=SE =EI EMI MEM MME= VOL. 1. AND i PIII :SY BANJAMIN ~f~R~' 'HUM DQA444 111 Afg . El payabirseng-Witiaili idvine in der ?tit 4s4Vwfli be charged • iptper fro" of postage. per, annum. Ititot said witbi tedial, torscle of ." WEEKLY. Douterasi- Per "mem. in advance. if not paid within be tikqed Advertisements not (meet:ding clamed $1 for three insertions— inntrtion. Large' : ones i° Pr ° l' 4* MI iidirettbiliments will be i, oats italesrthe time for whi lb di • ' is spified .atid will be charged a Yearly ad worthier, will be ch melodies subscription to thepar • of kliapiet one advertikeinent not standingdaringthe year, and the .es ent in eacji.pror r' for three so A.liietters addressed to the edit otheNtiselne Attention will be All notices for =eating"; which have heretofore been ins. ciihresdls Cantu each, eicept M Religious wg_ -IVANNAN'hti feltgligie iserliCtendat Mona, *hioh he offers for orai% CO/40 Family Serino ,` Brassillons' Sermens. Labind's view of Detaien Writers, Sturtityant's Preacher's M nnal, vole, Dre 4 on the Resurreation bi - vi oh the Soul. Reidgete on the Psalm IX, Faber on Infidelity, James' Christian Profe , prise Rimy, on Religions mansions, Tether at Home A Mother's Redaeit, &c. dee 28 Cheese! ta Casii-bf premium- cheese ' 20 Bbier j lue triple do • forette by N. N 4143 II • " NEW BAKERY &CON ' -IESTABLISH. Frederick C. ItvgrecTrut.ir: inform ma pall° in general, new , Bakery and Confectio in NorWrigian Street next et— I in the borough of Pottsville, ways kelqi on band and bake ofCakeis of eves] variety of pa elan, wilt-alitaye be kept od b 1 Loaf, of an excellent quality, His Conficßinary criritpri oral aireirtirient - selected the very toirdit rates. F. C. E. would also inform prepared to bake Family Brea aqui fitrofibing their shortest bothrevand on themes sprit Fl • Ilritade 0 rting enrolled Militia and 4..si...tAng the 2d Brigade, 6 will , gsinmence and continue t for 1:B38, a. lhflnwa: 53dftegimebt, hommanded iCot, !loth Lind sey, whole Regiment on Mon. ay the 14th day of May. 1838. 11th Regiment, command,. by Cdl. Samuel D. Jacobi, 2cl Baltallion on I timidity thel.sth day allay Mixt, Ist &audio on- Wednesday the.l6th day of May 77th Regiment. commanded by col. Isaac Yo. der, 2.4 Bettalinn ThorsdWy did- 17th day of May next, let Battalion nn F day this 18th day of Ithy next. let Regiment, commanded by Col.. Abraham Siegfried. let Battalion on 'nudity the 10th day of May next, old Batted on Mon.tey the 21st day of May nest. 30th Regiment, commanded by Col,. John M. Bickel, lit Battalion on Toe ay the 22cl day of May - pv*l4 Battalion on edneeday the 23d day of ay next. The -company training' will be isn the- first Monday in May, namely, the 7th, and the places ate to be fare? by the commanding Acids these. of. • Tticcommandipg officers of companies, and Adjutants of Regiments, are strictly enjoined to have their enrollments readyim Battidsin days, agreeably to law. By order of JEREMIAH SHAPPELL, Insp. 2d,Brit. 6th Die. P. M. Brigade Inspeetor'e otter, / Windsor. April 14th, 1838. Miller &. Ha IirENYLESALX AN Dr, Gooda,Grocery,Wi Net door to Marti VIZIR connection with a enables them to keep on she essortenent - ofirostiv, 1 0 1 riillidelphiteittiese; 'amore atrit iithatti Ries, lir oulif d Apt foilisedtisives. 'mg% REAMS Wrappi .“ march 24 SSW WWI i FOR Set non New eutk and .1 21 - Road Company, will d' Iran taken froaithen flak - are in toot condition, b bir Ma It the Company's Wharf, Philadelphia.. N. D airriPlB • SUGAk Eget and Water N. if -mays - aka**lgoe UST rewind and fin J Co. 58 hates of HOT. ; cock and othertnando. april 14 T _............„..„ „ ~.4 ~ . . . ... , I,_,_ 1 .„ I. . ~,. . - $ witc .titilie Too ?o PUCE cs ?sir to , Su Ovrzoiltllaillall) asnittnetrzoi ins' omrsitir. op ViaindiniiiiviericiTaill wwica wiPLaitsiiiiistrrivro ova iiamze *Xiang:lcm ALL NaTilat TO MIN ORE AKD rzsisaii&-+-soi•lailloi.' , .......-„........-- .8"v..& , •. , r - "' • t , -4-- ,,, q , 1,,, • - .. ve • C ,•.'-' . -' ,l' :.-,•.; If ' - ~ '', ~ ..1, ,' .• 3¢ '! 1 , . ~ ..1•N ' ,1; - " ".1 ? '; • ~..`1 .. - ' . - DitravEllwrilt . wry of Anieli*,` fit iwereceived and* WI, april 4 Xi . SHED,. A XX AN. =NEW titOOD..) ALARGEttbd eoloplehe aodrtment of fresh and seasonable ooodadust received by the snbscriber, consisting of . Dry q 9 Groceries, ictoeertinoare, 4.e.i which6e. offers for side eE reduced prices. The highest Price paid for all hiudiof country produce A. A. ' Sept 23 • 44 lIM er annum. . ir tot paid with , 'ail thdielwhe te o etailiptbeerihers the year, 50 cans able seiviratiouall yeartin AO will 'nave lib** will be 'ld SO esiteforone on. ed ndtil otdete are to becontinue rdingti •ed $l2 annum` with t eptivitege sceeding 2 quires twertiort of a email- Leaden Piipes. HANNAH has just received 11 very oppe am•rior supply ork, and'flinch Leaderi*Plpea, to convey the water in hone*, which will be sold cheep. april 18 lllye time. r must bb post paid, to Weil. 10.000 VERY superior the Principe. an Doehrieiro feb 3 MILLER • and Other notices rted gratia. will be ridges aDd Deaths- 01140* tired the, folleivini itad- Atitetica ad cheer• 5 vuhi. R . ESPECTittiLY announces to his friends and the public in genera ; that he hate again cifmmenced the Coack•Makit g Bovines' in Nor wegian fitseet, three doors be ow the Arcade io theborough -of ruttaville, w 'ere he is ready to manufacture te order all kin s of vehicles at the shortest notice, of the best rills. and at the lowest rates. Re has also on, hand, ready made, &touches, Carryalls, Phistmis, , Chariotres, Coached, Buggies, &e. whiCh be invites the pub lic to call and examine for themselves. The ar tichrs are' all maniifactured under his personal inspection, and be *rill Warrant them to be equal to any manufactured elsewhere. Repairs of every description done at the short. est notice. and on the most reasonable terms. N. 8. Coal taken in payment (or vehicles. alird 18 49 3m 23E WELSH PRIM ERR , just. published and for isle wholesale and retail. by 'TRANS &Co 2 'Oil 28 °NARY FOr Sal!, A eractuable Draft of coat Land, LYING and.being in the township of Norwe wegian, on the West Branch near the West Branch Rail Roid, about rinir miles trim Schuyl kill Haveo—there is Joe or more Coal Veins passing through this and. For information am. ply JACOB REED,. at Pottsville, or Mr. HOFFMAN, at Reading. pting his friends end he has opened ■ Establishment below the Arcade *bare by wtil el order all kinds March 25 34 rns—and where nd, greed by the d of . a large else. a Urfa and gen. 1 , bare, anti Bold et :VAT received and for saktby the subscribers 111 ' • few pieces of Splendid Painted liconet together with• choice selection of chintzes &c; for sale by HAZZARD & STRAUCH. April . 30- amines that he is • for an 7 number we Vow. at the reasonable terms. 30-3 m TAPIIYAS ELIXIR For the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; Discovered and brought to its Greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHA BERT. This is to certify that I have Vied roar Tapuy - as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in which I have certainly found it of very treat service. .1. B. HARVEY. 1 Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, Sept. 10,1830. A friend stepped in to say that he had visitea the Fire King this morning, and witnessed his marvellous cute of the Tooth Ache. One' little boy in particular, wholooked en*, enough to bite a ten penny nail clear off, in ten Minutes smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—U. Gaxer:e. A fresh supply of the above Elixir just receiv ed and ' N ale by B. HANAN, - Stile Agent for Schuylkill county July 13 1-:-Iy rra r. lunteeri, comp. Division, P. M. . Spring training. SITUATED in Schuylkill county on the head waters of the little Schuylkill river. and in the first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing ZS Acres and 14 Perches, stria measure; this land is covered with White arid 'Yellow PINE TIMBER said by 3ndges to be of the.first quality, the little Schuylkill rail road rano directly through the above described tract of Lend, and offers a safe and convenient passage to the Philadelphia mar ket. For further particulars address the subscri ber in Celumbie,Lancasteri cornity,Pa. F. A. THOMAS. 1-3 rdo F REE TAIL • 4. Li¢uor Store is Hotel.) in Philadelphia and a very einem. they will sell at d'loarn`keepers " well to call and Wetherill &Brother, ' f-, AT 7111 OLIi..I3TA.ND , No. 65 NORTH FRONT SyREETI EAST SIDE, Tneez 'Doom MOM Tilt Comas or Anne ST. PHIMAtORIIPIIIA • ' e iIANUFACT'VREitS OF White Lead dry and t Calomel, Eroded in Oil „ 5 Red Precipt. Red Lind. ' White do Lithante L. TOW Alb. , Mow Yellow, mop. Quinine ' do (keen Tan. Emetic '• ' do died Ether Eulph. Patel; Yellow do Nitric ~ llogir LPsd db .Acetic • InitarDitiatic . 1 - uw , SfMo Co. ot do 1, • ti, _M. Morphia unitic Acid Salpb. do , . Rpm* Oahe Sulphur Tart.' Acid i. de Baran. .. Yap -Cadi. Soda': ' Mineral 1 Corrik - ilinb. Mene. rope do. ofCbanybos, Sal Nure4ttisnattae.gliras. 8/4 11 . 4611 qr for male die abOye itlnentioned uncles. to. and di a genet& aletwilient of Pak% Drake and Dye fitanned messy** ankle in the (.Diem l am, cal and I One. B eill( ilissalietof I tleciardclet ems seated undertbilibuie bendAltuy ledge thenitednal to tap ply tbair Iliendoluel tbe pu oetbstateetnitinna as tepe. _ „.....4 vrdmhow sad Nemo (144 - frost 6it ' tittna. Ckt 111 .11137 - 4111- .g Paper for sale B. BA AN. reach Taws Rai of 'lnter thk track. -The bars 11. A .wile may ce, Chestnut street DSON, A f gent. 29—Img nicker.. for silo by TRANS 4 co. 33 Wham. by N..Nathsni & ory, Star, Wood. ' 7 . ,ti-:, • t.‘, 91 01 It; yN , POVVSV LLE, Pet.. SATZ'relay ma RN] NG MAY '1836..` " ' MEI 65E NEffit. t .MO, itis rat*tv fijUltima )3. ,BANNALIC bassoon swats of ands.. for sale by HAGGERTY. 'Philip 114ptfty COACHIVIAI4I(KR. Painted Jaconeta Medal Cheese / Soap Vic. 40 eaSks superior medal cheese, 50 bore* Philadelphia soap, hhd. kashmir meal, for sale by MILLER & RAGGERTV 52-3mr NovlB Valuable Coal and Timber Land IF I OII VALE. Feb 10 .v-I- *J. 114.104.-airarf4tfixaklT .. . - . „ - , ..., _..„ -.., .-„... .. o - t . _ , :o - - : ,:- a . ._ ~,,,,,, .: 7 e... 1 .. - N..,...,__ C - ---- . \ i , - .i-... ...r. (, I li t;e- h,, !nt - „fp. 4 ,/, s K. 1 . ...,. .... _,_ _ , ....„,„ ~„_.., t . ,y- .., 7 , y,•------- - Y , . , 4 ""ti'lLir' 4 4. *Yy , al lsitaiA4 'and ~.A.. ~14, 1 1.rx4, .. .v.,4 w„.-,. i --,1*,,,,,Aciut., 4,;, : „.,,.. ‘,.,. vt. s; , , --- --:, .0.,/,•-- , 4ND POTS . irrLIEAV I GEMERAIIf *DM NT 'SEM 4;1 =SIM PURSUANT to an 'Order' of the Orphans' Court of SChtiyikill County, on Saturday the 26th cla of May, ItOB, it I - o'Cloek P. M. et the house of Christian La,' innkeeper, In the town of Pinegrirre, Dr. Jacob Christ,' Administrator of the estate of Solomon Cinist;iiite of Schuylkill Counts, deceased, will expose In aide by Public Vendee, the .uudirided moiety or half part, of a certain tract of land, situate in Barry township, Schuylkill County, containing four hundred and eighteen acres or thereabouts:. bounded by lands ofJecob.Christ. William Grnetr and others, held in common with Adam Raudenbush. Also, the ;a legal estate of the said inteatate in the s one thud part and someiusall equita ; hie interest amounting to about one. elexenth part _of a certain house. nd lot, mutat:tin-the town of Pioegrove, in the afore said county.-bounded. by 'iota of John Barr and others, being the house and.lot on which Jacob Christ, Esq. resided at the time of his decease.— Also, one lot of ground in, the town of Deerfield, near the town of Pinegrote, foocinded by Tulpe. hocken attest and other W b ,-befog the same lot purchased from Benjamin Berger—late the es. tate of said deceased. 1 JACOB CHRIST, ,Ailministrator. By order of the Court:. . LEWIS. AIIDENRIED. Orvrigsboig, April 21 30-td Clerk 0. C. Wholesale and Retail Dry POLLOCK & WEAVER nave just received in addition to their extens ive assortment of DRY GOODS, Super SuFcrior Blue and Black Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style cas simeres, saninetts and Bevcrtcvns, miners' fus tians, 4c. Feb 18 14— OFFER for sale at diet r wholesale and retail Fain ly Grocery Store. Centre. 3 Coors below Marke 'street, a prime aseortment of fresh Groceries.consiirt ng of Java. Rio, guira. t Cor ee St. Domingo d browned N. Oriesna, Croix, brown and / are white 'Lavinia , loaf and lump New Orleans, West India and sugar house Illolasses Imperial. Gun Powder, Young Hylton. Pouchongrtrange Pee. Teas co, Souchong and Bebe. Bakers. Chases,Spanoth, Schmitz t Chocolate & Linggs, and sweet spiced Piiepeuvid Cocoa, Cocoa shells Reading, Carice, Harvey, John Bulls, Lobster, Anchovy, Sauces Canton soy and Currie Gherkin. Tomato. pepper. Mixed,Onion, Mangoe, • Pickles Lemon and French JJJJ Olives, ciprea, Anchovies Cayenne pepper, allspice end Ginger Cloves. Mace. Nutmeg. and cassia • Rice, flour at rice, starch Cunants,Yl4a, Raisins. Prune Sweet and bitter almonds, citron Olive Oil, wine bittemiertion Preserved ginger, cheese, 'codfish Herring. mackerel, salmon White and colored was. sperm t Candler Moulded and dint tallow • Palm, vanegated brown and yellow soap Old Madeira, old port. claret Brown and pale she, ry, champaigke Wines Old hock. Lisbon. dry ratlaga in wood Sweet malaga. muscatel - & bottle Malmsey, matseilles & Sicily Made'. J Scotch. nab, monongahela & com whiskey ' • Anniaette.ann,*red6t peppermint cordials Cognac.ebampagne. Spanish 4. com brandy Holland & coin. Gin. N. E Rum • Jamaica spirits Extra sup. span, inferior do Half Spanish and common cigar. Cut & plain and 'moulded glum China and crockery Ware B BA-NNAN A LSO a general assoitment of Dry Goods. Are. Ate. all of which they are disposed to sellon the most reasona ble terms. Heads of Families and Tavern Keepers are particularly invited to call. THE subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that he has added to his fotmce stock, Iron ind Hardware, consisting in part or American and English Bar Iron, Hoops and Band Iron, Round Iron, assorted sizes; Cast, Crawly, Shear, German and English Blister and A. M. Steel Vices, Mouse hole ensile. Smith's Bellows, Cast Steel hand, choping and Broad axes, nails and spikes, together with a general assortment of Iron Mongery, all of which will be sold at re. duced prices, by JOHN CLAYTON. April 22 • 32 queen Victoria Satins: Anew and elegaut article for Ladies' Dresses just received and Gir sale by HAZZARD do STRAUCH. 30- April 21 -IBenjamin 1117. Cumming, .ITTORXEY siT Leff TIA, HAS removed his Offioe to Centre Street, op posite the Brick Building of George M. Jen• ninp, where he will attend to-ill brininess en. trusted to him in the line of his•profession. Oct 21 48—tf RAILWAY IRON—ANb IRON FOR COA =WRENS. 21 by 5-8 inches Railway Flat Bar Iron. 2b7 do do do do do Iby do Suitable fair Screening Coal. AR the Iron has countersunk holes, and is cot at an angle of 45 degrees at the ends. Splicing Plates and Spikes this abode. . A. & G. RALSTON fr. Co. No. 4 South Front Stresj, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Match 15,18311. ' 21-tf On DOZEN Bwilm's Panacea, lust receiv. mi.. 4 .ed fresh from the proprietor. -'Upwards of Seventy-The Thousand Bottles of this:valuabki medicine were sold last year, and the demand is Increasing. For pie by the dozen, or stal e bottle. Price O 2 per bottle, or three fibula for II by. B. BANNAN, • Sole Agent for Schuylkill Density. Also Swaim's Vermifirge. ' jotai re i,..o e nd for sok Clover -Need: • 20 bushels prime clover yea • SAtittJEL HARTZ. F b Sit 113 THE Girl% itaadlarilaok kar &book, by Mrs Ja•may &scummy. OM mamba o f fix lab HANN AN koy • 9 35 'B. . _M=EMll===l Public. Sale. Good Store. N. Wathans ik, Co. NEW IRON & Hardware store. Swain's Panacea. MIMI IMMO INSIK-BINIAERY t3AHNzt heti commenced a - Book 'rind' L. '-ify is Connection 'witli hii Bkolt • Store, white all kinds bi" -Books will be idediti at the %hottest notice low rates; • flank HbOks oreverrtescription made to order at the lowest relay—and thee trade supplied wholesale at Phila delphia prices., t April,ll New Geode 'ew Goods!! J UST received by N. Natbans & Co. a new -and elegant assortment of Spring and 'Sum. mer Prints, painted muslin, and lawns, among. which may be, found a law pieces of English Prints at a Val* how rate. Also, &Splendid sti sortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting' &c. Also,. Geritlecnen 4 s Simmer v?car, together with a general l aisortment of Linens, Checks, Di. apers. Ticking,;. Moulin,, &e. &c. until 14 28 . Port Clinton -Foundry IPOR SALO. wig - ILT, be sold if Private sale, the Foundry v v pleasantlY situated at Port Clinton, t3chuy I. kill enmity, on , very reasonable terms. This Foundry is at the commencement of the Little SChuylkill and ,Susquehanna Rail ---Road, now making, and will in a short time be one of the beat situations rn the country to do a large boat ness For terms,&a apply to ' PARKE & TIERS. Iron Founders, Philadelphia. • or ISAAC MYERS, Port Clinton. • jitly'29 E-63t GILEAT li•Maairms Valuable Real Property in PoUsei/k, FOR SALE VIE undersigned offers for sale all that well known three story ,BRICK STORE_ AND DWELLING HOUSE and the appurtenances situate in Centre street, Pottsville, the property of the undersigned, together with nine other tedements in the rear of said building, and the lot of ground whereon the. whole squids.. The brigk building aforesaid, contains thirty feel in front—finished from the basement story to the garret in the best style of workmanship, and both as a business stand and a residence% is most fa vourably situated. The foregoing property will be sold on low, and accommodating terms. Part I of the purchase money may remain on the prop. erty for a few years, if desired. Title indisputa. ble, and possession can be given immediately— apply to G. M. JENNINGS. April 22 32—ti Pate/mine New and Elegant Goods. NATLIANS & Co. have just received and ill • offer for sale, 6-4 English merinos, from 50 to 7.5 cts i.er yard Super French do at II 50 per yard, Tartan, merino, worated,silk and cotton shawls, Red, white, yellow, green and scarlet flannels, Bleactred•and unbleached Canton flannels. from 10 to 25 cts per yd. , • s Worsted hoes, Comforts.caris, children's hose, Winter - prints, gloves, &c &c Cotton bats and wadding at 6j per ghee, dee 3 . 2 SUPERIOR' OLD BRANDY, received and for sale by N. NATHANS & Co. april 14 , 25 The Family Commentary. ON . THE HOLY BIBLE FROM the. works of Henry and Scott, And 112, above one hundred other writers, published in London by the Religious Tract Society, revis ed and abridged In two.voltimes with Maps and Engravings. This valuable work is published,in parts, im2s cents each. rivelye parts are already completed, and can be obtained at the subscribers Book Store where subscriptions will also be re. (mired. B. kANNAN. June 24 —3l Flooring Boards. fIAHOLINA worked flooring boards, plough tong7d and grooved ready for lying,,l, l; vied in es of . ditferent quality and pries, constantly on ! hand, and for sale in lots to snit purchasers, upon application by letter to • JAMES N. PATTEN, Planing . achiae Wharf, N. L. Phila. Co. o MILLER & HAGGERTY. pril 25 •l—tf Pottsville. ronsville Water Company. FIIME atocitholders of the Pottsville Water Jai Company" Ire hereby notified. that an elec. tutu. will be held at William Mortimer's Hotel, on 411thinday e 14th of May next, between the hours or 2 au 6 o'clock,' for the purpose of elect in nine di tors to conduct the business of sat emptily) fin the enveriar Tian ANHREW RUSSEL, 60121 MO. . President. Ciaolic: Books IIOUS GgiDE, Key to practise, ' I True rie , I Catholic iety, Donal_ 8 tile, ..eay Pear Mei.** dairchil*K44 Small CaAchim. Edge r e ceived and for sale b 11. 1 8ANNAN. Dee 23 • ,'., • 1 To Let • . ..• ~ THE luaus Stare BMW One Land ing at Mount catboa t pytaattylitoca afti pied by Ventage & Eitenumor; . .. ~or terms, BceitiOly to , . Ir. 0. - NlcaowBl tra It. a ..; , trbiladelphiaor tdeny'atiMt, r... . . ' t .A.BT(CLAIR, =UM. a 18 04 .. rottriUla ATEErs PoputarittedcirworAisitir : Ad v i ask ingi iiseeitied aid fraiJ ads loy • april 28 ,& 'IIANNAN. r. . MIMI ; r•l' , , • *cad the irollowailig- • , • , . ifiteresting *Ad .440140ing. 'MORE ouselusive proofs of the extraordinary efficacy_of,Dß. WM...EVA/NM celebrated CaMouide sod 'Aperient Atribilious in al lodating afflicted mankind," To lames Dickson, 36, Cedrnhill, 4loston, Agent for :the sale of Dr. Win. Evana'a Camomile Pilo - Lowstt.. Nov. 15,1836. Dear Sir—Knowing by eaperience that every reference That the tifiliefed receive of the benefit chit results of medicines, ICheerforly - offer mine to the public In behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILLS. t have been afflicted Ter the last ten yews' with distress in tbe.head and chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep fin three or 'four nights in succession; but have neVer fobnd relief by any of my friends prescriptions, until my wife sew the advertismenta in the paper, wheilehe persuaded ale to send for some, which I did, and nbtemed two boxei dud boitl..s, which resuhed in almost 'compleriv Tetoring me to health, although ! have not yet entirely finished them. Should Too consider this any . benefit to yourself.or the public, you have my Cheerful per mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully, TDCS. K. GCKIIDHDE, Centralist. EMI INTERESTING CASE. Cared by Dr. Wm. Boans's Camomile Taafe-and Falsity .4pei-i eat Fiat —Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN, corner of Shippen and Georges street, Pb iladblplria. affect. ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by which he Wmi not 'ablest° write las name—his symptoms were, eroscation, daily spasmodic pains in the •head, lows of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, Utter ina bility of engaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sickness and weakness ex tents debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight at the _stomach slier eating, great orental despondency, severe flying pains to the chest back and side, costiveness, a dislike for sticiety and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of varione medicines new before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evan's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, be was induced to give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured him of the above distressing disease. 117Pertions who doubt the above mire, are most respectfully directed tosthe above mentioned per son, at the north west corner of Shippen and Georges sired* • BENJAMIN DOWN. Philadelphia October' 264837. LIB ER COMMA iNT,IO YEARS STAND' Mrs. Hannah' Browne, wife of Joseph Browne. N. 6th street, near Second; Williamsburg; afflict. ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint. completely 'catered to health through the treat. went of Dr. Win. giant.. Symptoms—Hatfit. oo constipation of the bowels; total loss or appetite,' excruciating pain of the epigasttic region, great depresslol of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain -in the right aide, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of the pain, urine high colored. with other symp. toms indicating great derangement in the func tions of the liver. Mrs. Browne vas aktendod by. three of the first physicians, but received tint little relief tromilieir:' medicine, till Mr. Browne procured some of-Dr. Wm. Evan's invaluable pieparationsi which• ef fectually relieved her if the above distressing symptoms, with others,wineli it is net essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWSE. City and Count! , of Neyr York. es. - .loseph Browne, of W illinmatiurg, Long laLtnd, being duly sworn, did aepose and say that the facts sweet forth in the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name. arejust and true. JOSEPH BROW Husband of the said Hannah Browne. SWorn before irie this 4th day of January, l83'!. PETER PINENEY, COM. of Deeds. INTERESTING CASE of Teflon/der Con. sumptiort.—Mr, John Row el applied on the Ist dq of September at the office_loo Chatham street, laboring under the following raymptornic— A slight spitting of blood.'distreastrig cough; at-, tended With en expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general :emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertion, with a well marked hectic flush on the cheek. On examination, the chest' was fottod to mirror' well , every where except un-' der the le ft clavicle, ana iu the arm pit of the same aide. . . . . Treatment—Directed-'to take the restorative Cturicinile-,Pills,, with the expectorating com pound. et the, same, time In injunction; to call in four days; whei the night sweats had ceased, the expectoration slightly diminished, me light fit nt coughing still remaining in the morning. Or dered as usual to continue the medicine. and to call in the courr of a week—when his health continued rapidly increasing, Without the feast cough. Called .at theaffice on the 4th or this month, !mite convalescent returning his sincere %habits Mr the benefit he.hed obtitined. The above patient chiefly Used milk regimen, doting his treatment. ASTMBIA v TIiMBE YEARS STANDING, Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill. afflicted with the above distrepsing malady. Symptouts--great languor. flatolincy, disturbed rest, .riervciuip had. ache, difficulty or breathing, tightness and 'strie. tulle acrovs the , breast, eiennessi nervous irrita. bility and restlessness,pcould not in • heti :Goal position.Wlthciut Ihe sensation of impeuid• tug eufrociation palpitation of Weliesif,'iliiires. lug bough, costiveness. Pein of the afehieciP, sinew, great debility and deficiency of - the sere> otO energy. Mr. R. &Wares gave pup every thought uf recoll'eq and d)re i deapeir anon, the countenance or every person interested to his ejdiicnce of hip nee., till by accident be mihied in it publie pit* emvereities effected lryt Di. Wei: Fvitia'rmedicise, WM* complaint, which ititin. seti-hiPS to parchiset a.packarf of the Pills, which , Jelittited tompietely removing every i symptoiti of la disease. MS wftilies to sa vMs motive Rik tieciiri' idols iii:ihitthose - "Meted With the or , 'sirioptomi Similar to Aimee , fivies wtilith les is happily restored. may Rhodesia:elf, 44 r LIYEB CollllPtiehltit stt relive H i • STANDING: _ v r( MlLsAßA4HßitElstlllBEpottas or Ili I 'Smith leer,norner oflieepool, street Gestneotown Road, Meted list sin yearn *ith Mei `Liver CiiiiiPlalist;:eru odeoptetely remota to iniiith by,' Wllll E. VANWAChunoinilit Tonic and l'annly Aperient .P i•. illtr WON= wce.bakitual. enstieenesi. exerileiating pain in the etonineholepreesion of ME EN ~s.i ~nc. s' < r ~ .h ~Z EMI onai aum t • , •-t. • - 4 pp ,g . v ..- vir-qtegi•- * lf 4 - 1 M2lli=llll -• : - • , • •*4iTs. - --111s ft i t spts,lanioorc extiPWAlibillty. great paiw,to her` deetooliimit litAso: , t aide without seraggravatioolf OM; a, ' thirlyeekfflumess-rif sight, with otheeteesepillet indicating:greet derangement iwthelliAlstok the tiver—Jitte. Brelthlsev,,besiteak ~...„4 1111• Zw. rions medicines sow berme- _ ceivedtm relief •until ably arwasnathotlaliwitio • trial of Dr ..Evans`aPillw. of which the thallsOlOy to ittati that they effectually relieved her of the, &Weer distressing ayiiptiime, with - allies"; which are not osseistial to intimate. 111r.'13rOphisey. (husband of,thit.tthisto Ara Brenhiser had Niel two ykar,e iffliotrartirillti 'a distressed state piles and Cdetisihihae:'ir Which be was efFeettoilly curet'. t1",' 1 11 • 31 , A perfect tire rsßrtee. ny tete ,ffurparyer.,,,r • illicar Eveal:` Mr, Johni Giblon, of N. 4ttr burg, afillethd with the above complaintfor the.. years 'Rd nine months; chains sekielithwe 'he had In use Crutches. Oil ehleCijoiptoess excruciating pain in all his joiltsiliur elrisetfilly in the hips. shoulder. kneeaiwid grayatjon of the pains towards eightkaedfor.the most part all thmee (roan ezeetnal -1 1! 1 Vbvi one thickening of the heck Ind ligenielitei With a complete low ofmusculaslayrer. , Pik thwhen efit Of those afflicted in a similar. manneeillr., Gibson CODOeiVell it meet to say,that piths have entirely ceased, and ,that opt '" 'have completely iecovered • leels able to resume his ordiniiiyitiliir'• t, j r 4,4,j)a JATERESTJNO CA4fflae , ., - DYSPEPSIA & Mrs. At.ne G. Kenny, No,4.Weid `sheet, ' between Renton and Houston - for ten years with the thllowingdufttatthigarrip toms: Acid eructation, daily spasmodi c pa • th a head, loss of appetite, pelpitatlon dinesa and dimness of sight, could 'est4:llkinti bet - right side, disturbed rest, utter'inability • or en. gaging in any thing that demanded - y.ore or courage, sitmetimes a visionary.. ides ofen awl vation of her , diseatie, a whimsical aversion particular persona and places, grouldleaPipPte hensions of personal danger end' poirerty:Atoirk. someness and weariness ofliteidincontentedoes quietude •on every slight occasion, she concolictd, she.could neither die tuw live, she wept, lamented desponded, and "thought she led a most miserable lite, never was one so bad, with frequent' mental hallucinations. Mrs. Kent.y hat. the ad** of several eminent physicians, and hadmmosued to numerous medicines, but axildmotobtain en* a temporary alleviation of her di/drifting irate; 01 her husband persuaded iter to make trial'or mode of treatment. She is now quite and finds berself,noe , capable of attending to her domestic effeirs,thivoirs that abeenuoyeits good health at • present as she did ai any mpg of her existence. J. It MO 11 1 01`t Husbantof' the aforesaid Atio6-Ktfref. Sworn before me this 14th day of-Rece.lll36. ' 1, Peter Pinckney, Pam. of Deeds APTBRA,SYISAII9STA7IIIIII4:: Vf.-.Charles Hobart, N 00122 thiffigelatiiiik. N. Y. afflieleil for five years with humoral• habitual , Asthma, applied at the office 100iCkatbantiAllet on the 4t'iof Octhher & laboring nadir this4ollow kid: ay ITI ptoms. - A aensiNof tightisiaicteiis the Cheit, with the greatest difficulty of livitaillikuk. distressing cough, generally ending witheopicuts ' expectoration of viscid phiegint'-diituthed , rest, • the face turbid and of a livid htit•=cotitkVacit be in & horizontal position without ;t h e ie.siiirOon of immediate suffocation, langdar, diOwithiessi end dizziness In the bead, and loss of appetite.' , : - .1 104 H.Spolied to the. most eminent pkysichin.a in this city, Phew ise.msed several , othetlemediss. without obtaining any permanent benefitonitil his triend4 perm:pitted him to piaceititioilftietkir Dr. William Evans' freitmene'llis le' iiorvit lieved of his complaint, and 'calltitet'lletttlibe yesterday, - avowing that he hid MA windaiarix press his gratitude tor the lienefit,hu.ketteaviv eci. October 21, 1637. We do hereby subscribe oursignatureite the 'truth of the above cures, Piet the libiteeMiele in every respect true. SARAW . IIREMIUMS* JOHNSTEIEv Wink a to. 17 north Eighth 1 4CPU-.4104* . Phil eleitiii, Oct. 21st, DOL. Dr. M ,W. EVANS'S' Medici] . Office, for the vale of his excellent Medicine, is it Noi-Aliiiititla Eighth street, Philadelphia. •z , ... >1 Sold by," ~. J. T. WERMiSk ' ' 1 Sole Agent for SchnythißVieliqi Entourage Heme\Manirfisc . " torlato iv, , ; • - . ...;..... - , i---- .744. - , - r.l. COilreglielliry MilkniXibi • rwtHE subscriber respectfullv-arieciineeirtw, e 2- public that halite minimum& Mer tore,of Ciinfectionery in ill 1.4 earkilif to'4 ' MaiE at h ie Stoic in , Centre Street,neirlfiip f ia;sl, le Pottinrille 'House, where Confeetkinera aistreth t era din always be supplied wholesiki4nl(4olo o at the lowest Philadelphia each. priceis- , 7. _:.,,ci , t • I Country Merchants are respectfully to.dall and examine his stock befote ourchalies elsewhere. . - . 1 ' JOHN S. CI MARTIN ME --"-- i • _,_ 1 , , • -:, ,::t ' rAilliftEßk. .C01k,.. - . -MERCERS 4. T - ALLOIO4-1 , IFEifteily.frnVie ItiaintiS.,... ,- thiee e AVE reincivOr the op it....x.,..,,L „, .Sire* ale*. *A Xc S* rAr i Ol t O t r e e t whereeWaii Tale lmworummili* %lief - tine , tined reloths and .GatialimitrintitiM moat feettioriabhr! eolore;wi eaiele tluit theta er Setroner LlotbeiVeso Ili;:i ,1011- Shirti, Caere; Beeeeti.,othe; CS - ~peiiiiirli. lines and cotton Ilfkir,iitd altitlethe' GO Gentlemen% wearing' apparol. rirliierit lei made to order in the most a fiptereS *II* she irrorkinanthip. one motrelded , th:4lsl4lPetth let in the City or elsewhere. -,-- 144 •,, -rn. •.. ~•ro, - J . ' - - P.S. 1 11 ; dc_ Ca. teep on hand sitt , i titilifelit iie. 1 : - lortrielit r reidf.'niede Ckithiiii_ l ot - of kinds; whichi a be atila•Al raft low thterg'''''..l l : ittle T . - t - • i• . - • 1 --, : , :':: , - ,-,..k t f vt; - t.: ware MiltorW.`; tlottstid Seat wtiairt(li*EAriibitteinat 'tieeliattl'yi tollteiiforiqet itbek 0 • , IdOuntboleansilkstmLsghed screw plates.lessitstata cast steel a.o, lttwdisaal ddo.bitcbets.hstn &stria* MAW* sonietaitd Atiner Monis. double Wee' b e ll ow ,. ca t & ones fkla..easktylkos.. single. on anddoableplaint imps sod gbig im u la i i ii ka t , wawa, binges to t scritwOologleig bolts. steel; plated intik—nowt% • •-.1 Ali of winch olrezetlot} tkpit accardii4ii ing terms TOW