H ~.m~.~ l_ .__. «- . H importaiwuiathe s OIL ,!, 4 .i , . Du; will. - EVAT!'. PILL $. PILLS. 0 • AVSIvAI4WiFFF. , C I V — When a" - and icl' • =stifle remedy of diseases has long ' in paid istebythepubhc, bestowing bletsings recital. it is scarcelyin the power of ticisni 'th !. ~ 'I , 'Armes. or ofenvy to deny diem. l' ' k Wlrellt bas achieved . an ascendant of dot 1 • nesi wind] distances the compete Ili of trierg„ "` slid pretension, and has 'reeved a mu* 11 . don 'stun!. sal fhvor, by intrinsic ' oath Ilion*, 1 ' proprietor may point out the causes _ i is 'eft , L . ,ty, without incurring the suspicion runic!' r . ess, in inbtiteting the comparison. - 1 "The -CAMOIffLe: and FAMILY APERIE t h 14' street,dred do no b i l D . req r. tii W re il,i tt nElans, explanation at 'f Or acknowledged efficacy—for the molt MID t hysicians throughout the United State* will freete, . appealed to, state the reasons which ban indu cd d hem to recom,nend them so eitensively and warmly' thdy do. And those reasons are, that these 041- i , t r a . • . , medicines never Miura even the most del .nittitutitas, and have, in almost every indiv . u ', - for, which they are prescribed, a marked. an i est, a truly happy and permament efficacy. Phyvii - moreover. see that they are not coffered to the Sblic upon any quack theory of purifying the blood, a the utter dettruction of the stomach and bovvells. • ' y the blood from all diseased humors, they unde , • ,ly do; but not by destroying those viscera by ,hich alone the blood can be sustained. They'', 141 1 , • mpounded upon a theory which supposes. stomach o boa very essential agent to health; and ii.od. well , "ovisted. to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood 4-• do pnre men to gh. d Make em ook like not beingetn y o relined to ostsr emai an n long to . th this ;world; but they make them as human as posstble IBi toeucounter the hardshirsj-1110 11sI81 the ,teeujia. LxiXonerof a sublunary life: They do .not make a sin purgef,...ey of thafe; to prepare men the hotter for another. They prcced tat on the supposmut, that the blood, muscles, n*res, oriole. excretory and se- cr!.tory gland. mummuie and tegu'ileniary membranes. booms and brains. of every' human being require to sbe supplied with nourishment trim .11 healthful a ito• mach as can be made and kept: and upon the doctrine t unless the stomach and bowels are to good Order. ii lood anti every other part of the system will be tu , rer. i - nd how itl it exnected that they will secure health to the atomaph and bowels/ Why by ena Laing the one to digeat Mokl, and the other to carry off what la lett after the nutriment is extrncted:in ennnectiOn , with the sarplue of hale, and the foul humors olthe blotto. I mucous manbraces, and stomach. And they accOue. plish these great feats of medicine in the most aftnpls! waykreaginable. The APERIENT FAMILY PIL , tithe stomach be affected lyith asiod.'bills. or coated collections. clear it out; by a natural but a m an• sensible solvent action, and cleanse , the wholeali mentary Canal, without griping, and leaving it five sratltout fistulas. as nature ever deigned it to:be.— They do not takethe skip off the stomach and bOwels. and leave them like a piece oi red velvet. as all phy. • siciaas know the strong driatte pills do, but they take nature kindly by the, hind without crusholg 'her j. fingers. They cleansevdery 'thing, without imitating or teturtrtg any thing. When this is effected, as it canal y is by the use Ora 'few of the F.% MILY A PE'tl EN T PILLS. thert cOme the celebrated CA MOMI LE or TONIC PLIAS. to ' f strengthens stomach and bowels which before. per baps. weak and foul because they were weidt, - nod endows tbnm with .trelieih to periertn their. Inpor i taut functions, without the aid of`phyam. Thp :4"A moNtiLE FLOWER, rotiEß, when its 'minable pc.t,leA fl fire chemically extracted. is acknowledged by all pity- . . Indians.' in every age, to be the beat vegetable dune known-in the science of medicine —There is nutkeng koown in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it; nothing that is at cece so harmless add so Viii 3 Oriiiiiiih healthful. rind in proof of •this the proprietor, of thy recowned pills that are made from itapurest particles. might r quote Miriam innumerable anthers, both ancient and mrdern. if his own practice bad not proved iit to tens of thousands.' The effects of these pills are not only perceivdd in an increase of appetite and general strength , . hilt 10 a restoration of the body to that universal viger Wall its functions which indicates the return to perfectly sound health.—The face, and general completion, speak volume' in their favor. and thousands; of fe males can testify how much they have cowl-A.016d to their comfort, their completion. and their strength., when every otherremrdy had proved worse Ohm 'use less. In nervous diseases. of all kinds. thee T i.: h-w ,acknowleidged to be preeminent; gradu.illy r tiring I ; firmness of body and mind wit , lout 'theme annoyance and change' wh,ch other nervous renedies occlusion Happy would it have been for many young ilienions of both miter who are now in the silent grove. ifthey led learned to check the morbid teedeucies if their s- °mach and bowels by these pare tonics an open-1 i.i, e-ts, wfahout resorting to quark rem • es. t nities of which are concealed. and of march the know nothing. That dreadtul scourge CONSC NI VTIPN. might have been checked in ha commenceitien' and disappointed of its prey, all over the land. if ahn first aytntems of nervous debility had been conoterected by CAMOMILE