FOIL Tit 111111131111 . /11,NAL .'“:. 'Tilt MOTHERS •L . LLABY. ...Shall I. welcome thee to austworld of ours. it My gentle.infant boy? • Wherehoms Infest our air • eat flowers, • 'And grief exceeds our joy 1 , . - Thou contest with the Sprin' ,itif thad, WithiApril's sunny skielk '''." When flow'rets deck the m ' nteht wild, • "; Andibefsorip of birds Shall ?bid thee wee the W a T i storm, Sweep o'er the mountain' ht? • •Or culthrhi valleys green iierns, All Cubed in chiUy'ishitet . 1I ' i • Thine elder brothers. one bi one, Bound on in hope sod glee', • But wintry blast and aummeea sun, Have ne'er been fehiby thile. Thine eyes re blue as the blesser, above, Thy brow as the lily fair; il ' Thou art my last new link Grine. To this dark world of catt Sleep on! nor ope thy wondering eye, For Muth) is thy rest; at Thy 'Mother sings thy lullabi, Thy cradle is her Ibrnsa i Y 'Tis hard to say *bee years roll on, ' How lone thy conch may be; Perchance upon aomedeaert shore; . • Beside thirsaging see -,. Or in some distant solitude,li • My darling child may roahn; To taste the weary hunter's food, Or share the Indian's home. , ,„ -, But thou mayst rest in som'enreet isle; Beneath the pa nt4 e treeTahade;' ' Wea here apiclarea e, where season's smile, And flow'reur a r fade.l Or 'neatli , sc canoe, . . • Thy lo y Wei! Yet blissful may alumbets be. Thou and thy chosen bride. Yet even there, not sweeteraest ''" Shall close thy peaceful eye; Thy cradle is thy mother's press!, she sings thy lullaby. ; To the Editor of the Miners' JournaL Me. B. BANZUN, V - Dear Su— yo'b•'sbould Blink the following lines worthy of inserting, yolk willmuch oblige a friend 'by giving them a plane' • hi' your 'valuable paper. • iNtsio* "Twos early Spring, the Stars !inn held . Their empire in therslt i 'And the sun had not yet ished Their shining front onihigb. I had strolled forth in enjoyment Of the still and quiet scene,: And listlessly bad laid nib down Upon the dewy green.,l 1. I threw me down on a !dear : Vet, By the side of a streaullet clear, When suddenly I chanceß to lee Two figures standing near.:. Arial figures light as joy, They were not of thin isirth; Although their converse from it •Its ongin and birth. I. % i " 'Twits on a darksome.nighr says one, .. I was flying sent by is3ealth. Avalley, where the eartlrpour s out A portion of its weak* Quick music wafted on ifiy air. " With joyous voices b u lnn. ' And! let me down fro my "tarry Right, o r And o'er inhovering t4 And all way joy and ha ' inner, With not one cloud ibroin; Those joyful faces haunt and still, They're in my memory tins,. 13right.eyes and long dark lathes, And dark and shining char' The height of female loiteliness, So exquisite was there. And there to music', quick'ding notes. There mov'd a joyful band. So bright, so fair. I could have sworn They came from' faytie land. . • Enjoyment flnsh'd in eviry eye, Breath'd out in every one; And I turn'd away quite.sorrowingly, When I saw that thejl were gone." - The other spoke, "where was this sight, That kept thyßoutin ibrall;" "Twee at the llurhelorl4 party, In Pxxusviss.sza. Baia." The ranitily t Circle. From the hew, Yirft Mirror. ! , •A WT SZA/401V. ~ A BILIK/I[l., or more beautiful sermon, is not to I be' found, than •the foltaixiiig, from the pen of Leigh Host; i Abele Ben Adhem (may hiX , ..tribe increase.) Awoke 9ne night from a deep dream of peace, And saw withinithe moonlikht of his 'nom, Making it rich aiid like a hip in bloom, An angel writiogS o in a booki.of gold ; E.tceeding peace ad made'Ben Adhem bold, And to the presence in the thorn he said. "What writest thou?" Thelision nailed its head, And with a look;4nade of ekll sweet accord, Answered, "The 4thies of khan, . who .love the • Lord:" I to "And is mine one 7. , said A n. Nay ; not so," Replied the angel. Abou ke are low: But cheerly suit : and sai —."I pray thee, then, Write me as one that loves;. ia fellow-men." The angel wrote and vanished. The next night 'll came again, with a great weakening light. And showed the names Wiiptil lovii of God, bad blest; I And. lo! Ben Adbein's inimq led all the rest! .. x •. , BELIEF ass T ali DrITIE. • 'E There is nothing more Ariel than to attempt to cast a glance among the clouds and .mists which hide the broken extremity of the celebra ted bridge of Myrna. Yet, when every day brings us- nigher that terminatioll one would almost think our views should beoUrne. clearer. Alas ! it is not so : there is k a curtiiin to be withdrawn, a veil .to be rent, before vie shall see things as they milk , are. There artifew, I trust, who die. Gxl • believe the etistence-o! a ; tray, - 1 doubt it; - at anilines- anti in -all mood any single individ ual aver ,adopted that hi deous creed, though some have professed it.ib the belief of a Deity, that of the immorta lty of the soul and of the state of frigate rewards:end 'punishments, is indissolubly linked. More are not to know 131.11 of ;lust neither are 'we p ibited from all at ;.tempts, however vain, to otce the solemn, sa. tired gloom. The expressi ' used in Scriptur e are, are, doubtless, metaphors for penal fires and heavenly melody are onlY/iapplicabki to being. • endowed with corporeal se nies I and, at least till - the period of the rosurreetidh, the spirits of-men, whither entering into the perfeetion• of the just, or committed to the regions ofpuniehment, are• act connected with,bodies?l Neither is' ft to be pc ppooed that' the glori Red bw . pes which shall Anise in tie last diy , will be capablisof the same gross indulgences with wltich outs are now so. laced. That the' idea of tMihomet's paradise is inconsistent with the \ pok w. ily of our heenly • 35. Hariisonl least corporeal 9t . and as thetype: of . peace and perfect happiness. An a poor idea of Deity, and the aide which are destined fort be mak tfset.'whit tin on ly adopt the . ofan sternal concert --a neveren y odie I rather sup. pose this should understood seme ceenesimers from the Highest, some duty tojnischar with the applarnefetsatisied. , ths. Deny,,, who hienselffinsat t let support% to feel love and et dew i ti; - the heVoia ., lieliaiPadied WWI wastrels, should delegate a itortlem , of those puma, 1, for one, cannot contour altogether so wrong a conjecture.. We poi ,14 1 then,fmot-reali. , ty in Miltons !intonate machinety of thainglii• an . saints. or genii of kingdoms, Nay,. 'we wohltapproach to the Cutholitib idea gibs em ploit Meet ofsainta, though.:withpot eppecatehing the alaordity of saintavorship!eibich degrades thair.teligibu. There would be. we must ow pate:lietheet employments, difficultir 'to over 4if, , land rotations lobe mot, for all tibia "atelestial Wigs employed wduld bar certain. '' - prime petters. I cannot hilt) ciw,nieg.,that a eof active! _ benevolence iti Mae consistent with my ideas; than an derail pt:touisic: But it is all speculation, and it 14 , i:treble to gores what 'lee shad do, u nless we d asceitein the, Neatly di ffi cult previous questiiM,, what we us to be. But there is a God, and a just dod—a judgeinent and a future life—aid all who ow ' so ranch, let them act accordmito the faith that Is, in them. I would not of Course, limit the range of my genii to this condited earth. There ie the universe, with ad its &tidier extent of weirldft.—Diory of Sir * Weiter coat. • , Experience—word so lightly iised, so little un derstood L ExperienceirrinYstalfibusapirit: whose result is felt toy all, who's nathre is described by none. The father wafts life son of your ap-- preach. and sometimes looks to yen as his off spring's v nure, and his own eimsolation.. We bear of you in the nursery-4 bear of you in the world—we hear of you irk books; but who has recognised yat until be Was your subject, and who has discovered the object of so touch &M, until he has kissed your chain? To gain you is the work of .AL and the: curse of all, you are at the same time accessary to oar happiness, and desu uctive of felicty ; youl are the saviour of all things and the destroyer. of all things; our beit s firiend and our bitterest enemy ; for you teach us troth, and that troth iis...-dUspair. To wake from, your bright hopes, and feel that all is vani ty—to be roused from your crafty ptans,tind know that all is ,worthless, is • bitter, but sure destiny. Escape is impossible ; for despair is the price of conviction. How, many centuries have fled, since Solomon, in This cedar-palaces, sung the vanity of roan! Though his harp yes gulden, and his throne of ivory; his feelings were not less keen, and his conviction not less com plete. How many sages of All nations, have. since the monarch of Jerusaleth, echoed his sad philosophy yet the vain bubble still glitters, and WI! allures, and must forever,. The genealogy of experience is brief; for experience is the child of action. We canno( learn men from books, not can we form, frein written descrip tions, a more accurate idea of the movements of the human heart, than we canof the movements of nature. A man ma i read all his life: and form no conception of the rush wif a mountain torrent, or the waving of a retest of pines in a , storm ; and a man tray 'stud in his closet the heart of his fellow creatth , ft filmset, int have no idea of the. power of ambition; or thp strength of revenge. It is when we hi* acted ourselves, and have seen others acting ;iit it when we have labouredourselves mina the influence of our pas• pions: and have seen others labouring ; it is when our great hopes have been attitinedi or have been balked ; it is when, after having the human heart revealed to us, we have the first opportunity to think ; it is then, if we can think, that the whole truth lights upon us; it is then that we ask of ourselves, wbethet it be wide to endure such anxiety of ihind, such agitation of spirit, such hamowing of the soul, to gain what may cease to interest to-morrow. or for which. at the best, a few year. of enjoyment can alone be afforded ; it is then that we waken to the hollowness of all human things; it is then that the sayings of sages, and the warnings of prophets, afe ex• plained and understood; it is then that we gain expesience. TRIM GIICATIMIL For such a 'man worldly prudence is transfig ured into the highest spiritual duty •,:uw generous is self interest in tilM whose t rue ` - self is all that, is good and hopeful In all, ages Coleridge. 1 NOSMAS. The following letter from a bride to the editor of a Idassachuaetta paper,. coo• tains some truth es well as humor : Sin—l herewith send's bit of wedding cake. I am in a. very ;bad humor, las sure you which you know ought not to be the case, the very day one is married. It is not at my husband though, dear good man he is. Oh !. I was vexed beyond en durance last evening. That vile practste! Would you believe ill—:An hundred and fifty kisses, of all sorts in(' sizes; fair and foul, from' old and young, fro* male and female! Fough ! could any bride endure that and p her te. , -pec,l Such cargoes of Snuff! Such showers of tobacco spittle! 6uch fumes of tobacco 4moke„! No ,poo! . man covered with venni)) wits ever more Arench,ed. If this fashien of the whole company kissing the bride must befollow ed, in she name of all thiit's decent, let the gmndaddies burn out their pipes before they all to poke then 4 under your very law. And those whose throats en at best snmeny sepulc.hres,4 would advise be fore they go to wedding,!;to fill their pock ets with cloves, cinnaMen, or coriander seed, and • commence chewing at least, an ounce before the marnage ceremony be gins. - Only think of a poor reatUrti standing . up au hour and a half all tie blessed knot was,tied, only to be oo hed and slobbered over by all the masculiite gender in the neighborhood I Only think of a delicate, • Modest female, standingi i like a target, the object of the lipshots d a large corps .ol militia; and.then I thought I sho uld have dropped.dovin)with fittigtte• i I verily believe . I used in ounce of luirishcwn to keep me &um fainting. But we:oil as I weal could not to gain the world, 4lp koco laughin sometimes. at the; gireer i i spectacle • a made. And you Would bated laughed too - if you-. had been :-there. f Only . imagine, i • • ; 4 , e•i 151: KISSING THE BRIDE II SWIIIIIII 141. prtals. jag, 1 - 9f7PrAl PP lb* his reedy fur a smack; and then aine eider another, -th eir into -, my very te si P i lkrt a x „tyhi : to appear a ttld nt. But 11111 AgeM bilhOd , a -*of imillindithslllo7.biaj nanavrall4 - : tenet venturing up toll* iiait—radvancinrai hules—then larbaclramong die reecho—you slight bif hold tharpikr lien heitt beatingaiehr. bly, corning feF!vard lilt a coati* step, skipping itumekimes tbougb fear,,tar.slip ping behind thecorporatiimPtif arena broad 'backed 'fellow labead.t Having advanced Within a farktir ao, *on 'tnight 'see bhp as if afraid bit etairrage mould fail 'bi,de/aY, dart .forward • from behind his ,ehelter; snatch a kiss, and' be off in the twinkling -of an eye. - BAt alas! lidicrous silt may appear, my poor cheek bad to suffer iu COD sequence of it, and 'oven now bears the mark inflicted on it willingly by Simon Ilnaggietoot h. Some of the, gold „fellow, molt needs buss me they revhoth Fides of my facl—anirt!ow.f of said. my A hreath • was a rose: in 1114e4ober. Sod-others , that it , was as- fragrant as a load : of new made bay:l Some 011ie old" felloW - With one ffiSt in the giaiti,! ar;if the oibei' on the htink, - said they. kissedsny g raedmatber- inpuroth'7l, er, and now I sur poseriberthink they have the china: of gallant, exploits by no=ting over me as though I was a mere baby. - . I pitied -my poor husband, poor man, to be oblig6d tikstani r ro 400 k on as silly as alool; • and- see his ,iiew narried x , wife gaumed • over.' I belieye in my soul be would haws knocked down a half dozen of my persecutors, had 4 been left to the guidance,oftp l epvi!jupo4lllcricd feelings, insteidofitiemo restrained by the riles of etiquZitc. But • Mr. Eilitor, after all my suffering `ind vexations here,, I am alive, and I pray heaken I never may be mimed again, tilt the Custom of{ kissing the bride by wholeiale is done as ay. Yours, &c. NEW DEFINHIONS. " Creation of Coin!"—The issue of twenty millions of: irredeemable Gotern ment*paper. - - 1 • Retrerwkiieid.l- 1 -Raising Government expenditures from $12,000,000 to 32,000,- 000 per minim r • 1 Reforms e4Girierhatltnt Patronage.— Increasing the number l of office holders and adding 20, per cent,' to their salary. Mainiaini4 tile Hosiorifthe Country. -.Kidnapping 1, dtans i under a flag o truce. Divorce of the Moneg Power: and the Political Patetf.urreiniering all the revenue of the Steil tolhe individual keep ing of the .EstecutivinB arming the President with power Ito break all the Bank in the country. Economy in Goverainent.—To get all it can—spend all it gels—and runs the cuuptry in 414 at Al/e l rsie , of SI.G I QQO,OOO a quarter. Metallic Cirrency.4Treasury tiotes., not redeemable in gold' silver, and not receivable thet a ,autioritY that issues them. Cheaper Exchanges.—For which we pay 25 or 90 per cent. W l lien we once plod half ofone percent r Meer Currency.—fiank paper not re. deemable in gold and ever--better than that,.convertible on tlemi.nd. 'est Carr eee7.—Treasury paper—evi. denee indebtedness, bbt• eeither receivable by the . levees. 'convertible iota specie, or redeemed in bank paper • /Vl. Y. Courier. A City of 4kormakesio.—The town of o it census, Lyno,lnasii. according. the last contained a population 9,323, iockuding men,,woiteo, end child o. The nutitber of persons residing the engaged in the manufacture of boots an shoes,. is stated in a. late °lrwin! docum nt at 5,185, or mare thanenet half of the entire popula. 4 Lion of the place. The none l production of boots, _is 2,220 pai ; and -of shoes, 2,543;923 paws. In .a d ition to themhoe. trade proper, liQO petit:mil are engaged in thelminufiictsure of leather. : Agricuiturcle • necessary to :ithe prol.. perity .eif ie - pcivierful nation—indeed the. cultivation of the soil, may be acrutidereel, the fired great - amerce 'of bappiness ani wealth. Masefareswes evill cloaely follow and perhaps keep pace melt it. Trade and Commerce ibt . iir cot onlibl tvitb it—and it will alway s be found Jame a well culti •sated country is 'necembrily 'great and opulent. l y. 1 • f A Doak traisely.-k9e • learn that IWO - 64d encennteivilti4 at Mill' Poinfo* Ileaitississ.ppi„rin dal State, o f i p r id er l a g, ••• , ors , !, 4,bere.wlei a fighti I T , between Mr.. - . were, I lisyer si .and Mr. Ferguson, a ysician, burning with the mortifistatien o Ilefeat r itineuretk rifle and Mai Iteeera - tha l ,ilf aua Sereapon, a bro.'; diet. of Rivers' , ariavd himself - With an0..1 then rifle, souoft Fee . out; and after; wounding Waves y eth a rifle shot, rushed apori kim witle . pistol' and det t ,, 4 ixteedi' spatched him at , t& mlie. Wda,not learn whether any ju alga-bane -bsesi . , iiicei , •. ja .uc on+ • mama 'Of :these iskii titan,' 1064 .. it- - " . - ' • thur "g- tellie ef i . •31"?'4*41/1 a u .f!! a,oleeee' adl c rlgre tZroa r t gli egi " A ZT( Mat IPoirpenySillchwe mote of ttwo thirds of then inemblare priseet,.thwe rendering' the same a lawosotorithmanding OW "asp of Gov:Ritder.. The Itill'erie negeflied in ihetlynkee'Cili tatitlbe:"ielaws eAd tie hdl paw Ara. stood an the, tioostrat to 80, is theArstinstance, end on theoterm sideration; 49 "to . 24'„ the; lnitajetlti- being two thirds of the Meeibent present: From whence it appears that. 27 inembere 'were missing wiles last rote, seven ha,v,, ing escaped. • In the Bereitei• We lben not leaped hoer the` vote shied,' further: - than tha t i the bill passed by the constitutional majority. The upshot of the matter is this, the people are -indebted to , the tine, an't PraIMeg.II ( AMMs•pRPOIVY and rebs`to; i ttputpaspAppe t this trill hese, gentlemen hive. poilaranly-,.distitiggiabed themselveti in such 4 Magner thal4the .people can do no less than extinguish them. This will be but a proper; return for their repatablercarduct. 4.ten . fil of eke OFenumied. *at's? or `Cdaat-41'his. • akerork has been perusing . wittily, 'an no* nearly cornpletq a ,, it reflects great c • on the enterpristwpirit of themoprietors the Greenwood property; and:will form a - liable and perrnaneut improvement our bormigh. The new facilities it will efflux' to the shipment of mat, liv fiarnishing ex cellent landings, or wharves, and shorten. ing the distance of rail koad transporta tion are among the advantages, our coal operators will derive from it, while we trust the preprietora themselves Who have etpended about ten thousand dellia'rs in the pate' prise, will also reap 'their proper re compense or reward. Post Offitcliobbery, at New Castle.— Mr. Jacob Thoma, formerly a Postmaster at New Castle, a town in thie vicinity, about four 'miles distant, has bee arrested andchar e of and committed . to jail, om hav ing been, while postmaster, guilty of the bigh crime of embezzling letters from the post office, and appropriating tb himself their contents. While we look ',upon this. crime as one of the moa heinousidescrip tion; we cannot but t th e 1 circum. stances df one who fo rmerly merly Onjoyed a xespectible character ano standing in so ciety; having fallen under so revolting an efcneition. The circtuiustances,,an they have iidee' olmimunibited to r *, lie 'as fol lows: Mr. Thoma occupied., a tavern in New Castle, in which he kept the post office. After having been dismissed from the appointmeorby the department, pro. bably for inattention to , he duties of the office, it being worth only a few dollars a year, alit nobody in the trace haying been since found willing to accept it, he remo ved from his old residence to another house. A new family. then toqk posses. sion of his old residence. This family, a air; drfrr made.} 4iiv9retY; pCa.num r o letters of various dates, secreted in the stable of the premises, whichiiivere concealed under the floor, most 'of which had been opened and some were anopened; tonere of these letters Were 1'6;14 to tinsel contained- inelosures of i money which had been abstracted from them; some were let. ten which 'were stopped on their way, and 'others bad been directed to or deposited in the post office at New Castle., Among the letters were two. directed to Thema bintselfrdeh front 'the,' P. o.'Department, unopened: ' Among the letters •nie also found his tavern license; We Wend to say nothing respecting the probable guilt or innocence of the accused; from the foregoing facia our readers will draw their own conclusiOns. Mr. Thorns hie recent ly indulged in very intetnperatel habits, and his negligence, nattention, and indo lence are traits of charicter,, but too well kneWn in this community . Jiis isputation for integrity has never before been wee tinned. We have not seem much of him latterly, but we know that lie was once a map of:mild ty,,4 knoge l toe r ilepo N t t pn, of 'idrierif '` GO tistelliginee and uncitesliona. bkripte 'lnhitigyettbtet blemish or vice ,at t ibat t . e c wira habits of indolent:ow in tamable, itlieltstre e x traordinary. - , -t'! He is frprie erfehy 'Uncle; 'and vittsor. some ;gine ,thti &War 'or a G orFoan Italie! lit Or wigsbur ~: Ilk has ii,wlo and it *Nebel' of ohitd! . ;dependent upon Itiwt for sup. „port; 'who, oftourse;tnust pertieitiate li r ..i / is lri th e iequeirces of his guilt r ' Wor t trine, which ever it may - turn ' t to be. TheCrillits. in qtrestion; htitelettee ' one off' great ennrmity, and the offender whoever he may,beotheitidk he )brikigtit 0 punish/ 'neut.,- , , : • -1 ~. 1 , wZh ' • , ,*ton imthe Policy of Notion al .Goreignitent.—h is said that he'ehan ges. in : Public opinion, indicate .bp the reciotwi,eitions have wrought . e. , .onderfut. change of policy in - the - Genera l Govern,. -meet with respect to the Ba ~ in Mr... Heer of Ohio,- a zealous Vinl Remy. i f 'rnan,'a frw'rlapi since tdrfered's 'l n circit 'On the sifijc:cvishich ; jilt be .to, nil in an other coluoirk,a4gingoritio.bei ii duty or the Gnierninent to sustain 1, • Banks, `xinte wluch a- letter has been a fel* by ttia'Sicfetari of the, Treasui? 10 tittr, Seers in Nor York, 16 bc:Comniu icited, (0 1 4iw" y_l!. 440 Making inquiries and propositions on the subject. From all of which we gather this fact that &trans-Buren and his advise*. are - now takiret the back track and n !ringer re ; l eflignieti'lliiiilei r mire maxim s " Let the people mind,their own -businais and the 'Government will ,attend to theire"—"Let all connections between the Government iti/ankaitadietilar-•"--- - ---- The until t ita,,t,htznat i tte? willng to ta ke any troci,.(nrenntetn office. • ~ . 4:I 34 ' We adver:tillje'oei bull to i: s e, letter _of .N.,:::11*,041, - ,Esql. :to - the ,11 . n w ',ha ititemez., -.The-040a -of ni s ei llei ill to to-discuss•thettuestion whether he Blinks ihrield reautne specie - piiyinen "to MO t4t,- ; The ',Oro rts of the'writer [have been &riotd, Ji,lai 'gated, to sec re to the leouetry ihebentifittof e soundi currency, banish/runt dreulationerrery thing but the:remoter ltrititeld'aind,beted always convertible into them,, axia l to this curren cy weobotdcl ,return theftratimoment it can be done permanently . '1 The condition of the Bank of thirUnited States is shown to be such; that it can regime kitony mo ment; but this'inititution akeis common' cause with the other•banks, and the Abe -1 racter and prosperity of the' country-are identified with the banking system. , , 'The writer first inquired into the causes of the suspenidoei an d ahem) them tole the Specie Oircelar, which forbade the receipt' of-any thing but geld and silver at the land offices; the mismanagetient of the deposites, which scattered th In tti , lhe frontiers; the clamor nutted by ',the execu tive against bank notes, which alarmed the people for their safety an caused a run upon the banks for specie°, .and that none of these causes have ceased, but, in fact, have sicquired"teb , fold force. - - Secondly, He shows that thecredit sys tem of the United States and ill exclusive metallic.systom,*re now WO in the field face to face with each other,,and that one or the other must fall. • If ibe banks re sume, he say and are able by'sacrificing the community to continue a few months, it will be conclusively employed at the next elections, to show that the schemes of the executive are not as destructive as they will prove. hereafter. But if they resume,- and again' are compehed to sus pend, the executive will rejoice at this new triumph, and they will fall in the midst of a universal outcry against their witakimes.' If they rcsurne; (one of two things will happen, their noted will not be received -by the government,or they will be received. Tithe) , are not received, the government, to the. extent of the revenue, will force the heiders of the items to draw ,specie from the hanks to be deposited with the co lectors of the revenues for the dif 'formica between-the revenue; and - the ex pease', the -government will udfue treasury notes to be sad, for bank notes, and con verted' into specie, and as the disburse ments are made at points on the frontiers, remote from the places of hehection,vit will not reiurpeti to the banks issuing it except 64+,4110u:4y. But if the notes are received, they will not as forrnerly be de posited in thefldinks and &two out again tWitrile entei'into the circulerfon, leaving I the public creditor his choice pf specie or notes, but-they will be left in i speciet de pcsdte With- the receivers. When warrant's are drawn on, them receivers, they will call ce i theberdte ffiVspe. i te l pay the fa vored -publ ic creditor, selecting, of course, the bank on which they willidraw, actor-. 1 ding to its servility or opposition to the i 1 I executive. , Thirdly, The writer strciw i a that the disorders of the currency li too deep for superficial remedies, and Ott Congress elope can apply, the adequetd .Relief. , FOrthly, The situation of the banks at the hist resumption and now,' is compared. • , iAlter it huirpension foe! nearly -three years, Congress applied id* its power to induce, to persuade. and to tiain the Banks in their efforts to resume. They passed thesesolutioopf 180, authcirizing the re ceipi of the 'notes - Of speqie palling Banks. But this shine was insufficiebt; and at. the Seine time they,established the Bank of the P sited-Sated, with a capita ' of thirty-five , millions. , That Dank dallel l a,Convention of Vtatri'llinks, 'and agreedi Oat' it they would resume specie paynients, it Would— !. Asitemea p their debts tothe Govern ment of.thi Untied States. ~; - - • 2. Discount-knthote whos had payments to make ter - the - Government , - ,ittewhule a mount of their Minds'; and iii addition ° . 3. Discount to those not inclehted to the Goveronient„two millions -in New York, two millione in Philaclelphi , one and - - a half mil.lietilti Baltimore, an hall a million' in Richiecie‘tind ; 1 4. WORM , itistein the retiuming Banks io r cit!letlte'l, h ireS6Oplionliroeglit them into ilifrintilty.i.`. ,3 4.,--.-„, - - 1 ; .. ,, t The , Dittkifitt•the - same time imported, "- ..- 4 .-4 1 1, 1 10--Aillore Jilin ialf a mdlinn, the sunt-Ail seven:, main:Ors nf specie;-and two , 'Menthe iffer`thec s sesumption its, .diii- I COW timecheit twenty millie e. Compere With this statement our conditiorrnow. 1 7. Thlfol..q Government egtecel to receive for*hlfliete the notes of thefitink !gale I.TiffiedNiatelt:---, now all Ban4iLdeii mere-' fuded• hod 4w: credited. , The dlthe Gyiverri ment- endeilvored to Sustain o theßanks-= 'new itfrittitiniiktei: destroy: t f etip.- . :Then it:egaliliatelk - la new end hi orotis Bank It -cegitiditsii 0 .refusee, to create a' stew " Bank, and seeks to cripple those in'exis-. terice. Therkitre had tiro ,hundred and sixty - Bots=liii?#we iitivit.rnearly , Mine .1 11 tridtcW71 • • fl. .. ~ :Th , i..--` ,'... t- l iege ro nJ ) t oil t T te u i II:31 g2r-1 , - 1 2!I ,In shot' what reliance 'bare the Bank s with the; t xeoutive host le to them ?—. What prtit ction like that of the late Bank of the this ed States have; they to austaia them? N, ne whatever. Fifthly, The state of thl country beet, 'hibitedio masterly style by the writer, and the t e policy shown to be gentle remedies': 1 Sixthly,-The question of a re. taumptiod i the Month of May is,dieenstred, and sboW to 'be an unfit. period: And,' 'Seventh! . New York is shown to be in a false. i' ', obliged by ibe existing law to do whit 1 1 )n she feels to be ,wrong. In can. elusion, th writer-says: !,.. i "On t whole, the course which in my judgemen ~ the Banks ought to pursue, is simply thi : . "The ' anks should remain exactly e they arc! , preparing to iesume, but not yeti resrg. "The !weld begin, as the Bank of Eng. land, d ig], j under similar ciicumstances, by paying la small notes, so es to restore coin to' the minor channels of circulation —but n make any general resumption until the ascertain what course the Gov. ernment ill pursue, employing in the meanti a their whole power to forward the cro . Thankili . uld do an short what the Ameri• can Ar chd at New Orleans, stand fast ,to .market . The American ' behind 6- it cotton bales until the enemy 1 hasielt t - country." .-- - MR LING DISCLOSURES—THE . • LACE, LEGS" AGAIN. hutch some considerable sensation icernext of t recent gonspirsey rabbitry pf i citizen of Schuylkill cef F--:--by the lieUink band of "thick tee wtio . poison the moral of our borough.and outruko the bet. • of the good and rittoope in this corn. - el:nonionic* am we bare been them tem the I babbling tongue of [nettling in this Port. A gentleman file, viitited JO% I - place on business inca, and halipgi in his possession i rul - imountof v , most of which, Other bottom( or belonged to the No the mesh es.f the banditti who • r 'rooms of parlpublic butanes, was .ped of every) debar! After the an. * tim had bee coMpletely denuded of one of the y . II took his watch on to be worth . , and advanced him filch he was , ° *fierwards fleeced : spair the deihided victim thee pro. e, at an el:l4moms discount, some . eri which be black in his hands, at cdr, which, hi:metier, the scoundrels •' and sagacity stdheient to at they dare not iltteml7 their belie 4 to be e plain abilonvai fso much of .his infalimos Our to from the against, county n confeder atmosphl ter teelio able . to rumor, a froai Pot , some day consideta l we learn,l public, fe y throng literally fortunate his mone pledge, MN, - of, Driven 14 posed to public vo n a county had con, knowing lion! EMI as. has come to tbn light of, dad f Pottsville who we undersign 111200; of thn lost money. , . int,Wedseajlay last, with thi pirosecnthig the 'banditti, and yad a lawyer to conduct the pi fact coming 'to the ears of tin lamed their: guilty fears, an considerable ambition amors d importinities were emplo. rem his purpose, Which wader! uccessful..l Mr. took D9LLA.Rfi, - aod consented .er pursuit of thei nifarious am r whO have thus swiedl ranger, of scometbin like ONE ! LLAREL ; me otinstalted jcistice—in d morals and irOred and con ion—in the name of all that us, we conjure the citizens use from that rnexcusable, d . which wraps io shameful bhc mind on thi* fearful cu you by 1115,affeetion you bei and cliiiikeu— by _that just e conventional misses of rociety= 7 by rmo . rale—your hatred of injustice, and f awake tO the staitlingseali• -subject! Athena of leagued ROB. PLUN DERERSI infest your, boroUgh a and merciless, in theitdepredatuell. . pucanooraast in feudal times : - Thy Jaws—that are, impotent in t err trample underfo4 the sacred le! ty , by PLUNDERING. and SWI . ir l stranger .. ,Oeililourner among yolk ! l' saPPiDt thel*thilla Of virtue and in. • o every ranidtoition of society, the ildew and apes of rack 1 . INFIDELITY:I They ate.robbing , • • goring the children and steeping in !•ditiod , many;a4in, who others' c ornament* . ety, endeared t her ; mato l in,fitilda and generatioo 1 . 're is not erdra n; it lads far snort 3i ) illy! , 11:1 PUBLIC Pll4loN—cobeen• p ly 1, _ifirjectiAl labile Ppudon; could sweep iflowin 'Sod from onr • midst, this . ff .- elfish., re lee, who are ruining many citisgusl prosecut of luso! • . Fn. vind II no long• iating an. lest hand • whip, ked through the world." are one word to say to du burg. Thefts are two or here these baaditii rendes 11,.fifig *repo* Ware from In.every ho L e meals !ninon we I of Barri I c ,hgoireo • ck pinEii it hence • hce no tve Veld e conluete. Oa P.a • e -stratig 14 1.. ad that we wilt t cutherity the UST ..511011: F;ig Ttio I , Unclad': ' s LLARS Publlei—the,:enwary strut. nowledge o,their dieser,. war n`. that imperious E or • Aimee, requires at a 0 the names of thole 'mee with robbery sad less th 'Sasser of the “bisa ck, ittrl the hellish este lie iielotieres that, yin rreiti t , We are informed I that tias VARA PANIC Skint tan. slinging its prsprisiors , ;AND) DOLLARS: 1 . sod z 0 101 - IX)I.LA SS, mak.W TY SIX THO ;Tl.l. !I 111 ID 11l SAND 1 -We risburg py the fbregeiOg from the 11e• Oteltigentjer, and add the falai ing ' intliv4ual ieferred to, an hap etrippedi of hilt money, IV a l S P . igb Conataide of the Borough of end C' , r of the Borough l'axes He ad been previous ed it:l,th *fee o Gambling, but quence o apparent reform be - , facts. ing bee, pointed Pottavil and Sch ly addi . in. CO MI Let immediate action be be tommersced—let•the )usiice be outstretched, ._ • ration inf its injured honor, be Oalled i ;pon to ,detail diareputab scenes. Let .
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