The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 14, 1838, Image 4

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ihnipiprimat to-t e Sick.
405147401 T 31;;irir tits"
- CAMOM ILE - - PILIS. ','
ASAistriiiie ErrEc-r.m,iisii aimed and w.i . ,
• likikitillerettiedy of dileases long bees in gem.
led ariebY thOmblie r beetewing blamer Sod rec.eiv•
Mg rallifilli , tr om ultutin th e tr nr ace F 4?
dente its '..ofprenvy to iimpi. , . . •
When-it his an ascemyet career onme.
faker" 'which distances the r cotatiefitieri of mere
heath' . pretender', and has imatred-a - coriMiteeous
etatiaparmuniversal Eater, byatisic wo rt h alone,.
iteproprilitognalypoint rim t hues of its superi
ority, ',abet" incurring the minpilaton of inveterate
nese, in institating the 7: u croon-WY ;
PlLLtiirManuactured by • .4ftlienaintis,at 100
Cbathini sheet, do not requ hitiespbusatmo of
• disk' gofer' lodged eifieacy— pr ills most eminent:
idlijakillie .
_the United Bates will freely,
It nitilsobid Itiimatiliebe reasonswkch have Meted
them merge =mood them stretateedlyely and warmly
u 1 1 107..: i' 9,144..1bur romPlotfete. that tfieseiedp
&MC ' ' • • nererinjure eviliseathe most delicate
eteiedta* ' 'land have, in aliktod every individual .
CM* feirwhi'li they are prescribe:44a marked. an ed. truly' haPpy and ‘ perrnanseint efficacy. Physi
cians. moreoier, seeded they tratot offered to the
public upon any mdelttheory ofpdrifying the bleed,
to the utteridestruction of the kcimach and bowels.
Purify the brood from all diseased - humors. they node!
' niably du; put not by destrofritse ...sawn by
whi*-elol the blood can be ed. They sre
compoued upon a theory whid r iposes a stomach
to be a very essential agent to h ; and. ood, well
tZarted, to be a Valuable friend to; sh talliktod.—
. do net purify men to ghOktie, end' mike them
look like beings too refined to'rimain long in this
world; bat they make them h as as possible. and.
fit to encountec t thehastish*t. 4nd fulfil the occupa
tions of a seblutuay life , They; dii not make a vio
lent purge-Wry of this life,. Ili) pre' men the faster
for another. l They 'proceed tai op the suppositide that
the blood. muscles , nerves, orgsed excretory and se
-cretory gland. 'auguries and tegninitintary membrane.,
bones and tunics, of every human being require to
' be supplied with nourishment from as healthful a sto
mach as auk be trade and ke . p t; tusti upon the doctrine
a that unless the stoinachendbowelsare in-good order,
the blood atid every other part,ofttne system will be in
&sorter. - y , •
And how. is it expected that theywill secure health
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling the one
to digest feed, eel the other m.e.aby off 'what is left
alter the nutriment in extracted. in connection with
the surplus of bile, and the foul Ihuinorie ol'the blood.
mucous m braces, and stomach ~* And they accoW. -
plink these t feats of medicinein the most simple
i t
initiate .
c li ca t i m: affectal it.o4..„ w a ithw u r ra d i . im bil l e, a or m izat tin ed .
sensible vent action, end elitist:4ns , the whole ali
muter/ I. without griping.endaelaving it as free
without d 'lily. as nature Over designed it to be.—
TheY4*- not take the skin off this stomach and towels,
sailliesiiialtem like a piece of velvet, as all phy
elebeettAnow the strong
.. pills siii; but they
take nkiirekindly by Die haunt atiout crushing her
fingers. They cleanse every th ng; without i Mparing
or initrtn4 any thing. ; L
' When is is effected, as it untutty is by the gee of a
few of the FAMILY A PERIENTi PI LL.S.then come
the celebrated CAMOMILE in. I'ONIC PILLS. to
sareingthise a stomach and bevialsOvhich before, per
bar. Weak and foul becauselhey were weak, and
enClows e r with strength ti perform their impor
tant fun ' fie, without the aidarphysic. The CA
MOMILE' FLOWER, when its valuable principles
are chemically extracted, its acknotaiedged by all phy
sicians, in every age, to be the hest vegetable tonic
keotimin the science of medicine f-There is nothing
known in the vegetable kingdom tef nature to equal it;
nothing that is at tome so haradese and,so vigorousl ,
healthful. and i proof of this ! , the . proprietor of thy,
recowned pillar t are made fientejts purest particles,
. -- m4ht mim al e innotnerablet hart &ho, both anciekt
ti k a
• r s ad if his own practice-b ad not proved it to
tens of thousands.
The effects of these pills am-not only perceived in
an increase of appetite and general strength, but in
• a restoration of the body to that univemal rigor in all
its functions, which indicates aterketurn to perfectly
.4. sound healtit—The face. and general complexion.
, speak volumes in their favor,' and thousands of fe
males can testify how much they have contributed to
their comfort, their .complexitin, and their strength.
when every other remedy had eroded worsetlian use
a less. In nervous diseases, of ell kinds, they are n-w
acknowledged to be preeminent ; . gradually restoring
firmness of body and mind. without those annoyance
and changes which other nervendremedies occasion
Happy would it have been far Many young persons
of both sexes who Ore now ilithe silent grave, dthey
had learned to check the inerrhirtiendencies of their
stomach and bowels by theselpure tomes and aperi
ents, without resorting to quadk remedies, the names
of which are concealed, and of which they know
nothing. That dreadful scourge', , .CONSUMPTION,
,might have been checked .n its Commencement and
disappointed of its prey, all corer the land, if the first
sysintoms of nervous debility had been counteracted
by CAMOMILE chemically, prepared; and those
bowel complaints which lead go a host 'of fatal mala
dies. might have been obviated by that fiat alcahue
extract of rhiliarte which is Hairline indislieni in
. the APEMEN? FAMILY LLS, . Before both of
these medicines, which are . ada pt ed to a majority of
thermals", for which" handed o thers are on necea
suily used, fevers, nuclide:ma disorders, headaches,
female debility, male decline] indigestion. tud liver
cemplaim. would hue entirety disappeared : whcre
many of them have proved fatal. ' ;
• But be; it dildiactly undetstkei that' these medicines
are not qffered instead of their natural orgaps of the
body which other medicines dispiense with.! , in a very
. summary manner. They are fronded upo4modical
knowledge: and not quackery,- mid &not e all the
red particles out orate hums" blood under the pre
tence of purifying it.. In proiator, which difference of
effect. net the faces and forme ofmatientv bear testi
mony. They constitute a useful, effectual. and gene-
telly apPlicable class of medicines for every family.
end being both tonic and akrirdet, and ofthe best
• prtions known, no pertain er family abbuld be
t diem. They ma becbMined wholesale and
rated oinks proprietor, Dr. WM AVA NS. New York,
and or Ids agents hi town i y. d Ontiary, with direc
tionsforese.—They are rapid wapercedieg all other
remedies advertised in the pu lie- prista. Moraine they
'refound to belong to a very 'impeder clue o i litiompar
medicine. A single trial usually Weal them if in pri
.estimation, as they
. 11 . irelknown to be, public
preference, and in the opinio orphysicians.
Dr. WM . EVANS' OF CE, No. 19 NORTH:
FIGHTS?. PIIILA DEL ifiehere his medicine
. may be hark Dr. Wm Enka ...Wu, 100 Chatham
street, ffenelfoidt.where thepoel l an may be consulted
as auk. • i -in '
MNlntermeing Case.—Mr. i - m Salmen,Green at
above Third st-, Phiiadelp . ieted for several
years with the following di ' 4 symptoes 1 ski f il
r / B
new at the stomach , header. ' -dimness, palpitational
of the heart, impaired appetite, kmetimes acid-and
putrusententetations, cesUn'tiss' weakness of the
extremities. emaciation and ten Idebility,didiarbed
ei ttni
rest. a tense ofpressure and we ht at the,komach
after entivughtmare. mental , despndeney.
severellyi ns in thee baCrand sides. costive
nein. • dilli . for society, or "nation, involuntary
rais weeping languo I r and bulimia upon the
lean e.
Mr.ow bad e mdied tolthe itosteminent physi
cixne„, ho copied it edifhe'power of medt
eiblibl ' tat: hid to heal ; tokever. ai his alio-.
tie' Orilla redhead him to a v deplorable Condition,
nod litrifugleeti riseo • brifieletive,ofhis to
alikettrialcif'Dr. Wm. EYNNWAlldedlicieS; lie with
difficel4repdrkftetbeciffielrufProctired it package.,
ris'ait -fiewaysThifsmdtifitted tor hisreatoration to ,
la. ' Ith amrfneeds.. Ile is low enjoying:all the !
1 of perfect- bealtk jpons- demean or;
Irequadoei:wiltbeei With everrptoti
thstaniikingcitre tilipOY,M. Evans Mere. ,-
r.lOO Chatham et4iNeerlforli t Aid UMW
-No. 14 : fit.:. : . '
I. •• - -.P. KF-; , I . lOVERNERi. ..
i _ „,- . 1 / 4 rAt _' . . Y.P419 1361 4*
1 .. b. .7rf• '"•' 7 ' •'‘ . i /•-fl •
r r t
.1) .
-Pipe' • 1
.ple Ch
. 114:11*: •
1 .• ,
' tk:
0 t c
11/16111PGOINtr• T 4 -
r 4
‘+' 21 ° 11 Pl.,' - • - -# 1
Doulk.l4ible. - t r .
Peoralin's Catechisteralid'
Joseltsoklactualm- , t ' .0 :,,-
Joel reached and faeadoby 111.4ANNAN.•
,Dixt 23.• -t•tir -
._ , ,
...: . NEliilir G01#11.:! , I
‘Nis, I
A LA d iningikii — japitowsent cifiFeeh
4!••• and Ida bealii;ltittrreaeived kr the
la boosiber, nos: Or oFi r I „,..v - J
, - . Dry- G , i 1
. .. .
Groceries 1
Queeitstoare, ite.. . . -
Ifitt l kok offer, fof aihk i anedattied prices: The
i ri 9k paid.fiii in kipo fir cpinitrprPdace ,
- I- * ' I ,
- A , PlLE
eept 23 , . . ‘ ,:4 r-st
,„11LLIAM. - NEA2,4 CO. •
4 11.s.fttrYs6iirltit1t2 91? •
~s •
Liking-Gbisses, •
N(). 27 North Filthatreet, Philadelphia, back
Isf the. Merchants' Hotel-Ovoted ezeletailel •
m`thni business,.
Goutitry . Iderchints. are sneplied At manefac..•
Wrers' prices, and their .Glispes insured from
breakagoto any part of the llnion, without ezlre
, Those who may have order" ; lor largo Glasses,
Weald do well to inform as b k lettee, pervious to
their cumin - ton. of the size of the plate, and the
kind of frame they May rent, that - the article
may be manutisctueed ezpresaily for the occasion-
Merchants should glretheir orders for Look.
ing glasses the fleet thing on their arrival, to in,
sure them well pat up. •
Oct 21 ••1 • 48-6 mo
Comfort and eilvenience.
The-sollieriber respectfulliinfiirms his Mends
and the public at huge, that, since his return fmm
Europe, be works with a new zeal and diligence
at the manuflietiiring of Elastic Matrassee in this
Borough, and flatters himself, without fearing
the accusation that he is a Boaster and Charla
tan; with being able hereaflei to make such mat
tresses as not to be inferior to any work of4this
kind, in reference to their beauty, solidity, and
durabilityoand people will certainly be convinced
of the 'comfort and saving of time,which these
article. afford, principally when tere is some-.
body sick in the family. '
Besides the subscriber knotvs the old adage.
- "the work must give credit to its maker," and
he therefore, very politely invites those wishing
to get an article of this deicit,iptirnito come arid
examine for themselves. one ;of the said' %Was
tes, just now T fii.ished, that they may be convin
ced of the -tritth of his saying- •
Reading, Jan. 18, 1838.
P. S. Persons wishing to Noy Elastic Metres, of the description afoiesaid, will please •Ir.
ply to the subscriber, a few dors above Feather's
Store, in Reading, ehere a list ofsubscription is
apes to the public, as the menufacturing thereof
wants some time. The %Waages willmot be
delivered before May next. 1
The undersigned- has, at the request of Mr.
Menem Murat examined his newly invented
"double Spring Elastic , Ma inr:" Its tmlform
elasticity renders it truly a , luxury for common'
use; and ' '(c the sick- espeC ally. Such ae are
.long confined to a hot izontal posture, it promises
to prove invaliiable.. Its peiMenent smoothness
will supersede the !weevily of removing thepit,-.1
tient "to make his beit,Wtehili f its elastic quality
appears well calculated to otiviate in a great de
gree or entirely prevent the sloughing so apt to
occur incases of long confintrivent.
I fully eoncir in the opinion above eitpressed.
in regard to Mr. Meyre's "Double Spring Elastic
Matrase." s,
Homing carefully examined Mr. Henry Meyre's
"Double Spring Einem Metres/1," I concur in
the above opinion, believini i it to answer all the
purposes intendeM JOHN B. OTTO.
1 hceezamined Mr. Henry Meyre's "Double
Spin Metres," with eare,anil I would recom
mend to all persons, and prpecially to the sick.
as it would bp a great advantage to them.
lavlng ca re fully exam,
e i
ip d Mr. Henry Mee
're/.-Double Spring Elasti ' Morass." I fully.
`concur in the opinion expr ed. in the foregoing,
certificate. .4. H. WITMAN.
1 have examined with care Mr. Meyre's "Elas.
tie-Matrass," and folly concur in the opininc a
bove expressed, as to its usi 4 lness and genets'
good qualities. - i
At - Mr. Mevre's request. Iferamineit his •tElas
tic Matrass," and concur inii the favorable open
ions expressed 'by the abovelnamed gentleman.
w to,yozi-tCqußd H.
, .... 1
ME)FF' . T'iii
Ireg r ebible kitor us and 06-1
niiilli re.. - ..• y
ocr A CONTRAST.—AU netiw. , fecto the:frame.
meagre- , have bad ihips. WV Camthus only t'crocui
out the way to' America. Before * time of the
greatSPaniaa aavitator, people were "gulY
. ented to
paddle about the • ores. Just so with *la Med
rcines It is but two • short frnia stria I Releveti
wired upon-an unknown noecur and I have disidstred
the preciout effect I was bk . rch of —. HEALTH.'
LTH. '
Vegetable medicines were i known when I cola. '
mensal my search, bit their se was, not. BY tier
use of than.] have not only Owed from the de*t .
itrealid.tirthe ftde hearty an naive Mai of busthess.
but. campy entirety speaking, I I have renewed any
youth. Iran than, with confidence in my owe espe
nence, advise with my 'choir citizens Does the
reader wantproofthat theV TABLE LIFEMED:
ICINE/3 are suitable to his o case] T hive *lds
at my office, 546 Broadway" indreds of lettere, from
some of thennoierespectiffie eitizena of this my nee
live bend, Token:ray °Renew in testimony of the vir ,
Persoowwhoseconstitutione have bean nearly rti:
tined by tbe!'fill infallible!! mineral prayeratione of
the dap Will WO me wit Rai that the Aire Medi
eines. did earl thdyt ate the trite tiahienenermaneur
good health 1 JOHN MOFEAT..
These medicines have long been know:. and appre
'dated. fay ifilfaraittmondittatOnditilsediate powers
-. vestonng oarfiect beajth,papersonalu ff evingender
: rly everylind af disease; to which the 'buena
.frainwis liable.- .. • , ;".- - .4 la` -- -
la many hundreds of se " tearftmencee; they
bap eve rescued sufferers f the iretryfrfugi of att
disease; to
untimely grei r ailer dl lbw; ceptiviawmtnens of
Re day W a 17,11111(1C walliskinany thousands they
v i ii l / 4y
have perwrown Bemired that ifonn enjo of
- healtborahoutwhiclitliTw' brbnt a . bleak
,e... Sot pett.)isded. ha '- . - ,liibtiiiibl.t.
1 00100 tadrad. that: it .-ie " tooteety ,
. ibintaumcalsius to these yr, Y.
with" tbitLbenualfal i3.614150p ait Er. "ritinen
' Which - are' are' cotnpoundal4 MI upon ithich they
'eanseiiiient, att. '' It *alai lea:Melilla lie*.
hie action infintifying . :the "emend ""Clffinfieb of
life, add eitifigeg thee' wale t mired tone and vigor,
that they were indebted for- " ' name .: Which was
OT:tyAAieriof► old
4-3 m
• -
. "
IwoWed upon 'het i * epontineonn.
several individuals lima they ha ' -1 ,
f i goato' ' , FT • i: , . ,- - ,4:7: I
, i.Tbe miprietore rejoienfmtheq ats eer
by the universal diffuakin of the .
.miktiiii-VEGETABLE LIFF.',2 WI NN
.11nnyihnige and seachof.every . • ' • sal in the coin=
Jonunity. ,ilulike,the: beet of n ion, quackeries.
riehfrii homentiegetaille ingred ta, thisAifit ri ll '
are purely and soLes..r voter/is . , nil isontainnel
thilingeptell;":** - -nor laity - other'
utinetal.m any Non i llitoyer. IThey are entirely
composed orextractW "Min raze and powerful plants.
'the Mitimief whichkesetigh long and
ite - mmuld
jeditte tritses.and•resteetkionomis eminent p henna
aseem"al climnista,anialtoirether unknowa to the Igno•
,ffion,prenentleos pipe
..mal.acienete and ram neater I
befifte'idanniatered IP haPPilil efficacrill ke° l3l '
bination. ..
Their first operation is to lo'osen flom the mate ef
the stomach and bowels, the verities implintka and.
'crudities cosietalalt. r .
ei r poniairthem; and to rit.. l
move the berretied trees Whictienitect in t d
- volutions otthie , I I inMetinecl 'Other "thedieu - ice
einlyinulfallyeleanalthetie,and v• mei collected
i t
masses beNnth am fit produce •tual tionivenese.
with all its train of eyila, or amide illarrtimmerith its
imminent demptti..XPhis.filet is II known ,to all
regular anatomists, who examine the human bowela
after death: and hence the Fortju ce of these well io
lbrmetwfisisgsinar!tlerignee.V ' eil ottlierage. I
The ; mimed effect 144 . the :: 'STABLE 'ETABLE 'LIVE.I
_LUIS la re - cleanse ' theltidneys and the billfkier.alld
tor.this means, thetiver an 4 the lungs, the healthful
Witmer intilah taitirely depends upon the regularity
Ofthe urinary organs. The Gook'. which takes its
red color from the agency of the liver and the Jun i
before it pimen.inlo !the heart, 4hag thee purified by I
rand ndurisbed e y food log. from a clean
*Mech. course: f ' y. tbrobThe veine.-renewe
every part tittle sy st em in tri o phantlymounts he
banner of health the blooming beak; •,
The - relieving are amopgthe tfhartistillig variety of
human diseaseL to !Which the ljegetable Life Pills
are well known to, bc,,okallittl . .
izs T lwatg.
DYSPEPRIAJty toughly ci ibll first and
second stomachs, andereallog a ow of pare healthy
bile, humsackortheetale and a ' kind t-rflutukiticy.
Pitipisahea tithe Biol. Jesse kierot.licre
ad Osadielse.Res4eseness. . . Asixiety, Lan.
gpuri.and .14felandioly which are generil syMptoms
of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as ii onotral oonseipsemen of'
its cure. Condemns. by cleans? thew hole length
of the intestines wish a solvent acme, and without
violence; all dolma purges lea the bowels costive
within two days. Tharrhqa and picients* remove
mg the sharp acrid fluids by Which dame icomptaints
are occasioned, and by pronxiting the lubricative
secretion of then umbs membmnei Fevers efall hinds,
by restoring the blodd to a regolan circulation. through
the process of pompiration in sp ine
.. msea, and the
through solution of ell intestinal o time in others.
The LIFE PILLS 'have been own to cure Rhea
erotism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half'
that lime: by removing local incammaticin from the
muscles and ,ligaments okthejecits. Dropsiea of all
lands, by freeing Mid strengthening tha t kidneys and
bliiMisii.•libey. ns operate mos t Ilynn these or
ga,and hence have ever been a ornin reme
dy for the worst (Mies of Also• Werall• by
dislodging from this turnings of the bowels the alimy
matter te which them creaturealadherig Adki n s en d
Consuseptien. by relieving the ai • vessels Of the lungs
front the mucus, which even alight colds irnot remov
e] becomes hardened, and produces those dreadful
diseases.. Scum. Inners mate:ate Sores , by the
perfect purity which these Life 'lls give to the blood
and all humors; S , *-Indie • s, and Bad Cam.
&runs, by their alterative upon the fluids that
morbid state of which occasio is all - Etuyities arm
*tints, holiom i plosidy, and din . truce* Cos
pheritam ;rheum of these Pil for ieveter , short time.
will effect an entire cure Mr rheum, Erysipelas
and a striking imentrrement la .the Garness of the
g in Comm Cjilds, and In will always be
cored by one dose, or by two e , n in the worst cases.
"Pilo,--u a remedy for this m n lit distressing and ob
innate malady, the Vegetable TNM
e deserves a
distinct and emphatic recom dation. , , It is well
known to hundreds in this cid, that the Proprietor
of these invaluable Fills , wasliimeelf afflicted with
this complaint for Opwards of thiirty-froeyeurs. and that
he tried in vain is- oily Mresiribed within the
whole compass of the teria Medics. Ile however,
at length, tried the Mediine which he now offer/ to
:the public, and he was cured in a Very short time,
after his recovilitad been Pt inmenced not only
Improbable, but ohne) , impossible, by any human
means. , 1 • ~ •
DIRECTIONS tOR CSE.The proptietom ofthe
Vicsiereitz Lei. Pius does t follow the base and
mercenary practice ofthe quac s oldie day, in advis
ingperione to take - his Pills in i large quantities. No
gee& medicine can possibly he so required: These
Pills are to be taken at bed time every night.for a
'Week or fortnight, i receding; the obstinacy of the 1
disease. The cutup dose is f En 2to s.necording to
the conetitutiou °fiche persoL
Very delicate persons
should begin with but two, increase its the nature
alb'. case may require:those m ore bukt. or of very -
costive habit, mayhn ie with It, and increase to 4, or
even fifills, and they' will abet a initiviiendy happy
change to guide 'the patient in their 'forther ere.
These Pill. sometimes occasi n sickness and vomry
rig, though very 111116:10111, cud the stomach is vele
foul; this, hoWever;may be sonsidenxi a faierabe
symptom. as the yr:admit will . nd himself at ones ril
Iteved.and by perseverance wi I soon redover. They
usually operate within 10 or 1 hours. and never give
pale, unless the bowels are eery much encumbered.
Tgey may be taken by the must delicate females en.
tier any eircumstances.—lt is. however, !reeommend
ed.that thosein later periods of pregnancy should cake I
but one at elfine, and thus continue to keep the bowels
open: and evrn two-may be tette where the patient
is very COMM. One pill insolution of two table
spoons full of water. may be ' nto an.infant in the
followingdoses—s tee spoon. I every two hours Oh
for child .
it operates; child from e to- five ears of age,
half a pi11:.. - -vuel *patella* lasi*** Pel: •
THE PIICENII BITTERS. are so called,becense
they possess the potter of reaing the :a:penitent,
bent; of health, tp a gliiivin vigor throughout the
constitution. as the Phmnii said to he restored to
1 liErfrom the ashes etas own 'isola ti on. The Phis
,101 Bitters are entirelY, vege le, composed of root
• 'bond only in detain parts o the Western
4 ,
which will infallibly earn FI.VERS OD i r Glna:
of a kinds t will never fail 6 eradicate entirely all
the effect; of ideneury, infinitely sooner than the most
powerful yireparations ofBantspenlll. aid wifi imme
diately - cute the determined?. of BLOOD TO-THE
HAED • never fail in; theuseidetit toyteew
fersolter;:and will be. found certain remedy indi
-cases otneenona drfiiiity..aul . . otthe meet int
paired confutation,. As is a medy for (Ironic and
figimwators:Tatinimists i; the ffilleaey- of the Pliant'
Bittersstill be demenstratedi by tki, use of ittenals
.boole. The.ospaltlose . oftbike haters fa half awing
e a u $ 3 4. In !R ev er . wine, god this quantity may bit
taken two or tlifee times a - day, Acme half am f hour
before meals. ors less quantity may bit•tiken at all
times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
after meals; these Bitters will pmve linkable, ar
they .very greatly increase th action of Pm principal
, viscera, - help them-to perfo their functions, and en.
able the stomach to ditch& into the bowels what
eirer is offensive. Thus ' !pinion IS en* sad
speedly removed; appetite red, and the,moinhe
of the al sorbent vessels be. 4 clans .W. naftilion is
facilitated, sad strength 'of ' 'and energy of mind
am the ltanults. For- fa rther pi madam of
51OFFATI1 - t 2 BILL/tiand PaZtliX M.
TER& apply at .51offat's office, N0..546 - ikedway,
New York. -where- che Pills an be obtained for 25
cents. 50 owe, oy c per kgqi; and the tears for $1
or $2 per, hottlec - BOrr Neal *a ' of the
wouillerffilitinci orboth. be there Inspected. '1
may be
some obstinate and coin Mated - cases of chronic
'andildflainiriatery ., Rheum Liver.itfolim, c t i t
Ferrer siiididivio, Dyspepsia. • I cy ; Pike, **Ty
lie lug eps may
Agher-lir IT
etftedirtt. it be necessa to, take .tras,l4l e
ik t 3 41 1 4 ,4 ntgnii-ly Bi tters ; is:* d , before real
Corti ~ d 'ffi:S.7 b ,Phene: l .ollle Ulf ' eittera‘ i nii. iflaibe
ni l
Mei•Mit*ont tirthii lyiteni' hilly faster lian unbent
preparations offlarsaparilla. ' a certain re for
lhariallusel e Akdissi take .. or attendee head.:
ecisit.tk4OnkeneeK4m,— maybe are profit-,
-• .
this Li fe ' ffilhi oiffielftt era , r snorkel:en time hill'
save life. :They evil tM.:;littion of Ibeliciod,
thur 1444 1 ,f4mt Imp, thaLld . • ftrestinfinn. led
throveofflretylinpnrity bra t pores of the skin.
Fatialetil :-." , MTL iti. HAWERTY,
• 7 1 -4" DifectlieffnapriMor. -
Pottsville.. 26 ' ..i - , , . 4 '; . : 40.1.7
t ortjw * . ]
_ . .
. ,
ittigamOjefAs.l4,oo , o4, .. - 184*
t'.' . . -- :4guitai."twit*..i .._ yr/ -
• . .
.0;0 11 10014 iiimiiiet ii- iterteliiii - Wri fot 1
14 1 -: - = .tlioirliWoods. iit Mot rata iib**....kSitbe if i
••love plisms4Msr#GWAktscitb.7) l lo32_ll , to , • . I
it W a ll. IFI
=s u l l i l
'• '#oi IliiiiioWiniiiiiiiiiiisklf ' iliii eg g s
hieliWpavirfiAliiiititiwidoi. , 'whartme wialto .
Iwo& thins money. krenable theasiq., Tlsis -On
the voyage, draft will tiii
,imeo.op,rno. Mlawitig.
owned mereliaMa;viv. ~,,• ; •
P'livis:liiiiiii, No.'l, lititiirloo 'R oad,, iivor:i
pool; Danielllrright44oo:l o lo4.lobinima'ataiii! ,
Glasgow; William Milig. --Woo SC Elks, Qatar:
Dublin. ~ ,: , , 'i _way I, 30 . • 'i,
~,, . ._
._,__.' Forilsile L . :
. 1 .;____'
Ilift. Mt. tAPIERRE'S Elymputblelife
isahtst, 'speediest,. and perfect-morel gi 44117'
of wounds. McCre„ CSOCIIIt and allisailaneoun
diseases. arising, from cutting, equeettittiF. Omni..
init. boilin or the impurity ofithe blood, and alio
for curing Dgspepeis. heart biro,asthma, liver
complaint, finnan,: collets, ionvdritine, d tam
.bass. mid rbeornatick pain - Ir.:tooth achs and lore
eyes. The general agent. Prof. eu Xriv r lffikner,
Reading, Perks county, Pa. offers grahli to any
exp l
paison affectsd . with cittntspriliwaiti diseases.
a certain qttantity of the hympathicli Ow, tried
and appreclated before milting am - nee; how
ever, the application milt he made - free ,of post.
N. R. This aitieliramiot Ayr had-genuine in
any drug store or appothecary iliop.i It hi - not
necessary to' 111 k much about, it. as it certainly
wih recommend itself town enlightened Publiek.
Rog 19 1 w_tf
io-Ilardwape , Store.
THE yntwiribers wciuld respectfully announce
lb the tiqblic, that be hu added to his formes
stock, Iran and Hardware, consisting do pert or
American and English Bar Ironaloopa and Band
Iron, Noundilroo, assorted. num Cu!,l crawly,
Shear. Gertnin and English Blister kred A. M.
Steel Vices, Mouse-hole anvils. Smith'S Bellows,
Cast Steil hind, choping and Broad tansy nails
and spikeNtogether with a general inartment
of Iron Mongery, all of which will be kriEd at re.
deiced prices, by JOHN CLAYTON.
April 22 32
THE solweriber respectfully announces to the
-a. public, that he will attend to the collecting
of accounts in this borough and neighborhood, at
very reasonable rates. Accounts front [abroad,
to collect in this neighborhood will piriptly
attended to, and utisfactory teferen given If
required. JOHN C. CO AD, •
April 5 . 27 I Crinatable.
Swaim's. Psnmeta.
fl. the intemperance and , lawny (If the ateare Ahastening the ravages of /scorbutic complaints
and rendering the blood more impure; aid •se thou
sands have destroyed their constitutions by neglecting
to apply.tbe proper remedies—tO such. Swaim's ran
aces.must be, and has been, more than ddubly valua
ble as a certsizrand efftual means of restoring them
to perfect health and v isor. Few families are whol
ly exempt from scorbutic affections, which exhibit vs-
Timis symptoms, as eruptions, I ulcerations,' debility,
loss ofappte and dejection, ell aritungflosa impure
blood. ana properly if not enabled to. produce the
greatest injury to the constitundion, and may be. ire
parted to their offspring. Swann's Finites is teem,
mended at tin:suasion of the yeer,as a valuable rims
retire of the : system, thereby intgoritting Obe coolititilh"
tion, and alibiing it to bear the debilitating 'effedisief
thostuttmer season. -ltie -tionveyedetreule
sing flutes. and enn:ects their tendency to all those
blood diseases whichengunde in vitiate* blood diseased
lived'. depraved appetite. or predispositon sae:none
of tbe lungs, dm. None., however. miad to use
it without convincing themsehrbs of the of whet
is bete stated.
This medicine is now used;th success in a ll parts
of the world, and is. gaining at reputation in Eng.
land. 9 ,
A fresh soppy of the Medicine Ors received and
for sale by ~, EL BPifilIAN. •
Sole Agent r Sclmylkill twenty,
Who can supply the above edmine Wholesale is
them who wish to sell again. t Philadelphia , ipfiSw
May 14 315-
Vegetable IJuiversal 'Pala.
I N VA.LIIS I—ON E DISEA 3ff haat tboa only
-1 an impurity of thy blood. widoh. by impeding the .
circubtion, brings on pain or daraagement.irrthe or
gan or part where math impnriiy of theldlabil settke.
It is true, a veurre of csoionsenay bruit Moat 'the
state of the blood—such arelest Wins or. 1 60,
damp feet.iodigestion.,pein i the bead, 44. arse
although it may be said that vett d' joie. ao t . l
their origin in impurity ofthe aloe' vet. ii : effect is
the same, they all end in the impurity f the blood:
and oar only object to prevent the I taking infid
elities be kept op. in other wo le the acrinionioiaa.
sioursoa continually copier be body. al 'ongoing,
unpleasant symptoms rena With Dv Spadveithrs
severed with in sufficient quail "taies to pia** copi
ous evacuations. will as patine to restate every
organ too este of health. — Thia is MOM principle
of draining: • we drain a Markin/ piece allied. and
Sem a soda ofaterility
. loon produce i most ober
dant fertility;and so it tawitli the human body; when
any thing is the matter with its we have only oecalion
to droll it by purgation—and ,anperiescp • Ms aught
th who-have adopted this immune* pracakte. he.-
causec-mdisteni with .oureaktort . that they haveacted
rightly, the resist having beenmound health. .4 .. is'
not mute than 1 8 . months silica these Pills Were in
undated into the United Stales, but their sate has
been 'altogether unprecedented. there having heel sold
that of them in New York in that nine.: fully ewe bark,
Are Amodend Bonded bares. And above 111,011 ff
vio per
us can harden I
hardened to in i Yorkeity. and sandy
I r.
.the,same in fhiledelpbia.w have been cored when
ever, other Mean/ had ,beco e altog:er ai r o navailing.
ofdieeases which appiniede die most op siteichar
inter. and lb many cases sir 'the 110 range,.
of tileeratiait, had kid bine • matisiitaiid Tiede,' and
Where to all "pomace no preatiiocoalesave
life, have patients, by the asap beats Palliate= ne
learetto.good health. die ddvo Atuteat in i as
Wen completely erediesdaL i • j .....,'' ; .
pr. Win,Bmndretli*as4 o .4l. l .l Olate44l l *
i tnithoftliciabove ahispic
.17. Altat - .', $ 0
rants aiperiiiiinit and Ish4finua,'Veifilito r i p
medical_ prinierues of the' nittecis -.plaits
int the Ve-getablo Kinrom; Waite* being to l e.
posia eaditiine wide Would at once pw , ll')Vited pip.
dace* specific actipe. a reitiovarof all lby Imola
from the blood by the stomabb and bowels, as *vie
continuation, adieus. of =Shit leadicisie. such ha
won us ' ware to be tarn, cilL and Vie *Kid ; ass
- same a state Ofpurimand Inieverbibiskfiecetills 4
and persevere, with •filiini; 01: be itatialliffilintik
Willis* Biandreth Silly rained:hie • Idalenthrope
,sect. It isnow in abaohnie mid Item I fi at. eft!
averydisisse. whether ithalsithe head* &boa t h e
twenfkOrelePlirt metabenlibetberat be willow
ulcar.oF Oinigard . alnicess,tere ell. • Omagh .carisint
I rail* man c ililnies. reaucilila to ilia, graciff, pito*
I asaimd rity,ablood. i • ~ - i '
, '" pion .- ,- .As Dratlitid't hemitall,tillt
anyikpodedi with counterfeit ff,randireth* it tab
amines thasaWlio.iians tha&isine idle*. iiirchiati
ohltoftimiiicereditittlnemb ottbosekelkaarehinler
to be above such dishonest practices. ;,- .- - t -I
. :Alt; S. Thompsoia_deCo.Pottssiiley . 7e.
gentait prilicht fur bicksity Ilneatiq. a k .. ..:.-,,<,„
'Di.ffrandollaiOalcallit fi fe r - jiliiiiPilli
wholesale,* retaillest - f p*.... - Arm i i*
aliowilfth at:earth tide..
._ iffiia.' ' • ..I'.
Always retadriberthia . ' ' Seareititil•biee have Oil
genuine Sitinilitth Fills, - 1ia1L. 311 00 4 4 1 80 Poi''
Oases of them erasure to, , Omitted', 1 .r , -, .-.
- Dees • / . . ! ~/4 "I/447:.:'
.io i mitt :
11 '-'1416 7,- *v:4 0.310.14
o,4ll9dortmodo sca o ~N - 0 ,.. ii „.
usio-,066i issl,liilleds .
Cis••• ma% theOP.Wj th lisiss , It ,1' ;.,..5,.90 09
Is C•islOestarb.744. '.41. - -t 12 00
Wesiars ItsithsiAlk - TabliPola , '+ -II 00 ,
t t
.1/90090411910attiwthONS ohm* 409
Boott's Bibis sad Viinwswas .. r.s.r , L - --- - t , - -.,
: -4 16011.. iiii,itiU - -.,11' , 1: ,-- • * :..,...,,,_-ii : 4 e-,, -; ~g OS
Briskoperbseps's-ESI . oillsal l / 2 4 25
,Bsiries Ateiistt , liiitssir. I, • sham
.-=_-,: ,Asethotregattition with pep*. . '...,
--.411004.1,-,.. qv 1 ' 425
liewspittis I,bsei. with *Um , - r , ) 225
BlasyymPsi.wstko_compiets. Is 4 , 325
ltgars's Wsthlsilitsln atitisll I,;
I ' ••• ' 2 22
-oMiswaki 1 : -4- " ' 2OO,
Cowper astr )1
ismismwork ~- 945
s r
-Paisrs worip 3 / 4 ., -f-iry., kw. , 400
llooka's , silist* fiallatasi. 900
Thsidsldee.Femily Espesiter. , -3 50
6 E 1 07490a 01“aspity.ilois. with
1200 cotssodlioo maps. 1 i ,p lO 50
Foe. Book of Stmeyrs,with plit i es, 9 95
Melkssiss 1000 Remiss 1 1 37
Together with amnia! vfotkor Books at satY
low rat ; b o suit thet times., i -
kg/ k L ii -, •, - , , 1 1 • 32
CONStralMllOll Cl
Accompanying each bottle of the Specifick,
pointing out in a eonspicn manner. all the
symptoms in the different stages Otiose distills
suig dipeases—also partieolat 'directions respect
ting diet and regimen. and hoer ,patients are to
conduct through every stage 0;1 health is re
stored—for vain and aweless W orld be - the pre
ecriptions of the ablest physiciani, accompanied
with the most powerful and iisefel medicines, if
the directions are not faitiiiellgaOhered te.
The public are iiiBOlied that thedepositions of
287 peiscins have been taken befine proper au
thorities in the citi of Uneasier, all completely ,
cared in the moardesperate cases
Find some of which are detailed in Gni !Alban.
companying:each bottle.
IV A gropply,of the above Elpricitick has been
received indle for Pale at !Malice.
March 12 * 18
luipertsuat Direvery.
The subsoriber Misdiseoverefi a nuitherl lirrwhich
he Mimes of that valuable root, , 1
May beenneted without losing: ea of its merPeinil
properties. This Aredieine is after a re
erupt of the Medical College. • r . reecausended
by the Faculty-m the best formula or the prepara
tion of the fl uid extract of Sunapee la.
ere prf
This Extract - may be given with eet safety to
children. and' iscomicientiously• to the public
as a purifier of the blood, which a eases will great
-1 ailifiria to and in many entirely Ore the following
Obstinate eniptions of the skin, I .
Pimples-or paroles on face.
Bile' iihMkarnie from an impure iribit of ley.
Sea li eruptions,
rains in the boom.
• Chronic. iheirimathin,
Scrofula. air Nines evil.
White Surittlialp f .
Syphilitic ffmptoms..
And all amides arteini fitun an Otriu!is state of
the blood. either by 'a loni residence is a hot and un—
heahhy elithatt or the hnodiciona iisii of mercury.
I have thought it necemtry to attach ■ few certifi
cates silts bonerleiel Alma front peewees well known
in the county, as references: - • •
• Reeding 13, 1837.. •
We - the nod • ed. having 080 the Compound
fluid Emma • of villa.
oar bodies. most . y omi e ed ith l Geonge-
Vic Oakeley)iti lrecom- - '
mend it to the putihr..ns a cheap. nand laciest,
medieine, in diesswes arising from steperities of the
blood. • t •
. .
_- Wtd. IMAM.
This ist owtily thet Ilia* Air two years' alllictiel
- with an o6apwmaspatissupswidketion krone ofrny
legs.whichltroke into numerous eras. for winch I I
teed various remedies, which but increased the die- -
ha i r
ease, when I was recommended to. Ak. Oakehys 1
preparation otrausaparilla. I did . tae after owng
, several Imulee-I . unhappy. to statit ahe. ulcers are
spur* removed and my, leg i.,lllrAness my
laid this l&h day orAbiumt, 11937.-4',2
. ' JOHN -R. LVLIER. Reading
This-csnifiestiot my little son. slum 8 years old.
had pared for a long time them bi lzia ive sores. en
the right knee and leg . - supposed 1 ve beat white
swelbsg4 which I loud inmewa to heal. by elan
the aid er the.** fteltoetable.medical ' iiiivices. maul
I was nicommoseetaa tweldr. Gebrge W. Oakeley's
CelliPm l24B 7 o aulePetilleS otwhich
not oily hesl Jlet sores bat icily restated the
child's health which had infrared in consequeuee
or this &filmdom. CATHARINE BINGEMAN. •
7th above Dann a. Rending. .
The ibove case was presented tip toe, both before
end atter the Motif Mr. Oaluders iynip of Hinepa
silla.andlhau no htsitatior ut believing that it war
the ilftlig:, of teettestion.
• . "'t• ' ' ' IN& . P. HIENItIt. M. D.
Reading, Septa'. 1817.
- -- • liihnimstri6 Nor. 204837.
kr. Oakdey. ..". , •
Sin—l coosidatit 1 11 7.4 0 1 t o let 00 limey that the,
- nod of halaassii 'lattice, of valuble Smapa
rdia Nit Eget of Pails Ante last. *entirely belled
inyiectlie MtWrsoldtwe itwas • serefuloes chat
tam mid i tits use,of our. diedicia would praise:dr
beneat it, The Ire - WM, were,' takes before it
liras healed: brit , Ilistilk Ilia atzth 'by stake the eu , o
attain; it ia amr-tichas thee two nonathitsince.l gild.
any. nd &lain no appearnur oil velure. my physi
cian thiiiiiiihe•**; perfect. ;Veers, &e.' ,
• • - er ...CHASOLIS BROWPC -,
ireflorwisowriabsalthr-sembera— m y be had at
the -estaeriltae"l-we and, Jaunt filing stote.
Nitk ramp mast, Ssedtag..and at of the prin
cipal dritstoves.: Foreb Dew Medicines. at
thelawastam& Wise. arse - Itept r ask : bs tles sub
scriber. - .1- - G. W. OAK ELEY.
, - . _ -
Also. to be had at the• stares oft Heiedenreicb &
XlltZ.KlMltillill ;Wei: Mistier n 4 Dr. row. Potts
taws ;Pour Naribb.aittf taadat this stone cillissiani
& Strancybussille..
Jan 13 ° . I . li-Ontr
*' It lt. - Ta present i i apathies". iiiy signature wit
the kW ofeaelrbittiti.
, „,:; 4 ` ,-- -`• Pitingliner : • ' E- -
i't ' c'o,l>Ar Boum & LOT in Nairetiiiii
Stie4 - pti wetly oppirike ibe issideicie
ti 4 11 -a . r.: **am, Pali «ceptsd , by
- " illiam..D. - 1411•., l'hishpuse ig 16
• - - • bin feet in dep th ; wi th ', kitelseii OW.
411iilis:„Ilmiliiiiesint attifT;ll, n44' i'-iii•tlie
-6114 1144* 4 third flaws olic6;4bet ',hole 41
mi l
ilikagiallrell,plissimed anai la& . Ai n i n
. 6 .74, 21, 1 1 ., AL Wi l geT• l 4 o4 , —l 4 kit iiP O l
bit - P,r l k.b9).rk fait-la . 11 614,!!t lib 8, 9 feet 4.
ny el illvveit'end arompid .
.•: ,) Froffirtlielgjiiirlh4ime i - If ,-• •• '`
J4.t.u.t1'2:1.7ikr.';,, , ,,K1- , , 'Ll.ifi,, r." , .. - ' • 11111A1UK. .:
Mount ao l oliWALl9:l7. - •••• -,• '
. - .
.. _ - :r... '- ' :.... ' •
dittos t
serew4lst -
eassdo. •
span And 111
kiillows, ea ti
balk stoiil
21 by 5,8
2 by
at an anti
Plates an -
*saw 4 cure
Spitting - ti
ilcm of IA4
of As City ,
MIL. limited and perpetual Insurance.
...v." on stone orTrame Buildings. Stem,
Hotels. Mi the, Stables. Merchandize, Form.
etre and Pits oratory destription, against low
or daasago'by S.
The Deis. - County Insurance. company nil
also holm . loss on all kinds of marine risks
and agiiiiit 11 tags or loas upon the transport..
Lion origoods, .and mama/Wise by water. or by
rail way,.npo. is. , as fampinrabletas any other is
itititioo. 1 I
For any fu rt her information.on the sulkiest aria
auteusce, either l
itgabast tire. marine or inland risks.
Apply to , ENRY G. ROBINSON. keens.
inlyls I 34ttl' • , Illt Se skill Raven.
1 1 ; or WILLIAM B. POTTS.
lilt Orwigsburg.
1 1
• sirstiNG,GAKDEN
Fire I Inanorimee Company.
is i wAKElboth linsimid and perpethal Insurances se
.I.V.M.Bri4Eitotwor Frame Buildings, Stores. Hotels
glie• • B .iablesi Mencbandigetaarnawressd,
everyidesettiption.agaMat loss or damage
•• RH&
The subsioriber bee been appointed Mawr for tin
above mentioned Llnstitaition and now prepared to
makeissuitsrsaml apon every - potion of property
at the lessees ratest,l BMW •• B 1 BAN NAN
,Pothrrille, Feb. r, 1836. ,
—...... .... .•1D , - AND
. • • ; ; i COBIP4I I II. .
yiff A$ birth-limited aid jpetvetnal Insurances on
"II Brio Sr or Prairie Beildhiga, Stores. Hotels.
MU* 51 4 1 " 4 , ( Wei". Pderchendite, Furniture. and
-Pita or ey deeiripcten, against lona or damage
The enteroOter;itaebtehtnippoinied..Atturr Ar the
above mmatteht it telithithhe and IS now prepared to
Make brantalr, '
.sopnitievery deasription ofFoPerY
at the loweit raitesl -; BENJAMIN. HANNAN.
- ..,9tt 8 91eX '1 25 -Itgq7 . . • I ' 1..
relitorle - 41
• WBAVEittwern i tithWeived in id.
• ferater.onck o Hardware
de, epringhey'd ricers, patent polialft
mnted'east nteel"We. broad are,
bummer% Beat *Mallins athe t
• cbiaele, drawing lupe& blackmail!
Bails 4'. 41. fildt4
*nitrous juid *lee' Zaaeonta
IL, bpd' aildtaqurt
I u ^n
MEd bathe most tecommodat
t FA*, • 14
dier—AND 1,1011 FOR COAL
Railway Flat au Iron.
do , .do do- do .
Suitable for Screening Coal.
Countersunk Wen, andla eat
degrees at the end.. Splicto r
ED Bt LAW. $250000.
The Philadelphia Fire
Ito\ - :\ Iz COLLEGE OF ' I
• ' :111killibil '4l IPiOs.
, •
T HE *
iirginal ifygeian Universal -Vegetable ,
Medici , prepared by W 1 BUSKIN, Eq.,
'Member elf t e Royal College o l Surgeons, Licen
tiate ol o tik eearies Company, Feilow of 801.
Coon: ie Surgeon to the ;Royal Union Pen
sion- ‘ AsSoci I ron, ,' Lancaster place, . Waterloo
Orldgu; s e nd Perpetual pupil ofGuay's and St. ,
Tbomas'll• piled*, London: : " •
Thne pal havingpined Weeletrity antlers'.
tried ins Section , or the Union, are pool con.
'44- red , those rho... Value goo heal th , itldis
passable Kati fami)y medietne--pattonised by a
'both i n
y of Ihe Moat ertient Physicians
. it is in
i e rl u to li os.giinp F l i at i ; i - i &I '"- ct l er .r i ti o ffi th i s c-n oi t
tillsatho 61 7 thipkillig gmes,r_and it is hared
Borten 41
__ r. , ntendatrp than the coarse re
to by. await end ittupemeipted pretenders,
Who to misl - 11 asd 'deceive:nisi public. 'pliiiiisi
whit they - -proofing) Prelekailid . certificates of
Carey. that all bounds if-rational credibit
nyousigl mos of,w)rtehOf net
. ell„ are either post
61141. -Lc a .94 4/0, r teuredt,),rfrirsd and conoivanee.
' The es ito o rthe LOg . l 004 Turner, says
"This' m 'di Melia* ared'lsit 'unprecedented
demist w preserved popularity. Hating tek.
elhibetTl our,selves to advaptage and witness
ts4;their` n Cie) effects on others, we Marling
Imeitatio L teeming:guiding them to the public as
Issafi, n ry and useful family meldicstge:"
• • ViNs re genuine withont the. Signature of
-the Gen Agent ore the label, by, whom - the a.
` I
r' '
), imported Otoi,thia, country. liptxt.tN.l29 i . WilreFk Placq,
- . Gaol Agent' fie is.
fibs above Mete jnit reeeki
/ • s *ANNAN.
Sole Ageet f#,
l ylkill.eounty.
' 1 I
ii 2
I FOR :CA N. • .
_ 10 14% .' , ':' telly,
it, c
-Carbon Seelig 'hid' Society, ie
n ratty day from 0, - to 3 o'clock .at
r isciret. and, po sit, for the per .
1 ltifAeTtito to atiy . amount not ep
- from any one Orkin, upon which
4r per . cent Will kt pnid on every 15
r ,but , no intermit will be allowed de
. - Antis; of SS The, whole or anf
be skaWn Maim gifir,g notice, taro to
km a t the office on Mondays. The bu•
1 ; 1,
11l - Soniely — will',Dei conducted by the
cers and managers, 'until the lot
in May neat.. 1
I + . l AQUILA- 1301.1T0N.
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-L, 1 _ • .Monesent. '
Joseph - Carta - Samuel J. Potts
Bilerir4 Hughes ' ' • E.. 1.1 Warne
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Jbenti RA I• .. Amos 'Turner
r.L.. _ bitoey,_Saroretat7 :Treasurer.
~,,Ikrite S3d of Qat charter. .".pio emolument
*ANL; * . ighell:bc receiie by the President
or -'lll ' ithr - f4 Asir eery , nor shall any
' 'bevernis a berme, from the melte.
i 01 1 ." ! , ' • s , ' 1 oct 3 Of
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