The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 30, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
Bit WElti AA I N lit A.
Tnaca Dot.Litnat £ND Fury C ,= per annum,
payable semi-annually in advance. i• not paid with
in the.year,i4 will he charged to el those who re
ceive the paperfree of pci!ltage. To inlitubscrihers
3 per annum If not paid within th year, 50 cents
slip be the price of subscrip 'on. ,
Ivocipoi.t.attat.,per annum'. pays
in advance. rlfitint paid within .tbe .
be changed
Advertisements not exceeding t
Charged $1 for three inse'rtions—and
insertion. Larger ones lenropnrtio
A.ll adverttsernents will beinset
nut-unless the time for win 'tithe* sr ,
asecafied ,and will be charged seen i
Yearly acvertniers will be charged 1
aa rtii.iing subscription to the paper- 1 th
of keeping ritinadvertisenteint not este = i
s tanding daring the year, and the ins. , t
er one in each pap? r for three ounces
111 loiters addressed to the editorm
otherwise no attention will be paid, t
iAlt , notices for meetings, &c an.
which have heretOfore been inserted'
charged 25 bents each. except Marrir
The old man budges , along the ro.'
With hie cane to help him walk
The, young man tripe with a'car ,
And he astops to laugh ana talk•
'Now old man, tell me"—the yoon'
"Was thou ever gaiend strong!
And cocain thou ever lbound like
\ The greenwood paths alone . '
'W s as thy-form with the weight o
And a•burthen of woos together,
Erect 'and tall as a fiwest pine,
Unharmed by the wintry weal
The old mitt' turns. and wearily Si
"My head is silvered with age, . 1
And my life has been like a mass
And read its final page.
"And there is a lesson young man
And I pray thee learn it .well,
And ppniier much in thy light."
What the old man needs must t
'Remember age ; 'no the,time tha
Who die not young. will findi.
For the dearest joys °four sunny
Must soon be left behind.
-Woold'st thou this hwar should .
Not—learn to reverecce age.
Fqr id rt her wanders each step of•li',
From youth's eventful page.
11. 4.4 the lesson that thou
1 ~othrh youth bein Its bloom;
youth le treading, as well as
imit!iway to the. tomb."
Exchange at - New. York,
6i a 7 per cent. premium.
, .
On Tuesday a Wile girl, abooi.
age, was blown off the, Quay, n
into the river, bra gnat of wind.
which happened to be on the app
jumped overboard, and saved her
grave.--t East Angilaw.)
The import o f cotton into
the last week, was unpreceden
amounted to 12,9,000
The first dock ever constru
was opened in the year 1690 ;
dock was filled up in 1827, an
site ot,the new custom ,honse,
dock accommodation has inc
time antd the present (14, wl
Liverpool are an extensive, that
in progress they will contain a I
of 11l acres 4,257 1-2 yards, a
broad quay space 9 miles and
The extreme length of the river
pleted, will be 2 miles and 1,06'
pease of executing there stapes
has been immense ; and it app
vouchers, that the cost of mel
Dock alone amounted to £461
elusive of the land, the estimate
.C 1 ,30,1100. he 'mean column
flows into the rivvr Stersey, a
or highest spring tide!, is about
at the mean neaps, 15 feet 4 ii
lowest neaps, 0n1y.12 reit 9 int
- So valuable has the land coat
of Eitourbridge become, that se ,
were bought a fen years ago
bquare yard, are now being re five shillings per yard. i
English Midland Circuit, .Nort4a''', pton—Shock
trig Case.—John Pridmore, aged 3 years, was
charged; on the oath of his fattier with having
attempted to drown him . y tfireWi him into a
' - John Pridmore, the fattier, hei;g• sworn, de
posed as follows:—Livei at Whinanck. s On the
26th of July last, at night, hi,. riontcame in and
asked for supper, when his mot el said, "T-
is the same for for your firthtr, a little tea
and Rome bread." - 'He said h;i • Woold not be
served so, whereupon he took p he teapot and
threw it out of doors, and forced h e mother out,
saying she might go where she w ton Monday
night. He then said there shhe two dead
out of the three before ' twelve, o' lock, and he
wished God might punish tam f t ere were not.
Witness, got into lied, when th p 'honer pulled
him ooLof it,and dragged hind t 'horse-pond.
"My dear son," theold man sal e exclaimed.
"spare my life:" and, finding h elf unable to
resist, then erred, *the Lord h mercy upon
toy soul !" Prisoner exclaimed, N damn you."
and threw him .head • foremost n ' the pond.--
W linens dr/lulled out of the pond' ii , r some briars,
into The town: The people we a oat all gone
to bed.- He readelialway ha& . iclioase. and
r c
dept there, not 'daring again to e r out. * ..
Sophia Pridndore„ the,prisone 's motherEcor
friburated the testimony_ of - the last driest!.
Thomas Gear corrohotated the ' at witness's
latonony. He (Gear) Went to t . hornet pond
and met the prifiner, who_ said, 'Hello! who
eu'll , ts here 1 I'll put %intuit,. ipporo d;" W here
upnn witness said," What! me will' ' on put in 7"
led Prisoner replied, "Ye*, I wi . 1 7 "TiOn."
!!', (I . Gear, "if yours - the case I'll re rad and go to
r i : suet.," for witness was afrai , a prisoner,
b eu'il a very violentlperecup.V &hoer .fol.
loved him home, and. meeting his ,hnoibet,
dragged her down and along the hones.. She
cried out "Murder '.'' three tint s, heard a
• . . .
. . . .
` 1 • I . i - .... ' . .
' . .
. .
. .
- - -.'•
• ''.
• T • e ..-Otir 4..
;" ' ",
, • . . ' • , - .
_ .
~ . . .
21A.7 4 tti*jz . i itijtts
4, .r.
.4 ,--; ; ~, . ATEI POTTS- VILLE' GENE rt - --- ~ •
•1 " '
Z*l4 ' A. Mui airy ism, M 0021.7111 wails Airu.Lion 10Apigajtayna 7/71171/1 10 oils' our aiti irmannal.--Da.loamos.
11 t'Z . 4- t
i -
plunge in the pond, but it bei g daik.tainid see
nothing. 1 t , i
frisoner, in his deibnee,. aid thet, having
quarrelled with his father Int the evening in _
question, the old. man ;got 0 oralked out,stuld
Voluntarily threw hipinelf iiitelthb.tiond.:: -
Gear being recalled; 4 aid toiiitmaer wag a f na t
ned man, but had sold his wife]
The jitr-y fondd him,gulity. 1 Sentence ofdeatb.
NA N .
On Tuesday, a pedestrian snitch against Brie
took place on the Godnianchester road. M.
Robert'Reynolds alias Yeung Townsend hid up.
dertaken for a very large earn to . or fir
twenty miles in four hours. ie commenced et
a smart price, and got aver the first ten miles in
rather less than an hour and a halt he went on
till he had accomplished 19 iles, when he wife
so completely exhausted that he
_could Dot prp
eyed farther, and notwithst riding he had
~ 48
minutes to perform the last toile in, he was in
dyad beat as to be unable to goon, and was
veyed home in a fly to St. i lies.—Conthrid i'
Chron, I: I
A new patent smoke-burne *as exhibited in
operation on Tuesday. on t ',premises of
riatenietts,.. Messrs. Chanter a d i Co, Earl stre t rt i ,
Blackthorn. Its principleessentially conaisfor
in so arranging the form o the furnance, and'
position of the bars, that the Oncarbontaed g'S
(which in the ustrai shown I. dispersed o
smoke) is compelled to pass thr ough the most o-
, tr. 112 50 will
e line's will be
, cents for one
enttf - - ordere
to ileOntinue
2 per annum:
tiding 2 squares
mon of a small.
st be post paid,
other notices
gratis. will be
a And Deaths.
tensely ignited portpin of u: I I/ 0 0, by yew*.
ation of the enrrent against al descending pla
constructed in the boiler. sort allowing for t ie
g as no other eereas. The reault is, that not pre
particle of smokweseapes iroM the chimney: nor
is this all, for by thus consuming the smoke, the
fire is rendered much more iittense, and a great
economy of fuel is effected.l Thu invention is
varied in twelve different lerinß, applying ito
every description of furnace. A vast number of
engineers, chemists, and iMientific ' men, have
.iss pace,
man says,
expresped thcir approbatton 'of the invention
which appears trulx . deverving of public approje
and adoption. ensuring the dissideratans of cpa
fire without smoke..
ye book,
it appears that the Gnvement has alrea i dy,J
i f
advanced .£721100 f , the T hames Tunnel'', of
which only £lO.OOO MA NIA 1 1 _9 hand.
The Coronation.— he Gazette of Tuesday
night contains a seco .d proclamation on the sob
i i
lent of the
. approac, tog co onation, declaring
that such party only of tha ceremony as has
Seen hitherto solemnized in mdminater Abilley
shall be solemnized at theknatiing coronatiOnl,
thus dispensing to ith the prodemnon, the bangdet„
and the ;pint .fiirmalities i 0 Westminster-hill.
The proclamation huts the 'thei reerepionialA at
the Abbey may aYsol be cur ailed. It certai4ly,
may be curtailed, wi *dean ga, for some parts
of it are moat prepos emus, being relics of an.
cient.and barbarous. permit `NI and others ire
even personally' Ind.: 'cat.), pepially when the
Sovereign is a wom .. V 1
for thee;
l ust learn-=
A few days ago
upon an attorney in
advice in a case of
seems that her husba,
had been in the baba
in his business, event,
the book-keeping re,
late, (or some canoe
her the usual weekly
Having also, in othe
conceived in an unki
advice as to how sh
circumstances, ago i
no small astonishme
man she was then
not a man, but a wo
it his duty, under su
to bring the Matter
ter, the, magistrate,
a London
ight years of
the bridge.
A fine dog.
. a watery
.1, daring
ge, having
hough this
mas should take the 9
and bring the parti
(Mr. Foster) at the
took the neccesear,y
parties were brough
Deputy Constable?'
when the . truth of t •
torney was eorro'xi
unqualified manner
pollee, who gave a el
sidu..l in question w
husband, we believe,
tempt to deny her •
with stating that he
make this exposure
from her the week
housekeeping expen •
this was not the orl .!
against her spouse; I
was occasionally in
state she treated her
be gleaned of the hi
become the
amount of
from that
e docks of
those .low
ea of water
rds long
when Coin
a. Timex
torn official
s Prince's
49., 4d.,ex.
of which is
Ater which
t 5 ineher;
and at the
t., the town
men which
r pence per
.Id at from
it would seem that
and character of a...
in that character she
of 16 or 17. to s
large towns of Yorkt
or, with prepoirsesain
ang of features mitt(
young man attracted
males in the sameco
others, was the one '
wsle. The attention ,
were acceptable an,
took place shorily - ail
prenticeship. Boon ,
Manchester, we ire
where the husband c
builder ; and by cute
attention totrade, tit
mongst other branch
er became remarkatil
for skill and same 1
ovens, &C.; and we`
vcty good business, e
giving' very gene
whom any work hot
had the entire mane
cuuntr in the bust;
heard,,Liere was not
her character.' We ,
the way - of legal p
claimed by his wife
sent to the police 41
, far as we have,heatil
alien to ,the wife i fos,
tion in which she is
tolerably certain t ,th
has taken place—,
talked of as earl, afr
the woman' who has i
actor ot a man will
to carry on business
moat either lay. asi
the appearance whin)
she will retain het .0
character, she must
in some place who
iespec c ebie female waited
Manch ter, dad asked his
very peculiar ;mauve. ;It
rd, a master bricklayer, who
it of truistitig her implicitly
leaving to her management
oisite ill his trade, had, of
or tithe ~ refused to allow
t aim rtserkeepinie—
Teepee t ted her as ahe
d manniar,ltha came to tke -
should I prhceed under the
,t her hhabencl, whom to thirO,
it of thelprOfetiPonal gentle
rt ulnae. she declared tol , be 1
1 n. The kttorney thought
dli sing circumstancea, I
fsri' er the n9tice of Mr. Pow
, o dinicted tacit Mr.tit
- e un i t b is manage t
r etre idation Wore him
lice • ce. Mr. Thom as
Ps; 841 oh Thursday, the
t beforti gr. Foster, in the
.lt the police °Wipe.
•ire's •vennent to the ftt
I'd in t e [Soak distinct end
, Mr.lliei, surgeon to the
ttifical declaring the inch
a wap. The woman
pid no mike the least fat -
. 'punted herbed'
wife hid been only ledi to.
because she' bad withheld
y allownmie of money for ,
. The Wife replied that
causedhe bad of complaint 1
or that! she OW husband)
'.'sicated, and when to that 1
y ill+-krott) what copld
Cory of this fetnele husbend
the had alamined the garb]
k at ate-early age. rind that
as ap renticett,tat-the Sge I
ester b deer, in one . of the
~ ite.Mg of good eaten-
epee 'dee and mermen.. 1
r hand one, the suppoked
I the attntionJ of many Ifs.
. ditinn f life.' and amongst
hn all rwardii became the.
1 of th young bricklayer
t: accep ed arid the. on on
r lhe :Oration of the op
ener is 'maple carnal JO
Id a t ttip year IMO,
mineit ed the Withrow of a
iderabl skill., ability, and
b i t,
a Otte bly stlisatol. l'A-
I rif th this build
1 . , ihrieeil alinok celebr i lty.
s fir th erection of • 4 es,
elieve i at
.. Vits . momect in
! Ooying several hends,:nd
sktielctiric to those for
t bTn secht The 'ire
, • ment f the Hooka and 'no
east an as,f .as we hive
the sli hil potation on
. have oth it was do i
'lnge. Total erne , . .
a her roperly, have.
i...l ‘ ty , e boaband, w so
r.),11. i
I 4m n offered en .re tlir 7
.ber 1 . aml painful pi!..
no p Cad, 1 One tin!) la
41 the es i. poeure ar ich
dem trait. areurn4tJy
l i
hired y and l Fitday 1
•ha toasehme the chit.
.1‘ be able to aiontiiine.
n:thiattovphiauld that ;she
' , heir 4gimes, endansetne
L. 4 tst-itual; , If
ne epieannear sta,
bide her tropes,
li ,e4
Is not 'known, in
, , -
here she may.hope for a while to eseapedetee
on. We believe that many. persons wbo have
employed her. join in declaring that they bad not
the slightestanapicion that she was no other than
What she mined.—Masehester Guardian.
The total strength of the army in Ireland
this month, including Artillery. Cavalry,
#nd In conin-te of 16,997.—April 14.
The Sheriffof Wexford with the aid of a
military and police juice halt peiZed 100
waited cattle belonging to Mr. John Ma
ier,'M. P. u 1 liallinfteale,.and the furniture
it . Mr. Jamey Power. ht. l'. of Ederunne,
tier It representatives of the county West
rord for tythea due to the 'tier. Mr Pres
ton.--April t 3. •
Dr. I.:rancis lbly, was consecrated Ro,
man Catholic Bisliiipol Kildare and Leigh
hu,llll Sunda,. The appoin• meat of this
Iscellent mail is attended with a circum
stance as suincitnis as it is singular in
these days of strife and cotiiradietlim, which
is:, the unanimous approval of men of ail
political parties, and of every religiOus de
nominal paper,_ A lint 14.
Horning k rafncide.—At Callow. as.
rzr three farmers named Now lan tti rt.
tied for toiling their tiff tiher, by break
rig his skull atilt a hammer, a d then cut
wg hts Ihrual. They hated their uhlor
unate relstive most unnaturally. He was
trisidute, however, himself, and declared
le would leave his isAtule property to his
natural children and their mother. This
instigated the brothers to revenge, and he
was murdered on the 2d, til last February
s ccordingly. in the house, it is believed, of
Ills brother John. His remains were found
near it next morning; a Ruckite notice was
pinned to the dead body. He was discov
erect on his lace: Thomas Nowlan said my brqther Larry lying on his
l ace with his throat cut," when his throat
could not be teen. The murder was per
9etraled in the hotere. He must have been
deliberately bleilJn . death. His shoes were
lry, fresh ashes Isere on them, 30 withes
es were examined. . The trial occupied
3 hours. The jiffy acquitted all the pri•
liners!! A child of one of the accused
as present at the murder, who is under
toad to have described•the details of this
ppalling -tragedy with singular accuracy;
ut lord Mulgrave's crown lawyers declar
d the evidence inadmisable in law.
New potatoes were exhibited in Linter.
[ klt . on Tuesday.- 7 A pril 14.
About eight months since, a girl, be
tween three and lour years of age, acci
Ontally swallowed a common-sized needle
with 9 piece of threid in it. The poor
thing subsequently complained of violent
pains in the stomach and bowete; and the
of her day, while suffering under one of
there attacks, her father fortunately discov
ered the needle protruding, and subceeded
in extracting it, which has completely re
lieved her. Thee thread- and a small per - .
tint) 01 the eye of the needle, had been dis
solved be the action of the stomach.
Sir Walter Scott's monument at Edin
burg will be a splendid Gothic tower, corn
posed entirely of the choicest beauties of
Melrose Abbey, and Containing a marble
statue of the mighty magicisnhimselr
Oa Tuesday the American pack't shin
New York, Ca ..t Niven, sailed from Green
ock for New York with 101 passengers,
principally agriculturists, who have already
spent a year or two in America, and are
on the return, earring with them the pro
duce of properly sold in this country. The
New York is the first passenger ship - which
ha• sailed from Greenock for New York
this spring. There are several ships on
the berth, but the her if pak-tengers
offering are feuveruhan in corner terars
[ rhe New York a-rimed at this port of;
SundAy last, -May 12,-A t$ ti C.]
• • Some time ago twn Irishmen belonging
to All glass works, after partaking of ti
genuine'Vothful Waif the real Mackie from
the bottle of old mother M --s-11, Were
leisurely walking upon the glass house loan.
when the following "conversation. took
place-;—"Well, John, be sure and Waken
me tomoray mm g. and if I don't waken:
you can just pull me out of bed."—"How .
cant do that," said John,. "with the door
barred in my face !"—"'Och," said the
other, in the expressive vernacular of the
railer isle, "won't I he there to open it?"
On Thursday, a fearful accident betel
one Evaa Thomas, a single man, Aged 30
yearti, : a workman'employed by the Dow
lais-lron -Company. It happened as fol
lows:—The deceased, who had been drink
ing in the beginint or the day, :went. be:
tween. 19, and
, 1 ,1 . to Abe legniag
furnaces at;tbe Pae..the.inetal.mtuch had
undergone the reftniag•procestr, was
*Jed; notwithstaditiebitatitiati ofihe
Min at .work , tba itifittta* man took unit
of thetools to enlarge the opening through
[Perth paper, April 13
Which the metal wrunning. , when, losmg
his footing, he w ha Precipitated into he
boiling Enr a! ; . , was *taken out as soon
as . paasifile, and a nveYed to his lodgings,
where he l expired fin the following morn
tog, After having uffered the most exctu
elating tutures— Cambrian . April 19.
Elias; of the Inter.—The different
hi vv.
Agricultural Rep its give deplorable ac
counts of; the d truction of shrubs aml
evergreens by the frosts; even theivy has
been affected by t em. In one part in the
county of 'Betio t ere is only one garden
OW contains any .roe-oli alive, and what la
remarkable, it is misted un the top of One
of the most expos chalk Mils in the coun-
ty The, occurr:
the face that at so
more severe in
nce is *counted for b)
e periods the frov.ta Ire
e- valhes than on the
The following
tomb stone, in
church yard:
is an inscription on a
langattock Crickhowel
I .ry of Thomas. Davies,
1804, in the 105th year
stone is erected by-the
. Iy, whn, for four gene
''faithfully, in the humble
ion of bailiff, during the
years. The father of
died at the age of 101
died at the age of 94;
amounting to three hurl.
"To the me
who died Dec. 4,
of his age. Thi'
survivor of a fa
rations, he serve.
but useful occupa
long period of 7
the above named
years; his mothe
their united ages
dred years,.
• The L'anerch medd branch of the Bri
tish and Foreign Bible Society, sent a re
mittance of upwards of X 75 to the Parent
Society; Londoni this year, being an ad
vance of £lO on the preceding years. •
• Pylle Mll.-0 excavating the ground
on a portion of this hill, for the Bristol and
Exeter railway, a cavern was discovered,
upwrds of 200 feet long, and about e.ix
feet 'e height. !t is arched with stone.,
• • ' From kilackwobd'a Magazine, for Aprii.
) Itlarriage—A Lottery.
What have our novelists been doing,
whisi thisAneedate was waiting for them?
Charles Theodor: D'Estainville found hint-
sell, at twenly-o
of the Leizenibo
coin of the/ real ~
subaltern in a T
walkinz in the gardens
rg without the smallest
in his pocket. He was a
giment of hussars, had
ti r
served in the las - years of Napoleon, am'
hadJeceived two light wounds, two ernes.
es, and was in a fair way to become field
marshal, when Charles X. was sent into
exile, and two thirds of his regiment Was
put upon half pey. Charleit was among
the two-thirds; die world was before bilm,
and with twenty Napoleons, a handsoihe
figure, and a hundred talents, he came, , as
every Frenchina - does, on the first oppor
tunity to Paris. Paris is ontotiously the
centre of the word, the paradise of women'
and wits, the region of enchantment, and
the spot .where every pleasure is to be had
at the lowest price. Still, even in Paris,
men cannot live; upon air, And Charles
found-his twenty 'Napoleons rapidly dimin
ishing. Of course, it is to be presumed ',
that he was net without expedients; what
Prenchmah ever 'was? And Charles, brill:
liant, youtig, andi buoyant, tried every ex- 1
pedient natural to a man of genius. His
first was
,fo ascertain the tenderness! of'
heart and *eight' of purse that was to ,be 1
Bound anumg the heiresses. Among his 1
own countrywomen, he - found the tender.
ness of heart in great abundance, but the
weight of purse remarkably light--smiles '
never fed' any Man, and sighs were his 1
aversion. He next tried the English htiir- 1
eases; but the day for captures there was
past; the' ladies might be tender,' and
the name of Chevalier, Marquis or Conht,
was irreiiiiititile by the daughters of Ir4th
Earls or Londoe traders; but the Irish
ladies having nothing but their blood, were I
determined to sell it dear, and. insistedion
eblid settleinents!in Franca for imaginary.)
estates nt home; and the fair datighteni ofl
'trade were so watched by hideous sins
and herculean brothers, that the game
was not worth the candle. Rouge et air
was next tried. 1 Fortune smiled for qne
night on her *mot votary, and frowned for
two; the Napoleons went down faster a
faster, until at length the last portrai tof
the grand konutie was the solitary tenant
of the purse of Charles Theodore D'Estain.
wile. It iias this discovery that bad OM I
hini to meditate in the gardens of the Isix
embourg, a pleasint place for the last walk
of despairing foyers,, and the detstiaolife,
where helad hi 4 choice of walking a hUn- i
dred yards to ttie right, and blowing out
his brains undisturbed of man, or a him. ,
dred yards to t'e left, and plunging into
the Seine, actor ing tolhe native style, pi
the midst of the tional admiration. ! -
: in
But while he 'aa pondering no -the al.
ternatiie, bight fell, the wind' whistld
keenly, the bell g for the closing of t he
garden, &DO-Chides. was , forced to leatre
the 'place l of hiiii philosophy: In gob*,
through the st is he passed by three
successive ,heat , s,irith each a pang, *d'
jiayei fgli 'the 41 amity of, an empty purr
los:pungen t ly as t that moment:T. •He Ow
approach the Seine: ‘ That Muddiest bf
'fivers rooked mire muddy than ever, itbd
"Charlisiliht'unk - tom a plunge which would
so effectually disfigure him. He again felt
• 1
hie fait Napoleon; end in the heroism of
his recollections was putting, the portrait 1
'of - his great' leader to his lips, when the
,sudden opening of a cafe ' , dolor, the bound
orthe scraping of fiddles, and the hum of
voices within, told him 'he; might make
better use of both himselrand his coin than
to bury-either in the Seine, at least for
that night. A Frenchman has always two
reasons for every thing; a strong one and
a weak. He generally gives Way first to
the weak one, on the rational ground that
the strong one will make way for itself.
One of hie reasons for determining to live
for at least the next half hour was, that he
owed a Week's rent to his landlady, which
he was bound in honor to d:scharge; and
the other was, that he was desperately, in.
love with one of the prettiest girls in Lyons,
an exquisite blonde, who had given him
all her heart, but having not a sou to give
along with it, had pledged herself to wait
till Monsieur Charles should be a colonel.
It was plain that neither of those purposes
could be accomplished if he was to make
hie bed that night in the bottom of the
Seine. He therefore postponed the per"-
formanre until at least he should bleak the
matter to the, fair Euphrasia, in a billet
worthy of a Frenchman in despair.
Ordering coffee, pen, ink, and paper, he
sat down to write. To give him a clearer
view of the subject, the smart garcon of
the cafe lighted a small lamp in the rather
dark box into which he had throWn him
self and his sorrows. Ile 'began; dashed 1
/ea few sentences of supreme tenderness,
and then paused, as is usual even with the
most enamoured, for a fresh flaw of ideas..
The lamp bad thrown its radianeeSon a
showy parer, and the mirror bad returi-
ed the radiance on Charles. His oye
caught sight of himself at full length in the
mil: or. Few. men, Frenchmen not ex
cluded, think themselves altogether-desti
tute of personal charms; and Charles was
really a handsome figure, such as might
'its possessor, particularly when it was his
last look. But why should• it, be his last
look, wtui t_4,thought that glanced into his
mind? Mahan this classic bead, jetty
moustachwe e exquisite imperial, and air
chevalrie go for nothing? Are the hearts
of the women turned to stone?' 'Are there
not hundreds of maids, wives, and widows,
that every week marry 'movers compared
to this brilliant physiognomy; and am I
good fur nothing but to be picked up by a
fishing net, laid , out in the Morgue, and
paragraphed to to-morrow's Moniteur?—
Something must be tried."\
But that something has formed the dif
ficulty of heroes and geniuses since the he ,
ginning of the world. While he paused,
he was struck with the voice of a Jew
Rabbi, who had marched from the further
end of the cafe, offering tbd tickets of a
lottery, in which the prizes Were bon-bons.
The sound caught his ears, and the idea
flashed into 'his head like lightning. " A
lottery, why, every thing is done by lone
re-7-the world's a lottery. Fortune is a
lottery--commissions in the hussars are a
lottery—the throne is a lottery, in which
Louis Philippe has only drawn the first
prize. Marriage is a lotterys—why, then,
should not husbands be a lottery? Why
should I drOwn myself, when I could be
drawn for by half the females of Fran'te,
make some rimy woman : the happiest of
this happy, and make myself rich into the
He threw aside his paper, called the
Jew into the 'box, fotind by a few leading
questions, that he was a Jew who knew
the world—a quick, sagacii}us, sharpwitted
rogue—discussed the project of the live
lottery with' him, and, before be left the
box, had converted his lase letter into a
charming address to all the charming wo
men of France to purchase tickets in a
lottery, of which the capiitil.prize was to
be the most captivating of mankind.
The Jew was delighted with the projech
exhibited all the eagerness of his tribe in
vote speculation, and promised for a pet
centage, to dispose of all the shares at the
synagogue in a week. TO make the mat.-
more enure, be iust4ed on Charles
receiving fifty Napoleons cm the spot, arid
fibisbiug the night by supliitig with him ;if
his own apartments. The Napoleons were
accepted, and so was . the invitation. The
Jew packed up his boa-bona, called a ca
briolet; the pair got into., it, and were
whirled to the Fauxbourg Bt. Antoine. A
whole labyrinth of streets, narrow as sew.
era, and shirk as- pitch, lied them to the
Jew's 'domicile. A passage like* the_ en.
trance to a jail there led-them into a room
which had a very 'striking resemblance to
a dungeon; and Charles begiiii to think that
he had trusted the Jew too far—but what
could he he robbed of? Rtill he might be
sold to the surgeons. The idea was not
the most agreeable; and he least a glance
upon the Jews motions,rwith la full .resolve
if he saw anz treaChery,,ta fly on itimand
strangle him on the" !Pet: But his
was unnecessary; the: Jew simply touched
a' belt, the door °petted, amli to his *stem-
ImalOund -himetil(frt,a Amite of
mum fornished. Outintmost mini&
00Ce.. Splendid carpets, gi lded fauteuils,
costly pictups, met the eye ;every where,
and'aythitiend of the suite, in a room or
still more e4quisite propettiotarend rang'
tore, a table was laid, with a liai'lriatir
clapper. "Foe the* all t i the
Jew, smiling, " rather odd forV" of
beacons, but this , is the 'custom,
we thus• make up for the- treelike
of our day and the 'scorner the:.
.g nitiki
Now to aupper and to business. r
Three or four domestics, evidentirift
brews, in showy liveries, attended at - table.
On their retiring the plan was constrained.
The. Jew exhibited his extent of that.
tenuus correspondepce winch clormeettibe
'children of Abraham with each', tabor
thruughout the world. The lottery AM, •
arranged, and the night was cdncledediel ,
discussifig the not 'less agreeable Atipiest
of the vintages of France, Spain, and Itelysk . ,
Charles made-but tvro reserves. One iirm I-
of a ticket to be sent to Euphratia,milibe
other a stipulation for himself,' tat in - tiuia
the drawer of the _prize should not itiike
hers, the profits of the lottery shiiiia be
divided between them, and the e
free. In two months thu ten •thutimatl..
tickets were sold at h Napalm:a . * pieee.-;— .
The drawing took place. In a few day' ,
after, the fair Eupbrasis was waited-upon
by a handsome widow, enpompoint, who
came in, 'her own equippage. "Save my
life, mademoiselle," said she; "send me
the lotterry ticket in your:possession."-
- Euplirasia had received' the ticket, but ut
terly unconscious of its value, bad thrOwn
it into her escritoir. "You shall hate
thousand Napoleons 'for the ticket," said
the showy widow. " Your ticket has
drawn the prize."
The ides occured to Euphresis that'
though a thousand Napoleons Would hei
very satisfactory sum under other ctroutn
stances, it was unlucky to sell ter giiiidToi-
Lune until she knew what it was.--The,
widow had bought thirty tickets in a deter
mination„to make sure of the. prize. Her
negotiation had failed, and she retired. In
five minutes after, a travelling chariot drove
to the door. Charles leaped up and was
in the arms of the fair Lyonese. He had
not .discovered into whose hands the prize
ticket had fallen,
a 'Moment before he wa s
on the toad to L yons, driving as fast atrour'
bourses could carry shim.. 'The &moat
was complete; he brought her five thousand
Napoleons as au- instalment, and foritivOre
drowning himself foi at last twelverniontbs
to'come. tha wholeilfair . is texts' owl-oe . -
fore the civil tribunal of -Lyons. The
showy widow was an opulent landhcildei
of Carcassone. The happy 'pair are-at
this moment spending their honeymoon at
Narbonne. •
*New Goods! , New GoOdoil!.*
_ - 111/ST received . by N. Nathan, & Co. sum
and elegant assortniont of Spring and Ssa.
mar Prints, *p l ed mindins land lawns; ann2
Which may be found a few' pieces of Eng
Prints at a very low rate. Also, a splendidas
sortment of 'Clothe; Cassimeres, Valuer &a.
Also, Gentlemen's Summer 'weir. together
with a general assortment of Linetto,Checks,
&per" Ticking", Moulin,, &e. &c.
april 14 ' 28
Mount Carbon Rai/ Road Company.:
09'k% is hereby given, that a special malty N
in; of the Stockholders of ,the lalount
boa Ratllload Company,-'will be held on-Satyr.
day the 26th day of May, abs o'clock in the ale
ternoooon Room No. 23. Merchants' Exchange,
City of Philadelphia.
By order of the Board of Managers;
Philadelphia, May 5, 1836. ' 34-6
LOOKING -GLASS and Picture nacho Child.
er, wit dnor to Mr. John Mcßatrdti'a,
street. Old Frames re-g il t in the neatest Mtn
nee.; and at the Shorted n tice. _
sprit 28
!Benjamin W.. Cumniingi
.11TT011XE r 14113
irg AS wintered his Office to Centre *reef,*
•••••posite the Brick Building of Georgell44Cl
- where he will attend to all . bull** Ai
trusted to him in the line of his profession..
Oct 21
-, .Notice and Caiitti. - '
I .ETTP,RS Testamentary of t the a " Of MA.
/ 4 RI itAINE, diraUsWi having beet, - snot.
ed m the *Maribor. =Mt executor or halm mill
and testament.. 411 Persons baring *Wein. ,
games' the mud estate. will `please meat .thern
,fOK eettlenient; and aU ; persons indebteirbi!the
`acme ete-aquested to Make payment to Obeli&
co l a)
seriberortio is Meanly pens* T ally andinitad
to - ieceise said debts.. be administrat . top gala.
ed to Strange N. Film r. rok,haring.ibeemna
sold by the probate of e IMMO thimmt go o •
Elaine, and thesebeett nt gi i ith t lrs th e - g er
b i ter at Sehttylitili y, or wail*
ry to the subscriber.: - ..r.LL - ' k
,; .. , ii •.1 •
1 4 .. Artnil .ratOli:4
iii" Jug ro riunar
I tjfiringa6 l 4 - doc* '
35-1 :: •
&get Exeiotor of the list
•.Call 01111 y: .
tillyiPtedera!itmel ' the publie
211 inirchailevit !mei the tract of had &lid
Cliatoii True. t Ittowegien tatittstii,
'FromElfiabetb Spohn, o Elleory Morrjs'
as he thelatidersigeed thert,
piplitatirule a. spit NON us: ply MRS spitio.
in* to Oe the possess: thereof. " • .
• 1 4 inhohne NAfraTik 1..4.: • - lar
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11641 'Tberwo Flirts
I' The paver and the
Oust raseivad and-tar
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bp' R. OANNAN: