The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 02, 1838, Image 2

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) WERNER AT MORNING. MAYi a . 4 l 1838.
;Ow tiF. , C rO, ITO lAdossi
of ivory *C Rr
/own assi .
OA* si
1 r -orDelewiti*
I 0. . ,, - Oesint Schuylkill CoUnty, in the.
onglnt'e_conseetion, tq be held Ai,
sate& : the - Ith °thou next
,„*.11i0n„.,.. - I s .' . • ' Jae Sthy....olan,. •
i A. Otto, .A G Swift. • . I
f Capon, .1 John Defiler; .
' Irrieriel Reed, , \ . Capt John grainer, •
..00.-F..Tacichler, I Saint Kliiimel.
•1 1 it Tirmiri ' John Mere, '
amp. Focht, John Kleuser. '
Mi.K-VlO l aen.einger, Dr A-Steinberger, • ,
ilatnitetßiuttolett; Henry Bressler, ,
I Denrel•Weaver, N Border, •
1 ilateolkill. s. , .1 Russell,. '
Bernard eager, 'T A /Anti*" 1 :,
- Reuben . - Heston. N Evil
'''.l4slii ; Olin, Esq. D Frani °Y.
=lieliiiiil Minter, John Sil er.
, Georuller. Esq. John Jeitninger, •
I. Tlitielet ge
War; - Jr. ' Capt John Hanley,
ACsin.ll.4 Kerahner, Joseph fertig.
Abraitaniktiinolett, John:PO/german,
-...rhilip K i • Moyer. Jacob Reed, Esq. 5.
George Shollenberger, Geo H Stichter,
Anytitgheer, Geo H tow',
.-Charles Breese. 44 Thomas! C Williams. :
Daniel Madifort, S J Potts, • •
Charles Witman, Big. Cites Taylor,
Micheel; Lindner. T C Pollock,
Dr,Gree ge,141 Eckert.. Joe Allen, .
G.,,,Y.FS ofise,.-.Eeq. Caipt TJ Riled,
Peep. 'Merl, ' A. St. Clair Nicbcds,
-Samuel Horning, Geo W Snyder
Wen J oyet,; • Cher. Poor, . .
Valenti . Kepleter Behj.'W Cumming. Esq.
. Peniel . , hcilenberger, Geo. vii Farquhar, Eiq.
se t t
-Mieh Seliter . JosephiCoatsoorth, •
James arts, , Doi T Taylor, ' .
- Jeaprilill fifellisane., - Jiremlah Wolfinger,.
Henry Koch.. 4 ,:....,.• Berl volt.
Charted IK HPl4 — ' -- , 11111:11111', K Fells. .
Win Garueti, . Samuel Heffner,
Henry Naylor, Col George Shoemaker,
• John P Hobart, Ross gull,
' Mirk Mellen. John C Lewis. -.
• Geeirgei Kauffman, Jr. Thinner Gans.
Thomas Bitter, Benj Gann.
Abraham Booghner, L f Whitney,
Edwitiel•Boyd. Abraham Pott,
Asa Heideman, - E Hughes,
Daniell Kistler,: . C Whitney. ,
' Philip'Oonan. k toq. Dr T C linlme.
issepb Albrig , James McGinnis, •
• John Bider, 'A McGonagle •
Wm Gorges, Daniel Kercher;
&moil Lewis, • A !Lanton,
Aquille Bolton, Hknry Donehue,
Jacob Macheuier, F J r :train,
John Kaercher, Wm Phillips, •
:John Blerly. : Daniel Hill.
Charles Marvine, Robert M Grant,
Elijah Yarnell, John !Kantner, '
John Yarnell, Wm Gillen:,
Abraham Albright, lama Cadington„'
Jacob Shack, I T Dornan i
•. lacsbillinnicb, Esq. Berner, Harts, :
Roland Kline, Dniel Stall,
Charles Dengler Esq.. Simnel D Leib,
Edward Huntainger, Jacob 801 l ,
Charles Yoder, Robeirt Woodside,
Henry Christ. Semi Young,
Benj Heffner, Jonathan Buts,
Joseph F Taylor, Jonathan Gerber.
Ednird Kintner, Capt Lewis Dreher
Jesse Kanner, Jos.l.l3,:ittlera,
Joseph Kills, . William Graeff '
James Yost, Caleb Wheeler,
Lissi Reber.; . t Jacrib Huber
'Daniel Ginctenmnth. Isaac Hervey,
- Adam Sharlie Paul Brand
Anthony ReLb;amen, Jr.,j o hp s t i fle , of Jacob.
Jelm,V,V Heuer . Peter Stine, of Henry.
John Snyder, Jr. Nathaniel Wilson,
' David Macbeiner. Jr. Jonathan, Garber.
John S Sterner... . .W * B Kershner,
Jacob Huber. : John Stager. ''
Philip Zimmerman, halo K. Shaeffi:r.
Daniel Harp. Jr. Tiller A Bosnia,
' Samuel Kauffman, Wm Garret '
'Richard Adams. Gotleib Roark.)).
' Gideon Oswald.. • • Joiin t. Minnich
' • S.Everett. ! John K Smith,
` Alratiisl Miller, • John Bond
Ralph Lei. John N Sprier,
Patrick Langton, Writ Dreher •-
" Lain Lannon. - 'llamas Acker, • .
Aaron Steinbach. - Dakid Acker,
. Wm Wolf John Messenger,
• El o lA . Pleniftieri Mn' Keeshner ;
' .1 OP Kern. John DtMnison, -
Josenh4 Leib. Obed Reed
Artf i reir 11 While. Cbarles Dreher,'
111 i
• Minn, George Mortimer.
Ambit Rbasel, jNlcholss Fox,
Dr ,Gorirge 'Halberstadt, Akzander Silly men,
Joliii.,T Werner, Seth Leimainer .
Charles' Hunt:singer, Jelin Kleckner. ' •
, John ' T Hissard, Inueph Dreher, : -
a Daniel Stager, • newel Bach,
• ' LOA Kline,JOhn Bolich, jr. '
Wm. Shively. Pater Zuber
Benj. Bann*. - Christopher Reed, ;-
Geo C, l•Vynkoop, Joseph Yoet, i.
Robert B Neligh, William Yost, .
Oliver Dobson. JOhn Covell
Elijah Bah, . Jilihn Hoffman,
J. U. Brady. Prier Albright,.
. Capt Winlabsrifeltsr, heob Elle.
• - HO - Perry. Jelin Heiser. ' '
'E Vied, traniel -Heiser, ' --
- J Hiutgliavrout, Daniel Smith. '-,
-Jisirgirsakina. Albert H. Deue4
-- zi ;.
...-.. •-: base H. Moodie.
cetton.HMost of our rea
~ . -derrs in this place are probably aware that
corolla-individuals areendeavorinCto sow
•trtsion among
_us, in respeet to the Whig
t% Zither Opt; borough officers. Wear i s sorry
to see` such afcourse pursued by any who
pror e ir fo . 06tkise Lotiotocoism. , :This is
eucetirage that foe to our
couittreoprosperity Otich `
-. 1 _ . "lirith nableth bead
.r. , ,-. • srensto'er the bed" ; .
The - ticket in - questiiiii was formed in a•
mynter• wholly unexceptionable, ind ac:
seeing to republican usages. T i ltat the
- wbole-ticket• should be , perfectly tiefao
tory to atiiiir friend 4 i not to be expec
.olloo/*0 believe that !such a ticket' could
i:7)lllslol,orrWl.bectiolk we have ni?ver yet
ailed pita tionii, and because of the great
-diamsity in men'e °planate and sentiment,
• .tespecting-each.:otheir. --The - - Wks' in
= i4416611 .E. 4 .0 141 . Wile: fdrmed upon. coy
', '
~ )wincigc.eirlhew ading one Or which
:"`IKV, II ' I '4 ions -eieryiportion
me i
. , Jorouilkie - as practicplole, be
t. •
. i i
ciprir.was to select such individuals as
would be mut likely to prove efficiat
public officers. In our opinion Jacob Reel,
EN. wkii stands at the bad of.the ticket .
