MMUMMi =E poyrsil WEDNESDAY MOIL a „a :k ofeszryfiva tits Of/faint theta:hest cash We have excluded 3 • lapeotispreigo Intefli for tystippleinentio th at thiMasiseasionAth; is impvittotAud,, • ,the at.tfog*sirodere,, .`..4*,. v ., , ,.. - • . , agng. —Notwil. imilldjp g gip?: • ,freesion. iu the coal b i irt;eett thiernson,. lee a greaterputither of • 'lditigs is .e ling in our bnittpgh.thattitt .Ikittrforther periott :.furriteve•al years . paetil The work of in'. -ipreitement progresses morit rapidl than . usualb a fact which pr beiithe reeources of ehrfflitizeue,And their uhinipai red con-• il l ,fid-4ewl9;,tho (Uture p aspects of Our bo. ! r tughic Weare glad: o 'see the a irit of improvement Actively ' ngaged, benause it rafibrdeleinitloyment to the', mechanic ens ' laborerat a time when they stand moist in needdr it; and:by kee ine i husiness alive, ..eittendaiye benefits to ' thei L classes i inclu'.' ji ding the merchant, far 'er,:iee. Wst hope • the •perind; •hesrever, not distant when the colt! trade 4411 nit e firward b i riblilv , . and ihui give new intri 'etc io every other species of business. ;I ' ... 1 ' i - Weathir and. SontOlWatios.— We have , .haei a H o ist extraordinary ,pring thus far, cold winds prevailing tiluria;.3 the'dav :••id i ri se-:ere frusta in the ; iglu. Ve. ll o, inortittis,. the ground overed witlil snow. The snow storm co. 'nenr r ed darii. ,, the night precerliti2, and he iltnow coon:Turd to 1101 neatly all day 01 theidepth o a f' seve• ral irtchr V - -'. 2 .4 he' .