chemically prevared ; and those bowel complaints which lead to wheat official mala dies. might have been obviated by that finelaidaluie eztiact of rhobsilr, which is a leading Ingredient in the APERIENT FAMILY PI LR:is' ficfortbOth of these medicines, which are adapted t • a majority of thepurposes for which a humored others are diin'eces soil used, ftivete, agues, b,lious disorders, hehddches, female debility, male decline. indigestion. and:liver eqmplaint. would have entirely disappeared..whi re :neet of them have proved fatal. . Rat be it dis.li- etly lia&vstinal that theie ntedlrines are not offered instead of them natnral organs dr the body which other medicines disninve with, ,is it very ounimary manner. They are founded upon medical knowledge. and not quacke-y, and do not take al the red parodies nut of the hnmin blood under rhe,nre tence ofpunfying it. In proof of which difference of effect let dos f.e.e. and to ooi of iiai.enus bear leen - mony. They constitute a nqrfut effra-inl a d gene rally annlicable clam of medicines for eve family. 4 , 1 and being both •touic anu aperient. and o ithe best . preparations known, no person .of family tzuld be vn th otet them. They -can he obtained wEed In and MA of thenbaprietor. Or. W M EV A NS. New York. and of his agents in town and country, with direr:- i tionifbrnse.—They are rapidly superced.neill ether , rantedieu advertised in the public prints. laeciiusit they , irefband to belong to a very auperiorclats of poptinw atediciten.A singletrial usually piaci:Without high in pry. Tam animation, as they are knourn to be n Public. preference, Radio the opinion of physician ,- • . - Dr. WM. EVANS' OFFICE. No. 19 NOrtTll now ST. PHILADELPHIA, where his , _ , ntedicine env be bid. Dr. Wm Evans! fiffice.loo Chaillam moor; clew yorkmbere the Doctor may be ronenhed fie inuaL .. 1111FdPEPSIA and HYPOCIIONDRINCISM. ,11.01117Siesgag Gase.—Mr. Willisrit Salmon ,Green st abase Third at.. Philadelphia. afflicted for wigferal er:with thefollowingdistreasing symptoas: Bick m.oe stomach. headache, dispness, ruidpi dons ie,fithe heart. impaired appetite. sometime 4 act and utrecsent eructations, coldness and weakness f the P .stresnitien: emaciation and general debilityldistiebed est, a sense of pressure and weight at th steins& jer eating, nightmare. great mental d mildimey. ~,eiefellYing panel in the chest, back and aid . lry tive .,os., a dislike forsocisity, tor tionvo6ation. i v ol nta - ;Ilan ant weeping languor and las' ' upon the l easettanciae. : ~ • i • ..• •14 tleilmon had applied to thetrineneminient pi)tY#;• 401,, Who cianaider it beyond the owe .of a:Wi-' camesirestore him to health; however.rurhis 011ie hatifisktr tedoeod him toll very daiplorablii4o'don, ind•dutving been recommended by a relative of is to . astketrialof Dr. Wm EVANS' Medicine, h with I ca , iffei m lty repaired to the office and procured apa ge. to w hi c h. he /says. he is indebted fpr hie res or al on to life, * .and bpi friends. He is now enjo ing till the . bleasingh of perfect health. Persons 4 sirolps 'of farther inTormatioe.willbe satisfied with e v ery Itcrii caw ofhkit astonishing ewe at Dr: Wm. 'Erin: hfedi cal Offices. 100 Chathamm.. New York; and in'•Phil gdelphtir. No. 19 NORTH EIGHTH St. 1 i :' . bold by - JOHN T. WEANEE. Sole Agentfor Sc.huylkillColatny. • Poussfile.Nov.2s l , ;:1-tt VAhese!Cltieseit Cie a of premium chcesc, .20 &nee pine apple, do fee sale by • 'N. NATH ANS & dee 9 : 1 i l' ....'il (knit . ! iftbeir:wrielesai . siiiril_isia V_ ... IS G • - s *ore. Centre. 3 doors bellow Mark" stmt, a prim isrustunt offresb GnAlblinsAtmlnel eg of ' . 1 . . ' I Java. ' lfignirs. •Ctillei • 'Shad 11 1 end brakereed.l N. Orl 7 . SLOWS. brown sad 1 gegen . -'4.- .white • benna.losiand lump 2 " w 'l wen 5 Mohnen 4ediir a sugar house Impen 1,;000 Tesa _ P o ovr g der, Yoong Pifouchorange P ro }. - co, ' . rig sad Bolles . • _-. 'Eta -- IPlasea.SPanish. Win" 1 Chocolate - & iii . ,ind tweet spiced PAO Vocoa.Cmint bhells 4 lleedt i *Carias. Harvey . John' le, Lobster. Anchovy. Sauces ' Canton shy and Cumin Gherklio.iTomato. pepper. MixitiOnion, Mangos, }Pickles Lemon and French OlivesLcapres. Anchovies CayeuneArep'per, &tiepin. bad Ginger Clove", Ms* Nutmegs and cants Rica. doer of rice, starch • i•-.Curmro. Mo. Raisins. Prunes '..!-Vereettelisl bluer almoothi. citron Olive Oil wine bitters, lemon syrup : Pnrell'edgieger. cheese, codfish, • Herring, mackerel, matelot White 'MI colored wax, sperm/ culdie Moulded and dipt tallow Palm variemited brown and yellow soap Old Madeira. old port, claret 'l , Boma ry and pale shei.champaigns Wines . Old hecy. Lisbon, dry tillage in wood Sweet mulaga. muscatel & bottle Malmsey, inarseilles & Sicily Mediu.) litoutrdijrisb, molmngnhela di coin Whiskey A nniSette.. anniseed & peppermint cordials Cognac: champagne. Spanish 4. corn brandy Holland & coin. Gin. N. E Rum Jamaica spirits Extra sop. span, inferior do Half tipanash and common cigars Cut 4 plain and moulded glass 2 Ware China and crockery • ALSO . R eeneral assortment of Dry Goodll..tim. Rte. all of which they: re disposed to sell on t hu moat reasona ble terra'. :Heads of Families and Tavefts Keepers are particularly invited to call. AT 13E60 CED PRICES, AT TIII S OFFICE 111 R. JOS, LAPIERRE'S Sympathick for the X- 7 psteszi speediest, and periect core of every kind of wounds, ulcers, caner and all cutaneous diseases• melting from cutting. squeezing, born: log, boiling or the impurity of the blood, and also for miring': Dyspepsia, heart burn, asthma, liver coin Oa Int veness, eoliths, eonvulswins, diarr