The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 18, 1838, Image 2

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' pomplfrkto, Mob, cords; Bill. of Liarog,
w o g soteriiissuerii'mtfcoi4 neatly patted at
is(Orm . itiltiiistamut ami -
0:tr . .1 .tommissio re : f the'lPottstlls
.-iverresra , Halt, • illlee tbits;ening at the
ellitte_of .
at half past
sera tetrofei Nlanie is re
" IgrWir
- Otr Comt, .
, bpd apparent.
ule -:,
v-- - 113 ,1 With good _ fat! , -, qt the pine;
lice, which is becom .. prevalent, on ,
t--KrAbe-part of .the wow r portion' of the
t , 'llittoiermunity; in collecpg in great mail
hers at theseorners 4 °or itreets on Sun
_.dete....Piewils ire a g*itinlistruction to
; • , 'IL- Idle Passage—females especially are
.. ,much annoyed and emliarriksed at the no
-, -• ; amity 'of- elbowing their it way through
, . dense crowds of boys{ collected on the
. pavements. This is a growing evil which
,ought te- be remedie4.i. -We advert to it
for the purpose of mikink it known to
- those who err from inettenbon and tho't
,-'-1., lee/nesse under the belief that they will
-....., cheerfully comply with , thel that
of good
, . breeding, and the laws of the land, by ab•
3, - "51. *skiing from airepetitiOn oi the practice.
, ,I
1101191 fall EL.Eciioii.—We would
I remind our citizens that the annual elec
t, 1 tion for lorough.Offigera ekes place on
the first Monday in May, ensuing. There
..,,, wilt-te,-elected a chief burrs* four coon
-, milliner', high constabli4 &c.l The Whigs
have never heretofore ;made this election.
a party question, nor have they ever shown
the slightest disposition to,fio so; but we
understand that some; of he locos are
, , secretly getting up . a ticket of their own
, . with the names of certain individuals which
they 'Will, endeavor to;earry, and if they
succeed, will call it a Porter victory. This
movement must be counteracted arid de r
rented. We have -no desire to make the
election a party question, but inasmuch as
our opponents are willing to " stand the
hazard of the die," we have no objection
to meet them on their own terms. We
therefore would apprize our citizens that
a meeting will be held, this evening, at
Mr. Stager's Hotel v fotithe purpose of for
ming a ticket to be supported at the com
ing election. Let us bow then bow we
can put down their purl) , opposition, whe
ther covertly or openly attempted, by a
triumphant victory.
County Meeting.-4 meeting, as most
"* ' our readers already aware to be
,littirr iikiturday afteitimon next,!at the
"hiiimie of Henry Stager; innkeeper , 'in this
-' 4 liyongh, for the purpo se of expiessing:the
s . sertintents of approbation and respect fin._
tertained by the citizens of this region*
the manly and noble stand taken by Gar::
Ritner in our behalf, by withholding ibis
signature from the Offerma6 Cool Bill.
" Holten To wuo* noires IS DUE," is our
motto. The bill in question has, it is true,
- by management and intrigue been saddled
upon us, but still it becomes us to express
our sentiments of gratitude to Governor
Ritnerl Let , there be.;,then a general at
tendance—ari idle rumor haq been circu•
lated by his enpmiesoliat notwithstanding
his r(iito, he was sec'ret)y in fiive - iir of the
' bill. , This story is too ridiculous and silly
ittielf! 'Let show that
we alike disregard arid disbelieve the ca
lumny! •
• Worpublish in another column. the Yeas
and nays on thethittratan Coal Bill. The
vote of-Daiid Vert4, the locofuco can
didate, it will luriieetrWei mist against die
Bill. The eipittnationV,this vote is easy
enough. This gentle than voted in favor
4v/ilia odic* *ecisti, company bills, and
• : cilas voted TN PATOIS ON THIS SILL, ON its
therefore, blows both.het and cold, just as
beAbinks his interests prompts him. In
filth-nig!" mee, with regkrd to the banks, hie
, firievOted against making the stockhold
ers personally liable, and afterwards voted
in favor of making stockholders personally
hablei so that we see there is no appear
once whatever of consistency in his con
duel!' He will vote, arty way—for or a
gains' any thing—lett. as the v;i i r of
apparent popularity blows.. How if ere&
the conduct : of Gov. Ritner. The high:
minded integrity and fea 'll rless consiiteacy
„.,or.pur worthy governor, presents strik
-cantnist with this fime-serring vacil:
latineconduct of David R. Porter. We
find that Joieph Ititnir never turns bis
back upon the foeilie meets the enemy
in front, and strikes openly at the Read
and not at the keel of i Whatever he pppo
ses. This sort of political pusillanimity is
foreigp ,to hiat character. Wa. sincerely
believe, bat no man of licommon r efl e cti o n
cant be humbugged by the vote of David
- fiL PorpfrAnd t h at au farther comment
on it fipiptAtteust- • i • - -
Ll'` Y Atiilf - KkoOtwEtrrs447 - lerge proper.
7 :li4lif the:flirce,p r in Fr` lida has beep or
dered to the CheiWfasik erritory, end Gen.
Scott . ijaktalf .. 44 , ,tti -totippind.' Geo.
-.JeSofP 8 1 04 a, h .ea t„ read a - 4t, the duties of
i s
..,bltriitathati of widen. , ter General; at
Wmington, and Col. sylSr. prombted 4o
'Mg ratik_of_brevet bri diiir , gedekattind
asaigned ii;k4h,Pitturany,' ~ •ot:tbe remaining
Florida forces. -Co
~ ay o't lasi, ijobly
P 1.,” 54 !ii , .R.ii : '4,:histidligiv&o._
i t
auct at the hsad of hiStifighiielf - ,:hs
intrYiiiil'erlf*Omcf*PAC4l4 4l a o 4
hieh has yet. - heenfcsaght wifh-the,assa
ins's& 1 •
•i -‘ N ew York Wee/ion..- U late glorious'
triumphof Whig principles in the . New
York city election, is Worthy of retord.
The- Whip have elected , , their llitsvoi,
and carried ., out of the seventeen
wards in the city of New' York. At the
preceding election, therefllere three tick
ets; and the Whig mayor was elected by
a minority Vote ofilitiliere having been
,ab0ut . 33,000 votes polled. Atlthe recent
`electien; there were also flues tickets;. the
number of votes polled: 'amounted to up,
wards of 89,000, the la rkm ever polled;
and Claik, the WhigiOayor, has beta
'bleated by a majority oil upwards of 200
irofeitai ever thercombinedt votes of his ep
'poraents. The agents of the National Go
vernment were Jictive,rond example:
The Secretary "Pr the T savoy, had sent
on akletter, tendering! a isaistance 'of
t il
government in the read ptioia of specie
payments by the banks; i An Eipreas to
Washington was,sent onto annonnceibejr
VER. The news ~whicli followed must
have proved a great daniper on the xeite4
feelings of the Washingtop cabi t. It in
believed that not less than $5 ,000, was
expended by them in, el tioneering—
whole regiments were th wn in from the
Croton Water Works, ersey, and Long
Island, to dragoon liewlork into sub
mission, and hordes of illegal voters made
their way to the ballot bOx. " The Whigs
entered into the contest "ovith a feeling of
gelierteas security; trey, were confident in
their own strength; but *bee at the c lose
of the fi rst day, thevi saw the' im•
menSe and unaccountable vote that had
been polled, they became alarmed and
With good reason. The -alarm wassoun
tiled in every direction, and the result has
been as above stated. The contest was a
great political battle, and the victory has
been complete. At a seasonable hour the
lights were blown out in Tammany Hall;
all their - processions, and illuminations,
and transparencies,
and torches, and blaz
ing of cannon, and bands of mile, disap
peared in a twinkling, on the announce
ment of the final triumph. The Express
started too early. , "
C uads/
the Fourth
- The whole number of vets, polled at the Char.
ter Election was 39,354. Of this number
Clark, (Whig) received 19,763
Varian (Locofoco) 19,242
Riaerf(Con.) • 338
Majority for Clark over Varian,
Votes for Riker,
Clark's majority over both,
New • York Bank Ciinvention.—Tbis
Convention is Mill in session '
• and no period
has bean fixed' upoi.foc gm resumption of
specie, payments. Theitentb of May, the
period heretofore designitted has been a
bandoned. A • Committee has been ato
pointed to make . ' a report on the subject;
and a majority of the said Committee are
understood to be in favor of fixids l a day
for lesumption, though a majority of the
Cirtivention is said to be opposed to doing
so. The. Committee aredivided as to the
periods a:October and April ensuing, but
the general impression no day will
be fixed upon, unless the Delegation o r'the
New York Banks will agree to pay as well
their deposites as their notes in specie.--
A question to this effect was propounded
to them by the Connecticut - Delegation.--
It is uudermood that the Connecticut Banks
have large balances on deposit' in the New
York Banks. Ilene° they are deeply in
terested in requiring payment of trek de
posits in specie. The New York Legisla
Lure prbposea to aid theii Banks with a
leneof ten millions of stock, and also to
authorize them io issue notes for the peri
od of two years payable (we've months of er
Aate—a pretty reaumption indeed t
The Governor hat eigned the Im
!Wort:pent Bill.
Letter on the Coal aid frost Region '
PennsyLvania.—A letter bas,heen
ed, addressed-by Isaac Lea, Esq. of Phila.
•delphia, to Nicholas Biddle, Esq. on the
subject of the Coal and ,Iron 'Legions Of .
:Pennsylvania. The Subject is handled by
the writer in a masterlrmanner; The let.
ter comprises a vast amount ,r value*
practical information in e comparatively
small space, and while ittliisplays laborious
and minute research; it vase presents en
larged and correct views tof the immence
importance of the Coal and lion trades to
the commercial and manufacturing pros
perity of Pennsylvania. We are glad to
,see such e publication, and will take the
earliest opportunity - f laying it before
our readers. it presente:a *Meg but not
overcharged picture oftlM brilliant destiny
witich awaits our native plate. ,
It is stated that the eittaika en the Banks
in the U.ltates which appeared n ,theiion.
don,Tinthei; - were not Written bj Richard
Rish,l,t a Broker belotiginute an 14-
,teitsive onaeln Wall 84et:'New York,
wbo is win Regina.. ': ' •
The ommittee in tito_tietted- - States
Senate ! n the- Ruggles', iiseibelt (Otani
anntely reported -that Ahe4e no fournia•
lion for the chare:ef lerropiicin. •
.Four or MA% paw*, i'yerePlimilliF
darn ine i recenr electiOn in- ell Mirk
b r ffevori, 0f,,01r4 ‘irrr liorrt ore .
Zoc.6100:08: ; '
legabo t i
4teitiiii L learn that the -'.
kitesiggetifig of our bottiOrtlif,
b4 oubt
abeAt- :to erect a hauthauna • ,sdiftevi
. r the purpose or pi•lic wo ' 91illii;'
lowans° street. Wit, have nod -dist
this bidding will prove an orname n t tou r
borough. It Will be cOoneneed,4we km,
in a short' time. We wish it. 'a speedy
completion. ,-- i ti , .
The Bill fur- gralliottitti
, aotti red Co**
the pridiiiiif,PWiti;`Litido, wrath, Bit
ate MAIO itth lget• a vote 0(22 to 16.
Mr. Catohireleog* Sublngliiin Bill
has stet yet beets "willed op in the-Moose..
The United States . IL3kwenneeetletve made
a requisitiso ores the P orNottb Caro
lina (or hoar. computer a Infantry ,
ins they bare goon to, that they!=tat
with opposition-in aUeniptiag to sted !a* Chero
kee lands.
„Yirginie inections.—The itlchmond ” ig of
April 13, aays—"All our 'palms from the coon.
try are cheering, and nota doubt remains on the
minas of impartial me*, that if the Whigs do
their duty at the approaching election, all will be
well. The Loco Foco IMidere admit the Welk
-0411 *Mbar fragment of the party, but hope that
governmental influence and patrona ge . may
bear them up eventtilly. This admiamon• how
ever, should not have :the effect of relaxing the et,
farts tif the Whigs,
- "What change ef data policy wa make
Prince, now' Napoleon to overthrown 1" asked
the rural illeurbon, of Talfeyrand. ZOnly change
his bed linen," replied the witty s wilt Minis
ter. ri
The wane thibihrie haws.— reeommenot.
to our President to stool,. hi. "dirty (model)
sheets," but be,wrirnot heed the admeniuon; we
fear, until be lime the bed from under bhn.
It is to be remarked, 'tio iF rasseweered
that twa Booms( MD awe ma awe swam and
so he bet hi. bed • be : was iholly lIT"DI
VORCED" now Bill. and setae I, We ray
the President will yet profit by the exampb.--
Tos-tso vas Masc.--4 generous Individual
in Massachusetts with et enlightened liberality
not unfrequent in that commonwealth ftom the
remotest times. contributed lately $lO,OOO to the
purposes of education, provided the Legislature
would do the like. The legislators have respond.
ed and advanced the semi tile in addition to all
the other ample provisions long since made..and
constaudy.making, there , Is now the comforts .le
round band 0f120.000 make.
Bold faced sillainy.--A geodsulah, y• . • a t e,
making'. morning call ip his gig, at a b..
Tentk%treat, left the horse and gag ed at
the door. While within the house, some rascal
coolly unfastened the bobs, took the reins and
drove off—whither, no DM knows.—Phila. Her
Detroit Municipal Elecfiem.—A shp et the 3d
inst. nun the office of UM Detroit Advertiser an.
flounces the annihilation ticVap Burenism in that
city. At an election or Municipal officers on the
2d, Augustus S. Porter (W.) was chases Mayor
by a vote of 839. His Van ihwenopponent Hen.
ry Howard received 508 Ivotea. Wing majority
331. Van Boren majority for Mayor tut year,
271. Whig gain, 6M , The avenge majority
rot the other Whig candidates, was about the
same as Arr. Porter's.
MAntraneintie.—We untlerstand that Mr hun
dred negroes, Woo gto a gentleman of this
city, lately areke be liberated at:cord
ing to his will, provided f.hg are. willing goto
.Arriat, in which cue BM provitikto mto be
made for their traneportnuon.
An Active inv.—Thal European correspond.
ent of the N. Y. Express, gives the following
sketch of the French king. Louis Philippe is,
perhaps the hardest woilting-man in his king- ,
dom. lie must see and jib every thing himself
and never retires before tiro o'ckmk in the morn.
ing. At 6 o'clock, he-hits read ell the newspa
pers, police reports, &a, and enters his Cabinet
to transact business wi his Secretaries. The
only exercise he. takes, i .1101, and then a drive
in his carriage to Healy or Versailles, and even
then he cannot be said to idle his time, for he
inspects the works executing in the palace or in
the Historical Gallery, Mid uses that his direc
tions hawthorn attended I to. Aniidst his legal
perplexities; Louis PlulipPe does not lose sight of
his own private fortune. 1 ire is an agricultural
ist. an iron founder. a wood merchant, a home
bolder, a rent owner, and !`some even say, a spec
olitor in the funds —to all which comma be de.
votes himself With as much anxiety and assirini.
ty as could be expected frnm a citizen, whose de
=dame depended on ika exertions and vigi-
Add.tothis the constant dread of maw
Mallon, the cares insepwrible finable shindigs,
pe l ocourk.
auxioni to see his dynast mated on a solid ba
sis : and seeing it sap by` &Miens at home
and in danger Awn the and aversions of
Kings abroad. and his . . yirteal predispwrition,
you mayeasily conceiv . that his throne is no
sinecure, and that hisii '. may end by such a
Miebigirsitt—The .. , g picture sr the •
sent state of Michigan. d ra wn by ibio editor o the
Detroit Daily Advertiser exhibits the improved
condition of the currency in a striking point of
Great-distreis and ex temantf prevail in the
country. Farmers have 'with their last
year's produce at high p . and received bank
bills that cannot be or redeemed lEw any
• thing. Soule have on d ..100, -others MO,
others $lOO, and. so on. very day discloses to
.thenithe hopeless coedit* of some new lank.
:Every sun that rises find them ten'br fifteen per
cast poorer their they impgined Omissive' the
day before.flin such a stn efthinp long exist?"
New York • • 1
Assembly of New York
- mousse was received ' •
oseriditoro lose estate
of ',resumption animals
of ft. busmen Interests
thodeasoroned b tbe
render each aidigroosoar
itiot of Pailks! , "".
paseed,_97 to 9, mita .
defining the 'solution
Niels.= the eolOd- of
eeelog thapeop
...I•Cestisah. Me is New Orleans lately. in
paying tor:e_tlientre ticke gave a fiftY dollar bill
instead aria* eentshin lade. The Ma
; Aqaba ants biek sibealloo late hi 'his
change, sad- the. way talked Fiends Aru.
_ietts Jouttsom,
5 1 !..C‘ 1 00 4 5P 0 ._.h l telP h i,
tog cotteetteeetor I,tt
the Argyle t:otkow - ..
1 '
!6. 3 • •
.'" 2 ' 4- * - °-* - 4" . " --- 1 -74 ""`4 4-71 "
S ; * - 1 S .J011711NAL: • .•
, • .1 •
. •
In the Senate and
Thursday, s apeebd
the Gemstttor,
to ate bankaJn lid
the state, if the at
ks of ether kites shall
N.Y. Assembly bays
and nsaolutiotts, 'ncns
f Mr. Patton; in Cam
' Mx* and boldiT as.
Ms right of petition
bored leader of the
Rms Beathu g«-
English eohitity it
The aieialair breakethrilea las &beg
"Aril Wittig
Dar his umupation. Night
le by the Ged
o'., earth a dewy fresitimeee breathes.
Aims, balky is the - • :'-
f3eie, d e r yea tesaiknra; earliag wreath! •
Wearer, deatiag there:
The team to
' praise aneeilhig high.
nth_of heihnee& dhiseg,-- -•-
Shall and tbe,eaakettAty. •
The morales breakitliee by esi; -
Tbitatars shall sell aiway,
Lost in the spleasofi the sin,
kind red beneath tin ray. .
This =V the daPaPrial huts PR high,.
Hpowear beasts desdand.
Repealing to the min*
That Mies which knows so end.
Where, with oar God beyond the sky,
no rude tempests teemed,
Hope shall be merged in certainty,
Faith, in fruition lost.
4th 7th, 1838.
ieUerfron a &corm. in Was/Wigton to
hie potitiaq ood.
, , Net a drum wai begird. nor a funeral note;
"As over the nunpurts we honied;
Not a word was mill, not a speech was made.
As the Bill through the , House was hurried,
No kindly Conserwittive came to our aid,
As our favorite measure was buried.
The question was taken in silence and tears,
Or only disturbed by oar sobbing. -
While terrible doubts and awful hare
• In the hearts of the faithflil ware throbbing.
No uselees amendment encumbered the Bill,
No previous question upon it,
'Turas laid on the table deserted and
Precisely east came Suns the senate.
Sadly we counted the 41ays" to-the last.
And the abet' tut otos strove to remember
We said not a word of elections just peened,
But we bitterly thought of libeesnier.•
We said not a word in dekinee of it, there,
We were not (to tell the truth) able.
But we rose from oar nate in silent de spair,
And left it alone on the • table.
The month in which the Congreasi
time take place.—Preeidence Journal.
The following are the Yeas lad Nays,
on. the passage of the Gitelman Coal Bill in
Senate, after it was vetoed by the Govern
or : •
YEAS—Mews. Borden, Case, Caws%
ley. (Soh.) Fraley,(city) Harper, Irvin , I Welly,
Kingsbury, Miehler,' (city) Miller, t Berko)
Myrei,• Peary's', Purview*, Rogers, Bleaker,
Snyder, Strohm. Psalms, Pprw'mv--20.
NAYI3-tlifesers. Barclay, James, Leet, Porter,
Sarappim, Stertatt-6.
The following are the Yeas and Nays in
the House :
YEAS.blesars. 'Carpenter. Chamberlain,
Crawford, Clark, Calhoun, Crappin, Cords, DB
lisightni, Dunoek of Swig., Edwards, Ebrudn,
Fag*. Fling, Garrets*, Goigd, Hayes, Herr,
Ifill of Barks, Hindman, Hint, Hagfish Irina,
Johnston, Keed4, Kiang.* * Labe, Park, Penni
man.; Pray, Reed of Erie, Reed of Philadelphia,
Repsok4 Luanne, Ritter, Bawdily, Sebring,
Shan BlisarerPhorts, Sipes, Smith. Spelt
roan,- 14 Eltrobecker. Taylor. Thompson,
Tyson, Walborn, Woodkti, Yearick, Donut,
14YEK.--Messra: Beatty, Bowman, Cham
berlain of Cambria, Calling, Fonk, Goldsmith,
Gorges, • Hill of Westmorland. - Hopkins. James,
Karns, Kaufman, Kahn 'Olinger, Laverty,
Leech. M'Claran, WClelland, hi'llvain
_wee, Miadson, Morton, Passmons, Porters Ray
ne& of Westmorland, Richardson, Stevens,
Walker, Watts, Yoet-30.
There not being two thirds, the Bill was
defeated: On the following day on mo
tion of Mr. Bowman the was recon
sidered, and the Bill passed by follow
ing Tote:
YEAS—Messrs. Brooke, -Carpenter, Clam
*l4l of Crawford, Whom, Crispin., Curtis,
Dillingham, Dimwit of Bog., Edwards, airman.
Fegely, Fling, Ford, Garrets* Geige, Gilmore,
Hayes. Herr, Hill of *kis. Hinehman, Hifet,
Hiole, Mates, Johnston. ICendig , Krebs, Vane,
Park, Penniman, Pray. Reed of Erie, RAW of
=Phil., Reynolds of Loured, Ritter, Ryas, Saw
-auy, Shorewood, Shearer, Porte, Smith, Smelt.
man, Stark, Strobeeker. Taylor, Tyson, %Ibsen,
Windburn, Irseriek, Dewirt,Sper-43.,
NA4rB--lliesers. Beaty, Collins, Diller. Espy,
Gorges, Hill of Westmorland, James, Karns.
Ha man. Keim, 1011ingett Laverty Mrla- me,
Mormon, MOrten,. Possmore; Redifig.
Reynolds of Westmorlied, Richardson, Stevens,
Walk , Watts, Yost-24. 1 •
o.thin. Jackson's bales Of cotton from him
plantation, Tenn.. were; lately mild at New
Or!Mir and - irdrr'. .ti - be ,Norfolk
eery, paper.
A Van' Baron Edi/Or.—Tbe orator of
the 'Concord,. New. , Hantpahlratriot.
was lota*, charged witlevatingpTht an
election. . The editorc 14 1:IMG. Iran
dieted, God on Wahl w days 'since, the
charge of voting twice l iae pr "ifill: Still
a. tea rocikljnry, not Willing to find their
4 mot The oracle alien Hill guilty,
`Tale. -
eltaid not; or wou ld tot agree, and the
caterwaite be tried flovir aim":
thewspeti of Othello Was latelgpe - rforaseiliti
the Weer rather to diegliadli. in • easU towtin
Ital l. lathe Ipt•Gineajw.hictib,l wonting t•
:Iris 'enure, tbe Meet eatuiss Ms eau
by the dagger:lndeed nabs' Alwainor
.alwro•thed the bed with idle ,lita inswiesent,
maddtbe stab, Gni a Pleteilig shriek ,inleed...the
biped flowed and , Desdenicius txrdnid Jit . net
frightful andultiene that thinudienee **WNW
tithe skies. When the cattails envied. tie deed
the tonic to have• heed twat
,ilesei forthWiejs.
rewistatisis of the Venetian • senator% devour
wiiefOold,lifeleis; the hating antera, bit
14•44. 4 ,Theactifwa. iit, ' ' tiesione krier — ;Whe
bk4latteik 'elm °Peons_ 'wit , Of 4101.1111*
olliwairikigilion. lite 4 iliiiiiiiindiatiO-Oa.
i*:tliarldlieirr#r . :I= l, - 4 'ctweil , i , :41 ,„1
- , i,i`. a• ^ .. rr 1 . 414.?,.." . . 11- , U,' '`‘ V...? . . 1 .
' ' • , . 1 .(11.44: b*-s #104.1 - tit i,
tn,and In behalf
' - -• • ~...., .... . , . _
, 7 4 ,1. LONDW,,-
_ _,
,- I.hi" - Afi - .. lill "qv.
lantorlirsi;;arrired last night, briogirig tis
London pap ers of the 9th .0 time :
- There is a hide news 'lngle:l—
4 .of the 7'll ' :of Convino:ns
bad' passed a reprimand_ on . Mr. O'Cole
watt fer "tliii Sloe and slab billets
time" lA - Sad casts on the, boner of the
,H '. 1` itr.p'Usuroink.obserrlS to rs
rilikitliiiitibelihnies - ifit:s of
ittiffisipOp to him inftsiduidly sad
thiebodii' does net appear Whore thought
it Worth while. to take any further action on
thersubject., 1 "
. A Sill, brought in by Minietervan the
!abject of 'parliamentary elections, . had
'been &feted in the House of-Lords by
the larger majority of 65. Si the' Com
mons; a* *permit divisien had taken
OA*, on ii motion to represent to her Ma
pity that "the open defiance of her Ma
piety's [atrial authority in the Provinces of
Upperand tower Canada, and the neces
sity of suppressing rebellion by_foite of
arms, and of suspendingtbe Oinstitutional
°argument of. Lower. grads are' An a
great degree eltributablit to die want of
foresight and energy me the part of her
Majesty's confidential servants, medico the
ambiguous t dilatory and irresolute course
which they have pursued in respect to the
affairs of Canada since thew' appointment
to office.'
The ministerial majority en Ibis question
Iras-but 29. Mr. Ewer, of Liverpool,
(Radical) bad been beaten at the election
of a member for Minidrama by Lord
Teignmouth, (Conservatives party seem
gaining streovh and confidence.
From France and Spain there is noth
ing of knportince.
Mr. laudon, the Agent of the Bank of
the United States, has been ambled to
propose to effect • mometary operation
which could not have 'been attempted but
for its existing circumstances. It is how•
ever, satisfactory that the Sank* of the D.
States ii in•a condition td redeiti the bonds
which would all due on the first day of
April, according to the terms of the follow
ing notice, which has caused some degree
of sensation.
• “Holders of the bonds of the. Think of
the United States, due on the Ist of Apfil
next, are hereby informed that they may
,receive the amount, under a discount of
three per cent. per annum for the unexpir-:
ed time, nu presentation at the agency of
the wild Bank, No. 62, Old Broad street
between the hours of 12 and '3 o'clock.
"March 2, . - 1838." •
By the preCeding, the spot of the U.
States, by the aid of his melting, of the bills
given- for cottons and state securities, has
succeeded in giving a coieur-de.rose aspect
to that particular description of security.
Another Pa Goise.—We learn from the
Boston ,Advertiser, that the Windsor' bank,
in Vermont, has Med. • This was one of
the •f Experiment" banks of Mr. Van Bu
ren; having, at the time of:its fridure, a
large amount of government funds in its
, - -
Perjeryst lfiretions.—The Inspectors of the
Fifth Ward of New York. committed iwciperooni
to prison on Tuesday, for having avant falsely as
to their quahfieations to vote. 4
In 1830, there were 1000:ndles of pipe
used for con veyink gas through and under ,
the streets of on. • 1
Affkinbury, on Wednesday sirloin'. the 11th
instant,. by the Rev: Mr. Looderbiek. FRANK.
LIN PLATT. of Philadelphia. to Mits CLARA
ANN, daughter of E. GREENGEOff, Fig. of
the former place.'
Pantile,tril 18..18314.
WHEAT FL9UIt, by the load w worth on Fri
day 47 50., '
%MEAT 150 per panbel. is damned.
• RYE FLOUR 2e' per cwt. in deemed.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 250 pea cwt. in temined ;
RYE, by thelmal 90 cents by die bushel—tend;
RYE . CHOP 90 cents per in demand.
OATIr4O eats—ready sale.
• JPI7rATOES 45 CMS per Nebel demand.' I
CORNrp7o_cs mebesbel in
CIAYER .W.M—e 40 per blitt tild.
TIMOTHY - GEED -- S$ 00 per bisbel.
FLAXSEED-All 12 per bushel le deemed..
WHISKEY-42 cents per gallon.] ..,..
BUTTER-14 Seats per pound—te Rep 1$ coats
EGGS-12 - ceets per doses. 1
LARD.-10 arts per pound. •, • ' '
- , ..TAULOW--9oeitte per posed. - - I - - -' -
HAMS 12,csets per •Kno . „..
CORN CHOP po .leir., in demand-
BACON-12 tents' per poted. - - ..
BEESWAX-111 mats per Mend. ,
me 4...
FEATHERS-re camper '''"•` ( , - - tiiiii ,, :s
COMMON WOOL-40 mm e ... ;
MACKEREL. by the bbL No. M., 101 l
.. SALT-2 621. Par bike por &Oat. - •
: PLASTER, is worth 47'99. 1 pn tea.
~, HAY - ES phi Mi. ' • _ • 1 I ..
M 4 lir"
'‘,. • ! Ire-Let: 1 ' •
`a , ~.. THE Stone store Homo and Land
Wia Nona Carbod, rrenpy,
$Blll4 risme & wner,
Fit-,talli, Ice. apily to -
' - r- ' ' F.NILIIICHOLS4 81 'Dock St.
f ' - '', ~.. ."- Philadelpltia— , ar to my agent,
:'''' ` l- . -71 I: ST. CLAIR. NICHOLS,
' iisit le:::':::19-.3 . - ' '-:-.''' , 1,311014 e;
Ni b . will be r !NMI*. Ibillabers.
..011 ippon.. tin National , lid . - - lofiostry
119orpoitrataville. ow th e 2341* atthe = Aiwa
.ey in tbilletwigh of Pottsville, bayou's the Wahl
of 7 inid.lO.P;AL to_oloct by-loalipt. ono CdOtiiii;
iiitiths miss', wiesoletWd . by thii . *4046: i
*o44' Wiw.lBloWildier.,- " ii., -e, ~..Ti - li ,
,-,-•‘,:. ~- . 0 . -.,MENILAft.I3 .Pg.'tilit's—,'
-- " --Alleluia. ~ 1 111 1!--' • • '
' ..t.iiiiiefillw - ',,, 1a,40;1 7 : ,, - . ki 7 . , -1 ,,:. - ',;;;;,,
.-'' - •:',e,i...i
- - ..* ; `6" 1 . , '"`.._ic i d- 1 , -'-. • k ~, t* Ott e.-,-- ..-. :::,,,s1
, • .Op IL .1
• • H I
„.11)11ESPECTFULLYi announces to Li kink
'"'aind the public in general; that he h'u i n k
commenced the Coeck.blaking Besineita it
'wan Street, threat &ors below thet i me i%
the borough of Put rd where he is dy
Mannfacture An order all kinds of sable at 04
notice, of the bestreatedida, aid it tit
kited film. Re has also on hand, ready may
Carr** Photons, Citation ;
Lola,whiett he invited the pd.
ho to tall and r ezionise Sr themselves. The
titles are OR manufactured wader his peti ol e
inspection, and he lm warrant them .be
animanufactnied elseiheri
• Repairs of every !ihieription dime at don.
est notice, and on the asost reasonable Osten
N. Coil takmin ;payment for solider.
aped 111 99 yr
Leaden lipes.
itANNAI O ' has just teceived a V ry
m-w*rlor sOpply 4 and',} inch tea •n Pi
to convey the water liottentata, which w be
cheap.. ,
aprB 18 1- 29-
ata' Biga Md.
theit e arismll r ei ;abut; for sale
-44 18 29 I • B. BA NAN,
IT* .44N13 MAN - la l Ti l .
At . rives. Ministr _and wet.
t Episcepid Churtb is th y
v. Barataaus Daf.a, Ree.
hiladelphiv, pal received
1 1
pelehion bribe
ship ofithe !rots
linitediShitak bY '-
Joe of Christ Choz4
iiird-foi,eahr here.
• april!lB
, Bail d ,a 'a
rrittp New Caudle and F' Wows -Ihfi
A. Road Company, 101 die of a Oars of OA
Iron taken frogt thew .Ret car track. The he
are in rod condition, by A solo* mg
be seen; at the Coutpan t rs opierheatont shoe
wharf, rhiladelpiria. •
. DAVI INAgent.
No. 235, North Thu Street, Ailadliptia.
LEWIS W. RICHA 'DS roe tful informs
-him 'onmerisum di and thaws he ..have
heretofore patronised mob Whine that be
has taken the above inaien atanO, and is
now ready to recut eat averyA attention
that, combo beitai u• • ei r comfort
or wanti.
Phihedelphiie, i.m
83 .
• „
Hada,. Smi
Engineer, Eand St
NG *cited Micoorai
duce him to rMida In
t I matte thatollol,_,ki
ono imthicted to. a'
ded to, Med accioate
mbrace* this opport
thole geolleMen *lx
in his belialA
We, April 14, 18311.
a few •
All h
ally e -
set on
H. S.
1 , 111
Doee an , IPot i ville Rail
. • Rom* Own ny.l
/Ü B E renal eneeiingif the atoekholPen and
••• election for Pfeil t, to Malers and
Trecenror. to serve the above Comma for the
ensuing lyear, will *held en Monday e 7th dsy
P. And *IA betteeM the hairs a I t and (i o'clock
M. niC the office of the Eichojilkill liiivigatiat
Cflnlisq , -
• S. H. COLPENT t II. Tinware.
A. I . Publ i fit Noti L
.A 4 4 aPPeants that , ..Cranilobtained
no , tent far. uniting I Ore pith An
thracite "el in Ott: cuuntry, ntstl e pose that
they a new at liberty to ado the • thod of
smelting Iron ore witlitAntbra ti by e use of
a beaW , l air blast; although I re notice last
year Mit I had a patent fors elting- Iron ore
with Anthracite Coal, both by e use of a cold
atmospheric teed a bertha air, b , I Mudd now
inform theta:bliss agaiMthat an e 14th of Jae.
any; Ilitli, I received e letter ' the Commis.
sires • Patents at ,Wasbingt *lig: •'lir,
patenti tte r a* z o f f ili M it ri, ,
antbrem I hate viewed his Claim interfe %
ring wi your patent mf Dec. 1f133; hue
Cren 'co to his auommy elillia. • • .".
ary a pt to ameltilron With , . Omaha
by. the of w heated air b .Is airinfringe•
meat ' n nry patent; ',garnet !deb Leaman
and, w ar all-men; sa I 'shall p to ery one
infringi upon my rights, a iag '.`,7.0 law.—
Andl her !offer to tipples
. pettinthts for
tbearee ng of furnaces. ton ' patent,
upon war uu4lerate terws."c i
April 9,18313. . • I. 28-6
F 213
gaidi 4W 4
• aro* Militia and Vo
- the 2.3 'Brigade; 6th
.ette and continue the
u follows:
•'' • ' .. i
ntent, commanded by i
iay, it , , Regiment on Mond* i
May. 1:' • ' I
llth , ' element, commanded
D...1a , 24 Battalion on
day ef ay ono, lea Battalion 1
the 161. day of May next. ;
.Thb,tegionent ? commanded .1
..der, Id IBatta. ion on T. humility! ,
!May neat, let Battalion ien F
of May next.
- lat - Regitriint..ootonneaded-b
inegfried, la Battalion int )
day Of Kay at, 2d Bt4lam:
Slat do* if y mat' , 1 ' '
30th ,let, otingianfted •
Bickel, let at
May, Ban*, ok W
- day Of y Out.
The 'y . titiol4l WI ,
Mond in at i nitltely. the 7
Mtn; Offing , officers •
Atilista 'Of Regiments, are s
have , rin toasts ready . .
oir - yto er. _ .
y of
44p. ed rig
Ae l leotor's iti
1 HU!, tali. A
' andl
J '
I '9
• • ,
4 dper
' ottsvilk,, will it
.de t e.
shall paneta; .
•perfor;sd with;
ity in
have interested
. •
untee . c ompo.
.Diyisi• ~ P. M.
th• daY ct
CO. Tooto-Yo•
fliiii'll#P day d
Olio 9 th day
•:CoL y brabam
.:' 'lll day loth
- CeL 1 . /John M.
' the 21111 day of
. . the . .01 .$l ll
be mil ihe Ent
r,. , and the Oleo
air a w ing the*
i I! ,
1 .compolfieo, an d
way et:Oil:red fo
Battalion day'
: APP I.L•
6th ca, P. M
EMII: ::'