ten iced brifievelat;iiisplallblif 1 so fir, witorlscribim in a situa . min an honest livelihood., end thus im perseVere in well doing.— . ample seduritY to the Borough 'and School Birectorsefor-the faith, rge lof his i li y ities, tiii;ttiat the, Pub nci loser Ilia misconduct, hot l et his, amounting to aboutf,s9o o. , E to be borne. by his unfortunate : • Us facts above disclosed his #ventare substantially correct °Rehr is the.views and participate Vie to' citizens Lion to enable He gay Council ful disc lic will the wh will ha security petting land we in the apathy with re lens. _Jignation of the writer at Vie hick is but 'too often maniresteci, srd to the 4eintdations of Gamb• SOO Tag /11PeLtS 44 40OONAL. 'lt .' M . Editor, that the long agony is ,ar over, an. that persevering fellow-citizen has mammy d h Swiss :Curds with perfect see cess, and the RAI. called the•Offerman Coal Com pany ha becoine a law . of this fipe and enlight ened St* whim modest motto is Virtue, Lib erty sn. Independence!" We knell .new the worth to .. value of thatiprofeesims of iMardidates, whim. t . cringingly supplicate our Malfra'ges to give the, a mat le out Legaidathre or in Con gress. , • ad L gnaw the Hooirstpte Senator who originat • . this, most calimmandiaboidnable bill; knows ••• than4e do whoteiNitepresenteri in the mat r. Asi by weedier of Corigrem, and one oft :molt fifthly!' ..of thirlaithfil, told. Me lately t y kis expetisati et fiPashiegton were nine dollars - day, whilst his pay i f but eight ! and that the expenses of Many members are twice the emu eof their. pay! Shrely our Republican form of ernment most be near its last gain if the peep are so ignorant uto supposemen will leave the r homes and their business to devote themsef ato the public service, and sink money by it, be ides the loss of time and all the trouble. But WO now that the laborer, is. worthy o f hie hire, an thit there are-su ch - *Times* of retire ment" a an embassy to Austria, and the Collec torship o the Port of Philadelphia; and that some Senators m ay make more by their own deeds than as depen ants in office rpeordieg the deeds of others. wily, Mr.-Editer, ..eorruptien seem, lse the order of the clay," anti if. the pep. already tiling to eubmtt to tt; then the name title" of our tree 'goy et amen t is all a . HUMBUG. ple are style an Minor, the writing-rnaater has, we learn, 'Wei:neinl in the „linear hie busineir in •Rh, and given entire astialection to his e learn that he contemplates renewing in about7tbree weeks hence, when we 'ho stand in need of improvement, will Mr. s' been ver our bore pupils his vied heipe all have r, rse to his mistimes YORK CHARTER ELECTION. first day, 18,99510tes were polled, a than ever was i)olled on the first day ME On th larger • before. la th• Charter ity. City of Brooklyn, the whig ticket for , ffMerchaa triumphed by a large major- terfeit $3 Bills on the Borough of pion, are in circulation. They tie shotler than the genuine notes. Cou Northa are a li :ANDERSON'S PARIS. ave read, from Preface to Finis ' , unt of Paris, written by Mr. J; of this city or of Pottsville, we We an ace Sander do opt now welch,. but a *sound classical scholar and a curious observer of , men' and m liners. He went to Paris a few yearri a :o—hut why, we never could learn, unless . please himself—hut did that, we dare y, ald a good deal more—for he pietisels ho nds who read his intere*ting letters, !hie have more of.*real genuine Wit • ton *uality, than any records of an Eur • pean journey fiat we have read, since t e se timental journey of Yorick. Like t at carious reitord of sentiment, feeling and{ sights, the volume before us has a • all ! claim to lour disapproval— while - latigh, "with tall our heart," at whole • ,apters, that- mst have made the 1 author aught when he had written them. ti t We ha written thus r, when we found in the , ew York A rican a notice of this w • k, frpm which e extract the fol lowing 1 " El • • thin! book been ushered forth to the pu • is iti all the charms of large type and wi• el margin, . its seceess would have been c mmeirurate wfth its appearance; but as is printed in ac lose dense mass; an infe 'or vririte-browq paper, it requires an efru t to, slummed th courage to under take it Peru' I. Thief effort is however well re • id y the fist .nishing variety of the su • rect. f which i treats, and by ,the accura y ofi its dew ptions. We are somew at title loss in hat rank of society to play .' (air {author, • -ing mystisfied "by the it anPouriceme • t of his title page; but we find iti the mid e of his book that somet ng e ls e besid - "keeping a gig" confer the patent. : - ear, "I mean by gentle • an, al youth' : a, o 'has just come over f om - gland o America, to the , or French Jerk of lecture, f the corps II bursa Wire, or an pprentice philoso pher, ho cal is himsel a man of letters," in win h ' last modest , tegory we place our A ' ricair gentle • n"." . ' As • the author be' phi!. • pher," we cab look a his heed, we •ili an ap• entice; to Sec him b his !liners, w Pliny • r his Master. Mr..z ndeilion is a and m tier—en origi an on • foal thinker—, bib a •-•ount all Load° , A frie d told los, th Quad nt, he! diecove on the aidewidk, absor platiu • of the iplendidl lomat- thir in ore Rage street; and aft; turn -.' saw Hr. S. i gazi at the militia he gad, and { noted, I in Pa 8.--U..8. Gam t 01, ITSC ,THOMPRovicititririnkti: 4 - -Tlywotnpfiiten'tof etietkoeittWeetiehhid by the Senate. tbe Improvement BiltMlirporitsti this morniniriWziair.)' debate or send.' hours' in which tblibpponents of; the bill :dined evs:*•:_t ,ierstelodifeatili r the report was' ojitWillitilWe oriels , be bill, aeittioWitandikannwrinieealiti l et'l,oo, 000 duo,. r;4l- - '13.0 'The sppro Nation. to the Thai* emit; the Harrisburg••,, Poiltainontik end • -1../stierier* road the'Peilikalirania Ord Ohio Cinaheiiiithe Bald eagle Kilsigation. are With* strieken on The appropriation to the Gettyaburir Railroad is reduced to 19,M100 dollars, ant Lite tiOpoprfniiibras to turnpikes End state reedirabour 20 per sent- The loan otsokoot dollars icitiiiiitny eitlbor lied, to be applied to the,Norui Bondi & Erie extensions, e the rePort ats authorized to be applied to Cie public works gsninelly, as it beef be deemedtient; and tlmloan of 1.000,000 from the U. 'Hank. is reduced to 600,000 dol lars, to be borrowed. when the' Governor may deem 'proper; Correspon . once of the Courier & :Empilrer. I 4 Wasetmeirron,ltir April, 111311. ' I . , Mr. Hutu& Ohio asked Permisil4to hire a paper printedhehich he sent to the sir, and which was,*d (or inforuption. At was • abort resolution, p*- jeded by • preamble, statlntas the currency anthe exchanges o(.ol*i:inquiry, and is in_thiefolke log words anillibrest ' I ..Consideril t i that ' the :timiikess t commerce, v circulation a'' excliangeiollthe siftifty iris in -a deranged - X - ' einberrasiS• eiindition— r- . it uConsideri ." also that Mena of the Banks Of the United fleeted' are expressed- a dish* IS resume 'specie paynieitri at an early day-- ...: f "Resolved' by the Senate and Howe'*( Repro umlaute, of he United States that if the Banks, or a portion rit them, do thus resume, it will be the duty of the Government within the limits of its constitutinrial - authority, to aid such Banks in regaining public confidence and to Naafi* them in their laudlfile efforts to fulfil their obligations 1 •to relieve the Wants of the community and to restore to the public a sound circulating me dim." 'c i • Now, what does this mean? Mr. flamer is _ known to be' one of the most obsequious of the 1 adherents oflibwer. He Is a strenuous . , euppesier :of party disc Ohne. He is a min o f respectable talentr, but otunconquerable priquiftioN and ein. bitteredinigs. Coming from tixt•quarter, the resoluti attention - and cinch inquiry. It has not been presented without due deliberation. It hatherefiv, a meaning. Whit is that mean. ing/ t wa l ordered to be piloted. • Ej'IFASHINGTON, April 9, 1838. 11 SE!. OF REPREISHIFFATIFEIS. 11 MT. HAVER asked leave to make an explan ation on the, 'object of the resolution offered by him on Someday, and then ordered to be print ed. It 4waciuggeyted to huh by a ftiend-tbat the Resoluticiii as read would produce the impres sion that the !Administration was really bonds to the Banks, aqd would,, therefore, have the effect to prevent the q; Banks from attempting to resume specie payniiipt. Supposing that. be had full power over the Resolution, and being anxious to prevent anyi; misconstruct.tou of it, be tfiodified it by inserting the words—.as the present Ad. ministration designs to do.",_ If this was wrong he begged pardon for it. He' now struck out them,. words, - Vind askedleave to offer the Remolo tion in its original form. Objection* being made, Mr. HAIIER moved to suspend the rules. Mr. WISE, wasin favor of the resolution as , now modified; but be did not vote td print it -vith those words in it. A call °Ohs House was 'ordered, and 156 .membereauvrering to their names, the call was suspended.. i,,,. ' The mot k to suspend was lost, yeas 110, nays 16—not two thirds. It appears to us that if matters are suffered to go on as {hey are now doing; a resumption of specie payments will in due time come of itself; while if undue means be taken to hasten the event, nothing but mischief can be the remit The interest;of the Ranks is to resume at' the etiliest nionnint practicable with safety, and there is consequently no reason to believe that they sill defer this payment of coin any 'angel than prudence cony requirstc The heeling ?room 'ming on, ane in a little while the wound will elms of i;self,6 The use of annuitants would in all probabilii* only irritate, 'and produce .1 pro. tracted ttiiieoe.—Bsit Americas. A Handinrste Gain.—The Whig net 'gain in ititilVilley's district, is otter. ONE THOUSAND VOTES. Mr. Delafield having resigned, Moses H. Grinnell,Esq. has been elected priindeni of the The of the di, Film cow A GoodNat.—The latest we hero heard ts of a me q who is so fat that he can't reach his (Mee; and when a mosquito bites it, he hi+it,p hire a boy to scratch it for hi m.• .r; • r The Midisoniati of Saturday say= ""We learn fr 04,4 most authentic source, that a part, if pot the whole of the.delegation in the house of representatives from Con necticut, lOok upon the reedit . of the elec tion in thlit: state, is a clear indication of the set4ent of the people *One it, (the sub-t rY plan) and will accordingly vote again& it in any shape. A slip From the New Orleans Merchant. a - W hig .44er. announces milt either election Oat city a great victory. Gen. l i i. iin.'.ltensellaer of the Patriot ar my has pithiished a manifesto in , the north 7 ern paper K containing a histofeyents . "and mineewemeni of his, 4teritination " to milt'. lit-thisli -at .another quarter e which 3 , .;111-4ei#.n:dne,iiton. an " apprentice , nly say that if we Id say that he was es; and if we juige should give him observer of men al seer as well as d we hope to hear , fir he was there. walking along the ed - Mr. Sanderson 41 in deep coptem carriages And' their ant passed on to r about an hour re• n the.. sams.pace, streants-sid so lked,,amPhOught, tte. . for . Akt* the;; te 'ego* OW CYcli l o9. lo • ot of Bond coility, Sedi.:ST'St*lilnte public printer it yoa„ re sentenced .Plmo ientiary 0100ealgig depositee l i In die evenkijofithe,skctiatt of Steveneo4 the locefocit eandidats for, Governo i t,jabo stands chivied Wei *kete't ,00~, of the p ublic ney, we lewitoe thet Sawyet will4tot'ony be pardolloplif him but appointed 'torn). - high offieh —Lesdieifk,lol6o'' • , aVinin %maths 410 1 . .. 1 Nee 1~ is ifitildirirr.4-1* - 44 Wild tet ,4 r•syitem recently adopted by the Democratic Anti-Book Legislature of Michr i goas not -Seetu to 41ford a ll the sdviin t hat ire anticipeted. We find a notiCe in 'the Detroit papers from the Dinh. temmissioners that Abe lollow• hot instititiens have forfeited Wipe* confidenceir ; The _Balt of lagieer, Farmers' Bonk of Genesee. county. Fanners' Bank of Sandstone, Jackson county Bank. Exchange Bank at Shiawasse, and The Warts County Bank. `The Bank of Manchester'• litho said to be in a rotten condition. The 'Farmers' Ban) of Genesee' is said tio be even worse .than its' Comrades in .inmnity; though we should judign that its notes are just about as good as #ny of them. These are all Democratic No-Monopoly Free Banks.— Tte.Comothisioners do not appear to have examineoll the others. WHIG VICTORIES IN NEW JERSEY. Advice. .jteeeived in New York from New Jersay.Mati,lat at porn elactkmson Monday last, Woodbri ge, Rahway, Easabethlown, New. ark, Bartel, and Jerseysity, tha Whip prevail ed. Woodbridge, which is erne of the largest towns in the state o. and hitherto fur Jackson, gave 50 Whig Majority. attberieiibifenstigniky.—A letter from Toren. to, under dice ofthe 3 inst. state, that Suther land ben blienlfotimd and will be executed forthwith. Flour was still on the decline at Cincin• natti on the second instant: sales has been made at (banal on that day as low as four dollars eight -seven and a half cenbi. Perjuri fndidmewts. —We perceive by the Boston Courier that more indictments have arisen from the bank investigations in that city than have hitherto transpired here. The Grand jury of Suffolk. at the term of the Municipal Court preceding that now in session. returned indictments against Par ker H. Pierce, President of the Commer cial Bank, and Joseph Andrews, Cashier of the same 'bank, charging them with wil ful perjury. Warrants have been out for them sines last term, but neither has yet been arrested. Keen Bits.—The following are o f corm from the Louisville Journal. The V. B. papers deriounce Mr BIDDLE for dealing in cotton. Why 'do they not denounce Col. Jommorr ? Is it a more heinous crime to to deal in cotton than in woo/ f ' The Y; B. papers are still descanting upon the overwhelming influence of Mr. Emotes' Bank. Do they think that Old Hickory. by killing the monster, increas ed its pow Pithlie Meeting. In pursuance of public notice!, a large meeting of the isithens of the Coat Region assembled at the Pennsylvania Hall. for the purpose of expres. sing their opinion on the subject of the veto of the Offermim • Coal Company, by our excellent and veciitht Chief Magistrate. SA MI,. BROOKE was am:hilted Chaim"; Cuestas 'Rama and Asuna Pm?, Vice Presidents; and &ems! J. Pais and B. annum, Secretaries. The object of the meeting was stated from the Chair, when - on' motion efL. Chapman, Esq. a committee 'Of thirteen. consisting of the following parsons, werenpporoted to report proceedings fur tie consideration of tlty meeting, viz: L. Chap miiit'Col. °Coro Shoemaker,Wm. H. Mann, John M. Crosland , James Silymen. jr. E. E. Bland, Capt. T: J, Baird, A. Pon, Jacob Bell, B. F. PoniroyCharles Bober. Dr. G. G. Palmer and Andrew Russel. who after retiring for aehoit 1 time. reported thtf taming. Which were adopted: WhereaS, the Executive of this Commonwealth. in girsoanee of . the power vested in bun by the Constitution, has thought proper to withhold his irignatu re from. the act. recently passed by the legialaturevocceporatin the Woman Rail Road and Mining Company: and whereas , the reasons and objectos set forth in his messy in refer. eneetherefo, Ire such as to reeritethe unanimous approbation of all who are interested either di rectly or indirectly bathe prosperity of the oouq ty: and whereas. it is deemed proper to *apron in the semi public and' suitable manner, the son. timentauf:the citizens oo this event, and to ahow their gratitude for Executive interference in protective/nor best interests. Therefore Eesebreti, That a &naval meeting of the eiti. seni of the countf-arolliers, Miners, Meehan. la., nether*, and Laborers, be convene t at the home of Henry Stager, on Saturday allernoon the 21st inst.: at 4 &clock, P. M. for the purpose of giving decided expression of the judicious exercise of the Executive power. in arresting,• as far as be teas concerned. a monopoly, ape of the greatest *rile !which' could betel the 'enter. prize of, the citizens of the ebunty; and that the following aprons be a committee to make the arrange. cots for said, mantle& and owes public notice therrifto be given teal* the papers of the LLE—Wm. H: Mann. A. o.Bwisi .1. Kline, J. Coateaworth, E. - E. Bland, J. Sites, A. B. White, Daniel Hill. J. Silly_inan. Coddingtrin.lll. Leu:M. Nugent. .D. Lloyd, L Curry, ,P.l Curry. Langton, .1:M. Crosland, S. Beadily B. Mftnes. • FORTCARBON....C. Briber. J. G. Hughes, A. Putt, 3. Olewine. A. Bolton, A. Emihner, J. Lang, J. Balley,li. Whitney. • • , SCHI7YCKILL, HAVEN.... Dougherty; C. Dengler, Eaq. F. Haus, L. Chapman, J. Putt, Esq. ,C. M. Hid. Flonsinter. MINERSVIL,LP.,—Benj. Heffner; olux Thir., well. Jaen Eantifer,-Danl. R. Bennett. COAL CASTLE.—Wm. Fayne,•M. Sand°. NEW CASTI.E.z..-• Wfir.ithesits. L. Reber. ST. I'CLAIR.- - John _PirdiertFo; LOU pram, Daniel ' • • • .144.1'. ; - • , ••• ORWIGSBURQ.—Hon. Hemmer ' r Eig. O. Limn Esq 4. Bums. Bag • ' 4 Reerl•44•That die ifeerieding;of thisaisol Int . 11.4 0 0#1 1 , 1 _,1 0 4 11 01:1, 1 "0 0 1". 1 sSmnitY 00 . 1 r. •:•.• • - _ i i "OL . 11 WKEI r. 30 1 / 1 11411 Bata. tv , •••. ---41ariamPtaii; ' • - Se;retarks. ; Judge 'no & - 111:44,„ 4.tir' I.UMP" • ' ' • . t• _. riday etorning. the 13th hot. R om? D. Teetimeiq I etrimitter. is the 113d-yeir of shis-age.- ~ 1 Mb friends nd adqualetanete ire pail u y *Metter ahut funeral as %edgy' at 2 *idle* f ens bte hits residatied In the i of DrAlart7 sa. tttl MESTRIG WA* purpose ofeotablbdthig • *nee: A a Society or .befieiel purposes. will blatoid at Edw. O'Cweaerhiloo Saturday mein& April 14th. *bra all wbo tdestro to aa of , jotaupy such A ch' society. req ted attest april 4 , . . 'Lodge.» , A STATE I awaiting of Pulaski Lodp. ko. Ami• 216. will held at the usual place, on Mon day evening t, April 16th, at half put II•o% clock. P. M. Punctual aitendattes is requested. numb 31 1 , 24 REVIEW OP THE MARKET. Podataa. Aprt7 14. 1 WHEAT- F4:MR.I7 the load was worth ri day $7 30. WHEAT 1 50 per postal. in demand. RYE FLOUR Y 311 per cwt. is dentam BUCKWHT FBOUR 2 30 per ewt.ia sal ' Ryg, by the Ind 10 cents by the y e RYE CHOP, 90 cents per bushel is demand. OATS 40 cetunr—ready sale. POTATOES 45 *to per bushel indultam!. CORN-70Cents per MASI in demand. CLOVER SEED-05 50 . iter bushel. TIMOTHY SEED—S 2 80 per bushel. FLAXSEED-41 12 per bushel is demand. WHISKEY +42 cents per galloe. BUTTER-14 dime per pound—in Kegs 1$ cents EGGS-12 Cents per dozen. • • LARD-10 Cants Fitt' pound. TALLOW—{9 eons per pound. HA M 8 12 Cents per pound. CORN CHOP 80 cents per bushel in demand. BACON-1 cents per pound. BEEISWA 18 ;mats per pound. FEATHER cents per pound. COMMON 00P-40 cents per poised MACKEREL, by the bbl. No 1, $l2 00 ff / 1. $ll SALT-2 64 per Md.; 87 per bushel. PI ASTERO worth $7 00 per We. HAY $lB - Oath* Smith ) Civil k'n4rineer; Land Surveyot, +a. HAPING method encouragement sufficient to induce him to reside in Pottsville, will in a few days make that place his residence. MI basins* entrusted to him shall be meni ally atiendedl to, and accurately performed with out onneawetz daisy. H. S. Em ees this 'opportunity to convey thanks to finials gentlemim who have interested themselves hi his behalf. Pottsville, pril 14,1838. 28-3 Danville an# Pettis's , 'lie Rail Read Coaspany. TannUal meeting of the'stockholders and Ja• election for President, ten Manager'. and Trerusurer, to serve , ;the above Company for the Misting year, will be held we Monday tas 7th day if Mee test, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock P. 111.. at the Mike of Schuylkill Navigation Company. H. MIMI:MIL Treasurer. 28-1 .pril 14 Public Notice. A . g it appears, that because Mr. Crane obtained no patent for smelting Iron Ore with An- thracite Co•I'ln tido country, many suppose that they are nee at liberty to adopt the method of smelling Iron ore with Anthracite by the use of a beatW air blast; although I gave notice last year that 1 Inui a. patent for smeltlng Iron ore with AnthraCite Coil, both by the use of a cold atmospheric and a heated air blast, I would now inform the puMic again, that on the l4th of Jan nary, 1858, IlreceivU,a letter from the Coliimis. sinner of Patents at' Washington, stating: "Sir, upon examiniog theicaiof Mr. Crane's applica tiont for ape t far ' s long Iron by means of n 'anthracite; 1 h ave view his claim as intetfe ring with yo , r patent of Dec. 1833, and have i :r given notice his attorney of this declaim"— Every attem to smelt Iron ore with anthracite by the unto a heated air blast. is an infringe ment upon nty patent• exams* which I ccßimil and warn all Mein ea I shall prosecute every one infringing uplin my right., according- to law.— And 1 forthei offer to dispose of ?algid rights for the erecting of furnaces. according to my *tent, upon very moderateterms. FREDERICK W. GEISSENHALNER. New York, April' 9, 1838. 98-6 - Champaigne Wines.. JUST received and for sale by N. Nations & Co. 50 baskets of Irel, ffickory, Star; Wood cock and other brand,. april L 4 ; --. 20 111- UP ER,lOt OLD SHANDY.. received 'Mid for sale N. NALTHANS sk Co. epril 14 • WOK'S EIL.ESTIAL ErENBELY, also. lbs. -m-r tort' of Ameliai illustrated by leraiksbank. just received and for sale by ' april 14 "N B. BANNAN, • • Ihigade Orders. dE enrolled Militia and 'Volunteers, tonspew ing the 2d Brigade. 6th Division, I'. jd, will remoter, and'continue the Spring trainlpga for MA as Pik)"4 A 53d Regiment, commended by Col. Hugh Lind. say, whole imlant on Monday the jokh day of May. 11113! . , 11th intent, commanded by bd. Seismal D. Jacobs, d battalion on ToesdaLVO 15th R i day of Me next. lit Battalion on ,WednerdaY the lath of 114 y. next. f,. nib meet, Commanded by CO. Isaac Yo der,. 241 Bat lion an Thursday the 17th Any of May nest, Ist &Upon cm Fridaj the 1811t1•day °flu)! next. *, let Regi t, commanded by Col. Alit Siegfried, fi A Battalion on Satlirde_y tiss 'loth day Of Ma nest, 2d Battalion on mesky the 91st day y ne5t.... 1 1 1 .4 30th Bee t..lillitlindell by Col. iehlk M. gia e joar Bond* on Tuesday . thel3d day el May-nest; Batinlion to Wedmore* lbw 11311 dav,‘ Ma nut. 1 '''' .. ' • 1 - ' Vb. - piny fraiiiinvf wM be lei ail t u g Malay in 440.1 y, the 7th, and Ai Awls ars to he Vie commending offinai illani, et. . , ! 'llse imiltt l e elks= of easeipOest, and Adjetants Regimen* **Med" ealeirei to km their rolliebste Feedlot Bell Odayst igreelbli lalln, l , ' 1 • .: . By ' n .' ; - t„ ittEatun satiriti... -•fr': - -- - - aiigp. uDi stisiv4.ll‘ ! du f,s;firaile i. cam • _ window, redl44 l / 4 11-, •• ' • 1190 , - Nee - seasit New fi b f t - JusT maimed by N. Na th an, & CO. a new and elegant usorhnent of epriag and Sam. met Prints.-painted muslin* and- lawns; moor which may be Mond a hew pieces of English Prints at a veil leer rate. Alsala splendid as. swam of Cloths; Quintero% Vestiagi ace. Ales, fdeMlemathkasanner Ira; together with spasm! assortment °Mimeos, Meeks, Di. *Pm. Matins, illnsliaa, Ate. Ate. april 14 s. lbeigy Trees: SEVERA I. Hundred , Wlthe Italian Mulberry 10 .. Trees. tram 6 *ben I. $ feet high. far. Bak cheap. Apply at that - Wm. April ; 97 Notice._ , # 3 , ' . 4r ,4 ! MUM Duidlades for Borough teak iIL tau for the -year 1837. harm biiii placed le the heeds of George Heisler, . forcollec. Om of the fratualskittanss a iali . 1 Du plicates. WILLIAM HA lIIIM. April 7 Notice I 8 hereby glum that lettere Testamentary have . mbeett grimed by the Register or Settu7lklll county tithe 'Wilma& as Executor ohhe last wilt and teettunsat aloha Richard, late of the Borough of Pottavilli,, deemed. All piranha Navin! claims or demand, naiad the *Mate of the sadden:need an hereby requested to make known the itamti 'to threubeenber. without delay. JAMES DOWNEY Exit,. April 7 Foe Sale, . A valavable Tract of Coal Laic; LYING and being lb the township of Norwe. wegian 4 on the West Branch near the West Branch RairßoadliAbot mar miles from &hay!. kill Haven -r-there is me or more Coal Veins passing through thin .and. For in tmation ap ply to JACOB REED, at ottsville, or Mr. HOFFMAN. at Reading. March 2 34 Rail Road Iron N OW in store andlor sale, English Rail ßoad Iron, l by i; and by. }—also, 21 bound cable iron, suitable for car axles; with a general assortment of Juniata slit rods, American bar, and English iron. ' THOMAS tir. EDMUND GEORGE, North east cornett- of Market & 12th streets Philadelphia. Maneh 28,1838. 234 w CheesO i Cheese!! 20 Casks of premium:cheese, 20 Bow pine apple do for sale by N. NATHANS & Co dee 9 F11.M13 Timothy Seed just . received and for sale by 3. CLAYTON. Feb 14 - • • Orphan's Court Sitie. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Coint of the County of Schuylkill, will be Wild at tbe house of Isaac Barman, innkeeper in the town of Tamaqua, itt the said County, on Mon day the 7th day of Bia&riest, at 1 o ' c lock tint afternoon of the said Iday, the followingdeicribed real eatate to wit The one undivided thi rt of a certain tract of coal land, anitaining two hundred and fifty acres more or-less, situate in Rush Township, in the said county. starer* the town of Tamaqua, being bounded by birula, late of John Kerahner, Philip Moser and others, and hold in common with George Baum and John Baum. There are on the premises, several houses suitable for Miners, and six good veins of coal opened there on. The Little SchOylkill and Cattawiews Rail Road passes through the same. Also one' undivided twelfth part of a certain tract of land situate %n the same townshipiadjoki ing the aboie tract of land containing -- acres conveyed to'the Intestate by Daolel Maser. Sold as the property of Dr. Isaac L. Varmint, deceased. By the Court. LEWIS AUDENRIED , , Clerk. PETER HAAS,t ;, -Exectltor. P. 8. At the time of the saltiabove stated John Baum and George Baum will ofllr for sale their iatererts in the said tracts of land being the un divided two thirds thereof, and also will be sold 12000 worth. of stock iii; the Little Waylkill Rail Road & Coal Comma April 7 Far Sale. AGOOD Mole six years old, formerly used for boating, and for the last three years has been need as a drift horse in amine. Fot.Wtall apply to THOMAS WILLIAMS do co. • At the File Points. 27-3 m April 11 kee„:2o Poc A POCKET mining t variety of papers. and sem* ten, addressed to Solomon Brobstorashoid sew days since. It can be bad it thiii:lnffirs by k .psying for Ibis advertise. melt. s I `. - _ apnl 11 4 s' • COAL LAND • - For Saki or to be Rented. firtHAT valuable tiset of Laud called the 'OW too Tract," biloriging . te Elizabeth- limbo, situate On the west Norwegian Rail Read, seat north er r and adjohfing the Peach Mountain. is oared, for sale op aisoommodatint terms;Pr the . Coal Mines will W I leased setera4. - ottoirethee tiatt approved tsarist. Apply to 1 HENRY MORRIIik• 3d is Walnut Stride., a t 11. i 27- . BO B BINDERY. BBABNAN commenced a Book Bind m • ell imamate:lion with his Book where all Veda of 'Broke will be booed at the shortest.iwitte` eat low tales. . • Blank Books &C. dewy dereriptiott duds to order AV* &meet kites—s.dJUn eupplied wholsealiet Philv dolphin priest!. ; April It • 81-- TOI LET. ;44thi irititr ite''. _ .ehef the tigitha! l `ill . 11 ek.. The 1 1 16 1 4:ikealltaliteti - loClLgkPle RAO* 'WWI Will ted.with•the threltmg Flpoitito.ttiotait'apiroacOto;ood posomiloorgtooit usoimpitatoly. - Forums may. to I:IOOI 4 TII...CROBLANA, Amt. Alan EMI BEI ' / '3, :s. • ' ')fitilluitigigisHg...,s.4# ; AIiiARDEN lilitii.k - '••:. Firtakeuhferitier3 l 4itit.f 6 4644a it: ' i . ePeoint A.*/ , ChoktrAid,c4rfri CFO, ..,:-I Saida, wars milt° bllliiilll - 0011144,11* ::- . 1 rigidity, all or w aftt bows asaoasiiiihutigib ik !al gaily: TO nap. Bad . t''' Viet eflini- ' ; '#i 411 ` Long BlOod.Hoit '' VinnetoeniV .L.: 7 .'r . ! . ..* Hatiy - Y0rk.C4444 . Winditor,liiiinif ~., ,A., Lame York .... 44- ale • Buttsibsaiiii (Mak; Drumhead) . k Elva earlt : biwies,.: Groeu Curled ha' sloSarli.:-Valentlei , F ry Red plikliug , i dialentraearly.biate . ,vl WiWngtorif, ' do-COsterei:earktlo' I 1 nit Dateh'''.. .- do dwarnoonCt ,/. sugar . baif:" . . • ~ :do Green - ;do.;. ' Bulloek beat, , ! ,; aq_ilysrf-inprnmkt• • ' Clotiedereaa . 1 :, zLoriFelnutiniiititak, Orange carrotAiiirniigue ,•,.*:;:,,,-.,,, Haplyfriataboatinnber let opatelisii —• • LentpieklineNikil - - Whitincillit'llirl= 'gaily' earlediainiao 1- 'Chino '' • 'Jodie Head Ito ' Notnnitriall.aiii r '..'7:,, , HOIY , cabbage 44 ,' Early catalillaigi:i i $:, I/0 110 W winter killed do , iEgg . pliitt. ~.y...,.. ,'.. *stud seed ' :Niatortigw., , . 4 , Curled parsley 801 l noselleppee Sugar parsnip Sage ' --, -•, I. Prestpkin seed 81 ,t - !P1iir1i...k...., .. •White onion --- Yellow do ~ ' ' 'Sweet.bail.H_...7 . , Redannual.'do -, Rhubarb 1 . Early. salmon rlish .Thyrite ~....'., .t,i j , Early long whi tedo. Larender:l-4%• , :s. ~ 1 1 Whits turnip 1. do , Mignonette' ,- ' ; Red turnip r l di - Herogistied-- ." ' - r - Ypllliw summa de' 'Clinfirema — ' -!: Pliiipnage a l . ' ' Corn - . . Fiat bush equ , Flower. seeds;Ar, AU of which (rill be sold obaaPi - t ..- --- ; • i IL- p. .141 .. 1111 ward! 7 : , • .. , "rk,e,.. 7 I L. EWERS rye received end ib ~.. Benin ; ; it I: .: Cutunthi irrrowvEi• wir .14 1 tiAS removekl his Office to Centre St I,iop. posite the Brick Building of George M ;au. Dings. where N.will attend to all ;basin an. trusted to him. it the line of his profeisioni , , ~ Oct 21 ‘, .4: P. ' SELL do CAL MBA. *S 4- TAILORS;' (Fs , ly Parker Sr; niaiiio -,.7 o' /WAVE rem ed on the epos r : i ta liidiVor ' re -m-a• Street, a f trikktra abets orweglin beet Where they off' for sale W seleetesiortm 10, Superfine Broad Chiths and CaindirterCe f the most.lashionable colors, with adislegant.rwsiwt meritiif Summet. Cloths, Vestings, Lunn aid - t. ton Shirts, Colldrs, Bosoms, Stocks. Gloves, s. i panders, linen rind Cotton Hose, and KW' kind of Gentlemen's w aring apparrel, which' *ill be made to ordei:i the most approved style es to .e workmanship, d rvarraated to 6t equal It rty in the City or el wtierd. - - .. 1 . P. S. P.' & Ca keep on hand an .eteell' 1 2. poetment of ready...tied. Clothing of ..Adri i Os, whi d h will be wild at very low rtes : * 6 ii jone 17 . } ' - , „. ..... „.. • .: , T. &3, Beatty: -" GAvjustriceived-per Canal Ibiaildi•a Capt.-Johni M. Crosland, direct from` • York, i • 35 casks !deify cheese, f• - ',' 20 boxes ii:e apple, do ••:, ' .--1 1000 lbs, so .1 - ior smuoked beef,-' , ; - "':f 4 1000 lbs. Lard, , 1600 lbs. codfish, ' ',- - - '•1 5 bbls. seiperior shift • 30 bble. No. 1 filackrel, '' 20 half I do do ' - 3 bbls. starch , 25 bow rperior green and black teas. now 25 - , . . 1 • ew Goods. A mend aslooknent of fresh and season -7. Goods, lusSreeeived—coninsting in Asti ry Groceries, Ihrdware, :•,.., • , Ittiegiossirare, .Mocitereli-,:, Salt,irlaster, dr.o '• which will be ;wild low for wait . Tbe` big price paid in mill for all kinds of country' Poled I JOSEPII .WIMTE &SO • Mount Carbekt, Pee 2 Miner "C. Haggerty, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dry GivdB3 6 frocerYtWi.ne 4 Lig lor St EM (Next door to Mortimer's Hotel.) , ' THEIR bonne:ion with a hop* in Aline:del • enables thep to keep on hind is Teri., sive assortment of good', which they Winne Philadelphia gums ? Storn and Tavern lies and private fan it wnold do well -to call judge for tbemnelves.. . • • _ April 19 t' — Slt ' New . 0 000. NAT S kCc• b a se jnatrird ' • AT Rtle,. • • , -.•:. •,11,,, rIT 1 6-4 Eiglish Miasma, from' so tOTS etirper : Bo* Frerilch idcr at 50 pery.o l l9 1 4 14 egorarbi Tartan, mcrin w rated,ailk and cotton' . Red, white. ye i t Amen anti aciilat Binie 1 Bleached and it lied Canton .fiannnliji .."'I 10 to 2.5 ,tier yd. , . 1 : .til- - L . Worked heap. ' . WIN oalhinnt i o Imo% : Winter print", ,glov es , &c &a :rry.At....l. I Cotten bats an waddflig atO par 101.11ti,t - 12 I. , thle3 i ' , 27-3 finliE subsetibet has nowint:handu • a and Storabousa on CentreAtidvitaili AR • Strang, a full riment of 9‘04-sititable - Sii 1 , iiild legion f • . .. -1 1` 1: ' ' '' ) : r "' "t: ` i , Bkir It or, nisoffnit.'llliiig:: l „4 - ;:_. lio in • Band file 14nonilo : ~..,., . tiii.'w.;; ~. ; Nails and pike Rods do ,410 -j'-:,-; : . ,. ..., . Steel. a ig.l3fiare do 44;;., - li , _ :: . - ; A Nails end! Spikes do -1: - do: .. 7 -----. - ' Coal Sim 4 laj do - do - . , 2 '• -, - Haydn* `a generallinisortnissit.' ' 1 e All'ittl: bilis selling i ieidt jiniv P 4 • .J.'elki*Lt. k , • . i__:' mit..ll'RA 404041 . . . ..._ INE FM 11DOWLETTS -!Lw and for smile by ;11t.'lLt.1 1 41NAIS. I -t aPril!k;- , 'by ik Nov a II an, & En glish - Not aikets sale bt B: Sid`reathers.jus: • °tad .0)r sale, by BAZZARD.44Ohatien ' ' , 11e!IMAM. and Fai th * "yealiihdtcw-iale:2l • AitltitiEli it.„IIAGGERTY - A II LEI I II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers