VOL: 1. PRINTED AND PUI == • sal" mitzlor Thant DoLueee /orb Fier payable eerni-ann_lielky in adva tbe.year. %ell be eba eel,e the paper free of poetege. 83 per annum. If not paid wi will be added to die price °feu WEEKL Two Cickuisist r per annum. , 11 in advance. if nut paid witht be charged .Alvertisertienti not exceedin charged for tistitse insertions s insertion.. Large! . one. in pro ; All advertisements will be oat. unless the tittie for w :h t as iliztecified.and .411 he charged F• Yearly aivertisers will be ch 1 including subscri piton to the pa of keeping one ad terttsemen t a stinling dunng ar year. end t er one in each nips r (or Three All letter, addressed to the ed' otherwise ao attention will be AV! notices Cm: meetings, • whieft have beretnfore been in charged 35 cents 'each. except Pu I litc loot' rri E Registrir ot Schuyf granted to the rub-eribe nitration on the grate of MA. Pottsville, demalied; all pe ,Fittate are hereby required PaYment:anid these havinz el.' legally auth'priadil for settleru ‘• S. N. P mays 'Vallee and L.ETTEttS Festarnentary - 1 •-• RY'BAINE. deceased. 3 .ed to the subscriber, sole ex 1' and testament..:', All person gainst the said estate, will for settlement; and all perso ., . same are requested to make scriber. who is the only Perso to receive said debts. The a ed to Strange N.; calmer, Fs.' void by the pribiate of the w: • Same And the suosequent gr Teter et Schlislkill County, of ry lathe subscriber, RICII.AR Sole tzecutor of the last w ill u niav 9 Dissolution 'of ,liiE partnership heretotO the authicribers, trading u DAOLLNISON St CO. is this d that consent. The business witted by either of the so. "` flee, 25 South Sth street. Phila. May 1.18 The Coal business wilrbe co seiiber. - 140 will keep • sapid White sod Grew Ash Sehuslk el 4 market prom by the ear Oifice. 25 south Sib et W her: 'may, 5 34 .CA Coal Merchants. Lao land others.' are resp, formed h Haden Sni Civil EvOter, band grill AT he haii rommenrerl dente in Pott.vllle, and to and sarislacrorilr rsecute all tr , be may be.faiurcd. FL S. it determined to confi Penal-ale and kJ w will enahle him ,minetuallr tr_mleimma edgweed in him. Maps hindsonirly finished. Designs furni.he4 in every Peansiirania Halt,-Apnl 2J, - Public sa Wit.L .m Sat orda . l Mai in?, at 1 o'clock of Chi titian to , T. 1 ankeeper in grove, tbe.ondivided mo iety or taw tract of coal Land, innate Schuylkill county, containing or thereaboota, bounded by t . Christ; Win. Gruff, and nth. lg a v MI „„„, LE , hi hereiet has to , Dos reip Shag ear or *ant* %1 Ph TEE fit modal fully Timm% PO' am w to ka.. Pintaciaft, Ptutadeinhia, at 6 o'clock P. Al rues of Fart: Tb Oneigsburg, .7 5 r Port Cliouw, Hamburg, Heading, • • ' Trani Namatimer, Phitadelphrii. For Sew apply at the eireurtihe. 45560 4 No , 2.5., North Fourth MINTZER & SA M•L. OVENS ' EVANS &GA • Ilay 2 • I • • . . _ ----1, " 1 1 inu. Tilts 'Too v o nue s raw 114W1LLSI ow Tux ras e sulal 011271 0 11714 -SATC IIII6 O F Tax NOIDUTALCILS I "4 11 Wait.° W .4 14 Gri r * i , • w Fresh Giroceiries. , k . MILLER & RAGGERTIIjaws reared tbeir spring aujapty of . ... Grocer en, a iron; winch will be frnd some very li suite Green and„Riack Tess the very sates{*opera tions, which they can reeommeud to their friends and the public.- . I april 28 - . LISHFIS, ??Mi Carrrs per annum. e. If aot paid with to all those who re- To mail subscrerers in the year, sOcents ription. MANGE 'UK I AbL, Ruts Baca Turnip. and White Flat Turnip Seed, By the lb. or smaller quanuty, for sale by april 18 29 B. BANZirAII yable eeterwasteemil the yea'. $2 50 will twetie lines will be ad SO cents for one netted until ordere ly are to be conunue • ceordingly. rged $ll per annum: r —with the privilege • exceeding 2. squares insertion of a small ecessiire times. PURSUANT to an Order of the Cirpliiines 1 Court of Schuylkill County. on Saturday he 16111 da vof May, vor, • t 1 o'clock P. M. at he house ot Christian , Ley. innkeeper. in the th n of Pineizrove, Dr. Jacob Christ, Adolinistiato of the estate of Solomon Christ, late of Schuyl ill County, deceased, will elvish: to sale by' Pu , is Vendue, the undivided moiety or half part a certain tract of land. situates to Barry tritra4o, Schuylkill County. contai?tng four hundred Sod eighteen acres or thereaboute„bounded by tatids of.lacob Christ. William ttaeff and others, hald in common . with Adam Jiaodenbosh. Also, the legal estate of the said intestate in t)f e . •sss one third part and some small-egot Ur; tile Interest amounting to about ode eleventh part of é certain house and loi,,sttuaie in the town of .Pineneose. in the •fer4e said county , bounded by lots of Soho Barr d others, being the house and lot on which Jacob Christ, E-q. resided at the time of bis decease.l— one lot of ground in tbet town of Deerfield, near the town of Ftnegrove, bounded by Tulpe hockto street and other has, being the same lot purchased trom Benjamin Berger—late the is. tate of said deceased. tor moat be post paid. ,aid to them. and other notices rted gratis. will be ages and Deaths. rza ill county. having Genera of Admin . Y DANE, late of 'no indebted to said make immediate '4 ma to present them t to. L !VIER. Adm'r 34-6 w aution. estateot A airing been rant. tor of her last will haring claims a ea‘e present them ',a indebted to the cment to the anb legally authorized IniStsatioa grant '. having become of the said. Mary tine by the Reg leller' testaroenta KIRKHAM, 16 P.,ttosille. Bonne, dec'd 35-6 • Inership. existing between dgr the firm of H. dias.ilred by me, the [Ate 6rm will tbeia, at the of D. 4CIHNSON, BE.NJ. CALF, fleeted by therub et the beet Red. Coal. at the low or ~Ingle too. h, 1..0r Soo , h. EB PARKER. Proprietors etfully in- th, rrcyar, a permanent teat ,reparetttn receive ince, with winch e hii prae:ine in ich arr neement attend to three who may empk.y ad Amhitactaral SIS. 31-3 mo the 26th daT of • M. at the Arose the town of Putx , alf part 'of cer. 1• Barry toarriatiip s ur hundred acr,u lands of Jacob at'eta hollowirg •o 50 75 1 00 200 3 00 3 e.li ISO 500 haute fla, and at their Paaitelphit. Pottstatsst. : LSE. , Pins. WELL. Di , r 'Prarittem. . • Public Sale. JACOB CHRIST, A.dcatautrart.' i By ceder of the Court. LEWIS AUDENRIED Orwireborr;'.4Bril 21 .30—ta Cleric D. q Port Clinton Foundry 1 12 1 041. SALE • vinT.l. be void at pi Mete sale.. the Foundly v pleasantly situated al: Purt Clinton, Schu l. kill county. on very rrainnable teem*. This Fnundry is at the comnirneealent of the Litde Schuy hull and • Susquehanna 'flail Road, ne4s making, and wtll in a shun time be onset tot Jest situ•tmns in the country to do 1. bui t % neal For tern.", &e. apply to PARKE& TIERS, Iron Foon4eni, Philadelphia.l or ISAAC MYERS. Port Chnion.:; P-S3t kily 29 GIUJT BARGALitIin Valuable Real Property in Pon/ail/4 FOR SALE THE undersigned offers for auk all that well known three story ,fifticir STORE 'AND DWELLING ROUSE and the ■pportenanaa sitaste in Centre street, Pottsville, the 'viper* of the undersigned, together with nine ()the(' tenements in the rear of paid. building and the lot of ground whereon the who* stands. The hriek building aforesaid, coattiins thirty feet iii front—finished' from the basement story to the garret in the hest st.) le of rrorkmanship, and both as a business stand end a resideoce,ls most 14- morshly rise.trd. The fluegning property will .odd on low and accommodating semis, Pet i t of the -Airetisse money mar remain on tne, pro* erty for a tea years, it desired. Title initisput4 tile, and possession .can be given imiiirchaihely-+ ■pply to G. 31. JENNINGS. April 'le Pottiiitle New and Elegant Goods- C N AruANs sl CO. i ced j wtrcctiacd and • offer for . • 6-4 Ea( :t.h merino., from -SO , 73 cts i.et yanil Sneer French do at 50 per yard. • Tartan. merino, trorsted.ratk end cotton shawl", Red, +ante, yellow. green and scarlet dames. r. Bleached and unbleached Caskicki flanaebOota 10 to .5 ~ ,e r yd. Worsted hoes, enoirorts„ caws, ehiliren's bate, Winter prints, gloves. &e k e Cotton bats and wadding at 6f per sheet, dee 3 BRANDY, rece'nrc4 an N. NAT/IANS & Co. . 25 SUPERIOR OL fr sale by aprrl 14 The Family o neenteritary TUE HOL:ir BIBLE VIROM the works of Henry and Scotty and Awns one hundred other v.-risers. paistfwbed in London by the Religions Tewetzloeiety, Teals; t ed and abridged tr two colonies, with Maps and Engravines. This valeable work is published td parts, at 25 cents each. Terrine parts are abeady completed, and eta be obtained , at the subsriibera Book &ore where subscriptions taill aho be r* eetsed. . R. bANNAN. pine 24 • r Flooring Boiirds. CAROLINA worked &nape boards..islottes 2 ; pd. tongued and vaned reads file *Oal. LI and I incbas RC ddlireot oddity and patecej constantly ea hand. and fig 'ale in iota insole Parch.lers , also aPolittiMait fetter to .IAM&t M PA.TTEN Planing Machine Whart a i. X. Phi a. Cos or MILLER & GGERTY. 4 Ord g 3 31-11 Pausal* .11 liejldell 110, DA NN , bet ins . i _ _ , a eery *nee- A-1 0 . rior soppayoft." and I in. A Lepelen Plere.: in imam - the irnint in leminesokbieb grill be iield , , (*esp. . „ ;{ , 'april 18 { - 1 26- II IPainted JaT i IrINT received and for.. • y the • • - - 4 . a few pieces of = •.; • Pastel Jaitoriebt together with kehoieescleetten et 'thistle's 4c. kat oafs by BAU D 1 STUMM 'VW SO 30— -., . ~ , -,. 4.. -., ,5„.3 7. • ~-t .c . ..- -. , -• 4 lAtk rt.-4 - .. :. I' ' . ; • - . . _. .. L , . ,1„-- _ . . r,- • . --- di . " . - Cr. . t: 7 Ill' ' -'‘ •0 • ' ' % •- - 1 ; .- : -- - :' ', .. '. - '• rli. t=il. 1) • - ' --- '- - •:`-' - ! •• ~-',. ._-: , 1 ! 4r* v ' giCrELAg i : • k!. 1. AND, POTTSVILLE G 7 POTTSVILLE, PA. SATURDAF MORNING , MAY 19.4838. MEI Read the Following. Facts. IliterestiNg:atui Astonishing r MORE conclusive proofs of the extraordinary efficacy of DIL WM. EVANS celebrated Cailioinlle and Aperient Antibilioue POloin O bviating afflicted mankind. To James Dickson, 36. Cambia: Boston. Adept for the sale of Dr. Wm. &sanest Camomile Pills. Lowssr„ Nur. 15 ! ,1936. Dear Sir—jCnoiring by experience tint every reference that the atniete2 receive of the beim& Mai results of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine to the public in behalf of DR: WMi EVANS'S CAMOMILE. , PILLS. 1 have been afflicted Il k , the last ten yews with distress is the head and dice: Orlin so had as to degiVfve me of sleep for three or Rim nights in succession, but bore never found relief by any of my Wends' prescriptions. until my wife fiw the advertianients in the'paper, when she persuaded me to send for some. which I did, and obtained tiro bores and bottles.'which resulted in almost completely rctoring me- to health, although 1 have nor yet entirely finished them. Should you unmade! this any benefit to yourself, or the public, you bare guy cheethal per. mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully. THOS, K. GOODRUM, Centralist. 111 iI'cTERESTINO CASE Cured by Dr. Won. £ Erania Ciutiansits Timis and Family dperi . eat Pitts —Mr. SEN./AMEN SOWN. corner of *hippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect ed for seven years with ettreme, nervousness. by which be was not able to write his name—his symptoms were,eruseation,chuly spasmodic pains In the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the beart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina bility of engaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sickness and weakness ex. derne debility, disturbed rest.• sense of pressure and weigh t at tbe stomach after eating, great 1 iiie?tal• spoodeney, severe flying pains in the 1 eheet back" and side, costiveness. a dislike for society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial Ovations medicines ndw before the public, but to otteffect. until, observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evans's Camomile Tunic and Family Aperient Pills, be Was induced to give them a trill, of which heris et any time happy to state that they effectually ennui him of the above distressing disease. ErPersons elm doubt the above cute, are most respectfully directed to the above mentioned per- Aiii, at the north writ onrner of Shiopen and G+irgeostreets.. - RENJ A MIN SOWN. - Philadelphia October 26,1837. LIVER COM PLA I \T.IO T EARS STAND.. Mrs.'Flannah Browne, wife hf Joseph Browne, ' N. 6th street, near Second, Williarothorg,aftet. ed for the last tee years with the Liver complaint, completely restored to health through thelteat • meat nt Dr. Win. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation of the bowels,. total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of tilt epigasttic region.- great ..depresaion of spirits, laignoe sod *they symptoms of extreme debility‘ disturbed sleep inordinate: flow:of the inetives.pain in the right side, could ace lie on her left side without an aggravation of the pain, urine high colored. with other symp tams indicating greet derangement in the fund. [tuns of the liver. .11ra &owns tea, attended by three o f the find physiciaos, but revived but little relief lroin their medicu•e, till Browne procured some of Dr. Vim. Evan's invaluable preparations, which ef fectually relieved her of the above distressing ayinptoms. with othersottoth it is net essential to intimate. Joszru BROW NE. City and County of Neer York, ssi Ji.epli Browne, of W illiamsburg. Long bland, being duly sworn, did depose and sew that the filets as set forth in the within statement. to which he has subscribes' his name. are jut sod true. JOSEPH rittovrsz. Unsboa of the said Hannah Browne. S wor n before we this 411Vdsc of isoaary, IT. PETER PIN KN ET, Cosa. of Deeds. NTERE;STING CAME of Testiotoder Colo I coropion--314.1uhe Row el applied on the lit day of Perembet at the office 100 Chatham street. Wiener under the follosting aymptornit— A. slight spitting of bked. distressing cough, at tended with an civet/motion of purulent matter, night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertion. with a well marked biotic flush on the cheek_ On examination. the cheat was friOnd to sound we'll eyery where wept un der the left clavicle. anis in the aria pit of the same side. Trial me at —Directed to take the restorative Camomile Pills. with the expectorating com pound, at the same time en injunction. to call in four dayir, when the sight sweats bad ceaserlt-Se ixreetorstion slightly c*.icriinisheil. us light fit at coughing still remaining in the morning. Or dered as usual to continue the methane, and to all in the course of a ,meet—rhea Yte health continued rapidly increasing; without the least *nigh. Calhd at the office on the 4th 0r this month. quite convaleoent returning his amore I thanks for the benefit he had obtained. AS 1L A,THREE YEARS STANDING. Hr. Robert Munroe. Schuylkill. 'aided with the above Atomising malady. Symptoms—great languor. flatulency. disturbed inst. nerenes bee& eche. deffecohy of breathing. tightness and stric ture coons the breast, diazisers, semen irrha bility and tesdesariest could not lie in a heti. venal peeitinn. *idiom the sensation of impend. ing auffocition, palpitation of the hem% diens. I ing cough, costivermas, pain of the steenaeb, gym. eineetogreat debility and deficiency of the new els energy. Mr. tr.. 3104 mil Vivo 1 1 1 0 2% I NY thought of recovery and dire despair at cue tke ometenance of every person interested In his j existence or happiness. till by accident be tatieni in b public paperonme tats efßieuxt by Dr. Wm. Evaes'a medicine. is his cosipliust, which inch. cued him to purchase-a package of the Pills. which franked in completely mooring etety symptom ot kis disease. He wishes to ay his 10113IPAV for this declaration es, that those afitieted with the same or any ityeeptome swam to than hos which he is happily re noradoowyfikewiwe remits the mast lutetium& benefit. ER oollr6.+lafrSlX raw trnot DING. MRS. FARMS BRENtiISER. with or lift IY- 11 Ames Breather, owner °Mewed street end Germantown Raid. Pinledelphii.*Ecnted fie the lest six rearm with the Livar Coettitifut: was eeeephwely reamed to heel& by 1hr.,..W1L E. VANS'S Cantennie tout end Fswelf Ititeriest Kis. Her eyieptaisi were beb#o•l:rintergiate B .. l l ezetociaitis' g psis' is' the eternack disiiressits *Tits' languor, exams diderbdil asp, . , great prairie haw side. could not lie' on her left aide without ab aggravation of puns dizeoesais -the head, dimness of sight. with othec "P im " ividicating gldr derangement in the function of ni $ die Gm..M ` Brenhiser has mia trill bf vs. ripos mediel now before the public. 'bat ra. awed DO rel unto ebs was advised to make trial of Dr Erruss's Pille r bf Which shit ii happy to state that thby effectually relieved her the above distressing symptoms, with others, eh are not essential to mamma.' (Mr. Brenhioer, thivrisurd of the above Mrs ' Brenhiser, ha l been trio years aflieted with a distressed eta piles and Costiveness , of which bri wo effects ly eared. , i -- ' P%RAL,YTIC A perfect card erected by the trestand of fhr' •WiiLiaa Esena. Mr. John Gibson, of N.4th street. Williams burg, afflicted With the above complaint for three pear's and nine months, daring. whiel time he had to use crutchei. His chief symptoms were e.-cruciating pein in all his joints, bot especjally in ;the hips. shetdder, knees and ankles, an -111r grivation of=OS towards night; and for the most part all from extetnal beat, en obiri ou)t thickeninglof the &aria and ligaments, with a complete local ofmnscnim power. Fur the ben ' efti of those afflicted in a similar manner, Mr. Gibson conceives it meet to say that the pains have entirely .)ceased, and that his joints have completely recovered their natural tune, and he Itels able to risunot,his ordinary business. lila ADVIgirrISER • 1. • , ' so r ovt 1. XLSI D sUa32 c r lATV*I TO 0011 On INTERESTING CASE. DICSPEPSI doIfIPOCIIONDRiA.CIB3 I I I . rdra. Anne G. Kenny, 14, 170. 115 Louis street, belt:eels Stantbn and Ilortston streets, .afilicted 1011, ten years With the following distressing symp honic '&cid eructalion, daily;_spaiimodic pains in the head, loss of •Opetite, palpitation oftbe heart, ed. duisse and dine - nese of sight:Could not lie on her right side, disturbed rest, Utter inability of en. gaging in ani thing that demanded vigor or rage, sometimes a visionary idea oft n ages. ration of her idisease, a s - himsteal aversion to perlons and places, groundless appre- I heininns of pe coma danger and poverty, an irk. sorbeness and-Weariness of lily, discontented. di. quietude on miery alight occasion. the conceived she could neither die nor live. she Wept, lamented devipooded, and thong ht she led a most miserable, tilt; never war; one so bad, with frequent mental 111 rs. Kert..y had the advice 'of several eminent physicians, and had recourse to numerous medicines, but could not obtain even • temporary alleibiation of tier distressing state, till. her husband persuaded her to make trial of my `mode of treatnient. She is now quite lteliered, and find. herself not only capable of attending to her domestic !rain. but avows that 'be enjoys as good health at I resent as the did at any period of her existence. 3. KENNY. flosbalid of the aforesaid Anne "Kenny. Sworn befiwa me this 14th day of Dee. 1836. I Peter Pinckney. Corn. of Deeds 1 ASTHMA• 5 YEARS STANDIRG. Hr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange streett.N.. T. itfilieted for tree years with hintioral habitual Asthma. applied at the *See 100 Chatham street on the CS of Bober, laboring under the follow inghsymptornad A sense of tightness, across the, cheat, with tbelgvestest difficulty of breathing; distressing cangti. generally coding with copious depectoretwo r viscid phlegm. disturbed rest. the face turbid dof a livid hue--could not he in a hiw#anuil lion without the sensation of .imipodt4te tuff non, languor, drowsiness, and Mentsess in bead, acid loss of appetite. ' Mr. EL applied to the most eminent physicians in tins city, likewise used several other remedies Witt obta p : i 7 any permanent benefit, until his fiend, tided hint to place hinself under Dr.iWilliam Elaine treatment. He is one re !wined of his ecanplaiat, and called at the office yesterday, aircniung that be had not voids to ex peels his ;recitede for the benefit he bad ramie ed. October 21. 1837. We do hereby subscribe our signatures to the truth of the at e e : Garen., that the statement is in' eteiy respect SARAH BRENHISER ( JOHN STEW, Baker. No. north ;Eights street. fluted& Vhilsdelpb s. Oct. 21st. ign. Isr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Mee, for the sale his cue lent Medicine, is at No. 12enstrat Eighth street. Ohiladelpina. Sold byl . .1. T. WERIII3I. Sold Agent for Schuylkill County. W. • . 4, 41 1 1 1 0ifirE Lair, was rento4d his Mee to Centre Street, op. liposite the Brick Buildmg of aar M. An nine. o:bere wilt attend to all bottom trmded to hint ih Abe line of his ptudessat t4 Oct 1 R.4.11,u; Ay IRON—AND IRON FOR _COAL SCREENS. 21 5rS Inc* Railway Flat Ruins. 2lv i_ do de de de do ISy 1 do i Suitable for Screening CoiL All the Iran Sas eciainersinit hold and u cot a t L a angle of 45 degrees at the ends: Spheing . Plates and Spiklol to suit the above. A- & G. RALSTON .& Co. ts No.ll Sosi th Prom Street, Philadelphia. Philaidelphis. , Maich 15,1 Rl—tf 4 Drafter, TM OLD STAND STR FRONT MUM', EAST SLOE. We AT , 7, No. 65 NOR Taman bocno ir ins mrs Cc*m or Sacs Ss. LADIMPIIIA, 101-4.,NV ACTURERS OF ' Whi r 7 — r . I Red Preeipd. Red la.1 a. - Lead, White de . Lakarre. Vitriol Mom Yell oh. . • SalPAMoise. o w 0n,,,, • Tam bele& . do Red • Ober Sdpi. Patent Irelkm do Piratic - , Row us „ de Am& • Copperee • - Lnememode e.v.p..a. cal:. a. . Aq. Tarns . Um. KM*, limeade Acid • SOW do Einem SIM Ime.enhaim • ; Tani Reid is - 4 4 . . 01 4 -de Snell. . 86P- OW Soda Refloat )/Gamal 1 s o=r; • Rdiops 4- 10. lw ilisilemßrinime.lhem 4tr... Offer fee cheat/me mentioned artildacw Ada,4 w itl i I ementment at 'NAN:icon*. and wog other ends* de Mum ban. . , . OA lie ittidet einiseeind P, ...1.0,....zt-domi , lIIP. 4rarimil o l6ftlant'SlMSllo.l4W OMUUM i eir wEvrilAiiregy a ComOicTidiflutir 4 ESTABLISHMENT: . Fiederick C. igiltiialg • TISESPECTFULLY inform. hie friends and J O4O the public ia• general. Utah* has opened -a new Bakery and Cossfectionary Establialisest in-Norwegian Stmt. nest skits below the Arcade in the borough of Feturnille, where he will al ways keep on band and bake to order all hinds ofestega every vaiiety.of patterns—and where also. will always be kept on hand. Bread by the Loaf. of an excellent quality. and of a largo vise. Hie Confectionary comprises a large and gen eral assortment selected with care, and sold at the very - knvest rates. F..C. E. irookl also inform families that he is prepared to bake Family Bread for any number who prefer furnishing their own Flour, at the shOrtest notice, and on the most nnutoriable terms. sprit 21 30-3 m Brigade Orders. P HE enrolled Militia and Volunteer', eonspo. sine the 2d Brigade. 6th Dill-Woe., T. M. will commence and continue the Spring training* for 1838, ay follow= 53d Regiment, commanded by Col. Hugh Lind say. whole Regiment oa Monday the.l4M day. of May, 1838. 11th Regiment; imanbanded by Col. flamed D •Jacobs, 2d 13attallion on Tuesday the 15tb day of May next Ist Battalion on Wednesday the 16th day of May next. 77th Regiment, commanded by Col. Isaac Yo. der, 2d Battalion on Thursday the 17th day of ' May next, 14 Battalion on Friday the 16th day of May next. let Regiment, commanded by Col. Abraham Siegfried, Ist Battalion on Saturday the. 10th ' day of May 'next, 2...1 Battalion on Monday the 31st day of May next 30th Regiment. rommteded by Col. John M. Bickel, tat Battalion on Tuesday the 22d day of May next, 2d Battalion on Wednesday the 23d day of May next. The company training's will be on the 'first Monday in May, namely, the 7th, and the places are to be feet' by the commanding officers thesn of. - . The commending officer* cif companies, and Adjutants of Reoimritt., are strictly enjoined to have their enrollments ready no eattaihon days. agreeably to law. By o•der of JEREMIAH SHAPPELL. loop 2d Brig. 6th Div. P. 31. Brigade Inspretor's office. / WindsoF, April 14th. 1838. Miller & Haggerty, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry Good4,Grocery,Wine 4- Liquor 4tore - (Next door to idortimer's BoteL) THEIR connexion with a house in Philadelphia enables them to keep on band a very-exten five assortment of goods. which they will sell at Philadeiphia priers. Store and Tenon keepers and private families. would do well to call and .jodge for themselves. sprit 19 31 130 REAM Wrappim' P i per p a, wholesale end retail. cheap, by march 24 • B. HANNAN. SUGAR. Sada and Water Crackers, for sale by N. NATHANS 4co. 33 =EI Champatglie Wines. JUST received and for wale by N. Nathana 50 baskets of Key, Hickory. Star. Wood cock anti other brands &Kit i 4 THE CRURCHMANS MANUAL. an ' • position of the boetsines, Ministry and Inf• ship of the Protestant Episcopal Chigreb in the United States, by the Rev. &sussing Dose. Ree. un classing Church, Philadelphia, just received and for sale here. april • 18 29 R holesale and Retail Dry Good Store. MBOLLOCK & WEAVER bare just received a in addition to their eztenaive asserUnent of DRY GOODS. Soper Soyerier Sloe and Black Cloth. superior &neyeedasred do. new style cas eattinesta and Bererteena, eainexs" foe tians, /ye. Feb 18 14- Philip. UoUhy COAVIIMAILIKR. RESPECTITYLLY announces to Lis friends and the ;rabid in gesierd, that he has again commented the Coati. Making Basinen in Nor. waren Street, than draws fahro the Arcade in the homegh of Natalia, where he is ready to anumfatturs to orderi an kinds of vehicles at the abortesi notice, of the best materiaLs. and at the har,est rases. lie ha also ea hand, ready aide, Itawriabes„ Canyans. Photons. Charlottes, Corr:bees, linger. Re. which he incites the pad he to ens and eaunike far thearaires. The ar. tide* era a 9 mansfictored -nodes his perscial inspeerron, and be VW warrant them to bit equal r. so soy manaismaredi elsewhere. • • Repairs al every descriptiondone itt the dart eat notice, and on thd oast reasonable tetras. • N. 8. Cad taken 4 payment for vehicles. • aped 18 99 nin 911 BE MICSR - Book kir Beboob. by Mrs. FerstroeVoi eel:rived sod Sor sale by osay 9 B. Wir-V AN. TA-PIMAS ELIXIR Par the Ondaatarnear earn or ' THE TOOTH ACHR 'Thanneredend Erna • to . its greatest -gerStOttou BY MO- (MAURY- Mal in to certify that lave triedlyarer Taper taw aevaial edam effeadt Adrais * I lamb certainly fiend ft ofiiirri Emit iernet. B. HARVEY, aft& *Oval Oaßege Condom. Her- VA; r• A friend stepped Ivo" tbat he bad irialian Vas Tire Irntg tbia' *raw. and Tit' send Ina raartelleas o d ne Tandy Arlan. &as Effie bey ®raider . lsn' t qpiplooke4 alas esorgb tab* , ttom penny dart fig it Cninatas d the danapattentb lad Mid ids & binitte: A froth ay* of s)hilaisie thshi jest iripatio. sit sad B. SAINAN. Asia lot ikirlartlecoOF hd7 147 •-• MEM nasoaoses. =;=l Cealikelaosair ripftls: iiabeariber respectful , the, JIL palate that be has ocanatenbad tare orConficUithu, brall its 'Atkin breitaihes. it Ida Store in Otiitni Streak iwatly tappa* Pottirrille . Howes irblinr CV O -4 40111011 'lii ' l l * era can allays be .applied at the lowest Philadelphia easb ^ , Country Merchants arei • fetlaiciralt. to call and examine bit stock "where'B : 6-111 S/% I M IO. zs'; ; -1 now 4 41z COe * MERCERS 4 , r, -TAJLOTW , • • (Forsicrly Periter.dr. ' IMAM renxivedthr.opposite.lidti SJIL Street, • firer doors above Neteragelia Bowl whefe they offer. S>• obi ardeetedoi Superfine Broad Clutha and Climaimareief most faehioriable colersOsiih 4 1 10 1P 0 ‘-imilt metal of Sommer too Shi r t s , toners; Boarma.Blitoimblorlyr'"T .ponders, linen and cotton Bore. arid a/I:kidida.4 Gentlemen's wearing smiled. vaidt:lol aii made to order in the mostapproved.e.tyliaiWte* workmanship. and warranted to a 01*!). *Ay in the Coy or Ojeda:Writ. P. S. P. & Co. keep an band as gnus oortnioot or mady-tnede-Irbthimg at .all Las t Which wiU beeold atelow ram • . joneA7 r 77 '- Ware Store:.: OLLOCK & IVEAVF./Lbeiejitt eansitentin et 6 IF dines to their farmer stock mt nudism. hionsehoht annla„spring baled vices: Petestperahl screw platys. warranted east 4steel aces. 1 Wei nano dn. hatchm.s.hststeem Besttyadc um = socket and firmer chisels, drawing knives, bellow,. est & caret sails. 4. 41.6 & 6 u, eis= single. cut and double-plane item and.plenee. Forks latches. binges a• 1 sarewmioandmai equarli bolts. steel, plated aod a -a squares. jog All of which ars offered on the mom seenellti terms Feblll 14 • Nie.W IRON & ItardWare iTllF.watweribers would respeetfullY sampowes to iftrablit. that betas added to hie rogues wadi. arid Hearierre. tutorials* IS int et American and Eoglish Bar Iron. Hoops and Band lroo t Round Iroo. assorted swag Crib Crawly. ShrornOwrreun and English Blistror -,sod4t. M. Steel Vices, dome-bole anvils. Sad a& Dawn" Caw Steel haod. eluvial sod ikoad aspevoseit and spikes, together with a (mord Aspertimai of Iron Meager', an of which will Wield et wo. dosed priers. by .10113. curroN, April 99 Queen Iricteritsiguig A i = —az= r tt utakie Dn ta r rARD & =MX*, April ill Medal- Cheese, Sol* i 40 (oaks superior maid chasers , 543 boxes Philadelphia • 00 14 • • 1 hbd. I MLE e KaI.A t Ut Y. .1141411 F No►lB Books 'wry ' 11A.N.NAN offers for sale the forkwiting . . mir• stsodard works 'at ihe very ketlr Wail 44 tached. Hozna.oasollett. and Milken Sighed 4 sole. antep, irith plates sit 00 Clarka'a Coon nentary; 4 sttli.sbegi. 12 00 Wesley's works, 10 solo. coarplete„. it 00 Bock`a Theological winks. 5 sots. AIM 400 Boatel Bible and Coniniontary. 3 vols. sheep. 00 Byron's works. 2)c s horn'.Edititesoliiii, 445 RoHin's Ancient Ilistary„ .1 pod. sheep, Des:bosses Edition withltapa sad lareph i taa l t voL Ate. Marryatt's sotto eavogileed. l id. Moore. weals. Libisr7 Uinta Berm sorb" Cooper and Thompson% works, ?viers works Rao-does Seseiciao..- Giodiuradgla Family Esposito:. faseyeltipeiria ofGeogiaphy, 3 vols. - silk IVO eats sad MAIM /0 5 0 Foes Book of Marlyn. with video. Megemaries 30004leaeigta 1 37 Mealier i a variety OWN. TaiOry low rain. to suit lba times. jolt I • " Pastafiet4,,.. , oil DOZEN lkorattoThee resigm, ed feral tow die minister: Vioirealiet Seventialve Thosered- Barak glib **ebb weirreise mini sold Iset yeamaisti increasing. For saliby tbc dermiei Ares betie. Price 112 per beideor ihme iaitlia. .i 1: Sola Arial foe &WAN Ghat). Aloe Seraisa's Veneifoge. - CALL AT THE • • Itew Ginter el Casing motillarket 'PRE rimiedifiany .now. Abi fie& and *a p ublic Seyr so 000 rollw 7 j a mb Bev at; Co,, oomsr. of CoolotaiitabtriNd atoms. atemadiey oft sow rodemiviaiiiiik. pr i , width Orman load tosollitlisoon ANIL orien t Magna& trritAML.' , Pi6B. ai &Ulla& of Foostry:Yrodoes OW* et . „Ape! Blew Goods; *= . a.mti T eet , after ia Dry ammillerw ' • JUNlaware, • Ail* bor. for ask& Newt pliwpoilis wok fus kiwiloottwourpiiihim MINIM WM= 46,101a1. Gaiin, re=lB z • , A rift* laiWitoll; 25 la 11S *ZS' 2 2S 'I .200 1 215 100 00 SO =EI