The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 25, 1838, Image 3

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    I rtbk •
,OLINA worked
ing boards.
ready for layi g, I,
' quality and p ices,
lor spla to lota Lti! snit
on by letter to
err. N. 1., Phila. Co.
C A .:
tongued iud
1 j inches , of differ !
tly on hand, and
• upon applicat
ning Machine W
I 'or ,MILLER,
2.5 31—tf •
i To be fold.
SAL setts of 110 . Road wagon steels,
IMe for the 'Valle or Mill I:reek Roofs,
with setts of II i en ar.d 13 inch- drift
la,, will be sold w, if application is
oi. Enquire al
arbon, april, 25
ear wh
erchants, I.4and Proprietors
others, are respectfully hi
formeit by
Haden mith,
Engineer; La Surveyor, 4.c.
he-has: commen ri a permanent reel
ein r otisvilie, an it prepared to receive
r rin
facto •i iy execute a i buitnela with which
he far red.
is det fined to, n6ne hill practice to
- and iii vicinitvi' which arrangement
I -
hie him ponctual t -to attend to those
It engaged in min ng, who may employ
and sari
he may
H. S.l
, antiaomely finiehpd. Nod Architectural
furnished in every style.
leant& Hall, April 25. 1838. 31-2 mo
' HREA 0 OG r..
S. FOWLER fi. ALLEN will lecture
NOLOGY at th- large room in PHE
L-VANLA every evening the
next, commeneinvhis evening at half
'lock, and closing ith a public test of
of Phrenology, in , the examination, be.
udience,of those who may be'broug-ht
on PH
weak on.,
past '7 o'
the truth
fore the
etures will be iljovtrated by a great
rid variety of casts, bkullv,&e.
r that all may lie* and judge for them.
first two or three; le,:turee will be free
911 E, AND SEE 4!:
..F. and A. will be at the Pennsylvania
.ng the day, end Otter the lectuecs, to
ctica 1 examinatioafe of heads, and give
acriptions of the character arid talent*.
I ill call upou families and individuals in
1.1 the village, withiot extra pay.
: 1 1 30
In ord . 1
selves, LI '
to all.
Hall dor
make pr ,
written .;
any part
vine - Water CoMpany.
fackholders of tbe Pottsville Water
ny are hereby notified, that an elee
• held at William Mortirnees Hotel,'
y the 14th of May next, betiveen the'
and'S o'clock, foe the purpose ofelect •
rectors to cooddct the business of
Lay fur the ensuink year.
-a Com
tuna will
on Mon .1
hours pt
ins nine
said Corn
April 2
aildersoahi Patio. •
.11 supply of Sandirson's Parts, which
minced, to be the hest Book of 'Travels
hekjust received hind for sate by
1 - B. BANNAN.
I' arsons on the List are relueateil to
-.lye their Books.
111 pr
ever publi
N. B.
call and t
sprit 2
• - i
the Water c Company.
NOTICE is berety given, that Rob-
ill has been apps need Superinteud•
• ottaville Water r l ompany, with full
ter on the premise. of any individual
otter, and examittibg the ferule, pipe,
; .. and of-*Thppiog infr the water when
1 - in a leaky Mate, : and reporting the
. Board of Managers, with full power
, Thing ail Th e moleil and regulations of
ny; all of which will hereafter be Most
reed. Perrone intending to attach
r piper to the mein pip*, mn4 have
and app.nved of h? said Supetinten
i• They can be pernlitted to attadh the
. _
el the Board of It4nagers.
ert s •
ant of the i
power to e
using the
the same i i
same to lit
alio. of en 1 ,
said Como '
rigidly era'
Iced or oth
it .inspe •
'dent befo
evident Pottsville ?later Company
•pril 21
inted Jacimets.
iytkii and for satelirribe subscribers
i eces of Splendid. minted 3 aconets ;
i , h a choice selectio of chintzes &.c.
[ . • —3O
J UST re
I L° • few
together w
for sale by
April 2
s Line for 'Rending.
Vii P
wence of the del aty of the opening
it *Road from Pottstown to Reading.
ors respectfully inform - their friends
he in general, liana the line cum
running between! Philadelphia and
t%Vedlibaday Apra 18 , and continue
'r office , No. 2.S.n ! rth Fourth street,
Aile Sanderson's otel, gaily, at De
,M. for Reading. Retaining, will
We Hotel, at 10 o'clock, A. M: for
I - rxmoti
Atof the It
the Prop
And the pu,
Reading. 01
to leave thi
nearly opp
o'clock, A
leave D. HI
For Seats
Fourth St. v
f t
apply at the 0 . No. 25 north
there an Omnibus s engaged for the
‘.lli foutasseng rs in any part °I
i i .)
to Realng $3 00
Potato n, 2 00
'S& CA WELL, Phila.
t ad
ITZER & C . Pottstown.
lady on the °peeling of the
astown to R ink,. the Line
'ough to : Ptatsville, leaving
:artier :hoot, of which doe
- --- .0.-- - - -- - , 4-.7,-;
)..i.e: , •:.•,..0 , - - -
1 i
IPe ESP, .. ei PLI.V• *Mintier:es to ftientls
"'wand t public in general , that be hes again
comtnenced the - Coack , 3l4king Business in Ntic •
wiregian thine dno below the Arcade *
the boron or tottrrtfle, lettere 'be is ready to
ti t
manufactur t o order all Rinds oevehieles at the
ahoriesunoti ,of the bean materials . and at the
lowest rate He has alaolon hand, ready made,
Barnacles, I Carryalls, thietons, Chariotuss,
Coached, Rpggies, &c. which he invites the pull.
lic to call and ekamine air themselves. The ar
ticles are all nianufacturod under his personSl
inspection, lind he will warrant them , to be equitt
to any manufactured elsesihere. . 1
Repairs 3fievery description done pt the 'Lori
cat notice, ad on the tnost returnable terms.
N. R. Coil liken to payment for vehicles. "
aprd 18 1 i 29 3m I
1 ft
lilt ail . Roa4 Irb
MBE Nits , Castle and: French Town Rift
•-1- Road . mpo ri v, wfll dispose of a part of the
Iron takento m their Railcar track...! The bais
are in good' edition, 2i lb,' 1. A sample mas ,
be seen at t Company's Irtßee, Chestnut street
1 ,
wharf, ?bile elphia. ;
• N. DAVIDSON, Agent.
april 18 ,
29—1m0 •
N & Co'. Whatrf.
'''. position ' f the Doctrines; Ministry and wor.
ship of the roteat.ant Epiii opal Church in the
United Stater , the Rev. lemmas Deem Rec,
tor of Christchurch, Phila elphis, just receive.
and for sale here:
april 18 :i 29
i _ _
. 10N.4.RY
.LY informs
general, that
his friends and
e Lu opened a
' stablishnsent
low the Arcade
next door
Pottavit le, 4
and bake to'
irietY of Palt
kept on ban
it quality, anc
y comprises I
tented with c
here he lull al
order all kinds
ns—and where
Bread by the
of a large size.
large and gen.
re, and sold at
ststriefortn fa Hies that he is
'amity Bread r arty ouce6er
ling their ..41'Ionr, at the
ee the mast sble ten's.
111111 M
Philip ay
- •
- queen Victoria Sauna!
4, new and r jelrgant ariucle for Ladies' Dresses
-just reeetyed and 11. r male by
April 21 30—
SA.NDEIRSrp:VS PARI*--,juvt received and
for Pais atAbir office. •
march 3T ,;
Cheese Clikeiese
20 Casks u ‘ rpreinium eheesei
20 Boxelk pilie apple do
fo: male N. SATIViNS & Co
dee 2 2
it'ublic Male.
P • ,
UESUANT to an Order of the Orphai
Court of Schuylkill County, on Saturday the
26,th day of Nay, Is3e, at 1 O'clock P. M. at the
house et Christian Ley. innkeeper, in the town
of Pinegroye, Ore Jacob Chas!, Administrator of
the estate ot klektinen Clkr !tit. late ,o 1 Schuylkill
County, decelied, will animal tayiale by Public
Vendee, the tihdlyided moiety or !half part of a
certain tract OI land, situate'. in Barry townbhip,
Schuylkill County. containing fdur hundred and
eighteen acrestior thereabouts, bounded by lands
of Jacob Christ. William Graeff and others, held
In common w(th Adam Rat:ideal:lush. Also, the
legit' estate of the'Asid intestate in the.
• one ; third part and some small eqnita•
11; ; ble4nterest amounting to about one
leitenth part of a certain house and
to,situate in the town of Pine.groye, in the afore
sai county, hohnded by lotslof John Barr and
others, being the house and lot on which Jacob
:Christ, Esq. reifided at the time of his decease.—
Also, one lotof-!ground in thei town of Deerfield,
near the town 'of Pinegrove, `bounded by Tolpe•
,hoeken ateet 10 other tuts, being the same lot
.purchased Iron! Benjamin Berger late the es
tate of said dedwased.
• Adtninharator
Sy order of 4se Cann..
OrwrgeburgOlipril 21 30-1* clerk 0. C.
ROOlll Paper it Borders.
101 BA NNAI4 loafs just received his Spring Pal.
terns of flanging Parr & Burdens, which
can ha examiticld at his Book Store.
Aped 21 30
1. Notice . .
is hereby gtvam that letters Testimentiry have
been granted:- by the Register of Schuylkill,
county to the Su l bscritter as Eaeebtor of the last
will and testament of John Richard, labs of the
Borough of Put:taville, deceased.. MI persona
haaint claims dr demands against the estate of
the said decease() are het eby requested to make
known the same to the anb4erlber without delay.
April t
or Sale,
A valattalde Tract of ,Cpal Land,
LYING and I;t erne in the towriship of Nome
a-to weptsn, on ihe:West Branch near the West
Branch Rail Road, about ~ntr mile,. from tzehiyl
kill Haven—there iv ,n or more Coal Veins
passing through !this For information ap.
ply to JAPOR REED.
to. Pottsville,
at 'lading-.
March 25 341-
Chinripaigne • `flints.
JUST received and for vale ley N. Natha n &
Co. 50 haaket# of Key, Hickory, Stae,.Wood
cock and other *ands.
april 14 '.' 28
New 'Gl:midis! New; Goods!!
JUST rer.eiveti by N. ,Vathans & Co. a new
and elegant aksortment` of Opting and Som.
mar Prints, painted mastitis and lawny, among
which may be (hand a few Ocala; of English
Prints illia very few rate. Also, a aptendid as
sortment or Cloth?, Cassimeree,, Vesting. &c.
Also, Gentler*res Summer Wear, together
with a general asso rtment of Linens, Checks, lei.
apers, Ticking., Gallas, &e. &c.
aril 14 ! 2B
WelOk Primers.
BBANNAN ihas in press ( publish
• in the course of two or three weeks, a
Welsh Primer, wYrich will be sold cheep, whole
sale and retail.
april 4 25
For Sat or to be -*need.
THAT value bli4ra et of Laud called the. "Clio.
ton Tract,"longing to lillizabeth .Bpohn;
situate on the we !Norwegian Rail Roads. 13 . 1 t
north DC and adjo hing the' Pea4h MooMiain,, is
offered for sale on accommodating tereaspor the
Coal Mines will 4 lessed severiall or.together
I .
to an approved te4nt.• Apply
i HENIVX,Offf I IB ,
to, f.
3d & W :autatedhli.
1 t • 17,
; - oir• e-ss
• .1 I nE s tellnlngitil
- -
and iscourwir.-'.: ,
UGuSTLIS MILS'S . has 'returned frog* En
-411: rape. and intends to commence faney and
;tab dying. m Silks sod Merinosotaiscileatimd
in Centre Street. Pottsville. Also scouring edam
and pantaloons. 'lie is greatful for pilot fair!.
and tames . br i attention and plisetuatity talon*
a continuanas'ist bis Winer
Dee 23 5.41
Welber' 1 I lic listotber t
AT Int: OLD siAiv,o
Tullis Dome *Row Tan• Coant* of Ascii Sr.
White Lead dry and / Calomel. e
• ground in Cii. $ Red Precept ,
Red Lead. Wbtte do
Lithrage. Vitriol Alb.
Cronick Yellow, Snip. Quinine
do Green Tart Emetic
do Red EtherSalph.
Patent Yellow , • do. Nitric
Sugar Lead I do . Acids
Caper's . lamer Caustic
Ql. Vitriol V 'Ctius. do
Ait. Fords ' Acit. Morphia
Muriatic Acid Sulph. do
Epsom Salta Lae..Sulphur
Tart Acid Opi : ile Piarcot.
Sup. Carb. Soda Kerma Mineral
Canoe. Sub. Mere. Ethiops do.
Refiners ofCbamiinor, Salt Nitre,Brimptone. Sorsa.
&c. Offpr for sale the above Mentioned articles. to
gether with a general assortment of Paiute. Drugs
and Dye Stuffs. ;Ind every other article in the Chemi
cal and Medicinal line.
Being manufacturers of all the articles enumerated
under the above head,they pledge themselves to sup
ply their friends and the public on the most reasona
ble terms. • 1
Window and Picture Glass, from 6 8. to 24 30.
Oct 21 1837 48-
The Brick HOIIPe with the appurte
MIA i reanCCl, situate in Centre street,* few
1 1: 1 : • doors above the National Hotel. The
lower room is taloulated for a Store
Room. winch will be rented With the dwelling or
separate, to suit applicants; and 'possession given
immediately. For terms apply )to
April 11 J 7— Agent.
Dry-Goods, Grocery .and Li
quor. titOM •
Career of Centre and Market Streets, Ptittseitte.
April 8 28-
Do the Stock/gob:fere of the' - Company for
erecting a Bridge over tke Noytk Bast
branek of the ricer Suariikann
times the town of Ca/fascism and the
"tooth ofFicking Creek.
IS hereby given, that a meeting . ofssaid Stack•
holders will be held at the house of B. P. Fort
ner, in the town ofemtawissa, on Monday the
7th day of May rtez.between the hptirs of 1 and
6 o'clock, P. N. for the purpose .
,of one
President, six Minadern, ope trfamirer and one
Secretary for the en•ninp veer.
March 28 23-4 w Secretary.
Swaim's Panatea.
ooDOZEN Swaim's Panacea, just receiv.
ell fresh from the proprietor. Upwards or
:Seve,nty.Five Thousand Bottles of this valuably
fitetficine were sold last year, and the demand js
;increasing. For saleby the dawn. or single bottle.
Trice $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $.5 by
Sole Agent for Schuylkill County.
. Also Swaim's Vermifuge.
ISOREAMS .Wrapping Pamir for aele
wholesale and retail. cheap. by
march 24 R. BANNAN.
'the Hope 4- CO. Lends, upward* of 60,000 eves
‘,17 ILL be exposed at Public Sa*.e, or. Thurs.
ir day the :26th-of April, 183 e, at 71 o'clock
in the evening. at the Philadelphia Auction Mart
in Carpenter's :nail, Chestnut, street, (south aide)
between Third and Fourth streets.
These valuable landa. aitnate in the counties of
Monroe, Pike, Wayne, Lucerne and Schuylkill,
will be offerer: so they lie in connected bodies Of
from about 400 to 10,000.
• Fnr particulars see handbills at the Auction
TERMS—One Third Cash, One Thiid in one
sear. and One Third in three years, secured by
Flood an* Mortgage. :For the owners
309 Arch street..
march 28 43-ts
'holesalc and Retail ftry
Good Store!
om..ocK fr. WEAVER have jut received P
in addition , uplink extensive assiortment or
DRY GOO DS; Super Superior Blue and Black
Cloth, superior 'fithcy coloured do. new style cas.
simeres, sattineets and Bevetteens, miners' fus
tians, kg. Feb 18 14-
10.000 VERY superior •bavanua mars of
the Principee sod Hosimego brands. for sale by
Valuable Cool and Timber Land
SITUATED in Schuylkill countfon the befit'
waters of the little Schoylkill river, and in the
first coal region of Beaver Creek,conviiining 229
Akre and 14 Perches, strict measure; this-land
is,covered with While and Yellow
said by Judges to be of the first quality, the little
&buy'kill rail road runs directly throogh the
shine described tract of Land, end offers a safe
and convenient passage to the Philadelphia mar
ket. For lust her perticelais address the subscri
be! in Colombis,Lancaster eminty,Pa.
F. A. 1110111 AS:
1-4 me
Fab 10
INlodall Thee*, Soap &c.
casks superior niedal cheese,
60 boxes Philadelphia soap,
thhd„.lrialroatioseal. for Sitar* •"-
B ets -511=3n-
. ~
•r. ' ' 1
' !
. '
. 1
• • . i , - 7 •.'
1 '-
' li," - - • '
: 4 4. ...- :7 4 .•; ; ;..;..,,;. - -:-. J.,- , .. i.,...---7. -.-.. r-: '• :-- , ..4. . --,, •.‘="-4-If.z 9.-3:1 ~.. ;:e.,- -.1-, -•;.'•-t. 0 5- i--a•---- , 1 , 4---iilt.•-,-.r...4-,-.•.-1-, , ..-i •,..t..-....-.1' , ...;• tv•-•s,...tttlte. -., .. -,10,
....-.r..;:i - .....w. - _-;,- :.-. - -- ... i . 1 H" --- --.•-• - , - IN -..:, E. ... I: . ' - -- X . -'r--.....4-....infoi.
lINX - ..', ,1....:? , ..i ..-,,,,-• r, -
)16._ - •- . - 1. - ' . ,' , - , .
:... i .,........--.-.....,,.: 1 - 7 ,...-..-.-,,, , , ,,, ,, 7 4 , -.. , ... , ..-.. , 5 , ... , -.-. 46,',,r , ''' . " ... * . r . ..-.: r v i : - !r" . 1 . .47,‘" - :., ....., s i,..sJi•'4...Fr •:"......Iff.i..; , . 4. ,....,-vii. , sit4,
. )
" ,*
- ~ -- T -- ,17,
. 1 4.1,e , ', . 01 ,110WINg"
so;l l ii*yr.rdett.
FORE aid' # : taiitAlits allrnoirfiltiary
e4eley - r .
... 1 1d. 1 4 . 1141. k'g,letaged
'Camoindeand A Mien! Anlitahauctipa ix al.;
heisting ofilkl trait& - l', -; ;- - ''.
To Jlllllles ati sen t , 364Cortifsilh- Boston. Arent
fur the Sale pt. pin. rats [0.90 . 10 - 6ile'mts.
_,. i ,-,
~ tprzlig. 1 .1 9.40, 1 0*- .1
DistreirK i nalunir by c4parlicialr that every i
reference tbatkite ilfilicted r , - We of the bench. 1 ,
cial respite of 'reinevi. I eo.erfully 'offer mine
tothe.pcibUw .i4b itf,Da. VIM. `EVANS'S
CAMOMILE IlLka. r t bitint been-aßlicted fur„
the last ten years With disteesil i ti - gie head and.
chest: ellen ao 'bad Sut • th diOhre - me of Simi the,
three or roue ragfits'ln succession. ktitliars:never
found relief by uty of my friends, preeeriptionsi
until my jy)fe sew tbeadvertisitientWinthe.poper: l
when she persuaded me to sendf which or eome. which
! did, and obtained two bun tend'Aiottles. which '
resulted in al,noat compleielit:letering me iii,`
health, althouge 1 hue not iet tiottrety finished
tbem. Should you consider Otis any heeefitlo
youivelf, sr the, public , von bettemy cheerful per.,
mission tripubrish it. Yours, respectfully.
. TII . If. aoompz, Centralist,. •
• -- 1
NTEREST NO CASE ( dared ' by Dr, Wm:
E. Leans's Ca eini/a Tunic 'timid Fetidly Aperi
eat Pith.—Mr BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of
Ithj i ppen and ries streets, Bbiladelplita, affect.
erk-fire seven y ni with extreme nervonsneas, by
witielh he was of Ole to - Ole his, name—his
—...4 .
symptoms wer eruitcation, IL ily apasinudic pains
TAPOYAS IKLIXII3. ' in'the head, hiss of apiru palpitutrin ot the
For thel i iiistutaneous cure of ' heart..giddinesii and [HMO , ef sight, utter Ina
THE TOOTH, ACHE;- ,' bility •of engu i ir l ig gin any siting .
ng that demanded
or cuur , , e, sickness land weakness ex-
Discovered and. brought to its greatest perfection tame debility, it sorbed rear, I 'epee of pressure
BY MONSIEUR CflA BERT. ' and weight at ydsetornach slier eating,
, great
This is to certify that 1 have tried ',Our Ta?u y: mental despondetuty,sjevere ; Hying pains to the
'es Elixir in several CaSee of Ache . in w hich c h est , b ee t, s l id side i Ntstiveness. a dislike for
I have certainly found it of very great service. society and mails ersation. ,Idt. B. has made trial
i of various reccficines now. 1 , ,0re the public. but.
Member ofihe Royal College of Surgeons:
• to nor Get, A
Sent Pills, he
Fire m il. observing - tin a public paper
London, Sept. 10, 1830.
Tonic -Some cures perrox med by Dr', ''ey o li t liain Evens's
A friend steppidiai to any that be had visitea; Camomile Topl and Family',
'the King till - morning. and witnessed his, was induced to lo mve it e a l A A ci r, iciiitib
,ba is
marvellous cure of , Tooth Ache. Ono liUhi at any time happy to shire that they effectually
boy in particular,weiloinoked cross enough to btte; cured him of the above distressing discs".
a ten 'penny nail iilear Off, in ten -mintage smiled llXPersons viSts doubt the above cute, are u rnost
at the AititavedloOth and defied its pain.—U. S. i respectfully diricied to the abinte mentioned per.
Gazelle.. win, at the noitts west 'corner of Shippers and
A fresh supply or the those Elixir justreceiv.iGeorgr.streets4 14EINIAMIN DOWN.
ed and for sale by B.,BANNAN, -. I Philadelphia posher 26,1837,
Jutyl3 • .
:. 1--Jv
e* ' - V l';
0k.110178E.*1114 10:4;oci the crest aide
Marne 4144 X Earbon; Alm boom i
lt of eltste. 4 . 4 linislied.:'eostsining
end . n iullbe Inietioeta *toil; onti 114
!trot: th e. f( visit GO itiii4 Boors inch.
'phi, debts is li wile - "iltu; - stoip, sod lase,
o °9o to ace° i n site SAir horses. The lot
'contains in Net ; /10 tti4ittid, in sleigh 114,p4
at the head of tbs lotto a; fine' spring of srater.-r;
he situation is.teriplesaant. and from its Me
lnik, to the coarlandingn, is admirably welllcal
cciated for a boatman or boat builder. A loot
.wit sill be given fbr one halt of the purchase
liey. . ,
ar ter app yt o OEO. C. WYNKOOP. '
march 10 „ , - 18 , -0 ''
Reiwion4 Works.
BBAN NAB has put received the folloWing
" religious Work*, London and Ainetict4
itOos, whieh he ioffere Gir sale cheep.
priginal Fatnily Sermons. 5 vulg. •
Leland's . vie of ... Deistical Iltritern,
StortevanesPreacher'e Mandel, 2 rola;
Drew on tti ' Rerarrectlon.
Drew on th Soul, •
Bridge's on he l'ita!ut CXIX. •
Faber on In defier,
James' Chrhitian-Professor,
Prize Essay ion Dissenainiot.
Christian Fitz at itloma.
A Mother's pest, &c. 4u.
dee 23 . 1
The Penny Itlagazhie of use-
Put Knowledge, •
11$ decidedly mei of the cheapest and most po.
apnlar perioclac . o now extant—there are 209 -
000 copies said entry month in England; and 63 ;
000 in America. 0
The Parts of vol. 6 (for the year 1837) as far
as received. can bei had at this office. Price 181
per pert, or $2 00 per annum.
This Magazine is published in monthly parts,
containing 40 !argil, pages; the present volume is
much enlarged ai d improved. The illustrations
of wood vats are emitted in a superior manner.
There is an advawtsge in taking this work over
all others, i person cin discontinue it whenever
ha sees proper, for ,each part is always complete
within. itself.
. .
Complete sets of this work from the eom memm
meat can be proeuted of tliesubieriber. st $1 Per.
volome. . B. BANNAN.
Nor 1,511-
. Port Clinaton Foundry
WILL be told It private ale , the Foundry
pleasantly situated at Port Clinton, Schoyl
k ill county, 'on vary reasonable terms. This
Foundry is at the !commencement of the Little
Siksquchanna nail Rottd,"nrkw
making, and will lin a short time be one of the
Seat situations in the country to do a large busi
nets For tentis,dru. apply to
non Founders, Philadelphia.
Port Clinton.
job, 29--
New EStablishoiesit,
Corner of Centre Out Market Streets, Pottroitio
'gum subscribers respectfully announce to
MI- their friene.s acrd the public 'generally, that
they have taken 'thh wive formerly occupied by
Jacob Bull & Co., Corner of Centre and Market
streets, where they are now provided witha choice
assortment of
Pry Goods,
. .
Groceries, •
which they are determined triad' at the very low.
est prices. AZZARD do STR MICH.
N. B. All kinds of Country Produce taken at
the highest market Iprices.
April I 2-6.
OrphanNs Court Salt.
BY virtue of an moist of the Orphan't _Conti
of the County of Schuylkill. will be sold si
the house of Isaac Harman, innkeeper in the
town of Tamaqua, in the said County, on Mon
day the 7th day of May next, at I o'clock in the
afternoon of the said day, the folloWing deacnbed
real estate to wit :
The one undivided third part of e certain tract
of east land. dontaining two hundred and Illy
acres mote or less,eituate in Rush ToWnship, in
the said county, edjmning the town of Tamaqua,
being bounded by Janda. late of John Nershner.
Philip Moser and others, and Raid in common
With George Baum land Atm Baum. There are
on the premises, 'leveret houses suitable for
Miners, and six good veins of coal opened there
on. The Little Schriylkill and Cattawiess Rail
Road passes through the same.
Also one undivided twelfth pert of a certain
tract *fiend situate inehe same township, adjoin
ing the above tract car land containing times
conveyed to the do tote by Daniel Moser,
Sold at the property of Dr. Isaac L. Vansant,
,deeeased. By the Cede.
• Executor..
P. 13. iAt the time df the sale sierra stated John
Baum and George Riium !ill offer for sale their
interims in the said Ines of land being the un
divided two thirds thereof: and also will lie sold
$2OOO worth of stock in theoLiille Seogikill Rail
Road & peal Compel,
April-7 •
Catho~ic nooks
u Key to--Ptradisei •
Tru4-P114.1, • • b r`
Catholic Piety: . (
Deasy Bibkk "
Porailsk's•Citseibbriiio' `.: : :4
Smeit CAritatmi. ' •
Juatywilftefould for #te by e. IkAIMAIL
Dee 13 ;
LIT ER COM : LA mt,,,Q
Mrs: Hdtina Browne, wife of Joseph Browne.
N. 6th street, n. ar Second, Williamstinrg, afflict.
ed for the. kit t • n years With the Liver complaint,
completely rest red to halth through the treat.
meat at Dr. W . Evans. `-Byinptoins—Habitual
constipation, of he loweli, loss of appetite,
excruciating pain 'of theepigaine is region, great
depression of 'Ord*, lan g uor arid other symptoms
of extreme debSity,
,stistarbed sleep, inordinate
• flow of the inenr. oaii. in „thi right side, could
not lie,on her 1 It side sailboat an aggravatitm
of the pain. thine high colored, with other squirt.
,tome indicating .
,derangomene in the func.
tions of this live . •
Mrs. Brawl* was attended by three of the brat
physickns, but receked bpt little relief from their
MI: Browne procured tioneniof
Wm, Evans's intrattnible c repeiratione. which e
.recttiallf relinvlM liteikbose distressing
symptoms, wah tklt 4 it Wort "essential
to intimate. • JOSEPH DROWNE: . •
:City and County i tif Nqw York, ass
Joseph Browne, of W illiamstairg,tong /glint/,
being duly Imo*, did depose and say thaf.the
facts as set forth On the within statement, to which
de has subscribed his name. are just and true.
- Hasher:4i of the said Hannah,Drownt.
sworn before rnarthis 4th day at January, 1837.
TETER PLIKNEY, Coro. of Deeds.
CASE Of - - Ttrboenlar 'Con
t i
a stintption.—M . Julio Row el l applied on the la
day or Septem r at the - offige 100 Chatham
street, laboring u der the following sympiomw—
A slight twitting of blond, distressing, cough. at
tended with en e pectOration of purulent matter,
night sweats, g °era!' emaciation, difficulty of
breathing on exe lion. with a will marked hectic
ftinlion the ch eese. •On examinatiem, the chest
was found to sound welt every Where except on.
der the left clavicle, and in the arm pit of the
same aide, l.
Treatment --iiirected t°,take the restorative
Camomile Pille.l with the expectorating corn.
pound. at the same tiine an injunction, to call in
four days; whene ulght went" had erased, the - I
expectoration Ai tly elm nishiet, anlight fit .i. 4 4
coughing Atilt ainibt • the titraning., Or l .'d
m i ll
dered as usual totcontinuathe eiedicine. and to
call in the couriti of a 'week—When 'his heahh
rantinoed rapidly increag, Wilhout the least
°climb. Called .111 the la si - on the 4th of ibis
month, quite con etisnitng his sincere
thanks thr the be fit be I t i i it y l obtained'. :
Tbe above pat eat chi end milk regimen,
difticg his treat t.
—3 •
I __, _,,
, .. ,
Mr. Robe.rt M roe, Sctylkill, afflicted with
the above dist."., ng polls „ Symptoms—great
languor, flatulanc) , , distitibhd res i t, nervous bead.
oche, difficulty ofibreatbin , lig Men 'and attic.
tare items, the Wrest 'di 'dine, nervous . init..
May and testier ma, , ixil ld not lie in a hori-
taunt position,lv ont 'thii iiisnattion . of impend
itig s uffocation, ipitatiot the heart,distriit..l
les cough , costly ess, palitiof thestomach. drow. ,
einem. great debit trend d e ficiency tor the Der":
out energy. M Rontoe save up emery
thought of` recove and dig despair sat on the
,countenance of ty perfect tmemted to hi
eintence at bappien, till liy acc.ftent be noticed
la public paper me curet effected by On . Wm.
Evans's medicine, t
in his co plata. which lade.
tied a Pack him to porch ht compf ly . eof Die Pities-which
f iii
reielted Joni 'rig overy symptom
of his disease. El wishes say, his motive for
this declaration n,lthatAltal afflicted with the
same or any sy plom ,si milar' to those from
which he is happil resiored./may likewise receive
et'the same inestim able
. henefit. •
• I '
uvEs. coillik/UNT SEX YEARS
S t r ANDEr.
MRS. SARAIIj e BR,ENIIit SER . wife of Mr
Amos Breiihi r corns ofSetoed street and
Germantoin Rot ihilade , bin, affected for the
1414 Six years ti f iit the .7 -r Comptaipt. was
coMpletely rector to bee t ,by . Dr. WM. E.
VANS'SCamomild Tonse • d -Family Aperient
Pill. Her symptoina were.; bitull costiveness,
ingratiating pain In the . , • cf), deprealfon of
ialdlitai languor, esiretite ae . iity.Oieturbed sleep,
I gniat pain in ter,: t tickild
aid. without an' ag ti - I*, , fi, dixftieksli in '
ei irnttiti.
thelheadolintneati f falebt; . i other eyrnignms
indicating great detangent ;hit:function" of
theqLiver. MX*. Btenhiser nude trial of va,
rioes medicines no l i bef6te " pablie. but re.
te# we relief a, i t al* ear fdirised to make
b. ef Dr Vona -Pi irhpeli sit
le *ape.",
~ : , , killieiii ef the
' 4 "lietiseaing "pt itheres erhOh
im c
;by. , . ~Oil to '' fe_ • ~
LP I '
Mr:likeithiser. (itekbestri of thialeketesit
flrenbiAict, bad biriet*Trellidel(l49l.l L
aistrsevai4siakiiPikti: I•6,ess.-4-irkili,
be wit tratitually cu , 4 ,
- e;rAili,l4l4Ylic , W li :i , i , insiuk
A f it - k ) ii;ieffeiti 4 '4 611 - tlif '4" l/I:4 ' Di .
w i t
. t er•
PAC lobe e i l a •L;dib ettlite. -• - Williecese
berg. afflicted Z i gilis ' , •ve complaintifer this.
gees sisdeine wont) ... i dering athieltifirdie, be
badfithiii4*rialike!,, ii hhitiksitnlithothx,e'cre
iiiiatiiig pain: in ' . l hlnialits„iiet.lspecei,Jll
in the hi" stipulcil t , es and_ alikees; au *g
antlet, of theipitini aids *404444 far th e ,
:'oust iiirielipteci;tre ' ieleinet'hee'VT 4 W'wbvt'l'
0100441 g 4 'bail ' , Itedlikethetftil WWII
is complete bias rifeeusc I r power. , ' '*' the Jieti
efit al - those stiliead lit attiilaemiliti*, 31t.1
Gibaciai eductive's; it:',lnlei (p iiy , ,iltikiWilidus 1
bite e tiirly 'mead; Old Hitt " piii,i;jowlisys
comp) e trAccnt licezr• nateral,i4f.liel he ,
terasa y e to t gaunter )irdinatititymegei ,
f4Ol-I)PA, 6 Etc% $ STAND/Nille
h 1;• • Oheritte Hebert. Np
12204egs sibdet. N. ,
V. sfilibtrii•for - five`yearekith hititioripAhkesi 1
"Lethal*. Index) et al* Plibe 10: 1• Ctiihill)owst'l
on the 40 of Otgober. hibprhig, - , sliest'
tag sliielitarek ,- A . tMtell ler tiiihteewe o** the IT
chest. with Ihe greatest iiiirkeeitY lit,hciliti - itlif..
distressinghough, gentlity:ending withiophass 1
expectoiatoon of viacidrp legm, disturbed' real,
the filed turbid and of sell livid - bue—•cottiViot be
in a horizontal position) thout the vieesetioe of.
immediate suffocation, la guar, dtoweities:ii; and
diuine; in the head, and less of appe t ite. 1%
Mr. . applied to ten 'oat eininezitANcurtia.l
in this city, likewise us 4 several otheY-teeterthee 1
without obtaining any reutment -beecatv until
his friend, perseptited la ' it place himself Under
Dr. William Evine' v. inisiment. liefiakiiiiw re
lieved or hii complaintJ, end celled Crthe of fi ce ,
.. . ~.
_,- • ,_
y es t er day, vowing that, he had not
,ehies ler es
press his gratitude for the benefit htib4Feeeiv.
ed. "October 21, 1837. .1 .
We do irireby iiiiiniclbc ours pattirce•th th e
truth of the above cure ,tthat AO• steam& fain
every respect true. SARAH• SRL., 411 1 S ER.
31)11N STEW ,- . der, '
I No. P north Eighth street, Phicie•
' Philadelphia. M ,x, 21C1i1837. - ' ` '' I
ttr. WM: EVANS'S MedicalWO, ' (4 Mt 1
sale id' his excellent Mediglne, is at No. Mixed'
, Eighth lured, Philadelphia,. •. . , _ I
Sold b' WERNER.
, sole Agent tor Schuylkill Coutity.
Mrs. Anne G. Arm" No. 115, Laois steel,
beiween Stanton and ithahton streets. aMicted.
for ten years with theTullowing distil:seine symie
toms: ' • • . .
. Acid eructation ; daily i spasmodic pain i n the
head, loafs of appetite, palpitation oftlus be t, gid.
dinner and dimness of sight.vonld not I i on bey
right sidt, disturbed rest, Ur inabilit , eif "-
waging it any thing t 4114 i
courge, eornetimes a vincenti
vation of, 'her disease, ej wbi
particular persona sod *aim,
pensions of personak dente`r
somenese and weariness isf i lL
kuletude on every alight) cal
iihe„could neither die , nor li •
dceponded,iod thoosht s
Aite_, never-was one in bad, il
hvaiiiinationa. Mrs.' gel..
several moisten* physkians at,
.numerous medicines, but
temporary alienation of '
her hoisbandPerelidat
mode of treatment. a is now quite rel .
and find. herself nut only cip pita. ot attending to
her dimiestic stairs, but kvOws that she epjor NI
good /synth at Resent as She did at env peeled'
oilier existence. ~a J. ICP:NNY.,
Husband of The aforesaid Anne &tiny.
Sworn before me this 14th day of Die:,11111."
Peter Pinckney, Coda ettlitek
Clot,lull Clotho Cl()their:
NisTHANS &Cso. have poi oii 6ulad 'a
• iple r gdid assortmeutlof
Blue, :black. ghee, greeh and elatetclatia,
d? do and fanciciaahnsias; •
Plain aqd figuretkaattidetta;
hic•hsar pilot 414 and other coatings.
Goats hair canit;lets.}viiiitigstitclte
all of which being purchatied at suatkin inl'hila
delphia, and New-York, Wel l guarantee toien . 10
per cent cheaper than can bopurchasedelaaarbsio
in this borough. dec42
alit WIT . a It sits nevi, .
Vniunbie Real eroperty in Pigeon/It o •
FORS A.E - .z , •'
THE trideraigned offer for sale alfiliat,relk -'
known three Story ;flfit SIDAMAATIK -
DWELLING UQU I. SE a'le eppiLigiettatices.
situate in 'Centre strent; Pitt illie, the : pope:ly
of the undersigned, toget4 O
th. with nitWotber.
tenements in the rear of-intill bantling, )iiist4the
he of ground whereina th ' hell standi.eillie •
Welt building afiiressid,-• tairistbhktWth,lip [
f lie
frOnt—fmlabbd* dent the nielii s4rft, ,Hey,
gatTet4n'the bestatylkiir 'aa
as a busineis amid gild a elideriel,•hir rulsOle:;•
'Durably situated: Tho feOlteing -priiiiii4 tat- 7
be sold on low andeeeommoating terms.t.-Tert'
of the enrehate money may remain on the prop. ,
' arty foria few year*, If desireifl. Title inOisptitnl
.•., 1 :::' ''
4C i'{ '
.. •,.• •
grat; aau..__. . , .scionces-,t0.,
. 11. public thst he has conifiteseed, the:Brans a:
tore of ;talivasiousliniudhif, l':
it hie Store ;in CentrwStrwit. .ly,oppeailft' ibis
t est
'Pottsville noose, where Con itetossito iild-aifi. •
asses always-be iopplied WholsitsiklidrinW
at the laiiest-Philadolphiit; Sh'irlow ',.....g . _
Country 41erchstita are . peolllV, ,
„„iijilleitod. •
to call and cean:4lo4ls s- k fere liorelliashig
elsewhere., : I si - 4 , -,.•'.-iij
. , . .; 1 , ,564
. • ... ~ i 'k.. i.. "•" •
_ iltelet.Egit 4 , t MoRS,,,-47,-.-
, ~t
(Pbryierk.PSiker at in4y4).,..4i
HAVE remorriastu Os o its s.of-Csidtat
Street, it few doors a . Norw egise asset
Whore they par for ,salit. a .selectulhortiraik vs ,
Sardine Broad Cloths sod CassErns'ofts.
most flotillas's/21e noloroovi took itilerliiirit...
ment of SetatneratthS4VS l l ' ' ' ijidqt..
ton Shirts. CelliAillosemit;
Litik .,
modem Hein arni,kiittint If . 4.4: - . ittiiii,iif
Gentlemen's ' e t - Mtini ,apps ). w h-. 'loo t
' made to order in the most app style es kid*
workmanship, and warranted twill etal - toitiy
in the QM draliewharatV 4
3)ig ft - -...4A
. I`. S. P. AL. cc. keep on .iicfteensat
ointment of ready-made , mu at,ilh '
irliks!‘ will,issiaald etworrlO_ tee.
PI 1
, •
k .1
nov 4