I nce in such t e d. We wa . nerve that th t ine of the abl ject, which w tune to reaJ ter; it is phi' and We. like - comithunicit ind compre enlightened, are in our striking char' speak not in per commet cerity, that - :writer has et timation and of understam interest and ma as we tLou , d again take De' prOduction in t and bert easa have ever had We like the at • 1 , ' , perspicuous till more, the i which is value , naive. Ana t nd solid views estimation amo • teristics of the e ordinary spiv mtion; we say n our humble , ilitled himself t aspect ofevery ng and appreci , rosperity of our, Arrival o ' Ncw York. Status- and the city of week, after . Sirius made tic in 17 da 15 days. European St The British REAT W PATE ow York durin traordinary pa he voyage aer. -, and the Gk.: e Sirius is a nines of 820 fitted up in a e publish in an particulars r , eatern is the tons, with and has bee manner.* some furth ,l 'f he Great propelled b . her appeara! her i register, tons;•length! out of the p! engines and! or. Our tine idea o of battle shi is still mar. sailer and s! ! vessels, the !larger !ham! of 1,890 t ' snort after ' belonging t and A tneric : ny. The a Master- , !. most beaut strength an these arriv, suitable re..! York corp that ura ha tic Naviga steam, which, ce on the wate; d admeasure 234 feet; bread ddle boxes, 58 machinery of 4 aders may for her by imagini without arm s ext raordinary :era well. In ad is another;: tither, the " Bi ts, which was he sailing of' tb the'same ovine; n Steam' Navig British Queen': ;ce of naval ul model and solidity. Th , Is has b e en m pt ion on the p• • tint'. These f. e reached a ne 131 Last W the New Clemens' during the the mines Mr. SAIIIII coal dire which is t capacity o al lengths its head, canal to little rema in . the gr staples of first bum and comn tined for Matt:win Iron with to the inv Rivers-- dneeknay the, wa a-in, above AI :team Grit A inst winter, an I if our enterpris e HI Lewi., w h it r ly from his mi carry it to the the Basin is:so' 'of boats, and )r the longest rn round; and kahle, but quit: wing important ur 'nattiness nailed after the encrd the same he Iron IYiniks4 . for the put :)o our A ntinacite I.ot hie enterori= 1 . ink our Mane Furnaces I, matt by the a of Srhoylirtli /, hoer, Eq. to uylkill County is chi, resigned. 4pp oi mission ham Bot er of Sc &dam F t of Delegates to ention, hag been will appear in W. The L State Co Paper- - Home.—We etnan that Joseph ajority inHuntin vid R. Porter, th •vernor resides. Porter by a gent 8 to 1200 county I date for I Parka—The la Goab• (or Goer sh i all for will be defeat o declared the fact Thir, h Media or of Maine has hat State by Pres fleeted by our r. Mr. Parks, two' , that his defeat w at he was know greyer, appears to be no objection via ' an Boren. THE WHY AN4 BEdAUSE. wiling of the citi ns of antinEdon, ngdon county, the issidencdfof David R. be folldwing lotion was adopted, short and nt : That we cane• ►pppott the election FL Porter for Go entor, for the follow- At • in Hurt Porter, wbi'ch i Reset sr Duei. tog Tel Bee• •WEKNOWHj 'Dina► 4 , Christian Chapman, the mg toast in Boa! land, whe hen fell mount of his infide tianitaand the liar —may their ditenfi Loco George the full. air K 1 ton on stated that the I. to arrivals at. New om Europe bri.g about lour Mil if - Dollars in Sp. ie. 'llia English I o understand °lir interests and their It i York lions seem ;; uch better than our own Govern. While our Government is warring e credit, the Flnglit-h are sending to to estatilishlcredit in this coon d thereby not hnly enabling us to the foreign dlt, but also to nor, mucli greater itupply of their moi res. undolibtedly will be the of the great impintatioo if specie to • tmuy. try, I I Pi 7 0 elm. ufact effec tbi. ~I „ ' Mr. Barnum The souniVing extract. front a letter oft QI at inst, =t Philadel phis, seem to meilsainteresting to the great bulk of your readqrs, that I deem it proper to give them toy ou for your Journal.— "This morning l went at the request of a friend, with two'hthers, to the Mutual In-' surance Office, to see some . Iron, Coal, Ore, Slag, &c. 4.e. from Crane's Works, in Wales, brow ht out by a Welsh miner ttfthe name of *chard Jones, well known to Burd Patterscin and othera—the experi ment is complete; and -I Understand it was the intention of Mr. Crane, if he had his patent, to gelid out a hand immediately, to this country,to erect furnaces in Scuyl kill county; bi , pt Mr. Geissenheinner's Caveat prevents him doing' so, and the coat-- interesoof our conntryt suffers by it. Mr CVene is slid to be a bachelor and would be satisfied to hand his name down , to posterity in this Way, intending, after satisfying the ptible. of his being the dis coverer of the spatter, to make it public to all the world. Jones will be in Pottsville in the course of the coming week. The ore is in small iveins of frqm twq to six inches. and I understand that 2700 pounds of Anthracite Coal make one ton of Iron. Whil-t in the Office, l was.intrcaluced to a Mr. Garrett, who is making Locomotive Engines fur the Columbia Rail 11oad. , — He says they mita have tau. Engines run• ning from ' the Plane at thq Schuylkill to Columbia; that the result of their experi ment is a' follows :—Ono Engine uses half a ton 011-Auttracite, another uses two thirds of a ton, and another three fourths of „wion, and with a train of sever al burtheo carsi attached to the pavenger car of one ton. The Eruriues wing wood, con-tone three Gorda each trip—making a .avolg by the Ufa ell A iiiracite Cual of two thirds in the ens! of fuel I"' • ht it oter a asion to •i! question. is un the sub. [ to good Cut e of the let nd concise, formation it le, accurate u enlarged, .r the writer, g the most letter. We t of newspa n honest sin opinion, the the high es man capable ting the true r native State. •am Ships at ` earn Packets arrived at the present ...ges. The l :.s the Allan- I t Western in easel of 709 horse power, oat splendid , ther column, - largest her. largest vessel ae . vet made S of Europe, t being 1804 th from out to feet; and with Ino horse pow a more dis g a large line 1 lent. W hut she is a fast dit ion to these steamship. ritieit Queen, " Yours &c. A. S. N. April 23d, 1,838. be laUnched e Sirius,. and s, the British dt ion Compa• After Biome unimportant boldness the Anti. Bank Bill came up, alien Mr, CLA Y said, we have nothing to cto wi h the Bank of Pennsylva ma called the United 4tates Bank. We have to deplore that we have not tiUnited States Bank. A lack of such an institution ho surrounded the country with club' rrrrr ments, with misfortunes upon every side end upon every subject. Aa fur Nicholas Biddle, said Mr. Clay, his merchandise, hilt!nooresumptiOn, his cotton bags iSt.c., we have noihing to do with them—we want nothing to do with them, so fir as L know the opinions of my; friends and toy own mind.— What is he to tie, or We to him. that he or his Bank should be continually dragged before.the Senate ? I ha& hoped; said Mr. Clay, that an attempt to aid riniumption which was made in the other House ; would have been better treated . there by the friends of the Administration than it was treated. • !That resolutibn voted down by the friends o( the ArPrinistration showed that they were opposed to : resumption. I think. said Mr. Clay, the Bill before the Sen ate unnecessary. Among the irredeemable pa per currency npw afloat through the country, there was none so grind as this,—none preferred to hia,—it was; good from one end of the Union is said to be •chitecture of 'extraordinary importance of !i rested by -a rt 'of the New lets go to show era in Atlan- ler It ai let into srs. Marvin 5.: F ill, excavated 11 leading up to ng townsman.. i n now load his into the boat. 1 , /tau we. The i cietit for sever. ' ide enough. at 1 rat used on the Iwhat is not a ; "a coincidence !e of the grand I rinsylvania. the Ic at e r was let in. dernonri. i.i des. If Mr. Kunze. at i .. of amell ins the I nal ! ! Success i ' " "Dam , . . our i —and Blast our at the other. In the town of the honorable Senator from Tennessee, (Mr... Grundy) who had must strongly advocated the Bill, the noieent this Bank were commanding •premium of IS nr.d 19 nor rent.— precisely the sante premium demmded in Nash. ville market frir specie itself,' Throughout them South and Smith Wee. it .bears a great mini. • um. Mr. Clay said there was no•.oceasion for legis lation at.thi■ moment. Now was the time tor enenuragementthe time for kindness—forcon ciltattin—nnt ter legislation or election and pun tahnient. No Senator doubted but that the notes of the old Bank' would be redeemed ■nd speedily redeemed. Iliac we. no Senior who did not prefer the holes of this Bank to the notes of any .ourt, and CO7ll. County.=A bra a Commission in ,the place o other I nstitutiOn. I do think, iaid Mr. Clay, the Bill involves the m nit enormous -stretch of polder I ever witnessed. or that ever has been attempted. Mr. Clay here gave his opinions on the Constitutional ques- the Young Men's rnwded ont 2f thi dneaday's paper. • Following this part of the subject, he said the Bill . contained the most wilds and infamous p..wer 'which could be conceived .of. No Feder al party or any portion of the Federal party bad ever contended for sock power. As for Mr. Biddle, said Mr. Clay, addroising t himself kiMr. B. "hang hind if you= please." IFIe Imbre! to Pennsylvania., We have nothing to do with Nick Biddle or Nick Biddle's Bank. Pennsylvania made it, and Pennsylvania Was responsible for it; nod if, said Mr. Clay, the Senator from Pennsyl vania thinks proper to stand op here and abuse him, he should not quarrel with him for that.— Hethought, however, it would appear better if Mr. Buc'hanan would stand fiirward in defence of his own constituents. Speaking of the Sub-Treas ury hill, and one of Mr. Buchannn's prophenies. Mr. Clay said. when I can ace that experiment buried, as I hope in God it sill '3ll. in the bowels of the earth, then I will have some confidence in his prophecies—not till then. Mr. BUCHANAN made: a brief rejoiner to Mr. Clay, after which Mr.' MORRIS demanded the yeas and Pays. Being ordered. they were as follows ave been informed • finer will get from don county.. In this 1.9c0 Foco mush- defeated candidate n appointed Mar •ent Van Buren. It aders, that after the hie polit;cal papers to be attributed to 'to be a drunkard Yeas. Mears. Allen, Benson, Brown, an, Calhouni nay, of Cuthbert, Fulton, Grundy, Hubbard, Linn, Lempkin, Lyen, Mor. ris. Nuics. Norvelt, Pierce. Rivet., Roane, Robin son-. Ruggles,. Smith of Conn—Tipton, Trotter, Williams, Wright, Young-47. Hays-Messrs. Clay of Ky., Clayton, Critten den. Davis, King. Merrick, Nicholas, Prentice Preston, Smith of bud, Spence, Swift, White 13. 13:11 qr.—, It appears that roan who lately gave ri, toctbe partner of Ab. tncd motort4y in Boa- a—Wiring on their t b. "ray." . In the debate in the Senate on the ■nti.duel ling bill, itwas SSW to be designed fur the pro• tection of the members of Congress. The gird h u mored idtrf. - flryndy hereupon observed that he then had fiery little interest in the bill. as the good people of Tennessee :had .decreed him ■n' early retiree) , to the shades of private lite. The. Rev: pr. Niles who had jutt received news from the Conneetieut election, remarked that he. too, like his worthy friend from Tennessee, felt very little personal interest in the bill, as his days were numbered.—He saw;tho hand writing on the wall, and he resigned himself to bis fate.— Alex. Gas • Fanny Wright Darpiunnnt lecture , Mr/ Sunday analog. at the eissas in Cinciasatte.. Magill malty soh limit elate.. • FRO# WASHINGTON. • April 23, 1838. UNITED STiATES SENATE. THE DIE EMIRS , J,O!:r*NA, A RIVAL OP THE GREAT STEAMER SIRIUS PROM CORK, Seem daYs later from London, and sax days later from Llwerpool. The Sirius has performed her voyage without any accident, save • slight one which betel ser on .cOnung in the Hook. where she grounded. but will no doubt get off at high water. Since her departbre from Cork, she hu used only fresh water in her boilers. having on board Mr. Hall 4 e condensing apparatus. W• have to thank her commander for Lon don .lurnals to the 30111 March, Liverpool 2nd and 3d instants. The late hour at which we re ceived them, . compel us to give ai scant notice o their contents. The further proceedings in the British Parlia ment have no interest here. Lord Dalhousie. formerly Gamma. General of Canada, is dead. The differences between France and Hayti have been adjusted by two treaties, which are officially published. The differences between Holland and Belgium now SUM to be u far from adjustment as evert The chiracter of the money market, as re gards the value of money, either on the stock exchange or for commercial purposes, has not altered, and money continues in find employment at fLll raw ,of interest. Some large policies were opened at Lloyd's yesterday, open bullion about to be shipped to America at 1 4 per Cent.; but es this was merely the result of prior appal.- attune, it created no particular interest. The arrival of the great steamer Sums has furinabud us with English 'hews to a very late date. We have also Cork papers to the 3d In. sianL They contain no intelligence of impor. tepee; the whole columns, or nearly the whole, being reports of trials in law courts, of cases arising out of the unhappy political differences of the country, in which it would appear that the clergy and laity take part with a peculiar relish. We copy from the Cork Reporter of the Rod oitant the subjoined omice of the Sirius : DEPARTURE OF THE SIRIUS STEAM SHIP FOR NEW YORK., . Of this magnificent vessel, 'Web is now at Peeper., and will take her departure for New York to-morrow morning we extract the follow ing account of, trial between her and the Grew Wesiet'n, on Wedneiday last from the Iwadon Tunes of Satin da v "The es periment of a steam voyage from England to America has commenced. Wednes day afternoon, the St. George Steam Packet Company's powerful Steam Ship Sirius, Lieuten ant Roberts, R. N., commander, sailed from off East lane Stairs for New York, proceeding in the first iostance for Cork, from *hence she will start tor her final destinatinn on Monday next. The Sirius is a . vessel of 700 tons. with engines of 320 horse power ; and has been Sited up in a most splendid inanrer. It is expected that shr will complete the voyage in fifteen days, and confident are her owners of this, that they hay. already a mounted her setting out from New York tor the return vuyags on the Ist of May She carries out from London 2 passengers. but this number will be consider.* augmented ■t Cork. She does not take out any goads, being intended for a passenger ship only. On going down the river, the Sirius came up with the Great Western, with a respectable pleasure par ty on board, aid ■ trial of speed was the canoe quence. When the Sirius had got abreast. 0 1 Gravesend, she was upwards of a mile a-head OC her rival. The Sirius made the distance Iron, Greenwich to Gravesend. against a strong tide. in one your and S 6 Minute'. The banks of the river were thronged with spectators, and bath ships had their colors hoisted. Soon alter the departure of the Solos. the American line at picket ship Quebec, Captain Herbert, for New York. came down the river in tow of ■ steam packet. She Carries out no fewer than 171 eini grants. viz --cabin 17. between decks, 3!, and steerage 122. The iatter were chiefly •gnenlin rat labourers with their famil.es. Some parlor. were bold enough to lay even wagers that the Q.,ebic will arrive before the Sirius at New York. hisprrtrint to Pensioners.—Pensioners who ne glict to call !or their pensions within etri, ',ninth% alter they become due, will forfei them: Pretty &ono:mg.—A bill is before Congress, appropriating $130.000, to pay for pulling down .the wall's of the new Treasury building. just put np, which are found to be too insecure and made to answer.the purpose; there are two horses, one for putting up and one for pulling down an a• mount for nearly half, million dollars. Farmers and Gardeners do your duty—Tke turnip writer in the Leeds Journal, England, May 10th 1831. after trying various methods to prevent the ravages Ix this insect. ascertained by a lens on every seed of the Turnip ■ number of white plauish substance. 2. 3. 4, or Siof these substances were on one reed, but some seed without any on them. I made a pretty strong brine, and soaked the seeds in it for 24 hours. then dried them thoroughly and sowed them. When the plants appeared not a single fly infested Abets;. I tried this course again and aglin only Arm Leary and no insects appeared, and the seed eame up well. I now practice this with the seed of Cabbage. Turnip, and all the cured 'form plants with satisfactory success. Radish seed may thus Se secured. The State of New York has made a praise worthy disposition of :he income arising - from her share of the public deposits* received under the act of C.ngr•.as. A law passed at the re• cent session of the Lqislat ere appropriates $llO,. 000 of the resent,e to the support of Common Schools. The sum Of 1145.0041 is likewise appro. primed annually to the several school districts in the State fur the purchase of Libraries. Alter three years, hcieitver, they may apply it either to the purchase of Libraries or the support of teach. era, as they may elect. The bill also appropri. ates $6OOO annually. to Geneva College, MOO to the New York University, (first payment to be made Ist August next.) $3OOO to Hamilton Col lege, $23,000 to the Literary Fund. The residue .f the income is to be added annually to the cap. ital of the common school fond. The New York Gazette of yesterday says. "It is rumored that we are to have e Bask pith • capital of *20,000,000, under the General Bank Law organized in this city, at the head of which stands • prominent house of Wall street.-- Mr. Biddle, ton, is to start a new Bank in this city, under the Banking Law. and to commence operations in about a fortnight." Braga of marriage Premiss.—Mirs Maga' Ann McGary. of Schoheire Cu. bai recovered at the Circuit (curt just dosed at Cattail!, SION of Mr. Lawrence Brandon, of Green Co. far i breach of marriage promise. The parties are highly respectable. bat , the evid a ner. according to the Cattskill ilessengwr. was much of it ton Me for publication. This is an way of gab. • amnia, , * • • POST*Iti • . _ VICTOR • ti Good Xews 'CrOst Balkinme. We base just nil:lulled the Baltimore /uteri. can of this morning. no which we learo that Kr. l‘mtlllthir...the Whig candidate, has been e. laded by a grand and conclusive majority of =HT swan= AM SIVILM-TWO To • This is glory enough for Nee election, It showy that the march of Whig Reform is =was., it rejoices fits the outgoings of the morning; and it will know swither stop nor pause, until the Whole land ito illumined. - • • ' The following extract from the paper just Men tioned, shows the aggregate returns. Eyerj thing was done by the Loa/aces that imported vo t e s, Washington money, and other induce. manta could eeueitiolialt—but it wouldn't do. RECAPITULATION. _ Emmy. ' Masan/rt. Baltimore City, 5957 5337. " Ann Arundel, um . Annapolis, 20 Total. 7029 6157 Mr. Kennedy's majority in the entire district 1372 mks. Lamm, Maack 28. lc the regular Congreisional election. hekl in July, lfel, the acetate majority for the Van Bolen ticket in the city of Baltimore was 283 votes ; and the average majority for the same ticket in the whole district. was 251 votes. Anti• Van Buren, Anil%Porter, Anti- Sub-Treasury System Ticket for Borough Officers: Pottsville. Apra vs. 1838' WHEAT FLOUR, by the load was worth on Frl• day ei 50. , WHEAT I 50 per pushel. iv demand. RYE FLOUR 2 50 per cwt. in demand. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 250 per cwt. in demand RYE, by the load 90 cents ny the bushel—ready sale RYE CHOP 90 Cents per blightsd in demand. 0 VT'S 40 cents—ready sale. POTATOES 45 cent. per bushel in demand. CORN-70 cents per bushel in demand. CLOVER SEED—SS 50 per bushel. TIMOTHY SEED-402 00 per bushel. FLA XSCEP4II 12 per bushel in demand. WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon. BUTTER—I 4 cents per round—in Kegs 12 cents EGGS-12 cents per dozen. LAJID-11l Outs per pound. TA LLOW-9 mug per pound. 11AMS II cents per polled. CORN CHOP 80 cents per bushel in demand. BACON-12 cents per pound. BEESWAX-18 cents per pound. FE ATIIF.IOA-62 cents per pound. COMMON WOOL-40 cents per pound M ACKEREL. by the bbl. 11To 1,1112 00 h t !.111 SALT-2 024 per bbl.; 87 per bushel. PI ASTER. is worth $7 00 per ton. 11A Y $lB per ton. , Chief Burgest Jacob Reed. Council IDaniel_lilapp, 2 veal's. S mu el Lew is, C. W s nkoop, Benjamin T: Taylor. High Constabl e ' Daniel Hill. . Town' Clerk Edward Owen Parry. Auditors Benjamin W. Cuminins. Francis J. •Parvin. Alexander Graham. ltbt lEWI Ut"l - 111E MAICKIKI I. Borough Election. igoticE hereby given, that an Election /II will be held by the qualified voters of the borough of Pottsville, on Monday the 7th day of May. HMI, hetween the hours of 2 o'clock, and 8 o'clock. P. M dt the home of Henry Suffer, for the election of the following &lough Officers, viz: One persot. for Chief Berge's; le serve for one year. Three persons for Councilmen, to eerie In: three year,. One permit for Councilmen, to serve fur two• years. One person Ibr , Town Clerk, to serve for one One person fur High Conga4le, to serve for one year. Three persona for ',lodises, to 'ern fur one year. JACOB REED, april 2$ 32-3 ' Chief Burgess. AUCTION. WILL be sold at Public Auction on San:inlay the-28th inst. at 2 o'clock, P. M. at the Stare Room in Centre Street, lately occupied as a Public School room, a variety of Merchandise, to wit: Sugar, coffee, loaf sugar, teas, chocolate, popper, alspiee, ginger, mace, nutmegs, wines, brandy, gin, blots, shoes, bed erode, P. lino, muslin., padding, calico, eassinets, fastians, tapas, lace, buttons, thread, moles, knives and forks, varnish, shoe blacking, table., chairs, desk, apd a variety of ainclei of merchandise not here enu minted, ROBERT WOODSIDE. Assignee of Lovering &. Gordon. . spril 28 .32—i ' Reemental Orden. THE enrolled inhabitams of the county of Schuylkill, and companies of Volunteers, composing the 30th Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia, are hereby notified that the First Battal, km will meet, properly quipped for Parade, on Tuesday the 2id of May nest, at MeKeansburg., The Second Battalion will meet at Schuy lkill' H1M613 on Wednesday the 23d of May neat. The lines to be formed.pmeisely at 10 o'clock, A.M. By order of the Colonel. 'EDWARD Y. FARQUHAR:, april2B • 33tb • ' Atijubutt Militia Trithaingi. THE enrolled Militia emir:Leg the jab Company of the 30th Regiment. P. M. real- Arms East - of Centre Street. in the Borough of Pottsville. end East of the Centre Turnpike in Norwegian township, ,the hereby notified • that they are required to meet on Monday the 7th of May. at 10 'ebek, A. M. at the house of the sub. scriber pr ' ly equipped for duty as !beim re , quires.JAMEMOLEART. - april 211 32-4 COATESI3 Porter Illedicina t or Finally Ad wiser. jest received and for Mile by april BB - . 8.. BANNAN‘ NeW Books. gynciuurre for Ladies,. The ikate Prisoner, Zara Labe, New American Qualm, Alice, or the *swim% Endow Fen. 'pet, caminatand fie sale by S. JUNNAN. spell II • 111 _ _ -~ .>~ PM ._ , • 1.... LPhekeillooltonotidaleg 1 :.! I sees if ONO eary die pkkid uplift the Alpert ee`Wedneta day laid. The owner -eta harder the same open proving Ida property, and 'paying for :hie ad. vertieement. * Apply to ( - 'a, T. TAYLOR. april S 8 ( " 2 . 4 . . • ending, A.Q,UINN, LPOKINGGLASB and rioter... Frame Gild. sr. nest door to Mr. John Mellarron's. Lyon street. Old Frames re.gilt in the neatest man nert and at the shortest notice. sprit 518 - 32.3m0 Nov ELBII PRIMERS, just published tatter v v sale itholaisle and retail by april 28 32 .. B. BANNAN. . 7. du "Awns of of Pottsville. . AT the iolicitation•of , a masher of friends, the subscriber has been Mduced to offer hill name as a candidate fot Borough Conetable. at' the ensuing election. and respectfully solicits theirt votes for said offices, pledging himself to perform the duties punctually, and to the satis faction of the public. 4OHN L. COHO. 32' april 213 Cannon. THE undersigned cauuogs the public sitarist purchasing or leasing . this tract of land called Clinton Tract, on the East Hurwegian rail road, from Elisabeth Spohn; or Henry Morris for her; as he the undersigned claims title thereto, and will institute a suit against any person attempt ing to take the possessing thereof. JOHN PITT.' 32 Miinheim, April 28, 1838 Old Grape Juiee.Port , Wine, 4.c. ite ITERY superior old grape juice Port Wine, do do Royal company do do • do du bottled do do Very superior do East lulu Madeira, in wood arid bottles. Very supirior old M. Lobo and Duff Gordon 4. Co. Sherry wines, Pico Madeira, Sicily Madeira, L. P. Teneriffe, old Pale Lisboni dry and sweet Malawi wines, &c. &e. for sale by MILLER, Sr. HAGGERTY. 32 a pril 28 Fresh Groceries. MILLER dr f HAGGERTY have received their spring supply of trevh Groceries, a mong which will be found some very choice Green and Black Teas of the very latest imports'• tions, which they cao recommend to their friends and the public. sprit 28 32 First Troop Schuylkill County Cavalry. WILL -parade on Monday the 7th day of May, 1838, at 2 o'clock, P. N. at Morti mer'. Hotel—Winter unifitrm. By Command. JAS P. WOLLASTON, F. S. 324 april 28 Notice. AMEETING for the purpose of establishing a Society for beneficial purposes, which Will be known by the name of the Union Society, will be held at the house of James Lang, in Port Car bon, the first Saturday in Miy, at 3 o'clock P. M. april2o 32-2 Champaign `►Vines. CIIAMPAIGNE WINES of the following choice brands viz: anchor, comet, wardcock , chamPaigns, Riau ; and palmettoi all Sue grape wines,. for •salis at modrrale prices by . MILLER & HAGGERTY. 32 april 2$ Bar Iron. JUST received by the sub.cribers, a supply of Bar Iron of a superior quality, which will be sold at 41 cents per lb. ea.h. HAZZARD &STRAUCH.' 32 a pril 28 Champaigne Tpub*Sriticis have jupt rtct ivtd and ore: -m• for sale 50 Baskets Champaigne Wine. A mong which will be found the following, track Brands, Napoleon, Palmetto, Biedaeck. Comet, Dart. fIAZZARD & STRAtfell. 311- April 21 BOOKBINDERY. BBANNAN has commenced a Book Bind • cry in connection with hi s Book Store, where all kinds of Books will be bound at the shortest notice at low rates. Blsdk Books &c. of every description made to order at the lowest rates—and the trade supplied wholesale at Phila delphia prices. April 11 Miller I lk 'Utterly, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry GotrdsiGrocery,Wine Litpuir StOri (Nest door to Mortimer's Hotel.) . THEIR eonnexion with a hones in Philadelphia enables them to keep on band a rep eaten. sive assortment of goods which they will sell at Philadelphia' priees. Store and Thine keepers and private families, would do well to mill and judge for themselves. . april 19 31 BriiT rs de Orders. WI • NE enrolled dais and Volunteers . compo. IL sing the 2d Brigade, 6th Division. P. M. Milt commence an continue the Spring &linings fur 1838, as followi: 53d Regiment, commanded by Col. Hugh Lind- Oas t whole Regiment on Monday the 14th day of Man 1838. 11th : Regiment commanded by Col. Samuel D. Jasebe, Baitallion on Tosedsy the 15th day of May neit, Ist Rattails:it, on Wednesday the 16th dey of May newt. 17tlu Regiment. coma ended bj - Ctl. Isaac To. der, 2d Battalion on Thimoda • y the 17th day of May next, Ist 'Battalion' on Friday the 181 k day of May next. Ist Regiment. commanded by Col. Abraham Siegfried, 14 Battalion on Saturday - the 10th lion day of May nextad Ad Monday th e 21st day of May next. 311th Regiment. eons tided by Col. John M. Bickel. 14 Battalion Tuesday the 22d day of May next, 24 fla on Wednesday the 23d des of May next, • The company training* till be en the first Monday in May, namely, the tit, and. the 'places ate to be exec' by dm nding allegro there. ell. . The eontmandleg Aetna of companies. and Adjutants of Ilegimentrotra strictly enjoined to h a ys thairenrolletents reify en Beta= days, agreeably to law. By wder of. 112311018tiAPPELL.- I Amp. Ih/1 ikh pi% f.- Wbadier,A dth, ' . xrarlaikt . - "arelkeiertiliOth eii t • • • TINA 4.) No. 65- NORTH FRONT STREET. . EAST'SIDR.N Tani Moir nON rok.. - Coliosit or. Anal* PIIIiADIEI.rREIA • MANITPACTUR ERS Whim Lead!lo and Calomod. grolod Re& Paecipti • , Rod Load. I Whit* do f • Worse. ' Mb Ch ronicWildly. Solp. Wain* - dO Grego Tan. Lando do Red ' Etimi h. Pacint Tenney do Nitric Sugar Lead • • . do lAcetiti -Copperas Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol . . Com. do Aq. Fortis , Acet. Morphia Umiak Acid 1 Ralph. do Epsom Salta •., Lam Sulphur Tart: Acid 1 —Opi. de Namot. I Sup. Carti. Ws‘ _ Serums MistralCortos. Corros.Sub.lldem: ' Ethiops do. 11eittersof,Champithr, Sal•Nitre.hrhosta dec. Ofar for sale the above mentioned artielel..hi: gether with a general assortmknt or Paints. Dnage-• and Dye Smsl. and every other article in the Chesil. • catand- Mancini hoe. i Being Manufacturers of all the articles enumerated f under the above head. they plrige themselves to sup.: , 'ply their friends and the public on the most reasoita• • . We terms.. • , • Window and Picture Glass. tram 88. to 2420. Oct 21 1837 iSe _ , IPublit Notice. • ~• As it appears,-that because Mr. Crane obtained .... no patent for smelting Iron Ore with An.' . thracite Coal in thi. country, many suppose that they are now at liberty to adopt the method-Or smelting Iron ore with Anthracite by the use oil a heated air blast . ; although I gave notice lash year that I had a patent fur smelting Iron ors, with Anthracite Coal, both by the 'use of a eiild atmospheric and a heated air blast, I would now , inform the'bite again, that on the 14th of Jan. nary, 1838, received a letter from the Commis. al i 1 sinner of I' tents at, Washington, stating: 'Sir, neon examining the case of Mr. Crane's appliea4. ' 1 Lion for a patent - for smelting Iron by' means of anthracite, I have viewed his claim vs interfe.l ring with your patent of Dec. lAA and have . given notice to his attorney of this decision."... - Every attempt to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the use of a heated air blast, is an Infringe. went upon my weld. against which I caution and warn all men; as I titian prosecute every one infringing upon my rights, according to law.—s And I further offer to dispose of patent rights flit the erecting of furnaces, according to my patrol, upon very moderate terms. • FREDERICK W. GRISSENHAINER. New 'York, April 9 4 1838. - ' 118-6.! MANGEL WURTZEL. Ruta Baia Turnip. and • Whits Flat Turnip Seed. By the lb. or smaller . Auaniity.- for sale tit april 18 29 B. BANNAN. BULL'-.DEAD No 235, North Thitd Street, Philadelphia.. LEWIS W. - RICHARDS respectfully informs A-a his nomerous friends and those who ban haretofornpatroniscd the establiiihment, that hi has taken the above well known stand, and is now ready to receive them with every attention that can be bestowed upon either their comfort or wants. . Philadelphia, April 18th, 1838. 29:4 in • Danville and Pottsville Bali ' • Road Company. - T"E annual meting of the stockholders. and election for Preaideni, ten Managers. and Treasurer, to serve the above Company for the ensuing year', will be held on Mtarday me 7th-dil oraley next, betwein the bouts al 4. and 6 o'clock P. M. at the office. of the. Schuylkill Wavigatitor Company. & H. CAirPENTER. Treilurer., 28-1 sprit IA Leaden-Pipes BBANNAP had just received a very pupei:. , e nor supply ofi. j and I inch Leaden Pipet, to convey the water in houses, which will be sold cheap. april 18 To Let. THE Stone Store House and Land. • ing at 'Mount, Carbon, recently ocCert j pied by Penrose & fireninger. For terms. &.c. apply. to F. B. NICHI2I,,S, Dock • Philadelphia—or. to My czent, A. ST. CLAIR liICEIOLS, april 18 29-3 P -Pottsville. rilflE subscriber hak now on band at his Store A., and Storehouse on Centre and tail toed dreete, a fultassortuient of Goods, suitable forlbo coal region viz Barr Iron of assorted sizes, Band and Hoop do 'do • rgOis sod `pike Rode do do 13teel,Bound & Squitre do do - ' • Ndils and liplkes do dd Coal Shovels do do Hurdware. a 'eeneral assaortinent. An Of which he it selling at reduced prt Jan 13 2 3 CLATTOff. EiMI •• Benjamin W. Cuffinsinth ATTOR.II7I 4 14w, . IN AS removed his Office to CentreStreett; op polite the Brick Building of Georgilibt: Asir nings, where he will attend to all Niemen Umtata hini in the lipe of his prtifeseloni. Oa!! 4154: T. & J.Beatty .= HAVE just received per Canal limit dieesters Capt. Jobe M. Crcielesd, diniet itiOntew 'York. 35 casks dairy clients. go boxes pine apple. do • 1000 lbs. superior enrolled kset. lIKKI,Ibs. do Lard; 1600 lbs. codfish. • 5 bbls. superior stied, 30 bble. Ao .1 Meekest. 20 half do do * 1 Mk starch, is boxes sujoric grte and' My 127 - *1 Om* - 4 general aaaortmeni of fresh A Elooda,joat reeeivel--emaistiag 1a Irani DIM GOIN/ 1 4 j GraCerleill Hardware, ; itilleen*Waref Mackerel, : , • Salt, Plaster,,iltiN: Ake.' ofileipaill ha acid low for ash. The lleat 'pries pad is eadifie all lin& of ebastig *dowel : WHITE & SOX. Cuba, Dos - =I IMIE illi ES ES MIMI El Eigffi