hces and sheiumatick pains, tooth ache, and sore eves. general agent. Prof. G, Xav Wagner, Reading, F3rrks county, Pa. offers gratis to any person affected with either of the .said diseases, a certain tiiiiptkty of the Sympathick to be tried and appre,4•eted tote mating any expense; now. ever, the apislication must be made free of post. age. N. R. This article csorint be had genuine in any drug More or appolhecary shop. It is nut neero,nry toi talk much aboot I. as it eertainly will ternditnend itself to an enlightened-publish. hug 13; 39—tf Paasage from England, Ireland, Scat • • : Land and Wales. PERSCNS wishing ti ergage - passage fnr their !fiends, in first rate ships, from the a. Bove plaanymay now do so by applying to WM. HAGGERTY, Cer.tre Street. For th;t accommodation of those persons enga. Bing peieSage for their friends, who may wish tz send them looney, to enable them In provide fut the voyage, drafts will be given on the following named neerphants, viz: P. W.:Byrnes, No. 3, Waterloo Road, Liver. pool; Daiviel Wright, dj Co. No. 3, Robinson Rt. eol Glastynsoy William Miley, No. 25, Eden 4bay, Dublin.:: may 6 36 Yegelable Lire Pills and Phe- • : nix Bitters. {Kr A 17.I0IITRAsT.— All nations. from the ream teat ages,; him had ships, but Columbus only found wit the way to America. Before the lime of the navigator, peo - ple were only enabled to paddle ahodt the shores. Jute so with ilic Life hied miner D. is but two short years rote I first ven tured 'men an unknown ocean, aud I have discoveird the preciptuZ nbje.ct I was in search of—HEA LTI I. Vegetable medicines were indeed known when jam menced my search. bur their use was not. Bt the use of tljeut, I have not only passed from the dejected the hale hearty anu active m ,n of bu , uucas, but. coMparativetir speaking, I have renewed my youth. r can t hue, with confidence in my own expe rience, advise with my ieliow citizens Does the reader w min more t t ETA LF. LIVE MED ICI NES are suitable to his own case? I have on file at my office, 54ti Broadway, hundreds of letters, fain some of4thtt . must respectable cit izentr-of this in y live !anal. voluntarily offeret in, testimony of the sir- Ines of 41 GOOD VIGETAHLk:MIE.DICINE. Persons Whose constitutions have been nearly m ined by itbe mall infallible" mineral preparations of the dayi will bear en witness, that the Life Medi tines, and such only. are the true cause to permanent good Intalth JOHN MOFFAT. GENEB AL REMA RK. REL aTiVE TO mnr. F A LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS. These medicines have long been known. and apple elated, For their extraordinary and immediate powers of recto 'nip:effect health, to pereons suffering under nearlya i bied of uisease, to which the human frame thal e. in m' ny undreda of certificated instances ? they have e ritsc.ird sufferers from the very verge ot an nntime gahve, after ail the deceptive nostmms of the day a 4 utterly &Red; and to many thousands they 3 . have pie rmtipently secured that uniform et.joyment of health. without which life itself is but a partial blew,. ing. . greet. inced, has their efficacy invertible and in libly proved. that it has appeared scarcely less th I miraculous to those who were unacquainted with t.' !mindful philosophical principles upon , which . 3 are compounded:and upon which, they conseq! . dy act. It was to their manifest and lent. ble. ac on in purifying the springs and channels of life s n enduing them with renewed tone and vigor. that th' were indebted for their name, which was besto • d upon them at the epontaueotts request of seve individuals whose lives they bad obviously saved. The rot(rietors rejoice in the opportunity alionied by the • , tarsal diffusion laf the daily press, for plac ing ld • VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS within the k aute r .geirrid teach of every individual in tbi comr mull ' niike the host of pernicious quackeries. wheal. , iof vegetable ingredients. the Life Tills a r e pu ly mild stm.xxv vtorrsat.r., and contain nei ther A ercitry. Antimony. Arsenic , nor any 'other mine • in : any form whatever. They are entirely compl ,4restracul from • rare and powerful plants. thew , ues of which. though hog known to. several t axi India ' tribes. and recently to some eminent phanna. ea • I ehtimiste, arealtogether neknota totbe igno rant ender, to rowthcal science; end were never befo . adniMisteredm so happily efficacious . * Ma bi 'n. l . The r first operation is to loosen Rom the coatsoi the at cliseri bowels. the various impales and credit editstantly setting around than; and to re. more he hardened feces which colltet in the con.' veltiti no Of the small intestines Other medicines only MO cleanse these . and Imireinch collected ..i i mss- betand. is to proUnce • !salmi! 4 iosthiseiess. with' I itilipliin of evilis.Or sodden :dientem. With it@ immulesd dangers. This fact is well known-to all r e gular &Dilemma. who examine the Mime bowels after leathi aid hence the prejudice of these well in fernal! ma against the quack medicines ofthe age. The yietoWl effect of .. the VEGETABLE LIFE For Sale 111OFFAVS lEMMIMII ILNAL r -, % hip cle i s tbekW= aad the Vailtkvitail by thlifteelea,the IWO Mat lenge. lbw healthful actiittivic which entirely depends 11 *in the regularity gibe ratan omens, . The blood, 41 1 4 : to t ed: its red Color Item tffe: .agency of the Inter end the lungs before it poem into the heart. being thus ponlied by them aednourisbed by .f end coming from a dem stolinich, eel:trees _freely thietti thi rein. renews every 'pot attar ayitie.tairriunipheitiyeiheittidat banner efhealth in thlatb loo 4oi B ff cheek. ' • The colleen are mean the distresaing variety .. el bean dile' ism to which the Vegetable Lift *tetra bonen to be-infallible... . DYSPEPSIA, by throughly cleansing the flat end second an:macho, and creating . flow. otters healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind t—Flatakiwy, Pr an t , lrea ked4u ttka Bett ii t ta V er ret . de, tr . t.t t er: 1 suo y. am oiebonanix which are the general irraptotos . c d•Di s pep t di, will nmish: ass hernial Cu or its care. • Coeitenent. by cleansing the whole length 1 of the intestints with a solient'process. and without Onlencet . all v iolent purges leave the bowels costive I Wi th in tiro days- DMA= and Melee, by remove. I int the sharp acrid fluids be which these compel:as Ire octesioned. and by promoting the lubricative Secretion of the mucus membrane. P ei ,17a;ii edthinds., Gals. by restoring the blood to a regular ci o n% the process of perspiration in SO eases. through 'elution of all intestinal obstructions ' The LIFE PILLS bare bane known to aids - marina tietmentetly in thee weeks, and half that time, by removing local inffammalion from the museles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsin Vali 1 kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and I , bladder, • they operate most delightfulli.op these or. gans.and hence have ever been fiend ateernin reme dy for the worst eases of Grind. Alio Worms. by dislodging from the turnings of the bolirels the slimy matter to which these crealtitna adhere; Asthma end anurtimpfien. by relieving the air vessels of the long. I from the mucus, which even slight colds if not remov ed becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful diseases. Scurvy, Ulcers and keetenste Sorts, by the perfect purity which theselafe Pills give to the blood sad all bumonr, Scorbutic Ervithicaut. and Had Com. Fotaxons, by their alterative effect uponf the fluids that morbid state of which occasions all vsawn- plaint& balloon. aoudy, and other d' Can. 1 1 piCSIOAS . The - use of these Pills fret a Very shorttime. will e ff ect en entire cure or sott-Ano.. Erysipelas and a striking improvement' in the Gramme nf de skin Cerarnei Colds. and InibtenFa. will i th eiye b e cared by one dose. or by two even in , the worm cases. •eam—ss a remedy for this most distrieing and ob urinate malady, the Vegetable Life O ils deserves a distinct and emphatic recommendatiun. It is well known to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor , of-these invaluable Pills, was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwards ofthirtyfrogyears. and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the Maters Medic., He however, at length, tried the mediine which bel now offers to the public, and he was cured in a very abort time. after his recovery bad been prmounced not only improbable. but aWelutely impossible, by any human means. DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The preimietore ofthe Viceires ace Luria Pitts does not follow the base and mercenary practice of the quacks of the day. in advia lag persons to take his Pill. in largequantities. No good medicine can possibly be so ruired. These Pills are to be taken at bed time every night for a week dr fortnight. according to the Obstinacy of the disease. The usual dose is from 2to 5. according to the constilution of the person. Very delicate persona should begin with but two. and increW aelbe nature of the ease may require: those more robust. or of very costive habit. may begin with 3. and increase to 4. or even 5 Pills, and they will effect a inifficiently happy change to guide the patient in their further use. These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and want" rag. though very "seldom, unless thestomach is vile fool; this, however. may be considered a favorabe symptom. as the patient will find bupself at once rit lievird,andby persevenince will wiodrecover. They usually operate within 10 or It hours, and never give pain, - unless the bowel, are very much encumbered. • r hey may be taken by the mom delicate females un. der any circomstancesia-lt is, howeier, recommend. ed. thitt those in later periods of pregnancy should take but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels epee: and even two mpy be taken Where the patient is very costive. One pill in a solution of two table spoon' full of water. may be given to an infant in the fallowingdoses—a tea spoon full every two hone till it operaies; for a child from one to five years of age. half in pill—and from five to ten. one'pill. TIIE PIIGNIX BITTERS, are so caneffiliecause they possess the power ofiestoring the expiring em ben of health, to a glowing vigor throughout the constitution. as the Phrennt is said to he restored to life from the ashes ofiu own dissolution. The Phi nix Bitters are entirely vegetable. composed of root found only in certain parts of the' Western convey which will infallibly cure FEYERS AND AGUES of all kinds; win never fail to eradicate entirelysll the effects of Mercury. infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations ofSaraapanlla. and will imme diately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE HA ED; - never fail in the tidbits* incident to rave females; and will be found a certain remedy in all cases of nervous debilitY and weakness of t he most itre, Fpaired constitutions As is a remedy for Cksonieand ufleonahn-y Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phenix Bitters will be demonstrated by the use of a single . bottle. The usual dose ofthese bitters is half a nine glass full, in water or wine, and them quantity may be taken two or three times a day, about half an Lour before meals, or a less ()ninety may be taken at all times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion after meals, these Bitters will prove . invaluable, as they very greatly increase the action of the principal vi*eera, help them to r erfarm their ninctions,and en able the stomach to discharge into the bowels what ever is offensive. Thus indigestion is easily and apeedly removed, appetite restored, and the meths of the alsorbent vessels being cleansed. nutrition is facilitated, and strength of 'surly and energy of mind are the !loopy reaulti. For farther particular' of MOFFAT'S LIFE - PILLS. and PHCENIX BIT. TER& apply at Mr. Moffat's office. No. 548Hrodway, New York. where the Pills can be obtained for 25 Lents. 50 cents. - or fl per box ; end the Bitten for $1 or $2 per bottlesl rr Numerous certificates of the wonderful efficacy of both. may be there inspected . In some obstinate and complicated cases ofchronic and inflammatory Rheumatism. Liver Complaints. Fever and Ague,Dyspensia, Palsy. Piles, fajta:PK/el= the tree of !mercury marrow and other disease* of leree standine.n may be necessary to take bath the Life Pal and the may Bitten, in the dose - before re ed. N. ll—These Pills and the Bitten, will get the mercury out of the_systern infinitelyiasterthan the best preparations eflarsaparilla. and a certain remedy for the timbre of tie blood to de heed. or all violent d tiellierttie,&etwars=. persons who are peels poseetorsgpplety.palse. &c., should never be without tee:-life Mb cattle Bitters, for onedese in time 911 save life. They equalise the circulation of the blood, draw all pressure from the head, preteiration, and throw off every impurity by the pores of thwskin. Fla saki by MILLER & HAGGERTY, Agents for the Prwfuletet PormeiThe. 48 40-1. - Catholic Books I DIOUS GUIDE. a Key to Paradise, - True Piety, • Catholic Piety, IDoosy Bible, ±' Paw Man'aCatechum and Small Catechism - Juiit received and foraile by '11 : BANNAN. ; pre 23 • 5-- • Ser ous OHANNAN uatrjeat reca(ved the following 6 religious Works. London . and America ad Woes. r hicb he offers or sale k'hestft• Original Finally Sermons.' 5 vols. Massilions' Sermons, , Lelaorri vieworDeistieal, Writer*. - Sturtevant's Preacher's Mitottalt 2 vol., Drew. ort ,tlle Resurrection; DM* int the Polt . t. Bri4i's!ciii She Psalm James' on Inh'defitx ? • qtriOsin profeimf,. . Rsiasoir Onstusiditie. 'Christian father at Horne; A Mother's Request, Ake. Asc. dee 29 5 ' tom AURA 80.6001011iSbaiitter. 26. I I Lap: 416, 20 ' II Liable. sellable Ipaitil lot sale by • FORT. CARSON Saving Fund Society. wag Port Cubes( Sae* Fund Society, ,is Jr now open every day from b to 3 o'Okelr the °Mee of bisionigand Perbi‘ ik 4 1 14 . *We df recelvini , deposits , to any attiOnlit not ceediig $5OO. from any one pinion, open' which an interest of 4 per cent will be paid.on every SS and opwards.tint no interept will be allowed on any fraCtional- parts of IL. The whale or any part may be dreier, oat on givicg notice, two to how Weeks, at the office on Monday.. The bd. sines of the Society will be. conducted by the Mowing officers and managers t until the first Monday in May next. Presidente—AWlLA BOLTON. Mitiagers. - Joseph Carroll Samuel 1. Potts Edvriiird Hugh E. S. Warne Jacob twit . is Jesse Turner L. Wit' lacy Secretary ; and treaserer. Artsele dof ' the Charter. •••No emolument whatimev shall be received by the President or Man a for their services. nor shall any Manager become a borrower from the troika. tion. oct 3 46tf cossumpriol CURED, INERAN SPECIFIC . . Per the prevention a ttLe ) 14 4 . ,, n of Coughs,Colds, A , '‘) Ceniunaptions, Spitting of ,13111 Blood, II of the Breast and Lu age, lie. pre. lA' . pareiftre Dr.CLARKSON `lt" ~.........0 „ ,: / FRREMAN, of the City - of Lancaster. DIRECTION, Accompanying each bottle *Tale Specifick, pointing out in-a conspicirous manner, all the symptoms in the different stages of these distres. sing diseskes--ellso particular directions respect ring diet and regimen-, and how patients are to conduct through every stage until health is re• stored—for vain and useless would be the pre scriptions of the ablest physicians, accompanied with the most powerful and useful medicines, if the directions are not faithfully adhered to. The public are harmed that the depositions of 287 persons have been taken before proper au- , thoritics in the tit) of Lancaster, all completely cared in the most desperate cases of consump- tion, some of which are detailed in the bills ac• companying each bottle. a i ,* A supply of the above Specifieli has been received and is for sale at' this office. Match 12 11.81 Swaimls Panaceas AS the intemperance and luxury of the age are hastening the ravages of scorbutic complaints and rendering the blood more impure; and as thud sands have devtroyed their constitutions by neglecting to apply the proper remedier—m such; Swaim 's Pan acea must be. and has been. -more than doubly valua ble as a certain and &ff ctual! means of restorng them to perfect health and vigor. ; Few families are whol ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit va rious sytoptoms,'as eruptions, ulcerations. debility. loos of appetite and dejection. all arising from impure blond. and if not properly, attended to, produce the. greatest injury to the tonstitutution, and may be im parted to their teaming. Swaim 's Panacea is rectom mended-at this reason of the year. as a valuable resto rative of the system, thereby invigorating the cone**. Lion. and enabling it to be-aro-he debilitating effects of - the summer season. It is conveyed by themircula ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all those diseases which originate in vitiated blood diseased liver. depraved appetite. or predispositon it, affections of the lungs. &c. No one, however. iviadvised to Ore it without convincing themselves of the truth of what is here stated. This medicine is now used with success in all parts of the world, and is gaining great reputation in Eng lard. . . . A fresh supply of the Medicine just received and for sale by B BANNAN. Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. Who can supply the above medicine wholesale to them why rah to sell again, at Philadelphia prices May 14 26 Insurance Competny. CAPITAL AUTHORISED Bt LAW. $230000. CHARTER PIRPEIUAI. MAK both limited and perpetual !neurone's on Brich, Stone or Frame Buildings. Store*, [lintels. Mills. Barns, Stables, Merchandise. Furst.- tare and Property of every description, against toss or damage by FIRE. MARINE AAD INLAND IIkEtURPIVCE. The .Delaware County Insurance company aril. also insure against toss on all kind's of marine risks and against the damage or loss upon the transporta tion of goods. wares.and metrandise jay taster, or by rail way, upon terms as favOurable as any other in stitutien. For any Ihrther information on the subject Orin• mance. either avian Fire, marine or inland Finks. Apply to HENRY G. ROBINSON, Amml. July 15 34-tf it Sebtrylkill Haiku. or WILLIAM B POTTS. A t Orwigoborg. 1 • SPRING GAR EN Fire Ineuraiike-tlenipany. as AKE both limited and porpetbal Insunnces on. iva Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings. Storrojdotels Mille, Barns. Stables, Merehandize.•Foynmire,and.. LPropert• yOf every description.against loss or damage y VIRE. The subscriber bas been appointed Acimtv fek the above mentionad institotiOh sod is boar prepares to make lastramem apon everyalesenption of property at the Ma'am rates. BENJAMI3I ISANN.II 4 7 • Podsville.Feb.27.lB3 B . • • if; The libilittielihia Fire • r AND . VOWING NAVIGATION INSUILANciI • ACOMPAPIT I . CAPITAL APTIOVIEED , BY LAvv.ss4xoo6. KIRTER PER iIXL; bo— on iyit Bo c k. g ri'e or Frain* • ipt.Moraii. Mills, Pam; Stabler. Merebsodiao, Farnham. and Prperi_ yof aviary description . against-loss ottratnagii VIRE. Tint saliseriber has been appoinied•Actittter the above nitsinoned Instigates and is now vowed it; make linsusarot t u is pon every description °imperi at t h e l emre st rat BENJAMIN BANNAN. Pottsville. Feb 1847 4 lb- ---• II 1' . - - 101711 DI ouNisbed and tot v gals wholesale pnd retail; by april 28 . 32 BANNAN. __..~ __x.__..._._.__ 11/11 MEI ar g u A.A.:GILL 44 ~_ ~:.~:s: s:__:.r: =NM Ohl Gtirjligiiireltert Wine, 4.e .45 - ACidatufa. PorrWine, do ' Stir albompany do do • do •du 1 4cd do do Vety superior do Hut Esibk Nadel'', In wood boul•fs. 'Very . euper_tor Lobo end Duirtkirdon Co Sherry arias. Pico PdaStira. Sicily Madeira. L. P. !twig% old Pak LisbOn i dry and sweeigalika wins. cc. /bd. for sale by idiLLER dr. HAGGERTY. april 213 32 >•. • • . R ()VA L COLLEG P. • ~a islidies THE al Hyteian Universal ' Vegetable ~ .' '' . . el" p riapared by W. MISKIN. Esq., Member of the ttoyaLCollege of Surgeons, Licen. nate of /apothecaries Co.npany, Fellow of 801. Court giociety,Sorgeon to the Royal Union Pen. skin Association., Lancaster plate, Waterloo Bridge; and Perpetual Pupil of Glare and St. Thomas' Respite* London. These pills hawing gained acelebrjty unparal• leled in every section of the-Union, are now con. sidered by all those who value good health, indis pensable as a family medicure--patronized by a numerous body of the most eminent Physicians both in thii country rid in Europe,—isaufficient, it is presumed, to stamp their character in die es- Unladen bravery thttikhw roan, tad it is hoped, • far belle r recommendation thin this course re sorted to by ignorant and unpnecipled pretenders, who to m stead and deceive the public, publish what they call practical proofs and certificates of Ceres, diet exceed all bounds of rational credibil ity, pnd most of which, if not all, are either. gross fabrications, or procured by 'fraud and connivance. The editor of the Long Island Farmer, says --- "This medicine has obtained in unprecedented degree of well preserved popularity. Bearing tak. eq these pills ourselves to advantage . and witness. ed th eir beneficial effects on others, we have ho breitat ionic recommending them to the public as a safe, salutary and useful family medicine." seNone are genuine without the signature of the General Agent on the label, b' whom the a hove medicine is imported into this country. JNO. 110LBEIN, 129 Waverly Place, Gen'l Agent for U. b. • A supply of the above Medicine just received and for sale by IL BANNAN, Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. 