_• h . • '..; _ 12 . .. . ~ - ' ;.'....%., $ kt, -..., ; Stitt -0 , ..,4 , -,. - 4 lf.4.ij,f,eci.„4, _ , .:4i , k. . 4: .F-'4.:-.:".; ,, 5it . .'''..,'“lT..-,0, - ~.~ , ~ail~tily '1";~~ ,loin midno..Toilf Lite,light iiialieliuty t 0401184 ' Aid dark.oesii• itiise away? r • The shepheid from his. imai et{ Wakes to his daily task ! i - Gilree; TO thee the lark Nor. bea u waiii led; His main:, melody ; ,1 ,q And they who sail thewetiry see, And long have watched the 4ngeeng night, Whe long have prayed for thy Teturn; At thy first beam with tratispott burn, And bless the welcome sighti We itnoir-notishiii, or whelice thou art, Of darkness and he inciriqng hot n ; \Ve watch all other stars det,ml, And see thee shine forlorn ; When moon and stars to j ihaddwa worn, Thou seem'at to man a sym ml given, When sublunary things clecay; , Ilia soul, like thee, shall pass away Into the light of heaven:, . cashmeres. Nothing to more corispieMnis.iti the traveller'_ retrospect than the fast hot little ester ail pas session has to do with hap lIMSS. As lie(Wati dere back over city. and vi litgq, ptantaa' n. and' prairie, he seat again ear , on 'the broW of the meicharit, arid - mirth itilli' :eyer!'of ifiellit mire; ; the sauffesefa,"Celsotthe'rid _Blinkers risqmp be- , • firOirnAudayliiiie - with'l he iladsome"eoubte7. t i , '.1!llie&I, e' - •a tionitt, Each cities , ''httidly , " Pitfia..Z th e one' be "V it . .n power and Weiilthilhilistraveller phi • nose but these svho arc acting their energies' n t e exclusiVe par. suit of either. Generally i ape ing, they have eali alien equal eadowmentbf, , *lags fiord which happiness is really derived They h •ve, in pret ty equal aistribution ' b , h, senses , ainithhir pleastires,,homes, ehildi en; iihrkuitat and :succes ses. With all these thinn .common, the one point of difference in th e. rlpective amounts of possession of more than the ' can at i Present* sat, use, aud,-etoy, seems' o .hi4i quite u yorthy . of all the eiimpassion e . ted . .hy . * th_, 0 h the 1 coMpairsion, having slam fitnit t araiable hi it. is of a kindly use as far as i goalie liar' metery, the thrifightless are startledinui the 'iamei perism. lion. How destitute are the deed in WI graves: I Bow naked is the spirit gine from its w ran.hor`l , stings and environs of *series 1 . This is ',the' thought.. The next iisitraeit,ever deeriVii3e7, at ' d these luxuries ever al y thing to do-with the • . - tie of the spirit, ezcepl as affording e.parsuit • rai the eniployment of ite energies? - hot, as Inge, ous and gladsome a Mind!Rho . ; .... 4 „,.",.br0ad . : „te . the Bads, or singing i 4, the Mil .', ...•gtthe •-•-'. '• ..;.., ,re oethe drawing thomlltua • Dot at words could.we'find Strong a : , ~, a of the decree !under whieli, =•-.- ".lbel is compelled to enter his gi - s , 'ry and destitute? Whertiwe look ,us upa this obehelt, And that ariii, what :Italian the .54). . plenses and the rensnriof theneighhOrs of the 'departed, in the,presenhei of,the awful facts here 1 i declared. that he hate:lii mid is giniel .In this. • ..,,mighty , tranractona biiad. "`diNtaiselfeitlifallai ' l i • ...- , keithati-insigiii fi eerit-i' litinfithsthe *Me?! ' 'aliens, betwerm, wfiti l a .& iinself.there,bl4l. i eiist no 'coiniiliter ntiite nti g in this life'!- But there is.motwar 7 iiiii i 'g this consequences to himself of havla,g4ivedilwitti ii4h or low inodelits before his eynsi'Mtftaapirtt ai i leve or 4 spirit 'Of, i contempt; in arlirricesegif en tau. or dhiparagiiii, interpretation eir:. ; :ni - iiiwb.,Olii4: tare mindithiiiiind pro ~.ese ai . fit's 90 4FtAltil.7, 1 r - •, - 1 And is this all? Can rAasolii, om pm ~4,!„.. . Thaw bid mu shun th : _jr;eini d'areed the Oat" ale Sweet. parapliat afloat oi, , air-rOglet., . ' ',-‘ - The Pla_ralljaig-tlit.rktVt"thi. pima ui me. - ~ Ile laolits . japittleylivit 0 4 lily Warp. -', •, , , , lr . Wheni'lliiik e llidiq.fie 4 „ Ode ry - steiir ,-.... 2 Faces a thiaiiirrid da '''' ri,.." . heiKifili l 4••• *!,.., . 7 i,s;i. 1 And, trash"" file d i 'a motaitsibem 4110 —: • - :rnalin Man is not, tie' cr ew ' reit . eircuthstances.- -', Circumstances hie thelereethrey. of ;inert. We; , , area„ ee arects,: ; .and man is Late peWerfal thah 1440 05), , ,areceitiliti 6. fiitkriehing liifLrence. • -10 . c444.1K - 0 ttp I ).he asiiiklie:doturtilkiiriiittnre -• ' s ' ; ki l ..,r -1)3 -1 0 :i Alt; I. rt,et lritilrbti4diiitinted--. 'iihakAirsili ki.abe saliPr` ~ t . si. Tadt' invention 'tifillia ' ,tecints;rhay,add Ain Enke :instance' 4 ..,. exsta,hlihg,-hui own peer. , p:141111, 5 eattrnifdaNim SPelitiallihki toaamilm .004,, ail a atif rin ittik - f, of ihi f tes. I t M.eis : evi,oo.tditi.tr a lhoriSty) '''.clis l' '` s aot ex: 14i, and feeririg-trie - oc ire .....0, 'ht lties-iihihb , there are Jai:Mei:4 •-enfitrehL ill tii'i . 'iriihd that ''`ditiittiPexer:Yeritai 'keel ,fram fthiiiiir' tier/ preju . •41°!114#11010-50 it VII ;o.4iTe tif/VP.Vde . "itPiitt4l4,/40 1 0 .. ti. lli. l o . .4 ' - AP . lk' SO' i 644, t 1y, ,bgortoi6y it i sate' 4lXlitit;itridlblit 'mei; .•.'",4l,,„,kllo,3i#o:N.S4aria VA ~ 46:it hisMsta*s. '• ' lt-r fr i l itte' ‘ :- ' ! .''.'• ` - :-P- - -tlt:--- -•••,- • '•Are:; , - ''' —..; ; ,-- ,11-•• . . 1 ! r. 1 ,..ti.:. . . :,: t 4, (OW SOIWICtiOti that 17e is Cath in the ~ 4.1,', Wistrhaps, - .this m :raWful 'moment of :4, spit 7 , -.. , w4001c070rk yo g, We l. ink that nit i i 5.17 '', iiiiiii4MOrit,t at_ ' _ about ;are humor ,, ~ .: , ,71::::11AtikAird:Ilifiplit: hAs'itruclw ititim round - '?: , 'itaillk4niiitatif,',4sat: _, : il i ttmeifyli. "ikneening It 41-t'-iiir, i f ',k,;.EnobriliaLigat a, ' here alfii,it i `even 11. r. " ticiAi VioWroaiati ~ldisiifthiiiin 'fieleid'eaui "..A,,trirKtiOahi*lfieri n ' ' • iidatiliide t a; Yet death • -.' . 6Fia l dh - O.ainic):AW 7 .14 ie it veri 'werfitt rev- , •; , , n , ehtliptiAkei:r itlitir ' `.7*.,li6e,,and of their own 44 . ta4tIfterattio.reep . :1ilinsiatleaaiu li a eata5tr0.,44.41.#1144,4,1*dpi. .,44.41.#1144,4,1*dpi. the.,,,,World" an the worlds ' .., 741111bjlOireitl. Tat* iliti.itti,, changed and tern ,ifittaffltii Otat m it makes us (1 4 .•.,Ptitr -? ikr ±thiairri'atillts%, gay and •-' petit fr,l4 - ',Fatilbi , i fs #9411 . 1 4 401.1ar first time ' 4 12 10 . ,,,ri f ,!t . .. 1 1. 4t:44 2 k 4. 43.1:' Vt i '' 1^1:- . 1.0 0 -- * i''' ' l6 *... , . 4-*litlcl rYl 4 : • -:'l rrte", *ftst .', 'AT , bensfitavlitch ti n Children "offie, stEtor de . . . 44 - , rwe'lcm.ntterri g : Sentitry,Bohnole,.,ii i i oz: ,: 1 ,ilo,:ii . ltiliiii , ''' 'knOtird", . ? . .,Itml Th eir 1 = , 4 1 PfalitiaiYro,4:* ,lii'elllT:it' v , Our*. one s t ~ , f ; tit,, ot tee great* .tw' ings,,titanithltitia, - 1, -. I `;'w bit -.o*perienieri Aiming-0e , fesept 'nen— ' ' ' Nary.: Sunday', We arti=of rest kn . ~, .. i. Artaneo, irt i rfit atit, ai' -l ' . '7101140 the rolit. kid' bli' ettAPPiti titi l 4'te be- come instructed. Lug g00k,,,, ples.Of 10 1 . ~ Morality and yet gion, on. wit eli . isottetserti, , ,I ~ the happineekrfa eople.. Ii - some parts ' of EuropeqrattioPlaitly-in Eaglatol, wha rt: • ' ,4 Wletb#6,kr. ' W4S6U:' ~~ t~ ~7~ \~~~~ ® «®~ ~ © ~~~~~~ ~~= ~ ~~ 1~ &~ 40 • ' -0; i ,1 , 16 „ 4 ollitt; 4 4 . •,.,., 7,2 . := . i..: „. • ...L . _ sz „,. l . 1. 3 , loar• - 747:0 1 1 1-"' w:Wii , * isatottoo-octoteiy.:4ww# , 4oo - 04 1 i 4 - Lotitiote - oiffe - Teoologi -,.. _ 4111) - is particular l., -; tyi , ksofto# , ..o*otoi. 01. society. ln ilitutLltenkftr,:,.. L hnrt-,line_ AlitieOhere ii i iiretE fil . 4lll I I 4PPe:lji.,, tik:4o o. 4 4 r , * 4 ll l g e i 4.lol * '-'4l:44olo*lkt 'Sit6°lol6* ii.t.L ~ : 4**liikfli,itltutli2Cfr;ifie,: - iiiecficiof fediOttiiiil77hi'iliniiit number lir:tit:4in )4dr chihl*:::tihn:iii(teildelArii? IChimils, shows heir little.?,bethiCn •COCiesl.l6i4he intellectual,,Mal';merliVinipreveinea4if.thel lower claiseti in -Eiigliihai , kfTlie, , ,lns' tine tion-in-tha4uit ate ... ~. , need Sold" - - Otiqbas.d the most= ::"7 - ric effects rifi4 - ICrilyan the childreu, but on "the "Parente. - " ,: k cletiy man of Cheshire lately stated* that he knew of no instance in which tali children of poor ,01 profligate parents, if regular attendants at Sunday schools, had et. transmitted; to their homes a portion of the benefit derived. This is a most inte resting fact. . . 4 '4 .**V* R• '- - ~... 'Wtie • I pi •.„il . ?,P.1.1:t•::••fR Tv. ~ t4eo/4,1 "fri . 1 , We'leopy the following account of the chaunting of the Miseiere, in Rome, given in Mr. Jewett's agreeable sketches, just issued from the press. The erfthusiasm telt by him on the occasion of hearing that rcertormance, has been so libentllrshared by travellers uninfluenced by catholic creeds or teremnnies that his description of it cannot be deemed partial, extrava gant, dr peculiarly ardent; "A short silence preceded the opening of the Mtierere of Allegri, the one whlch 'l l was so•foitunate as to bear, and which by.arnateurs it regarded as the finest. The 'strain commenced, and. instantly with it, a.• . rill ,throu . thgh eviry nei've. I have no words, that:ever soßextertihsly placed up. op this unshunding sheet; can other than fdintly symbolise the tones, that during the succeeding half hour name to my ear. While ltstentng - to their swells and falls— to their vast, far-soaring, still enlarging volumes, and to their cadenzas so graceful, so touching, so divi hely j - 'fling, they seem ed oftentimes but . silver elutes from some "far Off tenelody^,^ wafted r-a moment hi therwart , I tried, itio er , that I might make it" l. compirjion,, to feball the finest 1 1 music I liFd evetWeaid ~ I brought up the , s4lendid strains of the. French and Italian bands. "I - xecalled the ;voices of Rubini, and 'raniVarini.,, and prgij f and Lahlache, and-of h tineorchestra, at4ifiowledged to be jhe fiaest int he world , With whose efforts II had so often heard their own. ItMight l ha th e effect ofsame inappreciable • I as .. t . ,targhl., - ,..have been the effect 40% of lap* 1 , - ''M - strains seemed !taw to mt:s . , common-place.. 4 tiad once " - . , ithinitdd harmo ties the TiOrfectuilk: .'',•= :. ad, I now fell Shat--I was Imistaketif-' ', ,One k qf those _-voices is a 'wonder,r, it notitele; •yet..ombi- A ",pid,alcthei!^Orlialtif ihOtis varieties, ta and rnpyiag-42.0trj4Fil '.' Ord With those litindredinstrumaptap e*l#stnitlllCAr effect upon the heai....hatt tat PiAlle great test ott their l iimidil=- 5 4Fi' niVit seems to , I e; be anythiltipe eitaLld what teay .4.#,4 7 .4 ii 0:ugh; 40144 . 0 . 0pOrt , voices in,the chuitOf t oki3ilieat,perforaking Alte%A tserere • V 4t14, - -.. AllfiVjuLivile 04,etplistuart*lanr _..„ ..... .. r . mere ti.,SoOiae teOair,, When . I tepityasik combi• - Sle4foi lot it^be-rernetsilbe*a.'iok the'ef -I°°,', 4 'l a‘si4E,,,_, l **k , nt: ‘.o„lP.act 'lc ri " 7.."1ef 7 741141 ' ' - 1 410 . 4i ' v :: :( f#T r i it 1I• ir, will' tiAiri - :pugtitled; :;:sktopon• 1 ir-irit t ej4l*vfittiftiliti*l'lherein is , 4„.. z*leefial9'6o . 4.4 s eriqo,`O' coitiAtt sitt`glicaoptillthAbrtY.l4.rli OW tiFifie-hi; palfra heath fiat 144.2 ',That -.iiihi`it.,_bio giaelituy ibterwitiverknoterpof iiiicifitriiiint , ' ye'tof litirrnonizins' powers; '---" P - i d i-o"., .. am ass ancktetio this., alO/11 evey Pt 4. ~.e-; of initnig 4 nbfOl 0;4: loine4riiher""tones, atit o' . llr,iiiijg here,:Athol rtwary there, *cern itii,li4,.i:ttrAW iiPhii4or,4ifitugles upon bet 'glest '0446..., - upo riving, witledefei-ind -14 lag viiiietitp , f. at s; l ead iten*lliiiilltind skavAiltini*fle,riiiisll hiligitiful.. - As rlissstrektO tibtleciiPACiv,MA k rwds d° riot ii r wit*l - 10 - temsid=4;thq ; iiiiou9t floirl,E4*-41—tiloc4iifow;x4r ant i e ~.._ ~74,_irlioifiC/aiiikokiii,love to ill Ailfe:Oratittirt,e^tiovritf send thrnogb`iiiem 1 aciritelgirtiffurwincl frgT,the,„Mextcaa seas, land lotplyt'in your.ii . trettlharther, after some itelOiit .gtecittifjonlif - tile 'eventide, You may- 11(4i sabinifO hear tiihes faintly rmagtningiiith Ahnsti'of the Miseiere of .4lieflri . "., n t, .... -1 ' 1;• ^ • haitstiViiindiftibirsior. 11;401 --Professor 1 Gee of NeOratettilmaitictber following ,fitartic:. livecrefesence to ihit.tiiTresisteirk Dwight. in a recent addreatsbefore a Hottecultnier Society- - "Ho bad'ilitt largest virden,:the beit:Calinati plants, and the-fine* fruits in the citi,-iiticl all cultivated by his own hinds.' This fact will cii: cite sarrerhin t when it is recollected ifitiViletebilii:' ered ll lecturri tot' hie tiers--sic ditie In it *oak— performed the duties of •PrieresioT ref .Divinity, and iliperintended the goverifspent of th6,college.. Hewsi the first in this city who caltivgted tits stranerry extecsiv'ety filid"iiiidoesatally- :lie tie' monsfirated that an a tOdaittog ioraistimami.fruit might be hultivated gt g very li t tle expense. Ile' Nava minute and iccurbte'oberervervithehabifl and laws of vegewtdessllind - delighfiralits:confeirs cation to gtver',7or receive instil:wide - in sbortictit tare. - Be InftrieJ iritojiiiiil itonvitailinn. , musk' and *try, and he'w/Pl:listeifedio milks delight, even when higicrne war callitiation of Cabbages. He ctgb 4.-p 4k,bite in prtuti, fruit , ne;4ll ** c i. rit was in its most kin' roWitil and the rAfiluie stAriittfiii Wanda ' I won • heal most reedit i;T.' ritsiiimoh. Ms Dwight was enabled, to:' icsArieti plain. various mental labors,i hivi4rieivirarthg, his'-iikei. stitniton by. exercise in ttfirg‘A‘a. Igo OM :tit airtinglOhkfien' tiniiirl at& fsisetLsoet n r l'ir idler is a tiegielftlhidwirds&elb hands; isNivelevs when' it'Olet` As'erhenstt *tak , C Went of occupation is not resit' '.ls! , A mind unoectiptid is a mind distressed," i• • ' • '. , ' , • ..,.1.34-........14"........;-- , . i1eti1e.4f4a4.,'4...:" - , ..5.,. ---*-±F.4:<•so,'"•-tii..".',--',,,4-,,5:'":•..;-,4,4 -:, •;21,4-,, - ;..4.4:1. L , •.. - L. ,; `,,E - f.t4';''' . 4 - t - tk::' , Of '-',' .‘' ..., ~,f,.- . .e..1 . 4, - . -. 7 `1,,..-....' 1 1.e........ ~.: L. r , :::: , - 4 '"^ "J l 2 •of .i. , " , ' - "te 4 d tttill 4 -e- '•%, NiV . -!'r,kn.-.. - ir ' -.."-,-...,,,..:. 4 ~ , '..--a, ' ---7: 2 ‘ AME...'-' •1t "` t, ' , 4,4-4: - CiAti,...` t- '..,,e,..,,,, '.4.4.'--3,14 , i;! , ''''. 'ft." '=:' 4:' , " T3 2 0' 7 .. t ___,... - _,...1,1 *•?'. ..! - "." v i t a A lva .a ,;;; WI .. r ...... , 1-Y - * id.- - 1 - '7. - , - 1, ,',, .•.;1 . ..1. ~,, '','-': .4 . .. , f ,- ' , .i. , 4", - ' r , !,...-„ ~!,-.,,tu-..1,_“..• ~:t. ,„,.. . ...----_-- 1 - ..., ilitiisage:" . , vertiL , Mt gETuRNING.:III 41RPROVEMENT. -,t--'IgI,4;:7I,OIIII,IIIsfAIMIAIVRE.-..,1 .. tii - t4e-SeiiikliS4lltiViieseliiii. ',.‘ r: , _,.-. „4 , , :,..z. , r,- 10 1,,, , ,-.1. , ...- r . •.I , r, :61talvuitit,z;•P-K,-.1,- -:.' , ..- - 1 .i. -- , IMO. mature :deliberation, I have Sign el the t ,hiKiiiiititie4o4ll744 te'preeld a for the WOO* iiiirio,74"iiiiie*l4mproie -41 'meat*Oct he iiiiiiiiiot4ifier," lik 411'9w1-CireAl:4.,..l4igitkiliiiiiietjer Pis moit,tinivilling ace, jititicelttiqatat and to cn•..iielf, compels me, tioiiroliutilthe sons, that influenced me, known the line of conduct 1 1 sued in,carrjing the provil into opemiicin.;, • - Thiwbill ippr priates, ',State works,- retiairs, &c. 'State rOadsAildblidges, lutnpflies`,,;, ,„):: Ce. canals and ''' tl roads;. The objection's against 1. The magnitude of tl ated.—There will be ont, __ 30U,000 and $1,400,000 of a priabable and unappropriated balance in the treasury durinz• the year, after deducting the sums appropriated to other pnrposes since the beginning of the session. Under such circumstances, ' i neither the preseht ap pearance of thelimes, nor the diattites of common prudence. seem to Insffy the ap- propriation of 81,952,34413. ' 4 2. The injurious effect of the measure on the future prospects of the ,Public Works.—lf the practice once become per manently fast Ted upon legislation con nected with th improvement systein, that no public appirpriationp shall or can be made without an offeiing of a large por tion of the cortimonwealth's means to pri. vote undertakings, it is impossible to cal culate when any one of the state works will be completed and productive. 1 3. The commencement of nets State Works before the Completion Oft hose now in progress.—lt may, I am aware,, be said that the only really new works authorised by the bill, are the extension of the West Branch Canal, the Kittanning Navigable Feeder, and the Wicenisco Canal, form. ling altogether a • distance of about forty miles, and inv i olving ultimately the expen-, diture of a million or apillion and a guar-1 'ter of dollars', But it,should be borne in mind, that sthat sum qrCuld go far towards completing the Erie* the North Branch ,Canal, and would more,than complete the Gettysburg rail road,rind would thus ren der profitable, works sow wholly emir°. I 4uctive, in the prosecution of which the State has already sb deeply involved her self. ' r 4, The unequal and 'unusual manner in i, which the Fends of th' State are scattered aiming a great numbe of local objects.— If it were proper at th present time Maid' the different local prqjects. and improve menteorthd ecarimonwealth, which is hy 'no means admitted, the principle shonld be carried intopraise equally to every county',-iiproportios oats population_ind other clai.mi. ' Thel'ocal aprapriatimes of this bill,thotigli'iheyi'are profuse and va rious, are no ~made this principle. ' ", „5. The ahStince fr m this or any other 'hill of thermion, of a provision l #o ppy an existing itino pressing claim against the State.—LeSt • summei, when the public ,works, wortr in ' the dtmost [need, audit* honor of the state required it, the bank of Ail/rated Sides agreed ite- advance two hund red, thOusand ofierS, at four per cent. for one ye a r, unde a resolution of a pre vious session, thou h not compelled to d i n 0 by' the tirrmeof the resolution. That money hat; not been; repaid, and I cannot fora moment stippoT that the omission to ;Make Provision Tor ' by tlie legislature, is owing to goy •Thinghut. occident,: If it is, it. is the first instacoe'iwithe; history of Pennsylvania, of •a leglect to pay or se.. trire a fortner.sleht befote contracting. 1 inhere. , i- , . - p i . .. '6. The &Ode. revided in the bill , to meet its expenses af tapprriationi beyond, the means of the Peasuryi-With'Etin7 tiuestioned power iti -, -,thei legislature' to compel one of the e tate. Asti:kit ;to advance` money to the comM3nwealth at 4 per cent, it is with tiejitite surprito that !_find a section .authoriiin e l the Vfineittor , lebor , row $600,400, at any interest . he may see I.c.c fit' te - - give. , Wha ever truth- there may bit iirthe iillegedti Moeda ofArank. intim litiq: he iftteldwaus ~ tire 'friendly leaning *4ll4.l4l4ittitOit,i g as lion, in tbio case; 1 1 %000,- 1 4 leas .st s plitattincia in his fa iraft,,FerNirtiptiii-it *uncollected that the dui; tilcitin 'ter th • r'Oittnionwiealtb a spe, cified eetnioliCX , : r cent, when required. by itt - . W__ ~ ,- . te*part bliteXunit,egteed to 'he give& or bet c aster, the_eonclasion is. Itimateittifiltehlet , hat , refraining" to.com. nest 'pel 4 l4 -- o,!lifiai,,P odetla task- bm'hiistil. ifiAmt:,frieriait i • 7'4.4' 1 4, „ - et' will eq understand it; •-• ,-. ~ i etin 1,.,.,:,*5Eti1i 4 . 0; *mike, lie peep ii:Aic,4. .state, „thae-- :ft i v ii i ..*::P a yli 4 1 *. r . ilititir interest- or mikief,'llific; t Vgbe ta‘at-ill per cent-is an act„con•isten't Oli'th&hiat its: leitatit Agltifeeti . murtemaltti.l.4t 'stall §iiin,ciet„fie st)Wi .'the. iliffgonce enithe tv t lAA itt - W0 4 4 .4 - Ati*Pect l VOAY 1 ii .; ' `. , ..lobe a l dared, 1t ,..:-. , ., 4,'`n ~ ' '''; : r.,:lik %tolliiol erow... 4' - 1.1 1 .,* !. .., : ,,,, ~..',,liik * t., : t Virtr i tiri rltstit . ",, 6011*; , -„,- "soltiOettey: 10066 -v , l; .thivre ; s woop o t Ilie'Re4itir Pith re tfrenetiAturordina• ry character. i the prnient4eitisioit, and inistiteoll one occasion itnSe, I have thlts4l ne My duty; and though _ snore fully coo. • I wan twelve monthia4P, - i i' he noiniduess of the opinions then ad, i 'i i yet it seethe that the decision of the people, constitu tionally expressed by tbeik represeptatiVea is different. - I therefore feel bound to hew to public opinion thus exrresned. While T make this a v ow +AI of acquiesence, I desire tobe most distinotly !undetstood as maintaining, an unchanged opinion on the subject of the State debqand oldie public improvements; and 1 wish it to be known that so long .as I cootie + ib myi present station, I will, on all occasions, adhere to I the opinions and principles heretofore ex pressed, and will maket th En the rule of • 'my conduct , unless , ; as 0 t e preient in stance, I shall be,overruled,y the wish of the people legitimately ;made known. I Make this public avowalinow, that; hereaf ter there may be no misunderstanding on this head. i , • , ' But,. in the second i lace, though the reason just explained is the main one which has ,decided my course, it is not the only one.—Others have had their infiu mite. ' [ . The defeat of the tiresent bill; which would render improbale the PoOsoge of any other on the subject at this session, would deprive the public agents of a re pair fund, - and would therefore throw idle, for the greater part of the season, the whole line of canals and rail roads. The responsibility of such 4 result I sho uld be 'slaw to assume; and while . I admit this, it tp i is' due to myself to r,. t that satch a pos sible state of things as foreseen at an early period of the les son., The:ditemmi then apprehended wa attempted Io be guarded against. W ether my • want of success in that attemp will 060u:illy be for good or evil to *ha PernmoriWealth., it is for the future to dedide r It ia,now ob vious that the only choice presented is between signing a bill with appropriations to companies and to -new Worki, and en countering the risk of having.no 'prrision whatever made for thb'repair or ttlei State works., !I , Another strong 1' cement to sanction the bill is found in I e fist that it Is now two years since any pieviaion Was made to continue the public works- In the - mean= time contractors, labdrers and others con cerned have suffered anucti, independent of loss to the State bf the bontinned unpro• duetiveness of the capitak alleady, invested in the unfinished lines. , ' The depressed state of trade! and busi ess generally, and corseeqoerit *apt. of employment for mechanics andlatithrere,. fr also presented stro ig reasons isgalitit boarding up the fun of the COrnitutni.: wealth.. Tbeirexpe ditCresnow will kiive, a most 'happy anditlliefiSial effect i on the, prosperity of thi!Stitteltritt tier' Oitixt* arid ihould remove' much of thwrepult• nance eptertained nminit.' the „Mete man-, ner of the distributio4h ' For these reasons I have determined, to sign the bill. and, cooling to this Om elusion. rejoice ex eediogly that .' ),have been spared . the - se c shit of oiing th 7 vets; power—a power s . ,hose'exereise is only. less unpleasant than the sanction of an act deemed - Nei-brig in it elf. i , .. - I Atli now britly. tate certain-dif fi culties which may. 'itairt .tcakrying die bill into_ operatien, and the mariner in 'which'. they. will tal Cleated, ift 'y should decor:, '''-', c , , :,.• Th are two ssep of itoPrOPtiettotts embraced in ‘ the i pc ;,op t. ' State works nowlii priligss, a if tba'sithelk , to eitinpapi I { ind other - objects. , ~414. oriner. -- ortric: - count 'of their prior 19 'klrii *tithe faithof Ina the State , ( they . b itg, tl triimeet coo-, ' i trbets'jitig in;exist nen '''''soidithnir' genet.- alintelvit ..to.the w 'ole, ophunity;l shall, so farrntrii cont I ever thwireaticry ex tendi'.' concede asp 'ority ofhatiymeat tntent i a oi . .Ahi , public • fen - I fete. latter *Di ho t ppstpoited to. th e ' -. 2 li t,'",ffperb . artt fundi eniiuti. to. disck ar '... ' th'fully.44ithiviii, "be-part . r/... • -;, ~ ~ .1' IL , ~ ,,,i,„43, , fr. ' -- i .h rotikeet;.' thtm: twr vdcifcription ) r — ortik li.iciP9o 3 dr . 4 4 0 4 i l l rs - - ikhil7 o tie9. ll l o o* ti ft, Aeolituitoul,‘)4,i,e,l4o.,.. *omit Or 1 - 4040h - oikir, .: 14' '4ll AtiVlthii Trizipte-Aook.: - - 0 , - - .... ~ 0. . , 3 7 , „ ~ : ,-Triasury, bull lho proieedi ot.' ',,C I pPlary loan of ty 1 1 800 Q140'•illfl •1 - ' 'acttially receii'. - • ..i.).. , ..,. , ...--, . • OA arepw -to p. oint l ,knd. will.bp g "' en- t6-7.M.4. it th lib` Itnat!oo 3 -- 13iteilie'rei, :1 7 fitliAbili 1.1 tAfielositian• 'Pe - I''','lblittleltceklitid.';" i.. bietinitiViii" ac ikt 443iee'w101;theiWk. ' 'cede SPlttov ' metttionedoutoy4C ilt,,_ ppreplatiiios;_or AnizitrAhlatkiissid)ti of c fil . - . Tbat_''such-za.l. '''. 1:,- "- `bliVi - P no prhhhlct!' will `-, ! . 'p" '. '444iiiinatiair orkttio„!Dc9 4 s)ok:hi ; , 'ittlilloilL; It t it io t iles,,,tf ;trill: V; ' • --- - - t - zl - `be Goireroor I 1 , ,t : . *:910 4 1. 11* *1 h.. ?',hili'eb'•: aukhoti 1 ,s-r7i_4:to;:t* m o t 7 -- ;:lritkadt sum ot inoney liif,Z. -', - 0% - i i iiigiidred ';thousand ilcillars, anted , Ogtve . : „:,kets'itkri certificates therefor, and kite sarne'sbaff be 1 I H ! • .. 1 .'-••-....' '"''''f-X...,'",. sk• - ., z,5 . ---.- ,t ,-- "..f.:"•••• ----- 7 - 77 -7--7 7, - ,„;•, t u 7 - 4. _,..A.4,;,•• • A • • . .. 1 --} - ~.;1 ------- . j 1 1%; q . tec -. 1 5 , -.- *-- ied• -,.-. ----- '..,',1 -•- •,'', • , •,i - : - ,• • -• ,•11h , ~ :;,ir Jek- ..•• - 11 . W' ... iitid,',-* 0:01 - "Is t Pel ,--- ,- t v irefi,,,i'44.."'MT"' 1 Ve il, ' I"' i•T IV434 01 V0,41 0 11 1. 1 0 1 0.:0„,, lime ; litria444loi ß ;, 'anyinOtiny thertin,,thiliac4 iistiAliPro.fljatelP k: fk l ?'? i Vi: : '' .1 With lePliO ik : ilt**44 ll ,tiwO blng*, l i a te -OlO i t°-be'li,Yiew't. Titst it, ether- Lacs only .11.:,tielopbrity loin," - Airbie Tun. derstind to be a loan repayable-wit in one year front the thitilofJta negotiation. And I would here remark, thati t if keen! mole ted a perrnaMent lean or incrtiiefe of ' State Debt; tile bill could not receipt. m ;signs-. Lure. 2:- -That.. tbeirate of interestAs not designated.. But, trisMuch as th t•Legis lature had'it.in their power to ob in the money, ,iiefour percent,l shall t hold myself authorizedor require th gi , more thawthat-rata. •., !• . ~, Under,tbie iiew*f the requirements of the sectiell,i-willi immediately take the proper steps to aseertaiktwhether the loan can be begociated On the terms-no, stated. successful, If the attempt be wbic / .very 1 4 muchiloubt,-doubt, ptions to the stock of the different c paniee named in the bill aill be forthivit; made, and the money paiOn accordance !with the provisions of the art. If not, I hall' not feel authorized, aa.Oovernor 'of Pciinsylva ilia, to affix the name 'of her Chief Magis. trate to-a contract which I know cannot be Alined. ~., :- , After a careful examination: of the law, and a comparison bf its various provisions with each other,'and witb:my vietilsofduty to the State,4liislttheconclu.siontat which I have, arrived . :-: 4.• - . . . . 1 1 . -. The liberality. of the Legistatt.p to the companies 'embraced 'lithe bill, could only have bren intended at conditional ; ilepend : ing on the negocinition 'of the '!`temporary.' loan." Any other.conitruction would at tribute to the 4epslature the design to -make A -contracurhieb poisibly 'Might be violated. 'This idea' cannot for a moment ,be entertained. : &luckless can it.be sop. I posed that it was their design to I sacrifice the existing contracts on the public works, to tl.€ indulgence tl v if their-liberality. -In conclusion, permit me to say; that it is due to , the honor of the State, and to all interested' in . Ibis;1)111, that its provisions should be fully arid =faithfully ezeauted.--- This can be accomplished, - certainly and promptly, by coppelling the bank of the -United States take the loan, under her' charter, at four'per cent. That measure is accordingly recommended; together with a provision for the re-payment of the sum a yeadysdue. i JOS.-, ItITN ER. Execirrivr. DaraitrairsT; t `: April.l4-, 1838.1 S POTTSVILLE. ri SATURDAY' ORNING. APRIL 21, 1838. tcr PiiinoZeist....G7iects, Cards, BiUi of Ladrng and, (*raft/Waif awry description,' iscati3f printed a this: Qffice at gairlaweiii cash price. s. • b - '; 40 . 10 4 ' • k ape A., stage accempattysttg t e i imprevetil. //:—W!3_, think' that no candid oilinpre udieed - man; to, whatever party he m ay helong; can read : this excel.: lent, stratiht fOr l 4rird,:and :platti:message, Atob withouth‘hig ' Id, iMpressed • with the rectitude r. r:44 gruiTtid t tis bf im)tt. ch6rai t eilifyiequi.4Oithy:Pnvernor.--' This is.aldnetitahhilwhicit eight , krebver With slii4Ftiii4' , elinftiiie r n - the iftsliOneA part octlni o rnotile's teArnecnintii4;4nits .tnucli. as tt !.4,pit feailessly 'thek tna_ ni-'I felt ; buntlnjggeri4ad trickery; by wNelt.. i •tliet - ipittags. : to'•equander aw4immense`f . ptims.orthtir,'Oublie s moneys on'titivatef Va. 4.itikings,ituid .extort_ theunnilligesi6 Mar& of the Governor to their 'lbill' - of rihfintjitiattitFoi the ' otetjeitik dour, wheit. ' there iiiolinie lett to fag* another bill! SUrity.tbe:peoille, withione voice, will-cry QUt Isakim s c_ppc them, when they ,rea!l this. document l , - Atid t .then their conalici,., .iii": antintizing. the, q,overnbri ; to.-borrow likettiormoussumelut hundied thousand dollarSi atjdfttfte of interest ilie,may see fitfp . eie;Wheifibey,knew tkaith,„ezliiii , ted.atitii , 'PendiirlsaniOank . is bound 'to :lend at +per.. cent.; and this too,befaki .rlakia itviSr.il o l kfir thel2 1 9 IX . tO bo r . iWifii'fisfiel iiliiltf**ging emergenoyv . ges , t 'y`ond- any thing . ye , ''ever' befcite beard or ' rend of bii the history , '4l.49liiti s vc ptocCeilings! Itithe namfor camMOO hono,ty.and violated justi4„,4e :call ppoiihaLl'eopie-tii cast nut theiKun7- piofitat•ie public servants, and.rend in their 114,10ei'liiiiit men to represtint theta— Ithtlitotitie*Ohonest! They ay M i ll,ke astni!o- egbbri speeches as thAy, please! if t insrAittilineh or littl. -They may 1 I.Pf!faset),s - , ,,- 6,-6 : they easels: They tuakkiittkofiWinijkilii,ttgo-hut ` . 6iii..put . ' Telt i' tti t .o l . . I kt:l4W -*ke l 4o l' c -.7,-Pb; 4,4,131114, 7 , ; ,the ;of sPebtsl,' -;.. * - ,47.6 ' 'OkOltal*W. ol 4 ll7ll4lo l+4 qvliec l. l' ... Y'''' t i - it 'llk - '--- le-, ep, a t ct .. ts•great . Commonwealth oi;bn:lolitie Pennsybre 411v 1/ , `lo ' - 16 . it& l't itre to , ~'.4,„ . .!.., ".2 Pr !ga ' Y Jie..PatAtmpecOli - 'l.*: Ite& entativei, of I s Ine,reeftleghb ,reproach, I e shame, the - dogiedattWinust rest upon', their maw innate -, + - - • L • it - • ,-: f -Y-K; ,' .. - 10. It. 1 1 . - ' .. :" C4o:tr;' , k-- , -Wehavelhot yet corni., ,44hirliatihii4oareki1Tir4 1 * atiioth ' ) btree‘ ,feileartetkv . " ip;o l ol4lo 44 ! l.lo. ;liiir i kk VP,O l Pl i e# 19111friti, p ,teat tier*:l4.6o4ol4*silfith :spOlet4eizgd qiirie4eirneis,; hk,e 4 44.11;090,0 1 #4" iti*A.o* fit - flit ffit*:# l .kliziOd***A l fi Wer:4),OliltAki 'ode , riW4ol,l4,iiihnik a* 002 before the nitddle_of 'Maientr suing; and that not much ecAir ohip i - Ttad. d weather is spri to to th contribut€ itel . 13ifaielfilt *gallon of e .1 - "iii,it, peneneed, li .11freit' contri. APOPtitntker i I hiiiiriiiiii, hav conTintsiness I the 'ill InVY v. 1. 0 5 4 1.! and deiiiiigein throughout t stoppage tor ... the experime7 On the.trOde To•this im. dt - rOal r : would . ottterti The unsettle. an effect .has opeirt4., making Cord Without ace. discounts f .' species Of ,c I stand, andjw Ito how 'trig' dent den er also, that s be ready fo May, befor completed. t' eed AR of' wther• ie Reason I million. ia Aka goe nt in all .1 ! • - Country; anufaetoril I ts of the g' 'Ni induct • be attribu e general se :have state of t Mg from t to deter d acts for momdatio banking •dit busine ilo an un these ma • olds beck. .1 el 'of our operation which thei Public : 1 citizens of: Henry Stao. for the purp sures to tali and respecii of Joseph tore" from Bill. Tli and we h will attep . this meeti purposl.b bralace thr eifing.-- ur Copia ep, this aft 4lse of ado ify their L for the ma inter in WI he °fern la ~perfect that o We ha tit:al:top we eping o of. , . en Soon E ntitn2 bids Youv This Cp n the Stat,l .idea oerE and Le •1 ever held .hasjirtap DELEG4T ILUISDR . F.D t , ELEGAZE county [to nof "Qld with viiritti s itin the Aceoninan atior s will demansl, twe sup room epon I bTor all in a gopii roi elan, ___ bslmFlu ber upon a salt lictinsTha 'submit to anti prefer a c tof breafl rvit the loave- and l 'fish put Focoit!in reek we wil anc ..s.nrreet ist of all - im.SefOylkill•cop Itention. ~ Bank 1 amends ita'Selibei pops o n i t ed, : line ,- 'a, after - Monday ' Jimmy' .tiorr of s . ie paym representedvsfithod 1470 4°giPt0° - °U o°' erri WteOrdi 17:`,,,ti lif,:j tliiiiiii k tc . ~ int *:' n i f Foi#9#l: Airlerei next. `1 'their r' they lay hatj'this.. 'are - co - eratione, pertain ' thelLail therefora wit : lmM 1 ,-iyhatzth: acre Ma :may no injul. i . - . industry ., f the' S .itunie - a ' the perk' , Here w have a doubtful xpediene Tam tha he leek ,rayqie - t ' expires belt, , . that alma a i . . 1 , ii(l by t , i Ledistritl Ofstocklaredoubtl i•erationtil ' - 4 , AI 1 I" S. Li ne ,by afi thßt*pi. fiAvill be" th3.l,Riad 1)11 ti UN') Observi fier; the :comtnei irhe 1-4 'seep as' ,Which: w ; ' : 1 1.41* i '' ' 4q: 1 advertisement' • 4 ..., „.....„Iw.ogy. y an in lanither, colitmn, t Wil lie• seetrihat a course ef Phren oil Lecitiriails to .e.delivOred in the Pennsylvania Ban,— i The Le turer is lir D. Fo ler, a itlitlemen well known tad highly atiagehiltitlie this dell i tt . o _ ent'Ofsci nee', '#loditriito 'al ten :theoretical Mott inelift,,art-experi le: ..- : ais i yeanlr; IF* fferotL:o44o,u pa trod'r I . 4 have : , fit . . i g4 t 7fo r ifees of i tbia,:g, tlexnaii.,:a re4fikairklittaihtublica- . Amp% !le Orrli - ;* ', , the.. iinctri t rtifTbretiolp 1 Cloc,frei = liiktiani. . 1.11 . 1 whieh were 4iigh ..ly..eri. f i ahle. ,q! , . f#, , erofaireochozeek t . o be , . iejs*,iiii..ir -. :in! some degrhe, ,Kthi• - in.itia,,_•(l: - .., l .tcatiigliraneh . of LEX l4 *y ,, Wit)C , '..,: iiii i 10;ii4n4:,thei.ei , ~., l ure s l44:drs i: tnisr, -4 rfaittrealfiagratie; call& tairoihee arritt,' eieniiiir - , • 40,02 Y, 11,4: :::., 1' `. - ' 4• , r -f - : - ... ri-A , * ~ , Dog.• a rtei ta..-Ithrta;:thar 11 ii .. .* _ !doe ; ~,,i, dth ugh Pert Calbon, tr*iy.i.`i*liksicie - , ha , ag come down the $1 ati I ill . 6l)ey ; err . •,to, r liii:Nitay,: bit a '..*.* C 9 liko-i- • 4 *-,, - . *,. l 3:eirlOrltia 1 ua' ? . ) 141 1 1 : i'n' i t,! , '''kf r i..o. • A1k: 4 1 ,. Pou , 11101 - 1.1.5. , g04(1& 'Aejkii . Itt.' , 9t ghosting 4. 1 0T1 : .'ll t iqUi ;: .1 10 ,,t , ' Pti:h l4 o4 ' irg ither 14 nOt ; he-iiibilf. 'Malt Ifili lietra:killed.. ,- ititill itlitiiii4 i i ~ '- ' fiabrio- t iatefbe to their Pod. - I I ' II MMM Wel pro. has been doubtless estic con ! ctiuses, retard the • produce i g the -psi.' ..teiruptiori f . business cially the ethicist by -rnicent the people. l e overstock ket, which Feu wbic will do Van d: to and • osumed.— ley market, e sense measures, • aler below from , pplitls of coal.- 1, in ithe shape;of nstitntions, every must come to a erta*kty exists as comp:me n the 'pro- We Mayrnention . Ml oarbOwill not befo eL the first of 1 rep . it's Cartnor‘i MI !, • met ng, of the iso 'be held at ' . ' imoop at 4 •e'clock, ,fing ',suitable 'men. ,ense obligation .._naamoits conduct bholiing his signa. i an Coal Company y right and prmer, I r citizens genefally. le befisre - -referred to .do.sis again fol. the r readers in remem-. I l entiorr at Reading.— fair to be the largest - TYpuphtn County 1 ; B( RED AND FIFTY anon!Coitnty THREE ite sturpect the " will overflow f: June next.— ab'y.be in great there will be an find repose se their eyes in dank. Ropub liing; and even I Liberty, to all ;Moat] by Loco I: erk b pro pose ho els i t lab a co mplete legates appoint• tiend said con- RI ed y to is body closed. y last,..adjonro• upon ,the first !!!!!B and -ffixin, for a l etterel fesamp -nts tiAtil tlie"Bauks pree tiding en earlier _ 1 ,ttrt ,! surh , Banks as ."''''ts ‘.ieni.:it -proper -1 'll' 2 . ' ii.,. -- iXok , Bank B iiii; ii.',i'i r eiesolvird to '1.41* . i atio4y-er May ' 1 :. tar , on the subject, !frei ~, a a - resumption. Iwhie , ..mere properly hint thin Banks; tte ~ ..Hag to foresee • - be, bitt-ifoping they !icr4 , Iciatmerce and • . te, t .'ay 'festive to -re- I -above 'amntiorted- -, - I, Tain intiinatieit 'of the ; -of the meaau ie. The '.d Suspension of Specie on the 15th of May has been tender o a great amount 1,13 moving consid- • ance re; Wit, wilt. be in this.oa ne of Stages has sr as Reading.- -d to this plate as 1 Road is con, at of May, or Or- f ir g: 1 0J CO ng 2111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers