The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 11, 1838, Image 3

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    NQ 'cc.
T • e Episcopal Chircb, in this borough,
will i , open for dial e service on Friday
nest. (13th inst.) t;
commence at half
past -n o'clock.. i
S A t ` eetingl o"t e 'ottsvi e ire
.21 1 11 D . gins Company, OM be held at the house
of * . Mortimoro on ednesday evening next
the ll , lost at half pist o'clock.
' ELI S ttEßßSecretary.•
Apr 7
FETING for the purpose of establishinAg
a :. iety for benefit -. I purposes, qiii be held
at Ed ~ O'Connor's, on - aturdav evening, April
14th, ' . en' all who are d..irous of joining such
such , iety, are request . to attend.
apri 4 25.
1 • P. • ;Me, April 11, 11338-
WEI : AT FLOUR, by Hi' load was worth on Fri
s7, i. ,
WH ~AT 1 50 per pushelti , iv demand. ~
RYE FLOUR 2 50 per wt. in demand.
BUC WHEAT FLOURt 250 per cwt. in demand.
RYE by the load 90 cetits by the bushel—ready
le t
RYE r HOP 90 cents er bushel in demand.
OA .40 cents—ready le.
POT ' TOES 45 cents bushel in demand:
COR .• —7O cents per buvi el in demand.
CIA", ER SEED—SS 5 .per bushel'
TIM': HY SEED-122 per bushel.
p t
FLA . St.ED-111 12 •pe bushel in demand. •
Will ':KEY-42 cent F. 2 11 ::°• •
B ER-14 cents per ound—in Kegs 12 cepts
EGG. 12 cents per flos. n.
LA R t 10 cents per. ro d.'
TA L • W-9 cents per .--,
HA -.. 12 cents per pout d. - ,
COR . CHOP 80 cents er bushel in demand.
BA , v N-12 cents per p end.
BE .: WAX-18 cents r pound.
FEA HERS-62 cents p r pound.
I 1
COM ON WOOL-40 Onto per pound
MA IV: EREL, by the bbl: '0 1. $l2 00 N ) 2.811
SAL , —2 621, per bbl.; 8- per. bushel.
PIA I ER, is worth 67 ,I 1 per ton.
HA ' $lB per ton. , .
Mulberr Trees.
SEV :RAL Hundred ' hite Italian Mulberry
Tre a; from 6 inches to 3 feet high, for sale
cheap. Apply at this oce.
pri 27
B:ANNAN has commenced a Book. Bind
• ry. in cennection . with his Book Store,
where •'I kinds of Books' will be bound at the
shorten 'notice at low rates •
Blank B Its &c.
of ever .; description made to order at the lowest
rates ,' d the trade sopp ed.wholesale at Phila.
delphia ,
Apri :11 - . .I 27
rr o . LIE T.
• ~ The Brick Honse with the Appurte- '
1111• nances, situate l in Centre streilt, a few
i : :
,::, doors 'National Hotel. The
= '' lower room i calculated for a Stor: -
Room, hich will be rent with the dwelling or
separat 7 , to suit applicant ; and possession given
inime... rely. For terms pply to
. ,
Apri?" , 1 27- :i Agent.
AG+ OD Mule sir y a eld, formerly used
fo boating, and for ' he last three years has
been u. • d as a drift horse{ in a mine.
F. terms apply to , •
At the Frye Points;
Apri . 11 1 ' 27-3'
ocket Bo I k Found.
AIOCK ETlcoGtaini. g a variety of papers,
a ~ d; several lettere addressed to Solomon
"Brobstl:was found as few :, aye since. It can be
. had a :Ibis office by pa ing for this advertise
, apri I I -' 27-3
For Sale, or d be Regted.
TH T valuable tract OfLand called the "Clin
to Tract," belonging to Elizabeth Spohn,
- situate on the west Ndrw' gian Rail Road, next
north f, and adjoining e Pbach Mountain, is
offere for sale on accom odating terms; or the
Coal ines will be leased severally or together
to en pproved tenant. • pply to
t_ ; A d & Wahiut Streets.
apri :11 27-
riphan's lourt Sale.
Bvirtue of an mite . of the Orphan's Court
o the County of Sc uylkill. will be sold at
the h se of Iseac liar . an, _innkeeper in the
town e Tamaqua, in th said County, on Mon
day t e 7th day of May .ext, at 1 o'clock in the
after° nof the said the following described_
. ,
real e ate-ta wit : •
0 - Th.; one dridivided- tbf d part of a dirt* tract
of .., , land, containin two hundred and ' fi fty
acres' ore or lesatiiiikia ain Rush Township, in
the sa,d county, adjoini ngthe town of Tamaqua,
.being'l. node& by laod z late of John Kershoer, ,
Phili , Moser and other' , and held in common
with ;-.rge Baum and ohn Baum. There are
' on t• • premises, serer I houses suitable for'
Min , and six good' v ne of coal opened there
on. ' .a Little Schnyl, ill and Catta wins Rail
Road .asses through kh same.
- Al ~ one undivided elfth part of a certiin
tract .. land situate in t same township, adjoin
ing t,; above tract of-la a s u3ntainin g acres
conve,•ecl to the Intesta by Daniel Moser.
Sol , as the property f Dr.Tnac L. Vansant,
decea..•d. By the Cou ' I,
j- Clerk.
' ' ; PET R HAAS,
P. -. At the time oft e sale above stated John
Bau , and George Ban. will offer for sale their
irate :- to in the said tra ;is of land being the un
divid two thirds then. , and also will he sold
$2OOl worth of stock in he Little Scuylkill Rail
Road • Coal Company. '
Ap it 726-7 .
" ' ' Bail It iad Iron
I, " in (tore and fo sale, English Rail Road
). an, I i by / I , and 1,1 by 1--ablo,gii bound
cable Pon, suitable for ..,. r aAles; with k general
assort. ent of Juniata ait fads, American bar,
• and glish iron. ..
orth east corner o Market & 12th streets.
Phi adelphia, March ' t, 1838. 23-3 w
Cheese! ' ieese..
20 4,.. •ks of premium . tinge,
20 ;..ies pine applo ; o #
1. sale by ' . NATHANS & Co,
dee 2 2
Public Sale.
WILL be sold at public saloon Saturday the
14th inst. in front of Dr. A. Steioberger's .
Store, in the borough of Mineraville, a large lot
of Carpenter'. Tools, consisting RS follows :
several sets : of bench planes. 7or 8 band saws,
2 saab saris, framing and firmer chisels, gouges.
1 large and 4 small steel blade squires, devil', 1
brace and bitts, 1 plough and bitM, 2 pair of
tongue and erooving planes. large size, I do small
I full set of bead planes, 1 set of hollows and
rounds, new ; r I large raising plane, rabbet
planes, euttiOg fltrust, and a eartetr of large and
small fancy moulding planes of different patterns,
2-jraiis of salsh planes,' broad axe, several hatch
ets. 1 grindstone, ant a first rate turkey oil stone,
gages, mallets, and a large lot of screws, plane.
blus,.files. mita, &a. 2 - glue puts, and a variety
of other things not framed: also.. very handsome
table-book case. The whille to be sold for Cash.
April 7
SANDERSON'S PARIS -jort received and
for sale at this office.
march -31 _ 24..
To Let..
• A two-story Stone nonse,Nitnated iO
Morris' Addition td Pottayille, Immo.
a Mate ponsession.will be given. Ap.
1 11 — ply to ROBERT RAMSEY.
April 716-30
THE public are hereby cannoned not to re•
4eive a Borough order, dated JanuarylGth
IRS, in favor of Jacob H. Rater for 11126 01.,
pa - Orient of link' order having been stopped.
26-3 t
April 7
LIST Ot LETTERS remaining in the Post
Office at Port Carbon, April 1, 1838.
Jacob Kellet Richard Oglesby
Wm Turnet Elizabeth Eisenbise -
Frank Spencer David Edwards
Wm Stephenson: Levi Easton
C M Stroup . Chadds PAme
John Jones, miner Howell Powell
Win. Harris Jacob Lang
.Henry Roth Mrs. P. Le.arny
Thomas 13 Jones David-Llewellyn,
Thomas jones, miner M M Vandusen
Jeremiah Shawbel Michael Moore
Lewis Jones Patrick FallonN
Daniel Keller Jacob Metz,
Mrs. Rachael Haas Patric% McDonkld
Benjamin French Michael McCabe
Christian Gunset Wilffibri Malloy
Rees Williams, miner James Toner
Samuel Hess Robert &Minn 2
Mies Cullen Wm Byerly
John Callen Louisa Byerly
Wm. Ryland Wm 0 Butler eel
Wm Davis, miner James Blue '
Thomas &wings Jacob Bull
april 4
S I 0
• STRAYED away from the sub
scriber, residing at Mount Laughee
in One county, on Saturday night
. 11py . last, a small BROWN HORSE,
"'" about 14 bands high, black , mane
and tail,"abOut 7 years old—and has • scar on
the near hied leg. Whoever wilt. return said
horse to the subscriber, or give him information
where be can get him again, shall receive the a.
hove reward. THOMAS WALKER, & Co.
april 4 ' 45-36.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE Pornership heretofore exis . ttng between
Rich rd Lovering and „Newell - H. Gordon,
trading under the fi,m of Levering & Gordon,
wits this day dissolved by .mutual consent. All
the effects of said firm were assigned by deed of
Assignment to Robert Weudiude, in trust for
their creditors, in the manner therein specified.
Pottsv) e, March 31 3 1838. 25-3
Welsh Primers.
BBANNAN has in press. and will publish
.■-°• in:the course of two or three weeks, a
Welsh Primer, which will be sold cheap; whole
sale and
april 4 , 25
IN consecinenee of th e ir being several persons
by the ,name of David Davis, in this nsighbor
hood„thel snbseriber has introduce d
. the letter
M. hie.namo,. and hereafter be known by
the narne;of • 7 , DAVID M. DAVIS.
april 4
To the Bt'Oekholders of the Company for
ere'etipir a Bridge over the North East
bi-anaf of the river Suativehann 7 I.
tween the town. of Cattawissa and the
mouth V . Fishing Creek.
Is hareh3r,given, that a meeting of said Stock.
holders will be held tit the house of B. P. Fort.
nor, in the town of Cittawissa. on Monday the
7th day of May next, between the hours oft and
6 o'clock, P. M. for thp purpose of electing one
President, six Managers, one treasurer and one
Secretary for the, enacting year.
march 2$ 23-4 w
Boats for Sale.
FOUI2 good new &tboylkill Boats, built of
unit earth umbers, and terms renewable.
Apply to BAWL. HARTZ.
marob 22
TDiuplicatem for Borough and School
2 L, tett! far the year '1837, home been, placed
in the halide of Geer& Heisler, Esq. facelift.
lion of the remaining taxes unpaid oh maid Do.
April 47 26-3 t
, Notice
Is berebt given that letters Testamentary have
been granted by the Register of Schuylkill
county to tie subscriber u Executor of the last
will unfit/testament of John Richard, late of, ihe .
Borough; of Pottsville, deceased. - All penes or demands wink the estate of
the midileemeed are hereby repotted to make
known the,same to the subscriber without delay.
April 7 264
whotesale - suad Retail- I 17 _
I *Wed ilik,ire: -:-•!: !I;
MIDOLLOCK & WEAVER hardest reed
in addition to their extensive assortment
JOEY °PODS, Raper-Superior ,Eine - and Black -
Cloth, superior fiuiey coloniad do:nrqr style ca:.
Amens, inittinetta and. Beverteens o miners' fai
thins. ii•e / Feb 18 14-
jO.OOO VERY anger* Isairanna Organs u(
the Principal and Dori gnetik brands, fen sale lalt
Valable Coal and Timber Land
rr tFOR SALE. '
APED in Schuylkill county on the bead
8 wateri of the little Schuylkill river, and in the
first coal region of Beaver Creek, containing 229
Acres and 14 Perches, strict measure; this land
is covered with Mute and Yellow
said by Andes to be of dui first virility. the little
Schuylkill rail road runs directly, through the
shove' described tract of Land. and-affbrs a safe
and conVispient passage to the Philadelphia mar.
kelt* Fot further particulars addreis the Rabaul.
bar in Coloinbia. Lancaster county .Pa.;
I-3 ms
Feb IC
For Sale,
A HOUSE, stable and lot. on the west side of
Maine street, Mount Carbon- '
the bailie is
built of atone. and well fi nished. containing a
kitchen and cellar in the basement star and taro
rooms onithe find, second and third fi n each,
The stable is likewise built pt stone, d large
enough to accommodate four horses. The lot
contains in front 40 feet. and in depth gt. 52 feet;
at the head of the lot is a fine spring dimmer.—
The situation is very pleasant, and from its pros.
imity to the coal landings, is admirably well cal-.
tattled for a boatman or boat !milder. A lon
credit will be given for one half of the purchase
For terms apply to GEO. C. WYZIGC)CIP.
march 10 18-0
Cloths! Cloths! 2 Cloths
NNATHANS & Cci. have now on band s
a splendid assortment of
*,• Blue, black, olive, green and claret cloths,
do do and fancy eassimeres, •
Plain and figured @Mumma,
Mohair pilot cloths and other coatings,
Goatl hair camblets, vesting., /ke &c
all of which being purchased at auction in Phila•
delphia, and New York, we guarantee to sell 10
per cent cheaper than can be purchised elsewhere
in this borough. -ded92
Encourage Home Manufactures
Corr lctionary, Manueictory.
MIRE subscriber respectfully announces to th e
- 0 - public that he has commenced the Mann*.
tore of Cdnfectionary in all its various branches.
at his Store in Centre Street, nearly opposite the
Pottsville: House, where Confectioners and alt•
ery can always be supplied Wholesale and retail,
at the losiest Philadelphia each prices.
Country •Aferchants are respectfully solicited
to call and examine his stock before purchasini
nov 4
Religions Works.
B• BANNAN has just received the following
oreligions works, London and America ed.
ideas, which he offer. for sale cheap.
Original Family Sermons, 5 vols.
Masaillona' Sermons, _
'Leland's view of Deistical Writers,
Sturtevant's Preacher's Manual, 2 yob,
Drew on the traction,
Drew on the
Bridges on the Psalm CXIX,
Faber on Lifidelitir.
hunts' Christian Professor,
Prize Essay on Religious Dissensions,
. Chriitian Father at Home, •
A litrither'a Request, &c.
deo 29 5
. The Cosisneastam
wROM the works of Henry and Scott, aid
A: above one - hundred other writers, publicised
in London by the Religion' Tract Society, revs.
ed ind abridged in two volumes, with Maps aid
Engravings. This *sable work is published in
partf,at2s cents sect.' Twelve parts are already
completed, and can be obtained at the subscribers
Boo:Atka» where subscriptions will also be re
' • 8.. BARRAN.
June - 24 —3l
8“1114 S 1 1 :11.4 eiCE.I.
2ODOZEN Swahniejmncea, just reein.
ed-'fes- h from the proprietor. Upwards of
Seventy. Fi.e Thousand Bottles of this valuable
medicine were sold last year, and the demand is
increasing. For Gently the dozen, or single bottle.
Price V, patio, ottle, or three bottles for $5 by
.; Sole Agent for Schaylitill County.
Alsolweim's Vermifuge.
For the instantaneous cure of -
Diseaveind and hrolight to its greatest perfection
This Is to certify that I have tried your Tapuy.
as Elixir in several cases of Tooth Ache. in ehiell
I have certainly found it of iiihr-erMi , t service. r
Member of the Rid College of Surgeons.
London. Sept. 10. 1 . -
A ?Mud mapped in to say that he bad visited
the Fire draw this moneinv and witneand his
marvellous cure of To oth Ache. One little
boy in particular, ooked . cruse enough lo bite
a ten penny nail in ten minutes smiled
at the desayed tooth and defied its pain.—U.
A fresh supply - ethos abanreShiir Just receit.
ed and for sale by B. aptNiug,
Bole Agent for SelidilkW county
July 13 • I—ly
at Private sNale.
A good two story boa, and lot of gronnd,
situate on Centre strafe- ine - lot Is 20 feet front
on Centre street, and 230 feet deep, extending to
the Mount Carbon Rail Road—tbs. House is sub
' itan li tially built, and well *aged for any khid of
puhe business.
Two gind two 00)7 Dame bounce and lots of
planate in Batty's Row, Norwegian
- • •t. Each house and lot is 20 feet t; the
houses Ore well finished with kitchens a
to each OM, and are situated in thairont by .
'nest part of lawn. All of the above property
will be Sold very eheap-4or lerms . jhat s et.
los apply to ANDREW MUSSEL
Jan 6 , 7 • Mahautingi Street.
• • -
, ..
afTTOß7rigYar Jul. ' ,
R ,_
As re proved bis O ffi ce to Centre . z !- op
posite the Brick Btillihrig of gear •.. , .len
ninp, where heWill spend to all bran . • en
tnated to him in the line of lihi professiov. •
Oet 21 i * . .4 , • 4-tf
, . _
The Penny illagasine ornsei
1 Knowledge, ‘,
.18clecul ly one of the cheapest and mist po.
"Paler 'eels now extant—there ace 200 ;
000 copier • d every month in England, aid - 63,-
000 in Am 'ea. -
The P -of vol. 6 (foi the year 1837)"i as far
air eeceiv can be had at this rifle& Price 181
per part,h $2 00 per annum.
This fd axine is published in monthly parts,
containi 40 large pages; the prceent volome is
much cult ged and impruve
ngi a
rlg The illustrations
of wood co are executed in a superior Manner.
There iii an advantage in takingthia work over
all others, Person can discontinue it whenever
he sees p rop er,
per, for each penis always complete
within its f.
Complete sets of this work from th e commence
ment can be procured of the subscriber, at 112 per
volume. 1 B. BANNAN.
Nov 4 i 50-
Sathig Ftind Society.:.
THE P rt Carbon Saving Fund Society, is
now open every day from 9 to 3 o'clock at
the O ffi ce Of Discount and Deposit, for that , pur
pose of reviving deposits to any amount gib( ex
ceeding $5OO, from any one person, upon loshich
an interestiof 4 per cent will be paid on every 115
and upwards, but no interest will be allowed on
any fractidnal parts of $5. The whole or any
part may he drawn out on givir.g notice, twolo
four weeksi, at the office on Mondays. The he.
sines of Ile Society will be conducted by the
following ificers and managers, until the first
Monday in May next. • .
- Pres:delft—AQUlLA BOLTON.
Joseph Capron Samuel J. Potts
Edward Ilbghes E. S. Warne
Jacob Boni , Jesse Turner
L. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 3d of the Charter. "No emolument
whalsoeveCaball be received Thy the President
or -- -Nanagcre ' for their services, nor shall any
Manager become a borrower from Thci institu.
ion." f oct 3 46ff
Pok Clinton Foundry
WILI,,j, be sold. at private sale. the Foundry
" • pietism tly situated at Port Clinton, S f huy I.
kill county, on very reasonable terms. This
Foundry is at the commencement of the Little
Schoylkillt and Susquehanna Rail Road, now
making, mind will in a short time be -one of the
Seat satoa9ons in the country to do a large bnsi
uess For terms, &c. apply to
Iron Founders, Philad elphia.
Port Clinton.
!Catholic Books
vallous IGUIDE,
11 Key tb nuadise,
Ti'.. Peaty. •••• _
Catholic Piety,
Douav Bible,
Poor . klan's Catechism and
Small Catechism
Just recalled and for sale by B. BANNAN.
Dec 23
Cloyer Seed.
_TINT rileeive4 sad fur sale
or 20 brisbels prime elover t seed.
Feb 21, 1 . L 3
I Lumber.
50.0 i 1 Joint Shit - 10es,
'25.1 t I Lap do
20. 119 Lathes, suitable for pallor or shin
gling;fo sale by A. A. G t rL E.
Sept 23 1 4
Clizair Raisins and Prunes:O.
JUST received by the subscriber,
1000 lbs. Raising.,
2 c.asea Prunft.6which he will DeWitt gi cents
per lb. 1,,, A c111N S. C. MARTIN.
Dec 2 2
11[e al Cheese s ; ; Soap &e; :F
40 asks superior medal cheese, ,
50 Oozes Philadelphia soap,
rd. Irish oat meal, for sale by
NovlB I 52,4m1
11,Wv • Tituothy Seed just, mceilred and for
sale by J. CLAYTON.
Febl4l " .
Day: of Appeal for 1838.
:TAE sommismonersof Schuylkill County will
meet!at the fi.illowitik; places and 10
i ti
ofredock, . M. to hear all those who think them.
selves ag g rieved by the last accounts. .
On Fl ooi day the 161 h of Apill, 1838,'nt the
Commies otters' Office in Orwigsborg, 53r the
borough if Oiwigsburg, East and West Br on". i
wick, West Penn, Rush, Union t Schoylblll and 1
i i
townstdps, and Tamaqua borough.
On W nesday the Illith day. of April, 1838, at
'the bon of Henry Stager, innkeeper, ?regain;
for the rough Of Pottsville , Norwegian, B um
and Up Mahantango townships.
On Fri ay the,2oth of April, 1838, at theist:use
' of Peter F i
ilbetl, nnkeeper,rnegrove, fiir Wayne,
Pinegrovis, ant tower leahantango townships.
i i ,
Those nate ant
of Manheign prefering to at
tend the ppeal atPottsvilk, are at liberty no do so.
B Order of the Commissioners. L , '
REAMS Wrapping Paper for sale
wholesale and retail. cheap. by -
Z 24 „ B. BANNAN.
- Pfew Establishmen‘
Censer d Centri aid Market 4rtreets, iettsvilte
T HE iabseribers respectfully; anoannee to
• friends and the public ganerilly, Abet
7he taken the stare formerly occu pied by
.lieob B & Co.. corner of Ceidtreend Market
str a sta i bens Linty are now p ro mised white oho»
roc e GloOds4 i ' . Ili
r 1 •
Gria43 , . 1 ,
- . liquors, i c e. J! '
which y-1.0 711ined iasOd atowfry low.
est pri ;:r HAZZARD & . STRABCH.
,R. a Atkin& of CoUntrY * Prodoei Aiken at
tbahigh at isio4ed_Prices. I )
Awil ;•.-- !.. • ' .2-6
id the Following.
fo k lg
and .Astonishing Facts.
lOindu i tire proofs of the extraordinary
_ ;ey of R. Whf. EVAN'S celebrated'
Camninile Sled Aperient, Ahtibilious Pills in al•
leviating' afflicted mankind.. .
To James Dickson, 36, Ccirnhill, Boston, Agent
foi the Sa e of Dr. Wm. Evans's Camomile Pills.'
I •Lowitu., Nov. 15, 1836.
Dearin—Knowing by experience that every,
referenc that the afflicted receive otthe benefi.j
cial reso ui of medicine., 1 cheerfulisioffer mine.
to the pu lic in behalf of DR. WM. -EVANS'S
PAAIO. ILE. PILLS. 1 have been afflicted for
theft keh years with distress in the hen di
cliesfi ofiep so bad as to deprive me of sleep for'
three or t fourinights insuccession. but have4wriier
found relief by any ormy friends prescriptions,
until myl Wife saw the advertisments in the paper.:
when sh a t i persoaded me to sea for some, which ,
I did, a obtained two boxes and bottles, which
resulted in almost completely retoring me to
beahh, althoUgh I have not yet entirely finished
them. Should you consider this any benefit to
yourself; or the public, you have my cheerful per. ,
mission to publish. it. Yours, respectfully,
THOS. K. GOODHUE, Centralist. '
iIgTERESTING CASE Cured by Dr. Wm.
A Emmet Camomile Tonic and Family Aperi ,
ent PilLC—Mr. BENJAMIN SOWN, corner of
Shippen and 'Georges streets, Philadelphia, affect.
ed for seven .years with extreme nervousness, by
which he was not able to write h;s name—his
syrnptonis were, eruscation, daityapasmodie pains
in the goad, loss of tippet*, palpitation of the
heart, giddiness and dimness of sight, utter ina
bility of' engaging •in any thing that demanded
vigor of courage, sickness and weakness ex
teme debility, disturbed rest,ii sense of pressor,
and weight at the stomach a ft er eating, great
mental despondency, severe flying pains in the
sheet back and side, costiveness, a dielihe for
society and Conversation. Mr. B. has made trial
of varimis nfedicines now before the public, but
to no effect, !until, observing in a public paper
some cures perforined by Dr. William Evans 's
Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, he
was induced to give them a trial, of which ho is
ae any time happy to state that they effectually
cured him of the above distressing disease.
07Tersons who doubt the above cute, are most
respectfully directed to the above mentioned per
son, at the north west corner of Shippen and
Georgesstreets. BENJAMIN SOWN.
Philadelphia October 016,1837.
- .
Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph:firemen,
N. 6th street, near Second, Williamsburg afflict
ed for the East ten years with the Liver complaint,
emnpletelly restored to health through the treat.
meet id br. Wm. Evans. -Symptoms—Habitual
constipation of the bowel,,, total loss of appetite,
excruciating pain of the cpigasti ic region, great
depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms
of extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate
flow of the menses, pain in the right side, could
not lie o i her left side without an aggravation
of the p i n, urine high colored , with other symp
toms in mating great derangement in the func.
Ilona of he liver.
Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first
physicians, but received but little relief trorn their
medicine, till Mr. Browne procured tome of Dr.
i n,
, Wm. E ans'a invaluable preparations which ef
fectuall relieved relieved her of the above Aistressing
•7..*.ru . ws, maim. virwsitsti-wisrsers _ , •• . •
to int= te. - • JOSEPH BROWNE. "I
I City an County of New 'Xork, se.
josep Browne.ol-W ilkiamsburg, Long Bland,
being diply swore, did depose and say that the
facts as stet forth in the 'thin statement, to which
be baa ilubscribed his n ine, are just and tree.
'Husband of the aid Hennah Browne.
Sworn tefore me this 4th day of-January, 1837.
i PETER PINKNEY, Com. of Deeds.
INTERETTING CASE of Terbocular - Coo
sunt e ni.—Mr. Juhn Row el applied on the lst
day o f ISeptember 'at the office 100, Chatham
street, Iboring under the font:luring symptoms:—
A sligh spitting of, blood, diatressmg cough, !!
tended ith an expectoration of purulent matter,
night sWeats, general emaciation,. difficulty td
breathing on t exertion, with a well marked hectic
flush olthe cheek. On examination, the chest
was fo rid to sound well every where except on.
der theileft clavicle, and iu
,the arm pit of the
same siVe.
Treatment.—Direided to take , the restorative
PIIMOIT ile Pills, with the expectorating corn
pound, at the same time an injunction, to call in
four dare; when the night s eats had ceased, the
expectdration slightly dimiii shed, ars light fit ot
couglii g still remaining it* , the morning. Or.
dered usual to continue.the medicine, and to
call in he course of a week—when his health
continued rapidly increasing, without the least
.cough.; Called at the office on the 4th of this
month,Noite convalescent returning his sincere
ThankaiWar the benefit he had obtained.
The :Minya patient chiefly used milk regimen,
durir.g?tis treatmept.
Trobert Munroe, Schuylkill, afflicted with
the a ve !distmssing malady. Symptoms—great
langu . flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous he:id.
ache, Acuity of breathing. tightness amtiitric.
tide' a the Weald, dizziness, nervous irrita
bility nd restkininess, could not lie in a hori
zontal ition, without the sensation of impend
ing a ocation.. palpitation of the heart:dist:es.
lag co gh, costiveness, pain of, the stomach, drow
'Mess great debility and de ficiency of the Derv-,
ous eitergy. r Mr. R. gallooroe gave up every
thought of recovery and dire despair sat on *el
countepance of every person interested in his
existeges or happiness, till by accident he noticed
in a public paper some.cures biretta/I by Dr. Win.
Event. Medicine, in his complaint, which:lMM
ced hi p to purchase a package of the Pilfa, if,.`...;
.i-resintqd in completely removingtevery symptom
of his flisease. Hera, rishes to my his motive for
this if farad= is, that those afflicted with the
same, or any eymptoms similar to those from'
which he is happily restored, may likewise receive
the s e ineatinfkble benefit.
se l,
os Rrenhiser , corner of d street and
'Germ ntown Road. Philadelphia a ected for the:
last six yeaii with the Liver Philadelphia ,
plaint.. was
completely *awed. to health by." Dr. WM.:, R.
VANS'Seamomito 'Tonic and Family' Aperient
Pills. i Rer xymptoms were habituet;pastiveness,
excruciating pain in the stomaCiii . ficpreskion of
spiria, tangpor. extreme debilityAlatuOitaleep,
,great ;aiin ip her side, could not lie oia, , •her left,
_,side Without an aggravation of pain, dizzinest in
the hied, dhnnetp;of sight, with other symphims
indicatting great 'flerangentent•iti the fnictions' cif
•• the 14ver.•.1Mrs'Brenhimr. has made trial of vit-
1 riorioMidi . malpow before the public..hnt re:
°chef' war 14,1061 she sofa advised' to make
trial f-Dr varfi4Pills. of which she is happy
to a ?the thejt[icfectually relieved her of the
I .
lth - abets, which
d casep iiitr ti l al nC ; itt r intiM ina ate ' . w
Mr. Brenhiser, (bus • nil of tits eitii' • Mris-
Breithiser, had been tog a alicted iv/ a
distressed state piles and encias, ofi high
he was e f f
ectually cured
, i •
A perfect cure effected 'by the truths , 41 Dt• I
' Williirm Amu. •
,w • .1 '• - i-li *:'
Mr. John Gibson, of N.4tb street, 7i tow.)
burg, afflicted with the aboveocaPlaint , ' -. i
'years and nine , months, doribg which i , - he
ltallituse crutches. His chief Ire - '
'Aterniliting paid in all blajointsytoit= - ' • ally
in the hips, shoulder, knees andAsektek a i op.
gravation of the pains tovrardi night; an. fir the[
most pw_t_elf times from ' ezttinal haat, fr nii"
ous thietening of the &aria at e thigmlatel • w,lthl
a complete loss iffmusculat pe t r." Fba i a arao
efit of those afflicted in a similarma 4 Mt
Gibson conceives it meet to say 6 . 41 . i
have entirely ceased, and that hisi joitt ha
completely recovered their natural loge, 1 i ilhei
feels able to resume his ordinary bosiineWr.
, ...--. I • •-1 i
Mr. Charles MUM Na-14P PTO* - t.l '
Y. afflicted for five years WM htlataral i ' aa..
Asthma, applied at tbe offles'4o(l, , Chatha i -I*
on the 401 of October, laboring niider;the I low.
In symptoms. A sense .ofitightationsi-a ' the
chest, with the greatest tiffievilty• or , li ing
istressing cough, generally Indic% with too,
expectoration of` viscid phlegM, diettartie
the face,turbid a?til of a livid hue--4nld 1$
i ng
in a horizontal position withtont the le e den off
immediate su ff ocation, langunr„ droWsi t
dizziness in the head, and lose of appetite.l i
Mr. H. applied to the most eminent phyitic
t i a
in this city, likewise used several it ftr- . rem .
without obtaining any permanent rienefit, ntit
his friends persmided him to lilace hi s hamitt kinder ,
Dr. William Evans' treatmen t . Ili, is nnoi lei
' !loved of his complaint, and called it thit offlint_
yesterday, avowing that he had not words: to eel
press his gratitude for the benefit he hid remtiv4.
ed. October 21, 1637. ,
We do hereby subscribe out signatures to ;the.
truth of the above cures, thitlthe sistement
every respect true. SAAB BRENHISER
JOHN STEIF, Balter.„
No: T 7 north Eighth; street, PhiTada..
ehiladelphia. Oct. 21st, 1837.
Dr. WM. EVANS'S Medical Office,'..fer the
sale of his excellent Medicine, la at N 0.1 91 nott&
Eighth street, Philadelphia. '' L
Sold by .1.. T. WERNF.R. '
Sole Agent for Schnytkill County.
-"- iIIaERESTINg CASE. '_ ' 1
Mrs. Acne G. Kenny, No. 115 Louis
between Stanton and Houston. streets, *Mimed
for ten years with the followinirdiytyessing Symp.
toms: . -.
Acid eructation, daily spasmodic pains in eh'
head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, gid
diness and dimness of eight, could not lie on, hey
right side, disturbed rest, uttpr. Inability .ot en
gaging in any thing that rikrnimitled• vigor o
courage, sometimes a visionary iderof an eget*:
ration of her disease, a whiiimical averspm S
particular persons and places,lgronnOess appre
hensions of personal danger eml poverty, an i it
someness and Wearinerworlile!dialninlanieds d -
quietude on every' slight occamoviosbOiontel
she could neither die nor liveosheawiyaaarnitn
desponded, and thought she lerta inintsitiera
life, onver was one imbed,. withiiiipaint Men 1
.hallucinat'.4li. rs. $ ea '
nimierrioil mediciiies, but'amld isoCobSti. 'la
4, 1 444 enr
temporary alleviation of ker:dystreisiint., •', 1
her husband persuaded her to Mai* Wit
andof treatment. She is !lost !pita•'
and finds herself nut only capable o$ attending Ito
her domestic e Wain, but avows thatibeimpiy• ,
good health at present as she did at it ..4 '..
of her exittence. • ' .11 wiNY
Husband of the aforesaid Mille Kern!
Sworn before me this 14th day epee- 183 •
Peter Pinckney, Com. or I •. a
G KFAIT 11.1116.11 !!
Valuable Real Property in Pauli/
THE undersigned offers for sale all thil
known three story ERICH' STORE' A
DWELLING HO USE and the *pm:lnchon..situate in•Centre street, Pottivillei the 00.1
of the 'undersigned, together with nine of
tenements in the rear of said building, aodl -
lot ofground whereon the 'thole stands.
brick building aforesaid, contains thiity
front—finished from the basement atorylto)
garret in the bestatyliot
as a business stand and a restdentieas
vourably situated. The foregoing property
be sold on low and accommodating terms.
of the purchase money may remain on the
erty for a few yeats, it desired. Title indts
ble, and possession can be given imutedie •
apply .to G. N. JENNIN e"=
April 22 32—tf Pot A
Dying and *Scon.ring. 1
. A UGUSTUS EtILP,R hai returned fro m
rape, and intenda to coinmence Oln Eu
ey tin&
plain dying, in Silks and Merinos, at hisole
in Centre Street, Pottsville: Also : scouring
fa ttl
and pantaloons, He is Omani kir puti. re,
and hopes by attention and Ounctuality to itirit.
a continuance of his former Custotii. . !
Dec 23 - •
I . ' 541
. qttor a
Corder of Centre and Marke
:April 8 ' I
• 1
• -- lATetherMa Sr., IrollbeiN.n..
____;' ,
. NO. 65 NORTH FRO VSTaptt - ..
EAST 8 P EV:' '
TUBER tW62.8 ;FROM TIM , nettglMr; : CO Sri' -
PRILADEfra ' ! I --
9 , - ' i
I t
' L
White Lead dry and ' C ', :, .;,:t';',... 1
. ground in Oil* $ Red '• •: - eitt,-:A -.1
Red Lead, - While do , - '' , l . .
Lithrage... - Vitriol- - .IIM - i '
Cronick Yellow. . Sule. - Qiiiine -I . I' ; •
do - Green Tart.tmetic % • I I
.do Red • Et Suljih. - i :
Patent Yellow • . d Nitric I ;
Sugar Lead • • d Achill 1
Coperas • Lunarr Caustic t - • 1
0,1. Vitriol • - -.''l '.
.Aqi. Fortis - ' AO' • :MnsPnial.,t L.I '
Muriatic Acid .. - do. -,,,,,,, ,
Epsom Salta . • - stayberr • -• ;I .
Tart Acid Acid Opi. elebnot,,, , • ; 1
Sup.Carb. Soda i Re Atiaergi ?, ;
Cl**. Sob. Mere. Sib' "SOT 46;,, r , - ti. '.
RennersofChimpitor.Sidt • ,
Etc. ' Offer for wale the aboveuligiadosi e d, • ,- , to :
gather, ith a general pplorusat,,,,g 7 ,, . ,
an d Dye Stuirw:and e rMl 3 l4St - -41**.cia. ' ' hag
. cal and MedicinaAlin.e. A , ......:' 4., = 7 : , ,''Z' ''. I
Being ntionfactiiiirs.`eif.' '' . *ides •
under the aboseleakilieS; ._ : ' .041" ; EDP`
ply their frienditand - -:thepubli eir ISt '' - '
• Me terms. • .': ' .- .- , " .. '"-Ki ,- ..„..'
Window and Picture Glass. trcigis.V . ,... .141
Oct 211837 . :
9 -
..treets, • Pituf