orArgea—D. • .~'•f'xS.a•r > z -4R~ p r J ~~ f.~ .w Mil 4.1r.Q.L. „ B N;.7 A:1111 4 1 BA I sissizmnizsz.' payable eetai-anenallyin adveneit. I thiYear t $; wall be chergel'to. all iptire the paper free of postage. Tr* et $3 per annum._lrpol within the will be addidiihe twice kofetibreiipti WEEKLY, Tvrojitn.:_alia per annum ~ payable! in adsaanis/If not paid within thele be chairgild Adieftlieinenti lot exceeding twelv', c harged:sl. for three insertions--and 5 insertiOn. —forgot ones. in propfvtion.' All advertmentents will be inserteti out. unless the titnefor whi sh they are t , is specified ! and will be charged a ccnidi Kearly at vertisera wlithe charged S inch - id - Mg snbscriptiola'to Elm paper —wit of keopingene advertisement not nice Biminis denting theyear,and the insert er one in each paw r for three success, All letter's addressed to the editorbius otherwise no attention will be paid to All !latices flr mecdings, &c. qnd which 'rave heretechie been inserted chaiged,2s ceats each. except Marriag • From the Washington Medina bEAVII OF OCEOLA Thear;dian Chief stood pensively cif, il,hin hie prison cell ; , • fie who hid led his warlike tribe, Wbgreßtio,4lolll.°P felt; T Andythso c death's hand was on him, Though raged the fever high— Still *ricer eat upon his brow, And Vengeance fired his eye.! Imagination carried him To days that then were past, When followed by.his gillant ban - He hra v cad the battle's blast; And saw the balls that round bim f As thickly as the hail, When wintry cloode.obscure the sk And wintry winds prevail. He moimit.4-inil_then compared his Therypresent With the past; • Once, fighting for his native land— Note, bound in fetters fast! His haughty spirit sportied cbotrol- Insulted was his pride ; A shortYareweil:--s bitter cnrse;—. And Oceolit died! • Fi . om the Entgob Mind.%) for 18 - ZgAltl2. AND ZOItAY Bi.l . l4itrxitOt OF 'We ita, " Zernba, and wliat: are' these whiteirayeilerlo his guide, as t passing with a koilie , (caravan) th land where ,the Send Storm rages) crue breutheaite4vithetingblast. returnenfthe Atria - an t "are the Wilk oars whence the `iron comes whit our sucars: )- "kilt:l:those?" conti white loatr:' pointing to other Jul which towered to the southward. again related the negro, with an took, "ail t y are far hence , four dal hey." by so anxious? he set though he would hay.e added. ‘. beyond• these last, see mightier alll gird the distant horizon." Th ter was intent upon his question. 1 e' Allah?" 'exclaimed a qnussuilna Tarty, "we kno:iv nothing of that d rd tea and &Ars (Infidels, not M who eat horses are the dwellers tl 'And the mountains?" once mo .he Christian. "Mountains?" said ometan, "two months' journeyl :tooth, large, large Moon men To the west you have a mighty a again observed - the, white man. dark waters;" said the Moslem. runs to the sett, far to the south ; C Tim nictool" "No, no, Allah Kerirn!" replied ; lie worshippers of the prophet, "i turns, ind fl iws ilnitward to the Nile!" ' Impos. ti tor!" was - the_ answer of 'the t yeller. -fladaer tail', ' . (there is - the infi el,) l let ton 100k. , -pt the map of• ihe Sultan ello;" taid tfin 111 . talem with a laud volt "lila ti Alla Mahamond rassoul Allah!' (there s but one• God, and Mahomet is liis pro )het,) exclaimed 'a number of peop e upon /mitring this appeal; and the Christian hwakened from his reverie, .was •;lad to treat from the stern gaze of the 'anatics ho snrrounded him. It was a kafila or koffle, travellit gfrom oudan to Bornou, with slaves. Tim poor egresses, pensive find- unpitied,Z conld qua difficulty . :01ctin0.in the route The Nrhip shaken• over their beads qu, kenect i the most vigorous, some were su i : red to tang on the'camers back; and one in the ast stage of weakpOw,, was lashed t ', + one of hose patient }Mist's On tread th; desert Mi . BO sure a step. Distress'was :ndeeil of these captives , who h ' . been .oat their'liomes bY the' . .eci, l ty iboring Suitt*. The ,tall., , .rc. =- hill Where , an mils rterk',luiltsi water-skin, the pantiAgn vaikess: m death-like gasp, are th = coin- . tWo'7e- with whom men t Eric as :ante of tbe. field. hiteself a slave, had now Is stith-his master into the , Fan. L I Rote, for the first ti t and iintile,, bearininf s a- ; the attention tif-tho Obris e ' said he, "there tea woma , for to your teem'? 4 The gni tad fixed his eyeeiuptin-thcr Jrkadee (ilstidy dreeiffikii,e :Sault her skoulderki*.o I .iposely •an either :cheek, chafesm.silvevettinfitap — : .1 , wilpnimt 'undid= Sit 4. NW', ) bitterest badges de Bei' to About to stand m the public a - 6 - 7 - 11 r -i WM. 'lr• 7 , ME • , - • iIigiLLIZACIII TOD o ireics : &SO T. „'. ~..:,.. , ,Z- , i iln ... i 'Ketca-Vrertd 40:0014 . rose pure!! t., *' `” - h- ''' -1 - a - - 0 d-' * al tlite.vtevo;kt r et gat9 3 - .. n e. gc,,e , a nd -,g, , itian'dmitliipensive 'tackle :,:; toa wellassb,pd Itibt her tin* itruptiiu l .;,•viotikl: *lt no longer thare'ct afferin. of the merch• a 1 ,whose property. s4l; ) i ti l e: vas. • . Zomba start ,d 1 and prostrated hi lt; foio 'the s wand , r- ing negress. 4 1What is t isristie ezelai•i -0 in thek language of he cobiltry. "' was. Zoraydef' cried Zemba. ,• "And you," turned the princess,. "tit valiant Ole . the Tibboo, and both si ves'" she ad' • with deep emotiOn. "Mistress of heart," said the African,l "What sad I , has brought the 14v'ed -by Zl;rayde to t ' - hated spot?" "Alas! suliii,t replied sh "the glirazzie, (eapeditior 4 oflpfundere , In one dark, hour,; the Aabirobbers an. cruel Bomoroy rushed i to 'the peacee I hatinta of the Tibboo; dr' 0 us from o ' ' 'flume of hides, our Itvoody Of, and moa r ,. c i rain pass, and' chased Ls Ice sheep akin' , our native heights. ;But w rallied; arrow": i flew like sand of the desert, women such.al t lam hurled masses Pf rock on th heads c. i our inva.lers, and they He witti poisone. arrows rankling in their shrunken limbs! 1 But they made me Captive,lsultan, Zem, ba," 'she added, alter a tpatise, "biay. , Zeinba; how is 'lna change Of fortune?' "I, too, Zorayde, was the aictim of a law less ghrnzzie, but net like 1) , ou victorious ! Our village was eninpassed iby the me of Mourouk one-su; mees inotiping. Th • plunderers left their tentsland cartels a$ three hours from us,und at daybreak bursa on our defenceless hordes." I"But your fastness, sultan?" ' r rhe musitets of the t Arabs, Zorayde, lay between los and our mountain shelter. f i t was tad Late." The white man an his sttauge pilgrim.. age now engrossed! their Icotiverse, -bu whilst they were seekine oOtim as a phenomena in their land, ate kaffle entere, a deep and wooded thick. ITli,e bush an , the thicket lay around there. There wii the mimosa, the mar rove, Sleeping in th • swamps, the tall acacra, and the keen edges tulloh. Aud there wore the: watchful ten- ants of the forest, the ishrill, the rout hyena the deep red hoe, tli l e iveri. p4nther, the fearful taro, .the scorpion, the fleice mu.s giallo. Night was cdnuning obi, night a, terrible to the negroes whofiziar the growl in. V beasts of prey with most anxi o us dread Indeed, their eyes wandered epgerly on all. sides us soon as he sun hail set, an. " , Ware bill, bill," (see the gtea lion) wa - on their lips as the y passed each' shady coppice. They , wear also , mit without reason for their terrotls. The, wolf and th‘ panther might be seen darting from bus to bush at the approach of evemg, and lib crouched ready for hip victiM, Was no u common spectacle in these dreaiy woods Not every day has Africa be ell a daunt' less spirit, whO, like Iklungo •Peck, dare • li tread the wilderness alppe, an idtit the roe of hungry thousands, flte deepening gloo of unknown shades, mid the liarretiness o a parched and desert land. ' The koffie crowded together, theiptatees: (slave mer chants) murmured at their gdidel, the na tive trembled and wentlon with htty step. But at this inatant,"there wasp dry of dis rN AN. , per t paid with . out who, re d-subscribers nar,:soceats n. r,82 50 will • lines will be Icents for one until ordere be continue gly. 2 per annum; the privilege ing 2 equarea on an an3nll - times. be postpaid, i her notices tie. will be andDeatits. ~', inn. s then,— !stater- trees, and a general hat' was ord'eied. Each sought eagerly for -hi" etunpaniiin amidst the darkness, and at length tint, name , of Zoiwyde was called in vain. i -Dint a mo ment was lost. The ' earavati, was turned . hack with shouts, but there wins nn answer. The merchants insisted upon] proceeding. -Even the owner of thetaluve Zuroycle was so terrified, that he was: williniat once to abandon her - to the tyrants a the woods. Zemba and the white. Ma- 'ilium remain ; ed. Struck with alarm for h/r fate, they made the forent -echo' with fhel name of Zorayde. Again they rushed iinwards. leaving the .koffie far; behintl,, and once more they thought they heardithel voice of anguish amidst the moans of' heihunder: At this mordent, a flash,. of e 01 those