The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 26, 1838, Image 3
Mr. Allen, after SOON 'emu .1 hisproposition rep p ecting the . trial of Columr Said, lief he country mum e printipleek for from Henplicky. He belie,: .t the evils arising out of the bank to ha ascribed to the *mg ' transactions had been enveloped. asked was an honest and frank .1, annimingement,of high a he considered a new era ; oaths could not go with the Be but be rejoiced.-that if there w we were to have no more m • ai that honorable gentleman (Hi .earned. Buchahan, said, we hat presented, that the old tv kielonedcand a qew bank to-be locatial in tub city of New York', he,against a new bank in the city It would tender every other city would hi a blighting mildew upc the Union. Yie wis opposed, he i even' bank ofthe United States; I mnsthe Inflicted uporr the Couni - hivripg it located in Philadirlphii was, he ountended, such a stride I &SIM i 4 , - se the proposition of the& tricky. Nothing had been said -that heinurable gentleinen amount of specie that should be redemption of their paper. ffe something on that point. I mil l Wit the Senator has boldly brong measurebefirre the country. TN between the "old and the new bull established. Mr. Clay said that ho had offs, tion to the Senate. He was surp tuitotte assumption of the -'boner He say. that there is to be a hew' ed in-the city of New York. Ho, suggested no such idea. He h plan. He was not for arguing a packed jury. Knowing the set the Senate on the subject of a b intention of offering any plan. was, to lei the . coo airy know his I Nor Sad he t'ecided in his own - proper location. Whether Charle l i Baltimore, Philadelphia, New '2 was the moat suitable plant.. Mr thit he went fora bank; and thd wished it to be under the •mana, partiCular individual was unfound In respect to the amount of spec . ' to be required he said the details of a bill wouldprovide for that He had voted, in the case of the , istrict banks, that they should hold one specie &ler for every three dollars ' of paper that the. issued. This may be a proper limit. It rimyCt. But. hid he. I will go as far as any man in guarding a gainst an over issue of paper, wh May result in a stoppage of specie payments! One of the greatest curses that can betel their country is an icredeetilable paper medium, whiTher issued by ' the Government or by banks. After some further desultory re arks by Mr. Buchanan and Mt. Clay, the peti on was laid on the table.. The 'Senate Then took up the b I in relation to extending the charter of the ban in the Dis trict of Columbia; which bill al amended 'was - ordered ,to be engrossed for a 'third reading. It extends their charter for tw years. And then the Senate adjourned. Until 2 o'clock the House of epresentstmes was-occupied in receiving petiti F and ',mint ' lions; among the former was a in morial presen ted by Mr. Adams, of sundry citi ens of Gooch land,Va., praying the expulsion of 3ohn Q Adams as a nuisance. It was laid on the kable. Illrbe Houle then went into a Committee of the Whole on the - Stite of the Cabin, when there was wins difficulty in obtaing a quorum; but% at ; tenth, shoot 130 mamba being found ii within the bar, the Indian Hostillty Appropria lion .Bill was liken up and someogress made in there, and then the Committee i and a ft er r e, some time the House adjourned{ . ' AN Correspondence of die Enquirer , . Conder. Wnsiiihict-toN, May 22, 1838. At the close of the mor i tng •bour, a message was received from e President of the U. S. accompanied byla long letter from the Secretary of War, !bleb propo sed in substance the opening of new rok Indians. lar rangements with the Che— It virtually acknowledges th the Schim merthorn Treaty, of 1885, as obtained by fraud , and taeitty sanctio . the idea of a new treaty.. Theiippeara co of the do cument 'created great sensati n, and led to many sage ant 3 gave suggest . its id refer ence to the Ultimate fate of th. Cherokees. It was reeved that it be r-i erred to the committee of the whole, and:to the_com mates on Indian affairs. T ese motions created a spirited debate, and ed to scenes tor throng feeling and enibarr. meat. The message was finally - erred to the committee of the whole bolt ~. To-mor row is the day for the Chero f, es to be off, Scott is authorised to forbea ~still he gets further ord re froin washingt .n. Wirokingtois rsispondence of American. &me idea may be formed of of Congressional businesi, from the House upwards Of seven bond came up the order of the day .1 One hundred and fifteen public mart in Committee of the Whole Oath:lion. most of which detain. fir*, and ere of the greatest hope " it is the geleralimpresaion, session will close oa or beßtra the d that we havisnow but about sere , " bate and decide oa some of the measures that eve r claimed the at, National Legisla, re. If ye may I " past and present State Ofparty • wuranted to, e?rfareting much from , rind that rerhaioa.- RESUMPTION OPSPEC(F. P' YMENIS. The New York. Banks now in their notes in specie. The Philadelphia banki pay all stuns under one dollar in specie.' The banks in this town, and we believe the brake generally through out the State, do thettune. If a resolution or lair slmilir • to the United States Senate by ' passed by Oemgrees, autt o rirtair to cease its persecution the ban the paper of sidreht speekpiatling payment or the public dues, a gene throughout the whole 1111i012 would mediately, and business resume i Delo. But under Ike present state domestic exchanges deranged and as gory wttholding relief hat i iniblf the times, which its mad rolled as in—we de not know w *4 Math. southeust end s weet. aunt Perhaps the Vandals elections nisi': haviii wine . - bri t iweeleg ithci efeiind changing th e pol , orViiit - Bu - ri& Ai: We leant Vat is lite - - val froth ltbeind biesghtlf7So,ooo in specie to Nevin/du Teri millions otdollare in specie were-eat lien, me York to the PenosylvanmUnited States a few days sinew: that inelitution towhee ; !S I wards of five millkmilii .. com. i It is now to be hoped —loileed expected—that the banks in Pennsylvania will proceed al thou as possible to the rOomptiosi of be dollar *as in specie, end thus banish - the shoniinable small note currency . . One factis worthyr of notice: notwithstanding the attacks of th 4 I ocofuaoe on the limits ot i the country. and their - eunsequent auspeision asp. cm payments. liskise institutions .(and especially those of Pennsylvania) italic? mach highec-in the CODfidence of the iinithe th an they did three y . ears 'i , 1 • Aad Fu rther: the WHW me Is well remarked by the - Baltimme Petrie* . MOW WAVES IN TRIUMPH TIiROUGHOBTTHE UNION; and whit is the consequence? Best, ness is reviving, confidence is reviving. and to much-wished-for RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS IS COM 3IE'NCING: And at ,the same time Vim Buren and ilia unworthy assom ates, having wasted the substance of the.govern meat, are imploring -congress fur supplies. end begging leave to issue TEN M Itproars MORE or Tim cammuwascs TREASURY SHIN PLASTERS ! : : Let these facts be remembered. h —Peas. lateUignicer. i i in relation to km In the Die _ tailed the by tbO Elena- Abat,ll, was whieh . .their All the people ,scloatue. The at a source so Winking. He tor for a Bank: to be a bank, at least so far lay) era aro- now Ole Tact nk is to'be chartered. 'sad , I protest said of New York. tributary. It 1. every city in 4 id, to any and t if this curse `'he 'was for Thrift never wards consoli star from Ken. • however, 1 . ) lay) as to the equired for the jibed to hear glad, maid he, t forward his issue is now I that btu be The present school fend of Connectientqls. elusive of wild lands, is ever tenlntillionia yield. ing $1,20 to every child in the eats. There'appears to be an uni irllingneis on the part of Cenorelie to pais'Slaw regtda ting steam visials, for which :Sve are gotilly at a loss 'hew . to account.: Searcely a week, we had almost kid 4 day, elapies that does pot bring with it accounts of the most heart - rending charactsi z r of disasters involving human life, arising from explo sions of steam engine, and yet the chief council of the.nation continues to look on , as unmoved es if the suffeters were .do' many squirrels or wild pigeons. To some the subject may appear of too small im portance to occupy the consideration opio enlightened a body es ConOess, but cer tainly in a country the population of which is so migratory, the safely of wayfarers is of primary importance. 