The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, May 02, 1838, Image 1

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t. LA MID Fir?
Win:Ma* in Ida
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addressed to the •
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c for meetings.
beret ore been i
ens ecit. except
All tette
othernits' e n
All anti
which hams
c hatted T 5
• in heir pride to-n.
is dim beneath
' e,. eold..and solem. '
spirit' of repining:
gams upon her bee •
I "try mai e wid
no le. get Joy
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I sky gleams faint
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And her •
For while
Their ail
My Wm/
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Think of
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and moonlight la
i d bri fitness. that erankg
1 time t 0 feel the glo
in hinglkwy vain g.
ngtog planets joath
!his bnghter ae-
Thy t •
But faintly
Of thy
Amid the •
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£ae n bath
The tea
Which the
That pale
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Moe. my
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And to
Akad aeer
Bat cull is
While •
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blew:Wed the lo
saber* warms my
very !pool m burro ,
kwor the fickle '
St each monthl
lowing tike the •• .1
mg miaow; their
WI seldom we n quote with ap
t the language four political op
[ that we take rest pleasure in
tii) the fol wing just rebuke
rightlVerius of rnocracv," and
'on of the p which lauds this
ioera4t lectu on polities and
of infidehty.— mold and Sent
• the tliferceille y). Monitor ] •
Mt D ares —We regret to
igh wrought ieulogies that are
upulthts w nby some con
, the reas. er . pnlitical mews
rely orthodox but she is cleart
r prspiv sphe when she mounts
in to discus s t e m. Besides, she
red her distine inn, not from her
f govemme.nt, t from her anti
sentinirentw, a we think no pa.
lovesi his con ry can contribute
h sentiments force and weight,
'nit the individ . 1 who inculcates
With Washi 00, we think that
onds-ciumot he preserved without
religion; upon correct rno
• , the force 1 all law, order,
mascot. Lies tiouStimai of opin
evil iagaimit hick he urged a
ruing to his countryman; And
o wish to t grit the priceless
of freedom. un mpsired to poste=
•Id set sed erly guard - against
every, eorrup tendency in the
.r o pintlons of th public.
ing oil this iti. rant infidel and
lectutiog in Sinemmai, the Be
a ulna city, . Administration
it is that i. , . lity does not only
r to id entify it .1f with the great
tie party oft . . country, but is
t to usairp its .... trol and manage-
Itis an' indispu able but laments.
i that the late sq • treasury meeting
runt to asp ess the sentiments
ikon county, principany or .
' &tad einneged , tAe followers of
a stria; . /lOW 1•• . We mean
on • upon the , bairman or Vice
• ta prObe meeti. :, or a large por
tion of slim part . - . pated. in the pro
~. They • are. not followers of
Few, righi . ; but .do contend that
the , 'egg. from
.. ~ ,'ltgr to 'end. was
under prineipal ... .• : meat of her
follo ' adinrers, a... ealagiStil."
It is
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FOR' D***,
GRl', W EB
- i
. .. .
. • .
.' ' • . . , .. .. .
We also 'protest against such an unho
ly prwhitution of the, term "DEXOCRAT."
We ere a - Otnocrat c . but not a democrat
who would,tatber embiace l ‘:risnlo**L"
than an “Atitort. ars.Mirr." It is best
fitting that the Loc.ofoc' us, who profess the
INFIDEL Principlier of FAXISIr WRIGur,
stioup be Bitch “Thottociiwrs."
Cpris ler pawn
- .
Irs paiwail t h=
to all tisaie lab* re-
To mail isbeedbera
die yip. Weems
• "Eakreai
iahle attetkineutilLY
the jtegfill 50 will
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pirelve Usitestill be,
• dSOeasatorone
A Sanguinary Scene in Kentucky.—
A bloody piece of work liras consummated
at Southfield, (Ky.) a few days since. A
physician, says a slip from the Louisville
Journal, boarding at a tavern in the town,
offered an insult to the landlady in the ab.
sence of herliusband n 'and she ordered him
in consequence of at to leave the =house
immediately. He refl*d to go; and the
barkeeper, with a view to enthree the or
der, &flowed him to his room. The phy
sician, after entering his room, drew a
pistol and threatened this barkeeper with
instant death if he approached. The bar.
keeper nevertheless continued to advance,
and the physician shot him through the
body; whereupon the former drew a Bowie
knife, and !lid his antagonist dead upon
the spot. The physician died with scarce.
ly a struggle, and the barkeeper breathed
his last shortly afterwards,
alerted until ordered
ey erptialiecontinned
accordingly. It.
arced slt per annum;
r—arith heprivilege
teleeed . 2 squares
. inserti . ofa email
. %recessive times.
nor most be postpaid,
'aid to them.
'e and otber notices
'served gratis. will be
arriages nd Deaths:
th rounnO
light. etrate gleaming
A Mammoth Press--The New York
Courier and' Enquirer of tVet - dnesday last
says: —" Wre are happy to announce to our
subscribers that the London packet ship
Gladiator, which arrived last week, has
on beard the great swain press manufac
tured espre'Silly for this paper by Mr.
Daniel Napier, of Louden. It is warran
ted to strike off six thoosand impressions
in one hour, and-will immediately be put
up. We shall then be able to serve all
our subscribers at as e.ardy an hour as they
can desire. The size of the paper will
also soon after be increased beyond that
i.f any other 'daily paper in the world, and
it will be printed on new type!'
• RM.
ZlOMliark lacria
Coafessissa . of int /afidyVt—David flume was
one day boasting to Dr Gregory, that among his
dimples to Edinburg, he had the honor to reck
oo many of the fair *ex- 'Now tell me' said
the Doctor. 'Whether ifyowhad a wife or daugh
ter. ycklwoold wish them to be your disk-spies
Think before you answer me; for I assure
you that whatever your answer is. I will not am.
ceal it- . Mr. Home with; a, smile, after some
hesitatigp made the reply I !where scep
ticism dky be to sturdy a iirtue fora warner..
Psstechwa of She -Ptejaerd.—The Express
says that the wife of Edmond Burk (who awor•
falsely ■ratnst Mayor (lea*, during the late v
lection) appeatcd at the Mayor's office on Wed
nesi:lay.•nd staled that
.ftorke is from Salo"—
that on the day after Burke was arrested two
gritlraa■ celled at hoe residence ■nd told her
not to rive herself any try bl. , for th.♦ ironies
ert him oat In a day or tiro.-11, Y. Trtwacrtpt.
Eithanie at New York, on London,
Si a 7 pet cent. premium. •
A direct -eteam packet leommunication with
Sweden, to on the point Of being. re-eatatiksbed
between the porta of Hull ind Gotteaburg.
The Rev. Joreph Wotr,themiastooary ,lentled
at Cowes lately from America.
Mr. OdliA, a farmer oflrby, Lincolnshire, has
conirotted suicide by placing the murtel of his
foirtingqiieine in his •eobth and blowtne hti head
to peens
,Thistause astithed-foe this terrible
attn. thalk - the deceased jbougbt that be Amid
lose money be, some open frrhis being eat-hoed
Ae under-graiduate„ info whore lodgings a fe
male bad introduced herself to male attire, was,
after an investigation b the College authorities,
4mmatily" disminerd from the Eteleervelq•—
(Ciravitge CArse;.]
Edmund Mannir. Few late of Norwich. has
among Inbar charitable hequeeta. lent the large
"urn of .CitlXkl. for the pnrpose of being applied
by the truieets.of the Norwich Charity actin*
for apprenticing poor boys.
In the '4ragre oechar4 at Farnithank Winer
int: to the Res Dr. Ban.,is a full grown stand
and apple tree to fall bearing &sound fruit_ in
souse partnoftbe.tree the apples bang alnisis in
dusters_ and the whole ui what in a maul season
weak: be cossedered a Stir crop. The tree pee
septa a singular &pre:stance to the midst of the
shrottodnit siesta Emigre of frost and snow.
, . .
Carpeting. and rata inure advanced bra per
mat inthe Wade at Ksttapirma.naster.
11118rabos of the 134nk offdpief , at Lissr
pail and Maachester . :tri dacouatang lisseraay.
nano !Tassel.--Th works are not. proceed
int with treat activity, 'Since the last irruption
the shield has been considerably adviusmd, and
the tunnel has 'bees lengthened fin:a-teen &et.—
Tbe =jinni feel Veit ettrifi&nee, and for some
days past the escaestancia have proceeded with
more than usual rapidity. Tan vui.brage are
about to be moored over the tunnel. where thd
works are to postmen, to percent soy inteirep
hoe from vessels in the anchoring over the
placc.--....tenthi the }orbs o(the menet advance
only in the saner retro as they. have during the
lest few welts, ion water mark rin ,the Meddle.
se: shore ma be retched by the and oldie sum
wee. en *Kw teased* eisit f the 'name.
well be at an aid. rdifie coneOrtion of n trig
take place a very stli!iiitt tinie.
Died; taiell„ Mr. bogo.. Be wad ace of the
stoutest maiinsidron4., At his finneral, hoz
the ansaeotoe akin of eau. d was (pond ins
possible to corivey it to the grime is a hearse..
Ar beer ef*carase mrength was tbasefort con
sunoced lair its - mara- se MP adz brum e
Oared thereon. it wite inesto d be twenty-Soae
boiler!. wk.° ~ttre artio4 ag a i t flogatot. intaaralk
et isotastat that the ' of the body lint as
tat otioand aniatUrostooke. and
that do andibnirsias:* Ilsiliton ,test .iferea
tiro indoor"
of he milts! and
.. , ,munity. to the
ution. oirered
nl.m Columbia
minent trove us..
I to the kelings,
i depravity in the
'ben a ould-sane
Lind. We under •
nublnhed aith the
-Log, Ayourkg to the
:= o
3 is • : - • •
Barri:burg batelfigencer.
. ' 1 .
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There are seven codicils iMiord Ektoo's will.
By the last codicil,ll the mai of 43 per amitua
is left for the support of his dogliiacker. •
Lately, • foolhardy fellow who had 'biked;
Barnsley fair s undertook fir the trifling wager of
4- pint of ale, to prick as min." pins lOW the ealf
of.bis As, as would form fair ketfors of the al
On Tuesday, a very young ample frets Pear
Oldham, were married at the iliwneheiter Old
Church. The taidegroien I. midi: 14 years -tor
tmid the bride is not yet 16 years of age.
ire buys who. on Wednesday. bad got into
the fire-hole of the steam boiler at the Church;
Gresley mine, Derbyshire, to wane themselves,.
were all soddenly blown oat by the berating of
life boiler. Three of them. being carried to a •
height of 45 feet were killed on the spot ; another
died three boars afterwards • and the fifth lies in
a.niciat preimrious state.—M atch 3.
There is now living it Cliff. near Selby, six
individuals, whose united ages amount to 534
years. or so average:of:B9 years each.
Poetical Will.—A suit has been instituted in:
the Ecclesiastical Court of Salisbary, daipoung
the validity of the. lollowing will of H. White.
who was killed in Oct., 1836, while returning
from Wcylull fair
"Mary Aon, you are my wife,
The juy and comport of my life ;
What Providence doth give to me,
When die, 111 giretia the."
• Fatal Coal iliac Esplosioa.—en Friday an
Tsplcolon of fire-damp took place at the Robin
Hood colliery, near Leeds, when eleven men and
a boy were blown. to a considerable distance,
and burned in i shocking manner. The boy
died shortly after the explovion, and two of the
men now lie without hopes of recovery ; the
others, although much burned and mutilated, are
espected to securer.—Elatfas Gtexandiesi--31arch
The Coal diseveredi by Roger Hopkins, Rag.,
at Abu:cane, neat:Newport, is eqoal_to that of
Nennastle. Mr. -Hopkins es II resident of Ply•
moult, and was the Wash..' engineer who eructed
1 eignaissitn Bridge Delos'.
At North&ltems; great horse fair lately Air. B.
lawn. of Bra w ith, near Think, sold fore busses,
each rising Gee years old,- by Duncan (rey, fix
550 guineas : immediately after, the purchaser
sold one ul Alamo for 200 guineas. So great was
the number of horses during several of the days
at this great tio • last week. that though there Hi
siabting tor upwards oi 3,000 horses in the tow n
of Nurthsliernia, yes. many had to be sheltered in
the neighbouring villages of Brumpton and Bo
manby, and at 10011:1 farm Names
Joanna!, Mardi 3.
The gales of last week have kcasioned many -
distressiug wrecks on :he coast .1. Ireland. sever
al of them attended with a melancholic law of
hie The loss of Sir Francis Burton, of this port
with every wool On board. is the most deplorable
at these catastrophes. It is still blowing a gale
from the east, with very hide prospect 01i:hinge.
Owing to the direction of the wind, there has
been no tc mots of any .eoosequeoee on the Welsh
or !Lancashire canst.—Liserposi non March
Ettnebrif and the head Westin' g Griabids.—
We •,e grad in learn from the weaving districts,
%hit some little amelioration is now observable
tri the eteadition of the band-keen weavers. In
.one imiances. a ti Wing advance in wages has
been gist o, avid, at the w hole, work is rather
more plentiful- Doting the last Slur weeks,
however, the situation of many families must
have been deplorable indeed but for the exercise
f privee boun4.—Prsztea Ov a / a ide. .
Three laden colliers, the Prtvidecce, Edgar,
and Liberty, were wrecked on Saturday, on the
Slone Hanks, at the entrance or the Humbeir.—
tre ensue crew of the Providence, with an ap•
peentioe belonging to the Liberty, were lost by
the opseuthe of the king boat; the rest escaped-
The brig Melts, of Liverpool. was .reeked on
the East end of the breakwater teethe dth Feb.—
Crew sawed by the brave conduct Of . .. Lieut. Hol
man, in command of the Bovisand coat guard
stetson. Tbe Sir Francis Berton. of Liverpool.
was wrecked on Friday week, in Ardmore ay.
on the Irish ceast, when every person on board
The flilloirting Notice appears is the
Cork papers:—lf Eike Connell, daughter
of Jeremiah Connell and Johanna Connell.
alias M'Carthy, formerly of , Bantrv, but
who left that part of the country several
years age, should be now living, she will
hear of something much to her advantage,
by applying to the Rev. Michael Dinne,,
P. P. of Berehaven; or to Thomas Har
vey & Son, merchants, Cork- If Conie
hus Sullivan, son of Daniel Sullivan and
Ellen Sullivan, alias treartlay, formerly,
of Bantry who left Berehaven several
years ago, should now be living. he will
also hear of something much to his advan
tage, by applying as above.
The Knight of Kerry has given 200 of
his workmen at thef Valerdia Slate Quar
ries, a plentiful dinner of beef, pork, bread,
with ale and punch, upon the occasion or
erecting a steam engine and machinery
there. The Knight himself presided, as
sisted by'the neigi‘boring Protestant and
Roman Catholic efier&vman.
The thaw and rain have completely
flooded the country around Dublin, and it
is feared that disastrous accounts will be
On the Irish mountains in the neigh
borhood of Waterford, eix leaches were du
out of the snow on Wednesday.
On Monday the bathes, of two women
and a child were stashed ashore at Cloo
Carious Cholkage.—An Irish nen-de
nimn offer* the foliosiag singular challenge
to sop gentleman of the sister kingdom—
Ele proposesohat he, cm his part, should
go into any market win of Heath on a
fitirAlay, without Doti* befoirehersd, end
there select one hundred Irishmen, Datives
. , . • c',ORNIN 1V
G MAY 96
The has hot been a single capital a ma
in %
viction at the Leitrim assizes this time..
To such. a state of tranquillity has this
country been brought by the iterwlkid4d
ministration ofjustias.—ffasema..feen .
Lover is iitepering another frish dramas
fitrthe disptiy of Power's talents in Hi- ,
herniae chariieters, antrYstisslnet engaged
two or th dramatists to measure Mrs.
Nisbett for new suits of regimentals.
,Deitts Reg.
'Dublin, Peb.2llThe arrivals from
the provincisii, as ey are effeeted thro'
the snow drifts, show an appalling !oss of
life and property in the southern parts of
Ireland, where nearly 100 persons have
been found lead in thew:kw, and it nt re
markable thst in the north they have been
nearly aliodetber - free from this miere
- visitation,nt a single flake of snow, for
instance, haring fallen in Londonderry.
The bodies qf two ladies and a child were
washed ashore at Holub, near this city;
it is not lams/a from what vessel, or who
tier are.
The marriage between the Hon. Sydney
Clements son of the earl of Leitrim, and
the wealthy Miss Gibbons, of Cork, is
postponed, io consequence of the death of
one of the noble earl's Sob; a navy officer
in Africa.
The best .Irish oats command 3s. per
451 b.. at Liverpool market.. -
of that county; and that the Englishman
on his part
go into any market
town in anyat of England, also without
notice, and c moose two hundred English
men—that tie party IV) selected should
meet on the )urragh of4itd,ate, on a day
to be fixed in August next, without wea
pons of any;kihd, and that they slioule
make the following trial of strength and
skill. That:the two parties be drawn up
in lines opposite each other, at a distance
of 21 yards; that they close at a signal;
that no blown shall be given; and that the
challenger 4ndertakes for one thousand
pour& or uprwards. that the hundred Irish
men wi,ll throw the two hundred ,English
men on the ground, each 'lien once thrown
to he removed, and not to be allowed to
take further pan lathe contest.
It is intended to run a daily morning
mail from London to Edinburg and GI - 4
par, such aim that now despatched to Ire
• ,
Ina coal pit at Greengaret, s living
toad was fund embedded in the solid
Aram, abor six fathoms below the sur
face, and bltween a level bed of iron stone
And dalk. : • ~
AU for iLove.—Towards the close of
the late storm. a young man, farm-servant
with Mrs. Illinois, Clarencefiekl, had oc
casion to cross the Annan, and with this
intent he stepped upon the ice at that part
of the river adjoining the Br:Fiction Inn ;
but as the: place was partially frozen, it
gave way beneath ham, and the youth was
plunged into the river, and in the greatest
danger or losing his life. It so happened
that one of the servant girls of the house
saw the hut enter the river, and as be did
not in due 'course appear on the opposite
side, she concluded that ail was - not right.
Sbe instantty flew, therefore, to the water
side. and found the youth clinging to the
broken -ice, and in , the• greatest peril.—
"Should you be drowned, my lad, I'll'
share your fate," exclaimed the heroic lass,
and at the Ars* bound, she plunged in to
the neck, and threw forward her• apron,
`which wasoserred by the sufferer, and was
the direct ins of sating him from sham,
tiering in the Annan.—lhnsfties Corm
The ckwinant Scotch title of Earl of Or;
friktni will shortly be revived in the perridn
of the rightful heir, a native of,Duldirt.—
The rental of the estates, how' in posse•
sion of the Crown, is animated .at more
than £70.000 per annum, besides upwards
of £loo,opo of ready mosey. •
A Bea and cogunodioits Theatre has
lately bees erectedat Abeigareony. under
the • superintendence of Mr. Graham, of
the Theatre-Royal, Liverpool, and is to ise
opened ia;a feet days_--[March 17.]
Oa Thursday night, a cow was Waugh
teed by Thomas Foutain, butcher, of Car
manbil% from wham paonch were extract
ed 15 items of round atone, seven of which
'were as Urge as hen's eggs ; alsa a thick
piece orbone, about hoar inches in length.
The cow was quits healthy, and in good
—{March 171
yam.—A woman of the same of
Epee pro:bard, resident at Wietdarer, near
Cape! Curing. m this went". died heels,
at the advanced age of 103 year. She has
behind her Vier daltgliters. thins ,fuear
emud cbildren seventy-kw reit wand
children and tee great great grand ad
dress —caraernas Hera/L.
hi whittle= to the bectefaetem la Nardi
Wales, abasdy aaaatioesi. Load lllestyi
has astansiesly rebtread the po as his
*vicinity. , e Bigiop,PGS4 Arne.
ted bed and bodyl clothes, c 0.1.4 41.1 c. a ,
about 204 poor that city and ricinity.7l
- two, fun. of Ceres-hleiriadog,
clotbird npwards of twestg o . lildren, be. 4
sides givf a great . quantity of ahmkets,
dm*b ~ *ng
,b"! distributed among ,poor
families in his 'neighborhood, and on hi
estate 4.lysvansi. I..cird*isingiiia, like
wne,, ba4
. giveryoray , ,a great quantity of
flannels, ia
aketS, and ;grim:apparel .m.
along li numerous .poorlabouiers and
their bun hem ailtd at his mansion, soup
is prorid twice a Net* for the poor of
the neigh urtiond. R. W. Wynne. Esq.
of Gait sin, is justly extofied for his
benefices Mraliemng the poor around
him, and providing work for them; and
many of is !superannuated labourers are
regularly Wed .by him when past la
buur. r benevolent family of Coedc;och
have &hick bandantlyria:Played their wonted
bountiful *s:tithe poor of Bettwa,
wen and Pawn,;at each of which hatniets
they bay also established a port of club,
to which about 204 poor imitviduals con
tribute twopence a wear, which together
with the yearly donation from Cored-cock,
renders it a source of no small relief to
the contributorstia.adverae circumstances.
On the evening of Tuesday, the Uniti.d
Change Ringers of Chester ascended the
tower of St. John's, and Tang a complete
peal of grand ire trebles, consisting 015040
harmontou4 changing, in fine style,. in taw.
bouts and ft fl y tlirse.minutes.
Carnarvon Herald.,
Some time ago I friend of Aneurin
Owen, Esq , of Eignlyan, near Denbigh,
received an anonyunins letter, threatening
that . a large stack of hay which Mr. Owen
had in a field some dMance from the house
should be set on fire. Mr. Owen did not
take much notite of the threat, he had not
to his knowledge green offence to any per
son and.consegisently ite regarded the of
fair as' a joke. A short time afterwards,
however, the threat was carried into CIO
cution, and although prompt assistance
was rendered by all its neighbors, neirli
the half of the stack Cares destroyed before
the flames could be eztinguisOed. What
makes this malicious act more remarkable,
is that Mr. Owen is universally respected
by the.fnior, and was not aware that be
had a
. iungo enemy.
A Petition. respectably and numerously
signed by the inhabitants of the rowo of
Presteign, praying for the abolition of
'Sept) p,pceriPctetbipwa the first of neat -
Augugt, bas Assert forwarded to Lord
Brougham for presentation to the House
of Lords.
Tredegar.—We regret to state that
three men met a Inimitable death in a mil
limy near tsis town, on the nth Feb.,
from an explosion of firedamp.
The Bristol Steam Navigation Company
intend launching a beautiful *team vessel.
of 500 tons burden and 180 horse power,
froin the -building yard of George Lund,
and Co., at the Motweiki : . on Saturday the
17th. inst., atone eckia. being St. Pat
rick's day. In compliment to her Majesty
she will be called the Queen, and. as soon
to completed, will be placed on the Bris
tol an Irish station.
!Asiatoo. lied the whole kit:oam seem • to be
an alive with earettogs rot up to petits,' o for the
aboklioa of the West loofa appuesdatteshiph sod
the repeal of the sew pear laws. •
There has been soother break is the Thane
unmet. Sofiya, anise*.
It as seated that -do Queen has essoftrrod the
bocce of the knighthood upon Col. Yank at Up
per Qdsatta.
It n ...erred on apparently good authority
that t_So Pope hoe Wired be wet not negotiate
in the Goletae affair alga the Arehbishrohrlirsit
n e loolot e d. If so, the wetter will—tesnain in
data tat., as it is not at all likely the Lust of
Prisons_ wdl meson
. t 4 this preliminary.
The benimellionamippisbeitom ollmotea haw
bad a meeting, at winch it was ambled to pa
tina Parlament nail* Mr. Taltestalle copy
right Wt.
FILESti Tame/ Stied just. weaved sad Ear
A: sale by J. CLAYTON.
Feb LI ' • 1--
A LARGE sae easipiete assertaiest et ineeW
Am. and samocati? Goods„jest reesned by the
sabocriber. coosietif
• Dry Yew**
. Quevescart,
witiebbs dhoti far sell stesdsced.pekeis, The
treat pries paid far ell kin' of easier:lu redeem
wept 13
New alai **Pat Geed*.
w - fil AMAMI &Cis. have jam received end
IN l'earr &" .
6-4 Esersolo I MM. 6011,5016 U as ter yard
Saw; Parsed el $ 1 50 perysrd. • •
mer i no . sad erusessands.
Rad. Team. sa d vestia Sesaele.
Bioadoed ea . . • , - ,
T ket r izmila
10 es its
ct i emini
Watered hoes. eassfras.adaMainneehaNio
Wisner primal. gloom die &a - . .
Qom Ws!tad aediraiqr et itpirient, -, --
dee 1 I
aITtERIO4I OLD MANDL 4461400 sad
Ihfor. side by menangll6ol6
arra 14 I 25
~ it., ' • - - a t , w e ar:' .f • L. , ,,, ?• ~~ •
...••44-VAII•ANt ~ ,r 4:.• .. , -,11-1.
\ - 'maaari:=ask.seasseis- -" *I
A •• • , • .... , ..t4A1V 4 r7%." -- . , ..1.,,,... -1.1
' •
.t '
. - t‘
Dom ..
'• 4 '-ilooketAaariia:
jest reethailresill
april 14-18
. #01.1114
• •"'
• :.;-;11,,ik-Aitv'tl
aettir ode dry
ja. 24
‘f-' Fasts, j•ut
aprilA -
sad Rut We a bessiikir
Piss Apple CI isn'4 azianc i _
1 20 .
- • =l"4 . s 4 ',q•
_IIFST received
110 and Tow-Una/4'
50.000 Joint ess.
25.000 LIP
20.000 Lathes. i tre 'pair* Ala.
oling.for sok ti
wept 23
Clai*Or !keg.
J UST received aMrfor soli
20 bushels mime clover, and.; . -. ."
1. 8 , 2111 1 / 1 3.Virrt
, ,•,. , ,
I 3
PAIII.IR 1' 0 ,
1 C 16
mERcERIS• 4. TAildfafti •
(Pinwierig-Pkvber & itiki ) ,
gy AV E removed 00 the aloPc,4o o 4 1 . 4 14 . 16 .,_ _
/A- 2 -Street, a few Mices, above P rimilli
where they offer for_salt a aelommil la.
Superfine Broad` E ., and crieskstrigislik•
most fashionable , with asieligani-easort.
meet ofSommes Vestings.Liamins4loo.-
ton Shirts. Collars; Hosoniv.Eliockallio
penders, linen and Milton IlaseoradsiltAtsitle of
Gentlemen's walrus appareek..,w l = 7 lM "
made to order in the aPprovad.' ' MI iiii dm
workmanship. ami reamed to 11..01220a11Y
in the City or 'hew . .. .- ..
P. S. P. & Co. an t aiiallbrs om
vortment of seedy-lade Oath's's sit• *ad ds.
which min be solikairemry'bw rasa
june 17 : i . . : .
Feb 21
10,ANDERSON13 ABlB —prot
for sale at this oFtes. ,
march 31 . • 14.
T. Beatty
AVE just reeelOod per Curallooliillimmllow
Jobs 311. tanked. eitiikt
asina. aims, .
tined.* plookipple. do • • -
10000 w. ouponlie mookod boor.
1000 Mo.
1600 Rs. oodW -
3 MIL shad. • • .<
30 bbla.-.lko. I Maeksol.
10 half di do ' '? •
3 Mb. oar*
- 2.5 boos owpOrbw ems own** *lli.
sow 25
pleVir .-- •
.8.0,4,4ent or &mai sid*rimak
Dry *lords,
. queopoinnim
Btarlirrel, -
Ss% Ruud*, k i e ti:
wbleb .be .4oU /ow foe ,
l ei= paid u cub fsrlvf kends ofewiniso
31oost Chrism. Doe ' •
v Let. • .
Tait eieffla ist:ropern*Leet
Lt at Kama Caeiv oikeis
11" : pis! Pawnor &I
Fel *rasa. lite. .oW*: '
F. B. Nicaors,Bi f.
idelptila--er g n ia .
april 18
MUM seliamlar ha non im
s• and Swami" nib Centre alit AU
streeta, a fallainaMaara atGaimi4an*llolll4
cm! legal m: ,
Barr Iran rol‘ aim* stink .
Band and Ha* do - 1 ,0 ..
Nails and 344.alkeesa. :Aist; -
awl, Round Or. Spars &Are
Nails and sk.s do . .111,
Coal Mande do
Hanka-am a team]
. atnenrann*,
All alf-elikii hello malting staulln44
Jan 12 2 .1
arrolatirsr. AT IL - kw
InrAs mama omit tetilib - ciik Go.
avow the &irk InilitierafGainloll.2. ,
nines. wipers . is .r _ti aa
trimmed to bin in Om UntanfAiii
I i I I
"Vt .