for Chief Burgess, tbougb set without his
faults—r-fur who is rithout themt—will
give far more general public sitisfae:tioe
than his woukl-be-competitor. He may
not, it is true, require quite SO large in
amount of stern screw' . e looney, to Insure
public tmhquility and official vigilance, as
the individual alluded to, but we think that
public : tranquility will be quite as well se
cured without the aid'of the said' secret
service money. With respect to the coun
cilmen nominated they are all good men
and true. One of them, formerly a Wolf
man,. whose manly firmness in coming out
fur Ritner, has exposed him in some measure
to the threatened persecution of the loco
focos. - These are the principal officers
to be elected; and we hope that every true
Whig will support the ticket. above all,
we hope that no true Whig will permit
his name to be used as an opposition can
didate; thereby to defeat the regularly'
nominated ticket, and thus afford a tnumph
to the Locofocos.
We call the attention of our readto
extracts from administration papersur
first page, on the subject of Infidelity and
Locofocoism. We think it high' time that .
public attention -should be directed to the
fact that self-styled Democrats, in many
places, l aro ranging themselves- under the
banners of that " bright Venus of Demo
cracy," Fanny Wright. Tammany Hall,
iti NewkYork, has been noted for its ini
quities and abominations. This is the
great head quarters of infidelity and loco
focoism! Here, they preach politics and
irreligion alternately! The Bible and the
banks, the alternate topics of bitter satire
and ferocious denunciation. We think
that the public mind ought to be thorough.
ly alive to the nature of those doctrines
which assimilate themselves so easily and
naturally to infidelity in religion. Why
is it that their political doctrines are so
loudly preached by all the popular infinel
lecturers of the day? Simply, because
there is something in them which cones
ponds with their own immoral and perver
ted views and feelingstln religious subjects.
W • hink this is a self-evident positi •.
We hate seen specimens of the coa
iron and iron ore, brought over by Richard
Jones, a miner, from the works of Mr.
Crane, in Wales. The coal is a light4ree
burning coal; the iron nine looking !peel.
men of grey iron, antrthe ore such as is
common we believe to our state. The
anthracite basin froin which the above
specimens of coal was brought, like our
own, terminates in a bituminous region,
and the coal in question was taken out of
the mines at a distance of twenty miles
from the said bituminous region.
In connexion with this subject, we would
mention that Mr. Burd Patterson has com
menced the foundation of a furnace in this
borough, in which the business'of making
iron with anthracite coat will be underta
ken forthwith, and we have no doubt with
complete success. We shall keep our
readers advised of all the experiments in
this region in the business in question.
We look upon it as of great moment and
importance to . our region, and -one that
holds out great inducements to capital and
Report of the Committee on the Duel.—
The report of the majority of the com
mittee of the house of representatives. ' n
the duel between Messrs. Graves and Cu.Cl
ley, has produced much sensation at Wash.
ington. The Globe published portions of
this precirus Lecofoco document.even be.
fore the report had been read in the house.
Mr. Adams, in his remarks on the report,
affirmed "that the committee, in the course
they have thought fit to pursue, have com
mitted a greater breach of privilege than
the one under discpssion: Our readers
will be surprised to learn, that this com
mittee, though instructed toinquire mere
ly into the facts of the case, thought fit to
report a resolution for the expulsion of
Mr. Graves from the house of represen.
tativew and yet these very individuals vo
ted for t funerallhonors to Mr. Cilley. They.
are Messrs. Toucey of Conn., P-otter of
Penn., Bruyn of New York, and Grant.
land of Georgia, horough.going locofocos,
and supporters of Gen. Jackson, 'a noted
duellist.. They seize upon the unfortunate
event of Cie death of Mr. Cilley to turn it
to same political adiantage; determined,
as Judge Preeble of Maine declared, by a
right employment of that event, to make
Mr. Cilley mote useful in his death; than
he ever could have been in his life. What
weight can a report from such men be en.
tilted t9l
New Line of Stages.—By an advertise.
*meat in another column, it will be seen
:bit the Express Line of Stages, corn
-menet running to day. • We learn that the
delay in starting from this place; has been
owing to , the circumstances of the pew
opening of the Reading and Philadelphia
Rail Road.' This Rail Road opened only
'yesterday. We have no doubt that t he
.new line willgive,entire public satisfdction
It is the iniereet of our citizens to support
it liberally, and to discountenance all at
tempts- to drive it off the road. Rating
eirperiericed for a beg time, great incon
veniences from the went of competition;
when Cuiiipelllloil cwrittituices it smighl,to
be tocottrege4 and upheld. ,
terif ikee' Re4dirtt&t—
ageticus.—Wiiputdish ao this week's papei,
U'Lial Ur - DANK* s ' 'the YoPrig - Man!'
Penventioi at Reiff ; g Theis it will be
fimild hive been fidgeted front every part
of tbe county, with es much :ettention to
the principle of equal representation as
practicable. Many of these are individuals
once prominent in the ranks of our oppo
nents. Extensive Preparatione-are said to
be making to accomodate the Delegates at
Weather. Aurora Borealis.— We
have had but .little warm weather yet—
Sunday opened rather mild, but became
cool towards night-fall. During the even
ing, between 9 and 10 o l der:it, we witnes
sed a. splendid Aurora Borealis; the red
glow extended from the east to the west,
not far from tho zenith or point over our
' heads. The temporature was apparently
much colder. On Monday fright a severe
frost occurred, accompanied by ice nearly
half an inch thick. Vegetation still at a
stand, or progressing very slowly.
The Delegation front the city and coun•
ty of Philadelphia,lo the 4th of June state
convention has been increased to two hun
A slip from the office of the Cincinnati
Whig states, that the boiler of the new
steam boat Moselle, on leaving the wharf
of that city burst; and out of about TWO
HormazD rwssErromts, it is stated that
The accident, it is stated, occurred thro'
Ora Courcrau. —One cannot feel the
grandeur of our republic, unless he surveys
it in detail. Fur example, a senator in
congress, from Louisiana, has just arrived
in Washington r Twenty days of his jour
ney he passed in a . steam host on inland
waters—but constantly moving, at a quick
pace too, day and night. 1 never shall
forget the rapture of a traveller, who left
the green parks of New Orleans early in
March,—that land of the orange and the
olive, then teeming with verdure, freshness,
and life, and as it were, mucking him with
the mid summer of his northern home.—
He journeyed leisurely toWqrd the. region
if ice and snow, to watch the budding of
the young flowers, and to catch the breezes
of the spring.* He crossed the Lakes Pon
chatrain and Borgue; he ascended the big
Tombeckbee in a comfortable steamboat.
From Tuscaloosa, he shot athwart the
wilds of Alabama, over Indian grounds,
that bloody battles have rendered ever
memorable. He traversed Georgia, the
Carolinas, ranged along the base of the
mountains of Virginia,—and fur three
months and more, he enjoyed one perpetu
al, one unvarying, evercoming spring,—
that most delicious season of the year.—
the middie of June, he fotind him
self in the fogs' of the Passamaquoddy,
where tardy summer was even then hesita
Ling whether it was time to come. Ann
yet be had not been off the soil of his own
country l—Knickerbocker.
Loco Foco Voiers.—A correspondent
of the Baltimore Chronicle, writtnig from
Wilmington, Delaware, on the 22d instant,
states that on his passage from Philadelphia
to Baltimore, in the steamer Telegraph,
ho ascertained that there was a Van Bu
ren agent on boarJ who was taking 13
persons from Philadelphia to Baltimore, to
vote at the election there- They are pro
bably a part of our loco loco locothotires.
—N. Y. Transcript.
A Loco Foco's opinidia of his party.—
The Post Master of Icen?ebunk, (Me.)
having lost the town at the choice of town
officers, uttered the following as the rea-
son—: "About 60 voters deceived
the truth of the matter 19, WE HAVE
Upper Canacht.- 7 -The Hamilton Ga.
zette of the 10th inst. suites that on Wed.
neaday morning Hon. Mr. Justice Malan
lay proceeded to pass the awful sentence
of the law upon Horatio Hill, Stephen
Smith, Charles P. Wildrath, Ephraim
Cook, John Tafford, Nathan Town, and
Peter Malcom, sentencing them to be
When the election about a year ago,
commenced going against the axlministra
tion by such large majorities, the V. B.
editors assured their readers, that the whole
thincwas merely "the result of spasmodic
action." Dont they think the spasm lasts
a lung while T—Prentice.
A violent Van Buienite wrote to is on
Saturday,; abusing us fur calling his party
loco focus, and bidding us "gu to h--."
Really we cannot oblige him in this mat.
ter. If we were to do so, we would be in
the very bot bed of loco focoism.
o* - GOClD.—Prentice,lin speaking of the
continual flight.of Van Buren's Locomo
tive Subtreasuries, says "the only effectual
method of preventing 'Oil continual flight
of / 3 uti-Tyeasorers, is to chain them to
their iron safes and Wong boxes, just as
knives and forks are 'ignition chained to
a Sable, or Bulldogs to a wagon."
MINERS . jOtriFtNifit*
Awful Accident.
. esti ;taittnieirat 'admit. - -
. , .
A change came ?es the spirit Grimy dream.
I naffed faith in summer time whm all was
_ and
My heart wan rad as 11111111112 U skies and - IP - Mll l Ol
feel= au;
liketreab scanner flowers •an strangeli
bright and feet, .
And my hopes bedlam been freighted forth en life's
diatms sett
As yet tity mind wu gantished with the choicest of
thought's dowels.
♦ad ail sound .by uts Penal on the era 'Ming
boon ;
1 gond but on the airy side of this our resting borne:
Nor dreamt that in this world of oun changes would
ever =PENS
And mine ham been a bitter ehange,a fearful miles
And almost in the midst of change I smiled andknew
it not ;
Bin now a stillness reigns o'er all. and altered is the
.end mid nicking festive hours I feel both tad and
And 1.0 ! I have felt how sad this silenie is to bear.
How bitter 'heath the mask of joy the thiciughui of wo
to wear ;
Though young in years I sigh and think' earthbs hap..
Fitness how rain.
And mourn too for the happy hours I may not know
101 TIM aintras' JOURNAL
Mr. BMllll,lll.—Please allow one of your fellow
citizens, and in unadulterated Whig. to say a
few words respecting the election for bormigh of
ficers which will be held on Monday next. That
election is of greatest importance to the
Whig party in Schuylkill county, as it regards
the coming ekction, in October nest ; and of the
truth of that fact a large majority of the Whigs
of this borough are aware. But onr eirChief
Burgess, to gratify private malice & spleen, is
willing to unite with the Vannes to get up a
aecoad ticket , with himself at the head of it for
Chief Burgess, in opposition to the ticket which
was regularly nominated by a meeting of the
free voters or Pottsville,. assembled for that pur.
pose. Now Mr. Editor, that gentleman, and
those who secobd his movements. (if any there be
who tie se; are very much mistaken to the people
whom they arc attempting to gull. Humbugs
are of rather too frequent occurrence now &dip
not to be sten plainly with even one aye
Can it • for a moment be supposed.. that the
free enlightened, intelligent, and honest voters of
this Borough, can support a ticket with such a
man at the head of it. Why, the very digs
would rise up and give a mutirrins yelp at these
for doing so. A WHIG.
The National Intelligencer gives the following
unwelcome intelligence concerning dm Peach
April Frosts.—lt is generally thought that the
late severe frosts have killed the peachei in this
part of the country. Some experienced market
gardeners in this neighbourhood, however, enter
tain a different opinion, and we shall be very
glad to find that their views are correct. iWe
have now some very valuable peach orchar s in
this vicinity; which have been raised at grea ex
pens°, and with do ordinary care. labor and 'at
tention ; and it would, indeed, be a matter of
great regret, not only to their owners and culti
cantors, but to our citizens generally, if the crop
of peaches should again faiL
We are told that some of the peach cultivators
in the District have kept fires constantly burning
during the late frosty nights in the midst of their
peach trees; and we are informed that this meth.
od of saving their fruit from the rasagiss of
frosts has been successfully practised by eaperi•
enced horticulturists in the Northern States.
Block Islend.—Moth speculation kas been ex
cited by the great political change in Block
Island, (Rhode Island.) We learn from the
Providence Journal tbat it was occasioned by the
spread of the temperance reform, the building of
a church and a general awakening of interest
in soucertos.
The Glube says, that the Government
is " opposed to imprisonment for debt."'
No doubt of it. If imprisonment for debt
were universal, the Government itself
would have beer. peeping through the
ban of a jail long ago.--Prentice.
Facts! Facts! Facts!—READ
There are facts in the history of our coon.
try which should not be forgotten. Dur
ing the administration of Mr. Adams the
expenses of government amounted to 19
MILLIONS A YEAR; a cry for Reform and
Retrenchment was raised;, and, under the
present. reform administration, the expen
ries amount tl THATY-TWO MIL.
LIONS annually. But this is not the
worst of the case. During Mr. Adams'
administration, ten millions of the national
debt was annually ram orr; now, we find
ten millions annually contracted! These
are facts which we dare the profligate
presses of the administration' to deny.
11 ill the people quietly soffer'thtst The
late election answers this question in a
voice not to be misunderstood.
Reading Journal.
A Scram trt Naw Yoas.—A gentleman
walking in Broadway, a ,few dar.4 since,
Canal street, suddenly felt something jer
ked from his coat pocket, and wining
round, saw an odd looking pad making off
with his handkerchief. The rogue was
soon arrested, and immediately con:eased,
hawing the gentleman that he " couldn't
help it. "
Gent. "Couldn't help it? Why?"
Rogue. "Why , ye see, l's been stu
dying phrenology, and I discivered:that
have a wary large' dewelopment of sell
appropriativeness." Ile was instantly re
Eyed&al.—Night before last, a lady
was accosted by a mustachoed ruffian, in
Sleeker street. She paused, and deltbe
rattly drew from her reticule the lower
joint of a black flageolet, which she hel ,
forth, wrapping the key. His lordship
supposing it was really a pistol, made off
immediately, declaring that he " did not
*ish to be shoot by von lady American.
N. Y. Whig.
Carrpru.--:Tbe editor of the New Or
leans Merchant says:-.o' We denounced.
the Carrollton Hotel the other day. We
retract our remarket ;.We. dined there
We gather from the Richmond Whig, ,
the following result :
In Ilstrotwo.county,Botta (Whig) jict
edz---tnajority 41, •
Henovies—Result not known--poll :
Cestousts--Corbin (Whig) ahead; Ta.
Powsires—Harris (Whig) ahead yes.
terday—a strong Van 13uren county for
merly, and elected Van Buren men in 1834,
the Leigh contest.
Louise—Van Buren sensual.
Custom/elm—Results not known. -•
Plerzsusionto—May, (W.) elected.
Nance Csonos—Always Van Buren
—no change—V. Buren majority 10.
esteems - mu—Van Buren majority
Nonvotat Bosoms—Whig elected.
NoturoLs Couse - Tr —Whig elected.
• Nartasstoen Courrri—Whigs elected,
and Whig gain.
FesnEsucs. Courrry —This was one of
the strongest Van Buren Districts in Vit.-
ginia—Three i l Whir elected.
Jurssitsos/--One Whig—(gain4
In many ofi the 'above named Counties,
the polls had not closed; arc - there is. good
reason to believe that, the Whigs will gain
- many members.
We learn by a gentleman who received
a Charlottsville paper, containing the NI
returns, that Gilmer and South wall ( Whigs)
are elected over Randolph and Rises, (V.
B) by about 120 majority. This it one o
the strong Van Buren counties, and the
triumph is the greater.
The National I ntelligencer, says; —1- We
received information from Fredericksburg
last evening, that there was no 'doubt of
the election'of Mr. Slaughter, the Whig
candidate, over Mr. Banks, the Van- Bu
ren sub-Treasury candidate for Congress,
to fill the vacancy made by Mr. Patton's.
resigns' ion. This is quite an unexpected
and gratifying Whig triumph, as the district
was thought to be the most decided sub
Treasury district in the-State of Virginia,
and Mr. Banks a most - popular gentleman,
and fur many years past Speaker of the
House of Delegates..
The National Intelligencer of Monday
from the representatives cleeted stands as
Whigs, 17
Lnco Iheos, 3
The Express Line of Stages nitived at
this borough yesterday from Philadelphia,
at a quarter before 8 o'clock, full of pas
The Whig minority for Mr. Kennedy,
in the Baltimore district, is 862' votes";
showing a Whig gain over the last elec.
tion of 1113 votes..
Rail Road.—The Reading Journal of
Saturday last says: "On Tuesday next,
at 8 o'clock, A. M. the first cars drawn
by a locomotive engine, will leave this
place for Pottstos n, where stares will be
in readiness to convey passengers to the
Norristown mil road. Should the -wea
ther be favorable it ib supposed that a cord
pieta line of rail road communication front
Reading to Philadelphia will be finished
by the 4th of July.
An efficient corps of engineers, under
the direction of Mr. Fairfax, is now en
gaged in making a re-survey of the route
to Port Clinton, preparatory to a final lo
The Cars for Philadelphia, leave Read
ing every day at 8+ At. and 124 r. x.
Leave Pottstown at 104 A. X. and 3 P. w
The Whig members of - Congresa have recoil -
mended the 4th of July, 1839. as a suitable thee
for holding the National Convention, to nominate
candidata for the Precedency anti Vice Presidia.
cy. •
The Government proclaimed through
the Globe, that "the people must take
care of theiriselves."
care of them selves. •
Post Officecutd Custonr*Specie Circukir
Revoked.—The 'bilis of the city banks
now received at the Pest Office for poilt
uge. N. Y. Transcript.
We are requested to state that the Rev.• br.
%Marten willpreach in the New Baptist Churph
Bellmont, about two milei from Port Carbon ,
next Sunday afternoon at 20'0)444
Anti-Van Buren, Anti,Porter, AOtii
Sub-Treasury System Ticket for Borough
Chief Burgess
Jacob Bleed.
Daniel Klapp, 2 s
George C. Wynkoop )
Samuel - Lew*
Benjamin T. Taylor.
High Constable
Daniel Bill.
Town. Clerk
Edward Owen Parry.
, Audit Ors
Benjamin W:ennindaal
Francis J...Parthus -
ALlexander Gimbals. -1: -
nzvtEivi o - I Ti *ARK*t.
. .
__ 1 'Patty*le, SW II I
WHEATFpunnt by the Wei seas tiro" ses Fri
i 417 &X l'._
WM esAiterinlstaeLo 4=k-,,
~,, A
RYE F it 50_ per mt. ds 114. h - .
BUCKWH ' T FLOUR 2 50per cer5.,10:114.6d
RYE, by Has toad 90 mite bl the nellied!•-redy
• nettft* 90ini per Visalseillideteend,
OATS 40 cents- dy asl i e jiii i nd
~ ~, . , ,
~,, . :'ll,
POTATOES 45 *cents per 014144111 M
CORN 10 cear - 4bushel in dewsuid4 ,
CLOVER * - 110 . perlisildit. - "' - ' - '-'
FLAESEED-411 12 per boss
_t i s deism*
WHISKEY,-49,ceOss per re QR. , - -
RUTTElo444eenal per. lalllies 12 ions
EGGS 6-11. tem per doyen. 1-
LARD-1 ; 0 amnia par pound. i )
TALLOW-9 centi per pound.' •- - '
HAMS iteeto Bo s per pourd. i '
t .
CHOP emus. Perkel osuesses. !
BACON. 12 centslper yper
outh*" :is
lIKENPIAX-1871a per sad. . •
FEATHERS-62 nts per uad. -
COMMON WOOL-40 cam s peiposed ,'
MACRERF.L, by-tbe bbl. N 1, 912 00 Yr I. 811
SALT-2 624 per bbl.; 87 r bushel. i
PLASTERrissw-01et47 00 Per ton. f
p s
HAP eps per toss r
National ;Light Intl ntry
DARAOE-on Monday the 7th any of Way.
18" at the Armory at,lo. o'clock, A. 111, la
Summer Uniform. : . •
By commend. i• ,
First Serpent.
May "te
Choice Wjnel ond Liquors.
N. NAM:ANS 04 . CO:
HAVE on hand the following choice Wines
mmand Liquors Which they warrant •gibuine,
wad offer for male, on ths4noet tavdrabla terms,
consisting of
50 Barkets Champaigne Wines. f key,Miek
ory,Star, %Voudcock. Anchor, Grape and other
TO Baskets Sparkling White Burgtindy,
10 do Old Hock.
.5 cases Old Grape Juice Port,
SO do Medoc & St. Julien Claret.
Also— few dozen ash* mach celebrated' East
India or Star Madeira, i •
Old Brown, Gold and Pale Sherry betties, .
do Madeira, Muscatel • 'do
Corrects', Perfect Lim, Rose, Ndiyaeth Awns.
sette, Anniweed dordfals. 1 , do „
Madeira. Pale, Brown &.Gold Sherry, Lisbon;
Teneriflb, Mar. 'Madeira, Malsks, Malmsey,
Dry Malaga, Muscatel and Old Bert:
ehampaigne 'trendy of The Pinet Venda.
Cognac, Bcirdeattx & Charente Brindy, -
Holland Gins of Pine Apple and nab brands,
Jam. Sfpiritr, M. Whiskey, N. E. Rum,
Com. Gin, Corn Brandy &e.
yavern keeper) llorn the neigiftwring towns,
are respectfully invited to call. • •
N. B. Goods delivered to any Irian of the bo
rough of neighboring towns free -a expense.
may '2 -
Pablic Bale.
WILL be sold on Saturday the 26th day of
May 11338;5t 1 o'clock F. M. at the house
of Christian Lei. Innkeeper hi the town of Puux•
graver the undivided mpiety on half part of aver.
taut tract of coal land. enuatain Harry township,
Schuylkill county, containing foul hundred acres
or Marabouts; bounded by the lands of lecob
Christ, Wm. atria; and others.
Assignees of Magi Raudelbusb.
May a. arts
• ' , Teas! Teas!! Tess!!!
Ml' CHESTS and j chests of Fresh Green
w-r‘o and black Teas, consisting , of Orange,
Piecw. Beneficing, Fouchong, Gunpowder, Voting
Hymn, Old Lipson'lnd Hyson Skin, just received
and for , sale at redOced prices by.
. .
&stria small chests put up! for 'family use.
may g • 33
SUGAR, Soda and Water Crackers, for ale by
1 4 1.47:1UNS 4- CO.
may 2 '
LINE or-sT.AuEs.
• -.
P rinE Proprietors of titre tAnii, (which has been
•••• fitted up in a superita qiannalqor the mecum
modation of the Travelling Cpantiunity:) respeit ,
fully announce to their:Odic (hit She Line will
positively commence running between
oa Wedaesdes tie 2d of Aley.and will continua
taleitie•theie office Ast thii Pennsylvania Hell,
daily at 6 n'eloe.k; "L'isl. and arrive in
Philadelphia. at 6 o'clock P. M. at the followisg .
Sates rof Fare:
Tot:3o;w igaburg, . , $0.50
Port Clinton;' • 75
Hamburg, ' • • 1 00
• Reading, ; - 200
.Pottainws. : 300
Norristown, ,
• ' Philadelphia. ' 500
FM. Rents 'amply : ate the Pennsylvania HO, •
liCres Angel. Reading; and at•ibeir
o.TMell'io. 25, North Fourth Street,Talladelphia.
- • 3FINTZEFI& Co. Pottetsatn.
EV ANS to tAr.Dw.E L.' Da.
May 2 . - • Phopiittoro.
i • • Ildrongh.,Eleetioila -
NOTICE Is hereby given. chit -iiii Election
mill be held by the • qrsalifiedlyedereT•of the
hensegli of Pottsville, on kiloadity,tbegth dey.of
May, 1838 . l ietween O hauls L A". reelock - L4nd
8 o'clock; P. M at the house of Fle,Ors *agar, for
the election of the following- rinrougrOfBcers, vin
Ope persob for Chief, Dirges*, to serve for one
year. , i .
Three persons for 'Cottociiorn. tO serve for
three years. • • . •
One pedant for Ea wiittuor; sere for two
Oeto penal for T" a .e/erk, to serve for one
leer. , 4
*Perm ! 144 Collstillt, to serve for one
ear. , • , , •
yeiree persons' toe Altdirok to serve fur opt
t 7 . 1. JACOB REED. .
aril `,18: 1 324 (lief Barra.
t ' '
M. for The orsrpibus of.Ontaldishing
Soeinty q,N for 6eneacialikorpare*-wilicA via
be nein !litho !lamb time !union society, sili
hald at bona Janses:Laag: in Tort Co'
ties fi
_ - Satuniny MIT, o'clock T.
lt ar • ' • . nprzl,llo 324