'Unluckily the adoption of steam hosts si the -- general means of conveyance, -while it has intro duced much comfort, has broUght a serious evil in causing ether modes ot travelling to be disused, and preventing highways from being constructed ebd keptiin repair.— Were it otherwise, there is lo doubt that in the present state of public feeling, bad they the oppurtbnity of trave l ing with or dinary comfort on land, th r e fonrths -of travellers would take coachesir As for any doubt that - may be conjured ' l isp in regard, to the power of Congress to Ingislate in the Premises, it appears to us retber a subter-: fuge than en opinion riefibeintel l y formed and seriousl y entertained. j•et st law be framed so as to guard the Oldie ',army, and, we will answer for ' it, Isii farts the jurisdiction Of Congress is concerned. 8a1t.. - ekronicie: '-' Schuylkill Grail h'ail's 41 no proposi teed at the gra ble gentleman. bank establish: (Mr. Clay) had d presented no aoIOW before • • opinion of . it, be had no is sole object !eneral views. ind i as to the ion, Richmond, ork or Boston,_ Clay reiterated :charge that he ! ement of any ERVER • ~ ShiPrneiits of , :Coal:for /the mi l e Thursday evening Jaen Skipped iiy 'ltivdi. Delaware Coal Co . I'4: George H. Prins, .14,!?, Hodgson & West .911 J Roll & Co Ilfi 8 8 Reeve &Co : IN Charles Lawton . 7;• A Steinberger Billyrnan & Nice • I i l l : B e nnett &. Taylor '''s,•l R Hill . 3f. L Chapman 4: .1 Serrill 3'. , ,I 1 Rear 3: N A Coal do 3.,, Hewes is , &Aber • ft: Bell, 4r Bolton • 'RI I. Wm Bosbyaheli 2 R. G. Lelar . C M Hill A Lawton Potts & Bence t C Ellett Sundry Shlpperil Par last report, 80$ 43361 26,1 ii New York -Carded state '• Fact, that in d private bills Friday . last. Haremarn dor , the State of i llimmediate as)- , neer scuurmtuAL COAL TR E. May 22 Jot Monica S Bradford Magna SOL& 15 Gen Washington 16 Clear the Way A Whits 18 H Seidel 19 / 7 Kepner at the present th of July, so week, Le de most critical erotical of our odge from the g, we are not Ithe abort pe- 8 Boatssisrryiv ' !toles 888 10 Per last report 782 The folkranni us the amount of Coal transports" on this Rail Raul for the Week eoding ,on Thariday evening put,• .41.539 tons Per last Report , 11,41, that Pn l l ooB . ll . Clay. were • government andieeeive titttiens in reiitioption ke plate um wonted than -1 thine—the - government • reeling the Bey bee the beaks of be algebra. 4iliatiitippt 11, ••!,* SCBVYLKILL V The reillosilag is the itaitiOnti of Celli trantsPeried on this Road for chi wailliiendial op 19aturt , 7 "evening last, . , toes Per kit report, • , 1636 E Little Sehailkt WWI BRANCH RAIL ROAD. Total 16.351 ROBERT C: ' HILL. Coliseum LLEY• BALL GOAD. it torrtarZ.J ang.aisint 'Tbi fameWli *Coat Crikiiiita as this '*Nri*ELEag Withiesdal \evitairie WO Pft kit RePlit. • 1891 Total G/iO;IIAMOTT, C. i• LINEUGII C - O,AIL, T*4ll) 111128. Dispatched from Meech anklet the welt ending on the sth month: 84 84 Boats carrying , , . 145 Boos. last re ' 70178 E -SPECIAL muting, orpoleekt todge.No. 4 216. nal be him et th. amnia place, oek Mon day evening nut. Mey - M3th. kalrpeet - g clock. I'. M. Punctual attendance le requested. • , May 26' - 34. . 1181i1E•F OF THE • ' MORI* WHEAT FLOUR. by the laid wee worth ea Fri' htsy 50.. • • WHEAT 1 50 piWpiebel.l. dimmed. RYE FLOUR 2 4 1 , per eutt.indusnand. 1 BUCKWHEAT. FLOUR 50 perewt.iredaiund RYE, by dastard Su gate Ilstbse sale • I RYE CROP G l ib:* pp bilebelin de ad. ' OATS 40 cents—readynr* POTATOES 45 awns prsyraa4ligditaad. CORN-70 cents per bushel - in dennust. CLOVER SEEO—SS 50 Per hod*. TIMOTHY SEED-42 00 'per Web' eL • FLAXSEED-41 12 per 610014 disannad. WHISKEY-49 cane per (*lke. BUTTER-14 cents per pound...4n Rip 1$ eats r EGGS—I 2 cents per dam. LARD-10 cants per pound. ' TALLOW-9 cents per potted. HAMS 12 cents per poupd. CORN CHOP 80 cents per bead Indultam'. BACON—I 2 cents per pound; BEESWAX—IB cents per pound. : FEATHERS-62 eons per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound MACKEREL by the bbl. No 1. 812 00 Ig .1 2.511 SALT-2 624 per bbl.; 87 per bushel. • PLASTER, is worth $7 00 per ma. i HAY $lB per ton. AN .167' to incorporate - Me ribaceikero to the i Pottsville linen agi. I Samoa 14. Be it enacted by the Berate end Moose of Refreoontatives of the Coiseaserairlth of renneylesers. in General Assembly met. sad U hereby enacted by - the arch city of the seise, That Charles Lawton, Andrew B. White, John hi. Crosland, N. Nathan., Samuel . J. Potts, Sam., uel Sillymen, George C. Wynkoop, John Sites, John F. Hazzard and Edward Owen Parry, and all persons who may be holders oft% stock bets. Mailer mentioned. shall be, and they are hereby declared•io be constituted, e . body corporate. by the style of "The subscribers to the Pottsville TOWO Hallr to have perpetual succession—to be capable in law of suing end being seed:--to he:. it common seal, and the anis to'sher and rarer at pkasare—to take bold and by their icemen iattees or leases to enjoy such real estate as may be necessary and proper for the construction of ir building for the Town HaHin Pottsville, and for the accommodation and um of such office* fa, dividuals and institutions is May desire to have apartments therein; Prilaui . . That the mid - pant in the erection of each ; building, shall have on. room sufficiently large to acommodate the Hazen. of racial* for the purpose of bolding public meetings, at ouch time or limey as they may flank proper; and Prailisifinther, That the Said citizens shall have the use of said room for said purpose, free of any rent or charge for the Same.- Braisd. IS.. Tke capital stack of the said cor poration shall art exceed twenty tberiiiand alias. divided into two thousand shams 'of ten *dim each. it shall be held as and es such be transferrable under such regulations as ..the corporator. shall judge convenient. Etc rtes 16. A-general meeting of Jiro arras hairs shallannuaily held on the : first Mon. day in De e f ber, for thealection of nine -direct ors. and the trinesmien of otber beans* but if such meetin •or election ;hall not then take place, the corpora/ oesfor, that cause shall not be. die: Solved, but oath timethrg or election shall take place as mathereafter as may, be. one week's public noti thereof being Snot given in the rierispape üblished in Pottsville. ri ti , Secrets l . The election of bilinegers shalt baby ballot from among the capinetors. and in the enactment of by-law. for the government of the corporation and its office* and In the doll. lions or all question.. irliefhirr of election eta. :fears or diefranchisemimt.of corporator.. either because of their delinquency in paying for the 'amount of Mock by them .purchased of the corm, ;ration, or fair other causes; and on ell ether Roes lions at the [meetings of the corporation. the coy , ponders present either in person or by prosy. shall severally vote ones fir each share of stock held by Orem. . Bannon 18. The Director, shall coveting In office on:ilitheir successors ate appointed; at the -first meeting after each, annual election, they shill elect a President from among themselvez and shall have power to supply 'wane% in their comber, whether occasioned by death, rearm Ition or retinal to act. and shall bays a general and entire control of the affairs• and intern of the crimpluty, except so fir as way be otherwise presided tor by the corporator.. irkve members of the board of Directors shall he a quorum to do business. ' • Swain 12. The Itaid ebigtieeilen shall nei ther directly or 'indirectly engager in ,any mining, banking. commercial or manufacturing oineerns. and shall have such power only as may be proper and convisedent. Orr holding. constructing. using. 'and beneflially enjoying the property hersinba . figgrefernid to. and the income and Fats ea melting therefrom. . Sawyer 20. Until other Officer. shall he elect ed, the persons named in die fourteenth 'setion of this act shell be bold to be the Directors of the said corporation. arid shall bare paler and an.. thority to act as such for the benelkof the corps. ration, and until the first shales of Directs".., which shall be held on the first Monday of Be. amber nett. Sarni. 21. lit% said corporation shaft at, any, time hereafter misuse or *boa any of the .chartered privilege, _ y grented.the Legisla tors may at any ti reams ail arid singular the rights and !Wafts. Milt to tie said corpora, , . , • k, iodize on QM . 770 't 500 '427 388 3 4 332 329 268 967 111 167 165 164 .119 110 105 103 i O O 58 37 1369 7240 27,159 14.399 1170 35.569 El ---- 1.170 A nieethis dale Stockholdipre litho Pottsville . Town U. 14 will as, Penneylvinia Hail, on T.oseday evening thi,296 nut. at Be nligek P. M. s. - Bj order of tht Rom!. EDWARI? 01EN Lemmas syrup. '' • cAvin r .t.eda, lam. Spup, Mei% iliAjaiitategrit ====l atpßmas 9 4o,llTßlAAu t tta I 11,794 EMI BB , ) . altos . ay. ZIEWII(4,_ MY farms inthe Lad* Of i i Puttecilla piel.4iiitinity.andtbe palliaete*. o ondly;that he bin pat Ripped in blubasitabge • Streit. No. 10 Qin* gese.every *kiwi ulart. • meat of FANCY GOOlkkon ooo llobtob an — - I A elsoiceneleitiaa of t t ibreigilantereitesdie print,. `1 'Painted Lawns. French 111..y..agliebsSottolli ' Superior bleolt bouitikillthlutit ' • . Posit deklo4Pro MOW*, 41k zi de Napinka. 'Sanattiar sad Ramie, . Hakim 010,1111, 1r Visime do4ll46l4 sottos op * id. j Mohair and silk steekinp. . Banbratisred cabal do (we i ti l itirkio Untilitaebed do .do Black and lilted de White . - . dis,da , - aliases & Children do bl i . , Parted, and the iheir. French worked iddiTembeard eons" , 1 Plain ariiiigured lkabinit. [ Knotted go . Jaconet.CiMbriti mid Book Illnelin. • Bishop Lawn, ' Barred and atriPedinane, ' 1 flobieet *denier, in itingninerquillingis. Muslin and insertinks and edgings. Dress ndkdr, sells ie. Bewitets.,riberlds.442. SUMO ewer". Linen and Muer*. Apron and furniturl cheeky t t ' Linen and notion d e lyek 'Bird's eye • -.I .. Se Li w ce l l ' l ng "c ailt i e b nct, green ton. th Aiilill" repd ti. esti' • Tapes, phia , need bodkins ge, • Silver. plated and b thimbles. tw i n Emory - bags, ec "and pincers. Tassels for windowiblinds and shutters. Linen and cotton fl "and worsted. • Ate, - Gentlemen's super oskin. ,kid. (lain. cotton H and Berlin gloves. Satin, mohair 'and basins stocks. Shirt collars, in. de* tbe above goods Mise,been selected with' great care, and well be mold at unusually low prices. Mity 26 i , t 40-3 --Aipe or Wine% . (AL toe tempest City prices.) WISE 4 i celebrated Id Star klide k ira. Sparklipg Served' , Ci ' Port. Beek.'lloekbeinser. Lisboa, Tener Be , P e. grown and Gold Sherry. Also—on iiebt, Mret, Spaniel' Wines, Vin Rhea de graves, an Rhea white of excellent qaali. ty, at 50 eta. per ea . . • !gatekeeper' and event keepers will be sop. flied at wholciale pr at Ri. NATHANS dc- Co. .. may 411 '. 40 ,i Centre St. 'alai* wines, c. &c. LACITTE, Medi* and St. Mi. an, Vintaie IW, received and for sale at re duced prices, by 101.1,ER & HAGGERTY. main k 40 iItEA.DING • SAIL ANIP nwit WORKS, RAPE= liand ROILRR IRON, • .ROUND ¢¢ &WARR IRON, COAL WRENN ds. . 114/L ROAD • Eir Iron of .any else drawn to order, Nails and spikes of all eizea, fiir ea* at the lowest- City prim. • REIMS. R,* CO. Reading, May 22. VH WHITAKE S 40,8m0 &MOO Mi t 'Mitt* AM _TAMES 'vpaccr fAis• very mlfsericc Sal m' lad Oil. A fall ulortment ot Wm. Osborne Coo. Pickles. for edit bg, MB I LES & HAGGERTY. any 26 ' 40 • • $5 Reward. STR A I YBD sway final the prudes' of the sob .periber on the I9thinet-a BLACK COW with. a white face; and a eliteettcal; en both fore feet between the hook an in blind ip the . right eye. Any person finding said Cow, and retormng her to Henry Boyd, in Morris's Addition, will receive the above reward. CHRISTOPHER stoarinn, 40$ may 26 rrIO BE SOLD CHEAP-4 liibt Dearborn ' AL Wagon. Also, a pittott.Cfreolas Knife Straw Cutting 'Machine. A two stall stable an . ti Coach House to let, very ow Chimes ills Farm's Mill. - Enquire of . M DEBER4, may-26 40—P Mabaotaego fi3OWL. = letsOri4 Tibias. last reesi jun 2 awand for ads by I- B. BANNAN. 4 HAZZARD'4I; STRAUCH'S WHOM:SAL* AND RETAIL aid Corse if Centre cad Malta arida. Petistoilk. April 8 . • 28-.' Tate! Teal!! Teal!!! gOCHESTS and chests of Fres h Grace end black Teed, coneletinr of fitioge, Piece, aouchpng, roaetpong,, Gunpowder. Young Hyena. Old fly mob, And Hyslop Skin, oat received and for sabi si reduced,: prim 'by NAtti - ANS & CO. Several swill attests itri op forfasnily urn.. may 9 is S 3 coatLail and Nisi IFOi • ills go ibsr privit• / - ru 19 1,4 1110 far (standout* , 362 acres, Is peril in Barry toweildp. and paitly in R sh township, Schuylkill • • Any, stoat, eight In Born On borough ,Or Pottsville. About '6O a ottbe land is elwars4 and in a geotilistote of Staltivatite. And the Dan ?ills andFittisdlle Rid Read roma through ti! tract. On thi partisan "iv sreaiid.thres din& iinititioold, all in good Order. Aboutoee"iaW ar the Land is knows to IN goad ow Land. " An •indiapqabie tale spillobsi jinn.. For prow. dre apply ay to 1#311:13 air /WHEN% ml 2 344 1 1: on the premises.. COAL LAND For;Sak, orin be Rented. 'MAT valeabie treetefLead called the -cam; en Traci; heloeting to Tailabeth situate as thereat Nerregbut Reit Read, eat llorth of. me t edjoisieethe remelt Xoenteht, eltrisd-Are eshp ea reo4oliethof how or *hi Cad be *ma, wipe* to ass swot. Ot i tto , • • Y . Welinteimiii 041 lOU . - .., .~ 4% , H E - Xlietitet. ,L VY '''' ~,_,' ''. / *Jan? Or liabaylkinl.Cainity;lialriag ran - to the so . f . ". - • am gal valiert ei l i ti r tir 1 iath, 44 14. 44614 •4 . "seam tow p. sohdylkillCauldeesas-. All feraonsindebtadtothe said Ana aria: - regulated, to !like *ignapilS:pa . t; and ;thaw bowing ,claiinkara requastiatto row ' ~ kr lettlonnat ie Abe milmariber without do! . 11LIGILONSLEY, • . .. . iidadaiaitator.. 1 ' Oil Carlos, May 16, 18311.• , 314 , • et, and Spl'exi HE Ladies °Motu/toile and vicinity are for peetfolle Melted to call and emanshnt a mast _so did nasortment s of" iated Lawns. Unmans, Pi la te, . and Whits Ultras. • , [M • linedelsinstyonsies. rO , km„. dark an'dbibt kiY Glerwah W. • , Cotton and . Silk to ey Handkerchiefs. Shaw*- 71 in and Metal &edam, linen Cambria bdkfe. & cotton, bleacb'd & onbleseit'd boas; do Embroidered • dal the Mors of N. NATOANS 1k x lay l 9 38 tl. km. ey I' in r , f , t . , f ay If ti kittat ti C t 14 k ; , Light Wines. , , 3HODS. Yin de Grave Wine. t "" _ draught, 2 Pipes Claret. • do i warranted sound, for ale by -•• ~ • may 19 Se- N. NATNANS & CO. T a meeting of the Town Council *fibs rough of Pottsville, held on Tuesday the 15th lay inst. the followihg resolution *U pained: 'ssolsed. That the Council at i thectext Stated ging will receive applications' for the WU@ of at Commissioner. and *at notifikofthui res. don be published To the idiners'Journil. • Extract fkomthe Minutes. 'EDWARD OWM O I PARRY, fay 15, 1838. . Town Clerk. the neat Stated Meetlid of the Council wth be id on Tuesday the sth of June dext. at 7 e lk P. M. Roots and Shoes. NATLIANS & Co. have-on hand a large 4 . 1 " asaortrnent of Gentlemen's and Ladies ' Boots and shwa, which they will sell at slow rate, triay 38 A CARD. :lacioom:will - vmmotwif • JOlllll SILVER I MOUS pleasure in Informing hie friends end the .M. public. that he continues his Rerscrons under the “Peunrylvania Hall." in Pottsville. Thi hopes hie pint reputation for keeping a respectable Raab. lisbment, acquired during the experience of 5 year" in the *timeline of business. end a desire to please, may merit a continuance of their fatorsand, patron. ago- .lORN SILVER has made arrancememts with MM, Robert Harmer. of the "Cornucopiw" N 0.44, Nortk Third street, Philadelphia for a supply of all the delicacies whiCh the Philadsiphia market can afford during the Summer Season. . Bill of Fore. Roast Reef, mkt. per plate, $ - 181 - Corned do do do /2k eli rilYs., AMIN do 25 • Grew - tuniSoup. do g , Winters. . f Ekudee. _. sh in Pickled Saha*, led Oysters. . d Madeira Wine. per' 1 60 Pale Sherry Wine. do 1 50 Old Brown do - do 160 Old Port do do 160 Old Liehon do 100 S oa r , to.) do ' , 200 London do do BM Pamper's,Sinith's & Sachet's XX Pale Ale. • • Apartments are always in readiness for Septic Parties, &c and them who call mar evict to receive evert' attention. __ L Pottsville. May 11. 183 S. ' . SOU', Coal Landing., .als .. Iltdldhsg Lots ‘i• ~ •4 . S C pnxim, IL4VEN. Peahen is to aloes es Cowrie . . • 'IIII7ILL be s od at Public Sale, 'ON SATUR.' v v DAY, th 24 of 3one, l - 1338„ at 7 o'clock in the evening, at the Philadelphia Miceli:nil Mart, in Carpenter.' Court, Chestnut street, ISouth - Side) between Third and Fouith Streets, 1 large number of building lots, coal Ism/14 M public ho tel and out lots, situate at Schuylkill Haven, be. ing at the junction of the Welt and Main braneb. es of the Schuylkill, sad at the termination of the West Branch or Mine Hill and Schuylkill; Haven _ hail Road, on which nearly one.third of the coal business of Schuylkill county was done the put year. , The property , will be sold agreeably to La plen now exhibited it the Philadelphia Auedomi Mart, , ,and consists of €0 Build*" Loris on Mock street, • 90 on Haven street. 40 on Centre Turnpike, the male 'road to Potts. ville. _ A nomber,of ontiots. from 1 to 12 acres. A large and well finished hotel, to which is it. Cached 28 saes of land. and seven coil wharves or landings. from 150 to 230 feet Si. by 80 feet in,depth, aim, toectrAni is cal lap Jogs. : 117 The public is most positively assured that: the above property will be sold at the time and .01110) above mentioned without limit or rearm hon. • Terms at Sale. C. 3. WO3.BERT. Auctioneer. N. B. Plass it the Philadelphia Esehinge, at the Philadelphia Mai& Mart. end sidle prin cipal betels in - Schuvlkill and 8 0 10 ,11 toantsoB - . Philadelphia. iy M. 9, 1838. 33—te . • NEW' BOOKS. UNCLRHORACEp alloyed. Tb. Two PlirthAed•otbar Tidow. • , The River and Oa Demi, by mu, nape. do* regebred and ibr oaks by FL BANNAN. nry.•l9 T . 'illblicrittrlis stow so h • dat • '•°. aid Storefront on Centre eikk lit4d Role strontte 611 rioter t Good!. oidlablo for iho ad mite wet Harr Iron ol iteetettii dud, '' Sand aid Hoop do- 410 ' • - Nails andifjoilicßododk, Ato Steetitenoddc Square do do Nails and.Ssilkoi do do ' Coal Shareht, - • Herdwors. torliPriti • imi!PicittaraL All of which bo fe Nibs; at *teal rrknow, • Um 13 t . 3 isciArrOpt. .; ' , • ' THE egehetiregod cautious ebe perehteinger leader the tesetof hied celled, ahem Triets:aa the East Ph /mettles ElisibethlPeohe, or Hoary McL ilor her. se he the andietkee‘ dikes tiUel thereto, reed irdlileetitsts r sat pieta, attimmtv ' • oltelekelteetri. - • 11111 : ' '`• CM Noeict 4o , 0 4‘ . 111 treake—eirsieW Y ltiea:wil 6e die outtolkas:l7, ui , 11 " to ogg -rogoi s Nai. 00 ltikS il ttx ;sit 112iMille ' Ma 7,16 374 ' ALFREIrIi&WWIL- - ltiotti - oluesg. - • --• NEW LINE-OF ISA= -CidiMitralk:47:;i):: . . MBE naileottilla • tofinotalmav4 Intlatelbst-ite hen cbmmeoced- nilialail • ofSTAPES between." • VILLt. and' fIAaIIi,SIAIRG.7 4 liatioost Bail s In .rntlitilln. avail sad Friday. at 4 _o7cloek,and learitt.„ : ' • Hales hotel; to Harrksbug,elretj . Tlousdsy, at .4 oickooki A. hI arimog: de, aitta.,l Owing at the plats of dostloatko., -43 Fire Througli. Way. •Paissenperay, For. Sakti apply atWea4riss hotel. tad at Hale% hotel Harisboig.„Wisisatalo.,, „ takeo to or from any other, etopphorplaese,- , ABLIAIi • May 16, iB3EL . • , _ - SOOK . BINDERL BBANYAN has coutineriseCivactell4ltiiiii: * cry in connection with lie Boolatillorwev where all kinds of Books 0011 be: booed shortest notice et kwrates. • Blank 'Books of every description mad* to order at the rates—and the• trade supplied wholesale at- delphia prices. April 11 New Goods! New GOiiihill,t* . ,? Jt/ST received by N. Nathan* do Co. and elegant assortment of Spring and, - Phi; user Prints, painted muslin. and lawnii, am which may be .found a few pieces - of En it Prints at a very low rate. Altio,• a splendid *iv sortment of Cloths, Cassinieres, Peering. Also, Gentletnep's Soinmer wear, togethir , with atteneral assortment of Linens, dim ' clor,lN. apers, Ticking., Muslin', &a. - aprill 4- Mount Carbon Rail Road Coisipctity. ATOTW . M to hereby given, that specialised* ing of the Stockholder* of the Monni Car. bon Rail Road Company, will be held on Suer, - day the 26th day of May. aCS o'clock in the _ ternotm, in Room No. 23 Merchants' Eiallije, City of Philadelphia. Brorder of the Board of Managers.'. JAMES C. DONNELL. Philadelphia, May 5,1831 K 444 Gilding. . - g POKING -GLASS and Picture Frame er. nest.door to Mr. John-Mcßarron's, Lyrist , - street. Old Frames regilt the neatest 101116 , V nee, arid at the shortest notice. Ipril 28 Beimdiunhi Cummingi`.:. 4TTOXIVEY .0121' :Litilli OO l H ! - ASmoved his office to Centre Strer - iit; mrV -.: posite the Brick Blinding of George masa; Mugs, where he will attend to all busintea' eo trusted to him in the line of his profrowion. Oct Ql t , 48-tf DICK'S CELESTIAL SCENERY, abaft , tort' of Amelia, illustrated by cruilishaa just received and for sale by april 14 SS' B. BANRAN. •:- , Choice Wines and Liquors. N. NATLIANS & CQ. - AVE_on band dip. following choice Winer Alm•and iquors whieh.thry warrant Ortnittn, • and offer for sale on the Most favorable terms; consisting or 50 Baskets Champaign. Wines. of Key. Hick. ory, Star, Woodcock. Anchor, Grape and Othat brands.. 10. Baskets Sparkling Whin, Burgundy, 10 - •do Old Hock, S cues QldGrape Juice Port, 50 do idedoe & St. Julien Claret, " I Also—a few dozen of the much celebrated East India or Star Madeira. Old Brown, Gold and PaleiSherry in.bnitlss; do Madeira, Muscatel do ~ Corneal, Perfect Love, Bose, tioyaeu, Annie. 'site. Anniaseed Cordials, do . ON DRAUGHT. Madeira... Pale Brown & Gold 5herry,11.411104,,, Temeriffe. Abr. Madeira. Malaga, Idahnsay,„, Dry Malaga, Muscatel and-Jfild Port. "i • • Champaign. Brandy of the Pinet brands,' Cognac, Bordeaux & Charente Brandy,. - • 001 and Ginsof Pine Apple and-Fish brands.. , 741 m. Spirit., M. Whiskey, N. E. Rum. Corn. Gin. Com Brandy-&C. Tavern keepers from the neighboring towers, ire respectfully invited to call. - N. B. 'Good. delivered to any part of thoil 2 a;00) rough or neighlioring towns free of expense.. may 2 - Centire Ttornpike. NOTICE is hereby given to the StockhOlderi o f thisCentie Turnpike Raul, readintfaiut fleadinglo &inbory, that : lo4,, at the home of E li zabeth Wellbl, i aliction.n SiMlmo,,,, on the Ist Monday of. info •next, bduipell hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, for. the pupas. tit* choosing officers for the Mooing year. MAO!' mini time the books and accounts of th'il toMpwr . . ny will be laid befom the Stockholders. _ MARKS JNQ.' BIDDI4, MD Far z . A 33411abk Tract{ of Coal Land ! ! L YING end being Wiles township ! of,Nonre; Llreglan, on the lyest Branch near ibe,Weet Breachßailitoalblito filar miles - own SAT*: ki11; 'llarter is anr or more Vogl %%yr Paulagthreeih le .and 4 For inforrnetilitraff ply to, J-ACOB REE1:4 , 44 , , at Poi Cirenha • or Idr. HOFFNUM, , .; . , Mirth 2 34- ; •at Frgsk G . ?kik ijoirILLER & HAW ' bite etitia. •L lLli their 'MAW supply, r frek , Groberieli - * Mil-; whieb wilt be &aidsomeriy,e*es Gleeeend-.Bleeb Teo of the - very is k doe% mbiertbey seeonimead to t red the. palate; mui';',777 spril.ol ilhililte.Mitice.7 1 'L_: ' - .',.. HE Register of ftetrUyikilt e6untY *lli erupted to theof subscriber. Letters -Ata.c . titration an the Estate'or *ART - BANE.pi** Intitk r , Vottsr lite. deeeasedf sit persona indebted*mid ,. Estate are hereby required to asektililf :. payment auditions /wink ithlittlett ; hp* i 10,61 01 04 62 i 1111011 1 1111 Mitik . 4. . . - ...7r: I L - WitiltAtiano-Mali rit4 - let 5 ". .'' • . i . 3440 k" -t; . i - =I OE ESE MI 324n50 NEI ME= ER