The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 05, 1838, Image 3

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    the Secuili r :
her tbatr
riod, since th,
The largest
former wee
looks like
ais to the c.
facilities affo
ments, for- t
ducts of indu
the Valley c
city Of a gen
swers admi •
neers unite
I' lie - isigli much larger num.
-tamed within he earns pe
road hie teen in operation.
number regist -red for any
is 1420. T, is certainly
siness, and a :. lie volumes
ractet of our - ity, and the
ded by our S • to improve.
• ddi'commerce • nd,the pro.
try: The new . ridge across
k (we speak , n the audio
, einan wha exa fined it) an.
• , Iy. The lodo, olive engi.
saying that g ey consider
Id 'and substan i !al structure
ne. Though sad disaste ,
is believed ilia nothing wil,4
ally, while laetMr aCcomlife.
e purposes of t isnsportation,
be insured.—/tenn. Inq.
it a more :
than the old
at the time, i
be lost event
dollops for t
will certain!
The Her I
flattering ac
of that place
cies of vice,
did not Bopp ,
Why do her
a state of ti
there? W it
a's'sisted and
those dens of
those who fr
sburg papers
unt of the mo
Gambling, a
revailstoan ex
disgraced the
I. oral citizens.
ngs as it is a
a vigilant pol
ouatenanced b
vice could be b
kuent them di
Aril 30, 1838.
be did not doubt .ut that he had
1. of the honorable Chairman that
now arrived whe it was a very
1,, oat in the mo .entary. affairs
1 , . Some of, the t . nke uf Blas
i.rk had already esumed specie
others were upon be point sof fol
; example . Mr. • lay, hoped the
c t
• speedily be foil wed, at least as
a were able, thoug i hi feared the
mth 'Western Stat s were not yet
4 Mr. C. said he t erefore wished
the Chairman'ort e Committee of
ither there .was Inifore that Com
ber the Fixecutiii . ead any inten
rward, any meaku r of any de
than that which, now lay upon
other Rouse of COngress, with a
ngthen, and cneodrage the Banks
on of Specie Payibents. If there
in the Committeei or in thelEzec
i the Qoverninenti to do any thing
et,—thus leaving the B mkt to
in this operation —it might be
i n
ere to suggebt so. e measure for
Mr. Clay sat
the concurrenc
the period ha.
important ino
of the count
tort and New
payments, and
lowing this g .
example wool
far as the Ban
Banks in the =
ready to resum
to ascertain of
of Finance wh
mittee, or Whe
Lion to bring f.
aeriptio, othe ,
the tabl in tli
view to aid, str
in the rtrunip
was no intent' ,
entire Branch
on this subj
go on upaide.
the (flay "tlf of
this desirable
there was no'
fore the' Corn
them by order
nothing on wh
As to what th
• lb do, Mr. Wri
Senator from
on that eubjec
and the Com
measure of rel .
the Banks in
before them,
States did nut
tresiuce any m
the following
"Resolved b .
rolsou in Con
ination shall
diurn of pap.'
Public Reven
ment, and th
gross, the not
ble and paid
the United S
be forthwoh
payment oft .
to the Grover
'disbursed, lb
public credi
The resolu
no defence `o
. • . the Senate.,
• whether the
eration to B
where the re .
tend that ban
Power of els
Lary of the
the Secretar
• sufficient to
would come
`The ma.
marks, was
and laid upo
r answered Mr
og on the subject
ittee which' had
of the Senate, and
ch they had hot
Eseeurave was do
said he was a
That being the to tit the ease,
thee of Finance ot having any
ef or auy ineasur intended to aid
e resumption of pccle payments
das the Executi of the United
utend, so far as was.knawn, to in
satire of relief, he pojuld introduce
()int Resolution.
the Senate and Hd
rest Assembled,
made as to the
ntin the several
in debts or dues
until otherwise it
of sound Banks
n demand in'the
tee, under suitab4
rescribed and .prof
`he Treasury, ghat
Revenue and of
inent, and shall'
course of public el
.rs who are coi l
ions being read.
DY said he was
opposition to the
e would sugges
,—, lotion ought n
, het in the fiemt
nue was to be r ~'
said that thi - reso
1 notes _should be
witlibut suitab i
rimivatton was gil
reasury. The d'l
of the Treasury
Imeet all cases.
up with the resol
ton, after a few
!,then -ordered to
the table.—Ba
The New t
"Great Wes
most delighi
The Bijo•
tofore cabs
of our pack
ished and r
durable tho
Great West
cult to he de
ald, who w
faithful d
marks :
1 "No lane ,
d o or of the c i
' side by the'
fdtt garden
ornamented I
with exquiti , ,
romantic a
ertistat.uf. E
1115 , Parris,
eitent are
and every
ease of the
dreamed o
nights, ..•
• The to
of Vermin
ing glasses
-porcelain, i
vivid cola.
rich bran
wits a fire
voluted col
in the brig.
most cons..
luxury wh.
ork Corporation
"rn" on Friday 14
ful time of it. - M
i. the great cabir
ted language on
t. ships—our nun
ally elegant wood
gh less costly ; bud
rn is really uniqi
ribed. M r. Prim
there probably had
iption, and we e:
age is adequate to : escribe the splen
aloon, which is ..tinded on each
tate roomr for the Accommodation of
It looks like a bower of bliss, a per:
• 1 atnida, with recesses in the wings,
with tiellice work in gilding, and
1 , paintings in the waincoasting and
riptive of the ariptis scenes of
1 ' •
pastoral life, ex uted by the first
rope, under the s perintenderce of
e royal academ cian. The sofas
I added in the most usurious manner,
ing conducive the comfort and
• -ngers is cons Ited in'a style of
,• er hitherto atte pted, and only
lin the descriptio of the Arabian
, the tales of fairy.
' tore is formed on the model of that
1 , iq the time of . is XV.; the look
lers enclosed in . I trainee of painted
laid with mama: ry, and the most
; the fi re place 'it the centre ta a
d article, of a, q . • rangolar shape,
lace on each angl-, and a handsome
mu for chimney. Every thing was
test order, and • - igned with the
mate taste, exhibi
carried into exec
Fnxnebibockez e fir Alici s
iiic.l4 •
• - IT IL L. artiwiL
By the silent font 'Orlin shadow,' bill,
We slept in our , green reueatsi
And the April shoarers were wing to fill '
Our hearts witli sweets
And though we lay in a lowly biower.
Yet all things loved us well.
And the waking bee left its Gut.* flower
With us to dwiiy. • If
Bat the warm May Caine in his pride, to woo
The wealth dfciiir virgto sto re t
And our hearts jolt hit his b at, and knew
Their sweets immure
And the sanimer reigns nu , the bidet spot
Where we dwell ; and its /DUO and showers
ing balm to our sister's bearti, bat not,
Oh, not to oars
Omni oreiti AtIaitirtiITIZONICLZ
April 28, o'clock, P. sr.
Awful Fire at Charlest,on.
We learn with h e deepest regret, by passen
gers from Cheri who arrieed here this eve.
fling by the Carolina Rail Roadj that the city [of
Charleston has beer. visited by :one of the most
awful and destructive fires that has ever visited
any city in the United States. ONL THIRD
departure' of the ears this morning at six i;'clock.
and thefire was raging as if it litould COllBllll5ll
at lewd one thirdmore.
The fire broke hit last night
t a quarter past
8 o'clock, in a paint store, on the western ride of
King at. corner okEteresford at. The wind blow
ing Strongly from the South West, blew the
filmes diagonally across Kiiig st.. and at the
time of the _departure of the cars the whole see.
tion of the city above Bererford street, up to So
ciety street and alit' 01 King itreet to the Bay
was burnt down or burning.
Our informant believes it impossible to calcu.
late what will bethe ultimate extent of the fire,
as it seemed' in ne way checked , at 6 o'clock this
Among the buildings consumed are a number
of churches,Vie new theatre, the splendid hotel
recently erected, end the whole market except the
fish market.
, ive no - very
al character
i d every spe
ent which we
and of Penn.
lerate such
lerred exists
ce, properly
her citizens,
oken up, and
persed in 24
A-large number of houses bad been -blown up,
but to no purpose. All the pdyder in the city
was exhausted, and all the water in the pumps,
and the people Wearied with X whole night's
incessant and unavailing tail, found themselves
this morning, abld to make but a feeble resist
ance to the still ruing and deiouring flames.—'
A number of persons had been killed by the
blowing tip of houses and throtring of furniture
into the streets. The steam boat Neptune. ly.,
ing in the bay, eitught on fire, but it was fortu-,
nately extinguished.
This is indeed mournfifi catastrophe—a
flourishing city laid in ashes-her people burnt
out of home and 'substance, and millions of pro ,
perty destroyed in a single night. The Insurance
companies of Cherleston we learn are of small.
capital, and will, every one no :doubt be ruined.
and still be unable to make good but a small
portion of the leases. flundredifof families must
be utterly ruined by this geheral calemity.
Years cannot mike Charleston: what she was.
P. Since the above was written we have
been shown - a letter from Charleston, closed a
little befere 4 o'clock this morning, and brought
up by a passenger, which confirms all the im•
portant facts stated above. It also stales that
the rigging of many of the vessels at thd
wharves bad been burnt.
Evening Journal Office.
Since the alxici was in type, we learn
_that the
fire raged 16 honks-12 or 1300 buildings were
destroyed.—Loss 'estimated at sof 116.000.000:
About 1500 families haire beds thrown out qi
Clay," and said
cif esirrenev be
•een referred to
that there was
ready reported.
ng or intended
'ignorant as the
nothing to say
'par of Rrpresen
tndt no discrvis
rreney or me
'ranches or the
p the Govern
dercd by Con.
hick arc payn
• at currency of
restsietione, to
ioulgatedby the
4 .Aiswrv, Wrist's:spiv,: o'clock; A. NI.
The City of Albany is porifi4d and redeemed !
Loco Eowism is prostrate ! We have come out
of a most desperately contested election with a
triumphant' idajority in every Ward. Our ag
gregate majority:ln the city; is within' a frac
, tion of SIX HUNDRED.
be received in
pebts and Dues
'be subsequently
penditure, to ell
ling to receive
The Eeturnsfroto Virginia so far, gives
38 Whigs, Logo Focos conservatives
4, Whig gain 23-,Whig lirs 2:
Wxro OFFICE, liichrnonil,
April 30, 1838.
Dear Sir—Though I cOi send you but
little more than the paperft will give you,
yet I drop you a line to say that we have
certainly carried the Howie of Delegates.
Last year, the.etiniinistration• majiirity ,
the House wee 40, in the Senate 8. We
have gained 23 in the Heinle thus. far, and
lost 2. In the Senate we have lost one
there being bni 8 elected this year, out of
i 32. •
imported to make
! resolution before
to the Senator
:t restrict its op
of the places
ution did not in•
received without
en to the Sects.-
.bretion given to
would be amply
But this subject
explanatory re•
second reading
imore American.
t M k
aid a visit to the
. They had a
or Noah says •
We now haYe a majority of one in the
house of delegntes. l'heret: i are four or five
More that we 'expect to gain. If so, we
s h a ll have the 4egislature o j t ballot.
/7. S. Gazette.
We have here
e peerless cabins
'-rous highly pol
, probably more
the display in the
e, and most diffi.
editor of the Her.
come nearest to a
!. act his brief re-
Mr. Kennedy is the first member of Congress
clerted from th Baltimore District since the
reign of Jaek.Po Om began.
We are requested to state that the Rev.
Dr. WC/amp will pre* in the New
Baptist Church, Bellmon4 about 2 miles
from Port Carbon, to-morrow afternoon,
at two o'clock.;
Yesterday afternoon in the s2nd year of her
ago. WS. St. ANN Bacitiait, wife of Samuel
Brooke of this rough.
.The friends ' acqueintsnies of the Family,
are invited to ad her tunifeal on finnday at
ternoon at 3 o'ektek. without Birthed. notice.
Pa Lodge.
ASTATED ,Ijrneeting of Pplaski Lodge. Ne.
216, will behelc at the usual place, on Mon
day evening neat, May 7th, half past 7
clocki P. IW. /!
Peectnal attendance is requested.
may S ti 34
A STATED Meting of t o Fottinrille Fire
Engine CA
' any • will beheldat the house
of Wm. Mortiar, - 011 Wednesday resift the
9th inst. at 7 lelock.
ELIAS ORR, Secretary.
fog the triumph of
tion by lavish and
I;f4, .!z
A .1111MaN0 .7;
Of all the Wails_ 9 1 :She-BsFrera
Pottmille, atinrable to the eleitiOn:of the
iegularly nominated Tic ket ,
Ol6Seri, and opposed to an - amalgamation
with Locckfocoism, will be held at the
House of Henry Stager, this evening,, at
8 o'clock. Punctual attendance is 're
quested. I MANY.
e following a the amount of Coal transported
on this Rail Road up to May 4th, 1838.
3464 tons.
. ROBERT C. HILL. Collector.
e following u the amount of Coal transported
on tine road from commencement to May 2d.
Wednesday laciest's. 1813 tons.
GEO. 11A DEBTY, Collector.
Anti• Van Buren, Anti-Porter, Anti-
Sub-Treasury System Ticket for, Borough
Chief Burgess
Jacob Reed.
Daniel Klapp, 2Years•
George C. Wynkoop,
Samuel Lewi%
Benjamin T. Taylor.
High Constable
Daniel Hill.
TOW: Clerk -
Edward Owen Parry.
Benjamin W. Cumming.
Francis J. Paryin.
Alexander Graham.
Paton Tie, Mae 5. MO
WHEAT FLOUR, by the toad was worth on 1' 6.
day 417 50.
WHEAT 1 50 per pasha, is demand.
RYE FLOUR 2 50 per cwt. in demand.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 250 per demand
RYE, by the load 90 cents by the bushel—ready
RYE CHOP 90 cents per bushel in demand.
OATS 40 cents—ready sale.
POTATOES 45 cents per bushel in demand.
CORN-70 cents per bushel in demand.
CLOVER SEED—SS 50 per bushel.
. TIMOTHY SEED-12 00 per bushel.'
FLAXSEED—SI 12 per bushel in demand.
WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon.
BUTTER-14 cents per pound—in Kegs 12 cents
EGGS-12 cents per.dosen.
LARD-10 cents per pound.
TALLOW-9 cents per pound.
HA MS 12 cents per pond.
CORN CHOP 80 cents per bushel in demand.
BACON—I 2 cents per. pound,
BEESWAX-18 cents per pound.
FEATHERS-62 cents per pound.
COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound
MACKEREL. by the bbl. No 1, $l2OO DT 9, $ll
SALT-2 624 per bbl.; 87 per bushel.
PLASTER, is worth $7 00 per ton.
HAY $lB per ton.
Musical instruments.
►IIHE subscriber has just received and offers
for sale
4 keyed German Flutes, plain,
Octave Flutes, •
Clar ninety,
Violin Bridges, Pius, Strings and Bow-hair.
Clarionet Reeds,
Goner Strings,
, Violin B o ws—extra fini s h,
' He reapectfully . invites the. public to tall and
examine his stock.
may 6, 1838.
Mount Carbon Rail Road Company.
OTIcE is hereby given, that a special meet
ing of the Stockholder* or the Mounf Car
bon Rail Road Company, will be held on Sitar
day the 26th day of May, at S o'clock in the at
ternoon, in Room No. 23 Merchants' Exchange
City of Philadelphia. .
. By order of the Board .of Manager.,
Philadelphia, May 5, 1838. 34-6
Dissolution of Partnership.
/VHS partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers. trading under the firm of B-
D. JOHNSON & cp. is this day dissolved by ma
tail consent. The. business of the late firm will
be settled by either of the subscribers, at the of
fice, 25 South sth street.
Phila. Mity..„l,l' 538.
The Coal businesiwill be continued by the sub.
scriber, who will keep a'eti; , lgt7 . ' nii ,f the best Red,
While and Grey Ash Bchaylki I, at the low
est market prices by the cargo Of st le lone
Office, 25 south sth at Wharf, 2d below nth.
may 5 34 CALEB PARK
Public Notice.
THE Register of Schuylkill county, - having
granted to the subscriber. Letters of Admin
istration on the Estate of MARY BANE, late of
Pottsville, deceased; all persons indebted to said'
Estate are hereby required to make immediate
payment; and those having 'claims to present them
legally authorised for settlement to
S. N. PALMER. Adm'r.
34-6 w •
may 5
The Miners' Bank, of Polinglk in the
Coutny of 'Schuylkill.
May 1, 1838.
TIE Directors of the above,institotion have.
this day declared a dividend of 3 per cent. on
the capital stock, oat of the profits of the last six
months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal
representatives on or after the 11th inst.
may 5
TIM undersigned cautions the public against
purchasing or leasing the tract of land called
Clinton Tract.on the East Nunregian rail road.
from Elisabeth Spohn, or Henry Morris for her,
as be the undersigned claims ad* thereto. and
will institute a suit against any person attempt.
Mg to take the possession thereof.
Manheiro, April 28, 1838. 32
10.000 VERY superior hosanna segare of
the Prineipes and Dommego brands, for sale by
-Upwards- of, 0,000-_Boxes,,, of -
. -
41:M .
Who doa ban " igkagaslimieeditt
P"POin ofda.
meVERY man. woman. ad child that an read. cal(
R sparer the stare. as every AsiaraPaPor 411 ° 1 ,01 I
we the UniteilitaneatontalasetTents of the Outset , .
hal efkcao7. of SalualittnUa. mierifying the Rood Modi
masoons i gfreas Ore kerma spate ad array! hiserste l
AshleyrealatatalalO physician the gatemen, WkmX
is the eroskehriaperii6.. gf the Rasa his Gnawed
will be. Salasrad..t.a.
. SAW* it to say Ma. if all physicians recommend
itiro uoiyalt !eta essikattx can se bare if its
Da. isail;TYl gatowared a method Whereby the
virtue of dm Sasso pitrilla is obtained in a highly con
centrated form, and'M such manner as to make pilli
therefam, admit destreying in the least its. sinus
This cannot be does by any other person. the pro.
' cem is known only to Dr. Leidy, and ma discovery of
his own.
These Pills are offered to the public by the name of
compounded principally of Samapatilla and with
at combined iagredients (friendlyta yte c onsti.
maid rendering them more effectual, belng gentl7l
laxative in their effects, thus carrying off corrupt ho
more fn?m the systetii very gradually, and without pro:
duciag debility or soy inconvenience. Taken in suf.
ficient quantity. however, they will purge friely, and
may be employed or. given to the most delicate. and
even to infants, being a safe and truly efficacious pin ,
gains,requirmg_ no ;restraint from diet or deviation
regular Matta or from occupation of any hand.
These pills have been pre-eminently sui„essful and',
from their convenient form, must. sooner or later, take
the place of all the different preparations of Sarsapa. li
villa, such as Syrupe.Decoctums, Extracts. da. laird
are conetintatin bottles, liable folic broken, and are in.
convenient for taking br being carried about.
These pills haveduring the past two years. been
amply tested. Nefrapaper advertising being so very
expensive. ample testimonials from numerous physr
clans and others accompaay the directions.
They are partimdatly recommended in
Rheumatic affections, Dry and watery pimples,
General Debility. and puFtules of the face
Ulcerous sores at and
threat, nose and Wkly. Scaly eruptions. and blot.
Diseases of the Liver, ches of the skin.
Skin arid Bones, ester. Ringworms.
Pain ear the region at Tank, Erysipelas,
heart, breast. and sundice, Heartburn.
mach. Qtomach Coughs. Liver
Pain of the trident. Moo complaints, watertarab,
the hack and spin* ' cr eructations, and acid-
Inward fevers, foul Ohm ities of the stomach,
a bed tame in the Mou Weirder affections, as
Flatuleley, want of, sip swelling and hardening
tits, costiveness. cram of the glands ofthe neck.
of the stotnach, mid in in the groins, under the
agitation. arm!, and along the
spine. the breast, Rc
and the whole train of diseases resulting from Impw !
rity of the blood, as also constitutional diseases pro
duced by the use of Barks, Quinine, Arsenic, Mercury
or other Minerals. also in impendencies in life,Syphi
ha, Lees, Venereal, &c.
Price 25 Cents a. Bag.
Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr.
Leidy s Health Empenum, 2nd st. below Vine,
READER. if yogi have a cough or cold. beware of
their consequences. Colds generally p
imperceptibly. and Insinuate themselves air=
the hsman system. finally settling upon the lungs rTd
ending in consumption.
Flow often is youth cut down when least expected
by the consumption. and followed to their graves by
parents who are in a Measure the cause of their premc
mere death, in neglScting to remedy colds when eider
ing in childhood. bolting upon'them as trifling affec•
tions, and not attracting their entice until the destroyer
has commenced its Stork and madesure of its victim.
This is not alancifullTepresentation, fixr daily numer•
ous instances occur winch prove the rant.
" la manhood colds terminate in the same vr.ay, hut do
not progress so rapidly as inyouth; they should' tow.
ever. in both youth and manhood be early attended to.
and not regarded as trifling affections. for it is a delu
sive idea that has no doubt shortened the byes of thou.
(Price 50 Cents per bottle.)
Is an invaluable prepsrton, discovered by a regular i
and celebrated German hysician. who has ample) el
it upwards of fifty rant in bia own practice in Ger•
many, throughout which country it has been during
that time most extensively and successfully employed
in Coughs, Colds. Influenza", Catarrhs, Asidamas Spit
ting of Blood. Whooping Coughs. Pain of the Breast
and Sides, all affections of the Breast and Lungs, and
arrest ofapprosehing consumption.
Much may be said in praise of the above medicine.
but newspaper advertiaing being ten experts!ve. every
satisfactory evidence will be found in all its effects
upon trial. as well as numerous recomrnendancms BC
compan, lag the directions. Uywards of 7000 bottles
were sold in Philadelphia alone during the past win
ter. a convincing proof of its efficacy, or so large a quan
tity would never hate teen sold. The above medi
cines are pre pa red and sold only at
Second below Vine at
EADER, did you ever see a confirmed Dyspeptic,
&Send learn his offerings! Irma. =Rea it to say.
he is a pale, thin mid ghastly looking object, his life
apparently hanging by a a miserable thread; he and
unhappy his sufferings indescribable. •
Are you much troubled wish Flatulency. Costiveness.
Sour eructations arising from your stomach, Occasional
want of appetite. Watevbrash. a bad taste in your
mouth. or foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your sto
mach. Sickness aftereaung, Headache, Disgust to your
once favorite dishes, &c. lf you are much •trimided
with anyof the foregoing symptoms, bring before yell
the picture of ilia Dyspeptic, and having resolved to
remedy the consequences, immediately procure
ever Failing sod efficacious rernedy for
Arid the whole • of affections resulting from dis
eases of the r . Stomach and Intestines.
The above medicine • warranted free from mercu
ry or other mineral prepa • air, it is composed en
urely of vegetables. safe and to take, being very
pleasant to the tame It may-bey,s l ik v kinistered to
young and old, retaking but moderato trictions in
diet only.
Numerous testimonials have been from tiMitotimis
published; its reputation la so well known, further - "wm.
ment upon its virtires is unnecessary. suffice it to say.
re Has Mint rattan IN • 1131101./. INSTAICCX. Furi ,
ther recommendations accompany the directions a.
round each bottle
11 -- ' Price One Dollar per bottle. . .. ..
Sold in Philadelphia st
Dr. H.S. Leidy's Health Emporium, Second below '
Irme St.—and by t
S. SANNASI. Pottsville.
M 6 ; 34-Iy
*MUNRO Light Littitutry
PARADE • cm %Monday the 7th day of May o
1838, at thn Armory at 10 o'clock, A. M, to
Sommer 'Niftier!".
By Command. -
First Sergeant.
Mayo 33.. r
AMiglit for the purpose of establishing
a Society beneficial purposes, which will
be known by tbe name of the Union Society. will
be held et tbe lame of ;tunes Lang, in Port Car-
bon; the first Batn9lay in May, at 3 o'clock P
april 28 334
WM Orin l AMB*
s .
Proprietors of this ne. which hat been
•m- fitted up in a superior manner for , the %CCM.
modation of the Travelling Community4reipect.
hilly announce to the public, that the Line will
positively commence runhing fetween •
on Weinesday the 2d of ilfiryoind will-continue
to leave.their office at the Peassylossie Mogi
Pottsville. daily at 6 o'clock, A. M. and strive in
Philadelphia, at 6 o'clock...l': M. at the foliclwiri
niter of Fart:
To Orvelrborg, •• $0 50
Port Clinton, ' ! 75
Hamburg, • i 1 00
Reading,' 2 00
Pottstown, 3 00 . ,
Trap, 3 el&
Norristown,'4 50
Philadelphia, , 3' 00 •
For Seats apply at the ' Pennsylvania Hall,
Pottsville; Nett'. Hotel, Reading; and at their
Office, No. 25, North Foorth . Street, Philadelphia.
MINTZER& Co. Pottstown.
Choice Wines and Liquors. -
N. NATJIANS dc co.
HAVE on hand the following choice Wines
and Liquors which they warrant genuine,
and offer for sale on the most lavurable terms,
consisting of
50 Baskets Champeigne Wines. of Key, Hick
ory, Star, Woodcock. Anchor, Grape anti other
10 Baskets Sparkling White Burgpndy,
10 do Old Hock,
:5 . cases Old Grape Juice Port,
50 do Medoc & St. Julien Claret,
Alma few dozen of the much celebrated East
India or Star Madeira,
Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry in bottles, .
do Madeira, Muscatel t do
Curracoa, Perfect Love, Rine, Noyaey, Annie.
Bette, Annisseed Cordials. da
Madeira, Pale, Brown & Gold Sherry, Lisbon,
Teneriffp, Mar. ISladerra, Malaga, Malmsey,
Dry Allilags, Muscatel and Old Port.
Clampaigne Brandy of - the tinet brand*,
Cognac, Bordeaux k Charente Rrahily,
Holland Gin.' of Pine A pple: and Fish brands,
Jam. Spirits, M. Whiskey, N. E. Rum, -
Com. Gin, Com Brandy Ac,
Tavern keepers from the neighboring towns
are respectfully invited to call.
N. O. Goods delivered to any part of the SO
rough Or neighboring - towns free of expense.
may' 2 SS
Teas! Teas!! Teas!!!
©CHESTS and chests of Fresh Green
and black Teas, consisting of Orange,
Pico°, Souchong, Pouchong, Gunpowder, Young
Hylton, Old Hymn and Hyson Skin, just:received
and for sale at reduced prices by
Several small chests put up for family.use.
• may 2 33
Fresh Groceries.
MILLER & HAGGERTY have received
their spring supply of fresh Groceries, a
mong which will be foun d very choice
Green end Black Teas oft ye latest imports
lions. which they can recrit:nen theirfriende
and the public.
sprit 28 ' 32
Regimental Orders.
TIIE enrolled inhabitants of the county of
Schuylkill, and coMpanies of Volunteers,
eoinpoSing the 30th Regiment of Pennsylvania
Militia, are hereby notified that the First Battal
ion will meet, properly equipped for Parade, on
Toesday the ,T2d of Maj next, it McKeansburg.
The Secood Battalion will meet at Schuylkill-
Haven on Wednesday the 23d of May next. The
fines to be formed precisely at 10 o'clock, A. M.
By order of the Colonel.
sprit 28 32t b Adjutant.
COATES Popular Medicine, or Family Ad
viser, just received and for Salo by
sprit 28 B. BANNAN.
Coal Merchants,
~Land Proprietors
and others, are` respectfully in
formed by
Haden Smith,
Civil Engineer, Land Surveyor, 4.e.
THAT he has commenced a permanent real
deuce in Pottsville, and is prepared to receive
and satisfactorily execute all business with which
he may be favored.
H. S. is determined to confine his practice to
Pottsville r and its vicinity, whicharrangement
will enable him P.lnctually to attend to these
gentlemen engaged in , mining, who may employ
Maps handsomely .finished. and Architectural
Designs furnished in every style.
Pennsylvania Hall, April 23. 1538. 31-2 mo
First Troop Schuylkill County Cgon/ry,
WILL parade on Monday the 7th day of
May, 183fT, at 2 o'clOck, P. M. at Morti
mer's NoteL—Winter. uniform.
By Command.
aptil 28
Militia Training's.
THE enrolledcomparing the 12th
•I'L Company of the 30th' Regiment, P: M. resi
ding East of Centre Street, in the Borough of
Pottsville, and East of the Centre Turnpike in
Norwegian township, are hereby notified that•
ey are required to meet on Monday the 7th of
Ma at 18 o'circk, A. M. at the house of the sib.
suite • operly equipped for duty bs the law re
• wires. cLEATiY.
spril 28 32-3
dub salt
ILL be sold on Sat ay the 26th day of
f May 1838, at 1 o'clock .M. at the house
of Christian Ley. Innkeeper in tows of Pine
(Nye, the undivided moiety os half of a cm.
tom tract of coal land. mama i l lThin'T't
tikhnylkill - comity. containing ur hundred's:cies
or thereabouts, bounded by th lands of
Christ. Win. Guieff, and others. •
• ,10111413TRINITLER.
Assignees of Main Raudenbosh.
33-4 s.
Ruta Baga,Turnip. and • -;•-•
White Flat Turnip Seed, '
By the smeller quantsty,, Weil* bi. 4
arra 18 la B. RAldbilitd
UGAR. Soda and Water Cinekirs, fin- sale by
r I c ATHENS. 4 CO.
• - 'HEAD TA.VER*O- - ,1
- • Thai 4
. 4 . 1 . 1 14e._
ARimairespecult. •
'I.: : : And htve„
'OO, im
. _
* Me. 5135;.
. 1 " his numerous t is
heretofore mdronised the
bas taken the aboie
now reed,s to receive theta with t..
that can be bestowed upon nither Il
bt wants. .
Philadelphia. April 18rh., 1838.
. .
Wetherill & Brotherf.:... ~ -
AT IRE OLJI STAND :" .<<.,.' ' I
No. 63 NORTH FRONT .13THEPI''...,v7P. .
EAST SIPE, ', .A., . ~,,,,
Tours Doom MOM TIM UOILIMIII Rir4ll#l„,*o -''
PHIA.ADE.tPHIA, '' .r , ,'?,.."' . ''.- 1
'At ANUFACTURNRS , tIF.; ,, , :
White Lead dry and i Calomel.
ground in Oil, I Red Precipti •
Red Lead. k • ' White do ,
itharge. ' Vitriol Alb.
Chrome YelloW. Scrip. Quinine
do Green. • Tart. Emetic
do Red • Ether Sulph.
Patent Yellow do. Nitric
Sugar Lead .• do Acetic ,
Copperas bow Caustic
01. Vitriol Cern. do
Aq. Ferris Acet. Morphia
111uriatic Acid ' Sulph. do ~
F.psom. Salts Lac. Sulphur
Tart. Acid Opi- de Natcor.
Sup. Carte Soda , Hermes Mineral
Correa, Sub. Mere. Ethiops do.
Refiners ofChamptior, Sal Nitre, Brimiione,Rorag„
&c. Cifer - for sale the above mentioned iniclor. to.
gethertvvith a gitneral asiortment of Nike. Drage
and Dye stuffs. and every other article in the Chem•
cal and Medicinal line. •
. Being manufacturers of all the articles enumerated
under the above head, they pledge themaelves to sup
ply their friends and the public on the mostleasolia
ble terms. . .
Window and Picture dui, from 6 8, toot 30.
Oct 21 1837 48--"
Public Notice.
A s it appears, that because Mr:Crane obtainetl
, " 5 - no' patent for smelting Iron Ore with An
thracite Coal in thi. country, many *oppose that . 4
they are now at liberty to adopt the method of '
smelting !ma ore with Anthracite by use of
a heated air blast; although I gave notice...last
year that I bad a patent Mr, smelting . Iron ore '
with Anthracite Coat, both hy the use of ii-eictd ,
atmospberic acd a heated air blast, I would now i '
inform the public again, that on the 14th of Jan •
unry, 1838, 1 received a :letter from the Commia.::
sinner of Patents at Washington, stating: "Sir, '-
.upon examining thee:v.:of Mr.'Crane's applica
tion for a 'patent far smelting Iron bl/ means of
anthracite, I have viewed his claim as inteife..
ving with your patent of Dec. 1833, and Miss
! given notice t° his attorney of this deeision."— • •
Every ettempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite
by the use Of a heated air blast, is al infringe
me9t upon mj patent, against which I 'caution
and warn all Men; as I shall, prosecute ever' OEM
infringing upinf my right!. according to law.—
And 1 further totter to dispose of patentlights.fiW
the erecting o furnaces, according to my patent,
upon very moderate terms. . .
New York,lApril 9, 1838. ' 28-6 . •
1000 (be. Bed Feathers.justreceivedand!
offered for sale by
Nov 11 1
50 adAtvis %trawling Papei for gala! l
wholesale and retail, cheap, by "\r•
mareh 24 8. BANNAL.
Bo ‘. and Tow Lines.
JUST racked and for sale a supply of Bois
and Tow 'nes.
50.000 JOint Shingles, •
25.000 Lap do
20.000 Lathes, suitable for paling or shiA«
gling,for sale by, A. A..
Sept 23 • 44
Clover Seed. : •
" - UST received and for male
20 boahets prime clover seed.
SAI(II".TL 1111ItT2r:
Feb 21. . 13
SANI►ERSON'S PARlS—juirt received' and
tor sale at this of f ice.
march 31
Benjamin W. Cumminii
arrows-Kr ar . Law; ‘•
HAS removed his Office to Centre Street, op.
poeite the Brick Building of Georg! M. Jen
nings. where he will attend to•all business en
trusted to him in the line of his profession.
Oct 21 • . • 487tf:,
Timothy'Seed just. received and for
sale byJ• CLAVFON:
Feb 14
. ,
Champaigne Wine& • 4 , -
THE subscribers have just receividiuttOffer
for safe 50 Baskets Charo *site INifteEl2ll-
rgong which will be found the fisllosade,Vriek
; Wands, .Napoleon, Palmetto. 4 liknisee4Colttel.
1 Ap•tl2l, - • •, •
Q. (Lir N '
- 11 ,OOKING•PLASSiiId, ' -fkame.
11 4 cr. nest &wit° Mr; ' rroief,Ly
'Crest. Old Flll.Ol, f' teat
Der, and at the a. - -re t . 4 7 '
28 •
Kate LesUe..
reir AM/6*D
Mice, or the
`Endless Ton.
Jost received end for sale by
sprit 2d
24- f '
New zto,
Lathes, _
'riaoner. •
kb.. ,