~'&'ti.ey~SiL'i: a ~.w-..,"~T.~-..~ - ~ ' :,..-R•sr rs«...'u}-wa't:^".o~ usPoOrtant•low the Sidi .;•" 'T ,ip ::._ • wr y. .e= •-,-- ~,,, '-'• ' ' , D EVA NS' P IL la S. • Eggr....7 4 vf Map ad aidsuit „ U stfies - in t liViiirtheetteeto heilongbiesiringeatt by the. n ic, beatotrinr blawitggs and Tecate .i t .i.. , gin -the power nfannPlictilndl ,o .iris irirtotofatryto &Dithers. ,• • .: , en it halt achieved an ascendant career • of use . nwhir •stlietaueeti the. competttiou 4.7 1 1 . tit r .resd has smured.si conspuitio . ..-..., A Miter fluor . by iptrinic Path 'art 1 3 ? . r - ot , ciptAbe- causes 0 1 1 4 V 1 t' - W it h • .1 nettut.:tispiefoo, of hell Quo t NifilL4t inkth - datiumbh. '' '' '" ' ; -A.i . , • 44 CA AP: • aiI , FAIKILY APERIENT - . .by ar..•Williem.Etans, at WO t o tr,dollot aware his explanation: of icknoviledged elitcserfor the most eminent n • . Klan tbe'lDlaited State* willfreibly,, ,• . •'' ' :rade the re.airns Which have indulod. • is ' , mend thenrocrextensively and wartply ay 0. ' And. those • riaisoniCUre. 'that these - tide, lat aideen netrerinjOre even the mostdelirkite 1 .tititirseithd have,. iti alinost every baited , t for which they are prescribedot untrked.en4T -adlb*11).001i-lnlallameitt etfinacy. l . i. moreover. see that they usenet areredatighe ic,apenanyrinackilmay of purifying tbellood, tatter ilostraetion of the stomach and tioniels. y the biOdfirotialtliseasedlunneri,theY.Mide i ty du • %a hot by destroying those itisead, by argc:liin the blood can beausetined..Tbeil are , .. epee a theory which sepposesa rumpae.hl ix,veurisential agent to health; and feed. ;well! led. to ; be a saturable friend to flesh and blast 7- AG ads purify men. to ghosts, and make t hem. 4 like •ngs too 'refined to remain /origin. this; rattiiii hey make them as human as pensibleiandi t• - ' ter the hardships. and fulfil the ocinpij • of a blunary life. They - do net make a; ate t purga m try of this life, to prepare teen the fast i' °both' ...,They.proared area the supposokiii tha tilroVl muscles, nerves, argues, excretory aril , toryllaad. Mummer and tegutnentary flambeau . neat-set brains. of every haman being 'palate t applied-mite nourishment Wow as healthful a st elmuserin be inadeaed kept; and npod thctlbetrin I tltatel the stetnach and bowels are in good pale ' blood nd every other pan of the system will be i I 4rter. 1 And horr is it expected that they will secure heals . r tht stowitechand bowels?' Why by enabling the o t - .digest dame, and the other to carry off what is le er the nia4inisint•ta extracted. - In connection I wit tt , u e surplt: l f b . ra tul r e .es , a . nel am t i lte sto f m ou a l c i i i t aul A ors iid o t tt ey be n t emzi: ish that. gtwatfeats of medicine in the most elm ay imagloable. The A PEE - 1101T I , AMILY Pit . i die stomach be affected with Wind , bile, or tom - . Hardee s.clea r it out. by a natural but a most ni mble solvent action, and cleanse, the whole Al cutfry cared. without. griping , and leaving it as free about debility , es nature ever designed it to be. hey do gamic the skin offthe stomach and hooch. nil leave . them like a piece of red velvet, as all phY lama knitar the strong drastic pills dp. but I hiy ke niters kindly. by the hand 'Without crushing her alters. (They cleanse every thing,c without impart , . . . r triptrag may /lung. Whetithis us effected, as it tisnaiiii by the use o a ew of the FAMILY APERIENT I LI'S. then ceche be celebrated 'CA MOMI Le , If TON IC PRA-SA° Mrengthen a stomach and twitch which before, par '. ha weak and foul because they were w.Unk. bed :endo ps. ws, them with strength to perform theirimper taut funettons, Without the aid of physic. 'The :: et-. MOMILE FLOWERSwhen its valuable prineits ta re chaotically extracted. is acknowleteed bran p y-i 1 unmans, in every ay, to be the best irevlallle to icy known a the smeace tifniedicine —These lekto ng fk low,h is the tegetable kingdom of nateretevequa 44 , mothin that's at imce so harmless' and Ito lriroi sl , - 4 ineal and in "proof of this the proprie of by "renoweed pills that art made &omits purest part eai. might note almost innumerable eutherselltab n ee enc• and modern , if his own practice had not proved tto i tens of thousands. , . The)effecurof these pills are not only percei iii aeinerease of appetite and general strength, tid „.' a restoration slam body to that unisenial vigor i 4 P its funetions which indicates the return to perf ly sonndi health.—The face, and general comple iod, speak volumes in 'their favor, and thousands er f t males On testify how much lhcy have eontribut tr-r -; their` teitilbrt, their Atompleibm,4nd that ' . tx ' when every otherrernedy. tatd proved worse than hee -1 less. 'ln nervous diseases, of all kinds, they are kir t. .aeknoFledged to be preeminent; grade:loy teetering finsin -or body and mind with's - aft those Ann .'e • and himges which other nerviles remedies oe ion it Happywould it have been liar °may young pe itis .reo ti sexes who are now in tits silent grime, t4ty te ' had owlets check the morbid tendencies of their austn ch sod bowels by these pure tonics ant] ti ' ,eats , briihout resorting to quack remedies , that tr ies , of which are concealed, and of which they' now nothing. That dreadful scourge COA:3l:Mi'l tiN, might have been checked -in 'is comanneem ` end &appointed of ita prey. all over the land, if th first r - sirntoms of nervous debility had been - comae oted by CAMOMILE chemically prepared; and hose bowelcomplatnts which Imul to a. host of fatal, ale- t . dins, might have been orvinted by that fine al line exbact Aof rhubarb; which is a le iinoingreff ni in the APERIENT FAMILY Pit,L . 