To Co4l Den' lit EALED Proposals will be 1 B '.! subscriber at hut Countin , lug street, above Fairmount 'lll the 10th day of Josue at 6 letting from that date until the that Public ding, t am 3839, all i District of Spring G rden, kn‘' mount St. Landing, nd situa !street, near the apps Ferry B `being in every swipe well shipping of Coal, as Well as the City, having CountinHouse, /attached thereto: J AMES M Chairman of Land District o Bhiladelphia, June 2, 1838. PROPOSALS wil ha rem . , missioners of t a Alms offloa in the Park, ew York Anthracite Coal, (wi h privileg! tons,) until Thursdayi the 14th Applicants will please state from which the Coal to propose. and Ole price per ton of 2240 The Coal to be delitiered on oil day of September nexti, at such .• aa mat , from time to lime be Comaiissioners, on title Island, B or Long Island Forme. Payment will be made in cars June 2 • COAL. THE Subscriber is receiving f ton Collieries, 'a strop! ted SPORN St LEWIS RED landing at his wharf, , Pine etre• Orders left at the office, Nu. 81 at the wharf, will be fitomptiy at • F. Philadelphia, May 14, 1838 New and Sidendi THE Ladies of Pottsville and peetfollv invited:tit Call and splendid assortment of Painted Limns, Jaeone4e, Prints Black and White Lawns, Moaslinedelains I . 4mm' se, Hoskin, dark andilight kid Glove Worsted, Cotton and Silk do Fancy Handkerchlefs,'shawls, V Plain .and painted bordered linen Silk & Cotton, blended & untdeal do do Embrnidered At the store of 11. NATH -tnayl9 CHURCHMAN'S MA position of the Doelt.rines, Mi ship of the" Protestant Episcopal United States, by the Rev. BENJA. tor oF-Christ Church, Philadelphi and for,sale here. april . FloOrfin*, Boa CAROLINA worked flooring ed, tongued and grooved rea .1 II and Ii filcher of difibrent quay ttonetangy on hand, and for able ci , purchasers, upon appli tion by JA i ES Mt. : Planing Machine harf. N. or NULLED. & HA e • april 25 31—lf I Choice Wilie 4 and PIA.f . NATI4I4IS & t HAVE on hand the !following: and Liqhors which, they we' and offer for sale on the most consisting of 50 Baskets Charopaigne Wines. ory, Star,' Woodcock, Anchor, e brands. 10 Baskets Spar Whig White Bur 10 do Old MO, 5 cases Old Grape Juice Port, 60 do Medoc & St. J then Clar.' Also—a lbw .doten of the much India or Star Madeira,. . Old Brown, Gold and Pile Sherr do Madeira, Muscatel Curracos, PerfeCt Love s Rose, Nl' 'Bette, Annisseed Cordials, ON DRAUGHT. • Madeira, Pale, Brown & Gold S Teneriffe, Mar. Mad,etra, Mal Dry Malaga, Muscatel and Old! Champaigne Brandy of he Pinet Cognac, Bordeaux & Cltarante Holland Gina of Pine Apple and f" Jam. Spirits, M. Whiskey, N. E. Corn. Gin, Com Brandy i&c. Tavern keepers from the neig, are respectfully invited to calf! N. B. Goode delivered to any rough or neighboring Mame free o may 2 • . GREJIT ILIRG Valuable Real Property in FOR SALE THE undersigned offers for sail known three story ,aRicK S. DWELLING HO USELiricl the a situate in Centre street, IPottaville, of the undersigned, together wi tenements in ,the rear of said buil lot of ground whereon the whole brick building afdresaid,l contains front—finished from the baseme garret in the best style ot workme as a business stand and residen vonrably situated; The forekroin be sold on low and accommodatin of the purchase money shay rams; erty for a few years, at destredis Me, and possession can toe given i apply td i G. M. 3 . April 22 32—tf • COAL LAN For Sale, or to be • rirRAT valuabhrtract df Lan ea 1 - L ton Tract," belonging . to 1' Innate on the west Norwegian ;Ft north of, and adjoining the Pench; offered for sale on accommodatihr Cori Mines will be leased aevevall ,to an approved tenant. Apply to 11NR 111 3d o tin Wivilni Can• JIBE undersigned cau purchasing oeleaain Cl too Tract, on the f Elizabeth Spohn, or ite the undersigned el will institute a suit agai jag' to take the possession =MEE Light 3MIDS. Tin de Grave 2 Pipes Claret, tweeted sound, for sale stay 13 38 N. ; Resumption of mine's. t• . , 110 [received by the !: Boom; on Land. 1i ter Works, on clock P. M. for et day of March, Ilonging to the n as the Fair. T.. on Callowhill dge.. The same kulated. for the tail trade of the ales, Crane, &c. BOLTON, NEW ERIIO s TORE. T HE Subscriber returns 14 grateful achnowl. edgementi to the citizen of Pottsville and others, who stepped forwent his assistance at ter the loss of fus 'property b fire - in December last, and would also acquaint eat and the pub- Itc.generally, that he hascominenced the Drug 13usinees in the house erly occupied by . Charles W. Clements in ,Street, in the borough of Pottsville, where y always be had a geneial assortment of Drugs, ,IN 'eines, Paints, . Oil .Glass, Dy Stunk And every other article in the hove line, which he is disposed to sell on very w and acconimo. dating terms. g Committee, r pring Garden d by the Com pose, at their for SOO tons of of taking 2000 ay of June next. e vein or mine to be delivered, N. B. 117' Physicians pre, put` up at the shortest notice. w, Pottsville, May 30,1838 Boats for S 7'GOOD f chuylkill Canal beat materials, nearly new, or exchanged for Coal at the m Ply to . on delivery. I May 30 42-4 t before - the 30th art or wharves ' . ignated by the elt well's island New Goods! New m the A. Law. of the eelebra. a i_C If now. me wh Pri sor .t, Sc . k street, or tided to. NICHOLS 42- wiLb aper Goods. Minity are res ,xamine a mos 10 the Ambrie hdkBl h'd hose, do NS & / CU. .38 U 4L, an' jetty and wor hurch in the Doaa, Roc , pat received 50 calved and for sale by MI4LER 4. . _ 1122133 29 JERSEY HAMS and Weal hhds. just received by N. NAT EMI ".ards, ploogh • -for laying, 1, ty and 'prices, in to snit tter to june 2 Bordeaux Cla l FINE,OId Bordeaux Claret on cents per gallon, for sale b • MILLER dj II jone 2 ATTeN, . Phiia. Co GRTY. Pottsville FRESH Sailed Oil, Pick ply of Pickled Lobster Sou iquors. ceived by june:2 choice Wines rant genuine, orable terms, Saßad Oil, Pick JAMES VIOLET & Cos. ae lad Oil. A full assortment o Pickles, for sale by MILLER & • of Key, Hick ,rape and other may 28 Lindy, ROW LETT'S Interest Table and for sale by ja n 24 14)rated East Boots and Sh N ATHANS & Co. have o "f assortment of Gentlemen' Boots and shoes, which they will may 19 in bottles, hxya!u, Annie- SANDERSON'S PARIS --jus for sale at this office. march 31 erry, Lisbon .s, Malmsey ort. rands, andy, ;sh brands. um, NEW BOOK: UNCLE HORACE, a novel, by The Two Flirts and other T The River and the Desart, b Just reeeived and for sale by B. may 19 boring towns art of the ho. expense. 33 - Lot for Sale WILL be sold CHZAP ,FOl/ CAS on William Street in this ing the Lot on which Luke Lee a dwelling house. The lot is William Street, by 110 feet deep. May 41 B. Pottsville, all that well ORE AND .portenanees the property nine other ing, and the stands. The hirty feet in story to the hip, and both •, is most fa: 1 property will terms. Part on the prop. ills mdieputa• mediately— I'NNINGO. Pottsbille -REA DIN • NAIL AND IRON W e. 'AVE on hand ' BOILER IRON,. ----- SHEET do. ROUND k SQUARE IRO COAL, SCREEN do. RAIL ROAD do Bar iron of any site drawn to and spikes of all Rises, for sale at prices. REIMS, WHIT Reading, May 22,1838. HAZZARD & STIR: WHOLESALE AND R Dry-Goode, Groce quor Store, Corner of Centre and Mirka Str April 8 led the "Clio. both Spain, Road, next Mountain, is .rms• or the or together ORRIS, Teas! Teas!! T Ki%-! n n CHESTS and chests eir and black Teas e consisti Pieco,Sonchong, Poncho:lg, Gun Upon, Old Hyson and Hyson Ski and fur sale ai rethiced prices by DE NA ru Several small chests put up for may 2 ~~ 0111 d lion. .1 elf the titact 't Norinek I• Only M ..MI title t any - thereof. JO • fine against f land called n rail road, rig - for her, thereto, and .13 attempt , Confectionary Man MIRE subscriber respectfully -m• public that be has cowmen tore of Confectionary in all its va at his Store in ° Centre SUiet. near Pottsville House, - where Con ers can always be supplied who • at the lowest Philadelphia' cash N POTT 32 " m e, t. do by • ATHA Country Merchants are; reopec to call and examine him meek bef draught, elsewhere. 8 & CO iptions carefully T. EPTING 1. le. ir built of the 11 ill be Bold cheap, rket price. Ap. B. BANNAN. EMIR Encourage donne Manu JOHN & C nov 4 ' - EXPRESS .1 ..., , WM OF swamps. , eat 1 • . . rvitE-Proprietoriorthis Line, (will has been fitted epic a superior Manner for e ammo. modelion of the Travelling Conn:mit ,) respect liilly arinounce to the public that the • e will positively commence running betwes , PO'TTSVILLE 14' PHILADEL ea WA. 1 on Wednday - t4Lt 2d of May, and w continue to leave their office at the fennsyletfaie Hall, Pottsville, daily at; 6 o'clock, 4. M. and strive in Philadelphia, at 6.o'clock P. M. at the followirg rates of Fare: _ To Orwigatturg, 0 50 Port Clinton, 75 Hambuig, 00 Reading, 00 .. Pottstown, ' .1 00 Trap, . 624 Norristown, 1 50 Philadelphia, $OO • For Seats apply at the PennvyliiMia Hall ; Pottsville; Flerr's Hotel, Reading; and . at their Office, Na. 25, North Fmirth Street, Philadelphia. MINTZER & Cq. Pettatown. SAM'L. OVENSIIINE, , Ma. EVANS & CALDWELL, Do. Pfleirfeters. May 2 , PARKER ar. CO. MERCERS 4- TAILORS, (Penneriy Parker & lIAVE removed on th e opposite side OCentre Street, a few doors above Norwegiala Street whore they offer for aide a select assortment o, Superfine Broad Cloths and Cassimereis of the most fashionable colors, with en elegant , assort. meat of Summer Cloths, Vestings, Linen and Cot. ton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, Glades, Sos. pendent, linen and cotton Hose, end all kinds of Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, which twill be made to order in the most approved style is to the workmanship, and warranted to lit eque to any in the City or elsewhere. P. S. P. & Co. keep on band an excellent as. sortment of ready.made Clothing of altkinde, which will be sold at very low rates. jar, 17 • NEW IRON ; & Hardware Store.: THE subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that he has added to his for mce tii stock, iron and Hardware, consisting in rt or American and English Bar Iron, Hoops an Band Iron, Round Iron, mantle& size.; Cast, rawly. Shear. German and English Blister and A. M. Steel Vices, Monse-hole arivila.Smith's Wows, Cast Steel band, choping and Broad auta, nails and spikes, together with a general assortment of Iron Mongery, all of which will be sold at re. dined prices, by JOHN CLAYTON. April 22 , 32 G'GERTV. 42-3 :ern BaCun.---20 AIVS 4 CO 92-3 KEW BAKERY do CONFECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT. (draught, at 1521 Frederick C. Epting , E4PECTFULLY informs his friends and mla' the public in general, that he has opened a OGERTE 42-3 CO3 Bakery and Confectionary Establitiment in Norwegian Street, next door below the Arcade is the borough of Pottsville, where he will al ways keep on hand and bake to order all kinds of Cakes of every variety of patterns—and where also, will 'always be kept on hand, Bread by the Loaf, of an excellent quality, and of a large size. His Confectionary comprises s large and, gen. eral assortment selected with care, and wild at the very lowest rates. F. C. E. would also inform families that: be is prepared to bake Family Bread for any nurnber who prefer furnishing their own Flour, at the shortest notice, aad on the most reasonable terms. a pril 21 30-3 m end a fresh sup es. &c. just re- CO. 42-3 es, &c. superior Sal- W in. Osborne GGERTY 40 , ust received I3ANNAN. 5 Books! very low. we BANNAN offers for sale the folloWing Ls • standard works at the very low prices at Ladled. Home, Smollett and Miller's England 4 vols. sheep, with plates •10 00 Clarke's Commentary, 4.v015, sheep, 12 00 Wesley's works, 10 vols. complete, 11 00 Bock's Theological works, 6 vols. sheep,' !4 00 Scutt's Bible and Commentary, 3 vols. , sheep, ,6 00 Byron's works, beetborne'ii Edition, sheep, '4 25 •Rollio's Ancient History,. 1 'vol. sheep, ' Dearborne's Edition with Maps and plates, '4 25 Josephus 1 vol. with plates 125 Marryatt's works complete. 1 vol. 25 Moore's works, Library Edition 2 25 Borns works, • 2 00 Cowper sod Thompson's works, 2 25 Paley's works 2 00 Borden'. village Sermons. 2 00 Doddridg4's Family Expositor, - 350 Encyclopedia of Geography, 3 vols. with 1290 cots and 100 Maps, to 50 Fox's Book of Martyrs, with plate's, - 225 McKenzies 5000 Receipt, 1 37 Together with a variety of other Books af, very low rates, to suit the times. July 1 32 band a large and Ladies' 11 at 'a low rate. 38. received end ra S. C. Hall, Min Pardoe, BANNAN. 38 a lot situated rough, adjoin now building feet front on Apply to BANNAN ,Amw-, - A general . assortm ent of fre!h . and . seasOable Gooda t iu4ecetved—conittsting pill of Goods, Groceries, Hardware, • order. Nails e loweit City • "ER it M. 40465n0 UCH'S TAIL Oneensware, Mackerel, Salt, Plaster, &ce Atm which will be sold low for cash. The hilliest price paid in cash for all kinds of country p tide. PCISEPH WHITE & Mount Carbon, Dee 2 wad Lim ilEil EH • Notice. • THE Register of Schuylkill County h ring iranted to the subscriber Letters of A in. , iatration on the estate of John McGrath, of Norwegian township, Schuylkill County, d ed: All persons indebted to the said John Nedra* are iequested to make Immediate payment;i and all those having claims are requested to present them for settlement us tnesolweriher• without de. lay. 111/OR ITINSLEY, Adasinizt 3l- ratqz. 61 Fresh Green of Orange, .order, Young , just received S & CO ily nee. 33 =3 Port Carbon, May 16,183 x. Ictory. nces to the the Mandan °tie branches, opposite the era and cab• and retail. DIM . •1 1 Superior Wises, . . (At tAe lowest City prices.) TBE. celebrated Old Star Madeira* Sparltling Burgundy. Old Port, Hock, Hock i b is trer, Lisboo, Teneriffe, Pale, Brown and Gold rry. Also—on draught, Claret, Spanish Wines„ Via de gran and Rhenish wines of excellent q ty tah ,at ,50 per gallon. • Store re and Tavern keepers will be ap plied at wholesale pri NA at N THAN &Co I may 26 40 Centre St. Ily solicited purchasing MARTIN 1 50-tf ,•- • . THE M i MIESPJOVIR. -Nets- Goods. Bead.' he Interesting etid eistowigise Fad e. MORE condemns pros& of the extraordinary efficacy of DR. WM. EVAN'S celebrated Camonideand Aperient Actibilions Pills in al kykong afflicted nuinkir.d. To James Dichotic, 96, Cornbill, Boob" Agent' for the sale of D. Wm. Evans'aCiunoadle Leant, Nov. 15,1836. Dear Kir—Knowing by experience this every reference that the afflicted receive of thivissnea. cial results of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine to the public in behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILL& I have been afflicted fie the last tea rata with distress b the head and plash often so bad as tb deprive me asleep fie three or four night, in summon, but have never (bond relief by any of my friends' prescriptions, wail my wife saws the advertisments in the paper, when she persuaded me to send for some, which and obtained two boxes and bottles, which resulted in aim, completely reliving sus to health; although I base not yet entirely finished them. Should you consider 'this any benefit to yourself, or the public, youre my cheerful ptir. mission to publish lit. Yon . realientftd l .l. THOS. 'K. GOO HUE, Cent shat. aNTERESTING, CASE Cured by Dr. Wes: Evans'it Camo mile ?bait sad Family Aperi eat Fitt.—Mr. BENJAMIWBOWN, corner of Shipped and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect et for seven years; with extreme nervousness, by which he was not labia to write Dia name—his symptoms were, eras:salon, daily spasmodic pains in the bead, loss tif appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina bility of engagingAn any thing that demanded vigor or courage,; sickness and weakness ex tame debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, great mental despondency, severe flying pains in the cheat back and, side, costiveness, a dislike for society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effeet t until, observing. in a public par, some cures performed by Br . William Evans 's Camomile Tonic aid Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at, any time happy to state that they - effectually cured him of the shrive distressing disease. g) - Persons who doubt the abase cure, are most respectfully directed to the 'Dote mentioned per son, at the northArest corner of Elhippan and Georges streets. ' BENJAMIN BOWN. . Philadelphia October 26,1837. LIVER CORMS INT,IO YEARS STAND. ING4 Mrs. Hannah Bretons, wife of Joseph Browne, N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, afflict ed for the last-ten years with the Liver complaint, completely restored 'to health through the treat ment of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of the bowels, toul loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigasti is region, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed Sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right aide, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of the pain, urine-high colored, with other synip loins indicating great derangement In the funs time of the liver. Mrs. Browne was:attended by three of the first physicians, but received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured some of Dr. Wm. Evans's invaleable preparations, Which ef fectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with others, Which it is not essential to intimate. ' JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, as. Joseph Browne, of,Williamsburg, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as set forth inthe within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. JOSEF BROW NE. Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me this 4th day of January. 1831. PETER PIN KN EY, Com. of Deeds INTERESTING CASE of reoboestor Cos. sumptioa.—Mr. John Ruseel applied on the Ist day of September at the office 100 Chatham street,laboring under the figlowmit symptoonc— A alight spitting of blood, distressing cough. at tended with an expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertion, with a well mat ked hectic Elijah on the cheek. On examinatlbn, the Chest was found to sound well every where except un der the left clavicle, .and in the arm pit of Rib same aide. llsetinest.—Directed to4ake the restorative Camomile Pills, with the expectorating com pound. at the same time an injunction. to call in . four days; when the night sweats had ceased, the' expectoration slightly diminished, am light fit of coughing still remaining in the.morning. Or dered as usual to continue the medicine, and to call in the course of' week—wien his health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this mouth, quite convaleticent returning his sincere thanks for the benefit. he had obtained. The above patient chiefly need calk regimes daritg his treatment. • ASTHMA THREE YEARS STANDING, Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with the above distressing malady. Symptoms—great languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous bad r ache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stri a Lure scram the brean, dizziness, nervous 'trite. bait' , and restlessness, could not lie in a hurl iontal position, withciut the sensation of impend ing sufrocation, palpitation of the heart, distress Ing cough, cintivcsese. pain of the stomach, drow siness, great debilityand deficiency of the nerv ous energy. Mr. H, Monroe gyre up every thought o f recovery and dire despair sat on the Countenance of mil person interested in his existenc e or happiness, till by accident he noticed in a public paper genie cures effected by Pr. Win. Evan's medicine, inihis complamf, which indu ced him to porebase 1 package of the Lai, which resulted in completely removing every symptom of his disease. He wishes to say his :satire hit this declaration uu, that those afflicted with the same or any . sympionis similar to these from which he is happily restored. may likewise:el:Ave the same inestimable benefit. COMIII.AnTY SIR YEARS TANDEM. 1141J3. SARAH BRKIIHISER, las of Mr Amos Brenhisto; corner of Second' street and Germantown Road, Ebitadslphiaralliteted fog the last six years With the Liter Complaint, was .completely restored to health by Dr. WM. R. VANS'S Camomile Tong and rannly Aperient Pills. liersymptoini were habitual costiventess, excniciatmg pain tn;the stotosek'deptitasiait of spirits, ' attrente debility, dietorbid sleep great pain in ber side, could collie Lon bet left side withaai an alitiaTatiaa or Vaal. &Wow in the head, dimness alight, with Mkt emplane indicating great damn t in the ROAM= of th e Li ver . Mrs. •• tier has made trial of Ta rim's:medicines vow fore the tiliblith bit rs. calved no relief ant she was eddied to make trial of Dr . Evans% jls4 &Stehle); she is happy to data that they 1104041 y relieved her of the o w es di s t ram i n g symptoms, with others. width' are not essential to intimate. Bresiiiser. of tbs sabove Mn Snobbier. _bad been tivo yens dined with a distressed eats pins and Conivelion. of which be wastebneally awed. L! PARALYTIC RIIIIVRATIAR. paled cury fleeted !y the urotooent .f Do William 8b.... . Mr. John Gibson, of 1 . 4.40 _Weil. Miklos burg, tainted with the-shoes complaint for three years and nine mociths„.during • whthh time he had to use conches. His chili symptoma were iiseruciatimr pain in all his joints, but especially to the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles, en ag gravation of the mina inwards night; and for the nu* part an tunes from estetnal heat, an obvi emithickening uf the fascia and ligaments, with a complete-loss oftonscolac power. Fur the ben efit of those afflicted in • similar manner, Mr. Gibed' coneeives it meet to sly that the pains have entirely ceased, and that his joints have e-ompletely recovered their nattiral tone, and he feels able to resume his ordinoy business. INTERESTING CASE DYSPEPSIA & HYPOCHOSDR I ACISIII. Mrs: Anne G. Kenny, No. 115 Louis street, bet Ween Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted fot ten years with the following distresidny eymp. toms: Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in the bead, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid diness and dimness of sight, could not lie on her right side, .disturbed rest, utter inability of en gating in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary Idea of b D aggra vation of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular, persons and places, groundless appre hebsions of personal danger and poverty, an irk• soMeness and weariness of lite, discontented, dis. quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived obi could neither die nor live, the wept. lamented desponded, and thought she led a most: miserable life, never was one so bad, vath frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. Keni.jr had the advice of several,eminent physicians, and had recourse to 'numerous medicines, but could not obtain even a temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till her husband persuaded :ler to? make trial of my mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved, and finds herself nut only capable of attending to her. domestic vffairs, but avows that she enjoy. as good health at present as she did at any _ period of her existence. J . KENNY Hosband.sof the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn .before me this 44th day of Dec. 1836. Peter Pinckne', Com. of. Deeds ASTHMA. 5 YEARS STANDING. Mr. Charles Flotipt, No. 122 Orange street, N. Y. afflicted for five years With humeral habitual Asthma, applied at tke office 100 Chatham street on the 4t'i of October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness across the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing, distilessing cough, generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed rest. the face turbid and of a livid hue—could not he in a horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffocation, languor, drowsiness, and dizziness in the head, and loss of appetite. Mr. H. applied to the most eminent physicians in this city, likewise used several other rernedre. without obtaining any permanent benefit, until his friend." pensusded him to place ht.nself under Dr. William Evans' treatment. He is now re lieved of his complaint, and called at the office yesterday, avowing that he had not wends to ex press his gratitude for the benefit he had receiv ed. October 21, 1837. We do hereby ,subscribe oor signatures to the troth.olithe above cures, that the statement is in every respect true. SARAH BRENHISER JOHN STEIF, Baker, No. 17 north Eighth street, Phtlade. Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, 1837. Dr. WM. EVANS•S Medical Office, for the sale of his excellent Medicine, Is at N 0.19, north Eighth street, Philadelphia. Sold by J. T.WERNER. Sole Agtmt for Schnyikill County Public Notice. A t it appears, that because Mr. Crane obtained no patent fbt smelting Iron Ore with An. thtacite Coal in this country, many suppose that they are now at liberty to adopt the method of smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of a heated air Watt altlibugh 1 gave notice last year that I had a patent for smelting Iron Ore With Anthracite Coal, both by the use of a cold atmdapheric and a heated air blast, I would now inform the ptiblie again; that on the 14th of Jan eery, 1838, I received a letter from the Commis. @loner of Patents at Washington; statingt "Sir, upon examining the ease of Mr . Crane's applica tion for a patent fbr Smelting iron by means of Anthracite, I have viewed his claim as interfering with your patent of Dec, 1833, and have given notice to his attorney of this decision." Every attem to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the use of a pt heated air blast, is in infringement upon my patent, against which I caution and warn all men; as 1 shall prosecute every one infiinging upon my right', according to law. And I far ther offer to dispose of patent rights for the erect ing of furnaces, according to my' patent, upon very Moderate tetms. FREDERICK W. GEISSENHAINER. New York. May 16, 1838. 37-1 y Proposals, for Coal. WJALED Proposals addressed to the subscri.' her, will be received at "Philadelphia Alms House; Blockley," until the 13th June next, fur supplying the institution with Fifteen hundred tensor white and red ash coal,. free from dust, slate Or any impurity, to be delivered at the Alms Rome wharf, on the west side of the -river by. the Ist day ofOctober next. WILLIAM S. STOCKTON, Steward. , Applicants will endorse their communietticma "Proposals for Coal." Philadelphia, May 16 Coal Merchants, Land Proprieteri and others, are respectfully in formed' i by Haden Smith, COQ Engineer, Land Surveyor, ►rIIAT he has commenced a permanent real donna in PoUsiille, and is prepared to receive end 'satisfactorily execute all business with winch he may, be favored. IL B. ie determined to confine his practice to Pattaltihs and he vicinity, which arrangement will enable him poncluallv to. attend to those gentlemen engaged hi mining, who may employ him. , Mips handsomely finished, and Architectural Designs famished in every style. PetrusAvania Hall, A ritfikll33& 31—gmo -lattetAirlines, Ake. &c. jr4HATEAI4 LAFITTE. Medealand F4..15d6 va an, Vintage 10254 asadted and form& at ra don:6o*Am% by MILLER & HAGGERTY. 40 Vitt s 2ll l, PRINIELL: jost . pldb y lialred and for hob ! spat 28 22 BANNAN. i : lOR 'OL ':IIRANDY, received and ' forisale by N. NATBANS *. Co. epril, 14 25 - ' Philip Hoek COACITMAKEIL WasPEcTILLY announces to his Irked s and the - p is in general, that he has again mattneneed the Coach-Slaking Businets - irsNor wegum Street, three doors Wow the Amdahl. the borough of Pottsville, where he le ready .to manufacture to order all kinds of tehielecat s t ite shortest notice ' of the best materials, aridlitilfe lowest rates. Behan alioon hand, ready. made, • &roaches,- Carryall', Pidetpos, Cletddaess Coaebees, Buggies, &e. which he intiterthe pOs. help call and examine for themselves. The sr: tides are all manufactured under his peiliatO' r inspection,, and he will warrant them tolotteseal to any manufactured elsewhere. • ' Repairs 3f every description done at the altot:t ! , eat notice, and on the most reasonable terms. • N. Q. Coal taken in p-yment for vehicles.' 1 aprillA 29 are TAPUYAS ELIX For the instantaneeue cure of THE TOOXH ACHE; - 1 ," Discovered and brought-to its greatest perketion BY MONSIEUR CHABERT....' - a This is to certify that I have tried youelliptir - as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in whleb' I have certainly found it of very great services. • 3. B. HARVEY. - Member of the Royal Collegeof Surgeon,. • . London, Sept. 10,1830. A friend stepped in to say that he had visited the Fire King this morning, and witnessed•hic . marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little boy in particular, who looked cross enough tot* . a ten penny nail clear off, in ten minutes smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—t.t.. Gazette. . A fresh supply of the above Elixir just **iv ed and. for sale by B. HANNAN: • - Sole Agent for Schuylkillcountf l—ly July 13 Musical .Instruments. • Flll3E:subscriber has just received and offers for sale " 4 keyed Oerman Flutes, plain, Octave Flutes, Claricinets, Flageolets, Violin., Fifes, Violin Bridges, Pius, Strings and Bow-barr. Clarionet Reeds, GOitar Strings, Violin Bows—extra finish. He respectfully invites the public to call and examine his stock. may 5, 1838 Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry pleasantly situated at Fort Clinton, SchttyL. kill county, on very reasonable terms. Tbie Foundry is at the commencement of 'the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna ,(jail Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the Seat situations in the country to do a large busi. ness For terms, &c. apply to PARE & TIERS: Iron Founders, or ISAAC MYERS . ; Port Clinton:, e-63t Ezra • CALL AT Tfig New Establishment, Corner of Centre and Market. StreetsPottovilki VHE subscribers respectfully announce to AL their friends and the public generally, that they hive taken the store formeriy occupied by Jacob full & • Co., corner of Centre and Market streets., where they are now provided withaiboint assortment of • Dry Goods, . • . Groceries, - . - s Liquors, 411;c: ~ which they are determined inset! at the very lo*:' eat prices. HAZZARD & STRAUCH. N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices.. April I 2--8' The Family .Coneneesetatiy: ON THE HOLY BIBLE. FROM the works of Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other writers, Putdiabed in London by•the Religious Tract Society,.:*tis• ed and abridged in two volumes, with , Maps and Engravings. This valuable work is published in parts, as 25 cents each. Twelve parts are already completed, and cart be obtained at the subscribers Book Store where subscriptions will also be no celved. - B. BANNAN: junel24 • 41 Boats for Sale. FOUR good new Schuylkill Boats, /milt of oat. -oral growth timbers, and,terms reasonable: Apply to SAM`L. BARTZ. march 24 • 22 Catholic Hooka . GUIDE,, • Key to Paradise, True Piety, Catholic Piety, Donny Bible , _ Poor Man's Catechism and Small Catechism Jost received and for sale by B. BANNAN. Dec 23 3S-w4 • Wetherill & lirother, AT THE OLD STAND No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, EAST SIDE, rilltSK POOPUI MOM TIIE CORIUM or McH Si: PHILADELPHIA, ' MANUFACTURERS F - Witte pead dry and / Calomel, ground in Oil, $ Red Precipt, Red Lead, White do • .. Litharge .. Vitriol Alb. • •• : . . • Chronic Yellow, " Skip. Quinine. . do Green ' Tart. &male •• . do ' Red Ether Ralph. - • - Patent Yellow' do Nitric Sager Lead. . do . Acetic '• Copperas ' ' ' Lunar Cultic* • ' 01. Vitriol Com. do. Aq. Fortis* ' Item Morphia • Moriatic Kaid • - Ralph. do • • . Epsonalakit ! Lao. Sulphur . ..- , r Tart, Acid 1 Opi. de Naroov • - 4 - Stip.Cub. Soda ' ' Kerosine Mineral - . Cerro., Sub. Mere: ' &Mope do. Refiners ofClaunpeor,' Sal Niirmßrimakine,absurS. &c. Offer for male the shore meedaltai.articlesioW - gather -with a general. assortment Of ,', Dmemp ; ; en d Dye 606., and every other argelein. A:bensA cal-and Medicinal line. u ' 4. 1 - ... ez , i ttit• Beingmannfacturers of allthe maid ''' '''. • ~,, underthe above head, they plaftetheimd_ - )I . ll4kLi . plytbeir friends and the publican tlut - i , .m,mgatut•r•„ Me terms. , , ....4,1,,i, - ...,..‹ i . Window and Picture Glom from ill; toMr3kL - l' Oct SI 18314, '-' -4*l'''? 11 JOHN S. C. MARTIN,: ' 34-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers