The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 26, 1838, Image 1
, . i .. . • , , ....,14•1 ...c. , •••••,i.•,..‘,,, , ,,,,...,•-.„.„,„„„,..„: - , , A:re :4A,• === EZIE ME , ." \ " 1"-14 VVift! re rea DiNZI twat It• ~....., . -..13. , Tull • i kia.-.0., ..., iwribigSweltit - ann i I to therisenrl34 5 be ,S. ° 3o - tbtrimiPer aft u..r 1411311131. pot 1 will be added to thlb prit ~_. • -lr . lit 'Tviro;ktl.l4loE-Ser a in Adtgpcch if not. pail be eleNed • 1 , - *liertisetnets;:t et etuttgedlitLtot t mat =onion. ~Lerietintes 41444:Wttsentets wi mit t nohow itie..tirWor • is •pecified ,atid w ill be 4 . Yearly sc•ertisninw , inelniiingisubsorr- Dr' Dolton of ksternitone - sdlititat Stilldlllll4l4riagtheMial or one Savachpapoir foi A.ll-betetit addressed t otherwise no atten4on AU notices for flier w hid), ha;re heretofore ettarznd 25 cents cieb, Notice 6TT 0)14, Top., r re Y gAilln, deceased, basin Ad to the autrecrtrr„ sole executor and Unita:meat. All persona luiv nand •auf said estate, will please for. settleciannt;suul all persons is sauntarer-requested to make paym scriber, wbo is rite only person Wl:waive said debts. The admit:as ed to Strange Palmer. tog, h yard by the probate,of the' will of Rune, and the sons:vent grantin inter at .Schuylkill County, of lett ry tolite subscriber. _ _ _ . Inell kRD fit' Reatdinz In S...xli; FaXeCll ? 3l: {Abe last - will of Ma may 9 Disiollut ion of partnetuhip heretofore eri- IL like suimeribera, trading under n infiNt3o?t& CO. is this day d . The fussiness of the •. hv either of the suscri. Zeuth sth street. BENJ. b. J CALEB P. lias,LliCkl The Coal bosioess will be coflieu wribcr, tcho ?ailthecO a supply of White ancl'Orey Aah Sclickylkill C. reawket prices by the cargo or , I I SM fts south slb et Wharf, id 1314.;.5 . 34 CALEB Coal Merchants, Lane P' and others,.are respect formed - by ' inhideta Smith. CirslEngiiiirr, Land " rirtHAT be boa ,eonnmeneed a pet IL &noels' Pottaeille, mad is prepai and satislaetorily atectua all basine be way be &Owed. H. S. it nen:rune' eci to confine hi rottssele livid its vicinity. winch a ill essakt tam pettelnolly to . . . gentlemen etigngSd is mining, wbo him 'Mena handsomely bandied. and Designs furnished" to every _ Pennsylvania Ball, April 35,1833.1 Wholesale and Rel. ware store. 'mottoes & WEAVER tore pa IL *tree to their former stock ails lebausettalestnikt.sprisgkey'd screw Odes. warranted but steel aasstio. hatchets. has:umbra. Beatty, racket wad firer chisels, jrattiaHg kat, bellows. cat Sw ro dail3.4. 4j. 5J< 6 b tingle cut amldouble ptaneireas mad locks, latches. htsges iv I screws, r bolts, steel- plated and it -is squares, All of whie.h arecacred oaatte Most. :ce tenms Feb XIV USti PRIM EIRS, just pat w w sale who:reale and mitil by april 2:8, 32 Chatupaigme Wn VILA MPAIGNE W LXES of clamor tleue.a., Ts= aochor, come ctaampugne, glass arid palmetto; antes, for sale al ikoixicrate prtcos 3111-LER. st. Eiji .ate SIS . Public Notice. -A S tt appears , . dial because At r. t;ri no patent. fie tarseliu,g Iwo OS tkaaeite Coal this country, many they are now ai r isherty to adopt tt stottiriag Iron ore with Xotbractut a theatestair blast; although I Cassel year dual had a paseat for arse. with dustisracke.Coal. both bg the attoospbotie: abeatad air blast, totisratthe pohrte again, that oo the ears, 16$8,„Isafettspr Eton *moat of Patessta at Weiausr, coon extuatotrig theca:mot , sin foraattest fee Samatait lion A adaorretralwassieared hitaelaina at Soot Phi* of pm IL - rasuee so haa atreitary el lbw" warns to aseitliam ire of a heateakrr Nast, is in barge ate, eceseept- *bac tome all memo" itlitoUpttalPtCos 4 nleti voolt oty tkeito. atXtXtthilitlitaitri; 0517 as itspaat atpeseat eigietir In et fotnites immetioji to aty otry modem* terms, EDWiticrW,G. Sew lee*, 114 16. taki. 'Pm** Irtit Q,FALED Se (4.4 Ppapi7VAdressed al ' l lllili4 k 6 ask. Zackias,; . k the 1 41, 4 "i1 : 14 U V! h with ~ * cams fx kite 'asiktgal. fro t4:( mj 141 1irifigit; agrrive ' w 4 lut aak Iltat'e pi& a Sth4 3ka vi llis :44 1 ,,, rn _l9 ll csaca inserailW .- - "Novak c ar ru n vie haleatiStriNlV it .4. 4;eir^-7 211111=51 -~, 'az .4 • r te ' ME 'revi'dettecii~Y. been 'grant her last ern g *hue .resent them ebted to the to the trub. y authorized ation grknt. ing beeonie e said Mary • by the Reg. tastamenta THE r' - Stied -moduli* of fully alum .1e - 4111 posttively . .1_ .1 ' 1 PO77SIVILLS 4 PO*ARE/xi/m.l 'en Wednesthiptlie 2d of .§4. and will &Minim to leave their office at the 0-'ead*iratie !lull, Popsrille, daily at 6 o'clock, . M. and ainvelio Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock P. IM. at tae followfrg rates of Fare: To Orwig I f' - SO 'SO sburg, 1 i Port Clinton, l 75 :! Hamburg, + 100 0. Read tog, i 200 Pottstown, 3 00 i ' Tap , • 3 624 1 'Norristown, 1 4 50 1 Philadelphia, i 500 For Seats apply at the einatylvania Hill, Pottsville; liens Hotel, din • and at lb& Office, So. 25, North Fourth Poiladelphla. MINTZER Oc4 Pettateasta., 4 SAIII'L. OVENSIONE,-Pails4 - EVANS & G 411.01 - ELL. Dai May 2 ' 1 ',Proprietor/. . - Public *l4 , i P II.II,SEART to an Ordtir ottthe Orpha ' ' Court of SchitylkillCoonty. oti Saturday i 26th day of May, DCA at / clock. P.M- al house of Christian. Ley. inn enPec• in the i4n , l of finegrove, Dr. Jacob Cbri . Adininistrator !Pif the estate or Nideasta alrig,,, fate >of SchtlYl l 4ll Cuuntv, deceased, will-10410de by fobile Vendue, the undivided or half part l a certain tract of land. sitnati B4rry 'Meath Sehuy, !kill County, contiiniol fimisbundred • d aleighteen acres or thereabouts boiritded by I s of Jacob Christ. William Graelf and others, held to common with Adam RacidVnboih. Also. the Alegal estate of the issid intestate in tie sma• one third part anditsoine mall eon/ a: 1 ble Interest *moo unit ' l to about one eleventh pert of certain house aid 1 lot, andate in the town of Pi in ehephuie- 1 'mid county, bounded by lots Mao Barr arid others, being the Souse and alt which lactirti Christ, E. resided at the u ofjus decease.- Also, one hot of ground in the tow of Deerfielid, Dear the town of Pim - gramtiniOta, by Tultle' boeken street and other 6ts, - g,, the sante `purchased trom Benjamin Birger-Hate the tatc of said' deceased. 1 IAdIBB *MIST, •', 1 Aditrintstratra.!. By order of the eittort. 1 F ? LEWIS AUDEN RI ED. .1 Orwegsborg; April 21 304 s t• Clerk 0. q. , _ --• i- I' TER ESTING CASE of Terlb r Coo. Enc.:3On: ge Moe Mkattfartvres. ,1 1 ,swatitiva.—mr. John Road applard on the Ira 1 ! day of September aft the office 100, Chatham • si .., — 1 i Street. taboriag un d er the fifflowing semis:num.-. Confectionary Niantifacsory. . . . - , , A shed spitting of blood; distresesog l eough. al- T HE nthlenber " 21 P eett vas t nni w it" tended with in expectoration of par ukm t twitter.] public that he has cum the.Marinuite. , . to e tiori, sfiffluthy of tore of Coofectionary in ail t whim" branches, : 2atli. swe ats , . g= . ii.iu walked Lectic. at his Rote in Cadre Pottsville Bowe. where • Delit: "mat and e ot e - ehrthiras, o n the °" trareibantmvtbe,l o / 06811 , mood biennial well every wbereexeept no. ' en can 1111191 " be stro, led w is an : . g * the le ft iiiiiinle, tine in the arm pit Of the at th e lowest Philowle pm: cash prtees. , i tide. same rortntry Merchamawre • I • Treatment -Directed to taksi the tesfrirative ro call and . examthe hia .stisek) 4 =pit.. ebewbere. . I Camomile Pat* with gie expecioratine eos- I 30H1 4 1 IS_ C:f: mAirrmi i einthael the note agile ) , t'izittoction. to fa in • t, i I soar what the night sareataluid teasel, the ! i i t er.apeetneaticarabghtlY Ciminithed. sus light fit oil - P&Riltrafflt EC Cr.* i 1 coughing still remaining ist the morons,. and to i MERCERS A- TitILpRS, ; 1 r u tal e . 1 . 0 se = tut° wee t e _ when N;„, Z dth 1 irsilleri, PI " k rr & i l i ti . ,_ of I .fintred rapidly inixeaaing, without- the leaks i ' Elf AVE removed Oil the oPpot . ___wstue tit ‘ 4 °`'' 1 encigh. (Vied at the office on the 4th cif this 1 xi „____. , . '''''"'" '''''' 6 ' 6 " abl "? m w . `"T uln '" s 1 iinonth, quite convalescent retaining his siacewi l ° V et r aale ast r ammetli ___„______ Ila ' i drinks for the hew& belied obtained. 1 Snnerelne Brtaid •'''w . an ''''''' ' : wi t e• shove patina chiefly used calk nigimen ; i rood faishioaahle ailiiirsor4 slega t - i 4. 4 .,... huarettizecim , went s lar Sgerta*r ...lothat,Vestogs, Luce* and pp"- 1 . 7. - --It, --. • • tOO S-SW. -, S. Collars . BMOC" , altw." Guar's. -S• i AsTnnAorttnim TRAMS sr&son - c ponders, !inch; skid damps; note. aid all kind s I , ..ii , Gen d mec n i - mm i ng , apporeitt .bi e b w ill 1 Mr. Robert Monroe , Schwylliffl. afflicted with made to order in the toast a ' style as to tire i t., above distmlittalikar- RyitipWansi-great workmanship, and warren to equal to vinyl libel"- filtakocY. istuttedma.. memos twa in the City or ebewhire. ? ', ' t• Millie. diffiesdty of havathing. tightness add stric P. s . p...„1, Co. keep, on ba w l*" exce jl ei ga s . (tore across the hermit. amines,. nessoes iirsita satsuma of ready-wade Chihli* of ankiato„t bait, tutti,trelltt!mr• ectlid apt ,rte ts,,lt horn which teal be said at very lel rale& t withou t the etnitatilXl, of twist jone 17 ___ l 1, ; 1 ing arc wil' alliti - ti. pakattian of th e bout diati - -',- lag e c c it h, co s lirrefteli. pain of theaninsach; *Sr , fiassa., cleat &dastread deficiimey cedes merr- i loa t 'anew. Mr. R. affliertre taw up "12_41 thonatqf tecostry.aed aftze ilespiir sat midis 1 tionntenasee of ere Parana mtrsmted its Iffli I iiige see or haseness.ol by aheideat lie_liabeed I id a Walk paper yetis eons erected bytlt.Wm. I 4 bully's meificiaw, Whin comp t. afflith lads ! bed bits IP ParelLlOM a tutbatlgtOs rat:Pttliaki ' tigsalted in eisroadiewiy rentottog every sy : 4.. Obis Awes, ReJeradp:Tillattly,/ia,. tor, 4. bra if• l hai lbA l° i d a 3 r lt l e k 7 l sase or say sysephias a Mitaiii to , &Fail 'Wish* hi% tibiae& eititylikeirini 1 • • ', ,'' ... •-•--, i'-- . ~. -A-• -. i ' ,046 ( LITER aiLARIPTIIII.IIIffI STALTDVIM- - asgt, 4114. glaltln titian - M*4 igge - Wiry s ' . . „Ati# i_. Wake aniaiiiiiiiir,„44, essastartly 1.. _ _ ''• safe sal a' . • - 'l6darlistiMaist Rim& rmilwiltianecorprer:Oli spealOpheaVoil to 'A' - I lihgelit Mica ltith.thei:Lnatir OtimphinlC.tatisfl 471 ' 171"5 "'"` ---* '-'11411113 a ATIVII: 4 '4 , ;talblind to bp* Pt%' , -WIIIL rs.l whili, ' - elseasafflie ~,I*o. C 0 1 .446. " ': - Plehisigifiiehini . i' • ' 14411 X. ,as t'..; _ _.,,, _.. ~, ~ ~, . socky , ~, . _ 1 ItiirtYßVlllllr si " . .. • FIAM, '' Pottsville, Baiee. deed. 35-6 r hip. to { between e firm of B. -. red by rou te firm vrill :a, at the of- 11 NSON ' K EK. by the cob le best Red, 1, at the ton 'gle ton. South. &RIKER- Trietotl ly in- or, 4-c. (anent resi. to remise with * allude practice to rea cement tel to those ay employ eitectural 31-2 mo Hard- mid- trued axes. Alms adzes,. .blackstoith eta .av:.artosxl and sqtrair .msoodu • Ind Jar 332E3 ,Iloiwlng = not I MTV. • n aft obtained with An- Inane that method oij the nze of j nonce last Iron Ore ; of a cold I trunk non ilAth of lan. , R's apPOw IMINUNII of laterfefizqg O ,taavers:47, Cl2l storA, fria Morrie;o a Lo. Rohl Sheari•Of Flat ' Cita Alta of hos ' doted, ak upon awil ware 412611404 g /Wel Oa , etco.- - gra a iiirest a=titz lR► II mod : from 4ottt. it the Alms. the Ater • t=mi sa ,: z-;. ~~.~ i+~~. .--- N EIW : I ItON otrurabss Tnic:sasllui!44.=k3f - MTTIMI P*;iBllLl7 "4F,1,..' ..; 46 talli*0 1 ‘Willi te. •-•/tartrviditOn t i i4tottebiating:., . - ~_, :1 - - MORE canclumws prix% uh t awi ttlskeittrsentlary; 4J- . 11 !' efficacy ODE. WM, ByAITS-oelebrated, 'Can ' s:mule. and Aperient A Pali in al lelimiug a ffl i qed tYilitibinite : .y, ,> , ;.,' -4.; '.. To James Dickson , 3G C13444D05t015,.. ' Agent, tor the sale of Di. Wm. ' ; 's Cansianßefills. - . • ' - ' • 'La - Nev : 154836. ; Dar Sir.' —linotring -bietperie' neeßud owl rebireoeit that the *acted receive of the! benefi cial restidtkut ittedipnes,:teheerhatly orate. mine to - the public Jii letha' lt" of DR: WM. , B yAws athipmn.4l4u.s. lbw beep .I:4lvied for the litist ten years 1 whit -tEsitresiiii ihilidid *aid chat: - often sir bad as-ti dekiver tistretileep for three or filar nights inasts.tintehtiritnever found relief by any of niyfriends'cprescriptions, until my *a. saw the advert to in LW paper. 1 orb she persuaded mete rend* spews ; which I did. "nd ibiameailno bazar ;and botartailytttob real lealmost erimpletelr rehiring line' to health: girl have not yet :entirely ids . .lW ek u.sothcaa them. Should yea consider this any. Whet to * , yourself, or the puldia.,yon have 'my cheerful per- mission to publish it. Irostra v resp. THOS. coopam Ceatrabst. IIyNTERESTING ;CASM Cared by Ort. Ws., : I .S. Reertet Conorrile . ?bac eta - / 7 fieit ,. " Aperi hSt Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN. Der of, ippen and Georges streets, Philadelphi erect. ;ed for seven years with extrema nervousness, by which be was not able AO write b 4 name--his lay romans were, ertweatien,dailyspitemodie pains. ;in the head, lour of appetite. palpitation j of the i heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, atter ina bility of engaging in any thing that deMaoded ;trig° , or !ioniser-, eiehnese and weakness cx. tense debility.. disturbed rest, a, sense at plessure jsuid weight at the atomach after .eating., great 'mental despondenc y , severe 'yin, painsfin the ehell\ back and iside e ssfsetbieness, a disNke for' 'civssty and conversation. Mr. B. has snide trial f various medicine, now - beferre the public, but o osseffbct. until , observing in • Worn , ' paper tours cures performed by Dr.; Witham Evans's 1 Camomile Tonic and - Family Aperient Phis, he was induced to give them a trial, of which, be is it soy time happy to state that they efeldrially cured him of the above distressing diseasej . it iVetioni who doubt the above este. are most ; respectfully directed to the above mentioned pa -1 son, at the north-west corner of Shippen end Oareges streets. BENJAMIN BOWS. j '' Pbilsdelphia October 26,183?. ; tiY t has hems, At.etttn• e'V.- Ett'COMPLA th. T4O YEALREST.44,I4O. JNG . • Mts. Hannahltrowne, wife Of Joseph Btowne. fith street, Dear Second, Williamsburg. aifflict ed for the last ten yeah with the Liver complaint, Completely restored to health through the treat nient of Dr. Win. Evans. Sptipton sibastipatiiin of the Words, total loss of litsttte. etemciating pain of the epigastric region. *rest *pre mien of spirits, languor and other 'extreme debility. fdistairbed sloop. tm t. w of the itnnysco, ;din in the right sae. could not-lie au her left side without w aggr4ation Of the pain. oiine high cohere% with other snap t indicating grea tatic t derangement in thei ts the Um- L' Mrs. Browne was attended by direr of * first Physiciites. but received but little relief their Medicine, till Mr. Browse procured some if Dn Wm. Evans', itoraluaide preparations, which ef fectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with otheisostneh it is act essential to itqatnate- JOSEPH BROWIiE. City and County ofliew York, as. Joseph Browne. of W Mit aishorg. Lang biLiod. being duly sworn, did depose and say that the diets-asset forth in the within esteemed, to which he has subscribed his name, arejest and type. JOSEPH. BROWNE. Itailbacd of the said Hannah artrine. 4ween before me this 4th day of January:lSn PETER PEVICHEY. Gam of Heeds. 7r 4 K 9 I IiDAV • ki % -GlristiPytiapTo Oa A4l Ol A" r 4~.:~ ~~ ~ ~~Y: . ' spirits - It buten lextresindlebidity.distititedidiepv, SWILFIIkt* it bereilliseseelldbel - h5 ,4 4 - 'heerlefh Ilide:FillAst eh Alperin, - tio 4. entfb -fltirgipee! in the 1 1.3 4 w omes 4 eht, will, either symploma. mein" .. * mint mike fimetiolim • of the Line . lifts.' ' iser has node traii7 lof ea-'1 rims * mint befta ts the pat& . tut ea. tteintti, ~ t * 4141 elm onaiimbrised to "mike trittlet Dr ' 8 45110;_, . .af which:he is happy to stat e . they effectually retieend Her. 'of tbe Ill i stove simptoins, 'with Mh•M". which are tietementiel to intintater. 114..Hreethiser. Ctettailitod Af-the above Mrs Breshitlez. . , pi lisen Alio years adieu' witli a oistieesed- • and c °Minden, ,c 4: which 0i : ~.. be inn ' y, mid' . ' IliAltAlarrac, Ti SM: ..1. A perfect tare effected by die treatment of A . Williem Emus, Mr. Jah e tbson; or ti. 4 th -itreet, 'Williams. burg, tail wi th the above coinpleint Toe times i years and n months. during *bleb time he had loose Ointehria; Hie chief symptoms were exeruciating,pain la all big joints, but especially so the hips„, slimiderti t karma and arikles. an ae-. graeldien of the pties towardi night; end for this most Part aLlitisner liniet eigtetnal heat, arribvi ocs thickeningaide" Aerie Mid Uraninite, with • a complete lala ofMnitelim met. Fur the best-. efit of those afflicted in a similar raspier, Mr., Cilium conceives it' inert to my that the pains base entirely ceased, and that his joints have completely retzvered their natural tone. and be' feels able to ststelliili ordinary , business. 1 1 --r-• . nifrEarzsmo' c 4 SE . DYSPEPSIA dr Ellf POCIIO3 DIU ACHIM: His. Must Kenny, No. 115 Louis street, between Stan and Houston streets. afflicted fin:ten years With the fidlowingilistressiiig &pop- - tome : • i . t Acid eriMithuly spasmodic pains in the bead. kiss of* 'te t palpitation orate beast. gid . dines. end • Of eight, could not be cio her right side. dantertiedi rest, utter inability of en gaging in any . thing that demanded v igor or courage, s oo t a visionary idea of r n aggra vation of her" dimes*. a ivhiaiimeal aversion to particular per** and places, gsoundhess appro. bectsimorof petsonal danger and powerty,.an irk- /Comeliest and measinele of his, ilistaimented. eke quietude on 'every idight oecesion. idle conceited she could neither Manor l i n t . r ahe arept.,lamented demo : sled, and thought she led a mart miserable life, never wan one bad, with frequent mental ballizeinational MI Reni.y had the advice of Several eminent ploy ' - and had fOCOliniet tIY numerous, but maid smohnsinoven a, swore,' allEr i f her distressing Sate , till, her husband' her to make* trial of my' !node of treat She is now quite relieved. and Gods berself not !only eapable at attending to bet &medic *Wain, bat avows that sbe enjoys as, • good health at i preempt as she did at arm period : l of her etistz o - : : I. M r siN Y. !Inaba of * afortmaid Anne Kenny. ` Sworn me • 1 2th day of Dee. lEW t P Pinckney, Com. of Deeds; . ! A5 1 111*.4;5 . RS SrAmmitG. cli c * 31r. Charles 41 No. DM Orange idrect,ll„ Y. a ffl icted fart fi ve with htentwat hatikeral Asekinavapplied it office 100 Challis= street on the dt'a of:Oleober ; labor* , under the follow-4 ing symptoms., A "sae of tightssessnet Ma the 1 chest, with the gees diffieufty of breathing. ' distressing cough, . ending with copious i t expectorate:in o f ph le gm, disturbed mat. the faartnrbid !and a livid hoe—could .not he in a horimutai • ' • without the sensalnio Of immediate anffleation, languor, thowtineaa. and &xenon in the headland lens of appetite. 11r. ff. applied to mint miscue physics'm in this city. liklessise pied several other remedies without olitainAng. beasidu said o; tolcods perm him to place himself under Dr. William leans' t.. He is now re lieved at his era t, and called at the came yesterday. awning at he bad not wards to ex pleas:his gatittrde the benefit he had mein ed. October 21, 1 . We do hereby se oar sigoatores to t 1, trash of the shim cores, that the 'teens-at is 14, every respect tine. 'SARAH. BRENER r , - !JOHN:STEW; er, No. IP nor &girth street. , ---: Philadelphia, 21m.`1£ 1 31. Dr. W3l. EP Medieal Mee. for the sale of bis excellent ermine,* at, N 0.19, north Zeit% itteet, rtia.d phoi. I Sold be ! 1 IT. WERNER. Sdif Ai* for Schuylkill Comity- ~ Port io n Foundry SALE Will-1G be Mild 2. plicate sale. the 'Foesdrc v v plessmollv sift:fated at Port ClintomSektryi k a coma l . on reasonable mess. This Foundry is at the. of the Little al . . Red Road. now .sentent making, and ill i a short time be one oldie beat situationr inll4 country to do a begeheni ome For teries.o4 apply to PARKES" TIERS. Imp Founders, Philadelphia. ' or ISAAC MYERS. , Poet Cfnatel. &SW ish 29 aItiEJT tmatestr-var ° , Valstabk Real;roperty in' Potts:ale, , FO SALE: - TUE utsterwvoed , otren' foe sale all that well looina tbietst r ilti/Cir STORE' co A DWELLING HO and the emelt:touters ' atteateis4 4 4:lll. Astral% 4 4. i own:, a ris e , Seethe:. with, wise other I leassithielp of maid losalim,, Ind the. l owan lot ofgaissid # ~.. the whale eteleis The Ina be l dame ettataisethiartr *et - he fesso....emashoot the-bessisast awry pr -she gams is she**. wit worlowasthipi,sarlbotti sae beans ataad a .o*i/ease. he I as* -6- wearahristaisaied. kVA* iirifietq- i al _be sal4sa Israle!el tallsti: rell, tithe siiiikiii ' ' 'SW tethitheii the Stop. esty foe s fro! it dinar' ed. rade ilmfialoots. lle. sad pasethelee . teethe Owes iierwerseely-- aPtiti to '., . G 4 t,4-1 3 1 004.0 " - AIWA 24 , ' ' , _- • A - g r iatakin ...- : "Nee* • , , A,execswili - - , 11 fiw i " ' ' na llikri . kr am''' . - Allan „ , t... .... ,- 'a — lmola ' S e ll eZ - ,'. ~ re, : „..,....a• 1,-.4,... ! kiptimminc , , Piwis ' ''--ar-t . -, '''-'-,-* MOime , . _ . ti 'liiiiiiiie7ll64lkg rate lmuk_ . :_ UM - 7 i 311k,- , ipartimootir..asciaa rA i . .ascracepa:4oipport,. ; , • • - ..•••••••4?•....., SIM x • ..a.ismit=erAxoStarkOrMe - i ESTABLASIFI3IENT4 • ESPECTFULLIF infirm/ bm -triendWand tbelottbbn is general., that be bas opened. . a . I "o4.COlece** B 47 E. llll2 tPlillUlWO_ uniggisigisucei. ntatd4or haw the-Arcade in the borough of Pottiville s where be will ra sa keep on hand and bale to ottkir, all kinds ' of Orrery variety ci(patterna--und•wher e a will always be kept on hand. Stead by the • , otair excellent 'qualify, iunfof a large size. ' I is Cooketionary comprises a largirand gear - • asuirtinent wileeted with care, and sold at very lowest rates. . r C. E. woul4 also inoiitin fiunMea that he is p - • "red to bake Family Bread for any neither. • •' prefer furnishing their own Floor, at the • notice, and on the most reasonable reran: • ' 21 30-3 m • 'Books.! very low. 1 BAN.: 1 0. Ll 4" offers for sale the fidlowing . '• 'Standard work+ at the very kw prices ar. to ~ H Scoolleu and Makes England 4 vols. sheep, with plates . Islo 00 kes Canmeatiuy. 4 ads. Sheep. 12 00 w: lers ,works..lo vols. complete. 11 00 I) Vs Theological works. 6 vols. sheep. AOO ''s Bible and Commentary. 3.vok. Bid 6 to 13 ea worts. Deaboiene's Edierwr4i - hiep, 4 25. 9 'm Ancient Ifirtery, 1 , vol. sheep. Dearborn'. Edition with Maps and . plater. . 1 4123 Joseplitis 1 vol. with plates . . 2 25 Alarryatt's works complete, I vol. Moore* works. Library Edition Borns Torts. Cowper and Thoorpson's works. ' POWs marks .. . Buidetes village Beriums, Doddruiges Family Expositor. EnCyclopedis o(Geography, 3 ads. with I IVO cam and 100 Maps, Fezi Hook.ofollartyrs. with plates, - 225 34Kr:cities 5000 Receipts 1 37 Together with a variety ofotber Bookie at very low rates, to suit the times. kitY i iNew and ElegantGimmili- NATBANS drA:42. benquetraedsed and , ..-. :1 0 offer fie English 'lnds fr sde4en to • onoo 73 4er , t - yard Soper French do ' $1 50 per ya, Ts;isn. merino, ,silk and aeon shawls, Red, white, yellow. end scarlet thennels, Bleached and unbleached Padua thencels.firao 1111°25 de tur Ya• . Wed haw earnfints, caps, ehildnaes hose, W' . ter prints, gime., &e &e • .-. .. hats and warkfing at 61 per abed. • —3 . 2 PERIOR OLD BRANDY, maimed and • isle by N. NATHANSA Ca. i piril l 4 • 2$ . Palest* Comaseitiasiy. ON ' - ••ih THE HOLY BIBLE ROM the weeks of Henry and Seats, and above are hundred other arritere. published in toridoo by the Religions Tract Society, rem. ; teat ed ' abridged is tent volumes. willidUaii laid shwa. Mir' Ireful& work ii istbilhed io at 25 tents each. terehre pert* tun already and ern be obtained at the subscribers Stare wham sultscriptions w il l also be re, e ed. B. IIANNAN. Pule it =3l' Beats for -Sale. OUR good new RebaOUß Boats, bat and. aralrizabers„ and arrow reasonable. • *AWL HARTZ: mita- t Higgerty, pruO,LMALE AND RETAIL GoOda,Grocery, Wise 4. Liquor Store Met door to ;11wii's Hotel.) HE IN iivanekito with a 6oase in Philadelphia enabliegibein to t eep on band a eery intien iinigetigient oftnedsootieb they will gen at • • 'it prieee. Store and Tavern teepee* private &mil ke. would do wcil to can and tbetineties. • 24 - * "la. ties. ' EL VI S 1 A, Y 1414:N. " N, MATRA= 4. oa. 33 . P, received sad far side Urn. Nathan: 4r. C 4.50 hastrels of Bev. ErrekOry, SW, Weird . 14 28 • - an 77711 • Geed Sim* ai - wrAvE laggar.- - ',4wpottoist 'ankii# 4 aid !IT 1 10"). - fax *e. 'l4:r Ca 4treillrAXEß. m ESPECMW;momeeseesitikie aim& ies4 the 'sae iagariattiptiot bee eneetimeTeemi the rooseb4fakiag P is Dior- Arta.** qieiam Weir the Ares& tat Wittaidle, ItimeteJ lepia /114 SO an Ueda 4c:elides a di*, lest OPOIOROU, aut at time Ashman hail; rawly 'ameda, Cartyalia. Plattione. Chegamitelk attaate fat time to . as:, 4 erineeteriti"try I .dal vrai wain nit theta to beeitied edri 4100074461ik - 14,4-S.7Dten'N ' ••41. 40.0401N01**44" • 4k,,* •;•‘,..-wvezgr ~, LimitNl4. New 41,1.:,36,...-4,44;,:-..„--4Q-jiiifet /bap; . !Yip ' 118 • 'their friiiialreullll4F i theyluairit-lika -1111E-ft lamb Bull AL Ctkeiorvitirnedreltroilur drools. where thej ThrtAß ;. •-, Ast •. „z•-• 4% • . 11411111' -41 whiciltlpipottu • ..tnieustlirmujiiti . est. • ' the 4l •Erntlilielfta k iirket inds of 4, 47 - Produce IrAAA* highippii „;:c4......• 1 • -April 'l-' 3 —l " . $l.lO • 3 25 1 es 2 QO 2 as 2 00 00 350 M 50 ES EMI Wt . IJie 'S:.:.s~..d~:w::ink''~~-"~y~,~'~~"R':'"':.3ei..~.<•,~z~r's?kEY, , TIMe ' " „,,,... L . _, New 7 ' 411 14 11 .hh GoocK --Dry iwitreochild - rAts o 4 6 4 illlgUiekVl e r • *„.....,--- , - - ...-„,,,,,,,,_--.. - ~,,.,......,....,,., ~* • ' :Milli re; - - - ~• Mick ~.,• _ • .•7 #t A * ":”: Val , .IP -. iptich webe - vela loii.. ,,r.1)114 2 Wee old in carat fie 0 Jripd•ofeetietri. ~.,, JOSEPH lIIIIIITE is. , 50N. , 4 Mount Carbon.,, Deu2 . - ''s• . iIV , 'O4 . e < t A h T e .7 ir E R l A P i g t t! s l :, 0 • :r814111r20. etl- . et ;: : No. 65 NORTH . EritEft.: ; 4 f 4 Tasz Doou mos - Ciasia4Aic -. '... II: PHILAD MANUFA KERS OF • - WhiseLead thy sod/ -• • . • ..._ pa: Win Oil: ; iledynxiie r , • -.: ) Red Lod. •.- : roe elik ,-, ...." LitioNe. ch mar , Yellow. Alult•t fagjalki - - . —_ r do - Greea - rt-ElOl l 4-, Nev• saag_ - - ,- - ,----.:-- - ' d:P. , f Pause Tam% 2 • . elicea .4 svAle ' Lim Epsom Laic,. Tart Acid . 0 4 finia =irr; Seip.Ca& Sada lisetal., l ., . ~, • Corm, Fob. Marc. EthilaPe, API: AW L y: Itr ."s ogrer arUblial irfOr Bile abb e Ll= anon..Oa Ober *l4 a geberid, ' --rr re --- , _ rairat sad Dye Staffb. - ald eyery edem-farte,:hitlte esleed - iderteioal Sec, - , .t 't.- 5 "0.-' , - • —„, Ben unoteghatanenrefigalle. t - attiliessa wade/ado above bead. they .. wesseeteeir mere ply thcirjricade and the pi* es the rem slitelli " es.i' Ora., l 4 , uslruiVa2;: -0:, uVW ' ' 1 ..:`: -ar, . ~,,, Fr p e 5 lik= k aa shirked the Platonist Unitedstatett. by the nitdirnatue, ipoes Fatta" - , es Yeah 1iAJ.5 4 .: TIEE TOinsizz O ACIM::'" .''rr 4 4- , Nieivelea-ina*iiiikt to &wait lia- Mr st-stommuß +atAßn'Tir 4 Weis tikeitity that fhi*eiriedloilfi ss • as Ereur in several eiließarrOcal AirSep. I have eettaholy found iternmY egaeraer.. . ' * Iit.PAATRIV4 :. w:. milawrool‘e :IPM ll 9 3 l l elLeiliSlitirlik;4! 14**Itakfrept.10.Milar 1 .4' 1Y V: g, A Ahead stewed is britly-tbabi he - dliiiitt therms sing this ' ' and witnessed he usarretimeenni:ef. tie T Ache. one :glib tiair in TortietiLit. frholookik _ - liiibier a taivelig_Mpageker,cdrooek - 4 /va. .."1110ia. at the decayed foods ind aeseil4bviini4 ~ _ owes& " " „. _ &Minh sappy ofthe shim 'Muir rameisi.. ed and f?rsaks by B. lll4 , July 13 . , • 171,tr:,:r Leadeiii Pipes. BAPINAZ; ALP! riot sappily of iki seal is& is eery Ihelwassr is koosissorbiehiratbess4 chef*. apra 18 - •a Painted Jiiicameft vosrmeivia and&intl." the adleariieti Wieftselpieeee ofSplftthauelei jfeeemet tizt*Abig sithiteheiceeeleasest eltibistsee silys. by 11AZIARD & STRAUCH.:"- Aiwa_ irrillPildlitaer built reetropeoVaiiiNitia .60•41fir 4 '-'r'P-0 1 4 init4lC4eammi-Flibiti. - ••• • `7 . • -Tian Bilileg.raWSKOOP, • ;#. Chillibet 'Zeds, . , Cuitai String; ' • - -• • , ..,4111 . . 1111114 , 1 0 11 4.4 "^ 4 ., • .."16.4•• • ••• , - , Cietiiiiinelaf -. :: - TWO .04 1 1x..z,,, -;.:•• ~.,,-,...„ ..,:•44.1.- - 4 -, 490 17 "Pft,-140gu$• ', , 4,4s o -ak& —• e 7 #4' ‘,.: • , .., ,• . . • rie4 l r• ... 04 , 1i 5 : r , -- ' ;ilANlSlVeiliaglisisk.. - ~.- -, i' isiereesisiasothifes47- k IMMOIMIW: so.ooothiatswooft - -ArZrtir is etertv - la r . 13tUffM ~•= ~d. MO