sweeping blazes which in these itropie lauds lay all things wide and open,l glitened on the dreary waste. It was bu I Ote gleam of a moment, for 'dense darkn as knstantly wrapt all things within-its et. m,lyp l t was that bright shalt sufficient to rebel`Zorayde l in beneath the paw of a vast ihe i . The travellers were dumb with surer se. I Neith `er ventured a syllab . , The ' bite man, however, grasped his un, and 'he 'African his, club. They dart ~ as elltas they were able, towards the spot, b iitinidst so deep.a gloom, it had been :a* lekous to file. • "Another friendly 'lash!' i tanlainced - Zemin, i and at the moment 'het, fire of heaven gushed for t,Wgain, , nyirig bare the ~ -tiarrowest cranny -and • ost fhidden track. ' The ..,beal t rt had reti e teit ;after "nyincwitlibla vintim..and was hoci is the wet of springing , arresk tipon oretde, Ws she lay. spellbound - on -the ear l . !Zettabil snatehedlhewniken the;hatt of his msg.- - ter, ,orsheclit. FA dittierattpp ~, , toil*ear . ir: of the .iavagp;44 6,00; at 0 sOfilet in:, scant, he :IfeliliettWo'SgOo.tha I rd a t i nd, as lhotigh insteactora.delit(ere", b b 0 .been i wieide. .But . the •liviiite 'ins "I'''*'' awl 'found ' dui, ligailjtiaryari g, olAii, onie.s,,.of:deatlic.atrug)lnVvi Aiolif4- I, Ploot toWstdritherskyktabilst tbrdahisel of l'ibbritiliiiatriihntionles's ben , th .he fa: :I L 'ial !bush! 'iambs alength M"AY: frantic with agitation, and "felting his &lion ear of the lir ,' who e ad- .tran ttietW shed, rtm COD mar Ell l 1 . - 1 ~:..-,1 , ...t.,. :, . - ',-...: , , f•-... c••• .--•••, - Q . • 4 -•,,, ' B ' - ... ' 7 ':. ‘.- -,--------- -;--7- At, . \ I _ . ; - %,. • ...:11,—‘); • r t '1 " t - • oi;a Earni ME IBM ',..-4';.' -,',1 ~ .3 .: . • 4 ' -1•;•, "! '. , •••••-•••, ' ''' .., ' " t. 11141. . •,...r...44e, ..4 ~: .! 5,, • , ~,,,,t „ , , 4 / 4 , • 1 4 .4 j, .5 1 f:' V ce,,Vl'4i v,P)4 ~ 11:r•rO ilfa ' ••••1 , t...tAk z ••" l /..?Sr •,.." hil• - ":Z" .... - ". •••• •"' • -...;.••44 ‘...'-' . '''''.= ff - -a--1....rAr1 , --;,...-.:(':' -•:q.`--,-,, - rli-..,..., - ~.. -,...,-- - ...., , ,-. _-...' - , _±. _ - -•-,, --• ~ --... 4 4.-{-e.4,--- , CAOitti 7. :,,c 3: ' .!: .• ' I : "I, ' ** , 1 --, "‘`," ' " ." v*R.`,...A'" ,___, A ., - -' ''' . 5. ,- 43Nci otrigaMiz TiptgAvez,vs ezTax wommusts. signl4 , lll iimsattsimiltercint?' 0 sus stariStrinaqsatsts. si.isnut aip Ova ass sib sslessassr-Isimasssosi _-_,, ~..,-.r4 . ' 40 ' 1 ; 1- - I ' 4 !vg-A 4 .-" . " -- i.. = . 1 -.--,,.. -- 3i .- •.. ' + . 4.a —-t.o - - 't-- 1 ,., -- .'-tryo' ' 1 '1- 4 , : - 0 .t, .... 1 ... • ••.••":": - 24:2•&•• '4-Vt'fie" •.""%1,4-1 . 15•4•ww:': .....t...10b. ~. 1 . . • - - ' ' ' . , y a ,..•' rolilsViti..k . ' ItiX •401"iic 'E • . . nTOIM`SIOIL iMM i brenst withiagbny, loncrefused 4 a l iebeer: l ing news ofthetErtglishman; wink n 4 tea tpointed.Witirdit the dead 'partifieri'. 41 is-... )strred'hilii he had saved thematileit i o ,iire.,- : iZerayde bad-suffpred little - from tbelvripe.. ilof therLwild beast ; and .tOwardsilite.afier kocirt-of the next thif, they. were 'so fortei' hate as tb rejoin the kOftlein stifety.l . -•,: ' • .11 &tote months had passeitaway after thi; dvedture ; when the Sheikh, of Atortiou .:de Iclared his resolution .of holding's bri i irt of 'justice fur the trial awe unhappy eitigs Who had Irtiken the: tetnoliserianes of t , , liis.seragho. In the couh yard.ef hi pal-. ',!tee, surrounded by his warriors and tle go- . ternois of his .prdvinees, sat as . sulfitn, a Irian of imposing aspect, grave deme?nor, and unchanging decisioml 'lie bad given . Orders that the case should be heard le full divan. 'Eve!) , one trembled•for theteap. - lives, for the Sheikh's inexorable visitations df the frailties of womanhood , weritotiwell known to /else a doubt as to.the result.— Near to the great man sat , a celebrated righi, or man of letters, one,. wholiat4:by dint of forty years' experience;learnt eery chapter in the Koran, and was4ield in great eptimation by his waster. The white.itra yeller also formed one of the- grouNetsvid--1 lOg in high favour with the sultan, 'he, vi t as indulged in a place very, close to'the seat of judgment. Tire sheikh it hu had just dispused ofatrifluig case of theft, how addressed the Englishman in the • interval before the greater culprits were produded. ••Rais," said . he,"y t eu inua. rest satis6d ; you can go no further. . The sons of Allan' are brandishing their spears at all points: I could nut let you advance with safety:— We are Hot wiser than our fathers, and they knew and taught us that the river you are ml quest of, flows eastward, through vast !Gerdy countries, to the Nile." The Eng , liShinan remembered the fanatical laugh and kinl clamour in the koffie, and he bowed I-assent. "With what intentions you core 1 toi our country to see the Juliba, atranger, . we know not," continued the sheikh; "but to4he east, believe Me, there are cannibals who devour their prisoners; and eat the fleih torn from the backs of living animals, and to the west—yon retnemher the fate of 1 volir countryman." ' "I de, but he beheld rifle Johba," returned the white man with :Lerriotion. - The enttance of the criminals prevented all further converse . The Edg ili-timan stirted and Oembled. Zemba and ,Z,ii i rayde stood before the sheikh, the.one :arrayed in a splendid silken tube, (shirt.) 4hd Other in the saute turkidee she wore ;when her companicsivsnatched her from the Ipanther's gripe. The judge beheld theM wit c h forbidding aspect, and bade the wit nesses appear. Their testimony was short, Lind it soon appeared beyond controversy that Zemba had ventured beyond the pre einets ofthe inner apartments, a crime pun ishable' with death in Boruou. A mourn- 1 Tul"silence ensued, for it was expected thaQ he sheikh would instantly wave his band, lie signal for executien. But Zemba ca' nr•W it iard at that moment, and arrested il e,' dread mandate. "lieu me," said the m a pf Tthboo; "mercy, 'great sheikh! I stilt read the Fatah ( inarry) - with her." Th 6. lleclaration created la general senatioh hrOughout the court; it was an , of Inch °Meows appeased iliepriii.ofjustiee;and ife I rallied. in the breasts of }the .paying 110i yeetaiors. But the sheikh Moved - - lie Ohl not as Much as speak with his court. tains. He vouchsafed no answer, Inn tevied the culprits with unbending rigour nattier fearful suspense prevailed, and the quliiin had now raised 'his arm, and the lihile. man - sprang forward, and appealed liganist the C. Sentence. "By the head 1 i f Ilustaphal w axcla4ed the sheikh, glare; i g up from his throde; "yet stay, it bed. , mes us to be calm With the stranger.--+ Baii" continued -he, ' l ‘speak on." ' -- 4 ITI e traveller detaileithe adventure which I*--fel the lovers in th kafila, and dW,eiti iith ; energy, upon thei prerogative of par; 4 in.i "Rats," said Obsidian with compo 4 s re 4 "answer me a qu lion. 110 you evei p: nip capitally in y r counfrfr ussV4 dnbt fur this offence, ' returned the Eng- It !mien. "Each lan obeys its oWn ,peg c Hai laws," observe the - sheikh; 'I tssl y Ju,:hais, do you neve punish With deelb? 4 he i r raveller hesitated The whole coin; r" lt the triumph of the sheikh. ' "We verY, ' reli, do," the Engliabman 'lli length I Fell p ed: "1 blush for my cbuntry,thlit we drawl sherd at all in sub mattirs." 44E-1 n tigt,". exclaimed the isultan. , The White in Cri - gain interceded.; "Staffer Allah,"l ;,,, ( odforbid) cried the 61114iiii; and he IMO h cgedemningarmprice more: ' Beclhei fi hi 'yet once again dehiyed die detith - sige.l fel at the judge's, feet, acid laying' hist hand Upon his head, begun a lbud and earn-' ir i : e p9syer fur the acctised: •Zer . ayde re. ind e d calm and sileitt, sihilit the rue ! I , gl stripd in, the eye of her•cinerninion, and it eetheil as though ' lielwis . fielieg for his: et gh4n, (dagger.)` the crisis pad arrived' i ---veli went -and iinpaistaioned . .yreit the re . - -- tn eel net betivelm the satiteliiiii hie,,iiiiiii _in in 'r`a long lime tbe-e - Oleptn: iotest of !tit •fig)ii has es essleee s,the - ; - lii seiipito' 4 1 ' b diefatakortbillnglishie !iiii‘tti; ni gli iii."lotrigtliiiiiittaltiiiiiiie l 1 ‘ al l''''' filiiiied,l4- `%e bits& of the iii: eh w 1 .1 The figbi declares, that true it is, ~~~~ys s i, ~~' El ' •'` . 4 • ,• •7 t •• < DIORIVING>MAY,.23iIB34 re kro; - .4, krtr.l 4 , •-• •••••• 4 , 4t:4, 4 01- •4, !ME _ . ibirtitese slaves' .ye broben our but that; fer'tis' to e rim Englishuibtit tell tiliteityikigloyour. - coentrymmi." _ - • • . Tbejevige ceased awl covered fierace— "-14je figiii ? " he - cvintibbed "after a pstise;• had nit the - ingikt or tb"l4‘ Kerim! blood sha I nut be spilt Au thpre muss be a severe chastisement." • - Great sultan,")said the white Man, be still more mercifiil-1 xansol these unhappy children lafTibboo. Let them go back to !heir country whence war,and the gbrazzie June torn them." The whole court evidently sehonded, this supplication,. and the kiln wns hot 'unmindful of the hap. py moment. Heipressed his suit, and the , sheikh leant backlon the judarmenttseat. tYou will ransgm them Rais?"lie said at last; "wonderful! which of you would belie done this?" - He turned round to his Ministers with an air of superiority: they shall be free+Englishrnen! stay with us,and saY —llia ellAllali Mahreoud rassou I - Allah. 1n a-rew days we shall send an 'et pechtion to Beghofine,- and you shall have tweedy slaves. ,l4ly friends," continued he, addressing tke emancipated negroes,'"God is great." And he joined the •hands of Zemba and Zorayd:e. • Exchange st kw York, on a 7 per cent. premium. Ad auctioneer in ilia West of England has just outstripped the must inventhie or his London brethern in• the art otyufFing, by announcing in a wuntry paper that he has recently worn - out two-hammers, and is now on the second end of the third. • . - 6 1 fiai)Nortfr of England Railway—The. works of tits railway eomi4need near Notthallertoo, last Ireek.—York Herfild, March 31. Tiro Indictments lalld by the Liverpool Town Council against the oWncrs of alkali works were tried al Lancaster, and in both cases the works werespronounced to be a nuisance. The . moat imp:tent case; itarneli thategainst Mr. Musprat remoras for trial -; end . it is not likely to be tried for dome days. These are also several other eases of the same Itindifor trial.—March 3d Atthe Walwick AsSizes on Monday, Mr. Jas. lice Park, to the case of Portz v. Allis:4i, said, that political unions Were disgraceful to all men i t who were members of ihern, and ruinous io the coup y. As an did mkn man, be lecemmended all nog men to avoid soy confection with them. At the York Assn Mr. Matthew SpiFkog, surgeon; was sentence to six months' itnprison Ment, for the menslau h'er of Isabella Turner, it Eccslesfielti, near Sheffield, 14 an improper use of instruments.—March 31. 'There is now living the pleasant village, of Lefihouse and its vicinity, near Guisborough, in the North Riding, 6 brothers of the name of Adanbon, whose united ages amount to 450 years, • Duping the llite severe weather a most beauti ful afi ld stork Wa t di covered upon the Park Roust estate, Worcestetshire, by Mr. John DOb son min., who having heard it authenticated , thtt the stark, thangli very pvild, has been takein by fright, resolved to Iry tht experiment. He there foie etaeavouied to keep out of sight until near his game, when be in4overed his head, whilst at thesame time, making a most hideous scream, the beea;ne as it were peti ified and motion less. and allowed kMr. Dobson to take it 41. .Sherowsbiiry Chronicle.'- • A considerable (eager was decided a few days sincest Mr.- Wee Is patent range manufactory., King% Road. Ch rses, Iwho undertook to cook with three-penny Worth otcoals. a Cod fi,b ate:tined, a legOi pork steamed, a leg of motion boiled a pi geon pie baked, rump leaks stewed , with four aorta pt vegetables'boile . and steamed, the whole weighing upwardi of 501bs. The fire will light: cent twelve o'clock, and thp whole of the dishes were placed on the table et three : o'clock, precise ! ly. The banquet was p4rtaken of by 22 geatle men, old residents of Chelsea.and its viernitY ; who after dinner drew uP a document expressive of thlir. perfect satisfaepon of the finepnee which the dinner had bOen cooked.—Marchll. Two fellow& having the appearance of farmers' laborers. conducted a wi4nan into Ludlow mar. Itet ne Satorday,-with a halter round her waist, and 'publicly sold her fa i r 3s. The purchaser was the hushand'i brother ! The wretches af rerwurds Adjourned to a low pot-house to refrisb themtelies,---Worcester inurnal, A 'orgiving Womon.-LAt the ,Longford as sizes. a young woman, darned Coorigap, Fine= ected a man -pained Cori for abduction. Alter. her easinination she adderssed Jadge,TZfrren i t t as folloies.--AYour worthy, ; as I havolot a In' ten timethis °superior, and as the' tirisoner d id not treat melutgenerouslyZbarring thei taking away, I hope you will looK over ittfuilight as' oar can. and long life to yor, my lord."!, lila I rd. '1 as,' ahip said be should attend to her penman, '- lion. , ' . . . , . lifn.O'ConnePa {imposition for :-tbe.seStennent of the tithe inestion is vkveita by all pittges in this coontryineich more fatvourablg than any plan hitherto iiggeifetC—Litnitiek'C roniele.' 1 at_ fat - in- , .Noll the_ castle.—T ' 'llicel.lttnttlal ,:tv, honor of St. Panicles- da TritectPonell in co qualms of tlicillinesa of h s Eicelleney%itia, rik Lie' Me . ratio -- w is given I .I. o 3reoln . 1 1 the tie. tle. aimil„if pens**,nurpasrd ic.imagiqfcec. cre It splendour any Urd:Olio on former , occasi ''St Patriekii ball was. brilliantly Annulated qiont hint an impnsing effect. ettiliAbe Pi r' OP H ' f in r her and a, tang r . ante of Dottie r adymniiii,„ "in appropriated for ieftesh cots. ain rig.: ; itti[Ch - ware . to "hi found every de initaktili ..,„ SCCIa afford.. Nothing hould , afPlll3. ,111 , -but!, ii til l ame, which Iliost o • raps preapted vOs - ta, es' ornamented with, iferf 4 eriertllieoind.:s;:„ ' - l'ic.r of other igsittiiiit,Ssit s ,Ae miwq.4xs , ,E4ii - ,' I. -• manalil),:: At. h4l:l44piii o'clipiA,, , kusAt;; .- i ~ yr:`• thetant:LantsniqiLintl goiniiiiatnr ,lialgrare enteitad SL.Piatala:llak"secim:Thilik . nied by the odious of theviEfoositiold. . when the quadrille band, stat i oned in the gallery strnek 4 IM a,~4~~~,..._ LN4LAND. IRELiND. • -% 1 ".% ^ • 4 t wsp t A l• -frts-i!•?iti liiiiin 13 0 floOlevet thtt - seen.:.,* ' -.41.46 R 4.04 0114 1/ -In& attired in a jEleld :shapben t rt r ito - - ...[ withstandinehis 'pseentled . ton, ,fo 63:,..+ tniirkibli sist 'Shniilyanee- - illi'll . ' ' clew" T eft:tired the hall•ronsa - Pdii*Cielititien dAts the stir of ltestricerr-Day. a :Cheimbeilain opeamohe.bell • which anatinued till:an ly h o u rl i qf M°Feß.r.4 o 4 l itiV..roc_atititi Newlcitalilnena.dy Tegsfera!wo Tea, fl F ~r" On Friday 'evehing,..the secand f Telipertnie Soiree was held' at Ittewitiwuffinavaffi, ial the - Market•hinisei I The rooms were - anost . tietefully decorated with evergreens; and three barge trOs parencipit, with six Snripture mottoes, glad the scene delightful. Upwards 'or two 'hun dred were rinment. 'Never war the want or a larger room more felt, as from the aniiety mingeitted by numbers of the most respectable tnhabitants to procure tiellos,, two hundred more could Italie been issued, had tattle been aer.otsunodiatioo.— After , tea all the company joined to singing , a hymn written for the occattiopt Wyteranta PI Omits Esq. was then called to the chair. The lecretary, the Rev. Robert - Gage, reads. Most interesting report of the Society, interspereed with some very instructive - facts. %ht. F.; Dill, Esq. M. D. the Rev. - Messri. Wilsim and MLII inch. and Mr. Cat sari, successfully itdre4sed tbeareeting in e r raanner.so irapressive • insto mei mend the deepest attention; the effect tif which was proved by thirty five persons joining the So.' Mel , . A grea t number of the most resipeutable ladiceof the town and neighbourhood graced the meeting with their preserice.—Derry Sentinel It is rumoured_in the fashionable circles that in Irish Barrister of distinction hit* been so fer• tonnes as to make a favourable impression en the wealthiest heiress of England, Misa Angels. Burdett Coots.--Court Journal. A. report has prevailed here that Mehl:dim Purcell O'Gorman. Q.C., is the happy individeisl alluded to.. This**, ire enabled to prooorm un.roorttied, sis.we have reason to *now thatis diatinguished legal functionary is on the eye o i a ar metrintionial alliance. with the lateness Leh:en, late Governess to the Queen.--Driblin E. Pact. ' • i WALES. ondon, Ancient Welsh MS4.—W e are happy to i rionnee that 13. Hall, Esq. M. P. ofElanover , b s received a.communiesnon from Lord Johni Res. sell, stating that her intesty,is graciously pleasql to become, the Patroness of the Society fbr thp publication of Ancient Welsh MSS. Eodor such auspices the Society cannot tail to nieces& Our Fan on Milndaysfordsd sltolersible shot of cattle, with prices „lootslogCow, with calves 4 their side raying from S 1 to lat. Its the Horse Fair the suplply was`mpre than equal , to the; demand, and with but few good . oneste4 Denkigh Herald. • Llangejni Fair.—Tists• fair on Tuesday , wait well attended, and the sales in every : thing but horses were brisk.. Wed sold from £lO to £l2i cows. With call;A:l3.,ta .clikamallatpiefrort , 30s, td XI. There Was a large show of Xuaiis,' but few only changed 01 1 116 1 •• '' . '- • 1 A lar ge . concourse of •peritorrs leserohledyee4 terday-iii SouthgeleXtrein, to witness the 'antral of the late Mr. John Chesterton, of the Talba, lon, in tins city,ho was buried at 94 Miry de cryot ahlorch with' druidical honour.. The pro cessionti started soon kfter 12 o'Clock,leaded by a band of music.. The principaP intention was •.o ,1 course, the appearance of the brethren,-12 in-num. i 1 her, who were attired in long white robes, "van-i era bles,-dr.c. bearing the paraphernalia and ban- ners of ttie Lodge; these were followed by a num.! her of other brethren in black robe*, arm•SetrereE members of the Worcesterand Cheltenham Lod gee attended. The- funeral eery, ice having ,been read an address was delitered at the grave by Mr. Taylur, a member ofthe Worcester Lodge The procession then returned to the Lodge Bemis at the Talbot. The 'singntarity of thhi pngliaalian naturally 'drew together a large croteiklllitorig whom we regret to state there werei Mail ' who conducted themselves In A Mat net high'? ndeco: rout and' ot at all consonant with the acilemnity of the accretion. This . description of conduct was not confined to the street; but was evannxtended mine church and charehtard, where the only ob jcct appeared to be to gra ilv a taverna curiosity., without aqy regard to the proper-decorum which - ought to be observed on inch oceithiribs—dlest. caster ~etiita„iele. , ' • i • The Busch in Wisles.---A mast .use ently Una:, torn preva at funerals in the Prancipaltty. In stead of a y fixed face being payable to the offici. la sting min ister, the friends of the decesied'offer what each individual may deem proper. the clee . gyinan standing like 41,14 in a quoitingground or a cook on shrove Tuesday. while, the money is bang pitched for, if not at hini.on the altar; when this part-of. the cc:rumor IS over, the' Money is taken-Up, Counted, and published with 4 1 thank. you." At a parish in Merionethshire lately. at the Goners( of a respectable female. her four;sona not wishing their motheehnried at it Were by., subscription, deterrome4 that the offering, alitfold be confined ,fti therrOlyei, the eWest Aired ,a sovereign and the ibrceyouoger half a , :thiregollill , each to the parson width the clerk. The, conse quence was that the clergyman hesitated, if Oct positively refusal° proceed with_thextereato4y,,, under pretitoce of notavithing to do away )itiith an old coptom, ando wreath, to say the.least of it, vet); unbecoming both to this hitnotion link 4. 16 •,i et:wishing/ft wasthe nesultr Martmall-mammo n; ; bow long; re you to•imolinue•the godsslvihsthate tallishment. •••,,,'-i- . . 1 ... • ' ''; " 'I-•'' . . _ ANNY4teIIiADD n ;1 'FFlgitl lERAliTec t Man, " ',,' deg, lanir elinirditStkOdildi - Bar !I &V% iink - eon ;-dray. '.,.. niY ~ ptiwyn;llo9 gti*li."l*.',. - ,:.,.- ...: 1 Lair el fisild Gwynedd sae hon . .. 4 1. tt zl it:V e F . .e«Ticii: ; ~, .- 4 4 " Oticimei .. ..ilack• _.L.. . c P c tiaja iti4 bel; ibaridild r -r-illin% '44 _,', 14 'figi-04ibloghlia:,.,„, .,.,., ... Bod dicitewipins—tOw Z 4111' ... ~- ,- - Yw . loriun iitiefifikin ...:, ii :L.. ~- ~- t, t ... .. . . , . , Doll. ssir l Nanigl ci r binsiritylB3le ': ...- ~. .SI : CENT =.l-#EW*.RD:,I-i -43pAii$AYfron hliolrierit4i,on - tutiaii' luiliii„, ai',llli.liti !,oeiited'iiispiiiritleii Wtho Cibinet *kiwi 8 ' rd it"itlAO 611::COLIMIG11:1' aboßf 12;year+ 'AU per mop are ..it)y . ilithiall(Ftlfori:ng for listintimild t ioity at Ili* 104,4!` Wet wlkl.llll sfrald'Afp-: prudes tti.o,initiiiiilW *Cie& Alli'illovit i nwaid. - _... 13MITEI; ARAN D. -'' may 12 ' . I= EMI ; ' t .44,2' - x!". - , - N. , _tr. , : -... - ... , L ia.. •-:. , ;In -:'. ni.,,,ttger"..4.i.ly , 4,,if....N01V11kV.4.1tR1 Ilhoitel ' . . • - $Ol4-4 0 : t . ~,,ittiArkilhifildiuir. '144:041, , , ; , cti.:41441 ..•-4- , .ii , -.l4 4 itscapnor 441AViti'4•Vi'wo WILL'47 rriteillid Siiie Se ' o:Ostkeereso.7l:44 - 4 , at: , t:;• WILL bCifild'eVirntdia Stles.ol4 $01114.q 'i-ii :.I!.7 i .,,lt.Alcgatitd tit 100t,..1038, ittliellajellt., .ii io the eveeing, it- tlieri il ettorPaElf - A 4 4• 4 .:lisic, ~,,, - in' (.*iienters*. - "Clistrt.u'theitinit :.'itiesklistilik : -' Elide) betWeen'Tbild and Roirthiltreetd. 000 7 ' r. , .. number of 1411 i: ling lots..tiOil landieserepi .- :,, tel and Qui - loin;oittatoatlchoirikal-,a0.** 1 ,e.,.- ; in , the kieetionOrthe West end Mali Areoldr n es orOtt Schuylkill, and 4 the termination litibet,.. West BrinelferldibeitilViuli Sottuyikiiro)))bit" • .' .6tellialdion which nesrliv-eolkhlrd ofilmiiiiik , i .. Wellness olakthoylkyl lxszOtr-waldortlo4lllolr. - - The property ‘l4ll be sold i . iir . etetly le iipleit . noar - eiliihited at the Pidtedelptua Aucalikilbitii . i ' - ' .., end ittilislitibi-,",•-1 I :,-. ,- - - GO BnilditiCl.W.on Dock street. 30 ant H*4 atreetc. • , • 40 on Centre Turnifte, the ma i n road to Xt040.1 ". ~ . 1 ville. ' 1. 1 1 - " . A number "o Wait lots. from Ito It .wersti " 4 :' -'4 A largwand well finiebed hotel; to which' . he Ur ! ,. •,: taehed-28 of,land.tand_levent coallerbanak. of larviinge. ppm 150 to43ofeet front. ls7:89# 1 1,„ in depilimli now occupied akeoil • IIZT the,publio is meiertioeitiveli slated didli the above . property will.te .0W it the thati4ll' - place above mentioned witho ut limit or...,MaiW, don. Terms at Sale. ' • ,J. N. B. Plans at the "heathlphie - at the Philadelphia Auction Mart; andat the. ei hote in-iichuytkil end • Barka • Cooniajoi tid lsi— , Philadelphia. .INay., 1.11:181 4 Notici to Contraction Minerov- • - MY' Vines will le let to any tespotouble Aliotto-a.Cost • , can esomjnetheAtinso. .111ar,16. ~37-; ALF ED =I THE undersigned : respectfully. infiNtnik'd s : respectfully. public that he bee commenced rennin - Semi-weekly line of STAGES between ' VILLE and BARRISBUSG.: kare!' , “Natinnal-MoteVvin Pottsville, everyTissecimv, - mid Friday. at 4. o'clock, A. M. lied Hale's firotel, in Harrisbnyrery -Monday. and Thinadv, at 4 o'clock, A. arrhitnrthe evening at the- plats :gird nation!. - IrarTkratigh: '' 113 Wa Psilisentiifs; For SeeteapPlT 'at WeovSell6 ll 4lll.'tigliviliki and at Bale's hotel in, Harriebart. Pelesointa taken-to:or bola any other dot:figs/ pleese., ..BOOK BINDERY big , c o* Elam* wit Ba.,eryhecontecikterletitior BookAtorik... , where alkkindeor Woks Ire beatittlis- shortest notieett low rattle Blank. Books' 41r4 of every 'description akade to order at:the leierert_ rates- = and the trade 'applied Iwholesale delphia price'. . - April 11, l on. New G oods = Ne - Geodelt. ..., i :11311M, noshed , -b y N. 1.1 41cepotaaer , w anti elagaakasserttnenC o SPaorost : MlNll.-- , mer Mots; punted mbsiins itad lawns,.aimare . which may be found a few , ; deal - of Eit'EgiV Prints at a - eery 'lel rate: Also a splendid . itiW ' *eminent of Clcithe,,Cassimeree, Vesting. .&&' 1.. '' Also, . 9eatleusetee SUM* wear.. Optltar, With a general aosorteteeion4inens,Ce4rjrfl4,..., apere, Tielilogs. line 110; &e; &e. : aril 14' ' 1 26' • ' Richard,,Do,fo • ociter tj , i1..1„ - .,. sminull,.lntthi,ll itiOss.suatt4. 4 ..: ..- '• .. ..: . rAcTu t ' - • "L- .. :vest Door to Switael.ilartes \ .• 4011 Velart.. • , . , oppuite Ike Neawrat-Dolitittke-iirortillt -;• • , - • ; • .. - ' , Pettoridei , l ' • 's? - ';' - • v , ., i,4.0: : 4" . o ' ' 'RESPECTP CAA!' liittisidOral:-.. t ' ...,'.; 16 ' the POlierly 1 "-hi- Or loratilly 1 , 7 , - . keeps err , ban ;i,lowerit4smikr,, ...: Arum off adalat*lQ•ao,,. , •,• • . i , toacli, Die in Westin lilarpaW E •. , • 1 . , , i , 'Nokia. Traillitt Balk Titliat.' • ; 'IV Nete; lieffilo. RObeitirtalatr" , ' -, .. -., , -0- Saddiewetate Lathes Gip2llllor ,! 1 ' ~ i , 0 ‘ Riding Whips. together gr_, llll 4 l Tl4-...- levy otberartieleienerally, kept sod wiargure „; b e fieddters as& - aptieita alL s to Wine*-4'7" itielerld'eiliwod listaoles felf theilgelferii ' ' ' . 4l44 r 4 i • ErerriegrAption'Of work lila' brie. wiit iite - ;'' 3 intadelo order at theshartest odic+ with itellweili e• j sod drirabllity,;.aatoo, .400 . 0 ;,I,Dr.. 'Milts!! :.ki V, ~ Idone elselOrraii. • ..:,. ~ ,: -,.,, i • ;;; -. ..-, 4,4'9 . • —1 • • - 1$;• 1 ' s 3;:t 2 .:• --`• ' ' . • Mount Caritas' Rail . .lectitti ~drilliplii3 O :::-.a 'IQ 0110 Bis hereby givesofietw wail . orii*- - ,4,-6. ifiroCtilikAtiOs.hoideMbr AoAktemtritSl l ofttp Fu g Maki itail.lititid,Corepsop will be - htitli...oa . . -. 410 the 26tli'lliforAply,iit's iiiellieli hi' —', 7. - sr,'" l'hiniwai.in"Room'Neariiiio.iiiiitte• " '1:0, , 1 1 , Pky of Philadelphia. _, ."; '-` ' • , ' 1 ;;' '"- - -.;4-2 7 , ; .,• 4 4 - 4. . . ',V.,-* 0444.0f4bik:130114:00thin 4; • • : , i _::;„... _,AMW V,..149./iNZLItWi '- „. .Phitipltii te4.,viine..-1:v.:... ~,,- 344,..„',„ '- Pennine az NEW LINE OF ntsit COACREL , • , • „ , ;t aupe & . 1 - A' Elt " ipiiicilatigis IN i ihe tact eflaird latoaTtact.illt UK.Niontvailulting; l ll l loo-%-t fir . 611 . 2 0 144 4°W.r , c1e- &lair Iberia herthifundireit^sed ''crattas title - theiito; liiitifuti suit' per son , itt!aisplW 4 ' #e tat*. .Ailiesiode -thane 1;:l . '• • ARM% POTINK" . i* , 4I lihilb4uip . - 28. - jr! 411403I31Sipulaillf . Ed' ieinoi," or; Munn • • *Cf: relehred -and foredo f" • " NOtlice. — c - ttfiddreio424ll'o 4 ;e!ria'silitga"atiii****: URSVANT' tekirlaiectaitroo7o,644 .7 4 ,l tdosirddanikettiied: 1 0SaeN,:it tyoy wait holdtitthelotinot 'espot.iti the toiough of itaidAig, ; ou the sth diy of hanist. ' • P. St. lif-P INN O r * ;,fty, =IN