I= VOL. I. 'PRINTED AND . PUBLlfalf BEN,JAMIN BAN •sisacvarazum• Tutu DOLLARS AND FirrY e • peyableermi-annually in advance. in the year. $4 will be charged to ail ceweihe pagerfrise of postage. To to $3 .ier annual train paWwithin the henddid to Otte price ofsubscriipti., • • WEEKLY. - 1 Two Dot.t.s.rot per.anncn, payabl in advance. It not Said Within the y o .. be charged kdrertinenients not rtlonetring t wet . charged $1 for three insertions—and insertion. Larger ones in proprwtion 1 All adventsetoents will be inaerl • out. unless the time for whi :b they are to specified .and will be charged scco Yearly ac.ertisers will be charged incauding subscriptionto the paper--, • keeping one advertisement not esc - , standing during the year. and the it:se er one in each paler for three success All letters addressed to the editor m otherwlse no attention will be paid to ..AN notices for meetings. &c end which hese heretwthre heen inserted charged.2s Cents each. except Marring Resumption of B NEW DRUG S. s RE. rr H E Sobsci iber returns hi. gra -.Ail acknow I edgements -to the citizens of i?itsville rind others, wMi stepped foriwird to his .01.tance of. ter the 105...0f his property by fire n Decembei last, and would also acquaint them' and the pob he generally, that he has again .;ntrienced the Drug Bosniess in the house former r. occupied by Charles W. Clemens, in Centre reel, in the borough of Pottsville, where may ways be had a general assortment of Drags, Medi ines, Paints, Oils ~; • Glass, " DyettillTs, And every other article in the ebove line. which he le dtvpowed to well on eery Wet Ind 11004 uo 'dat Ina term*. N B. rr Phyiniciaps prerctip put up at the shortest ponce: Pottsville, Miy 30, 110.13.. Roots for SO 4 \ oo - D fchuvlkill Canal *a! • besst materials: nearly new, or exchanged tor Coalat the mfr pie to May 30 Lot for !ale.• IVILLbe told coca, roa ('a a • •••• on William Street In th . oi ;ng the Lot on which Luke Let ' a•doellint house. The lot is 55 William Sweet, by 110 leer deep. Mar 30 41 - PUBLIC HO SIGN OF Wm. Henry H Soot* Fifth Street, oppasit Calm' face, Seadiag, Ps. . THE unders i gned forma his fr iends and t beh • as ••petted the abo will be hippy' at toad a them. His arranrement.- iteitiniite may Owe wati;sfaetion to a Getittemen hare - I:neves, vet stables, and earrful howlers •leray A. no effort vetli be *pared to d aenber hopes to receive a .ha-e nt age. ANDREI. Reading, Mai 19.1834. READIN NAJL AND IRON W HAVE na hand Rau-ER IRON. SHEET do. ROUND Jr SQUARE lib 1 . 0 IL SCREEN de R ILL ROAD • • i Bar Iron of •iia aide drawn and arta+ or all arteft. For male at mewl. KEINK WHI r. Reading. May 33. 113& 6.5 Rewardi STRAYED away from the pa scriber on the 19th ling. a RL. a white face, and a white attest t between the hoofs, aed u blind.tt Any person findine said Cow. an, to Henry Boyd, Merree's Addd the above reward. CHRISTOPHEI a'OE SOLD CHEAP—A Wasson. eft4so, a palcut C4r Cutting Machine. A two stall atebleand near Clemens & Pairsin`s Mill :Enqn:ire of may 26 411-3* 4 T a merlin; of the Toarai zia• rough of "%MO De. beld coo al May mat. Ike loilfrarar.g r. Reaarea, That Cwancil Meeting will retietre Scent Otaaatieftiaikete and shalt elate= he published! in the Mu Extract. from the Minis.. 1 EDWARD VO Mar IC, IM. 4 . - The belt Stated Meeting I held 00 TO Molly lie Sib oi F deck P. NI Sallad 41d1 3 Pici vtucer &on.. u" 6d o,l_ A full assortmect *Ca. head., fad ads ea MILLER & =EI eutEßsOre, PARIS -4 ' 7 at sale at thii adios. I march 31 N 8001 TricLE HIV ACE. e nowt 4 The Two nit* and ether' The River and the Demeatl. •Neteisereed and tee eerie by was 19 I= • • • 7 I WILL TEACH You Ton/Lacs THY SOIL AHP Tat EILETHAMDILEIEOOI7TriaII/ THICVATILEHE Or TILIIKIOIIIIIII.IIrTALII *luau wpa.qpnr iniume T ir t gintaigis D sosascer &Li t &tat*. TO (ia On AHD i • : I • HAZZARD & SVRAIICHIS W,HOLESALE AND RETAIL • Dry-Goods,,Groce:ry. ,;and Li- 1 71) A . N. per annum. of paid with. hose who re sl subicrthers ear, 50 cents O. visor Skive, • Corner of Centre and illfarktt, arelda, faUsaille April 8 28- • Teas! Teas !! Teas !!! 05 CHESTS and cheats of Fresh ;Green and black Teen, consisting of Orange. Picto, Sonehong, Punebong. Gunpowder, Young Hymn, Old Hyson.and Hyson,Sinn, justreeeieed and for sale al reduced psiccgqaa by N. N THAWS Alr. semi-annual, r,1112 50 will : lines IriU be cents for one • until ordere o.beeontinue 12 per annum; t he privilege •'ng 2 squares ion ors small. re times. Several small cheats put oplor family use. may 2 33 : .1140 W LETT'S Inneteet Tables, just received "'and for sale by r • B. BANNAN. jan 24 w 5 rHE Register of SeOuyWill County,tuoring •er anted to the subeeriber Letters of Admin. itirattrin on the estate of Juts' McGrath. late . of :gor vier tan tuirnehip.. Soho', Cl:runty, deceas ed: All persons indebted to the said Alia .11kOrabli are requested to make immediate payment; and all ih.ne haein2 claims are requested to present them for settlement to Irresribsertber without de lay. ' ffiUlitl 61VS1.EY, .Adlllll 11.1 mar. Port Carbon, May 16, IE3B. 37-6 ';other nonce• grafts. will be and Deaths. I= *-11N ANS & have nn hand • laver *assortment a' Gentlemen's and Lacing' Boots and shues,.• hieh they arlllsell at a low rate. may 19 38 celrbrated'Old Scar Madeira. •Sparklinr ill. Burgundy. Old Pun, Bock, Iliticaheinwr. Loboa.Teneritre, Pale, Brown aiut Ou:d Sherry Al-o—on draught, Claret. Spaniph Vin dv graver.. and 1:he...1-h Wines of excellent quail ty, ae 50 et*, per ea'l.n. Siorekeetwra and Tavern Beepers will be 'sup. plat. I at wholesale price...al on. carefully .: N. N ATHANS & Co. mew 2A - 40 Centre St. 4IPTING Claret Wines, acc. &c. CftATeAu,LAFITTE. Medoc and St. Juh an, Vintage IBZ, received and for sale at-re duced pricoi„ by MILLER & HAGGERTY. may 26 40 built of the !be atAI cheap, t price. Ap BAN NAN. Coal Alerebunts. Land Proprietors and.ot tiers.' are respectfully in formed by Baden, Smith, Civil Engineer, Land Sui-ersior, 'ITh AT he ha. contmeneett a : permanent rest deuce in Pousville. andir prepared to receive and satisfactorily execute altbusonesa with which he may be favored. • H. 8. is determined to confine his practice to Potiaiile and its vicinity, - . which arrangement will enable him ponctiialls to attend to those gentlemen engaged in miniagt who may employ him. Maps, handsomely finished. and Architectural D,,igns furnished in every style. Pennsylvania Bail. April ° 25.1835. 31-2 mo a lot situated . °ugh. adjotn ni buibitne feel front on Apply in ANN AN SE. 1 . . .) age Of• peetfully an , e nubile, that r tavern and es to *mum. are, such, as who way call. find extensive in attendance. sae. the ..put , pa nhc patron ; KEPN ER. Wholesale and Retail Bard ware Store. OLLOCK C W E.A VER base prat received in ed-• ■ Anton io their former stock of Nand. are Mousebnle anvil...gonna key'd viten patent polished Sc reir plat's. slammed east steel alms broad asst. nano do. *stases_ barnmers. Beatty* klulltut adzes. ...Act sod firmer Ousels. drawing knives. blacksmith bellows. Cot & sr ro' , nails. 4. 4i. - 5 SC6 tn. east spikes suagle_ cot and double ;dine Irons and planes. inumited Met... latches. lunges a I ecreu - s, round and square Hilts. steel. Oared and it n squares. EIZJI 411 of which are °tiered oa the moat aecommodat MI wrens - • Feb le 14 v i LT ELSH PRIMERS, just pribitabcd and tur v yak wholesale and retail- by •pril 4 . 0 32 S BANYAN. artier. Nai:a e lowesi rity .ER 4 CO. . 40-64n0 'Li kNIPAIGNE WINES of the following choice brands, rm anchor. comet; aresideoek, ehanipaignr, glass and palmetto all6oe grape Ines, fur sale at modvrate wires by MILLER & HAGGERTY. april 28 2:1 Owe of the sot. 7.K cow with both fore feet the right eve retoroipe her will receive Chmanpaigne 1111'hies. JOST recenn-d and nw sale by N. Nathan, & Ca. SS hamkets of Ker. thelwry, Star, Vrami cock and otNer brands:. april 14 -414 ROANEY 40-3 • S it appears. that because 4r-Crane obtained no patent for emrhai bun Ore with. Art throttle:Coal to Ibis cusuitry, twiny so rpr that they arc now at liberty to adopt 'the method of smelting Iron ore with..kinbracite hythe n of a heated air blast; ahhough rare notice last year Mit I bad a patent tot vitiating Iron Ore wityi Anthracite C.col. both by the use of a cold etmosphenc and a beeter4,atr blast, I woole now totorm the public stake that on the 14th of lan airy, INV. I received a kites teem the Commis Mime' 'or Patem. at Washington, stating: open erammicur the ease pi tilt- Crane's applica tion he a Midriff he Smelting boo by. mean of Antbracrtr, I have ,heart his claim as interfering •ith yout patent of Di et If 1, and haw risen online to his attorney alba McMon:" Every attempt in smelt Iron ore, with anthracite by the moors bested air tolnok, kir an inquire:mast gran in s patent. again.< which I caution and warn all enemas I shall prosnettle every one roftiaeme upon ma rights, ;accortlitig to kw.. A n d I fur ther offer to diaper* of patent rigato foram mom trig of foresees accord ifte to my patent, upon eery Moderate term* FREDERICK W;OEIS.SENEIXTNER. -• New York!: Iday 16.103. 371 lix ht Drawbar Knife Suaf me to kt. verj /ERERG. Ihnotango St. of the 1110- Ny the 15th V. as pawed: : he next Stated tfor the pace et tree of this res Journal. :N PARRY, ' Town I leak. Cowbell will b • arm, at 71 42*- &C. alzirtior Sal Wm. Olhorme GFALEDl'mpowal• addressed as the sabseri bre, sill be received at t•Pbt;adelabia dims tlebcw. Binebler." mad ides nth Jane next Gar . u pplrieg the iirtittattoal Attar Faders , - handreg ants of shire and fed at} cost. free frets dust. Jane or soy ioadstrrty. to : dek"0"41 1 11 1 1 te Aiwa Hawse wharf, tics tits giteli 'llia tit aria ichayibill tor i Ist daieftletidee emit. WILLI It S. STOCKTON. Steward. • Apabelats wet elides-al their •Pwaxisals for Coal." PhHatielphia.' May 16 iiiiii *brised a!W Atmaaaa Jim Ankle, 38 A ot ice. Boats and Shoes.' superior W ines, (Al the lowest City prices.) Champaign Wines. Public Notice.. l'nopoosals. Ibir AND poirrikir rOTTSVILL7., PA. SA r=l= - MEP ESS,- ISNII Or STAG •".• HE Proprietgetrof Ude LineAshich fitted ttp in a,eoperite manner-for the. modatiob of the Travelling Community r fully announce to , the iniblic that the ' positiirely commence running feirreen POTTST/LLE eIiILADELPH on Wednesday the 2d of May, and will to leave their office at the Penasyleiritial Pottsville, daily at 6 o'clock, A:Wand e!! Philadelphia, at .6 o'clor4 lll.#t-tae - rates of Fare: 1 To Orwigaborg. Port Clinton; Hamburg; ' Rending, Pottstown, Trap, • Norristown. Philadelphia, For Seats apply at • the Peneaybraei Pott.iille; Herr a Hotel, Reading; and al Office, Nu. 25, North Fourth Street, Peilad MINTZER & t o Attila SA MIL OVEN:WINE, Ppm.. EVANS & ed LIAVELL, I Oo. Proprietors. EDE Encourage Holne Manufacturer Confectionairy Manufactory. ,f 1 E subscriber respectfully annotrhere to the public that be has commented the hisoufac tore of Confectionary in all its various branches,at his Store in I-entre - Street, nearly esp?iite the Pottsville tlouse, where ConfeetiOners and loth. erg can always be supplied "wholesale tad' relail, at the lowest Philadelphia- cash prices. Country Merchants are, respectfelly solicited to call and exeunt:le his stock before purchasing dui, here. nov 4 PARKER do CO. - MERCERS 4- TAILORS, (Annea l , parker &. IR Millais.) car AVE rernoved On the opposite aide of Centre Street, a few doors aboie Norwegian Steed where they offer fur sale a select assortment u. Shp. rfine Broad Cloths and Cassimerea of the most fashionable colors, with an elegant *Wort ment of Summer ioths, Vesting*, Linen and Cot ton Shirts, Collar., Bosoms, Stocks, Mures, Sas. pendera, linen and cotton Hose, and all kinds of Grentle'nen'a wearing apparrel, which will be made to order in the most approved style as to the workmanship, and warranted to fit equal to any in the City or elsewhere. P. S. P & Co- keep on hand an excellent as mrtment of ready-made Clothing of atl,kinds, which will he sold at very low rates. jinx. 17 NEW IRON & Hardware store. THE subscribers wools, respectfully anuoimce to the public, thit he has added-to his former stock, leas and Horiiiisare, consisting in part or American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron. Round Iron, assorted suer. Cast, Crawly, Shear. German and English Blister and A. M. Steel Vices, Mouse- holt anvila.Smith's BellOWa, Cast Steel hand, choping and Broad am, nails and spikes, together with a general assortment of Iron Monger,. all of which will be sold at re. duced prices by • JOHN CLAYTON. April 33 NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT., Frederick C. Epting RPEt;TFULLY taunts his friends and R &.; the public in general, that tie has opened a =1 Bakery and Confectionary Esfab/iiiintesti in Norwegian Street. next door below,tlie Arcade in the borough of Pottsville,- where he will al ways keep on hand and bake to r all kinds of Cakes. of every variety of pat and where atso, will always be kept on and, Bread by the Loaf, of an excellent quail and of a large size. His Confectionary rises a large and gen eral assortment select with we, and sold at the eery lowest rateir. . F. C. . F.. would also inform families that be is prepared to bake Family Bread for any nom* who pre. ; :r i t , 1 4(mishiogr thetr own Flour, at the .honest and on the most reasonable terms. april 91 7 30-3 m Books! very low. Uri( BANNAN offers for sale the fienerbqg air • standard work• at the very lon prices at tackled Hume. Swollen and Miller's England 4 role sheep, with plates $lO 00 Clarke's Commentary. 4 cola sheep. 12 00 Wesley's works; Hy vols. arimpkte, 11 00 Back's Theological works. 6 role. abeep. 400 Soutt's Bible and Commentary. 3 vas. sheep. 600 Orion'. worts. Dearborn'''. EtOtion.sbeip, 4 25 Rollin'. Ancient History. 1 sok idsaep.‘ Dearbornes Editior; . wit6 Maps Plater% Jaw*** 1 eal. with plates Marryatre sorb rorriplatia 1 Trai, ' 3 42 Maare's :arks, Library Editiais 2 42 Barn. works, 400 Cowper and Thompsoa's works, 225 Pale y's sorts 2 00. • Bardea's Tillage Sermorto. - AOO Doddndg.:'s Family Expositor. 750 Encyclopedia ofGeoeraphy. 3 rob. telth 1210 estoaml 100 Maps. - 10 50 Faes-Jgook of,3laslyra. elbplarea,; 2 25 McKim*? 50W Reim**„.. • - 1 37 Together sub a variety, otatliet Books at aery ism eases. six suit the dames. ;,.. ” jai, i ii— aaan Geads.jem ar""d ia panel , • Dry Geed", • Grocer:Se% Hardware, -Queensware, • Mackerel" Salt, Pissiles4 . 4llge. *Web gni' be edit b k w f o r The,lnfeee price pail an calk far all kamileeteeestity maps. JOSEPH 'WHITE IL IKEt. Algona Carbon, Dee 4 fW 38-14 EEd tiny* EMS. re, in ` GO JOHN S. C. MARTIN 50-if i=U:=l ERA t p:, 3 a= RDAY MORN IN JIINku:2 I I , , • E!HE , .• - '. ito4ll the imirl:-- - ; . h i e rejlil i al ur oolll 44► --. t I i pil moßgsciciasne of the extraordi J.T.K effiereptif DR. AL. EVAN'S cekts. ra Ciaintke and Aperient' Antibilions Pills in. , Inkling e/Ficiod attank*d. ~, , • .i _ T o James Dickson. 36„ ieonchill: Bohm. Atoll for the sa/etif Dr. Wns4 , lEvandk Camomile rills. ' aramat, 15. 1836. j • Dear Sir-4ttiowiog y mince inate_er a y reference that the aflheied 'ire ofthe dill results of medicinea,t I Cheerfully differ isie maw public, in behalf rtllt. WM . EVANS*: I CAMOMILK FILLEi. 1 have been o kb o t o o g irt I 'the hat ten, years with dietresain the head sad 'Chest: oftetatio.bad as ii ii deprive me of sleep far I three or •fimikniglits in ecelocas., bat_ bore never 1 found relief*, say oft friends' Prescriptions. until my wifirkaw thee veresments in thepaPre, when she persuaded me sender some. whith • I' id, and obtained tw o oo isoes and bottles. athieh repulsed ift:A lement. pktely tutoring, - me to Width, althotighl base out yet entirety finished them. Should you • thia any, benefit Aci your , olf; or the 'public,. lave my *odd par, mission to ebbliab rt. . One% relon.y. Trios_ K. DEICE, Ceintalud.; IIiTERESTING CE .oarkii by '.Dr. WO. 1. Basna's Csmein il e oak, and 'Fancily ,Apisi eat Pills —Mr. BEN T .MIN SOWN. corner of SbiPeen and Georges ts. Philadelphia. aka. ed for seven year. wiextremi nervousness , by which he wiui not ablei to write his name—his oms sympt were,errises , daily spasmodic pains in the head; kit of at ` petite, palpitation of the d m heart, giddiness and - di nets of sight, aster ina bility of engaging in apy thing that demanded vigor or courage, 'Kneen and weakness ex. teme debility, dinar rest. a sense of preasere and weight 'at the . after eating, rest mental lespondeney, flying pains In the ctit baickj and side. - ess, a dislike ftir society and 'leakier** . Mr. EL has made trial lacreti of varied) Medicines dow Defies the public, but t o no effeiet: Until, obsdrvirig in . public paper some cotes :performed hy Dr. William Eyson's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, be was. inditeed to givejhani • trial, of - which he is at any time happy to date that they effectually cured him rif the abnve gieuerrumg disease. ErPersons who doubt the above cure, are most respeetfely%direetedthe above mentioned per son,wel at' the north 1 corner of Mimeo and l, Georgesdreets. - 'BENJAMIN SOWN. Halt, their phis. Philadelphia Oetobe IS, 1837. CONPLA YEARSSTAR D. Mrs.liarinah Browne,' wife ofJoseph.Bnisme. N. Bib street, near Seeded, Williamsburg, afflict ed for tie hut ten yearn with the Liver complaint. completely iestared to health through the treat. anent cd Dr, Wm. Evade Symptoms—Habitual coastipitioe of the boSelis, total loss of appetite. encruchting pain of the epigasti is region, great depression nrspirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, d storbed sleep, inordinate flow oftbs menses, pain in the right aide, andd not fie in het left s without an aggravation of the pan, urine big colored. with other arnP toms inimating great named m the Sine. tions al the liver. hirs.Bic;iiiie was a ded by three of the first physiciron'hut rece but little relief from their medicse, tilt Mr. Browne procured some of Dr. Win. Evanii'a invaluable preparations, which ef fectugy relieved her. of the above distressing mmotals,, with othern, which it is act essential to intitsate., . JOSEPH BROWNE. " City aid County of Neir York, es. Joseph Browne. of Williamsburg. Long ',Lind. being laly sworn, did depose and say that the facti w set forth in the wabittstatement, to which he had subscribed his name. are just and true: JOSEPH BROWNE. Husband of die said Hannah Browne. SWern before me this 4th day of January, 1837. PETER P COMET', Coin. of Deeds. 1 LATERESTING of Terbirealar Cat sawyrioa.--111 r. Jolla Rowel applied an the id day of September et; the office 106 Chatham wareet.lahoring 'Andre the' followmg sympumm— A shalt spitting of blood. distressing ootigh. at tendel with an expectoration of paroled matter, nightsweate, general emaciation, diffienky of breading on exertion, with • well marked beet* flush tn the cheek- On emanation. the eheit wits food to sound Well every wheterestept on. der the tell clavicle. end in the arm pit of. the sainwside. - resitestat —Diredled to take the restorative Camohade Pilo. siih the experseratmg tom pcu4. attbe-stre Liebe an injunetioa, to call in filar Issyr. when the eight sweats had ceased. the estraueetine slightly diminished, asslighs fit es couteliag still reasateing in the morning.. Or dered as usual to fisee the inedieine, and to call la the cootie ofe week—when hie health =attuned rapidly iefFreetiag. without the lewd eon". Called at the afficis -ea the 4th of this • vete convaleatent retorting his slicers • &tribe beeelitr he bad itditildi:iit4 ; • -`• Thketteet t ebiefly need au& MOWS. timid; histreattheat4 ; t - - ASIMMA,THREE YEARS STAXiMNIG. Me Robert Mr..SelisySidi. affricani with 1 the owe dia., r w4 t esslady; Symptom- 7 11mi keogair.fl a t u koryoeistepled reek serum hasiii sebelettalty d i bOtathisir. tightens 'Wiser* tore the nset. disainess. nee** bliss. Witt old mele «mid tee Ms in; al; Mel low " t h ou . ',dojo& the lensaties of limed bat solliostioo,;"pai et tle beertolstra', lei tooirkeosti pain of tirdassonia.al e. oehd d sine*, greet - _.red defacieney eftbnaiste nee sessim Mr. . Atom et* op !every • thoserht ofteenves, Ere ik . spair sales the toonessoos of mem annzedeml * his exist . , =es or bappitrai. tiliby astenisat be sowed is peporealr ears. effected by Di e We. - Oombeise. iv Ms onaphuat. wbidd bids. milli'Ve guebatia peeksie el do Pala. lidl 'Uth reeemeris oeispietoly relooriatevety juiveloi co lie drisosio ik E f : v re is sav Ms ***e in tha difito s o i s as. t thew armed wear the i* Igo w oe + " lesanor to dome Sim whit be is liappinmaytiluswise teed* the timeleratissiMs baselit- - - ; ; _ ES : . • .. ,---- - irstul, Do liPtetlirrali Trills IiaIo w SARAIEf lids or Kr +xi m oot meow afFeeeed week and Samosaittaadelidthi.afiected Oka* sy a bit init,seani ' the Liver Coes 'phi* was comehettfyteleind to beak by. D!.l WAL, B. VABBSCateoeule Tom aid Yam* Amnia* 'Pak flar weeebabitaal.b. etenmpaie is tbe eieseeth.digmeild *db. logroor f extemeasebbibtioroikarbed - RIG. 1111=123 greatpain is her aide, cook, Doi l e ow her „left _sdesithoutan aggravation of pam. diceinem in tits head. dimness of sight, with Ott* simpieuto illdieeting great derangement in the 'functions of thefirer." Mrs. Bretthiser tote Made trial of ea rims medicines new before the ipiablio: but r•- cellied no relief until she was advised to make trial o(Dr. Evans's Pills, of whiCh she is happy toMate that they effectually relieved her of the above' &stressing symptoms, iritit others, which erepot'essential to intintims., Mr t , Breshiser. (husbend of the above WO Brenhiser. had been two years eflicted with a •distpeseed state - les and CosCreenesa, of which he biaseffectually cured. r..tRALvTre affevuxrisat. A perfect cur* efeartel ti the treatment of &- Witham Bums, Mr. 'John Gibson, of N. 4th street, WartazuP l burg, afflicted with the above complaint forAhree years sod nine months, during which time he had tostse crutches. His chiet !symptoms were excruciating pain in all his joints, bat especially an the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles, an ag gravation of the pains towards night; and for the mist 'Pact ail (Mini from external-beat, an obvi ous thickening of the &Iris aoditigamenta, with a complete ions of museibu power. Fur the ben efit at times &Misted in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives - it meet to ay that the pains have entirely ceased, and that his joints have completely recovered their natural, tone, and be feels able to resume his ordinary business. 111TEItESTINC CASE. . • D4'..21A . e " ntai • TACNA. Mr= Aram G. Kenny. No. 115 Louis street, between Stanton and Houston streets, afflicted for ten years with thefollowing &strewing symp tom= Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains . in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation °Me heart, gid diness and dimness of eight, mild not lie on her right side, disturbed rest, otter inability of en. gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage. sometimes a visionary idea of an aggra vation of her disease, a whimsical aversion to particular persons and plices, giomodless appre hensions of personal danger and poverty,an irk someness and weariness of Me, discontented, din. quietude on erery slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die nor live, ske wept, lamented , desponded, and thought she led.% most miserable life, never was one so bad, with frequent mental hallucinations. Mrs. Emmy had .;the advice of several eminent physicians. anithid ‘recousse to numerous medicines, but could not obtain even a temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till. her husband persuaded ler to make trial of my: mode of treatment. She is now quite relieved, and finds herself oat only capable oi attending to bet domestic affairs, but avows that she enjoy. as good health at present as she did at env period of her existence. 3. HEWN., Y. Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny. Sworn beflare me this 14th day of Dee. 1836. Peter Pinckney, Com. of Deeds iLSTRIRA. 5 YEARS STANDLNG. Mr. Charles Hobart, No. lit) Orange street, N. afflicted for five years with. tumoral habitual Asthma. applied at thwarter 100 Chatham street on the det of October, laboring: under the 6ollowv ing avomtarna. A sense of tightness almost the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breatiOng, distressing magi. restrain ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm. distorted rest. the face turbid and of a livid hoe—could not he in • horizontal position without the sensation of immediate suffocation, lanfoor, drowsiness, god dizziness in the had, and lass of appetite. Mr. H. applied to the most eminent phyiimans in this city, likewise used several airier remedies erratical obtaining any permanent benefit, until his frienda , persuaded him to place hi itself under Dt. Evans' treatment. He is now re liefed of his complaint: and exiled at the office yesterday. avowing that he had' not words to ex press his gratitude for the benefit be had receiv ed October 21, 1837. We do hereby' subscribe oarsignatores to the truth alba above corm that the statement is in every respect true. SARAH MENU'S= JOHN STEIF, Biker, No. 11 north grght.S street. Phdada. - Philsdelphis, Oct_ 21m. 183 T. -Dr, WM. EVANS'S Medical Ofßee, for the. ale of his eseeSent Medicine, is at N 0.19, north Eighth stress, Pluisdelpitta. J. T. - WERNER. Sole Agent for Sinfully!kill County. Sold by Port Clinton Foundry FOR SALE WiLL be *sold at ptirate sale, the Foundry pkissantly situated at Port Clintoes,Schory4 kill °Nutty. on err" reasonable terms. This Foundry ia at the commencement of the Little Soboylkill and Susquehanna Ito Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the best situations in the eoontrj to do a large bassi loess For terans,/ke. apply to PARSE& TIERS. Iron Forailiens, Philadelphia. or UMW MYERS; Poet Crestar. 6-63 t joir .The Ii edgy Cakeinentany. ON HE HOLY *ISLE. WW T II the aorta of Heary arid Sera. end above ewe landred ether writers. Yabfialled is Loadaa by the Nagano Tract dimity. nab ed abridged in tue whams. with Naps lad Regrayiads. This ial.sbl. work is pabradred I. parboaSS exists soda. ! Twelve parts be already colaybeed e end oar be albeirnd at the thiscrTheas asekStire fans ealiss drill able -be re, egved. - NANNAN. jses' —2l CALL rAT; THE; 4 Neir Estibiliddisest,/ Groot, of Cairo Ariotliost6et Stsrego; MIRE sobacr&ora -, theyA tbrii trim& and die giabfir. Oset him taken th e Jou& BO & Col, ammo of ignoto, whew thoodosor simeseoit of Dry w hi c h th e y dartionteit tasefi al thsiseity bur mit a i d - HAZZARD & STILMECEL N. All Womb of Canary ?rode= takes at N. Ow - = inlet pows. 4-6 = OR OLD IRLIIMIDY. nii:ZS i3MI err.' •Y-•:t++..re-,vim' =I JENIMICIJI Welber'll deigliaithOiti,:: AT THE OLD. STANAL f . No. 65' NORTH FRONT STREET; - EAST SIDE. - Team Dade* Aims res. Cairu . oilAtCfl Y:. SIIIII.ADELPHIA, • - MANUFACTWRS OF White Led dry - aed vocal in' Oil, S Red Precipt. - Red Lead. , White do- Latour. Vitriol Alb. • Chronic Yellow, Sap. Quinine do Gran-Tam Emetic"? • • do Red - Ether Einlph. , Patent Yellow do Nitric Sugar Lead . 1 • • do Acetic . Lunar_ ssetic • C=l Coen. O do - . ' - Aq. Ferris Acet. ilforpllia :' • ' 5- Miriade Acid Ralph. do ' ,". Rpm= Salts . Lac. Sulphur Tait. Acid ' 'Opi. de Salem , Sep. Carb. Soda Restore Ilifeetal , Correa. Sub. Mere. Erkienwr _. do. -- -1 - ~ Refiners ofChampbor, Sal NionOriessanneMonk Ave. Offer for kale the shrive mentioned anirdes.lo getber with a general assortment or PaininjOns' gis and Dye Stuffs. and every other article in tbecliOn cal sad Medicinal line . Being manufacturers of all the articles eadrierated ceder the above bead, they pledge theniseheito Nip ply tbeiv friends and the public on the most ritillikh ble testis. . .= .. Window and Picture Glass. from 6 8. to 24 310.. Oct 21 WV 4 fe • , REEPECTFULLY announces to Lis fries& : am' and the public in general, that be has again commenced the Coack.Maltiog Business in NW- ' werian Street, three doors behor tbo Arciole'io the borough of Pottsville. where he is ready to manufacture to order all kinds of vehicles at the . shortest notice, of the best materials, and at the lowest rates.. He has also on hand. ready made; . Barouches, Carryalls, Phartans, Chartiotoes. Coachees, Boggles, &e. which he invites the pub. he to call and examine for themselves. The ar,: ticks are all; manufactured under his -personal inspection. and he trill warrant them to be equal to any manufactured:elsewhere. Repairs 3f every'deiscription done at the short est notice. and on the; most reasonable terms. N. B. Coal taken in payment for schiciew. apnl 18 Se 3m •• TAPUYAS ELIXIR • - Fat the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; Diseavered and brought to its greatest perfiectaMs BY MONSIEUR CAA BERT. This is to certify that I bave tried your Tam an Elixir in several cues of Tooth Ache, in which I have certainly found it of very Ereat service, J. B..IIARVEY, Member of the Royal Collegecif Surgeons. London, Sept. 10, 1830. A friend stepped in to say that he had visited the Fire King this morning, and witnessed hii manakins cure of the Tooth Ache. ,Oike Tdtis boy in particular, who looked es enough [plaid a ten penny nail clear off, In ten minutes smiled at the decayed tooth end defied its paim—V. EL Omar. A fresh supply of the above Emir just reeeiv: ed and for sale by B. BAPINAII. Sole Agent for Selotylkillcoanty July 13 New and Elegant Goiodi • Iv• NATTI&NS & Co. have just received anti - 1 1 °offer 2or sale. 6-4 gnash merinos, from 50 to 75 eta per yard Super ?rends do at $1 50 per yard, Tartan, merino, worsted : silk and cotton slam* Red, white, yellow, green and scarlet flannels. Bleached and unbleached Canton flanneli.from 10 to 25 eta per yd. Worsted boas. emnicrta„mtps, childnen's bole. Winter prints..glores, &e &e • . - Cotton bata and wadding .I'6l per shed % dee 3 2 FOHE aubscriber to just received 8.11111 Mica -•• far sale 4 keyed German Flutes. phis. Octave Flutes, aaranzets. Fbgeolets, Fifes. Irian BridgeN Pis,. itrings and Boaii Clarianet Reeds, Guitar Strings, lirnan Bows—ectra He nesptetfully invites the pub& IS dB ana his stock. cota7 5, tale ()talent BOOkli ICSUSi.GUIDE. Kay ID Paradise, ,True Psay, CC Piety Dana Nor Man% CaUxhizaa Small Codedman. Just nteeiand and fia. ask. Dee 23 56.000 3 254 I I do •I 111 - *skalds `sr psi* s abipt A ba ir ,gali*bi S. d MM . anit . • - • .. .7. }=ised Ref jgrarib timber% modleriiii dpi t .: • • . BAICL•.a ..:dam . sber occupied by and. Market fi ebeice VEMNmaik litetail • - FIKKA4XII-it. totreepee 'touted= to their exteagril 88 " 3 ". 0111. DRY 1200M4 !Nape Soirrrier Blue aid Ali* sigiezior Caney colciered au aiew atipiiir. wo k . • eiimeres, aaptiartft• sad dans. 4e. • , F. 318 ; .It4=;' queen Victoila Aldine p.t :l l Left:t it le's tr o limras auisF t AlMZAitp&srlii - Aprd It Ift* r. NO.- 42... i , Philip Holey CO ACHMAKER. JOHN S. C. 3IARTIN. . 34- . ~ il Beats Ow Sale. Cirri . Skw' =I ING i se