111/. ' f i CONSTrrt`ritON MEI] COMMONWEALTH Oril" NSYLVANIA, Al Aanatarso tv oortmino , or owz THOMAND our ireNDILF.D APIR THLITY-WEVI2II— WE, The People bf the C4nnionwia . Ith of Penn sylvania/ordain and establish this Cottetiteibm for its Government. . ,! • ' IMBED Section T. The legislative Posiir of this COmmon wealth shall be vested irrilla Genhral Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate : ai d ßouse a Repre- Sentatives. Section IL The representativ es shall be chosen Manually by the citizens of the itity of Philadelphia and of each county respectively on the second Tiles.: day.of Ortober. Section 111. Nol.person shall tie a representative who shall not have attained Ithe age of twenty-one years, and bare been a citizen said Inhabitant of the State thspe years next p*eriing his election, and the last year, tlrereoC an inhabitant of the district in and for which be shall be chosen 4 rOresentitire, unless be shell have-been absent on the:public business of the United States or of this Staid: , Section IV. Within. three years after the first meeting of the General Asseinbly, and within every subsequent term of seven yearaf . an enumeration of the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such man ner as shall he directed by. ling; The number of representatives shall, at the Several'periods of mak ing such enumeration, be fined by the Legislature, and apportioned among the city of Philadelphia and the several counties, according ?to the number of taxable inhabitants in each: uneshall never be less than sixty nor greater .than one hundred. Each county ahallhave at least (NIP representative, but no county hereafter erected shill beientitled to a sepa-. rate representation until a'slifficlenCnumbe, r of tax able inhabitants shall be Contained within it, to entitle them to one representaqe agreeably to the ratio which shall then be est:11104 Section V. The senators shall.hosenlor three years by the citizens of Philatlelphia and of the several counties at the same time, in the sante man ner, and at the same place! whpre they shall -vote for representatives. Section VI. The number of Senators shall, at the several, periods of making the enumeration -before mentioned, be fixed by the iLegisbturre and appor tioned among the districts , formed as hereinafter directed, according to the ntimbet of taxable inhabi tants in each; and shall neverthe less than one fourth, nor greater than onerihirli, of the number of representatives. • Section VII. The senators shall be chosen in di-- -tricts, to be formed by the legislature ' • but no dis trict than be so formed as 'lo entitle it to elect more than'two senators, unless the nuinbcr of taxable in habitants in any city or county. droll, at any time, be such as to entitle iP to elect mere :ban ttco, but no city or county shot! be entitled . to elect more than four senators; when a district .stirill be composed of two or more counties, they Shall be adjoining ; neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall be divided in forming a district. Section VIII. No person rshal be a senator, who shall not have attained the Eige 0 twenty-five years, and have been a citizen and inh abitant of -the State' four years next before hie electitin, and the last year thereof an inhabitant of t district for which he shall be chosen, unrest be s ha ll gave been absent an • the public business of the initOrl States or 0 f this State; and no person elected as tifarysaid, shall hold saf.d (fire after he shall hays rereneed from our_ & dis trict. q Section IX. The senators ichi may be elected at Lie first general election after the culopilim of jhe amendments to the constitution,ihall be dltided by '" ' ' PirISOR-81 the first year I, of the second clan at the etpirat ion of tAlp second year f and of the gird chess at the ex piration of the third year- t so that dhereafter one.. third elf the whole number GI sendtdrs maybe chosen every year.. ,The senators ejected before the amend. meats to the constitution shall Int adopted, #hall hold their' offices during the terms for 'MICA 'they shall respectively have been elertetiA. 4 • Section X. The General Assertibly shall meet on theArst Tuesday of January, in:l-every year, unless sooner Convened by the GoVernos. Section XI. Each houe; shall thr ,, ,Re Speaker :and other officers . ; and the Senate 01 , 1t - a!Sg, choose a Speaker pro tempore, when th 4 Speeker shall ex ercise the office of Gtoternor. Section XII. Each house'shallijude.e. of the quali fications of its members. 0011., atL LI election. shall be determined by a committee Lu he selectee', foimed and regulated in such manner .414h:1116e directed by majority of each 4019 . ; sh ill constitute a quorum to do business; but a wnaller number may adjourn from day to day, mid mly be authorized by law to compel the attendance .if absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as may be provided. .; Section XIII. Each house May determine .the rules of , its proceedings, pon,lr its members for disorderly behaviour, and with (he concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member, but knot a second time 'for the same cause; and shall 'llafe all other powers necessary for a branch of the lltgislature of a flee State. . Seetibn XIV. The legislature shall not have power to enact laws annulling theroatkart of marriage in any case where, by law, the courts of this Common_ 'wealth are or may hereafter be etnpowered to decree a divorce. Section' XV*. Each housekeep a journal of its proceedings, and publish them weekly, except such 'parts as may require seert•ey: and the yeas and nays of the metnhers on at question shall, at the .desire of any two of them, I.be entered on the journals. Section XVI. The (doors, of e,itch house and of committees of the whole •shilk be open, unless, when the business shall be Such its ought to be kept secret Section XVII. Neither hhnse ;Shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn (u mare than three days, nor to any other place thail that in which the two houses shalt he sitting. Election XVIII. The Senators and representatives shall reedive a compensation for iheir services to be - ascertained by law, and paid oudof the treasury of the. Commonwealth. Theyishalli in all .cases, ex cept treason, felony and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged fionlarre.4 during their at tendance the session of their i respective houses, and In going to and returning from the same. And for any speech or debate in - , eithot house, they shall not be questioned in any other phme. Section XIX. rio Senatud or rstpresentative shut}, - during the lime fir which hie .h ail have been elect ed, be appointed to any civil offieg under this Com monwealth which shall hrvc bden created, or the emoluments of which shall hate been increased durinr such time: and no - . menrer of Cqn4ress or other person bolding any (Ace ( xcept of attorney . at law and in the' militia) under{ the Unued States nr this Coutmohwealtli, shall be aj member n; either . house during Ins cmitinuince ip Congress' or in office. Section XX. When vacanc•iell happen In either house, the Speaker shall issue ‘ifitty of clectiotr to fill such vacancies. .• Section XXI. All bills for revenue shall originate in the house of repreeenteive.,. hut the Senate may propose amendmentsias in other bills. • Section XXII. No money shill he drahm (rim the treasury but in consequence of appromiations made by law. Section XXtlf. Every bill which shrill have passed both houses shall be prbsented tb the Go vemor. If he approve he shall sign it, Out if be shall not approve he shall rettiM it with his objec tions to the house in which it shell have otiginated, who shall enter the objections 4 large upon their journals and proceed to re -consider it. If, after such tc-consideration, two-thivdinf that bans.t shat -agree to pass the bill, it AA sent set t. the ob Refined Wha REFINED -whale oil. fo tietres and &him. thr silo by MILLER & 111AGGER TY. Nov l 8 . • • 54-3 mo jections to the othei house, by which nods* it shall be ,_ne-s:,solisidered, and Al .atilmvedtrfo two-: thirds of that house, it .But inch - cases the.votels of both hotitrallihe detemalna: by yeas and days, and the rut of penstoi voting kir or against the bin shall be entered eitthe jimr nals of each house respectively. S bail shall not be returned by the Governor wit h ten days (Sundays excepted) after it Shall have been pre sented to him, it shall be • law-in like manner as if he had signed it, unless, the General Assembly, by their adjournment, prevent, iti return, in which case it shall be a law, unless sent back within three days` after their next : meeting:: Section XXIV. Every order, resolution or vote to which the concurrence of both houses may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the Governor, and before it . shall take effect, be approved by him or being dis approved, shall bd repassed by two-thirds of both houses according to the rules and limitations pre scribed in case of a bill. lection XXV. No corporate body shall be hereafter created, renewed or extended, with banking or dis counting privileges, without six months precious public notice of the intended application for the same in such manner as shall ;be prescribed by law. Nor shall any charter for the purpasei aforesaid, be granted for a longer period than twenty years, awl every such charter shall contain a clause reserving to the legislature the power to Utter, revoke or annul the same wheneverfin their opinion it may be inju rious to the citizens of the commonwealth, in such 'manner however that no injustice shall be done to the corporators. No law hereaftel enacted, shall create, renew or extend the charter cfi morelhon one corpo ration. • ARTICLE 1 Section I. The Supreme Executive power of this Commonwealth shall be vested in a Governor. Section IL The Governor shall be chosen on the second Tuesday of October, by the citizens of ,the Commonwealth, at the placed where they shall ray: spectively vote for representatives. The returns of every elettion for Governer shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of , government, directed to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open and' pliblish them in the presence of the members of both houses of the legtslatini„ The person hafting . the highest number of vote} shall be Governor. But if two or more shall be 'equal and highest in votes, one of them shall be chesen Governor by the joint vote of the members of both houses. Con tested electioris shall be . determined by a Committee to be selected front both houses of the legislature, and formed and regolated e in such manner as shall be directed by law. Section 111. The Governor shall hold his office during three years from the third Tuesday of Janu ary next ensuing his election, and shall not be capable of holing it longer than sir in any term of nine years. Section IV. He shall he at least thirty sears of age, and have been a ci•izen and an inhabitant of this State seven years next before his election ; unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the niitect S , tates or of this State. Section V. No menthe! of font Tess or person holdlng any office under the United States or this State shall exercise the office of Governor. Si‘ction 'rhe Governor !Ahall at stated times receive for his services a compensation, which jhall be neither increased nor diminished' dining' the period for which he Milli have been elected. Section VII. He shill be commande - On-ehief of the army and nar3 of this Commmirrealth,and of the militia, exrept when they shall be. called into the actual service of the United States. Sectioff - VIII. He shall nppointa Secretory of the Commonweal h during pleasure, and he shall nomi nate and by and with the advice and consent qf the Senate appoint al/ judicial officers of courts qf record, unless ofherwise provided for in this Consti tution. He shall hare power to fill all vacancies that may hisppen in such judicial offices during the recess of the Senate, by g•ranting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session : Pro vided, that in acting an &creative nominations the Senate shall sit with open doms, and in confirming vote shall be (aken by yens and ii.rys. Section IX: He shall have power to remit ones and forfeitures, and grant rdprieves and pardons, except in trios of impeachment. Section X. He may require information irrvrriting, from the officers in the executive -department upon any subject,reltiting to the duties of their respect: Live offices. Section XI. lie shall, from time to time, give to the General Assembly infoiniation of the state of the Commonweal' h, and recoinm.nd to their con sideration such measures as he shall judge expedient. Section \II. lie may, on eX raordulary 'occasions, convene the General Assembly ; and in case of disagreement between the two houses, with respect to the time of adjournment, adjourn them to such time as fie shall think proper, not exceeding four months. , Section XIII. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. • Section XIV. In case of the death or residnation of the Governor, or of his removal from office, the Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of Governor, until . another GoVerner shall be duly qualified ; but in such case another Governor shal. be chosen at the next annual election of representa tives, unless such death, resignation or removal, shall occur within three calendar months immedi ately preceding such next annual election, in which .case a Governor shall be rhaien at the second suc ceeding annual election of representatives. And if . the trial of a contested election shall cvntinutt longer than until the third Monday of January next ensuing the election of Governor, the Governor of the -last year or the Speaker of the Senate who may be in the exercise of the executive authority, shall continue therein until the determination of such contested election, and until a Governor shall be duly qualified as aforesaid. Section, XV. The Secretary of the rnnnrrenllk shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and proceedings of ;he Governor ' and shall, when re quired, lay the same and allpapers, minutes. and vouchers relative thereto, before either branch of the legislature, and shall tperfdrm such other duties as shall be enjoined him by law. ARTICLE 111 Section k In elections by the' citizens every white . freeman of the age of twenty-one years, haring re sided in this state one year, and in the election dis trict where he offers to vote, ten days immediately preceding ruck election, and within two years paid a State or County his, which shall have been as-. tested at least ten days.before the election, shall enjoy the rights of an elector. But a citizen of the United States who had previously been a qualified voter of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall hare resided in the election district, and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, after residing in the stale she months. Provided, that white freemen, citizens of the United States, between the ages cf twenty-one and twenty-two years, and hav ing resided in the State one year, and in the election district ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to , rote,..although they shalt not have paid lazes. -Section 11. All elections shall be •by ballot, ex cept those by persons in their representative capa cities, who shall vote viva voce. Section 111. }.lectors shall rin all cases, except treason, felony, and breach Or surety of the peace, be privileged from,arrest, during their attendance on elections, and MA going to and returning from ARTICLE !V Section I. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeaching. Section 11. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate; When sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall be upon oath oruffirmation. Nu per son shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Section 111. The Governor, and all other civil officers under this Commonwealth, shall be liable to Impeachment for any misdeineanour in office t but judgment, In such cases, shall not extend further than to remoral from office, and idhigualification to hold any office of honour, ttust or' profit, ueler this Commonwealth: The party, • Nether convicted or OLD PINE APPLE CH EESE.-4.lixst received and f,r gale a few boxes of very superior old Pine Apple Cheeve. HAZZARD & STP AUCH inn 20 THE , se v atteaoitim titimthe...', :!), .' 4. rco l . ..- :. V triniiiWilligar -• ' ' . i'- , rWag to lur -7. • t„. L T h e me ~ .1 . • 1 ge l ... of rbie,Counneo-. :wealth shell Ost l vestal " nynatecgiurt, in Courts of Oyer and Terrain ~. General Jail tre. lively, Ili a Corat'orConi... . • - ,Orylasne Mat, 'Register's Court, and a ' *. . of Qmi*r . Sestlitons of the Puce, for; each . . CO; in .It-- of-the Peace, and in such other s. i Lg u the legislature may from time tortime esta Ill", ! - Section 11. The judges.; the ,5,,,,, K 0ne,e the several Counts of C. • 4 Pleas, and if such other Courts of Record as . e shall be established law, shall be nominated Governor, and-by and with the consent. ift ' • e appointed and commissional by him. Th j •. - qf the Supremo Court shall hold their clic the term of fifteen years if they shall so long • es ;fringe:vet well. The president judges of the: al Courts ql"Coranton Pleas and of such o th er Co of Record as are or shall be established by /ate, . all other fudges re quired to be learned in the I shall hold their offices far the term of ten years if shall so tong behave themselves well. The el ,•• • judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold liqir o ffi ces for the term of five years if they shall it l g behave themerhu well. But for any r • cause which shall not be sufficient ground o f is brain!, the Governor eii may remove any of them on address of Iwo-thirds of each branch qrthe legistatu The pairs of the Supreme Court and the j i 'dents of the several Courts of Common Pleas sh I slated times receive t / for their services an adeq compensation to be fired by law, which sha ll h diminished 'during their continuance in offiee, they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, hold any other o ffi ce of profit under this Comnuatto th. Section 111. Until otherwisS directed by law, the Courts qj Common Pleas Anil continue as at preitipt established. Not more than fit e counties shall at any time be' included in one judicial district organized for said Courts. Section IV. The jurisdic on of the Supreme Court shall extend over the tate r and the judges thereof, shall by virtue of th it offices, be jmucm. of Oyer and Terminet and General Jail pelivery, in the several counties. I . Section V. The judges 9f be Court of Caismon I Pleas, in each county, sirs by virtue of their offices, be justices of Oyer an Terminer and Gene ral Jail Delivery, for the hist of capital and other offenders therein ; any two the said judges, the president being one, shall a quorum i but they shall not hold a court - of oye and tenniner; or jail delivery, in any county, when the judges of the Supreme Court, or any of them, shall he sitting in the same county. The party accused, as well as the Commonwealth, may, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by law, rpmuve the indictment and proceedings, or a trans.:ldpi thereof, into the supreme Court. Section VI. The Supreme Court, and the several courts of common pleas, shalli, beside the powers heretofore usually eiteicised by them, have the power of a court of Chaneettv, so far as relates to the perpetuating of testim w, the obtaining of evidence front places not w thin the State, and the care of the persons and es tes-of those who are . non compotes mends. Andy the legislature 'hall vest in the said courts such Other powers to grant relief in iquity, as shall be Mound necessary: and may, from time. to time, enlarge or ditninish those powers or vest them in such other courts as they shall judge proper, for the due sdniinistration of justice. Section VII. The judges ea' the court of common pleas of each county, any tsVo of whom shall be a quorum, shall compose th e !court of QuarterSes mons of the peace, and orph9ns' court thereof; and the register of wilt', together with the said judges, or any two of them, shall Compose Ott register's court of each county. i Section VIII. The judges df the courts of common pleas shall, within their respective counties 4 have the iffit powers with the ,fudges of the Supreme Court, to issue writs of certiorari to the justices of Oft peace, and to cause their proceedings 9 be breiught before them, and the like right and ;Pali= te. be Areko. Section fX. The president of the eonrt in each circuit within such circuit,' and the..judges of the court of common pleas sesthin the's respective counties, shall be justices Of the peace, so far as relates to criminal matters. Section X. A register's office, foi the probate of Wills and granting letters of administration, and an office for the recording of deeds, shall be kept in each county. Section XI. The style oi" all process shall be " The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."' All prose cutions shalltLbe carried onin the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and conclude " against the peace and dignity of the same." ARTICLE VI Section I. Sherif! and coroners shall, at the times and places of election of representatives, be chosen by the citizens of men county. One person shall be chosen for each offuie, who shall be commis :ion", by the Governor. . They shall, hold their offices: for three years, if Wry shall so iong behave themselves well, and until a successor be duly .ualified but no person titian be twice chosen or appointed sheritf, in any term of six years. Vacan cies in either of the said offices shall be filled by an appointment, to be made by the Governor, to continue until the next geiieral election, and 141)61 a successor shall be . 'ellftell and qualified as afore said. Sation 11. The freemen of this commonweslth shall be armed t , organized! and disciplined for its.. defence, whenttnd in such manner as may be directed by lam. Those who conscientiously scruple to bear arms, shall not be compellesf to do so, but shall pay an eguivalent•for personal service. Section lir. Prothonotaries of the Supreme Court shall be appointed rby the said Court for the term of three years if they so long behove themselves well. Prothonotaries and clerks of the several other courts, Recos*.rs of deeds, and Re. gisters of wills, shall at the limes and pkter,a of &et' Um of representatives, be elected by the quali fied ekelors of eacA county, or the districts over which Ike Jurisdiction of said courts extends, and shall be commissioned by; the Governor, shall7•l. shall hold their offices far 4hree Years if 4 so long bduzos themselves well, and un til their 1114&1380111' shall be duly qualified. The legisla ture 4,iilp r oviae by law, the number of persons in cads county who shall hotel said offices, and how matey and which of s‘sid offices shall be held k r b4 2, ane person. Vacanci in any of the said of be filled by ap intments to be made the Gavelnor,:iii amt . until the next gene ral election, and until s shall be elected and qualified as aforesaid Section IV. Prottnnotari s, clerks of the tpeace tf p and orphans' courts, record .of deeds, registers of wills, and sherif 4. shall It ' their ffices in Cho County town of the count in which they, respec tively, shall be officers, tin ss when the Governor shall, for special reasons, ispcnse therewith, for any term not exceeding fiv e years after the county shall have been erected. . . . Section 'V. All commissions shall• be in the name and by the authority of the (iiininonwealth of Penn sylvaniat and be sealed with the State seal, and sign ed by the Goveinor. . Section VI. A State Tr&surer shall be sleeted annually; by joint vote of bpth branches tff the legis lature. *eon VII. "mikes of the peace or aldermen shall be sketed in the &emu, wank, boroughs, and towinthips at 'the lintel of the election . of cob atabkt trg the qualified boat thereof en such number:* shall be diredad byelaw, and shall be wwwivaiewe e kby Me Governor for a term of five years t but no township{ ioani- or borcas# shall dect more.than two justicW of the peace or alder. men without the anwentiof a majority of the qua tided ekdars within mai township, ward or bo rough. Section Vfli d,#offp4i whose election or ap pointment is not pr in this constitution, shill be eketed or appointed as shalt be directed fiIIURCUILL'SMAN't AL, and Festivals and ILI Fasts, just received und for sale by B. BANNAN. sprit 4 • - • 25. m=i=2=l Mr 9 :,..10CR' NA s ^; >•: '!. 7, r , ;'' ~. ..; -4N a p tr ita' vagii t i e • „ ~, a l ecrtiratito - eih.sen t sih ~,,, , tha...qn one ! Yeetr_attri before Istrappbt •• t - 'i Like thlsnly sWrhttee binsiaelimereited4: ,4 , ifil ihriliaatkuve been ea 'Ong' - .**•.-, cs.eis'. f it the litmus of the r " =be, - Of. aut o , o- 11,. kiek • fi fro - Ili trided l e: Err - nt• any - offliire. Of ' I rson FMagent Of trust cal , A the United , Shan at the tra m s •• or„Tarim:tray qfflee in fbie state, to to 'a i . sec, or fees or perir are by law, In . i r and the lees& Nee tnayi by hurt tabat Stafettffireettffiretts; 1 1 cotnpatible: No 4 the • Senate . 7 . 0 f the house of reprmrd,atival &gi be appointed by the Nova-north any °Pe ring the te l n! for which he shall hicure ban eket ,-.- • &di° .IX. All offi for a li r n of years shall h their offices cord ithe terms respectively o,6Beirci, r h tfed, yon t wev he , i iawi tion sAi lhat be t .d hey,so long en convictio ~ ce . qf inisbehtroa ri w tur in.tEoof any in -, famous c rime. Section X. Any p si tvh+ shill, orifice the adoption of the awe ' msl a proposed by this i e Conve:ntiion to the Co titutio4, Alif a duel or . send a challenge foe t purpose, or be eider or abettor in fi ghling ci di I, shall be deprived of the right of holding any q of honour or profit in this State, and shall be nulled otherwise in such manner Os is, or may prescribed by tau ri but the erect:Wee may rem the said offence and all its disqualification,. ' 1 VII. ARTI L.F.. I Section I. The legislature shall, as soon as con-' veniently may be, prov e by law , fiat the establish ment of schools thro out the State, in such manner that the poor In be taught gratis. Section 'll. The arts sciences shall be pro moted in one , r more s inaries of itarrtfug. Section 111. The rights,. privileges, r and immunities estates of religious og le and and corporate bo dies, shalt remain as If the eonst teflon of this State bad not ben altered or atnend , Pectio IV. The legislature shall not invest any efirporate , body or individual with the privilege of taking private property for public use, without regaining such corporation or individual to make compensation to the ownersof said property, or give adequate security therefor, before such pro perty shall be -taken. ARTICLE VIII. Members of the General Assembly, and all offi cers, execiitive and judicial, shall be bound.loy oath or affirmation, to support the constitution of this Commonwealth and to perform the duties of their respective, offices with fidelity. That the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognised and linalteraWy established, WE DECLARE, THAT Section. All men are born equally free and in dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible rights, among which are those of enjoying and dO - life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and repo ,an d of pur suing their own happiness.' - - Section IL All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their au thority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness ; For the advancement of these endS, they have, at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in such manner as they may think proper. Section 111. All men have a natural and indefea-• sible right to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man can, of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent; no human authority can, in any ease whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience ; and. no pmfereuee shall ever be given, by law, to any religious .establishments or modes of worship. Section IV. No person who acknowledges the be ing of a.God and a future ;tate of rewardi and pu nishmenti' shall on accourifrof his religious senti ments b&disqualified to hold'any office or place of trust or ffroft under this Commonwealth. Section V. Elections shall be free and equal. Section VI. Trial by jury shall he as heretofore, and the right thereof remain inviolate. Section VII. The panting presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the pro ceedings of the legislature, or any branch of go 'Ternment: And no law shall ever be made to re strain the right thereof. The free' communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man ; arid every Citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject; being res ponsible . for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions fur the publication of papers In vestigating . the official condpgt . of officers, or men ng,* public capacity, or where the matter published is ' roperfor public In formation, the truth thereof max higgiven in evi dence r And in all indidtments tor libels the jury shall gage a right:to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in inter-eases. Section VIII. The people shall be secure,an their persons, houses, papers and possessions, front unrea sonable searches and seizures And no warrant to ;Search any place, or tlr seize any person or things, shall issue, without describing them sir nearly as may be, nor without probabW wise supported by oath or affirmation. Section IX. In all criminal prosecutions, the ac cused hath a right to be heard by himself and his eounsel, to demand the nature and cause of the 'ac cusation. against hiiii, to meet the witnesses face to face, to have compulsory process for obtaining wit nesses in his favpur, and, in pikwecutionS by indict ment or information, a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the viciange ; be cannot be com pelled to.give evidence 'list himself, nor can he be deprived of his life, li erty, or property, unless by the judgment of his ers or the taw of the land. Section X. No person shall, for any indictable e l sd °Renee, be proceeded agar 'st criminailly by inform tion, except in cases ari mg in the land or 'nav'al forces, or in the militiaj hen in actual service in time. of wit or public di rim, or by leave of the court, for oppression and m cdatianciur in office. No person shall, fur the sum offence, be twice put in jeopardy of .11le or limn' nor 'shall any man's hlopro perty be lake° or applitai p9blicpse, without the consent, of Lis represent toes , and without just compensation being made. ' Section XI. AU courts hall be open, and every wrim for anlejury done in his lands, good ;per son or ;recueation, shall aye remedy by. the due course of law, and right Find justice administered, without sale, denial or d y. Suitsmiy be brought agonise the Commonwealt in such manner, in such courts, and in such cases s the leoislature may by law direct . Section XII. No power f suspending laws shall be exercised, unless by t e legislature, or its au thority. Section XIII. 'Excessive bail shall not- be rt quired,nor excessive fined imposed, nor cruel pti nishments inflicted. . Section XIV. MI prisoners shall be bailable by 'Wildcat sureties, unless f r eapital,olTeomM, when the moat IN evident or presumption great i and the privilege of the writ of hsbeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when,i eases of rebellion or in vasioo, the , public safety y require it. Section X. No commis lon of Over and Terminer. or jaadelivery shall be ' ued. ; I x Section XVI. The ou of a debtor, when", there is not strong presaimtion of fraud, shall not be continued in prison, after delivering up his estite for the' benefit of his creditors, in such manner as shall be prescribed by Iswi . Section xvrr. No ex poist,facto law, nor soy law impairing - Contracts shall tie made. Section xVill. No, penion' shall be sainted of river . = or felony. by' the legislature. Station XIX. Ne.attaintetliball work 'corruption. of blood, Dor, except;dur g the life of the offender, forfeiture of estate 'to the commonwealth "'the ab late!' Of such persons as saall destroy their own lives, shall descend or v t' as in•mise W.-natural. ----- • g r OVVLTTIS Inter ITablee; iyar. received and for /uric . * ' . ' B. Wki; , :i . AN. 121114 . . 5 ... E=EM ARTICLE IX. :-- thi. l- itia" ' - iiin";yl - le - reOn — lSir - bnkill - "ed" by casual f. ' ty,.tiVite tbalilhe'lio forf,eitute by reasonreason thereo ' • ' i , -I. Sectkm:XXoTheicitikenshave i right, in a peace able mannentoqutaemble - topther, t for their common good,. and to apply,to those invaded with the powers o gotteentnept ;for redress of grievances , or other p . per, per, by. petition, address or remon- CO. . SectiOn 'XXI. 'Tbn right of citizens to bear arms, itim defence of theinselves and the State, shall not bb questioned.. • • ' • Section xxn. No standing, army shall, in time of peace, be kept up without the consent of the Le 4 gislature t and the military shall; in all cases, and at all times, be ba strict sub Ordination to. the civil .. Section XXIII. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house withbut the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but iu a manner to be prescribed by law. . Section XXIV. The legislature shall -not grant any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, nor create any office,the appointment to which shall be for a longer' term than during good behaviour. Section XXV. Emigration from the State shall not be prehibited. Section XXVL To guard against transgressions of the high pow ers which we have delegated, WE DECLARE, that every thing in this article is ex cepted out of the general powers of government, and shall for ever remain inviolate. •: ARTICLE X. Any amendment or amendments to this ronstrt4_ Lion may be proposed in the Senate or Rouse of Re presentatives, and if the same shall be agreed to 4y a majority of the memberi elected to each House, such proposed amendmint or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the Secretary af the Commonwealth shall ' cause the same too published three months before the next election, in at least one newspaper in every county in which a newspapec shall be published; and if in the legislature next aft. wards chosen such pro• posed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each house, the Secretary of the Commmureelth shall cause the same again to be published in manner aforesaid, mid such proposed; amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people in such manner and. at suCh time, at least three nulnt-hs, after,being so agreed to by the two houses as the legislature shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify su4h amenchpent or amendments by a majority of the qua lified voters of this State voting thereon, such amend ment or amendments shall become apart of the con. stitution4 but no amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people oftener than once in fire years ; Provided, that if -more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner and form, that the people may vote for or- against each amendment separately and distinctly.. • SCHEDULE That no inconvenience may arise from the altera tions