2 July 16 Important Discovery. The subscriber haudiscosered a method by which he virtues of that valuable root, THE 'SARSAPARILLA, May beextracted without losing any of its medicinal properties. This medicine is prepared after a re ceipt of the Medical College. a receipt recommended by the Faculty u the best formula for the prepare. don of the fluid extract of Sarsaparilla. • This Extract may be given wirh perfect safety to children. and is conscientiously offered to the public a purifier of the blood, which in all cases will great alleviate and in men, entirely cure the following diseases: ;-- Obstinate eruptions of the Ain, Pimples or postules on the face. Riles which arise from an impure habit of body, Bea ly eruptions. Pains in the bone/. Chronic rheumatism. Triter. Scrofula. or King's evil, White Swellings. . _ Syphilitic aymplbms. , And all disorders arising front In impure state rd theblood„ either by a long residence in a hot and on beahby climate, or the injudicious use of Mercury. I have thought it necessary to attach a few oertif - enamor its beneficial 'effects. from persoas well know i in the cotinty.as references: , Reading, July 73,1837. We the undersigned, having used the Composed Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, (prepared by Veort• W. Oakeleyi in our families. most cheerfully mend it to the public, as a cheap, safe and efficient medicine, in diseases arming from impurities of tie Wood Thiv is to certify that I was for two years afflicted with sa obstinate ineperisontousaffection in one efiny legs. w filch broke into numerous ulcers , for which 1 tried various remedies, Which but increased Ate dis ease, when 1 was recommended to try Mr. Oakeley's preparation of Sarsaparilla. 1 did so, and afterusing several bottles 1 am happy to state that the ulcers are entirely, removed and my leg healed Witness my nandlbis 16th day of august, len JOHN R. COLLER, Reading. This certifies that my . little son, about 8 years old. had infrared fora long time from extensive sores on therlyf-t knee and leg. (supposed to have been while awelh ,) which 1 found impossible to heal. by even thee' o che most respects e medical advice, until . 1 wasn't:it/amended to use lk r. George' W. Oakeleg'it CumpoulidSyrop of Sarsaparilla, eight bottles ofw htch not only healed the sores but perfectly restored tie child's health which bad sleeted Much in consequence of this erection. CATI - 1 A Rift E Ell NG Mid • 7th above Penn st. Reading. The above case was periented to me. both before and atter theuseilf Mr. °deity'. syrup of Sarsapa• eilW and! have no hesitation in believing that it was die agent of his restoration. JNO. P. IHESTEII.BI.D. Redding, Sept.ll2, 1837. Willitingtos, Nov 20, 1837. Mr. bake*. Sir:-1 consider it my 0114 to let you know that the use of the half dozen bottles of your valuable Sarapit. rills teats got of you in 4une last. haa se li i irely healed tey I*.theDettot told me itwas of* felons cinn amic. end the nee of your medicine wo probably benefit it. The five bottles were not taken before,' it Wei Waled. hut 1 took the math to make the erne termini' Meow better than two months since 1 usrd eny4 'ld there la no appearance of a return, my physi• inki the tide perfect. 'Yours:die. • CHARLES BROWN. shove valuable medicuse ' may be had at, this subscriber'. tribblenale aod.'rectil Dreg stole. North Fißh Sunk; Reiding: and at most of the prin tips!. dm litotes. nab Drugs Ind Medicines. at tbelosimitimalt prices, alse. kept for ale by the sob 'crew. GEO. W. OAKELEY. t _ Also, to, be iiadai ,theirtores Heiedenreich & /Win Eulktqurn.iNiki.idiatter.stid Dr. Ford. Pott s. lota ; Pamir trnabb.ol4:t Oda Oile store *Mew &trancliAtkiiiMM b/3 r. otclumpany th TfIE OFIERS ATI ,ritiardine SALE HOUSE & LOT io Not wegian I llreet. nearly opposlie the residence rti I'D. T. Peavey, aim occupied lte' ,• William D. Leib. The house is 16 treat taint by 30 feet in.deptb, withirkitebeirand• cellar in the basement - stogy twoortioina-an Abe ,finti f seecied t and third theta eactiLthe vitiate ,of Ait ei ti e Doom leen yliateted pad painted : Ah lii ex B e nt well of Stater at the hi 204 %i• No% bfllofeetlii depthilwitlf it 9 Stet al 'fief milba,imeitend boasis:;-, 0r4' 11 ,4 1- PikitiFolswill 4 4, lo o ll l4 - .` s -1- . • '• hlooot Carbon, Nov. 3;1837 JOHN 'MILLER. WM. R. MI LLk:Re M. S. RIFHARDS, WM. RHOADS. imtiositkm. my signature. w !abek of ouch bottle. IrtiEstiiiectiber Usti* riceiyed itn4 offers AL for sale - - 4 keyed Geirosn'Flutei, plain, Optima Flues, • • Clamant% Fligeolets, Violins, • Fifes,• Pia., Violin Bridles , Strings anil4lnvr i ihan. Olssionet Scads, Guitir Strings, • ;' • Violin Bows--ektra finish. •He respectfully. invites the public iD 4411 41111 examine his stock. . f 4 • JOHN S. C. 34- may 5,1838 UpwardX of 10490 - • Boxes k Leidy's Sarsaparilla•ot Blobs sold in Philadelphia aloae.ll •4 ti, VHS TI 0..r i l 1 - . Who does apt know die birdmen efftecoy andereatuable , polarities of the Sareaptirtffil t • , .. EVERY man, woman. add chi ld 1 /jt hat bin read; can answer the above. u every wspa through out the United States contains accounts t univers sal efficacy of Sarsaparilla, m purifying t Rood and wanovingfrom the kratelos system ail Asmara Ask any respectable physician the qu 'on. What is the risost ß elexicsous purifier of the his answer Will be. SARSAPARILLA. Sake it to soy : then. if all physicians recommend it so universally. skit tetterevidenoe can pekoe of its ustaturstie prope r tied Da: Leine has discovered it method whereby the 'virtue of the Sarsaparilla is obtainedin a highly con centrated form, and in such manner u to make pills therefrom, without deitroymg in the lintin-its efficacy. Tbia_cinnot be done by any other person, the pro cess is hootin only to Dr. Leidy, and is* discovery of his own, i , These Pills are offered to the public by the name of - • DR. LEIDY ' S SARSAPARILLA Cllt BLOO D . PILLS, . compounded principally ot Sarsapardlis and with which is combined ingredients-(fnem/1y on the consti tution) rendering them more effectual, being gently laxative in their effects, thee carrying tiff corrupthu- Mors from the system very gradually. and without pro. clueing debility or any inonnvenience. Mikes in nuf ficiebt quantity, however, they will rge freely, and may be employed or given to them . delicate. and even to infects. being 4 regfc and iku% . .our Pit' ratan fite , tvlei ring no restraint from dig or deviation ; fm regrow habits orfrom oecupatianr any kind. These pills have been pre-emmently utzessful and ' from their convenient form. must. soori or later, take the place bf all the different preparatio Ler Sarsapa.i MIL, such as Syrups. Decoctions Lou- cm. die. which are contained in bottles, liable to babrolion and are in- - I convenient for taking or being carried. ti These pills have, during the past t o years, been 1 amply-tested. Newspaper adverdoin being so very ' f expensive, ample testimonials from n mercies phyla. 1 clans and others accompa4 the direct unit • , They are particularly racoinmended in Rheumatic affections, Dry and ,-- General Debility, • ' and pin Ulcerous. -notes pf the and body throat. nose antibody. Scaly crop , 0011; and blot- Diseases- of the Liver, Ghee or . din, . Skin and Bones. • 'Fetter; Ri onus. :'l' Pain over the region of the Scrofula. ' sipelas, A"... heart, breast, and a Jaundice, . tinhorn, : mach, - . Selma* oughs; liver Pain of the' sidee: aloe -- Comp ts, - waterbiadt the back-Sind spine, . Sourenit . dons, and acid- • Inward fevers, find breath 'deter - e Stomach; a bad taste inthe.mou ' Glandular affections. as Flatulency, want of ap awe " and hardening tit*, costiveness, crams oftheg . ef the neck. 1 of the itatnach, awl in in this fink under the aigesticiut . inns, ' a . along the • . , . • , spine, breast, die. , and the whiffet:Cafe of diseaties restilti . g lions Imps city of the-blood, as also constitution 1 diseases pro- :. doced 4 thekase oi Burks, Quinin.6, A; nit. Mercury . or other Minerals, alio in impendebci • inlife,l4phi lie, Lues,'Venerezil, dic. rte. • . ' , - Price 25 Cents a Rol. ' IPreparedonlynod gold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. .Leidy 's Health -E m porium, 2nd st. below Vine, INo. ' 191 . . • t • , ..--. . 1 lUoolllllllliPtion. ••• . 'MEADER. if you have a cough err Old. beware of Lathe* consequences. Colds genera* progress, imperceptibly, and insinuate themselves throughout the Monza aystem.Bnelly *online . ..smolt the lunge and . ending to consump • . A W ORDTO PARENT& Dow often inlouth Mat down when least expected by the consummton, and-followed to k , graves' by parents who 'rein a pension the co of their prrm• stare date in heglectirtg to remedy i Ms when exist. s it ing in childhonif.lociking:equin them is pilling air. tions.aod not attractingeheir notice u tit the denim er has cominCtMed.its wort and made rri Drib; victim. This iinoil fanciful iMitestmtatitm, orderly numer ous instanceir occut which prove the Ma. i, In manbood r coldsterrnmate in the tir wai.but do l ei not progress.so rapidly wrin-yomh; 'tb it hoald . how 'e'er. in•lipikyooth and Manboodhe rty' wended to.. aridwocregnrided twitrißiOg affections fpr Oa,* delu sive idealhat his uir dMibt shortenia li a thou , •,.# : • bitAi :i --I i - 0. VULMONARE_PRESERV T IE . • {Prite.BO'penite phi bet e.)'' Isettinviluifilitii,teiWiation, disco,' ba, regular end cal.:bided G4muipt!yait*.!..y. .Imii . emploled it ; univiniAispf-* yet ti. In Ine Own Mcßee in Grt• Mai* diftrug*ur Whieh mitipft it' Been • during . that time,, most extensivelpand ulfy employed., -in CoucksiColdsiinflminms. Cizysibmas. Sot• ring of •Blocid.WhOoping ,Cbitglie. P "alba Breast apd SideiChil itife&fionicrthis, andlungs, and 11 arrest ofepproaching . catonapPtion.. • i hluchmaybbitiraid reverse of . 13ovnt . medicine. bithemppaper idiertislughangiar pensive, every satisfactory °eidetic.. irid-ber - Mond in 411 its•effects y r open trial. at; well as numerous rem endatiomt sc. cowman leg the difections. Dywa lof ilOOO bottles weresotd nt*Philatielphia alone dur ' , die past win. um a convincing proof of its efficacy, dr so large a quan tity would -news have been sold. The above meth- . ctnes are preplied end sold only at ' ' 'DR. LINDY'S REA LTH EMPORIUM. • Seconcilbelow Vine st. PHEIIIOIIIIT A HY. HINTS AND LOPORTANT INFORMAVON. READlifiß,did you ever see a co Dyspdptic, and,learriiiis sufferings? If no te it to say. hnikeludeithin and ghastly lookin • ob4act. his toe 6ppirently banging by a thread; he 'tinware*. and uPhaPPY, his Engem** indescribabl Are rat much troobled with Flatid cy: iOnstivialstus, Suireritaktions arising from yoursto ach,Dathasionsi want of appetite. Weterbradh a taste-in Pa mouth.or foul breath, pain or a hpa ese at your sto mich. Sickness nib:treating, Headac Olgestio your' once !Monis &ahem, itc. If yon. 1014 troubled with aByof the fcmigoing tomptionts brit t before you the picture of the Dysneptic. and ha lectitiolvell to remedy the.consequences, imlnediat rpicieure DR: LEIDY'S TONIC AND; A I-I 718 PEPTIC eottwa..., A never fitilitig and efficacieu remedy for DYSPFPBfA OR IND .t DS.7ION And OM4ole trim. Oftifeictioni= suliing - frout tin ' • • immearifthe Um, Sumach intestines. . Theirbotrepuifficine .µwarmly . free from mercu ry, of Wier Mineral prepuationg is citurPosed "" ttreljt oritegikkffibe , tire and easy , take. being very Pleultatte the pips t its:lay beetf y +leisured to Kintgall4,4*,rittprinug but Mott to sestrictioas dbt , ltratuterwas teititnon ials brie fronytiymilo time ialliltdbedtitesepuyation Moo vee.ll own, (unbar cow lingtkOart its moues , Is ben sfll6Qe it to op syl.ustiur ismot* inti*Nc -,:far theCtinxititnendittions accompany the pettier's a- L-Irl ic k 0544 . , . e One,Dollar perBo, 86 q• Vine May 5 2-6 mo Dr. ;Itery pimples. lea of the thee NB= 221