The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 19, 1838, Image 3

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    , ,
Berke county has inc
ber of Dekigatea.tO the 4 h
vention, to four hondrrd.l
During the last sessionlof
Imola Legislaturh the followin
planing were incorporated: ,
1. Stafford Coal Company
tal of 41250,000 to operateln
Northainpton counties, and
acres of land.
2. Wyoming Coal Comp
capital of $350,000 to - op ,
Wyoming Valley, Luzerne c
bold 2000 acres of land. ,
3. Washington Coal Ctim
evils! of $300,000 to op.
Lackawana Valley, Luzetne
to hold 2000 aereo,ofland.,
4. Sugar Loaf Coal Cont •
capital of $280,000 to operat
county, and to hold 200t.r itcr
6. Pf,nn.ylvaaia Coal Coto
capital - 0rt200,000, to operat
county, and to hod 2060 acre`
'6: °Berman Coal Comp
capital of $350,000, to opera
kill county. and to hold 2000
7. Hanover Coal Compan
tal of $250,000, to operate in
Northampton counties, and
acres of land "
8. The Arbon Coal Com
capital of $150,000. to ope
county and to bold 2000 acre
9. The Tiunanend Cual.Co
a capital of 050,000, to ope
and Schuylkill townships, i
county, and to . hOld 2000 acr.
While presenting the abo
readers it is, bin proper to
Charles Frailty, Esq. the
Schuylkdlcnunty, reported six.
of the above Coal Company
Senate, and voted for every
Was there ever before such a
The following afilendment
law of this state pissed the L
the late session. It is import:
licity rstiould pe given to it.-- 1
"That sui inspector, judge, I '
cer of any erection shall be eli
office at such election, or shill
holding any office under the ge
- govenmeitt- be an' inspect°
other officer of auy such electi:
any peramrshol'ding. an
government of the United Slat
ed to serif, as a menthe.- of C
Commissioner of a District or
CON G R ESSION A L.— A 4ght scene.
e l ,
The administration party sustained a
signal defeat, on Saturday nj ht last, in
the House of Representativ in relation
to the Treasury -note Bill, lOn Friday,
the administration members h Id a caucus
and resolved to pass in coal
whole the bill in question,
would adjourn, even if to ' d
should be required to sit unt
light on Sunday. The bill c
the discussion proceeded—t
were threaterieci and menac
Rhett, of South Carolina, with .
ces dire if they attempted by 1
and debate to arrest the pros
President's treasury-note bill!
naces were proudly hurled hi
defiance upon the author by '
Mr. Southgate and others. A,
menced a scene; says the Sp]
ingion, a description of which,
attempt, brit only remark, the
ed until near two o'clock on S '
ing without taking any quest
several amendments that .had .
Between the hours of 9 and
'the motion to rise and report
the loco focus) was eight time
eight Mines negatived. The
umph was complete—not, '6
their own strength alone!
'The treasury, undoubte.
Oismanagement and extra's%
boring under great embarnis
wants are pressing. The sup,
ed must and will be granted
. not a Whig in Congress that
.this point. On the contrary,
have sppken, have repeatedly d.
willingness to vote the uttorrno
is necessary to meet the pill
ments whether judicious orinju
they ask to be informed how
owe' And how much shall
fore the year. terminates? T.
and appropriate interrogatori.
factory arigwer can he obtaine
grant, say the . Whigs, the au i
wish. however, to raise the m
creation of a stock, and not. by
Government Bank paper, call
notes, after the manner of then'
tal money. This is the point .
between the two parties. Th .
and his supporters,,wish to
means of a forced loan, a per
deernable Government paper m
.Whigs wish to create a mock
as the exigencies of the Trees I
because, linking other reasons,
ire owe is in the form of stock,
Will always. know hOw much
debt. But if it is in the form i I
be issued and re-issued by the "r
.the Treasury, at his pleasure
.._ never know the extent of their
whether they arisior are not d:
_ disburting,ofiiceis and subtreasn
A good deal of sensation wet
in the House by the tesoluti
_ _
=• , 4. - - - „a7:7'.74 i .i.v... '
Boon, a teadiniMalatnee me
ber from Indiana,
t, abolish the system of ri r cieiTing nothin g
but gold and silver, in payment for publi7
lands and debts due to thit governmen!.
Mr. Bomf appears-to be anllumest and IT
dependent statesman, ivhiris tired of
. t4ia
system of humbug and opPression. ;
the nein
' Con-
e Pennsyl-
Coal Coin-
*With a capi
uzerne and
o hold 12000
From the National JAM Ihrencer.
It having been.propottedi by varimuil
meetings of the opponent le.the prieteatl
Administration, in' aiffe. 1 parts of th
United States, that , the : .should be I
Geperal . Meeting of D el tes. front aII
the States, for the put? .f agreeing mil
and recommending suitable personsasi
candidates for the of fi ces of President and
Vice President, at the netil election; and
a desire having been exprlased by several
ofsaid meetings that the 'title and place
of holding suer meeting abould be fixed
by the Opposition Members of Congressi
those Members have authorised WI to ant
flounce, that in complianceliwith what thu4
appears to be the general ivish, they have
met and consulted on thhg suhject; and'
after due onsideration anereflec.ion, the)!
are of opinion that the bokough-of HAR , I,
RISI3URG, in the State o'knnsvlvnniai
is a suitable place, and the fink Wecinesi
day in December, 1539, 0 proper time;
for holding a General Mleetin,g, for
purposes abovementirined, to he composed
of Delegates from all thel States in pro
portion to their representation in the twq
Houses of Congress. _
y, with a
rate in the
city, and to
any, with a
ate in the
cuunty, and
ny o with, a
in Luzerne
s of kuul.
any, with a
in Lozerne
of hind.
y, with
e in Schuyi.
'crew land:
with a capi-
uz••rne end
,u hold 2000
any, a
ate in Tioga
of land.
'pony, wiii!
e iiißoll
of land.
A Noble Donation.-4 41ip from the ,
office of the Norfolk Beacion, dated Sun
day, and received last night at the Mer:.
Chants' Exchange of this city, says: "The
Mayor of Charleston acknowledges the
receipt of $2O 000, from mr: Biddle, as a
dona*tion from the Pernispvaina Bank
the. United States ; fur the relief of ihO
Charleston suffdrers by fire."
list to our
state that
enatnr (rum
ifnot seven,
-Bills to-the
ne of them !
instance of
Since . extracting the above, we-have
copied the fullawing letteo from the
change files. It is 'from the Chmlestort
Courier of Friday last.—U. S. Gas.
I to the elec._
Olat ure at
nt that pub-
lion. HENRY L. PlNcicsEir, Mayor
r other offi
ible to any
any - person
eral ur state
of the city tif.Chaileston, S. C.
SIR: I am instructed by the Board of
Directors of the bank of the United States;
to express to the citizens of Charlestot4
their very sincere sympathy under the
calamity which has befallen that city, and
their anxiety\ to do everything- in iheii;
dower to mitigate it. Such a misfortunei
which even
: strangers must deplore, can
not fail tar awaken the livefiest interest is
every part of our commnn!country. Bu
this institution has, during so long a send"
of years, been intimately donnected in all
the relations of business, with the commu'o
nits of Charleston, and has so many ties
of friendly intercourse and personal regard
with its members, that having witnessed
and shared its prosperity, : we are propnri
tionably afflicted by this sudden reverse of
its fortunes. The disaster, melancholy al
it now seems, will doubtless soon be sure
mounted and repaired ,by the energy and
the resources of your felloW citizens butt
in the meantime, there maw' be much in
dividual suffering, and muc personal prit
vation, which might he alleviated by im;
mediate assistance. -for this purpose, thci
board of directors place . thi3 enclosed con:
tribution at the disposal of the city outfit:lH;
ties, who will.have the goodness to entploy
it as they may deem most; efficiently, foi:
the relief of the sufferers. :
jiulee, or
,ii, nor shat 4
und,r the
-i, be allow
ty Council,
ttee of the
-fore they
this they
I after day
• roe-up and
id by Mr.
tress o 1 the
These me
ck in bold
. now com
in Wash.
I shall not
it continu.
day morn.
on on the
• • offered.
