The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 14, 1838, Image 1
OL. 1. 'INTED AND BENJAMI I ' • POLI.A as AND r i-annually in tide: $4 will be cha aper free of postag HI. If not paid wi to the price of Taiege.l -.payable 8 , , in the y ceive the 33 per arta' will be ad. , WEEKL, .a.mta pin . annual, If not paid withi! • Two I in advanc: be charge ments not ezceedi or three insertion 1 i arger ones in pr.. memento will be t he time for win th tj ad will be charg Yertiserit will be c bacription to the p. ne adverttaeinent lag the year, and eh pant , t for three addressed to the e L i d attention will be •VI for meetings. v heretofore been 1 ant/ etch. except Advertts charged 'SI' insertion. All ads,. out. unless u specified Veiny a including of keeping .tan d er one in e. All tette otherwise All non, which tts. charged 25 ST . OF L TTERS - INING in the Po 0 - 15ce at Pottsville, 15t,.1838. A Lor , Abaolam el Loy David L Lo a David L La James k Patrick ring a Rebecca Samuel 'aSismuel d Wm M L 'Ma'E M Apri Anis Dan! Ahner J Adam Jo ndrew jarnen Brinnan Boyer Be Bold Caul Bradley Brennan Boyle He 1 Burrows Baher Jo Daggs Ja prick Ma, Boatman Banstime Bard Sara irks d ward thias alhon NEM Capes, Jos I Clinetop :4 Gonne Jo 1 Christy Campbell - Clark Min Curley M Careperan Clara)? Th . Cauney T Christion Clinib W noote EIDIECI chael Patrick M mathy d win A ederick ncis Douglas Den Fier Daniel F Dnnwart Dack wile Dietrick Dill Willi Davis W Daniel W George Jacob ohn' ErzgE Ifl3 Evans Ma Eves Phil Fisher GI Fostnongh nosier Ji Fox John Fertig Jot Feltnagle Fogerty t Flemming fge t Jacob =hn trick Itios Gruber Goblin V, Groove Jo' Gembesli gamin H Samuel Hoff Brig t Hiller G. rge Hoot Hen y Hidman tenry Hoffman Henry Harris Henry Heisler Joph House Ja6ies " Heir Sophia Holstine rah Jones D. • iel Jones Ja M Jones Joh ‘Jamas Jo James mas B Jones W M Keller B r 21121 ii 04:8. Kimpi li KM II I Kle el . 1 K p tl Kla p Kre zk Kut Joai : er l K. (man K mer S, Kr r W,, Km Wm Mgt' Engelhart We beth Wei iel Wa We er Erauces Wit. en Heriry W. lemon Mary Wil ams Maria Wa et Richard Zim. erman John L Zuc waurth Gilt* Abraham SHIP LETT RB. M men Thomas Mad.en Patt Mea y Pat Mad n Mictbal Mei ! , Malheur ;Ismael 0.011 Angell. BunislGet Cannon Ji Davie Dunkin Ferry Jul Gabon Hoofer Hagerty Hannan 1 Junes Joht Jetrcry Al Jones Dd , Leeson Jt Lewis Ret, Luton W Martin Murphey MEE lire Christopher in Thomas . in Patribk (aterick Pri Wm Pek re Mathew Ric ards Richard D mandra , Ric Forge Mid Smi Jacob is Stro man T Wil n T Wat Thomas Wel Robert Will me John Aug fur LeUe in the above list !say they are adver ised. E. CHIC4IESTER, P. M. • I 14 e.. w m Me 1 Cheese, *amp &c. 40 ice superior med I cheese, 50 ..aea Philadelphia p, d. Irish oat meal, or sale by MILLER HAGGERTY IQovl:• 52-3mr Persons ,will please, 1 w ILL TEACH TOO TO PIER, TIM JOWILI OP THE MISTS LED NUM OCIT MOH THE COMO Or TWHOORWHI6 girma BUSHED, ISA NNAN. WILL lie wild at public sale on Saturday the 14th In 4 in front of Dr. A. Steinberger's Store, in thi lxilough of Minerriville, a large lot of Carpenter's .Toole, consisting u follows : several yetiitof tench planes, 7 or 8 hand saws, 2 sash saWs;',. friiming and firmer chisels, gouges. 1 large andl4 'bull steel Wade squires, bevihi, I brace and bittii, 1 plough and bills, 2 pair of tongue arid grodying pa nes, large size, Ido small I full set of bead piles, 1 set of ho ll ows and rounds, neW ; 11 lae raising plane, rabbet planes, cutting thrust, and a variety oflarge and small limey moulding planes of different patterns, 2 pairs of sash planea.l broad axe, several hatch ets, I grindlitOnane a first rate turkey; oil Anne, gagce, maile r ?, end a large lot of screws. phine. bats, files. nits &c. 2.glue pip." and a variety of other thidgs lint named: also a very handsome table-book cue. 1 The whole to be sold for Cash. WILLIAM POWERS. April? fe - 26 =I v Circra per annum, ce. If not paid with to ail those who re- To mail subscribers in the year, 50 cents bscription: ,ayable eemi.anneally the year, $2 50 will .g twelve lines will be and 50 cents for one marled until - ordered ey are to be continued accordingly. arged $l2 per annum: .er—with theprivilege t exceeding 2 squares e insertion ofastdall• uccessive times. itor must be post paid, aid to them. 'e. and other-polices sailed gratis. will be arringeo and Deaths. Life ; Lov Le ••". Lill', Lea i' y Anna , i :i ra Aaron !", Daniel 1 i hy Hugh r John ing John L icon John h. Mcßev Steaphen hrmat. Samuel inntfi E W eurtry thigh arly Joseph ough Andrew urre Thomas annas &aver t Hough Jeremiah lonald John , k ea wn James Coveran Margret I Dents O'Diumell Anthem) , One #1 Hugh Per Eliza Pia Daniel Pri ' Hannah 1 Pir William Pow re Wm R it George Rig Hiram El Rie • Lag n John Reil Pat Roc ert Philip Ruiniel Wm T D 1 ' 8 Sim f lAlerander Slok r Win Sig iece Catherine ST Elie StA ter Geo 8311 r George Sale r Frederick limit Henry Save ing Isaack Smi James Sch n iz , James Sta JAccib Stes hens James Shia ' James San w Michels, ,air R ..: h Thcimas 'per Thomas Sin Smi Ste; spon & Buspoul as Rees David peon Isaaac lick Henry t James John nal Mary .rt John William W tz John s Abraham en Frances Meg New New TZZ ME I= rablie Sale. SANDERSON; PARlS—javt received and for pale at this office. , march 311.' 24- To Let. • A tnietory Stone Houee,leitaated in Morrie' Addition to Pottrrilhi, Imme. " Otte pOSSCIIIiOTI will be given: Ap . ply to'. ROBERT RAMSEY. April 7 26-3t* Notice. Fir HE public aee hereby cautioned not to re m- ceive a Borough order, dated January 16th 1838, in faviii. of Oactob H. Fudier for 1146 01., payment of isaid slider having been stopped. WILLIAM HAGGERTY. 26-3 t April 7 - Weill& Primers. BBANDIANThas in press, and will pubhsb A-B• in tho conflict of two or three weeks, a Welsh Prime l r, which will be wild'elterip, whole- sale and retail. april 4 • 1 25 Notice. IN coneequenceof their befog several persons by the name off David Davis, in this neighbor hood, the subscriber has introduced •the letter M. in his name, and wil! hereafter be known by the name or I DAVID M. DAVIS. pr 11 4 f i ; 45-3° To the Stockhold - era of the Company for erecting ; , , j i Bridge over the North East branch if the river Susquehann he . tween town of Catania= and the mouth ofiFiahing Creek. 0 s l c NOTICE IS hereby givenAhat a meeting of said Stock• holders will be held at the house of S. P. Fort. ner, in the Meru of Cutter/inn; on Monday the 7th day of May next, between the hours of I and 6 o'clock, P. 14. Ile the purpose of electing one President, si Managera one treasurer and one Secretary for 'the ensuing year. ,FZRA S. HAYHURST, march 28 23-4 w Secretary. floats for Sale. FOUR goad new Behualkillfloata, Mika nat. oral grotifth timbers, and terms reasonable. Apply to t Sithi'L. HARTZ. arch 24 .1 22 Dylikg atiit Scouring. AVHIEIEI7I3B , EHLER has returned from En. rope, anti intends to. commence fancy and plain dying, in Silks and Merinos, at his ole stand in Centre Street, Pottsville. Also scouring oasts and pantaloons. He is greatfol for past firm, and hopes by', attention and punctuality to merit a continuancit of his former custom. 'Hee 23 3 5-tf HAZZARD & STRAUCH'S WHDOSALE AND RETAIL Dry s, Grocery and Ll cequor Store, er Corn of Ire and Market &reds, PotgaviUtt April 8 28— Wetherill & Biothery IT 7HE.OLD STAND • No. 65 NORTH FRONT STREET, 4 EAST SIDE, Teta= Datian non rue Coen= or Anon Sr. PHLGADELPHIA, MAN . ITFACTITR ERS OF White Lead d ' and / Calomel, rotund in lOil, $ Red Precept, Red Lead, ( - White do Lithrage, Vitriol Alb. Cronick Yellow, Solp. quinine do Greek . Tart Lmetic - do Red ; Ether Mph. Patent YelloW do Num Seger Lead ii 'do Acme Oopens Loser Caustic L Vitriol Coto. do Aq. Fortis Acit Morphia „ Floristic Aciiii Salph. do „ Epsom Salts Lac. Sulphur Tart Acid t Op t. de Nascot. Stip .Carb. Soda Lonna Mineral Cams, Sob. bferc. ' Ethiops do. Refiners off,Thampbor,Salt Nitre,Brimetet i &c. 'Offer f ale the above mentioned ark gether with ir, eneral assortment of Paints, and Dye an d ( ivery other article ia the 0, Cal and Medi I l is. Being mann . of all the articled enumerated under the abont heed. they pledge themaelvue to sup ply their friends and, the public on the most remems ble terms. • i ' Window en Fictive Glanh : from 68t024 Mt 1 Oct 21 18371 ! 4s Midi' Pranacalk Otb DOZS:1 1 : aim 4 s Pianos, jlist reels. AmmY ed fret f rom thefprOprietor. 'Upwards of fleventy 7 Five' 'seed Beam orals saleable medicine we're sold jut year,ond the.deniand is increasing. Film sale by the dam. or siorlikbedle.,. Price $2 per 66tde.qr throi bottles fisrss bi B. MANN'AN t i lde Agent for Bob - Ojai!! County. Also Swifts Vermifoge. gl RAMS Wrapo4 Paper for sale wh+sale and retiiit.'nleap, much 24 BaI4NAN.- • .;....a :. i 1 , l OTTirrILLE GENE_ AND Pi rOTTOiLidry VA. SATATILDAT VALUABLE LANDS AT MIMIC SALE. I TM Hope 4 C.. Leads, upwards ef 60.000fier TTILLbit exposed at Mho Sale, on lbws. day the 26th of Aprils WA at 7e, eteloek in the evennk. at the Philadelphia. Auction; ert in Carpenter Conti. Chesuaut street, (mirth side) between Third and Fourth streets. 'l_ Thew 'minable lands, situate hi the counties of Bloom% Pike, Wa Loserniand Schuylkill. will be offered as l lie in connected boding of from about 400 to 10.000. For pimiento's see kandbills at the Auction Mart. TERMS—One Third Cash. One Third hi one year. and One Third in three years, seems& by Bond and Mortgage. For the owners ELI K. PRICE, 309 - Arch street. C. 3. WOLBERT, Aar/looser. ouch 28 4 50-4. 7 11 holemiale and Retail Dry *load Store. DIOLLOCK & WEAVER have just received ' in addition to their extensive assortment Of DRY GOODS, Super Superior Blue and Black Cloth, superior fancy coloured do. new style ens. sattiueUa and Beverteens. miners' fu tiaras, Feb 18 14— 10.000 :VERY soperkw banana News of the Principee Sind Desienego brandy, for sale by fob 3 MILLER & HAGGERTY. Valuabii Coal and Timber Land FOR SALE. QIM3ATEO in Schuylkill county on the bead ".• water' of the little Schuylkill-river, and in the first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 429 Acres and 14 perches, strict measure; this land is covered wilkWhile and Yellow . PINE TIMBER said by Judges to be of the first quality, the little Schuylkill rail road runs directly through the above described tract of Land, and ofFers s sail and convenient passage to the Philadelphia mar ket. For further particulars address the subscri• ber in Columbia, Lancaster dounty,h. F. A. THOMAS. Feb 10 1-3 me For Sale, A HOUSE, 'sable and lot, on the west side of Maine street, Mountgarboo; the house is built of stoat: , and well finished. containing a kitchen and cellar in the basement story, and two rooms on the first, second and third floors each. The stable is :likewise built cd stone, and large enough to accommodate four horses. The lot 'contains in frOot 40 fins, and in depth 250 feet; at the head of the lot is a floe spring of water.— The situation is very pleasant, and from its prox imity to the noel landings, is admirably well cal culated for a boatman or boat builder. A long credit will be Oven for one ball of the purchase money. For terms apply to GtO. C. WYNKOOP. march 10 18-U Cloths t Clotho! Cloths I NNATII4NB mmt &Go. have now on hand a 4 . 11 •bplendie maul of NW% blank, olive, green and claret cloths, do do , and &soy eareinDens, Plain and figured saitinetb4 Mohair piles cloths and other coatings, Goats hair , cambletscreaungr. ace &c all of which being purchased at auction in P'hila• delphia, and New York, we-guarantee to sell 10 per cent cheaper that cat be purchased elsewhere in this boroog dec22 Encoarr#ge I owe Mane aching. ConfeethOkary lliamatitotory. MIRE futon:Tiber reepeetfidlv announces to 'A( public that he bas commenced the lliannfac. tore of Confectionary in all its various branches, at his Store in ; Centre Street, nearly opposite the Pottsville Bowie, where 'Confectioners and oth ers can sheep. be supplied wholesale amPintail, at the lowest Pluladdphia cash prima. • country Merchants am respectfully d to din and szatame his stook Woes purchasing elemsbers. JOHN S. C. MARTIN. no , 50-4 Itoligkius Works. DANNO has just reoeivedliWidlowing m- 01 " religious works, London sod America ed itions, which he offers for sale cheap. Original Family Sermons, S 'OIL Massfame Sermons, Lelmid's view of.-Deistical Writers. Sturtevant 's Preacher's Manual, 2 rola, Drew on the Reserrection, Drew on Sold, , Bridges en the "mho CUE, Faber cm 1in6511147. James' Christian Pro!essor. Prize Esskv on Darn Dissensions, Christian Father at Home, A **heel 'request, &W. Ijek den 22 5 The POW, Cespeptesstarg. oN THE, HOLY BIBLE 11010 M the works of Hemp and Montt. and Ja: above onskundred otherwrite' re. published in Landow tti h e Religions Tract iletlieti. teas. ed and abri is two volume. wilk Maps and Engravings. is valuable work b"publiainaLin parts. at 96 seats each. Tycho parts are already eouipletied. and eon be obtained at the sobecribers Book Bowe 'bare sabseriptions trianiso be re. owed. IiANNAIL jone 44 41 1;;z1 TAPITYAS For the instantaneous awed THE TOOTH r 4; Discovered end brought to its i rritation BY ItONSIBUII CRAB • This is to aertilY that:Have tried coaiTapny. as Mint in weird cassof Tooth Aehe,ht white I have certainly found it of very Lte.a_tisnrke• J. _B. HARVEY; Member of Royal College cif Burgesses. London. Sept. 111,1830. A-friend ...tapped in to say that be hid viMtee the Fue King this morning. and witeenied his marvellous cure of the Toteitlinhe• One Hula boy in Particular. abOlooluld, Mom enough tntite a ten penny nad Arai Ali Ida miaow smiled *Sibs decaysditoeth and dillegite & Gasses. sac i A froth On yof the above4imishima meek. ed and tor & BANNAN. , Sok Agerk for Schuylkill comity 1-11 3oly 13 se azr,a.-z.„ L ADVERTISER. I wlLLarvit ;~ ING, APRIII 4 14,18311. Tie Amy Magazine of use ! , ,;mil Knowledge" co n= l :t ai one ofthe cheapest ere are 2o ts i nd Mostz 1.0, . . ,01441 every month in England, and 63,- 000 ut A nee. The P of voL 6' (for tbe year 1837) as far id ' , can be bid at ibis Office. Price 18f pair lan, 00 00 per annum. This ' is published in monthly parts, contains 40 large pars; the present volume iv mocli. and improved. Th e illustrations of wood are executed in it superior manner. Thant an saunter ig taking this work over all dile C mon can discontinue it whenever he sees , for each pan is always complete within e . CoM tif sets of this work from the commence meet ea be procured of thesubscriber, at Sit per volume. 1 ; B. BANNAN, Nov 41 • • 54 : 1 ' ; , Likl 'Clinton Foundry ~ FOR SALE • • W11.1..i he aold at private sale, the FOundry plineantly eitaatedat Port Clinton, Schoyl. kill ty . an very reasonable terms. This Foundry at the commencement of the Little Schuylkill' and Susquehanna Rail Road, now making, skid will in a abort time be one of the best,situationa in the country to do a large bolsi nee Fos! terms, /be. apply to PARSE/ TIERS. Iron Founders, Philadelphia. or ISAAC MYFAS, Port Clinton. E-63t July 10 .., er Seed. , • 1 for sale , / e clover seed. • SAMUEL HARTZ 13 I I - 1 ! CIO\ rB7received ani 20bnihels:iirir MEM • Linn' 1., Lumber. pin Subscriber has on band and - offers for . sale on reasonable terms, 90.000 lust i and S Inch . poplar boards,' 40,000 kiwi and lap shingles, 50,000 plastering lath, Also, Web and half inch pine boards and Ow seantlint, sell osasene,d. Feb. RI Okla? Raisins and Primes. JUST retieived by the subscriber, 1000 1110. Raisins, stones prunes--whreh he will sell it 61 cents per lb. JOHN S. C. MARTIN. Deel ' 4 CALL AT THE New Establishment, Corner e Centre told Market Streets. Aland& /rag subscribers respectfully announce to their3friend• and the public generally, that they have hikes) the Mort formerly occupied by Jacob 801 l 6. Co., corner of Centre and Market streets, where they are now provided with& Choice assortment of p r r oc y Geries, oods, G Liquors, &GC. which they ini.deterinined resell at the eery low. set prices. HAZZARD & STRAUCH. N. B. kinds of Country Produce taken al the - . sehroin aurieveit - by the lam accounts. On Monday the 16th of April, 1838, at the Commissioners' • Office to Orwigsburg, far the borough of Ortrigiburg, Esst and Went Bruns. trick WestiPeno. Rosh, Union, Schuylkill and, Manitoba tdwnships, and Tamaqua borough. On Wednesday the 18th day of April, 1838,et the bases of lienry - Stager. innkeepst Pottsville; lil t. for tbs ' h of PoUsvdk, Phu 'testi. Berry and Upper. hantango townships. On Pride t he Roth of April, 1838, at the house of Peter rd umkeepar,Pinegrove, Surpayne, Plastron?, nd Lower Mabantango tow en rips. Those m abitants of Manbeim prof • g, to at tend the appeal at Pottsville, are at liberty do so. By Miler of the Commissioners. JAC: HAMMER, Clerk. 40 Mira 1/ 111. Nathan's & Co. 'OFFS* kr sale at their wholesale sad retail Fara ill Grocery Store, Centre. 3 down below Marks roma. a prime wornness °Moab Groceries,conaiat ng of _. Jaya. Fro, Layers. .i co ' St. Domingo and browned 5 !. ° , N. °Helios, at croix, brews and ?so i+ ' •,. , wheellaranna.loafand Imp c "• 9 1" la ' New Weans. West m India and sugar hours $ "'' ma ma bnperlal. Gan Powiler, Toting 4.• Hypos iPoselioargTharige PeolTeas ao, &Oboe( and ea - D a ke n i, hasee.flpusbb. [khan, cboadais *Linega.and sweat spired $ prepared Corm Cocoa shells . Reading. Cation. Harvey. John *Va. Lohmer.Asiebovy. }lames ' Canto. aoy and Carrie . . . Gherkin. Team. PeriTer• Mited,Onion. Manion, Pickles Lowe and French Oliver, eaves. Anchovies , e a e poppet,. allspice and Ginpr C Wee. /*MP and eennia Wee, of tie% starch Con Pip. Sabina. Pewee i gare _aridbitter almonds. citron OW /am wise bittemlemon M.Up Preserved Linger. cheese, codßab • M 'iare,. el. salmon • . Whirtasdoolortil wan. apiem isi t : _ ad.rtari . • tallow .7.'"°'• .pab l oadagasw brown and esai l C' i al k , old ort.elaret t kol-Poin difial• charealeilM 1 Wines • Old hock. Liabisoby nodaita- in wood Serest Maly* iinsentel 9 ' at hada ;_,.. M v inuireiDerelNelly Madel.l ' h• !Z a basi4" o l, wlikiiii7 At ..... =ud ari men . t z tt . Plans. y 11.101 7 & eorta.Gin.37.7lar -r , . • jukalei spirits , ...- , r mag.osia, hdbriair do Haulpaih* end , rowonori .eigare , 61 Cat* plaid and aredded easi I W a rm j eta* ,sad elicI TY .5, . ALSO' * meral aiseetwait a DryGoede, &a. doe: all a ,or Ike, my dispelled to aellantidmialit mow ble terms. /fade .of FaiaiSse n,'S• ' • TiOe!alLolpire are partiesliely invited twee& • , —' - ,TO OVIII BANDA AND NILDICT 414 NATI= TO 001 . USN AND mastraz—DAJOIMSOIS• lltOad the Following. Interesting add Astonishing Facts. ORE conclusive proofs of the extraordinary M effleacy of DR. WM. EVAN'S celebrated Camomileand Aperient Aniibilioua Pills in al leviating afflicted mankind. To Jamb Dickson, 36, Cornhill, Boston, Agent for the sale of Dr. Wm. Evans'eCamomile pith. Lowau., Nue. 15,1836. Dear Sfir:--Knowing by experience that every reference that the afflicted receive of the benefi cial results of medicines, I cluierfully offer mine to the puklic in behalf of DEL? WM. EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILLS. 1 have been afflicted for the last fen peals? with distress in the bead and chest: often so bad as to deprive me of sleep for three or four nights in succession, but have never found relief by any of my friends' prescriptions, until my Fife saw the advertisments in the paper, when she persuaded me to send for some, which I did, and obtained two boxes and bottles, which resulted in almost completely retoring me to health, although I have not yet entirely finished them. Should you consider this any benefit to yourself; or the public, you have my cheerful per. mission to publiih n.. Yours, respectfully, THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centre list NTERESTING CASE . Cured by D; s :4Bn. gi Ereee's Cementite Marie and Family Aperi eat BENJAMIN SOWN, corner of Shippen end Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect. ed for seven years with extreme nervousness, by which he was not able to write hle name—his symptoms were, ernscation, daily spasmodic, pa ins in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina bility of engaging in any thing that demanded vigor or courage, sickness and weakness ex terns debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure and weight at the stomach after eating,, great mental despondency, severe flying pains in the chest back and aide, costiveness, a dislike for society and conversation. Mr. B. has made trial of various medicines now before the public, but to no effect, until, observing in a public paper some cures performed by Dr. William Evans's Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he was induced to give them a. trial, of which he is at any time happy to state that they effectually cured him of the above distressing disease.. llXPersons who doubt the above cm e, are most respectfully directed to the above mentioned per lete, et the northwest corner of Shippen and croorges streets. BENJAMIN BOWN. Philadelphia October 25,1837. SAM% HARTZ. 13 LIVER COMPLA INT,IO YEARS STAND Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, 'N. 6th street, nehr Second, Williamsburg, afflict ed for the left.ten years with the Liver complaint, completely restored to health through the treat ment of Etr • Wm. Evans. Symptoms—Habitual constipation' of the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of die epigasti in region, great depression df spirits, languorshd other symptoms of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the mtuirrev, pain in the right side, could not lie ou her ka side without an aggravation of the pain, urine - high . colored, with other quip. tornsindicating great derangement in the func tions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, but received bat little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured some of Dr. Wm. Evan's invalu■ble preparations, which ef fectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with others, which it is net essential to intimate. . JOSEPH BROXNE. City and County of New York. us., Joseph Browne, of W illismsbut, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as set forth in the within statement, to which be has subscribed his name, arejust and true. - JOSEPH BROWNE. A for 1838." 'Babo.lifu Coanty will places and dayelt 10 those who think them. Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me this 4th day of January, 18g7. PETER PINTO rir, bona. of Deeds `INTERESTING CASE of Terbacular Con. aaaineptiint.---Mr. John Rom el applied on the Ist day of September at the office 100 Chatham street, laboring under the following aymptiris:-,—. A alight spitting of blood, distressing cot/eh, at tended with an expectoration of purulent matter, night sweats, general emaciation, difficulty of breathing on exertion, with • well marked' hectic Bosh on the cheek. On examination, the cheat was found to sound well every where except un der the left clavicle, and in the arm pit of the same side. Treatemit.—Directed to take the restorative Camomile Pills, with the expectorating :corn pund, et the same time an injunction„to call in four &yr, when the night sweats had ceased, the expectoraticin slightly aiminished, au light, fit of coughing still remaining in the morning. Or dered as intuit to continue the medicine, and to caliin the course of a week—when his health continued rapidly increasing, without the least cough. C t iilled at the office on the 4th of this Month, gate convalescent returning his sincere thanks flue the benefit be bad obtained. The above patient chiefly used milk regimen, durkg his tivatusent. MEI Avrmu,Tuazt IrtAits sfAlippkG. Mr. Robert Munroe, Schuylkill. aficted with the above distressing malady. Sympteme.TAgreat languor. !tidal/racy. disturbed:est. nervous head ache. difficulty of breathing. tightness and attic. turn *crow the braise,. diszuwes, nervous brit*. bility and restlessness, could not lie in it.'hori soma! position. without the seniatiiin of impend ing suffocation, palpitation of. the heart, distr.*. int cough. costiveness, pain of the stomach, drow siness, great debility and deficiency of ths neirvz ow energy. Mr. R. iMonroe gave up every thought of recovery and dire despair sat on the wrontonancti- of event person interested in his existence or happiness, till by acisident be noticed mer3.l in a public r 1110036 cures effected by Dr. Win. . Evans', , line, irides complaint. which indu ced bias to ' sae a package of the Pills, which twilled in ' plettly removing every symptom of his dhows. ~ He:wishes 'to ear his motive fiir this &Wheaton ts. aid those afflicted with the illigneaSe a"; . firliPtClail Maga! to thoie_groai which fo Itmipti i l i Ftored. may likew*.receive the - itieiiti benefit.. ''."" • ' ' 1i• ' ' wpm- GOMIMAINT SIX YEARS ',. , • NT'ANDING. 111111:01.. , D DISE& lure , f.oC kr. ix-vgAindlr Oiler. 'ef Second street ent Goimatitow geed, Phil . Iphia,afreitici •far the kit airy with the "Ser'Complaint, was, completely ;to by , Dr: WM. E. litli ValaaCamal . and l'annljt Aperients -04:- o "irrnjAcr4ltal l battitdal catilitinalft ' , - . - :or. pant 'in ths stomach, depression of eArits, languor, tteme debility , disturbed great pain in heide, could not lie oh he i side without ap ggravation of pain, . ' •• . the head,ilimnesii of sight, with nit indicating great derangement in the Broctl the Liver. Atria firenhiser haa,made trial rious medicines now before the public. 'tit ceived no relief tuntil she was advised tor trial of Dr Evan `sPills, of which.she is ' I to state that theyieffectually relieved her a above distressing symptoms, with others, -t are not osseniial Ito intimate. - . lii Mr. Brenhiseir f ., (husband of this:above Brenhiser, had teen two years aflicted lir distressed state piles and Casitiveuess; of I he was effectualiy Cured. . PARALYTIC RREITMATISM. A perfect cure ejected by tb• &element • William Evans. _ Mr. John Gibson, of N. 4th street, WWI burg, afflicted witOhe above complaint for peti years and nine months_, during which ti e he had binge crutches. His chief symptom. were excruciating ppinin all his joints , but es ially In the hips, "boulder, knees and ankles , it ag gravation of the pains towards night; and f r the most part all times from extents) heat, an vi- 1 ous thickening of the fascia and ligaments , with asompleto loss °fa:mutat power. Fur the ben efit of those afflicted: in a similar manner Mr. • Gibson conceives it meet to say that the na have entirely ceased, and that his johns ihave _completely recovered their natural tone. and he feels able to resume his ordinary-business. . ASTHMA. 5 YEARS STANDING.' Mr. Charles Hobart, No. 122 Orange strait, N: Y. afflicted for five years with humeral habitual Asthma, applied at the office 100 Chatham ,Street on the 4t'i of October, laboring under the follow ing symptoms. A sense of tightness seroist the chest, with the greatest difficulty of breathing. distressing cough,; generally ending with copious expectoration of viscid phlegm, disturbed' rest, the face turbid and of a livid hue—could inzt he in a horizontal poSition without the sensaeilin of immediate suffocation, languor, drowsinese,' and - dizziness in the head, and lose of appetite. - Mr. H. applied to the most eminentphysitiiane--- in this city, likeiviite used several other remedies without obtaining ;any permanent benefit., Until his friends persuaded him to place himself u der ~1 pr. William Evans' 'treatment: Be. is Di re lieved of his complaint, and called at the Mee -yesterday, avowing that he had not welds : ex press his gratitude for the benefit he - had, - - -iv. ed. October 21, 1837. We do hereby subscribe our signatures truth of the above cures, that the statirmini every respect true, SARAH BRENHISI ' JOHN STEW, Bake No. 17 mirth Eighth street, Phalli Philadelphia, Oct. 21st, 1837.• Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Oitire, &t' sale of his excellent Medicine, Is at No. 191' 1 1 Eighth street, Phfladelphia. • Sold by J. T. WRRN Sole nt for Schuylkill Pail MT ES INC' ! DYSPEPSIA' POCIIONDRIA Mrs. Anne G. Kenny, No. 113 - Lrudis between Stanton and Houston streets, ofs for ten years with the following distressing a; toms: • 1 Acid eructation, daily spasmodt e psins in head, loss of appetite, palpitation o beast, dines and dimness of sight, could not lie ob i right: aide, disturbed rest, otter inability gaging in any thing that demanded nye courage, sometimes a visionary idenof to ration of. her disease, a whimsical_averm particular persons and places„ groundless a 0 hensions of personal danger and poverty, an someness and weariness of lite, discontented, quietude on every slight occasion,ahe coolie she could neither die nor live, she wept, lams desponded, and thought she led 4 most mime' lite, never was one so bad, with frequent tie hallkcinations. Mrs. Remy had theiadvii several eminent physicians, and had mean numerous medicines, but couldnol obtain e temporary alleviation of her distressing stair her husband persuaded her to make trial mode of treatment: She is note quite Tel and finds herself not.only capable of attend, her domestic strain, but avows that...hoe* good health at preicnt as she did at any of her existence. ' Husband of the afore'l44mm Re Sworn before me this 14th ,day:of Dec. 1 Peter Pinckney; Corn. of 4 b. i RE•IT' B•1116.5111Xi • Valuable Real Property in P -----l otteo b G • FOR SALE. • THE undersigned offers for sale. all known three story ,BRICK STORNI 1. pLute4 DWELLING HOUSE and the i - sas s situate in Centre street. Pottsville , otthe nadir - signori. tzgether arith nine I t-. tenementsiii the rair of slid bidding; ar e lot of groundiyihdreon the Whole. stands,' brick building affiiiikaid, contains thirty, front—finished from the basement story, • grunt in the beet "'vino! as a business stand and a residence : Os vOuratity situated. The foregoinepropiirly be sold on low aid eceammorktunc terms. [of the purchase money may remamms din. ~ erty fora few years, it desired. aide kid ..,• . lila. and possession can be-even-1m - ' ... y...- apply to _ : G. /14411(iNNIN28. _April 22 32—tf _ - *A- 1 / 4 ..:1 . --..p. - • ';WILL BB SON? • at Private i A good two story houei and - 4oLfof situate on Centre street. the lot-WW M on Centre Street, and 230 feet deep. et... the Mount Carbon Rail .Road--the noose ehultially built, and well situated for any public business. IR Su at I • I . , p ta. I - - • • , • 50.4)064ointilhiseirtfr 26.000 tap" - ;= 20:000 laiheoolaUware - riinli .rilings 9 r I,lti by, .' • • .11: ,G opt pa 44 .• Two good two story fame bonne ground, fibulae in Deane*, triss,N Street. Each house and lot is 20 homes are well finished lintit"-kiUshasitsit 44) each house, and , are situated ,isk Ow' oka w o o ..of tovrtn:. ,AllorAilliziaboye PI be sold t ry chsap--Airzleinist 7 Ora sPPIY ANDREW - RAM Jan - 6 7, ° • .;Aldiihnitiusiris4 28. I 0 • one ..of f... t re. eke • lIIMY the bich Mn th a !high !r2 EiEl gl a the id her en. iirk. dis ived ;tad rite of 1 =I the both 1 fa a 40 0 .1 of g m