The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 02, 1838, Image 3

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,' 4 **EretToiy.
c i n,
so at Public Mllotion OnSaturday
b,4 et- at .2 olcloick. P. hi. at the
in tre Street. Jody occupied as
col a variety of Merchandise,
, loa, loaf anvil', teas. elm:chale t
i ts.
- "nger, mace, nutmeg., wines,
, oboes, be cords, P. limm,
• tug calico, casein ' fustisa, tapes,
thread. moles, nines lad fork.,
blacking. tablea4chairs, deck, and
tic es of merchiindiae no; here am-
Aakignee of Lot ering & Gordon.
- • , 32-1
' .
&ore itcom
a Public -
bniiidy. gin
manna, • •
lace, button
varnish. • •
a variety of
april 28
entail Qrders.
Alt* inhalritaina of the county of
ill, and companies of Volunteers,
he 30th Regiment .of Pennsylvania,
iereby notified that the First Bittal.
et, properly equipped for Parade, on
22d:of May next, at Megeansburir.
id Betteliim will meet' at ISchoylkill
'edoesdav the 23dt,of May next. The
ormed precisely at 10 o'clOck, A. M:
Jr the Colonel.
1WA11.1) Y. FARIatIIIAR,
t b . Adjutant.
. Hilda Trahsings.
/THE en
Militia, are
ion will m-
Toesday th
Haven on
lines to be,
Ry order
s.pril 28
rolled Militia composing , the 12th
y irf the 30th Regiment, P. M. resi
t' Ware Street. n the Borough of
d Oast of The Centre Turnpikkein
tow s hip, are hereby notified that
.oireld to meet on Monday the 7th of
, 'eket, A. M. at the house of the sub
rly iteiluipped for duty as the law re-
-• Com.
ding East
they. are
May. at 1 I
scriber pro
•pril 28 •
Ilif e w Bolks.
rrP. for Ladies,
le Prisoner,
merman Gardena ,
or thi! Mysterious,
soil for sale. Wy B. BANNAN.
l ip TRU
12 a The
" e Alice,
J oat recei
april 28
Noo 'Mild Strait, Phdadelphia.
. kICH AR DS respectfully informs
i &ohs friends acid those who have
atroniscd the establishment, that he
he move well known stand, and is
o recieive them with every attention
bestowed upon either their comfort
hia,-11pril 18th. 1138. 29-1 m
No: 235
him n.-
hari taken
now ready
that can
or wants.
, A. Q,U I SN.
-GLASS and IF:ciure Frame Gild.
t door - o Mr. Joh Mc Eldrruh's, Lyon
Fraines re-gilt it, the neatest man
the ihortest notice.
or, n -
street. 01
ner, and a ,
april 28
ettors of the BorOugh of Pottroltle.
olicitation et .a nilmber of friend,. tho
ibex has been induced to offer his
candidate for BoOtigh Constable, at
election. -and lespectfully solicits
foir said office, p edging himself to
a duties punctually, and - to the Nitia.
he public.
TO the
•T the
za. subsc
the enauin
their votes
perform t .
faction of
. •ersi g ned omit() the publie against
. sing or leasing th' tract of land calltd
ct, on the East rwegian rail road, Spohn, or H ry Morris for her,
nderaigned clai title thereto, arid
be a suit against ny person attempt.
the posses:lieu th ear
T HE u
pure ,
Clinton T
from Eli
es he the
will instil
log to tak
April 28, 1838
ape Julie Por
superior old gra.
do do Roy
.do du butt
lot do East Ine
Old 2
Very au • . 1
and butt'
Duff Got
Sicily M
dry and a
Very superio
on Co. Sherry
.eira, L. P. Tenet
eat Malaga win
fresh G
mrprief supply of
ch will be foun.
Black Teas of th.
h they can recent
mong w' '
Green in
tione, wh.
and the it,
a pril 2
oop Schttylkil
parade on Mo
y, 1838, at Wo'cl
I.—Winter min
tner's 1k
By Co.
ampaign -
- brand., en: anc
nc, glass and pa
sale at moderate
Wines, fo
Baiga Turnip, a
Flat Turnip _
or atnaller quant
By the
•pril I;
'ubverilpeta hive j
Ic 50 Baskets Ch
eh will be found
spoken, Palms'.
mong wh
88. e
.NNAN has comn
in connection w'
kinds of Bails
mice at loai rates.
Blank Hoc
description made t,
nd the trade supplie
prices. .
where al
of every
delphia p
een Victor
and elegaht artieh
teed and for sal
A - pril Ii
Wit EAlliaggeEtt;.
Goodi r Croeery,Wi Liquor Store
(Nest LOut Mortinkea Hotel)
THEIR conTion with.. Image in Philadelphia
enable. the to keep.on hand It very 'step;
sive assortment of grkods, ilohi6h Ott* will sell at
Philadelphia prices. Store and T'aveia keePala
and private fatniike; would dQ well. to call and
judge for tbemirlvels.
31 •
sprit 19
MIME enrolled Militia and Volunteers, Wm/I&
sing the pd Brigade, Bth Ditisioe. P. M.
will enmmenee Oind .ontinue Ont Spring training.
fur 1838, ar folitivrs:
53d Regiment, commandettily Col. Hugh Lind-
Ravi winds Regiment on Monday the 14th day of
May, 1838.
11th Regiment, commanded Itypol. Samuel
b. Jacobs, Rd Battallion an iTtiesday the 15th
day of May ne*t, lit Battalion on Wednesday
the 18th day of May next,
77th Regimebt, commanded by Col. Isaac Yo.
tier, 2d Battalidn on Thursday the 17th day of
May next, Ist Battalion gn Friday the 18th day
Of May next.
Ist Regiment. coMmandeil• by Col. Abraham
13iegfried, Ist Battalion on ; ; Saturday the 10th ,
day of May nest, 2d BattaliO on Monday the
210 da• of May next.
30th Regiment, commanded by Col. John M.
Bickel, Ist Battalion on Tuesday the 22d day of
May next, 2d !Battalion on Wednesday the 23d
day of May next.
The compat y . training. pill be on the first
Monday in May, rotinety, thalth, and the places
are to be fi xer' by the commanding officers these.
The commanding officers. of eompanies. and
Adjutants of Regiment*, are!strictly enjoined to
have their enrollments ready on Battalion days,
agreeably to lair.
By order of
• Invn 2,1 Brig. 6th Div. P. M.
Brigade inoptslW, office.
Windsor, 1838.
The Family CoMmentary.
- Tilt 1101.1( - BIBLE
FROM the:works of Henry and 'Scott, and
above onehundred other writers, published
in London by the Religious Tract Society, rens.
ed and abridged in two volumes, with Maps and
Engravings. This valaable work is published in
parts, at 2.5 cenfe each. Twelve parts are already
completed, and nhe obtained at the subscribers
Book Store where subscriptions will also be re
ceived. , B. HANNAN.
jime 24 —3l
AUGUSTUS EULER has returned from Cu.
rope. and , intends to commence fancy and
plain dying. an . Silks aid Merinos, at his ok' stand
in Centre Street, Pottsville. Alan scouring cnats
and pantaloons, He is greatenl fnr peat favors,
and hopes by fit ent inn and punctuality tt merit
a contin IlanCe..of his former custom.
Dec 23 S-11
32-3 mo
looring oar I is.
CArIOLINA worked flooring hoards. plough
na ed. tongued and grooved ready for laying. I
11 and I inches of diffe-ent quality ind prices
constantly on hand, and foe sale in lots to aui
purchasers, upon apbtication by Letter In
Planing Marhinp Wharf. N. T.. Phila. Co.
april 25 11-11 Pottsville.
Wine, itc. tc.
juice Port Wine,
fl company do do
F d do do
Madeira, in wood
; old M. Lobo and
inset, Pico Madeira,
i; e, otd Pale Lisbon,
&e. &e. for sale by
1 •
SEVEltALisetta of Rail ;Road wagon wheels,
suitable for the Valley or Mill Creek Roads.
together woth'setts of 11 inch sr.d' 13 inch drift
car wheels, will be sold low, if application is
made soon. Enquire at.
HODGKIN it Co's Wharf.
Port Carbon, aprtl ' 31-3
Pottsville Water Company.
THE stockholders of the Pausallle Water
Company are hereby notified, that an elec
Lion will be beld at William Mortimer's Hotel,
on Monday he 14th of May next, between the
hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, for the purpose of elect.
ing nine directors to conduct the business of
aid Company fur the ensuing year.
4,pril 21 30-3 President.
Sanderson)" Paris.
:Y have received
fresh Groceries, '-
some very choice
very latest imports.
seed to their frierids
County Cavalry,
day the 7th day of
k, P. M. at Morti-
AFRESH supply of Sandenson's Pans, which
is pronniincect to be the best Book of Travels
ever published, just received and for sale by
N. B. Persons on the List are relocated to
call and receive their Books.
opril 21 30
i Wines.
+' of the following
!.r, comet, woodcock,
tetto; all flue grape
prices by •
Pottsville Water Company.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that Rub
ert Smith has been appointed Superintehd„
ant of the Pottsville Water! Compx . ny, with full
power to enter on the premises of any individual
using the,waier. and examining the ferule 4 pipe,
hydrant, &c. l and of quippipg oir the water when
the same isin a lealty stale , an d' reporting the
same to the floard of Managers, with full power ,
also, nfonfi4ing all the titles and regulations of
said Coin . pony; all of which:will hereafter be most
rigidlrenforeed. Persons intending to attach
Iced orotheilpipes tri the main pipe, must have
it inspncted and approved of by said Ruperinten•
dent before they can be permitted to muds the
y, for sale by
'at received and offer
:mpaigne Wine. A.
he following, Crack
Hiedaeck. Comet,
By order of the Board . of Managers.
Preiiident Pottsville %Voter Company.
april 21 30-3
New Goods! New Goods fr .
JUST received by N. Nathan & Co. a new
and elegarit assortment. of Spring and Sum.
mer Prints, painted muslin, and lawns ' among
Which may be found a fiw pieces of English.
Prints at a very low rate,. Also, a splendid as
sortment oflab.. Cassimares.;l7emings &e.
r / 3
Also. die amen ! . en!. Summer wear, together
with a genera. assortnferit of Linens, Checks, Di.
alperes Ticking.. Muslin.. &e. &e.
april 14 ',i • ! • 28
enced s Book Bind
th his Book &ore.
dl 'be bound at the
ks ice.
order et the
whole ale it. Phila.
a Stains.
for Ladies' Dresses
I RoonslPaper # Borders.
B BANNAK has just nit:rived his Spring Pat.:
.tents eel Banging :Pifpw & &wen. which
ato blosamisied at hat Boa Blare.
Aprif 21 4 . • 20
by &
Dying and Sco`nring.
To be Mold.
4 s 1 ? jou .
4.. z. " 11 4. 1 ..4*F 11--.
TRIBE New Cattle and -Fran* Twin Rail
Rola Company. WM. diil4oee et spirt of
Iron taken item thou net ear track. The bars
are iamexi condition. 21 by I. A sample my
be eeenet the Conlon:Ws ale". ebeitnut prod
*bad, Philadelpbta. • • •
Spill • 29-Inso
For Sale, or to re Reared.
WHAT valuable tract of Laud called the
too Trgft," belonging . to Elisabeth Spoho,
situate on the westitforwegtao HaiLlload, next
north of. and .adjoining the Pesch Mintotain, is
offered for sale on accommodating terms: or the
Coal Mines will be leased riewerally •or together
to as approved' tenant. Apply to •
9d & Walnut Streets.
•pril it
. Cheese! Cheese!!
20 Casks of premium cheese,
20 Boxes pine sole do
for sale by . N. NATHANS & Co.
dee 2 2
Public Sale.
PURSUANT to an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Schuylkill C-ountv, on Saturday the
36th day of May, PON, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the
house of Christian Lev. innkeeper, in the town
olPinegmve. Dr. Jacob Christ, Administrator of
the estate of Noiemen Christ, late of Schuylkill
Guitar. deceased, will expose to rule by Public
Vendor., the undivided moiety or half part of a
certain tract of land. situate is Barry townehip i
Schuylkill County, containing four hundred and
'eighteen acres or thereabouts, bounded by lands
of Jacob Christ. William Grief!' and others, held
in common with Adam Randenbush." Also, the
legal estate of the said intestate in the
... es tote third part and some small equals
111 Mc interest amounting to about one
eleventh part of a certain house and
lac, sit.mie in the town of Pinegrove, in the afore
said coufity, bounded by lots Of John Barr and
I others, being the house and lot on which Jacob
Christ, E.g. resided at the time of his decease--
Al-o, ohe lot of ground in the town of- Deerfield,
near the town of Pinegrove, bounded-Lay Tulpe.
lincken street and other lutr, being the same tot
purchased trout Benjamin Berger—late the es.
tate of said decerised..
By order of the Conk
Orwir.borr, April 21 30—ti Clerk 0. C
Philip Math,
FSPECTFULLY announces to his friends
and the public it, general, that he has again
commenced the Coact-Making Business in Nor•
wegion Street, three doors below the Arcade in
the borough of Pottsville, where he is ready to
manufacture to order all kinds of vehicles at the
.hortest notice ( of the best Materials. and at the
lowest rates. He has also on band. ready made (
Barouches. Carryalls, Photons, Chariotces,
roachees, Buggies, &c. which he invites the pub
lic to call and examine fixr themselves. The ar
ticle* are all manufactured under his personal
inspection, and he wilt - warrant them to be equal
lo any manufactured elsewhere. .•
Repairs 3fevery description done at the abort
es.t notice, and on the most r-asonable terms.
N. R. Coal taken in payment for vehicles.
aprillß 29 3m
For Sale,
A valcruable Tract of Coal Land,
L .VING and heinir in the tritinship of Norwe•
m-A wegian, on the West BranCh near the West
Branch Rail Road, about mar miles trout Schuyl
kill Haven—there is one or more Coal Veins
;iassing through this -and. For information ap.
at Pottsville,
- , a Mr. HOFFMAN,
March 25 34 at Reading.
Champaigne Wines.
JHST received and fnr sale by N. Nathan. &
Co. S 0 baskets of Key, Hickory, Star, Wood
cock and other brand..
anril 14 . 28
I s hereby given that letters Testamentary have
been granted •by the Register of Schuylkill
counts to the subscriber as Executor of the last
Will'and testament of John fekrhard, late of the
Sorough of Pottsville. deceased. All persons
having claims or demands against e estate of
the said deceased are hetetiy requeate make
known the same to the subscriber without ay.
26-6 .‘"
April 7
The Brick House with the sppurte
.nonce'', situate in Centre street, • few
;II • doors ibove the Notional Hotel. The
lower room is calculated for a Store
Room, which will be rented with the dwelling or
separate. to suit applicants; and possession given
immediately. For terms apply to
April 11 27 • Agent.
Dry-Goodo l Grocery and Lift
vizor Store,'
Corner of Centre and Market Streets, Pottsville:
, April 8
To the Stockholders of the Company for
erecting a Bridge over the North East
branch of the river Sumplehann, 1..
tween the town of Cattawissa and the
mouth of Fishing Creek.
Is hereby given, that a meeting *fluid Stock.
holders will be held at the house of B. P. Fort.
ner, in the town. of Cattawissa, on Monday the
7th day of May next, between the boors of l and
6 o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of electing one
President, six Manager., one treasurer and one
Secretary for the ensuing year.
march 28 23-4 w Secretary.
Swainsls Panaces.
2" DOZEN Swaim's Plumate, just recoil,.
•-r ed fresh from the proprietor. Upwards of
Seventy. Five Thousand Bottles ...of this valuable
medicine were sold last year, and the demand hi
increasing. For sale by the dozen or single bottle.
Price $2 per bottle, Or three bottles for $5 by
liole - Agest fi r SchuylkilCe
Al., Swaim% Vermihrt. •
N I#•t.
Fr r
1 1 • :- ES BusitsiEst, ';,-
..- . . • -. 1
erick - C. Epting
newzaryux intortair hie Triends„iiii
•Eilw_the pubh i n gtheial: that ba,hia opeoled k
Bakery and Confectionary EstabliOneet
in Norwegian ' street, next door below the Arcade
in the borough of Pottsville, _where be will
imp keep on !hand and bake to order all kinds
ClMakell of wiry variety of patterns—and where
also, will always be kept on hand, Bread by
Loaf, of an excellent quality, and ors large size.
His Confectionary comprises a largo-and elm.
*rat assortment ',elected with care, and sold it
the very lowest rates.
would also inform familiar that he ire
prepared to bake', Family Bread for any number
who prefer furnishing their own Flour. at the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
april 2t • • 30-3 m
Wholesale and itetniLDry
'Good Store.
voLLOCK' dr. WEAVER havejust received
in edditioh to their extensive assortment of
DRY 000D$. Super Superior Blue and Mack
Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style cea.
simerim, satthietts and Beverteens, miners' fus
liens, 4c. Feb 18 14—
Valuable Coal and member Land
SITUATED in Schuylkill county on theliene
waters of the little Schuylkill river. and in the
first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 229
Acres and 14 'Perches. strict measure; this land
Is covered with White and Yellow
said by Judges to be of the first quality, the little
Schuylkill tall road runs ditectly through th . e
above eescribid tract of Land, and offers a safe
end convenient passage to the Philadelphia mar
ket. For further particulate address the subscri
ber in Columbia, Lancaster county. Pa.
Feb 10 1-3 me
Medal Cheese, Soap dre.
40 casks superior medal cheese.
50 boxes Philadelphia mum;
1 hbd. Irish-nai meal•, for sale by
NovlB 52-3 mi •
position of the Doctrines, Ministry and wor
ship of the rrotestant Episcopal Church in the
United States' by the Rev. RICNJAXIN Dome; Rea
tor of Christ Church, Philadelphia, juat received
and for sale here.
april 18 29
For Sale,
AHOUSE, stable and lot, on the west side of
Maine street, Mount Carbon; the house is
built of atone, and well finished. containing a
kitchen and cellar in the basement story, and two
'rooms on the first,
_second and third floors each.
The stable is • likewise built of stone, and large
enough to accommodate four horses. The lot
contains in front 40 feet, and in depth 252 feet;
at the head of the lot is a fine spring of water.—
The situation is very pleasant, and from its pro:.
imity to the coal landuiga, is admirably well cal•
culated for a boatman or boat builder. A long
credit will be given for one halt of the purchase
For terms apply to GEO. C. WYNROOP.
march 10 • 18—tt
Religious Works.
BRAHMAN has just received the following
. religious works, London and America-ed
itions, which he offers for sale cheap.
Original Family Sermons, 5 vols.
Maesillons' Sermons,
Leland's view of Deistical Writers,
Sturtevant's Preacher's Manual, 2 vole,
Drew on the Rsurrection,
Drew on the Soul,
Bridge's on the Psalm CXli,
Faber ott Infidelity,
James' Christian Professor,
Prize Essay on Religious Dissensions,
Christian Patber at Home,
A Mother's Request, &c.
dee 23 5
- .
For the instantaneous cure of
Discovered and brought to its greatest perfection
This is to certify that I have tried your Tapuy
as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in whiek.
I have certainly found it of 'very great service.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.
London. Sept. 10, 1830.
A friend Stepped in to say that be bad visited
•e Fire King this morning, and witnessed his
m lions cure of the Tooth Ache. One little
boy in rticinlar, wholooked cross enough to bite
a ten pen nail clear off, in ten minutes smiled
at-the decay • tooth and defied its pain.—U. S.
A fresh supply ef,the above Elixir just receiv.
lid and for sale by `, B. HANNAN,
Agentlin• Schuylkill county
July 13
1-1 y
The Penny Illagazinar use.
ful . linowledge ) N
Is decidedly one of the cheapes.t and mo4t.,Tim
polar peiliklical• now eziant-..there are 21110,.
000 copies sold every month in -England, and 63-,
000 in
The Parts of vol. 6 (for the year 1837)_ as far
as received, tan be had at this office. Price lei
per part, or $2 00 per annum.
This Magixine is published in monthly parts,
containing 40 bugo pages; the present volume is
much enlarged and improved. The illustrations
of wand cuts are executed in a superior manner.
There is an advantage in taking this work Oyer
all others, a person can discontinue it Thencifer
he sees proper, for each part is always cumPlete
Within itself:
Complete seta of this work from the commence-
meat can be, procured of he subecriber, at .2 per
volume. B. BA NNAN.
Nov 4 SO
Port Clinton Foundry
WILL be sold at private sale. the Foundry
pleasantly situatedat Port Clinton, Schity
kill county/ on very reasonable terms. TM.
Foundry is at the commencement of the Little
Schuylkill and Suiquchanna Rail Road. now
making, nerd will in a.short time be one of Ow
best sitoatigins in the country to do a large bolsi.
new For terms, &e. apply to
Iron Founders, Plaladelplik_
Teat Clint*.
jail 29j
-- ''lltiiiifrli - iTtzVlaitofiat" - 'rr
. ink:l444 inld • Aitcaiisioii'rgeo.v
-oftiß conelikamt aired& Of the eittritilidlfin
aam telffeaty of DR. Whi. EIPAPPS - iteletirited
Catthiritte and Aperient' Aitibilibui Pillilit tilt•
leviating ander! mankind.
To Jame' Dickson, 36, 'Corohill, , '.Airen . t
for the sale of Lk . wm. Xvans'a ' ray,
Lowitte, N 15;16X.
Dear Sir--KnOtring by experitto 6fiat-itvetty
reference that * tamed receive fibs bane&
dal results of atedicinee. I cheerful direr' nalWit
to the public In behalf of DR. W . EVANS.%
CAM:I3IIU. PILLS. 1 have beep afßietod fui -
the fiat ten yeah with distress hi tbehead and
chest: often so bed as to deprive me of sleep for
three or Gour nights in soeerasson. bat have never
found relief by arty ant, friend, ywoWeriltnent4
until my wife wily the advertiamenti in the limper.
when she persuaded me to send fiii'eMele; which
I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles,. Which
resulted in almixt completely miming -me to
health, although I have not yet eabrely 6nitthed
them. Should you cdnsider this any benefit to
yourself, or the public, you bin, my cheerful pet.
mission to publish it. Yours, respectfully, •
THOS. K. GOODHUR, Gentrahat;
.Evanit CaWmile Took and Family Aperi
eat Pills —Mr. BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of
Shippen and Georges streets : Philadelphia, affect
ed for seven years with estremit nervousness, by
which he was not able to write his • name—his
symptoms were, eruscation, daily spasmodic pains
in the head, lose of appetite, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness add dimness or sight, atter ins
bility of engaging in any thing that demanded
vigor or cuorake, sickness and weakness ex.
teme debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure
and weight at the stomach after Eating, treat
menial despondency, severe flying pains in the
chest back aril side, Costiveness. a 'dislike the
society and conversation. Mr, B. has made trial
of various medicines now before the public, but
to no effect, until, observing in a public paper
some cores perfbrmed by Dr. William Evans*
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient' Pills, he
was induced to give them a trial, of which Weis
at any time happy to state that they effectually
cured him of the above digressing Amelia&
rrPeretnns who doubt the above cure, are most
respectfully directed to the above mentioned per
son. at the north west corner of Shippen and
Georges streets. BENJAMIN BOWN.
Philadelphia October 26,107.
Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne.
N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg, afflict.
ed for the last ten years with the Liver complaint,
completely restored to health through the treat
ment of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual
constipation of the bowels, total loss of appetite,
excruciating pain of the epigastt ic region, great
depression of spirits, la nguorand other symptom.
of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate
flow of the menses, pain. in the right side, could
not lie on her left side without .an azgravation
of the pain, urine high colored; with other symp
toms indicating great derangement in the func
tions of the liver.
Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first
physicians, but received but little relief Irom their
medicine, till Mr. Browne procured some of Dr;
Wm. Evans% invalutible preparations, which ef
fectually relieved her of the above distressing
symptoms, with others, which it is net essential
to intimate, JOSEPH BROWNE,'
City and County of New York, as.
Joseph Browne, of Willis msborg, Long Island,
being doly sworn, did depose and say that the
facts as set forth in the within statement, to whit!'
he has subscribed his mime, arejust and true.
Husband of the Paid Hannah Browne.
Sworn before me this 41h day of January. 107;
PETER PIN RNEY, Com. of Deeds.
INTERESTING CASE of 7brbonder Caw
sumption.—Mr. John Rue el applied on the lat
day of September at the office 100 Chatham
street, laboring under the following symptoms:—
A slight spitting of blood, distressing cough; at
tended with an expectoration of purulent matter.
night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exertion. With a *ell mind hectic
flush on the cheek. On examination. he chest
was found to mind well every where except on.
der the left clavicle, and in the arm pilot the
same aide.
Treatment —Directed to take the restorative
Camomile Pills, with the expectorating corn.
pound, at the same time an injunction,lo call in
four days; when the sight sweats had ceased. the
expectoration slightly ,iminished. au light fit of
coughing still remainirig in the morning. Or.
tiered as usual to continue the medicine, and to
call in the course of al, week—when his health
continued rapidly increasing, without the least
cough. Called at the office on the 4th of this
month, quite convalescent returning his sincere
thanks for the benefit ffo had obtained.
The above patient chiefly used milk regimen,
duricg his treatment.
' :CI , : ' " ' 4. i II
Mr. Robert MunroeiSehuyihill, afflicted with
the above dist.essing malady. Symptoms—great
languor. flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous had.
ache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stric
ture across the breast, dixtiness, nervous irrita
bility and "iestlessness, could'not lie in ii heui.
towel position. without the sensation of impend.
ing suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distres.
ing cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, drew.
sines., great debility and deficiency of the nem
lus energy. Mr. R.. Monroe gave up eery
thought of recovery and dire despair sat on the
countenance of every person int/rested in his
t•xistence or happiness, till by accident lie noticed
inr iiNpublic paper some cures effected by Dr. Wm.
DransSimedicine, in his complaint. which lode.
ced himlB,rchase a package of the Pills, which
resulted in ..;inpletely removing every. symptom
GI his disease. e wishes to say his motive for
this declaration is, hat those afflicted with the_
same or any sym ms similar tit thorn from
whiCh he is happily rein , may likewise reecho
the same inestimable ben t.
efk incit
/I•s Amos iirenhiser. corner ofSeconil . t and
Germantown Road, Philadelphia, affected : the
last six years with the Liter Complaint.
comelittely restored to health by Dr. WM: E.
VANS'S Camomile Pont. and - Family 41*.!•nt
Pills. Her symptoms were habitual tejiatitneew.
excruciating pain in the stomach. defausion• of
apirits. languor,
extreme debility. disturbed sleep.
great pain in h er. side, could riot he on her left
side without an aggravation of pant. disr:neas in
the bead. dimness of sight. Itith other syniptens
indicating great derangement in the rani Lions • t
the Liter. Mrs. Brenhiaer has made trial dor.
rime medicines now begire . thit public, bat re.
calved ao relief until the, Wei adviaad,ta MAIL
t r i a l ofDr Evana'wPills, Of whirl' she Is ham
to state that they affemaally telievad . liiie iif the
above inetreesing symptoms, with othota..tiitilh'
are oat meratiallalotharate". • '
- 16 1 414iihtlailiralli., 4 6i*
)1046114-bl' A' itisiiimet. • • -- ~. ,
sostnaled law pasi aeolesetimi*iir 4
4 1 .
b. waseilletwen7 rat d. .,;. ' ' *.-
7"rb- - ~.,..., : .
-. . t rAiitiOnieltEnillid+lllL -
4 pkike tore gf_etlett ley liht &W OW 1 i.
' :irrAilinGlbeinOst .11th Week 2' '
bat. al lieted with - the above complaint sir
years Sod shoe maths; durieirerhieirtlime - imi
had toast crutehes: 'His child art*mskimmi
excruciating pain in , antis joints. imgsirmkgr
Ilk the hips, abouldert. krises and italtleir;?' . 4.
grandee Odes pain* timer& night; end
most part all umrs from external heat; 'tit '
ems thicjmningar thi fluSda and ligantantai k ,'
a eoliipfirts less - ormeseutiu prrer. — iiii util
elk it these alit* in a inmiltienteniesplli* : ',,
Gibson teciaiefeas It'meet to sal tbit Ilk
hays. entirely itaraml, and that. his:sh4, l 77'
.completely rebovaied their . nausea*, -iMitli
heels able to raison Ibis ordinary Indrinesii.-i'l: • .
_ bree
Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orin if
T. addicted ftwitee iears with hums - M . l4U*
Asthma, applied at the office 100 chitluiM.'
On the 4 t's aClogabei i laborint smder- 14
ing symptom!. A sense of tiihmees , wreak,
chest, with the greatest difficulty of , !el
distressingaimrh. generally ending with
expectoration or sista phlegm, dutiirbedl '
the fate turbid and df ii livid hue-koild liiit' •
in a horizontal position without the sels — atleer '
dittiness in the head, and hiss ofepptelit. ,: ,, ,
Mt. 11, applied tattle most eminent ph l
iit this cltyk likewise tired several otherieloWd
Without obtaining tidy permanent betielit.gine ' -
his Wendt; persuaded bun to place htsuMelf
Dr. William Evans' treatment. Hell -
tiered of his complaint, and called it HM I
yolterddy, avowing that he had nettWOrife: oif ',
press hut gnititude for the bent*. belied APO,
ed. October 21,183 t,
We do hereby subscribe mere naturekt.„
troth ofthe above cures , that the temeett Is
every respect true. SARAH BEL ' 4 , l lffER -•
JOHN STEW:: i. Tr..
No. 17 north Eighth street,',„Phik4dep ' •
Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, 1837.
Dr. WM. EVANS'S-Medical Ofliegt., fiiir tht
pale of his excellent Medicine, is at Ne.l9.!nott ,
Eighth street, Philadelphia. - r._ l _ .
Sold by J. T. W
Sole Agent fcr Schnyiltlll Ceti ; tg. I'
• I
Mrs. Anne G. Kenny, No; 115 Louie.:
between Stanton and Houston streets.' Mei s
for ten year' with the followingalistressing Omni.
_ ...1
Acid eructation, daily spasmodic palialn
head, lose of appetite, palpitation aro" has
dines* and dimness of sight, could not Ii QS her
right aide, disturbed rest, utter inabilit- tit.*.
gaging in any thing that demanded Vier or
courage, sometimes a visionary ides of. ',gm
ration of her disease, a whiminital etestei to
particular persons 00. places, imam:Sass iipprir
hebadds of personal danger and poverty, dia
adamant". and weariness of lite, discontented:
quietude do every alight ?cession she conedved
she could neithet dik tali live , alte t weptileupsided
desponded, and thought she led a most mistrable
lite, never was one so bad. with fruitiest .Mamtel.
hallucinations. Mrs. Keney had th;443. df
several eminent pliyalcians, and had se Alt
numerous nteilkihes, bid could not obtain 11,1111
temporary alleviation other diatiessiiqg Male: 1W
het husband perstiaded Her to make trial Or my
modeof tteatment. She is now quits re W.
and finds herself nut only capable of alien, 'rig hi
bee domestic affairs. but avows that sbia laais
good health at present as she did at any
of her irsistenee. KENNY.
• Husband of the aforesaid Ansel(
Sworn before me this 14th day of Dem
Peter Pinckney, Coni. of,
61REJ1 1 e4titmas.vvis
Valuable Real Property in Pelerigle,;,
FOR SALE . ! j
undersigned o ff ers for sate all 141 waft
TAE known three story ,BRICS SIDIUtAN
DWELLING. HOUSE and the oppuyeinvils
situate in Centre street, Pottsville, the,,pre
of the undersigned, together with ;nine ,
tenements in the rear of said building, vind• '
lot of ground whereon the Whole standi.- - ; - -
Mick building sfbnisaid, contains thlrty-litehk
front—finished from the basement iptertiir-tho
garret in the best styre of worknisnshipoted
as a business stand and . . residence iis 'nibit - '
vourably situated. The foregoing *wilt II
be sold on low and accommodating term's, Part
of the purchase money . may remain on ifielrep.
arty for a few years, it desired. ritle - hidpspate.
his. and possession can be given immediately— ,
apply to - G. M. JENNIIIIG&
April 42 • PeAtevir
Encourage Home Manufstain..4 ~..
• - I' .•-•
Confectionary Illiliailli.
rg‘lllE subscriber respectfully an num .
-M. public that he has commenced iltslikiardali
tore of Confectionary in all its various •
at his Store' in Centre Street, nearly ' tip the
pouseille House. where Confectioners' It ' loth;
„i rk
era eau always be supplied whiiihisele'ent nihia,
a; the loWest Pluladelphia cub prices.
Country Merchants ars respeetligly
to call antreitautine his stock before pu
elsewhere. -
JOHN S. C. 14 1 1.011. .
atm 4
. 0111111111011 Con 11 7 '. '",.' :-.„:'_
BT virtue of in orde, of the Orphan
of the County of EichoylkM, Willi,: :al
the house of Isaac Mangan; innkeeper iii.tini
town of Tamaqua, in the said County, Wel Min:
day the 7th day of May nest, at 1 o'clock tia lie
afternoon of the said day, theAdlowirtgihdiertbast
• 1 ,
real estate to wit I
The one Undivided third part ofaterial i n •.,
. ...
of awl land. containing two , hundreterid. Mgt
acres more or less, situate in•Rwih,Tcnnisi
the said county, adjoining the townot
being b.wnded by_ lands, late ot John itsiehoir,
Philip Moser and other.. and held Witiwnssiew . .
with George Baum and John Remo: ; : _ kitiWittt
on the premises. several house.' sititaMir i c4
Miners. and six good veins of . coal opiX4
on. The Little Schtiylkill aid cattail*" .100
Road 'passes through' the - 1`
Also one nodivided twelfth pert at alien/it
_ .