The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 16, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
Tirane DOLLAIId &ND Furry
payable semi-tnntially in %dean •
in the year. S$ will be charge'
crave the paperfree of peataire.
$3 Per alumna If not
price ofau
,Two Dot.t.rove per annum; p
in advance. if not paid within
be charged
tdvertisertienta not exceeding welve lines will bit
charged 81 for three insertions ~ nd 50 cent, for one
.nsiersion. Larger one. in Pro 'on.
All advertisements will bet rted until ordere
otd. unless the tinaefor whi :hi are to be continue
tie Specified And will be charged a nrdingli,
Ya iris ic worthier' will he cha ed 0 I tnerannum;
'lrin ling subscript ion to the nape —with the pricitege
oftee.,ing one advertinementnnt iceeding 2 squares
.ita i lio I ioring the star. and th insertion of signal!.
er one in pith nt on r for three au eessi ye times.
\l4 loiters addressed tq the edi r must he _
poet paid.
otherwise no attention will he p id to them.
1 4.0 notice , for meetin g s. dm and other notices
which hive heretlfore been ins rtesi gratis. will be
charged 25 cents etch. except Airier, and Deaths.
Go. where the "niter glideth ntly ewers
Glideth by mesdnWirthat the reenest be;
Go, listen to our own beloved "ver,
And think of e !
Wandir to forests, where the ,mall flower laysth
Its fairy geni beside the Sian tree ;
Listen to the dim brook pinto while It playeth,
And think of
Witch when the sky is Silver
And the wind grieveth in the
Go, out be neath the solitary:
And think of
And when the monn meth as
And tresdeth with white tee! t
Go, silent' ass star benearh h
And think of
From the F
I've hewn folks say the ' the wimin was
contrairy, well they is a leetle so, hot it
you manage 'em rite; -haw in here, and Itt
'em out there, you can rive 'ern along
without whip or spur, je: which way you
want . 'em to go.
When I lived down at Eon, there was a
good many first-rate gals wri there, but I
didn't take a likin' to any n 'em, till squire
cumiiiins cum down there to live. l'hy
squire had an almity putt' darter. I sed
sum of the gals was Tut!ate, huf Nancv
Curritins, \vas fus rate an a lectic more
There was many dressed ner and looked
grander, but there was so •thin Jalrlah,ut
Nance, that they couldn't old a candle to
If a feller seed her wunce, to couldo' t look
at another gal for a week. I tuk a likin to
her rite off, and we got as,thsck as there
We had used : lb go to the sime- meet to And
sot in the same- pew. It ook me to find
the swot.. and him:4 for her, nod' we'd swell
'em out m a manner shechin to hardened
snipers ; then we'd iro4 . 4py bum lo ffe th e r.
while the gals and fellors kept ahatkitig on
as tho' they'd like to mix lin. I'd alway.
spty to supper, and the wit sine rood made
injun cakes. and the way : tettori s(wk
Over with tootarses and la 'ern away Was
UUtilill to nobody. She' as Bred ul
tew alwnyi genii% sutroltin nice for toe.
was up to the lutlt to Irry , acid wa- gout
in for her like a locomotiv . Well, thing
went on this way a spell; I
had me file muff. Then s
°IT Lunde' in+ pendent lik
.to nreeun, there was no ro i
•pew; when she'd e oat .1
wttlilinother chap, an lees!
fingers at the 11, .or. I nsted
as she used to do. she K.
with all the fillers jest av ii
about me no more. none
I got considerably riled an:'
well come totihe end old ai
1 went to film it out with' .
hull grist of fellers there.
mity quiet till l'went in, th e
all manner of nonsense, a
and,darrial little of that. 1
dander down, but it twarn'ti
Mouvin about as if i had a '
iers.•. I sweat if I had b
,collar hung down' as it ii
over my stock in day. I
no clean) omits quick .11 , -
'iwas no use trying to PHI
I went straits to bed, and
over a : soell ; tionk I
1 1 al
tf ine. taint no else of her
take the kink or her;
hey out that / high arias u
meal. I hearn tell or a b
got to skewl late one S li
ilusilter sea, you tarnel slee
)tept you so late ? why, sea , `
i everlastin slippy out, I cowdi
how: every stets I tool. fury I
step- back ward.:nall I c04,al 1
at all, if 1 Itad'n't turned Ilia I
way. Now.: that's jest: tn,
been-puffin tiller that gal .00
Now, think; I, 111 go tot I
been alit to of me, stow rd. sli,
sass for the goose is s•ss 1.•
Well I went no more to.N.
