The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 11, 1838, Image 1

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YO~i.' 1.
• Injatt-
Ir e
Tit tit AND F CENTS per annum.
payable le 6am:wally in adv. es. If not paid with.
In the Yeat, 114 will be cbarg to ail those who ye
serve the t aper free orpostag . 'To mail subscribers
li3_pe b r ei liumtun: , If not paid sin bin the year, 50 cents
will addedtothe price ofs bseription.
wil I . WEEKL
l Dtim.efte per annum, i
' , adv 13 If pot paid with '
.. elut , ,
Adv it - menot exceedi g twelve-lines will be
charge $ ' forthree insertio and 50 cents for one
insert' . L arger ones in pi portion.
All try 'sedienteiwili be nserted until ordered
oat. an as th e nx for whit..h t are to be continued
hispeci e ,amt w' Ibe charged accordingly.
Yearly • e rs will be charged 312 per annum;
2 1
including to
, bscrtrion t r the p et — with the
s ° ta f k n e d7trf R ing the year.. and • e t iti x sertitin g olta g lt u m a a r 7l e .
crone ie e eh mpg r for three uccessiv,s times.
All lette a:essed to the itor musfbe post paid,
etherwi e o attention will paid to them.
All n ti es formeetings, *.c. and other notices
which h v theretofore been laserted gratis, will be
charged cents ench„ except titarriages and Deaths:
choniz.—lf there
wetlook with e.
onest' and Indust
n unaided ezertio
The .
upon Iv.
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SA we prise as
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e can' boast. A
the young mach.
, f actiVelife, let it
• the moving
situation he mus
tained by all Unt
mbition never fa
.ver were yet e
' be, while . honest
.an hea,kt. •
7can Mechanic .
'or* mechanic
r from for m
f Egypt. No
as deceived fr.
several paper
11, ingenuity,
cs of America
dest homage o
a New
hive Or.
1 71 1letk$
Boston 1,
order f. r
For ak!
the pro
0 Canada.—The
inada, seem dispo-
I into a Siberia,
lltArocri.a.s, leow., Ir.
the Press. We
be Post,Master at
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with this reason,
orcrity4 1"
. Y. Express.
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•In that provin
.LCorai • thewo ill,
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1, 'retnrning
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have a •
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paper La this Ca
',rage o
down •
most la
as a menagerke
MRO by na
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b like and mill
to visit Lond'o
tf. ew York Gaz.
is fortune..
of the
e discovered, t
,f* the State; a
could neitber
The money
but to ascert
as a task that
,e public author
I • pettred
gone, •
of all-t
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adopted reo
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arcellus - Bowe
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Bank of Bosto
terminated P
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like t
the o
i• Last Snake
hear Yankee
iental portion o I
, &on this 'ere
onsidentble pr.
"- tai -a' dawn- ,
in one of the
, to a peraen
'gular meet-a.
ere'a not such .
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I W ILL Tit CH 900 TO PllO2 Tule ROWICLIJ OP TAIL !AIM •1161 - 11 11* lilti FRO* TiLlC,o4ll,l3l*wal siountapriiimmis
" Lots. of
" All-fired ! quantities of game in'this
section Ils'pose." •
" Considerable of a sprinkling,
ally snakes."
Nbai sorter snakes?"
" Ratio snakes aruJ copperheads."
" 0'14'4 04t1 du-tell— want to know
if they're almighty- thick?"
" Rather. Dad and I went out this
morning, .Isnake bunting—killed only a
cord and a quarter—but then it was a bad
morning, and you must make some allow
ances,"' . •
payable semi -ahntialht
*-- the year, $2 50 will
" 0! I mate every lowancestadd , tracks
out of tho settlement at the Ewe time.
But, say, ; jist 'tween ourselves—rf, it had
raly been a goodning, how mapy cord
of s nakes !du you ' magine you'd h kill'd?"
‘ Five is about an average."
" Five YOu don't say so?" •
" Yes, I do l though."
" Which is the shortest• way out of
'ere settlement? I hsve strong ideas of
sloping forthwith."
" Keep tight straight lifiltad." •
Well,•I wish you ix good day. Give
my best 'erects to your &kind tell him
I hope he'll have better snake weather
next time. he goes out. I'm off."
' 44 N. - 0. Picayune.
a any.mari in society
• earn and admiration
ions mechanic, Wbo
has established. for
.n in sociely ; who
) is skill and: assidui.
e, and suceeeds 'in
• patation whose val
o oome afteriiim.—
he noblest work of
. • ble, the' highest pro
! d lel it be borne in
nic just entering on
ver live at the founds
'ring of all its efforts,
strive .to attain, • It
lring industry and a
of their reward.—
erted in vain, and
and justice are lert
"I riga I WAS A PIG."
Among; the dry, quiet and philosophical
scenes with which Mr. Neal's • recent vol•
ume of "qttliarcoal Sketches" abounds, we
think this l'soliloqtry of-a loafer, who had
been sleigh-riding and got 'spilt,' is inimi
"It's rnin's natur,' I believe, and we
can't help it no how. As,* me, I wish
I was a pi g —there's some sense in being
a pig wot's fat; pigs don't have to specki
late arid bust—pigs never go a sleighing,
'quarrel with their daddies in-law wot was
to be, get'-into sprees, and make tarnal
fools of themselves. Pigs is -decent be
havedrople and good citizens, though
they sin'tl got no vole. And then they
haven't gilt no' clothes to put on of 'cold
mornings when they get upt they don't
have to be darnin' and patchin' their old
pants, they dont werillyo old hats on their
heeds, nor, have to ask people for 'em—
cold wilt!, is Kilnsp rov-rtg... aka r _ T —...:
if I was a jolty fat pig brilrfiging to respects
-1 ble peoplerit would be tantamount-0 no
thin with ine who wasiii"esident. Who eigr
see'd one Pig a settin' 'on afoldocurbstone
a rubbin' another pig's head wot got chuck
ed out. of II sleigh ? Pigs has too much,
sense to g 4 eridin' if so be as they caw help"
it. I wish f was one, sad out of this scrape.
It's true,"l continued !'bout thoughtfully,
and pulling Tippleton's nose till it cracked
=at the bridge ioint,—“it's true pigs, has_
their troubles like humans =- constables
ketches '4, dogs bites 'em, anrrpigs is
sometimea almost as done-over suckers as'
men, bupigs never runs their own nom*
into scra ps, coaxie therpselves IQ; believe
its fun, as, we do. I never sees a pig go
the wholedrog in my li., 'sept upon rum
.—Not tong since
eceived an exten.
Winery, from the
machinist of
m Manchester, an
aking machines.
$ enterprise, the
may well receive
ithe world.
man in New Yozit,
who goes into a
ith blood, and lies
gy citizens in the
enial security. He
where the editor
' •
tte predicts he will
to Mississippi I,e
-,at the "Literary
sunting to 170,000
- found nor ac3ono
ad certainly disap
in whither it had
affled the ingenuity
ties of the state.
. chusetts has avian
utions agrtst the
offtn&houses has
for one year, free
will take them on
red and fifty thou
ithe loyal exchange,
12ive it a proper ap-
: og of two k►undred
vicinity of Peoria,
mbert; of Congress
r day.
ved at the Meehan
incinnati, was two
and twelve dollars,
be_applied to chtiSi.
Case.—The triallof
charged with dip
longing to the La
i. of which he was:a
Friday morning in
tory.— W e should
ill drawl through
the following dia-
country of yoorn is
uctive, stranger—
aster, who - had just
W Mississippi set.
I, ham he met; one
mother country be
te .of Buncome in
ed Mississippi
f totting, eh!"
From the Illinois Backwoodsman ,
In this State, no minor can obtaiii from the
county connnissioners' courts a license to marry
without first obtaining the consent of his or her
parent or- guardian. and without each license,
cannot marry in this State. Young couples fre
quently fty`i,:i the opposite side of the Misaisaippi,
where no license is required.
These "runaway matelleo... as they are called,
are very'frequent. A laughable occurrence of
that kind happened a few days ago, which has
made much sport in this legion. , '
A Miss -1----, 4 about 17 years °fake, who is the
heiress to en estate valued at elff,ooo, latelrran
&wart.: company with a briOesmaid_and her
ver, who-wnearly thirty. Her guardian be
the man totally n ri worthrot her, bad re.
fused his ,c anent, When they reached the bank
of the Miagissippi, the Ice was rurining furiously
in the rivet! but the.young lady, expecting every
moment her guardian would arrive in pursuit,
urged her lover to lose not an instiint in pushing
the boat from the shore. His minim, seemed to
have a goof deal abated; but he, with the dwner.
of a large ;skiff, and the bridesmaid, embarked
with his intended , bride, They had nearly reach
.ed the head of an island, about a third of the die:
. lance from; the opposiet shore, when the current
became more rapid, the cakes of ice very large,
and their situation extremely dangerous. The
lover, erieSidrely frighteitedf4nd r forgetful of ev
ery body but his own dear selfcbrierled out in the
most piteoete accent, "Oh ! 1 shall be drowned!—
I shall be' drowned!" and. bitterly reproached his
lady-love as the cause of his probable death. She
uttered not a word, her courage and presence of
mind seemed to increase with *the peril. A-tre
mendous cake of ice fairly capsized the boat, but
it was so large that all got on it, the rover ren
dered her a° assistance at all. IC bore them la 1
the bead of the island, and, as good fortune would
have it,- the chute between it and the Missouri
shore wasPozen over, and they crossed it with
out di ffi culty. They reached a tavern near the
river, and after changing their wet gatinents and
becoming warm at a good. fire, the lover 'glinted
to the yontig lady' that it was time now flutilkesn
to have thefknot tied, is tote mug . 'had stri
vednitraljezt for that purpose, and *arid the - roam,
She gave him a most witheringlook lientempt,
' and declar, ? she would' rioter unite her deattby
witith one Oka' was 6d selfish and cowardly. ',„lt ..
enutin vffidithat he attempted' by entreaty, an 4
-argument in change her resoltitoni Sllteliiii
immoveable, and replied to hrm with scorn.
"'' A few dile afterwards, she retained to. :
house of het guardirin, thankful that tibe bade'
caned marry ing a mantehase: only object was
her fortune: -
Her lover returned to this ride of the river al
so, but stick sbotiets of tieicule and' honteMpt
iNVSIII44I:g,, 04t,. VVADIV ES 0
were beeto4ed Dean him 4 thaftfe found id beat Id'
Aintarap,swkipit he ind a caw, oighta ago, leaf
behind Min boat of on,paid Ihmanps.
;lied been tprite unable to do.- It is admit-'
ea by el the medical glitleuten who have
'seen it ta r be the:largest
,tumour ever re
ved in'i this part of the country. ;The
i. •
patient underwent the operation with ex
traordinaly fortitude, and is now ithe state
,of rapid ciimialesenee. •
Irish !:Representative Bishops.--Tbe
Archbisht of Cashel; Bishops of Derry,
A bodputigentlemen, ender the chairmanship
of Captain Rioohn Ross, hare formed a compa-
~Kildare, nd Meath, are t I he Irish lispre
nytefor building ateanwreitsels of 1,200 WO, , tentative relates for the prsent session.
which dan rniike theiroyage to India by tbeCape , -
carrying between Wised 700;tona of merclian- Snip. nt to Arew South Wales.—=lt is
dine in the mon. incredible :apace of 52 4401, )n conteui lation of govertireent, to send a
with only one stoppago,for• fuel; and that lb; ship to thia port, in tbecourse of the spring,
ape-ratite (a nbw invented boiler, by Mr. Collier) for the clonveyance, gratis, of married
had been tried in a voyage Made by Sir John, - ,
:agricuiturnts, not exceeding a certain age,
the result of Which more thin justified the ex
,held out b y t h e , t e „ eter .__L ee d a s with their wives andrfamilies, to the above
Paper. . flourishing ! colony.—Derea Journal.
Etlevelee* train On Me iireelied , and Manchlt , . Many' persons frozen to death bate been
ter Railway.--Monday morning, a„luggage tear
found in the streets and highways in Ire
arrived from, !Manchester, consisting of 113 wag
pea of Merchandise, drawn by five engines., land, the hangman of the Queen's County
Allowing tenlyards to each engine, and fifteen was one of the sufferers. On qiccount of
feet to.pach stagon,.the train most have extended J his dreadfdl profession the miserable man
upwards of 615 yards.—Liverpool Alandisid. had been refused into any house. '•
On the 13th Jan., the Owners of Radcliff - •
ers of Charity in Dublin, have
Colliery, near, Warkworthf succeeded in borin tt• Siet
to a seam of coal between four , and five feet i received 4500, a bequest of the-iate
thickness, of excellent quality:about_ MY-seven ~ .Thomas Benqatt, Esq. to St. V incents :
fathhms from. the surface. f Hospital, handed to them by the Rev.
1 / 4 4 , 1 ---Tease l ling, Carriage -- A callitlee' bee 4 Wm. Stafford, of Ratheriines.
just been built, for George Newman, Esq., of Bed- ,
ford-place, Kensington, which, fer elegance and Abduction.--On the night of the 2d
comfort in travelling surpasses any thing w Fb. two Men went into the house of a
have ever seen. It hi diiided into two corapar f rniter !mined
two h m a c n eauo ß goi s io n tt il h a tio n tdl , do, lk o l of o ne tt h k eo ;
menu, one being used as an ante waiting room Ind, about !Our miles from Athlone, cOun-
Aid the other as a drawing-room or-bed - roe
ty Pi.oscomMon, and commenced to smoke
• with every comfort , convenience, and elegia c
that could be desired. The . coctain at the fire ia a most familiar manner. , ---
a table, draWers, and culinary utensils ;t b Bannan's daughter went to shut the door
drawing room, reclining sofas, sofa bedstead
six chairs, table cupboards, &.c., and a splendi whom rushed in ij
6 tI
and h
chandelier of rine lights in the middle. A stov
and with :the aid of the two who were
and fuel for warming anighlso taken. The /kelt
of the carriage is 25 feet, the breadth nine ,- heig h smoking 'forced her out of the house and
of the body nihe, and length of drawing-room 2 dogged her Most violently across a couple
The whole weight 2 1.2 tons.--Railway - Mag of fields. '[her father's servant boy went:
..., in pursuit, and when he came up to the
A graft rnanufacturingaftrin in the neighboa
party they fled. P. Naglitan and James
hood of Huddersfield has lately turned off sever
workmen, for the crime of seducing young wome Elliot are coMmitted to RoScommon gaol
and afterwards abandoning them and their o I fur the offencie.—Tuam Herald.
spring unprovlded for. 4:
There are no less than 108 insolvent
On Saturday week, which, in confirmation debtors to be heard at Carrickfergus,, on
Mr. Murphey 4 ,s prophecy, wits the coldest da
e d ,
since, the commencement of the frost. a glass o Fr id ay next.—l Feb. 14.).
' Exchange at New York, on London,
5 a si per , cent. premium.
gin was frozen into a solid masa in Were - cloth m
a coal.beaver,,in Gilbanks,•Ginariunz,' St. Cleln
eats.. He remained gagegd until placed on that
kitchen fire, When the dangerous mass gradual'
_Th ns
Awful AetiideSY= l4o i;z Vedireaday,. ►
who had been, at work dorink the night at Mr
Dawes' Colllery, Swadlingate, ascended the she.
and went to the boiler for the purpose of warm
inethemselveS. While Thus engaged the bode
burst, and—aWfal to-relate f—three were ladle.
on the spot, and the fourth so dreadfully muttla
ted. that he survived but a very short timq,„,,
mar. employed near thetpot had his leg brilk.C.
and another man wasAlightly bruised.— •-
ter Mar.
The vicar tif Tynemonth, having sanetioned
subscription flar the pizEpose of building anoth
in that populous district, in a few da
Abe subsdiption amounted to £1,700, of whi
one subscription, without the donee' name, w
for .£500.-Ilteweastle Journal.
On Wednesday the Post-office clerks • co
meneed travelling on the Birmingham rail-roa
and sorted tbTh. letters diniairthe journey',
tabavathem ieady for deliyerp on their arriv
—Derby Merpary.
A most heart-rending and distressing then
stance took place at Sladeland, the seat of Maj
..General Wyiulham. [on Saturday night. Fi
of the male servants (the cook and four stab
boys,) slept in the saw room, and incantions
whetxthey went to beUefLis quantity of chat •
coal burning in the room ! . The next mornin
they were all found in their - beds quite dead.
Brighton Guardian.
Cin Tuesday, thelkiagnificent Hall
Edward's School, in Wow street, was thrviwn o
tor the first time tothe pupils of that noble
•stitution. In - the eildirniro. th e G overnor s
aembled, and the bops refi led with cakes •
wine.—Birmingham Advereiser.
After twelve weeks' *film, 'almost all e
workmen who left Mr. Giiest's factory at M a.'
cheater have solicited a raengagement.—Feb ).
London is 'said to contain. on an average, .1
000 thinves,; beggars, and about 10,
professed gamesters.
• i
A weeklyinewspaper is about to be started la
London, with the strange add uncomprehensi e.
title of"The:Young Widow.:
Oa Monday night, Mr. Sailliaon, a Cambri
gentleman, undertoblt for a trifling wager to,
skate to Elylsnd back again (a dutlancirof to y .
miles) within four hours. This he =compile
within three, hours and a tialleritining ea y,
by more than half an hour, and having to
some short stay at Elvittur refreshments. ,
performing this, he hadittaly . obstacles to.
- m
tend with, inbichconsisted the chief difficult of
the undertaking. He was compelled I e
the ice eikht,times, and to witllLit,.considertiole
distance in bus skates each tiineraiiUrder to pp 4
the locks ; add when, in addition to thie f it is tin..
sidered that there was steonsioeiable faller snow
on the ice throughout the whole distance, *neat:
so that many , miles of it, were so rough as Viz°
alkaost impassable on skates, it must be regarted
'as an undertaking requiring co'ziderable
combined with no ordinary strength agil pe
verance.—Gantbridge Mon:
Surgiciet Operation. - -O n Sun. y',
morning, William MiLoughlin, Esq. ..I.
D. 16f DerrY,lssided by Andrew , Mil .."1-1
4 2
-ton, Esq. M. re
. moved' from the amilit
pf a man ; 11' ed. Doherty, fr om Emss.,
howon, a y tumour measuring tniqty_
inches in ',circumference, and- weig ng.
upwards o, 7 lbs., . Ile' succeeded. in Iv
noving this enormous miarillfive mint4es e
enabling the poor man it etipicto -pert
all Abe moti o ns - of the arrdwllh - the 'area
facility; wh)ch, for many years before he
:se-ltamAze .:: --t-,
WILLGIVI rziesnota To emu •Ds ADD 811111.TICT ALL SWIM TO 0011 VU AND
RNISG, APRIL 11,; 1838.
lir M
Sunday the 25th Feb. is nom appointed I
as the last day for paying the O'Connell
artiii M.
ii.. L a i n r d ne c ri a c p k ta C in h_ o ro , n g . ia.:,
tribute and Closing the accounts.
Mr. MI
ikannty •
aliened from the commission of peace Tor
qalway, on account of a recent colliision
between their respective tenantry near
Outerarit where.both gentlemen lay claim
io a large tract of bog.-4rish
t Within the last forty years Ai-rolls
have advanced in Ireland l}em 200 to 300
Or cent., *bile during Mlle same period
the poverty of the cultivators of the soil
has been increasing in a similar proportion.
After peace of labor, and many disap
pointments, sustained only by-patience and
Krsevemnce rarely equalled, Mr. James
&filth, of Dysart, has completed a machine,
which be terms a gunpowder eeg t ipe, and
.which moved wg reat ease against a
weight of twent y hundred weight on
the square inch of the piston, being equal
to a column Of water a mile and a quartpr,
high. Ai& tt, with thitranormous power ' ' ,
*a machir,is soferfect that not a parti
cle orfeaks*e proceeds from any part of
it; noir ii it possible to inErease this*pcis o yer
by anTeffort of the person to whose care
the machine may be entrusted—a circum
stance whitih lenders it perfectly . safe.
14r. Smith, calculates the saving in the
uses of Intutomehine, as compared with
steam, tole, fully lilp per cent.; whilst the
space it occupies fir ' Ant one twentieth of
that taken up by thelittiam engine.
4 ' )' ' CaledoniuniMerebry. -
In a coal [pit` ttt G '
reengares, ilitotHt five
miles west from Slamannan, a living toad
was lately found embedded in-the solid,
strata, about six fathoms below tile sulfaed
and between a level , of ironstone and
,dalk. Its lotement As ilia so ft wet Mass
and the anii al was sent to Glasgo*M4
perfectly lively condition.
Reductiokof the Rate of Discount in
Glasgow,-411 the banks: 'Ai town, have
„agreed to reduce the rate of discount tcy
Tour. per ceht." In futtir. two and alma
per cent. will be allowed' 'ii depositor.,
r t, .Curling.-'m,This sport may now be .said
to have (Oily commenced in' Inverness.
Last..week i e cutling-stOnes, brooms" ' end
other icco paniments, were brought for
ward, and hna-Sanais (orthe whisper ,
ing lake,) the road to .Dochfourovith
the'piatu itti, hills of 'Ttltanisluarich and
Tirkvaih; ec oi4l for the Trartime tO the
shouts mirk oise of the !‘ roaring, play."
A bonspiel was , played -ent Saturdar,e
tween a pat &
r ol married Wien on one tide,
and beghelo on the other. - , Gravel's
gistratiO, ciifflocillore, lawyer s, and other
citizens, mi led itt-tha pantime, and here
as eager an aninudedoe aver they. *ere
at the coup it board.' ' The day was fine,
the ice g f iend the combatants skilful;
so that antrosome heads in theiame
-.!that.twotdd . : 'hive disgraced the Mast
band' in the then] clubs. The novelty
of the amusement drew forth ittumber of .
ladies and 4entlemeik, and thete4re se
veral hundreds of spectators on the ice and
its itighborhood After a keen contest
of two - hours and a half, the game 'was
won by the bachelors .by only one. Other
matches have since beeaplayed, but the
thaw for a time marred the sport of the
curlers. The public are indebted to Mr.
Wilson of the Caledonian Hotel for - the
tiitroduttion of this pastime. He provided
the curling stones, and has very handsome
ly given the use of a coach and horses
to convey the parties to and from the scene
of action. A .couplet written many gene
rations ago by old Pennycuik, best de
scribes the pastime :
To curl on the ice doth greatly please,
Being a manly Scottish eaerceese.
intet'ness Cour
A /earned Pig.—The local act of i bo:
rough town of Wales having imposed a
penalty upon any person allowing swine to
wander about the streets, the owner of one
of these animals was brought before the
magistrates, at petty' sessions, charged
with having thus transgressed the law.
Their worships gamin well weighed the
matter, gravel; came to the conclusion
that "swine" was ti . no n of multitude, and
that the act did not, th efore, apply to the
case of a single pig; and they accordingly
dismissed the complaint. It would really
appear as if piggy, before he took his stroll
had been wallowing a little in the depth of
magisterial lore.
A Disappointed the
parish church of Llechylched, Anglesey,
a gay Lotharto, of Malltraeth, led to the
hymenial altar a fair spinster, of Tyddin
Gir, in the aforesaid parish. When the
titual questions were asked to the bride
groom, he anxiously answered in the affir
mative; but when the same questions were
given to the bride, she scornfully answer
ed them in the negative. She was asked ,
why she came obei , e7 She replied that he
would not believe her anrlvhere else, and
that be always plagued het to marry him;
but she then declared most solemnly, that
he was the last man in the world that she
would.marryo, The Roor,,,Lotliario led '114:
fitipsyli 191, hnutio Yn
The bishop of Llandaff bee undergone
a most severe operation on the back of his
neck, on account of an "nate tumor.
His lortiship has been e tasted-by ex
treme pain, but is much better.
We greatly regret to state, that the
smallpox continues its ravages amqn&tpe
poor population of Merthyr and its imme
diate neighborhood, if possible with in
creased virulence. It is much to be la
mented that .all medleal recommendation
for the immediate. vaccination of children,
yet uninfectetl,,arei not only distegardad,
but opposed tinder the mistaken impression -
that the children will have to contend with
two diseases instead of one. We would
entreat those who have influence with the
working classes to exert a in ' tlisafnising
them of an error fo fatal-to their offspring
and so instrumental in keeping alive this,
dreadful scourge. To reason with mothers
upon the subject, we fear, will be of no
avail ; the weight of disinterested testimo
ny must be given to the fact; that both
disorders cannot co-exist—that vaccine-
Vi ton and smallpox are antagonist diem*,
and that the former is the strongeri how
ever comparatively innooent in ifs effects.
Merthyr Guardian, Feb: El.
&wpm SEEDS.
/VHF. subscriber has just received and is Pew
opening • very choice selection of Garden
Seeds, warranted tti, be fresh. and of an client.*
quality, all bf whited tiara *seed seine:led with cafe.
Early Turnip Beet Long green do - •
Long Blood Beet Tomatoes
Early York Cabbage Windier beans
Large'York do Butter - beans(pole)
Diiimhead do Ohs early beans
Green Curl ed basin iliataliyalentine bean*
Red pickling di, Estrarearltperus •
Wellingtaisi do Coates's early ~10 inch
Flat Dutch - • dwarf yinntl .
sogar loaf - do greets _bench - an
,Bullock heed deDwarf-pm:meat:de_
ClurlidCreie - titres: nOolltfao
Orange carton. 4lispatakits
Early fkame cucumber Red idle. celery
Long pickling .do White
Early curled lettuce Oven melees
I India ilead de Meitner melon
Early eabisage do Early cinliflim" Fir
Yellow winter head .do Egg plant
Mustard seed . - Nasturtiunt
Curled parsley ; Bull nose pepper
Sugar rranits, •Sage
Pumpkin seed Sweet marjoram ;
White union Surrnitereavciry
Yellow do • • Swed hull •
Red annual do Rhubarb •
Early salmon radish • Thyme
Early long Iwhips do ...Lavender
White turnip de, Mignonette'
Red turnip do Hemp - seed
Yellow summer Canarresed .
Spinneys ,
Plat bush squash , Flower seeds,
" ` b
8. 1, „, w h, c t o „ it! be sold cheap by
march - 44 - , ,
17 -
E ittirmar*"..Eriglish "Note Books just.
received end nr'ssle R. SONAR.
. A • ' EMMN/NG
A p ia tat, 1838. * -
4- A
Auk Denied
Abner Julian
- Loyd';HAMMIL •
Use .
LOWE Plitiakf •
Lewhi Rebeeea
Lilly flaamel
Let Sanwa
Lloyd- Wm
itiUitriala •
Moor Dinka' -
21 .4 11 7• Hugh
ithilar John
Mary &cambers
:McGinnis E.
McMurtry fin+
mocirgh Ananwri
.MeGuireThoistas !
Meldanaas Boswell
McOollough Jsrawrh
McDpaild John
Mariann James '
MeGOveran Wirral
, ! ..Nolon Denis -
%. 7 0 1
O'Donnell Anthant
Otto B
Onaal Hugh !
• P
Parry Elan
Place Danisl
Pries Hannah
hives William
Powers Wa
Brinnan Andrew
Boyer Benjardan
Boit! eauline
Bradley Charles
Brinnan Edward
Boyle Henry .
Burrows Jam
Balser lobo
Daggs 3arnes
Brick klatthiu
-Bookman Nathan
Bauseme Sarah ,
Bard Sarah
C ' •
Capes Iwamoto
Clinetop Harriapti
Cans John
Christy James
Campbell John
Clark Michael -
Curley Michael
Careceran Patrick
Clarsy Thos M
Cawley Timothy
Christian iiria
Cliaib Wm •
Douglas Ed%041.4
Deugler Fretsrjek
Daniel Fisocti
Dackwiler. lamb
Dietrick 'John
Dill William
Davis Win
Daniel Wm
Evens David
Evans Mary
Eve. Philip
Fisher George
Fostnought Jacob -
Fansler John
Fox; John
runic John
Feltnagle OK •
Fogerty Patrick
Flemming•Jhos . ,
Gruber Mary
Goldin Bengamin K
Groove John
Gumbosling Snail
Hoff Bright
Hisler George .
Heat Henry
House. James
Heir Sophia
Mastro' e Sarah
Jones Daniel
Jones James M
Jones John
James John..
JamesiThiiimas B
_Jones Win M
Keller RH
Rees Gems .
Mu Ethan
Rigo H. • -
Logan John
Roily Par I
Rookat-Phil4 ~...,- .
Ruud Wit' TII 1
• ' a
Slate Warned* ~1
~ aloha- Wag • • .'
131 04 00 C i ghliirl
Stith*, 9".... , I •
Seder =_,
Saa mi"v .-.
_Smith:Rag' • .'
sooniZiack •
amSl ,-, .
§lllllldruilt*tig. : :
StnchOt-i . •1
Stnighligiii4 ..
- litialit- - -Thiniii I
,:. L -
417 7 . 7Fi11t
Thom . •
Twirl ' lliiigy . .
! 'k ille
Trent him
'Tolint Icatt . ' t
'Varna MO/ i 1 1
Tate l atil‘
T a u dlian
Kiotz Casper 1 -
Klebsalthi Eagelhari. Werthi-Johis , •
Koap Elisabeth Weist.AlgabaMi
Klapp Daniel Wanslir,ffaitmea I;
Ktatzkam Walltklrsikticeif 1 1
Kuti Josiah e . ' WitMimiffiary 1 :
Kocher • • ~ i. W cititsiiitralliar,y ..
Kaufman Samuel • liVilliamii Mirk! 1
K amer Simon Walker Ricba
Rorer Wm
King Wm ' . rliablennatt: Ilit# i
• L ' • ' Rae lattOitai
Look ingbill 'Abrah ... am `• •• 1 - -* J '
. ' - '••
Angelis Wm Mc leo
Bums George Mad
Carman John Ms y.,,
Davis Wm Mad
Diinkin Pickard ' Melly)
Fairy Sobil - . Magda
Gilhoiti-Andraw Newlin,
Hooter Win • Newlin.
Hagerty Priterioti . Pride i
Ilinali Philip' Pekitii '
Jaiiisslafirk - , - Ritshardirs..
Jeffery Alimandri - Rich Fort* `
Japes Ddward Smith Ja c ob
Legscm John &madman 7 : I
Lewis Rebecca Wi • Ti.Z.I. iI.
Linton Win Wa Mat* . 1
Martin Win • Wil - Itiibeit.; .•",
Murphey Wm .W . ' 614 ' •'I":
Personartalling forlsitt in.RMW,herisi'
will please sityliharary-
LISP orLurrEßs
i i i llasning in . !!
Office at Tamagni A • 'l..
Bloom John II Ve111,4 ,, '
Carry Patrick lit artery' Din
Da ug herty- William, Junin
Daugherty Owen '47:+ritonlahn !
Dane! Albert H •Po Thomas
Pits Pawls-Janus •
,et p'_,.. •
Grim George - Reeri i 6(M- '
Barron John . ItilerPhalirl.'2- I
Ba g gery Michael Rooney Pau l
Joy°. Catherine , . .11birlly- -Picini! •
ifynesEbeneynr.. Taw.44
`Dyneltq -W
inika - To4o* `J[ , '~
MeDniitt Toth _ ' Winverilini'
,„,....., ..I . ov - -, ... ,',. t-,:agiu; :i • ,
. _ .
• ~
- • T. illz , J.• ileattyi ~
...Av...i........„. 4 .,
... ..,
..L. l l-Capt.' John M. V ;Jr
York. - '. ' '-• . - ' 4Cki'i -- kil• ' - 1 ::4
. 35 nooks dairy crisOisri.',;:-.4-; 4i,-,;,
• 20'bosin pine 'Logi; do l- - ..... ''
. lOOO Ibis superior sassikniflmll4?"' . 1
- woo lb.. do Lard;`4 l #4li
~ 1600 lb.. codfish. • ~. ..4, ,, r--, - -1
''' 5 bblis superior. sun; • 4.,. .-,, 7 ,
' 30 bbl.. itio.tilioliiiik;T. : '. ' ,
20 half iks ' ' dn",.' -- Li-P - '_'`' f:'', l ' 1
3 bbla: stack * ' lits - txW7:l4
25 bones- spperior-vuliiiirkNek ''
Gov 25 ,
1,".1;) ,c.
NO. 27