and amendments in the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into complete operation, jt is hereby - declared and ordain ed, That,• • Section 1. , All laws of this CommOnwealth in force at the time when the said alterations and, amend ments in the said Constitution shall,take effect, and not inconsistent therewith, and all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims, and contracts as well of indi viduals as of bodies corporate, shall continue as if the said alterations and amendments had not been made. Section IL The alterations and amendments in the said Constitution shall take effect from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-pine. Section M. The clauses, sections, and articles'of the said Constitution, which remain unaltered, Shall continue to be construed.and have effect as if the said Constitution had not been amended. Section IV. The General Assembly which shall convene in December, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, shall continue its session, as heretofore, not withstanding the provision in the eleventh section of the first article, and shall at all time; be regarded as the first General Assembly under the amended Constitution. Section V. The Governor who shall be elected in October, eiteen hundred and thirty-eight, shallhe inaugurated' on the. third Tuesday in January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which time the present executive term is hereby extended: Section VL The commissions of the judgei of the Supreme Court, who may be in office on the fit day of January next, shall expire in the following:mea ner: The commission which bears the earliest date shall expire on the first day - of January, Antic Do mini -one thousand eight hundred andforty-two; the commission next dated shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hen dred and forty-five; the commission next dated shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight, hundred and forty-eight; the commission next dated shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Dotnini one thousand eight hun dred sod fifty-one ; and the commission last dated shall (*ire on the first day of January, Anno Do-' mini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. Section VII. The commissions of the President judges of the several judicial districts and of the associate law judges of the firsi judicial district shill expire as follows: The commissions of one-half of those who shall have held their offices -ten years or more at the adoption of the amendments to the consti tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe bruary, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine; the commissions of the other half of those who shall have held their offices ten years or more at the adop tion of the amendments to - the constitution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two ; the first half to embrace those whose commissions shall bear the oldest date. The commissions of ill the remaining judges who shall not hare held their offices for ten years at the adoption of the amendments to the cop stitition shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of February next after the end of ten years from the date of. their.commissions. - - - - ,V.4 , Section VIII. The Recorders of ttiescreraliffay ors' Courts, and other criminal -critfirts in this Com monwealth, shall be appointed fo r the same time, and in the same Manner, as the president judges of the several judicial districts ; of those now in office, the commission oldest in date shall expiren the twenty-seventh day of February , one thous and eight hundred afid forty-one, and the others every two two years thereafter according to their respecti e dates. Those oldest in date expiring first. Section IX. Theilegislature at its first session un der the amended constitution, shall divide the other associate judges, of the State into four classes. The commissions of those of the first' class shall expire on the twerayseventh day of February, eighteen hnndred_and forty,, of those of the second class on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen hun dred and forty-one; of those of the third-class on the twenty-seventh day of February, eighteen bun sired and forty-twet and of those of the foirth class on the twenty-seventh day of February; eighteen -thuntred and forty-three. The said Ousel from the • *ratio theleurgi shatkbetled, nceordiritto the senioriticssoirnissintisisthisseveral judges. -,, Section - k -, Prinhonotaries, clerks' of the several - courts (except of the Supreme Court) recorders of deeds and muters of wills, shall be first elected under the amended Constitution, at the election of_repre sentativesin the year eighteen hundred and thirty nine, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. Section XL This _appointing power shall remain as heretofore, and all officers in the appointment of the executive department shall continue in the exercise of. the duties of their respective offices until the TegislatnrelshalfPass such laws as max be rev:wed by the eighth section of the sixth article of the isffiended'elonstitution,and until appointments shall be made uhdersiets laws; unless eh commissions 'Shall be superseded by new appoi tments, or shall sooner expire by their own limits 'on; or the said. offices shill become vacant by des or resignation, and such Taws shiall:be enacted by mi khe first ,legislae ture under the amended constituti . - - Section'Xll.. The first election list aldermen and 'justices cif the peace shall be heldin.the year eight= .een hundred and forty, at the ~ e fixed' for the electipnof constables.. 'The logic - tints first. . 4‘ ,. k . .. „ , . . 0 lba. Dad. Feathers tut received and 11 . 1 "- 7 O , . ciTeri,dtor sale fly ~ . ; :.- LIAZZARD 'EITRAUCII. NO' , 11 ....• . 51- . . . MEI - .1 ....- i on .under the amended co . tithtion • shall pm. vid forthe said election andlfor subsequent similar ojec onsi The aldermen anl n jUStices of the _pea t , now in • cbtn • sion, or 'who ayl in the interim be ap • bed; s I continue to iscluirge the duties of the - respec • e °filets, until4fittnen days after the ; 1 day Whic h sh li be fixed by w for the 'swingy new commis • us, at the' exicaratlon of which time; their • 'oils shall esp • r 1a tes 'o y that the fo ig is theArnendel. 4 coeo :n niv: fi nni ti ,..,...,,.,...of v% Pelit h h iie elPol i t to rs s n d ed lis m . e O li m u g re n ti am olthe ia at .;... • ell hie, the twentyis• nd day Of Febni iry, Anno Domini one th ousitnd eight hundred. • and thir peight, and of the: Independence of the United States of America thef'sixty;•second i .. • 1 JOHN SERGEANT, givisident Daniel Agni elv, " _ Ezra . k tpmturst, • Win. Ayres Wm. I pi, • ' . hi. W: Bald 'n, • Abm. elffenstein, Ephrall ks, ai r ia M. Henderson „ Jobn - Y. a y,. Wm. Henderson, *. Jacob Beirod lar, Wm. Hiester, Chas. A. Ba itz, Willhal High, Andre* Bed ord, Jos. Hopkinson, Thos. S. l , Bel. '' John•Houpt, . James Chin 1 Biddle, Jabez Hyde,', Lebbeus L. igelow • Charles Jared Ingersoll, C. Semi. C Bo halo, ' Pbs. Jenks, - , Chas. Hrtiwn ' George M. Keim, • 4 leremikh Br wn, ' • James'Kennedy, William B n, Aaron Kerr, Pierce Butte , , os. Konigmacher, Samuel be , . . acob Krebs, John Curnmin, i .G. Long, • ThomaslS. l einnitighani, rid Lyons, Williams Cu I, Alex. Magee, Wm. Darlington, • Joel K . Mann, ‘AS George Chambers, W. M. Meredith, John Cliandr, , James Merrill, Jos. R. Chan lea, I r Levi literkeL____\__ Ch., Chaence , ' Wm. 1 4 . Miller, 1. Nathani l Capp , James Montgomery, ' James ark Christian Meyers, John C l,ke, , - - .D. Nevin, • William Clark, .., Wm. Dyed:mid, ' A. J. ue, Lindley Coates, Hiram Payne, • MatthiasPennypacker, R. E. hran, Jamee Porter, Thin. P. Corse t . amen Madison Porter, Joithua F. 'COL, Semi; A. PurViance Walter Craig, E. C. ißeigart, - .' Richd. N. train, -A. H.l v ßead, Geo. T. CraWford; • Geo. W . Ritet, Conielitis Crum, Jno. Ritter, . 'Benjo. Mar n, . ; EL GU Id Rogers, 11.1 • John L.'. ahen, • Samuel Royer, E. T. B.IODo flared, ' Jaanetr . M. Russek James lip - Sheri*, ', Daniel Saeger, Mark Harrah, . John/Moran Scott, .1 Harmar 'Derinyl, • Tobias Sellers, John Di lre,V, G. iMitzer, • Jostra'Dieklersion, Geo. Herrin, Jacob DAS - le lien* Schee tz, . . _ . _ _____ .Mtge) Jas. Donaga4 J. R. Name I; Joseph 14. ran, James Dunlop,. Thomas Katie, D. M. FsrreDy, Robt. Penu,lngi Walter Porisatd, , John Fo i nllcsod, ' Joseph Fry,,Jr. John Fulller John A. parabl e , WilliamiGearbart, David Gilmore; Virgil Grendll, William L. Barris, Thomas Madtings - , (Attest i l S i r HOCH, Secretary. L ' - ' F.Aus ' tA istant Secretaries. ' • '7 l Witt.z..4.sm, SS I i _ sg.cßEtkri.vs oFICk.:, 1 -1 ',H+aacsavaas Pfillllo 4 .RY 2S, 1138. S I certify, that the foregoing is an exact and Inen copy of !'. the Constitution of the CommonwealthAl Pennsylas,amended by the Convention of se thousand e liirndied and thirty-seven—thirty. eight,'° i d de it' "in this office on the 26th day o Februar* I ; the "amerstments being in its& and theirMa ' ined portions Of the present Constite Lion in ron letter.' •; i Tilo. IL AT Seely o . . Georie Shilleto,, Tbcimas H; Sill, - Geo. pmith, Joseph.'Snively, . Jno. B. Sterigere, Jacob Stickel; berizer W. Sturderant, Thomas Taggart, Morgan .1. Thomas, Jamek Todd, ...Thomas Weaver, Jacobi B. Weidman, ILG.t White Geo. W. Woodward, Young. . I I 'ALRKE ' dr:CO. I,I".EIRCERS it TAILORS, ' • . (Farterly Pirkei it. itilyans,) • InfAVP reinOved on the opposite side of Cents •• Street, 'a few doors a. ,ye Norwegian Strec where theyi otrer for sale l a. select assortment n, SOperfine Broad Cloths encl Cessirneres of the most fashiOnable• colors,,With an elegant mon. ment of Summer Clothe, V tinge, Linen and Cot ton Shillts, Collars, Lim s, Stocks.. 'Gloves, Sas periders,i Union' and cotton and all kinds al GentlencOn`i wearing aeiparfel, which will be made to Oiiier k the most approved style as to the worknaa ship, and warranted to fit equal to any in the Cty r elsewhere. I P. S. P. Co. keep on hand an excellent as. sortment o. ready-made ; Clothing of - all kindo, which Will et sold at very low rates. junie 11 i 30 New ,ods. .genero assortment ( fresh arid seasonable 4-1 ■• ll;ocids,Liost Y' receibed+ofir . in part.ol Gecds, HW .Groceri 9,, • Hordes i _Quieens_ 111acke allty•Pl Atc. which Will 'be sold low r cash.. The highest priiiti:paidia cash for all.k . ndsof country produce. JOSEF' WHITE & SON. xrtion., Deic*- • 1 • Mount u. i.. .4er 4116. .itggerty,' pLESALE ND RETAIL r,Grocery, ine 4- tiqu'r Store r xt door.to bi/riiitier's Hotel.) onnation with a house in Philadelphia :them to keep ' on hand a very 'eaten ent of gdods,hich they will sell at is prices. Store and Tavern . keepen families, would da well to call and emsclves. 1 ME Dry Go. (N I THEM ! enahl siveasort rjrilade and priaa judge fUr t April .. 31 Tand El nt Goods. k 11A_NS & Coi have just received apd if sale, - : ' 61:1 N•pfret 6-4 Ea Super Frei Tartan, pin Red. whAt Bleached 10 o Woratec I Winter pi Coto br deo ill merinos, from $0 to 75 eta i.er yard ich do ,at 41 54 per yard, erino. worstedisilli and _cotton aba green and scarlet flannels, nd unbleached Clinton flannels, from /5 cis per yrt.'!l I ' • - boas, comforts. capil, children's hose, nuts. gloves, tic &c and wadding . ati6l per sheet, ... , • nbserilier has nor on hand at hisStiirs ztorphopse on rentre and Rail Rod iull aesottment of (`coda, suitable for the viz: - ... - , r iron of assorted sizes, 1. and 'Hoop do I do - t lanitS.ptie Sala di d do • . , Round & Square o do , 1 Ind Spikes do . 130 - Shovels : do 1054 4 4 3 10 (ware, a genefal rteeent. . !hick he is lielling at reduced prices, 2 1 3-C-LAYTON, THEI anil street% tmal • :41 t. Bal x, .R at; Na: flu AU of Jail' ROWES, the tommonweaith,
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