The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 06, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
1-..tyable semi-annually in advance.
in the year. $l will be charge I to
cave the [iper free orpreitage. T
ter annum If not paid within t:
will be added to the price of wobscri
Two DOLLARS per anown. Pave
11 advance. If not paid within tile.
be chugeci
Ivoitt.• nenta not Piteectiing t w
chtrze 1 31 inr 'hive in... mans-1n
insertion. ior-zer oiled in ino.ierii
1,. , I wroloo..neols wtll ht IrtSe.
n•lt... 0.44 he tliner.r yvh the a
,ecofied.and :rill be nee
y:•r•i F at:•ertisers will Me ch/tre
o • II .11 .lihri,eript,olo to the roi;ver
•- tarerttfelnent nn;
t 1 I I: 1 )rtn: the velr. and
-h , r for three sect.
'.• . t.“+? Ire:ttlf..i to the ea e ! tr
.v•ae nn mtnntion wt II be ps n 1
- for meeonrs. &c 3
,01 b +re heretofore been ,niert
Dv-zed 2:5 cents etch. except Morn
Inuit the /3akimenio
It to a short story—ay hero was
and vs now a Senator. Re is sad to
dollar bank note from a fellow attsie
tt ,n the fnl -a of his cravat:ant:L(oft.
ed out of school.
There's a jaill is the south, by gre
On h.rh a brta c \ fiapel:by art o
Where s.otne have been taught bow
f I,,ed
To pr ..e that, the honeto deserve
Trrls here t Art kind fate th 4 unern
Ot'al the foul deeds that to msn s
6% the art of unfolding. dtdone day
. SoMe raper, w hose sable did rep
A h: • h:s was a day Of misfortune to
Who en-se the cravat and the %Ma
?t , ch hid. not secure from the clos
The fine printed paperthat prom'
For otrsto the west the cravat thd
And fell 'mqngst a people , a hose n
Ta earse tts detector. and hate tope
And hatch for the country a hum.'
mu rE CQUR Tslll
BT TR , U •9
hath a language of his awn,?
A l'Olee that coca
irvot heart to heft —whose my
• Lore only s:ootes
The locust tiowerathose-reav,i: 1
Kilts silenth,
Far more than words will tell tit •
1 worship thee.
The mirror ow Inch to thce 1 hold,
. Which, uhen tenptes.t
Wlth the hught Looks, I turn and
To this fond breast,—
D,rth it nM spank, beyoad all spe
Of poet's art,
Haw deep thy hidden image dare
In this trusted heart.
A mother by the tire imree,
A laughing pi-molar or( herlt .
The on artater hours berm
W ah h 44 twert and. p!a ytul s
Pr o v l atng tinny a load ea
°twt:J . yearning trnderrke".
Fmns that heart Cel.ghted
One ray wile. tay Olio the
09:,tongmay.l these j.vvs
Oh! ouldoovon,e o - ., m
he 141 , 41 n' m, oin,he , o Iv
Itfe'v %Jr, .r e,ro
1 orm!d not nono-r , o %
h ~pc tor more m h• ,ern,
What is the 'eiret HI.
to bratify min; chi • the'
hoick him to joti:itt%; to [if
of his Iseinff dowilwart:l=:a3tl'
acrd •
ht.h' :vet holy - th..l
ha: sent ahr;taLt eiertirtt.
h,•ii,sAvti , esui Nick. only thst
Ve 31 at hts left. It trY" 4. , .Ig,
it, n !Iv% ur tve-or:1
hurkn--, ..f
alt that is ttispirma in th.i
he runs leap tat.)
disappear. It dtssti
tindi mniti ail that he lo‘es, al
snail 011 t
ari!h all that he and I
• shudders -t. t C.. 4 t
sentitnents, and angel
mlitatery 14e
sq•tihoration, uncrea led ma'
I , ightful spacing in the pr
would be 'an inli3 , el!—Clr . ;
Dr. Ettncher. m one of
-Trtere Is but one limy
stt equaloy to trutzt,—and
eysrf honest employment
an a l then fix every manla
ioeyer state he may be. there
reit. STA to futfil with sin
:3trt+fts of brs station, and t
contiftK4l a 81 of Lonor."
Br—Otte p
Nossulrout creed' i
v d care some trade.
be the arerLii over. Sec t
no- Inv ter what ire hts eu.
?rr6pects, if he !tall no P 412.
ectomp'i_43 couch. it he
prep.ents poluession% or
tai favors of fortune, ten t' l
kes are not hinined, sod
t!-#t the only path to true
t?P:xatra. The follotiing,
Imply to persons of ev. er y
cull! who are about cuterki
of acme hfe: Choose,
1 16t.ranon sad consultatkon
. .
, .
• - ,
. .
. • .1
• • •
friends, that vocation with is most suita
ble for you. Be not diverted from your
ptirpusw—let nothing prevent you from
qualify mg yourself their-dug* or
. it; then
i.ur:•ti. it w ith unremitting diligence, and
you %t t r yourself and be a blessing to
the eiummuiiitv.
- rs per annum.
If not paid with
II those who rr
, mail tiolsscrtbera
e year, 50 cents
Independence.—The.,:best Mast ration
we '.ave seen of this criAity,happened at
im E i =copal' church Ili his env, on Sim.
113 ) evening lest. Two pienilemen. doubt.
4,-ss friim Indiana, dressed a Is 'male 11..,
walk( d . two lire Church, arid after
tort - le.:edict!! down, the aisle, rrigaribess of all
around, ar-ived at the neor i f a ttiestiher's
ire w, and ttithil.lit putting thernsrlyes to
the unnece-sary trouble of opening the,
door, deliberately walked over, wrier . , the!
fArAiloil of fence chatilvinO, and took a seat.,
with the most perfect saim - froul; and with
as important an air as the First Consul of
France, seated in the Coat of Tuilleries.•
and revolyingin his mind the destinies of a
world. They remained until the eloquent
pastor arrived at the most interesting part
of his discourse. when one of them exclaim
ed aloud: "tome, let's go!" '"A greed,"
said the other and over the pew they strad
dled. and. took their departure, sans. etre
monte, provineconciusively the advantage,
of good breeding, and "gond society."
le semi-autumn
•year,ss 56 wil
lic I ine*
50 cent. for 0,1,1
ed order.
tp ttecontanat
$1 Y per artnnm
.i'lgt he !wit-Ile.,
- .rat nz
rtt ! ln of a SUI3II
ti.l tlf7 post paid
I gratis. will be
• s and Deaths.
en a schnol-boy,
re etctlett a fire
t and concealed
ts act, was turn-
meadows sur-
was tatted.
crarats a rc On
. be praised
id be told
at gold.
The Northern sections of the State of
M kzstsflppi are - likely trirealisze a more rap.
td increase of:imputation than other parts
of the great Ira11(4, tithe instances here
cited by the Natchez Free Trader continue
to find irrut.tton: .
I secret' fold.
search of any
bright cuter
L ine l're not told
g of GOLD.
1 • 8 co- eoco.
—The wife of J. C. llndson,orMarshall
comity, was I aely dehrered of three PTO
ft - using children at a btrth. The eitmens
with becomino, liberaltty, immediately do
nated thein a section of land.
Another.' —A Mr Gibsoo, of the same
couoty, presented her husband alit) fivr
cliticireti at twn births.
And yet Another!--;,On the 17th ult.
Mrs. William firihev. rif!La Farette coun
ty. was delivered of thrCe children. W e
are tokl the citizens subscrihe4 liberally to
endow the trio—two_ daughters and a
From the Loadoh 'Pete& April 20 I
Many of our readers are doubtless ac
quainted with the very curious and valua
ble geological museum which has been
formed at Brighton, by Dr. Mantell, and
bears his name. The Doctor has render
ed another service to science and the pub Y I
lic by printing the series of lectures deli•
vered by him in illustration of the collet
, 'ion which he has formed. They explain
I in a %err- pleasing and 'familiar form the
principles of and the wonderful
msc•iri ries which hvve been made in that
,• - terre•Up to Oa' pr.',.4 - `lll ii ne. Fur the
proficient in ibis branch of k n owledue, Dr.
‘latireirs work pro% ides 'ail aCcUrnte a...'
eurri,4--te wlerelii the chi -r
.„,i of the scle:lcr are classifp-ii and Lod
down; f. - the general style of
e h" ! It i s this little is so .agre e able. the exold
cork ' SO clear, and above all., the subject
'Li the currroi
extrai tannin - Iv intenesiing, that he cap
re ' er '" the 11,1 do twiner that parcbm-e aintstiidv' it.
"-"Ure. It I- imp ersible, nila be Jotaztto•ti. t..
• h - cure i „ a newspaper c-aqiioin any anal% sp.
it a •" / ' t h ''' merits, or any idea of lir. crinients
he may 1 ' 0 " 4j . a si.rk, which, in itvirlf a eirricfeiv.wiiiii
1,.."‘" au 4 „,•,d , het liged from tlie isteurr-
H "' he '''`` It- sutiject t.i embrace the. whiik Mkt" .
431A•tt— ' the s.v.ienee .4: natural philu-suphy,
h ' sl =t htsfn.n ”nier vruperti - to insesti-tme the structure
—Ere rtes
re. ~nlv that
, planet, and to akertatn the charae
''"'ll7" sr " 4 ; o.r and rauzwr of the changes which have
hi. c ,, otwi"- taken Owe i t its ..r7anizition.. To follow .
id all that this nonfietful suliject,and to discover The
lainraric .sar alobe ti .elf, and
ttiat h" mind tracethe caures4 its etatene.t in the vast
Embrace 11 " s x stein of which it Tot ass exile an insignifi•
Ml.' ‘ ... a4,1 par t . We fi n d h ow t hat system wa,
v: while dread its-qt at one period only a - diff.k. , ed roc
'l. ll
..'"" but.ewtv, •• without Clem vold,'' 'until
" .h o the var - mns staff of condensation had been
pa...Qed: and the science of the earth Imina,
leettinla" as a: were, in heaven, bad we- -are enabled
t o read by the light of ast ronomy many of
curing umier
the darkest . es
I " El s
in t" re " r d ; laistorv .
is A short extract horn the Doctor's first
elf"' in what• lecture will t- <rive the reader a kir idea of
rah to be coo.. his
and his .style:
0./ehty, the Frew the vast &id of itmrsiry - oser
make ev e" which onr ob se rvations have extended, it
may be useful to-otrar a brief summary of
=roe of the the leading pranciplftt that have been mon=
every person ; crated, and tbe phenomena oo which they
has should it are f.rurded. By the most pruf.mnd and
t young man; . sublime investigationser which the human
' [nuances sod i mind is cepsble, we leant that our earth is
be will never 4 one of the countless Myriads of spherical
lies upon his bodies, revolvirg rtenutcetioal hunitrauiftc
`,, the anucipa 4 and that thane bodies loecur in eveiv sari-
CI if his fine ety of modal : On from that_or - cfiffine .
find too late:l onus vapour to opaquesolid globes like our
tams is by own.' AB the materials of which the earth
maxim would es composed may exist either in a solid,
..mon in so. fluid, or poems SUM% 'mid simply by •
the stsge I change of temperitore,. or by electro-che
1.- mature ' de- mica) agency, every suottaoce may ander
! 4 Offieious go * traroitimi from ease state to the other.
Water exist tog sake, Rind, or vapor, and .
separable into two invisible gases, offers a
familiar example of a body constantly ex•
hibiting these changes and mercury, of
a metal which, although generally fluid or
.melted. becomes, when exposed to a very
low temperature, a solid vriass like silver.
The relative position of land and water,
and the inequalities on the surface of the
earth, are subject to constant changes,
which are regulated by certain fixed laws.
[she principal causes of the degradation of
the land are atmospheric agencies, Oatiges
of temperature, and theeetion of running
water, by i►hich the. disintegrated mate
rials of The land are carried into the bed
of the ocean, The mud, sand, and other
detritus thus produced are reconsolidated
by certain chycnical changes, which are iii
constant activity, both on land and in the
depths of the ocean, and new rocks are
thus in the progress r .f
formation. But
the conj o int .effect of these 'disintegratine
agencies is unremitting destruction of the
!adds, and were there no conservative pro
cess, the whole of the dry lan-1 wokild dis
appear, and the earth be covered
,by one
vast sheet of water. The interior of the
globe, however, possesses a source of heat,
and whether this heat exists as a central
nucleus of high temperature, or as a me•
dial'foci, whether dependant on its assum
ed nebulous state, or produced by electro
magnetic forces acting on the mineral sub
stances contained in the interior of our
planet, does not affect theripresent inquiry.
This internal heat, however produced. oc•
casio.ts constant changes io the relative
level of the land and water—elevating
whole continents, converting the bed of the
sea into dry Land, and submerging the dry
land into the abyss of the ocean. The
volcano and the earthquake are the effects
of its paroxysmal energies—the quiet and
losensible elevation of the land, of its slow .
but certain operation. By. this antagonist
power the accumulation of the spoils of the
land, which _the rivers, and waves, and
curreits have carried into the bed of the
ocean, are again brought . to the surface,
and form tLe elements of new islands and
continents ; and by the organic remains
discovered io these strata, we trace 'the
nature of the countries from whence these
spoils were derived. In the deltas and
estuaries of modern times, in the detritus
accu nulating in the beds of the ocean, in
the recent tracts of limestone forming no
the sea shore,' in the cooled lava chrrents
erupted from existing volcanoes, the re
mains of man and his worLs, and of the
animals and plants which are his contem
poraries, are found imbedded.
••Such are the deductions derived from
the phenomena which have been submitted
to our examination."
Thus. we read how the great law of na
lure, alternate decay and 'renovation.
I , onttnitaliv in action ; and while on tl,e
ooe hind hv tthe agency .•1 le at and cold.
Ii m ("hi or moisture, totoolre soh of the sea
or toic.littic eruptions. rtalure
the sv..ik nil &sit ruction, site situ
•s perretualtv repairing her ruin.' and ar
:uNr:mts of 1.1 ., t,g irostrusiteratzz are empio%-
rd Mantel. to coosolillate at..'
la tip the rock% from the earth, and
! • t hie m terrli-o!"earahly phenomena.
ro• .strthrlorke and the Tvieloo.„ are but
; -•;ot••ri, nr-it-iiiris of the S.l f .rell,P
Itt vv Nu h the harmony and introorty of the
h 1e are pereetuateil anti roalittalneal. '
I Wah the lolitosityz eloquent pamage
Dortor concludes his series of Inc.
...From the remotest period in the earth',
?hy:ical tostory recognizable by man io 1
itre present time the mechanical and
chemical laws which govern inorganic mat
.er a{ pear to have undergone no change.
I he wasting away of the so:id rocks by
water, and the sidemqueht deposition and
bonsoltdation of the cletritUs by heat—the
-utr-sience of the dry land beneath the
arid the elevation of the ocean ; bed into
new Wands and continents—the &mai
m:union of animal and' vegetable! substan
ces on the surface, and their conversion
into stone of coal, under circumstances in
which the easeois principles were confined
—the transmutation of mud and ;sand into
rock, and earthy minerals into crystals-these
by kcal changes have been goinf onthroogh
all time, under the influence of those iised
and immutable laws ealablisbed by Dirme
Providence foi the maintenance and rend
ration of the material universe.
"And although among the sentient he:
mgs which hare from time to time inhabit
ed the earth we &corer at Successive
mists the appearance of neer forms.
which flourished awhile and thin p&wed
away, While palter morfifications of life
sprung op, and after the lapse of ages in
bezr turn were annihilated, yet the Laws
a hick governed their appearance and ea ,
Unction were in !effect hartaony with
those which regulate inorganic (matter.—
Every, mature was especially adapted to
some peculiar state of the with at, the
period of its development 3 and law the
physical conditions were changed, and no
longer favourable for the esistence ofsoch
a type of orgirtizelina:it neceMasiy. be-
1 ,
• , .
. ,
. . . . .
- I
. ,
, i•
.., c i i .§14!"• , ., : r . : , 4.. A. , p o ri. , -.. - 4 t _
ri;:. 0
~. 0 -
7 ;; t .. • s'' ' '' 6 " . - 7 "—.
'NE AL AilvvEllaasmi.. '.,,- : r : - --- •-•-•'''" ''.
came extinct. !Thus we have seen differ-.
eat modi4cations of animal and vegetable
life prevailing - at different epuchs or the,
earth's physical hi:4ov, yet all. presenting
the acne princtples tal structure the same
unity of puryns '— all , bearing the impress,
I.f the same Alitightv hand. The creation,
man. and the estableAnnent of the exis
ting order of things—uhich are tauten
both b 4 revelation and by natural records"
!pa place but a few thou-and years ago--
are evebts beyond the speculations of phila
We must here take leaie of Dr. Mantelt;
the reader Will judge pretty well from the
above paesagesirta hat lie merits and style
of the work are. We cannot, we think
do him a greater service than most cordial
ly to recommend him to read it.
Exchange at New York, on I. 4 ndon
7 a7l per ccilt. premium.
"Radial Trundling; So Lauda= in one day, frees ,
Lierrposi.—ln entisa-suente of the opening ot toe t
greater part ofilhe London and Birmingham
Itailway, the rurnev from Liverpool and Mao
cheater to Lopatin can now be periorrned in one
day. Passengera who go from Liverpool and
Maneriester Rip Grand J unction tram. at 1r 2
part sus is the masning, will arrive at 13irming
harrisnon alter eleven, and dill havelrom that
time till ono o'clutk for dinner or bosinews, when
the trains leave h 4 London, it is expected
they will arrive "Om after eight o'clock; and pas
wagers Fearing lii.ondon by the half past seven
o'Llock trains wt, arrive in Liverpool or Man
chester between Oiriekartd ten in the evening.—
7he arrangemevits or the consevaoke of the
mails by the London and hirmingfiam line, we ,
tmderstand, will riot be completed before the ith
oh May. after het day the Loudon bars coif }
reach Liverpool about tecl o'clock in the morning. 1-
Caine Printing.--It gives us great satisfac
twin to be inforrbed that that very inaponant
brand. of our nianufacture, calico priming; has
thla , o+lisen risen to a point of excellence, as re
gards Descry °I design and brilliancy of C•ilOring
nitiC.l beyond all Sperfilift years- These !acts Man
litt themselves !In the styles and patterns of
oue or two luittsiai, who have lately become sellers
of their own prodUctions.—Mssedester Mites.
Two thieves wit° had biokcn Mtn a graiutiy
near Sheffield. 004 night last week, were followed
by a 'pets& unorirsed, who locked them In, and
called tr iralchroairt. They were aeon afterwards
taken concealed ultdez some hay.
A short time ago, a woman of Woodhoose,
Le.rnstr.rshirr, rag deimered of a OW with two
bead*, 'oar arm-s, and four legs, bui.with ape body-
It La * t one dcad.
What is your relizionl inspired a passenger
on one of the shaft urges from Norsond to L..n.
dun us the eoaetunan—are yon a Catholic?—No.
sir. I'ot a cocks:m.7!
Burning of Lord Dezensiire's Plantatintrn in
Monday ninht. the fir plantation.
of the .‘latrivena 4f Downithlre, at Enyttsanipshrid
were irilcialk! set , fire to. and anecit twelve acres
dehtroi rd. (h. Thorydiv nteht, a larce platita
istin. at buidt-it Firrtirr OA near Bart.-tad, Ira•
frrd. and .cirral Jon, adalfy destroithi.—
D4rto: the ia.t frirtntrhi, the forte nn Tuobridee
Common hai neen .et on fire for ieseritt
aith° he uth uS a ittN antileY have som ere'-
hitherto e.t.a 0.-d detect
Cork a■d D,,4 Fizittsq. —Ry
Chap. I.Sr.t ch.rgracetut practice is Crow tik
cal to 4raat.4.
It r, fa-t tozhlr trerirtablO to th. Fl,--rtealta
nos oi :rcund, twr ErACAINLIs Q•telein IS en
sirberrn to lists conotry (tonne the , ea yen onnoh...
I artrtr's has , incase., for thc u-ual ta-raq,t
-er.-osNon t to her I' Ls thF tads to wars
; the each acc.,rcinE to the royal -ware
rhe erul.C . oo eaelt - rs We're aria fiat the Metre
"ace's ..S..fety Fire Escapes.—Tbis useful and
4... r-e t..stro.occi a-as on Monday exh,ln cd to
fore his. F.xtelleacc. semisl officers of the garr...-
.on,and sone ut Inc Ordnance Engineers In the I
Loper Cs<u yand. It is suripiy, a on pole.
lite 11.. mast of a boat, furnished with peaky*.
*hula are worked by persons Cel the (roan& It
can he erected against • house:in the fifth part en
tbe tine u smaie take to erect a ladder of the
aune.lenttli. It is 'famished nun a sainting i
l'eat, which can he raised by means of the puliseN.
•tth the atersot precision, to ant tires age.elosi
.4 a home- Thrt - sat Can contain low or fire
;serums. mho are enabled to secure theamdses ea
tt by hackling across the front a leather ben.
ninth es attached to' in anti nben secured. they
can be lowered With perfect safety in a few see.
cads. Ter machine was placed avant; the Ord
nance office in the Castle yard, and seteral Fer
man ascended in the scat to the bights snadara,
and descended tri sandy, to the great satisfaction
of hivExcepency and the - new of the spectators.
lobo expressed trii:oelres greatly pleased with
the inreotion.—Pehlin . PoPer.
An alSqral notice ofthe expulsion of Mr. Mon
sell from the Maven:ie. actler, has been sent to es
ery Lodge is theKiii i ensan.
We s noderstand that aspires:lad Pete of Otte.,
valued at 00 gliFsgess., is to be resented by the
sem= of tbs Marines to Lord Goatee Le
ner.-at- bar roecesstol advoesey of dew
chaser io -Part
(Oa Wednesday the deem peeked Rothe:ay
soled Gem Pea* , for Leek haling as board
aloof ISO ism irowerli and etuldisa. about to
tosigiste to New Saab 'Wallop. They essbartord at
Leith m boded the ship Lady Keeeesrayldr blew
tsar iffes Bersierter.—Beth the eoursol
"alai and the e t Persia (Ungar* fold ep their
leaves es the Dieu* or wet ureather. Tte
ter is called the i poor tisses ueatber glair. le
the moo aseruste the Mk:eft iipeelimsed trend
emstraet their kisses out apipmetifort roma.
lone blitaapted the i s
Ts ameba plea leach
assarers ige mule peztree. Wire the Sewer ar.
pond boldly and fully,.-no rain will happen for
Mut hours or outran:l4 if it onntinnes in that open
stoic; no rain will disturb the summer's
When it half conceals its miniature flower, the
day is gereralli showilry, bat eh entirely abuts .
'upinr arils the at-bite &wet 'with its green man' .
let the traveller put nn hie greatcoat. end the
pluughman 'with his beasts, of draught expect
rest from their labour. •
knurl Society for patissu tug tire decreed
Welsh MSs. um+ mouldering in some-ut the most
celebrated Libraries - I,n Wales. England, and the
Continent. has gained the patronage of her Irma
Gracious alajeisty. B. Hail, Es' el M. P. of Llim
over. basing rece,ored a cestiteudeation from
John Kun.ep, statinz that iner Majesty is
aradoesly pleased to become the Patroness of the
liodety 'ter the publication of Ancient Welsh
MSS.. Under such anspices the Society cannot
fail to succeed. The Makes of Beaufort, New
castle, and Sutherland, Marquis of Rote, Lords
byneyer, Mostyn, arid Dinorbid,- Sir Charles
,Morgan. Mr:Jost:cc Rosanqitet, with • nunter-
OM , train of Welshmen, a.nkioutti to bring to light
the ancient writings ot the Principality, bare lib.
entity tendered doitatnms for this national olleytet;
we copy !rum the pruspYcaes now 'before us, the
main purpose of the sbetety, and we wish that
every hammy may be afforded. and a correspond
tog success attend eta operations.- mode ot
dd.-ceding intended to be adopted by the Society
is, as soon as adequate fonds ,hall be provided,. to
procure copies ot all such ancient ai ac.
cess mar be had In; mit of n huh selections ail
he made for publication, the originals to be ec
enmpanted ' notes and iiliniettione, and also,
occasionally. with haesimite specimens. It is al
so the %stall of the Society, in all cases where the
tends admit, to add Enllish translations."
Four Crosses Fair.-0a Thursday the 12th in
stant, the spring fair held at this Mice was ono.
smelly well attende d ; in ealt-ernws were in great
demand, and a few of the prime sort were Sold
for upwards of slo each; all sorts sold well. The
show of burse was good, at moderate prices.
Loodoa Parystedc'igion Seeirtst,—We are hap
py to slate that this Society, which for some time
had met thinly and irreguiarlx, is now in a Sow
ishinc. condition; the. meetings, which are held
on the last rut-setay to the mouth, • are fully at
tended, and there is y prospect of the original
intention of the Simelyzkissingfully carried into ef
fect A Whim tor -the i hards G expected to be
adVerlised shortly. Their harrier, air. Richard
Roberts, has been playing in public at Mr. Bra
ham's theatre. the Si. JainMi . .'s, accompanied by
Messrs-. L , :aihart, Henry Thomas' and Thomas
Jones as penntlhon singers.
In the March number of a ipirelsh Periodical,
I called the Dlarygsurr. the Ilrreed DumactattnE
Preacher usclutzeet himself in the kill:wring. Eak
gLyn against the clergy or the Eistabrtalted Chinch:
pheth Bann byetod, 1 ! s • - •
Syn'n e wnewf eio ewlatl*n dare&
Os ys'n wedilos rival rhatin—
Ojearwrod, brain, • liygokr
1 A writer in that able Welsh Periodical. the
flan!, answers this gratuitous attack Ws hilkivra •
1 ••A ellid dim can.. gyda. miry o &nog:Wick'
Reverends y
"Tri ptetb y'maeot
. yo pro; '
Pottelatd laws o Fraud.,
A banner coral mean et! down,
A i-aydd o'tirwrn !ro mien."
It is expreted that his Re.erecze of Lianelly
ail not attack the lien, again in a hurry.
The net .ion of the Q4.-en Victoria—the pres
ence of a youne and lovely female sovereign
upon the throne, is ernioently cakilated
to etre new tone to the charades and groomer.
of 12h-i . rah "'octet,' rentale isttl"ence. ptoch has
necr .time orsore than a p , "-..tai fie.o4. t. rak.e.
had,/ Ico b. 4. - .:rnr ea:.' T. a 1,4$ we Yaea won t
au, ru. ..I* , cis nn font to hrtr E
ter Cara lbe prom:neat powttion which It so
occupy. bat from 'rho:* to has been er.-
'cichi:4 by the mt.-nutty of the tnoreasTorao: and
pwrer •oi sex. Oat ..f tie tract charming of
velec.e. and whit -. 31 esonol fast to ha at
teo43,4 wrtb the bsaghtesi a-n 4 mo-t rzheihnstine
eire tt nat i nces, rs t fernalc ostler of the killed-
be eal}eti the, Crocco of Lew; Tne ste
rnssive. are ao fst cootoirteo at , to actable as to
..51. f th e frgl.twioz portteulau: to our reader's,—
The eh:if citictx de this mrae noble orde. r is ex
altation of female virtue and the extent.i=l of kt•
mate influence_ Other ottierts are the team!
Impraterneot of manners; the better InuWloo
at ~ . c, c ty, and the dtEnsten ot a tote of grace aid
r ultterticto throttzhout alt classes in the empire
The ha:tearable mate ofreatttatoay. and the pro
-totioaal coarinson of cehbsev ate sho amostevl •
the chstf cares of the tmo tfroalutuet. Her kla
leszy is t'-e &owe:go of the Order. which (et
elusive of the female surervi E ns of Europe) will
ceirnst of meaty knitbts cononandiessea. and
&elle the number of imulites who most under
era Probation of *ree years ;iefore they are ett
i; rale to the superior rank. The quartiSestioas
fl requued of all are personal beauty and stainless
panty of hte.tteroad of ancestral bleatiati. Tba
mode of creatino. similisr in tbet restpeet to the
ft-der of the Garter is by election. subject to the
confirmative of the Sore:eta oho possesses aim
the poser of nomulatiag to ere r y &Guth tummy-
Ttse appointment of a maybes is reseed entirely
'in the susereva sem arid hese her precepts
; ihnorgh the Quemellist elle Order, &holy whose
' degree mom be that of a Dubois • the officers
are also to be selected etzlisiontly.trOos the kniale
nohnlty. The *Musing keel comprise the roes
to be takes de adze/whet to the order:
• ''We swear to forward liesetes comer.
Ineociet, in camp, in Tsaß, sod bum;
To stake fair poesy ear care.
Miss/els aged !lards our cti fa g r shwa:
The arts prated, with alma msg.
And all that stay to lase
Support ear orsi —our Qom* obey;
Noe refer ewe too otoodoSolitay." , • • I
The Filigree, tithe order ere striae& la the 1
irld piece yoreeedemee ti iteeorded to the Hairseso
Comemescheme. before a whets lathe -mho ;
they hens* the sods powertileakise soeielosood .
di sg eireog concentrate ; ponotoreirig 'trident
:ppm!. epos the decisions epitome", aid mem
bitty decent:thaw . the &dim — e" s• et chilires,—*
They aretontoolin'il to fix tltiloolootof am ,
risco ourtione. pia siteseyosparreetursiotelesace.
c ord the fortmee dyoungerintthere.. They ans
aimed fooridoode heratesheoload sod war;
lent cid b edietnter ; reprorliagjedeoe7. re'
-DS J0112130X
proving flirt ion. and-entry w
a good inlet genre. They have the entire - Aiiss.'
posal of the proper ty; and even the.liwelfColol
firmed old bachelors. toward whom theit•wwty-tiet.
*con-ding to their sovereign will. end, Skeel
compeliitig Marriage or any other penal; - . .#/*7 .
choose to inflict: All quisstioent having
to the ••bleseedneur of man t s,sooditiow; nbatbar .
4ingle or double. are within the covoissacoef-thli
K.michts Command+ eases of the Croulajitt tor . :fia• .
The external attributes of the order me b. eel's
,sidered to posses? .some charm. The Insignia
and decorations of the 'Crown of bore eo.eiilr
of a mantle of;violet colored velvet, lined Wl*
amber satin, and fastened at the collar with !sr.
shms of gold, terminating in heart shaped Am.
meats. Op the left breast of the mantle is =IS
a star of R equal paints having in the centre thin
emblem of the Order, a heart enamelled
a silk ground, surmounted by a golden Creme.
and round it the device, twasistiorof those-Iwo
words, "Victoria." •-loricts." The kirde.' , Or
suroat, is of white satin, with golden reseitkaldi
the cap of violet velvet, lierdereC with eta►int.
in which a heron's plume is fastened by est aig
rette of diamonds, the collar is of gold, and cows
sista of hearts and crowns alternately united
with lore-knots, and from it depends the bets:
of the Order. The riband of cerulean Wirt is.
worn In saltier seise over the right iihoeilder ;sad
in plate of a sword, • richly Moulded POokinlj
eallest "Dagger of Mercy." is pendant ria tilt
right side from a jewelled girdle of ebtbaradir
wortivitieship. Such ie the 1118 endinee se
Knights Command:es:es of the Crown of Lavin
their ordinary attire consists simply of a rube &
white satin:ol4 riband of therorderi and the ban
deau of diamonds. with a crowned head itt tlhir
centre.. The acolytes are distinguished by an
enamelled beers. worn on the mate white,dress,
wt: haul any other ornament. That the greeted
exertions are beiek made among the elite of GOT
Noblesse for so enviable a distinction, tauseet lot
doubted for a ninment.
NEW raNcir wroas.
- AMOS LC litnly
isPECTFULLY iittornse the Laidiol,
Ls' Pottsville and its:vicinity, and thestibßOrelk
erally. chat he hes jest opened in allalaushrogus
-Stiest. No. 10 Clintnn Row, a eery elegant atodirb.
ment of FA.NCY GOODS, among which env—
A choice selection of foreign and ihomotie pt a%
Painted Lawns, French* English chinning' -
Superior hlack bombazine, Shaky. •
'Pooh de Soi. Caro de Swiss, & Giro de Nap. OK
Senshew and Flores.'"
Hoskin Gloves,
Kid. silk and -Atom do
Misses do do do,
Mohair and silk stockings.
Embroidered cotton do *eft frciplaira)
Untilealbed do do
Black and mixed do
White do do
Misses & Chikhen's do ••
Parasols and Umbra's. _
French worked and Tailboard erdiare, '
Plain and Figured bobiriet. '
Knotted do
Jacenet. Cambric and Book Moths.
Mishap Lain,
Barred and . .o l, 4 l rd
Bohinet edgings, ineeninge bud gagagli,
Muslin and insertings and edgings.
Dress Eldkfs, veil* dce.
Bonnets, ribands, &c.
Bureau carers. Linens and MnsFroe,
A prvo and furniture chicks,
Linen and cotton diaper,
Bird's eye do •
Liven pocket hdliES, green sanded cord.
Sewing silk. sport cotton. thread
Tales, pine, needlis, bodkins &e. • •r •
Silver. stated and blasts thimbles.
Emory bat's. octagon , and piercers;
Tasals for wind° s blinds and shothetit. ,
Lawn and cotton &pis toil worsted.
Genflemerre. Inver lioskirs, finest. aitMewil
Situ. ~Dam. and boni,Dazioe ADA%
gbir4 ealara. . •
The above r ow. h a r e t een n e e ded with vosi
care. end .e tit De 'N:rld at 'Deaccially low pares.
• 41h3....
May 26,
3011 N SILVIEW • . -
'WAKES *moire 10 Warfare' his ti sirasiribi
yobbo. that be-coati's* hi. Renteriocaskra
the "Potaubrasta io P-Vorgio: baler
les ova refetoica beepin a napectetieEabir.
lEtierecor. aczarred dcvut tbe experienee air=
ea tbe sr tsetse of basses. cad a -desks lo
say ems* a coatrartaace of their fasces aFillist:*.
SILVER boo tad* arnagessatat nr,
Robert Ilaster,ef 'Cogooso.os.' Scr.44, linrlti
That roes, Pluiatlel • rat a supply a- iin - os
4506c:cies labial doe aaadteEeltaiii
dein tba Sasser seasolL • • • 0
Bill of inure.
Kinn Beet add. Herr.
Consed do do t
Fried am* EzZlh 6 4-
dreei Veda Soap, ao .
• ,Freak PieleSiusuais....;
sokealhae•-• . 1
Ofd jgo it i ra min. ~ q pet bolds. -:- ,s,-112
O k i pair shim wkad.l . do :; • A:
0l &ova do 1 i de , iii
Old Po rt - do ' de _ . 4..vpal
Oki Laird . d a 1 , -.. /is
~ i•..,1, le&
11 =7 5e6 Issni .- Se . 4110?: 6 :‘,.• 40/1
Peppda.Sartips & id's Imo Altkills, .4. ..,.
diaindeldo ore - 4 1 * id no:Wm darAl&sed
PatberAfa and dame vita can Wm eq,:teio imam
ars? assiseak. , , . .• t -
FN I Inl 111 ir- . MO IT. l am- • Mgr
firgliE isbietalieritaa raw as bald aibialplib •
1 -wad Swathe's* 41ta Cave wit • lhalltailli,
AIM% a WI emiitanit of Goa*. initalikf!elliii
andietioasisv , -; j _ ,
Bari Jean of ilostad. fiklie•
Bud wad Masi e• +ID
• , ' Saila sail :like Rises& as
v ; ig,
Steetgasad ac as do
Nate sad Alaimo do 1 4-: ~. ....
, Coal Sam& . d• -
il di • ~, • , :, ::,,
Itattrare. a , lailtgillit,-. ;,„
All cf IRMA be& at daiiiiiiiiiiii&V „. :
_ -..,
' -
T ag s t em ! ey.
• 15
• t
":~ ~~,~
• • -•;1.
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wie imi t i A t