12 o'clock.
the plan of
made, and
Whig tri
wever, by
With great respect. yours,
. N. BibpLE, Pres"t.
A slip from the office of the Nashville Whiff
furnishes the following, which is believed to be
the latest intelligence in relation to the Misaisi
sippi election. I
The arrival of the Western District mail Mil
evening with further returns ¶from Mississippi
place the election of both the .317hig eredidaieti
beyond much doubt. Prentiss' .majority will
not be less than 1200; Word's SOO.
Whig. • s Van Oaten. •
Prentiss, 11.504 Claiborne, I 0,542
Word. 10.912 Davis, 10,123;
Whig majoriti es. 1838 in 45 counties. •
Prentiss over Claiborne, • 1002 t
over Davis, . I 1381 l
Word over Claiborne, i 370 I
Dish',769 !I
y, through
nce, is la-
.ment. Its
lies requir-
There is
esitsies on
those who
tared their
cent, that
Full returns from Jefferson add to Prentiss an •
Word's majority 180 yule,. •
IC eillfillee
cinN. But
web we
e o'e be
these, plain
,- no antis-
The Richmond Whig has received returns froi
all the counties in the State elcept See and Lei:
gan—both of which last year elected Luco Ful
The result as tar as heard trtimgives,7l Whigs
and 61 Administration, including 17 to 25 Con !
servatives—and the Delegate; from Morgani
whose , politics are unknown Supposing the
two counties to be heard from go against u 4
the Administration will have a email majority
joint ballot. Out anticipating, ha we should doh
that the Conservatives, and the anti.expongings
ones especially, and the Senators whose District it
have returned Whig Delegateteby large majori a
ties will bow to the popular will, the Whigs will',
have a majority of from 20 to 30 on joint ballsg
Last year the Loco:Peens lied a majority of
P'forty in the House . of &lege'
. We will
plies. We
iney by the
the issue cif
I Treasury
• Cnntinen
• President
re*, by
nevi, irre
, ney. The
1. r so much
17 require;
if the debt
the people
,hey are in
'f paper, tit
screiary rif
they will
tebrs, now
rauded by:
y agents."
of Mr:
An action ha,' be en brought in the Uno
ted States circuit court al (Yew Orleans, hi
Colonel itichard Raynal Keene, against
the judges of the suprerde court of 1110
state of Louisiana, for falssi imprisonment]
The plaintiff has laid - daijrages at ninet
thousand dolle*. &IL* en, in-an .argui
rnent recently }wide heti+ the Suprem4
Court, Indulged ni language towards ono
of its members, whieh the bench pronoun:
ced disrespectful
_and con! emptuous, fol
,which they intlictedigpcm h?m a fine of fifty
dbllars and imprisonThent of ten days, and
this. is the - in:Wad untie action. •
Senate of Pent
.Isyjysto r itt,Joak the Oh of
March, Mr. Praley .
a resolution. instructing-our Senatorgernj
requitisting .our Representatives in Con=
gives_ to vote against a new emission of
On this resolution; the vote was as fol
lows •
YEAS—Metiers. Barclay, Case, Cel4
iatt, Darrah, Fraley, (city.) Fullerton,
Harper, James, M'Conkey, Paul, Pedrosa,
Purviance, Sterrett, Strohm, ..Penrose,
Speaker. -15.
NAYS—Messrs. Caldwell, oFr:enter,
Frailey, (Sch.) Irvin, Kelly, Kingsbury,
Lem, Miller(Berks) Michler, Miller (city)
Myer*, PORTER, Rogers, Sangston,
Slenker, Snyder.-16.
These Treasury Shinplasters , are not
redeemable in gold or Silver. Thus it will
be seen, that the loco fun candidate for
Governor is in favor of the Government
paying its creditors in irredermah/epaper'
while it enforces the- collection of SPECIE
from the people. What equality! And
what a tool for the General Government
Would Mr. Porter make if he were Gover
of this State.
From dm N. Y. Commercia l .' *dirt niser.
The committee of the Beard of Trade
of this city, which visited Philadelphia last
week, has returned. The object of the
visit was to invite Mr. DidtPe. and his assn.
crates in the Permsy lentils Bank of the Uni
ted States. to establish a hank in this city, rd
large capita, under the late gcneml batik
ing law. Such a bank we nerd not say.
greatly needed, and it will be no disad
valance to have it placed here by those
who have become so intimately aciptainted
with the internecommerce and exchanges
of the country, as. are Mr. Biddle and his
immediate associates.
We'learn that the committee were re
ceived with the greatest courtesy and kind
ness by Mr. Biddle, who entered at once
into their feelings upon the subject. lie
appeared quite favorable to the project and
pr . sed to bring the . quest ' before the
directors at the earlivt day—propahly this
morning, or to-Rodney. The design is to
el ;obits!' a hank, one of from ten to fifteen
minim's capital. We believeihe new bank
lan does nut go into operation until the I 9th
of the present month; , and from the com
plexion of our adviceS, we should not be
surprised if the new bank went into opera
tion on the 20th.
Thus much for the hostility of Mr. Bid
die toward New Voik, of which the gov
ernment papers arid partizans have.saii: so
much. Thus much, too, for the insolven
cy of the bank, so frequently proclaimed
tiy the executive Washington, and
.o clearly proved a short time since, by
the corre-poodent of the New Yolk A wri
can—a writer who certainly has not proved
himself worthy to lead in the Augustine
age of finance.
Among the smaller articles of freight
which the Great Western carries nut, is
one which will he a novelty in England.
Is is a beautiful bouquet of flowers, culled
f Mr.yhorburies garden at liallett's
Cove, ant is intended for the Queen. It
was 'enclosed in a - tin case, hermetically
sealed, with a plate glass cover. It was
prepared at the suggestion of Lieut. Car
pester, and'so prepared that it is hoped it
Will be preserved with freshness to be pre
seined next week to the Queen, at Wind
sor Castle. It will be the first 'nosegay
which her Majesty ever received from the
gartlians of her western neighbors.
Thus has ended the first visit of Mr.
John Bull in his steamers—and a proud
visit it bas been. He has shown its speci
mens of his workmanship in the steaming
line, vying with—nay„ , surpassing, any
machinery of the kind Eger seen in this
conntry. A single glance at this ponder.
ous Machinery, and the perfection of the
workmanship, at once satisfies the beholder
of it sstrengifi end safely. And the mo
ment the machinery begins to move. the
opinion is confirmed. . •Notwithstiling
its power, not a jar is bean]; and thii.e oc
costumed to the clacking of he machinery
or American boats, and the jarring of every
stroke. would he astami-lied board the
Great Western, at the silence and ftillneA,
of the motion. While at table yesterday,
.at a sped) which kept ahead of our will
est 'mats, the mrisengers supposed the
ship bad stopped, because of its entire still
It is estimated in the N. Y. Express that
the Grew( Western carried (Jut 20,000 let
lere.—N. Y. Coin. Ado. •
On the 131 h inst., by the Rev. Dr.
Weinwriglit,. Mr. FATRICM FREEMAN. of
Port Carbon, to Miss CATHARINE BOMB,
of New Philadelphia.
• Religious Notice.
Service, '
hereafter in the Methodist
Episcopal church of this borough, will
commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., ind pre
cisely at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Dispatched (rein Mauch Chunk for the week
ending on the sth month 10th— • .
BO Boats carrying • 3.125 Tons.
es Boats, last report, 4,254
145 .
Despatched from Parryvilki op to the 3d ipst.
'59 %ate, carrying s,66lFlns.
muLt cu x Kjiiii; 00AD.
Tflo,following is t anioitql*Cisj Wailtog . teii
road for, snarfoit Wiithutudil
' crettins last_, 2471t0gs
Parka itspor;i 3412
fetal • ' t Stkt 1
n TIMMY! Collector...
The &Rowing sa thriansount, of Coal tranipoiteil.....
on this Rued for Ups week ending on Surga.,l
evening last. i ; •
.1176 tone
Per lasi report,l - • .460
The follcruing w the ;amount elf dial transpirted
on this Ra 4 Reid for the week ending on
Thursday evenin g i Last, ' 'St t 57 tons
Per last Report!: ' • 675.5
Total ' 1.811
RORRT C. 111 rA, Cuiltetor.
Shipments of Coq . l for the week, endir.g on
Thursday evening list 4
ShaPPed bY Beau. - lone.
Dula. silo Coal Co .4 • 16 915
George H. Potts, f 14 . '773
Hodgson & West 12 668
Charles Lawton 9 . 492
Sl3 Reeve &Co -a 9 ' 488
J Bull &Co - 8 1 434
Sill, man & Nice t 8 427
Mollies & Spencer 7 377
A Stet nberger t 6 329
I' \ Hamm &Co 6 266
J m ...illi 5 274
C.. Hill . 5 • .267
A LiWion 5 263
N A quail Co 5 ' 264
Bennet‘ i &Taylor 4 • 229
L Chap an 4 218
S Heilner & Son - 3 . 162
Charles Shippers 3 , 161
R. G. Lelar 3 - 158'
R Bear 2 i n
. ,
G Bast 2 HO
A - & H Saylor - 2 lO9
WM Bosbyshell 2 111
Sundry Shippers 22 1070
Quantity op ti May 11, 344
' 523 27,i41
lip to the Name period last year there were
shipped.from the ,-
Solitylkill Regina, 65,183
Lehigh, 24,034
Lackaiwarkaa, about 12,000
ShovirtriHr a dimiuuticiiiin the supply this year of
about 60.000 lons.
Mike of Transportation
Balltntore and Ohio-Rail Rood' (:o.
BA4TIMORE, ATAIL 26th, 1838.
P ROPOSA Lc, addressed to the undersigned,
will he received at this office until the 20th
day of May next, fot supplying this Company
with 7500 tons of the best quality Red Ash Free
Pero i rig Anthracite Coal in Lumps. Persons
disposed to contract will state the price per ton
ut . 2 - 240 lbs—with the understanding that the Coal
is M fitr--41 the risk °(M° shipper lentil it is land
rd on the mpany!ii wharf in this city—the
Company reser • to itself the right of rejecting
ir, in the whole or rt. if found at variance
with the above s as regards quality
sad size. The Coat to be ivered before the
15th of November next, in qualm • not exceed
ing 1500 tons in any one month.
taltithore, May 14, 183 g. Superintendtni:
Town Hall.
A Meeting of the Directors of the Town ell
Company, will -be held at Ed.ard Owen
Parry's Officr, on Monday evening the 2lid, inst.
at 8 o'clock, on business of impoi lance.
iMay 19. • ' 39—1
riIAKES pie:4ll4in informing hi, friends end ibe
IL publ.e. that he continues his ItrorEcroity under
the -reniivylvania HaM:' in P-ttsville He hopes
his pastiTuration for keeping a respectable Estab.
lishinent. cquired during the experience of.', years
in the same line of butiiness. and a desirt. to please.
toay menus continuance of their favors and patron
JOH N SILVER halt made arrangements with Mr.
Robert Harmer. of the, "Cornueo.aas." No. 44„ North
Than street, Philadelphia for a supply of ' all the
delicacies which the Philadeiphik market cae afford
during thoSworner season.
Roast Reef. cold, per plate, $ IS/
Corned i 4lo du do 12i
Fried m 4. Eggs,' do ' 25
Green Annie Soup, ' do - 25
Fresh Pickled Salmon.
Spieml Oyster". ; .
Old Madeira Wine. per bottle. 1 .50
Old' Pale Sherry Wine, do 1 30
Old Itrorma . da do ' 150
Old Port do , do 1 50
o.d Lisbon do do 100
Chtinpaiena. (Palmetto,) do 2 00
London Brown Stout, de ' 374
Pepper:LS=o'a It Sachem XX Pale Ale.
Apartments are always in mediae= for !Sapper
Parties, etc and those who call may aspect to receive
every attention.
Pottsville. May 11.4838- 39-tf
New emit Splendid Goods. ,
rrtHE L a die s of Pottsville and vicinity are res..
AL preteens invited to call and examine a most
splendid assprtrieneof
Painted Lawns. Jacinetta, Prints, .
Black and White La6rea,
Mouslinedelaina Lyons tie.
Hoskin, dark and 1, ht kid Gloves,'
"Worsted, Cotton acif Silk •do
Fancy Handkerchiefs; Shawls, Veil., '
Plain and pirtsted blirdered linetr Cambrib hdk&.
Silk & Corbin, bleaci'd 6t utibleaced ban,
do do Embroidered
At theaters of N..NATEIANS Al, com
i. H. parrs, Collector.
Llj i a . irqrrrynymTrlii
Nichoylki - ;1 Coal Trade.
505 27.159
Little Schuylkill -
/WM, of Fare.
T a meeting of the Town ICOunicil .ofthe So
Patti* illei E tOk Tiuslikailltiwilith.
el 31 ay- inst. thnfullowiptx . ' woe pissed:
/Weed, Thit tiiir &Unto it "thifitext Stated
ItieUting will "ticeive iiipliiiii a fox' the'offleii of
&tee& Commissioner. and that notice Willis woo
elution be published In the Miner,' 30iitnal. •
Extract ftom the Minutaa. f
; May, 16. 1838. TowM I ;lerk.
'-The next Stated Meeting of)tha Cm:ln t el will be
held on Teesday the sth of Anti nazi. at 71 0. -
clock P. M.
• Pr1:10011.1111 CA):I6
SFALED Proposals adcirearte, d to the subsea
bey, will be received at •"PlitiadelPhia Alms
House, Blockley," onttl the 16th June( nut. for
supplying the institution with Fiftecii hundred
ems of' white. and red ash coal, free from dust.
state or any impurity, to be delivered. at the Alms
House' wharf, on the west . aside of :the river
Schuylkill by the Ist day ofoMober nest.
Applicants will endorse their cbmmitnications
•'Proposa la for Coal " '
Philadelphia, May 1.6 3S—w4
Light Wine".
3 Htl Ds, Vin de Greve Wine, t on draught Pipes Claret, dn, ,
warranted sound, for sale by ' - •
may 19 38 N. NATHANS & CO.
Boots and shoes.
V NATIIANS &co. have on batid a large
4 . 11 • assortment cf Gentlemen's mid Ladies'
Boots and shoes, which they will sell at a low rate.
tnay 19 38
lI NcLE 11ORACE r a.novel, by Mrs , S.C. Hall,
The Two Flirts and other Tales;
The River and the Desert, by Miss Pardoc,
Just reccived.and for Bale by B. BANNAN.
may 19 33
9111 HE Register of Schuylkill County baying
granted to the subset iher Letters of Admin.
istration on the estate of John 11PQrath, late of
Nut wee tan township. Schuylkill' County, deceas
ed: All persons indebted to the said John ,VeGrath.
are requested to make immediate payment; and'
all thasc havingate nquested pre,ent
Them for seutonieut - to the , ihrwriber Without de
Port Carbon. May 16, IEOB.
National Light Infantry,
IARAD? on Werlocay the 211 day of May.
1838. at the Armory, at 8 o'clock, A. M.—
Summer Uniform. _ lay Command.
37-2 Ezra
may IS
An Election
V IM!, be held by the members composing
v the National Light Infantry. on ‘Vednes
day the 23d day of slay, A. D. 1838, at the Ar
mory. to elect by ballot One First and Second
Lieutenant. .
Brigade Inspector.
Brigade inapecior's office,
Windsor, May 16, 183.
Paittsviile Water Company.
A T an election held et the house of William Mortimer, on the. 14th inst. the following
persons were elected , Maaagers of the Pottsville
Water Company, for the ensuing year:
Andrew Russel, William. Mtn timer,
Samuel Sillyman, lames M.
John C. Ernst, ' C. W. Clemens,
Benjamin F. Pronroy Jacob Seitzicier,
henry Shelley. •
may 16
friRE subaeritier herebygivcsontice, that all
• those remaining indebted to him are requeat
ed Co make payment on or be ore the first of June.
as alter that date all ateolinte remaining unset
tled will be placed in the hands of a magistrate
for collection, without respect- to ptrsons.
Illineraville.'3lay 16 37--31
Public Notice.
A S it appear*, that because Mr.-Crane obtained
no patent for smeltit.g Iron Ore with An
thracite Coal in this country, many suppose that
they are now at liberty to adopt the method of
smelting Iron are with Anthracite by the use of
a heated sir blast;' although L gave nutice last
year that I hod a patent for smelting Iron Ore
with Anthracire•Coal, both by the use of a cold
atmospheric aid a heated air blast, I would now
inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan-
Gory, 1838, I received a letter torn t hj . Commis
sioner of Patens at Washington, stating: "Sir,
upon examining the case of Jlr. Cram?. applica
tion for • patent for Smelting Iron by' means of
Anthracite,! have viewed his claim as Interfering
with your patent of Dee, 1833, Ind have given
notice to his attorney of this decision." Every
attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the
use of a heated air blast, is an infringement upon
my patent, against which I cautio'l and warn
all men; as .1 shall prosecute every one mill ingme
upon my rights, according to law. And I Int ,
ther offer to dispose of patent rights for the erect
isig of furnaces, according . my patent, upon
very moderate terms. `-.
New York. May 16.1838. 37—ly •
Coal Landtind.Farm
For Sale.
THE . subscriber will sell at Frisian
Sale his farm, containing 30 acres,
sa a
61.1 situ ate partly in BarrY township; und
partly in Rush township. Schuylkill
euutity.'about eight miles from the borough of
Pottsville. About GO acres iat the land is cleared.
and in a gond state of cultivation, and the Dan
ville and Pottsville Rad Road runs through the
tract. Ob the premise. arc erected three 11141-
IMg hougc&, all in gad. order. Aboutnne belflof
the Landis known to 'be'good Coal Land. -An
indisputable tido will be g iven. r For terms. Ste.
apply to "MES C. STEPHENS:.
may 12 364* - 4 ., on timpremisell.
For Sale, or to be Relied.
THAT valuable tract of Land called the "Clio.
toit Tract," belonging to-Elizabeth Spohnt
situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, next
north of, end adjoining. the Peach Mountain, is
offered for sale on accommodating • terms. or the .
Coal Mines will-be leased severally br together
to an approved tenant.. Apply to
. 3d & WalnutEtreet.
sprit 11 ' • ;
tory of Amelia, illustrated Iby ecuikshiok
just received sod for sale by
14 2111 Av. D,4107.4.1V.
A once.
, . laile:tvf - Stairef..rktick,
arrived.' at : ••;Aleirt Yellferi...4E.,-.. lc'
arrived' at :
V i tt lA. HALL . • '
Ia airothetpaet - of ,thii paper-wilt,
found all , o;eount from the National. Gr#-, `,-
ettr, of violence done
. to thp Pennsyleirtiser• -
Hill, ilift . "Wedn ay eynint. - Dlliii#
most of-the. day, yesterday, larg C-.
f iesd
e ntimi)(1111
of per!ons'were tending roun thellidlo-'
and it , waS.eviden thof there w a4 iliurpaiik4
or injury.. • „ ,
. -
In the aflernnon
.the Mayer: went in:
sotne.uflirerleading- members of ihe„seet- .
ety owning this bitilding, and he represertO..
ed to them the great danger of continfikb,
to hold their meetings, and be oN:end)*
urged Wein-them i the propriety 49.ett1it.4 4 ..
sembling ghat everng, as he had everyre
son to believe the there was. an otganisontr ,
band prepared tbreak trp,thetneetitig .,
and perhaps do 'njury to iheimildltig.—.. , ....
and-crOWded as. re walk must be - 144): , :'
company, this cr ill not be done 'withou t ; ,
- personal. injury a d loss of life. Irifiteli
agreed to firrego he eveni, g meetini, arid'; .',,
the mayor took tl e key., nu,l went ou t and
addressed the persons then , in the "at
staling that there would be no ineetitik
and requested them as good citizensto.ii.--
tire. The people cheered the mayor, who '.
returned to Ins office, placing personwtie=
bring information of any attempt:at injury;. -
calling around him all his disposal, ftirt . e4,,* -.
and having some volunteers. . ~• •••••
Early in the evening notice Wrergi:Vet► .
that a crowd had come down the.striiii,
and was attacking the north side of the
,Hall; the Mayor hastened trii Fifth feria,
to Cherry with his force, and when he
met the crowd, which was dense and;nul
'merons, be sprat g his rattle, and the 0..
lice called uptick the people to sustain the
Mayor, but no one person appeared init.*
aid. it was then seen that thos( ! t,who,4 ( l
assailed the Wilding', had broken openthe
doors and lower windows—obtained ea
trance and were beating out the tippet ,
windows. By this time, the Mayor arid.
his police had attempted to arrestztiter
course of destruction—but they were ris' •
sailed with clubs. and almost every One
severely woundel. CoC Watwuugh, the ;
Sheriff, also made an attempt to restnre!
yeace and save the building, but be wee
attacked, severely braised, and .narrowly
We learn that the personi inside then
gathered Are benches, chews, and bookr4
in a heap, set fire to them, and then left
the 1110. The engines hastened te'tite\
conflagration, but the fireman were MO
allowed to play on the building, but direct ,
red to play upon those houses endangere4
by theflames. so that before 10 &clack:tile
whole Wood work of the Hall was entirely
destroyed; and shortly afterward the crowd
which consisted of many thousand, began.
to disperse. •
We give the above statement as we
thered it at a late hour. We have no time
to indulge in any reflections upon the out*
rage against the lasi and the city's dia.
ratter.—U. S. Gaz.
CONGRESS.--lt is reported that the '
Treasury Note Bill passed the Rouge by
a majority of six votes; and that the Re,
sci.,ding B.;1 was lost by the casting vote
of the Speaker. _
A vote to reconsider the . fi rst was.cari
riea immediately arterwards.
111mrrras and WORD are • electitl to
Congress from Mississippi.
DOW LETT'a Interest Tables. Inst . receiVe/
mAL and Inr sale — by B. , BAPINAN.
jon 44 ' • 5
Dry-Goods, Grocery and 14-
tenor Story,
Corner of .Centre and MarkeeStrecis, Pattsiak.
April 8
- Teas! Teas!! Teas!!!,
s irb CHESTS ' and cheats of Frmil Green
`ur and black Teal., con.iating of Orsnge,
Picea, Snuchong, Ponchong, ciunpow.der. Young
Hylton, Old Hymn - and Itypon'Skin, just relict,*
and for isle at reduced prices by -
-N. NA rHANS & CO.A.
Several small cheats put up for family tisk'',
may 2 • • 93
- • - .1-sz
Champalgue Wfuess , ',A , A ar .
CIIAMPAIGNE WINES of the folloiiiy
choice brands, viz; anchor, - cornet, weed:ak,
chauipaiger, glass and palmetto; all finttletiri
wines, for Weal moderate prices by ti
april 28
rip RE subseribeta have jolt receivedi c aritC4r
fur sale *0 Dasketi Champalane
meng - vrhieh will he found the frillotringollicik
Winds, Illapcdenn, Palmetto. Hietiseek,Cas.
Dirt, ,
April 21
. ,
N is hereby give% thstaketisstnit4iii
4 . 11 heretofore ettiatint,ketween Hittnit thisto
and Dante Spinseribit'Utz:ciiiiiratortraiteth 24th
and 25th Sectitaut ofihe dattasitilisis
;l~tiiT Reid.
was dissented en, tbajth inst. bytnutiitiVASent.
Sy the withdrawal of Mold SPennenbourtronn
the Rms.—and ihe subscriber also give* tildes
'that holt nut responsible for any debts contract.
ed by the said Daniel Sponnenbours
data. ' H IRA 31 DVVENH.
' may 9 e
, .
. . Notice.
lifiddleport and Pine Creek Rail iteed-l f )aapperay.
pURSII NT hi Charier an El ec ti ci a , : r de p res ..
' ident, 11 anger' and "Otrabernor *aid r ,Com.
pally w ail be laketigkbouto,nilphaQictjant
i\ iL
keeper, in th rough of, Ateitlipir; Berke qin
ty, co the sth Y - of Stmn 'licit,. it foul ce.4ek.
P. M. mil , ~. 38,..