'Before aof " r these meditate. which are adapt to a majn tj , of the purposes for which a hundred ethers are an CliPl•- r airily nsed,feirers, noes. bilious disorders, be elms,' t female debility, male decline, indigesnon, em ter • i enmblaint. would have entirety disappeared, (se i . i . many of them have proved fatal. . l But be it diedinaly understood that these m irines ' '. are opt o gheAl instead Of these natantl organs f the 1 hodywhiellatter - medicines diSoense with, i a leery summary manner. They are flitintled upon - mice . knowledge , and not quackery, and do not tak all the I red particles out °Me human blood under r r ho-' i Wince of purifying it. ID proof of which differ uee of effect, let the faces and forma of patients b et testi mony. They coustitute a useful, effeAkintl. and 'dee rally applicable class of' medicinea !lir every alsily; anti belt% both tonic 'sae aperient, and of t Item . preparations known, no person 'or famly ah o ld be without them. They can he obtanallwhol le and vaunt ofthe proprietor. Pr. Whl ; EVA f!ila,Pieur Stork, and of lii-agents in town and country. with Ow . tionifoßuse.—They.pre rapidly supaceding a I ether . tiheiggin adiertise...W.the public prima, beent ed'they orb found to belong ion- very superior class of bajantar ' ode clicihrt: Airinglotrial usually places them highip pri- into estimation. he they are known to het it 'public preference, and in the epinism ofiphy;icians. I , Dr,. WM. EVANS' OFFICE, Pio. 19 ETU' im ;HT .ST. PIII LA DELPMAi where his .4icint , maybe bad. Dr. Wm Evans!' Offierl.loo Wham . ' atreet.-New York,whert the DoOtoriffay be inked ' asosuid. .. . . DLISPEP.3%,"C and sp lit r Y t i l li r Cn E a m ß oi A n rde sl ; Tit aboveVhird st:, Philadelphia: - 411 f • trace-al i m years - with the following distressing synapton t Pick desalt the stoutads.headache, timbitess, pal titlona °film beam-impaired appetite, so mimes cid and Pattrewsnnt ems:mama, coldnelia and Weaker:if the I eAtrr..mitieS, emaciation and ge net" debility; seabed fl i t.. i t rest. asopseptprittenre and '%eiglititirthe i rnaeh after Wag; atglentare, great mental des n eney, severe 0 ' .., Pains in;he chest, back und irides , five. rows, taint, e thrticicieti , or colc versittion, in obtatary "tenet ant ... weeping languor: and ilaiittide pisn Abe ' leasienendse. . , ..- L. 4,..., _ ..1 Mr. &keen ti? iiitplierttrilibeinoweinin itaiyei taana, who con ered it beioriff Italia/ea ofmeili ia taitiffibatiare hits to itesitVl 3 / 4 0wirier. is liOantie• - - -fond had redeem' . hint to a twtry deptorahl itlikieo, thidlinvingtepn reconunenaked hy!ii,relaii o thi s t o enaltetriiikof Dr, Win. EV,tdNir Mokeine .Ile with eitlinnitty repaired to,tbe office and taticur e l t package, AO which, he says. he is intlaited for Eder .kian to "def.:health and friends. He is ennoeir nialtthe ~at - IdOittiga of: perfeet - heal[ . Persons 'Roar of (*Wilier affOrmiffort.eini, be lis with e 1 parti-j • cuter ofhis astonteMagense at-Di, , ii. Ev s Medi-J VII Officelli JCS/Chilton '' New cork': cb-Phil adelphial No. 1 , 9140Wr1l WH.TII Sr. ' , _ Sad by - , . Sore' .. •, .1 UPI, T. - NYER Ira; . - ' A ter Saitrylhill eerily. `Poliaillk.Nor. 25 ' ' ;„..,,„ l!' .'•I I 1-at cal lug szati. it, p only Bed 1 1 1 Ch. the eh af a • • ::messes 4 hews!! 20 cliskluifficlntedi*h 20rBoxvilAtie lop% Torii& by NATHAN: • diac • , ,,,..,145,-, :-. __ ) P r " . this meat* , 14 E,M7E-101 - & - ittle i ''erarniente and vethitraiii • fe t w hi e hl s. 1 !GricatitSte ' teetrek-34leers:belfir hilti*r .iirilinjArg. 'a:prime - " teffresth Ortrett , .- ee h or f r ent t h e Jo , 00.,..,:,- , ..it. -, 44 IVr. -,4 : ,:t4i-cl., ,:-.-- s ...1....4- i‘i iiiiir ore lt:',:pisimap' . Li.lava.olo, ot.; -t-z them " - iotiilmit ' i tti,l) o li . " b;i3 ' e l" .-Fr .' .. :.:..--. MinnatlCienniiiii i ~ ".H:Gt.Teiquf. 1.... tell; bislire p ll.a : tiky ' t . i '..;.: . .. pert edit ; I" :( MitiitimpclH' clifila beg ' I 1 New s,` elf '•-ti 1 4 040 , 52 ,f , inclit'and ilwase 'S . Imperial, G Powderail - lennto:etWlth.„ - The follpyrtng. lumina dii.Mi4 - 'are well k I c."Mrsityr *OrallPtPaf4 T ea° - - - `DYSPP. .II c,0.; %OA, ~„__,.Plln t t .. -;, t ,' ',• • '- • noeond ato m . Bakers, C • ,a1P.vt".,....._ _._,r•n al l l iChrteolite bile. instead of th. 3 - ,e,__,LA .vs einfruFa. . , F 0 14 k I , t i I -'Prepiaren • • ;Canes shells , ',dß/adwee: knit . --1 R ea dh4 t , . Hersey, '_ 1 . - 1 -, cri emir .entlitbdonebely .: John Sells. lellertilneholtY. Sedges • -. e t D rpepme , -11 Tan , - Canton erg a d C urrie . .1 Glietkin.T testa. pepper. l is " --, • . f the intestine, tin , ' '1 klized,Oni ' ~lidenipie, I Pic kl es Lemon andpinteh - . ilicilence; all siofr - . erithietwedays. ... .. - . , Olives. caotha,,ilnchomeirin the sharp am , .Cayebnet;Tir, allspice and Ginger - are oce.asioned, Cleves, id ,Nutniegs and canta secretion of the] Rice, flour tMce. march t e restoring le Curtaa*gai RAMIS. Primes . 4 process 11 Sweet Met almonds, citron : • ihroaghwohni n. Moue Oil. 'tin bitters,leinon.syrup ' 'The 1.,1FE LLS. isaLlts.... i! Pretested ' 'iger, cheese, codfish f" tat dy in three wee* an d G eo n bud( F - H - Etring - : nerel: sehhier ---_-- r- . " that time, bv iremoving local,intlanimation- him the 112 1 1 . Lill '''' eq * Y id Inl Z l O enn irlandle . 