The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 05, 1838, Image 1

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    VOL. 1
ND PdßLlSkir.l
AW ''' *lff.iiir
f es
ND - Fi Filf C VATS
t in a vance. If n
• ch rged to ail t
1 1 1 f pos .To mai
, .Faitll within the 3.
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,!- rice fsubacriptio
EE Lit',
ann in, payable it Int-annnall
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i thin the yea ,$Y MI will
t gresieding twelve lines will be
t nsertionit--ancl2o nts for One
~ es MI prep.:tit:tn.
1 wililbe inserted ntil ordure.
r whipb they are to continue
I.e chatrged accordi gIY.
will lse charged $1 per annum;
1,. to tive papnr —w it the privilege
moment not ogee ng 2 squares
ear, tend the insert n ofa small
-1 for three success' e times.
r to the editor mug be postpaid,
1 will be paid totem.
eetingo,Stc. and Cher notices
(re bemi inserted ratis, will be
Ih. exclept Marria and Deaths.
Toast Douro's
payable semi-annua
in the year, 04 will
envie the paper free
per annum. lin
will be added to the
Two Dom e ass p
in advance. If not
be charged'
Advertisements n
charged 1111 (or tn.
In tertlOn. Ls rg a tt; .' i
.1I advertise n.
out, unless the . tune 1
is specified And will;
Yu rl~ aiveriiser
inehrling subscripti.
of keeping one a#ve
ending during the
Cr in each paw
All letters address
otherwiseino attenti
All notices for
which have heretof
charged 25 cents el
has ttotomeneed
ectiob with his
Books' will be
I.w rates.
k gooks. 41144.
, 1 .0 mai& to orderlt the loWest
!de sokplied whole ale at Phila.
• ery in•ea
where all kinds
shortest notice at
of every dqscrip
rates--end the tr
dolphin prices.
A pril
*."ctoria Satins!
Ala afrtiele for Lailies' Dresses
an fiir sale by
new and ele
duet receme.
April 21
ds! New 6r#ode
by . Nathsns & Co. a new
ohnfent of Spriaglind Sum
mltslins and lawns, among
and few piece} of English
'.w rake. Also, atsplendid as
h,, Catisimeres, Vetitings &c.
en's ttrnmer wear, together
.rtutint of Linerui p Checks, Di.
&e. &c, •
New G I
'CST receive.;
and elegant a'
mu Prints, paint
which may be
Prints at every
sortment of Clo •
Also, Gentle
sail a general u'
iperv, Ticking.,
I 4
limn F'onik' dry
d at private sale.ithe Foundry
situated at Port Clinton, Sohnyl
very (reasonable terms. This
e colmeneemen6 of the Little
Susquehanna Rail JRoad, now
rll in id short time be one of the
the ',country •to dq a large busi.
!,&c.apply to
•Iron Founilers, Philadelphia.
Port Clinton
6-63 t
`y IL be s.
v pleasant)
kill county, on
'Foundry is at
Schuylkill and
making, and
best situations
aces For ter
july 29
41R6.11.111r: !
!al 1-ircTerty in Pottsville,
tied lagers for gain all that well
story BRICK , 470 RE AND
HOUSE and the tippurtenances
e sit, Pottsville!, the .property
' ned, together with nine other
, e reap of said' building, and the
luerepn ttie whole stands. The
afor aid,..contains thirty feet in
fro the basement story to the
--- t stye of work mdnship, and both
Valuable R
'f HE Under"'
known thr. .
Rittman in Gent
of the onders .
tenementtin t
lot of around
brick building
garret in the
, as a business
wourably situps
be sold on to
of the nurcha-
erty for a few
ble, and
apply to
April 22
nd and a residedce, is most fe
ed. The foregoing property will
and aecommodatieg terms. Tart
money may remain on the prop
'ears, it desired. ,Title tndisputa.
non 'can be givnrit immediately—
Poitsvill e
Ws Courts Sale.
r 37
if an Circled of-the Orphan's Court
.nty of Sebuylkill,iarill be sold at
sate Harman, innkeeper in the
ina,;ln the said County, on Mon.
y of May next, atil o'clock in the
•e said day, the foltowing described
BY virtue
of the Co,
the house of
town of Tam'
day the 7th e
afternoon of t
real estate to
The one ti
of coal land,
scree. more 0
the said coon
being bound
Philip Moser
with George
on the pre
Miners. and •
on. The Lit
Road passes
ivided third partOf a certain tract
.ntaining two Inindred and fifty
less, situate Rinds Township, in
• , adjoininti the town of Tamaqua,
• by lands, late ofiJohn Nershner,
and others, and held in common
aum and John Ritum. There are
• es, *everal •houskei suitable for
ix Rood veins of coal opened there
le Schuylkill end rattawissa Rail
rough the same.,] -
ndivided twelfth part of a certain
itoate in the same township, adjoin
tract of land containing acres
.e Intestate by Daniel- Maier.
property of Dr. Ikaae Ir Vansant,
the Court.
Also one
tract of tura
tog the abctir
conveyed to
Sold as t •
i Executor.
e time of the sale Shove stated John
.rge Baum willfer for side their
e said tracts of l ad being' the un
it& thereof, and. also will be sold
f stodk in the Litile Scuylkill Rail
P. S. At t
Baum and G
interests in
divided two
s2ooo worth
Road & Coa
April 7
nd Elegan i t Goods.
ANS & Co. have just receel . red and
merinos, from 50 to 75 cts per yard
do at $1 50 Per yard,
no, worsted,silk aml cotton, shawls,
ellow, green and vicar let flannels,
• unbleached Can4on fiannels,from
cts per yd.
, comforts, caps, ciiildren'alsoae,
• gloves, &c &c
• d wadding at 64
6-4 English
Super Frea
Tartan, me
Red, white,
Bleached an.
10 to
Worsted . ..
Winter prin
Cotton bats
ddc 3
U Eal
for sale
N. NA!
~ .p I
Miller ir:llaggeily,
Dry Goods,Grocery, Windt. Liquor Store
(Next door to Mortimer's Hotel.)
THEIR connexion with a house in Philadelphia
enables them to keep on hand a ;very eaten
sive assortment.ofgoods. !Which they will sell at
Philadelphia prices. Store and Tayern keepers
and private families, would do well lo call -and
judge for themselves
.per annum
t paid with..
-who re
*1,50 cents
Brigade Orders,
rotiE carolled Militia and Volunteers, compo
-a- sing the 2d Brigade, 6th DiVision, P. M.
will commence and continue the Spring trainings
for 1838, as follows:
53d Regiment, commanded by Col. Hugh Lind
say, whole Regiment op Monday lite , i4th day of
May, 1838. -
llth Regiment, commanded by. Col. Samuel
D. Jacobs, BattalliOn on Tuesday the 15th
day of May next, Ist Battalion en Wednesday
the 16th day of May next.
77th Regiment, commanded by Col.. Isaac To.
der, 2d Battalion on Thursday the 17th day of
May next;lst Battalion on Friday the 18th day
of May next.
lit Regiment, commanded by Col. Abraham
Siegfried, Ist Battalion on Saturday the 10th
day of May next, 2d Battalion- on Monday the
21st day of May next.
30th Regiment, commanded by CA. John M.
Bickel, Ist Battalion op Tuesday the 22d day of
May next, 2d Battalion ori \ Wednesday the 23d
day of May next.
The company ttainings will be on the first
Monday in May, namely, the 7th, and the places
are to be Pixel by the commanding officers these
Book Bind
•k Store,
.und at the
1 27-
The commanding officers of ciarripanies, and
Adjutants of Regiments, are strictly enjoined to
have their enrollments ready on Battalion. days,
agreeably to law. '
By oeder of
Nap. 2clc Brig. 6th Div. P. M.
Brigade Inspector', office, / :
Windsor, Aprlll,lth, 1838. (
The Family Commentary.
FROM the workS of Henry and Sodtt, and
..: above one hundred other writers, published
in London by the Bell ions Tract Society, revis.
ed and abridged in tw o olumes,, with Maps find
Engravings. Tliis va les e work is published in
parts, at 25 cents each, T lye parts are already
completed, and osn bechtai dat the subscribers
Book Store where imbscripti s will also 'be re
ceived. B. BANNAN.
june 24 —3l
LIQUR goad new Sehutilkill Boats, built of nat
ural growth timhors, and tern reaeonable.
Apply to 'SAM'L. H AVM.
march 2a4
OLINA worked:. flooring hoards. plough.
IL ) ed, tongued Ind grooved ready for laying, I,
II and I inches of diffe-ent quality and prices,
constantly on hand. land for sale 3n lota to stilt
purchasers, upon application by letter to
,Planing Machine Wharf. N. L. Phila. Co.
opril 25 31-1 f . Pottaville.
Pottsville Water Company.
•111-1 E stockholders of the Pottsville Water
•L Company are hereby notified, that an elec
non will be held at W illtam •Mortirner's
on Monday the 14th of Mar 'next, between the
hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, for the purpose of elect
ing nine directors to conduct the business of
said Company fur the ensuing year.
A pril 21 311-3 , President.
A FRESH supply of Sandeilkin's Pans. which
1-10 - is pronounced to be the bait Book of Travels
ever published, just i recetved and for sale by
N. B. Persona on the Liit are repeated to
call and receive their Books.
sprit 21 30
Room Paper t Borders.
BBANN AN has just received his Spring Pat,
•terns of Hanging Paper & Borders, which
can be oxamined at his Book Store.
April 21 30
2a DOZEN SWairies Pan acea, just receiv.
' 47 ed fresh from the proprietor.Al..lpwards of
Seventy. Five ThoUsand . Bottles ,OF elms valuable
medicine were sold last year, and the demand is
increasing. For sale by the dcrien,er single bottle.
Price $2 per bottle; or three bottles fora by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
Also Swaim's Vermifuge. •
Dry*Groods; GrocFry and Li
quor Staire l
'Corner of Centre and Markel Strives, Pottsville
April 8 : 1 28".
%TOME is hereby given; that an Election
. 1 . 11 will be held lry the qualified voters of the
braraogb of Pottsville, on Monday the 7th day, of
May, 1838, hetwern the hours of 2 o'clock, and
8 o'clock, P. M arthe houseof Henry Stager, for
the election of the Mowing Borough Offieera;sic
One perm'. for phief &arra, to serve for one
Three persons 'for Cot/it'd/sten, to serve for
three years.
One person for, Councilmen,. to serve for two
One person for 71nr4.Clerk; to serve for one
r ',beet,
One person fur Mkt CoosOalr, to servo for one
year. •
Three persona :for Atditor,io serve fur one
april 28 324 • • rkirf Burgess.
Y, received and
I NS Co.
1 31
Boats for Sale.
Flooring Boards:
Sanderson's Paris.
Swaim's Panacea.
Borough Election.
Rail Road Iroui
WIRE New 'Castle and French Town Rai;
. 11 1- Road Company.. w:11 dispose of a part of the
Iron taken from their fiat car track. Tbebars
are in good condition. 21 by I. A sample may
be eeen at the Company's office, Chestnut street
wharf, Philadelphia
april 18
For Sale, or to be Rented.
rrH AT valuable tract of Land called the "Clio
. ton Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn,
situate on the west Norwe g ian Rail Road, neat
north of, and adjoining the Peach Mountain, is
offered for sale on accommodating terms; or the
Coal Mines will be leased severally or together
to an approved tenant. Apply to
34 & Walnut-Streets.
a f oil 11
Cheese Cheese !I
20 Casks of premium cheese,
20 Hoses pine apple do
for sale by N. NATHANS & Co
dec 2 2
Public Sale.
PURSUANT to an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Schuylkill County, on Saturday the
26th day of May, 1838, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the
house of Christian Ley, innkeeper, in-the town
ofl'inegrove, Dr. Jacob Christ, Administrator of
the estate of Solomon Christ, late of Schuylkill
County, deceased, will expose to sale by Public
Vendue, the undivided moiety or half part of a
certain tract of land, situate in Barry -township,
Schuylkill County, containing four hundred and
eighteen acres or thereabouts, bounded by lands
of Jacob Christ. William Greeff and others, held
in common with Admit Raudenbush. Also, the
' legal estate of the said intestate in the
NI one third part and some small eqnita
le s ble Interest amounting to about- one
eleventh part of a certain house and
lot, situate in the town of Pinegrove, in the afore
' said county, bounded by lots of John Barr and
. others, being the houso.and lot on which Jaco.
Christ, Esq. resided at the time of his decease.—
A lso, one Jot of ground in the town,of. Deerfield,
near the town of Pinegrove, ixoundeid.hy Tulpe.
hocken street and other lots, being &a same lot
purchased from Benjamin Berger--Bite the es
tate of said deceased.
By order of the Court.
Orwigiburg, April 21 30—te . Clerk 0. C
Philip Hoak,
RESPECTFULLY announces to hi■ friends
Km' and the public in general, that he has again
commenced the Coach-Making Rosiness Nor
wegian Street, three doors below the Arcade in
thebornngh of 'Putterslle, aetacte hell ready to
manufacture to order all kinds of -vehicles at the
shortest notice, of the best materials. and at the
lowest rates. He has also on hand, ready made,
Barouches. Carryalls, Phaetons, Charlottes,
Coachees, Buggies, &c. which he invites the pub
lic to. call and ekamir.e for themselves. The ar
ticles are all manufactured under his personal
inspection, and he will warrant them to be equal
to any manufactured elsewhere.
Rdpaits af every description done at the short.
est notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
N. B. Coal taken m payment for vehicles.
april 18 29 3m
Catholic Books
Key to Paradise,
True Piety,
Catholic -Piety,
Dooay Bible,
Poor Mare. , en'echism and
Sins ('a•.. 1.~•m
u•t received nod for sale by .11. BANNAN.
D.-e 23 5--
New Establishment,
Corner of Centre 'wed Market Streets, Pottsville
•INHIE suhacribeVu respectfully announce to
a• their friehda and the public generally, that
they have taken the store formerly occupied by
Jacob Bull & Co., corner of Centre and Market
streets, where they are now provided witha choice
assortment of
Dry Goods,
Liquors, Ake:*
which they are determined t.viell at the very low.
est prices. HAZZARD & STRAUCH.
N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at
the highest market prices.
April 10-6
New Goods.
4 general assortment of fresh and seasonabla
L'IL Goodaicg ir receivetf—cons
GOOdS fisting in pa:lei
.. ) . .
Salt, Plaster, &c. Ike.
which wilit o giord low for cash . The highest
price paid sil for all kindirof coantry prothies.
Mosnl Carhop, Dec 2 9
THE subscriber has now on hand at his Store
and Storehouse tin Centre and Rail Rose
streets, a fall assortment of Goods, suitable for the
coal region 'via :
Barr Iron of assorted size*, '
Band one Hoop do do
Nails and Spike Rods do do
Steel, Round -A Square do do
Nails and Spikes do do
Coal Shovels • do do
Hardware,:a general assortment.
All of which he is selling at reduced prices.
Jan 13 2 J CLAYTON.,
ROWLETT'Sioterest Table,, jest received
and for sate by B, BANNAN.
jan 24 " 5
CHURCHILVS MANIAL. and Festivals and
Fasts, just received and for ale by
a pril 4
• -
Frederick C. Epting
ESPEETFULLI informs his friends and
m.. 10 the public in g e n era l, th a t he b ee o p en ed
Bakery' nd Confectionary Establishment
in Norwegian Street, next door below the Arcade
in the borough of POttsville, where he will al
ways keep on hand and bake to order all kinds
of Cakes of every variety of patterns—and where
also, will always be kept on hand, Bread by the
Loaf, of an excellent quality, and of a large size.
His Confectionary comprises a tette vad gen
eral assortment selected with care, and sold at
the very lowest rates.
F. C. E. would also inform families that he is
prepared to bake Farnily Eread for any number
who prefer furnishing their own Flopr, at the
shortest notice, and clothe most reasonable terms.
april 21 30-3 m
Wholesale and Retail Dry.
Good Wore.
OLLOCK & WEAVER have just received
in addition to their extensive assortment of
DRY GOODS, Super Surerior Blue and Black
Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style cas
sirneres, sattinetts and Beverteens, mictere fus
thins, Ise. Feb 18 14L
Valuable Coal and Thither Land
SITUATED in Schuylkill county on the bead
waters of the little Schuylkill river, and in the
first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 229
Acres and 14 Perches, strict measure ; this land
is covered with White and Yellow
said by Judges to boot the first quality, the little
Schuylkill rail Thad; rune directly through the
above described tract of Land, and offers a safe
and convenient passage to the Philadelphia mar
ket. For further particulars address the eubscri.
tier in Colombia, Lancaster county. Pa.
Feb IC 1-3 mo
Medal Cheese, Soap &c.
40 casks superior medal cheese,
50 hoses Philadelphia soap,
hhd.lrish.pat meal, for sills by
Nov 18 •
'position of the Hoctrines, Ministry and wor.
ship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United States, by the Rev. RICSJ Axis Does, Rec
tor of CliristChurch,fhiladelphia, just receited
and for sale here.
april 18 UR
Religious Works.
BANNAN bps just received the following
" 6 religions works, London and America 'ed.
Woos, which he offers filf aalescheap.
Original f amily Sermons, 5 vuls.
leland's view pf Deistical Writers,
Sturtevant's Preacher's Iklanual, 2 vola,
Drew on the Resurrection,
Drew on the Soul,
Bridge's on the Psalm CM..
Faber on Infidcli:.v.
James' Christian Professor,
Prize Essay ciit Religious Dissensions,
Christian father at Home,
A Mother's Request, &s. 4-c.
deo 23 5 -
forkhe instantaneous cure of
Discovered and brought to its greatest perfection
This is to certify that I have tried your Tapuy
as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in which
I have certainly fcifindit of very great service.
Member of 64 Royal College of Surgeons.
London, Sept. 10, 1830.
A friend stepped in to say that he had visitea
the Fire King this morning. sod witnessed his
marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little
boy in particular, who looked cross enough to bite
a ten penny nail clear off, in ten minutes smiled
at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—U. S.
A fresh supply of the above Elixir just receiv.
de and for sale, by B. BANNAN,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county
July 13 . I—l y
The Penny Magazine of use
ful Knowledge, -
Is decidedly one of the cheapest mid moat po.
polar periodic4le now extant=lhere are 200,
000 copies sold every month in England, and 63,,
000 in America.
The Parts of vnl. 6 (for the year 1837) as far
as received, can 8e had at this office. Price 18j
per part, or $P 00 per annum.
This Magazin! is published in monthly parts,
containing 40 brig , pages; the present volume is
much enlarged sApd improved. ,The illustrations
of wood cuts are executed in a superior. manner.
There is an ailvantage in taking this work over
all others, a person can discontinue . it whenever
he sees proper, (or each pan is always complete
within itself.
Gimplete sob; this work from the commence.
meat-can be p red of tbe subscriber, at $l2 per
volume. B. BANNAN.
Nov 4 ;' ' 50—
WELSH PRIMERS , just published and for
(isle wholesale and retail. by
april 28' • 12 , B BANNAN.
For Sale,
volautible Tract of Coal Land,
LYING andiheing in the township of Norwe
wegiun, orti the West Branch near the West
Branch Rail Rad., shout tour miles trout Se.bayl.
lull Haven is me or morn. Coal VMS
poutsusgthrouglik tins .aud. For information ap.
ply to JACOB REED,
at Pottsville,
or Mr. HOFFMAN, •
March 51i— at, Reading.
c . paigne litirhkes,
_III7BT moo* and for mks by N. Na th an* &
013. 50 liaolibls of Key, Hickory, Sam Wood.
cock and citlei brands.
aOril 14 48
Read the FoDoyen&
Interesting and Astpnisking Blatt¢•
M ORE conclusive proofirof the extraordinary
efficacy of DR. WM. 'EVAN'S celebrated
Camomile and Aperient Antibilious Pills in al
leviating afflicted mankind..
To lames Dickson, 36, Cornhill, Boston, Agent
for the tale' of Dr. Wm. Evan/Nemo/mile Pills.
Lowm-t., Nov. 15, 1836.
Dear Sir—Knowing by experience that every
reference that the afflicted receive of the benefi.
cial results of medicines, I cheerfully offer mine
to the public in behalf of DR. WM. EVANS'S
CAMOMILE MAL& 1 have been afflicted fur
the last ten yenta with distress in the head and
chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for
three or four nights in soecession, bat have never
found relief by any of my friends' prescriptions,
until my wife saw the advertiaments in the paper,
when she persuaded me to send for some, which
I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, Which
resulted in almost completely rehiring me to
health, although 1 have not yet entirely finished
them. Should you consider this any benefit to
yourself, or the public, you have my cheerful pert
mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully,
THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist.
iNTERESTING CASE- Cured by Dr. Wm. 1
Boans's Camomile Tonic end Family Aperi
eat Fills.—Mr. BENJAMIN BOW'S, corner of
Shippen and Georges streets, Pbiladetplita, affect
ed for seven years with extreme nerroosness, by
which he was not able to write h:s name—his
symptoms were, eruscation, daily spasmodic pains
in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina
bility of engaging in any thing that demanded
vigor or courage, sickness and weakness ex
teme debility. disturbed rest, a sense of pressure
and weight at the stomach after eating, great
mental despondency, severe flying pains in the
chest back and side, costiveness, a dislike for
society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of various medicines now. before the public, but
to no effect, -until, observing in a public paper
some cures perfoi med . by Dr. William Evans 's
Camomile Tonic . end Family Aperient Pjlls, he
was induced to give them a trial, of which he is
■t any. time happy to state that they effectually
cured tim of the above distressing disease.
faTersons who doubt the above cure, bre most
respectfully directed to . the above mentioned per
son, at the north west corner 'of Shippen and
j Georges streets. 'BENJAMIN BOW N.
Philadelphia October 26,1837.
Mrs. Hannah Browne, with of Joseph Browne,
N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, afflict
ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint,
completely restored to health through the treat
ment of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual
constipation of the bowel., total loss of appetite,
excruciating pain of the epigastrie region, great
depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms
of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate
flow of the menses, pain in the right side, could
not lie on her 'left side without an aggnivation
of the pain, urine high colored, with other Yaw.
tomeindleating great derangement in the func
tions of the liver.
Mrs. BroWne was attended bY three of the first
physiciana, bot received but little relief from their
medicine, till Mr. Browne procureirsonne of Dr.
Wm. Evans's invaluable preparations, which ef
fectually relieved her of the above distressing
symptoms, with others, which it is on essential
to inumate. JOSEPH BROWNE.
City and County York, ts.
Joseph Browne, of W Mit msburg, Long Is Lind,
being duly sworn, did depose and say that the
facts as set forth in the within statement, to which
he has subscribed his name, are just and true.
ljusbard of the said Hannah Browne.
Sworn before me this 4th day 41 January. 1837.
PETER,PLNKNEY, Com. of Deeds
INTERESTING CASE of ,rerbocalor, Con.
somptioa.—Mr. 3ubn Russel applied on the Ist
day of September at 'the office 100 Chatham
street, laboring under the following symptomw- r
A alight spitting of {flood, distressing cough. at
tended with an expectoration of purulent matter,
night sweats, • general emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exertion, With a well mar ked hectic
flush on the cheek. On examination, the chest
was found to sound well every where except un
der the left deride, and in the arm pit.of the
same aide.
Treatment—Directed to take the restorative
Camomile Pills, with the expectorating com
pound, at the sane time-en injunction, to call in
four days; when the night sweats had ceased, the
expectoration .slightly Ziminished, ais light fit of
coughing still remaining ih the morning. Or.
dered as usual to continue the medicine, sod :to
call in the course of a week—when his .health
continued rapidly increasing, without the twist
cough. Called at thetiffice on the 4th of this
month, quite convalescent returning his sincere
thanks for the benefit h 4 had obtained.
The above patient Chiefly used milk regimen,
duritg his treatment.
. •
Mr.•Robett Munroe. FeleObi% afflicted:with
the above dismissing milady. Hymptoins—great
languor, flatuleney, ditturbed rest, nervous head.
ache. difficulty of breathing. tightness and attic.
tore arjou the breast. 'diaFiness, nenrous inns.
bility and restlesamesm, could dot 'Me .in a lasi
until position. withal the sensation of impend
ing s o fi bcation, palpi lion of the heart, distras.
log cough, costiveness. pain of the abstuseb, drew
sinew, great debility and delicienty of the nerv
ous energy. Mr. RMbnroe gave op' every
ibought of recovery dire despair sat on 4 Ow
countenance of every Aram Interested ita his
esistence or happiness. tit. by accident he noticed
in a public paper some Imre.' erected by Dr. Wm.
Evan's medicine; in his complaint, which indu.
cdd him to purchase a Sabath of the Pills, which
resulted In conipletely 'yepacliing every symptom
of his disease. He track to say his motive for
this declaration ti, that those afflicted with the
same or any Symptoms similar to those from
which he is ha p pily reason:lL may likewise receive
' the same inestitritbte benefit.
- •
11117 —
M t s. SARAH BIOIHISER. wife of Mr
Amos Breniiiser,lcorner of Second street and
Germantown Rosd, Philadelphia, affected for the
but sin yearn with , Liver
h im
Complaks., was:
completely restated heads by Dr. *NM. E.
VANSMCaroomile tam and Finely Aperient
Pills Her symptom were isalgteal costiveness.
excrociatior pain - in the stomach, depression of
^-4 e.ftAo'stAt , -•••
' -- • 4 ' . ' 4...*1r - -10- --9 M. 43,1 01-..,*•_--
tgit. - t•-=zak. - T , ..... - _uz,•...- rt4d.-N..014
1 ""."
spirits, languor extreme
great Maio in her side, could not lie on h •
aide'without an-eggravation of
• 41470
We beid, °fright, with other symptsmilko
indicating great derangement in thelopigovit:-;
the Liver. Mrs: Brenhiser has made ttiiiro7ia%4
rims medicines now before the . ' publie,f bat
ceived no relief moil she"'wasiidvised- to
trial of Dr Evans's - Pills, of which-shilelappr
to elate that they effectually relieved beL 4 the..
above distresiing symptoms, with abet% whti 1, ,,,,
ate not essential to Mtimate.
Mr. Brenhiser, (husband. of the _ . 'Meat
Brenhiaer, had been two yearn 'dieted .withi:V
distressed state piles and Costiveness, of
he- was effectually cured.
A perfect cuffs elected by the treatment 4. t k ort
• MAIM Emma.
Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th 'street, Williantsok -
burg, afflicted with the abov'e complaint for ttinm 4
years and nine months. during which tinte„lek.
had to Use crutches. His chief .symptoms, w_
excruciating pain in all his joints, but especialk,
in The hips, shoulder. knees and ankles. nerig t ,
gravation of the pains towards: night; and fittlitek r
most part all times from exit:spat lien, an obu
ous thickening of the fascia and hgamente, witbr
a complete loss ofmnscolar power. Fur the
eft of those afflicted ln a similar manner, Mr.
Gibson conceives it meet to say that the., piticnr:
have entirely ceased, and that hie juinte
completely wavered their natural tune. and be ,
feels able -to resume his ordinary business..,,,
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange street, N.
Y. afflicted for five years with humeral habitual
Asthma, applied at,the office 100 Chatham street .
on the 41:.% of 0 4 c:ober, laboring under the Ripatirr
ing symptom's. A sense of tightness across,Abis
chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing,
distressing cough, generally ending with copious
expectoration tg . viscid phlegm. disturbed rest,
the face turbid load of a livid hue—could pcit" hH
in a horizontal position without the sensation' or
immediate suffocation, languor, droweineek and
dizziness in the head, and loss of appetite.
Mr. IL applied to the most eminent 'physielaiilv
in, likewise used several other remediiiii ;
without obtaining any permanent benefit,
his tripods persuaded him LOT - place luxes& unaer-
Dr. William Evans' treatment. He is now re
lieved of his complaint, and called at` the Alter
yesterday, avowing that be hod not woideto:iiV,
press his gratitude for the benefit he bad rieeiv.
ed. October 21, 1837. -
We do hereby subscribe ours' natures to the
truth of the above cures, that the Lament is in
every respect true. SARAH BILL -415 ER
JOHNSTEIF, • `ar c -
No. 17 north Eightb street. •
Philadelphia', Oct. 21st, 18.37.
Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office, for the
side of his eat:elk:at Medicine', la at N 0.19, north
Eighth street, Philadelphia
Sold by
Sole Agent , for Selman! County.
0 .-- C - 21-Si i
DK SPEPSIA & arrocitam HJACjlllir ? :
Mrs. Anne G. Kenny, No. 115 nig lOWA.
between Stanton and Houston . streel , iat 'wed
for ten years with the following distressing ivaip.
tome: I
_ _ _ . .f,
Acoteructatice. daily spasmodic pelt, in the
headilois of appetite, palpitation of the her- t. gid
diness and .dimness of sight, could not
right-side, disturbed rest, utter inabilit ern
'gaging in any thing that .demanded gor
courage, sometimes a visionary ideatif aggra,
vition of her disease, a( .wbbnincal av Asion_to
particular persons and placer', groundleastipkirt!
hensions of personal dank! and poverty, an. irk
someness and weariness of lite, discontented,-011
quietude on every shght occasion. she commit
she could neither die nor livesshe weplaarturn..
desponded, and thought he lest a Most miseHritdi
lite, never was one so bad, with frequent.nryntal
hallucinations. Mrs. Kerry 'had the advios:saf
several eminent physicians, and had ream* to
• numerous medicines, but could not obtain even
temporary alleviation of her •distressirig ktate„
T till
her husband persuaded iner to make trial cir,
mode of treatment. She la, now quite. relieved,
and finds herself nut only capable of attending to
her domestic affair,, but avows that she enjoys as
good health at present as she did at any per&
of her existence. .r.
' Husband of the aforesaid Anne Kenny.
Stwirn lefirre me this 14th day of Dee4l3 : lB/.
Petal' Pincltney,Cinni:oMinilli
Encourage Home iitantifactiis.
rgIFIE subscriber respectfully announces Or the
-S. public that he Tian eomiiienced the Moment..
Lure of Confectionary in all its various Winning,.
at hie Store it. Centre Street. nearly opPosnithe
ottsvillellouse, svbere Confectioners juid Oth
ers can Minya be supplied Wholesale+imikliinil.
at the lowest Philadelphia quit. -
Country Merchants ire pehtftilbi
to call and examine his 4:Wok befqrs pigenio4
elsewhere. i . . 4a
30111 , 1 S. C. ISMILTM:
nor 4 -I •
PARKER 41c ti). - -,..' - ':
MERCERS 4. I'A.ILOR6), : '4., ,
• •-- ... -•5;...
(.Formerly Parker is - WilliasotiO: t i. ,. .. ,
BAVE removed on the opposite OtAieutPhike ''
sgrert, a few doors above NorweinurAust -
where they offer for sale a select assentiniiiCos
Superfine Broad Cloths Ond Gostintitteniettibe
most fashionable eolors.With attelegentioart
ment of Summer Cloths„Vestinp,Lfmen ant •
ton Shirts, Collars, Bosom'. Stock.. PLIOTO •
ponders, linen and tonna Haiti; andnll. 4
Gentlemen's • wearing • apliarrel, iiihicii' a p
made In order in the most - itpprireed ti11...1 .- Win the
workmanship,Autd, watyantml toittAculto,*ny
in the City or *where. 1 . 1 ,-
P. S. P. & Ca keep on ham! an annaust as.,
sortment of readyonadis iClothlng .t: ail bliulsi'
which will be sold at very low rites.'
i . . inn, 17 •
Dan*Allie and rantnOleitiiii
Ritad Compangid
TITLE annual meeting &the doclilmln.ind
a'. election for Preai&M. San Mattegamioni
Treasurer:lo 'rem the aboce Company fic,the
cum i n y ea r, nip be held on aniringthe 71hjakig
May nal. between the4tonra tind 6OW
P. M. at the office of the 'Schuylkill Naltigetior
april 14
S. H. CARgHNTER 4 Treasurer.
i 4 s:t 4 1 E' , 441/4°,
40446#^ 4
Nei 345ief.'.:
• .