The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 09, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1.
• .
. •
.11111,12rWIIIR Ir,
T 1111.61 D 04411.21 AND rfirra• • mil per annum.
payable semi-annually in advanc .. It not paid with
in the year. SI will .be charged t , ail the.. who rt.
'mire the paperfree of postage. o mail subscribers
"$3 per annum. ri If not paid with" the year, 50 cents
arab, added to the price elan 'ption.
Two Dot.tainis per annum. pa ble semi-annual'
io advance. Hain paid within e year. S 2 50 will
•be chairgeri
Advertisements not exceeding welve lines will be
chargtid SI for three insertion nd 50 cents for one
insertion. Larger ones-in prop" ion.
All advertisements will be in wed until ordere
out. unless the time for wht ill t are to beconunue
',specified .and will be charged a rdingly.
Yearly advertisers will be ch a rsl2 per annum:
including subircriptiorrto the napewith the privilege
of keeping oneadverusement notceding 2 squares
startling during the rear , and theertion of a small
er inc in each Pape r for three su • essive times.
Ali letters addressed to trip edit. r must be postpaid.
otherwise no attention well be pa • tia them.
.411 notices for meetings, &e.s mad conker notices
which have beret", ore been in - ted gratis. will bg
charged 25:cents e. ch. except Ma, • . and Death&
- . M Y MOBNI.' G.
Wake: ifis uso aka
r .ing l Beauty, '.
Moonlight is fait t u uk tg on the I he;
Come from your tubers gen maids . ;
Ere' the last pale iray of atarligkt fades.
Wake withtheing o'er hill d lake.
Beauty, wake!
Morniiig is runne.
Hark to the esdnoce op the hit '.
'Teas the last tiqll note of the4hip-poor will;
She has sung all !night from h dery bower,
To gladden the Yliriona of slo r's hour.
W a ke the Ithsrrieng. he n • , e, , wake!
Morn mg is coMi:ig o'er hill ne. lake.
The lark is singsng his early h ron.
Ana far in 'the eta the mount* n looks dim;
'There'. hut one lime star. in th night's pale sone
And the brklit •on v. en•ning in mount his throne
Wake arnh !ha dawning. bra ic, wake!
Morning in oohing ci l ti hill nd lake-
The Nashvil le N hie of the
„ We are authorised to state t
Bank of ibis cite, determin .
issue forthwith, to depositors ,
paper, twelve months PO S T N s
the Bank of Pennsylvania, P
to an amount not exceedin•
?ROWLAND Dtduas which *lll •
cust.meri• and ezehanfea vrh
holden of their paper at par.
From the Berk', and Sew
We have been
the foitowtng extract from
ed by a gentleman in this
" ♦ Our µ•hig
very hard on the gam►.l
dente (for lack the
thing) took ihe matter in
IY , on gettirday evening.
der storm occurred, dorm
hotel way struck by Itgtii
the wires of the bells to a
prayed •talent antics throe
As the hotm , was filled wit
supposed to be on fire. rid the crowd
rushing in searched eve 1 : room, and a
mong the rest " No. 31," well known to
fame. The 'first visiter t k the liberty of
scattering • the 'contents the cupboard
(about a trushel - of old car
s) on the floor.
The crowd that followed, finding them in
that condition; supposed • was the work
of the ligAtßiiii , , revealin• the secrets of
the prison house! and the mpreseaon of its
being judi!ial is strength , ned by the f.ct
that this is the third ti. , - that house has
been struck. An io'nate standing in le
front door was. knocked dr wn, without re
ceiving any injury.: It a supposed that
" No. 31." never had so ..ny honest pee
ple in t it before; baring
that class. Yours, &c.
Siegal/or. Systeei of La . - 9
°LEAgIa •
A pqrson from the
comities of England: j
ward, is struck. when be;
et Northumberltuadwith t
of women working in the
surveillance of one man.
bands, of from half a d..'
women, gent ally young,
over, but when they recoil
and you observe them w
they times= a marked
agnculturalstem of t
naturally inquire bow it
of female laborers pie.
answer, in the provincial ,
they are thebone ditches,
Boodage, id that ken odd -,
in England. Mi r hat: ha
rural sehloni still turista ,
England! Even so. Tb
iihing enough, tmi l it is IL
my eyes for thelrst time
bands in the fields,
drivers:, was, before •
respecung therm, trressst
the slave gangs of the W
top hoeing., some • how,
in my brain
dream*, but eiten I hel l '
called "'"isondir-s - the a
teatold strong. On the
these eocretiex, and in t
land, the bondage s•iie
married laborer is pe m
these oftstates, sudeta able -
to comply with tbts iy
borers are termed b '
are blab; For them cm
tithe estates as those of
• •
_. . .
I WILL r = ace it ov to 'nadirs= sow= Or rex T.AIIIII.MID WM °wryly:l3(4lli camillese ‘ tir TM mourtants, lanai/ WM= waLervicarrazgazaro oinusaine alai itraizer ALT. 'raw= TO OUIL CMS ORD
i.:. • • I
thumberland; xdl these cottages are num
bered, and the number i painted on the
door. A bind, "therefore, engaging to
woat'on one the farms belonging to the
estate, has a home assig-. him; be has
4, a year in nnoney; thei keep of a cow;
his Biel feiiinditiim; a presOribed quantity
of coal, wood ar peat. to ea •b cottage. He
is allowed to 'plant a cer tain quantity of
land with potatoes, and hes thirteen bolls
of corn furnished him for. ;his family con.
stimption—onq third being oats, one third
barley and one third pmts. In return for
these advantages, he is boUnd to give bis
labor the yeari round, and' , also to furnish
a woman labo!er at Is. per day, during
the harvest, and Bd. pet' day for the rest
of the year. 'Now. it appars at once that
this is no hereditary serfdom—such a
thing could n 4 exist in the country—but
is the next thing to it, and no doubt has
descended from it, being! , serfdom in "its
mitigated form, in whichjl alone maim
nohonaand reviling* would tolerate it. It
may even be d, that itt ' is a voluntary
system; that iti is mere awned hicit/a do
ing that which unmarited;! (arm serrants
do every where else—hirn themselves on
certain cot ditinns from year to year. The
great question is, whether these conditions
are , just and fiSvorable to "he social and
moral, improvement of they laboring class
whether it be ignite of so Voluntary a na
ture as at first sight appearr, whether it
be favorably to the on"" aril movement of
the etfin.nunitit in knowledge, virtue, and
active end -enterprising habitil
Exchange at New York, on London
6* a 6* per cent. premium.
' April sare—
at the Planters'
this Morning, to
d holders admit'
s TES. pa, able at
charged to the ir
,it wanted. to the
Kellam" Tattastr.—lt. woukl reptile twelve
mage-eaaenes, carrying fifteen each,
and 1.200 boraca ta take ISO pasteengere 240
miles to twenty. tour boors, it the rate of tea
Mike as hair. lecis beacon re - abeam-etrine
will take that °Other and go tam trip ■t the
_NUM time j oosaespeatly willido the work of 2.-
400 horses. Again. it would require 'flirty mail
coat-bra (six passengers each) end 3.000 horses
to take 180 passel:4mm and Mail 210 MACS to
t . enty-roar bouns, at the rate) of ten miles an
hoar. One loccsunotive steamiengum will take
furnished with
a letter recei'•
borough dated
30, 1030.
that number. tactile." two tripe , ln the game unit ;
consequently wili,du the wore 6.UUO horses !--
Newcastle Yajler. .. 1
By a Pa lisructtary Paper Ittit putdialsed„ it a p
pears that the number of beer-homes licensed to
.ell beer lot retail in Eri„. land •nd Wilco dome
lilt year ending ,the 3i., ,cL.ruiety I eZi. 1,
as iulkiwa :—Beet: homer, .ii: risco to: 'consume
I t
tr.e beer on the premises, 40,11 , i oue IC euel.time
uve beer on the remises, $,292.. T u ts! 45.394.
Latch, at Soratbasuoton, a men named Glom
ars,*o ho tart aoltured noiorietg by his advocacy
of teetotalism, etas fined ss..aind is. coots, ft;r
Ca tug wood it:wilt and disorderly in the streets.
England now gays to Illclland, Belgium, and
Holstein...C/00,000 annually thr the stogie ;silt
tie of butter. t
Three buod and fiftperle vessels aye how
Loading at Le he timeige poris.—Laserpsel
4 1
lategrapi Ma Id. , 1
A Gloucester • paper states )hat the building
hitherto occupil as a literately in Tea liyabuti
was. on Salida, opened as e Sunday ttetoot.
a hile a few weeha ago: the rdmiu.e.llethodzets'
chapel was ciotivierted into a beershop
6 ''' On Sunday. a etitipk. Irish+ to be !joined in
holy orreit u e* (the bans baring beer. published
as usual) amended for thiU purpis.e at the alter
111 S)lchain Church. The ceremony had pro
oreared to that put where the Charm:sae as k ed
Inc bridegroom if l'e would have this woman for
his wedded • Ile 7 when he merited the fulllusr.
mg answer :— . l, don't know. ! llcere a question
to az afore I tow 1*
er that. ! Ililit to knee if
we ate married ' la day, and illesial git no week
to-morrow, and IL hare to go into the Great Rome
(the Lana He‘e) th e nezq day, whether we
shall be-parted. 1 The pastor rlephed in the iffir.
matt*, although he was kali to answer in the
words of the Masi. "'Those whom God bath
posed together 4, no man pot asunder." The
bridegroom i lately pot ../... Imo bat. saying.
...Men root me{ry today. int I wish sew good
townie% Su." and made hist! eau, leaving the
Peru/pan to comfort the dattestsotate and dia.
appwita i w d bride' with what glance and spuitnal
adrift be amakt. l
As ancient cesium eatiete c *St, Pete:Wittier.
Weathutater, cif the cook Shrove Totey.
cowling Into the school and Om a silver ryrl hg
pan ecidearosuag to toss • Paaeaka seer a bar
&led a commierrable height tom the tempt.—
If be remises 4 present from th e
Dean ;tf he be Ras only his labor fee his
pains: Is either ease the' Shthe coastitsthe a
aeranside for the boys-
The rutstall 'Parke Obetclany have in their
service hity thetevikhtah, who leave been employed
at the ...Irks an &Doers t-rana 60 years, we 57,
Liar 55, one 54..10ne 49.tero 41 1 ,i, bat 44. thros 42.
two 40, two 37. three. 36. 35, ten 30, three
15 and ten 20 *ars Thil " a het shiest no.
preeedeated, aad elks bee to the employ
ers and the inniiioyed--Lenia licnany.
ress c,.rne ou
ra; and Proin•
dnu.g any
and tncldental-
A healy thun
tng. %%inch cut
directions., and
h the building.
smoke, it '►ar
U " tabu" to
in the North
th or midland
roeytng too rt -
• ate re Durham
ei.iht of bands
fields under the
e or two such
or a ooze()
ight be passed
agattiand again
eraser you go.
-feature of the
e country; you
hat such, bands
ti therel The
we ts, " Oh,
i. e. boodages.
you 'hulk,
we !windage, s
in free and bur
thing is moo
- As I C 254
• • these &teak
under their
. Oa Tbanday„ beets tbe eta' appointed for tbe
aoimoniestme ef a math* . t a pariah is the
moth of Corairra betimes • wary.aboeidered
miner and • ig* young - - who bad only a
hew weeks before been . fern th e bonds of 1
malamute, !Ohs deeone
h i r former basbeed ;
the brig cos* net oot . tin choral at sa I
cw t. h i m. bas eena etaccorre the .tier inipossi- i
Wit, of • feaSele es ' it mon s so deep
as then eneet t dm The fair dame ,
however. was mently ' yett. ea fool -bly
anoranecefinermated Ite Si ber
toteoded whot litsPed beck
ward std 641,t bbl she • . _ and sir tine.
tramp rued to ':tbselietreb,e d le... of too rules
Here a nem 'Meshy
treethortemod4l with, errs. Tee be
WIC/ Ildt nand of kis ' i and of the proba
ble unpai i the tomb! eandbiatet ;
l i and be the p. in a chaise and
foss. The ' eras sots a is tie cows
after basil* been iksg , was with titliesi
mg . 1111 ingurry
y reminded of
ed itself
jib Sitgat GSM
thew womeo
.ciatioci became
large etnates in
south of Scut.
, prevails. No
tt ' dwell oo
teas Into a bond
em. These hi-
Small homes
hums, of some
be duke of Nor.
. - %-
Nil.:lV*l6kitrei(EltAlY ADVERTISE.I
ti brought boa, leaving the Maenad gentlemen
to make The best of bit iray to the church. which
be cceoprp abgd,tfU Micb,ablßcpkWarhen be
found the expectant parties 'Mim", Timmteveranes
convinced him that "many motets closet quench
love, neither can Goods drown it." I
Among the commitments lately tti.the Wilton
(Somerset) Ehnen of Correction was that cd Arm
Pain, spinster, lor Mahn a "heart" on the 14th
oh. Valentines day.
Lately at ihe bikes of Mr. Jo nathan Mitehelk
the hlileer's inns Ina.:Podrey, a man of the
name of John Law, a mason's 'ebonies ate the
quarter of a very large fee, And two ;moods of
horse-flesh fr i ed; n u t cemented with this, be then
ate a very large pigeon-pie, a black beetle and a
cricket, with k plentiful supply of ale !—Leeds
.Mcrearry. .
A marriage has taken *tie at Barrow, Leicer
tersbire, which has Konkul considerable mow
meta to the inhabitants of that country. An on
ly daughter of • lately deemed clergyman in
that neighbourhood, possessed oft7oo or itaX) •
year, has married her late father's (and until
now her own) footman.—Stresferi Mercury. ,
[Fame as Piet or Tau mimes Maw Duresnj
When Wrniam the sailor beloy'd by us all .
Wes bronght to , his mo orings by death,
The ensigns of Britain were struck one and all,
And a nation sighed e'er lii*Jast breath.
But he's gone; and as Providence, still to provide
For the good of Old England is seen,
A n angel is sent o'er oar hues to preside,
And Victoria reigns Albion's Queen.
Then helm! hem
May the Queen love for eves,.,„„
The glory, the pride of our and !
1 When Elisabeth guardian of Britain was laird,
Nut an enemy froon'd on our isle,
But ber genius and patriot spirit prevailed
Over threats which but called - , ro a smiler.
And oar d..irenrign Victoria will squally prove
Thai rio foe an that arnewar withstand.
Which is mined sod (coed round by het people's
firm bare, .
Who'd detend her with heart and with band,
Then hum ! buska I
May the Queen hve tar ever,
The glory the pride of our land
Then rise, brother freemen, and Oil to the brim
A bumper to Albino's fame ;
1 And though time names swift, in defiance of him
Shall futurity write her loved name :
Victoria ! Victoria! the Mat shall go round,
And respect and attention command
A- UMW a. their posts as tins Britons are found
United in heart and in band.
Then hum ! hum!
May the Queen live for ever,
The glory, the pride of the land !
Birth Ertraordiaary.-00 Monday
a. a • Ixot (tom Atby t.. Dublin was pas
slog tht.,ugh the eighteenth lock. one of
the pittb-etwets, s Oi ta : M'Cine,.of Castle
comer (who had never keen on the canal
bet.ite.) heeatise very much * alarmed, and
u, 6w than half an boar was seized with
premature labour. There were only three
tether pas=engers in the after cabin, whom
the captain of the boat permitted to go
'Trio the first. leaving the other to Mrs.
M'Cann, who before sbe reached Samna.
added two boys and a girl to the number
‘,B board. On reaching Dublin she was
pet into comfortable lodgings, and with
• er little is zettin,g on as well as pos
M'Cann, the husband, was also a
pa,•senger. ind seemed highly delighted,
these being his fest burn.
One thotratul five hundred pound:
ai.year reverts to the Crown by the death
of Sir A. Brairwy 'Ong, ;rho is succeeded
in the Baronetcy by iis eldest son, the
Rev. Jas. Walker King; Sir Abraham was
in bis 6ith year.—frisk Paper.
Ao old and hitherto respectable inhabi
taut of Cssdebat has recinatty been disco , .
ered robbing the church pocaLbos of its
contents !
All the persons under sentence of con
finement in the city of Limerick glOl. after
conviction befog. Nuke Perrin at the late
a&-izt-_=. are to pass • fortnight of the time
m sot ark eau, under the silent system
lately introduced, without intercourse or
communication with antibody.
At the Wexford Awbres a Miss Birkett
obtained a verdict of ,C3B &Imam against
a Captain Bates, of the Royal Navy, and
an officer commanding the coast • guard,
for breac.h of promise of marriage.
. The Maniple of Sligo has declared his
inferable to emancipate aB the negro ap-
preotiees oo his West kemria estates, oaths
14 of Anna. The. Anabaptist planter
have already set their apprentices at fiber.
The country iimplveminc_wieideiroposs.
tion this Spring Cot attignstmg to North
America, though probably the zhatices of
miffing to adinustege ii Canadair, greater
than at preiloos aesivena„ with more facet
ties of procuring land after the late abortive
attempt it insurrecion.—{Belfat Paper.
No lees than eight biome beings parish
ed in the neteitxmarbood, ofWessport how i
the effects of the allow storm with which
this country ova recently visited.
Mayo Cimastitstioa.
The Amite of Cork have discovered
baker's broad in that city composed of
. part flour and lime ! • . ,
1 The Niajo Goomitution, a Cowen*
tive paper:, arraigns the lletlibiSbop of
Two for the disposal of his patronage,
W sing meetly given kw oat dive livings
; in [Utak to mendien of tfiawwn leanly'.
'tGaiseeilip, (V a Rai* 'Ned Breast--
In the Year 1812, is the month of March,
es Mr. Andrew Logan; of Ballymena-, was
levering sonde inequalities, at the back of
an old ditch, a robin red tltet;st made up
his acquaintance with him, it seemed, for
the sake of being priviledged to pick ora
small white worm which was sometimes
turned out with the spade. As Mr:Logan
continued his labour from day to day
during a month, more firr healthy exercise'
than any other benefit, robin. attended him
closely. Aegean u Mr. Logan appeared
with the spade, robin was seen aiding at
his elbow, and soon became so bold that
be would take the worms from the hand
of his benefautor. When the labour was
over, and the , ' worms exhauated, Mr. Lo-.
gar continued to feed him with rota, for
which he recti;ily preached upon his hand.
Every winter and springSsmr.e that time,
Mr. Logan paid his morning visit with his
grots or crumbs, at the usual place of
meeting, where, by a peculiar whistle
was the signal Tor robin,.he appeared, and
was instantly ,on the hand dins kind bene
factor. This has been the pruritic. for 26
yam, but the ape of robin at the beginning
of their acquaintance cannot he ascertain.
ed. He seem to he in good health, and
the Only change that Mr. Logan (hi. ks be
seta in him is, that be is not so urge as for
merly. Thebird, recognising the whistle.
places doubt otit of the question as to his
being the same cock robin, as no other
would attend the call. esoci.rially in the
open field.—Briffsc News fetter.
At Carlow amazes, Michael Kavanaeh.
tythe proceis server and rebellion officer,
waslound guilty of robbery and perjury.—
To be transported 7 years.
The Garryowee steamer, Captain Bing
hand, left this on Monday for Kitru.h u.
the midst of a furious gale of wind, and
wind right ahead. but she ploughed her
way against , the adverse elements. and
made the pusage in five hours, without
anylaccident of incooverience. This 'Oen.
did Vessel his proved her superior qualities
on ibe Lower Shinto°, in every weather,
acidic a most attentive and skilful master.
Limerick Citrordele.
A woman in an advanced state of preg
nancy was lately fouild murdered in the
Weis] ofrewis. Her husband, Malcolm
Macleod,. a teacher of Garlic, bat been NNTERESTING CASE Cured by Or. W..
spprefisnded nn suspicion ot . having cont. -a. Las.,, Csimewile Twat sad Feasity Aperi
mated the crime. It is said he perpetra- eat s
. 41 Georges strees, BOWN, corner of
Philadelpha, affect.
ted the murder by means of a towel, which ed for seven years with extraMe nervousness, by
be wrapped roan her bead, and th us p ro - which be was not able to write b a s ssme—bis
duced suffocation; and that, observing ovaPtoob were, mod tints, daily spasmodic pains
blood to coma from the mouth, he washed 1 in
the heart, gr e dd d t , lese
se aner appet d
dimness te, otPasi; etetton of the
g 1
awaht, otter ina
y the fatal evidence, and putting a bdi ty o r' engaging in any t hi ng t h at -d eman d e d
clean cap op the , head, laid the body in rigor or moorage, sickness and weakness ez
bed, where it was found by the deceased's 1 tattle debility- disturbed reit.. sense of Folsom
mother. He is now in prison. •• and wet& at the stomach atter eating, treat
mental despondency, severeeyitig. pains an the
Selloff Irak itn Stight..--Such was thelebett back and aide . ecituveness, a dis li ke for
severity o f t h e l ate f rost i n gi ocor di oe . satiety and conversation- Mr. Et has made trial
that a person who kept a daily, upon pro. Va po r''"" trot"'" before
_the public.
needing tine morning tadeliier to his cus- performed by lr.—wlnZiZE"lll:l7l
tomers their, usual portions of milk, was Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, be
not a little &concerted to find the whole f was endared to Ir ma them a trial, of which be is
in a solid mass of ice. As his customers e u all "me happy to state that the! effectually
must be served, andthere was no time (Or on h-i
r.ons who m a the abr:lbt4r cute, are sul g distaie ` .
thawing such a quantity. be set to work t moectfally directed t o the those mentioned wr
aith a saw and sae, and dividing it into goo, in the, north meat earner of Shippen and
pieces, delivering a portion to each. Goitre, Streets. BENJAMDI BOWN.
SdoCt Mae& • rbilsdelPhis October 26, 1837.
1 The Highland and Agricultural Society
of. Scotland, have offered a premium of
£5OO. for the application of steam to the
purpnies4fPloughing and harrowing.
lhablia Paper.
I anion Corbett, Esq. of L e i g ht o n a n ti,
lately gave two prime beeves-and about
sixty tons of coal to the poor cotte,ters of
Leighton and its neighborhood. Mrs.
Corbett distributed in very liberal quan
tities blankets, flannel, and warm clothing
suited to the several wants of her poor
neighbors. The pemon who called upon
es with the information'seid, “ these peo-
ple bin always doing summet for the poor
The poi*. on letters between Bangor
and Banakaris has been reduced to one
half the rate usisafly charged; and if it be
an argumenj in favor of a general redac
ts of pater, it is a fact that the
teal wereamed thereby.
By * recent death of the Rev. Mr.
F(bnittlter of the late Mrs. Tynte,) I
Wring Of Bassaleg, neat Newport, is
vacant. From the large increase
MAIM and of general populatipn„ the
- of Sessaleg has tecciase an kayos-
t ebarge, and we base no doubt its
' wants will be duly provided for
~ the, bishop of LbuslatZ who is the pf -
uz:f the, bring. - The Family and zin.
bassebold of Sir Charles Morgan
a 7 trseyly interested in tbe appointment.
' Xerzio Grartrusa.
Goons Szoar.—About five weeks
• . Tboassa,_ of the Old Passage
on the Glooreitaishire bank of the
Severn, lost a fine goose, which was wont
toluke its Mereitios in a pond. A bard
Gest minting at the time. Ind the pond
-BAZ '
being covered with thick ice, excepting a
small portion which was kept open for
itratenng horses, it was suspected that - the
bird had dived under the ice and lost its
life. This verdk of the neighbouring
rastit eproved to be partially true, - the odds
being in favor of the goose; for on Sunday
hist, the ice iir the pond having become
dissolved, a strange looking skelTton, clad
in rotten feathers, and, in eppearance the
very ghost of s goose, emerged from the
water, and proceeded to make acquaint
ance with the denizens of the inn kitchen.
At first the proffered familiarity was \ ilt
receiyed, but at length the missing goose
of five weeks 'previously•baving come to
mind, and this and that compared by a
competent jury; the poor bird, in the words
of Goldsinith, "had his claim allowed,"
and, by dint of nursing, ie•at this moment
after five weeks incarceration under the
ice, likely to brave many more winters.
The poor animal's body Must have been
during the whole period immersed in the
water, 'by which its feathers are become
completely destroyed, and its retention of
lifti under the ice can only be accoun
for by the daily watering of the ho
haring left a space between the ice
the water, which enabled the bird
breathe. Iti attempts to liberate itself by
peeking up at the ice had completely worn
away the horny part of the bill.
- Bristol Journal, March 27.
Read the FoUbwing.
Interesting and Astonishing Facts.
MORE conclusive proofs of the extraordinary
efficacy of DR. Wffl. EVAWS celebrated
Camomile and Aperient Antibiliona Pills in a 4
les-lawn afflicted mankicd.
To James Dickson. 36, Cornhill, Boston. Agent
for the sale of Dr. Wm. Evan's Camomile Pills.
,Laartu.. Nov. 15, 1836.
Dear Sir—Knowing by ez,wrience that every
reference that the afflicted receive of the berm&
mai results of medicines. I cheerfully offer mine
to the public in behalf of DL EVANS'S
CANIOMIL4 PILLS. 1 have been afflicted for
the last ten yells with distress in the head and
chest: often so bad• ea to deprive me of sleep far
three or Sam nights in succession, but have never
found relief by any of my friends' presdriptions,
until my wife saw the advertiamente in the paper.
when she persuaded me to send for same, which
I did. sod obtained two boxes and bottles. whirl
mulled in almost completely rooting me to
health. although I base not yet mutely finished
them. Should you consider this any benefit to
yoprselC, or the public, you have my cheerful per
mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully.
THOS. K. GCKWEIIIE, Cenizahst.
LIVER CO.liPaEiT,lO *EARS mum.'
,Mrs. Hannah Stasiar; wife of Joseph Biome,
N. 6th street. near Semod. Waken:sham afflict
ed for the last ten yeas with the Liver complaint.
completely restored tcrhealth through the mat
meet of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual
conaiipanot of the hawels, total km of appetite.
etcreciating pain of the epigram legion. great
&pregame or manta. lsogoor and other meephima
of extreme debility, disturbed ahem. inginfrinam
Sow of the menage. pain io the right side, could
not he on her left side without an aggradratite
tithe pain, urine high colored. with other glom
lama indicating great derenvitmeat in the Sum
nom of the liver. -
Mrs. &Orme was attended by three of the first
physicians, bat received but fade relief trout their
metfictoe:till Mr. Browne procured poem of Dr.
Wm. Evan's bevel-attic preparation. which of•
kernel! refitted her of the above &stressing
'Seamans. with ethers, stitch it is not dronrind
to fermate. JOSEPH BROWSE.
Citiand Counts des Yeah. Ml
oseipb Browne, of Wfirsetsbarg., La= blsod.
Wog duly sworn. did dims and say that the
stets as set forth is pee within eltideoweee. %n width
6e has eobecribed kw war *Wiest lead true.
. Bosbar4 ads mud" Elrounda Browse.
Doses before me this dth day of January. IeZO.
PEIER NISZtEit . Cala. of Deeds
• • •
INTER ESTSING CASE if Tedisiosisr Ces
xemetpaiest,-4r. Julia Rowel appSed m We ht,
day et Sepiesaber at the *Ewe 100 Chatham
Navel. labeehi coder the folhertag wpafitagor r -
A eltgitt *Wag xi diii*X eouirk,
leaded with as etpectotatiatt of pcoraleat warier,
id/Ott sweats. geseral esoaciatioth &Beaky -el
breathing as ezeruoo, with a well nuked beetie
.whoa the cheek. Os irtasathation. die eked
was faced to woad triE etary Imbue exempt wi
der the left ate is the ins pit of tic
isms ride.
Trisaband—Direcied to take the notorettee
Cseemede Ms. with the cosi'
peeed. at the sues time as brionettet, to eall
fixii daya4 erten the sight meets load meet tbs
ea:retention disiaisitell. keg St of
eaigitiag sun reseiois g ak_ the anneisg- M
aimed es moil to eeeeiese the welecisor add to
all is the men" er a ;seek—shoo S» health
NO. 36.7
motioned pipidly hetrea 7 Wit&lat tall*
conk Called at the • ee on thi thlittitin
month, quileetinvaleseens returning his eines,
thanks (Ic)r the benefit he had obtained.
The above patient chiefly used aulk.tegbasa.
dark; his treatment.
Mr. Robert Munroe. Sebnyikill f , tnigh
the shove distressing waled!: SY III
languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, '
ache, difficulty of breathing: tightnenatiedatric
ture metals the breed, dizziness, itereons 4 knits-
Wily and restlessness, could not lie in "ASO-. '
mould position, without the sensation or impend: -
ins suffocation. palpitation of the hart. ditties,
lug, cough, costiveness, pain of the stonatelt, thew
sinew, great debility and deficiency of tho no
ow energy. Mr. R. iMonme yr up itmey
thought of recovery and dire despair sat int the
countenance of every person initialed in Ve
existence or happiness, till by accident be istieed
in • public paper some eases effected by Dr. Win.,
Evans • medicine, in his complaint. 'skint' indu
ced hint to pure-base a mange of the Pi la. which
resulted in completely removing every syas
of his discus. tie wishes lo swv his Motive lot • ,
this deehuation ts, that them aided with the
same se any symptoms stud* to lbws hem
which be is bappdy restored may likewise receive
the urns inestimable benefit.
Alm Amos Brenhiser. cornea °filo:old street and
Germantown Road, Philadelphia' affected Sir the
last six rears with the Liver Complaint. sae
completely restored to health by Dr. WM. Y.
VANSS Camomile Tonic and Parody Apniewt
Pills. Her symptoms were habitual coaltiveseek.
excruciating pain in the stomach, depression of
spirits. languor. MUMe debility, disturbed deep,
great pun in her side. could not lie an her kit
aide without an aggravation of pain. iSzemeas in
the bead, dimness of sight. with other reaspeenos
indicating great deringensetu in the functions of
the Liver. Mrs. 13renhiene has made vial siva
dons medicines now before the pabrm. but l's
eened no relief until she was advised le make
trial of Dr Evans's Pills. of which she la happy
to state that they effectually relieved her of. the
above distressing symptoms, with atbess. One:
are not essential to intimate. -
Mr. Ilrenhiser, (husband of the ahem Mni
Breabiser, had been two . years edited with a
aistraised state piles and Costiveness, of which
be wail effectually cared.
A paled eve eject!! 14 , tine Instant If D,
Willie= Bents.
Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street. Warming
burg. afflicted with the above amophtist for dine '
years and nine months. during Adel" time be
had to use crutches. His chid symptoms. Irmo
excruciating pain in all his joints, bet appeauffy .
the hips, shooklur. knees and ankka. , ,lnt m
gravation of the puns towards nights an d kw dis
meat pert all tunes nom external kw, sa
ens Wakening of the fascia and figment"W tk '
a complete loss &muscular power. For the beer
efts si those afflicted in a similar manner. ]lr.
Gibson conceives it meta to say that the plies
bays esitirely ceased, and that his joints lam '
compktely recovered their natural mos, • awl hia
tads able- , to resume his ordinary buirineas.
Era. Acme G. Kenny, tio. 115 Louis . stmt.
between Santini and Howetan wefts. ahead
kir ton yew, with the following ilistressauf symp
And &Imitation, daily spa/smite Pin a the
head. kin of awaits. palpitation of the boa
hued and donnas of sight. could not R as bet
right aide. distiubed rest. suer inaf ifit. of ok
gaging in any thing that demanded vigor or
courage, sometimes • visionary idea ors *um
yeti= of her disease. a widin . steal sivirmes to
ptiticubir persons and place!. groundless awe
hcasiooa of personal danger and poverty. an irk
someness and weariness of Rte. ithenettiMid. .
quietude do every alight eeession.the earesised
she could neither die me live. shoves. lamemlied
desponded, and thought she led a most , miserable
hie, never was one so bad, with frequent metal
liallueinatione. Mrs. Emmy bad the ednie of
several eminent physicians, end bad meows to
numerous medicines. but could not obtai*
temporary alleviation of her distressing state. till
tier husband persuaded Ner to make trial of my
mode of treatment- Sbe is now quits
and Sods herself not only capable at attemitsg tw
tier . ilomestie affairs. bid avows thatshe enjoys as
goad health at present as she ihiLit avvy - piddle
of her crietenov— J. IDENISY.
Husband of de slinesaid Anse Kelly.
Sworn begs. .ra ma di s kith day of. Dire.
• Peter Pi sans!. Can. of Dada
Arran*, S TZARS trciurnara.
Sr. Charles flobszt.-214. 122 Orange stmt. N.
Y. 'aimed for foe yeas with humeral hibilnal
Asthma. applied at theta= 100 Chatbus *mat
ce the 4.- 4 1 of Or-ober, laboring w thelellner
mg symptoms. A sense of tightness moms the
ebeas, with the Femme &Seek, of besthkg.l
distressing cough. generany mast Witiungisee
expectoration of Timid phlegm, distmtml
,tbe face turbid and of a ti s - a tae —ensid pet iek
In a horizontal position *idea: ghat seaustioe
immediate sollhestinn. langtow. drarsinees. sad
Animals is the heed. sod lose of appetke,
Ur. applied to the. mat anise:pi pisyleinne
in this city. likewise used sera* aim ssmodson
minuet Obtaining sey permanent hem& miti
Maniere, perwraded him to pkeelitatereeder
)r. Witham Evans' umnament. 1k is emser
laved of him complaint. and called at as nikei •
yesterday. amorMg dist be hated mei test
p re p s tes gratitude gar the leinefd. he keg reeek.{
ed. October 21.
We do hereby altbiezils wars Amamiiiktim
truth of the atom eases, that the • - tement is in
every *septet true. EMUS link 'OM
• JOHN 671 a vet.
Fre meth Sett%
Oet. slat.
Dr. Wl4 IMAMS dteiitdl Otsa..4er 611
ads of kis ennelket Metiatiee.ll d &LAX mirth
StIdSEW" Mmes. Meddles L
loy 3. 7. Wuxi
kb Agmit Sur Eklesylkal'Si
illeidaathatV. I
.e rrois.viEr
Ms to
dr Stick *Wang
aisporimers bawd!. cased
cread kg kin hi the hos of
Oct 11
" 1111 7 3