_ ~ ^y. otpoettl in 'thirdeldrittlkst 'by the'riotero air anathemas.. lnien iiettlara of which_ udder WU e 4lr- , and destructive y. - The sibtdi .npert iiolaticita mittoniant*ietY9 ' l l, popaacis and once antiodirage-- hY the Sayer , of i of their conduct, therefore, ought to have desisted in', from' their • imprudent exhibitimin of' • - ..' It would seem, however, bolitionism alone is not'what gristly ed the populace, but circumstances it countendhced in a practical way the 'nes of amalgamation. That teepee and delicate young females should be walking, arm - in arm, in 'the public is with black gentlemect, looking riii , 9 and lovinely - in -each others laces, , toe much for the mob to endure—it practical amalgamation I According be Philadelphia Gazette, the eroded I have comprised 'from tweet) , awe' to rthansaad men, generally respectable well dressed, and determined almost to an to protect from interruption the • ediato agents in the destruction of the I ding. The firemen seamed fully to L ticipate iir the - feelings of the assembled i ulace ; and, though the surrounding sea were completely protected, not a r p of,waterfell upon the budding deco - to-destrecticud . n reference -to:the Causes which pro. u ed this 'catastrophe, we extract the fol,i 3 log, from -the Saturday News, as ex.l _ A natory' : it ke not to be concealed that a very stron • lint of indignation has been excited in chi • all 4 quiet community by the manner in w kith 'the 'blacks and whites have associated d' ring - t h e various services which had taken pl Celli this Nell. Negro men have - been conk e.iimotisly paraded on the same benches .414 I d Italic white tamales. end. its if this were a fficient to show the extent to which anisigama r ti n is openly encouraged, persons of opposite zereod different colors have promenaded the oat mobile streets, with their arms kivingly twined, and , their looks -breathing the tees est aro:Son. It is. moreover. currently. sod e have -reason to believe,. -accurately -rumored, at at the wedding of Mtge Grimke. one of the inerant lecturers, who was married in this city few 'evenings since, the bridal guest" consisted six black* •and six whites. to arrangement bich was intended to demonstrate their polled I ail equality. These Wage, aided by the fah. ' is cravings of Glrrison who has been lecturing I ere, have nticessarly lento much excitement,' od at tNt time of writing these perafraphs. tee' re not without fear that serneserious tresehidf e pescamay be the result. We rely, howssec, the efficiency of our police, and the known' . eve of order which belongs to our city. for he timely auppreasloo 01 any disorders whihk i ay nee= , s [ , l's.i\on t h e United States Gazette. .3 1 '..] !Further. Disturbances. ; 1 In out paper of Saturday. we aliuded ' blightly to the outrage of the mob; in 13th treet above Gallowhill. We were unable !then to ascertain 'the circumstances df te riot—the exact purposes for which the n i 'ured building had been erected—or he amount of injury sustained. We h a ve since learned, on inquiry, that the whple building, , a very large, doable, four story brick house, was erected fur the most be nevolent purpose of receiving, providing for and educating colored Orphan children.; A elute:mondani informs tts, that " he , . building burned by the mob on Friday clew ning, was the Orphans' Asylum, just fin- ished, for destitute colored children, in no way connected with theabolitionists; a very unobtrusive charity, connected by mem. bent of the, society of 'Friends' exclusively 1 none of them members of the eholitionl so f cietY. The children, about forty in num ! her, none over eight years of age, were not yet removed to the _new building, else the i - consequences must have, been awful. he I 1 objects and conduct of this association are 1 so waeseeptionable, and their, m mea so l y li-nited, that it is difficulr to - im agine i any so debased as to cornmit Thege of Friday evening; the means of :he • y j otq at -; nut being-soffi:dent for the current e pea -1 see of the present inititution, which is con-1 ! &lewd• with more -economy and lest ex ; pens 'than any similar institution kntown ' Circti'mktances• *king it necessary' for l theta Id build, theyhtdre had to incuridebt for the present building." On Saturday evening, while; the bushings • of the- Firemenis Meeting was goinga in ' independence Square, there was a ;rimming-id Sixth Creel; anOrnmeditely cl t "a hest of persons were seen coming own that , }treat, at • n rapid rate, occasi nally shouting in front-of a-hottatril: This corn pany;consisting of several thensandt4 add . continually receiving augmernation„. Went down „ to the African meeting-house, in Bth above Lombard street, and it few.peroops we utideratand commenced ithontioas!if ~, , ,A an incite the others, t length, so , foiw l e. - brickbats were thiewn—indit itee ed te if the work of destrucumiwasbegtm *hen sudifelly, Mr. Reit:inlet:Rush' Trim into the front gf the moir e seized nee - two actually enga ged in the Mischief,* Agi, ow l far „..aid. 'll.i once the 'W - linii . , '- . ' i' and we here hastened into the triidl - Ohs o • inotyrt found none willing to ackuo ledoe ling w 1 b r he wishiii l' - '' ' - ii ll6ll-.- - iV titer 141. ! - " -red the Perfa l k whom be setae& leti*Nle, ont-'4thow, awe, . rallifF' we re Insible to Leigh' or bins. The mob ; 606 . 1411dd liphi- - itoyittordelithbbrimad: 6F4101011 tilnew tali notart e mpt. Vs earl liertr„any:faithlit. Oehler. - .ln thislialip it pplittirteu that -largehubrwere i ,the bc their tree - ~. .yeiekik Get relluirmh: P Early l on Pe fila r t ' didai . tqrthecorners o Ittebed:stlialireeice;:clecci;plied:°7ylklekg:re:imilitt'f , persett' e, eiridently-ebpecting mob) mete..; .ent, though wfithoht any apparent idea imneeFitireekrieed:ltut in the coarse !ct an hour 'or t ,o, c ads had 'assembled, • d th ere . appearedia tlispixition toattabk a i e printing ellfice oof the-Ledger. The ayorand apatty °Obi police were in the building. Thep Shriff had a party in o k fhar the Exchaegel and mounted„ patrols ere seen parainit along' the streets.— . .) Nile the crovni were passinglowardethe :trice, the 'bleier same out and addressed em, as citizdna, and asked them to con. rider that theii• own property mighticnne day be similar endangered, •if they en- fouraged such!a mode of illegal action-H ,After some rely aixt rejoinder, the em i elt ieemeditriteld they .ground; without pro ceeding taviotence; when, at a late-boor, I there came a mounted messenger -to give notice that there 'was an outbreiking in Sixth or Seventh Ittreet end Lombard.-- Thither the Omit in Duck street - basten• ed, and the Mayo; with a part of his dis posable cored preceeded, in cornfilianee with the -call; r i b, report was, that the blacks bad ride t upon the whites, and were heating them d e could not learn wbeth er this had b ene case, but it is certain -that a pistol as , fired, and, as it was be- 1 lieved, from t -window -of a house—and' great coaster ation was manifested. The Mayor is of pinion that the - pistol was fired in'the 5 eet4 though as he was ob i, sent at the ti to Or the discharge, he could not tell. i i . . Iris statett.toes that s-crowd assembled in Small .treet, a i place chiefly occupied by poor lalafks, out of 'the limits of the city, and were tnakmgso attack, When the' blacker. 1.e . , and drove away their-assail ants. o The riff at that time arrived, end 13 $ e restored qui ' ~~ w~a~:. =2l aRa spa :Lad IYEIRRIA! MEE= EMI PnazivoLona,. proved, illustrated, and applied, acedmpinied by a chart; embrice ing an analysis of •the primary mental powers,in their 'Various degrees of dere'. -optkent; the hekomena produced by - their combined'a drily, and the location of the phrenologic I organs in the beach. together with a view o f the - morel and - .theological bearing of t e sfejence. By 0. S. and L. N. Fowler. tactical Phrenologists; assis ted by Sa uel Kirkham, auibor of the 6 , English G rammar in Lectures," and an ' , Essay en 'Elocution." Neil , York. 3rd Edition,llo3. ' 1 vol. l2mo. We a:44IM gives 'the tinning ' work a 4k peenstd,..but tem 'read much th n - t id isAmustrig and linstruc. • tive. Theleonteuis of the work are indi. - . . cated be th title. The results of the ex. eminalions algrest number of public and private ind viduals are given; and from the number of tbe. , former we extract the fol lowing a out of Henry Clay : Hamm elliT tarnishes an illustrious example of the egenewentlketween his phrenological devel opemenisbig known traits of character...an agreement fact : which •sen be seascuited fOr on no ether rat nal; principle than that which ad -1 wits the truth of, phrenology. The foil wring is the result ol'a careful phrenological observation of his head. ' The fi rst pint of interest. is Ms uncommonly fine end favorable temperament, which is a nom- J pound of thei carious, sanguine, avid bilious. and' , Which recut es ainost happy and delicate blend ing of'stit mod lictivicy with high suseepti. Way to oil uli g 4 : and -this ' , temperament isaided, l by the orga isation of his whole corporeal sisieen, which is n rivalled. .. treof The second tiling Lobe Policed, is the slawpiess j of his Detects, Winch greatly increase their &Oily -1 ity and eseitab*ty.. Add to this, the sign of kis j had, which is Pnesestly rout, it bcint seven In thee and thlwelights in diameter, and very high ,in pioportien I its breadth; and we have three favorable Murata' acting in ameert, which, un der any eireninitances, could hardly fail to bring him into nOticed but which, under favorable chi. esinstancei wild of tbenrsehres prudent, a great genius. But vibes to these eztraordinery manl. &stations,. ere odd the important one of a Most favorable devellipenient of the several Mums 'of organs, an ftillgas of the individuals in each dam presentintgreSt mental power so admirably ha; aimed thati,negeofit rune to waste, we tiave-,- filinllT eLnlmito the life His beneSoletteit is very far" mid tile sanely' seas end phiki ''rcigi' mitivenese are deietoped in ap extraerclin ray etre e for a man. From thus corn I bination we tdeep,eurrent of 'y in psOy and ' pathos w h i ch • gly character es his speech -4....., lea. and tit hbe wises open feelings, at rectums, d sof his !hare* and sweeps j the choreli human heart with the master hand of algi . a. From the nine COalbina - I don, al ed that cratrwliebuing bird of anguish se strongly M ar k e d th e mho on the late nu of the death of his only child. s t a His tom i eas is I'M &W. *bile Ins del. trurdiam ' only ti l l. - Ilenice, Ibis disposition to'debate. nd ist ithont showing great sever. ity of ch r, and ore retorts courteous which display orwmanireocirage than hanehoebe or i, cruelty. flis safesteem and Spprobition are both tar bit being early moat. and eenshineel with tie r large benevolence and Wiosratkin, they , produce tha4, ill ;Maly minglal with digang; which 6 ply • s itself in all hit ieteriiriurse with j hi' tend ..in , did enters , largeltinto'his mas t ner of s i g,aunitituting bun naturally. what be is in ct., perfect gentiessen..Tbearone coin , bination 'l4es hum ambition,. . , • • 'Fbe gait* which are Waled sear the aegis/ Jim of , e bUsii. am nearly ail very las^ an that' its heig , is Considerably greater Maine tUtielift. and its , fromiadirdisality4o. philopta:- is 'pry gr t.. Meow; tie moral anilimmintraeil. !Tee , it-ideinesa mospicoonsig •leiWelterstr' Mr. a palm amply &rale - good thinithe as. final an ael b propensities. His perceptive fli- ~TI~`~ Caldeiaridatilbrell to aa ,aztracwiliaary &gram' Theadadir bite Oat ready eommeal"af_ * asd ab le listivatillerfal ability to atmad de„ miltimithatermillialli•boniesee, is which he Marie limit of his emigoiperaties, • It woe thy • the 01 tbsoilkeettispdoieed irith his large* coadeatsm tis*BlN ~meaty--moipsrativeasweaduather Cookies, that his' was enabled te beeline so that-sad chimps. _defender mlf the all mut System." semi' combloatioa girl him "hole inttnicalliii ttif analysis, aura tido, critical ittiiniga. and ability le diesel War, and, itiddelly aadValdes 'etta i Lif propriety and 1 eliginee Of expreasios, with hi rear ability to mire Upon therstrTwi pilots brae hrgoieat...itt sheet, these uhtivalled powers of ftweriitar Aimee. which ao•.ektoogly eitramerbe his maul efforts. Hie idea 4 aad 41Ing. betarbodelarge, bat out very term! amble hiol to rowintabota style. at oacerthame, graceful, and Bowing, lid' ;Ake &Getout tilimiacy of ornament andhdrbdrity ot expression. . - The trial of Win. Miller in Lyeorniog county; for !the molder of Soloman Hoff riisive pedlir has terminatediira Serdiet of Guilty otlibirder. "Miller has bSeo coodirutly sentenced to death. In the case of the' two Gilligan, con victed 4if minder of theist degree, ihr - .1 an. nary last icrtuzerne county, the court have granttd a •tiew trill. Bradley, Who-watt convicted 6f murder in' the degiee, and who did not move fora new trial, ins sen tencedfio• the-Eastern Penitentiark for ten years. • By-ttn'Aa uf Assembly of 1136, the of 'Philadelphia is responsible for all pi ty de. stroyed an the county br!. mob, protiding the owner has roc Ilertiemnlod in the not.j . Mating of Biskvis.—:Millictrusu some tusks ego that a meeting of all the Disliops of the Methodist Episcopal churchwould be 4ld thlti • city on the 16th instant. All have aimed, os -cepting **venerable Bishop-Roberta. Ilrim is too much indisposed to undertake ea lostg e rjourney from residence it the rest, to th" city,—N4 Y. Wis. #4s. The terms- - of awv,adteen 'United States Senators expire on' thIS foUrtb of March nest, viz---Messrs. biltian of Pennsylwa• nia, Webster of Massachussetts, ISwift of Vermont, Robbins ofßhodeislan:d;-Soutli ard;of New Jersey, Bayard of Delaware, Merrick of Maryland, Rises ofiViruinia, Tallmadge of Now York, Norwell fif Michi gan, Renton of Missouri, Tipton of Indi atm, Sheply of Maine, Niles oftonneeti cut, Trotter-of MisaimippieGrundy of Ten nesbee, and 'Morris of Ohio. Whig, 6; Conservatives., 3; Van Btren Mn,U 8. If it was a matter of great tneFit in Gent Jackson thatithe old national debt happen ed to be extinguished itt his tithe s —what shallte said of MG Van Buren, when in his time the country sinks into whew debt, therdebth of which not clearly seen The l'experimenti" shook first the mer. Chants;—lben the banka;—then the ma amnia; now irbegins to molest the farm em—and et last comes back again to Washington "to 'plague the inventors !" Portsmouth Journal. :" 'Pew 'persons abtespecially , tonveratintwlth the Object, have any just conceptions of thessalue of good coal mines, as a source of national wealth and a means of promoting mechanical indostri.. The ed extract from a report recently 1111b4 mitred to the taigialaturti of Mamachuscits, Is :rot overdraws. - I In turning our attention to Pennsylvania, we.; remark, that the mines which in 1820. yields& for market only 323 taus, produced in 1837, 880 4 - 770 toma the value of which may be stated st. something more than four millions of d011ar...1-. The whole amountef coal yielded by the mine. ofGreat 23iitain and Ireland, Irony statistical dye memo, appears to be. 11 ; 969,715 tons annually. It is estimated that the value of one half of this in the hands of the wholesale dealeri, is 33 shillings:the ton,and that the whole proceeds of the coal, anidented to dearly 40,000.000 pounds starling; or about 192 millions 'of dollars. The waists of coal, there Tore, regardod ban article orcommeress, seems to be immense. h comparing it with the other sources of wealth in the British Empire. It appeird to exceed all the other mineal it Is atm great& than the entire wheat crop; and surpasses every other single branch of industry, with the exception only of the !woolen manufactorria, and . tbe'reotton mono facturera; of winch% Indeed, it is the greet rap porter. The fallowing bwtole wed ihim its value as compared with the leading branches of Indus.. try: Anise MMus .7 various British products is , , _ -panda sterling. Cost, wheat, Potatoes. • -, r . . Hemp and `oak, 2,500.000 Fisheries, 12,000,000. CepPeri ' 1.458,591' Lead.l,ooo,ooo , Quarries of ali. kind*. 4,000.0006 Iron, 11,000,000 1 Timbeh 3,000,000 Milk, butter ill nd . cheese. 32.500,000 Wool. , 14,000,000 Veretabke and Fruit*, . 18,000.000 1 1 All mines and minerals, raoldeiteerial. 34,000,000 Wixdon Masufacinies. 46.250,000 Linci . lllinufaetures. 15,421,086' Silk Manufactures, 10,000,060 Cotton' alanufatitores, . 50,000,000 Leather. 14,000,000 Manufactured Iron, _ 31.072,606 Brass' and Copper Water. 4,673436 1 China. (Rau and Earthen Wares, 10,892,797 Such is the importance of coal in the bridal Empire, dewed only u to its direct commercial value. Brit it must be remembered, that this oot the tuuit of its influence. Though thb iOn. met May hare reposed for ages in the tosSurnf the earth. yet. when dragged from its repose' bq the art and industry °f roan. it shake*, oir its sham' her. and 'endowed with gigantic* energy, nom the pocideLons wheel, and*caves; the heavy crank of the mairbfitetory. It sets-In motion myriads of whirling spindles and boay lamas hoes the stemoboat through . the water. sill bids the loco. •Inotise hurry on its trsdk. It thus not only slim. Wales the arts, and gives fret = vigor to the in: dadeli bet it itoreloPee Dar alarms of wealth. rousentew enetzleei sa wee, ilia endows him witatpowars whicli, wan earlie . • *OW bean decniminfinceadoom iltiinnunsff neeessery to eilikithat hie the rat ilia tinkering tbt map ufsettuesisf the British Empire. • 40 it IEINEE EM L L , I ;: W Oen' y_ 1 17; 4 ' -111bAlIrtigilfaread le f i t lambs yedsedly a hantitiloei 0 1 Pd a Caini nbritrem the bine qa IThelselhllidr which he 1 4_ lbe. ebeirrms9. rider!, be the rphipltoe of Ifir.fClay's !Moieties, proposing to abolish all discrimination la the imseey-reesitable le payment* tri the Got--. ereminst, end to make -it abligatery , 4n theMbv enamel- to tacM'it Mid 'Mebane (tosSelt as are willing toiekt them) thriesites 40' Os* paying brinks.' Mr. Wright has thee fulfilled *hat weal otivioddj his putpoes le moving tbs., miaow of thirestilitilan 0/ Mr.. Clay to the ceemsitteii - of which be was 'ehalrmlis..: The report occupied - Buse Ware in the readi n l, and its great length precludiereved a seinen, 'alto contents. Its elibir4oPte apple to os to be the history of the specie efecular,--lhiploriginAtingrere, and great basalts of that HadiMartie gusset the Ade nrinistra; but thostiefour readers Who re member tbe boneribli chairman's somositessttbe last sessier4 rustafthis.ageinstlMr.:Rives• propo sition, (of tenor similar to 'the'presest resolution.) and in favor - dills! Snb-Triasory Bill{ may read. I ily cteceire thirgeneiel loops and bearing 'of 1 his decatnentary speech delivered in **Senate yesterday. It was %tr. Bentno, Ire litrelve, who I remarked: on s recent occasion, that a report Of I a committee was only 'a ispeeth In S different kin:), with the advent's! °theta( spread upon ' the record*, 'and'behig pulled - at the public et penes. ~ We could out help thinking. whilatAr. Wright was so gravely and earnestly -citing reasons a. I gainst thesdarption 'of the only feasible- measure of relief to the. Government and the country which has been cdfered to the Senate, and at the very moment in which he was thus unfortunate• ly employed, the Adininiatration, of which he is so sealed, a friend., had reeched a shitenf abscr..l lute insolvency, and knew dot Whither to tern to 1 pay the humblest creditor of the tslreeramsent.— Such, in fact, is the.destitnuon to which the Gov-. ailment has at least been reduced by the Jack sonian experiments on the curreney and business -1 of the country, that. it reeembhw the condition of the. unhappy Misibiseuide patients, when he has burn brought to death's door by tbei alternate ad mintstratioo of steam lied lobelia, end is on the point of tiring op the ghost. While the party are drawing by specious at .guments in the Senate to lull the _Public under its stlferings, and to show the wiediun of the Ad ministration, that Administration kas reached a point at which, had the President's rectouiruendi don to pass a corporation bank mg. , law been car ried into effect by Congress, the Governmenttf the United States would be the first to require its bencfit,if it could be brought as a corporation within the benefit of its provisions. The report of the 'Finance Comnsitiee so de lighted the leaders of the party "In ILA' Senate— looking it it, perhaps, as a Godsend in their ex tremity—ghat one member priipesed the, printing of thirty thousand extra copies of it; another i l d to he should like see./wilf s million ophis p rin t. ed, hot contented himself with moving for 52, 0; and, finally, thirty thousand copies were actually ordered to be printed.—Notions/ Intelligent cr. COAL 140,000.000 30,000,000 20.000,000 NA:lu I!=M73;s! M== Pros ehe Maki:Won Glebe. Waaarearram, May 19.1838. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Cambreleirg laid before the House a coq. municition from the Acting Secretary of Wlr inclusing several communications from the Act: ing Quartermaster General, shdwing the pres sing want of the appropriation'fur preventing and suppressing Indian Hostilities, in otder to . carry on with efficiency the military operations oxincerted, and those meow in progress. Among these was a letter from the Actrag QUartermas. ter General, under date 'of April 45th, 1828 1 which sayrt "I ban not been able to mike a jingle. rem it- : }trace of any. consequence for the suppression of. Indiarr hostilities for the last tea weeks though the expenditures through' this department have heretofore averaged 'three hundred thousand donate." RECHHON OF THE :SPECIE. CIRCULAR. Mr, Boon thew mado a motion to proced faiths tonsideration of the resolution totrescind the Spe. chi Circular; and, for the first' time, be said, ashes:ll6st the yeas and nays; which were or. donut • - _ • Mr; B. explained, in order that the House might vote understandingly, that it was not his iritentior.- to press the resolution ofehe gentle man from Eintucky:lkr. Wilhelm. to lnitruct the Committee of Ways and Mean to bring in a bill of the subject:l but to present his.own joint one and direct) as a substitute. INtr. Wil liams stated some days ago. that be would as cept Mr. boon's, as a modification of his Own; should the rules be ehspended.l On the motion to seipend the Mee die vote was LOS to 63. • BUSINESS AND POLITICS. It has not been . nnoinal In tie of our country's prosperity to have the most active business men excuse themselves from parti• cipatteg ie public affairs by the Omani e of, business,—the claims of their private con cerns upon their time and atientigo,. so that in many instances they have neabformed thesnselves of the merits of the Most famil iar political 'questions which have from , time-to time agitated the public mind. To, - this,apathy—tbis fancied seessrity is attribu table the success and predominance of the• Loco Foco doctrines, which have spread' over the ihole country with an effect not lees destructive than the Ares on the prai ries,—spreading desolation, bankruptcy, and ruin over the face of the land. In this state of things, politics became every man's bisainess ; and engaging in it with the same alacrity and zeal which they have been accustomed to show in private mitten, the people have overthrown 'the derstructives, and given their unfaithful ser vants due Warning that their sellish -ruin ous policy must be abandoned. The evi dente emelt a determination has given a new start—new life and animation io bust 1 ness. Prom ttm principal business places in !the United States we 'have the intelli gence, that the inerchanta taking courage from the prospect of the oveithror of the present administration and its measures am reming their reronti'd activity. The in come of travel! and fit freight- upon the greet thoroughfares, give evidence .that the virture and integrity ottbe people have triumphed Over 'the corruption andieeslity , of the office holders. ' I • The success ftif the MAO,' in the el tihns throughetit the country hart:Made ty a beet (lithe * rid glad. it, Asa i9I egia :' T R.: emugy. into A ilwilepituaa' 147 F liff business, audit** sufkgtitpoororlio , itari been robbed of the - 'means trilifirkirt'br NW= Illi tr simi ! , r l) f tvaim4 o oi;')liin. 'jet be . .made gliditi'llhe - rOWard t iIW in spite of Vati-yllmiti - o. nil - lieneatier ist:nn i tain Mile tias.no i , tit*Oric4iYl-Oitil-.*'::EierY ftecatitt, as,, e; slies , his prooperiq:ind isippineii; and, the - htiftimii. it those dependent 00 hint, *Wald find lime . to prolthet them , through - 11M lialkA.,,birt. ,'llatt4ithts been dope 'how ,much suffering andolosentight hare been iveileddurinfiha t tiiit IhniiYeariz BO it been dime wti'shoultrtiot - now ha*, to deplore therevils which,XVetilluten ad!,, Ministiution has broughtopen thernotintry byl its mitten" policy ann , its plundering measures.--11Tew Hasvpiliike Secitiiiiatt. { .The oPinicips of celebrated and good a man as Roasaillatt, deeirve atten- die consideration; and every thinking Man of/this great inattga.ond CI'SQ those jrho do not thitilejshiluidOnder the truth 'that no nation can [Gawp. frec,tinteicit is in. tePigent am( virtuous:- the stability ofl, our present' free Itlstitutitihaf our pri vate proftileions, indeeddepend upon the , faithfulness. of tho present gentirattun in 1 rearing up the one that is, to succeed, us. id. Robert Hall, says--"-Evety thing in Abe condition of mankind pronounces the approach of isome great crisis, for which _nothing can :prepareushut the diffusion of knowledge, ,probity, and the 'fear of the Lord. While the world'is impelled with such violencie in apposite directions; while a spiiif Of giddiness and revolt is shed 'von the nations, and 'the seeds of Muta tion are so thickly sown, the improvement of the mosso( the people will be our grand security, in'the neglect of. which. the' po- , litenese, 'the -refinement, and the itnow.' l ledge accaMmulated in the higher orders, weak and Unprotected, wilt be exposed to immiuent danger, and 'perish litre a *gar land in - the grasp of popular fury. vW is dont and knowledge shall be stabilities of the times - hod strength of 'titration; the fear of the Lord is his\treasure." /grim:twirl —Welcirslrilgt the New Nog ii. land Farmer; that . an important d scovery has limn made by a gentlXman in they Cinity of Bos ton, io the manufaciure.of Saga fi OM Beets. Samples of tbe sugar mile by this mime's. Body crystalised, Xnd of as good a quality as the coin. 'non Haven" White Bogen, have been exhibited to coMpetect judges; and thom who have :Men the process and results, haveex)doubts of ifs succesi. A patent for this inveuilion and discovery, is now in mums: of being procured; and iris con-. Sdently expected that the right td manufacture will be for ale, seasonably this suinmer, qt such. a rate as to put it in the power of every inclifyi• ops farmer lo make his own s'ugar. Industry. —The following anecdote may give some, encouragement to the industri ous husbandman —Not long ago, a cam. try 'gentleman had an estate of £2OO a year, which he kept 'in his own tutot4, un .til heThadd himavif act'much in debt, that, to datisPc,his creditors, be was obliged to "sell the half, and to-l et . the remainder to a farmer for twenty.one. years. Towards the expi4ation of the lease the farmer, coming-one Islay to !way his rent, asked the gentleman whaber be would sell the farm. "Why; will yciu buy it?" said theigende man. "If you will part with it, and we can• agree," replied the farmer. • "That is ea ceedingli strange," said the gentleman.— "Pray s tell me how it happens, that, while . I could not live upon twice- at heath land, fur which 'I pay no rent, you„ are regularly paying me a hundred a year; for yea farm, and able in a few years, to puvcbase it ?" "The reason is plain." answered the Own er: "youttat 8611, and said, 'go!' I got up, and *aid .tccinse;'—yon 14 in bed, and en: joyed yo ur ease; I rose in the morning, and minded my business." DszsixaTs:s to the Young Men's co:levee 'on at . 4eading, who expect to attend the said co ntention are requested toleave their names 4WD 'office, or it "the office of the Freiheita Press, ss soots as practicible, for the information of the committee of ar. raneements. MARRIED. • In Shamokin, on Sunday the 13th inst. by WM. 11. Muench, Fag., Mr. Daunt, SHAFFER, 10 Miss REBECCA SEITIHNEEE, both of'Pottevillet,, rrsmwmn - w•TTI'ml WHEAT FLOUR, by the lead grab Watt ea-Fri day _47 * • - . WHEAT I_so per pusbelas demand. - • RYE FLO UR '2 50 permit. indent's& BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 450 per cwt.in demand RYE, by the And 90 :cuts by the bushal—reatlY ale RYE CHOP ,00 tents per bushel's demand. OATS 40 caw—ready sale. _ _ POTATOES 45 Cents per . bashol demand., . CORN-70 cents par bnalleT in dediand, CLOVER SEED-0 , 74. 1 _ 40! per Whet. TIMOTHY SEED .2 00 per bushel. FLAXSEED4II 12 peribusbel demand. WHISKEY-42 tents per gallon. BUTTER—I 4 cents per podsd—in Kegs 12tints EGGS-12 twataper donna. .• LARD-10 - centaper pon d, • TALLOW-9 eintspetPaird. • HAMS IRcestipet poarai, . CORN CHOP 80 cents par bushel in deinand. BACON-14ceitti per pound. BEESWAX- 1 18 cents per pound. FE.lkT..FtS62centaper.pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents per poised _ M ACKF.REL.Ity the bbl.No sfs ot# F 2. 411 SALT-T4l 6th pit bh1487 per bushel. PIASTER. is.worth $7 00 per ton. • ; Y :$lB . . . . .;* "%Wier. Tut Re,....Schuylkill County 6'1,14 „if/anted fo the eabseirber Letters of MOD. Wrath& on the estati - Or jai McGlina. lite of Nomegiao towneltip; Schuylkill Coantyedecene editmtpanana indebted to the mid Aka MeGrilik ;iv" requested to *like hantediate pigment; and att - 1100 iir,e*tilnutd ':eitt* tbere 11theiit de. • - - 'T - ''=" • =7 = IIII6OM,NSIZT:Z 4 -' Adish — statiater - :' fad moos, May too IViL6 iteiamitsl4l.4lW , `won Ladies of Petteellle4B l l-7 1 4 2 k. s 4 peetfally ia,itad 10 call aod as dne a Waned assorttoestOf Meted - Waled Lilian; Joeniella. , Mali. •' Illicit and - White Lawns! • Illonalinodehilia 4411184 •: Ifoainn, dark and,hitht . • Worite/Ltotten • Faneylbradketth. Bhawle.Vidid."' Plain and Bost' OteilsSies Silk &polar. bloolledllkaableteled ' - dis di • V ' Ai the eteri, VATILMI mayl9.? • latikatry, ;PARADE on Wednesday the 934 day of May, 1838. at the *mpg. at 8 °idea. .1611. Eu.mrsiell/nifiasn. 12jr JOHN L. 374 Furst B•Sgeest. Oust, fumed Loco may 16 AT g inestiaire the Teem Connell i 4 the Bo• rough offottavilie. held on Toeedai Op 14th of Max inst. thellowing eiwelotion. was pored: Rewired. That he Colwell at the next thawed Meeting will seeetei applimathisa for the eiliee of Attest Coininlisioner, and that notice alba row eilut be publiiheikin:the Miners' Joargal. Twueet fkoser the Minutes. • • . ETIWARD OW EN PART, May 16, 1838. j Town (lark: The nett Stated Meeting of the Connell Wilt he held on Tuesday the sth of June nazi, at Ti 0 1 '- 1 clock P. 14. • 1 ~ . . - pi o' . for Coal. GLRACED PIT . addrehsed to the '. bine. 11 . be, will be teed at 'Philadelphia. Mini noun% Blnclutfy,; j u t old the sth June Wee, far supplying the ins " olio* nab Filler; -hood* tons of white an red ash coal, free ffrorn due, slate or any irtipurriY, tat be delivered 4 tbe Mins House wharf, otbe viekt.. 'Side Of ' river Schuylkill by the lit day of October . • W1L11.141. S. STOCKTON, . rd. ti ll 4_pplicints wil node*: their canton Cams ofroposals for Criitn t • a Philadelphia. Nay AS . 1- • w 4 • • . Li' t Wines.- - • . a jh .. s. . fit kIRDB-Vin e:Gtave Wine. / 0n :; 6 1.. i . t. ‘o 2 Pipes - do 7' - * - wsresntellsoant4 tor e& by May 19 .38 1 N. NATHAN". 01 lig r • -,---• JOHN siaxmit,l MAKES plea/Sue in hilorming his frwarda and the A. public. that he continuos hie t Almarostv wider ki the -Pennsylvania Hall.° in. Pc ' Rie hopes his put reputalian, fa keeping ii fest file Estab. liabment. atipfireh. dain thy espe lof ti t's in the 'amebae,. of business. and a to p,' okay airitricontinizance of their 'fowl patron. WIN tOPFER has nawie wrangled*" with Mr. Ro thrower. of the 4Coniecopiw." 114.44. North .37iird west, ,Phibidelptiii fora. umMy . " of •an the ; delicacies which the Pbiladeiphia aa4 V can Abed 1 during the Smiler usual. • . i Bill erAire,i .‘ • 1 :Rout Beef. add. per plus. $ 1111 , Corned dip do do I Is! 'Ned •Ituii dlEgp, 'do I IS ' Green Tads ilbop. do , IS Lobsters. Sant.inith, • FresiiiPaltaisii. • Spiced. . ~ _ I . c• Old Madeira ' tW ine. per bottle.. 'Old Sbery Wine. do i Old B Pale rown [ -. •do - . do i Old Post. I do do i . *Old Litho), do do , - Champluatdew.(rainietto.); do 1 Lffildanß r " I°lit ioedkiei ' l i rk B Pepper% , istali s & Aputmenty:ara always la 'radio Paittesaky ash those wbo 'Odlltavr every atviitien. Pottrishe.iday 41. 1838. • - An Elettioul WILL beCheld by the me v - v the lift_tional Light Infintr day the 23d 4ay'or May. A. D. I wary. to Fleet by ballot Ono Flr • BY order of • , Brigade ingiectoria ghee,l Vqndsoi. May 11 183& - Pottsville Water . , patty. AT en election held it the .• • of William ElMiliiiimer. on the 14th !Mt. _ following persons lime elected ilanagme, • , rapivill• Water CoMpiey,lßM the ensuhi, r t... - ' Andrew Reuel. '. William 'mar, *tunnel Billyntin. ' larr ; , ttp john C.' Ernst, Benjamin F. Pommy Jacob •• •• .-fleir Henry Bltelley4 ' may 16, rablie Note : - As . itappeam. tkat became grains obtained no palest for runelti•g Iros Ore with . An. thricite Coal in this coontrbionie sappers ibat they ars - now at liberty Jo a&yl • method of smelting Iron wit frith Anthracite y ths us's( a Naiad air.blast; sithwagh polies list year , th at 1 had • patent for! ' '‘ng Ins Ore with Anthracite Coal, both bi AS Or. it Cold atmospheric and a heated airr i bi voile-it* .inform the publics again. Miami 114th a Jail .oary. 1838,1 received a let; fi r the COM WI Miez. limier of Patents at WI " Inge aponesamining the ease of. is applies " "%tent for finselfiM A 4 I . 7 'Sr ~ r .._ -., ,-.....-- ..!. Lion fora pate.. ..ing I "`lii? sir, . Anthramte,l have viewed ble . ~ oretCrtirfariet With your patent or Dec I . ,;;„ , huh el& r notice to Ita-nttorney,tif tti .41- -1 4 ."• ," Every attempt to smelt Iron ore re Vail , tittle R.the `we of a buted air blaat.ie NI infri Bement upon My patent; quirk ' which 1 : eel - on tad warn all mentan Lillian prosecute:citify' • , 'lnfringint upon. my rights. according: 10 . And IW ilier offer to &lon of patent ri ft for the erect, ingiolfarnaci4. aceur4ipg Ito Jatent, O P O ° varylnuit ; a u tenrin i • . . IFlt CIE W. GT Nei - York; liiiilC ir • ' 2 ' ' e c k -', '' NOT/ 1 frifillElsolosoribier limb, • , indi e V, id W ig" papoose tii sit . airifw6hitt Attain at ti ra t " disiiiiieiii,oo. o l l6- thi. ye fa? -aadUirni wiploilt ii ..--vp._.---... , -Auk lit iiitisniiligh gay li T E 3 1 50 1 ser 1 1 50 1 00 00 Offil 2 111 Waffles. at tbs Arr &end PP.ELL; aspeelot IBM I EicHAINEL 37-ly 'es, that all int iit'Jaaa. . 37=-3* MI