nfR RAC -1. ' quested us towsert the fu liming: , Mr. akiaiiii4l44iii do iirticWe iii' 4 your valustile'Papilr,*' the ' 4 28, IC A p ril, signed A. S.V .,, N;vehich- Ow lin.Altatrsik trniustr,' ispyi# Ifi.;;Gelisise . diner; edi dbfendingins` pa4l444gaiest.'t 'claim , for'* patent of Mr.iCrane. It a pears, thit whatsoe.ver comes from abreqi,i. ofben ighty :prized and extolled, .10.0!lltiS'fal ntio'und in ventions of this pory ar e'.entiervalued. Dr. G., undoubted 16'41 ved the pio.' bletn,tharit ii possible to s elt iron ore with. nthreettb deitt,und is ustly 'entitled to ttiti - hoodr, nit t/iseovere Evert the board eftrsd H e iteyOur place tate, in their public report, itOt " the levelopmeuts made in thi9'tottltiy3lY; ; Dr. 6eissenhainer, ' tatistied itit•whosw it neitsed tt e experititent of itti entire' success." These 'develop. manta Were made long bete :e Mr. Crane made his experiments. 'Sic fear and the preesurerotthe times alone reventect the Dr., from putting his works ,i nto full-Ivo ratipiN but, he has caused o her veryjrn. portalil deAlopinents to be made in'the discoiery, of. excellent beds of iron wire, whicliarele veins of from 1* to 30 inghes ihick, and Ofteta three and Our are found Cloie‘ together, so that abundance Of good iron Ott is now ascertained tb exist id the coal rtigioni of Schuylkill. That '•, i he - countryialstgferincr on accoup' t of Dr. G.'s "pattin4.' istiiot his ault,Tor has hitherto done ill in lila power. ' With* desiring to detr et Troia fhe merits or*iltOrane!, I, conf that 1 be 'have the liOlee r ,'•;pl,:said ant le, or ;his in formanti:,9rpresenneloo in ch upon the g , enerosity l cif Mr. ;Crane. robably Mr. vcrone ;has intirer said that .h would give his inventifitie• the world wi hout any re. nitinenttitint Of I have see it state.' in i public papers,- that he w uld dispose ' of patent' rights in Ayneri , at a cer tain amount per ton of iro made; this, privilege Dr. G. will.,undou tedly grant, and perhaps on stilt nyore mo e rate terms. 'lf. At, crane wag nnt- awa that a pre •vious' patent was out here ~ r the same 'thing, and felt disposed to ac so generotni alert us 'giving it ,to the o rid grans, where was the need of the tr ble and ex pense refki patent, (which wo h i have cost hitn word than ii..5004' w hen ithout it his purpose could have been eq p ly well ac complishedl And . why sho Id he have tWen a lease in Wales for 9 yea's, if he .• did not intend to;reap any ad jiffs patent there? . And would teach men-hie inventi and give it Aitt them e and the competition from Wales But supposing 'even that he quisti his Patent:in Europe a' would not our country be in' off with the "competition of till than protected by an Ainerii true, what was said Motile England looked with a jetili' our vowing coal operation to cresh them by sending la of cckil to this century, and prider price, would she not .• cause to prevent ot• break d business, if it were in her would not Mr. Crane, with England and in America, • nopilise the whole try? Let thole interested in ore lands seriously weigh t! and then judge whether Mr. Geissetthsiner is the greates their 4nterei.ta, and which i ! the most thanks and encoutl, situ Dr. G. a few days ago, feeble at present; and if no i rest himself for this great none should complain that ' suffers under our apathy. heard the Dr..say, I am to he Would grant such w be reasonable and sat] TOR TIII HINRR Mr., Rannen, The coin by ••A Subscriber;' in your last marital. intend. ed eolv as a . passing pleasantry 9n those who have faith to-the Cheery of Phr en ilogy, as the "mhbacribei" boa been i.formed, given grant offence 10,1111 gentleman m•re particularly elloiled , to i lhan others, a moral nse of justice and'obngation ; as well as disposit' n, induces me to do away any' Unintended injor or offence, as -soon as possible, and .1 beg leave to assure that gentleman-that. there was not it most remote intention of charging his private tar public char. acter for. uprightness or iniegri in those re marks ; but merely to instance t • uncertainty of the Theory commented on. N. respectful feeling whatever woo the writer to any persona ell tiled only meant•to causa . mnmentary seems to base given offence and ings, the writer begs lo,expreva and to apologize where the injury May I 1th,.18311 We pubii■b the following ertic writer seems to think that we are on principles of even-headed josh ha thinks,the Frame necessary to vitt4ica'tion of the Ex -Chief Bar ter intimates this in a few lines accompanying the -article. Although we ego a perceive, the force of reaeontng. In the article, prebend the point or aPpfication stela. yet we publish it on the g • namely, as a defence or sindkcati • article we say the coldroienir end itirour colutrins. We shah farther on the sub,iict, pro• nor co Mr, figUmill:—Wlll you alto through the channel of your vat two communications published in Wednesday and Saturday lad, ant induced to" make the request as not Minnally opposed to the übj tacks. Now, airoilioever the Re witty may be, I give "him credit natural atom, to cook up end servo Itc maie a man of undigested tti riiiki. }Ow , chier,ijare***4 . big iiiiigyi_Loccorti erg his, coofirac . foi appestat Me regidally,aorril nated ticket +arercionest;tielng CQDsciensioos (iii hiomimmindigit eir unfitoris for the situatkati, and not to "gratify iirivatenmalice mid- ae114,. *I /MotherTlA MBIAN.II4II 14 , The . gentkinyan been pleased tals:mike it a m i ter of religions nt mem. by V with- t h e "ICAO of lerceligite Is softer. fie as managed Very ingeniously, to work 'FannY Wright Eno the mesa, end ' I al believe Wishes rut all to tbiLk of our worth 'ex cbiefilurgesi is a alfoffrdinspirar ben. in ' an utter infidel. Experience Ks 0.6141 HIM' anotinionvitent.;" but crew. 011ie moat effiCierit oftiertfijoi f9ive. ever Jiad. 0 - to the gent/mai of VY._ r atteads t yr the min 1 sti" ` echo wee- nhoef r i bugt7istvpla sly eritiOvveri re eye." all 1 biiirg to sarl* the earandly, al retrand aoherlY ; whether or not he does act ly thick there is O.' ing to be a mutiny - anumg 'vibe dow W and M* I would advise to biro the ' YoropriAty •bf offering himself a volunteer to 4 quell the insurrection. JUS tICE. ;. The meeting in Independence Square yesterday aforrinott, Wile the kigest the) has assembled in 'that place lance tho great , -banner meeting" in 1811: Mans , mime wan ...henna resolved and hands pre: pared" to do justice to the bation'efiiih* its. Hon. Joseett IsciEnsot.t. presided) sod opened the Meeting with an elo tart speech . . His liotroa TRH MAYOR ofre" na'v rer•olutionly which he prefaced lilt s speech, which was "WI- de point and ppli" , cation, slid was heartily responded the Crowd. • Justan RANDALL, Esq: then `Cie fori, ward, and was heatuty greetad. iaYet marks were terse and pointed, he rd rd every part of the great assembly, a ap: pleaded wherever heard. FRAN= E. Baswrrett v Esq, ring been called on, presented himielf, a d ad 4 dressed the meeting it consiteraßleiengthl Mr. B.'s appearance excited the more ati iention, as he had been an o r iginal Jack; son inm, and had only recently left the ad; ministration party. The Hon. Jas VATIPER then, in one: thence ton cal, addiessetrthe meeliug Witt great force anti truth. The venerable Mternsw CARET move. 1 that the proceedings be published. White Mr. Ingersoll was addressing the' meeting, a company off 'Citikonsti check into the yard with banners titres i, g.-4 W-e understOod they were from t treat' ri si d e of the city, TiVib 'of these anneal bore the:inscription, •41,Errai Cl. 4 ore CII.OICE." . Another 'was riehlrin critter! a all 'patriotic seiltimetits, Arouthr had on it a vessel loading With cosi, lit ii the t i inscription, "don't give up the ship," and some others. 'lmage from kely that he here gratis :n•ellteir into tritrical outd reliru d A merieal inlet:, worse it iron (mite, in patent? If rl aao, that [us t7e upon and mut t /lit i• e count k les -The meeting showed whet are the feel.:, ngs of the Imo* of Pittladelphia 'tower& he statesman of the 'west oz:r The banks of r .N.O -..m., are as elite and maxima.: to resume specie ;ear metals as those ut any other rstate, and norm ing restrains them frorn'doltitr to anSanter; Gut a distrust of the genet l gtaverrament,•,, the Chief of which lass nP fro ndship foi Pennsylvania, the greal rival of lias native: State. to fact; the President' has, a# though he were possessed of sectional of rival areling, evinced a most deadly hate Or hostility to the Pennsylvania Bank of • the United Stales; nod as his mouth piece; the Globe affirms that all our banks are in It ague with Bintri,z,nf course all have, well rift! nfled fears of Ezecutivc .afen : 1 geatice. Is it any wonder, then, 'that with such a rival as New York on o,lokitlp, anti such an enemy as "the governMern" MO the other, that our banks shpuld . be care ful at,d cautious in their too fements—that they should be wary of the Kinderhuok Fox, lest in an unguarde moment he should pounce upon them ! It is that Ads ministration that the ba are afraid or—, that is the " 1111 l nster' l w tch has so much e power for weal or fur the monster which has caused all the parties and pressures of the last year, and which note stands in the way of att generai re. sumptitm. Let-the admit 4. Pon ciiange ats torte xnal temper, and let it erases: pa pay cease their i n wicked assaults u , . thefhanks and business of the country, a . all l will be we ll i n a l i ttl e while=-confident, Where stored, and enterprize and trideAvill re some their wonted action. Chester Co. Reg, -stling ihem id still More wn the iron ;ower7 And a patent in' .able to ray'. 131 this entlo oat turd iron rse matters; • 1 - rane or Dr. . protector of i t deserving of I - gement. 1 he is quite rue Will rote. desideratum, the country roar what I reamed that would E!Ell unkind or dia• entertained by o, in what. was irth—and BB it :sounded feel s deep regret, [hiss been done. N_:w ORLRANS. Tuesday. • May 1, 1838. From the New Orleans True Anierieoni A RUNDity.OI3UNSFORMIB.IIBIIIPrI!" 1561611 PP I ELECTION, As far as w have been able to gather; (rum the different counties, the same tri umphant increase attends the eloquent Prentiss and his compatriot Word, which the first symptoms presaged. Prentiss his been every, where hailed as the champion of the good cause, as the able defender of his Sta•e's -sovereignity, -and AO, much dreaded denouncer - of the tyratiny and misrule of the, present administration.=. Mr. Claiborne came to this city in the Run )ter Hdl on Sunday, and departed imme diately for Red River on private business. It wig yet many days before the com plete returns of all the counties in the 1 1 Stole can be collected; but the uniform in crease of the Whig votes over those of the Loco Form party, as far as ' heard.,from, brings conVietion to the' mindi of the un prejudiced, that the triumph of Prentiss and Word is certain. We . have 'received the Natchez Courier of the 26th and 27th instants, and invert the entire of the latter, e because the rid to dose up. and because .defence or 5•111 TE! indeed coin the list allo nth suggested, ; but.with this st come to an H bliah nothing me to reply ,table paper, lo your papers of I I am the mare hooey you are tet of their at. tletnan of'Sat or very blue_ ut to the pub. Sontag as the ElMit=2l GREAT CLAY MEETING. 11, S. GaOte T , 1 1,4 M f. , M 4l: - V;;.2 - . 5 E -...;:- IS -. , 7 , i t, .t 1 • - keiet returns carifilly viith`thtqabh the farmer , cuntert, it will be ep. bow decidedly the Whig party has gained in all cases.-44lis'iyainia a sufficient proof that the election is - safe; fur though . the back counties should even give" die *me vote hs before. it is §nite 'certain dist the 'mutt, is favourable to our party. ' ADAMS COUNTY. cattPLUTS 11,01111101. For Congress. Prentiss, • - . 098 Wthd, 065 Claiborne, ' • 299 'Davis. , 4 281 JEFFERSON COUNtY. Nat:W.9 s A.,..„ Olt 429 Word, . '''' fr 41'1 Claiborne, 121 Davi% . . - 120 We subjoft a i(tatettlent of the result" of the a actions in Jeirersob 'outlay, in July and November last, from .the latter' w inch it will be seen that Messrs: Claiborne and adtuallYreceived mute vott.3 when they were 'rids candidates than Mears. Claiborne and Davis 'have now received I to .tarty, Prentiss bad 9.38, Irma 226, Claiborne 112, and Mollies] 98. In No vember, Preittms had 335, Word. 342, Claiborne 146, and Gibelson 147. Now, as trill be seen above,. Prentiss bad 429, Word 417, Claiborne 121, and Davis 12th ?rennin having gamed since November 44 votes, and Claiborsne lost 25. WARREN COUNTY. vortrcers. Prentiss, Wurd, Claiborne, Davis, In the icily election the'vcAe stood, Prentisit, - 403 Acta, 427 Claiborne, 181 Chu!son, 166 So that Mr. Prentiss has obtained the astonishing Itterease . of 370 rotes!! while Claiborne has gained only -83 May the cause-coutinue to prosper. HINDS COUNTY One precinct, Jackson, only beard from. Prentiss, 209 Word, 191 78 74 is Fur the Legislature, Foote, (Wing.; 159. Wilbents. (Loco F0c0,) , 6.5. The above is correct—being furnislaed by the judges of election. • . WILKINSON COUNTY. Complete with the exception or one pre cinci, Fort Adams not being beard from. •Pruntne, 431 Word, 427 C`larbOrhe t 1111 Davis, 123 CLAttfORNE COUN'T'Y. NUT CAMILKIt. Prentiss, d. Davis, Thue we ate the same triumphant gee cess attending the Whig cause in Mimi!? I,ippi--hitherto the Ima-t and brag of the Loco Focim—is now redeemed. POPULAR VOICE or N. ENGLAND Whig. V. B. 34,513 33,971 Vermont, 22,220 17,73 G 31ast.achusetts, 30,920 • 33,132 Connecticut, :29,500 22,000 New Hampshire, 25,338 27,242 R, (stand, :2,566 2,192 162,092 136,287 136,287 • Majority, ELECTION IN 18311 As it win be interesting at this time. to known how the vote stood at the last Gu: bernatorial election in Pcnosyßir anis, we give the returns belovr. h wodld be well for readers to preserve-them fikr"future re- Ibrence : Ji+seph Itimerts vote was 04,111 George Wolf's 65,804 H. A. Mublenberg's 40,546 Majority of W. a trd M. over Miner 12.467. the following is the result of the Bo? rough Election in Orwigsburgi Chief Burgess: William B. Pottsi . Esq. 24 *John Barman, teq. 33 Xssietant Burgess. Charles Frailey, Esq. 21 *Joseph Hammer, , 37 High Constoke: *John Kreter, 31 Towns Clerk. Jacob Broom, Esq. 2' •Henry Voutt, Comma Jahn M. Bickel, John Shoemaker, Joho Shoener, 2 Joseph Woolison Willi tin Frailty, *Benjamin Nebt,_ 4 *Chtistian Berget; *Jacob Meiberrt, *Peter F. Ludwig', , *away Them marked Oft (*) stb til►etad. MM 122 • Skim his barb be tarred ' Struck ikeep die spdra—the retied behind Wei split:Dad, - ' Add 614ben Abil Galan the lend tewaid, wit he yearetict. MOREL% y. On the 29th . ult., by the Rev. Mr. . Shear in St. M ichael ' s "Church, the Rev. Dr. Hskiacascir, Rector or Trittity Church, Si.. Augustine, to Alum)). Alva, daughter of Abraham Dupont, Eaq., algae* Florida, • • 'Clatrketan Paper. SCHUYLKILt. 'kLLE? r BAIL lOU. The following is th 4 amount of Coal, transported on this Read for the week ending on Sant : day evening last the 51h• 461) tons tit H. POTTS, Collector, • 713 760 264 263 The following li . the tiriOunt of Coal traniported on this roisd . for ttio leek ending on Wednesday evening last, - 1599 teas Per kit Report; 1813 The following is diet amount of coal transported on this Rail Road for the weak eroding on • Thursday evenint last, 3279 nuts Per last Report! 3474 Pausesll4Vite 12, 1838- LOUi WHEAT F • by the load was wouh on Fri day 50. WHEAT k .50 per: pushel, iv demand. RYE FLOUR 2 50 per cwt. in demand. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 2 5u per ewt.ln demand • RYE, by the load 'BO emus Dy tbebusl24—read , sale 410 373 356 320 WILL be sold at Public Sale on -Saturday the 19th of May, 1828, atthe house of Wm. Mortimer, the following Household and Kitchen Furniture, sir. 1 Sideboard, I Soli, Card Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Lookitrg•gtasses, Oureaur, Carpets, ind a varie‘y of other articles. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. on toad day, when the conditions of sate will oe made known by N. J. MILLS, may 32 36-2 Auctioneer. 45,830 - ties* . -f? • - --•--;' 2110 Zektilititn. ` .- 'k *Tidal oh lny . birib placi;" — " . ' ' 4 4 i tool ally .fassfal dooow 1 blow that Moslem's palierfol row foto its aletrila iamb, ~ - , . ':. ft ' thy kwitikWowec br ow s 1iw4,1 1 . 4 _ add with thohotohlhog chola, To hoftlagll Oa (he cowardly kw% ' 1 ' t . Omit coniiimini filiola. ' dt re • . 1 114 bravo tad knightly, I . y awns tad lordi of fame. 'i 'On - ihyliahrood swag dohsadina ‘ t . it now dill country's shows. 1- 1 brim thee feted country. Whi*Yet You're free, sod stew_ By ,Athsh tteer loves thee. & wear the yoke you'bear. •- - • 'To think how ltiw thonert fallen. Oakes the soul within me By the Prophet of Moslem, I enter will tetutn. M tagiED4 *ILL CROEK RAIL ROAD. 3112 GE). HAOESTY, Collector IM intA2NCH RAIL. ROAD. 6755 ROBERT C. HILL, Collector REVIEW OF 'tuE MARKET. RYE CHOP -90 dents per bushel in dimand OATS 40 cents—Mady sale. POTATOES 45' , cents per bushel in demand. CORN-70 cents per bushel in demand. CLOVER SEED.-. 45 Su per bushel. TIMOTHY SEEM—SI do per bushel. PLAKSEE9-91 12 per bushel in demand. IVIIISKEY,—.II2 cents pet gallon..- , BC rrE.-111 cents per pound—inKep 12 dents EGGS-- 2 dents per dozen. LARD-10 cents per pound. TALLOW-9 cent} per pound. HAMS 19 cents per paned. CORN CHOP 80 Cents per borate) in demand. BACON-12 cenutiper inatand. • BEESWAX—Id cents per pound. • FEATHERS-62 deals per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents po pound MACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1, 1112 00 Al i 2. 212 SALT-4 62} per bbl.; 87 per bushel. PLASTER, is worth $1 0 0 per tee- HAY $lB per ton. rublie Sale. ST RAY HORSE. ip ANI E to the stable of theaubscribers in Cal. lid 'mishit' Street on the 16th inst. a DARK BAY HORSE. veryilow in condition. The own er is requested to cmhe forward, prove property anc: pay charges, otherwise he will be sold ac cordingio law. LEE At -CURRINGTON. may 12 7 3S-3 SIX CENTS RiMPAIR.D. RANAWAY from the aubieriber on Tuesday last, May 11b, an indented apprentice to the Cabinet Making Business., named JEREMIAH MoCULLODGR, aged about 19 years. All per. sons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting said boy at their peril. Whoever will retorn /Aid Ap. prentice to the subecriber shall receive the above reward. • DANIEL /WEAN D. may 12 36r3 Notice. Afiddleport and Pine Creek Rail Read tiontpatty. PURSUANT to Charter an Election for Pros ident, Manager* and Officers of said Com. patty will be held at the boils; of John Miller, Inn. keeper, In the borough of Reading, Berks Coon. I.f, on the Sat day of lane next. at lour o'clock, P. M. may 12 36-3' Coal Land and Farm 'For Sale. TEE nbscrilver 'Afflict( at Private Sale his Carm, containing 30 acres, B i I stoats *ray in Barry township, and partly h Rrish township, Schuylkill County.: about eight miles from the borough of Pottsville. About 0 acres of the land is cleared, and in s good state Pf cultivation. end ibe Dan ville andlPottsville Rail RiCad runs through the tract. On the premises are erected three dare's ling boosts; all in good order. About one half of the Land is known In be goOd Coal Lands An indispdiable AKIO will be given, For farms, apply to !JAMS C. STEPHENS,fbc. may 36-3* .`; on the premises, , 1 try tt hoop sccfijiileitl County Celials. WI Parade in Wednesday the 24 daY tif May; i 938, st Mortinotols Motelj st g ' M. provided with 6 Route of !Rank Cartridits...Semmunttl i npolm. • d. JAS.i. 4VOLI I mATITON. - 8 1 gag 3941 \ ~' SI 7 1 , • ' FACTV Doer tiSawnwi Ratted Store. ittd welly 'eprisit,n 6E' Nat iesirl Rohl is dr Ber*gh of RES Pottavitle,i , - - • . ACTFUI t LY tunfonehes, the public, that ha constantly •keeps un band II general . wort ' • 'Meat of Sadd6, Bndles, Trunks. 1 C.o3lo,Gig a d' Wagon Liariteig, Natters. Tra lag Raga, Patent Fly Nets, Bs; Robes Wearer Saddles., fda f ibts, Gig. End a • Ridinglithitos ibgethgr with err. ery 10 r ankle geserallgkep Indtaanufactored by Saddler., ood solicits all in want of theme air. deka by calk and essotinelor tharnsebrea.. Eirtiy'description of work in - his toe. will be mad. th order at aborteat untien. with neatoese and durability; Sod on tering ns low as. can be done elsewhere. may 9 . , 35 _. 3 oissoluti . NNOTICE is 'hereby given, ilia the partnership heretofore lexistior be tween Hiroo Omens andGPaniel Speomenbeurge, contractota on the 24ih . and 25th Sections of the Cattitwiima Rail Road, was diesolved on the 7th init.* mutual Consent, by the Withdrawal of Daniel Spunnentxtutg from the firm—and the sutweribei also gives notice that her I. nut reepongibie for any deUta contract ed by the said Daniel Spnnnenbourg eller thi4-1 date. HIRAM OWENS. 35_,...3* may 9 Hotel, Coal Landing*, and linildhig "Jots AT SCHUYLKILL HAVEN. • Positive &le to elosra Concern. WILL he sold at Public Sale ; ON SATYR DAY. the 2d of 'Jane, 1838, et 7 o'clock in the evening, at the Philadelphia Auction Mart, in Carpenters'Court, Chestnut street, (South Side) between Third and Fourth Streets, a large number of building lots, coal landings, public ho tel-and out lota. situate at Schuylkill Haven, be. idg at the junction of the West and Main branch es of die Schuylkill, and dt the termination of the West Brooch Or Mine MN and Schuylkill Haven Rail lload„On which Hearty one-third of the coal business of Schuylkill county WWI done the past year. • The property be sold agreeably to a plan now eshituted at the Philadelphia Auction Mart, land wettish" of CO Building Lots on Doak street, 30 un Haven aired, 40 on Centre Turnpike, the main road to Potts vine. A number of out kits, from to to 131 acres. A large sod well finished betel, to which is at tsclied 28 acres of land, and seven 'coal -wharves or landings, from 150 to 230 feet front. by 80 feet in depth, all este occipied as coal landings. I 1 The public is most positively assured that the above property wilt be sold at the time and place stave mentioned without liinit or reserve., lion. Terms at Sale. N. O. Plans at the Philadelphia Exchange at the Philadelphia Auction Mart. and at the pain ci l ia' hutch , in Schuylkill and Barka Counties. rbiladelphia. May 9. 1838. COAL LAN.) For Sale, or 4o• be lierited. , lARAT valuable tract dfLand ca/led the "Elio . ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spobn, situate on the west Norwegian Rail Road, nett north oC and adjoining the Peach Mountain, is offered liir sale on accommodating terms; or- the Coal Mines will be leased severally or together to an approved .tenant. Apply to HENRY MORRIS, sprit II " THE undersigned cautious the public against purchasing or lei Wing the tractor land ennui Clinton Tract, on the East Norwegian rail road, from Elisabeth Spain, or Henry Morris toe her, as he the undersigned claims title thereto, and will instiluie 6 quit against any person attempt ing to take the possession thereof. JOHN POTT. Monheim, April 25,1838 Dissolution. TIM Limited Parinership heretofore existing. between the subscribers in the Coal b»siness, under the firm of TO WNSEN D U. FR AN.K LI N • expired on the let of April. 1838. by its own lim itation. TOWNSEND U. FRANKLIN. JOHN DALZELL. The coal bnikneas be continu u eil by the subscriber on the old wharf Seco d below Chesnut et. on Schuylkill. PhiladelPh . • TOWNSEND U. FRANKLIN. Philadelphia, May 1838 . ( 35-2 Publio Notice.. fit HE Register GI Schuylkill courtly, having A- granted to the irobswiter. Letterer of Admin istration' no the RstafeAßY BANE; late of Pottsville, demised t all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby required to mike immediate payment; and those having el*ims to present them legally authorised for settlement to S. N. PALMER. Adm•r. 34-6 w may 5 , , . -Netlike and ICAufion: ,ET RS Testa mentary !or the estate of MA. ILA BAINE, deceitsed.lhaving been grant. ed to the subscriber, sole t eieCutor of her last will. and testament. MP persons having claims a gatr et. the said 'White, wilt please present them for settlement; and all persona indebted to the same are requeited to make payment to the soh. scriber, who is the only person legally authorized to itesiict said deka. The administration grant ed t@ Ettange N. Palmer, Esq. having become void by the probate of the will Of the said Mary Balite, end the subsequent gnintiAg by the Reg. later at tlichnyikill County. of tenets testanienta_ ry to the subscriber. Ricituzv KIRKHAM. Residing tri Pottsville, Solo Executor °Melva will of Mary, Ref.e, dcc'd. g • 1.1-6 DtosollutiOix of raiitnership. • :panership 'flatterers) etiatiog between • rt entweribers. trading tinder gm firm of B. D.3CIDNSON & CO. is this day dissolved by mn. teal Conant. The business of the late firm will be *Oiled by either of the subieribers, at the of ft39oath stb street. BEND 6 D. 30L1140N. OALEti PARKER. hita.ltay i, init. r. TbeGeal business will be cottueded by the sub scribes, islat *ill keep a seiloty Ofthe% best Red White aid Grey Ash ,Sabuylhill Cual, at thirj9w. at yrs* pie** by the tamca• finite o. CO". SS moth Sth st Wharf below.Sbuth. mad S S4l CALEB Sd taKER, MIEN 'C. 3. WOLBERT, Anetioneer 3d & Walnut Strce 27—ta Caution. Notice. lIIMAPER ja5 . ).1,41 frjokkily 1,5*,4 1 :: rit 4 l t • :reasl: Teakg, 011;13:-; .. t4, , 50-caAvPsl.4 Coiiii , :41:10 1 ; ( .-FM-, aid Mock -Tauctonaisting of Chi ,- P* R. Poochotti, Gonpoodet. p l o w , Ilynoli,tdd if - n and fit - Onini Skitajonttroitho„ nod fikr sale a reduced' ptteesly :ii:4`. , ,-... likocht, „o ° I N. L4rtiork44ol(3 , - Perend moldiest' put op for foinili , v. 3- !mg_ . _ .. ~.-xx.ttr,,,ii . . cfrimpavaie WietW':,..: : :viv , w rititAmeAtdrik wthraiift. the: - +''''''.,44 .~ abate* briade, am:Angina. mad,• • ' ''' , *.p. ',....i; ettimPaigne, iglus and palmetto; 4140: - . 14 ,A mots, for tali at moderate prices bf - . -- . - -,ic';-,„ • -, 1 mum & EIA.OPE ' kt , '.*: : .-4 -, 1, ."-,-,-;,. =d,?.....f -nri p tiE aubseiibees baye at r . eneived and ofrat , ,:- , -a. for sale 40 Biakets Cbsitipargne Wine. Jr; ; max which rein be found the ibllowin*,=eria , , Brands, Ni ' ead, Palmetto, kliedintek. Catroa‘;, _,_,- Nt , .. - -. , 0-':o'--,. ; • ~ Dart, . • , , 'HAZZA.4k - da ST4U.CI.I. ' pid Aprtt2l' i' », -•: -.-°• —s-. ~, . • • Gilding. ' • Ik,A ft-U I N ,00icigq.*LAss and Picture Frarrie•Oild. - ,: 11 "- er, next 000 T to Mr. ionn-Mcßarsiert`itil.:iii street. Old fl-ames In' the neitestkatianw,s.4,t -leer. end at the iihtirteot notice. .•-• /torn 28 -- -1 ,- 54 The ifittOs' Bank the .r" • • C4utitßpf May 1. 18.18.1 ti TIIE Direttors of life atiii*vioitittattiOrdia Oda day declared a diiidend of Slattiettpol the capital atcieli s out of :he Profits - of tnontha, payable to the Stockholders or Ittsti„ .. /404,•74 .. ..•;,: reptesentatirdi on or lifter the 11th inst. IcaArtLes WESER, Catbiehrl• 34-4. may 5 ,f . , ' ;--,, t- v ., •.•'. , f ..; Mount etbon Rau 'toad Company. '.: XiiallCE , hereby given, that a special arieet4 . 4 M ing of 'Stockholders of the Mittiiiiteel:tt bon Rail Ron Company,, will be held on.l3iiitir' ' day the 26th as , otitlay, at ..ifeictoc lailitiA, _ie . iernoon. in Ridinin No. 23 3letchants'' ' Slabinte .$., 4.. k• City ot.Pfhila4lphia. . , .., By urdeitirille . 1132 id of Minalir;O: . • JANIF f S DIDINEtiIi.:7. , PhiladelphO. May 5 .1.344.64-4 Coal Merehants, Land Ornprlitiiiii , and others, are respeetfullfiti . • formed by 'Haden smith s . , ', - '4" e tl2 , Civil Engineer, Land- siirveyor t itie«.A->. •riNHAT he bas commenced a perinimentresi-t 11 ' deuce in Pottsville, and is prepatedttitiscaitsr . \ and satiable/Oily mica tiall business willrirtnalei'? he may be faVorcd. H. S. is dillermined to confine his' printiiieto,• Pottsville and, its vicinity, which arrangememt,t; will enable him , pandually to attend to tboiai.:„ gentlemen engaged in. mining, who may employ,.. him. Maps handiiirriciy finishe'd, and Architectiirat Designs finviihed in everrstyle. ' • - ;. , rf Pennsylvania Hatt, April 23,11338. 31.-2rito • blie Sale WILL belyold..en Saturday the 26th day cif . May 1638, at I O'clock . P. M. at thelottsi" of Chlianan te.y. Innkeeper in the town of Pine! , grove, the undivided moiety or..half part eta cat:- . . tarn tract of oar land, situate in Darry. loam/161A/ Schuylkill minty...containing four hundredaprewl. or thereaboutal bounded by the laude of 3titiS P Christ. WM. Greiff, and others. WILLIAM GRAEST:*: , JOHN STRINPFLERI Assigneewof Adam Raudonbusb: 33:44 • May 2 Freak Gniceries. ILLEs.. & ' map gill'Y have • 11 - 41 their' spring ',apply of hash Groceries, a- mong which Will he rancid acme tery choice Green and Bieck Teas of the verv.latest import/. Lions, which they can recommend to theiefriestdS,, , , and the public; • . april 28 2 EXPRESS LINE OP STAGES. •'.:'4'..' . . ' • • --- . — ' , ."*" .-7 . - ' . ' ,. .A11V-W ..111 LAI/ .111 • • PRI RE.Propi.ietora of this Line, (wlnchhes been -!L• fitted up n a euperior mannerlor the aecorn.---L -modation of thb Travelling Communitg.) reopriat t 4 fully ohnbui* - to --- the public that the Line 'will , positively commence running tat weep PO TTSEILLB ik PHILADELPHIA;-' ! ? .-.4 . -, on Wednesda y the 2d of Slay, and vvtll continua : . •:...' _ to leave tbeir ;l otriee at the Pennaglintoip-„Ilag, i Pattaville, daily at 13 o'clock, 4. M. knd'' PhiladelPhiseit-R-cecloCk P. M. at the lifilkuirt.e.' '' rates of Fare,. To Orwigaburg, • 00 SO •,--, Port Clinton, • ''- . - 75 . _ Hau4i,urg, 100 Reading. 2 00. '''C' ' Pottstown:, 3 ao. • • Trap', - , 3•621. '. Norristown, 4 So • fz. . i. Phihidelphia, , - 8.04,.: - ~I.- - ~-. I For §cata 'apply at the Pennaylvttuittiall; Pottsville( ;lOW. Rotel, Reading; and of WO .. Office, No. 25 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. - - Q ' • IMINTZER & Co. Pottaii. , • SANI'L. OVENSIHNE, Phi l 44 -. IWANS'& CALDWELL, 00. • Pr , ' mom OE . 11.00 eat Instruments. L. t IRE eubscriber has just received and, otFelii 44 for sale ~. , ; ' . 4;..}. •.. 4 keyed Getman:Futes, plain, . , Octave Flutes, Glarionets. ~. , . Flageolets,:. Violins, ' .. • .4.:..',,` Fifes, . • . . - ! • • I: - ~ .1 Violin Bria tee, Fins, Strings and now-ntsr t Clarionet Reiplit, • . , 1 ' -. . . , Guitar Stri 7 ngs, ' .. , ~ - •r- t• 1, 4 . 1 ! „ Violin BOZiestra tie restpectAil y inYitto tho public to • itilijind . eq.triiine his sioiA. • _ JOHN &C. MARTYR: - ' may s,lB* BULL *BEAD TAVEKJL . *0.235, No4h nirsi"street, PAilei,elpfhii • 2,, TlNip*. RICHARDS respectfully' telbOisis ,01 -01his,numerieni friends sod those who hairs. heratokstrpitfrOiscd the establisheleettobittibit-'-' , has taken the Above well known stsedretio -1 1* now ratty to reixive them with every e ttettlithit• - • that can be bedewed upon either their ttembift or wants. - Philadelphia, April 18th, HMS. D ~~ 1110=211 OEM 29-tm