares, M. Heinle Wm. Fiend Wm. Hiest William H Jos. Hopki. John Hoop Ja.bez...Hyd. Charles J. Phs:lenks George M. - James Ken Aaron Ke .los. Koni Jacob Kre . John Cummin, i : H. G. Lon? , Thomas S. Cunningham, David Lyo.' William Cur% I . Alex: Mae Wm. Darlingto - i, . Spiel K. Ma l George Chambers, ' W. M. Me John Chindler, ' Jinxes Mer' Jos. R. Chanitler, . 4 ! evi Merit' Ch. Chauncey, • • Wm. L. M Nathaniel CIaPP, James Mo . James Clarke, . Christian'. , John Clarke,, D. Nevin, William Clatk* Wm. Over A. J. Cline, ' Hiram Pa I Lindley si, ltdatthias ', I R. E. Cochran te lames Po , Thoi. P. Cope; . anies Ma Joshua F. Cox - Saml. A. : 'Walter Craig, E. C. Ref , Richd. M. Crai A. H. ' , Geo. T. Crawf rd, , . Geo. W. 'I Cornelius Crum,- Jno. Rifled Benjn. Martin; H. Gold . 1 John L. M.Calmn, *, Samuel E. T. MsDowell, Jaines M. James lil`Sloer4y, Daniel Sa Mask Darrah, . John Mo 1 Harmer Denby, . G Tobias S. John Dickey, G. Seltze Joshua Vickeron,' Geci. Ser Jacob Dillinget‘ Heb ry S .., 1 Jas.. Donagan, I George S,: .1, If. Donnell, r i a Thomas Joseph M. Do n, Geo. Smi; Jathesl Dunlop, • Wm. Sin Thom - as Earle Joseph S. D. M. Farrell , 'nix B. S Robt. Fleming Jacob Sti •, Walter; FiSitc , Ebeneze John. Foulkroi, Thomas . Joseph Fry, Jr .. Morgan 1 ohn Fuller, James T.,, John A. Gamble, - - Thomai 1 William Gearhart, Jacob 13.: il David Gilmote, It; G: .W Virgil Grenell, William L. Aarris, Thomas Hastings, (Attest) S. SqOCH, Secretary. Geo. W. R. Youn G. FA US, ASSI . S tan Js.Vw ILLIAMII, SECRETARY'S OFFICF., •I ARRISIEUIRG, Fzaa cestify,thtit the foregoing is•an copy of ..'the Constitution of the • Pennsylvania as amendtd by the er thousand eight hundred and' thi eight,".deposited in this office on February, 1838 ; the.@ amembiurnts and' the retained poitions of the tion in rourcin,letter. THO. H. MIAOW Sec'y of the t; BOOK-BIND 138$01 - AN hoe. cotn 'nine •-• 3 " eryln connection with ' whereat] kinds of BoLtlcs will -hortest notice at Inw Ales. :Blank Rooks 'revery description made to' or rants—and the trade supplied .w deloitia prices. April II For Sale. A valtinabk Tract, of LYING and heing in the tn•• %%Toon. nn the West (Irene ilronelt Rail Road. about * 4 W mi , 4 flavett—there it .ne or pin.nang through thin .iosoi. Fo ;Ay to pJAC,t FTEIIE: March 2! 11=1=1 WHOLESALE ?IWO Dry Gooil..s,Grociky,Wine (Next doUr to Mortimer ',THElRconnicxtonniih hots enables them to keep n ha sive aiivortment or woods, Inch Philadelphia prices. ' Store and and private families, Would du - judge . frietfactriselves. april 19, Leaden. Pip BcIIANN,AN rect., a.rior supply of }and it. to convey the wider ick houses, • cheep. sprit 18 • . • Painted Jaco JUST received and for 'tee teiv; I " a few pieces of Splendid Pa together with a choice selection ler sale by , .11A2iZARD& . April 21 . CgrIHURCITILL'S IifAiNVAL.a Fasta,juacreceited and ON april 4 • - . • - . • • Gilding. ~A. QU IN ,00KING-GLAsks4 11 " 1 Cr, heal door to lite. John M, street.. om. Pp:Lin e ner, and at! the Oborteaktptioe. apriL 28 , • .• Beik#o.ol JITTORNET 111 AS removed his office to C AlLposite the Brick Boilchogiiif flings; where he Arasted,to him in theline Oct 21_ •• pR ia r t l y r . imothy , 4 1 344 Feb IA .1 ;4211 pro. erit g l e P 11 41,- interim -be duties of dect imuin; or 04th tune, e mended : teed to in heis Of the limits at of Perm ) t hundred I,ll6 .ridelate of • • ylecond. resident I t. • • tein, re t .r, • Ingersoll, . I 11 I r, !tg mein ', e ers. ~~ n Porter, lance =3 = tZ, .. ii eta,. . in, .F ly, ere, k , - • v rt, % . Sturdevant ' hems, . , , • Vet, .idman, t ~ V • • • war& tecretaries t 3 . A ir 28, 1818.1 e et 2nd literal RI onwealth of .n 6ntion of one I) seven-.thirtr• die 26th day of bel t ing in itaiit, .rtrent Constitu , D,,:, : . npnarealib Y. '- &a Boa: Bind Book Store, ..lbound at tbe c. .e at Me lowest of sale at Phila. MEI 1 • 1 Land, ip of Norwe eer the Wept Eroiri Schoy+l• e cell Velni fermelipp •p. REEL). poit.yine, • i FEIAN, E. Reidiog. 7 . 4 IL /.49 , 1/Or Store HMO.) in Philnde!phis ° 1f s %reit , exien hl wilt Pell at ellkeepers ell to eat and a very •ups :edvp PipT, will•be Bala itliS. • • hel subitcribers t 6 ni - .3aconets. Mau& Nigc4 - - r, UCH. :. 1 efikkvand i kw -, ' - %ANNA - X.; i 25 Primie . 1 . 10 ..0111M Aolft -Ik' 1:4; 11;1 - 1,v Stree,,t, gis*.lin busineo en eistcin: 9' Ow (or .11 1— •N. • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers