-." 2v ED ENJ ND PUB M I N 11 lITZI7II D r IFTY to adverse: charged t postage. paid wrthi, ce cre c he , EKKLY, chum. pa d within t biz" nuall will r free o If not o the.p Toast D payable semi to the year, ceive the pa ' per &WM will be added , Two DOLL, Fn advance. be charged U per rnot p - nts not !exceeding three insertions— , ger onCs in prop.. ernents !will be in time fo4 w h. t'h the d will be charged a rtisers Will be cha ription i to the pape ad Yenta eine n t not 4 ', g the y 'ar, and the pair r or three au ' ddress to the edi -. tteotioci will be p for inaelings, - dm i eretofo4 been ins nts cm .. except ~ Advertise charged in fo Insertion. All ndverti out, unless th I. a oecified ? a YeArty at+ including.eub of keeping on standing duns en one in eat All letters otherwise no All notice which have charged 25 c LENT 0 THE I EMEDiti e an Ac sere e it ato !at , tr . eetio b Coin., ~ of Jun , one thou ' reix. I Be it nacted b ' epreSentotive i Penh y/ounia, i t, an it is h. ity of the sa , • dredland etgh nd niaeteen do (1 .reby :dded to .1 ap h wi f Ju it; au ropnatto eomme eighte such su ke the • one dull: he com ill m •ual t n in ppro out i nation the ma h this i rease of sin name sum of ;the hund o whi ny in t the Said sand aid by t at of the ed to be : , f Comm. . Ith, by t d"' An a if the . ii i :ite Uni ennsylv day of F ,- , irty-seve e school he first ed and all be truer s orde pporf onwe entit itlo nue o with ventb Ind t II of t ,et Oft 1 bond I.ecess ry to ra . a sum eq .le citizen ; annual' I reasury taxa hall the t,allbe til 1 l duty of th e com ach count in this State in :, rtain, with the assistance be assessors, the exact num ent taxah e citizeriS of each of distri , in their several to certtf , the same under d seal ofl office, te • the sit- Common Schools, who is 44 to adopt - the nember of Certified tiV him, as the basis liof the + to appropriation; i cotes' to •be prep red and 1 or before the fi t day of •y•third year, co inenctug lay of April, eighteen hun '-nine: 4'rovidedi That if itny county shall certificates on or periutendent may umber of taxablev tceding iertificate . It e re of . to me' specti e reei, Sch and ads a dent .ireet. EMI MT! certi led o eve first thlr miss ners of to for id d ase in tit iNand such qu, the SI :lopt the r to next in 4. T. prom ga, a and enenuraj to the d euppor male ee ences, knowl, weak , there ..Aid annually , acati r miea and I quarterly pa g, to wit: T. liege, 'now Irmo • Inca pOrated 'mai ng mile. tructi I conk. d et ants, one h a demy Ind i n orportited, or I. by the legislatu , - teachers cepa, the 0 reek an' corn aced at college in equ followi and C may and and i, hund To e now i poste or tno tion Mathis Get fifteen either, three acade at le e • afo -of ea harin forty u .4 acadr tki!l and Eng literature; a upils ishall con. or all of the undred dollars ies arid female twenty-five p id, flnr hundt'e academies acid t at leoot two telt motile pupilo r reffid,l6Te hood 1 1 in tiny city et, 1 . ':•• - t ... , - ', ,- -- ';',... e l - -,7.,,5Ci ii.. - ',,.., E ., . ."4- .1 . 414-. t i r j: #: - ,;' ''--11,... . . • • .-..- - _ -: MOM :' 1 3 ---. -- • . i -- AND POTTSVILLE GENERAL . VERTISEII4I ' •, , !...„ ~... ~ , _ ! • ! . •- ~ I WELL TI.AOII YOU TO PIERCE virrsowsti OP THZ ZILITH4HO WHO op? FlOll THZ OATZLHOOP TEL Hornseaugi, lIILTALP Ha= WiLLIMit ITHILZHOTHTO Ollimionme ambivinibr /ELL HATTZI Ire Elva ust AR) I • • where d university or college iv establish ed, and receiving the 'appropriation made by this act, obeli be eptltted to receive the appropriation made by tbas.act ter the be nefit of acadectiies. This section to con- EZECI KCVO 2 DI INTB per annum. 4r not paid with , nil those•Who' re o mail subscribers the year, 49 cents riptiou. ' tinue in force for tpn '"ears and no longer. Sec. 5. That the Medical Department of the jefferSon college 6, and hereby is created 'a 'separate and independent body corporate, under the name style and title of " The Jefersoa Medical - College of Philadelphia,!' with the same powers and restrictions As the •flosiversity „r Penn- able semi.a.nnuelly 1. e year, .2 50 will elve lines will be d 50 cents for one ion. ned until ordered are to be cotatiptied cordingly. , -with $l2 perjannum; —with the privilege acceding 2 squares insertion ot,a small. cessive times. sylvania; the present additional trustees chosen in pursuance of': an act, entitled, "An act for the establishment of a College at Cannonsburg, in the County of Wash ington, in•tlie commonwealth of PeOnsyl• yenta," passed the seveoth day of April, eighteen htiOdred 'and twenty six, to be trustees of the college created by this sec tion, with power to increase their number to fifteen. r mast be, pbit paid id to them. and other notices rred gratiml will be riagel and Deaths• , Sec. 8. The 'Directors of the . several Common School districts shall have power to appoint ecilleators of the common school tax, without; requiring bond or other secu• my; and if the proper collector of county rates and leVies, for the. time being, shall be appointed for that purpose, it shall be his duty to serve: Provided, That the person so appOinted, without bondor other security, shall own a clear freehold estate which, in the opinion of said directors, shall be a sufficient security for the faith ful performance of his duties as collector. ROOL LAW to donsoliciate and • to a general sys .n. Schoolx4 gassed and eight hundred the Senate and of the Common ,' General As reby enacted by That the sum thousand nine lure be, dnd the he annual Com illa the ! school '.ce on the first n hundred and = annually there !. ount of !appro. r for each taxa. odwealth; said a -be dist i ributed ! ! net directed by a supplement, adation'beyond Sec. 7. lithe proper collector of county rates and levies shall be appointed collec tor of the school tax as aforesaid, and shall neglect or refuse to serve; or if he or any other pertion, having been appointed and taken upon himself the duties of his office, as school tax collector, shall lad to fulfil and complete the performance of said du tie:, in either case, the person'thus rellis. mg or failing 'shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dolltun, to be recovered before a justice of ,the peace or alderman, at the , suit of the president of the proper boare or directors, fir the ure of the district, as debts of a similar amount are•now recov.' erable, without stay of execution : Pro vided, 'That nu person who shall have, served as ,cidlettor of school tax shall be• appointed cfr chosen a 'second time, with out his consent, for the Lerch of ten years. Sec. 8. !t shall be the duty of the sec retary of the board of directors, withi., three months from the actual delivery of the warrant and duplicate of school tax to_ the collector appointed in purisnance of the provisions of this act, tile a certificate, signed by the president of the board, and attested by the secretary, in the office of the prothrdnntary of tltb court of common pleas of the proper County, stating the amount due and unpaid by the said collec tor: and at khan be the duty of the protho' notary forthwith to entegithe same on hie docket which certificate shall from inch entry have; the same operation and effect as a judgment 'of saicicourt, and executions may be issued thereon in .like manner on judgments, for the amount remaining unpaid, at pny time after the entry aforei. said. e hundried and ed and 4neteen state treasurer surplus revenue, dded to the fond Schoole within ne fot!rth sertio.• et for the tempo. tion of the cur t4d Stateti, to be nil," passed the -• ruary, : eighteen .; and after the year whiich will onday of June, htrty-eight, the se the state ap. al to once dollar in the common : paid out of - any , ot otherwise ap- Sec. 9. Igo person 8411 be re-appointed collector or 'school tax, who shall not have paid over Vie whole amount of his former 'duplicate. Sec. 10; It'is hereby declared to be the duty of the commissioners of-the several counties of this commonwealth to proc4rek , a return o$ the amount and value of the 1 personal property made taxable by the-act 1 of tWentyffilth of March, eighteen hun dred and thirty-one, according to the pro- visions of, said act, for and within each school district, in theirrespeetive counties and to cause a . copy of the same to-be de livered to the President of the proper board of directers, en or before the first day of April annually, in order to enable the di rectors to;carry into effect the second pa ragraph of the third section of the act to' which this is a suppleinent; which person al property shall annually be assessed t* the said directors, at the same time and at the san4e rate as the real estate withiP their res+ective districts, fol. Commob School purposes. Sec- 11:. If any,person who may be o has been elected it sehmil director, sha( I refuse to 'attend a regular-meeting or th propet boptd, aftek hiving . received writ- 1 ten notice, to_t_p_pear and enter upon thb duties of his Office; or if any person having taken on hisi the duties of his office, as director, hall neglect to attend any two regular nretings of the beard in succes sion, or td act in his official capacitywhen in attendee, die .dikectors present shalt 1;6 have pow r to deelare;his seat in.the boao vacant; Ind to r aptioint another in his stad,„ to serve t II the licit regular elertiotu and if the wh le board . itintd decks) Or re fi itie 4 1 to serve, han 4 it new board shill ' bill`eleni ed, in the manner described in-the seconid section of, tbe : act ,to yrhich- thisis t au* plement, . nelice,tait: up s fortirri weetl, at ilia , i s tr &eel le tha,irogesi.initrict, by any In :olifietiAnterslef tbiodigaric; put f the directors ; thus Sleeted , T to bii)thuisad, and to hold their OffineS 64,44ermanrio.. tickled in 'the third sestina' alba laid att. ! the arts and sci• aching of uselul the colleges, sea -1 man e s within.this ereby islappropn paid th the said emale stiminaries, • meats,the sums ! each University porated,lor which .y the Itigislature, ,t four Professors, !. tly at east one thousand dollars; female etnittary,' iich may s be incor e, mai' fining one eof givi g instruc ri Roman, classics, ish or Etiglish and i . in whitili at least ' tantly be4tatighf in , ranches !aforesaid., To eabli of said seminaries, where ,pili are (taught as doltare; and - eich I groale sexnittstries hers, and in which I constantly taught 1 . doliaiiit but ha unty oi the stets, Il i 4.. 4-'" ==E= NEU POTTSVILLIE, PA. WEDNESDAY 41100NIliG APRIL 25, lOW Returns of all common school elections, hereafter held, shall he made to4he,cOurt of Quarter Sessions of the proper county,, at" the next term succeeding such elections respectively; and said Court is susijorised and required forthwith- to exanitile all Palm of contested or informal elections, and to decide them according to !ail and, in case any election shall be set aside, to order a new election, at the usual place, on not less than two weeks notice, brthe proper officer. Sec. 12.. from 'und after the passage of tid act, the c ##### nate m)bleni may be discontinued and rejected, in au.y ac ctpting di,trict, by a clear majority 91 thr votes polled it a triennial meeting of the tizable citizens of the proper district; hlrh tneeling 811a 1 1, in . all other respects, e &included in the manner pointed out in the thirteenth section of the act to.which this is a supplement. Sec. 13. When a free school,. of the couitintn school grade, shill hereafter be maintained in any accepting school tits tact, under the care and direction of religious t•ociety, it shall he las ful lUr the school direr turs of -uch district, to cause to be paid. to the proper person or per- sonA, for the support of such school any portion ()Otte school money not exceeding the rateable share of the taxable inkatm tants, whose children or apprentices shall he taught in such school. Povided. That the directors shall be satisfied that such application of the money would not, upon the whale, be injurious to the com- non schools of such district Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of any committee that hxs been, or that may here after be 'Chosen, agreeably to the ninth ar ticle of the eighth section of an - act .passed the thirteenth day . of June, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and thirth-six. entitled, "An act to consolidate and amend the ,several arts rebitiv,e to a general system or education by common . schools, to attend to all the local concerns of the respective Yob-districts in which said committee shall be chosen, such as visiting the schools un der their chcrge. providing fuel; repairing school houses ; and the expenses of all such necessary repairs, fuel &c. shall he nsid by the school directors of the several districts, as already provided for by law: Prntrided. That the said committee be doecterl. by the hoard of directors, to per. rm 11 , e itid (Wier. Sec 15. If any school director of any district, where the school law has been a^cepted. shall refuse •or neglect to do his duty by levying the tax required by law and putting the schools in proper operation. the directors or director, will ing to perform their duties, shall declare the office of such delinquent directors vs. cant, and nopoint substitutes; and in case t.II said directors shall thus decline or re fuse to do their duty, the court of quarter sessions shall declare their offices vacant, and appoint Substitutes. Sec. 16. In every non-accepting district orthis commonwealth, in which the ques lion of accepting the common school sys tem 'was not voted upon, on the proper day for voting on such question, in eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, for want of due notice, or for any other cause; and in every district in which said question of accep tanee was submitted and voted on, at the proper time, in said year, but the election allerwarset aside by reason of taw mality t a a also in townships, wards oi horoughs,-, 1 3 fanned after the regular dal aft-resaitti ut of townships, wards or boroughtif;#or parts thereof, which bad been previously non-accepting districts, it shall he lawful for the'directors of such district, or districts, or for any ten qualified voters thereof, to give notice, in accordance with the first part of the act to whirth this is a supplement. for an election to beon 1 the firtit Monday of June. eighiee 14 'un fired and thin, eight, and, if the in guilty of the votes polled at the said fderiiim, b e in favour of accepting the common school system, said systeni shall be :-.11 fully accept ed as if the ~question had been so deter. mined, on the day directed by the act to wild this is a supplement. And, upon such acceptance, the board of directors, and all others connected with the common school systerii,,in the proper district, shall be authorized odo and perform, within twenty days fro and after said list Monday of June, all the ets and things necessary to the operation , the 4ominon school sys tem, which should have been - done and per-- ffirmed on or befornaaid first Monday of June. - Sec. 11. 1n each of the new districts, mentioned in the section nest, preceding . hereto, the qualified voters shall also elect six directors ; the election for whom dhall be conducted in the sues manner as the election for the acceptance of the common school system, under tbe thirteenth section of the act to which %leis a suppleMent; Sr, the directors thus elected shall be classed, in the manner, and shill - held their, offices, for the terms described inAhe third section of the said act, Provided; That all subse quent elections for directors, in said new districts - shall be 'held in the manner end at Abe time described in ihirreetiWdeeditietisf of said act. ME 18. The superintendent of com mon schools shah decide whether the coV leges, academ es i and female seminaries, entitle themselves to the annuity provided by this act, in cage of any difficulty .. en that subject, in the, *nd co" the State Treasur er SiVl 19. The superiniendent of common schools shall be allowed a salary of Ave hundred dollars per atinum, payable qui, terli . j to commence with the present school fea r . 1 Sec. 20. All laws or parts of lawi, rela tive to the conpmon school system, which are inconsistent: with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Sec. 21. Immediately after the pawky of this act, the superintendent shall pre pare and forward a copy of it to the presi• dent and secreliary ofiesch board of direc tors, and to the coMmissionete of each county in the state, LFWIS, DEWART, Speaker of the House of - Representatives. CH4RLES B. PENROSE, , Speaker of•the Senate. Approved tlie twelfth day of April, one thousand eigh hundred and thirty.eight. JOS. RITNER. AGRARLANISM In a speech of Mr. Webster lately .delivered in the Senate on the Sub-Treascry bill, he has delineated in the; most.grsphic •nd striking man ner, the movements and designs of the party in this country, denominated. the. Loco Foen's, who are like the waves of the ocean, restless, and seek ing changes. Alter dcseritting the effects of la bor, united with the capital and enterprise, and the competence and wealth produced by ;the aid of perfections in {machinery, alluding to the par ty referred to, he says— "ln a country }of unbounded liberty, they cla mor against oppression in a country of perfect e quality, they would move heaven and earth it goinst privilege end mtinnpoly. In a country where property it more equally divided than any where else they rend the air With the shouting of agrarian doctrines.' In it country where the vra• ges of labor are high beyond all parallel, and where the lands Ire cheap, and the means of liv. ing low, they would tough the laborer that he is -but an oppressed slave. Sir, what can such men want? What de they mean? They can want nothing, sir, but ko enjoy the fruits of other men!, labor. They can mean nothing bat disturbance and disorder; the diffusion of corrupt principles, and the destructlon of the moral sentiments and moral habits of Society. A licentiousness of feel ing and action isisometimes produced by prosper ity itself. Men {cannot always resist the tempta tion to which they are exposed by the very alined •nee of the bounties of (Providence and the very happieetti of theil. 'own ohnditionf is the steed, full of the pasture will sometimes throw himself a gainat its enclostires break away from ita confine ment, end feeling now free from needful restraint. betake,himself tO the moors and barrens,- where want tie tong brings bin to his senses and titer. ration and death close Ins caned." The way it is done in the West.—W e copy from the V i ce and Journal" of Shawneetowd, Illinois, the following-ape clines of the advantages and privileges of " living in a free country." MI. EDlT4—Afill this is a free country and every mail' has u right to be a candi date,.and the 'people, to vote for or against him, I have [taken. the cespansibility to offer my services tolthe !tropic' of this dia. vitt to represent them in the next Con gress. Xtespeetfully, Ydur ob't servant, JOHN HOGAN. ENWAND. Exehangeiat New York, on London, 51 a 6 per cflnt. premium. We regret tit learn chat, though Lord Elden has left behirid hilt the immense fortune of S:1,300,000, hel hes no( begoestheel • shilling to, any of the benevolent institutions of Newcastle upos Tyne, his native town, sithouth he owed his rise to the education he received in ideseury ' A Leap Fativerdinqry .—Tbe celebrated 'A. maims' jumper, Sem Scott, has now made a matt extraordinary jump—viz. from the house of Mr. Jones, it Warrington, to the treadmill, at. Itiols,dtde.—Liatirel riper. 4 Long Serra.—Minithull. • the boat of the Kidg's - Arms, Osirestry, presenied. to a noted littb tippler. on Thore4By, his **Bill of parti him" of seven jhundrei and sistresse half piths of lie, tippled Off at hid house only from June to Nn ember. A bill 'of the same total would not, Notice, and haiipily every' half pint was booked and dated : and the wafter was pot to the trouble of baking the bill not. , It measured above three,' rude long.—ffeb. A white Globe turnip, 33 inches in cireocofiir• ewe, iytel weighing 25 pounds, was grown on, tie estate of the Earl of Roth... at Leslie. The n ble earl hadlit scooped out; and sent as a pm.: en to a fl'ie'd, having first filled it with a' hFproch •of venisoo Weighing 15 porisds„ two, it of wild docks, a brsics and a half of snipes. -iSigictiaadiksaii ir'The 8611 0 0 0 f Worcester has sanctioned the a poidtment of a Clerpman of the Established' arch to give religious instruction to witer-.. o on the river fleterit, and the Worcester and, mingham Canal. ' • A letter-in 'he Times stmes that a mistime 7r a debt Oleos titan 0100 died in the fleet this k of a brohen Mart. after 12 months of Mono ! • ivable suffering to I impair and wretchedness. his fimily.c , The writer adds — sf can &elm i with ? at the lightest fear at contradiction:thit ' this prison lone•thara are at Watt' hundred • dividnals wring 'Miura, to the silentlonik nder t h e . a paiifilt add appaling circrunstan ' .. % 1 ' • 1-. Crerfon4,4rieirtirofe-The Royal ' &chants as opened -•I maiihni queen, a mhlden pee% .greitaag atlas 'Mr-throne at Is destruction. and in aff um".P0 84 0 4 7 - ri ° P ut OS " w kililin g4 UFO Ore • bac l Men cwhal es t two m old a haf for the sures . , Of its chimes, which Changed every three boor. and.s is singul a r end ue' that-114118st chime- ha one was "God sae the King ;" the last Wall "There's nae luck Sibout the house" had the ebinies been unscathed by tire the next tune Would have been Ike the conquering hero O'Connell and his Sono went presented-to the Queen, at the levee held by her majesty no Wed nesday, in St. James'i Palace, reb. 24. • A Trip to Greta..—it soineirbat ludicrous cc. commas happened list week. between the hours of sit and seven, a carriage was .discovered in the Regent's Park ;a t .young lay and gentleman soon appeared, who gut intl . the carriage and set off for Gretna Green.: They proceeded at a rat. ding pace along the north road, astonishing all the 'sod folks, and sifter changing horses at the New Victoria Inn. near Alconbury, Hunts, they beard that papa wee in full pursuit. The pace Was now redoubled, and papa was not again heard of until they arrived at - the Rain Jam inn, at etretton, when they turned hack and took the read through Cottesmore and Burley to Oakham, in hopes of baffling the punthil; and when the :"Governor" arrived et °Ohara. he roped they bad bought up all the horse', So be was obliged to send his trusty servant• on borieback. who , overtook them aboot half way to Melia' Mor. bray, and commanded them to atop, upon which the "gay Lotbaria" presented a pistol and shot the horse dead. After this the young couple proceeded to Gretna (seven, and were_snadi one. The parties are, we ',believe, the 1106. F. C. and the Don. Lady D. f .—Bell's Pte. hermit of voters in Preston.—ln consequence of the valuation Which has been made the house property of this town, by which the rate will be laid according to the ;eat rent, or real value of the house", the .nusiber of £lO voters will be nearly doubled.—Preston Chnwriels. Government his lit length taken the very pro. dent determination of sending out to Canada a naval steam force for service in the St. Lawrence ; And Captain Austin, late of the Medea, ie appoint. ed to iuperintend the equipment of the squadron. Captain Austin left his, resit :once in Sillerood Place, on -Monday, for town. This gallant officer passed two , horthcrn winters with Sir Edward Parry, during which he .offered ship. wreck ; and he was also :in New South Shetland will the lamented Oaptain Foster, in the Ehanth deer; and has subsiquently commended, for five years and a half, those 'pleaded, stearn.frigates, the Salamander and Medea.—Brighten Gazette. The weather, during the et week, has been .very severe, and in manyhi the kingdom rairres snow has fallen to a greater than wag ever before known. In the Weat of England it has `been impossible to effect any communication be. • tween many towns. Between llocimin. and Truro, in Cornwall, the drift, in some explored placee, was actually tweets, feet deep. The gale on the-cont has been awful, and muck dadtage effacted.—Feb. 23 . • The inneTrada.—This importsinti -. 4:10 at present in a very healthy the priatiteoet, mon bars, at the - - Ipment,-Manding firm at .1:9 per ton ~... - , Palter. ~ The Queen a MeiliSerf'af e L l f emperanci,Secietg. —lt appears from the kit number of the Tem perance Magazine, that the Queen has *pounced to the above institution, through the Right Rev. the Bishop of London, her consent to become' the patroness of it. The loss of life occasioned by ?anions having been accidently burnt to death during the last year. inane neighbourhood, we have been told amounts to ncilessthan 76 ; and within the last seven days of the present year four persons have met with the like fate through a want of corn. monyhdence.—Manehester paper. .e:.....r., '- ..:, •;. • ; WALES. Mrs. Howell, an old lady upwards ofloo years of age, has retained her sight and, !acuities to so great a dome that abe rebuked her' daughter, now or. a visit at bar house at Oswestry, for her clumsiness in not threading a needle with spec taclesi and immediately threaded it without glut. ses.—Hereford Times. • The Bishop of St. Aslph has ordered .C2O to be laid opt in the purckase,of coal at this inclement mason, for-the poor of St. Asaph and the neigh. borhdod, who were boUntifully iimpplied with Ilinnel and clothifig by his lordship Ind Mrs. ,Carey previous to Christmas'. Thos. Maitens, a notorious Solidity gambler "as convicted for playi4 at pitch and toss Wi ring Divine Service, and by. wey.pf example to the numerous junior delinquent; (he being a mar ried man,) was co-twitted to two - worths' bard labor. On Sunday, in the pariah of Cil-pinatmllwyd, Carnarthenehire, a singular, but melancholy circumstance cuipnisd, A young man, only married a few weeks, made a moat desperate at tempt to commit suicide, by cutting his throat wigs a razor. Hie wife in ' the confusion and perplexity of the moment. hid to run five or six hundred yards to call in.her •neigbbors to her immune; and when they'returned they found him lying on the bed all bathed in Mud, ir..4 upper. ently quite lifetime. It was unanimously agreed 'that life was extinct: they accordingly weeketil the anus, and laid it, on a board, covered as is 'usual, with a sheet. where it contiimedecold.an clay, for the space ,of two boom without any. signs of animation; when lo and behold ! a per in the erowdobserved one ofthe eyelids quiv. eying, and exclaimed that life was returning, upon which the iody was removed to the bed, where it .gradmilly got warm. and restored to breathe finely. i A surgeon liras immediatelyunt for, the wound Wu •dressed,.and there is every prospect therdeepdodent will yet Bev to ettAy the sweets'''. of matrimony.--Nertli Wake Ci rca. 421:IPERIOR OLD BRANDY, received and for sale by N. NATHAN& do C 0.., april 14 25 ,Seed jriet. reeeived medlar' a: vele by " J. CLAYTON, Feb 14 NE " coop. and an 4 complete landortment of frail. Aand saaannablii Gosals,just antocriber, connietint . : • Dry qqade, Grocer*, sfr , • . Qum/Atari Ate. r, . whiabite oars: fornaliatAda44.olPielli• bights" pricepikkr IFW•itailiitry praises A. A: GILE. , asp It B WZMWI \ Da.Amsori. # - -.. • 800/W ' I EltL :". '4 14 B*.P! ;4A24,hll.orairees4.li,lkosk , ,Aiiid KB*: cry in connection with his Ilia , MISS. . where all kinds of &KAI 'will be:l6olsta Ile shortestiice Iki . law' ridet. , . * ! kik ROMEO vike: v 11. / ' 1 of every ription ma 'to order stliorkiliis4 rata--sisd,ths trade supplied srholemlsAy 11401 p. &dotal pri;ps. April 11 , , • IT - : . - ..1 h.,: , e . • lire* and Elegant Goillin forliTtIANB & 4.tuivirjusi aid 4N *oar. Arr sale. • ' • 7 6-4 English merinos. 11160,t0 75 maitt Ord Super F . rench do at In 60 per yiwi r Tartan, ,merino, worsted.eilk and eattoitahairle. Red, white, yellow, green and searlit linnets, Bleached and unbleached Canton *dine* frisa 10 to 25 cts per yd.t Worsted boas, entnfortamps.childreq'tbeie, Winter prints, glores,lte &e , Cotton bats and wadding at 6.1. per sheet,. dec 3' Aubscribet has ;now on band at Ida &teem •A• and iileorehouse cut Centre and Rail s ßeao dreamt: full assortnanntlefGooits,enititilefet the coal taken via: i tßar Iron auerted sizes. . Band and Hoop dci do Neil, and Fpikeßoesde do " - "Benitunhi , C .artolersr Qrr'l unit HAS removed hie Orme to Centre' Street."op. patite the Brick Bnilding of George M. iint where he wilr.attend to all business, an. trusted ° kiln in the line of Ms Ktifeasion. Oct 21. 48—tf T. 417. 1. Beatty. • HAVE just received.por Canal butt Advent re Copt. John M. Crbsland, direct from New York, 35 auks dairy cheese. 20 beau pine apple, do 1000 lbs. superior 'flunked beef, 1.000 lbs. do Likrd, • 1600 lbs. codtual. • .5 bhls. superior Thad. 30 toble. No.l 11Iaekrel, • /0 bylf • • dci do '3 bbla. stari.h,' 4 • 25 boxes ingitrior 'green and blifiEl not 25 ,!.. -., . 00d111. .' • Neill , . 0 ... 1 , - ,0 '• ' . A , _ , mon/1110K of fresh and . smimplabl• t f244..9 :;! i, just reeennid—cocuiisting in Vt .: l Dity 8 1 ~ „ : -'y s: -4: 4,11 :17,...- • . GI • KA ," „. ••-;•-^ e ,es, illityd are, . .. 114eenlware, Mackerel, Salt, Plaeter, Ace. &c. which will be sold lon for cash. The lei/hest price paid in cash for . all kinds ofcotilify p . i,dree. " - JosOn WHITE & SUN: Mortal Carbon, Dec!2 , . Haden Smith, _ • • Civil Engineer, and Surveyo r, 4.e. . , ix eIiVIAG =aired ; speourapment , solsMent w-wtO induce him to wide in Pottsville, Will ID a Oswedays t make Abet Place his rubberiest. All bushings entrusted to him stall be punetu. ally attended t .and treurately parroinuml with out Doneness" ' ' • H. S. Ethb ii opportunity to convey * thank's' to those - gent! man who have interested. thamaelves `ln his behalf. ' Pottsville. April 14, 1838. 26-3 ' Milk; 4 lingirettry ' WilafiESAL* , AND RETAIL ' Dray Goodi,qroci7+, Wine 4. Liquor Store (Next door to Mortimei's 13441.) • • THEIR connexion wl ith sheltie-in rhilaillPhia enables them to beep on hand it • yetyxixten sive,assortment of goods, which they Wall gill at PhilsOlphia Prices. Blare and Tavern kesistre and private femilies, 'scold do well to, call.and - judgeibir themeelvec 31 e Order". l a l P a ni E lj e 9 atotlfid'lViiii4 l . and *Volunteers; esospe. ••• ding the 3d ,Briptde„ 611 i will Commence and coutinue the Springtroittior• for 100, as follows: • • • 53d Reg i me* , amuOangig by Cid. Hugh TAO say, wbole•Retiment Monday tbel4didaj tit May•', 1638. 7 • • 'lti s igninti confounded by'r t ol; Baronet D. l imbs, dd I .lla tanks on Tuesday ths:lslllr dator Mity n 44 let I Battalion on IlfedaseditY the 16t h day Of May l icext: . • 'nth Regiment,. commanded bj"Col. bieelro: der, on rhuriday I the 1711r4ry, .May pest; Baltchain, on rrninY the :1841-4,17 oflofey next., . lsOßeelmierit. comManded by Col. EliegflW let Battalieo on ibdurday:thetlek. day of May dent, 2d Battalion On- Mileaky,..thi. 2111 Oa; otlilay next+ , • 30th ]. tigitnent. cominanded-by i,CoUliddrlol;: • Bickel, lit Battalion; Ttleadny OntAblAllYtedl lalfy 'enc . l ila Batter Ft on WsdneodliTure der offilarnext. -The company training's willlie?rin &et. I- Monday in .say, namely, theith f littAboghteon. are ti be float by the ifommandiiiCeScorift oC Tfl os e i louimendiog WWI Qt compnotek Adj to of Begin s, ire strietited havaltbiis enrollmentil . ready orradbis 44 . agresibly.to law. ' By enter of. i • thi JEsl4ollAll4lltAiiitt i L liaspltd Brijl 6tirttlir . :l ,. .' 36.' *i ir o e !edica c t . 1 4 , April 1 h .•• •., • g • rwonsieblanilitra hive javelireerieViiveilligr t o. •g" , „Gov silo 601kark ' Cluurviivie'Wkiat2-41- asiveo witivli wait- the-kaiwkit"allit BlatuisMapokoeq Mods*. Prisi . Darljost niched d fir Ws by t:i • , , 11 AVM & 2TILFCIII. April 21 . 1 1 , ~.,. -- .4. 3 ° — , lißliE ; $* • -r r-.. i'f 1 I. 1 • : NO. 31: ", • • - • • Steel, Round & knave 'do de Nails and Spikis do dO Coal Shovels ugo do Hardware', a general aaseortment: All of which he is ot reduced Sacra. Jan IS 2 . 3. CLOTOS. NM ~:;xA:riLd ~'r. . =I `
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers