I=ll= haportatit.to the-Isick• ,•,,,,,.'• ~. _...._ - -- Dia. IVAI.,EVANS' - - . , Sir., c 4, - Afotriti LE:7 LS . - 0, - .4k Agti'RFV,P.tr:--: ' , 'When' a Xi'mina - atitlitsil . . eilfifin remedy. ordiaeasei haslet% been in gene t, and receti .::tsv i l im i:oe 'Pu s. l) o ne r ' ci test llentr7t l o ng :n l y ess ih t 7m 4 . II VIAA.. - - 4 ;3 4111I 1 ii :bi ree elr i :d in a t : e ss7e * nd e :n o t f ear ice reer Plic o lsm fus t e o'l ul ea whit It :distances the compeutinn of mere: u • stful . p,retension, and has secu - ed a conapieuune If' 'Ott pr Universal. favey, by intrinsic worth alon e. proprmtor,may *flint %usthe vetoes elite soperi. ux y,- witlihnelecatra c t the suspicion ofinvidious: - - firnisittitatirig dor wanton. ' ' $ Pie CAMOMILE .and FAMILY APERIENT P reaertficutred by Dr. Willtem Evans, at 100 than" street, do not require his explanation of I• it acknowledged efficacy--lit the most eminent • ysieiking' throughout the United States will freely; I appealed, to, state the reaeous which have induced u t u ein to remtntnend.thern au extensively and warmly 1 they do. And those reagens ire. that these jude c um, medicines never injure estulthe most deheat. • nstituth.es. and - have, lin almost every individual I se for which they are Mcseribed, a marked. an evir • , nt,,a truly happyand permement etroety. Physir -:atts, moreoder. see that they ate not offered to the u aloft upon anyquack theory ofpurifying the blood. t• the inter destruction of the stomach and MOW". ' rift' the blood from ail &seated bunters, they undo , iably do ; but not by destroyilig those viscera by hich alone the blood can he sustained, They are •ompounded upon a theory whicia.supposes a stomach be a very-ess,ential agent to health; and food, well , i ignited. tells I valtiable friend to tlesh - and blood.-- hey do nht Pttri'y urea to ghosts, and make theft ook like'beiligs too relined so remain lung in this ' arid; but they make them as human as possible, and •t to encounter the hardships. and fitful the occurs ions of a sublunary life.. They do not mater yip wit pur,,oatory.of this life, to prepare men the lister or another. They proceed.uscm the tempos itton . that he blood. muscles, nerves. organs. excretory Red se retory gland. tremulous and te.4tinewary niembianint, u pesuand brains. of edery human being reqinte,ln bakkup/died with nourishment from as healthfurtrelki• ihiolLas can be made and kept; and upon the doctrine lila 'Unless the stomach and bowels are in goods ruler, i tlitihltiod and every other part ut the 3 . ySILLIJ 14 all.4e:in disor'er. And bow is it erieeted that they will Bemire health to the sumach and bowels! Why by enat.ling the one 3,1 I digetn.fod. and the e x tra in to carr uff .wliat is left u idler tbe n o utriment. ta connectionec with t_l?ii surplus of hale, annum fon! humorieof the blond; MUCOUS membranes, anti stotnaeb. A nil they',4cvnin• Fil . lab these great feats of medicine in the most siinple wayLmaginable The A Pk:ItIE .N TFA NI LII PILLS. arctic stomach be affected w ith mind. bile, or coated 'e - olleistions, cle i r it out, by a natural but a most'in ' sensible solvent action, and cleanse, the whole all mentaity.canal. without griping, and leading it as free wuthold' debility, as nature ewer designed it to be.— They do not take the skin offtbe stomach and bowels, and leave them like a piece of red velvet, as all phy• 'ipso,. know. the strong drastic pills do, but they take nature kindly by the hand without crushing her fiuigens. They cleanse every thing, without insparing or in rig any thing. When this is effected, an it lineal y is by the use rifa few of the FA 4ILY APS:IIIEN II PILLS. then come the celebrated C.A it.lo NI ILE or uTO\ IC PI LIS, to - , le uoninhen a stomach and bowel= which liefore, per haps7weak . and foul -because they were weak, and • endows them with strength to perform their unpin tantfunctions, without the ant of physic The f-A MOMILE FUYXErt, when its valuable prieciples are chemically extracted. is acknowledged by all phy sicians, in every age, to be the best vegetable tonic known in the timentie of medicine —There Is nothing .licaoirn in the vegetable kingdom of nature to equal it; nothing that is at Lime so harmless and so vigerousl , healthful, and in proof of thus the proprietor itf thy ' recowned pills that are made from its purest particles. Might quote almost innumerable aut hors, both anicient ,end modern, if his own practice had not proved it to tens of thousands. The effects of these pills a-a not only perceived hi an increase of appetite and general strength, but in :restoration of the body to that universal vigor in All its•functions which indicates the. return to perfectly sound health.—The face, and general complexion. speak volumes in their favor. and thoustiuda „of ta m iles can testify how much they have eontributed to their comfort, their complexion, and their strength. when every otherrernaly had proved worse than use less. In nervous diseases of' all kinds. they are now acknowledged tolre preeminent; grachiilly restoring fineness of body and mind - without i heise a nneyahcs,.. and changes which other , nervous remedies Ace:mint hippy would it have been fur many young persony of both Sete, who are now in the silent grave. if diey -had learned to cheek the morbid tendencies of their itemach and bowels by these pure tomes and apiri wits, without resortiiig to quack remedies, the nausea of which are concealed, and of which they know nothing. 'Clint' dreadful serettge CONS!' MPTION. aught have been checked in luts crimmeneemeti and dytappointed of its prey. all over the land, it -the brat symtoms of nervous debility had been counteracted by C ANIONIII,E chemically ere eared; and those b iwelcornalainti which lead to a host of fetal mida-‘ - dues; might hive been of vi rod by itini tine alcOline ettmet of rho barb; whirh is a leading...ingredient in the APF.12.11.: NT FAMILY PILLS', l.P.iiire both of the-e uaedicines, which pre adapted to a majority of the purposes for which .I hundred others ire unneces • sari y •.sed,fed•rs. agues. ti,l.ous disordei ii. headaches, fern du. debility, male d-cline. intligest.rin. and liver c 'nap amt, would have entirely disappeared, where moil; of them have proved fatal. . lint be it denial:T:ly underst o od that these medicines are not offered instead of these natural organs or the body which other medicines 'dispense witli,.in a very summary manner. They are founded upon med!cal knOwledge, and not quackery. and donor take all the . red "armlet. out of the human blood ender the pre . le.lee of purifying it. In proof of which dltfiiience of effect let the faces and formi of patients be it testi- - mony. They ennstinue a useful. etfeeinal end gene rally applicable class of merLones for every family. and being both tonic sea aperient, and or the best preparations known, no person or fam.lv should. be ,without them. 'They can be-obtained wholesale and tetairofthe firoprietor, Dr. %Vat EVA NS, New York. and of his agents in town and country. with duree 'tions fur use. —They are rapidly supercedMg all other remedies advertised in the public - prints, because they are found to beluing to a very superior elite of annular medicine..A single trial usually elates them high in pri vate; einimation, as they are known to be in public preference, and in the opinion of physicians. De. WM. EVA \S' OFFICE. Nu. 19 NORTTI EIGHT ST. PHI LADELPHIA, where Ma medicine may be had. Dr. W 111 Evans! Office,loCP•Chatliam street. New York, where the Dotter may be consulted. • 'as usual .• i Irk YSPEPSI A and If YPOCHONDRIArISM.— ILF/niersatity; Cone.—Mr. William Salmon,r;reen at above Thud. in.. Philadelphia, afflicted for several -years with the following divtressing symptons: Sick ness at the atomacb, headache. dizziness. palpitations of the leirt; impaired appetife, sometimes acid and Pattetsent eructations, coldness and weakness of the extremities. emaciation and general debility. disturbed . rtat a sense of pressure and weight at the stomach after eating, nightmare, great mental demindency. severe flying pains in the chest, back and aides. coati cc --- a dislike forsociety, or conversation involuntary sighing an I weeping languor and lasitude upon the 'lean exercise. • Mr. Salmon had applied to the. most eminent phyalf. titans. who considered it beyond she politer of Medi vk• eine to recto - re bun to health ; however. as his ions had reduced him to a very deplerableermdmort, and having been recommended by a relative of his to make trial of Dr. Wm. EVA Ni.S' Medicine. he with deficulty repaired to the.office and procured a-package. to which. he says. he is indebted forlis restoration to life. health and friends. lie is now enjoying all the blessings of perfect health Persons desirous of further tarormation,vtil/ be satisfied with everyr:parti cut arrifhis aironishing cure at Dr. Wm. E vans ' Medi eal He Chatham st... New York ; and ta adelphia. N 0,19 NORTH.. EIGHTH St. Sold by y JofiN T. WERNER, - Sole Agent for SchuylkillConnty. Po+tamale, Nov. 25 LILO PINE APPLE CH EESE.—Jutdqreceived VV . l aid for vale, a few buses of very , superior old Pine Apple ebeePe. HAZZARD STR AUcli jan.2o lIMLI • Motiliskilliir) C. 0.: he- bud i' NA . , _ ....._ 400 DOW 00 •••• • splendid. azaorilrieut of . .- .. ~.. . Moe, black, cliffs, green and claret-00y ... . • do, do i andifaxicy.casiinperett i . .. - _ Plain and figarint sattinetis, Mohair pipn eight and other coatings. Goats hair CanAlets, vesting% tke tke • . all of which being Plarchased et auction in n4' ,delphia, and New iturk, we guarantee tosell 10 Per, cent cheapet thzb can be purchased eltiestheic in this brirongli: F -,' dec 22 .. _. 7 . • 1 linow Sale .. i . i 2! 4 t T RZDKED, cLs,.kr Tau OFFICE .. ' Ilk. .14./S. 1411 . ft ICES Sympatilick for .the 11 -F satett, epeediett, and perfect cure of every km& of wounds, uld.--rs, cancer and all cutaneous droessei. arising' friam cutting, squeezing, born intr. boiling or OW iinpurity of the blood, and also for curing Dyspeptia, bean burn, asilana, fiver' eo m p taint, cost iv alt., eu Ilc Zs, cionvulmons, d tarr ham and rlieumatick pains, tiottt ache. and•sore cies. The general agent. Prof. G. Xav Wagner, Reading. Berke 4unty, Pa. ofrprs. grans to any I perlion affected ; wlth tither of the said diseastt, a certain quantily‘of the Sympatlack to be tried -and appreciated berme Malting any expense; now ever, the applicatipn must be made free of post. age. N. B. This article cannot trh had genuine in any drug store or appotheeary shop. It is not neuestary to tall.niueb about Id, at it et.i (airily will reetinmend ikself to an enlightened p brick. aug 19 . ' . . 39—tf GAR: A E 2I.E SEEDS. T HE subseribOr liar tl•t received and is I, OW opening v t ry choice selection of Garden ••••leeds, warrantereto he fresh. and of an excellent' quality. all of wts)ch have been selected we! rare. Early Tnrnt prßcllt L oup green du l,on Blood Beet Tomatoes - Early Yiirk Cahkiage Windanr beans Large York .40 Butler beans (pole) Drumhead A 4 • Eeira ...iv beans GrernCurled S,s;vory do Early Valentine beans' Red pickling do Extra early peas do Coates's -early 10 inch Ftal D or h i do (la arl peas Sugar loaf do Green himel. do Bullock head ; do'Dwarf marrowfal do Curled Cress i Large mart t owlet do Orange carrot Asparagus Early frame c.i4iumber Red solid celery Long pickling ! .10 White solid du Early riirled 104 11. 4 i3 Citron melon India Head du Nutmeg melnn Early cabhuge Early cauliflower Yellow winier head do Egg plant r Mustard aced Nseiturtium Curled parsley '' Bull nose pepper Sugar parsnip Sage Pumpkin'seed Sweet marjoram ; While "Ilion • Summer va.ory I Yellow do Swett !lasi] 1160 ai' rla' Rhubarb Early salinun'y l arli•-h Thyme j Earl* long vs4 u si do Lavender White turnip I do Mignouore Red turnip '! do firrlll) seed Yellow sumntisr do Canary seed Soinosge ' , (turn 'Flat hush von' h Flower seeds, 4r.:. Ste. All of winc h will be sold cheap by B.• BANNAN. march 717 :t• Passage Aom England, hieland, Scat. .Iland and Wale 4. PERSONS wishing tt ergalte passage for their tritfrids, in first rate ships, from the a bove placds, may uow do so by applying to WM. HAGGERTY, Cer.t re Street. Fm the atAMtmmodation or those persons enga. t ing pn%stirr their frn.nds. ho may wish •' end Mem innev, to enable theM to provide fin 'he voi.nze, cira fis will be given en the following named no reiranta, viz: P W. s h oes , No. 3, Waterier] Road, Liver. vw ro rht 4 Co. No. 3, Robinson st.eet G'll.senw; William Miley, No. 2.5, Rden Qoay, ;may 6 • 36' WILLIAM NEAL- . 4. Co. ‘CTVRIMS OF Looking-Glastse4s, I K -n. 1 4 ; orrki Fifth orree, Pt, find. 10,tf, hAek pf the o , ler4hatits' Hotel—devoted eaclunively In • Comory jllefithantx are varopfied at marlattle ilver4' stort their Glny ea insrored from breakage 11 any; part of the Uuiun, wit bout extra cha rpr.• ThOtse who mar have orders 4,,T lsrgs Glasses, would do Well to inform 114 by letter,• previous to their comihg on, of the size of the Mare, end •tie kind of frilme they may want, that the article mav he nuinutllet itred expressly for the occasion- Merrhsirs should give their orders for Look. inter glasses the first thing on their arrival, to in sure them well pot up. Oct 21 ;1. Akt)FFAT''S Vegetable Life Pills and Me nic Bitters. trl-A caNTRAN - r.—;it nations. from the remit• test ages. 4air. had 'ships. but Columbus only found out the way to America Before the rime of the grolr Spaniih navigator, people were only enabled to paddle aimed the shores. Just so with thC Life Med iums It hs hut two Short years Luce 1 drat yen. lured ppoll an unknown ocean. and I have discove•ed the preciout object I was in search of—HEALTH. Vegetable Medicines were iudeed.known when I com menced m search. but, their use wag nor. By the use of thedi, I have not only passid from the dejected invalid,to the hale hearty end active m in of business, but. ciamplt novel, speaking, I have renewed my youth. I den thus, outh confidence in my own eane nence. ad,Yure with nay 'chow citizens Dues Ore reridet wolit prooftlint the'V EGETARLF: LI YEA/ ED ICI Nr.S ate suitable to his own 'case? I have on file at-mY offide,s46 Broadway. tuinarcds ofleiters. froin some.of t4e most respeculbleciitzens orthis my na tive land,yoluntarily offered in testimony of the vir tues of A GOOD VFGETABLE MEDICINE. Penano WhMte constitutions have been tearly ra ined I.y. the -all _infallible" mineral preparation.. of the day. 110 bear me vrit nese. that the Life Medi cineit. ;intact, only. are the true cense-to re manent • soodlice JOHN MOFFAT. cf:NEßiki. REMARKS RELATIVE TO MOF- F liT'N LIFE PILLS AND PIKE NIX BITTEJLS. These inedici nes have long been linnam'and appre Mated. foi thew extraordioar) and tpdoethate powers of re ii.rfvg perfect health. to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease. to which the - laloan franc is table. In m an y hundreds or. eertifiested instances, they have e reicilQ sufferers from the very verge of an I narimeli gravel, slim all the deceptive nnstrirmi4of I the.day tad utterly faileckand to manylhousands they ' have pdmadently secured that uniform mjci)rnent of health, without which life itaelfis but *:partial blirdi:*' , tog. great. tuned. haathetr ef fi cacy invariably • and infallibly proied, dutt• it bad appeared scarcely ' less thari miraculotis to those who were unacquainted. with the beautiful philosophic*/ Principles upon ' which they are campoituded.and updo which they , -ongeguentil acc - ft wati to their manifest and senor- Me, setinfr.n a.purifying the spring' antiNchannelief mid aid Andeingithesti,w oh renewedhone Sind sigor, (ha; the ) wt9.e_ w il e hi c d for their name. which was - m4iliviiipoiiitti . :. _ as r neat ofl :IkaaiallistititiAtiiiili3;eite 'aired- .4 a TheproPrietwireidatilth • loPPonia gr, i cn -e, i .l. e i"t d t 'hythe ealverteddilfierio*Athilidarbtpteeslorplic ing his XEIq_ETAB.LE Jea ...T t AkeS., 'hi% the knowledge and reach of every ndtvdtral, In he cop- * inanity. I.lelFke the host Orlierniaocur e keries. which boast of: regetatileringirelientartbe - - arills , b. ire purely artfl, SOLF4Y VACULT4l u tt.i,,,,,e4 eormeei , the, blerehry. Arttimony. A , ie. tier a y ether mineral. in any form whateeey, They a entirely composed ofextracts • bolo TeX. asd pow I plants. the Virtues of which. though tong known t neveral Indian tribetuand recently. toaome eminen tiltarma 1, cenucal ehemiatsogealtogtithez unknown t the Ilya. rant pretenders to medical sc once : and w re never before administered in ma ' happily .efficaci it coin &mutton. .r. • , • '. Their first operation le to loosen from the coatrol the stomach a..d beer:ls, the ;various impn re Ma and crudities constantly Setting .found them; and to re move the hardeeed flews wnch collect te. the Con. volutous of the Small intest i nes. Other joaedicines only partiallyclerinsethese. and leave sue§ collected mas.es behind, as to produce habitualstiveness. with all its wain of evils. or trodden &arch . . with Via , imminent dangers. This fact is sell kn ; to all regular anatomists. who examine the h bowels after death: and hence the prejudite of th e well in formed men against the quark medicine of the age. The !Weld e ff ect of the) VEGETA Lf. LII• P. u l a . - PILLS is to cleanse the ktdoeyt and the Illtickler, and by this' means.the liver and the lungs, me healthful action o f w h i ch eotirely depends upon Die regularity of the urinary' organs.. The; hien d, which takes its red color from. the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart. being their. purt6ed by i this'll and nourished IVY rood coming from a clean. stomach. 'courses freely through the veins. renews every part of the system sad tratun?hantly mounts the baoner of hea.th in the bluoining cheek. 1 ~ The following are am g't he distressing varies of human diseases. to whi the Vegetat4e 1..i1e Pills are well knewn to he is allible--- r ip DYSPEPSIA. by through!) , cleansin i g the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow oflpnre healthy bile, instead of ibe stale and acrid kind f---fletutatry, Palpitation of the Heart. Lan of Apprek., fiord burn and lived ache. Reseletsnaur; !l!-temper. 4 itsiere, Lan. goor.and.illelancholy whicla are thegentall symptoms of Dy;Lieptia. will vanish ' a natural consequence of its en Ourtioentunti by cdeansitig the pothole length of the intestines weha solvent procest, and without violence; all violent purge: leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrinsa and Choki,a, by remove ing the sharp acrid fluids by- which these crimp.aints are occasioned• and by promoting the Ilibraiative secretion oft he mucus membrane. Fertile/ all kinds. by restoring the blond to a regular circulation, through the process ?f perspiration in some trees, and the through sedation of all intestinal obstructions to others. The LIVE PILLS have been known to cure Rhert , maliam permapciel) lin thrive weeks, and, (Out le italfl that time , by remov in g lil4-a" tritta - mmotion rmm the 1 muscles and ligaments onthe joints. bropsies of all fonds, by freeing and strengthening the kidney. and , bladder; they operate most delightfully on these or [ Earn'. and hence have ever bee.r found a eetvam retne. as for the -worst cases of Greed. Mao Worsas, by cceitidguig trim the turnings of the hinsels the slimy matter to which these creaturee adhere; Asthma and Consaraptisn, by relieving the our vessdls of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds ifnot remov. 1 ed lie. ontea hardened, and produces those dreadful diseases. &Troy, Utters and frovetentre Sores, by the perfect' purity which three Life Pills give to the blood and all-humors; Scorbutic Eruptions. and Bad Corn. piestans, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that I morbid state .ufwhich occasions all 4ruptire ann. 1 plaints. Sallow. Mai. and oilier tfisags,,ta. c um , rieritms The userif these Pills for avers 'bent:me ; will effect an entire cure of Sail rheum, F.rysipelas I and a striking improvement in the Clea-mesa of the l A u , C om mon Colds. and !vireo-ma, will always lie cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases. ' Pilts,—as a remedy Cur this most distressing and ob efinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a distinct and emphatic recommends nn. it, is well .known to hundreds in this city, tha the Proprietor of these invaluable Pills, was •hinoself afflicted with trim complaint for upwards ofshirty fry years• and that 'i he tried ID vain every remedy prescribed within the whole COMDOBP of the Materia bledica. Ile however, at length, tried the medline which he now offers to the pbblte, and he was clued in a 'very short time. after his recovery had been pronounced not only improbable. but absolutely impossible, by any hutnae I'means. DIRECTIONS FOR IISP--The proprietors oftbe VEor.TAFLE LIYK P I L 4.13 does not follow the base and mercenary prat , : ice of the quacks of the day. in advis ing pervious to take his Pills in large quantities. No 2.04 medicine can possibly be so required. These la i lig ire to be taken al bed time *very night. for a I week or fortnight.. aceord.ng to . the obstinacy of the disease. The main i dose is from 2to 5. according to I the constituuon of the person. VerYdelicate persons should bei,in with but two, acid increase as the nature of the ease may requirbithese More tobest:or or very Lcostive habit, may.tiegin with 3, and increase to 4, or eves 5 Pills, and they will effect a Sufficiently happy change to gnide the patient in their fprther These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and vonory nit. though very seldom, unles i the stomach is vele foul; this, however, may be considered a favorabe s‘mp out. as the patient will find himself at once fit lieved, and by perseverance will soon recover. They usually operate witlnit 10 or 12 hours, and never give pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered. [`hey may be taken by the most delicate females ear. der apy circumstances—lt is. lion ever, revommend ed, that those-in later periods of pregnancy should take but one eta tune. andthus continue to keep the bowels epee: and even two may be taken where the patie nt is vet.: costive- OUR pill in a solution of two ta bl e spoons full of water, !may be given to an infant In the following doves—a tea spoon full Crary two hours till it operate% fur a child from one to five years of age. half a pill---and (runt five tit ten. one pill. TILE BITTERS. are' so called .because they possess the power of restoring the expiring em bers of health. to h clawing Igor throughout the reinstitution. vas the Phceniz IS said to be restored to life from the ashes of its bwodissolution. ..Tb e ' nix Bitters arc entirely vegetable, , composed of root found only lit certain parts of the western conhtry which will intallthlY cure - FEVERS AND AGUES , of all kinds; will never fail to erkidicate entirely all the effects of Mercury. infinitely sooner than the cow powerful toreparauens of Sarsaparilla. sod will mune diately cure the detertuinatiou of BLOOD. TO THE !LIED; never fail in the sickness incident t o young lemaks; and will be found a certain remedy in all cases of nervous dejtitity trod weakness oft he most im paired constiestions As is a remedy for Chremic and fig/amatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phcenit Bitters will be demonstrated by , the use of a single bottle. The usual dose cif these bitters IS half a wine. glees full, in waterier wine, and this quantity may be taken two or three times a day, about half an hour before meals, orb( less quantity:may be taken at all times. To thole who are afflicted with indigestion alley 'meals, these Bitters will provefinvaluabl e . as they very greatly Increase the fiction of the principal viscera, help them to perform their fonetions.and en.' • able the stonnich to,diseharge into the bowels what I ever is offensive, Thus indigestion is easily and speedly removed, appetite restored, and the mouths of the alsorbent vessel's being !Cleansed. nutrition is facilitated, and strength of lody and energy of mind are the hsupy re,eults o r Farther paructibtre of movvr As LIFE Pll., . and PHCENIX . Rn'. , TIERS. apply at Mr. litiaffat's office. No. b46_ , NeerYork, where the Pals cis be ,cents, 5U cents, or SI .per boa ; And the Piers for $1 or $Z per bottle. f Q Numenttos certi6eates of the wonderful efficacy of both, may be there tns7"l. In some obstinate and complicated sates o chrome and inflammatory RhettinatisinAirer Complaints. Fever and Ague,DyspeTina, Purity. Pties. injury frosts the use of ,itons and other diseases of Lu ng ISltadicg.it may necessary to take both the Life Pails and the Phcents Bitters. in the dose before re. commended. - N. Et —These Pills and the Bitter& will get the pierettrY out ofthe system intiniiely lasterthat the h e st ...preparations .of aantaparilla, 444 &certain- rented"- for the rushnigef* Moab) flu or all vio lis t head. sches.tic doithetereas.&c.-*All rsonswho twerps':din.. trust sonjtioplesp,paisgoix.., all never be soda s ' Life Pills oaths Rltters,ftirone dose in time s in same life. They eqUalize the eirpulation ofthe blbod, draw all pressdre from the bead. 'PresPlilltion, end thr2w , 9 fr. 5 ,„ e , impurity byte pores of . the skin. Fne'ssfe by =-MILLE SIIAGCERTY, ... gepts for rho PIS ptietar. 46 -I y 4FI-6mn Pottsville. 26 "BF fr.t.tV 50.0U0 , 7404141010+ 1 0 , 11 , P 25,000 A 20.000 ritat ; alutaGiel l or' tiohiqe_44,..t& glinr.for did . A.' '-' / 4, 1 4 , 23; , -,11. -Mott 1 !ORS' : ClthiTON ' ' ; •• ,' ,kiviitik iitoil.ociely,,' _i: rviirtri;oil - taAion Sl l ;;Lnii Fait . i Sotirety,' ia X now open every ddi r ifi c om 9 - to 3'. cOalkiele at the Office of Dainnitt-, 4 Deposit, ref . the pur pose.Z of receivsng depot!' ninny amount not eit-J yceding 8500 $ fibril - nil lie tierson, — upon • which an interest Of 4:per emit )pill be -, paid 'on every $5 and upwards, but no interest will be allowed co any friietiimal parts of 4.5: The y _whnle or any part maybe drawn out on givir.g notice, two to Crow wicks, at the office .on Mondays. The3,bu. sines of _the Society will be conducted by t the following officers. and managers. until 4.he tort Monday Monday in 'May next. - - • ' - Prevident.—AQUl LA BOLTON. - • Manogers. Joseph Cerro!! , Ssmpei J. rolls F.dward Hughes E. S. Warnp Jacob Bull Jesse Turner L. Wh:ltncy, SecrUtery and Trensurer Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument whatsoever shall be received by the-President or Managers for Atteir services, nor shall any Manager become' a borrower from the institu tion. oct 3 460' CONSUMPTION CURD. INDIAN SPECIFIC ; , • For he prevention Ali-cave • 4 1 . Cbughs.Colds,AstAmos, 4 \ Consumptions, Spitting of Mood, Diaereses I tif the (trj.... flreost &et Longs, e: JAI. J., ,y E Pared M / i Dr•CLARICSOA REN AN, of t hie city / NO , • • of Lancaster. DI ftEMION, Accompanying each bottle Of the Specifick, pointing out in a completions manner, all the symptoms in the different stages of these distres. sing diseases—also particular directions respect tint, diet and regimen, and hlw patienti are to conduct through every stage until health is re. stored—for vain and useless would be the pre seriptions of the ablest physicians, acco4atittd with the most powerful and useful mediemes, if the directions arc not faithfully adhered to. The public are informed that tlu...lepoi(itions of :287 persons have been taken before proper au thorities in the city of Lancaster, all completely cured in the-most desperate cases of etinsump tionrsome of which are detailed in the ae• comipanying each bottle. •' A supply of the above Specific's lino been received and is for sate at this office. March 12 Swaim Panacea: AS the intemperance and luxury of thi age - are hastening the ravages of scorbutic cbmplaints and rendering the blood more impure; and as thou sands bare destroyed their cons' itutionshy beglecoing to 'apply the proper remedies—to such. Swaim's Pan• area must he. and has been, more than dodbly value. ble as a certain and effectual means of restoriag them to perfect health and vigor Few families are u hol ly exempt from scorbtit lc affections, which exbilin va rious symptoms, as eruptions, ulcerations. debility. loss of appetite and dejection, all ariatng frion ampere blood. and af,not properly attended to, prirdoce the greatest injury to the constitutution, and may be im parted th their offspritig. 'Swaim's Panaceh is recom mended at this seasonal the year, as a valuable resto rative of the system, thereby invigorating the constitu tion, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects-of the summer season. It is conveyed by the encula ting fluids, and corrects their tendency to all those diseases which originate in vitiated Weld, diseased liver,depraved appetite. or predispositon to afflictions of the lungs.&c. No one, however; tstadvisedto use it without convincing themselves ufthe trhth of what ; is here stated • Thm medicine is now aged a Rh succesa in all parts or the world, and is gaining great repute ion in Eng• land. A fresh supply of the Medicine just received and for aile by B. BANNAN. Sole Arent for Schuynoicou4ty. Who con supply. the above medicine Wholes:111e to them who wish to sell again, at Philadelphia prices May 14 , : 26- ' HR iNLlZfs'l'fl's Vegetable Unit•ersal Pills. IN VA LI I) 1.--0): E DlttiF.A NV hasi thou only— I an Impurity of thy blood. w hich, by impeding the circulation, brings on pain or derange:tient in the ()i -gen or part where such impurity of th,. blood settleis It IS true, a vailli:Tl of CA1,761.-4 may hnttg about the state of the blood—each as a violent iipruise or fail. damp feet. intligest ion .lia in in the head, 4.c.id.c . line although it may be said that these liseeees have no their origin in impurity of the bloc ',lel the I effect is the MOM they all end to the impuritylof the bloc.:: and our 'only object to prevent the thvating inn, curies be kept up. in other words the aerthwitiouti Li moun,is continually to purge the lady Jas lunges rm. unpleasant symptoms remain, with Dir. fgrandreth r s 1 , Et ;I.:FABLE •U '..6. I VERSA L. PI LLS; w birth. t f per severed with in sufffcient quantities timprodure copi. oils evacuations, will assist nature to• restpre every organ to a statg or health. This to Mn the:principle of draining: we drain a marshy piece of land, and from a state of sterility soon producer a most abun dant fertility:and so it is with the humlan body; when any thing is the matter with it. we hark onlyoccasion to draft it by purgation—and experietce bas tatight t ho se who haveadopted this reasonab e practice. be• 4ause mmisistent with our nature, that ?hey have anted rightly, the result having been tumid health. It is not inure than tS months since these Pills were in. i. I reduced into the United States, but their IMO . hat brieualtogether imprecedented,there avinoheen cold of them in New York in that time, t r , ly one miltitm fine hundred thousund boxes. And a ve 10.000 per sons can be referred to in Ne w York city. and nearly the same in Philadelphia. who have en cured when every other means had become altog ther unavailing. of diseaseembich appeared oldie t opt*. siteehar. acter, and in many easel where the readfol Mirages of uleeratiog, hail laid bare It - gamest and ;bone, aid whereto all tipPdareace no human ineanikouldstme life,have patients, by the use of these. Pills. been re. stored to good health, the devouring tlise•mt having been completely eradicated. Dr. Wm, Brandreth was so. fully , truth of the above simple theory, ti years in esperiment and laborious medical propertlec of the no meroui tog Ant. Vegetable Kingdom; his objl postl'a nedicirietwhieb would wont dude by specific action. • removal from the blood by the stomach and; continuation of the use_of inch ami more are sure to be carried oS sumo a state of purity: and wboeveo and perseveres with them. will be William Brandieth fully attained object. lt is now an absolute- and every disease, whether it be in tU brain or meanest member; w ulcer, or on inward abiCeirs. frobt many causes. redumb namely, tmpurity of blood. fiIOTICF..—As Drug and I alty/b)oded with counterlei comes those who want the I only of the accredited agent to be above suet dishonest Mi. S. Thompson dr CI grills at present for Schm Ut Srandrmhs Office ft: whiitesale and retailts at thole filth st, north side. AJways remember that gags° Brasiireth Pills ehateitorthewsse ale+ Dec, 3 I VIM • - • • • zliat ~.- -4/41**fiii- iiteo ite• ia iilligFi %Plod, AbiLEIFY*I2O4I4 a1 F , 1.1-iiii do do V' • ''' do . ''' ' lie gi.,. l "!lT --;- d o d o 1 , .- . , * A ,., -, -. 1 ,ild" - bOttica - . , •41 ' ._ -- wi11..L12 ir , :. - ..q9dldelirt, in !ma Verfiltit e tT„„, * . d°:ZleWofilleLobb 'And og tau ' vc...7 1, 1 ..1: pleb Madeire. Dulrtifidt ihritygo.:iep "i gUr Rd iPsle 'Alban s E 4 oti r--- '':' —‘" o .. 'oriiiiii;ll6.o. Bic. filr I aliby dry ' a9-4:.eli ti l Llitglc..llAGGEßll. 34 ~~:1Y~..,.. april • 1- AusKan a, =FB A s. • THE titrtginal flygeien %Universal Vegetable li Medinine, prepared by W. MIS KIN, Esq., Member4f the Royal College of Surgeons, Licen tiate of Apotheciiiiii . 'Cozipany; Fellow of 801. Court Society, Surgeon. to the Royal Union Pen sion Awsociauon, .Lancaster pihce, Waterloo Bridge; end Perpetual Pupil of Guay's and St. Thomas' . r llos-;tale, London. • These pills having gained unparal• Idled in every section of the thilo/1 are now con. sidereil by all those who. value goa d health, indis pensable as i fatuity medicine—patronised by a numerous' body, of, the most eminent Physicians both in this country and in Europe,.-4e sufficient, it is presumed, to stamp Omit...character in the es.: timation . of every. thinking min, end it is hoped, a far better recommendation than the course re sorted to by ignorant and unprincipled pretenders, who to mislead and deceive the public, publish what they call practical proofs mid certificates of Cures, thatemiced all bounds of rational credibil.l ity, and most of which, if not all, are either gross fabrications, or procuredbyfroustand counivence. The editor of the Long lalatitl - Farmer, says " , This medicine has obtained an unprecedented degree of well preserved popularity. Braving tak- en these pills ourselves to advantage and witness ed their beneficial effects on others. we have no hesitation ir. recommending then; to the public as a safe, Salutary and useful fitinily medicine." - * * *None are genuine without the signature of the General Agent on the label, by whom the a-- hove medicine is imported into this country. JNO. tIOLBEIN.I29 Waverly Place, k, • • • Gen'l Agedt for U. A mipply of the above Medi c ine just received and for sale by BANNAN, Sole Agent for Schuylkill county. 2- July 16 The subscriber has discovered a method by which he •&rtues of that valuable root, • THE SARSAPARILLA, May be extracted without losing any of its med;cinal properties. This medicine is prepared after a re ceipt of the Medical College. a receipt recommended by the Faculty as the best formula for the prepara tion of the fluid extract of Sarsaparilla.. This Extract may be given with perfect safety to children. and is couscientiouily offered to. the public as a purifier ofthe blued, wbkcb in all cases will great ly alleviate and in many entirety cure the following diseases: Obstinate eruptions of the akin. flinfplea or poatules on the face. Biles which arise from an impure habit of body, SCalymruptions.. Pains in the bones, Chronic rheumatism, Tetier: Scrofula, er King's evil, White Swellings, Syphilitic symptoms. And all disorders arisingfrom, an impure state of the blood, eithet by a long. residence in a hot and un• healthy climate, or the injudicions use of mercury. I have thon;ht it necessaiy to attach a few curb& ea tes of its beneficial effects, from persons well known itrilie county, as references: • Reading, July 13.1837. , . . - %V the undersigned. having used the:Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. (prepared by George 1V: Oakeley ) in Our families , most cheerfully recom mend it to the public. as a cheap, safe and efficient medicine, in diseases arising from impurities of this blood. 'nig is to certify that I was fin two years afflicted with an obettnate impetigonious affection in one oftny legs, which-broke into numerous ulcers, for which 1 tried various remedies, which but increased the dis ease, when 1 was recommendedy to try Mr. Oakeley's preparation Of Sarsaparilla. 1 did so, anti after using several bottle:Vl am happy io wine that thOnlcers are ennrely removed mid my leg healed. Witness my nand this 16th day of A ugust, 1837. /MIN R. COLLER, Reading. This certifowihat my little Ben. about 8 years old. had aufferettfor'a long time from extensive sores on the right knee and leg. (supposed to have been white swelling.) which I found impossible to heal. by even the aid of the moat - respectable medical advice, until I WB2 recommenced to use Mr. George W.Gakeley's Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, eight bottles of which not only healed the sores hut perfectly restored the child's health which had suffered much in consequence of dui affetuon. CATHARINE BINGEMAIV, 7th above Penn at. -Reading. The above case was presented to me; both before and atter the use of Mr. Oakeley'sayrup of &nape- . Tina. and I hive invihesitation lb believing that it was the agent of his restoration. MO. P. HIESTER.II4. D. Reading, Sept. 12.,,1837. • Wits 'zingvton, Now 20, 1837. Mr. .. Sir —1 consider it my duty to let you know that the use of the half dozen bottles ofyour valuable Sarsapa rilla tnat I got (Wynn in June last, has entirely healed my leg, the Rector told me it was out scrofulous chat ' eater. and the use of your medicine would ,probably benefit it. The five bottles were not taken before it was healed, but I took the sixth to make the cote certain; it is now better than two months since I ustti any. and there ts no appearance ot a return.my phyti• clan thinks the cure, perfect. . Youra.&e. CRA RLES BROWN. 14r-Ther' above saleable -medicine may be had at the subscriber's wholesale and retail Drag stole, North Fifth street, Reading. and at most of the prin cipal drug stores.. Fresh Dings! and Medieines..st thelowesteashiniees, alms kept , for sale by the eab‘ scriber. GEO W. OAKELEY. onviOccd of the • at 'Top' 30 mat4h one the pladtr titopos ict beiing to coat i l(y.andWr --- itQ, to be at the 'therm of Heiedenreich & Kutz Korztovin ; Wm. Mintzer and Dr. Ford. Potts- Frown ;Peter Knabb,Oleyi and the store °ai l m ent ' Screech, Pottsville. • Jan 13 , ' • .3:-' 6mo. N. 8. To fireient impOsition. my signature von aceomparaytbe label of each bottle. c: al by heeler. rw te; as hy. the 'eh e. Roth hut: 1 thb blood as eke:ahead Pills, satisfied that Dr. ais ghtlanthrdpic knothb fact, that ead feet, in the sing rect. THE:aii*Ottifkß OFFERS AT li, F/1111AVTE &JLE • A HOUSE & LOT in Norwegian • Street, nearly • opposite the residence. tit William B. F., Pommy, now occupied` by William D. Leda. The house is 101 feet - front thy-30 tett in depth, with a, kitchen and;l cellar in the basement story, two rooms onAhe ..fintisecoridtind third &ore each; the whole of said Rouse well plastered and painted, Also,sik excellent well of water at the door-..—the lot is 20} fenufrit, by 170 feet in 'depth; with-a 9 feet 'kV ley Oitthe welt' enittif said hciuse. - ;• forthreparticulare inquire of, 4' • ! • ' '1 • Thole , , , SitAgg„. ; • Mount Carbon, Nor. 3, 1837.° Iter. be was mai MEI I , Pills loon I the, ?tut. MEI Important DisCovery. JOHN MILLER. WM. IL MILLER. M. S. RICHARDS, WM. RHOADS, === O*LiUs . NOW Effitut . C.oria OM., wad e£ aubmitews thekftieleS,3llll 4101 they have Celan . ' the itere , Jacob Bell /*mai fof streets. *here they era sow', aseutneet et :,,trzu ti .Prdiiitiiikelit , 'fl:4l Dry G, Liquom which they...ass &tarp:hiltd CI est prices. • -HAZZtiII7 N. B. All of Casat the highest market fitic - eir: Apritt, ' •! • • A -: NIVINT44 general suortment ,ofl, Goode, jiist reCeived Umitil • • iry M N* ' '' • . Hanfira ' fttieen et Matite • I. Salt I'lli eiti. &c : ft. which will be mud Is* ro att. • f rbie lif `but price paid in cub fin all In ' sotconiitrylusdnot t - JOSEPH BITE IL Bg#l. Mount Carbon, Dec 2 t ~ ill. MAKE both limited and perieinsi j ' mem on Brick, Stone or Frame Bui • . tkOrea. Hoteli. tffills, Barns, Stables, lideitliatil . null. I ture and PropertTofoirery deactiptibs, • 1 lota or damage by FIRE. ' MARIIVZ AND INAND INSURA4r,E. The 'Delman" Com i ty ; insurance compa ny oil. also insure against Mai oil all kinds °f in ice thaw and..agatast the damage o r loss !port the razor m. i tion ofgoOdi:waree. and auereandime by O by rail way, upon terms alp favourable as any lother is stitution. 1 For any further information on the- na tof in. sumac*, either against Firt, marine or in risk" Apply to fiIi.NRY GI. ROBINSON. vent. July l 5 .14-tf i At Schuylkill US. . • or IifILLIAM B. 1 A I gibing. SPRING GARDE Wire Insupuice Coin itgAJLE both hunted Old eerirental dttroaspa as I , ll3riek,ttone or Frele'Beildifttis.l3tiono,dietele Mills, Barns, Stables. hterebandW, Foiattere.and. Propertyof every descriptibb,against !osier damage by The subscriber bas been appointed Aort for the above mationcd Institution and lane* iuepared to make iNSCAANCIM upon efferydeienpeton looff Repeny at the knieht rates. BEM/01M LOMB. Poesy/Ile. Feb. 27. Pr ? . - 15 ... . The Philail . _O O rfila IFlAire INLAND NAVIGATIN INEILIRANCE ' CODPANT. CAPITAL AUTHORISED SY Law. lu6moioo4 CHARTER .10ERPETU4L, • ?MAKE both limited Ind perpetual, litaurances as Briclt, Stone or Praline BaddispoStbres. Hotels, Mills, Barns. Stables, Merchandise,'r4birroe, and Property ofevery description, 146=1 - damap by FIRE. The subscriber basapyininied AitlyiT for the above mentioned Ininittition and ifirwisif prepared te make IropiLatints upon cam doseriptiOn ofMOM at the lowest rates. BENJAMIN. *ANNAN. Pottsville, Feb 2S • 15- P'VHE subscriber had now on .ba s• end Storehouse Qn Centre an streets, a full issorzment of Goods, i coal region viz : ' Barr Iron of aiscirted Band and Ifooppo di} Nails and. i pike oda do. do . Steel, Round 43:. Suars do do Nails and;SpikeM do do Coal Shoiels do . do Hardware, a Regaral assort Allfof which be is palling at red .] Jadl3 - . n oWLETTI-inthrest Tables; Jua'indfor sale by I EL kin 24 , I HAZZARD( & ST ITCH'S WHOLIISAIE AND TAIL ' Dry4oodll l roCr avid la. qua Store, . Corner of Gear" Neriket-Sti , P.frsvUle April 8 2g- . .. 1 . . . .. 84)40410ii Sty_ ii‘ii. Le • BANNAN offers for niti the 1011 w/ dog ••••• • atandard worAis it the very low prier et tacked. t I Home,..Sinollett and Miller's Et4lend. __ 4 vole. sheep, with plates . - $lO 1110 Ciarke's Cortinientaty, 4 vols. sheet. , . 1200 Wesley's works, 10 vols. cow** ll 00 Bock', Theologietif works. 6voll'ebeept.Ll.6. 00 Scott'sßitde. end CinTentery, ,3 - vols. dieep, • . . Byron's works,'Dnirborne t 00s Edit 25 Rollip's Ancient.busty. 1 volniatespe . , Dearborne'l ition with , Mapo mid. i l d plates, . i - . 445 Josephus 1 40. wit plate s 1 225 Matryau's work, I. " , roplete. 1 vol. 3 IS Moore a tiolkii,Li ry Edition' i 22s Bain. wortir. 1 2 00 1 Cowper all tbrinipson's wintkl, 245 1 Paley's wo ki 1!.- q. go 1 Burden's v Iligelßernsmisi- • - 2 01. -Doddridgis'e a {innity r Expeantari.: o , • ''' 350 _Enciyokiped . , lid:9 - -ftstejaliz 3 is. with .• 126tre i 'loo Mom .' 10 SO WOx's.llOOlt`ollf ' yni,yiltubirstes, ! mph, 2 25 McKenzie", WO' • - 137 , -.Together *ilk variety of -Books at vet, sow -rithis c itt nit the times. i." ]D i l l'_ .; i. . !,.. . . • 32- I t tio, i , PAL, as &•' ilititqq MAN'S '- '' ~ .mati ;of le, tioctidam Ministry and two ekiji,of thePretesting:l_4i '2 Mora in Its - MOW Stil*lii thejtev., " kits Dom Re* . lor,gtChriikcipOril - * !s;,lti‘i tgaiTed 1 :041: 0 :1 11 0ref ..''....-, . , 'Trifle ', - ' r' tg i . , . . II 1:21 11 I / E EZM , .---'l - aild:m4bi• mpinr at his Rat Rat Rose ble for the esd_ AYTON. ast-feee* ed • ANNhtl.