Sabhtultday, I slicked rose ;
say, when. I got my fixing. i
shift tail clean oirof any s i
nature about our parts.
off I put to Eltlutoi od
'Dodge was woke a gal as
bare Illt ititider; any wore
- 7 --- . ---.,_
lent like-Nancy Cuas..i. Apbraiste bias
ray bad used to go; Ike her; be ,was a
clever Met; but be sal dful jelus._
Well, I went Co animists wi Patienee, an
sot right afore 'Nance; I Ali nt set my eyes
on her till arter mee4n;. she had a feller
with her who bad a blunt red hed, au legs
like a,ptir of compasehs; she had a face as
long Ss grata efortn thsinksgivitt dinner.
I knowd who she wig tbinkin about, an
'twarnt the chap with the l•tel head, nuttier.
Well, I gets boin PalienCe about a spell.
Kept my eye on Nance, geed bow the cat
was jumpin, she didnt cUt about like she
did, and lookd rather 'solemnly; shed gi'n
her taw eyes to kiss and Mike up. 1 kep
it up until I like to hew's! got into a mess
about Patience. The critter thot I was goat
after her fos good, and got as proud as a
lame turkey. Won Aty lEphe cum down
to our place foetus' ai4 rattly as a usialishy
mistier WI a miming dairy; lbok here, sea be,
Seth Stokes, as loud is 4 swan thunder
clap, l'il be darad —t--4 kialicil sea I
what's broke? 11 hy,isesi be, I cum down
to have satisfactium abput Patience Dodge,
bete I've been a cortut her liver since last
grass a year, an she *as jimt as good as
mine, till you cute a guin arter her, an now
l cant loch her with a forty foot pole. She
amt like the saute gal Jan I'm dirnd if l'iti
gum to stand it. Why, ses 1, What on
Isiah air you talkin aboht, l.intist got nothin
to du with your gal, but spobe I bad, there's
nothin fur you to get 941 fey about. If the
gal has taken a likin t me, taint my foul's;
it I've taken to , bar taint her fault, and it
we've takin a likin th one another Lehr
your Inuit; but I amt se amity taken with
her, au you may have I bet for me, so yoll
hadn't ought to get sewage about nothui.
Well, says he, (rather .00led down,) I am
the unluckiest thing in creation. I weds
tuther day to a place *here there was au
{,ld woman died of the hots of sum such
disease an they wet seilio out her thingti.
Well, sea he, there was a thunderin big
chist of drawers full of all sorts of truck,
so I bot it, thot I made a spec, but when I
cum to look at em they warnt nothin in it
worth a cent except an old silver thßohle,
and that was all rusted up. so I sold it fur
less thadl giv fur it. Well when the chap
• lt,
'torn per UIII,
Ir sot pahll with
*? all thous who re.
Po mail subscribers
!the year, 50 cents
, lotion. .
cable aenn.annuall
he year. s2' 50 will
!pale et even,
he were dreaming
e lulled /tea ;
heannng ;
rail kee
that bot it tuck it hum heheerd aumthits
rattle, broke the old cheat an found lots dl
gold and silver in it, in a false buttum
hadn't seen. Now, if I'd tuck that cheat
hum, I'd never found mutiny; or, if I did,
they'd been all counterfit and I'd bin tuck
up for Rissiti on em. Well I jest. told pa.
Bence about it, when she rite up en called
me a dared f oul. Welt, says I, Ephe than
is hard, but never you mind that, jal4
.ot, you eau get her; MI when you dear gat
Pier, you ear ti.e the ruff edges • tf jest us
you please. That ieekted him, it dkl.ian
away he went a leetle better pleesd. Nutt
thinks I, its time to .louk arter Naitce.
Next day, clouts I went. Nancy was all
stone. 1 ax'd her if the squire was in;
site said he warm. Cause, sea I, (make,
bleeve I waisted hint,) 4iur cob -spiained
tits f sd, an I cum to see it the .quire ywont
lend me his mare to go to lowit. She seri
4he ues...'d ht wood; twtter sit duet% till the
-quoine round in. Duna ;I pa, ;• she hs.ko
,ert . a strange, an• my hart l'elt queer all
sOatel She edges. A iten av. tie. be- 1, ail
yo u g in s mi to Betsy 'Marnit's
..erl Ole debit kitinv for !sante; air yl/11 a
:; 011,1 tied I remind U woild;ses atw I filatta•
iid lake Patience Dodge.; std I 1111 l tit ail
Agin I n t ; see she' I henrn y”ure i‘i get married; seal sho'.dttTwunder,
a bit, Patience is a nice gal. Sea I, I look',
ed at her, I seed the leers a cuminin i eeee
mar be she'll ax you to be bridesmaid.
She ris rite up. she did, her face as red a 4
bild beet; Seth Stokes, sea she, an she
conduit say any more, she was so full.
Wont you be bridesmaid, ses I! Nol sea
she, and she bust rite out. Well, then, sea
1, if' you wont be bridesmaid, will you be
the bnde—she Jookd at me; I swan to
man, I never seed anything so awful puty;
I took rite hold of her han—yes or no, sea
I, rite off Yes! sea she. That's your
,tea I, as I gin her a busq.anti a hue.
I *ton Ltd matters with the squire. We
stem hitchil -traces to trot in double harr•
Fleas foi life, an never had cause to repent
of my bargain. J. W.
dl she th..l
e begun In A,*
When I'll go
• in G.r me In tn.
• Je'il ,• ft
nu. Hickin
,f -I $l. t. • tsi.
ie.cared flu
ihot I snout as
wic,:antlit% n
er, thute was n
They seemed
ii she got talkin
within to see
vied to keep niy
o use. I kept
ain to my trios.
thrash'''. My
ta4l been Isiss,g
; 0,4111'1 .44m1 It,
ICofid, lor I seed
loollitog to her.
itt. , t the mallet
gm I. rill trysts
f I dthit itstris
me for sassage
[ , wunce. that
Exchange it New York, on London,
a 7 per cent. premium.
in critter, what
he boy. ii's 80
'I yet elf; g ion
ri ; went - ew
t Pot liwe
k to go wilier
case ; I have
siderahle time.
er way—she
e her— %duo',
the pander.
ce's. "Next
ir op, and I dew
n, I took the
i imen of human
tut meet in time
~.ou'd see 'twist
se attOrebilt
Farther ()pesing of the London end Binning•
Sens Realooay.—The further opening of this road
win joke place on Monday, the 9th April. Thr
j•:trrrey between• Liverpool and London will, nn
and idler that day, be completed in about twelve
On the railway frnm Btrmingham to Menthes
in s or Livertsinl--97 nnies*ndagengera ire now
In 'brew Muir* and a hat , ; ahnnt 4 hal
41 mile in a minute, or from twenkt Are or thiny
:Oleo an hone!
Minds - in tits Riser Osse.--Charlotte Reeky,
late of Elsrossi„.about 25 years of age, en inhab
itant of tEliddenham, hes lb; the last five years
been a cripple with an affeetion of-the hack, the
Power limbs being perfectly paralysed. The ef
!ection has resisted the - -medical treatment o r
mane practitioners. Being acquainted with the
primitive epten malian church doctrines taught
by the Rev. Me. Matthews, of this town. i she
atimaived that Was wets haptaist tlatgsa•
3 : 1
• .
Osman she would red:ow ! ,According ly
Rev. gentleman al half putt ten at night, in the
presence of a hundred 'spettatora, Converts to his
doctrines, on Monday. proceedeid.fif the river Bid
dentinal, whither OM diseased person Was le
movid in a cart, as usual *hen moved about
Mr. Matthew, going iota the river to support her,
immersed her in the water, and she immediately
said, "Leave me go, I can walk," and walked
out of the water, and ran some distance up • lull
till she was exhausted, but ohs stn retained the
use of her limbs ever eince.--Sedkord Mercu
Saiiresiew is Outed/ L —Tke diatorbencmin
this colony have materially ■aeCted emigration,
and our quays, which in °dim yOrs were throng
ed with farmers and their .labre. crowding
to embark, are now amittiktety% empty.—Bull
Sunderland has become the greatest ebiwboild•
lug port in the world, there being at dm tune oo
ler* Win ninety-Men large vesicle building on
the Weir.
A o eminent chemist has lately thaeoaered, from
inmate analysts, that the foams 01 the tlrsostey
bachelors contain sutticArszt metal to mate epee
mete tiatuea tht the whole of thei aptuaters of that
thrueaster Gazette. '
A library a advertised in a provincial paper
to be sold whole.ale,cou si ss oi "several square
tee of handsomely-bound books, which ars as
good as new. Tuner Aiming Attu used".
Another fatal prize fight took place on Mon-
day morning, in am Essex atral/es, between T.
Boulter and E. ahnskly, tor a sovereign a side.—
Alter lighting fur about thirty ; , roinuties, Bleakly
girlie his opponent a blow under the left ear,
when be instantly dropped. tie was removed
to Blackwell. but died, Jit the 'Memnon. Bleak.
ly and his seconds,. Carus and Mason, were ap
prehended, anti underwent an examination on
Tuesday, at Lambeth -street, alter which they
were remanded.
At Liverpool assizes William NW wu convict
ed of the murder of "Betty Minshull," 4aughter
to We laudlurd ut the Leigh Arms, Warrington,
who ass lett up to anend the , company in the
house when the rest at' the &linty were in bed.
It appeared that the murder was emplaned - by
stifling her in a struggle to effect a rape upon
tier person. The prisoner was left in exacts.
Co destructive has the late winter been-to the
'wheat plant, in many districts, that large
breadths have been ploughed up, and the land
devoted mother purpfteig, from the utter improb
ability that a crop at wheat would be obtatueo,--
Worcester Herald.
Trader of Lredo.—Although there has been
some little improvement in the business al the
Ciotti Flalls tem week, there is, nevertheless, con
aiderably less doing in bulk geode' This circum
stance is chiefly owing to the advance which has
taken place in wool, dyeing. dr.e. •
For the last two or three years, all kinds of
silk boisery, gloves and silk lace goods, have
been sent mkt the American markets duty free.
l'he day previous to the sailing of the last pack
ets, orders were received from the Government
at Washingtun. thalia future a duty 0f23 per cella
must be charged on all silk goods; and it is ex
' weird that it the Guvtrnment enforce this order,
large cptiostities of tilt Roods now on titetr stay,
will he returned i it being impossible to dispose
oi them with the duty charged thereon, tat tltv
✓r..,.ent wale of affairs in that country. The a
move unpurtent itirannaloort was received by one
in the principal manufacturing !Muses in this
Loon from their American agent.—Nottitigharn
In the course of the trial of a cause on Satur
day, at the Liverpool assizes, a woman, who was
called to speak to some facts which her husband
could also have proved, woe staked in cross-exam
ination by Mr. Alekander, where her hnsbatrd
was. She -replied sharply. 'He's not here ; but if
i.e 'sere, he euuld'ent 1.8 t more than lhavt. done "
Ir. Alexander t `Oh, I dare say not. ma'am;
t. very well if a gush can say as much ss hi.
a wed; " The u hness looked "unutterable thin?',"
said uothiug. bring probable deferred by
evollertiug that the more she said. the. more
furrthlv she would he dlu.trsting tlie truth of
the learned (-outs,. l'. remark.---April 4. ,
The tuft Henry 1-kwason, s.q..—This gentle
min, whose death took tamer r ceutly,, has left
behind him a fortune of SA110.000; the largest
*tune, it is supposed, ever made wholly in busi
ness by • native of Westmorland, excepting.
perhaps. the late Mr. Thwaites. He was jor
merly gold laceman to his Majesty but had re
tired from business many years before his Oath.
Os this vast property, upwards of £lOO.OOO will
come into the family of the late BtePhen Bronaktil
of Orton, oolong known as • useful local preacher
in that neighbourhood. and who married a slater
of Mr. Hewitson. Large comb will also, we ate
informed, come into Ravensionedale, to other re.
cations.—Kendal Mercury.
Gloucester Courtship in Lempleirr,—Molly
'Whoy doesn't thee spoke, John ? 'John ; Whoy
what shad I say, Molly 1, Molly : Whoy doesn't
thee say as thee do Ito Ane, John? John: Zo I
does. Molly Whey dGesn't thee kiss me then ?
John: Zo I wool strait. Molly.
At a ,meeting held last week atßitipstots; one
of the speakers, adressing the. eettng after the
first motion said, "he it was carried
trio ton." A patent has been taken out by s
Lancashire gentleman for • mode of pnipellute
steam-boats alon e canals at a rapid rate, without
,roducting any ripple or current. A linendraper
at Portsmouth has advertised tot an assistant
whose character will bear 'inscrutability."
Robbery of Jewels from the Duchess of
Leinster -.lifysteriour Ajfair.--Inftwma
nuns were received at Henry.street Police
atfire, yesterday, that a ca-ket of jewels.
the property of the Duchess of Leinater,
v duet) at gOO% were stolen in the fidlint
inz extrnordm .ry . manner : Her Grace
le'i C,eion on Monday, accompanied by
a me member* of the family, for the pur
-6...e of alien ing the ball at the Castle on
.t evening, and, in her carriage
at D .minick street, caused the casket,
which she brought with her, containing
the diamond+, to be 'rut into a back draw
mq as a place of safety, until it
I.e found necessary to dress for the
nail. - A short time afterwards the
moods were sought Car, but lo: they were
gre. South Was wade in every dime:
l n ' 0 no :purpose, and • yesterday Mr.
1 t
de, acconqatineittly SergeantPollucitol
t e C ditrisiaik proceeded to the house, for
l b t
e i d n i t t es ig t w ig as "il i l a g ric t t h l e it tu ir a iv i a re te r. ,.
at course we are unacquainted with
what occurred. This, however, we know,
that an individual is suspected, and if that
stispicion-,prove to be well founded, caosid
eiable surprise wilt be the cousequince.—L
A few day, will, however, unriddle t
mystery.—publin Eie. Mail, March 2lis
'A very remarkable discussion as to the
Vagrant Law occurred at Kilkenny ) before
J4dge Moore. Counsellor lie:lnnis ap
paars to have auccessfutly stitablished that
those laws have been peiverted for tieart►
a century. judge Moore stated he would
submit the :natter to , he twelve Judges.
The Bank of Ireland intended to' open a
branch at Mullingsr. The Bank of Ire
ajid is aboiti to enforce the a bite letter
act against the Dieter Bank for white let
tete on a black ground.
'lord Clinical has subscribed ,e5O and
Mr-O'Connell £lO to the fund for erect
iti a monurrient ',in Dublin to the late J.
Philpot Cur6in.
The present session, we have reason to
beheve, I.liiirt one. Ihe corow.-
non takes place about the middle ofJtv.e
before which time the business of patriot
meat, it is supposed, wilt be wound up
It its Certaini) , lief Mnie , ty ' S inielillOn im
modiately after to honour her faithful peo
ple of Ireland with her royal pretence. •
Dublin Evening Post.
Charles Kellett, Sub• Constable a Pu
keg ie svnienced at Cavan Assizes to two
yearn imprisonment, fur assault with in
tent to violate the young daughter of a
comrade ; George Willis, a quack Doctor
was sentenced to three munths Imprison
meat fur adasinistering drugs to procure
Boma apprehensions are already felt of
a lite and ddicient harvest this year.
At a late meetingg o in Limerick, Mr.
iltichanan, m returning thanks, said, that
"he had 800 girls and 200 boys in his es
tablishment ; that, therefore, that part of
his manufactures (French emb"roided.)
which was supposed capable of Wong ex
elusively clicuted in France, he had non
executed here; and an quick and intellieeut
were the ' , ming children of this country.
that the work thu4 done by them at Ins e,-
oltiliplitnent cannot be di,tingut,hrd, in
England and Scotland...from whet war
beret-4'llBre exclusively done in France, and
which, it wile supposed, could not be done
ti,ewhere." '
On the night of the 10th .March, the
barque Mary' of London, 760 tons, on her
peerage froni Demerara to London, with
sugar and molasses, sprung a leak between
the Western Islands and Cape Clear, and
within 180 Miles of the main land. Her
crew, consisiting of Captain M'lThersoti
and 18 hands, worked at the pumps (or
five days, but; worn out with fangtie, they
were obliged to give up, when she fill
.t 1 and w. tit down. Five of the hands
were able to get into the small boat, but
all the rest, including the captain, met a
watery grave. The tike were picked up
by the brig John of Cork. wlit..ll hriniele
them into Cnie on Sat jril a y. The-e pow/
fellow have since come 10 this tity to
await the arriviii of a vesael to take them
to London.-4toserick Standard.
At the lens Quarterly Examinations.
held in Trinity CsiVege, Dublin, the' follow
ing young gentleman, educated at the
! Royal Schotil of Armagh, u awarded
bellows for
; distinguished answering :--
Mr, William P.dward Mogen, who obtain
ed a first claissical honours of the second
Whatever may be 'the effects of keen
competition in trade on the
themselves, there can be little doubt of its
utility to the public as long its it continues.
Outing the lag week some of the riVer
steamers reddited their fare, so that the
paseengere are now taken trout Greenock
to Glasgow for ,6d. cabin, and 4d. steer.
ege.—Greemic k Adv.
The tradeiof Paisley is at present in
rather a languid state. Work even for
first rate weavers can only be obtained
with some diffr ulty. The state of oar
working - popt4ation was stayer worse than
at present, except when they were entire
ly idle.—Cakdosian Mete.
.Ibinersi Strike at Glasgow.--On Fri.
day „week thial men waited on the employ.
era, and offered unconditionally to return
to their work, which they should never
have lets. Strikes weever held to be more
injurious to the employed 'than to the em.
ployer, and every day's experience strong.
thew, and confirms our opinion. For
eighteen weeks have the journeymen join.
ers,idruggled against prudence and cow:
woe sense, stibmitted to all the privations
of alievere winter, on the scanty pittance
'dealt out with sparing hand froni the union
&Oa; ratitu' l , that agrisi to work upon
1- ter is which, we hesitate not to say, were
every way favorable to the men. All laid
ouninier the wag* were twenty shillings
-week, for ten h4urs a-day; but in winter
the men refused t work with candle-light
and demanded to be:, paid with eighteen
shillings a-week at first, but afterwards
agreed to take seventeen shillings. - The
masters refused these terms Out offereA•
to furnish light, sod continue,to pay twen
ty shillings a-week, providedlhe men gave
ten, hours work per day, or to pay four
lopes per hour for such time as the men
chose to work. The strike Was the re
oak, and the men' now feel how disastroui
have been the consequences.
A student of medicine, of most respew
table connexions, was detected by Her;
geant Powell, of the police, stealing it
copy of the works of lord Byron, and of
the Black Book, in Messrs. M-Lachlan ik,
Stewart's sale-room.. He was suspected
so far back as last season, and it has been
found that he had dispdsed to the brokers
numerous books which were similarly pil
fered.—Scotassan. ' 1
Funeral Elegy of a Gihnerton Carter.
At the funeral of Joseph Harriot, a carter
at Gilmerton, a person in the garb of a
carter '
and a principal mourner, was ob
served to watch with me seriousness,
cud with his head rev rently uncovered ,
the operations of the shin, the fi lling in,
of the earth, and the nvering the grave
with the green and. When all wad fin
jelled, and the party-about to leave the
church-yard, he stepped claim to-the side .
of the grave, and uttered the following
with a melancholy voice:—" Ay Joseph
man, ye are gene; but this I will say o' ye,
that ye was aye tastie about your horse'
barneshl"—Perthshire Cour.
A very considerable improvement has
taken place in the iron trade. Extensive
orders have recently been received by the
iron masters both for,foreign and for home
consumption, and it is expected that the
spring will open with an unusually brisk
demand. It is understood that the orders
fur railway iron would alone be sufficient
to employ all 'the iron works for months
to come. Owing to this activity in the
trade, some of the iron masters have re
fused receiving any more orders, or will
enter theft► only as subject to any advance
in price which may be declared previous
to shipment.- 7 Bristoiam. April 3. •
A short time since an inquest was held
isefire Mr. Williams, ati Mites Hir, on a
Mlle girl who was burnt to death. We
notice this merely to state the lamentable
fact, that out of forty-two inquests held
Within the last six months in a neighbor
ing county, no fewer than forty were cases
of this description.--Carnarvon Herald..
An eloperient from the neighborhood of •
Swansea, has furnished the county with a
topic for a woe days' wonder, and mate.
rtals for a month's conversation..l The
parties who figure in this 'mite d'amotie,'
are the eldest daughter of a baronet, and
a youthful meinLer of a gallant profession
equally fearless of the battle and the'
breeze. Immediate phase was given to
the privateer and the valuable cargo, but
the result we are unable to communicate.
We dare say all will come to safe anchor
age in the haven of - Hymen.
The I f lanfyHin Poor Law Union, in
Shropshire, extends above 40 miles; so .
that the medical men who have been tip*
pointed to it rime needs have a stud of
horses. and be incessantly riding to come
in after the math:
Not long since two nautical blades tra.
welling in a gig from Cardiff, dropped an.
chor at the half-way house, to lay in a
store of victuals; and before the comple- c
tion of their cargo contrived to get rather'
more than ".half seas over t " Loosing
from their moorings, when within about
six knots of Merthyr, the horse, not relish
ing its steersman, very politely thrust hie
heels through the splashboard; which 'rou
sed the two gentlemen, who, we understand,
were sleeping on their watch; when'one,
Glutei himself under the gig, and the other
at the top of the hedge; most appropriate
oneitionl, truly, In the Ineillitiorhood of
Mount Pleasant. Olie - thenzoductedlte
horse into port, and the other performed
the same office forthe gig; which the next
day we* conveyedbeck to Cardiff, in
North's (Wagon, for repairs. They vow.
ed that night never more to sing— -
Ye gentlemen ofEtiglatui. who His at Imes at ease.
Mow boleti° you think epee the dangets of the sear"
having experienced equal, if not greater
dangers !on land.
resit E Subscriber .has no on hand atAis gtera.
a and Btereboone on Centre sod Rill Rase
streets, a toll assortment of Goods, gettable fat thii
eSal reecin 'is t
Barr lron of assorted eisee. -
'Band and Hoop de do .
Nail" and Polka Rod. do . do • .
Steels Round as Squredo do ~
- Nails and Spikes •do . do , •
Coal ;Shovels •do -do - ",
Hardware. a onus! assortment.
• All Of 'thick ha is senate at reduced Om,.
. 3tit 13' , , S J CLAWOM
• 4
New Estialiduißeisti t :::l4
Career Of Ceara east Market Straetik - =','
E subscribe rapt:Ally.
'lat. their friends and the public Senetallys.lhat
they have taken the store formerl,y,otetetheek4l,
Jacob Ball 41t, Co, corner pi: CeittrieriaT Merkel
gitreebt, afierethey ars now prcOied withaebelee
alecetthent. of ••
Dry 00611,
Groceries, - •
LiwsOrly - 44g.
which they as detertnitied teeelietthrettryheer f :
est pries& lIIAZZARPA STRAW" i.
All kind. of COPotg PPfr. 4 4/411 8 0
the highest market prices. , •
Apn T
New Goodak , ...1
Ageneral asadoinent. of
Gonda, just receivedinifif
nrY Goothh • - , •
tumeirAes j _
Queenswaure ) . ,;
tilt Plikattri AcEi-Aleg t
which will be wad low cdi, cash; `11604/11,d;
price paid in cash for all kinds afeetirdry Olds*
Mount Carbon, Deo 2 • . .• •
M .
AKE both limited and perpetuablammumso
os. Brick, Stone or Frame - fluildinp.Rw*
Hotels. Barn, Stables, Marchand Turns.
tote and Property orevery descriptiondigolkatlou
or damage by FIE.
The Delaware County Insurance eoinjoa.v 11 1 111
also insure ligliThrtiellS 6n aR kinds ofasarbrevi*
and ordain the damage or loss upon thikrasurptirts4'
tiorrofgoods. wares. and =mad* by Isatee..or
rail aray. open termsu favourable as - any &66'1 1 0
stittion. ; , •
r any further infornlatipa on Orl. sphiita Otis
sars eet either against Fire. marirne
Apply to ' HENRY G.' ROBINSON. rikOnt.
July .10 34-tf Sehulikaltilliaverto
or WILLIAM .4 - •
Fire Insurance •Conspany,
MLIM both lirnimd and PerPetntalcfrusuillgraoo
Brick, Stone or Frame Buildings:StoirMletela
Mills, Buns, Stables, Merchandise, Partitive . _ 4 aitd.
Progeny every descriptimsgainstidse ofttlinnuguy'
The subscriber bas been appointed AcairT ter ibi
above mentioned Institution and is now-prepaupd.te
make, Issoassoss upon every descrtptiolief re• pert?
at chi lowest rates. BENJAMIN StvittWATi.
The Philadelphia Fire
%RAKE both limited and perpetual PERPETUA L,
IN-11 Brick. Stone or Frame Buittlinp.Sterne,Flosels,
Mills, Barn* Stables, Merchandise, Fareitemited
Property oftvery description, against loss dames*
by' '
The subscriber bits been appoinled Acitirs lb+ the
above Mentioned Institution and is now mivarest to
make InsimAircas upon every descriptintrofproperty
at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN'BANNAPI
, Itottsville,Feb 451837 - • 48-
ROWLETT'S Interest Tables. jtis44itatielee4
and for sale by - B. SAN. ,
jan 24
it.AZZ A RID * STRAVU,:o ' 'gel
Der Good% Groton'. slid
- , . quor store s I
Con* sf emirs teed - . Market Strials; Attniik. f
Apiil 8 ' -- • '7 , 1111. •
' • WOOS veiy liiiiii 4 7,: '- , ;
K i. RANNAN offers for sate:6 B #ll2 I
wit* staadard works dm 1 , 711 Riti, '
,„ . at :
tacked. ' ' '" l4 ' '"' ' 4 ': I
Hem% Saiiiliell sail s e 2 'beat -
_,':' : 1
4 volai sheep, with p tea , f, ./•.,./10 00 j
Clarke's Commeatary. 4 lealieep; / .. 1g 00 1
Wrestv'gtin 1 " 0 . 16 . OmnPlete, .II 00
Beek s • 'Mil work*. tv014'114.0, "4 co
Barn's Bilis CM:limitary, 3 - tisti. ' :
s b eew • , 1 . , _ , ' _ ••••"..411/0
lipori's mitts, Douboree's Editiss po riep, 4 B 5 ,
.Rollin's Airiest History. 1 vol. r
Dearborn ' s Editicio with MIPS - 5 I
platesj ' : , , •14.,• , -, 4 u
Jomphos Vvo6 with. plates 4 ' , • 4 7- 1 1151
Karryster works complete. 1 vol. • .: 325 j
Moore's works. Library ?Otitis ;,;„ . 225
Bares works.
~r . '1 00
Cowpecand Tbompsoli:s jorits,. ,. sas
l'aley•Wirorks • ' $OO
Riardm's' raki , ° Sentisis, , . ,r•AIR 00
Ded4roies Faloily - Expositor. - 'le 50
IrmeYeloP,4 l Orgefl2 l 4.ol.Y* *ob. ins* h • ,
1 12tio odunaliod me m, I to so
Foal Ifoolk,ol l 3fartirsOnth plat*: 't t 225
Meßseakei 5000 Receipts • • . `I 27
Toil:their - with a variety efotlawßookit:at very
law Mos. to suit the times. . - ,
i l ft / . -
_. ,
n . •111virahil f s Pasaisew„ ,
DOZEN titemiro's rantiOrki
any sa fresh from the roppyjetoe, , ,Elienmie ot
Ermitty.rem Thoommd Bich* Oflbiryekable
mealtime Orem sold We yeerouid ditaisosed . ,
A i e r eagbiti For ealeby therdeemtopeffir
Piles 0 ply boOkfir throlihoillse „
50W441010 echay