=!IM1 i 7 EN POTTSVILLE'• 'DNESDAY MORNING, AIAY: • trai;pads, Cheeks. Cards. Bills b relassilnas of awry rissaiipt!tm. neatly pr pffsee'at !Worsen cash prices. ——- - - - • Delegates Attend 1 . _ 1 AI EETI Plant (he Delegates to fie - lane Convent i on, will be held at. 1, _ • . 1 , thin - eVenitit, - iitl o'clock. It btf e 1111 will attend. - , I ; ay 30,1838 r -- _ . . , a . ritorosiTimiri ,p order to place our paper wit 1 Irof.every perion, during the i ' ,bernateriat contest, we• have : i h., conclusion to receive. subsc i ; h:. Weekly Journal, to beforwa e.; 4 a ...y.,,, until the second Tuesday o I, n ~,,st the low rate of FIFTY C; p:,. copy, or TWELVE COPIES d; kis f payahle in advance. 1w Our friends, in various part. c ! nty, will please act as agents i m t ting the names and cash of th., ft. disposed to subscribe for t rid. The prospects ofthay. Ritner, th slug t the state, are of the most eh eri utactar., We are just from a Obit r metropolis.. W -suitable nppr tr. lv.es i da a War ikstion and we ..- r : ti-al F v. Ritn a I 9 Rutter will r. . 0r d) at least 10,00 cat .of Pin , -1 elphia will' give Ratter a larg !rt ma o. , y than was ever before given to a y overnor in that city; and even 't e co#n of Philadelphia, lion all tha We can ant, add our sources of inform, ton ire , ch as may be relied an„will giv: l ß4e small majority. Thpie certainly Aitt , l'as a more popular Governor in eh* nia since the time - of 'Simon 'Snyder he true Democrats are almost a a r4at :raged on the. side of.Rit ner; the I ,cofhdos • be sure, aro against him. Tills paity, ery one knows, is made up of thp worst itortions of the old Federal and Deinocra t- c parties—retaining the vices l q r both, without the virtues or either. SO, then rannut of course be expected tb, go for Ilitneil But the mass of the holnest yeo anry of the stale are in his fit tnd !use who are opposed to him of it's class, e made opponents by the false oods l i ca. umnies, and deceptions of the foFes. owever,:they are every day coiling ore and_ - more acquainted with ithe true i v haracter of the .locofocos and t heir - ' or by candidate; hence, - the scales ,* fa lug rum their eyes, and they turtf a Illy out he arts and delusions of loco ppos ith I ickening and disgust! The ttli m of itner 'will be like an avalanch t o , the locofocos—they will be complet ly oVer. whelmed I I ' • - I i ' Young Men's Convention, qt . 'fa 'Fag. [—We have published above, a .all for a l[uteeting of the Delegates of - huyilkill [County, to•be held 'this evening at Hpnry 'Stager's. We fippeAbat all whoao Make i[it [porivenient will a end. It Is ece4ary [.that there show a consults on its to measures-of or nization and'arr hgenient, i :previous to the parture of the I,ilegittes. ~,, 'roe delegations of several co ritiesl are already on the Keys. The tintin*don I'M-legation started from Hollid Ystiu;, in [ [ a canal boat, yesterday. The t iilade Ma [ delegation will, we understar • also ;ern hark on a can il boat, for Read ag, to the [ Ournber,of two hundred. The onve4tion l' wttl, no doubt, he the largest leer held in the State. Upwards of TitnEp iEtoviAND delegates, it is stated, have bel , appointed. There.should be no 'holding 1 eck,o9 the part of delegates. Those, how • -i, ahose family affairs 'are such -that t :y ctinnot leave home, should make kob yin dui fact [ at the meeting to-night. . .., The Porter . loco-locos are , toting eivery I ' where all in their power to di eat thp ob ject of the convention. Every dne kliews that they CAN'T effect much [,.. halt heir •i.xertions. They can nett a l people nor turn them aside frOl, l pose; they will go on, In siii ) triumphantly conquering and 1. untie; the broad banner of Vir trintisnif State Loa ot vr ths ta pressure of the times, two jh fitly thousand dollars of the .4 ; already been taken at 4 per c • tier maximum, and there is litt that the whole amount *lath. borrowed will be taken shmitl, araount,,the Philadelphia Le took.thu large gum of one 4 sand dollars! ! This instil , first to-step forward and m k which offer was subsequent This is allict which reflect* I .upon the managers, and speck, l our of the prosperous state ilirme. The truth ie, that this patty is under able - teenage Company pays an interest of no all deposites for a' year; n of tWe justittition rests on th &gone. When we coitai o scarcity of . money, the uniye Lion in all kinds of business, ehb•to which confidence add fallen, we ought to be surer gliLdellar of the state loan s io on any terms at all. But, mye 1 trge sum which has alreat t y . 'end that too at - rho low rate cent., the conclusion is trre public confidence in the II4W ~ ~:~. 1 tration iiiitefthal itoiiike " "ea ' h i 's ittili t it and . tilat the .able pilot at ! the hilts isAe termined to entry the good ship called the a Pfimosonvvealth," throagh every peril,' until in . her,,triuosphant iprogreaa. she or", rives at the glotious haven of:unexampled r pro - verity.; nodithis in spite Of all the rt : u R I A. tiI T r c fth l e• l brae . el frC'oIGTSI7,II:I:A7ATI I . . • FATALVIT. A tality seems to attend every great public l men ore or enterprise In the hands of the Nation al"a A minjsuation. Their faillares are.so =laser aux,. hat it would be difficult to recapitulate them stab order's( !laths. We, howeier, may brief ly mthin a reW of their . failures: First. the gieti g ri nd silver.e. rency pro Oct. This has been esi mil failara. the attempt to carry it has i tiii been the mesas f introducing a opticians shin plaster currency roaghout the country '. Thu by the way is!the great source of all the evils that overspread thplition t The Government newt, rained itself by he Pet Mink System, then near. lit ruined the ple by the gold and silver pro iect4 ' 1 1 . . _ . ~~ i I 4il; y Sul ? eke • thl4 rppe: . co.• r MEE :pfte tom- - w.o t Another oeak measure of the Administration iriali the Benxi:mai of the Seminoles. They have spelt' about Tl' 1-rteen Millions of the People's modey on this p ject; and they have spread de vastation ansil tighter on the hereditary hunting; grotinds of the r Indian, but all in vain: Nei-1 01 their mine , nor their massacres, nor their ti lt cherous dap urea, have yet succeeded! And - Yetlthey per'sis ! Another glorious enterprise that they urde ook, was to send an expedition to xplore the nth Seas. Millions have also bei lavisheil n this project, but .o the bands t ll it is .Admiris ration it proved nothing more or Ithan ame a South Sea bubble ! ' Of fi cer .f. , ler offi f cer nisi ned in disgust—the scrub politi, rCi s interfe too much—and the expedition r We tto Daiiy ones! . : o show, hoever, the utter imbecility of the .. IWiuthiogtoli binet, and the singular fatality c iw t vithich attends ven comparatively vital' things, , 'we may remind our readers that they undertook to erect a Iluaiory Building —this building has been in progretss ' for some tune—about eighty 'thousand diill In have been expended on it—and . now lo! andold ! the building teens, out to be via for nosh g—it must lie pulled down or it t.,n will fall dow of itself, and a-new one must be erected! in: The Steam Frigite Fulton is a late project. This also turns out to be a failure, amd the untie most be abandoned. So that we -4r li he r" - it Administration see that ev*ry thing the presew. tquches, fails.- If it be a currency measure, it sireadi ruin And dismay among the poople—if the carryi4 'nto execution an Indian Treaty, it sissies helve; life onoccassarily, barns, pillage. and massaerii! with fire and sword, and without mercy—iflit tab Sea Expedition, it is soon con verted into a South Sea Bubble—if a. Treasury Suilding, thel building is soon ready to fall upon t their head. nd now we ask how can any coun ty on earth rosper under the fatality of such an dministrati n. The be‘ Reading! , command *it to Vh EN ER: • PRO:. The ge l tinn Clink in Philaqe Wye (merle' Elliott, p i etnitly• mitteil by York, whi Inut of o r from the;' fuser] to ti directed !on_the rt lions of p'rficeetlirk tutional. het ween, fused °p, Worn his 1 'and late! effect, t ha kind ihetli Ito Dr. 13 Ito the'sedifre stoi the their Our: el ofOlcun, 3onqier— ue anti Pd. 10 Ve TB be regr Cortir•l fict, thaW AND.F' have bele tration,,t newspatie HUMOR SAND o last twci • sent adin moneyri— with iti sury isle / g thek rem nd re? and ; to torn has t• till Rit e den A hut iced Ito be• • 13If this n Company 'tired! thuu (lir .n w s the an er t— i I . e a a c i P r tt i vein in. of th 4 i sii- Lentil ni -1 ent• ' ; he ix pe clent.i 1 , the etiedit rme fhttn the 'great -al takna. nd t e low ereet hale tha .ft sin-, Id b mkpni we ee the i 6 en ta ken, !I if fo ;p istibl , that 3 A mints.] De went ed, wa b city oil a Mcnte vernmen dred I tend Me Gaits LondtP I t• of Nat in NO' convic. s El IMI utiful corps of volunteers-, the ' Washington Greys" under the 1f Capt. Kant, are now on a ;12delphia. !L.( ASSE 4 'IIII3LY OF THE :. RYTERIAN CHURCH. „ Prot Assembly of the Presbyte h M the United States convened plria last week. The session il with prayer by the Rev. David D.. Moderator of the last As nme resolutions were then sub the Rev. Wm. Patton, of New h the Moderator declared to be er, when Mr. Patton appealed ,ecision, and the Moderator re t the question on the cppeal, but e elnirka to finish the report up 1, which was done. The resolu -Ir. Patten declared some of the gs of tke last Assembly unconsti• A good deal of feeling prevailed he : parties. The modetator re. tit the: question on any appeals leci4ons, which were arbitrary, several motions were made to no' Akaaniily disbanded in confusion; ear. School" members withdrew rnes'- Church, the '.Orthordox" heir round. In our opinion, enema] the-Presbyterian Church ied a height and warmth much to d.— li ar. Intelligencer. 1 ion most Foal.—[t is an actual ore than THREE HUNDRED RTY THOUSAND Domain; paid by the National Adminis the purchase of and.keeping up since the years 1882. ONE D and FORTY-TWO THOU whieh has been paid - within the ars. t This is the use the pre istrattion makes of the people's uys and keeps up newspapers Is it any wonder that the Treai ptyl—Har. throa: • ' • • , sing explosion.—An establish 'filch fire works were inanorfactur, lown up on Wednesday last, in 60 ew 'cork, and four or five livei efoina.—The United Suttee Go had in pay the la year, Fee kun fly adlais for an ostler, to at in Van Buren's , limns I made their appearance in .n the 19th of April, and snld at DO 'LA RS PER PECK I I I 11 . ti c ; r a a M s raco om a n by , t a b n e name ce deans tbe regulie bailing of Hislcbarg.- are gel beam. , - 1 b-+• vnt. - • ''' 4.. .00,104i0 aC11 83 ,1 . * I- - , e‘iiitk7gbilttig:Ankia *1 .t.r ~,. ;mtkiiiiiier, vistiairso - -• ,- -,F. p.f- . - .. 1 ollista Tear. Mr. BsarNastr--Yai are Pwa of the cacti presine, that tlre has- deli -leered during the past, inter, be re the Athenian Institute, o , Philadel hie, a course of lectirtai -On iad l iscrimi t o Sob! jests, by various . gentkluen Of dist nguish -1 ed abilities, reading pi ciptilly, I believe In that city: It has not been , y good fortune, till-within a day or tyro, to see a reprint of any of these ! productio n • but, if 1 we may judge'from samples con ained in i Waldie's last Journal, I doubt . no the tout ensemble must have presented a g tifying 'aspect. - The eminent talents• high standing of the two gentlemen wh names' are severally appended to the a isles in Id question, warrant this ColleillEli • The first • is Professor-Reed. the othr Judge t . Hopkinson; and I need scarcely y, that names like theirs drool a guarantee of character to any Institute to wiled) they may choose to contribute. Thiti is utter ed in all good faith, and it is no without r t considerable hesitanez, therefo , that 1 venture to dissent from an op t ion pro mulgated by the latter, in the ommuni cation referred to: Allow me to ite it. To his euloglum on the writinks of Dr. Goldsmith, little can be objeete, and few I perhaps would be willing to join ssue with him on that point; but I mistak widely if he is not singular in the judgmePt expres sed concerning the Pte -eminent e of this 1 author over lord Byron. A rigiir scrutiny might prove that the, former was isomewbat less "pro fl igat e " . in his habits thsin the lat ter; and yet if history were to 'sniffy in'the ' case, T apprehend his Honour reeld find some difficulty in adducing even prima facia evidence to sustain the facts. But I peace be to their names. It is their cipa -1 cities as poets that he examines and coo -1 trusts, and it seems a goOd dealuna-ecoun , l 'table that he should so readily resolve every thing in favour of his fesourite, as ho calls the Irish bard. No , whilst I reiterate the respect which I his muse, I can reproach myself with no eaning to wards licentiousness, tier with ny wish to I I detract from just reputation, wen I rank I myself on the popular side in tits question, declaring'my hottest conviction i that in all the great essentials which go o make up the sum total of poetic eicollecce—a rich imagination, language at once glowing and sublime, happy - execution, tke.,—Byron must be ever considered as tr lament - lent. It is not my intention, boweve , to delibe; rate or dwell on this subject, much less do I moan to derogate from the a i lted worth of the lecturer. We have i ,frorp 'very good authority, that " Home sometimes nods;" and all that could be prge4 under the premises by the most quetillouts would only amount to this: That from ione so well established in years and learning, we had a right to expect less passion, and more extended and fruitful criticism in a' matter so important. . X. Y. Mr. Jahns Hounder' has requested us to pub. sh the following : M. BARMAN :—An Editorial remark io do, Ist Number of the Pottsville Emporium having apAred, which may tend to impair my charac ter as a man of business, I beg leave through your medium to contradict the sups. My facil ities of transportation are fully equal to those of Messrs. Bolton & Co.; nor Is the expense of Por terage aad phipping any higher, though a state meet has been put forth that a saving is made to the merchants by sending them to Ithe Rail Road Depot on the Poi terage, whichis added en the shippers °fee. goods, by the higher rates of sto. rage; consequently Making the freights higher. With regard to the unaccountable delay imputed to me by the Editor of the Emporium, his print ing apparatus was sent to my "alehouse on the 13th of April; on the 14th a Boat left for Potts ville which had a full load, and war unable to take the same—the nest Boat 9 succession of the many boats taking In loading, was the Wadi ingtoo, Captain Spots, who loaded on the 18th, and had her bill of lading on the Owning of the 19th; and how the Emporium shpuld have been prevented from appearing! before .the public till the llth of May, the owner is bestl able to account for, and not throw the blame on me who hard no band'or part in the matter. 1 Yours Respectfully, ... J. HARRADEN, . Vine St. Whaif, Schuylkill. Philadelphia, May 26, 1838. I (-The announcement of the' new I Board of Canal Commislionersihas thrown dismay and crfrifusion into the Pbrter ranks. It has unhorsed the knight ofiloco focoism, and they bite the dust in agoly at the pros pect'Of The inevitable defeat which awaits them. eambreleng's new Treasury note bill was introduced with the following, title viz: '• To carry into eject." The Whigs made him alter O. they ehould have a mended it by adding to it these words, •the ruin of the country." Harrishurk Chronicle. Kr The friends of Mr. Clay called a public meeting in Richmond, Virginia, a lew days ago, but having slime judiciously withdrawn the call. The best feeling per vades the ranks of the entire Whig party o •the Union. Editorial - Cmxtuy.—Out: , neighbor of the Ad, vertiser persiits in dam- nung,upon our person. He calls as the ugliest man that ever was crea ted. That may be; but, as for him he was never cieeted at all—he was only guessed at. He was the spawn of Catiban and Sycoraz: and his dam, on account of tbo horrible Jocks of the young croon -calf, refused to suckle blui. He Was ac cordingly thrown into the athei, where his ae rials- stood him in 'rod stead; Ow bogs no more thought awing bi ro than their would ofstufmg themselves-with junk baffles. Pf course bis ug. i lines. saved his life; and the fore it he deems us the God of ugliness, he au tin edited* to build a temple to iii.—Lestisai Yournei, - 414:11 ' X KIR , . 4 -of-of-tevesolupetts in relation o• e r poen o an ir '''''' II 'ili * l'''' - eie -1 - rs fb left Its fn'' payment of duet tolhe.l3loorWiWmerit. , ace-w -.pied the 'Smu poi,i,SuturCiii _until i late hour.• A mo tio n to s trike out 'that part of the resolution Which compels the disburse ment y merit pf these otesi was. after a Wog de bate, adopted a vole of 44 to 1. - The • 'leaden-then +, came up oothe motion to strike out the Provision requiring the recep Lion of notes tyt payment of public dues which was addpted by a vote of 48 .to 19. Mr. Morris thee moved ei irmendment a dopted, yesterday; but•befure the question was taken on iia adoption; the Senate- ad ourned. CrrY or WAl.toirrtotox, blay 25,1838. The prince de Joinville, son of Louis Philippe, King of the French, attended by several French ofinkers, arrived in this city yesterday. We regret to learn •that the Prince's stay will be very short, his time being limited ion account of the necessity of his early return to Europe. More Public Debt.—Congress has au. thorized the issue of TEN KILLIONS more of Government Shin Plasters. This makes TwaNnt zuzuoss which have beentuthor- Med since the commencement of Mr, Van Bucen's administration This is the way the Government furnishes HARD moNay fur the People, and carries on the work of Re form and Retrenchment !..--Was ever such misrusaagement and,humbuggery heard of - ore.— Torch Light. o:trqt . sitid that the Banking capital of Mew Fork city is about 21,000,000. • The Frederick Times. a Van Buren Conse?va. live paper, makes the following prediction in its last number. • "We will make a prediction for the benefit of the deluded and misguided Sub-Treasury men.— It is this—lf the Sub-Treasury is not given up io a very short time, and Mr. Rives' substitute carried by the aid of all our friends in Congress, Perimint.vsins will go for the Whigs by ten thousand majority. Don't forget that we made this prediction, when the election shall have taken place and the result made known." The same paper in another paragraph, may,— "If the Administration wiU return to the princi ples which it bas abandoned, we think it possi ble that it might be able to sustain itself, but if the present policy is adhered to twelve months longer, Mr. Van Buren will not receive the elec toral vote of a single State in the Union, in If 10." Just so. But the Conservative Times would vainly strive to reclaim the Administration, and thus do real service to the Executive. The Pree ident has made his bed with the loco.fiicos, or al lowed Blair and Kendall to do it for him; and there is therefore no hope of his reform in this particular, and• no hope for conservative princi ples during the remainder of his term of office— happily never to be renewed. As was said of old, "Marna hath turned to Nis idols—let him alone !"—Balt. Patriot. Otr Thei Southern' Christian Advocate publishes the following letter i _givin a moving -description of a massacre by the Florida [reliant. The_ writer is Superin tendent of the Alachua Mission on the Tallahassee District : , DEAR If 'CAPess.-1 am ruined !- 7 While] engeged in toy labUrs in the Alachua; mission, I received a letter bearing awful tidings. It informed me that the Indians had murdered my family ! I set out for: home, hop4iig that it might not prove as bad as the. etter stated; but, 0 my God, it is, if het yen worse I My precious chi'. dren, Lorick, Pierce and - Elizabeth, were killed and thorned up in the house. Nly dear wife as shot, stabbed, and stampeiL seemingly to death, in the yard. Hut af-, ter the wretches went to pack up their plun-: der, she revived, and crawled off from the scene of death to siitTer a thou-laud de-itha during the dreadful night which she spent t alone by e side of a pond, bleeding at four butte holes and more than a hall dozen stab'—three deep gash. a to the bone on her head, and three stabs through the ribs, besides a number of smaller cots and bruises. She is yet living, and 0 help me to pray ihitt she may Still live. My negroes lay deal all atm- t an and my every thing els e to to as es. Pray for me. - ' - . . My faMily was on a short visit to my father-in-law, for the purpose of having some supplies sent up from our plantation to our temporary residence in the Mission, and during this brief period the awful ems trophe took place. T. D. PEURIFOY. BACKING OUT. Vats desert a sinking ship." The mace of Lieutenant Goviaiior Jmnuss, of Illinois, baring been brought forward u the Van Boren candidate fur Governor of Illinois, be has addressed ,'a letter - to-the public from. which we take the following briefextract. • "No map'couldmore proud than I would to be Governor of th* ung and floiiiishing State. ; i t I should consider ' no greatest honor, almost, that could be conferred open me by any people; but if I ever should arrive at that honor. I nimbi to do it:honestly ; and, were I to practise any dos. ception upon my fellow citizens in regard to my' sentiments, by which I might by possibility be, elected to that office, I should consider myself unworthy to fill it. Cruder ea my part, end justice towards the respectable porgy with whom I haw formerly acted in gurtforte, who sow, to some extent, seem ii.dined toe/note me still more, require of ow to 'nab known to tier. thee public. ly, Oil my mind has nadergonea material change as I. the policy permed by tie adminietration.—, OPPOSED wa wanly W DECIDEDLY TO MIL V B URN'S POLL CY. Their deleterous akar open every inten. est of the countiy,-kave brought conviction to my mind that they are wrong , been productive of mach evil already,and will he of much more (if persisted in) to the ceontry generally. but par. ticularly so to the West. Belt' ing this ' ss I boo med, do, / am bound to oppose them.:for lam in far a s: my country i n preference to men." i • tenant Governor Jenkins is also an Afilim , plt. under the General Government. being Re arer of the Edwardsville Laud District. , 44 ter' ~f-` MEM Fftwomi *4O • SMALL. NOTE CUR NC OT TOO 411DIT01 0114IAL: •liVe - have been fintorediwitb a copy Ole overt of rite Auiktof Ostlers' t P er sylvania, in obedience to a resoluti of t legislathret ealltng upon biro to " sceru es near and is soon as coact' amount of individual, company r con to notimeither legal or illegal, in car ilation on theist of November I , uni 'Abe denomination of five dollars.' The following recapitulation cootidemble interests • RECAPITULATION $ 775 2;,429 800 11715 . 48,461 14,656 20,482 10,179 3,041 18;750 19,617 7,138 200 72,492 8,278 10,000 40 13,4 , 24,728 2,689 3,918 1,140,44 2%70 50 9,39 30 Adams, Alleghany, Armstrong, Beaver, Berke; BUcks, • Chester, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, , Huntingdon, Jefferson. Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Lill Le rue, Nocoming, rthampton, Northumberlind, Perry, Philadelphia city and co. buylkill, Susquehanna, trgion, -V, enangb, Warren,z Wayne, York, Total, "POPULARITY TRAPS." The Locofeco presses talk ■ great deal what they call the "popularity trap!" of Go Ritner. They saii his inaugursl - a,ddresa ..ponolarify train"so wig his approVal of to REPEAL THE STATE TAM; his veto of the Girard Bank bill; so was h of the MAMMOTH IMPROVEMENT B '136-7; so was bid approval of the impro bill of lest session ; so also was his mesas. end refusal to givti SIX PER CENT, inte est on the temporary ban when it might have n had at the rate of FOUR. These are all opopidarity traps" say the Locofocos. We are agreed that they so consider them. and no doubt thej wish their Candidate had a few such “traps" to catch votes With !!. We do not wonder that the tocofocos-oinsider the acts and recommendations of Governor Err. aga. “popglarity traps." They are popularity traps indeed. They are very popular. They have been all for the interests of the people and the people warmly applaud them. The 'Locofo ixo have hit the tree secret of Goy. Ritner's .popularity—he supports the people and they in return support him. - QT When the pirysent State Administration name into power, In what condition was the Treasury? EMPTY. Rol ere its months rolled round. it had received an influx of FIVE MIL LIONS of DOLLARS. By whose means win this money secured'? -By means of Goy. Errata sod his Mends. This was indeed a PIIIOPULA R. ITY TRAP. Whit has ever Dsvtti R. Potty= Or any of his party done like this ? - W hen the present State Administration, dame into power. the people were TAXED TO PAY THE INTER&ST ON THE PUBLIC DEBT," and also, , to keep thepu-.. hli c work. in re. pair- These lases were repealed before Jetsam Rmiza bad been Governor six months. Who repealed them? JOSEPH RUNES and hie friends. What his ever David R. Porter or'any of his party done like this We shall neessionally notice come more of the. POPULARITY TRAPS of the present damn =alio State Administration.—Harrisburg Tele graph. • From the New York,Gazette. Mr. RIVES OF VIRGINIA. We have the authority of the Msdisoitisn for declaring that this gentleman has wisely concru. ded to cot himself clear from the present admin . - Lannon - altogether. Indeed the declarations of the Madisonian may as well be givin in its own words. It says, Mr. R. "has been more and more confirmed in the entire opposition to . the financial pelt mem of the administration- even ee more recently eveloped„ he hes lost all confidence their oath as politicians. and'. ii.hlr. Van 'Barra as Chief Nlegistrate.of the nation. Whig prospects in Loulirisaa.—From the pres ent appearances, says the New• Orleans True American, ' the Wings hive every prospect of car. rying the election throughout the State, for Gov. ernor, Congress. and the Legislature. Governor Roman will undoubtedly be' elected by an im mense majority over. Mr.•Prieur. Goy. White's election is considered certain in the first Con Ere:salons' district. From the second district all the accounts concur in the belief that J.rdge Chinn, the Whig_ candidate, will be elected over T. Lawson, loco foco. The Hon. Rice Garland has no opposition in the third district. The Senate will be renovated and improved. In . the House of Representatives the whip have every right to calculate on two Alurda. • MISSISSIPPI SAFE. The tateet returns from this state confirms the statements heretofore published of tbe election of Messrs. Prentiss and Word, to Congress. The following is from the Nashville Banner Prentiss' majority over Claiborne, 903: Do. do. Davis. 1381 Word's tosjoritravurClsiborne, .270 Do. do. Davis, 748 In order to realise the - Whig pin in the late 'election in Virginia, We must recollect that in the lower House, the Van Boren majority but year was form The Whigs now have a majority of prm.vc! Total gain 52. The exciisitof the local for their defeat in Baltimore was, that their voters were at the fish• whim. We have not yet heard the fish Wort foe. Virginia. At the bursting - of a boiler, a stout Yankee. pliseiredinto the river and saved the life q• the Captain. As soon is they-reached , the•shork -the captain was prolific of thanks falba preserver of his las. «Save your thanks, my hearty,!' mid the Other, for I only saved you from the water in the hope that I should have the *mum ceasing yea tong for the wilful murder of year puma. ere. -- ATNpiallitioe hievlseenlande in so Neel York papa to via! the Erie lime of its oniargemosiiti' Thleeltent *sired . for this Orsini 10 bs stool It is stated in one or *lie Western 327 steimboats lave been built on • within the tour lean:': - 7'6e lei built at any one place was 118—it At %nehmen, SS were built; • • • • Pairt7/4. Mite WHEAT FLOUR, by this att jead• war • • dayil7 50. • WHEAT 150 per pusbeL tioteinaed. RYF, FLOUR 2 25 per vet in dewlap. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 4 50 per swt RYE, by the load HO cents by the • • .ale RYE CHOP 80 cents ,per besttelil OATS 40 tints—ready sale. • rATOES 4.l:cents per bushel led RN-70 'cents per buena in d (,LAYER SEED I{s 50 per babel. TIMOTHY SEED-412 . 00 per FLAXSEED-41 12 per bushel its d - WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon. BUTTER-414 cent pee pound—in EGGS -=.Iss ents per doter. LA RDI6 - Fents per pound. TALLOW -9 cents . per . pound. HAMS 12 cents per potted. CORN CHOP 80 - cent per bushel BACON-12 cents per pound. BEESWAX - 18 cents per pound. FEATHERS-62 Cents per pound. COMMON WOOL-110,cetits per-po MACKEREL, by tbe bbl. , No 1.012 SALT- 2 6% per bbl4/37ker bush. PIASTER.Is worth $1 00 per ton. HAY $lB per toa.- Resumption of B NEW DREG ST T . • 1 HE Subscriber risturnahislra edgements to the Citizens of P others, Who lapped forward to his • ter the loss of.ibis property by fire last, and would also acquaint them he generallyi'. that he has again .:, , Drug Business in the hcinse former! Charles W. Clemens, in Centre borough of Pottsville , Where may al a general sssortment Drugs, "Medi Paints, Oils, Glass, - Dye . S . 13 29,99 .1 11,523,38 1 ir v tbout ernor 1111 a he bill o lame is veto LL of ement and And every other article in the abo he is disposed to sell on very low a dating terms. N. B. IX Physicians prescript'. put up at the shortest notice. 1 WMcT. Pottsville, May 30,1838. Boats for Sat 7' GOOD ichoylkill Canal Bost best materials, nearly new,_wßk or exchanged for Coal at the mark P 1.9 to B. May 30 s. Lot rar Sate. BvILL be sold casar-soa Caen on William Streetwi this ing the Lot on which :,Luke Lee e dwelling-house. The lot is 55 William Str eet, by:11(1 feet defp.• May 30 "41 Wan. Henry Har Soutb.Fifth Street, apireite Cotem ,/tee, Rea l 'ling. Pa. • THE undersigned sv forma his.(Hends and t ll lie has opened the a , PI 111 will be hoops at all ti module thesn. His thangensent he hopes i mtvgive satieaction to al GentlOmen who have O horses, wil stables, and careful NT lora alway . As nn effort will be spared to d H scriber Popes to reerivo'a share of I age.: - , - ANDREW , , Reading; nay 19, 1838. • REAL NAIL' AND IRON W 7 AVF.nn hard IImBOILER no* SHEET do. ROUND dr SO:OE • I -eOll. •SCREE , N dol R tit ROAD " . Bar iron of any sir drawn and spikes of all sixes. for sale at prices. KHIOS. WHIT Reading. May 22;1838. • , , I3ewar. QTR AY ED away-40in the pie scriber on the 190 inst..* B a white face, and a w hite streak between the hoofs, and is blind Any person finding "said Cow, to Henry Boyd, in Mlirris'e Add' the above reward. IVO BE SOLD CHEAP—A • -m- Wagon. Also, a i Went Cite Cutting Machine. I • . A two stall stable and Coach • near.Clemeni & Papist's Mill. - Enquiie of M. • may , 26 411-3 0. M AT a meeting of Cho' Town rough of Pottsville. held on of May mst.the following resole Reimleed, 'that ilk) Council'-a Meeting will receive applicatio • Street Corn mlnioner, Ind Sig elution be published io therMi Extract from the Milts - EDWARDO ' ' May.l6. 1838. REVIVAV OF TllE MARK PUBLI .EN VE F O CHRISTOPHE may 26 The next Sated-Meeting of hela on Tuesday the bth-ot Jo clock P. M. 110!affOriti trio jec it ver C 3.1 riaq.,„ 4,`ST.: may 2g •Lemon s le-CesEs first 044 ed and:Zr as by 26 . 40 Pay, • MILLER & !ANDERSON'S tmus-4 teresale at ibis oiScs. lurch 31 of the 1 at. the Own!! re. a tam imul that = • numser httaburg. rgla 1$ emits 2.01 =3 i=l aoknowl• villa and stance at Dicember the ppb• - the —npfed by -t. in the ye be bed ihe. which acammo. : carefully BM •1 telt of the Bold cheap, 3 , rice. Ap. MR allot situated orgh. adj"in• n building tk ,fto,dmo 4pla to [EI I Stage Of• trolly in public, that vern.. and to scam• • such, is • ho may call. d extensive 'attendance. ye. the rub. blin - patron- EPN .rder. Nadi . lowest City ERA CO. 40-6 mo i "•• of the Bab el: COW with both fore feet • e right eve. • etoroing her • • , will receive lo Ax 40-3 Isght .Dearborn Tit Knife Straw to )13, voity : ERG, Mango ocd-ortbe Ito tkisda7 the 15th piped: f! e wit Stated 11 the otke of a,oEtbu rap JoittnaL :PARRY. 1 ; 1 4nm Clerk. I. .. . will be I-. ,otart. at 71 p'• [ • &C. 'superior Wei. Oebonis It GGERTY. •40 11 • syrupowair-ii ERTY. =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers