The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 21, 1838, Image 1
EMS! NTED iAND PUBLISHED ziai , . ENJI -I.IIIIIS BANNAN. XI -1.1711331ELT. LLARS ND FIFTY CENTS psi annum. ~ -annual in advance . ll' not paid with -. 4 will charged io ail thole who re . • rfree f postage. iTo mail subscribers , . If no paid -within the year, 50 cents . to the rice ofaubscription.: THIIKE I payable se , In the year, cetre the p. $3 per annu will be add: hVEEKLY; ARM Pei annum. payable semiannually I -If no id within the year, $2 50 will Two Do ;! in adiance, be charOci Adverwe charged $I insertion. ems mil exceeding twelve lines will be r three insertions—am:l'so cents for one a rger ones in propertion. isementi will be Inserted until ordered : time for whi ;h till) , are to beconttnued 1 nd will e charged accordingly , ertisere will be charged 212 per annum; script io to the paOr—with the pri v i ilege ne advertisement not exceeding 2 sqpares .. ng the ){ear, and the insertion ofa spall h paint r!for three successtve times. All adver nut, unless t A specified Yearly ac mPluding au of keeping standing du • er une in ea addressed to the editor must be postpaid. . attention will be paid to them. - a for Meetings. &c. and - other notices :.- eretofc re .been inserted gist*, will - be ents etch. except Marriages and Deaths. 7 , - ". - ---------- -- silierry Trees. kL Hu Bred White Italian Mulberry from 6! inchei to:3.feet high, for sale • pply at this office. All letter otherwise n All notic which hay:. 'charged SF,VER frtes,, cheap. April r i 'ofice. uplicil a fur Bcnuoih and School. ,r the ypar 18a . 4 having been placed de of George Heisler, Esq. for coffee, rernaneing taxes linpaid on said Du• VVILLIAIIk HAGGERTY. . 26-3 t grIHE tax in the h. tion of 01 phcates Aprtl. Notic • .'• oven;that letteraTestamentary have anted!ll , the ReOrater of Schuylkill the sub criber as Executor of the last stament of John Oiehard; late of the Pottsville, decOased. All .perions ims or ;demanqs against the estate of ceased are hereby requested to make - same to the subkriber w ithout d e l a y. ',JAMES DOWNEY Ex'r. 26-6 Is here.' IS been g county to will and Borough having cl the said d' known th . IFor Sale, lauable Tract Of Coal Land, A v , LYIN weg' Branch paaalng t. ply to and bging in theiqownship of Norwe• n, on the Wear Fqancit near the West ail Road, about' ,u 4 miles tram Sdhuyl. n.—thete it me Or more Coal Veina !rough this .and. ;For information ap. ,ACOB REED, ! at Pottsville, r. HOFFMAN, at Reading. !EMI bd W ale Oil. 11ale oil, in ierces and bbl.. • for MILLER & HAGGERTY. 52-3rne efin ED tv EFI R sale Nov 1. paigne - Wines. / and for 4ef by N. Nathans. & la of Key, .1 iblory, Star, Wood. • randa. Ell JUST Co. 5 COCC RR. april 123=1 haske: other , it • oils! Ntw Goods!! . :d 4 4: N. *ethane & Co. a new itssortmentl! of Spring and Sum. rated reusliPs and ' lawns among' found a few pieces of English low rate. 11 Alio, a splendid eol iths, Cassi res, Vesting.' &c. emero's Su mer wear, together assortment 1 1 Linens, Checks, Di. e, Muslim, e. &c. ~ - ...., • Ne TUST, a. and mer Pri which Prjnts a , sortmen. Also, Q 2: egant la. Pa" .ay be a very of Cid Gentle •neral ekingi with a aprti ei For 41 . ID Mite six yea' re old.—formerly used , .ati, and for the last three years has d as adrift horse )n a mine. terms apply to ' T OMAS W4LLIAMS & CO. Pll. the Fire Points. II 27-3. AG° for been us Fo. April ) ocizet Book Found.. i,r• 1• I• KE cor.taining a variety of papers, seve al letters Iddressed to Solomon -u fond a few dlitys - since. It can be is o ce by payiPg for this advertise. A 4 Brobst,l had at ment. KU Z ARD.di , STRAIICIPS w • LESA.LE '. ND RETAIL. .-Goods, ry and Li quor 5 tore, r of Oentre and *keg Streets, Pottsville. ii 8 28- Corn kt , • ' ' , ----_----__ - -_. • .-.- - , - -, "r - - , - 1' -'-- 1- --- - ;*"*`•'* 4l %...tP , ''. 44 ;•' -- - 4 9-tti = ki- .4 ; ,--- - 54 --- - t - , 1 -, , 3-- -:,..0 a -..,. -7,....0,..? ' •?., "•.:, 9- • -,., ',.'.., 4 . • •-.P - -1 --.4. 1 ? 1....-,-.4 . ;„. :-,--.,„. 4 , t?-4. • '--,;,:- • 1. 4 44 -*t. ...- , , ..• 4 . • , k i `:.i - , t• , - :.‘ '..• z.:•-• . '...,,,, - . -... • • .., C ~•'-: -i:•-z. -11- - ~ - E-0.,-- • - ' ...:. - --,- . , ,----- w ei.... ... •••••. -....;:,; ~- : :, „ -;z-,----•, ,,,, , . •-. ~-zt .1,-1, , , -r,r , ...—{X.--.., ~, , - '' , -, .-.',. _. . s •-:--- , ' 1 , , t . f,:., .. rt - . " ' ''- . '' . l . N .-- )Iilk - .:_ i l l -:', 7 .' i '- 14 4 ' , _:3Olgli . . :U w A L I t, lei FIRN., ''' L' i l Ir: -- "....; i f f`t7:ll : -; .'!'-':''°*—.._... r -- 1 ‘• 1 ~,,, c •r:. _ ,!,, , ,,,,-7 , ,, .. .7.--,,r i . •,,. • •-, .-,‘,.,,,-...„., .{."1...., 0, ,Arr,..4:11J r , 411 . . , ' ' S 1;:` :, , 4 . 5 . ., ~'-'' .. - -/h ,:: '-' : .. .. r ,',:: . 1 ". ',:-.. : 1 1 ''. ' qj .' ' : ...:: ' ": ::', : ' , '.ltl',- j .1t,1: - :. 1 ' ..''j.. . '. ." 7.:". 1 ''. . •;,-, ..,. t-- : •. ' F 1" , .-.1- - ....,'..1-- , - ' f,u---- :fit. i i .11 . ;. • , ~ - 4. -` -.... 4: ;-.., • .„,„,.. 1 ALL NAPOPA TO OWL Oil OD PPlollce , '-' ' 111 *.'* obi - ilia tws atizits OP nisi siourrAuts, ,wirr.t.s ! wales WI q!VEITAPPG , Ty,TO 0P,4. 1 ir1 , ~ Cr .„ „. __, . _ „ ~ ~1- .10,0,0,-. - "of; TO rizigcs T' P 1110111i4LCOP TOT,ll,Arig „f —: • , .-, 1 r , i,s ,. ~ ' t.,: -,, , , , ~„., . 1 4, • ~.„-,;,4, - -.. . - . - - ',..._51.•,!. ,- .1 , -; '.4. s . — ....q -.1e,'...., - . - - -re- •-- - 1 . - 'f --, ORN G 4 APRIL:4IrA .- - I . - .. FOTTSV liatßi rAsSAITURDAY — - - - `' - t-1 . ..4 . ...-- ' 1 . -:,: c r4-• ,- -.....,,,, ,,. :‘ . .1.---,;:v , -...- ~, - ... -.... r. I WILL TEACH W.ethe4,ll•& Brother, • . : , ikr VS OLD STAND No; 65 NORTH •FRONT STREET. y OAST SIDE,- • THREE Doom*. renal THE Cl i /LWER tor Mine Sr.' 4 1 11,110 ADEL BIA, MAN FACTURERS OF - - White Lead dry,and i Caldmel, . - 1 . ground in p a .. f - g all Ptecpp t, Red Leid, • 1... ii White do -, Lithrage, i • , Vitriol Alh.. - Cronick YelloW, ..: Sulo.-Quinine . do Green! : '. Tart. Emetic do Red ~ ,,1 1 ' Ether Sulph. Patent Yellowl II do Nitric Sugar Lead I -.1, , dO Acitie Genera' . I . Lunar Caustic 01. Vitriol 1 1 1: Corp: do Aq. Fortis i , Acit. Morphia Muriatic A cid i ' Sulph. do Epsom Salts I . 1 , Lao :Sulphur Tart. Acid I 1 Opii de IVareot. , Sup. Carb. Canoe, I i Noraaes Mineral i 1 Caos, Sub. - ere. „L,. . - Eth opt do. ~ Refiners of ariapthor.Salt itre,Brimstone, Boras, &c. Offer for tale the above n entioned articles, to gether with a general assortnient of Paints: Drugs and Dye Stuffs' and flyer, othef article in the Chemi cal and Medic ,and Roe- 1 . Being menu eturers of all the articles enumerated' under the abo head, they pledge themselves td sup ply Alen; Men atoll die public on the most reasona ble terms. 'f , c . Window and Picthre alass,l from 6 8, to 24 30. . Oct 21 18371 ; . ; 48- EMI IPrelih Primers. , BBANlOrihab in pres, and-will publish . 0 - 01, in the cooise of twat, or three weeks, a Welsh Prirnor, which will lbe sold cheap, whole sale and retail. ; aprtl 4 i 25 Dyi g. and tcouring. AUGIISTO s returned from -ciLEn rope, and intends to cm:pence fancy and plain dyin g, jrn Silks and Merinos, at his olc' stand in Centre Street, Pottaville.i Also scouring coats and pantaloops. Aie is groatful for past favors, .ind hopes by attention and punctuality to merit a continuance of Elia former custom. Llec 23 s—tt ANDEROPPS PARM—just received and ~ ..7tbr Pa le at this office. i march 31; 1 24 To the Stoikholders of.the. Company for erectingja Bridge or er the North East branch il the ' river AS:nBquehann .7 1w tween th town of • Cattalisaa and the mouth o . Fiiihing Creek. _ • I it NOTICE . I S hereby iiiveiii that a meeting of said Stock. I holders wcl be held at the house of B. P. Fort. net.. in the iwn lifCattawissa, on Monday the 7th dap t of . py next, between the hours of 1 and 6 o'clock; P., hr. lbr the purpose of electing one Pr&ident;sik Miinagers, one treasurer and one Secretary fof the!snsoing year. _ I 1 EZRA S. HAYHURST,• march 2823-4 w Sneretary. : , Stalin's Panacea. .. DOt , N waim'a .p anacea, just Keceiv. ed freah Rum the proprietor. U pwards of Seventy. Five 'Tllhusand Bottles of this valuable medicine ire rihld last year, and the demand .is increasing. orselehy the dozen, or single bottle. Price $2 peel bottle, or thee bottles Tor $5 by . • 13:. BANNAN, Sole lAgent Cori Schuylkill County.. Mao Swai`M's-yermifuge.. .150 RlEmos - Wratiping Paper for sale whisleside and retail, cheap, by march 24 1 . B. B ANN AN., vALuxreix LANDS AT PUBLIC SALE. The Hope dF Co4Londs, upwards of 60,000 mu WILL be eiposed at Public Side, on Thera- day the 26th of April, 1838, it n o'cloCk, in the evenitg; it the Philkdelphia Auction Mart in Carpente 's Court. Chestnut street, Csoutkaidi) betWeen.Thirdind Fourth streets... • These vatuablelands, equate - in the cotitities . 4- Monroe, Pike, Lozerne , and will be offered ps they lie in connected bodies of. from about 40010 10,000.! - For partionlats see handbills abbe ,Auction Mart. I 1 1' TERMS4-Orie Third Cosh, One Third in one veer, and One Third in three years; secured by Bond and Bortfiage. *'of the owners ELI K. PRICE, 309, Arab. streeL •C. J. WOLBERT. march 2 !t 23-ts Auctioneer. holo4 l Retail Dry le and . _ _ ;rood _#lort. geoLLocK WEAVER have just received . 11 -- in additio 'to their ostensive assortment of,. DRY 00014 Super Superior Bloe'and- Black• Cloth, supUriorifemey colohred do. new style cos. simerei, saltintitts and Beveiteens, miners', fus liana, 4c. ! Feb 18 .14- - Cta ipee 10.00 k Artir stipekioi hosanna sears' of the Princii 7 ... andlDosimego brands, for sale 'by feb 3 1. MILLER& HAGGKEITY. • - Vaiutt64 Coal and Timber Land FOR SALE. Q,ITUAt in Schoylkillkainty on the head waiere f the little Schuylkill the first coal ilOgnin of Beaver Creek, containing. 339 a fte'res airdtl4-terches, strict .metutora;- this land is covere&witti White add Yellow , PINE TIMBER. said by Joky" to bleof the first 'quality, the little Schuylkilll is,' road rues dhectly through the above emstribild tract of Labd, and • offers a safe and monvehieui passage to the Philadelphia mar ket. For rdier particdlinsaddnas thesubscri ber in, milk, Lanceitei munty, Pa. it • ; F. A. THOMAS. Peb 10- i l l, • • 1-3 MO The. Ifstfair L VONunesstary, •:. i 4 , ; .•, , 6-.,,.., ~ T H O LY - singaz ? IGlRomohkaaiiioveariind scou, I. a: aim . ask MOW led I 'Wise.. w ri ters,. midis ed • Lo ' to n !by,,ihn . 1411.000 .Te" , net Society, orals. ed and ' dirOd In tortilolt,..wßh; Maps and Engravin ' .- ghbOliiinkble id& Je pobrOool In puts, et - eebtliaeb. Virehni iieits ani *kind, emildetedi anftetn be obtained atlas in beenben Book Stor . where au beOriptione will also be re. ceived. • It - . ,B. BANNAN. jun' 24 ' . -31 12115 • I 1 ForAsille4 • ABOUM - amble'. and Icii.l;iif.tbarwHiat aide of Maine Itreeit, Mount Carbimptilie Souse hi built of atone. *int welf. - fioi*al. trimitaining kitchen andtellnr in the hailerientilitiry , . and two "mono on the fuel, sepiri'd:aidihirdloora eaqlu. The stable i* liftearitin tiuill'oo4:4 = large enorigh to aecoinnindate4aurilio The lot contains in .troni‘.lo Kiin;indlitiriapth{ .- 2.52 feet; . at the head .of free atifintaiterMer.— The situation. is ;very pleasant. antflioOti *Pros. itoityto the coal landingia adininiblY well Cal 'culatedlor s la*tnian or -bolt .bitiliter. A lon credit will be giiirt:foi.nna• halt of the purchmte money., For taints Anifir;io GPO. C. WYNKOOP. march l 6 18-tt Medal Cheese, Soap ace. 40 casks sapciior medal 'cheese, • 50 boxes Pbiladelphia - scasp, hhd. Irish oat meal, far sale by MILLER & HAGGERTY? NovlB Religious Works. BBANNAR has just received the following e religious ?Rorke, London and America ed itions, which he offerssfor sale cheap. Original Family Sermons, 5 vuls. Massillons! Sermons, Leland's view of Writers, Sturtevanra Preacher's Manual, - 2 vole, . Drew on the Resurrection, Drew en the Soul, Bridges on the Psalm CM, Faber on Infidelity. James' Christian Professor, • Prize Essay on Religious Dissension's, Christian Father at Home, • A Mother's Request, &c. 4T. den 29 , 5 . - - • TAPIIYAS For the instantaneous cure of THE TOOTH ACHE; Disbovered and brought to its greatest perfection BY MONSIEUR CHABERT. This is to certify that 1 have tried your Tapuy - as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache, in whicb I have certainly found it of very great service. J. B. HARVEY, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.. London, Sept. 10,1830. A friend stepped in to say that he had visiteo the Fire King this morning, and witnessed his marvellous cure of the Tooth Ache. One little boy in particular, Aho looked cress enough to bite a ten penny nail clear off; in ten minutes smiled at the decayed tooth and defied its pain.—U. S. °cisme. • A fresh supply of the above Elixir just receiv ed and for sale by B. BANNAN, Sole Agent for Schuylkill county July 13 1-1 y . The POny .111agizine erase- Knowledge, - IS decidedly one of the cheapes t and most po pular periodicals now extant—there are 200,- 000 copies sold every month in England, and 63,- 000 in America. Thti Parts of vol. 6 (for' the year 1837) as far as received, can he had at this office. Price 181 per - part, or EP 1 00 per annum. This Magazine is published in monthly parts, containing 40 large pages; the present volume is iiitich enlarged and improved. The illustrations oT wood cote Are executed in a superior manner. Therein an advantage in taking this work evil all othersi a parson can discontinue it whenever be sees proper, for each part is always complete within iteelf. Compute sets of this work from the commence. meet ca be procured of Ibe autrcriber, st $ per volume. B. BANNAN. Nov 4' , 511- • Port Clinton Foundry - FOR SALE WILL be! sold at-private sale, the Foundry pleasanitly situated at Port Clinton, Sch oyl. kill county. do very reasonable terms. This Foundry is a the commencement of the Little Schuylkill and Susquehanna -Rail Road, now making, and will in a 'hurt time be one of the best situaSimS in the country to do a large busi. ness For tetras, ar.a apply to • PARICE& TIERS, 'lron rod:viers, Philadelphia. 1 • ISAAC. MYERS, • • Port Clinton. july 29 V-433t Clover Seed. • • UST received sod for saki 220 *libels prima clover seed. • . SAMUEL HARTZ. Feb 31 • - 13 Days air Appell,for 1828. MBE Com i iissioners of Schuylkill County wit meet at h e following Aces amrdays at 10 o'clock E A. .to hear all tWao who-think (heti selves eggrieted byrtbe lasteificounts. On Monday ithe 16th ,Of April. 11138, or the Commioaiondril 'Office! m °rings/lurk, 'for 'lib, • borough of o,i arigabilit - Fist and' We st Bruns wick, West Pepn. Rosh, Union, Schuylkill and- Manbeini toirnibiyi, and Tamaqua borough. On Wathmiday ihrk IStb day of April. 'Mat the home of Henry Stager, innkeeper, y oc ti le braihlifrottsville ! NOl 4 Neetar. Barr, and Unper-Maliiittiiiiii irornabigis. •••' ' • On Friday; the Sabot April 1838, the hOnse of Peter Filbert, intakes par,Fiattlittioi4l4',Wayne, .Finegror. and !Lowy:. ,Mithanitmgo taveilbips Tbosd inlogillenta;Mmilieliriprefering to al tend theioiMl grm "lifiiirirktrOptY!*-#00; Mirler of the' Cakeinriiiesers. r' lAA,II4IBEIL march 1-7.1 -k ., OA4L-lAT i rigE 7 i,_l Nevi Eitiblidi pi t, - • Corset-of desire ;finnl 1116irkii. Mrieti.Pettnrine rrHE suissenierS' iespestrog: siroiasee t - I L, their fr ends and the "pukka generally. that they have Wien the itore Joiniirly occupied by Jacob SW& Co.; "One of Centre and Market L I, streets, irhe *vire , - ,rovided vitimeboice aesosuilesit- r." - ,-' ".:;', ~'?" lilireceries, . --,, _ . , which they` ire i deter4inedtniellittilk :spry low. eat price. 1%. HAZZARD &SMOOCH. N. B. AU kinds of Conitry Produceishen at the highest Iniarket prices. April I 2-6 ~_ ... 2 _, A __.• , ~,... .. 4.1.-J.:.4f.t -•Re4iitithilrillloytingii •-:-. .4- , 0- • -.,, €.';-.... - 4 , ...!.--. 4 , V-• .:' Pl ie tC, 4 o ll4l- '4 4. _ WiVtg`dr' - aegi.;3'X , , l a 0184414in()Inc if thet:exinikitaingts; .jai' eerier OfiDgelriff: EVAN'S celebrated Ca ortuletund4perleat • tibilioirs Pills in al levi ting afflicted . rpaniucd,,i • . , To runes Dickson , 36, Cornhill, Boston, A I for thb tale of Dr. Wip. Eva, nes Camomile Pills. 1 • Lomita., Nov. lk 1836. Dear Sir—Knowing by experienCe that every ' reference that the afflicted I receive - of the better , - . cial results of Medicines, I beerftelly'aifer mine, to tie public in' behalf of ft: WIC EVANS .- S CAMOMILE P I ILLSi, 1 are been afflicted fur the sat 'ten , yeat a with. dititreiht in . the head and clic*: often so bad its; to .deprive me of sleep for the or four nights insucopixion,but have never ; found relief by any of my friends ' pretscripttons, until my wife saw.theadvertiernents in the paper s whdnshe persuided me to ' nd for some. whith. ' I;did, and obtathed two es and bottles, which resulted in almost co l mut telv retoring me to health, although I have no yet .entirely finished their. Shouldyou consider this any benefit to yourself, or the isublie, yoo!hare my cheerful per. hasission to publish it. Yours, respectfully, THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist. 52-any irIITERESTING CASE Cured by Dr. Wm. A. Red Pei Camomile Tonic and Family Aperi era Pit/A.—MN. BEN,JANIN BOWN, corner of, Shippen and Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect. ed for seven yeare with extreme nervousness, by which he was hot able toi write h.s name=his symptoms werei ernscation; daily spasmodic pains in the head, lira of appegite, palpitation of the heart( giddiness' and dimness of sight, utter ina bility of engaging in any thing _that demanded. vigor or courage, aicincas . arid weakness ex- Mine debility, disturbed reet, a sense of pressure . and weight at .he stomadli a ft er eating, greed. mental despon dency, severe flying pains in the chest back add aide, coiftivenesai a disliko for sudiety and conversation. Mr. B. him made trial of Various medicines now before the public, bet to no effect, udtil, observing in , a publie. .papdr some cures per!formed by. br. William Evans's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he was induced tq give them a trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured him of the above dhitressing disease., 27Persons ivho doubt the above cure, are most respectfully directed to the above mentioned per- Son , at the north west corner of Shippen and Georges otrecle6 BrAJAMIN BOWN. Philadelphiq October 26, 1837. ' LAV ER COMpL .4 INTO 0 '1 EARS STAND.. ; ' ING. !Mrs. Hannah Browne, Wife of Joseph Biowne,.; N: 6th street, near Second. Williamsbnrg, affliciti ed, for th,elast ten years with the Liver complaint,' completely restored to Wealth through the treat ment of Dr. Wm. Evart*? Symptoms—Habitual, constipation of the bowelii, total loss of appetite,: excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms' of extreme debility, disturbed sleep = inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right side,. could oat lie on her , left side Without an aggravation. of, the pain, iniin e high Oloreci, with other aymp. toms indicating great derangement in the (uric; lions of the liter. Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, but receiyed hut little relief from their medicine, till Air. Wotan° .procured some of Dr. Wm. Evans'4 invaliiiblel preparations, which ef feetually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, 'with others,lhich ;it is rick essential to intimate. i ' °SEM BROWNE. ~, City and Comity of Nework, as. .: ity. Joseph Browne, of Wi lismaburg, Long Island ! , being duly sworn, did epose and say that the facts as set forth, in the ttin ataternent r to which 6 has subscribed his ns , are jolt and true. OSEPH BROWNS. i -- Hustle' cd of the said Hannah Browns,. ! tern= beforeime tine 4th January, 1837, ' •I . _NITER PINKNEY. Com. of Deedsj - . INTERESTING C * H o of Terbaitilar _C:iii . "Nlvmpttost...-Mr. John ussel applied on the rt• day of Septirrthet at • street. laboring under. I. ' following avmptolit*., : 4 slight, spitting of. bi . distressing. cough, al: tended with an espeeto tion-of purulent mat*r, night sweat*, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing oniexertiOn,ith swell marked hectic flush en the cheek .. 0 examination, the chest v was lbundyt sound we every where except un der the le ft clavicle, an ' iu the arm pit of the lime side. 1 i Treatment—Directe to take the restoratire Camomile Bills, with the expectorating cam ' pound, tithe satneltim an injunction, to call In item days; when then' t.sweata had ceased, the itxpectinvion slightly . iminished, at. light fit hf ecoghinestill remain' ,g"hv the morning. • Or. ered as usual to continue the medicine, sk to 011 its the bourse of a week—When his health omtinneCrapidly increasing, withdut the. lead tighd _Called at Um office on the 4th of this Montb,qiiit4convat returning his sincere thanks oi - the bn - et. had obtained. $ , 1 The ebb* patient lefty used milk reentry', durieglfiltreatmesit. L .... r, AMIMA,TiIIiZE YEARS STANDEW. Mr. Robert Muorne.ffutinintill, afflicted with thi above distretaing nattily: Symptoms .great kriguor; flatulency, diriturbedrest,'"nervouir had. 1 lebil.'difficOlty,o=ring: tightnesiakid atit . e.- torerawwwfithe diutnessoseriiiiiiii 'tinily and restleisness could not lie in , w hori- I fontal position; Witito the einsationeitimpend s 'ing suffocation, -palpi tion Of *hearkidiatres. ingcough, CostiveNtis Oilier theistrHanseb. draw. . lamest, great deltilit*wind deficiency of the nerv ous energy. Mr. I.l6,Monroe ,gave -up every thoightnfirecovert:r dire d espair aeon the countsnantle Of ' e person interested in his exiitenei rihappine4 till brier:Melt - be noticed kit publielpeperileMlituresefreeklA by Pr. yfm. is coniplault,.whiell inilis ad him 14 purchase a,Packageof thiPills, Which resulted iirwompletely removing every symptom 011ie dbwiniet. He , stns. to say hie mothrofor Imo d ec t i Aakii i M, " t fixek-aßlicted witkirthe tit i n SS/11111 *rimy sym a inane/ to those from wlneteketbappily floored. may likewise receive the same - nestiniabler benefit. . - • LIVER CO ASPET SIX YEARS - .- .1 ST G. . ;16VCS. SARAH' ENHISEn4 wife s of• Mr 'AJA`AntEtenituer corweryto street and *man n i she phivdreetetiTigi, th e last eizyear• rith Liter Complein4 Was completely lisahwed - health *by- ' Dr. is . .E. VANSlCamomile Tante and Family Aperient MIL Her symptoms were habitual costiveness, excruciating pain in the stomach, depreesioe of '"itirl.' - '4, 7 A‘‘' ' -'''' disturbed ''' -: Y'''';' • ••"-`: I ' ' are* .Court -- ' e r n ' -.i.l't!? i'.! tt,' ''di . ... sleep ~. li;;,:l' 7 , ' ',..11 ' , !12 . ,,,;, .l 1,,_:i,:, 27 44 ' .1"1 Livgail,.oea,llll4.7-'," . .' .:g . tic, ta:', , eiliOir „ht. ,fli., - “-i i mate . 'al , . :ratiii.*der tOtthe - 04.., side*t tba - "i ? 0 4 ..! •4 4 4 .; '. g ; Wep`ir.i.igli.?"..jw ' . IPIO ''..i . : .rio,' - ot &I uyikitt:' , 4o, ~-,.,,, ' the be.4 - dinnow-,l?. , yvitiTi ,rah: - 41 i ni l tq u o t 'iti - oho Cis'f :lintin'Alt al4.' l4 nu , -. .AliiEiVi;: va ict indieatifiegreaLiticiange; - On: "functions "Of . . :4,-,,i, o f T a 44 ns . in il l .Said:CisiSt :• , _,., , i i , : the Liver. ...4 . tre., ; #l , arnfilai b a n ii i ik.zitia or x i, day, the 7,0 yet' May. ex', atil'o , , 41" ii" . ..4; riots* medicines heir li:if "title:: indithir Antti.r?' . 1 01,e2Xraioienfilie 'said aq Oiellillowiii 4 . 1 ., 't l f. -• ik: , , , , .. , „...... . . ~ -cietved-eo relief until sbe.. It And to „Mete . re i‘iii ti , , . ... trial of Dr: Evanes Pil ls,,St 11414 is 400 The-Aiaiiiiivided.thi .;: ii . rt ofi a c. ' ," , " , _r l: -i:... .: , ,t. :7.; to ' ide.thatihe Y e irec t il - a ...M1111:e41104'. of the of coat lend two -hundred d 4• iltiove-distrinniing syeiptims , ' 2"i f ln t P El l,.'St .. 7 hich 1 iteres"Mnee-iiileiiiihni in Ailtl•Tli.* l 4., 17, * * ere not essential totritimate.i. I, ' ~. 1, . . Abe said toliuity, adjuinin ' the town. of Ta miqi*, Mr. Brenlilser. (husband of the. above Mrs 1 being berm ed by lanitsOate of John Nershner,. irenhiser, had been ,Avvo years aflicted with a Philip Moser and othera, and -held in common stressed state piles and Costiveness, of which with George 'Baum and Jiohn Baum. There are he was effectually cured. lon the premises; severe' hquses suitable for j Miiiers, and six good ve4ns of coal opened there i on. The Little 'Schuylkill and Cattawissa Rail Road passes through the same. Also one undivided twelfth part of a certaiiP tract of land situate in the same township, idjoin ing the above tract of land coutaining. omen conveyed to the lotestafe by Daniel.Mosek.- Suld as the property tif Dr. Isaac ' L. Vinient, - . , deceased. By the Cour . LEWAS AU DENTRIED, !. Clerk. P.ARAI o YTIC RHEUMATISM. . - A perfect cure effected by the treatment of D; William Evans. I,lr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street, Williams, burg, afflicted with the above complaint for three. years and nine months, during which time he had binge crutches. Ilia chief symptoms were excruciating pain in all his joints, but especially :in the hips, shoulder, knees and ankles, an .ag. gravation of the pains towards night; and for the 'moat part all times from external heat, an obvi ous thickening of the fascia and ligaments, with a eumplete loss of muscular power. Fur the hen .efit of those afflicted in a similar manner. Mr. Gibson conceives it nice' to say the: the pains have entirely ceased, and that, tile joints have compleiely recovered their natural tone, and he , 'feels able to resume his ordinaq business. r • ASTHMA, 5 YEARS STANDING. Mr. Charles Hobart. No. 122 mogi.street, N. Y. afflicted for five years' with, untoral habitual As ma, applied at th e o ffi ce I Chatham street on 4he 4 . ..5 of Oeio' ber, labering nder the follovr ing symsoins. JI.-senseottig th esis -across the chest, with , the greatest B i i rien ty of breathing, distressing cough,, genet lly en ng witheopious. expeetniation of viscid iihleg disturbed rest, the face turbid and Gi d e livid - e—could not lie in a horizontal position avithoia the sensation of immediate suffocation, litnguor drowsiness, and dizziness in the head, and loss f appetite. ' , Mr. H. applied to the "est elnent physicians i ii in this city, likewise used seve. 1 other remedies withcut obtaining•upy perman ,t benefit, until his friends persuaded him top , 'C'elii.nself rimier ,pr. 'William Evans' -treatmen He is now re. lieved of hi's complaint,) and called at the office yesterday, avowing that he had not winds to ex . press his gratitaido-tor tie benefit he had receir `:-ed. October 241637. 1 i 1 We do hereby subser be our ' natures to the truth of the above cu r'" that, le, „ tsment every respect true, ' RAH ' ,BIM 'USER, \ J gtr s7Eir, . •-ei:' . No. I7, , north iglilVt.ereet. P1ii....1a - Philadelphia, Oc t. , Ist, 1837... Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office,' for the sale-of his excellent Medicine, la at N - „Zit) Eighth street. Ebiladel •. a. " ,P ~..-, Sold by .., .... ,A,....,,,,, , 1 ,, l. sotig , t i- 4 -:, . - - AM County-4 • TATS . . .....` SSE. ' DYSPEI'SIAWA WI OCIRONDRIAEISAL I Mrs. AnneWEenJt An.' OS LonierStic4t.• between Stanto#4lditts.Mousto I ,streets; .tillicicid for ten years wltb s the fit following,distressinrsympi . stoma: .i.f . ...1 fi x,. H ... , ..i ~',,...._.- ~,..... , Acid cructattir l ya); _Aim . natcyain in the head. loss of appOlig . ' ' ' pit - '.iiifthe he t, gid. -I dines and didn't:B4C* ght; - ielti-not li on, her right aide. •dtattOttfil itut ,inibilit of' en- , gaging in any : !thing t at tisulanded - go r or courage. sometiq.p:ii•arlaicienlik*a of a ..vii#O, cation of hii,)4iviiie;it.iy4 .,, ]!,rat4 ,,, fsiciA_,:ti ,pa niftier ptittf; i wand' iltt prindlesa4lorer) ' hensiorkiif: ' 7 , 71.4 k i+l, - mti,A4 4 , ahlitt.. Bon3enessAnit,: ITtigigoiP!.. m ajicOOPEO r ilii47 quietndt, sitt;eti r c ;, - I .. tglit oc :eirlieTie". :eiietycrl - : r . given* ittl . :die ti 'r live; ,11(4' . iiiipt;'*Intiiit., despondelf.sin„ ;:iii:ol.. she 1.:ri5170.90V1u6V.11.* ,life nert6iti 1 . ',*; : ' ~,' 11retif`*.Otp r iiillt.',41 - . hilitteinitifkiiiitlr,‘ .-Wii'e,- . ,:senq ;*,ll- the ciiriell44l. • ti t -)l "'er4cightirk Ai,„ , , 14 . it,,:yed reoeill . 7f , ,. numernne Vit.... :Inew, J., t:ocin i•'npl, obtalitk tempotam , Vitionro ,iiei, iiiidiinz ,f,#4lgol, 'her .:lieetithiir • Onid ' life,.finAotiifo- 'e -mpiworiiiit l ii .t. .-t 4:-.* T iicf g ag re lieve , andfindislierkie - nil ci" 3 , caitilitel• -, 6fietelintitik* `her-domestic e • aiivklitit avoniclhal'47.4.4oeilei good health at 4present as . .alie,dld.eitinif ,initicia,,, ocher . existenee; ,;11' . -I(ONNY. L.... -s fttietritOd of th a foresaid Anne Kenny. i ' SwornliiifOeeine thi 140'4ay.iof Ekoc..„•)1830. • - 1 " Pgefirili4 nift,,CiiiiKor beeda TM' 50.000 Jnint Shin 251000 Lap d . 20:000-Lailhea. a lifferor siir by e. • tsePt.23 'Enoo4ll'gell'iiie '' n`' : • - -, ,, -- - . .. : i . ~, -..• .- 4:,g...'2_ . ,55:i•-• Confectitiiii'. ,', "- TAE"iClitik-p -aubse; her i ' illilly - *lieiiii.c. l. o. l . l . 4 ` . patine th le li . re lericOdiriiiiltinialitai, ture.of Ceinf C ary wik tiriiiiiiiiis brithillaii, t at hie - Store ii .. , ' .iiiiiirly opposite the Pottsville- He ' 'illh,ckiwCi) 4441Zateis and .oth era can Why ' k be supplied ".hbleqe and retail, at the bares „phitadelphia„, L ,ili'ikftees. • it susfipec Country , Rrehants afe -; ; liiillY ''scielted to call and la-spine his , . ; li, tiefori4iireliasing elsewhere. ! ' l , , ~ •,.. . ' " I .10HiVS.0 G. MAIITIN. 150-tf EMI =NM Passagefro' nt England, Ireland; Scot .: I kind rind Waies. rERSOIIisI wishipg ti. engage passage for their INepds, in first rate ships, from the a bove places May now do so by applying to WK. HAGGERTY, Centre Street. For the tail:mum atiori of those Oceans enga. ging passago for the r friends, who may wish to send them *nay, to enable them to provide fot the voyage, drafts w it be given on thrfollowing named merchants, iftz: P. W. Byrnes... Ne. 3, WaterlOo Road, Liver. pool; Daniel Wright, co. No. 3, Robinson st. eet Glasgow; syipiant Kiley, No. 25, Eden Quay, I ,my .6 36 r b. , , ',IOUS rq 14E ! Kejtb ' Tree • T, • - Piety Dona' ibis. I Poor 'a Gateettiem and Steal Cat.e.ehore bat read ed and fa, sale b B. BANNAN • • r rl ' . • .4 • ' ^ • ' .i. , 3 . 1 ' 3'44' 31 S 'iiitr . aoaxstils , ....4...„ 4 ._ • ••• f,r 4 •5 ' P. S. At the time of Baum and George Ban , interests in theiaid tr divided twn thirds the 4 32000nprorth or stock i Road Ar. Coal Company A.A . !' 7 • Valuable Real n FOR. undersigned of known three,-story DWELLING HO LTS. situate in Centre street] of thcitindersigned,,td tenements in the rear lot of ground Whereoll brick hoildiag aforesati front=fmished 'from ti garret in the best style! as a business stand, an vourably situated. TI he sod on low and ac of the n,urehare mine c-ty fora feel yew's, ble,.end possession ca apply to ; Apkil22 32.-d Lumbe EPE intseriber . 11a Sale on reasonab 20,000 teet,i and I 403100 jomt , aed la SO,MAgering I A iiitd half '""; ideastone '1,"4 1000 ba. offered Blue, biaelc, oily I do do and ..'• Plain and _kola i':•:t ,i` , •- 9han 14 0 .31 . 9 1 0. V' '' its hiartithib ': . ifer W' hic'h beatehii 5 1 4' ii69, , d , 10*.Y: ..iipi7.":43 , l l 4oiitK° ioopeix4.2o- it' - - 4 , , ..: . .., 2:.; . ..0....,-, 4 31 r. ,-, . itit 1 1-n. E. v .itisoo ?q a 111..,11..iiii:M.A.Yer., 1 i ''' ii - ;',viirtdriteirkil gait*, all Of-which 'Early Turnip Etel. Lon Blood Beet Ear y York Eabbage La` - Xork, :‘.lO Erktohead — ,7 l ' do G7reki CiarlaykStory We Bel lieittm" -- ' ' Fla Doich '. . Sugar loat_:' Etillochitell .. . r... , eit:..t. C l l#o.Po l .lk ,1 01 : 1 1 13 1,ni* 1 -P , ~,. Earlym!atriw,",thcuni 14 4:1 4 01 1 iit Pr-A.' Eiiii3o7rieledloquce leictitilfeig!" Ei`Oiy Obv4te ' t o ,-Y4kai. WhitCrlCad Mioilftairil O t EleilcAfiii: ' : Suta•i: pl.VlittP•4 , ' PurnOtiii•stiCti r ' White Irk:lh . Ytilloar, 'do Bakst:peal do . Ea:rlyz*iiion,radl Fly looi white W I.e.,turnick r • - A Red " tOTIOP Yelp)* summer Saionagc • Flat•boah eqqaatt AU of which wil =E fabje.coo,..Wmg or" ihiti . •.. 0,14 E, 44 . 'f C Books - Ur t 0.4, ' N0:304V PE r*.ft HAAS, Executor. e sale above stated JAM will offer for aisle 0161. 1 ; eta of land being the of, and asO Will be sold '‘'the Little l Scuylkill B 5 t 1 :'! Ra,11.115.:! - I ;'''',Ktili k ilk ay In ....' i ,. erefoti444l.l 4 ,, Fel' 11 BRierSTI3 ' Aty:P . , and the - ipporten neeir, Pottaville,Atitioro rty, i ge ther wittii.l nine hat it'',B . aid.litilliimgi:ll lt 11l .; thewliole StiMils. Ilk 6 41, contains thirty feet. in lie basenient-itory to the Of work mairehiii, and Vet a residence, iii - -inest fa h ' wil i?m otiatingiterma. " Par I I : me rn i . remain'Oii the r• !desired. Titlisindimputa be given immediately—. G. M. JENNINGS. "krottsvill4 1 : . On *.hand rind offers4O ter LII3, nch poplar bOarda.' shingles, rich pine boarda.And feathers, just receivbd an • ,Bale by VI • ItD STRAUCH. l—1- . , s— Nov 11 '` - Clili -r-4 ' e i 814' -. Q . 11 ... - 4 s Litre ~ - o irtv lott'L!Lti .. ond 4litor' ''' -r4 ' '''' : ' - 1 t - ' - eleinidclaretcloths. , v..titistiriefes;-• .. • . littliiiilii;a'• . ..; , . • .1 aiiiiittiVAiiige.. ! l i t I . if,r4e - .ati l leyi. - Ac ': • , hiseirataiiiticirtin Phil - ' - ''' - vdo' ffttliant - ei , to tot!' - 0 ~, -, ''' -"-- ' ''' h i 1 - ;be paripasedelsilw e - I . " dA 4 2 - 2 - ' ' i fe 4 4gati)X YUCIAPetY . O.OIII,•I2Ii, firtarit eiCell lected 'atit;ti ca, • . Longizreen : . • Tothatoss - '' • Keens 4 Buttsoe, 4 *. • ). 46 , t 4 0y, P 40 ) 1, tato .te #ll. t c,- ,A 7. ..40041rg 4 gN,0 tiao Li* uiIIT Aspiftev..r;,.ltz ? er Red: , 40 ;Eig;ifjoitz.--,1Nt1i4.. - Sage Sweq, Sum taetmOr'i SweeESAIM•il Ithalyit#4,4- h ' 1; 9 lo'q4PAii i 43 7 7 ~t41 . 1k 4 04 " 6 3 6 1 - • march . lte“);t ; MERE .44 . f-T.A11: 7 4#1, (Amer/ NAP:kit lafiffrige- -- 4 4 MAO tremor :on the opposite sOiy Street, a le , 4001a.abovitNetweginn , , where they offer fbr sale a select iota ISOperfine *Did'Cl oths and:fasingi e 'Most fashionable i Colors, with - 01)&11ml 1 Mont of Bummer Cloths, VostiegOinion ton shim, Ulm* Bosoms, &vial. GitiV , riders, linen and.cottonliotie,, and all li:ii, Gentlemen's westing .apparret which i made to order in ihe moat apprcived stykr as workmanship, "ano warranted to fiterpral imthe City ore where; \ ,P. 5. P. & • keep on hand an es i. sortment of ' -made Clothing -cd: 11l .1 di Which will be army low refer.. June 17 1 . 30 , I II 11 ERIE ME •••dl' .7 : 26-7 EEO - l' ij - '• ,DT .7 ZED