. Hotel,Coal Laqdi • • Building Li - AT J^CHU H Poiihae Sirk , to close,. WILL be eqllo et Public . Sal , PAY, thi:.24 of JIM?, IS. in the evening, at the Philadelphi, 4n Carpenters ' Court, Chestnut SideLbetween Third and Foefth Dumber of building lota, coat !anti tel•tid au lots, *haute at Schuyl tog at the junction Of the West an es oft - A Schuylkill, and dt the tel West 'Branch or Mine Hill and * Rail Road, on which oeurly tinejl business of county WI year. The property will be.dold dere now exhibited at the Philadelphia •w consists of '6O Building •Lots on Dock 'tree 30 on Raven street, 40 on Centre Turnpike, the mai vine. A number o£ out lots. from I to A large and well finiebed botp Cached 28 acme of land, and soy. or landings, from 150 to 230 feet in depth, alum occupied u coal 07 The publid is most posirtv the above- property will be sold place above mentioned without Terms st, Bale. N. B. Plana at the Philadeli at the Philadelphia At viparhotela in fiche! Philadelphia. Ma, AC kw lo 15i tl JOHN rrtlAti.F.Spleasure in puhlic, that he coi ,the "Pennsylvania Be his pot reputation fin lishtnent, accrired du in the same line 'of bat may merit a continua, age- JOHN SILVEHht Robert Harmer. of thi Third street, Philade 0 -delicacies which - the - •durnitthe Summer se r - Bill !toast, Beef. cold, Corned do do Fried Ham 4. Eggs,, Green Turtle Soup, Lobsters, . Sardines, Fresh Pickled Batmen, Spiced Oysters, Old Madeira Wine, per bol Old Pale Sherry Wine, do Old Brown do do Old Port do do Old Lisbon do do Champaigne, (Pstmetto) • do London Brown Stout, . do Pepper's, South's & Spellers XX Apartment, are always in readi fames, &c and those who'eall may every attenoon. Pottsville. May. 11. 1838. Pottsville & Ha NEW LINE 0 WAIL COAC THE undersigned respectful public that he has cnmme . Sempweekly hoe of STAGES -t VILLE and HARRISBURG. ."National Hotel." 'in 'Pottsville, and Friday, at 4 o'clock, A. M. Hate's hotel. in Harrisburg, ever' Thuisuiny, at 4 o'clock. A. M. sr evening at the iihice of destitiati , Fare Through. liVay Passengers,' . For.Seato apply at !leaver~ and at liale's hntel In Ilarrishu: 'taken to or from any other stopp A BUM': May lfi. 1838. BOOK-BIND ByNNAN h 9. commen • ery in Connection with h 1 where ull kinds of Books will . 1 shortest moil, at low Blank Rooks of every devcription made to urd ratev—and the trade supplied wh delphia pricer. April I It DIC K'S CELESTIAL SrIEN tory. of Amelia, illostra(ed jest received and for sale by •1 ' • april 14 28 'Notice to Contracting M Y Mines will be let out to LI I to any responsible Miner tan examine the Mines. May 16 37-3 COAL LAN For Sale, pr to be /Lei THAT valuable tract of Land c ton Tract," belonging to 'EI situate on the west Norwegian R north of, and adjoining the Peae ' offered for sale on accommodating Coal Minos will be leased several to an approved tmaio, Apply to • HENRY & Wal april 11 rr4HE subscriber has now on h and StoreboiMe on Centre sireets, a fall assortment of Goode, coal region viz Barr Iron of aborted si •-• 13and and Hoop do 'do Nails and :.pike Rods do do Steel, Round & Square do do Nails and Spikes do do Coal Shovels do do Hardwire, a general mood All of whioh.he is selling at red /an 13 2 7 • New and Splendid THE lodic' of Pcatawille and vi peettlilly invited ',to call and e • splendid assortment of Painted Lawns, Jammetta, Nato, Mad. and White Lawns, • Monslinedelains Lyonansi, Raglan, 'dart and light kid ad!" Wonted, Cotton and Bilk do &Icy Handkerchiefs*, Shawls, Vei Plain and pointed bordered linen! & Caton, bleach i d & nab • do •do Eadirisidered A t Ito store of Itayl9 114iCtit WHORL Dry-Goody , - gs, and rm QUO Corner of Centre and April 8 ON SATUR. at 71 o'dlocli 1 Auctiont dart. 'treat, (Sqiith reels, a large riga, public -hp ill Haven. be- Main branch'''• mination of the • , huylkill Haven iid of the coal done the peat, Teas , 5A CH #35 . 1'43 andl •-"" and black 're 13nuchong, Pb yodel, Old Upson an . . and fbr fate at reduce] bly to a plan Auctioo Marts nOWLETT'S Inte l JRA I I. and for sale by . *an 24 'road to Potts- rrtHE Register of anted to the 4U . nitration on the estate Norwegian tOwnithip. ed: All persons indebt • , are requested to mak.' all those having dial them for iettlement to lay. 2•acrea. to which 'is at. coal wharves ...et. by 80 feet endings. y assured that t the time and it or reserve- j OL BERT Auctioneer. ia! Exchinge, prin. lei. Boots NATHANS* 1 - 11 • assortment of Boots-fitod shoes, which may 19 .Supe (At 'the ioteeit Chip. • 'vim celebrated OldlSttir -a• Burgundy, Old Fort, Lisbon, TeneritTe, Palej Brovin Also—on draught, Olaret, Bp de gravee, and Rhenish wisea o ty, at 50 cta. per gallon, , • ! .1 the under ho :sta pes b years lease. itron- Storekeepers and Tavern Wee plied at wholesale prices, at N. NAT may 26 40, t • Mr. forth I the afford • Claret sitiviel CH an, LAFITTE, an, Vintage 1825, ieceiv d duced price., by MILL, ER may 26 I N 10 , War 235, Noah nit • Str ut , L,,EWIS W. RICHA DS gee A-A his noinerone file de add heretofore patronized t &dab has taken the above till knit I now ready to receive tlieifi wtt be that can beAuwed tt nci h br wants. Philadelphia, April i th, te, 150 • 1 50 1 50 150 1 00 2 00 37 Coal nerehantS, and others, a for Iladt;n 064/ A'ngineer, • HAT he hi COlO • dence in Pottsviße. end satistscierilv exicu he may he favored. : I H. 8. is determined Pottsville and will enable him pullet centlemen engaged ip him. GEM en for Sapper ,zpect to receive EM isburg informs . the d running a ween POTTS ' it leaves the • •ery Tuesday and leases B. • Monday and hung the same Maps handsomely Designs furnished in' es Pennsylvania Halh Ai Wholesale an $350 tel. Potteville, ,g. Paovengers MoUsehole anvils, spvin screw plat... warranted nano dn. hatchets:lmitate i socket and firmer chisels, l', bellows. cot & wro't kits; single. cut and double pla ri locks. latches, hinges a• 'bolts, steel, plated and it .7, 2 places. MERRILL 37 IW. a (took Bind le Book Store, bound at the I f PA the lowest male at Phila• EIZI RY . Crinkshank BANNAN. =I ane by the ton —Contractors ALFRED A'WTON led the "Clin abeth Spohn, it Road, next Mountain, is terms; or the y or together 4 RRIS, et Street. 27—ts at hie Stare d Rail Road Rabic for the ced prices„ AYTON: oily ire res lad a Maid brio•bdkfi d hope, do • BdcCO • "98 N. Nitive ta IntsMa ; t 1 1:4 ch . ! I g ' co hong! iffy. 1 i• p•ri iN. N I put Several small ehes may 2 : tiCc. I : buy pi I i 1 ., er i b ur f n I ' Schu) ik 1 oto Lin ; imm da Itpe s bs i , LIU al 1 =Ei • male they 161 Lanl respe ediy S ad • ence • all bur conOn tv,IOC ells to inin , oohed ry y 1 ril 24,1 Ware spiOLLOCK & WEAV dition to their fortrie Rha at j! stock bf key'd all Stet 11 1 iron a acre NITS oath All of which are offer ng terms WELSH PRIMER "enle whillesale , an april 28 32 just p 1 reta I. Champajg fiII>MPAIGNE W I"' choice brand., vet: 1 charnpaigne,, elm* and wines, Tor sale at mode' MIA april 28 i ESi 0 , 1 cho# r ) palimetti 114 de plie{ 11E E Champai J UST reeeived -and fy Co. 30 baskets of Ka cock end other brandv.. april 14 e salelby N: Nathan' & , Hickory, Star, Wool. Public i ,olice. AS it appears, that be .iuse ME. Crane obtained no patent for erne! cg Iron Ore with An thracite Coal in this COl3 , try, many suppose that i they are now at liberty to a opt the method of smelting Iron ore with nth cite by the ale Of a heated air blast; Oita gh gate notice last year that 1 had a pate' for smelting Iron Ore with Anthracite Coat both by the use of a cold atmospheric and a heated air blast; I Would niiw inform the public again, that n the 14th of Jah: nary, 1838, I received allots frpai the Cc - intuits. sinner of Patentaat Weishinitononatingt "Sir. upon examining the case of r.lCtine's applica tion for a patent for Smeltible Icon by, means of si p Anthracite, I have vitozitne. htiil l atlas interfering with your patent of Dee, 1 , and have given notice to his attorney dr tbield lion." Every attempt to smelt Iron o{it with anthracite by the i use of a heated air bituatilis an f intri gernent open my patent, agai n nst whic b 1 can onomd warn all men; as I shall prosecene every nutiiinguig upon my rights,aconfiling r few } And r k fur ther offer to dispose of Patent tr ighti for thikereet ing of furnaces, according tq ney -patent, Upon very moderate terms. FREDERICK W GEI "EKBII 'NEL; Newlrork, May 16. 838. : -37-1 y - • •Propostili lb CoaL soy , et FALED Proposal 441t1 hi she saber& ''. bey, will bet received at " htlaidelphist Alms House, Bkickley:' untill!the I tit lone next, fur supplying the instituter; ll * Fien hundred tons of white and-ied ' L b wit , 1 . , #beft dolt; slate or any impurity , holed. a_t the Mins House wharf, on the pest Side, the, river Schuylkill by theist day-of Wall- next, , WILLIAM f44OC TON. Steward.' , Applicants will en coisissettleatitips "Proposals for Cirri • 11. ' ;,-, ' 4 Philadelphia, May it ' .deor•aw4l ; ' Zl2llnrorb i reltaalle •-•":". . . ./ 4.- 1 I 7 • i ..•;• - • Ar. JD ....5 .El ,_ , . lined be. up in a eoperior manner for the secom. ' twodationolthe Tnvelling Cotamunity.krailter.t.• hilly, announce to the public that the-line will Orattively comfit/nee runninctetwenn . . POTTSVILLE 4 PRILADE4PIDA. pa Wed aesdag tie std if. Map„and will continue io leave their office at the PeasiThwitia HA Pottsville. daily at 6 o'clock, A. litt cad winos in Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. 111. a therfollowing rates of Fare: • -•, ~ ' -1 -- ' To Orwigeburg, ' . l• - SO 50 • Ponaintort, • 75 '," ' Hamburg, ; 100 Reading, , ••2 00 , Pottstown, Trap, ' 300 . ~ .. t 3 'al Norristown, 4 50 ~ . Philadelphia, ... ... 5 . 00 .. . For Beata apply at the t-ennaprewsta mu, Pottsville; Scree Hotel, Reading; land at their Office, No. 25, North Fourth StrcelsPnllideiPbitt• MINTZER & Co. 4 piastnim. SAM'Ir. OVENSIUNE, Phila. •.: EVANS & CALDWELL, De. . mu 2 i . . Pnprieters. and =MI 1 ' of Fresh G o t! Oat of Ors npeiriter; V e • kfirejtiersect HANS & &O. r family use, '1 i 331 les,ust r • B. BANNA 5 County Entiin Merit ot'Admin . cOrabit,. late Ilt:kmnts,deera I id John.VeGra to payment; an ested to ,preaen ' riber withoutid - KINSLEY. Administrated. 37-6 Eneouragt Home Mamtfactures. oes. r,7 ! on band a la • • 5 , '. and Lad es I sell It a low 38 Confectionary Manufactory. subscriber respectfully announces to the A. public that he has commenced the Mandate: turn df Confectionary in all its various branches. it hill Store in *Centre Street, opposite the tousifille House, where Confedtioners and oth. dm cap always be supplied wholesale and retail, the!lowest Philadelphia cash prices. Country Merchants are respectfully solicited to call and czamine his stock before purchasing elsew bore. u.) i deini f Sparkqn:, k, idockhenner nd Gold Shelly ikh Wines, Vi excellent quali =ME PA.RIPPIL ilk VB. MERCERS 4. TAILORS, (Formerly. Porker & Ilithasnaj fl A.VEzemoved On the opposite side of Centre. Street, • few doors shave Norwegian Street Where, they offer for , sale • select assortment o, Suprrine Broad Cloths and Cassimeres of the Most fashionable colors, with an slegant *Sport. rent of Sommer cloths, Vesting., Linen and Cot. tom Shirts, Collars; Bosoms. Stuck.. Gloves, Sus. pendent, linen and cdtton Hose, and all kinds of Gentlemen's wearing ipparrel, which will .be Made to order in the most approved style as to the workmanship, and .warranted to ft equal to any is the Ctiy or elsewhere. 'ANS . & Co. Centre Sti C. dz. I .ne and St. atilt nd t" , r sale at i• IA( t• ERTYI 40 I. RI% haes eiphiaK qtfu y those who Arne tobni ir n sta d, and !in aver atientiim r th4r cunati;iri P. S. P & Co. keep unhand a n excellent as. .urtrnent of ready...inn* Clothing of all , kinds, it Inch will be sold at Very low rates. pine 17 { 29-Imi ro irietoio trolly in- THE subseribers would respectfully announce to the public, that he has added to his %trace snick. iron and Hardware. consisting. #n part nr American and Engitsh liar Iran. Hoop., and Rand Iron. Round Iron, assiuted Vast. Crawly. *weir-German and English Allister anti A. N. Siert Vices, Mouse hole anvils. Smith's flilintes. I;sisi Steel Inind; chinning and Broad ate., nails and spikes. together with a general assortment or lrnp Mongery; all of *bleb will be stild•at re &iced priers, by JOIIN.CLAYTON. April 22 :t2 /1) •cytt, 4.c. prrmitinent Trio parS W tecroVe too.B l eith Inch ;. his- rewire to h sr srjgemAnt I*flea to, those i ho in 7 employ • ing Boards. do A Rot. t N • worked - flooring boards, plough. ed, tongued ■od grnoved ready for laying, and inches of different quality apd ' prirxe, constantly on handZ and for sale In tout to mit purchasers, upon application by letter to JAMES M. PATtEN, • Planing Machine Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co. or MILLER & HAGGERTY, april 25 dl-11 Pottsville. d Arhiteetatal Ml= U Hard- st redeived is 46- arcl vivre .es. patent polistrd iaxes. &mad axon. & Millis' adios. niteal blacksmith 6 in.rut spikii. d pia esoissurtod round, and square 1!"1 3 mmodai I eb It e i 14i c; l NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT. '• Frederick C. Epting ESPEMTULLY inform, his friends and 1 145 ' the public in general, that he has opened a IEOI ,bakery and Confectionary Establishment ilk 7 srwegiap Street. next door below the Arcade t e „borough of Pottsville, where he will al leep on hand and bake to order all kinds o f Ca iv of every variety of patterns—and where al alwayv be kept on hand, Bread by the Lnaf. of an excellent quality. and of a large size. His Confectionary Comprises.a)arge and gen eral assortment selected with care, and sold at the very loweist /A fates. Ex. E. week also inform families that he is prepOred to bake Family Bread for any number Whit- .refer furnishing their own Flour, at the oho t notice, and on the moat reasonable. terms. an il 91 ' • 30-3 m bhah►od and f r BAIN NAN 1U + the+ followiejie me knigleoeb. .; all toe grape AG by GESTY. 32 II(Wks! very low. - fIBANN AN offers for. nate the following standard wink+ at the lay low prices at Howe, Smollett And Miller's England ' kvols. sheep, wit(' plates _ 00 Clarke's Commentary, 4 vols. sheep, 12 00 Wesley's works,:lo vols. complete, 11 00 Buck's Theological works, 6 vols. sheep, 4OQ Scott's Bible and Ccimmentary, 3 vols. sheep,, 6 00 Byron's- works, Dearborne's Edition; sheep, 4 25 Rollin's Ancient History, 1 vol. * sheep, Dearborne's Edition with Maps and plates, • • Josephus 1 vol. with plates Marryatt's worke complete. 1 vol. Moore's works, Library Edifice Burns works, ' Cowper and Thoinpson's works. Paley's works • •Rurdeies village) Sermons rioddridges Family Expositor, Encyclopedia of Geography. 3 vols. with 1200 cots and 100 Maps, • 10 50 Foe. Book of Martyrs, with Owes. 2 25 McKensies;sooo;Receipts 1 37 Together withja variety ofother Books - at very low rates, to suit the times. july -1 32 , New' Goods. A general asebrunint of frond) and sraeonalrla zz. Uoode,just inceived--coridating in pimp! , Dry Cord% • Giroce . Hard are l , Qom *ware s i . Nadi rel, i , - watt, butt'', &c. *C. which will be said kite for eish. The highest vim gild' in cash for ell kinds dreoaniry iwodiren. 110SEPII 'wqrs 4 SON. Montt Carbon 4 Das' 2 .. 11 Ti , '-' , 111110101SP , " • "i0,f4.0 ' • , , _ _ _ _ JOHN 8. C. MARTIN - 50-. Nv:W 11110 N & Hardware Store. 4... q‘ ---- litalillikeihiiiiolll/1111V --- - i-; 4641,1 44 .11 t 4 ' . .41d, 6 4 1 kiiiit i tilids•' ! "'''. MORE Condor re proofs Of the est , i* ordinary 4 .e.!e. efficacy of pg. WiIL'rEVANI3 celebrated Camomile and Aprient Apt/bilious Pillkin al. leviating afflicted mankicd. •- - To•Jaines Dicksoo, 36; Corribill, Boston, Agent for the tale of Dr. Win. Draftee CarnotnikePiUs., - • •, LOWELL. Nov. Dear Sir -ffruisrinig by_ experiences l i mat:semi -reference that thextfiheted rective•of tiltrbe i' *al reseslttraf medicines. I theirfolly -offer mint the Public in Whiff of DEL WM. EVANS'S Yebloslll4ff PI 1 1 8. I have been afflicted for e last -ten years hie distress hi the head and chest: often 49 ba art :to *pave me of sleep for, three or fair nigkhrioloieereeion, !mt - have never . Anted relief by AnY e f e if nry Mends: prescription, until wife saw advertlementa in lb s paper,. when the penned me to send fn-some, which 1. did. and obtained two boxes and bottles, which reSulted in alm completely 1 naming me to health, ilthouph I aye not yet entirety finished' them Should ye) • consider this any benefit to yourself, or the public, yon have thy cheerful per. mission to publish U. Yours. respectfuny. TINA ff.. GOODEltiff,psmtrielist. INTERESTINEB CASE Cored by Dr. Was.' .11 Beau's Censainita Maio and Family Aperi • I set Pills.-.-11tr. BENJAMIN SOWN, 'corner of Shipped and Georges streets, Pitiladelplits; affect.. l ed for mien years with extreme nervousness, by which he was not xble to write,. his name—his symptonis were, ertwcaticm, daily spasmodic pains in-the head, loss "f appetite, palpitetion of the beast, giddiness andimness of sight, utter ina bility of engaging n gay thing that demanded i i vigor or conrige, slickness and weakness ex. teme debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight at the !stomach after eating. great mental despondenc i y,• severe Eying pains in the chest back and a de, costiveness, a dislike for society and conversation. - Mr. B. has . made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper some cores perforled by Dr. William Evans • Camomile Tonic a d _Family" Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a trial, of which be is at any time happy to state that they effectually. cured him of the ahrive distressing disease. 11:7Tersone who doubt the above cme, are mast respectfully directed to the above mentioned per ion, at the north.irest corner of Shippen and Ccutges streets. : BENJAMIN BOWS. Philadelphia October 26,1837 i LIVER CGLIPLI 1 NT,IO YEARS STAND. LNG. '... Mrs. Hannah ffr;si.-wife V of Joseph Browne, N. 6th street, near econd, Williamsburg. afflict ed for the.last ten years with the Liver complaint, completely restoredin health Through the treat. mint at Dr. Wm. no. Symptoms—lcabitual constipation of the well, totel loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the eifigavtric region. great depriloton or liptritst languor and other at niptoinu of tvrenie debilityt disturbed . !Imp, inordinate ii flow sflhii men.e., sin in the right aide. could lint lie nn het . 611 ede .without an aggravation of the pain, urine lilgh colored.'with other symp toms indicating grint derangement in atm inlay.. lions of the liver. ',,. Mr. groyne wat attended by three of the find phystriana. hot reef tvecrbut little relief Item their medicoie. till Ur. Browne pructqed so oe of Dr Wm. gyans's invalbable preparation*, which of lectnally relieved tier of the above ,tettessih a) toptoms, With oilier,. whtels it is n. t e a .. m tt a , to intimate. i JttriKPll BROWN E. ,.. 1 city and Cunnty ofNew Y. k. se ;11....eu1t IrliownA, o W illiaanibtirg. Lone Island. being daily 11A0111, id dirtswe and say that The fact •as set forth in within statement , to which titW.el he has subed b Loewe. arejust and rtie. E JOSEPH BROWNE. Husband orthe *aid Hannah Browne. "Swcirti before me thib 4th day of January. 1&37. PETER PLNKNEY, Com. of Deeds. INTERESTING 'CASE of Terbeerder Con as Rapti° is.-- Mi. Jtibus Rust el applied on the Ist ' day of September itit the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the following symptomm— .4 slight spitting of blood, distressing cough, at tended with an expectoration of purulent matter, ' night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exerticti, with a well marked hectic flush on the cheek. ; On examination, the chest was found to sound Well every where except un te der the left clavicle ,] an' in the arm pit of the _ same side. Treatetent=-Diree. to take the restorative Camomile Pills, with the expectorating com pound, at the same Cum:6n injunction, to call in four days when the nighttswesta had ceased, the expectoration slightly 6 Willie/led. au light fit nt coughing-sidl remaining in the morning. Or. dered as usual to *atom the medicine, end to eall in the course itia weekn-when his health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough.-- Called at the office on the 4th' of this month, quite conveleircent returning his sincere thanks for the-benefit he had obtained. . The above pad,* chiefly used milk regimen, dude. g is treat meeti ASTHMA sTIIREE YEARS STANDING, Mr. Robert Muerpe, Schuylkill, afflicted With the above distressing malady. Symptoms—great languor. fiateleney, disturbed rest, nervous head ache, difficulty ST breathing : defines, and stric ture across the break, dizziness, nervous Irrita bility and ?estimatve, could not lie in • hod metal position, milkier the sensation of Impend ing suffocation, palpitation of the heart, disuse. log cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, drow siness, emit debility ; arid defic.ieney of the nerv ous energy. - Mr. R. Monro• gave up every .thought of - recovery Ind dire despair •iat on the countenance of every person interested in his exist ence o r h a ppineXa, dilly accident he noticed in a public paper some cures erected by Dr. Wm. Evana's medicine, in his complaint:which hide. red him to purchase • package of the Pillevarbich resulted in completely removing every .symplom of his disease. He teethes to say his motive for this declaration is, tlfat those afflicted With the same or any symPtema similar to those from which he is happily restored. may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit. • ~ 125 2 25 3 25 2 25 2 00 225 2 00 2 00 3 50 LIVER COMPLAINT SIX TEARS • STANDING. MRS. SARAH RRENHISER, wife of Mr Amos Brenhiser. comer of Second street and Germantown Road, Phdadelphia.Sdreeted for the lag six veers with the Liver Complaint. was complatelr restored health by Dr. WM. - R. • ANS`SCamtanile prim and Faintly Aperient Pig s . H e r s ymptoms were babiloal costiveness, exersciating pain iii lio stomach. dePreolOoll of *Pirtle, languor. en me deb' ity.distorbed sleep ! -great pain is her si coo not lie on her lefl side eithout an ‘ a of pain, dialer in the Raid. dimness of 01 MI other er.otteeme indicating vent derangement in the fneetkins of the layer. MO. BrOhiaer has made triatof wi thittemedieinee now before the poblie , ..hol re. ethyl! no relier-until he waslideieed to aisle taf Dr. Reaos s a Pills. of Which shell of testate that their eftet#nally realised her Or the atom iiietsamiagn with Wpm .uthish are atiaserathif is ~~, i Ell owomak a —44ed*Lrich (Iry a te NIS a eared. 012 nuEtplunht. 14 perfect care dreamt_ by thoi l oil tt men/. of. Th. Williams Emu:, i • Mr: John Mem, of N.4thf street, Wilber. berg, afflicted with the above cbmplaint for three gears anti:nine months, duriug which time he bad tousle crutches. His chief eitopbana-were excruciating pain in'all his joiats, but, especially an the hips, shoulder, knees and , ankles. in alt iparation of. the pains towards night; sod for the most part all umes from extmaal heat: an °bin tair thickening of the flora and - ligaments. with I complete law ofmuseular. ironer. • the _hew! efit of those afflicted in a similar manner, .Mr. Gibson conceives It meet to _wiy that the pains have entirely 'ceased, and Un i t his Omit have completely recovered their natural 'lobe and he leebrable to MAIMS Ms ordinary biutiness. lATERESTINO OAS& DYSPEPSIA & Illf pOCTIONDRI A Mal. Mrs. Anne G. Kenny, Igo. 115 Louis street, :between Stanton and Houston 'striate, afflicted for ten yea,' with the following distreninp symp tom's: 'Acid eructation, daily apaamodie pains in the head, ion of appetite. palpitation oldie heart, gid diness and dimness of sight. could not he on her right side. disturbed rest, utter inability of en. 'es - gitig in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sometimes a visionary idea oft II aggra vation of her disease, • whimsical aversion to particular persons and places, groundless appre hensions of personal 'danger and poseity, an irk someness and weasiness of lite, discontented, dig. quietude on every slight occasion, she conceived she could neither die nor live. she wept; lamented desponded, and thought she ledla most miserable lite, never was one so bad, with frequent mental hallucinations. itrs. Ken,.y had the advice of several eminent phySicians, BM/1111d recourse to numerous medicines, but could' not Obtain even a temporary alleviation of her distressing state, till her husband persuaded ;ter to make trial of my mode of treatment. • She is now quite relieved, and finds herself nut only capable of attending' to her domestic sffairs, but avowsthat she enjoys as good health at present as she did at any period of her existence. .1. KENNY. Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny.' Sworn before me this 14th day Of Dt c.' 1836. Peter Pinckney. COM. of Deed., ASTIIII. I k.I3 YEARS STANDING. Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122Driege street...N. Y. afflicted for_fire years with humeral 'habitual Aatheint. applied at• the office 10(i Chatham ',tree, on the At't of 00 1 .ober, laboring tinder the follow ing aytittitomii. ' A reuse of tightness 1111411.11 the cheat, with the greatest difficulty of- breathinE• distressing cough, .genet ally endingovith eoptoue %zpectoration of v iscid phlegm. dialurbed the face turbid and of a livid . hue—eould noChe. ma horizontal . polition withoht the sensation of immediate soffimatron, languor. &mealtime, and dizziness in the head. and of appetite. 11. applied to the most eminent physicians in this city, likewise used several other remedio arirhoot obtaining any permanent bent fit, until his friends perainded-him tovtace.ht nself under Dr. William Evan.' treatment. He is now re lieved of his erimplaim. and called it 11.1 r, of lot. yesterday. avowing that he had not woods to ex press his grumude for the bentfit he had reeetir ed theenhe.• 21, 1837. We do hereby aubocribe rairsienaturee to the truth of the shove cures. that thr onivmrst I. in ,sirery respect true. RARAIi PR VICIIISER JOHN STEIF, Raker, No. 17 'forth Esultt% ptreet..Ptlada. rbiladelahie„ Oct. 214 ; 1 t 0137. Dr. W3l. EVANS'S Medical Office, for the sale of his excellent Ntedicine , Is at N 0.19, north Eighth street, Philadelphia. , Sold by 3. T. I;YERNER. Sole . Aegeot for Schnylkill County, Pert Clinton Foundry FOR SALE WILL be sold at private sale, the Foundry pleasantly situated at Port Clinton,Schuy l. kill county, on very reasonable terms. -This Foundry is at the commencement of the Lit Ale Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail, Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the best sitoationit in the country to do a large busi nest For terms.&c. apply to PARKE& TIERS. Iron Founders, Philadelphia. or ISAAC MYERS, Port Chntori., S-63t july 29 Giment 11.1116.11X117: Valuable Real Properly in Pottsville, .FOR SALE THE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three story ,BRICK STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances shoats in Centre street; Pottsville, tile property of the undersigned. together with nine other tenements in the rear of said hulloing. and the lot of ground whereon the whole stands. The brick building aforesaid, "certain, thirty • feet in front—finished from the basement story to the garret in the best style of workmanship, and bcdh as a business stand and a residedee, is most fa. vourably situated. The folregoing property will be sold on low and accommodating terms. - Part of the purchase money may remain . on the prop. eny for a , few years, it desired. Title mdispota. ble, and possession can be given immediately— apply to 'G. M. JENNINGS. April 22 32—tf Pottsville CALL AT THE New Establishment, ' Cornet' 4 . Centre out Market Streets, Pottsville T QE subscribers respectfblly announce to - their friends -and the publia.getierally. that they have taken the store formerly Occupied .by Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market Vests. where they 'mellow provided with' choice mittrftrot of _Dry Goods, - Grocerieji, Liquors, dre; which they are daterinikedtasell lathe very low. est prices. lIA "WAND & STRAUVEL, N. B. All kinds of Countiy-Troduce taken at the highest market prices. ApritiLl 2-6 PERIOD tLD S'AN t Y. receive. Ark for oak by N. NATLIANS lc Co. april 14 " •25 The liemisfir Cin N ‘ageigeistory. .O TILE HOLY BIBLE. FROM the works ' of Hemp and Scott, jai above one hundred other write,wypiiiiiitto in London by the Religions Tract Society { review and abridged he two volumes. with/Slaps end Engravings. This valuable *orb is published in pettp„at2.s cents each: Twelvapertaare ahead,. wimitieted,end ton beattiined at thiebbscriberi Book t ilture.lrbeni isbileripti, ono wit} Abe n. mind. - B fiANNAIt ON - -31' _ • Wetiterill_tiinrothert A; OLIISTAIVP --- - • - NO.. SS' NORTH - FR NT STEri.E I ,T- - -te• - ` ,,, - .. • EAST S ' - Tsui Dome mom Tux two= oiritigir ST. lIANU FACTUR ERS bF li9,bitoLend dry and) Calomel:_ • - ground in Oil. Red erecipt, Red 1403. . White Litharse, • Vitrioi Chronic Yellow, s u ipAtai n i za , tnis..A. Greta • • Teti-Emetii•-si.s..-i. • do Red - Ether Sulph. , - : _ • Painot Yellow do Nitric &tsar Lead do Acetic. Coffer's • " Lamar Ctuatif • I Vitriol , , Com. • do -., q:Forria • Acet: Motphii• - 4. aluriatfc Acid • " Sillph: do - Saki ,- Lac. Sulphur . . tt. Acid• ..qpi.tle,Parcot.. : • • Sop. Cirbf Soda • WerMat - - - Minerva Comm, Sub. Mere. Ethlops do. -•-• RefiriersofChamptio4 Sal Nitre,BrimmonOlerirly ' &e, Offer for sale the above mentioned attmliii. tit- • /ether with a general assortment of Paint', ' Thee.- and Dye Stuffs. and eAry other article in that . :44 . cal and Medicinal line. tieing reaistiracturert of all the articlea enninitritad ender the abate head, they pledge theinselvaire ply theirfrieudtand the public In the moat maim& ble terms. \ Window and Picture Glass, from-61k -twit Oct 21 ISM r NIA% •_ Philip .) . • .' 7. ' -- 1 , - C.; COACI33I KKK. !. • l'"' - '• • ' RESPECTFULLY 'nuances to .is 4rietidts ..amo and the public in general, that he bite slain - - commenced the Coact—Making 'Pottiness iriltior.'. wegnin Street, three doors below the AiCeit* in the borough of Pottsville, white he it tesd3l: to .. manufacture to order all kinds of vehre) ,tti the.. shortest notice, of the beat materials , an ni obi.. lowest rates. He has also on hand, read , mat*, tiareache*. Carryalls, Photon", Char:lace% ' Coschees, Buggies, dee. which he invites theitub. '- ho to cell and examine for themselves.- the , ilr. . licks are nil munufletured under his pep/dust iitspection, and he will *arrant them tole . 0140 to any tnanutactured elsewhere. "tenant 3fevery description done at the shoa -1 cat not iix; and on the meat reasonable terms...., ' N. 8.-Coal-taken in payment for vehicles aprtl 18 ' - - 29' 3m..• , TAPUYAS VLIXIII, For the Instantaneous core of TtiHF: TOOTH ACHE.; ; • , Distioveredquid brought to its greatest perfection lIONSIEUR CIIABERT. I This is to'certify that I have tried your Tapur as Elixir in several cases of Vieth Ache ‘ trinhieb • I have certainly found it of very great service, J. B. HARVEY; • • Member of the Royal Cullegeof Surgeons. London, Sept. 10. 18S0. A friend -stepped in to saythat he 'hod visited 4 .the. Fire King this morning, and witnessed his • 'marvellous eure f the Triottrkthe. Ono little . but' in particular. who looked cross enough to hits a ten penny nail clear off, in ten minutes siniled at the decayed tooth and doffed its pain...4 3 g, & • GOzotte. A fresh supply of the above Elixir just'elOc . iV. ed and for sale by • H. BANNAK • Sole Agent for SehuylhilleouSV : • 1- . 4 " • July 18 New afid Elegant Gatls: • 't vNATELANS -St have just rcceired4ri d oiler for sale, 11-4 English merinos, from 50 to 75 cal yyard :toper French do at $1 50 per yiird, Tartan, - mCrin4, worefed,silk and cotton shawls; Red, vine, yettovr, gn , ro tind scarlet flannels, . - Bleached and upgleached Cordon flanncli.frogt • 1010 25 ty per 3d. Worsted boas. comforts, caps, children's hose, Winter prints, gloves, &c &c . Cotton bate and wadding at 1l per 'heel. dec 3‘ 2• Musical Instruments: Rubscriber bas just received alai offers for Me 4 keyed German Flutes, plain, . Octave Flutes, • Clarionets, Flageolets, Violins, • Fifes, , . Violin Bridges, Pins, Strings stud, Bow-bate. Clarionet Reeds, GaitarStrings, Violin Bows—extrs finish. • -0e respectfully invites the public tb call and examine his stock. • • JOHN S. C. MARTIN: 34- may S. 1838 - Catholic. Rooks - • nious GUIDE, Key to Paradise, Tree Piety, Catholic Piety. 1 I - Dotray Bible, • • Porir Man's Catechism and Small Calechtsru.; Just received and for vide by Dee 23 , • • Lumber.' • , • 50:000 Soint Sbbigles, 25.000 Lap do 20.000 Lathes. suitable for piling or 44. aling.fer sale by Dept 23 Poral- . gronlb irmbors, and termsreasanabler:, Apply to - SAM`L: HARTZ:, ' • march 24. • 22- Tlfiller dIL 11Liggertyi, WHO L 1 7 Z ALE AND RETltik',';' , ' - A Dry Gnods y Grocery,Wine et L i g : , 6 4 4: : (Not door to Mortimer's It 70,-,.... 4 .„- : ., TrlELßiOnbezioa with a house in i adelpiiiie eep a „ . enables filen) to keep on, let hand a vs "Sesta viveasaortment of goods. viiiieb they tlivelt,'" Phila!lelphia prices. Store and Tavern k_ and private families, would do well to sail in*. lodge for themselves. ' I . 40113_ , ' : . . ri- .31 . . . . ~ , 111 - htdeintle and ' •, ' Dry .. 1 , , <". -. 400 d Store. ' -1,- . . -- - Dot.'r--4 1, AL wEAVEit bare psi mteellett in a,dditio •tbeir extensive asspritibent , a, PAP ,GOODS, I omit SoFerier Blois and: Buck, Clotb, superior faney ~. ,ured do. new tape cage si mkrete, sat tine its and ;-- veneer's. ntia'ras , fan. flini4:4oL' . - Feb UP'', 14'. ,queen,Victorlav 'op; Ames. and elgatit article. for-ttnaica , rdirifta• , • 4, pat receles and fur ad& ; • , 11AZZARD'ir'stRittii. April 21 k B. BANNAN• A. A. GILE. 44,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers