The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, April 07, 1838, Image 4

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    0 New Golds. •
, .(
eney# assoi:inscat erfrealt apdsealionabla
boods4 Ptak received-o-con4itidritt partorC
ceriest taitod , sv
. 1 -Viro
Hard w s ;aire L ;
Queefiswaee, _
1 1 40gerek,1. :A,.
tivlxi inatitee, &e;
lohleu Poll for cairn:: The highest
price paid in viish for all ktods4ctifintry produce.
Moan! Oarbon, Dec 2 2 .
'anner lir. nagge r rty,
Dry Goods ,Grocery,Wini Liq uor Store
(Next door to Mortimer's
IvHEIR connexion *ith a house lb Philadelphia
, enables them to keep on 11 . nd ia very eaten
sfpeassortment of gbos. whic . they will sell at
Philadelphia ;trice*. Store a Tivet n keepers
and private families, would do well to call and
fudge for themselves.
ipril 3l
- . AtEßcEas T.4/ZORS,
(Formerly'rerker ,& cfc ilhams,)
"NAVE removed on the oppOsite side of Centre
1 !- 11 -Str eet, • few doors &hoed - Norwegian Street
where they offer for sale a bclectassortnient n,
Superfine Broad Cloths and :Cassimeres of the
most fatillionable colors, with.on blugant assort
ment of Sommer Vostingsja hen and Cot
ton Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, Glovpa, Sus
panders, linen and cotton Hose, and all kinds of
Gentlemen's wearing apparrel, Which' will be
made to order in the most appteved style as to the
workmanship, and warranted! to fit equal to any
-in the Coy or elsewhere. • I
P. S. P. & Co. keep on hind an excellent as
sortment of ready-made Clothing of all _kends,
which will be sold at very rattle.
june 17 ' -' •
Miskin's Pills.
THE Original Hygeia.n Universal Vegetable
Acdicitie, prepared by W. AIISKIN, Esq ,
Member of the Royal College of 'An rgeoos, Liven.
state at Apothecaries Co npany,' Fellow of Hol.
Court Society, Surgeon to the Royal Union Pen
stun Association,- Lancaster place, Waterloo
...Ir3ridger and Perpetual Pupil of tkiay's and St.
homes' Hospitals, London.. r - .
These pills having gained,: acelebrity unparal.
leled in ever) , section of the 'llniqn, are now coo.
sidered by all those-who value good health, Indis
pensable as a family inedicthe—.patronized by a
numerous body of the meat:eminent Physicians
I ...
both in this country aid in Kprope,—is sufficient,
it is presumed, to ammo their •chdracter in the es.
timation of every thinking Man; and it is hoped,
a far better recommendatio7; than the course re
sorted to by ignorant and un `rinitipled pretenders,
who -to mislead and deceive the; public, publish
what they call practical proOfs arid certificates of
Cures, thit exceed all bound of tatirmal credibil
ity, and most of which, if not all, are either grusi
fabrications:or procured by Oa rii, a iid connivance.
The editor of the Long isiaturFarmer, says
• 'This medicine has - obtaincit an unprecedented
degree of well, priitierved poriiilari4. Hawing ttik•
en these pills ourselves to advantke and witness-.,
ed their 'beneficial effects on:othtra, we have no
hesitation ir. recommending 'the tq the public as
' safe , salutary and useful famil y Medicine."
t ie
•.. * * *None are genuine withontl signature of
the General Agent on the label, by whom the a
bove medicine is imported into , this country.
JNO. .0,43. q.- *p ert), Place,
Gen'l ' greet for U. ts.
A supply of the above Mtidicine just received
and for sale by ,•• 8. , BANN %N,
Sole Agent for Schuylkill county.
July 16
Vegetable Life and Phe
nix Hi Os.
rr A COVTRA.ST.— All nations. Ircm the remo
ta:stases, .
.have bad'ships, btlf Columbus only found
am the *ay to America Befolie the time of the
greatSpatuab naviga
short tor, peopl6 were only. enabled to I
paddle about the shores. Just so ivith the Life Med-
mines It it but two *emir:Knee I first •ven.
lured upon an unknown ociemy.and I hive discovered .
the precious object I was in , iseelkh of-dIF,A LTIL 1
Vegetable medicines were indeed IMownevlien I corn- j
inenced my search, but their'kisegVires not. By the ;
r, use of diem. I have not only l ratio
from the dejected
invalid, is the hate hearty and, so m,nof hu -mess,
;btu. comparatively speaking I av z ipreneweil my
yopth. I can i hos. with conMence i ml irrn ex,te-
I 'lance, advise with my iellekv cVla .iis lAiit.s , he
. e eid er want prooftliat tin V Kq , , , E•Pri, It LF: I • I Ft. M F:11-
aqi NKS are suitable to his own vise I have on file
!army office,s46 Broadway, liOndieds of letters, from
. : iiiMs of the mast respectahlecittient Gretna tn yr iia-
itiv,e land; voluntarily offered , in miltimony orthe sir.
1 Persons whose consiitutione hive been coarly ru-
!knelt by tbe.•-all infallible" naitieritl preparation, of,
ithe day, will bear me witness, that the Life Medi i
teinen. and such only, are the true bailee to permanent
!good health- JOHN MOTE - AT.
--, i
. These medicines have long been' known end appre
[Mated, for their extraordinary and i mmediate powers
of restoring perfect health, tallier ns suffering under
milady every kind of eiseasN na l w lueh the* human
. :finum is liable.
in many hundreds of cert i itied instances, they
;ban eve rescued sufferers f ' in' he Very verge of an
untimely grave,aftei all the eptive no mil of
the day h. utterly failedtandio ny thotutan they
(ii i i
have permanently secured that( uniform enjoy of
health. without which life itself Whet a partial bless.
Mit- SO:great. hided, hasleiriefficacy invaoablv
apd infallibly brewed. that it a s appeared .tu%arcel,)r
l.tissthan miraculous to thole' ' Mt were unacquainted
With the beautiful philosophie4 princlplea upon
tibia they are compoundoad ; j upon whiCh they
ciansemieettgact. It aim to t • *eunuiltrit KO -sensi
ble action in purifying the Ipg knq cbrel. of
life. end enduing them with edtoniii d _tiger.
that they were indebted for t ei, itaiattn i. ;; artiMh t was
bortowed upon them at the s tantilkermequest of
anveral individaals whole- liv hey 'EripPta %tingly
_paved- t .. ,-,,,,,r'
. The proprietors rejoice hiise pporturrlty Ifordieil
by the univeratil 'diffusion' of i e 'ly press or plat.
leg hieLMETARLE LI ,E , ILLS within the
nitknowleirgiffinitueach of-eve , i
.ividua) in the cont.
• IMMIty. sDidate the host o Haloes quackeries.
which boast of vegetable i jetion the Life Pills
1 4 1
ere purely and SPUMY VEGISTAIII.2, and contain net.
'then Mercury, Antimony. Ahinfilio.• nor any other
,:. Mineral. in any form irhatelier. They are, entirely
Owl ofentracts from rate kid powerful plants ,
he • virtuee of whinth thoughlong known
• , spat Übe,: and recentfY tritionie eminent phirma
,c,benaists. are altogether unknown to the Igno.
„ era to medical so erie; and were never.
.. . --
.......a ' sidskuustoredia so handl .efficaciouia tom
... . _
' Thliii4ln iaperMlon la to 4foiske licit'
,n the coats of
nitemach mid bowela t dirii vatOons impotaties and
pditielleonstazitly Setting itrouttd them; ai d t o ye
se the hardened feces whicheolleet in the eon.
!volutions orthe small. intestiocii- Othec'aindimnes
onlysirtial)gelmmieleneAt eS7r l raroct, o
snasavar-twilund.4mio rarities lllSlAstillenekill.'
-with all its - train of or siuddea saliently:a. with its
imminent dangiiii:""Thiti:fagt ie ''WeillAillOrrit ' . i. Krill
regular anatomists. who eFdnie t e beirishlet
idler desik-and'lmuce [the prejudi . of these 'Wi
formed men against-the quack m ieihawiefallmste.
The Seeped. effeet-of the VEGWABW.TyIk!
' FILLS iliac cleanse die kidneys Mid. the iditider,Wied
by this- means;the, liver an t the lekerg,lhahaatthfull
' action of which entirely depends oboe the regularity I
of the urinary-argan&t The blab dl which takes Its
red cola:fro:or the agency of theliireaflaid the lungs
beforeitpuses into * heart, 4 b64g thus parilied by
them sud-aourishedby food maims Noma clean
stomach. courses freely through the, veins, renews
_Avery pen of the system and triemAtandgerttenti die'
banner Of:health in the;blooming che-ek.
The following are among the distressing variety' l
Inman diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills
arewell.knovinito be infallible— 1 .
DYSPEPSIA, by thrsughly cleansing the grit and
second stomachs, and creating a flaw of - pare:healthy
bile, instead of the stale and acrid Padv—liletehatc7.
Paion of the Heart. Ldss of Anskrae:tigerktann
and Bead ache. Reidestnest, Aka , igarfArizietif. Lou
guor,and.ifelanchoky winch are ihegeneral symptoms
of Dyipepsia, will vanish, as a nittntal consequence of
its ears. CostiMenesi; by cleansing the whole length
ol 'the, intemines with a solvent pr s. and without
violence; all violent purges leave he bowels costive:
within two days. Dattrrl • and Moiety& by remove
ing the 'sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints
-are :occasioned. and by promotiiiL the lubricative
secretion °film numus membrane. 1 eversofall kinds.
by restoring the blood to a regular
a irculatinnahrough
the process of perspiration in some eases, 'and the
through solution of all inteatinal °Nemo:Mons in others.
The !LIVE PILLS have been lurdifm - to cure Rheu
matelot permanently in three weeks. and Gout in her
that lima& by removing local inflammation from the
muscles and ligaments of thalami& Drop'sier of all
kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and
bladder, - thei operate most delightfully on these on
guns, mehencertave ever beei . found reennin r o am .
•dy for the worst cases of Grandi 'Also Worms. by
• dislodging from the turnings of theelmwebi the slimy
matter to which these creatures sittetm AsSirma cad
Consumption. by relieving the air Vessels of thalungs
from the mocos. which even slighti colds What remov
ed becomes hardened, and prods eev those dreadful
diseases. Scurvy. Mess and lair-meat/ Sores, by the
perfect purity which theme Life Pills gveto the blood
and all humors; &vain:tic ErepriUns, and Bad Com
picrions, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
morbid state of which occasion* all Eruptive am ;
plaints. .Sallow. Cloudy. and other der:glen:We Cass
*Wens The use ol' these Pills for a very short time.
will effect an entire core of Sall rheum, Erysipelas
and .t striking impmvement in the Clarmess of the
skin Commonl i cas . and kflueicta. will always be
cured 11 one doe . or by two even in the worst cases
P des. —as a rei y for this mostdistreasing and-oh
Inmate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserves a
&violet and 'emphatic recommeodatio& it is well.
known to hundreds in this city, ;that the Proprietor
of these invaluable Pills, was himself afflieted with
dna c.mpla , of for upwards of thirty five years, and that
he !fled in vain every remedy prescribed within the
whole eolllpllll/1 of the Materia Modica. He however,
at-length, tried the mediate whieh he now effete to
the public, and he was cured irk a very short time.'
afler his recovery had been pronounced not only
improbable. but absolutely
. impossible, by any human
Weans. ' 'IP i
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The preprietora of the
VEGICI Sour. Li rr Pit.t.s does not follow thattiese and
mercenary practice oldie quack) Mlle day, in adios:-
tag persons to take his Pills in large quantities. No ,
good medicine can possibly beim required. Theist
Pills are to be taken at bed tiihm.every night, for a
eek or fortnighwaccording to the obstinacy of the
disease. The usual dose is from 2to s.accowling to •
the constitution of the person. Very delicate persons
should begin with but two. and increase as the•nature,
et tbe case may require: those more rotettor'Of vary
costive habit, may begin with 3, and increase'to 4. or,
even 5 Pills, and they will effect a sufficiently happ y
change the - patient in their further use.
These Pills sometimes occasion sickness and vomry
ng, though very seldom. unless the stomach is vele
fold; this, however. may be ceilisideirtxl a favo s ahe.,
s y m ptom. as the patient will find himself at once M.
iteved,mad by perseverance will ses*.secover. They
usually operate within 10 or 12 hours; and never give
rpa in. unless the'" , bo.wels are vely ranch encumbered.
I They may be taken by the most delicate females un)
der any eirenmstancea—lt is, Morever, reatniimend•
ed, that t hose m later periods of pregnancy should take
but one at itirne, and thus continue to keep the bowels ,
epee: and c.en two may be taken where the patient
is very costive. One pill in a. solution of two table
simons full of wmer, may he given to an infam in the
following doses—a tea sponn,full even two hours till
it opersimil for a child froth •one to five-years of age.
half a pill-- - -and from fire to ten k one pill.
Tilk. PIKE NIX I:UWE/Mitre so called,beeatree
they possess the power orketoime the expiring ern.
bean of health. to a gliriviiig Vigor throughout the
constitution. as the Piiceniz is said to he restored to
life.froin the ashes oft's owniAl legislation. The Pilot
- fila Raters are entirely vegetable, composed of root
found only in certain parts of lite western country
which a :II intailibly 'cure IFEVERSeAND AltillES
of all kinds ;Aral never fail to ;eradicatelenunely all
the effects of Mercury. 'clot It elf anomer than the most
powerful preparations of Sa ougiarilla. and will Mime
chattily cure the determinatitin of BLOOD TO THE
LIAM); never fail in the sickness: incident to young
, (torahs; and will be found a t ertain remedy Wall
cases of nectars , 1,1.11,10 and weakness of the most im
' paired constuntkons •Asis a remedy for Chronic' and
Inflamatory Rkr.mat ism. the elficacy_of the Phenix
Bitters will he detiiiiiistrated lly the nee ore single
in,ti ie. The usual dose of thesit bitters is tiara some
glass full. in water or wine, and this quantity may be
taken own or three times a day. about half'an hou r
before meals, or
,a less quantity may be taken at all
times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion
trier meals, these B-tiers a ilk prove invaluable. as
they very greatly increase the *lion of the principal
viscera, help them to perform their functions,and en
able the stpmarh to diaehsrgp into the bowels what
ever is. effective Thus indigestion is easily and
s., , eed.y remnivecl. appetite restored, and the mouths
! of the alsorbent vessels . bring :cleansed. 'nutrition ix
, facilitated, and strength of ' aodi i and energytof mind
the loopy results. For nher paribinjars rif
TERS. apply at NI r. Motfat'irolfice. No. 546 Brodway.
New York e where the Pills can be oluainctfor 25 ,
cent*. 50 cents, or Si per boa ;;and the Efitterefyirill
-or $2 per tiottle. Ea' NumerUnv certiSiiinis of the
, wonderful efficacy of both. may-be there inspected.
le someobetbtateand compl ated earea-of chronic I
and inflamilatritrAhe 0,
.omati' , us er . mp l a i nti ,
Peter and Agee, Dyspepsia, P ltay. Ptlea'injorydrom
"the wie et skreiry; /mune. avid Mber.dierares Wks*
etaiding:rietnarbo' necessary !no tape both the Llfir
Tilfit.audthe..ameis Bitters is *nose before re-1
itumneildrd: -
P.t.,Bl=These Os a ri d' tighter* otiltiei the .
enereii tyint(riftbe system infi - . tamer thavithebest
preferath*sofBersaparilla, arid a certain teneedy.for
the ruiktng of tie blood to the hired. or en violent &ar..
, r_Feleekt4-4,Mt, dica—AllTsang who ate prodhe
Polleitto.4 ooPiersf palsy. dm. , Id Dever be without
i t
'the Life Pills or the Bitters. fie /mediate in time will
life. They equalize the e Marion, of the blood:
(Dar ell' pressure from .the &tad, preepiration,lnd.
'throw off every , impurity by thd pores it the tkitt 4- '
For sale-by 211LLCRA HAGOERTY, • -
.4 gerite for the Proprietor,.
:alio:mile. en , . - Aptly -
•,, -
: .. n moirnFACTV lUD OF
• • - Lookin 8804 •
111167 O. 27 North Fifth sties • Philadelphia, bieli
' • 4 • 11 c.f the Merchants' llistel-clevoTed exclueirely
;to this business; - 11
1, country . Merchants • are supplied tilsnapufae•
iurers' - tiller*, 'and their Gseas iron{ed from
I.4reakagan pny,P,iirt of the U nion , without Wm
Illehalie. I , - • ''
There. who may *dire fo`rjefge 'quoin,
' l ,wolild do well to inibrip Os - liy lattee • 'pe r i lous to
their coming on, of the - size Ilas ARON, and the
kind of frame. Ojai logy s . :itit, that, the article
' 'jibe y be ampetactir,taidexpre ly for qwe oetiteioh.
s ! MerchsorsiNootd- rivet etr orders for Uok.
siglirilasesll4l9rsCtiaiii - 4Y heir prink to I.
.fore them - Well Pot up, '; ll' - • „, - ;•0
Oct 21 ' ' -' 11 '48-6mo - '
4 .. ,
..... - 1:v....; - ... 7 tui: . • ) 4, 41
AR161913 . . i. ftig it big
31 - ter Ira= ' rifest rite s
'• • 'pliers, mij OW do so .by
.. - •,-, . WM. :
POT the hetinentnotlition of tht
ging passage Mr their fricond .
vend them'inobey. to enable thi
the ,voyaite.tiiiiits still be tattoo
named merchants. Viz:
P. W. 13yrnee, 'No. 9, *Merle
pont; Daniel Wright. i f co. N 0.44,
Glasgow; William Miley, No. '
fliß. JOS. LAPIERItE ' S Sy .. pathick fir the!
R-..salest, speediest, and per . t care of every,
kind of wounds; ulcers, cancer nd all cutaneous
diseases, arising from cutting, questing, born ,
ing, boiling or the impurity oft e blood. and al .'
for coring Dyspepsia, heart bit n, asthma, live ,
oomplaint.costiveness.colicks, —ministries, diarr l
hma and rheithatick pains,h ache, and sore
eyes. The general agent. Prpf G. Xay.Wagner,
Reading, Berke empty, Pa. ere gratis to aity
person affected with either of e mid . diseases.
a ripttain quantity of the Symp thick to be tried
bai l
and appreciated before making nyexperise; how.
ever, the application must-be jade flee of post.
N. B. This article cannot iie had genuine in
any drug store or apporheearir shop. It is not
necessary to talk much about it, as it eerlainly
wiffrecommend-itself to to enlightened . piablick.
1 aug 19 . . 39—tf
NI w
THE outsell/a would respectfully announce
,$p tha_public, th . at he has ad ded tco his II:km&
itstekviriir and .Iffirthoore, co laths in part. or
A merielatilifd Enitiab Bar Iro Hoops and Land
Iron:Rlitlitlirtstit,Paiiperted in .st Cast:Crawl.ti,
Shear. German" AridlEllsgltah i
lister and A. M.
Steel Vices, - Mouse. hoTe anvils; Sm/tys
Cast Steel hand, choping andi Broad ales, nails
and spikes. together with a general assortment
of iron Mongery, altar which ;will be sold id re.
duced prick, by -304 N CLAYTON,
April 22. , 32
rirtHE subscriber respectfully utinouocee to the
pnblic, that he will attend to the collecting
of accounts in this borough and neighlothood, at
very reasonable rates. Acoo nts from abroad,
to collect"in this nei i ghborh will be proititly
attended to, and ea) isfactory ferences given if
required. '/OHNI CONRAD,
April 5 27 11 Constable.
A S the intemperance and Ittxury of the age a
hastening the ravages of Scorbutic oomph:lntl
and rendering'ihe blood moreitinpure; and as thittl
rands have destroyed their constitutions by neglecting
to apply the proper remedies—te such. Bwatuie Pan
.aces must be, and has been, more than doubly salva
ble as a certain and effectual means of restoc.nWthem
to perfect health ail vigor. Few families are,hol
ly exempt from ecorbuuc affeceons, w hick, exhibit va
rious symptoms, as eruptions,' ulcerations. debility.
loss of appetite and dejection, sill arisingfrout 'spurs
blood. and if not properly attended to, product
i=st injury to the conatitututron, and may be im
to their Offspring. Swam's Panacs a teem
mended at this season of the Fehr, ass valuable term
native of the system, thereby inrigoratingthecoutito.
tion, and enabling it to bear the debilitating effects of
the summenseason. It is cotiveyal by the comae,
ting fluidkand corrects their tendency to all those
disease. which originate in vitiated blood, diseased
liver; deptatet appeUte. or poidispoicitori toaffeations
of the Itings„&c. No one, hoirever. isiadiristed to use
it without tchnvincing themseljes of the truth' of what
is here stated.
This medicine is now used a ith success in all arts
of the world, and is gaining Omit reputation inn'
fresh supply of the Medicine just recjeirel
for sale by
'Who can .apply the
them who wick to tell
hlay 14
Vegetable lUnitersat, _
fill VALI,OI--ONE DISFA NE bast thou oily
/an impurity of thy. Wood, which, by imp e ding the
circulation, brings on pain or derangement in Os! or.
gen or part v7heresneli -impurity of the blond ankles.
It is true, a VARIETY of CAURES may bring about the
state °lute blood—such as violent bruise cm fall,
damp feet. indigestion. pain ' LW , head, te. ikel„a,ne
although it may be old that ear diseases have not
their ongin in impurity of theAoe tOet theot,eff i tt o :.
the same lin
they all end in the iminty of the 1:
and our only object to prevent th e irritating ha.
mntes be kept up. in ober words the aerimonio l—
ismers, is continually leirurm the tody.aalung r
unpleasant symptoms remain, with D. ,Brand
severed with in auffimenetimustnies to p i:raillikee ,
ous evacuation,. will ass* yaws to **Ps e
organ to a state of health. This is on the twin pi
of draining : we drain a marshy piece of land an
from s state of sterility aeon produce a most
dant fertility; and to it is with the human 'body; ;,,
f lay thing is the matter with it. we have only to
to draft it by purgation—na il 'espeneneectias 1. gh
the* who have adopte4alpsetionable prictic ' be
caasee-msatent with adthature, that ib4'llsve fed
rightly, the result having been sound health. tis
*cone than 18 months wore thole Mk we in.
trotificedlinto the United Stereo, but their sole has
btieiraltogether umpreeeeented,there having beentrold
of them In New York in that time. fully one ' on
Ave ktadred thousand bares. And' above 10.014 r
sone can, e refer r ed to in New York city. and n ' ly
tte samein Philadelphia. who have been. cured '
every o th er means had become altogether tilll/14 pm
of disease" which appeared o f the most opposite C -
acter.and In many cases where the dreadful ray
of ulceration. had laid bare ' gement and I N and
. 4 un
win:into allopprarance no' OR mean! , kl mve
Gk. have, mire* ate, by...the of these Pills. re..
stored toigond healtXthe,,L. vduring ' having
been coMplatedy eradicated.,
D r . W ' 41,3 ) - yand&ik i wee* hilly convine4'of i tt
, I .thor, - ve simple theory that be_ meta 30
ramie ' ' est and laborious resigarchte the
reedirat.propeiruts of the nOirele ; us plahts Campos.,
eswalag we
CT' !} 1 ot Y ilbl e 42 by ie t n i i't - tf=t v :itlki Is , by
hti n t or '
chntiabatiiin of mehre of such a medic hog 4 c h the
mere. gi‘sure to be earned of and
g a m e* - ' ver take t h ese Pills,
and , .pell with thetas; will be satisfied that Dr. ,
Williiimlififidreth ftillf attained his pbilanthro ic •
rl'est. lttanowan absolute and known .fam, 1
every-disossa„ Whether irbe in the bead or feet. in '
helm or Meanest member; whether it bean ou
ulcer, or oil inward abscess, are all. though arisen&
from instil canoes. reducible to this grtsd effect.
namely„wsprity of blood. i a ..!•*'... 1. -
150WCE.,.....4.krtig and Chemical-Stores age li la , ,
arty,ficedlid wittOsolititerfeit Brandrettili Pals. it he
lium. those, whisilkbit, the &wine articks to puiehaile
only ofthe accrediedigenits or those wAti are luioviir
to be above such dishonest priitticea. • 34;• ' .
.11,1 r. 8 Thompson if Co. Pottsville arethe oily a
gents at nresen.fl.r Schitylkillcoant". 1 - I
Dr. BrindrethsOlhclilllia thesaledf the abomPille ,
wholesalit and retailibrat Off Race. atreet,thirdoori
above fifth st. north aide.nikWelphia....k .
Alwayit remember thit Diu glhoges &firer have{ he 't
genuine Drandreili PilliihrisaleOherefore all . 0g5.,:l
claw; of them - ragiontchibq enunlerfeit: - " . 1
Dec'3 '" .. -. i ' f . " ' . -.:.. 1 " 4124.1.
:g ... ' ''s
I lusic n't
ips,t the a.,
"PlYinit 1 ° •
, OVA/W.l, • -
I CP;tre§Pr L
I ho nity'irisb to,
mi.o pro4idt.foil
I • nibs kiloieragl
a I Roaff, F
, 4 1..iter-i
4, Robinson sleet
#5. Eden. 4P1a71
I may 6 36
For Stilt
1%; °TIC
Swaim's Pa
40 1 444..
t -
* - : --- . -- 1 .- W•t -- 6" - i - .
P.‘,.. ." .04, 4 , . 1', , ,...: 1 11
1-0.1,.... :kit...11 pa ~ •,' , 7 ,,.1.3. , :
t , vrirmAg t .
. .4.ftirthrrirmigi , iad ZiLvi ~
ietAVE `41415 P.EPECT:L-Wiiiii it '• - • - hikiiiidlici 7 .
- entillcremedy.of dFieturekliat, ..t trienittgerte:t
ralpsepy*puhtic bestowiegitil - , . 1 ,aiid recere,
Jig prime, it niamiliceti - j'itttliepovre o seildleistetti
-doubt its vhinese,d'indenvy ti , denythem, I - ' L
Met/tit kets.ecbilq.e4. l l l,, asce l 4 l l4.stiareC l F - ° l. 11 1.
1 fulooss erbio distantet the ootopeteion of -A re
brattrul'Oretetnrion. and bait irectcled Xs - conspicuous
station in tutivertal favor. by intrinsic worth. alone;
its proprietor may point out the causes of its "open
°thy. i withotit incumnk the suspicion of invidious.'
tiers, inititainethe covitptrisom , I . '
mannfictured by Dr. Willirm Evansi it Oh
Chat ain atreet. do sot require his explanation of
theii .
. eknotrledged efficacy—ror tbe most eminent
ph as throughout the United tiuStes grill freely,
it appeal ed to , state the reasons Sad& have induced
them to recommend their to extensively and warmly
as they do. • And those reasons are, that these judi
ciousi medicines never injure even the most delicate
constituthns, and have, in almost every individual
case for whiCh they are prescribed, a tn evi
dent,' truly happy and • permament efficacy. Rhysi
' clans; moreover. seethat they are net offered to the
public Open any fluidic theory of purifsringnhe blood.
to the utter destruction of 'the stomach and bowels.
Purify the blood from all diseased humors,they unde
niably du ; but not by destroying those viscera by
'which alone the blood can be sustained. They are
• compounded upon a theory which supposes a stomach
to be ave,ry essential agent to health; and food, well
digested, to be a valuable friend to flesh and blood.—
They do not pun'' , men to ghosts. and moake them
look like beings too refined to remain loptin this
world; but they make them as human as possible, and
fit to encounter the hardships, and fulfil the occupa
tions of a sublunary life. They do not make .'vio
lent purgatory of this life. ;o prepare men the faster
for another. They proceed a; on the'imppositiorithat
the blood, oinecleti, nerves, organs. excretory and se
cretory -gland, mecums and tegumentary membranes,,
bones and blithis. of every' human being rerluire to
be supplied with nourishment from as healthful a stir
mach as Can be made and kept ; and upon the doctrine
thermiese the stomach and bowelsare 113 :good order,
thablood and every other pan of the system will be in
And how is it expected that they will secure health
to the stomach and bowels? Why by enabling t e one
to digest food, and the other to carry off what 's le ft
after the nutriment is extracted ; is connectin with
the surplus cif bile. and the foul humor% oldie loud,
mucous membranes, and stomach. And they a corn
plish these great feats of medicine in the most a mple
way imaginable, The APERIENT l c AMILY•P LLS.
if the stomach be affected with wind, bile, or c aced
collections. clear it out. by a naturai but a mast in
sensible solvent action, and cleanse; the whole ali
mentary canal, without griping, and leaving it as free
without debility. asmature ever designed' it to be.—
They do not take the skin °tithe ittentach and bowels,
and leave them like a
_piece of red vdlvet, as all phy
sicians know the intone drastic pies do, but they
take nature kindly, by the hand withieterushing her .
fingers. They cleanse every thing, urithout imputing
or injuring any thing.
When this is effected, as it usually is by the use ofa
few of the FAMILY A PF.RIF.AiT PILLS then come
'the celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS. to
strengthen a stomach and bowels wa tch beTore.:per
haps. weak and foul because they ere weak, and
endows them with strength to perform their impor
tant functiona, without the aid of physic. The CA
MOMILE, FLOWER, when us valuable principles
are chemically extracted, is acknowledged by all phy
sicians, in every age, the best vegetable kmic
known in the science of medicine —There is nothing' ;
known in the vegetable kisedlim of nature to equal it;
nothing,thatts at once so harmless and so vigorouali
healthful, and in proof of this the proprietor of thy
recowned pills that are made from its purest particles,
might quote, almosrinnumera ble authors, both ancient
and Modern, if his own praotice Lad not proved tie
-tens of thourareds.
' The effects of these pills are not only perceived in
an increase of appetite and general strength, but in
a restoration of the body to that universal vigorin all
its functions, which indicates the return to perfectly
sound healtib—The face, and general complexion,
speak volumes inltheir favor. and thousands of fe
males can testify hovrlnuch they have contributed to
their comfort, their Complexion. add their strength.
when every other remedy had proved worse than use
less. In nervous diseases. of allk Inds, they are now
acknowledged to beveeetninent ; gradually 'restoring
firmness of body and mind without . ] the* eemiyance
and change' which other neryouicemediesfgValliOri.
• Hippy Mould it have been for many young lawns
of both seseasho are now in the silent grieve:lift/ley
bad learned to check the morbid tendenciel of ;Ilea
stomach and bowels by these pure tonics and aPeri
rte. without resorting to quack remedies, the names 1
of which ateirreoncealed, and el' which they knelt
nothing. That dreadful scourge COASUMPTION.
might havisybeekchecked mem commencestem. and
liisappoitired of its prey. all . over the land, if thiii first
iymtommof nervous clebilits had been counteracted
by CAMOMILE chemically prepared; aid those
-,,lievvel complaints which lead tea host of fac4 male-
Ems, might have been otiieted by that fine livable
ext..-act of ifirbarb; which is a leading_ ingnSdicitin
the APERIENT. FAMLY PILLS. Before both of
these medicines, which are adapted to cmajoritrof
the purpose! Intwhich a hundred others are unnecea
lardy used, flever.agues.tillious disorders. headaches.
female debility, male decline. indigestion. and liver
complaint. would have entirely disappeared, win re
many of them hare proved fatal. '
But be tedisdiretly . understood that these medicines
3 are not offered getteigd of these nate ral organs of the
Y body which othetmedicines diseeese with, in a very 1
' summary manner. They are founded (TOD :medical 1
'.. knowledge.enditot quackery. and 'do not take all the i
a ' red particleiSoinf the human, bleed under the pre
-7 fence of purifying it. In proof of Which difference of ,
' e effect let the faces and forms of patients bear testi
mony. They constitute a useful. effectual. and gene-
e" rally applienble.class of medicines' for every family:,
I" and being both tonic anti aperient. and of the best
el preparationa known, no person or family sbould be
without them. They can be obtaitied ti fioleva le and
retail of thefpibprietor,Dr. W M i EVA NS. New York,'
and of his agents in town andlountry. with direc
tions for use--They are rapidly superceding all other •
remedies advertised in the public ilrints, because they
are found en belong to a very superior class of popular
medicine. A single trial usually places them Mein pri
vate estimation, as they are known to be in public
preference, and in the opinion of physicians. . '
EIGHT , PHILADELPHIA . *here his medicine
may he had' l*Witi t.vans! Hince.loo Chatham
',street, New, Yeklt3there the Doctor may be consulted
AO:ma •
a -
lnf . 'nig Case—Mr. William Salmon. - Greenti.
above 1 sr. Philade Iphia. afflicted for se .eral
years with the following distressinksymptons i ick
seas at the stomach. headache, dimmest. palpita 'one
'of th e heave , impaired appetirel , semetimes acid 'mid
pntrecsent eructations, coMnest aid weeklies@ of the
extremities, , emaciation and general debility.thstukbed
test, a senile of pressure and weight at the Atomach
sifter eating, nightnigre, great mental &lOW. ney.
revereflyspg pains in the chest, back and sides, costive
ness, a dislike forsociety, or convetwition. in volunnuy
sighing and weeping lemon and !attitude upon the
leen exereitte. , , ,
Mr. Si n t e l st at:.kuutapplici to the most eminentpkvai,,-
.411311. who', nsidm"M it beyond - the' power or medi
cine to re him to health; however, as his effiiii ,
r i mied
thumbed aced lion to a airy deplo ra ble corAtie4
and. havin keen recommended by a-relative aria to
make trial f Dr.. Wm. EVANS' Medicine, he with
diffi cu l t " to theofflie and procured a package.
.to whir. .be ma. be is indebted liar hinrestolattoriv.
life, health! and friends. He is bow enjtiyinkidlkbe,
bit:minaif fieriest health. 'Peivioni defir . olarefd
!further udOtmatimintill be eatitheadwitbeveg parrs-,1
gide °this astonishing cure pt Dr. Wm. Evans ' m e di....,
csiotrices,loo Chathem st.,'Nete'l oily; iziditt.,Phat
.edelphii4o,l9l4OßTll EIGHTH-St. , , I- i -
..q3 o kl W. . ,• ' ; . JOHN T. WARNER. '
Solikgentroi..TF.huylkilleounty: -'
Pott&llejtowtts ' ' ' • ' ' ''. A -ti
. ••''
1 ell - -
1 ned: Wh - a
ale; 0. . .
ImA*. Eb . . r h.J., Oil, in tier,enandbbla. for 1
"Wily • IitIILLO. .3;, HAGGERTY:
Nov is,, • •' 5 -141 no
Yr .~.,
lee •laNVilkibeiffitioVitagge-the folinwing
12-14 litaiidluiworksigothet4Fy.low prices" at
taidied:• • • ;..:% •
u pme ..s au di c ti , aiii, Miller's England
Plates '• $lO 00
Ciirlte`s tordinifiliiit.' 4 Veil. Atreepc 11 00
Weeley'stis6iles;lo`vols.-eamplete. , 11 06.
BiseWerlheologieatAiroritscsl4,- sPeeP, 400
Fres4l ! spd,,c t opmentary,"3
eheep. ; . s: 6 00
Bikes *IA Dearboiite's Edition, sheep, 425
Hiiiiory, Vvol. Sheep.
4:Deinbbrne'vEditiois 1441alis and •
plate*, VI. • • • * 425
JosephstalAwit. pleitt 2 25
Marryatri voL - 3 . 25
Moore s'worlii; Library Edition 1 .1. 4;25
orns-works: ,
- . - 2•00
Cowper and Thompson's work". s .25
Paley's works 2 00
Burden's village Sermons, 2 00
'Dodd r nig:* 'Family Expositor, 3 50
`Eneyelopedia of Geogtaphy, 3 vols. with
12 )0 cuts and 100 - Maps, _ 10 50
Fox's Book of Martyrs. with plates. 2 25
MeKeilies 5000 Receipts. 1 37
Together with a variety of otber Books at very
low - ,frges, to the times. •
jab' 1
Attie of the Specifick,
pointing out in.,a conspicuous manner, all the
symptoms in the different stages of these distrei.
sing diseases—also . particular 'directions respect
t,ing diet and regimillia,and• haw patients ars to'
conduct- through every stage tintil health is re.
stored-for vain and uselessl would be the pre
scriptions of the ablest physicilins, accompanied
with the Most powerful and useful medicines, if
the directions are not faithfully adhered to.
The public are informed that thed:epositionsot
287 persons bare been taken before proper ,au
thorities in tlit;eit) of Lancaster, all completely
cared in the most desperate eases of eonsump-
tion, some of which ace detailed in the bills ac
companying each bottle.
• a a A supply of the above Specifick has been
received and is for sale at . this office.
March 12 lB
important Iltscovory.
The subscriber basdiscovered a method byirhicb
he virtues of that valuable root.
May be enacted without lotting any of its med'cinall
proftrties. This medicine is prepantd aim a re-'
ceipt of the Medical College, receipt reeommended
by the Faculty as the beet formula for the iilepam-
tiotr of the fluid extract of Sarsa tit.. -
This Extiact may be given with perfect safety '
children. and is conscientiously offered to the public'
as a purifier of the 1110 d, Which in all cases will great- ;
ly aileviate, and in maiy entirely cure the following
Obsunate emotions of the 4in,
Pimples or.postulMi on the face.
Biles which seise from an impure .ha of body,
Scjily erupt ioily
Pills in the bolter,
Chronic *eau:tamp,
Teiter, • •
Scrofula. or King's evil.
White Swellings.
Syphil it ic symptoms.
And all disorders arising from an imppre state of
the blobd,either ba: long residence in a,tuit and un
healthy climate. o ithe injudicious use of mercury.
I have thought it neceisary to attach a few cern&
eates of its beneficial effects. from persons Well known
in the county, as references: °
Reading. Jul!) 13,1837,77
%le the undersigned, having used the. Compound
Fluid Extract. .of Sarsaparilla. (prepared by George
W. Oakeley) iiremr families. Most cheerfully recom
mendkt to the-public, as a cheap, safe and efficienj
mtrilleme, in digeaset arising from impUrities of the
This is to certify that I was for two years afflicted
with kit obstinate impetigo:nous affection in one ()iny
legs, which-broke into numerous ulcers, for which I
tried various remedies, which but increased the dis
ease, wit. II I.was secommended to try Mr. Oakeley'e
.preparation of Sarsaparilla: I did (4). sea afie(using
several bottles I am state that the ulcers are,
entirely removed and my leg healed Witness my
mind this 16th clay of A uguat, 1837
JOHN R. COLLER, Reading.
This certifies that my little son, about 8 years Old.
had suffered foy a long time Trom 'extensive sores 9p
the right knee and (supposed to have been. white
swelling.) which 1 found impoveible to heal, by even
the aid ofthe most respectable medical advice, until
I was recommeneed to use Mr. George W Oalieley's
Com proundSvrn rof Sarsa (Ala. eighthoit lea of w hich
not only healed be sores tinterteiWy restored th e
chilies health which hid suffered mucliinconSevmence
of this affection. CA TH A RIP( E BINGEMANit
7th above Penn at. Reading:
The above cue was presented to me. both before
and atter the use of Mr. Oakeley's syrup of Sarsapa
rilla, and I have no hesitation 10 believing that it was
the agent of huirestomtidn. ,
.1140. P. HIEWER.M. D. ,
Reading,Sept, 12. 1837.
Mr. Oakeley, 1111mingisn. Nov 20.1837.
Sic-1 consider itmy duty to Id you know that the
use of the half dozen bottles ofyour valuable Sarsapa
rine Imp 1 goi of you in June last, has enfirely healed
my leg.the Docoottikl me irwserofacacrofttlons chin -
outer. and the use of your medicinAir ,Ouild probably,
benefit it. The five bottles were innOten bbfore .tt
washealekbui I took • the mill,' 16 Mate the ewe
certain; it it now butter than two tnonths since I s a ki any. pad therp3a intappearance el a reurreaup phypi,
cian'thinka the cure perfect. l'odra.&c. ,
Dtt'The alcove valuable" lokslicine,May be had at
the stthecriber's wholesale and .retail Drug store.
North Fifth street, Reading and at most of the prin.
cipal 'drag stores- - Fresh - Drugs. and. Medicines. at
- thelowesteash-prices : also kept for sale by the sub.
scriber.- , GEO. WhOAKELEY.
Also. to be bad at the stores of leieden retch &
RtestowniWm.Raiser and r. Ford. Puna
toWni Niter linabh.Oldy; nodal the tore otilsomni
2rZmo '
PCR. To prevent impoliring. m# signature wit
accompany the. Ittbel of -each brittle.
•T. ft. J. Beatty_
11AV just received per Canal BoatAilwiin "
. 11 -1.. Capt. John M. Crosland; djtootelinliAiiit
York. J.,•••*.
35 casks .di iry cheese, - •
20 boss'. pine !apple, do
1000. lbs. superior stnnoked beef, •7 - ) 1*:-,
10011 "Mi. do. Lard," —'
1600 lbs.'codfilb, •
• 5 saperioribad;•
: 30 -bbls4Ser"..l
' 25 boiegisiiiieri9r green and / black teas. '' cr
nov , •2s' • ": • " • i•
the prevention .}cure
annptions,Spitting of
id, Diseases of the
‘KEMAN; of the City
Lancaster. • -' •
WM. H. MI LI.I , R,
IALARGE and complete usortasent et fresh
And seinorsable , Goods,inst remised by the
Inbseriber, nonsisting of
. Diy,9l42dr,
• Qifeelstrate,. ft.e.
Prilichhe ufferaffor sale. at' reduced:prieell. The
hi, he, to ice paid for all kind of 4:Omar) , produce,
4.4.91 LE:
~ I • • 44
IPl'holtuliti and
.• . .
are Mtore.l
- •
. .
pOLLOOK & WEAVE t ftbsie jmit received lila
C -- ditlea to their former Stock of Hardware
rMousehollit aniilii,spring,key'd vicee, patent polisli / d
t rriszt
screw plates: w ted cast steel fixes, broad axes,
Inania4in. hat,chet .11ammeri, Beady. & Mullins adzes,
Pocket apaPrm chisels. drairing kpiies, blacksmith
Ibellows.cur & rO. nailaot. 44. 5& l 5 in. ciat Spikes,
single. cut apd d able plane irons an 4 planekassoned
bocks, latches. ingWv a• I strews, sound andAtpiare
olts, steel, filet And it -12 square:Cl
All of which re offered on the most accommodat
ing terms • . ; • ' Feb 18 14
24 by 5-,8! inehes Railway Flat ttar Iron.
2by it d 4 do do !do do -
Sy I dO Suitable for Sercening Coal.
. All the Iron! has countersunk holes, and is cut
at au angle Of 45i degrees at theiends. Splicing
Platen andSpiltes to suit the above.
A. & G. RALSTON dr, Co.
pl o t 4 South Front Streety Philadelphia
Mat eh 1 115;18,36.1 214 f
Ins4rance otripany..
mr -AKE both , limited and porpetuallnimmnees.
IVY on Brick. Stone or Frame Etuildings,Aores.
Hotels, Mills, Barns. Stables. Merchandise. Form.
Sure and Property of every description, against loss
or damage b FIRE. •
The Delaare County InsurUnce company will
also insure nines lose on all k 4 ids of marine risks
and. agailler the damage or loss Upon the transports.,
tion ofAiwithr,wares, and . mercanidise by water, or by
mitt/ray; uposi terms an favourable as any other is
stitution. '1
I For-any further information o* the subject of is
anrance, either against Fire, Moline or inland risky.
Aeply to ; HENRY RO NSON, Agent.
July 15 84-tfuylkill Haien.
or - WILLI B. Parr&
.At Orwigeburg.
_ _ .. .
$r 01111114 . GARDEN
Fire 1 surarree-Vtimpany.
I‘lll[AlCe th limited:and Pehietual Insurances or
.LTA.Brick, toneror Frairie Bui dings,Stores,Hotek
Mille, Barn , Stablei. Merchandise. *ForniNreani.
byFlrty Of very description,arinst loss or dairy
RE..I ... ... -,.•
The subsc 'tier hit! Seen appointed AGENT for th
above went °nod laititetion and is new prepared a
Make Insimarminteposevery descnptioc of property
at the lowest rates.,, - ' BENJMILIN BANNAN.
Pottsville, Feb. 27, 1836. 1 15
The Philadelpkiatiire
-- - -
AKE both limited and perpetual Insistences en
Briek, Stone or Frame Badings.Btores, Hsieh
Mills, Barns, Stables. hterchaddize, Furniture, mu
Ticip• erly Ofiriery description, sigisitertiosseidamar
by FIRE. , -
The anbacriber has been'appoinied AGENT for the
above mepponed Insutunbn and is. now prepared to
make IIMITANCES upon every 'description otpropern
at the low, st. rates. BENJAMIN BA NNAN. •
Potts. , ell . Feb 25 1837. . • 15-
John Si t iver
irtAKESgreat pleasure in.infoiming the public
21 ' and I is friends, and elfin his patrons in par
tieulai, :r hit contir.ues hie REFECTORY, un •
der the,' . prisylvania tHail' i in Pottsville. lb
tOpes tha his , pest . repoll
tion fur keepingi
respectob e establishMent, acquired during M .
ex pertente of five years in the same line of best
Aces, and by desire to • please and application a
businees, in merit a . cootinnonee of your- tare
and patronage.
Fiimilicis by sending itv the -Pennsylvania Heft
Refectory; shall hive °fit:ere lot a superior quail•
tp served lupin tifi,. ;vest lo, and every o th re
delicacy!that the Pottovi e market can afford in
treason. '
- •I . •Blf.di OF FARE
• V
per plate
Roast Beef s cold l St
'Corned do do '' 181
Filed t itarri and Eggs . 1 181
Mutton Chops ; 31
..Venison Stearn A 37 e
Pork Chops * C 181
'Pigs Peet • • 1
' Mock Turtle.,Soup , 14 •
, 1::140zet
Oysters Fried ..),.-i5O
Do " Stewed 25
..„ ,
Do Scolloped 371
Do Roasted ' I' ' .31*
Do Cisifing Dish• , 311
rerra pica
LII;),Ilb' REf ' : • 621
) . ' ' ..1 ~-* per bottle
Old Maderia Wine ~ ' $1 50
Old pale Sherry A 1 - l5O
Old brown •' ' '' • 150
- Ord'Llibun '• • • 100
Old Part 'i . 1 50
e-atapagna ' 150
.. unit -x-;c,anl,rekilers4kle alwayson drought
A . 41 ti(o-ip(atnese for supper parties. 8a
",:4-3?":4::'''''' ' -•-• ' - 46-6lno
c'',4 , 1 4+1 . =m41 0 4101 '-
,- -t . 4 _* 14 GOOdS•
V I nriaiS artCp. fume just. received add
r - Lti k,_.tu'i !-4. 5 ?r Pale. '• i , . -
1 54 - Ep
,vill merines,, fird 50 tols Ms yard
!BOOT' • iich do .171 50 piioyat,d,
Taitiif grin°, woreted,syk and. coiton shawls,
RediNV . • e,_ yellow., green iiind.aCittlet. flannels,
ii. ._ • iiid unbleached canton, flannels, from
- 10, •25 .its per yd 1, _
Wombed bees, comforts , ca Childrinle bore,
Winterl 'rrat 6 s4l,oTPAelig 0 • .-'
Cotton.. I. and viiddiniii 14 per sheet,
--ii-6 - 3 • - ~. , : 1
I' - , 2
l• . , ' •