The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 02, 1838, Image 4

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    ImpoitaltatiO Ili - if-Milk.
' - DR. , W 1 wEIVANS 9 - .
0-A._,MO-MII4E P U LS. i ~--1 ,
All4tAkliill'EPPit.A—Wheti a sound and* 1
, entignritundy of diseaspi hat long been idge 7 '
use bithet Oldie, bestowing blesaiega and rec r." - 4 ' -
1 . : pral3lBoiissearteljAnihe power of sCePtictran I ~.,
our tus edrtees. or ofenvy to denftlaln. , . • .
; When it has:achieved an aseendaei carew of ;
ii ness which distances the competition of m.
..stful .. proineden. and jets serni•ed " coniftlew is
'. ..... tuttratrall favor, by intrinsic worth alo I
proptietoe may point oat the crane' of its i • - , Cliiicolater
rity, without inentring the suspicion ofinvidto
' --. in instituting the comparison.
• 1 £9. manufactured by Dr. Wildiros Enna, at l tut*
helium 'street. do not require 'his explseation, i .
ear aratitowledged ,efficacy—for the most emit
'•hysitiasuunritroughout the United States will all . •
appealed. to, state the reasons which have dida •
,' .
'hem to recommend them so extensively and wa • ly -
' • they do. And those reasons are, that these jn •• tger
' kill, naedicinernever injure even the most deli •••• to sm.
; • tritium - Kea. and have, in almost every indwid al
' • for which they are prescribed, a marled. an -jt •
'• nt.a truly happy and permamem,,efffuicy. -Pb i.. c •
fans. moreover, see that they Are not offered to •ut rrnp .
'• • blic upon any quack theory of purifying the blo. , oh
'o the otter , destruction of the stomach and bow s.
' y theubloixl frem all diseased humor&they un; '
.1 Candle
I.: lily do; but not by destroying those viscera •
hich alone the blood can be sustained. They re allow soap
pounded *sena theory which supposes a BUM ch
obe a verressential-aoen tto health; and food. en perigee Wines
'i i i- ed, to be %valuable friend to flesh and bl, .. -- . in wen
do Wt. parey men to emit& and make t • isi & boa
ook like beingitsoo refined to remain long is i or r Madre.
;• orld; bet they makeithem as human as possible. tiff St emnw turkey
10 t to encounter the hardships, and fulfil the coca in- :mint cordials
ions ofs sublunary life. They do not matte a to- hst coo brandy
eat purgatory of this life. to prepare men the f er Rum
lor another. They proceed neon the supposition t t
'the blood, muscles, nerves. organs. excretory mid e- 3
retro? gland, MOCIIO4B and tegnmentary mends s r cigars
;bones and brains. of every human being requi • to ; 14 ' s t Wave
supplied with nourishment from as healthful a to•
mach 33 can be made and kept; and upon the drat n •
that unless the stomach and bowels are in good on er,
orals. &c &u . all
the blood and every other part of the system will in
on the most reuse
And how is it expected Iha t 'hey will - secure he Ith and Tavern Keep
to thestomach and bowels? Wby by enabling the •ne
to digest food, and the other to carry oif what is eft For kale
after the nutriment is extracted. is connection ith
the surplus of bile, and the foul humors °rifle bl A T REDUCFp PRICES, AT THIS OFFICE
mucous membrane...aim stomach. And they acc • ns- 1111. JOS. LA PIER R Ell Sympat hick fair the
plush these great feats of nusticine 111 the most sin, le t our "infest, spetediesi, and perfect cure of every
way imaginable. The APE'?" 1.1 NT vtNIII. Y PI 1., S. kind of w ids, ulcers, cancer and all cutaneous
if the stomach be affected with wind, bile. or co ed •
diti4iitge.. arising-41 , am crating, squeezing, burn•
collections, cled r n soot. by a natural 'hot a WWI i n .
b.- it kf . hotline or the tinpLirity col the blood. and alm)
sensible solvent action, and cleanse, the whole
purloin' canal. without gaipine. and leaving it as tee ;Air miring Dyspepsia, limitt burn, asthma, liver
without debility, as nature ever designed it to . ~oniplatni.enativeness,colickitc r yo rivulsions, diary.
They do not take the skin offthe stomach and Ito else )icen and rheumatick pains, loot the, and sore
and leave them like a piece of red velvet. as all i by- -eyes. The general agent. Prof. G. trev-„Wagner,
sicinne know the strong drastic pills do. but t ay '‘'Reading - . Berke county. Pa. offers grefikto any
take nature kindly by the hand without crushing Per
person eff ecieed with r inter of the said der uses,
fingecs. They cleanse every thing, without i mparing
n certain qiinntitx of the Serape thick to he tried
or to say thing.
When this is effected, as it 'weary is by the use eta :and apt/reveled berme making any PAPeureP ritv"
few of the FAMILY .‘ PEI:SENT Ei I,LS. then come : ever, the application must be made ft ee uf, posit
. the celebrated CA MOMILF. or 'PI N lin PILLS to i t g,..
re rengthen a stomach and bowels which before. ter • N. R. This article cannot he had genuine in
haps. weak and foul bec.ause,the.y wire weak, and arty drug store or appoi !weary shop. It is not
endows them with strength to perform their, ins Uri- •
N•li1 I
i to talk much about it, asit certainly
taut' ftmetions. without the and of physic The ''A- • ' )
MOM'ILE FLOWER, when. ate valuable plane i „ will rrrommend 'illicit to an enlightened politick.
are chemically extracted. Is acknowledged by all l lire 19 • .19-0'
setae& in every age, to be the beet, vegetable .i
known in the science of medicine —here is no ii
k .own is the vegetable kingdom of nature to equ I 1.
Nothing thit is at trace so harmless and so vigor, usl
healthful. and in proof of this the proprietor o th
renowned pills that are mac from its purest pan he
might quote 'lomat Innumerable authors. both an lei
and modern, if his own practice had not pros- a t
tens of thousands. ,
The effects of these pill" wit not ouly sperced • 1
an increase of appetite and general strength, . t i
4 restoration ofithri body to that universal vigor a
' Its functions, which indicates the return to per - - I
'sound health.—The faCe, and general compl 101
' speak volumes in their favor, and thousands o . fc
males can testify how much they have contribut i
their comfort, their comnlexion. and their str•
r g
when everyother remedy lad proved worse the un
less. In nervous diseases, of all kinds, they ar n-'
acknOwled,g,ed to be meeininent ; grade illy tea r sir
firmness di body and mind without those anon ' hi
and changes which other nervous remedies tic au
' Happy would it have bedn Gtr many yang .. ant
of both sexes-who are now 'in the silent arrive. i 1131
had learned to check the morbid tendencies of the
stomach and, bowels by these pare tomes and per
eats, without resorting to quack thr 3011
of which are concealed. ` and of Miura, they 110
nothing. That' dreadful sitionree Co vsjUMl 10!
might have 'been checked in 'ts commenceine t to
disappointed of its prey. all over the land, if i : fir
symminsqf nervous debility had been count nett
by CAMOMILE. chemically. prepared; and Ito
bowel-complaints which lead to ei host of fatal nalt
dies [night have been °trued by ihai five al ,•-• In
extract of ehrbarb; which is a leading ingred tit
. the.enntedieines, which are adapted to a reajo"ty
the purposes for which a hundred others are un ere
strilused.fevers, agues. bilious driordefs, Ilea. • eft
rem* debility, male decline, indigestion. ran lii
complaint .would have entirely disappeared, ' in
many of them have proved fatal. . . _
But be it disdiactly understood that their rime legit
are not offered instead of these natural ;organs ft t
body which other medicines disparate with, in ve
summary manner. They are fouodent ripen- edit
knowledge. and not quackery, and do not take II C
red earticks out of the human blood under 'th pr
tence of purifying it. Inproof of which dlffere ed
effect. let the , faces and forms of patients - ben hest
many. They constitute a' useful, effectual. and ' em
rally applicable class of medicines for every mil
and being both tonic ano aperient. and of t ' be
preparations known, no person or family s ld
without them. . They mot be obtained .*timer lea ,
retail oldie proprietor,. Dr. WM EY ANS, Ne 'V s ,
and of his agents in town acid notultry, with ire
lions for use.—They are rapidly superceding al' , oil
t reanedies Advertised in the public prints, because it
are found-lto belong to a very superior class of popu
medicine:A single trial usually places them high in
vete estimation, as they are knoWn to he .in put.
; prefer - ince, and an the opinion ofphysicians. ' 1
MIST ST. PHI LA DELPHIA, where his m' 'cute
' may be had. Dr. Wm Evans! Office, 100 C athain
street, New York,where the Doctree may he sidt4d
air usnaL
........... ; •
APLuteresting Cause .— Mr. William Salmon .(;' n et
. about Third at ., Philadelphia.- afflicted for ' Verb I
yearevrith-the following distressing symptom. ' I:Ga
mma the stomach, headache, diurinase, palp imit
of the bean , impaired ap.,,lntiatelitnen . ld and
potrensent eructation& coldeind wealtn iif the
'. z • enremities, emaciation and'grateSial dehility.ti: harbipd
• reit, a sense of pressure and -weight at - the ' tnach
after num& nightmare. great' mental da p dency.-
severe flytegpains in the chest. back and sides. ' ; dye-
nes& ethalike forsociety, or conierstuioo, in, untidy
operant aral weeping languor and lasiuide u , n, the
lean exercise. • I
. .:.Air. Salmon had applied to ihe L moirtarninen ';phrilii
icienstsarho considered it beyond the power e ,Inedb
. Misati restore him to health ; however. as hi ' aftlini
ionihrid•redticed him to a very deplorable c is dititin,
abffbirribg been' recommended by a relative firai to
itiskeitiritilluflDr. Wm. EVANS' by
difficaltytepaired to -I he office and procured a ge„
to wltich, he say& be is indebtedfor his resin tin to
hie.; health and friends. He is • now enjoi n allibe
blessings q perfect health., - n tersone deed us of
fernier infrirgiatitinoliM be tite r ed with ever pani
cube ofhis ismonishing cure at - Df. Wm. Evans. !Medi c
• esliXfices.looChntham at.. -NI '5 Oils ; sad in Phit- .
sidelpht& - No.I9NORTEI EIG H St. .
Sold* ; JOll T. WERNER.
Sole Ageotibr uylkillCoenty.
. 1 Pottralle,, N0v.25 "1-11
- „
Cheese! Chlpese!!
20 caskaporitremium cheap,
20 Bens pine apple do
ref sale by N. NiTHANS & Co.
dee 11
• • ' • fitter - aim - sititeatti bleddes;itsi
- , N.AAillani tik. CO. L - t amisit h a iwee a id .sk a m p ( „t r aki-: d .
iiFFElifo7ssile,,i the Chalealds• l is t - , salon of 04 °"-#l l7A° P en teß". M I MI
s O l o w
ty Grocery . StaienCentre: a driers %haw_
_.,_,. c o o sl smay *tone. The Id itt. - h e sr ig
arms, a prime umotmentof fresh Grata fed milerfrom •tbir arm y "rifle live Alre limp
ng ef - . , •, ,-, ~ ,-., Nate it Into dii beart. being s s punfied t by
Javaallio . i Litgaba. ey s tim:;• them •eamished m g dm)
1 Si. Domingo and browned ) ,;• stainaeh,7iiiiiiies frei-dy tbniugh - lhe eine.reneire
•N. Odeans,St. Cam. bitoematid iii4 gar ..- . 4 .--every part of the system and triumphal' mounts the
whitallavanna.loefelle laixiP t. i banner of heskb in tla blooming cheek.,l
, . New Orleans; Westi whom
~ arse varictY of
. ' Judaea, 'Agar house 1, , !Inman ;diseases, to witch the Vegeta ble Life Pills
haPerlat G,alrl i m der • Y° °Bl l -, ' - atewell known to be 'Mahler- -
Ilytann:Poueliong.Orange Pee- Teas ,-
DYSPEPSIA, by throughly cleanalnLtbe first and
, co, Stadia_ netedevball, ,_ ';,"._____ ~ spiiisd stomachs, a$ .creating a fl ow o pure healthy
1 Bakenr:Obeals.Silamigom'''' 1 Chocolate bile, instead of the state nod _ acrid kind flutsiency,
& Ltaggs.and'sweet woe&' - iligeette, Hearthirre
' Prepared Comet.Cocouldrlis .. Zii=st.he / ]gar
,i esst es amer. Anxiety, Lea-
Reading, earlee:Hifirvey grus.and.Afehricholp which are thritenmal symptoms
~ John Balls. Leihster, Amboy,- Sallee' o r D ia p er: 4. wifl vanish, ass natural amsequesce of
; Canton mg andßancs its cure, Costirinum. by cleansing the ~ e rliole length
', • Gherkin, Team°. pfpper. of the intestines with a solvent process, and without
! I M l Z l " on °n iind ic ' n ße l tnhg"4- } Pickles violence; all violent r leave-the hewers costive
JJJwithin two days.'` . Iharrhaa and Choler's, by remove
; Olives, capren Anchovies ing the sharp acrid fluids by whieb them compaunts
Cayenne pepper, allspice and Ginger are occasioned. by • prentaidnt, the lubricative
Cloven Marl . Nutmegs and mama secretionordiemucustutembrann , revers ofeßhincie
Rice. flour of rice, starch by restoring the blood to a regular eimuliatioq, through
Cananta.Figs. itaillna.Poineo -
Sweet and bitter almonds, citron the process of perspiration _ 1.0 . aaaaa cases, and the
- t breath solution of all int9stinal obstructions in others.
Olive Oil. wine batters. lemon syrup The LIFE PILLS have been known to Cure Rhea
Preset wed ginger, cheese, codfish nudism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half
Herntur matlerel,aalmun that time, by removing local Inflammation from the
White and colored eters, spenn / candle muscles and Imminent' of the jointi. Dropsia of ill
Moulded and diet tallow kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
, Palm, varaglaMbrown and yellow soap bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or.
Old Madman, old port, claret gunned bencehave ever been found a'cenain remn
Brown and pale sherry . chautpaigne Wines for the worst cases of Gravel. Alm Worrier, by
Old hock, Lisbon. dry outage in wood dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy
' Sweet malaga. muscatel & bottle matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and
' Malmsey. marsedles At Sicily Made'. Consianptien. by relieving the air vessol of the lungs
Scotch:lmb, monongehela & eom w iakey
from the mums, which even slight colds ifnotremov
. Annisette. armee-red & peppermint cordials ed becomes hardened. and produces those dreadful
Cognac. champagne. Spanish 11. coin brandy diseases. Scurvy. Mars and Insaterme Sores, by the
' Rolland & com. Gm. N. E Rum perfect panty which these Lith Pills giie to the blood
Jame= spirits and all humors; Sreirroutte Eruptions. and Bad Com
o ' Estrn sup. span. inferior do
Half Spanish and common cigars
plentms, by their alterative effect upon the finds that
Cut & plain and moulded g lass m orb id state of which occasions all ;noire rem
t'hina and crocker Ware *mad& .'teittran. Uoudy. and other di c m I
etezums The use of these Pills far a nr shon time.
ALSO will effect on entire cure of Salt rh Erysipelas
• eeneral assortment of Dry Goods. &c &c. all of and a striking improvement in the -nee' of I
which they are disposed to beliefs the most reasons'. skin Common adds. aHttinflueuza• dl always
ble terms. Reads of Families and Tavern Keepers cured by one dose, or by two even in e worst cases
ere nanicularly invited to call. Piles,—as a remedy for this mostdieur trig and ob
aitnate malady, the Vegetable Life P Ila deserves
distinct and emphatic recommendati . It is we
• known to hundreds in this city, that b e Pmprietry
of these invaluable Pills. was himself afflicted with
dos complaint for upwards of thirty.fiveyears, and that
he trial in vain every remedy prescriaed within the
whole compass of the Mamie Medea. He however.
at length, tried the mediate which he TOW offers to
the public, and he was cured in a vqry short, tine,
after his recovery had been pronounced not enly
improbable: but absolutely impossible, by any Naafi
DIRECTIONS FOR t‘SE —The priatinetors the
Vrxrer. A In.l, Live P ILI P dues not folloW the band
mercenary tractice entre quitchs ofthe day, in a 's
ing persons to take his Pella in largeentities. No
~,sod medicine can possibly be so re usred. T ent
Pills arc to hr taken at bed time every night , r a
week or fortnight, accenting to thetnacy ofthe
disease. The usual dose is from 2to 5. accorditg to
the constitution of the person. Very elecate penans
should beam with but two. and increaSe ea the mitre
1 of the case mayrequire: those more reliust.or of tery
I costive nabs C telly begin with 3, and increase to I, or
even 5 Pills, anti they will effect a stgiciently b py
to guide the patient in t i t further se
„ t
1 these Pills ,i
'mmures occasion sack ea and v ry
r ng. though very seldom, unless the tomach is yle
foul; this, hoyrever, may be considered a favof
symp om. nape patient will find hinself at one •t.
Inured. and by perseverance will naonrecover. ey
usually operate within 10 or 12 houni, and nevertive
pain, unless the bowels are very match encumb4ed.
Tbey,inay be taken by the most delte femaletzan
der any curcumatanees.—lf is. however, recominind.
ed. that those in later periods of pregnancy shoeldlke
Wipe° eta tare, and alas coma:rue keep the I:51 els
t: •
open: and even two may be taken ere the p ni
is very costive. One pill in a anti ion nf two ble
spoons full of water. may be given Id an infant i the
fullowingsiosee—steaspoon foil weary moan' till
it operate ;sass Ilve ..- ,
half a pill—and from five to ten. one pith .
THE PIRENIX BITTERS, are sb called, • • • • se
they possess the power of restoring he ultimo ~m- hers
hers of health, to a glowing rigor s throughouqbe
constitution. as the Phcenit is said In he resiorditto
life from the ashes ot us own (1,188.1'410n. The Pm
nix timers are eutirely vegetable., composed of riot
found only in certain parts of the astern cat
which will iniailitily cure F6l 'ER AND AGI ',..,
of all kinds; will never lad to era mate entisel*ili
the effects of hleicury. .Infieitcly so. et than the mai
+ powerful prepludateras °fiestas:Tariff .asaLwittieli e .
diately cure the deterinthatimi of BMOD TO E
H Al.:11; never fail in the sickness neideet to y , it e
females; and will be found s certainremedy i II
cases of nervous Malay and weaker* of t hemostat
paired constitutions. As IS a remelt for CArtmetaad
Injlamatary Rheumatism, the efficacy at the Pau
Bitters will be demonstrated ,¢y ths use of a le
bottle. The usualtiose oftheie bitters is half ine
glass full, in water or wino, and thiq quantity mits be
mien two or three times a day. about half an ibur
before mealr, or a less quantity ma be taken to all
times. To those who are afflicted with indigelion
afier meals, these klittera Will pro , in
e valuable as
they very ;trendy increase the senor{ of the emit:pal
viscera. -help them to perform their thectiona.anden
able the stomach to discharge in the bowels ir at
ever is offensive Mum indigestidn is easily' nil
speedly removed, appetite restoredl, and the mdlitia
at the at sorbent vessels being cleans-W. mutat+ i s
facilitated. and' strength of - Ay and energy of pad
are the hanay results For farthezparticular) of
TERS. apply at Mr 51offat's o ffi ce. No. 516 BrOdipy,
New York. where the Pills can bd obtained fr,e2s
cents. 50 cents, or $1 per box; and he Rivers feral
or 22 per bottle. ID' Numerous certificates oche '',
wonderful effirery of betlyn ay be there inspected ,
In some obstinate and pempheat cases of chip=
and inflammatory Rheumatism. 'vet Complains..
Fever and Ague, Dystamai. Palm , . dam. injur .
the use of mercury, orwri and tit diseases
standing. it may be nerenary to t le e both the' ft
Pills and the Phenix Bitters, in t dose berm
N. B—These Pills and the Bitters, will geti he
mercury out of the system infinitely dieter than
preparations ofSaniapardla, and a certain reineder
the maw of the Wed to the heed , or all calchi -
E d
aclies,ticdoukituver, &v.—All persons who are p . is.
prised toisatioptealy,palsg, dac.,_should never be *Mout
the Life Pills or the Bitters. for one/ dose ite tinatiwill
save life. They equalize the eircelltion of the liked,
draw all pressure from the head,i Preginrationroad
throw ell every impurity by the pores of the ski*
For saki by MILLER & RAGGEIrrY.
..._. 'Arra foittffia-Prenneter.
Murrill& 16 '' ' ' " -40-Iy
IPaasage from England, Ireland, Scot
- land and Wales.
iy NADERSONS Wishing te • ergage pasange for
their friends, in first rate ships, from the a
bove places, may now do at. by applying to
For the accommodation of Owe persons sops.
ell , ping passage for their friends, who may vestal to
tly i.end them money, to enable them to provide fot
)n., the voyage, drafts wi!l be 'given on the folhiwing
fe - ; named merchants, vi=
P. W. Rernes, No. 3, Waterloo Road, Liver
pool; Dant , I Wright. 4 Co. N 0.3, Robinson at. eel
u:daamm , ;,William Miley, No. 25. Eden Qnay .
.mikf 6 36
rice - - --
Vegetable Life Pills and Phe
ar nix Bitters.
e 4 DJ A CONTI?, flattens. ficm the rem*.
tw test aces. have had ships. but Columbus only 'fonnd
tiN out the way to America Before the time of the
I nd great Spanish navigator. people were only enabled to
irst paddle about the sh,re.s. Just s,. with'ihe Lif e Med.
ted Immo It is btii two short yeas irtide I first yen.
use mred upon an unknown ocean. and f have discovered
the ,•rec.tori object I was in search of—AII:ALTRI,
triit Vegetable - niedimnes were indeed knoetowhetilenna.
in rnenced my search. but their use was-' not. By the
,or use of them, I have not only pasaed from the dejected
or tnvalid.i e the hate hearty ono active m.n of butineas,
es= but. compa tamely speaking, I have renewed my
ie.', youth. I can thus, with confidence in my own eipe
iver advise w . i . th my citizens Does the
reader W • nt protift hat t he V Er ETA RLF. !AFL MED.
WINES are mutable to'his own easel Ihave on tile
eh at my office.s4ll Broadway. handfuls of letters, from
be some of the most reciectablecitszens of this oat it,.
rive land. voluntanly offered in testimony of the vir
hh Persons whose constitutions have been howdy ru•
fined by the "alt infallible" mineral preoiratien. of
cif the day, will b-ar me ...anus,. that the Life Medi
tip tines. and such nuly. are the true cause to oefManeat'
good health JOHN MOFFAT
.7r Tfie;r medicines have long been kneeruard appre
dieted, for their extraordinary and immediate powers
Lc' of restoring perfect health:to persons mffering.under
,nearly every kind of Unease, to which the homed
4 i
' frame stable.
"sr In many hundreds of certificated instances, they
N c .ftee eve rescued sufferers from the very verge etas
untimely grave, arta: all the deceptive nestrutte of
the day had utterly failed; and to many thousands they
have permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of
health, without which life itselfis but a partial Nona
ling. So great. loved, has their efficacy invertible
and infallibly prpved, that, it has appeared scarcely
lees than ineseelous to dime who wereuhamPlainted
.with the- beautiful phifteophical principle* upon
which they are co hipoundetLand anti which 'they
ronsequendy act. It was to their mamas' and sensi
ble. actitib m purifying the springs end channela of
Itle a nd enduing them With repewed tone and 'vigor,
that they were 'indebted for their name, which was
bestowedapon them at the spontaneous request of
several Individuals whose lives they had obrionily
' The promietora mince in the eitE s inify afforded
by the universal' diffusion orthe d ui rms. for Olen
ing his VEGETABLE LIFE PI within the
knowledgeand teach of every individual iii 6(1.00m.
rbolike the host of pernicious quackeries.
I which-blast of vale able, ingredient'. the Life rills
WC purely and sowtyr virotrascr.. and contain nel.
ther Mercury,. Antitnoty, Arsenic , ono any other
Mineral. in . any form Nirhitever. They are!entintly
composed otextracta from lam and . powerful - plants.,
the virtues of which.-though long . Known to several
traies.indiecently ;Si some eminent pharma• .
comical chemists. arealtogether unknown to thaipo.
..raint.pratenderalct medical science; and warn .never
before administered in so ,Arqqiily •ellicatious4cons
Their ficat,opotatiogis tallies= from the cindsol
the stomach and bowels. the" 'MOMS imperniis and
cruditieteoluttanOtiettinii lirotind'r.- Interim.
move the birdseed feces , whither:Meer-lathe Cos.
volutions of the small intestines.. Other medicines
only partially cleanse them.and leave suck collected
mames-behind._ as to produce habitual costixaneem
with all Mat ainetevils.or suMien .diaretimaoyitkits
mWiir luta mists, who euniide the '‘tnirels
after dratle'lhd hence the prejodicenftheis Well kr.
formed m nn the quack medicines of-theage.
The tees d eff ect of the VEGETABLE LIFE
't Xj_j.,..71
Religious Wirks..
BHANNAN has tostieceitied the folkosing
'-teligions work, London and America ed
itiont..which he offers for sale Cheap.
Original Family. Sermons, 5 vole.
filsmillone Sermons,
Leland's view of Deistical Writers,
Sturtevant's Preacheric Manual, 2 vole,
DretWon the Resurrection, I
Drewon the - noel,
Bridge's owthe Psalm CUR.
infidelity, ;
James' Christian Free:wt.'
Pride Essaywn Religions Dissensions,
Christian Fatherlitabme„
A Mother's Request; &a. itke. -
' ••
Old Grape Vi n ce run tit.
' " ne olke !Ir . ,
V ERY - superior QM grape VIM Pon, W,me. 371
• - do , do Jlayalcoiripany do - do -
• do . ' do IJOitled -do do
Yen' ouieriur do Rut India 14a iro ED wood
and. boffin. - Very sui*tor 488 I . in
DOEO O /5 1 011,40o;Htrerzy.winepwI jak Mideltila
Mail/ al alieirr.C.P A Teseriffe, !old PaleLisbou,
dry-ud sweet Malaga wipes. &a. &e. fir & s illily
• april 28 32
rlit • * . :' ,.. ;•; e 10R.r.r -. I - NNW
. .1 , 44 - W1
414 1 51, ViliriDaitgiVej...0M: V
iIIKOE Port Carbon Saving fund Society. ill
tow tiientvety. - d yiffi-omie, AO 3 r.6 . olstit-
the,Ciffsie or Dimwit -ned,Dep put;;
osit.iforibe , Pu
low of retehristg de tete-any' amount not ea.
wading E IIOi (font an onw person.- 'upon t•urbiche
anioterest of 4 per eh twill be paid one osy $5,
andupwards,but so' terest will be allowed-on
any fractional parts I $5.-. • Tbe.whole or any
part" limy be diawn o too givir.r
fogr 'Neb. at the on blendaya.. The b .
sines of the Society will be conducted by. the
following officers and, managers. until the first
Monday is May nest.l 4 •
Presidenk—Al L BOLTON. •
AWnagers. '
Jamul? Carroll j Samuel/. Potts
Edwafd Hughes E. S. Warns
Jacob Bull Jew Turner
L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument
;whatsoever shan't:le received by the President
tar - Managers kir their-services: nor - shall any
iManagei become a borrower from the institu
tion. oct 3 4fitf
iFir the prevention ikeure
'of Cougite,Cold a, AstArnas,
,IConsunsptions, Spittivp of
I Blood, Diseases of the
Breast and La ngs,4.o. pre
vpa red by Dr.CLARKUP
,FREEMAN, of tAt City
rof La nee; ate r.
, 30
1,10 .
• .
Accompanying each bottle of the-Specifick,
pointing out in -a conaptenoys manner, all the
symptoms in the different st4rea ()abuse distres
sing diseases—also particular direct lens respect-
Ling diet and regimen, and hew patients are to
conduct through every stage until health is re
stored...for vain and useless would be the pre
scriptions of thu ablest physicians, liceoni pan ied
with the most powerful and useful medicines, if
the directiOns are not, faithfully adhered to.
The public are informed that tht depositions:A
287 persons have been taken before proper au
thorities in the cit .) of Lancaster, all completely
cured in the most desperate cases of consump
tion, some of which are detailee in the bills ac
company ing
_each bottle.
••• A supply oldie above Spec...r's has been
received and is for rule at this ottice.
Mardi 12 18
Swaiuils PanaCea.
A S the intinnperance and luxury of the age are
111. hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more impure: and as thou
sands have destroyed their constitutions by neglec•ing '
to apply the proper remedies—to suck Swaim ii Pan•
aces must he. and has been. more than doubly valua
ble as a certain and effectual means ofrestoring them
to perfect health and vigor. Few familim4re whol•
ly exempt from ecorbutic affections which exhibit vs.
noun symptoms, as eruptions, ulok,rations. debility,
loss olappetite and dejection, all arising from impure
blood. and if not properly attend.d to, produce the
greatest injurrto the constitidution. and may be im
parted to their offspring. System's. Panacea is recom
mended at that .i%ason orltre l ear, ann. valuM:de ream
rause of the system. thereby Invigorating the hriatitii•
tine, and enabling it to hear the debilitating effects of
the summer seanon. It is conveyed' by theeirculn
, tom fluidcrand.corrimts their tendency to all chose
diseases whichnfigiffaie in vitiatgd blood, diseased
liver, depraved appetite. or predispositon to affections
of the fungi, 4ce:. No one, howeverisradvnied tovwe
it without convincing themselves ofthe mull of what
here .tated
IThis medicine is now treed a it h success in all parts
of the world, and is gaining great reputatron in Eng.
:and. .
A fresh supply of the Medicine' just received and
for sale by B BANNAN.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
Whocan supply the above .mcd wine iiholesaJe to
them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia prices
Mar 14 • • 26-
Insurasare Company.
en ARTIKII run PET Ir A 1..
1%1 A KE'ibrith limited and. perpetual Insurances
/V A on Brick. Stuue or Femme Buildinss. &Dies.
Hotels, Alt;is, Marna ,
.Stables, Merchand.r.e. Furni.
ture and Property of every descruptidn,against loss
ocl:femme ity FIRE.
The Delawhre. County Insurance comi illl . l wit
also insure against loss on nil kifids of numntirisks
and agalnst tic damage or lorypon the tranaporra•
non of goods.,wares. and riii4r'andise by iVater, or by
rail way, upon . terms Rs favourable as any other in
stitution. •
For any flintier information on the Ft hject of in.
suralice. either arainat Fire. Marine or inland risks.
Apply ro • It EN RY G. ROBINSON. /went. -
July 15' 34-tf Itt Sehtryikill.Haveo.
• - - or WILLI.VtI B
Ai Orwicisburg.
Fire .liiiiiirante; •
MAKE both limited and perpetual insurances on
Brick. Slone or Frame Buildings, Stores..lioteki
Mills. Barna. Stables. Merchandise. Formturet.and,
property of every description.agiunst lose or damage
by FIE.
The subscriber bas been appointed.A.G6NT Pik the
above mentiontd. Institution and is now prepared to
make Ihrausartm woo every &emptier of property
at the lowest tate& • BE:NJ AAIIN BA NN .
The Phitailelphini Fire
miAKE thliteited ead perpetual Insurances on
iNJIL-sl.lol4Stonnor FrameStuldinge.Sintels,
Mills, Elan*, Stables, Mershandtze,„ Furniture, and
Propetti t oteverYtlese4iptiontagaiiistitikirlardintage
bb FIRE. - - --
The anbseriber . his Wen appoinied AMER? for , the
above mentioned histinstiMilliod is now pmpared• to
malteltattaances upon everzdeseripuon - oinropert)
At the lolitist rates. Bk:81./ *MIN LtitilVAABl.
Pottsville , Feb 25 1837 15.7_
• •
swatues -.Jrana.telk. *.
2arb D9iEN Switim's just receir.
` 0 " rresh from ito proprietor.' Beirut& or
Seszoky,Fise ,Thoussodpottles of this iraliisbls
n)edicine were soldlisi yelif,iiiettitileir.inif is
Inireising. For bitchy the dirzen, or single
Prins7'l * por.bottle, or .three „bottleirot $5.14
ri ' B.- BANNAN,
Sole Ageoffor Schuylkill
Also Swaim's Veirnifugc.
Fvfit 44:401 - orroh.
JPAKINIZW-11 , ! - kilahllV-;
, _
A HOUSE & LOT in Nom egia l ti
- Lilt Street.,roLarlr :Sippoultelhe residence
'of 13..-jr, ; Ifimuregroeow occupied by
' p . .,,Areth. :The house ,ts 16
feewront by46lliketin depth, with a kitchen and
cellar in the basernepi,slory, two rooms on the
first;' , second and third Otani each; the whole of
Aaidlkouse well plastered and painted. Also' an
ice lent well o:water lathe door—the let is 20i
feet font, lialeet le depth; with a 9 feet al
ley en the west end of said house.
Miskinls Pills.
riNIIE Original linden Univefsal Vegetable
Medicine, prepared by W. I Esq.,
Member of the Royal College 01 Surgeons. hacen.
hate of Apothecaries Co.npany, Fellow of But.
court Society. Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen
siun Association, Lancaster place, Writc tloo.
Bridge; and Perpetual Pnpil of Guay's and St
Thomas' HospAahii, London.
These pare baying gained acs-lebrity unparali•
Med in.every section of - the Union; are now con
sidered by all those who value good health,iindis
pensable as a -family medicine—patronized be a
numerous body of the most eminent Phytriniadf
both in this country and in Europe,—is sutlieit4
it is presumed, to stamp their character in the east
timation of every thinking man, and it is hapea,
a far better recommendation titbit the course re.
I sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders,
who to mislead_ and deceive the - public. publish
what they cull practical proofs and certificates of
-Cures, that exceed all bonnds of rational credibils
ity, and most of which, if not all, are eitheit, gross
fabrications, or proeuredlby fraud and conn ivance.
The editor of the Long Island Fanner, says
"This medicine has obtained an unprecedented
degree of well preserved popularity. Haring ink.
en these pills ourselves to advantage and witness
ed their beneficial effects on others, we have no
hesitation it. recommen4iq them to the public as
a safe. salutary arid useful family mediestiei"'•
•„•Niiiie are genuine wallow the signature of
the General Agent on the label, by -whom 'the a
bove medicine is imported into this confine.
JNO. 1101.11E1 N. 149 Waverly Place,
Gehl Agent for U. S.
A supply °film above Medicine just rrccived
arid for sale. B. BANNA.44.—
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county
July 16
important Discovery
- 'The subscriber haschscovered - a methodb which
holm-toes of that valuable root,
May he extraetill vvilhout losing any ails mcd;cinat
properties. 'ibis medicine to prepared after a re
ceipt of the Medical College. a receipt recommended
by the Faculty is the best formula for the .prepara.
ti n of the fluid extract of Sarsaparilla.
This Extract may be given vital perfedt safety to
children. and is conscientiously offered to rbd public
se a purifier ofthe blood. which in all cases will great , -
ly alleviate and id many entirely cure the following
Obstinate eruptions of the skin,
Pi.nples or postules on the Ihce.
Biles which arise from an itkpure habit otbin4,
Scaly erupt tons.
Pains in the Wises,
Chronic; rheuinattan,
Totter. ,
Scrofula. or King's evil,
White Swellings.
i.h.litic iymptorna.
And 'all disorders.arising from an impure State of
the blood. either by a Ion.; residence in a hot and an
beAli by climate. or the injudicious tire of mertfury. •
'• I have lining ht tt nrcessnr ) to attach few certifi
ea ten of its beneficial effects. front persona well known
in the county, as references:
We the undersigned. having used the Coiripound
Flood F.stract of Sarsaparilla. (prepared by George
W. Oa kete% in nor 'families. most cheerfully,recom
mes.d it to y4IE-public. as a ebear. vale a nd efficient
inedicme, in diseases arising from inn.urttiea ql the
This is to certify that I was for two years 'afflicted
wish an obsonate Impetigo:trews affection in etre of my
l eg s, w hick broke into numerous tilers. for Milhich 1
tried canons remedies, which bur increased ;die dis
ease. when 1 was recommended to try •fiilr. Onkeley's
preparation of Sarsaparilla. 1 did so. at.o after using
several bottles I am happy to state that the ulcers are
entirely removed end my leg healed Wetness my
stand this 16th nay of ' ugest. 1b37
This certifies dint my little Son. about 9 years old.
had su ff ered fur a long time from exrensice sores on
the right knee andleg, <supposed to_have been white
swelling.) which . 1 found impossible to ht , al. , •by even
the aid of the most respectable medical advice. until
I was recommenced to nse Mr. George W.Clakeley's
Com i rup of Sarsaparilla, eight boat lea of which
not only healed- •he cotes hid t erterily reidi,red ti e
child's health wluch, suffered much inconsequence
o: this a Ifccuon. /CA TIIA It I 1.11 Nt..3:1%1A N:
lift:above Penn e. Reading.
The above ease was ' , resented in me. be befits
and alter the use or Mr. Oakel.4's vxrii., of 'Serape-
And thase no ht sitation in believing ifOtt it was
the agent of his restoration. 1
Reading, Sept. 12. 1837.
- Rlignington. Noe 20. 1147.
Oakeley. • i -
Sin—l consider it my duty to let you kno*ihat tIiR ,
use (if the half dozen bottles of your valuable Sarsttpa—
villa teat I got of rutin June Inst. has Ontirely healed
my leg. the Doctor told me it was of a scrofulims
actcr. and the use.cif your Medicine would iprobably
benefit it. 'Thwfitie 'bottles were not taken before, at
was healed, bat rtook the stash to make ithe ewe
cortaiu;_a is now better than two months since) est d
any,ottod there to no appearance o 1 a -return, iwy phypi.
clan thinks the cure perfect. Yoers.:te. •
irrThe Above valuable Medicine may .kie 110. M
the subscriber's' wholesale' andirntiil •Ijrule state,
cipal drug stores.• Freak and Metbetnes ,
iktelowestassh. prince. ep for sale by the pub,
" • ' -, GECE - W% OAIOELEY.. had it the` stores of Heiednureich dr.
Rout HatztowollV,m..-Allizitiqind Dr, Ford. Potts
town; Peter Knabb.Oley; and at theptore saimmird
& Strauch;Poussille t
Jan 13 •
'IL' " 'To - present imposition. my signature sF,i l
atednipinythe label-of each bottle.
fritE7;ubiti•ribl , trarlaire.juPt merlind and offer
I . 6l•"eate 5011asketi Champaign's Wice. A.
nioriewhiehljwilt he found the following, Crack
Nipoleon,'Paltnetto,. Hiedaeck Cornet.
Dirt. -
Aptd 21 '
OATII3I3*-tPoputar Meaticinev e rw.trarnl
ti viiler, pot recfatd , and%formakr byt
april 28 H. BANN AN
:444(*) 86.
Lei yP - 8a s pan * ll o
sold in'Plillidelphia—silon
di QUEST/1k „; •
Who does not boas the.sierhies, itsufmathiside
Propertief 4 . an !SiritTgrafill ; • :
(N VERY man. woman.aild childthait imid,cau
.A nosiver.the above ; iii every he ' per thirmigb
out the United Statiseontains accotWateltiflthe claimer
malefic:oi Wrlkaratparilla, an prityjihriit ell ,
.bilorel ow
in 7....
removiagfrom the Annum veleta ad abutter&
.elida any respectable plwatcian dnerfo *: li,?. Whet
is the moat trio:mous puriAer qf the , Itaiseemarer
will be. 81.11111ArkIELI.A. •
~ •
Suffice it•to ivy then, if all pliysiciii mend
it so universally. meet better etrairate e Me hate eels
invaluable monies? . i
Dn. Lanni' has discovered a mei Mhereby tisk '
virtue of the 'Sarsaparilla is obtaine di spibighly Cap
.centruted form, acid in much manner a ,tri make pills
therefrom, without destroying in the , its. efficacy. •
This cannot be done hy any other . 1 .. n. the pro.
teas is knowtionly to Dr. Leidy. and a a:discovery of '
his own, i .
These Pills are offered to the public by the name of
- .11a. ' , LEIDY'S i ~
compounded .principally of Saila t ilia led ' with!
t t,
which is combined ingredients (friend y-to the consti
tution) rendering them more effectu I.lbeing gently,
torah*. in-their effects. thus carrying if corrupt ho
mors from the system very gradually,' d vritbout pro- ,
ilucing deility or any inconvenience. i Taken in suit
ficieut miantity , however,' they will pp* freely. and
may - be employed or given to the molt :delicate. and
even to infants, being a safe and truly eircaMousintr ,
.emparing no restraint fromdiet or &viatica%
from regular habits or from occsrFaiiani (party kind.
These pills have been pre-eminently antsessful and
from thei rco n ven lent form: must. seeder or later, take
the place of all the diffetent e rep r .ati no of Sarsapa
rilla. such al Syrups . Decoctions. sets. iSic•sakick
are contained in bottles. lietbk to be en , and itA in.
concenientfor taking or being &tried bout. .
These ifills have; during the past we years. been
amply tested. Newspaper advertie g being so very
expensiie. Maple_ testimonials from' umerous phrts,
clans and others accompa y the di tidos.