'muscles InKrArlitiAgtigi° ll 4 4 . DIV* ,ofrfu " ed' ,dipttalkiw : . kinds. by freeing and strengthening distil yr and r Palm - ed brown "a 7 43116 / 4 ""P, - , bladder:they apelike Whist - deUghtficlly on roe or ; Old Made . old port, claret f , o w r d, shim , iehontaiiir! „ w a le , - gne.and hence have ever been fdWd a emit Anne. I ow hoc * , s arylk oi ga ~.in wood ded f ed or gin the g • wo re zt ove ctisr eee " ° in f o , GrateL er tbe l leei Aleo eb ßi ~e' iiiim 'by Sweet ' mriscu r an, ;, :t ., iiA. ; ''''7 7 nutter to which these maws adheres wed Malr"er, 'lien •""'''u . "` ,- ` 4 , 'l ra • eimsumittiett. by relieving the - air vessels of fangs a f ~ Scotch. it h u ittemengehela & corn w 1 from the mann. which even slight itolds ifno rumen Annieeste tobileed & peppermint cordials • _, h ,,....... 1 .... 4 . n . a and ~..„Allic... those ,_..._..,..., 1 Cognac. , Monne, Spanieh 4. coin brandy. 1.. 5e. . 2 a a ,Th' 77 . y e!;;;;;: iN a , s u rn ne a r ; &pi n= Holland aim Gin4.ll. 4, ban i . ' perfect purity which 'thins Life PO giveie tile blood' i • Jamaica tip hits ..{{ and an humors; Saartrutic Ermations, and iikel Com' Extra sop ` span. inferior do ••• prertons, by their alterative effect - mien the fluids that Half S is and common cigars ! " Cat& pia -- abd moulded glass I n Were morbid state of which occasions 011---Rtmpaise eon* pit - tints. Nam. inou4.and rialiesldiangreertible Cow -1 !Amine:in' itioaserY . *rums The use of Mate Piltsfurn sores time. 1 . ALSO , will effect an entire cure of Sart rheum, sipefru Irgeneral assortment of Dry Goods. &c. &e. all of Mid a striklng,immvetneni hi th is n i th e loch they are disposed to scion the-most reasons- • affin - `Giamer - itr'ldit.aosell'effie4s. will ' ways lit hie terms.. -Heeds of Families sand Tavern Keepers] cured by oneslose, or by two even:to thew stvan& are particularlyiinvited to call ,' • piles.—as a remedy Toictlmiseeetiflcaresain and ob • • 'dame malady. the Vegetable W Piller la distimetand. emphatic ire , •atiott. . I is .. well known to huud,eds lAA* city. that the prieter pf these havaluable Pills, was hiimelfAillieted wfth this complain:for upwards" of thirtyliaiyetarsand that be tried in vast every remedy prescribed Within the whole eon:masabftbehlateriallfetlfes.' liehowever, at - length. tried the toed - hue which be new' arers to the. public, and he was cured tole very short tone. Ale, his recovery had been pnrounced *iot only araprobable, but absolutely impetigo - hie. by any lump means. DI RECTIONS 'FOR 178 E.—The proprietors of the Vearrastat Litre Pius does not 'follow the base and inereentry practice ofthe enacksior the day 4 in *dna. ing persons to take his Pills in Lame quanties. No grid medicine can po s sibly be In requi em. Tune PlllB arc to be taken at bed time every night. for a week or fortnight. according to the obstinacy of the disease. The usual dime ielrem 2to b. eeeordie gto the constitution of the:person. - Valli:101mile lemma should beak with-hutawrw end 'lemmas am the native 'tilde casemay requite those frolve,,reber e 4 of cliff costive habit. may begin with 3. had inc to 4, or even 5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently balmy change to guide the patient ir. their fenker ili m _ These Pills scanetimes occasion sickness and Woniry De. though very seldom. notes/ the stomach is Vile foul; this, however. may be ethisidered O favombe symptom. es the patient will„finid himself at, mice to ineved. andlay perseverance willamon mailer. They usually operate within 10 or 12 hours, anever glee pain, unless the bowels are very - much e Waimea. They may be takes' by the most delicate* ibis un derVE, any circumstances -Thins however. tip-ronmernd ed, that those in lateeperiods of, Ipiregnancy'Ohmild take but one at a time, and thus contihue to kei . th e beliefs epee; and even two may be taken whe the patient is very costive. One pill in a solution ftwO Wile spoons fall °twitter; may be given to an i fans in the following doses -a tea spoon %R every t o home till it °Permed; for a child from ete to Eve motive L a half a pill—and from &veto tea. one pill.. • THETMEHMBlTTEll§.laCeohat i mptethuse ' they possess the power artesian the pining em.. rs he lis i f bmiltb, to a gkiwin vigor thipughout the emrstittition. as the Phienis ' said in be re st ored to life from the ashes of its own deem lee* The Phew nis Bitters are eutirely vegettible. composed of root found only in certain parts of the western (country' which will intallibly cure FE.VERS AHD AGL - ES of all Linda • will never fail tp-eradiattb entirely all I a Mercury. effects Of infitiitely sooner 'hen the mem power Ail preparations ofSenlapanlla. a will 'tame diately mire the determination off D TO THE lIAED; never fail in• the advises inciileit to yam' females' and will be found ti ...certain remedy in ali cases of nernous debility and Meekness o f -then:lost im- , paired conciliations. As is tr ,remedy foy Chronic and ytry Rheumatism, 'the efficacy cif the Phenix Bitters will be demonstrated by the eke of a single bottle. The 'meal dose ofthese bitiers:ls half a wine glass fulLin water or wine. and this quantity may be taken-two or three times &slay, about half an hour bellies meats. or a less (Fultily may tie liken at all times. To three who me afflicted viiiii indigestion tiler meals, these Bitters will provepivaluable, as they very greatly increase th e action °lithe. principal viscera, help diem to perform their fuoetions,and en able the stomach to discharge Into the ib owels *hat [ ever is effensive. Thus indigestion l. airily- and speedy removed, appetite restored, tied the mbuths efthe at sorbent vessels bet mel n. 1,-rmyriihm • I facilitated, and tamed' of Wy and bf laind are tke hippy-revolts. For fartber i Wiculatv ted". MOFFAT'S LrFt: PILLS. and P NIK: wit TERB. applyet Mr. Molise' 0ffee,A10.4546 NeirTork. whore Om fins cam be ellvaintl a ii cents, SO cents. order bezi arid died Biter s toll ler 3t2 per - brittle. fix Numerousce teen of the woriderfalotheaerefkollt4lMy be .illapeeted- i: - - In some obstinate and complicated " ...s of chrenie and inflammatory ithiniininiasti.,t . - r Complaints. Fever and Ague.-Dyspepsicl.iPalsy. "' . hrjun a te!- the we; of Fiercely, gurome; and ear: steniknenynay be noisessitry to tabu both' the' Pills and the ~,Pbconix Bitts. . imtlie "4Miliiirtit -- e re commended. -:" -' - ' 1 4 '' ' N. it —These Pills:modheßi7 will gel the nwecuryoutafthe system? infinitely tas i thebesa• preparations ofSars a partlki. and see i 111.113 for the rushing% diehloocl re tile haul, at all vielmit • hati kentiva.. ackes;ficclaufeneur . , &e.=Allpersonsevho are Orilla . - Poliettloalephlxy.pariY. dtb,, - should never ' be whoa the Life Pills orate Bate* for one dose in time will sale life. They equalize the eirenhiti+n of the bbied. draw SB pressure from the head. Oration, and em th offevery impurity the sits rf- th eiduia.-- e s For vale by .. MIL ER r viooEirry, -41 , gentsfoy the Proprietor. Pottsville. 110 ''-i- i.t - f, .ID 11 441-1, 1 . For Sale I tilT RED — WI ; IiFIRICES, AT THIS OFFICE Stilt. MS, I AP/ERREI3-Sytimathick 'fi* the F-' saltast, epierliesit, and perfect mire of every aid -of wounds, ulcers, cancer and all cutaneous meases, arie;ili - from cutting, squeezing, bore. ng, boiling nil the-impurity of the blood, and also tor curing Dyspepsia, heart burn, asthma, liver liomptaint,one iireneasiculicits, convulsions, spire. 1144:ea and rhea natick pains, tooth ache, and sore 'levee. T.,,rie gfzieral agent, Pea 0. Xay.Vyagner, :pending, Eke is county, Pa. offers graiis to any Person at£ectiid,With either of the said diseases, ',ll certain quantity of the Svmpathick to be tried ' a ; an apprematild before making any expense; how, , ever; tireopplzeation must be made free of peat. age. ' .., ' N. R. Thig article cannot be had genuine in any drug store or appurbecary shop. It is not itches:airy to` much shoot it, a" it eertainlY will recomiuMid deaf to an enlightened ptiblick. . mug 19 ' ~ ...19—tf Passage from England, Ireland, Scot land and ,trales. DERSON:B wishing ti er gage passage for their friends, in firs( rate ships, from the a. hove pieces,inay now do so by applying to 1 1 • GYM. - HAGGERTY, Centre Street. For the aecommodation 0r those,persons co-ga• ging passage for theirdfriends, wheanay, wish to send them Money, to enable them to-provide fei the voyage ildrafts will be given on the following named_ are4hants, P. W,H roes, No. 3, Waterloo, Roid,- Liver pool; Hanicil Wright, Co. No. 3,Robinsen st. eet Glasgow; William Miley, No. 2.5. 'Eden Qatrl. Dahlia MAY r! 35 illtiOPF AT'S ible Life Pills and Phe. 1' 'risiii . Hitters: lit: - A TlidlSll.—All nations. Dan the netno testages. ye had ehipi. but Coluinbus only found CO,I out the w yto America fore the tint? of the groat Span' h navi tom) pie were only enabled to paddle ala t the a Just so with t& Life bled ictnes h. but two short years some I first ven tured upon an unknown ocean. and I have &seemed the preen v object I was in search' of—HEALTH. Vegetable culottes %vele iudeed known when I com menced rn search. but their Ole was not. 13v the use of the ',I have not only passed from the dejected invalid,te c hale hearty ano senverom albumens,. but, comparatively ifieaking. I have renewed my youth. I Oit thus, with confidence in ley own caper i neacc. adtvie with my tallow citizens Does the i reader wait prouftliet theVEGETARLE LIFE MED. , WINES am suitable to his own easel I have on file at my offimbild Drthufway. hundreds eflettemprom some of t. most respectaLlecitmena of this mi us. ! tues of A D V i tire land, oltintnrill offered in testimony of the vir- GETABLE IdEVICIIII E. „00 Person whoseconstitutions have been nearly m ined bythe ••all tufallible" mineral preparations erf the day, Witt bear me wit ness., that the Life Medi eines, arhhsuch only, a re the true cause to permanent , good health ' ' • JOHN MOIFTAT. r GENER4L RFAIIA IiRS RELATIVR -TO MM= I' i'I"StIFE. PILLS AND PHCENIE BITTER& These edicineohave long been knowwsad awe ciated:fo their extraordinary and immediate powers of restori g ',effect, health, to persons suffering under nearly e kind of unease, to which the baulk frame is ale. la may hundreds of certificated'instannee, thio have i rescued sufferers from the veryierge of an nnomelxgrave. ;flOl ail the-deceptive. nostrums of the day find utterily , failed;and to many thousands they have periatioe.ntly secured that uniform ehjoyment of health, Atom which life 'itself is bet a nartial•blese. Mg. great. inoed, haaiheir ,efficacy &availably, and int` ildy proved , that it has appeared scarcely `lea th miraculcnis to those who were unatmnainted with th heautifu l . philosophical principles upon which t y are centpounded.and moon whiel"tbej 1 consequ tly inhinit Watiltri their manifest and sensi ble. /lets ID 4141[16'lltir the springs land chained* 4,1 life aod 'Mint, Om with renewed tone aad rigor, that* were imiebted.fer their moos, Which woo 4 bestow . poti tri inuftst,of aciremilAndurido . whoseß ye e 'the/ hid 4intusly sved The 4reptietoni rejoice' in ilie it - 41 1 Miiitiidirsiffeal bj the inmost diffustrut orate Wow, foipbm: big 'hid VEGETAVILP. LIPO9I ;labilliti the knovitelpiend of everycibdhiliftpl in tboireatig mututy.a unlike the host of pernicious Aqisseksiiii*, which at of .vsgetable ingredientealie dAft Pills are purrly and sOur.tv vetirroatim, sockeentid_n nei ther Mercer". tinum.y. Atitouic, 61:%, nay other numrra m any ge rm wnaleter. ,TilMy are entirely com p, ' ufertto libwrarv,aelLeowelfulttlants. the v i es of which. thane], Thig - knowillie r s/veral i t Indian rebel'. and tincent ir to some leitinent tilsarma ecotone, rhanoers,inaikogethemankmwnykitbeigno tsar teatitmattv medical science; and' were never bean, Inlntetited in so happily:efficacious a Om- Thfirst epevatiott is tolosein from thecriatsot the tau s toma ch aod britvelii.thiSZvenotis impun,tjes and 'irish l ie Wag. errottefftheyWard iiiiii. move 1 diardened - Cacao whichteltiertn the elan mem: °libel small htteitinte. Pther.latit*nti only OftwUyekrawsettiege.ond filetrillickic ' • t ie filf4t." kteurr.P. , ' 10 0 4 ; ug.R O I 4 I • IFIt :frikb, .Ift*inia:fv pr ta r Nhviou ~.., atti f: 0 . 'mo t t tiet lio i 1,42 . . . • getrifiii) IhtithitiO ails. ii lIC4pI mrtliceof these welt in , or m 4 against t al& wn*nonimfabilitge. The id e ff ect of e VEGETABLE,' Lib E utiwor GEM 4 3 ' & OD. 2 ESS = 4 , 111 .. .. "Ittlilf. 1 tic, WO -hi . , 1 1 ,. .kA,NAN ,a,....,.., „,,..,„, 11-oh•clitiolis PieHitt, ckcii..i 4Mientived itittne,'Nehkeh ix Orets, i !Bidet° ap. le 4 .--" 1- -r Orilmillariiiif main, 5 uls: ' ' Nis - alktAiiifeolo ti - • • .. z 11tnagvite or Tsti6l riteii, ' • ' - "HliiiirSlptti'li triiiiteei Min Hi-2yett - , '. '... '' Prp* , Onlifiellesol l ielVtpri, - , . 1 - 1 0 4 ' 441-11 . 1 WIe * . ,,, - Bil (g e i vrofiribalin , cx,i ~., -, f'it'l3,er,ertifflifelki, _- •' • ,Titp.W., . tleiliCeinlitfelsr , r,) • 'frigif.f.ivii9o.-Rolizi°3" i 1 Chrielintf'ith,r *II Helve._ ii , A Mothe r . Reiiiiii.se,ke. It* 7 g VI r „Old #rdpi t .74ic.; IPont , Wpm, oirl, iiirr .._,. i VlßA r toruPettet,e grape jus eon Winer, ..v , ,tr,,,,,'1 doiii ...49 110Yal Pa 4.914%, Ale Teti I Nery:.superior 4. km la., 4. 4 6,,,,,, I APlLAW*.;..Verrt* poor :4P . ..__Mir4 1 Daffberdon 4,0 x. rrYl-. - --w*P. SicilAgoilip. _Up rite, old r a ' dry **A*lo**ol4l ' nee. e. & 40--"1.- 111H t LER & spa' 28 . , , (tAaR HT • 57•41x7 ~....: ry i•-r " 1 7111aiialt , . • ~84)ei . . . , IwiTar,billicie l skiikemiii - ' l'h f 11 IoW tett every day; from 9 to 3 go,. u - -4ie t.. Office of Discount and DepasTi; "---- Oil -4 laie of rejig - Vier epositeto any oat eat Cl' etty..o7k64ellPN l / 4 iliftCh 1M intereittif 4 einttivill be mild every 115 egifspeatrilf.baelari. .mir. a i turf frittitsald VIM ..1tt1 . 7 paii4say-be ilrawit-ri a . ontisir.g. i'... o two to Oir Weettiriet:t -' !orratrinda, • The be. sines of the ifilUghiti 'NA( &at& the followitikratlitin6laed.nianagetse '1 the irst 'Monday to Mai next. , • --- , , ~._ .q : 1 I •Presulent--1 1 .4 BC4:TtiN4 ..... im 1, ,, r; : : m a JOsipit:Certell•.4-1-- -4: _ uel4.- . . Dillard Thithe• 1-• ,• i - 1 4; -- w.,4 Jacob Bull • Iq, t et--rea, -• . C. Whitneytihmtatry,mulTretusurer. Artuilis 3d sitibeN:lharter.. "N¢-einolument ehatexiiertibillite acteil'iUvNi.'by am President or • Managers for their. services, for shelt-any Manager. becomit *'borrower. front the =mita don. t: , ott 3 46tf -: audA ,*lmalAiFul . CONSIII,9II I IIOII CURED. - - le .prenention 4cure ighs,Cidito,Astolotas, lamptiefis,,Sfitting of 'Di4eSes of :and.Lvogs,4c,pret.. thr - Leo DribLARKSON :MAN, of the vite ) r; , : • Accumpoily . itig eiro bottle Of the Specifick, pointing out in; a conspicuous Manner, all the qmptoms in the-different stages ofthese dibtrcs. sing disease:l,4lm particular 'direct-lens teapect sing diet and regimen,ami how patients are to condiiM throne) %every- state Until health-is te amed—for vain and useless would be the pre I icriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied . with the most powerthi and useful medicines, if 'the direntinepka l eettot faithfully. adhered to. The public life informed that thedepositions of' 287 persons have been taken before proper au thorities in thil cit) Of Lancaster, all completely cored in the trioslt desperate cases of consump tion, wino of Which are detailed in the bills ire company ing ealet hcatic. o i ,* A-supply ofthe above Specifiek has been received and iitfor sale at this otilce. • March 12 18. Swaiin'M Panacea. A 8 the intemperance mid 'luxury Ad the age are •Mi- hastening the, ntwagea of scorbutic complaints and rendering the blood, more impure: and lorthun sands have deidyttysid their COLISIA' Utl..as 21 neglecting to apply the proper reniedies—to such, Swairri's Pan acea must be,ittei has been, more than doubly welda ble as a certate andeffeetend means of restoringthent to perfect health and vigor Few .families ore whol ly exempt from scorbutic affe-ctions. which exhibit va. _viols* symptoms, as eruptions. ulcerations, debility. loss of appetite and dejection. all among, from impure blood, and if nut properly attended tir, produce the -1 vert ' ateaajar) . the rimstionotion. and may be im l parted to their flitpritni. fiin-nim's Panacea is recom mended nt this mann of the year, as a valuable mitt , - Tame of the vylibem, therelty-invitioratingthireunstitu t i on , and ena Id i na• it. to bear the debilitating effects of the summersettson- It tv con veyed ,by the caretda. ring fluids. ant gortucts their tendency to all those diseases whit orignitate iii vitiated blood, diseased liver. depraved appetite, or predispositon to affections of the lungs, &c. No tine, however. isiadvised to eme lt without convincing themselves oft he truth of what is here stated • • This medicine is now used with success in all parts of the world,and is gaining great reputation in Eng- A fresh supply of the Medicine justreceived and • for sale by B. BANNAN. • Sc Agent for Schuylkill county. Who can supply the abrive medicine •wholesale is them who wish to sellrikain. at Philadelphia prices • May 14 • ; 26- Insurastre "Company. I . CAPITAL' AUTIIORISED BY LAW, $250.000. Cll-I.I.ItTIER PEIN'E I AL, 1. AKE both - if and perpetual Insurances 1' on Briar. Stone or Frame Buildings. Stores. Hotels, 'MOW. Barns. Stable.. kiarrhaudizg. Furor tore and Propeety,of ewer) sioser.i.tHou.agairist loss or damage by FIRE. MARINE . 4 AID INLAISD JASVRANCE.' The Drilaware, County hatursoes totapao) wtl Ono ivinre init bra on all Amos 6.llnarine risks; and against - die damage or loss upon the tianspoita.' tion of gcsioda,atorea. and merc.ndtsr by water. or by , tan way, upon telims as favourable as any other in siltation. 'For any. further informaeon en the nntdret f *mance. either against Frre. marine of .uland tidal Apply to RgNRY G. ROBINSON. A :e4t. July i 5 34-tf lt Schuylkill Tiaveo. or WILLIASI B ecrrTs • At 01 4 wigiburg. . . •-• - SPRING GARDEN • 'VT4 linisorince Coinpany." 114AIKE bothiiinited - ami,erpetail lisuriknces oh Frame - Buildir -Acv ~ITotott 11 4 11 " , 111 sensione, t 1 • , dd ,—. qiet,propyi.•._ qp . virill ii . Self*y.fireiThousemi / Bottled -of th is valui le /te ..miidieia•-•4wete_sold laityear. and the demand is O. increalling•VlMO tilliAlnl%iii single bqUia. . isbon, Ni * MA i'Fr.. - 9.P,ia r likrt. 6 F r k li p( - ( for W e l, _ _ ~ _ V__ 1 fi4V ii ' ligtolltiji*Lbui " • • M Wr it fiejO t llA i kkarilir , , „,,,••,, '' kk tnt. - t --,,,, Vihigt , 2k...t ,1, • it- tp PIRIII r ll 15.45.1114a9, -, Iv' ' ""' 7 . 11 14: 1 / 2 :10O - SV &MOT' &VOwea* - . ~- - Stieet;Weiti,y iiiikiiiitiribti liisidenbe Ed or B. F.' , Tdrittly;tiAiiiecupled -by William D.''' Leib: . - Tiliistouse ii 6 led trout by 30 feet,in getiticiritbhallicketir d' cello in the liaininenr siori: 'twit' login in e Ire, s6'6Olid.iiimi third irtair i'filif tlie No IA& or laidlionse 'well plietered ind - painted.:::llltalin excellent welltir-svatet at the'doxir-L-theiot lel% ketkeat,by ,170 feet an deptb, pith a 9 1'4;44 JO. , ley On' thetiest 'end' ok silt! botisiti •Voifurther partki;ittiitringnitd of - -. • i' • : ~ ' ' :TAO'S. - WARP. - Metint citbon, Nov. 3,1837. • ' ' : i i '7-7-, -,--- y. ---, . •_ , „• ROYAL COLLEGE Ov Sf - Rcra t S' , Nis 'VIE Original Bygehie Universal Vegetable bletlisine prepared by W. MISlifN, Esq., leeeriber of th e Koyal College izOlorgeons, natty et Apothecaries ;CoMpany,, Fellow of all Court Society, Surgeon to ant Royal °Mots . "'en sion Association, ,Lapeaster Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of (;nay's and St. Thomas' Hospitals, London. Tbear fills having gamed acelebrity leled in every section of the Union, are now con. sidered by all those +ebb value good health, Maio. pensable as a family medicine— patronized 4 a numerous body of the most eminent Physieians both in this country rid in Europe,—is atiffithient, ;t is presumed, to stamp their character in the es. timation of every thinking man; and it is hOped, a fat better recouimetu:lation-thin the course re sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders, who to mislead and deceive the public. pdblish whatthey cell practical proofs and certificaces of Cures, that exceed all bounds of rational credibil ity, and most of which, if not all, are either gross fabrications, or procured by fraud a nil connivance. Tlie editor of the Long Island Farmer, says ' , This medicine has obtained , an. unpreceii t ented degree or well preserved popularity. Havingtik.; en these pills ourselves to advantage and witness ed then• bentirciat effects on others, we have no hesitation ir. recommending them tothe putlic as a safe. salutary and useful family medicine,' * s *Nime are genuine without the signature of the General Agent on the label, by whom• the a- bove medicine is imported into this country,. . JNO. 110LBEIN, 129 Waverly Place, • Gen?! Agent for U. S. .A supply 'of tho above Illedicirid just retieived aid for sale by 8.. BANNAN„ July 16 liuportap# I)iscdvery. The subacilber haediticovered a inethcititty whia beturttiesr or that valuable rout, • TILE SARSAPARILLA,!• May be extracted 'Without losing any of ha tried;clnal •propertiest. 'This medicine is „prepared after a re ceipt of the Medical College, a receipt recommended by the Faculty an the beat formula for the prepare- Awn of the fluid extract of Sarsaparilla. This Extract maybe given with perfect safety to children, and is conscientiously offered to the public us a purifier of the bkiod. which inull cases Will great ly alleviate and-in Many entirely cure the following diseases: „ • Obstinate etbptions of the skin. • Pimples or pastilles on the thee. . Biles which arise tram animpure habit of body, . Scaly eruptions. ehron ey ir, rheumailam Tetl:: • s ' " •- : Scrofula, or King's evil, White Swellings. Syphilitic symptoms, - And all disorders arising from an impure state of the blocodieither,by tlong• reaidence in a hot and un healthy clitnate.ar the injudicious use of mercury. I have thoughtm,necessary to attach a few cerofi•-•• antes of its beneficial effects, froui persons well known in the county, as 'references: • ' Heading, July 11, 1837. We the anderaigned. having used the Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. (prepared by geoge Oakeley)-in our families '. m most. cheerfully tee 'mend at to the public, as a cheap. safe and efficient. 'lnediOtne, in diseaste arising from itripuritiex of the i . JOHN MILLER, WM. H. MI LI,ER, M. S. RICHARDS; WM. BROADS, • - • This iitocertifilhxMl 'was for two Pettis afilmted with an obstinate antoetigantous iffiection in one ofmy legs,which broke into numerous ulcers, far which I. tritrivarious remedies, which but incremed the din. ease, when I was recommended to try Mri Oakeley . tr preparation of Sarlapanlla. I did so. ana after using several bottles I aim happy to state that the ulcers are entirely removed mid my leg healed:. Witness my nand this 16th oar of A uvat, ISM JOHN R. C'OLLER, Rending. This certifies that soy little son, abtmt 8 years hid.. had suffered fur a long time from extensive sores cal. the.right knee sodieg: (supposed to have.becaw bite swelling,) which -IYound imps lc to heel; - by even the siid of the must respectable medical'. advice, until I wan recommended - to use Mr: George W.O.akeley's Coin pound Syrup orSirsa patina, eight butiles ofw hrch not only healed die . .4ores but pertectlynestayed the child's health whiclthad_suffered much in consequence of this affection. h a:ATIIARINE 7th above Penn sVeading. , .T.heaboy/mme. was_p_resented to me, th -before and t e use of Mr. Oakeley's syrup of Sansapa • rilla. an have no liingtokiou in believing that it was tbe,ag tof his restoration: • • NIESTRB.M.D. ding,Sept. '12:1837. Ititinington, Noi 20,1837. • Onkeley, . consider it my duty to let you kryow that the use ofthe half dozen hatilus,ut your valuable Sirsapa rtila trot I got of you ne.hatii-last, hatret4iiely healed myleg, the Doctor told moitwasofaricrotiilotil T oter. and the use of your medicine ,sa i lld,probaltly •beitefit it. The five bottles era no t 6nlocfore 'it iitik healed, but 1 took the sixth ,ta 'Make the 'cum detain; it is now better than two tereugoi.sinca, f tord and Ind there is no appearance of reenst uki SlPA chin thinks the cure perfect.liNiiiivedu . CHARLES BROWN. - the. valtiabkrittotalieine pay bp had of the -subscriber's wbolonae,ltlat actai.„.P.toe *ore. North Fifth street. Readittionniat'otost of the prin cipal- drat; stores . Fresh Drugs and Medicines. at thaloaresteash nice', also kept forst& by tbiksub. *abet. - ATai. IP lie ''' l ,l! .".res & lints Itaraititv".;Witt-lliti , liaillaVOr{'Fortf, Pous lown;ratel• 1 : 1 .4 1 .19ke •MAisuird Jrakt.l3' To prevent imposition, my , signature wil aceoistatip'theLlabel of each bbitte:-.. IR E 9 Izettapaitne . Mim es. rue* - otiiVee'ved end offer e,,argieltain" VOWS Jeer., oinereiiliiignirig 14106401 m to 7 . KlrkTfraelt.r) 4 ;?alli - t*; WriatiCii. • • • -144: ATEB PoPullt,ditie; LI FaTay m trtOW ZANAN. MIPEI o.ole Agent for Schuylkill county ==:===iffi H sisest ~. • a t atijglo ,;040.01.1.- , , •••r11..1.N' aid ,?q PLWOrAII n9L.A....W. 1 .1 I . 3 . 0 X 40.1; Leidre _ . i wnitiondl lolthurdpit Mare': r , - tf, l i t .0 - Ni 1 . wko tkis ~ c 4 4.6 . 4„) ,.; ‘ ,.......... E . Prbocriii*ft/ 11 ' .*;'' 1 41: 71t,2 .:-. 9 Nrigveßtiiiiitor6aiah, - iitychitati r 4 ~ .biiiketheake- i!,; 4 - Ail, - 1 . 4 .0 , 06_,Pi out the United Staieston s teeohnbrirfsme eel efficacy of Saraiparil ihririf *gra* resioniagynm fa Amen basaarrypt, Ask*, uopeendge ph 'ciao tbe 9 1 10 6 44 11 w5 i' the OceociOus Plii if ite44"o. day wilt be: mutaiiituf.La, , • ' . . Suffice it to avy.then, ir a,ll ebysicians . 'it so univer*lly, mbut ! St iw.• - 4 deli*? raralutible proper/kat ' , v 7 Da. Litter boa tilse a Inethod AI virtue of the i s l ibido in a .big centrals:drowns a ndiii, *c.b , manner as to l l ti e therefrom. without daisig, kis tbe team) ins This cannot he done 4 any other person 1 cons is known only to Al. Ilidb ai?d is a Ancc his own, r ' : These Mare offered td be Wait by .. -, sARiLiTARILLAI Wi litP9l3 ire ' competuided -piinciptilly of SartittiuStll,, which fs combined ipgredientieneoyte tution) rendering them,,,inciiii effectuid, be. laxative in their effettanfiue canying,S,ff' .' more from the system very irradeplly;andmi duCing debility or any incouveifienco- TO beim,' quantity, Iw/ever; they will pimp) i: may be employed or gtvetoo ,tho4:ola,, , even to iorang. icing o s of k awl 1 1,• , prme, A -I,:w .no reim.mni 'mon d , or, from rTibu-War orfrom'occurifoir o an ,These . mllelinve been , preenunently INICC from thearconvenientfoirmi mast, sortn4 or the place of all elordiffOrent proonimious . nth. such fur , ty'ro.ps.Dp u muons.Esultpu4 ore c.ontairma at duals.. - to 64 &am convenientior fakin g ° '' 4i a lg t i g i" f i r iel46° l te d These pills have, dung the pasi t tWii amply teasel flews 'et f adVertiiiitg - ttei expensive, imple - • miles from Illtipiell, clans and others accotipahy the directional They are particular :reiminmended in Rheirmatic affectiens, • Dry and watet! General Debility, •, , ! el ' and puisules Ul c erous, sores . •51,1 ; Sit and aody. , throat, noveand body. Diseases gf the -44 W, Skin and Bones: Pain over the regioooftlit heart, breast, and to. mach. • ' , 1 Pain of the sides. aliami the back and spine, 1 • .i Inward fevers, foothill& a bad taste is the mouth 4 , Flatulency. want of a thepi of the stomach, in • tigestion, . , - it .30 the whole traiworditeases resulting' city oldie blood,qrs also constitutional. di dueed thanse4ißarks. Quinine, AY, B 4 or otherMinerals;also . inimpendencies Lues, Venereal. 4. 4Cc.. • . fricel2s,Cents a But. PreportSl only andl, r ald Wholesale and Leitifs Health Einp et. belt) , 191 Comiliniption. READEII. - ifyou have a cough or 'col, their consequences Colds genera imperceptibly. end insinuate:themselves the Monad system,tnally settling upon 11 endingnisionsom%.ioh. AWO TO PARENTSa i ec ; Bow often:is plat cat dOwn'ti.hrsel st elPec , ea by the consumption . .. a nd fidlowed With ir prom! by parenut vfhp,ere,ixt a' ensure the Cause their prem ature deathridnegl tin " to smiled yt r • -exist ing in childhood ; lost : upon'them al Mg aim ,tions.- audnotautac • . ear noticatnnil be dMarnyer has commenced ita ark and: made mare of, its victim. This innokafaticillil resemation, for ally numer ous nominees ocean . - hpriiive the fin .1 In marthesidqolds - ' ' matein thii suite vray ' but do A not progress's° rapi ly earn ycniffq- th h alt) how ever,in bottijotith audinsind be I *tended to. andnot regarded as trifUng 'Affections; i iirs delu sive idea that has no'doUbt shortened," smnf thou sands.," • ' ' • I , 1 DE. BECIITEWS , • '• ~-P,ULfrIO,NA BY ARESEIIV ,Ai , (Price 50..Centh per bottle. .".' • Is an invaluable prepay/lion; dim:Wined b a imolai and criebnited Briinnuphygician. who, 1 ,! 43 101 ,1 %-ed it upwards Of fifty . .. Team -in hie .own , ,:inre,in Ger many; thietighout elvlatch Ceintry it hp Iteeelduring that time most 'eatenaivity and anon ully employed' to Cohabit:Colds*. inthiensas..Catatchs.As Jape , kipit, t ting rifßlood.'Whociptlonghs4lain o the Breast and Sides; all affect% Of die 'hi ' ungs, and A're: e arrestofimproeubing • pticm. :t , 1.. Much may, } re said itqraise of 1 '' ve medicine. but:newspaper ad;verffiung being thei el e give , every satisfactory efidencewid be fothul i it I ita 'effects upon trial, as well as numerous recem , doions pc compan;ing the directions. Uywirdi 000 bottles were void in Philadelphia alone durin We-pint win ter. a convincing proof ol its efficacy. or large a quan tity would have been aokd, Th , alwre moth cinetrafe p pever repared end sold onlY ai r. • ' • Lik. LEID 11141EAITH' M. _.; , . ' I ' 'Smolt isr Vine et. .. "MEMOIR ITARY , AND IMPDRTANT4NFC;RII , RE tw ADERAid 4 7 641, er5ee , 4(4 1 4441 and !enine gli erlitgisf , lime, he is a palit.lhin, eat* loOltrogl aPParesilY irsage4 by ft thread; i itet a unhappy, hie stifTertngs indescnhawe. , Are yeti niuch irotibNO Wll'clabitMui Sonreruetations ariaihg , Note your OM want, 0 4 , 1 1 1 , Pe1ie9” Watetbr•vh' l a mouth. or foul breath, pain or a h 'ern mach. Sickn des after ie milli. Hid & at once faveriT dishes, &e. If yaw are - warifanyoftherfoiegoing mmtritorits.- the picture of the Dygpeincersed , Jurri rernelYthe - consequences,immegatel DR. LEIDY'S 'TONIC AND = MINT .. -, • ? CORDIAL. A never‘fitiling and efficacious.. oily for DYSPFPSIA. ONINDID : 710 N. And. the,svhole,,arant ofatTections • I'. • frinn ' 4 'l 2 _ Loma Ofthe Litt, er. Stomach an la eatalom . T he abovA nrctiittjne is warranted c • trots uaercuD l e4 ry or othermineral preparations; le t rria n 114 tifery orregetelarei,Wafe end, easyto - •„, itlryl preattatifed Drelaiiti. It may ha en *fail ' 1 .1 13 tintalabll , requiring but Diode I. , edibur 1 diet enty:- , L ' k -- ,t'• A.t q Sumerothrtnatimenials have been. ( . , ; . u,si m . puidialuxhitirreputatamt is au Narita „,/, t tlter,,,sonii a tt q l kuru ,k ita, inquest is uneeCessfaVt l Y4 f , AP ' l sl Tr #4 3 .../IgYzit Fa l 4." RI + SialGIS. a5....F.1 4 1 ; titer rec.omiteaditiOni accoutpiirit , - t Ai a l toond each bottle. 1 1" t - i r -. /17 Price, One 1)011ar - per e; - '4li"',.- :I SOkUll(PillitillElPM9 ill .-' 11,1' . .", 'J.I I I.ID 3 , Dr... NB-Leidy'Oismit r . - eN3 Vi''' , i - A r t , .se-tlleml b.Y., i 4 a ~. —.. % 4 or... r uc 0 ilt „,,,110- '.' init'osN— vii** ~ A R,.. .... ..;,. 0 ,ntijoAt J., YrY:w-letNtutf--f-- v2-I,y,,Laos-q:l4o',- 4, :IL v,ab t' 4 4.11111%1ii0-4%-teietlib' .4---,t,a....!1A52'44,4:40•0 PS , ' it „..,...,, , 1 - —^ ,-ILAiorit. - n'r ~*:.g. S.44itrili &ISA '1 i.44154104,.. 11 - , --` - ” AAttoEC".•therzE4 • - vktifitt a, -4Er n thiaiir t 4id .ko .A . NrI t t r i t4 l ,. i rtit !, sto;. 0 6 46 i arterM . , 7t 1 ^!M!!,1 1 11 El Mill WE i ki r I' si, - , 1 „, rg IV* 41' pm; ' e 6f Pf.l:' delF • geulls 1.. WO. t " 111 ' r IPA ago Pr irditakk kord. • stppaa • rinketk re, beet kto 40 7 p'r'. ptinpie*, rate face aly eruption, chez olthp Tester. Riaio &wink, tigal Jaundice,' Ilea Stetrilieh..Con vomplaintiio Sour erucutlion ;:itieslpithe Glandular 'Ad swelling And ctithe ;Wilds in theArbi I argon, and Mil de, tn, tIVPT rterlraeh, . and a 64- ct 0/11S, as hardening rale neck, tinder the neg 'the etc. em impu ieilsea pru c,lll trcury eia.l tu r Dr . \tine, Na beware at I `f Progress tbrougbout e Jung' and Ay /QM ice pmeptic, tt to say, . 1 1j) Itif 'life *e . table and .;)CoOtiveness , b;Otteasioital Att.*l „to your Itt i your sto iota icr 'Our dh troubttxt • "Man* you resolved to ptociire -DYSPEPTIC tr i*CO3 l . 14 , 11,9; anthe Splitlq r&c. ' littaeiph is. ( • 1/ 1 1 2141INAZ#11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers