The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 02, 1838, Image 4

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,d'rj ' f.+7l a; • ;:;'' : Oa • 1 #
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ja k opmenkintsutimmutzum oinvirmarmao
I ,,,sußrt oato eriommarrSzinti- „ .
'1 • ,sours-sour. .
The 1e of.:the Comm Medal of Penn-,
eitennlniSethinnsit establish thiirOoastitznion [es
L The legislative pewee oftble CollllllClri
ih.*# /*Weil_ in a- General Assembly.
-R.oostog en 44 6- if
r' th. i
~.eistt4 a Senate douse of Rem
11. The ilipresentativee i shall be chosen
I : 64S7by, the citizens of . the Or of ithiladelplibi
and of esennionnty tespectively on the second Tois,
day of October. ---
Sectian-lID No person sheltliS a. reprernetstire
mtp, shall not have attained the se at twenty-one
t riegid.bnie been icitiven:andlabahltent of the
' , rtleirraranezt proce . ding lidi election, and the
la yeartilintof en hibiabilaiitne,thedtitrta in and
Jbr*bleb he shell benhointris mpii , Wsedoritc, Unless
be *IS have been absent on the public business of
the tratted States or of thb State.:4L
_ _
-finedwitlV, Within three rams after the first
meeting of the 'General Assemblyi antrwithin every
sob Sequent term of-seven yeard an enumeration of
the listable inhabitants shall be made in such man
ner; as limit he directed by law, The number of
'elepeeseiteatiem • she% tit 4 the ieveMl-peribds of
legl such eimmeration, be fixed bry the Legislattre,
alid aptiortionel among the city Of 'Philadelphia and
the several counties, according' to the number of
temallie Inhabitants in each: andieben never be lees ,
thin sixty not greater than one hundred. ' , Each
naltaty shall have at least one reppmentative, but no
coney hereafter erected than be enlilled•to a IMPa
ridirmpresentation until a tufficieat number of tax
able Inhatitindi shall be contained within it= to
mitidelbeit to one remesentstite agreeabljrto the
ratio which shall then be establhhed.
ftedoe V. The senators shall be chosen for three
yet= by the citizens of Philadelphia and of Vie
several countless& the same 'time, in the woe Man
ner, and at the-same places where they Wall vote
for, representatives,
Section VI. The-amber of Senators shall, at the
several periods of making the enumeration before
uteinkoned, be fixed by the Legislature and appor
tioned among the districts funned as hereinafter
directed, according to the number of taxable inhaln
tants in each; and shall never be has than one
foutth,nor greater than onedhini, of the number of
, Section YIL The senators shill be chosen in„ di.-
tais, to Deformed by the legislature; but no , dis
grid slid/ be so formed as to entitle It to elect More
tsars taro senators, unless the number of taxable in
=in any direr county shall, at any time,
is to entitle it to elect more than tam, but no
city or county shall be entitled to elect more than
few senators r when a district shall be composed
of two or more-counties, they shall be adjoining;
Meither the city of Philadelphia•tror any , county•shall
be divided in forming a ;district.
Section VIII. No person shall be a senators mho
shall nothave attained the age of twenty-five yea*
and have been a citizen and inhabitant of the State
rat years next before his election,Juid the last year
red an inhabitant of the district for which he
shall be chosen, unless he shall have been absent on
the ;ohne business of the United States or of this
(OWL and no person elected at afotesaid, shall hold
Said' 4kn alter he shall have remocedfrom such dis
trict. _
-13oetiontIC. The seeators Mho may be elected 'at
the first general election after the adoption of the
to the constitution, shall be divided by
into three classes. The seats of the senators of
first class shall be vacated et the clyiration of
he'flrst yew ; qf the second class at the expiration
the urns( year ; and of thelthird class at the ex
stientims of the third year t so that thereafter one-
Mad of the whole number of senators May be chosen
leery yee. The senators elected before the amend
aintsin the constitution shall be adopted, shall hold
tli t e= t during the terms for which they shell
hate been elected,
SectkM . e General Assembly shall meet on
the first Tuesda of January, in every year, unless
sooner convened b the &evertor.
Section XL Seth use shall choose its - Speaker
and other officers; and the Senate shall also choose
a Speaker pro tem, Shen the Speaker shill ex
ercise the o ffi ce of Governor..'
Section XII. Each house shall judge of the quali
fications/pc its members. Contested election's shall
be determined by a committee to be selected, formed
slid regulated in such matinee as shall be dir ected by
law. A majority of each poise *hall •constitute a
quorum to do business; but a smaller number may
adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by
law to compel the attendance of absent membets, In
such manner and under such penalties as may be
Section XIII. Each house may determine the
rules Ot its proceedings, punish its members for
disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of
two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second time
for Ste Cam-cans, r and shall, haver all other powers
sweessa for a branch of the legislature of a free
Section XIV. The legislature shall not have pincer
to enact laws annalling the contrail of ',tannage in
any, ea.ortrhere, by law, the courts .cif tkis Common
taalth are or may hereafter be empowered fir decree
a divert's,.
Section XV. Each house ihaii keep a journal of
proceedings, and publish them weekly% except
such pins •as may require secrecy: and the yeas
end traits of the members On any question Shall, at
the desire of any two of them,•be entered oo the
. SeeOoti am The doing cif-each 'house , and of
•eanntiVees of the whole grill be open,: unless,
when the Witness ihati be such u ought tote'kept
Section XVIL Neither ho se shall,. without the
consentf 4tie other, adjuu for more than three
days, In any other place than that in which the
two houses shall be sitting. ,i • ,
Nee* '.lc XVIII; ?he Secretors and representatives
shall receive a compensation for their services to be
escercelpeff;ll:llK,Xtid paid out of the treasury of
the Corntihrirwealth. Tiony shill tin alt. es f
:esh„ . ex-
Sept hessian; Mon" and bfeseh or surety o the
peammbe 'privileged from arrest - during their at
tendance at the session of their respective houses,
and Jo going to sod returning from the same. And
Ice any* speech Or debate•in either house, they shaff
lot be questioned in any other place. i
" Section XIX. No Senator or representative salls`
during the time for which he shall have been e lect
ea, .belappointed to any civil office under . this Com
cominrialch which shall belie been • , c ', or the
emobsinents, of which shall have been
durinensuch timer and no.'lnember of Congress or
other Wain; any Affice (except of attoruey
at la , and in the militia) under the Uhl* Slates
bi ti
. ;4 Co aria rrun g on tlis areal co th, to sha unaa li ee lsea ineni
is cou be gie r o nf either
..'k)% XX When. vacaecies happeneither
Win. the Speaker shall lime -tits Or illit
tioll to
tkern*" voseanetes."
iftitibeiltia All bills fnr raising revering shall
- 0110411ift illolbe house of tepresentatives4;il the
..ine o emendricen inano,
slan ts as
other erakt lt i •il f le r
o f . tun .in saipsequence of OpprOpriatleps
fe ty v— •
* 17.1
1 ,
. .4" ,X]calf,. teen -pill si i iiieli *hall hai4
- .- lipili' hams shall $e - presented Oa the Go.
VO • • . If fie t approTe_her„.shall sign it, but if hp
shall , A approve ere afridi Seinen it with his objee
dons to thsAmise in which it shall have Originated,
who • , • .• ter the Objections at *urge tipoiStheir_
. • • and priseeed -to le-consider cit. i 4f, attic
Web . -,,' . iilerition,,twolhirds of t hir d ' . useshall
".- Alfoill. 4 . l . l .thp bill, it-4144 be teat wi 2 tikOOP.
lr Ititelts Wraippiot ..N 1* Ml*
a. V srbelessio '4Ni/di. chtvek . . •
lulu , " eb 24 B. B NAN.
ie ues d A y poops; by citizens or the
*lithe plates ir te
srelivitY;voist fot•tepresentatives.. The? MO ,
of 'my eleetion,fz e lhodernor :matt be sealed-4
tad tharitted to - seat of f orts,sment, directed
to th e Speaker of Senate, who shall, open mid
publish them in the of the menidem,Sit
bathhouses of the LI lature.' The parmotrhaving
the t highest nuiebo of votes shall .be : - Governer.
Butif Moor unite shall be equaland highest in
votes, . one of themtshall be chosen Governer by the
Pull vote of the l i
tested elections sll mson bens tif 'bath houses..
toe determined by Committee'
•to be selected fro both horses of the legislature,
and' fanned and regalated is sqcb,manner as shall
be dittoed by la*
Seaton 111 Tbe•Goesernor• stoat hold his office
during three yearsifives thelhird Tuesday of *am
en, next muningl his election, and shall not be
capable of holdingth longer than sie in any term
of nesse years. ,
Section IV. He Isbell be at least thirty years of
age, end bare been a citizen and an inhabitant of
this State seven can next before his election ;
unless ler ibalf tracebeee - absent ad 'the -public
baldness of the United States or of this State.
Section' V. No .mentteir of Congress or person
holding any office under the United States or this
State shall exercise the office of tioeeroor.
Section VI. The Governor shall at stated times
receive for his services a compensation, which shall
be neither increased nor diminished during-the
period for widthlle &Malay* been elected.
Section VII. He shall be commander-in-chief of
the army and na+y of this CommenWealth, and of
the militia, encePt when they shall be called` into
the actual service of the united States.
Section VIII. Reehall appoint a Secretory of the
Commontrtidth during pleasure, and' lie shall nomi
nate and by and with the advice and consent iorthe
Senate appoint al/ judicial officers of courts if
record, unless otherwise provided for in this Consti
tution. Ile shall hare power to fill all ravine/ea
that may happen . or suith It/dicta ?Ores during the
remerof the &nate, by granting commissions which
shall expire at the end of their next session : Pro
vided, that in acting on era-Mire nominations the
Senate shall sit with open doors and in cenfirming
or rejecting the nominations of Ike Governor, the
vote shall be taken by yeas and nays.
Section IX. He shall have power In remit- fines
and forfeitures, lad grant reprives and pardons,
except in cams df impeachment.
Section X. Hem ty require inforrhation in writing,
from the officers in the executive deportment upon
any subject relating to the duties of their respec
tive offices.
Section XI. He shall, from time to tine, give to
the General Assembly information of the -state of
the Commonwealth, and recommend to their con
sideration such measures as be shall judge expedient.
Section XII. He may, on extraordinary occasions,
convene the General Assembly's and in cite of
disagreement between the two houses, with respect
to the time of adjournment, adjourn them to such
time as be shall think proper, not exceeding four
Section XIII. lie than tilte tare that the laws
be taittifuny executed.
Section XIV. In ease of the death .or
sections to the other house, by which likewise it
shall be ie-considered, arid if approved by two
thirds of that house,
it st4ll bet law. But in such
cases the votes of both houses shall be deter Mined
.oyleas and nays, and the names of persons voting
for or against the bill shall be entered on the jour
nals of each house respectively. If any bill shall
noi be returned by the Governor within ten days
(Sundays excepted) after it shall have been pre
tented to him, it shall be a law in like manner as if
he had signed it,-unless the General Assembly, by
their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case
it shall be a law, unless set back within three
days after their next meeting.
fiertiou XXIV. Every 13 , rentietion or vote
to which the • concurrence of both luiuses may be
necessary (except on a question of ' adjournment)
shall be presented to the Governor, and before it
' , shall take effect, be approved by him, or being dis
approved, shall be repeated by two-thirds of both
houses according to the rules and limitations pre
scribed in case of a bill
Section XXV.• No corporate body shall be hereafter
created, renewed or extended, with banking'or dis
counting privileges, without sir months previous
public notice of the intended application for the
same in such npmner as shall be prescribed by law.
Nor shall -my charter for the purposes aforesaid, be
granted fora longer period than 1.-we-no years, and
every such charter shall contain a clause, reserving
to the legislature the power to alter, revoke or annul
the same whenever in their opinion it may be injw.
rious to the citizens of the conunnnweath, in such
mcintwr however that no Injustice shall be done to the
corporators. No law hereafter enacted, shall create,
renew or sitend the charter of more than one corpo
ration. •
Section I. The 'Supreme Kkerutive power of thi ,
Commonwealth shall he vested 4n a Governor.
Section H. The Governor shall be chosen on th.
of the Govethor, or of his removal from office. the
Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of
Governor, until another, Governor shall be duly
qualified ; but in such case another Governor that.
be chosen at the next annual election of repecsersio,
Hear, einiedi such death, resignation or removal,
thall occur within three calendar - Months immedi
ately preceding such next annual election, e r m which
case a Governor slat be chosen at the se suc
ceeding annual • election of reirresurtatlea. And
if the •trial of a contested •ekietion shall continue
longer than until the third Monday of January
next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor
of the last year or the Speaker of t h e Senate who
may be in the exerciseof the executive authority,
shall continue therein until the determination of
such contested election, and until aturetnor shall
be did* qualified as *resell].
Section XV. The Wcrdary of the Cononirnicea/th
shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and
proceedings of the Governor, and shall, schen re
quited, lay the same and all papers, minutes and
vouchers 'relative thereto, before either branch of
the legislature, and shall perform such other duties
as shall be enjoined him bj law.
- ARTICLE 111.
Section 1. Tot elections by the citizens every white
freeman of the age of twenty-one years, having re
sided in this state one yen, and in the election dis
trict where he offers to vote, ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within two years paid
a State or Countrtas, which_ shall have been as
owned at least ten days - Wore the election, shall enjoy
therights of on elector. But a citizen of the United
States who had previously been a quad voter of
this State, and removed therefrom and retu rned, end
tcha shall have resided in the election diefrid, and
paid taus as aforesaid, shall be entitket to vote, oflot
raiding in the state simmonths. Provided, that white
freemen,, citizens of the United States, between Me
ages of twenty-one and. twenty-two years, and hav
ing resided in the State one year, and in the election
district ten dap as Vona/rid, shall 'be entitled to
vote, although they shall not have paid taxes •
Section'll. MI elections shall be by ballot, ex
cept those by persons in, their representative capa
cities, who shall vote viva voce.
Section 111. Electors shall is aft -cases, except
treason, felony, and breach or surety of the peace,
be privileged from arrest, during their attendance
on elections, and in going to and returning from
Section. I. The House of Representatives shall
have - the sole power of inami. cling. •
Section IL An impeacents shall be tried by
the Senate'; when bitting for that purpose, the
Senators Gull be upon oath or affirmation. No per
son shall De convicted without the .concurrence of
two-thirds of the members present.
Section 111. The Governor, and all other civil
officers under this Commonwealth, shall be liable to
inachment for any misdemeanour in once; but
ju rment, in such cases, shall not extend further
than to removal from office, and disqualification to
hold any office of imolai, trust or profit, underthis
;Commonwealth The, party, whether convicted-or
10.000 ITER V •soperior havanua onus et
the Pt incipeo and &minter() brands. for sole by
• t r .111-
acquitted Atlinevertallab to indictment,
= s
trillriadriesitaleroi ~ t --: .r. talaw.
' T., ttrIgARTIOX.I; :; b:--: ":
are Ciumnott-m
i shill be mestoll'in a . .S Cobrrule?''
Caurts otoYer and Terminer andneral JIM De
livery, in i -Court of Common Pleas Orp hans ' Court,
Register'etenuctaid. s -Capri bf r Sessions
Of the Peace, for each county; In Justices of the
Peace, and in such other Collets the 'legislature '
Ism,' from time to time establish. - _
Elettion-lt, lb fidget of the St' rem Caul, V ,
the several Coves 0 Cosmos P sew, ms/ ef such
other Courts tßecord It are Cr shell be established
by hew, Shall isisethultmi by the . end by •
and with the cassette ;of the , appointed end
fteritissioned by id* , The frig eVet S
Cool shall hold tkeir ofteetpr terve o f
years i f they shall s a bug M=4 themselves toil.
The preeirtentfeges of the seeeral sm r d itCoomion
Pleas antqf sack other Courts qf as are or
shalt be ultablished:by taw, and other fudges re
glared to haearned is the haws hold their tgkes
ea t s
' forths lir 'erg, ten yews if they so bag behave •
themselves melt. The AUCatdilta 104 courts
of Commas Pleas sUP hold their for thelerw .
lefty* year's (f they Aan so long re Themselves
melt. But for any Vinuonabfe which shall not
be sufficient ground qf impeachauttst, the Governor
may remove any qf Mess on the address of tiro-thirds
of each bripsch qf the Issishstufre. i The Mrs of they
Supreme Court and the preside:its qj the leveret
rots Common Pleas shall at stated
times rereire
for their services .ern adequate compensation to be
fixed by lam, which shall not be diminished during
thefr roartfmatnce in office, but they shall receive no
tees or perquisites ei o f fice, nor hold any other office
of profit under this Commonwealth.
Section 111. Unlit otherwise directed by Law, the
^ourts of Comma Pleas shalt continue as at preset.'
•stablishal. Piot inorelhanfare comatiet atoll at any
',me be inrtiided in-tae judicial oriani;ra
for said Courts.
Section Pl. The jurisdiction Of the Suprerhe
Comt shall extend over the State t and the judges
'hereof, shall by virtue of their oglees, be justice,
A Oyer and Terminer and Generate/Jail Delivery, in
,be several counties, '
Section V. The' judges of the Court of Common
Pleas, in each snooty, shall by virtue of their
offices, be justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other
offenders therein ; any two of the said judges, the
president being one, shall be a quorum : but they
shall not hold a court of over and terminer, or jail
delivery, in ear esounty, when she judges of the
'lupreme Court, or any of them, Shell be sitting in
the same county. The party aCcused, as well a'
the Commonwealth, may, under such regulations .2,
shall be prescribed by la w,vemove the indictment
and proceedings, or a transciipt thereof, into tin
•zupreme Souk.
Sec,ion - % 1 . The Su preme Court, and the several
courts of common filess,• shall, bes:de the powers
heretofore usually exercised by them, have thi
power of a coon of Chancery, so far as relates to
the perpetuating of testimony, the obtaining of
evidence Irma pl-reti not within the State, and the
care of the person! end estates of those who are
non compotes mentis. And the legislature shall
vest in the said courts such other power, to grant
relief in equity, as Shall be found necessary: and
may, from time to time, enlarge or diminish those
powers or vest th em in- such othercourts ai they 'hall
juege proper, fur the due administration of justice.
Section VII. "The judges of the court of common
pleas of each county, any two of whom shall be a
quorum, shall compose the - court of Quarter Sev
films of the peace, and orphans' court thereof; and
the register of wills, together with the said judges,
or any two of them, shall compose the register's
court of each county.
Section VIII. The judges of the courts of common
Ideas shall, within their respective counties, have
the like powers with - the judges of the Supreme
Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of
the peace, end - to cause their proceedings to be
brought before them, and the hire right and justice
to be done. 4
Section IX. The president of the court in each
circuit within such circuit, and the judges of the
court of common pleas within their respective
counties, shall be justices of the peace, so far as
relates to criminal matters.
Section X. A register's office, for the probate of
wills and granting letters of administration, and an
office for the recording of 'deeds, shall be kept in
each county.
Section XL The 'style of all process shall be
" The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose
cutions shall be carried on in the name and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the
Section I. Sheriffs and coroners shall, at the
times and places, of election of representatives, Le
chosen by the citizens of each county.. One person
shall be chosen fur each' office, mho shall be commis
sioned- by the Governor. They shall hold then
offices for three years,.ll they shall so. long behave
themselves well, sat until 'a successor be duly
. qualified t but no person shall be twice chosen or
appointed sheriff; in any term of six years. Vacan
cies in either of the said offices shall be filled by
an appointment, to be made by the Governor, to
continue until the next general election, and until
a successor shaft be chosen and qualified as afore
Section II: The freemen of this commonwealth
shall be armed, organized and disciplined for it:
defence, when and-in such manner as say be directed
by law. Those whotconsciegtiously scruple to beat
arms, shall not be•compelled to do so, but Mall pay
an equivalent for personal service.
Section 111. Prothonotaries of the Supreme
Cpurl shall be 'appointed by the said Court fir
the term of three years if dry so bang behave
themselves well. Prohyumeteries and clerks of the
several other courts, Recorders of deeds, and Re
gisters of wills, shall at the timer and places of
election of:representatives, be rkeled by the qua&
fled elector* of each.catutly, or the•chstricts veer
which Me jurisdiction of sold courts extends, and
shall be commissioned by . Me Governor.
shall hold their offi ces for th ree ,years if they7B72l
so long behave themselves ti,ell, and anti their
eucticuorsishalt be duly r . The legisla
ture shall prottde by :km,. num ber of persons
in each count" who eta . al 'Rd offers:and
how many can whiehef said idlices shall be held
Z ees
onearia b e i fulled
n.Veuries in any
y of the oft
Wit Governer, to contuwe anti/ Me next gene.
rd . eketioni-and until sueassors shall be elected
and quakfied as aforesaid,
Section IV. Protlonowip, clerks of the peace
and orphans' courts, recorders of deeds, registers of
wills, and sheriffs, shall keep their offices in the
county town of the conntYin which they, respec
tively, shall-be °Meets, 'unless when the Governor
shall, for speMial remons,;ffispense therewith, for
any term not succeeding five .years after the county
shall have Wert erected.
Seaton V. All commissions shall be in the name
and by .the eutbority of the V.ommonwealfh of Pelltl
sylvania, and be sealed with Abe State seal, and sign
ed, by the Governor.
Section VI. A State Treasurer shall. be darted
annually; by joint vote of bettebrundtes qf thelegia
Section 'fn. Indices of: the peace or aldermen
shall be ekclat ul Me slava wards, boroughs,
and tmonstiykid-Ale ficaiinf Me election of =l
emurs by .th e q u u t jt e d!. wiera thereof, in such
number as . Ada be &see* by /mm and "hall be
conoilissione4 by the 'Governor for a term of fu s e
years, but sip township, ism:l-d or borough shall
elect mare than two fustian of the peace or abler
man with* the cansentitanajority of the qua
gad elector* within mai towns*, ward. or ba•
Section VIE Ally Wan election or ap
pointetera is not praeWe for in this amstitution,
skin be dated ar appOled as shall be directed
.rtCrATES'ill Popular edicine, or Family. Ad
vbilir4nd received and for sale by
april 28 , B. BANNAN.
14 7- .74( at "
Auks , JitiUmx
. )10414 to ins 01-
V ta "•
• T — J
per within ear , tt& :hot Jtare l bfen a
eltiitnentr an Aiikidotant therein oite
befre 11410ohatnasit,litthe'tountiiintna-rt
beesiolingentettai Inkt•ifitihdtmbrliterte beet
so lank wetted, 'den iiitbin the" Oniitif the
county or oitt of which 0.-4Atiff,A4Pe - Olen .
'taLves. manbetr . of Cotafroni ph/ stelg'
or asy - person Adding or ezereistne• anyece or
apointneent of trust or profit unary the United
Stater - Idtatt atlAreamr - timelialdpr•faiiy
offwe in this stale, lowhiehlaitaktry ia, or fees or.
perquisites are by lam, untaxed: and &gide
tureipaply law declare what Slate Vitepara in
campble. 'No'neentber 4 the Serrate •eir:ii thi
base Opeprateritativa sh a l l be ap*in* by the
Governor any,office during the for which
he shall have been elected.
Section IX. All ewers for a term" of years
shalt hold their offices for the terms rettpectively
rPecifit4 only oh the -condition that ihey so kng
behave fhemseket welt and shall be removed on
. of misbehaviour in office or of any in
fidnous_ =au.
Section X..„4ny palm why- ohtill, after the
adoption of the amendments preposed by this
Convention to the Condit nacos, fight a duel or
send a challenge for that purpose, or be, -alder or
abettor infighting a duet, shall be &prived of the
right of holding ,a ny etee of honour - orrlyttler
this State, ands/Wile punished-Othsi n such
. manner as is, or may be prescribed but
the =waive may remit the said offence and all
its disqucdtfications.
Section 'The legislature shall, as sooss as con
veniently may be, provide by law, for the establish
ment of schoola throughout the State, in such
manner 'that the poor may be taught gratis.
Section IL The arts and sciences shall be pro
moted in one or Mate seminaries of learning.
Section 111. The rights, privileges, immunities
and estates of religious soCieties and cosporate ba
dies, shall remaip as if the constitution of this State
tad not been ai t tered or amended.
Section IV, The legislature shall not inset any
corporate body or with the privilege
of faking preratcproper . ty for zntblie uatitaltiquht
requiting mei& m sndisiduettletstake
compensation to t stoners of said property, or
g:ve adequate security therefir, before such pro.
perty shall be taken.
Members Of the General Assembly, and all can
cers, executive and judicial;shall be bound by oath
Or allirmation, to support the constitution of this
Commonwealth and to redo= the dutiits. of their
respective offices nab tweAJt ) ,
That the general, great and essential principles of
liberty and free gavernment may he recognised and
unalterably established, WE DECL A E, THAT
Section I. All men are born equally free and in
depehden t, and hare certain inherent and indefeasible
rights, among which are those of -enjoying and de
fending fife and liberty, of aequiiing, possessing
and proteetirig property and reputation, and of pur
suing their own happiness.
lion 11. MI power is inherent in the people,
as all free governments are founded on their au
thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness; Forthe advancement of these ends, they
have, at all times, an unalienat-le and indefeasible
right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in
such manner as they may think proper.
Section 111. All men have a natural and indefea
sible tight to worship Almighty God, according to
the dictates of their own-consciences ; -no man can,
of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
any place of worship, or' to: maintain any ministry
against his consent; no human authority can, in any
ease whatetver,;4Ontrol or interfere with the rights
of conscience ; and no preference Shall ever be
given, by law, to any religiuus establishments or
modes of worship.
Section 3V.' No person who acknowledges the be
ing of a God and a future state of rewards and pu
nishments, shall on account of his religious senti
ments be dfsgiiaTified to hold any office or place of
trust or profit under this Commbnwealth.
Section V. Elections shall be free and equal.
Section VI. Trial by.jiary shall be as heretofore,
and the right thereof remain inviolate.
Section VII. The printing presses shall be free to
every person who undertakes to examine the pro..
ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go
vernment: And no law Shall veer be made to re
strain the right thereof.l The free communication
of thoughts arid opinionii is one of the invaluable
rights of man; and every citizen may freely speak,
write and print on anyi subject, being responsible
for the abuse of that 'liberty. In prosecutions for
the publication of papers investigating the
conduct of (dicers, or nten in a public capacity, or
wherethe matter puling est is proper for public in
formation, the truth thereof may be given .411 eel
deuce r And in all indictments for libels the Jury
shall hare a right to determine the law and the facts,.
under the direction of the court, as in other cases.
Section VI IL The pevle 3ball tsesecure in their
persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unrea
sonable searches and 'seizures: And no warrant •to
search any place, or to seize any person or things,
shall issue, without describing them as nearly as
may be, nor without probable cause supported by
oath or affirmation.
Section I.X. In all crtimlhal prosecutions, the ac
cused ttath a right to be heard by himself and his
counsel; to demand the nature and mule of the ac
cusation against him, to meet theNritriesses face to
face, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit
nesses in Sii'favOur, add, in prostrcutiotts by indict
ment or information, a speedy public trial,by an
impartial jury of the vicinage ; he cannot be .coin
pelted to give evidence against himself, nor can he
be deprived of his life liberty, or property, unless
by the judgment of his peers or the law of the
'Section X. No .persdn shall, for any indictable
offence, be proceeded against criminally brinfohae
tion, except in cases arising in lir naval
forces, or in the militia when in actual servile 'in
time•of war or public dariger, or byl leave of the
court, for oppression and misdemeanour in office. No
person shall, for the same offence, be twice put to
jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall any man's pro
perty be taken or applied to public use, without the
consent of' his representatives, and without just
grompe .nsition being made.
Section NJ. All courts shall be open, and every
man for an injury done him in his lends, gdods, per
son or reputation, shall hive remedy by the due
course-of law, end right arid 'justice administered,
without sale, denial ordelSy. Suits may be.brought
against the-Commonwealth in such manner, in such
courts, and in such cases as the legislature may by
law direct.
Section X•II. No power of suspending laws shall
be exercised, unless by the legalatort, or its au
thority. •
Section XIII. Excessive bail sirshl not be re
quired, obi excessive fines imposed,' nor cruel pu
nishments inflicted.
Section XIS'. All prisoners shall be bailable by
sufficient sureties, unless fin capital Offences, when
the proof is evident or .presumption great; sod law
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not
suspinufedi unless when, incases of rebellion or'ln
vasion, public safety may require it. '
Section XV. No commissibn Of aver and Terminer
or jail delivery shall be inred. • '
.Section XVI. The person of a debtor, where
there is not strong presumption of frend,.shan nut
be condoned in prison, after - delivering up his estate
for the beruefit of his creditors, in stitch manger as'
stlt be 'prescribed by law.,
Section XVII. bro,es pall facto la*, . not any law
impairing eontracti shall benalle. I "
Section 'XVIII. No -person shall Itit attabated of
treason or felony by the legislature.' -'
Section MX. No attainder shall Ifrork corruption
of blood, pot, except during the liferif, the oltender,
"r o d e it ru . e of estate to 'the „ commonwealth es
tates of Inch persons as Shall deetroy their own
lives,:shill descend or • vest as inktsr. 'of natural
WELafil . PRIM E 88 4 1 4.1480hed and for
sok wholesale saarretair kar
aril 98 32 B , BANNAN•
Beata;, in* 1 114 _
emeelte• iliereAbalt-bir twit, AA }mon
itigOrif.l "41.1! ti.). •
section XX. ITheiseeiblree , 40%7** Pei"'
Odift io,tiniert-t o a*sj togetlier.fur, theirproot
w i ,:eid to Opel! to **in': itgediOth the bp, Wail
of to . vetitineut foi'peditel or gitevanfie..or' otter
kopee iniipotes„ tiltitt#tr;'
!Sectino XXL..The.iightrif eitizens An tear it [til s .
in defence of themselves and thin State, still DWI*
questioned. -
SectionrlL l lll.--No-stamitorermy shall; in time
of peace, be ireitopinithoUt.tbetompsht of the . Le
gislature 1 , and the. military 'WI, in all cases, and
at-all 0113!th De in strict subordination to the civil
~ , •
Section XXTIL No soldier shall, in time of peace;
be quartered In any house without the consent of the
owner, nor .14 time 9 ,14 but' In a manner to be
Plesetibed'bri4w& • ,
Sutton XXIV. The legislators shall not grant
any tap of ;bobilitt-dr hereditary distinetion, nor
create any etSce the appointment to which shall be
for kb:lager than ding good behaviour.
Section XXV. Ethigration , frorn the Stite shall
not be prohibited.
Seca XXVI. To guard against transgressions,
of Sae higilypowees which we have delegated, WE',
DECLAREItiat ever thing in, this article is ex.
cepted out o f ' the general . power 'of government, and
shall for ever remain inviolate.
Any amendment_ br amendments to ,thie eiiststu-
Hon maybe proposed in the, Senate or 7tbiae, of Re
ptesentatives, andifilhe same shall be agreed to by
a majority of the members elected teens/4-Houle, suck
proposed amendment or aviendourat shall be entered
on 'their journals, with the' yeas and nays taken
thereon, and the Secretary qj the Cergrunonmealth shall
cause the same lobe published three msn!hs before the ,
nest elotion, in at /fast one newspaper in every
county id .tchirh a neuiduper shall be published ; and
if in Me legislature neirrafterwards chosen such pro,.
posed tmietitiment of amendments shall be agrisyttor
by a majority If the members elected to 'each !mime,.
the Secretary qt the Commonwealth shall cause the
same again to be published in manner aforesaid, and
such pr op osed amendmen. or amendments shall be
submitted to the people in such manner and at furls •
time., at bast three-tnaMs, err being so agreed to
by the lira houses as the legislature shall prescribe;
and if Me people shall approie and ralify
amendment or amendments by a majority of the qua
lified voters of this State voting thereon, such amend
ment or -amendments shalt becitme apart 37,/ thecdos
stitidion ; but no amendment or amendments shall
be submitted to the people oftener than once in five
years ; Provided, that if more than one amendment
be submitted, they shall be su milted in - such manner'
and form, that the people may vote for or against
each amendment separately and distinctly. ' •
That no inconvenience may ariselrnm the altera
tions and amendments in . the Constitution of this
Commonwealth,And in order to.caity thti same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ardain-.
ed, That,
Section L All laws of this Commonwealth in force
at the time when the said alterations and amend
ments in the said Constitution shall take ell and
'not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actiolui;
prosecutions, claims, and contracts as'well of indi
viduals as of bodies corporate, shall continue as if
the said alterations and amenittnknts - hid not tabu
Section 11. The alterations and amendments in the
said Constitutindikall take effect from the first day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty.:nine.
Section 3il. The clauses, sections, and articles df
the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, shall
continue to be construed and !save .effect as if the
said Constitution had not been "mended.
Section I‘.. The _General Assembly which, shall.
convene in Deceinher, eighteen hundreds and thirty
eight, ahalTeontinuelts session, as heretofore, not
withstanding the provision in the eleventhisection
ctif the first article, and shall it all timestbe regarded,_
is the first general Assembly under the amentird:
runstitutian. ,
Section V the'Governor who shall 1?e elected iv •
t ft-tuber, eighteen hundred and 'thirty-eight, shall ,bt
inaugamted on the third Tbesday 'Tamiary,
eighteen hundred and thirty-rare, to which time
the present executive term is hereby extended. t
_ Section VL The commissions of thejudges of the:
Supreme Court, who may be in office on the-first day;
of-January next, shall expire in the following man-1
ner, The.comtnission which bears the earliest date
shall expire on the first day of Januarv, Anno Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and.furty-two; the
commission next dated shall expire on the first dal`
of Janttary', Anno Domini one thousand eight huh
dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall
expire on the .first day of January, Anno
one thousand eigtelbundrea and ihrty-eight; the.
commission next dated shall expire oktbe first day.
ttf January, Ann° Domini one thousand eight Mtn"!
deed and fifty-one; and the commission last dated
shall expire on thtt first dap of Jantrary„ Artho Do
mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-}lour.
Section VII. The •cortunntiocts of the President
judges of the several judicial 'districts and of the
associate law judges of the first judicial district shall
expire as follows: The.nmunissitms,of cult-half of •
those who shall have, held their;offices)len Seats. or'
'more at the adoption of the imendriefits to the mined ,
tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe
bruary, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-Mai
the commissions of the otherthalf of those Who shail,
hare held their offices ten •yeaMbelnotie at the SiMp--
lion Of the smendinenti to the constitutlcAt j t shalt
.expirie ow the twent) , -seventh day of February, one
thotrand.eight hundred andlorty4wo the first hail'
to embrace thme %chime commissions ahall . bear the
oldest date. The commissions of all the remainips
judges who shall not have held thriir 'offices for ten.
years at the adoption of the amendments to the eon.;
stitution shall 'ssit.iie onVirt . tweenty-seventh day of .
February neat after the end of ten years from the.
date of their eoirimisilons.
Section VIII: The Recorders df the severe! May-.
ors' Courts; and other 'crinfinal 'crourti`in this Com-i
monwealth, shall be appointed for the same time.
and in the - name-manner, as the president' judges'
of the several judicial:districts i of those now lot
office, the' commission oldest in date Shall expire on
the twenty-seventh-day of :February, one thousand
eight hundred and furry ile% end the others .etev
tw6 'years thejeafter acedrding to their feStectire
dates. Those oldest in date expiring first.
Section IX. The legislature suits first session un. ,
der the amended constitution, shall divide the other,
associate judges of the State into four, classes.
coniinisniods of those of the first clans shall expire
on the twenty-seventh day of Fehrhary, eightgell.
hundred and forty ; .9f those of the second cless_on
the - twenty:seventh lay df rebriletyi eighteen' hun
dred and • forty-one; of those of the • third . .clais re'
the twenty oneritb day of February; eighteen bun- I
drat andforty'-eleWs end of those of the fdurtb elev
en the twenty'-tiecenffi day of Petienasy, eighteen
hundred end forty-tbree. Thermid classea.from 4 the
first to the fourth shall be arranged according to'the
seniority cif theeordmissions of the eeverel s judges.
Section X. PrOthonotarief, clerks ''orthe ; several:
courts (ekeept of The Supreme Ceuet) recorden of t
deeds and registers of wills, shall be first electedlinder‘
the amended.Constinition, at the election of repre
sentatives in the,,yetr eighteen trundled a '
od thirty=
nine,iii inch m anger as. may be prescribed by law.
Section X l -. The appointing powerahall remain as
heretofore, ano queers in the eptmintmeotof the
eieegtfve the exercise
of the duties of, their reepectifee offices until the
Legislature shall pees .euch laws-as may be leguired
by the eighth, section of the sixth :uncle of the
emeoded:conelitution, and until appointinents Shall
14 made. undersea laws; unless tbbir commissions
dean be"Su i perseded by new appointments, or shall'
wooerie be their own Imitations, or the said' become vacant by death or mignon:en,
and suCh Jaws shall be enacted by the first, legisle--
lure wider the amended:Constitution. , ,
Stetiun XII. The fist elirclioas fur aldermen..and
ensures-olthepeace shall heleldlis i the-year.eight a .
een. I hiindred Rod forty, at the ms;, fined
ele4tlon litcOristables. Tbe legislOre at A - ffi l k ,
drigrigmba.. Bed Peathent..kilifireeern m ass
Yu, .11 31.. •
• t '
1 * onettiti.shaii me.
eteetbinatip t's ' " Milady*
hteriaen •:juitteha -:ihef De
• ;.4.4ehd W hale* 1d0w.67 -4;
twit to• thltPuttill at
offices, wilt! latt • ••dayeAli t th,
behaMt toj Fit' I rierAtOg at
at Ptl4it. • fllirOgik
Labatt exp , •, • .
that thaja Otatti.k . l. l * — ;tatit •
of ' Pennatt atit 'as, fried' to to
'We the MB • is "nietObete Oft*
lurve'beretan 'tiortimea at
a the. heart . ' 'd day &Petal&
;mini one &eight hundred
sight, and the Indeperohtnee of
tate* ofd z ia ;r7 m y-aLttypaetoud.
.....,. ~...„.
Daniel Apia,Beta , S. Hayhurst,
'Wm. Ants,. WinAtaL
M. W.Ba •• , • H imuiteip t •
Ephraim Bank . i Hen
John Y. Bate , . liehderaim,
Jacob Barndol , ' •nr,lfietei t
Chas. A. Sarni z,
Andreur-Bedfo * .. iiisa titiOli,
Thin. S. Belt, John' Ho t p - •
Janet Cornell iddle, Jahn H e,
• Lebbeur L. ll' low: Charles Ingaiscill,
Saml. C. Bon re, . Ms. Jenki,
Chas.'fltottar, Giorge.hL,Kehni
Jerernialt:Broara, James &Doody,
William 8E97411 1 Wallirolog.
Pierce Butler,
Samuel Carey, 3 4 t. to
loos, 1:,
JotaConunin,i ' PL G. Ding,
ThOrntrrit. Cunningham, David 1 1.. ..... ,
Wiltlati -Curti, • itlez.•
Wm. Darling n, Joel liWin,
George Chandra, W. Ai..4lereditfii
-John Chandle , Jam!' era,
Jos. Frx Chanel er, Levi Markel,
' 4The.,
ooi.'Br - eumm;:
A cdPitAtic:
:: `"euprerlfioA
thiladelo. ;
; .31 `Warty
...s. - ...
Cd. aunceyi
iVa . ah,i,ej Cl*
J ' 'l.iiTtorkej
John Clake,
William Pail
1. J: cline,
Lindley Coates,
R. E. Cbahridt,
Thos. P. Gope,
Joshua F. Cog,
Walter Craig, ,
Riehd. M.-Crain.,
'Geo. T. Crawford,
Cornelius Crtim,
Renjo. Mardi,
E. T. - M , Dowell,
Jamet M•Sherry,
Mark Duvall.
Hanna 'Denny,
John Dickey
Joshua Dickrams,
Jacob Diftin
J 29. Donaga ,
J. It Donne
"Joseph M. DOran,
Ames Dunlop,
Ttumnierrlei !
D. M. Farrell);
Robt. Fleming, 1
Wafter Forsimedi
John Foulknotl, •
Joseph 'Fry, 4. -
John_ Fuller.,
John 41.-Genitile,
Vitfiliatn Gearing'
David Giimcire, 1
Virgil Grenell,
Thomas Ha tinge i
(Attest,}S. nocrr, Secretory. , l -
- -1
• L **Atli '
Wr*raoss Assis l t tant 'Secretaries.
..t i
k *ECR.ET 4 RY'S oPtlcy,
' nouthinno, FirtskvAsy 25, 183&1
Lcertify, that the foregoing li'Sin exact and literal
colt) , of" ft* Coastitinion of the Commonwealth of
RenrisSlltania asmenAed by the.Conventicm of alt
thnllsand :eight n un red lied - 4illtirty7seven-thirly
. eight," depOsired,'inieWs 'fil6Firon the 26th day of
February, 181 the being*,
and Atte aine portions id e present.Constitw
firm itt,romsur le ter. '1 -
. , 'rap. H. SUR RtWES.
o.ei'v , r f l,ColT11171.11Weni:11.
laCethei,llll d 'itrother,
AT TM; dal OrAidi '
No. `first, NOV.TII. t.RO I tIT STR EET,
• EArt SI , '
Twit talus liiiiiCFßlC4ritraTcii. lti - cd ST.
•' - -I'' PHILAD et:Pm:ft; 1
Whim Leaddry and Calomel. '
, iinmoldi Red•f
n Oil. -I ,treciin,
Le4d. !. ' kt-Gs-do I
Lidtritte. - 'Vitt* MO , - •
.Chrome Yellow,. INtilisi Quinine
,do . Giieen Varti Retie& t.
do Red . • ZINO Sept. i
Patent YelloW - 'dtai Nit* - - • -
Suitor Leadl- • - ''-doi!• Acetic
Copperas Lunar Caurtic . '
, 01. Vitriol , • - - ~ Crill. ' do \...,____,
q. Fortis •f 1 , ,„,, —Atet i 4derLditit
, Muriatic Ada ' • %I.' del
. Epsom Salta ' laillgulliftur - -
yart. Acid • • . - . 'Opi.llle Nareet.
Sup :Carb. Soda .1‘ wiser Mineral
Cerro,. Su . Mere. 'sd4 r e do.
' , tlein Ithansphdr, 'Sal Ilftrollsimetene, Rens.
• &c. Offer fdr sale the 'a fitire mentioned articles. to.
gether wit a genela I , assortment of l'alots. Drip`
and Dye ' uts. &lidera'' , edict, article its the Chemi•
md and M ichmlllll.o -`• -•----
;king tn Ontitetiwitlfrof alri &Willett enetneratai
-under (tie re head. -CTp . ge thentselves to top.
El i fr r sada and iiith cm the mho ntidit4e •
a iditna. - 1
, ir
Wind and Ric ' 'Olassi!frons,6 ELIO 24 Xt.
. 04t SI, • • • 48-
- •
44.1 t is
no tetttAir-fi
thranite. lin thitl
they Ire now at li
smelling roWore w
a heated it blast;
year that I hid iit•
With Ant range co'l
inform t
nary, 1:
rfc ardia
fgpublic •
8, I recii
Patents it I
Win.E.TilYl ' er . ,
James frrontpmery,
Christian Aleyeta,l
J. Nevro, :
;GV.rn: , ..oterfield;
airarn i. ..pie„
Matth' s Pennypaiker,
James' rter; .
ames bunion Porter.
SIMI. - ..
- .E. C. iprt,
411. H. ad, ..
Geo. W. Biter,
Jno.. ti er,
B. Go R ogers,
821 1 1 !le .ittlei
James . Russell,
`Pante S aeger, . '
'him orm Sott,
To • Sellam,,
•G. Sel et., ,':
Reg. errill,
Tien Seheeti, -
Geo ' Shiflett",
Thom sH. SW, •
' Geo. Finith, .
Wm. *ph,
Joseph Snivels, • '
! . .46.„11,Sterigere,
jattob Stit;,:kel,
Ehisnezer'W. Sturdersat,
Thomas Tasman,
' Morgan J. Thomas,
' Jan* Todd,
.Thmnas Weaver,
'Jacobi a. Weidman,
It: R. iWhite
' Geo. w. Alltiodward, .
B. Tbung.
e Notice.
beeattr. Crane obtained
7.1 7 7 11 10113 r e -with Ao
looP • alloy suppose that
- 11 1. qad . oprthe methisi or
ill dint sande by the awe of
Ithools I gave notice last
Wit r m ore
selting Iron
I, 'both by the use of at cold
•oted Wlr blasta would now
aiff,thet ea the 14th of he
el a letter -from thee& ore&
Ntteshißtiosk. did - mg/ mlltir,