They are particularly ncommend 41 7 ,
• 1
Rhetimatirraffectiotts, 'Dry and:atm,' pimples,
' General Debility ,. - • and fn s Om of the lace
Ulcerous sores of th and boil .!
throat, nose and body. Scaly erm
Diseases of the Liver, ohne of
Skin and Bones. Tettur. Ri
Pain over the region of the 1 rofula, I
heart, breast, and at ' sundice.
mach: Stomach
Pain of the sides. along .complai
the hack and 'mine, S oar erde
Inward fevers, foul breath .• ides of
a bad taste in the mouth landular
Flatulency. want of app swellim
tile. costiveness, cramps °fillet]
of the stomach, and • in the g
aigestion, arms,
- •
.spine. ill ,
and the whole train of diseases rend
rity niche blood, as also constitution
41acediry,the ties of Barkm•Quinine; k
or other Minerals, also in impendenet
pis, Lees, Venereal, &c. de !
-Price 25 Cents a
Prepared only and sold Wholesal ll ej
Leidy's Health anporium, 2nd st.
COlSSUillpiio 1 ,'.
ID FADER. if you have a cough o riold. beware of
alia their ' consequences. Colds g. *ally progress
imperceptibly. and- insinuate thews -I es throughout
the human system, finally settling up , , the lungs and
ending ID consumption. -
S o w often is youth cut down wh n ;Oust expected
by the consumption, and followed t their graver-by
parents who arein a measure the ex oof their prem.
atute death : in neg lec ting to remedy ds when emus.
ing In chtldlxiod. looking upon the as trifling affec.
lions, andnot attracting their notice of I the destroyer
has commenced its work and made use of imvietim.
This ifinot a fanciful representation f rdaily puma
out, instances occur which prove the f ' t.
In nisEloarlpolds terminate in the e way , but do
not pso rapidly as in youth; t eir should bows
ever, in h youth andManhootibe ly a ttehded to,
aid not regarded as trifling affectio . or it is deiny
sive idea that has no doubt shorten livesofthow.
sands. .
Si • .
14 • - '
T•hy it regular
h has empfo)ed
ctise in Get.
been during
*fully. employed
iAsthtinas.Ss it
`, of the Breast
MI Lungs, and.
(Price ZO Cents per bo
Is an invaluable preparation. discov '
and celebrated German physician.
it upwania of fifty year's •in hie own
many'. throughout which country i
thattime most extensively and once .
an Coughs. Colds. Influences. Catarr
tang of Blood. Whooping Coughs.
and Sades, all affections of the Brea
Arrest of aniline, pine consumption
Much may be said in praise oft .
but newspaper• advertising being too'
vattstactory evidence wall be found
upon trial. as well a■ numerous learn
compan, ing the directions. Dywa
were goad m Philadelphi& atone du
ler. a convincing proof of its efficacy,
toy would never have been sold.
Imes are prepared and Aold only at
Reading, July 11;1837
lily Ad-
"al FADER, did you ever sees co !
Viand learn hie sufferings? If'no
he is a. pale. thin and 'ghastly looki
apparently hanging by a thread; he,
unhappy, his sufferings indeicribah ,)
Ate you much troubled w i byl a w' 1
Sent erne:fat:ions arising from rural+
want crwpridtite. Waterbrash. a s
month, or. foal breath. pain or &he. '
madh-Sieltness aßer eating. Ileadac
once &entire , . dishes. die: II you .1
'with anyof the foregoing symptom. ,
the picture of the Dyspejitic. and k
remedy the'consequences. immedia
DR. .1:21Dr5l TONIC AND A
' .•, CORDIAL •
• • ' A never Aiding and efficaciou,
And the Whole train' of afrections 1
tlaserofthe Liver. Stomach a
' _The/shove medicine is warrant • ;
ry or,etheS minetaLpreparationst
thelyorttptitables, safe and easy t"
pleasant to the taste. Itmay be sall
yOungand old, reguiringibut mode
Namerousteitimonials have been
published; its reputation ieso well
men' upon its-virtues is unnecessa
then recommendations Accompany
!round each bottle
117..Price;One Dollar per bottle.
Cold in Philadelphia at • •
Dr. -N• Leidy's health Emporl;;
Vine St.—an4by 'BAN •
sfity 5 • • I
• , ' tscßeßN,s..
21 by 574 inelles ftailtrailtat
2by it .1. " . thrr' •
1 . Sit 3 <do Saktitle for
• Alllntilinn has. ettuntersunk
at an anent:44s tiegroes at tn.
Patins a i ttiApikea to suit. the it
`1 47 #•'41. South , FrOnt Street
Philadelphia: Match 15.1836
EL - wtnri Z EL,
"••"•- a ßtitit 'Bige Turnip. end
WhiteArlat Teo, Seed,
By Ura siValleripanney,
april IS 29
of .Dr
:opn►, and blot
'brim .
I Lnen; Liter ,
nut, waterbrash,
adore, and acid
` stomach,-
I f i r r neas Gard e ning,
I lull of the neck, '
ns, under. the.
lid along the
ling trent Impu•
al' diaearea pro
, ntenie. Mercury
es in life,Syptii•
utld Retail at Dr..
-I . ow. Vine, At.
shove medii.ise,
eitrens ve. eve,ry
t all is effee , s
endattons ae
ft of 7000 bottles
a the pasit
t huge a gnaw. -
- above medt
ow Viue st.
.1 Dyspeptic,
m i s
I dfice il to raj,
g bject...hni hie
rip miserable and
. ,
I n.Cartiveness•
. eh.Oecasional
- taste, in your
1 i °flour Ito
i et Dielurt to your
red much troubled l tug before you
i v, g romped to
.1 procure
•4 s. medy for
I 710 N.
I .' lung from dis
i • fee Iron meren•
. is composed en
tale. being -very
tr . restrictions in
Dem-tuna to drib
, . sin. forifietreorn
'. space it to iLty.
trisreaster: "Fur
. 'directions a
. I . .
Second below
, Pouredle.
; r Iron.
do • chi
- e ioning CoaL. -,
13 is IV
I , lei. and i
. ds., -Splinip
I .
l't & Co. .
1 ' hiladelphini
! ; 21—tt
,yjale by •