The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 30, 1838, Image 4
. - II N MEE! r~3'~s ~ ,~'i~c • . - 44 - CROTrrimog or .THV OPc i P • The People of the Ciittutionwesith of ' 91s ordain indlts*blith this Coustitut eermstent. thus S. The legiilatisklower of this tisinS. shall be vested: At st 4 Generar shall consist of a Senate and House of Rept.- rives. o U. The representatives shall , be ehollen''. ally by the eitiiens of the city of Philadelphia of each ecutaity respectively on the second The*- . action October. • action ru. No perion'sball be a reprentutatiee *ill not have attained the a g e . Of tweet y -one. i sad have beasts citizen and inhabitant of the • three:years next preceding his election, and the year thereof an inhabitant of the district in and icletieahall becbosen a representative, unless hail-have been absent on the public business of. . UniteAStatea or of this State.. : . - - don IV. Within thnie years after the last • tang of the General Assembly, and within every • .nent term of seven yaws, an enuareintitat of taxable inhabitants shall be made in gush MM. as *all be directed by law. The ameba of reseatellvita shall, at the several periodslpf mat sudisentmsetatice,te fated by the iLespilatnre, iippOittiens;Asennutt the pity of Philadelphia and nivetriT , Ccionties, according to the nthribeeof • le intittfiteisti in each: and shall never be less n 'sixty nee greater than one hundred. !Eaclil .ty shall have at least one representative, but no nty hereafter erectedahall be entitled to a sepa- e representation until a sufficient number of tax-I , e inhabitants' shall be . contained within it, to' ;de. them to one representative agreeably to jite • • which shall then be established. tion V. The senators shall be chosen for three) by, the citizens. of Philadelphia' and of thej eral aninties at the same time,in the some m r, and at the same places where they shall v reciresentetives. Section VI. The number of Senatots,shall, at venal periods of. making the enumerati p n beta ntioned, be fixed by the Legislature and appo .ed among the' districts formed as Iterethafte rectal, according to the number Of taxable inhab r afts in each; and shall never be less than one. r urth, nor greater than one-third;of the number 4 presentative'. i . I Section VII. The senators shall be, choisen in di'}. lets, to be formed by the legislature; but no di* let shall .be to formed as to entitle it to. elect mime ,n two senators, unless the number of taxable-sin s in any eityor county shall, at any time., such as to entitle it to elect more than two, but no ity or county shill be entitled to elect mare than our senators ; when a district shall be composed . •' two or more counties, they shall be adjoinin;; either the city of Philadelphia nor any ;suety sh t . I divided in forming a district. Section VIII. No person shall be, a senator, who 1 hall not haveattained the age of twierity-five years. , nd have been a citizen and mhatittant of the 4. , e.' our years next before his, election; and they last r , thereof kn inhabitant of the district -for which C ti i 1 hall be chosen, unless he shall have been absent i m , the public business of the United States or of this ,State; person elected as aforesaid, shaft held said ojice after he shall have removed /rein such tract.. Section elected Section IX. The senators who may be sjat • the fi rst general election after Me adoption of the amendments to the constitution, shall be divided Iby I lot intalkree rksitses. The seats of. the samaras of the first class shall be. vacated at the rsrpiration of the first year; qj the second class at the &viral* af the second year ; and of the third class at the Oration of Melhird year; so that thereafter o third of whole number of senators may be c , every year. The senators elected before-Me amend meets to the amstitution shall be adopted, shall hid , their offices during the terms for which they s . respeetitety have been elected. - , Section X. The General Assembly shall meet' . the first Tuesday of January, in every year, on sooner convened by the. Governor. . Section XL Each house shall Chaos* its S. er and other officers; and the Senate shall also c . • ' a Speaker pro tempore; when' the Speaker shall - ereise the office of Governor. ' ii ' .; • Section XII Each house shall puke of the quail- Stations of its members. Contested elections shall be doterinined by a committee to he selt4ted„ formed and regulated in such manner as shall he directed by . law. A majority of each house shall constitute a? quorum to do business; but a smaller number may. adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by law to compel the attendance of absent members,in sorb manner and- under such penalties ias May be provided. . . • , • Section XIII. Each house may determines the rules of its proceedings, punish its membtrit -fin' disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrent* of two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second time for the same causes and shalthase all other pottier, • necessary for a branch of the legislature of a free ,; State. . Section XIV. Thelegislature shall notlarepoicer to ewe? lairs annulling the rontrad of marriage in any ease where, by law, the .couris of this Comm:M. wealth are or may hereafter be empowered to deem a divorce. Section XV. Each house shall •keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish them weekly, eircept such parts 4 may require secrecy: and the yeas and nays Of the members on any question shill- at the desire of any two of them, be- entered at the journals. ' ' • Section XVI. The doors,-of each. house bad of committees of the whole shall be open, Unless, when the business shall be such as ought to tit , secret. Section xvn.'Neither house shall, withatt the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, any other place than that in width the two houses shill be sifting- ' ' Section XVIII. The Senatortnoti . ,reguesenlatives shall receive a compensation for their seii.icep to be ascertained by law, and paikont of the -treeing of the ComMonwealth. They (hall in all Casa, ex cept tr eason ,-. felony and : breach or stunt* kf.the peate,- be privileged- frire arrest doting. their at tendance at the session of; their teseketivisbormes, going to and returning.from the same; Alid for any speech or debyte in either hodse;tlisti shall not b questioned In-any other plate. ' ktectkni XIX. 'No 'Senator or remesentitivd shall, &Mfg the time for inhicklig shall 1 hate tweiretect ed, appointed' to.nnywifil o ff ice. a lt this Com monweath which shall have been treated, or the omolunients of which shall have been increased dfirintiNnel, time r and no „member cif Otti*oss or other -persoitOolding any Mike (except oP attorney atAin , tad In, the militia) under ItheiNitt; risAiris Commonwealth, shall bi a memo's either 4inse durg his continuance its Congiesi ur • " XL 4 When vaisncies - happen in either' btreife, the Speaker shall issue writes(' election to 'fill such, vacancies. Seetihn XXI. All bills for raising revenue-shall origlll2Trin the house of terinisentitivenObot-the geote'llay,Socasoirnendenetitina paths* bins, Erection XMI. No money. shall be drawn from the treasury but in - coiiseqiiiniii - et appropriations titiedelfhwif' • . • < . - Seedier:lll4M • 'Hier" , bill whicb. ;shell have passed both tireseltkvl thejle.a accept. ,U be•approvre* ideal sigeltOut if he shall net ,approve be, shall riquim °Net: twos,to the:bowie which it-shall have 90gipatitils wibtlilall..VOter the obkrojetiLcirfLame a their journals teal- proctidr to seetonaTh._ t r such re-c'bbilllfratiotr i tvoks-thtidshf ti. shall berS4nt with the oh /NI URCilibt."B MANUAL. and ssu i just received and Arc vale bv april 4 !' ~ .. MIS • O . . a, -I of the • highest number votes shall be Governer, But if two or More shall be equal and hi,whest,' in votes, one of them shall be chosen Goverqbx by"tbei joint vote .9f the members of- both bowies. Con-I tested electibasl shall be determined bymalternittee l 'to be selected * firms both houses of the-legisiatare„l • 'and formed arid regulated in such manner as shall- - 'be directed by aw. Sectiin Ht. The , Governor shall • hold his office during. thres years from the third Tuesday pf Janu ary next ol ing,it longer enslutg his election , and shall not; capable of hbe than six in any term of nine yedra. ' Section IV. He shall be at least thirty years of age, and hairs been a citizen and an inhabitant of this State Seven years next before hit election 1 : unless he Shall Wave been absent on the public business of the Übited States or of this State. Section 11. , ioi member of Congress or person holding any- offi under the United States or' this State shall exert". the office of Governer. Section Vd..,T. Governor shall at stated times receive foX Ills se "ces a compensation. which, Shalt be neither, incr. , nor diminished dutingl the. period for *WO e shall have been elected., Section VII: e. shall, be commander-in-chief of the army 'midi na of this Commonwealth, and of the-militia, ex- t when they. shall be . eaUerLinto. the actualiserly - - of the United States., Section I ,',HL a shall appoint a Secretary of Ike Conarnontreath 'rig pleasure, end he Shall nomi nate and to 04 ith the advice and consent re the Senate Appoint , 1 judicial officers of taut,: of record, unless oh fee provided for in this - Gonsti- I Sutton. lie sh , i have penrer to fill alt nacanCies that may happen in such judicial offices during the recess of the ' e, by granting commissions which shall expire at t end of their next session: Pro vided, thdt in • ing ina ereeistiVe nominations the - Senate sh . oll sit . ith open doors . , and in confirming or rejecting .1 nominations of the Governor . , the rote 1 - by yeas and nays: 1 Sectionlr. • e shall have power to remit. finer sod (oriel ure4,l and grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment. • Section X. Hp may require information its *Siting, from the :Officers in the executive detainment upon my snbjedt relating to the duties of their tspcc live offices. Section XL He shall, from, time to time, give - to 'be Generalssembly information 'of the stati;of the Comnto a,hh, and recommend t o theit n .. ..deration at It Measoiea ae he Than expedient judge e f e Section X I. lie may, 4n extraordinary occasions, -onset* 'the General Assembly ; and in cane uf, , lisagteet . hen; t between the two houses, with r respect to thd tune of adj..umment, adjourn them to such , rne Pak llit shall think proper, not exceedipg four months. f ' . •- . . sectiT XIII Ile shall take care.,,that the laws oe faith oily exec-pled. s",etkso 'XIV. In VIAe of the death nr ~...i.„,„,„, 4 . of the ,vernor, orof hi" removal from office, the Speaks of the Senate shall ekereise the office of Govern r, until another Governor shall be duly qtrali 4 but is suck ease another &rumor that, be rhos n'est the nest rinanai election of representa tives,to ass such death, retignatiot - or removal, shall ' within three calendar nmeks immedi ately ' fag such nest animal election, , in Which case a gove rnor shall be Chosen at the second rut ceedin imams! ite 4 tion Of 'representatives! • And if 'the • of a contested election shall continue" longer, than until the third Monday of January next e suing the. election of Governor the Governor of the hat year, or the Strealterof the Senate who may •its the exerchie Of 'the executive - snithdrity, shall Minim therein instil the detortnlnation •of snob ' tel election; and untit,a Governor shall bevial Valifsed - as aforeasid. - -,. , See on ILV.,The•Secretary of the Goseamwmalth shall Itesp a fair register of all the, official acts and a lio proce pof the Govenvir, and that, wimp re q ' .lap the same ind all mess, minutes and vouch re'relifitie thereto; before either branch of the' le lature, Mid 'ball tie/forth such other duties ass ' be enjoined Melly liw: , ~-: f . . . ... ~ Aienci t E. m. • . . s-. 1. Its elections by the citivrowevery: white 1 1 f: ff the age sr twenty-one years .haring re-. „mt) sidet .i n, th . ft state one year, and in therilection dis trict er e : he offers to vote, ten dais bronedia trin . . suok election, and within twoorina paid (14. or, Cinattif tax, Oa& mar AMIN bens, as ' at least„ten days bto re the elections, shah enjoy the rioihtilf r iii=edector. , "llizt stearin, i t Me United Statilicho had pretdordy been ragnalttled Mater of this Ittatir, and reincroedlherefrom and ref:tamed, aid !MX Oat election. district, mast paid' ark ai aformea, shall be tatitkd toliott, ajtee: t • in the state six monilis. Provide!, that white fryentsn,-citissens Av Lk' (Ailed States, bettaisi the agatW,tweedy-imealsd StaxistAptwo years, and Am. lng, resided in the State bas year, and is the election district ten days' as aforesaa,. shaft Ds:entitled .to tote, although they shalt not hesie paid tares. Section 11, All eleetioini draft tit :Ili:Ulla., ex cept those by persons ie their reptesentaiive care cities, who shall vote viva Voce, - ^ • • &rue" EIL-Eteeisire tibell id ; ell eased, jezeekt • tteetalattoily, and Meath' or Ruse of the peace, be privileged from Wrest, during 'their attendance ' on elections, and in going tar and retuning from them ; .r, als ana B. BA NNAN - 2,5 Seition tr The .geeee'of lteptesentetivea shall have the'sote power of impeaching. ; _ Section IL All impeachments ihaU-be. tried by the {Senate; islfdtY foliAthittiMittosei`the Senators shall be Upon cantor affirmation. No per non "ball be convicted 'without the ennaltvenne of twci-thinis of the inembirt ¢raitfL" Nectionlll. tovernorZ•iind other civil pflieenforideribis•Commilosseakb, WWI be HAW to' implachmetit for any enisdemeatunir in. office.; but judgment, in such. easesiaball. noVaktend further - than to remodel from office, sod. disquallSialintito. 60 111- 1 4 1 Y-Mlke.Af h9innirs ullft 1E1 6 7 , 1 0/ 41. 11 4 . - !• 01 1„uficV90. 441 I 4-he Oults,whetinuCtonirkteol • • 7 = - :114,100111T0W 164iitiv -= S 1 ietm ivell and for sale a supply_o4 - and Tow Lines. • HAZZARD & STuAUCIEL MZ=ll 'l,- ~,_, , .. : • • :Milled:YE:: ~ $ a iteeltin i Tii jodiehti. powe r : et: Nits . - Width - shall bet Tested in a Sam* ,Cneirt, in Courts of Ayer and Text finer end:=.l4ll Di -livery, ein Court of Carron Pisesii ' so Reigister l i Court, and n-Venuf.nt ;lusher . sis *Clio* Peace, for each esunty . iin Jost:ices the P,eace;and in sack epee tatirta es ale • 'tore 1 iply from tins to time eetilaish. .-"r ,; ' i Section 11. 111/ fidget 0 the Eitiprese C ;ge -1 4i r sereral Ceurtetqf Diennen Reek and , suck • Collft. if Record ak are or shall ie wt ' irked -4./sto, shallee iiinaMilftell the ',G 4 .otrworr 4 - end with Ili' i...iiint 4.- the . Senile - Oppeint out Lisionetbsfikitn. - The . jufigeilif the. 8 mss'Shall hold their ekes for the : era e sea ifthey shall so hiskq helm* midi. presidesejedges qtAlte genera Conde ef leas and grata& other Courts'of Rice* , taws or OW be established by law , sad a ll -aUser jades rer. , 4 , 6*.a tohe learned in the lab% dial haft t offices for the teTMef tea years (f they dal beh ave - ex Wett;' TAi Asimiatejmkis I courts i re, "fleeCesunintiPkiss shall bad their offices or t term , rare if their shall so long behave t tit. Bu t foe -any reasonable tame which B,4aitunt ' ssithclesa-ground of. aryteseltment, the 0 enter , 'ilarramme any of then antheeddratal tie irds letiaektiiine* of the ingistelare. The - 'tit the Th'spi ems ..Annt, and the peel/lents ..the several Costrts ee .Conetwe fleagshali ate:tided t' receive for 'their :MO*. an'atkqual carapnuati4n to be tfiza by tate; which shall not he distends/led I , l ditring their contiristance in oihee, but IL* shall mein , no o; or perquisites of °jinx, nor hiaill any other *re ' f Ovid under this( osonnonweaiti.l • ' , • 'Section tit. Until otheruria e dirMiet by fate, the Courts of Cowan Pleas shalt continue as at present 7Lbilsked, ,Net more thanfumcmistties !hal at any tirise Or " " " " '-.4 dist ---- • Section VI. The Supreme . -.. .... the rev.. courts of common pleas, shall, beside the powPrs' heretofore usually .exe,cised by them, - have the power of a court of Chancery, so far as relates to the perpetuating of ,testimony. • the obtdining of evidence from places nut within the Stare, and the care of the persons and r.statettuf Moses who are non compotes mods. And the legislature shall vest in the said aunts such other powers to grant relief in equity, as shall be found necessary : and May, from time to time, enlarge or dimitlish those jwers or vest them insucb other courts as!they shall udge proper, for the due administration of justice. Section VII. The judges of the cortit of common pleas ofeach county, any two of whom 'shall be a quorum ahall compose the court of Quarter Se.- ',ions of the peace, and orphans 4 court thereof 1 and the negi rof wills, together with the said judges, or any two of them, shall compose the' register's court of each county. ' Section VIII. 'The judges elite courts rd common pleas shall, within that re:quake counties, have 1 the likei powers with the judges of the Supreise Court, to Issue writs of pertioran to the justices of . the peace, and to 4:1010 their, proceedings to be broughti.before them, amid the like right and justice to be dune. Section IX. The4resident of the court in each circuit vrithin such circuit, and the judges of the court of common 'plias within their' respective gonna* shall be justices of the peas* so far as relates to criminal matters.: Sectirm X. A regis . ter's 0.., , foi the probate of willrand granting letters of administration, and an! office for the recording of deeds, shall be kept MI each eunty. Section Xl. The style of all precuts shall bej " The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." AU prose cutions shall be carried on in the name and by thei ' authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania{ . and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the same."--- ARTICLE VI. Section I. Sheriffs and coroners shall, at the times Land places of election of representatives, be choset by the citizens of each count,y. One person shalt be chosen for each office.niho shall be townie. sinned - by the Governor: They shall hold their officer for three years, if they shear* long behave themselves' well, and until a successor be duly qualified; but no person shall be twice chosen or appointed sheri ff , in say tame six years. Vacan cies in' either of the said offices shall, be filled by aswappointment, to be made by theGovemor, to conttpue until the next general election, sod until a successor shall be chosen and qualified as afore : said. , shallfled tion ekci.theva llL igruesdiono Tlw f eack freern eouniof elo wid i r ;thi .aniries.tke s commonwealth . shall be ittaber ann eerni zi d , b or .ffi g en ani for zed oshree i . r i n i d e d Guiernor iseinli i i ths. . f s br Themshail lu defence, when and is surd manner as may be directed by taw: 'Those who arnseiefitiously scruple to bear arms, shall not be compelled) to do so, but shall 1 4 an equivalent for personal service. - Section M. Prodionotaries of !he Supreme ,Corot' sha ll be appointed by. the and Court for the terns of three _years ifthey en long ~• raw dial:elves toed. Prot and and dents of the several other warts; .tf deeds, and Re gielers of wills, sha ll at times and places of election of representatives, be eketea by the quad. I to behave loess well, arid W their - shall, be - dr* pilaf val.', Vie !tisk. I , shalt provide by &small! number of persons in . , \ anudy who, sha ll hold said offices, and - . many and which-eland offiew sha ll 4e held 1 by person. -Yrreanakt en any of the add of. shall be fi lled by apPunntosents t& be none atGovernor, to eontukue-until the neat gene _ Weetion, and • Wall itieeessers ilia be leTeded grfified as aforesaid ..- • 1 IV. Prothenotssies, clerk*. of the peace. and orphans' annts,mcordem of deeds, registers of wt Is, and shed*, shall u rp Mei! offices ;kr the ty, town of_thaeoun in,,which they, reaped tiY. shill blinllicers, less whets the Governor , for special Masons; ortipenso theseWitb, for an terin not 4i:weeding Nit years after the county s I hue been erected: ' ' ' 1 thin V. MI courzniesions shall be in the name by the antleirity4 the Conlmonerealth of 'Penn sY rands, and be stilled with the State geld, and sign ed by the Governor. ' SeethesVl: A - State Treasurer Oa annually, by joint vote "of both breaker if tie legis- SIM • ' gediOn ViL,' , ./iistitee of the pinee or aldermen . _ ~h e'eleded in the several varde,. boroughs,: , ksanakiya id tke lipse of tliO eketwn of e c no • ks. by the , - essiditied voters *rad . ; m week: n ritheilio ehallhededr s y . kgw , end she ll be - - " " .Ifilie-Orkernor for a term of g se , t teroned 1 :, 'Usere=" biabt4 i ' bu Lars' L 1 7 ilie l ltunt of - jtilisiaci i.will' :lt oust 'llit pra peace 'knnig sof ar ju ig ubler: bielteleiMitkin*ai - DaMskip, atard Sr 100- Se'attar l i r riL 4 44 . 0 . idtode-eie**l,l9): , : iimbotiglikia. provOidfdri4 WitonsPifitt" , bkribladdilite4ppihinted , , arena beekteektd. Principee and Do V' i 1 I it- Iby fell 3 MILLER & HAGGERTY. 11Z2EI /ant • Ws ne4 ‘4.0 1 , 1 4 reet (Pen r -vtaletsvip• hats • when,, kifteted Bijitats o the nty o!Leiiintissi - ortohiek athstil haw s been akew . Wind* from thus state, or o`siy - i's' pi - ate?iiivtg any (Ow or oPP O2 Pt& of iris! 9r„ Profit "der: (Ow states, utile ri n* litisasehf* eisreise any - dice in Mit kart,' .suliotei tab:skis Or fen•l7l pt i vira onnwsed; and jise-'ftids• by kw What StaleAffseesese in einii No of the Senatesrof the laisitofre pres en 210 e elthattielsppointed by the Gone nor, to arty *es clarinythetensfor solids, he shall hsiue.tiendeded Section IL 414 filpers for isms of years tuff hob' Mar offices for the terms respedivdy. spertfted, oral owthe condition thit (hey so long Wme thesulehyes ivdl and shall be-removed on conviction-it Wisbehasiour inefee or ofitny famous coins& • Section At* person who t shaM after the adoption of- trio amendments proposed. try this Contention to th e Con/Ms:ion; *Ara duel or send a elialle49:fcir that pospiiw,'ar be rider or abdtor in duel, drag be deprieedof the right of/Sating any offsee of honour or in this State, shone punsaled:othendse in *do maw* as or may be prescribed faros but Me smut' spay rant the said offence and all its dis' quail , = - ' 1 ARTICLE VII. . Section I. Thu legislature sball, as socM se con veniently may loo,provide by law, for the establish ment of schools througboat the State, in sucb manner that tbe 4 poor may be -ht gratis. Section 11. The arts• sad sciences shall be pro moted in onelor More 'Seminaries of learning. Section lit. - Tire rights, privileges, immunities and estates at litigious societies and corporate bo dies, shall remain as if tbeconstitation of this State bad not been altered Or amended. Section N. 7s2.k . gisistuie gait INg instil any earpolvde bodyier individual with the .privilege of lakitaki ng Privgfle ProPerty for eh& use., without equiring-suehliarporation or nutividual to matte eampentaan /o the owners said property, or glee adequate 'security therefor, hefare euth Po !Arty shall he lakes. . ARTICLE VIII. , Members of the General Assembly, and all WS. eeni, executive and judiciaL shall be bound by oath or affirmation, !to support the constitution of this Commonwealth! and to perform the duties of their . respective lattices - with tide Lay. • ARTICLE IX. That The genet, great and essential principles of y and free government may be recognised and tmal bly es lisped, WE . DECLARE, THAT Secti L Ali men are born equally free and in dependen nd have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, am... *hid; are' those of enjoying and de fending life d liberty, of acquiring, possessing and pro *dug rty and reputation, and of pur suing theit owe ha neaa. Section 11 . All er is inherent ,in the people, and all free governme are fouisied . on their au thority, arid ithrtituted their peace, safety and happiness ; For the " ent Of these, end's, they have, at all Hinman mat* le- and indefeasible right to alter, reforin or ,abolish eir governthent, in such manner as they may think p r. Section 111. All men have a natu I and indefea- Bible right to Iworship Almighty Gol,lecording to the dictates at their own coniciences ; man can, of right, be cempeljed to attend„ erect, o - support 1\ any place of ! orsldp, or to maintain any 'miry 'pilot his consent ; no human authority.can, ' any ease whatever, control or interfere with the rig is of conscience; and no preference shall ever 14 given, by la*, to 'any religious establishments or modes of wonithip. • ~. -Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be ing of a God end a future state of rewards and pu nishments, Wall on account of his religious l min moots be disepralified to bold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth. Section V. Erections shall be free and equal. '.l ;Section VL, Trial by jury shall be as heretofore,' and the right.thereof remain inviolate. -- Section VII: The printing presses shall be free to every personiwho undertakes to examine the pro eeedings of the legisliture, or any branch of go sediment r And no law shall ever be made to re strain the right theireof, The free communicatian of thoughts end opinions is one of the ineiduabie rights of man; and - every citizen may freely speak,. write - dud print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions for the publication of papers investigating the official conduct of afficess,or men in a public capacity, or where the Matter published is proper for public in formation, the truth thereof may be given in evi. deuce r And in all indictments for libels the rod • shall have a right to determine the law and the facts * under the direction of the court,- as in other cases. (- Section VIII. The people shall be secure hi 'Melt persons, hocees, papers and possessions, from miners. sonable-searches and seizures: And no warrant to search any place, Or to seize any person or thinp, shall issue,, withal &Scribing them as- nearly as may be, nor without pzobable cause supported by oath or atfirination. Section I,A. In all criminal prosecutions, the ad vised bath I right to be heard by himself and his counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the en etrsation against him, tonieet the witnesses face to face, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit - nesse, in his favour, and, in prosecutions by Wild nient or information, a speedy public trial, by en impartial jery, of the vicinage 1 - be cannot be com pelled to give evidence agauist himself, nor can be be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless. by the judgment of his peers or the law of the land. • ‘,"' ---: ' - • , Section X. No, person shall,. for any indictable offence, be proceeded against criminally by inforia don, except in cases arising in the rend or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual servitere time .... of war or piddle danger or by leave of the court, for oppresaion and misdemeanour in office. No person shall, for the same offence, be twice - put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall any men's pro perty be Wren-or applied to public use, without th e consent of his representatives, and without just 'compensation being made. Section leL-All courts shall be open, and every man for eft-injury done him in his lands, goods, per son or rPPretion, shall hate remedy' by the due • course o f law, end right and justice administered, without sale, denial or delay. Suits may be-brought Bengt the-Commonwealth in such mannet, in. such courts, and in such eases as the Segialature may by law direct. ~ . , • . • Section N.TI. No-power of togrendnig laws shall. be - exercised, unless by the legislature, or its :au thority. - • . Section XIII. Excessive bail shall not be' . re quired, nor excessiye fines bripOsed, nor 'cruet , me itiabments.indicred• Section XPI. All prisoners shall be bailable by 'sufficient sureties, unless for capital inferno* When 'the proof is evident or presumption great winder' -Privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be 'suspended, unless when, in eases of rebellion id in vasion, the public safety may require it. , - Section XV. No commission of Oier end Temiiner , atjal" 1 delivelysballtreaseued, • 1- , Section JEVI. The, meson itif, a debtor, where there ioji e riot swine PresuMptionpf fraud, shall not benen ned it prison, after deliverhig tip his elate for th e neat' of hirereditersilir Brink manner-ass shall bre prescribed by fliW* -- . - ---. r ~,,),- Section XVIL NO errieVr: ,rele, - ,lirer,"nor any law impairing contracts shall-be ftidie 1. . . • Scetice . XVlll. No:VietilWiludeberisttainted of oi s ikitur trews =or felony biitha. , ,1 • - ; Section xrx. tro st . , ilia Ni . M., corniption ,of bkaid ; nor, except dear ' ':lifetritthe o ff ender, Itirfelbireettestate *.- edinureiweelth y the es. bill of such Porklaire - invibanNieslrer Allei4rtiwn lkirp,„, Pan ,deveend .ot Agit. asArts case . OE, 'nitwit 011.11811 ThiriAby`ljUst. apd.foc -m: cue by- Feb 14 • . 1— L. 1 , niki Merlon s slall Am ; VINO- Miere the iii ap fostibtrie b.* 'reason stizal Weel . l:..lce lkr ~', ..4 .-.t- - Section XX. - The dtigens Isainii 44,1 i lkim;.; 4 able manner, to assmilibiiiipther' their minion 1 loodslii 4 NoilllPPly taithoseelassitek th 'lmpairer* of reerinSeellt for redress of 'pie cm, or other *et 1 011 /1 060 04 Petidans., Or. remote. alum -_ -; . Section XXI. The right of ii to hear ants, in dedence of themselves end the Stele, shalrnot be Section XXII. No atindiegAiiiiy shall, in time of peace, tie kept ,up willend the isonsentof the Le gislature; and , the nillitiey sloill„ in all cases,_and at 111 tines4e in strict ri 'ia tkis to the Vilfg• Section XXIIL No soldier shall, In time of peice, . 'be quartered in any houie willibut the consent of the owner, nor in' nine of - siari tent its Arnie: to - be presett b! taw. Section . The legislature shalt not gtant any title of nobility or hereditary s distinetion,-nor create any cake the-eppointment to which shill be 431' II longer term than dallies =behaviour, ' Section XXV; Emigration the State shall not hi prishibitett. Section XXVI. To guard *pink transgressions of the high powers which - we have delegated, WE ' DECLARE, Ilia' every thing in this article is ex cepted out of theogepend powers of governmen t,and 'shall for ever remain inviolate. ~ ARTICLE X. - Any amendment `or amenthaents to this constetu lion may be proposed in the Senate or House of Re presentatives, and if the same shall be,, agreed to by a majority of the members elected toe House, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, wdy the: you end Baas taken , decrees, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall cause the same lobe published three inensths before the • sect election, in at least one newspaper in every county,* which a newspaper shahs published; and if in the legislature next afterwards chosen such pro. . posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to br , a majority of.ilm est bet r It-elected to each house, at, Secretary of the Commonwealth shalt . MUM the sane again to bcpublished in manner i(foresefil, and atch proposed amendment or amendments shall be submitted it) the people in such manner and at such ' lime, at Mud three ninths, - tter being so agreed to by the two houses as the legislature ,skall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such anundnient or amendments by a majority of the qua. lifted voters of this State voting thereon, such amend. emu or amendments shall become a part of qie con. *Mutton ; but no amendment or amendments shalt be submitted to the people oftener than once in Jive Oars i Provided, that if more than one amendment he submitted,' they shad be submitted in such manner and form, that the people may coed for or against each amendment separately and distinctly., 1 SCHEDULE. 1 •I, ; That no inconvenience may arise from the altera tions and amendments in the Constitution of this „Commonwealth, and in older to carry the same into Complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain- Sectioned, That, , I. AU laws of this Cornin t inarealth in force at the time when the said alters ns and amend ments in the said Constitution shall take effect, and 'not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions. prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of Stll ! vidnalt as of bodies corporate, shall continue as if the said alterations and amendments had not. been 'made. . • , Section 11. The alterations and amendmenti intim said Constitution shall take effect from thelustilay ,•of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-ninon , Section 111. The clauses, sections, and articles of. the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall continue to be construed and have effect -as if the said Constitution had not been amended. . Section Is'. The Geitend Asienibly Which shall convene in December, eighteetillthndred and thirty eight, shall continue its session, its heretofore, not withstanding the piovision in the. eleventh section of the first article, and shall kr all timedbe regarded as the drat General Assembly tinder the amended 'Constitution. • .. Section V The Governor who shall be elected in October, ekbtepn hundred end t h irty-eight, shall be inaugurated on the third 'Tuesday in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which time •the present executive term is heteby extended. Section VI. The commissions of the judges of the Supreme Court, who may be in office on the first day of January next, shall expire in She following man ner: The commission which beers the earliett date shall expire on the first day of January, Otto Do- Mini one Dimmed eight hundred and forty-two; the commission next dated shdll ex ire on the first day of Jemmy, Anno Domini ode thousand eight Min. Bred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall expire on the first day of /sweaty, Armco Domini one thousand eight hundred and fortyreiVit; the commission next dated shall saire on the first day ,if January, Anno -Dothini one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-one; and the ccanmission last dated shall expire on •the first day of January, Ann° Do - mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.' Section VII The •commissioirs of the President judges of the several judicial' , districts and of the associate law judges of the first judicial district shall ealtiire as follows I -The commission of -one-half of those who shalfhave held theft, offices ten years or more at the adoption of the amendments to the consti tution, drill expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe bruary, one thousand eight hundred end thirty-nine; the commissions, of the other half of dote who shall have held their offices ten yeir* or incire - .at the adop tion of the amendments to the constitution, shall expire on the twenty-wrenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred rod forty-two; the first hall to embrace those whose commissions shall bear the oldest date. The commissions cif, all the remaining judges who shall not have held their offices for ten years at the adoption of the amendments to the con stitution shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February'nexfiftee the' steel' ten' years from the Wel& their commissions. ' Section NHL The Recorders of the Several blayl , 'ors' Count, and other ahninal -courts in this Com monwealth, shall be appointed for the same time,, and in the same manner, is the president judges of the several judicial districts; of those now in office, the commission oldest in date shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, ime thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the others every two years thereafter according to their respective dates. Those oldest in date expiring •fust. Section IX.' The legislature it its first session un der the amended constitution, shall divide the other ' associate judges of the State into four classes. The. commissions of those of the first class shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February; eighteen hundred and forty ; of those of the second class cni the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hum- ' dred and fortywnic of those of the third-class on the twentroeventhlay of February , eighteen hun dred and isrly-tsioa and of thodeof the fourth class en the tOnty-seventh - day of ' Pebinary, eighteen hundred and forty-three. The said classes from the first to the, fourth shall be arranged sccorditir, to the seniority - of the commissions of the several Judges. Section X Prothoninaries, clerks of the several courts (except of the Supreme Court) recorders of ~ deedirnil e i r ziteni of wills; she ll bp fi nit elected under ' the ern Constitution,, st the election ° f mire- - tentative' in the year eighteen bundreliand thirty nine in such manner as may be peset by law. Section XL The appointing power s hall remain as 'beretofore,.and en ohlicerikillthripflointment of the executive department shall continue in the exercise of -the dutinitif, their. respective offices -ulna the legislature - shall 'pais such laws as may be required • by,..the eighth section of the sixth article of the amended Constitntionondotntil appoinntients shall be madenvidetefichlavis i imleis - thelf coomnissions Ishall -be superseded by-new appointments, or. shall; sooner expire: by' heir own limitations, or the-said ofticeitsball-bettome sacanthy death or xesigixstioni ands e 4 laws shell be ,enacted by... the, firq z jegiiiii, [ aliklindies , Amende4 Clutt4tk.uu •• . -.• bid`, ~.„..,,,tron XI The., tuoset &in Id altie - m* ,justices la' . Peace Shag ee haling ifielniiiiW4i fen' bundred4forty,"it tee, Jinice fi zel far election of Des.- "Tber legillatiltii ;et :RCA*. ~ . .... .iiri • A vt.- ,as 4..1.,..4 - et 'X - - 14.47: : w i1e***44,44404a440A--sztat. - : e ' • e 5,, , 41, • il tk .uearD.EIIIIIMS 31 a this offiimit - t,V t. ;$•_14.,4?, , ,t•5t march • 124- ME!ME WI; the said eleethnOnOwt,ftilgrint iiketioas. mks sairtnesimitijiqiiesie now ,in comudiridal wheritsyin th e inn appointed, Ituritexidsliwa thrlisehargaithe their respect:ll4 , olkm, mita Men 'AMC diy whietrshall be fined-loy .hor for the his new ramtnissinair, at the !,mmiratimi of nrbi their amunissioas shaft • Ia testimony that the the i constinitiori of Pemaybreirin, - 114 egret amvention, We the othceineadmember - conrentinalaweberagitwilgaeteur, _ Philadelphia; the tWINIV.IlliCelid ary, Anna Nadal nne thousand eigho and: thirty4ight„ind of the 11)&1 theVnitailltatm siet • - ' 40101 P - Ezra S. Hayinnat; Wih '' Hips ' Able.Melifensteill M. Henderson, :Win. Henderson, Wm. Weiler, High, Jos. 'Hopkinson, John Hon t, Juliet Hyde, Chillies Jared In Phil Jenks, • Geary M. Kelm James Kennedy Aaron Kerr, Jacob Krebs, , •H. G. Long, Haitid - Lyons, Alex. Magee, 4,oet K. Mann, Meredith James Merrill, LOA Merkel, • ViWm .L Muer. Jamey Mon thrislianldeie Wm. Orerheldi Mahn Payne, Matthias Pe ,bins POW, SCl.Median Sirel. A. Purl Etßeiratti A... IL Reid, Hit*, , Ritter 'I ; • 11...0441144 Samuel Royer I James M. Daniel Saeger, ; John Morin , 'Tobias Sellers G. ,Senzer -Gep George Stalk • Thomas H. Geo. Smith, • Wm. Smyth, Joseph Snive l Jno. B. Stern; Jacob Stickle • Ebenezer W. Thomas I` Morgan James Todd, ThorrourWea Jacob B. Wei R. G. White, Geo. W. W R. Young. 'Daniel Ague*, Ayres,_ M. W. Baldwin; • '— Ephraim Banks, John Y. Barclay, • Jacob Bamdolar, Chu. A.; Ilarnilai • Andrew Bedford, • Thos. S. Bell, James Comililliddle, .• -, Lebbentli. Bigelow_ Sarni C. Bonham, alas. Browii;,• Jeremiah Brown, William Brown, " Pierce Dalai , Samuel Carey '' , John Cummin, Thonissl. Cunningham, William Curll, ' Wm. Darlington; „ George Chambers, John Chandler, Jos. R. Chandler, Ch. Chanty e 7, NatFariferaalip, • James Clarke z. • - John Clarke, - William Chr;.= - A. J. Cline,' ' Lindley Coatis, • IL E. Cochiao,;% .Thos. P. Cope s - - Joshua F. Cox, - Walter Oak, ltichd M; Crain - Gem T. Crawford, Cornelius Cruni„.._ Banjo. Martin, John L. knahen, E. T. M.Dcrwelli James APSheuy, Mark Dinah; Hamar Denny, John Dickey, Joshua. Dickerson,. Jacob Jas. Ningxia, J. A:: Donnell, , Joseph M. Doran, James Danlop, ' l'homas•Earle, -D. M. Farrelly, Robt. Walter Forward, John FOnikrod, . Joseph Fty, Jr. '- ,John Fuller, • John A, Gamble . William Giarha ' rt, David Gamine, Granal, William L. Harris, Thomas Hastings, (Attest,)'S SiViCll, Scattily. •G. PAM. Assistant J. WILLIAMS, S SECRZTAR3,'.4 - QPIC_Ei HAaaisnultot FEBEt I certify, that th,e,torioti4 is an - e • ' copy of' ,' thafiastAntlo*cd tho Pennsylvahia us amended by the Cent , thotisand; -, eight himpred and , %. eight," deposited in , ',office bri th • rebreary, 1838 ; thi amesameas be , and the retained pcirtionittif_the, `ion 4:OIiNUI letter: • • I A • 1119. IL sußßottrzs, Bec'y of the Choice iltrineo.and L to:.NAT/IN(' lit -As, le. c • . • . yr AVE on' hand 4;lit following . 2 -Kand Liquors 41d6h• they - War and offer fcir said pa the most la cons' •g of , I . 50 Baskets ChaMpaigne WiriaM ory, Star, Wood Cock• Anchor, G brand!.' .I 0 Baskets S.partl ni White Burg 4 Io do • Okl oek„:. 5 cases ' Old Gra Juice Port, 50 do Medoc OR. !Wien Clare , / Also—a few dosed of the touch . India or Star Madeira, - • ' Old Brown; Gold Mid• Pale Sherry do Madeira, Musititel L • Corral:Oa. Perfect Love, Rose, N setts, Annisseed Cordial., ~ Perfect Love , DRAUGHT.', Modell's, Pale, Brown & Gold fib Teneriffe, Mar. ' Madeint,:klala Dry Malaga, lillescaiel grid Old Champaign .flranoy of the Pinet I Cognac, ..Bordeauq , & Charente NI, Holland Gina of P ne Apple and F • Jam. Spirits, at: !pokey, N. $:1 i t Com. Gin, Cotnß lady &c. ", ' Tavern keepera Dorn th 6 nate are respectfully irivitell to call:' N. B.' Goudadelvered-to any rough or neighborid thsfin tree o' may 2 •• ,tI ! • ' , 4 . . . ~ . . , - -. _Cat t. ,. Oat," NOTICE in heMby givents th of ,the Centre; Turnpike R. , Reading to ilktnbuty, that an Elect I at the.,house of Elizabeth Weitze on the-latilloodap at lone nes houra.cir 10 raid 4,;. o!clockliffor t choosingidlitters for the - enauink lade time the boas and accono t ny *Vibe laid before the 13tockh • • (-- , I MARKE - Mck RAP, ,) O' . M 6.; . 1 -. : .. t i 11Iiti A valauab 7 1 9..0f C LYING and 'ng in the to ' I aegis°. on i s Wear' , ' Branch Rail Roa abitelmtietia j hill' Raven—the ' `is' mit _. / .passing throner- this . .sed. -- Flii .ply to •r. • -:,...,-, t....47-2,-,l:,,Y tr i I amee.iiiii Mail' 'Teas et Oe - Ter 'teas-which tlial ean reeolemeti ‘, andthe.ptiblie. . ' • `"'llnit'2B • .;• ' t iN. • • II 4 11 1110 r. Yin de Grats,W . 30, i t "74-ip e Ot r A t vg d ° yr* ed ton cr, kale " by fs • tnaj 19 38 ' N. NAT, lzm E2l A ME b asge beJ e f 1. , of `l. 4=e, !hr' it=l 17 1:r I . .t. Sturderant • ER :161.1 ; t nd literal +Wei of ii ohe th day of italic, it Conatink! wealth, oars. 1 .14 .14 W. ' t genets ' ble teeffe, or, Hick end other n4y , i k i kated East in bottles, do Fo o, Anal"- r 3, Libra; g 1. 6 , i i nds. - • • a • brands, I 1 • • • • ring twang! . rt of the be: iiagensei. 1 $3- itookboldero I. leading from lire will be held I, .im Sonb o. ~ •, hay e purpeee, - f T At t e i:e cons*. ) *1 PIPMI.I - r rll. • A I, Cie I .414111 ewe. West sch2yl. Cusl Veins Aximitiun ;REED, -Pottsville, ikies -17 4 11 P°rut* o iiiiiirriOds Alined. - olmu b 1 NS t C"O•